,sv Plje BMII' Iib-CABLISHED PEBRUARV 8, 1846. vVol.4. io.:8 Entered at Pittsburg Postolace. 2-ovciaber 14, 1SS7, at second-class matter. -Business Office 97 asd99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. 'Eastern Advertising; Office. Boom , Tribune Bnlldlng, lcwYork. Average net circulation or the dally edition of - The Dispatch for six months ending October a, 1SS3, as sworn to before City Controller, 30,128 i i Copies per lssne. Average set circulation of the Sunday edition ot THI DisraTCH for lire months ending October 17. 1S3SL 53,477 Copies per Issue. TEK3IS OF THE DI&PATCH. rOBTAOE mEE IN THE UXTTXD STATES. ZUilt Dispatch, One Year f 8 00 DaILT Dispatch, Per Quarter ZOO Daily Dispatch. One Month TO DATJ.T Dispatch, Including Sunday, lyear. 10 00 DAS.vDlSPATCH.lncludIUEbnndaT,Sm,ths. S&0 Dau.tDiei-atcii, Including Sunday. 1 month SO fcCNDAT DISPATCH, One Year : SO vWzklt Dispatch, One Year l S Tmc DailT Dispatch Is delivered brcarrlersat If cents per week, or Including banday edition, at Ucenta per week. PITTSBURG. TUESDAY. NOV. 26. 1SS9. FOB FBEE BEIDGES. The discussion of the free bridge question in Councils, yesterday, put trie subject fairly before the people in a way which in dicates little or no opposition. In view of the general agreement that the day of toll bridges iron one part of the city to another should be ended, the issue becomes one of the best means to secure that end rather than of agitation as to the right ol the people to free passage over the river. "When the matter has taken that shape an intelligent and dispassionate study of the best course to be taken is evidently what is needed. Nothing is likely to be gained by hasty action; much in the way of final suc cess may be lost. 'Whether the city is to buy the bridges one at a time, or issue bonds for the condemnation of all together,or whether the county cannot be called upon to expend part of the bridge funds in the city as well as throughout the rural parts of the county, are all questions worth considering care fully and deliberately. "When the course that is most likely to secure the fullest suc cess is decided upon, there Eeems to be little donbt that the vote in Councils will be prac tically unanimous in its favor. Thus the movement has early arrived at the stage where calm and dispassionate con sideration of the means is needed rather than general agitation as to the desirability of the end aimed at. pointed out, the patience and consideration of the depositors of the Lawrence Bank, together with their belief that the misfortune of that concern was the re sult of mistakes of judgment rather than of willful wrong-doing, has modified and tempered the tone of criti cism. Yet if it is to be assumed that the depositors will, as the officials promise, come out whole or nearly whole, it can be seen how the course of Cashier Hoerr in leaving his post raised unnecessarily doubts and suspicions which probably more than any other developed incident o! the affair has caused anxiety to the creditors. The lesson which experience teaches in all such cases is that where a concern in banking or other business unfortunately meets re verses the preparation of a full statement to accompany the notice of suspension Is one of the wisest possible steps. it is happily seldom that occasions of the sort arise; yet, when such a rare and unde sirable contingency does occur, it is better to see it met in a cool, sensible and courageous way than to leave creditors to harassing and painful speculation on the various manner of possibilities. Such sus pense is sometimes more wearing and pain ful than the actual loss. Ewe, ' rssSiaPATsTojBwimm have plunged many an American; and from such plays as "ilttle Lord Fauntle roy," "The Mountebank," ana a dozen others whoso popularity is great ho might have drawn comfort, refreshment and knowledge for himself. Even in the ligbter class of plays, the comio operas, farces and cheap melodramas, very little absolutely harmfuMs to be found, and the tendency Is assuredly upward and to much better things. There are Vulgar and immoral "plays, and Tub Dispatch takes pleasure in thump ing them wherever they are found, but we also believe that a great many plays are in fluential for good, and still more that do nothing bnt entertain, which after all is in most instances the first function of the drama. The Speakership contest is 'In full blast at Washlncton. There are reasons to believe that the complaint ot Congressmen with refer ence to the dry and temperance plan on which the canvass of the opposing candidates was conducted, is no longer well founded. A DEM0CBATIC LEASEE'S DEATH. The death of ex-Senator Pendleton, at Brussels, yesterday, terminates the life of another political leader whose career formed a prominent part of our politics during the past decades. Mr. Pendleton's prominence in politics goes back to the time of the Civil War, when his Southern proclivities made him prominent among the, peace Democrats and secured his nomination on the same ticket with General McClellan, as an attempted union of the war and peace Democracy. Perhaps the same prejudice against the Republican financial policy was the cause of his soft money principles from 1867 to 1870. After the settlement of these questions. Senator Pendleton's influence in the Democracy was broad and clean. No scandals ever smirched his record and his influence and legislative work were cast against the spoils system in politics. It is a public misfortune that the Democratic 'leadership, in Ohio especially, has passed away from the hands of men of the Pendle ton and Thurman stamp. THE ST0ET OF THE EXPIOEEES. The latent installment of news from Stan ley gives more details concerning the piv otal events ot his expedition than have be fore been known. It is learned from the letters now published that Emin was not a prisoner of the Mahdists, and the claim of Osman Digtna that he was, is thus relegaled to the list of Soudanese lies. The Governor of the Equatorial Province was imprisoned by a revolt of his own men, who were in cited to that act by the report that Stanley intended to carry them off into slavery. The attack of the Mahdists restored the muti neers in a certain degree to their allegiance; and, after Stanley had waited for a month, Emin and a large share of his people joined him. The termination of such an enterprise by the safe arrival at the coast, of the two ex plorers and their followers, will occasion universal rejoicings. Both men have stories to tell that raise them to the rank of heroes. One has maintained civilized government in the heart of Africa for years after the entire Sondan had revolted. The other has termi nated a wonderful career of African ex ploration by three unparalleled marches through unknown countries, for the rescue of his companion. Civilization has rarely welcomed back two men from the unknown regions of barbarism with more world wide pleasure than will greet the return of Stan ley and Emin. The wool growers speak out for Mo Kirilej in full confidence that his protection ism is all wool and an indefinite number of yards wide. The news which comes from the Quaker (Jity is calculated to make the average poli tician stand up and tear his hair. We are told that Mr. Field, the newly appointed post master, has declared that the civil service law will be strictly carried out. both in letter and spirit, in the administration ot the post office. Beyond that, as the record of Mr. Ridgway is examined, it begins to dawn npon the political mind that the gentleman comes very near being a hated Mugwump. The knowledge that the offices are in such hands accounts for the recent expression among the politicians of the opinion that the administra tion is a failure. BEATING THE TBTJST8. The contest of the "Western farmers with the combination that has bought up the en tire supply of twine to bind grain sheaves, like that of Southern planters against the Baeging Trust, has reached a point which leaves the men who dug the pit in the hole themselves. The Illinois State Grange of fered 510,000 for a machine to bind grain with straw; and one has been produced which does the work thoroughly. Conse quently the twine monopolists find them selves with a stock of their staple on hand; and the people whom they had intended to squeeze are in a fair way to be supplied with something else equally good. It is rather amusing to see how some of our esteemed cotemporarles are so muddled by the disposition of the day to turn every thing into a possible monopoly, as to see in the fact that the inventor refused to sell his patent for 510,000 an evidence that another monopoly will be established. The Phila delphia Ledger says: "The grangers will now have to pay tribute to the inventor of the straw binder instead of the Twine Trust. The next time they offer a prize of this kind they shonld get a transfer of patent rights from .all competitors before making the award." This implies an inability to see that the new invention will come into direct competition with the twine combination. Of course the owner of the patent has a lim ited monopoly in its manufacture under our patent laws; but that cannot prevent it from coming into such competition with the use ef binder twine as to bring both down to the level of reasonable prices. All these events tend to show the truth of what The Dispatch has preached again and again, that any combination that puts up prices without having some lever to shut off outside competition only offers a pre mium ou such competition. A SWEEPING EELnciIOH. The report of the Secretary of "War makes a sneeping reduction in the estimates for river and harbor improvements which will be likely to fill the heart of the average Congressman with nearly as much disgust as the alleged delay ih handing out the offices. The reduction of the estimate for public works from $13,500,000 to 3,600,000 this year, is certainly a radical one, and foreshadows an attempt on the part of the administration to secure a decided change of policy in this department of expenditure. The change of policy is needed; but it would be wiser to direct it to the abandon ment cf mill-dam and goose-pond improve ments and the expenditure of more money ou works of national character. The coun try can well afford to expend money on the improvement of real water highways and the protection of its harbors; bnt the small grabs which are log-rolled into the river and harbor bill should be eliminated. ACTION IN EMERGENCIES. It is not surprising, perhaps, that bank officers sometimes lose their presence of mina in those rare cases where tbey happen to be conlronted by danger to their particu lar institution. Yet almost every suspen sion shows thatjhe crisis in question is the precise one in which cool deliberation is the one thing most needed. As heretofore EX-FEESHJENTS AND THETR TOES. Ex-President Cleveland's reference the other day to the discussion as to what should be done with our ex-Presidents calls at tention to the fact that the matter very easily solves itself, as is shown in the fact that the two living ex-Presidents are adopt ing the sensible American course of living useful and honorable lives as private American citizens. "Whatever jeers may be aimed at Mr. Haves' present avocations, no one can say with any truth that his pursuits are not honorable, useful or dignified. Mr. Cleveland's return to the practice of lawwas as sensible as that of President Arthur before him; and whether or not Mr. Cleveland en tertains political ambitions for the future it is certain that his course iu taking up a regular occupation was iu strict accordance with the Democratic theories of govern ment. Mr. Cleveland's epigrammatic solution of the question, that the way to dispose of ex Presidents is to give them an equal chance with other men to earn their living, is good as far as it goes; but it might be ex tended. There is no reason why ex-Presi-dehts should not enter useful and honorable pursuits of business; and it is also true that there is no reason why they should not have an equal chance to engage in political lite again, if called there by legitimate and hon orable influences. John Quincy Adams, in the House of Representatives, after he had served a term in the Presidency, was not among the least creditable examples ot how an ex-President may occupy his life. In short, an ex-President is an American citizen one who has won high honor and, to a greater or less degree, proved his public worth, but no less possessed of all the rights, duties and usefulness that attach to any American citizen of reputation and influ ence. A WOBD FOB THE THEATER. On Sunday last Dr. McAllister delivered an important sermon upon the question of divorce. In the course of his remarks he stated that the literature and amusements of the country were the causes of the preva lency of divorce. The Dispatch has already agreed with Mr. McAllister as to the desirability of uniform national legisla tion on divorce; and has generally dissented from that reverend gentleman's assignment of light literature and the drama as assail ants of the marital vows. Now, we will go a step further, and for the sake of the establishment of trutn, will examine Dr. McAllister's arraignment of the drama a little more carefully. Here is what Dr. McAllister is reported to have said: I charge that the dramas presented in the United States show an utter disregard for the sacredncss ot the marriage tie. In the plays of the day, which receive so large attendance and so much applause, the marital relation is re garded as ot little account, and nine times out of ten the situation hinges upon recklessness of the marriage vows. If this were true, even for the most part true, the theater would indeed be a hideous enemy of the home. But we think Dr. Mc Allister is in error. From the fact that some plays are bad, that a fexr of foreign origin make light of marriage, the learned doctor has built up a theory that the modern drama is debasing and especially dangerous to wedlock. It is really a pleas ure to be able to say that the drama of to day is a great deal better than the drama of any previous period. It is cleaner and brighter and more wholesome. The plays of which Dr. McAllister speaks as receiving so large an attendance and so mnch applause are in a majority of cases especially free from the blemishes alleged. There is nothing like examining things for one's self, and if Dr. McAllister had gone to see a few of the representative plays of the period this season, we think he would sot have pitched into the drama so vigor ously. He would have seen "The Old Home stead" which was almost too good a ser mon, inculcating honesty, temperance and home-love, to be a good play; "The Poor Belation," which illustrated eloquently, among other good things, the proverbs that honesty is the best policy and that persever ance conquers at last; he would have seen those superb cartoons of man in nature un der God drawn by one Shakespeare, and ex pounded by the great Edwin Booth; he might have realized still more from the not altogether unobjectionable "A Possible Case" the awful muddle in which. our diverse -divorce laws ; The urgent demand of the creditors of the Lawrence Bank for a statement is one that is well founded, A properly managed institution should certainly be able to show its condition and to tell why it cannot pay when it ceases to do so. That reported Cuban revolution does not seem likely to amount to much more than cam paign pledges in the United States do, after election. It is interesting to observe that the sug gestion of HiU and Campbell as the Demo cratic ticket for 1892, calls out the proposal that they shall be matched by Alger and Miller on the Republican. The match would be even in more ways than one; and with two snch tickets in the field it would give the masses of the peo ple a very high premium on getting up a third party of their own. A HAPPY OLD HOME In the One Conducted for Widows In Alio, abooy. Tbe ladles connected with the Widows' Home, in Allegheny, hold their twenty.third annual meeting yesterday morning. This branch of benevolent work, when organized some years ago for the purpose of giving com fortable rooms and low rents to widows, both with and without children, conmienced its career in one house of 24 rooms. Now the Home includes 16 bnildings, with a roll ot 100 tenants, and even with tbe Increased accommo dations all applicants cannot be taken care of. Tbe year just closed, according to the re port read at tbe meeting by the Secre tary has been the most satis lac tory one nines tbe organization. The situation of tbe Home, corner of Taylor and Sherman avenues, is very desirable. The buildings are In good repair, tbe tenants evince a great pride tn caring for the premises, and a decided interest is taken bv them in tbe services conducted in the chapel or the Home. Tbe officers and managers of this very commendable and flourishing Home are Mr. F. R. Brunot, President; Miss M. Herron, Vice President; Mrs. J. B. Herron, Treasurer; Miss M. M. Presly, Secretary; Miss E. Orr, Mrs. Hoag. Mr. William Kirkpatrick, Mrs. J. Gorman and Mrs. L. B. Peterson. The boom on which the petroleum mar ket started yesterday morning was, while the day was still young, turned into a black eye. "Such," the philosophic Mr. Oargery long ago remarked, "is life." IN FOLEY'S HALL. The St. James Chnrch Will Hold It Annual Tea Party. St. James' R. C. Church, West End, will come to tbe front Wednesday evening with their an nual tea party. Five magnificent tables will he spread in Foley's Hall, and tripping tbe light fantastic will be indulged in during the even ing at the Young Men's Gjmnasiuni Hall, which is a beantlfnl building, just completed at a cost of $3,500. Rev. Father Cosgrave has devoted considerable time to making tbts event a great success, and the Committee of Arrange ments, consisting of Messrs. Conrad Auth, P. Foley, J. F. Minick, Stephen Madden, Peter Carlfn, Dennis Ryan, M, B. Rodgers and John Collins, have also worked with the same end in view. The tables, nnder the following named ladles, are sure to be gems in their way: Mrs. Ryan. Mrs. Kelleher, Mrs. McBride. Mrs. D. Moloney! Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. Thomas Har ebell, Mrs. Agnes Dnean, Mrs. John Carr. Miss Jennie Carlin, Mrs. O'Toole and Mrs. P. Foley. A number of youne ladies will assist these ladles and also take charge of the lemonade and flower booths. ' Anothee $50,000 train robbery in Indian Territory proves that financial opera tions in the far West continue active. The declaration of the Mexican Financier that no reciprocity treaty between the United States and Mexico will be entertained there that does not involve the admission of Mexican sugar to this country, will not prove a serious obstacle to tbe people of this nation. A major ity of our people have become heartily tired of having the custom house rnn in the interest of the Sugar Trust The proposal by the Secretary of War to cut down the river and harbor grab $10,000,000 will make the ordinary Congressional states man surer than ever that this administration is a failure. PLEASANT ENTERTAINMENTS. At Old City Hall tbe Washington Infantry Has Fnll fc ray. The "Washington Infantry will doubtless ap pear in brand new. spick-span uniforms very shortly, as the proceeds of the series of enter tainments given by them this week in Old City Hall are to be applied in that direction. The first of the series last evening drew a very en thusiastic audience. Tbe programme, appropri ately, was composed largely of features refer ring to tbe past national difficulties and tri umphs. The dissolving views by T. Be Quincy Tully were unusually line, and threw in bold relief familiar scenes and figures of prominent men tbat brought forth storms of applause. Tbe musical selections ana recitations were all nicely rendered, and a full house is pre dicted for this evening and to-morrow evening. An entire change of programmes will be made, with Mr. T. De Quincy Tully still in attendance. A CONCERT AT CHRIST CHURCH. The Epworth League Pleased Its Friends Last Night. The musicale last evening, under the auspices of the, Epworth League of Christ M. E. Church, was a very enjoyable affair. The pro gramme included a piano solo. "The Concert Polka," by Miss A. M. Stevenson; a vocal solo, Touch or a Vanished Hand," by Mrs. W. B. Wolfe; cornet solo, Mr. A. L. McCalmont; renor soio, Dy air. iieiuDart, ana a talk on Florida by Rev. U. E. Felton for tbe first part. A short social intermission was then taken, and a vocal solo, "In Sheltered Vale, was ren dered by Miss Collins; a violin solo by Mr. H. F. Hetzel; a vocal solo, "Murmuring Zephyrs," by Mrs. W. B. Wolfe, and a piano solo by Miss A.M. Stevenson completed the pleasure of the evening. Mr. Reinhart Mayer accompanied the vocalists on the piano. TO .THE. HONORABLE JOHN. Wanaranker'a Chiefs or tba P. O. D, Dl visions, and Their Reports. Washtnoton. November 25,-Chief, Post office Inspector E. G. Ratbbone, In his annual report to the Postmaster General, states that 6,560 complaints were made of losses In tbe domestic registered mail. Of tbe 3,898 do mestic and the 7,634 foreign cases regarding registered matter Investigated and closed dur ing the year, there were only 207 in which the losses' contd not be located or a recovery ef fected. Investigation' led to tbe recovery of (14,511 75 on account or losses from mail depre dations, and this was restored to the owners, Charles F. MacDonalri Knn(trlntnrtmt nf the Money Order Office or the Postoffico De partment, in his annnal report, shows the num ber ot domestic money orders issued daring the year to have been 10,130,140, which Is an in crease as compared with the previous year of 1i;2S;,the?monnt. J115.081.M5. a decrease or $4,067,219. Tbe tees received for domestic money orders amounted to $933,607. The num ber of Dostal notes issued during theyaarwas 6,802,720. as against 6.937.434 for tbe previous ?.?.. ,nB, amonr, 812,031,190, a decrease of &2,268. Fees received for postal notes, S200, 377. Number of International money orders issued, 821,427. representing 812.280,616, an In. creae of 61,791 In number and FJS.6616 in ?.mn2il """'her Paid, 281,679. representing 84,490,728: fees received lor international money orderi", 8151,845. The money order system was very noarly self sustaining during the past fiscal year. Judge James N. Tyner. Assistant Attorney General for the Postofllce Department, recom mends several changes in the postal lavs, notablv, one to require assistant postmasters at Pretdental offices to give bonds to tbe depart ment so as to fix their official responsibility; also for an amendment to give tbe Postmaster General full authority to designate acting post masters for offices suddenly made vacant by death, by the absconding of the Dostniaster. and in other cases of like emergency. He fur ther recommends a radical chance In the law concerning papers and publications so as to bring all indecent publications found in the mails (whether pubfabed or pretended to be published in the Interest of science or not) within the scope of the law. The report of Captain N. M. Brooks. Assist ant Superintendent or the Foreign Mail Service. Postnfflce Department, shows that daring the year there were dispatched by sea 683,131 pounds or letters and postal cards, and 3,428,721 pounds or other mail matter. This is an Increase over the previous year or S918 pounds of letters and postal cards, and 405.(29 pounds of other matter. The estimated num ber of articles contained in the malls ex changed with foreign countries, including mails forwarded overland to Canada and Mexico, and the amount of postage prepaid thereon are: Number or articles sent, 93,015.506; number or articles received. 81,882,210: amount of postage Pjepaid, 2,190,995; aggregate cost of the service, 687,542. AT THE THEATERS- New Ftay The- cold wave promises to give us the pleasing, and for a long time past, the novel variety of weather without mud in it The defense in the Cronin case having set up the allegations that there were none of tbe defendants at the scene of the murder, that there was no decree against Dr. Cronin, and that there was no white horse, it only re mains to be alleged that there was no Dr. Cronin and consequently that there was no murder. Then the defense will be complete. Axothee lineman has been killed by the electric light wires. But as it was in the quiet city of Providence, the experts will go on as suring us that the wires are quite safe. THE SHANNON-SMITH NUPTIALS. Pro- A Private Ceremony at St. Peter's Cathedral, Allegheny. The wedding or Miss Mario M. Shannon and Mr. Lin A. Bmith, son or the late George W. Smith, was solemnized in St. Peter's Pro-Cathedral, Allegheny, yesterday afternoon. Tbe clergyman officiating was Rev. Father O'Connor, the pastor of St. Peter's. The cere mony was a very private one, and the young people departed on an evening train ror Wash ington, 1). C. Later on in the season they will embark for Europe and enter upon extended travels. Russia testifies her friendship for Ameri can customs by trying to get a slice of Turkey to celebrate Thanksgiving, withal. Ten more cruisers reported to be asked for this session will put the United States back into the list of naval powers provided the limit of expense is not set so low that tbe speed requirements will have to be reduced and tbe new vessels be made unable to keep up with the procession. The return of the missing cashier per mits the hope that tbe Lawrence Bank suspen sion will prove in other respects to" be the ex ception among bank failures. "Why not adopt the Montana plan and avoid trouble by having two Speakers? The arrangements for the dedication of tbe Armstrong monument on Thanksgiving Day indicate that the occasion will do full honor to the memory of a man whom the work ing people or Allegheny county have tbe best reason to hold in affectionate remembrance. PEOPLE OP PROMINENCE. Tun Hon. E. J. Phelps will return to New Haven soon after Christmas. Empkess Fredeeice has been studying archaeology with Scbllemann, in Greece, and has visited Olympus and Mycenae. The Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott has just com pleted bis first term of service as pastor of Harvard University, a highly successful term. The Rev. A. D. Mayo has set out from Bos ton to the South again, on tbe tenth year of his "ministry of education." Ho will devote this year to Georgia and Texas. The Board of Directors of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company me t at Ne w York yester day and elected General R. A Alger, of Michi gan, a director, in place ot ex-Governor John C. Brown, or Tennessee, deceased. Parses Aujert Victor, or Wales, will leave Madras on December 16, and will cross the Indian Ocean to Rangoon. From there he will proceed by Irrawaddy to Prome, Ava and Mandalay, and will be shown as much of Upper Burmah as maybe deemed sate by tbe military authorities. Aleeady 400 tickets have been sold for the dinner which will be given by the Americans in Berlin, under the presidency of Minister Phelps, on Thanksgiving Day. The further sale ot tickets has been stopped, as tbe KeIS3rhoff Hall, in which the banquet will he given, will not hold more than 400 guests. The only Ger man guests who will be present at the dinner are Prince Bismarck, Prince Radzlwell, Prof. Mommssen and Prof. Curtins. Prince Bis marck will make a speech. Social Chatter. Bueta Vista, North avenue and Arch street Methodist churches of Allegheny will unite in their Thanksgivings service at the North avenue church. Dr. Connor, of the Arch street church, will deliver the sermon. A concert will be given in tbe same church under the auspices of the Young People's Society or Christian Endeavor. An excellent chorus un der Prof. Weedin will bo a feature of the'pro gramme. This evening at McKeesport Dr. and Mrs. T. L. White will celebrate their tin wedding by receiving their mature friends from 8 to 10 o'clock, and then a host of belles and beaux will take possession or the lovely home and en joy terpsichorean delights until 2 o'clock. The supper, which makes one's mouth water to hear of, is under the supervision of Kennedy. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A Frauen heim, Penn avenue, a very enjoyable evening was spent last night. Tbe family of Frauen heini, which is quite an extensive one when they meet, intend to have, and always do have, a delightful time. Good music, a supper by Kennedy, and dancing comprised the pro gramme of the evening. Visit Dr. T. Sproull's residence on North avenne, Allegheny, this evening and, for the small sum of 20 cents, become informed on all tbe topics of tbe day and weather. A meeby party ot friends will eat Thanks giving dinner with Mr. and Mr. S.S. Pinker ton, of Fifth avenue and Bldwell street The second annnal reception of the P. F. Donahoe Club will take place at Imperial Hall, New Grant street, December 2, 18S9. Miss Agnes Ubbes and Mr. Edward C. Gamer will be wedded to-day. The Blrd-Dorrance wedding to-day. THOSE NEGATITE SINNERS. Corporations That Did Not Swear to Non Connection With Trusts. ST.Lotns, November 25. Circuit Attorney Clever, in an interview to-day with reference to the proclamation or Secretary of State Lesuer, revoking tbe charters of a large number of corporations for failure to comply with the provisions of the anti-trust law passed by the last Legislature, said:. It must not be underitood that the charters of all these corporations have been revoked because they belonged to trnsts. They were revoked. In many Instances, because the corporations bad failed to make affidavit that theywere not con nected with the trusts. The intention Is, as 1 un derstand It, to test the validity or the law, wnlca will be done either by the corpora tions asking an injunction to restrain Sec retary Lesuer from Interfering with their business, or under qno warranto proceedings. In stituted apalnst corporations whose charters have been revoked by the Secretary of State, citing them to show cause why they should continue business after their charters have been revoked. The bt. Louis Stamping Company is amonc the list of companies whose charters are forfeited. This company Is the mammoth establishment of .Nledrlnghaus Bros., of which Congressman Nledrlnghaus Is the head, and will assume the burden of resisting the law, A special from Jefferson City says: Secre tary oi oiate Lesuer was interviewed to-day concerning be list of corporations whose charters have been revokfld for nmuvmnii. ance with the anti-trust law. He said: The report that the list contains only the names of defunct corporations Is not correct. At a rough estimate, 1 think, rally one-hall are alive. 1 do not think an vone will say tbat tbe Simmons Hard ware Company, sickles Saddlery Company, and Citizens' Cable Hallway, all of St. Louis, are dead. My Information Is tbat they are alive. They did not comply with the law In making affidavit of their non-connection with trusts, pools, etc., and accordingly I have revoked their charters. Why iPENSIONERS GIYEN A TIP. Assistant Secretary Busier Show There Was Delay. Washington', November 25. rjyrus Bussey, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, has sub mitted to Secretary Noble a' report of the operations of his office in the adjudication of pension claims that are appealed from the de cisions of the Commissioner of Pensions. Tbe process of investigation to which pension ap peals are subjected, says the Assistant Secre tary, is very thorough, and distinct from the method applied to the original examination of claims in the Bureau of Pensions. A tabulated statement submitted as a part of the report shows tbat at tba beginning of the last uaau j ear mere were penaing isu appeals. During the jear 3,103 appeals had been filed, making a total of 3,283 cases. Or this number L388 were considered and disposed or, leaving L900 appealed cases pending on July L 1889. On November 1, 1889, this number had been In creased xo 2,808. Mr. Bussey says: A number of Important rulings have been made with a view to broadening and liberalizing de partmental Interpretations of the law applicable to numerous meritorious claimants wbose appli cations for pension had been uniusuy denied, partly because of technicalities, and partly by reason of a narrow definition of pension rights. Assistant Secretary Bnsser, in conclusion, recommends that the Board or Pension Ap peals be increased to six members. THE DRUMMING MOST STOP. A Sfayor'a Man'date Against Salvationists Saitnlned by the Conrt. BLOOin'GToir. Ili, November 23. The Ap pellate Court at Springfield has rendered a de cision tn favor of the city of Bloomingtonln its case against Mrs. Washburne, of the Salvation Army. The decision establishes tbe right of cities and towns to protect themselves acalnst alleged objectionable practices or tbe Salva tionists. This sect made a practice of parading the business streets nichtlv, blowing horns and pounding on au immense bass dram. Mayor Mason ordered that the drum beating cease, and when Mrs. Washburne appeared on tbe streets and violated tbe mandate she was arrested and fined. The case was taken to tba Circuit Court, where the decision was affirmed. It then went to the Appellate Court and har agaln been affirmed. FREE COINAGE DEMANDED. Nothing- Else Will Satisfy the Delegates to tba Silver Convention. ST. Louis, November 25. A large number of the delegates to the National Silver Conven tion, to be called to order at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning at Music Hall, arrived in the city by last night's and this morning's trains. On all sides the convention is hailed as one of the most successful national movements inaugu rated for years. It is the general opinion that It has already advanced sliver at least 4 cents an ounce, and it is a frequently heard predic tion tbat the white metal will go to 81 before Christmas. The creditor class of tbe East, it is claimed. Is alarmed and is already willing to accept as a compromise tbe coinage of 84,000,000 a month, or double tbe amount now being turned out The tilver men now in tho city, however, are opposed to any compromise. They demand full and free coinage, and will stand on tbat line un til they secure It They expect the fight to be a long one, but they expect the first results be fore tne ena oi me year. KICKING AT THE LAW. Canadian Musicians Object to Being Barred Oat of Port Haroa. tSPECIAI. TILXaBAM TO TIT DISPATCn.J Ottawa, November 25. Representations have been made to tbe Dominion Government that the Collector of Customs at Port Hnron will not permit Canadian musicians to fin en gagements on the American side of tbe St Clair nver. A. Mr. HamiL a Samia musician, was threatened with arrest if he again ven tured across the river to fill an engagement A Mn Philp bas also received warning that .he most no longer teach fn the Maccabees' Musi cal Association at Port Huron. The relations between these two places have always been of the most friendly character, and the action of the Collector of Customs in Port Huron in regard to the Canadian musi cians is considered acreat hardship. Huron musicians are allowed to fill engagements In Sarniai and surrounding towns without hind rance, and workmen and workwomen can re sldo in Port Huron and work In Sarnla on the same footing. Exit The Monarch. ' Jfrom the Chicago Time. The age ot kings and emprMMS U vutluz. xne coming sovereign is man. A LOST OIL CITY. Not a Stone Left to Mark the Site of PItbolr. Correspondence St. Louis Globe-Democrat This letter is dated at Plthole, but there is no town here, no postoffice. and not even a build. ingleftoutbesitoofwhat was once Plthole City, which, in point of postal business trans acted, was the third city of Pennsylvania. This was In 1865-6. Since then the town has literally disappeared from the face of the earth. It is doubtful if tbe history of tha world furnishes another such strange romance a this town of Flthole in one corner of tho Pennsylvania oil regions. To get into Plthole tha Globe-Demo, crat correspondent was obliged to "let down tbe bars," as the territory onco covered by a town of perhaps 100,000 inhabitants is now de voted to pasturing cattle No census of Pitbole was ever taken, and any estimate of its population must be based on the amount of postal business From September 25, 1865, the date of tho first publication of tho local piper, to Februarv 13, 18S6, over fcO.OGO let ters were advertised. The total receipts of tbe Plthole office for tbe first quarter were 51,325 04. A population or 100.000 is probably a low esti mate, although it was largely "floating." To day the place is a pasture field I Salvlel la 8amon Emmet' Stfaer Plays. A huge, brawny man, with a mass of black hair falling unkempt over broad shoulders and about a swarthy bearded face a very black giant looselr swarthed in a sort of tunic of Ius terless crimson, such was Salvini as be came upon tbe Grand Opera House stage last night In tbe character of Samson. No glgantlo feature was lacking to complete tbe physical idea ol the man of strength, wbose deeds make such a stirring reading in the Bible. A deep voice, such as few save Italians and other denizens of Southern conntries have; a voice not of many modulations but immense volume: a very battle trumpet of a voice is Salvini's. Samson may not have had such a mighty organ of sound, bat bis characteristics make such a voice a fit endowment for him. The man who killed "heaps upon heaps with the jawbonaM an ass" might be expected to be able to tell the tale in clarion tones. So, in some respects the eye and ear demand no more fitting embodiment ot Barman than Salvini gave to us last night But we have not in this Samson any tremendous rango of acting. There is the lusty, leonine Judean, and the drunken, dissipated brawler and both of these Salvini presents to us with great power, es pecially tbe former. As a volcanic tragedian of tho most terrific school, Salvini twice or thrice struck the highest note such artists can reach. There was the wild bestial note of wrath and desire for blood, and the confound ing righteous anger when he found he had been betrayed. So other emotions did. ho depict: no other emotions in a general sense did he display. As far as pan tomime and tone went in these feiocions trans ports Salvini was great, there is no doubt of tbat Just by way of comparison, however, let us revert to the picture or righteous wrath or Rlcffeheuas pictured by Mr. Booth. "Which was the finest artf Which the more lmpres sivef The nicely shaded tones or tbe American actor, swelling from easy satire to fiery, over whelming wrath iQ twico ten Seconds,oi the huge reverberating roar, tho bull-of-Bashan passion of the Italian? We do not presume to say. When Delilah plic Samson with drink, and wheedles tbe secret of his strength from him e'er he falls Into a drunken stupor, tbe view of Samson is made unnecessarily repulsive by Sal vini. Not only repulsive, but silly. There is no need for so mean and grotesque a picture. It is very hard to say. without a knowledge of Italian, whether Salvini took advantage or not of his opportunity in the last act His delivery or a long soliloquy seemed to us monotonous. Tha jump from such whmlng to the burst of triumphant anger as Samson feels that his strength bas returned was startling, of course. and. as usual, tbe superD voice came into splen did use- before the climactic collapse of the temple. In criticising Salvini it is not possible to do him full justice so long as he speaks in Italian while the rest of the actors speak EngUsb. There mav he all sorts of niceties or art in ex pression, fn emphasis and phrasing in Salvini's work that we know not of. As he appears to us nnder these disadvantageous circumstances, Salvini is an actor of great power In a certain field. That field is narrow it may be termed tbat of eruptive, sonorous tragedy. There is no pathos in him. and his knowledge of tbe whole stage art does not seem to aid him as much as it should da But to an English-speaking audience it is not wise to present such patchwork, as Salvini and bis coadjutors naturally make. The simile is not wholly true, but it is near enough truth for the occasion, to say that "Samson," half in -English half in Italian, is like a picture half done in oil half In water colors. The result Is not artistic. George Fawcett is excellent the adjective Is deserved as Manoah, Samson's father. The -isetuan oi miss may crooxyn is very graceful, and not deficient In pathos, but her limitations in tho matter of voice cheat her of praise for her power in several dramatic situations. -The rest of the company Is not worth talking about The costumes are rich, and tbey may be true to tha time and country tbey belong to, al though the high-heeled shoes worn by Melcah iu me uira ana lounn acts strike us as in congruous; they savor of Paris rather than Phillstia. Some of tha scenes are of tha highest order the house of Delilah with an exquisite landscape scene through an arched colonnade. Is particularly worthy of mention. Tbe final scene, involving the destruction or the temple ot Dagpn, is far from awe-inspiring. It would have been better to leave dam son's last act of vengeance to the imagination than to present such a paltry bit ot harlequin ade trickery. A few words about the play itself may not be out of place. "Samson" is a traced v In Sta nrm irritton t Ippolito D'Aste. Tbe play Is a dramatic ver sion of the story of Samson, told in tha Book, or Judges. The principal incidents of tbe play are tbe familiar ones of tbe Biblical story, the only notable change being In the character of -Delilah. The woman who worked Samson' t destruction Is drawn with greater definlteness in the play than she is in tbe Bible, and tha explanation ot her betrayal of her lover, Samson, is made fairly reasonable in tbe play. Delilah here Is made to undertake to persuade Samson to give up the secret of bis strength on tbe understanding tbat she 13 to be allowed to own herlorer when his strength Is gone, and that no barm shall come to bim. Tha Philistine princes break faith with Delilah, of course, and tho picture of her remorseful grief is really tbe most pathetic portion of the play. Still it is hardly to bo expected that a common courte san who sells her lover's greatest treasure for gold under a thin pretense of patriotism can make an edifying or enchanting heroine. Tha Biblical story oi tsamson is not nt lor tnestage tbe whole strength of it Is its barbarous show of justice, and this play of D'Aste's is not likely to encumber onr dramatic literature in its translated form. By this we do no t mean to reflect unfavorably upon the work f Mr. "William Dean Howells, D'Aste's translator. Mr. Howells' lines are far above what we are accustomed to get in translations to order for the stage. The body of tbe play is done In smooth decasyllabic verse, which is always re markable for a certain Biblical simplicity of diction, and at times possessed of real fire. Tha noetic version of Samson's combat with tbo lion seems to ns the best of Mr. Howells' MtrndtaeM a ssshar of nrettv 1 giri awwaf sweeiHngers. in -Lora rannue roy's -ReceptlOB."- darlBg which Mia Annis wgaatkr warbles a swett German aong, Natta. the feawle juggler, displays her skill, Topack and Steels appear In minstrel business, Miss Lilly May Hall sings a pretty ballad, and Sam Bernard eatertalns in his inimitable man ner. Then follows the olio legitimate, the per formance concluding with "The Sculptor's Dream." a burlesque, in which a score of pretty girls display two-score or more of elegant cos tumesaltogether a great show. Hnrrla' Theater. Nelson's "World Combination commenced a week's engagement at this house yesterday, large audiences being present at both perform ances. Tbe Nelson lamlly, ot seven acrobats, each an artist in his line, are an immense at traction in themselves. The rest of the com pany is also a strong one. There is Era Flor ence, tbe champion lady rifle shot; W. S. Camp bell and M. E. Noble, in a character sketch tbat raises roars of laughter; Mile. Forgardas, whose troop of educated cockatoos, doves and per forming dogs have been teen here often before; Lea Freres Obeine, la musical grotesque busi ness; John A Coleman, an old favorite, whose heels are as light as of yore; Nellie Gertine, gifted with a peculiar voice: Howard. Rnssell. Seeley and Talbcrt, in one of those musical nielances which seem unavoidable on the var iety stage, and C. W. Littleiield. the polyphon ist wbosa Imitations are remarkable for their evident care and study, A good week's busi ness is assured here. CUfiI.008 COZfDEffSATIQISS icr-a GIST OP GOTHAM'S GOSSIP. Lively Time la a Tenement Honse. I3ZWTOBJCBUBIr;s-XCIS.' NkwYobk, November 25. Alighted cigar stump set fire to a pile of cigar boxes on the ground floor of an East Side tenement bouse at 4 o'clock this morning. The smoke and crack ling of the flames roused the janitor, who ran through tbe hallway s shouting "Fire!" There were over 100 lodgers In the house, and they joined in a rough-and-tumble struggle for tbe street Ten men and fire little boys clambered down the fire escapes. The rest crowded down the stairways, through smoke and fire. Three men fainted, a dozen women had hysterics and a pair of baby twins rolled half way down the stone doorsteps. Every one who did not come down by the fire ladders was pretty well scorched. Several were so nearly suffocated that half an hour's work at a neighboring drug store was required to revive -them. Only one hf o was lost, that of the janitor's cat Fire men extinguished the fire within an hour. A Heartbroken Little Woman. fra,LouisKnortzen,a sad-faced, thin little German woman, called at Castle Garden to day to tell the superintendent tbat herhusband had eloped with Annie Haas, au 18-year-old servant gin. one ana her husband, she said, first came to America In 188L They worked hard In a Long Island hotel for fire years and saved 12,000. Then they returned to their native place, Rauuberg. Germany, and boaght a tavern. Annie Haas, then a pretty little peasant girl, was their waitress. Four months ago Annie left suddenly for America. Three weeks later Knortzen sold the tavern for 15.000 and sailed with his wife for New York. While ostensibly looking; for work he kept Mrs. Knortzen at a friend's house tn Orange. He met Annie according to a prearranged plan, lived, with her. and last Friday eloped" with her. He took the 15,000, half of which belonged to tne wne, witn film, and sent her a letter to tha effect tbat he loved Annie better than hevand that hereafter she must shift for herself. The discarded wife is quite destitute and heart broken. The Castle Garden official will shelter and feed her temporarily. Has ta Pay Iu War In. Collector Erbardt received to-day from the Treasury Department in Washington, official notice of the final decision of a curious cus toms case recently appealed from him by the New England Granite Company. Sometime ago tbe Granite Company hired a professional sculptor of Italian birth, who had become naturalized, to model a piece of sculpture, and sent the model to Italy, to be cut out of marble by Italians. When the work was completed tbe New England Company sought to have the sculpture admitted free of duty, as the produc tion ol an American artist. ColIectorErhardt however, held that the statuary was dutiable because the exception to the works-of-art clause in the tariff purposed solely the encour agement ot American sculptors studying abroad. The United States Treasury took the same view of the auttter, aa4 deeded the com pany's appeal, ALLISON IN NO DANGEE. J Governor Genr Says Ho Is Sare to be He Elected Senator. rsrEciAi. TXLrojiAM to thi otspTcn.i "Washington, November 25. Governor Gear, of Iowa, one of the ablest men in tbe Congressional delegation from that State, bas something Interesting to say about the situa tion of affairs In Iowa in regard to the re-election of Senator Allison. "Tbe Iowa Legisla ture," says Governor Gear, "Is tied in the Lower House, but In tbe Senate we have six majority, making, of course, a majority of six on joint ballot You may say that there is no question about Senator Allison's return. He' will be re-elected as surely as there will be a Republican Speaker elected In the coming Congress. "There's only one Independent Republican in tbe Senate, L. S. Hancbett, who represents Brewer and Butler counties, but he is a Repub lican. The talk that Senator George L. Finn, of Taylor county, would be against Senator Allison is unfounded. He, though radical on certain puDiic questions, is a stancn republi can, and will go into the caucus, as be has be fore. Every Inch a King, from the Detroit ITree Press. Tbe King ot Slam, in everyday lire. Is only a common plug of a man, going around with feathers on his coat and his bat caved In, but now and tben, when he wants to fling on style, be pins $1,000,000 worth of jewels on his robes and ascends his throne with a tread which makes bis whole kingdom shake. DEATHS OF A DAT. Rev. Father Murphy. The sad intelligence has Just been received that Father Michael Mnrphy, of tbe Pittsburg dio cese, died In bis native home In Ireland. Father Murphy was In charge of the congregation at Ir win for IS years. Last summer when bis health failed he thought to regtni it by a Journey abroad, which, however, was for tbe worse. John B. Emrry. BALTIMORE, November 25.-Jobn B. Emery, tbe oldest Grand Past 1aster"of tbe I. O. O. I. In the United States, died this morning, aged 83 years. work (and accordinglyltlsqnoted below) bntbe need not be ashamed of a single line. If "Sam son" were as satisfactory in other regards as in Mr. Howells part of tha work, it would com mand much higher praise than wecangireit Here Is the sample of Mr. Howells' work we spoke of it is not the only gem: Hardly had 1 sat foot among iimnatn's xmcK vjneyaru wncn a uc-ru out Upon a sadden la the vines, and then A growl, and then a roar so terrible. So loud and deep that all the vales and caverns Of Tlmnath bellowed hack, and as in fear. The echoes fled the spirit of the Lord Came mightily upon me. Firm and bold I searched toe vines, when, swifter than my woids. Leaped forth a lion with distended Jaws, lid tossing mane, and ranks of teeth xjrrtn, And mad with famine. Full lu front of me He crouched and bounded at my breast bat t Slipped lightly backward, while he roared and raged. Then llghtnlng-ltke he sprang upon my side, But I, more snpple than a serpent twisted And turned myself, and seized him by the mane And clutched his throat and with a mighty shock i nunea mm aown ana nem mm wita my iooi. Nailed to tbe earth. In vain his flaming eyes Shot fire at me. In vain be writhed and showed Ills ravening teeth, ror 1 more fierce than he Into the hollow of his reeking throat Planged deep my list and then with both hands tore Arid rent him as I would a kid. and sat me down Victor npon the dead king of the desert. The audience was select and rather small. Lata ef Wrecked Acter. Survivors of wrecked theatrical road com panies crowd "theRlalto" and upper Broad way these days. Never before, theatrical peo ple say, has the town been so overrun with un employed actors and actresses. The last catastrophe to swell the ranks of professionals out of a job "was tbe collapse of John Fay Palmer's "Last Days of Pompeii" in Kansas City. Six weeks' salaries were owing; and no notice of the impending crash was given. la describing the disaster to-day, one of the few members of the company who bad money enough to pay their way home said: "Mr. Palmer never even said he was sorrv. He skipped to ihe train, leaving all his people in the lurch. They had to pay their hotel bills and get home the beet way they could. Some of them managed to reach Chicago, but many are still in Kansas City, unable to get away. Two ballet girls were put out of the hotel, as they bad no money to pay their board,and they were consequently left -without a shelter." There was no catastrophe in relation to "A Lucky Penny" Company, which was to hare opened at Bridgeport, Friday night- The; went down to the Cortlandt street ferry, but as no body had tha money to take them across, they were obliged to return. A Fa are for Them. From the Philadelphia Times. ' The white horse of the Cronin case is already in a dime museum. It the Jury survivo they will get there after the trial. BIJoa Theater. Tba smiling, dancing, singing J. K. Emmet is with us again. This time he calls his play "Uncle Joe, or Fritz In a Madhouse," and it is far superior, from a dramatic point of view, to anything be bas appeared in before, having a fairly defined plot, and one or two tell. Ing situations, but Fritz Emmet dominates it all. 'The German lad, with his high spirits, quaint remarks, wondrous smile, graceful movements and sweet voice (though not so sweet nor powerf ol as In the years gone by), took possession of the hearts of bis audi ence at the opening of the first act and held them until tha final fall of the curtain. Emmet can hardly be called an actor; there are better dancers in the profession, and better voices can be found In almost any chutch choir In the city, and yet well, he filled tbe Bijou Theater from, floor to roof, and the andlence left the bonse singing his praises. He was simply Fritz Emmet and criticism is a waste of time. The personnel or the-company is superior to Emmet's support la previous seasons. Miss Maud E, W bite as Collie J'arker. who has become Hlbernianlzed by a long residence in Ireland, war as pretty, win some and vivacious an Irish girt as was ever de lcted by The;Duchess In one or her novels, louls R. Grlsel as Uncle Joe J'arker, a bluff, kindhearted Anglo-Australian, did some very good work. Tho babiesthree pretty little tots took the house by storm. The balance of the company. Including PUnllmuon, the H.0GQ St Bernard, was fair. The scenery carried by the company is very artistic, especially in the first andsesond acts. TXI-STATE TRIFLES. AT Mt Tabor Church, fa Ritchie county, W. Va.,last Sunday, a rabbit having taken lodg ing in the wall, gave the members some un easiness. During services it kept up a noise and racket by crawling and scratching. Rev. Riley Hess said it was the devil tempting the church. Others said tbe church was haunted. In tbe afternoon some boys twisted the rabbit ont of his inscrutable biding place, and there after the spook or hobgoblin frightened them no more. The Sisters on the convent farm sear New Bedford. Pa.r this year raised L150 bushel ot oats and over tOtt) bushels of potatoes. The work Is newly all done by the Slaters, there beisg 30 there all tbe time. They also have quite a number of orphans attending school, bat they are sot reaulred to do work. The farm consists of about 300 acres. A "Wheatland, Cal., storekeeper bas a Thomas cat that kills an even dozen rats at night and lays them in a row for bfi master's Inspection in the morning. John Shaw, of Machias, Me.y has been building ships since 1837 at the rata of more 2l"on.eyear- Ha hasatotaUofM-yessels with a tonnage of 13,785 on bis roll. - Astoria had a sensation last Friday. Two mules were driven through the town; e,elf.,fI,S.baDa of "I& They were the first seen In that far-off metropolis. Nicholas Eichson, of Pinconning.MieE, a J?1? tevr da K near tfli tba wiriw!i.b?J2l" natlTes -a "old Jun ker." It weighed 480 pounds, dressed. , - A fine deer was shot within two miles . andahalf of the Bangor. Me postofllca.'oa ' Saturday last When killed be was making rapid time toward the heart of the city. Tf, , Thtre are 11 boy choirs in Boston, tbe one singing the service at the Church-of the WoJri?lf.S..Kton? formed in America.' New1Eng1niWa8t,180,Jrone &, The latest Connecticut Albino fath strangest one ever reported, a pura. white part--ridge was killed tbe other day by Wllliaii vX'5 vS'r ,nthe Connecticut River. Valley. Even the feathers on the bird's leas IXt-?r0Tr hltne- No hunter of .thi before! Wbite TOffed fc10-., W. A. Beckton brought hia-one''bBB-dred and thirteenth rabbit for sale to Ybor City, Fla last week. He caught all these.rabblta within a radius or fourmile.. and he states that in numbers tbey are undiminished. On Satnrdar last he bad for sale on bis wagon 'pn? nips, rattlesnakes, guavas, rabbitrandsaVeral other varieties of Florfdegetablea? T A man and wife residing In 2forS Minneapolis, who own 40 acres of land within the city limits, were offered C00.00O for it five years ago. The husband wished to sell, but tho wife refused to sign the deed. Tha sultwasl a quarrel between the pair, since which, time not a word lias passed between them. Tbe wife cooks for both, bnt they eat their meals at separate tables and sleep in separata beds. An enthusiastic young horse owner la Maine who has several crack colts also has a flno family of boys ot whom be is justly proud, bus like many other fathers be is bothered to remember their ages. Tha other day he sur prised his wife by giving the exact age bf one of the babies to a day. "Why, how came you to remember that?" she asked. -Don't you re member," replied the fond father, "be was uiun on wo same aay as our z-year-ohl colt? Judge Knowlton, of Lewiston. Jfe.1, set a trap for a rat in a peck measure fall of meal, in his barn chamber, the other day, and tied the tran to the measure. The next morning he looked Into the chamber, and all hecoulaflnd of his arrangement was the meal. A rat evi dently had been there, but neither rat trap nor peck measure could be found. And -there wasn't any kind of a hole as big as a man's flf in the chamber. He bas searched high and low, but can obtain no clew-to the whereabouts 'of . his missing property. -? Mount Ararat has this autumn, for the first time, been ascended by a young girl. Jtr seems that the forester, MJokossevitch. accural -panied by his daughter, who is only 17yearsjai' age. and by his son, a boy of 14, undertook" the ascent, in the company of three Kurds.. Tha strength ot the boy was exhausted when, they arrived at the height of 14,000 feet, and the father stopped at tbe height of 18,750 feet The young girt ana tne tnree iuiras, however, con tinued the ascent until they reached the top 18,917 feet There the trir tell ill from the In tense cold, and In tbe descent was obliged to depend upon the Kurds for support. The injury to oysters in Quiambang uove, near -uysuc, uonm, Dy a peculiar growth called marine cabbage springing up among them and overshadowing them, has much xa common with a destruction which attacks oys-"1-ters some seasons In the Chesapeake Bay audi its tributaries. Certain seasons, for some un explained reason, there is a very heavy growth of grass on tbe bottom of creeks, and oat in the rivers, and along certain parts of the Chesa peake Bay. The oysters on the bottoms where) H this grass grows are killed bv tbe dense shade the grass makes aa effectively as a board laid' on a lawn will kill the grass unaer it in a short time, - A novel enterprise in New York Is an establishment which makes a basin ess ot cleans ing windows. The cleaners all wear-nlferssev which consist of a blue suit and a neat can with a shield, on which fa the company's tumn They all carry ladders, which are palate. M ana wane. .utBe top, wBre tee ladder to. point, tsmusMiw.Mt.ef tbat waea the loader !- ilaasd-MM dow. on account al fee am or -tsv the elasticity of the rubber, the preaaaTaisVBetf-i great enough to break the glass, the robber tie f preventing tbe ladder from scratchiagt Dane. The eomnanv charges according ta tlta sizeoftheTwiadow; tor washing an ordinary khu wmaow caxrzes u monin. usta ploye cleans from 100 to 150 a day.. ' The nistorie "West Church, overlookiaj Cambridge street, Boston, la a brick bnildtec with a wooden belfry. It is a feeble expression of the cold and torpid architecture oftha Italian Renaissance, but the open space before It fv It an !r nf rifimlt-v flnrt ,Mf fti nnpainted pews of pine date back to early & the present century. The gallery Is supported, by talL, white Corinthian columns, and the pulpit, a massive affair ot solid mahogany, well carved, la perched high above the heads of the Deortla. OnA Of thA nastnm vil th' father of JamAa RttmaII IjiTi whn v? -Trt ray early years I thought that pulpit to be the' oiguesc enorj or unman iru in arcnitectnre.':, nweMliiL ""m - .r.-n rarwp jr gas Harry WlillnBss' Academy. Bobby Manchester has catered so long to the amusement pnbllc tbat he knows just about what is.wanted in Ills line. When his "Night Owls" are advertised It Is a settled fact tbat he knons be has something worth going to see, and tho people turn out to see it His taste In costumes is so good and his pocketbook always so wide open to Indulge that taste tbat Mm effects are always patent Tbe Academy of, Music will BM to nearly large aaoagh this 'week to accommodate the crewaathat will The fame of West Virginia's rich valley, it seems, bas reached across the Atlantic, sad even Into the dark bill of Turkish Armenia. Agents representing a number ot Christian Armenians are now negotiating foe a large tract of land la Summers and adjacent coun ties, and propose, it possible, to establish a col ony there. wnecung lugmer. A 8EBVIC- wire of the Washington, Pa Electric Wire Company this morning became detached from the chimney of A. B. Caldwell's establishment, and in some manner the current was drawn from tbe top ot the building to aH iron grating la the pavement sad an awalag of the same material. A number of persons who touched these articles were throws down, none of.taera being serieaaly hart A dog stepped upon tha gratia and at osce rolled over and over fata the street A tqaars above Cald well's, In front ot the Oliver building, the elec tricity fonnd its way from the root to the ground through the spouting, making quite a blaze. MM. snjjtrr Priest, sow of MaMlllon,0 leftEnglaau 16 years ago, krifilag two chil dren. Her faeaaaad agree to come, but be did not Seven years age a fetter was received anaeaneiag that he bad heea killed in a stone quarry. After -a brief menr-tog spell Mrs. Priest wedded Valentine Xefower. aa Indus trious carpenter, and five eMMrea bare bees oBeettredMotseBie. Laat Saturday the reporWd dead haaban arrived aod sought hi wife. The interested trie eoferred to ge,hr aaiLdiscufecd the situation philosophi cally. Priest recently Inherited a sous patrl- y iU ptayoiU H Hk Me wife ksk to Basftaas, but fcsstMea t)u XtT r AUtM sfcoaki - wfcfckMt JMtr. Tba -. vMMftaaft a nt a Wa WIBJBP n w ! Mwww. ww- w -MeKsFJST!4", " -W . frfrvfopl nr immI,riiitTiu Te la mM t?,t tfc? first Sunday school in New Eaajand was orean- -,"' ized within its walls in 1S12. ; A big farmhouse near Belleville, N. J,," x had long stood teaaatlese taeVbore the reputa tion of being haunted. Atlaet a young farmer ' andbls wife moved fn at a merely nominal' rental. An unearthly clattering oa tfceTstalrs frightened tha couple half out ot taeir.wtes tha' first night, and the wife trlniT rn jnn mam )ili conson to gei up ana investigate, r or aa seas ne argnea aesperateiy witn nsr oa mm i bihtv of irine still She declared. del that it he wouldn't invest! zata aha nat get up herself. Finally they effected avoMK promtsa by creeplngout of bed teffeaherThey lit tba lamp and looked caaMeaaly oat a tba chamber door. The first gUtsee selves' the a-: tery Big- gray squirrels literally warmed; upon all the landfaa. and every oae of them, ' had a big not of sosMraind between his paws. ' Thenraln supply of nuts was stored in an uo- ' used garret, where some forgotten tenant bad' ' placed them long ago. Tha squirrels arranged t , uieraseivM in gangs on eaca lanaing, ana tnose ; at tne top oi toe nouse camea tas nuts, one c one. out of the zarret and seat them rolha down the stairs to the next laadiac where thy'J were received oy tea gang waiting lortaeavi and pushed down Mother flight Inthlswav- thuv rAontiAii an nlii fAlT.r- wtilf-h vu m-MMrv ' the squirrels' ttorerooBS, for it was well Moc-aeV Jfc, fromattis to basement " --. J THE OfERRT-UfAKZmS. &&' . Ai JL swallowtail tbe story of Joaak Mrilf tee whaIe.-JW ton Bulletin. Oae can never tip a' waiter so that be 1 his balance. Rochester PoH-Hxprut. "Do yon know that yonng woman i slags next deer?" -.f,.lw ,.& ! XT.. Vmm. (turn VJ M w. ..w ..-. vwn. j After a a baa fiaisied patting bbI stovepipe the auaily parrot Has to be kept o the room waen the aslalster cam. J BkttHJnan. "Did yoH stop at Shear, tha tailor's?! "Yet. and I nave aim fits. "What did yon do that for? Toa'll neve 'em back." Jftw jorcatt. Young Mnthfr Doa't yon. think " looks uta nu atacrr Visitor Ye-e. bat I weaMa't worry; he i oatgrow it ya-ar avtiiwT. ( Willing to Assist ia the SoeefW r Tern peraae worker IW yam he a sat d wauayr - s-"3Kti -Bummer res; waaee'u w ajar-TWar jq "Do yea belitTe -toalnr iti' msDr" j. - .. "Notabltoflt. TVhy.bat.'t hajtflsal ThanksflTinf proclamaUon!' Ana xark'i "Mary, what were you Ulkiajr'Wj about with Mrs. Brown's coo" 'O, we were talking about the tedtetjast s ana Mrs. Drown talk a&oat cooks." """" . 51 Ailing at Jioan -aa arc coat two ef every clad of beast, " said Mr. BaMMa "Ko."rtarBed hit sahannr SDOeaa.Sltl was oely oae bard, driaker la the Ark." JH vfr n... X-d The small bey stay cecaaioaally iftSM other things, bat yoa can depend 'Upoa.K there Is one thing ha will always do-fette si la tuae. atctuoa woes. VUiter is Kentncky I eK tfcu awn Jtftrt. bWi aleaaUedaet SMa- V"aaa srJZ -iSv ' Vi -S I ' t. -v K '"' v . A