Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 26, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Pretty Essie Munhall Elopes
"Willi Jos. E. Scliwak
The Runaways Laugh at New Jer
sey's Intervention.
The latest elop em ent in high life is one
that has been furnishing the people of the
lively little borough of Homestead a sub
ject for conversation for the past few days.
The parties in the affair are Miss Essie
Munhall, daughter of John Munhall, the
wealthy coal operator, and Joseph E.
Schwab, brother of General Manager
Schwab of the Edgar Thomson and Home
stead Steel "Works. They were married in
Camden, the lamous Gretna Green, last
Thursday and are expected home this week.
Miss Munhall is a graduate of the young
ladies' seminary at "Washington, Pa., and
is very well known in this county. She is
below five feet jn heigh, a blonde and
very brown hair. She is prepossessing in ap
pearance, has many graces and is acharmibg
voung conversationalist. She is under
age, and this was the cause for the elopement.
Mr. Schwab is at present a civil engineer
in the Edgar Thomson "Works at Braddock.
He was formerly manager of the 23-inch
mill at Homestead, and has considerable
ability in mill work. He is a young man,
being only about 30 years of age, and is a
graduate of St. "Vincent's CollegeatLatrobe.
The two voung people were thrown to
gether a great deal, and the usual result fol
lowed. Ther fell in love, but there were
objections to'a marriage. The young bride's
father, when the proposition for his daugh
ter's hand was made to him, listened pa
tientlv, but said no. He told his daughter
that it she was determined to marry her
lover she could do so, but the match would
not have his sanction. It is stated the rea
Eon was on account of Mr. Schwab's re
ligion. He is a Catholic, while his bride
and her parents are strict Presbyterians.
The fires of love, however, were strong
epcuch to burn away the barriers, and the
couple disappeared "Wednesday morning
last.1 They went to Philadelphia, and from
there they'went to Camden, where a minis
terTunited them.
AJetter was received by one of the bride's
young sisters several days ago, bnt no men
tion was made of tne wedding. Several of
Mr. Schwab's friends have heard from tfie
groom, to the effect that he was married
Thursday. The couple will enjoy a short
honeymoon tour in the East and then return
home for the lorgiveness.
Miss Munhall is a niece of Captain
Michael Munhall, of Munhall Bros,, of this
city. Her father is owner of Munhall's
hollow, back of Carnegie, Phipps & Co.'s
plant He owns an extensive coal territory
in that vicinity and is quite" wealthy. His
residence is on" the hillside above the Pitts
burg, "Virginia and Charleston road, and is
a place of admiration for the passengers on
trains on both sides of the river. In con
versation last evening with a Dispatch
reporter Mr. Munhall said:
"Of course I am sony my daughter went
away, but I guess she was determined to get
married. "When I was spoken to about the
matter I objected and advised her against
the step. The young man, I suppose, is ail
right, but I had reasons against the mar
riage. I did not know him very well, but
be is well spoken of. I have not heard
anything definite from them, but I suppose
they are taking a trip through the East.
My daughter is not yet of aeeand thought
it was necessary to run away. "When they
will come back I do not know."
It is thought Mr. Schwab will visit his
relatives, near Latrobe, on his way home.
He is a native of "Westmoreland county and
'the family is among the best known there.
Tfao Reason St. Lonis Manufacturers Polled
Ont pf tbe Lend Fool.
The report published in The Dispatch
yesterday from St. Louis, to the effect that
the local representatives of the National
Lead Trust had resigned their truslships,
caused considerable stir in this city. It
caused quite a number of persons to specu
late what it meant, and wonder if any of the
Pittsburg members would pull out. In tbe
telegram it was stated that developments re
specting the condition of the trade are likely
to follow. The Pittsburg members denied
that there would be any developments, and
said the cause of the withdrawal of the St.
Ijouis men was on account of the new Mis
souri anti-trust law, which they were afraid
of. They also stated that the withdrawal
would not injure the trust in any way.
A gentleman conversant with the affairs
of the trust stated yesterday that Armstrong
& McKelvy were practically in the trust.
A few weeks more would see them in the
combination and holders of trust certificates
in exchange for their plant. The members
of the firm will neither admit nor deny
anything concerning their movements in the
The gentleman who furnished the in
formation was asked the reason for the de
cline of the stock in the face of his state
ments about the solid condition of the trust.
He said the reason the stock declined was
on account of its sympathy with other
stocks. The cottonseed oil and sugar stocks
.decreased greatly within the past four
months, and the lead trust went with it.
Tbe Old 123d to Entertain Their Friends at
n Banquet on December 13.
A meeting of the survivors of the One
Hundred .and Twenty-third Begiment,
Pennsylvania Volunteers, was held last
night in Common Council chamber, Alle
gheny. The object of the meeting was to
arrange for a proper celebration to com
memorate the anniversary of the battle of
.Fredericksburg, which occurs on December
The meeting was presided over by Major
Bush Tyler, and a very fair representation
of the old regiment was present. It was
decided to have a banquet at Union Bink,
at which there will be speeches and music.
A committee to arrange for the banquet was
A Man Bas Bis Arm Crushed on One Line
nnd a Car Breaks Loose on Another.
James Hughes, of Sixteenth street, in try
ing to jump from a Butler street traction
car at 6 o'clock last evening, fell under the
wheels, which so badly crushed his arm
that it had to be amputated by Dr. Helber.
A hook-on car attached to car Kb. 6 on
the Pittsburg Traction Bailroad, broke the
rear axle about 6:30 last evening at Pride
street. The car was crowded and the acci
dent caused a great deal of excitement
among the lady passengers.
A Party of Five Arrive From Castle Garden
and Go on to Cochran.
A. party of fire Belgian glassblowers,
with their families, came from Castle Garden
onSunday and proceeded to Cochran station.
Tfa'ey were booked through to Homestead,
their fares had been paid, partly by relatives
in this country and partly by themselves.
An Importnot Meeting Yesterday The Tor
rr Bankruptcy BUI Indorsed Sir. Georce
A. Kelly Reports an tbe Tonnnce Bill.
A meeting of the directors of the Cham
ber of Commerce was held yesterday after
noon. Reuben Miller presided. H. D. "W.
English, general agent of the life insurance
company in this city, and A. T. Douthett,
of the firm of the Porter Foundry and Ma
chine Company were admitted to member
ship. Two letters, addressed to Superintendent
Follansbee, from "William E Curtis and
Clement Studebaker, requesting him to
thank the directory for the pictures and
books pertaining to Pittsburg's industry,
which had been sent to them, were read.
Captain "William McClelland, of the
Legislative Committee, presented the fol
lowing report:
Your committee to whlcn was referred a
communication from the New York Board of
Trade and Transportation, submitting a copy
of the Torry bankruptcy bill and urging the. ap
proval of this Chamber, would respectfully re
poi t tbat,as this Chamber has at different times
unreservedly approved what is known as the
"Lowell bilO and as the Torry bill, now sub
mitted, has been drawn with the "Lowell Bill"
as a basis and has received the indorsement of
man commercial bodies throughout tbe coun
try, as also that oj Judge Lowell himself, wo
would respectfully recommend that this Cham
ber reaffirms Its action, asking Congress to
enact a national bukrnpt law that shall oa
uniform in Its administration, and that will be
just andequltable alike to debtors and credit
ors. The report was approved. H. Kirk Por
ter presented the following resolution:
Resolved, That the Chamber of Commerce
has beard with the greatest pleasure of tne
munificent gift of Mrs. Schenley to the city of
Pittsburg, and as an organization representing
its business interests, this Chamber desires
most respectfully and heartily to express to
Mrs. Schenley their appreciation of her liber
ality and their belief that the gift of land to be
used as a park will be of incalculable benefit to
all our citizens for all time to come: and that
snch a useful and generous gift calls for pro
found gratitude from this whole community;
be It
Resolved, That a copy of this action be sent
to Mrs. Schenley.
The resolutions were passed.
In replv to a request from Aaron Vander
bilt, Chairman of the Committee on Ocean
Transportation, of Hew York, requesting
the Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce to give
its indorsement for the restoration of the
"Tonnage bill," which is a measure for the
protection of the ocean trade, George A.
Kelly, representing a special committee to
which the matter was referred, submitted
this report:
Whehea.3, The New York Board of Trade
and Transportation has requested our co-operation
at this time in continued efforts for the
restoration of our merchant marine, as ex
pressed in the preamble and resolution unani
mously adopted by that body October 9. 1SS9;
Whereas, The said preamble and resolution
are in harmonv with communications and re
peated expressions of our Chamber of Com
merce, be it .
Resolved, That we heartily Indorse the act of
the New York Board o Wrade and Tranporta
Uon, and urge upon our representatives In Con
gress renewed effort to" secure tbe much
needed protection for onr merchant marine by
the passage of tne Tonnage bill or some other
measure deemed adequate to meet the de
mands of tliii. important interest.
The able report of Mr. Kelly was listened
to with great interest and adopted, after
which the meeting adjourned.
The Facilities In the U. S. District Attor
ney's Office Are Insufficient.
District Attorney "Walter Lyon returned
home yesterday morning from "Washington,
where he had been in consultation with the
Attorney General in regard to increasing
the facilities for doing business in this dis
trict He want3 another deputy, or assist
ant to Assistant District Attorney Alcorn,
who is overcrowded with work.
This district does more business than the
Eastern, which includes Philadelphia. The
claim is made that the extra help should be
allowed on this account.
The "Western district comprises 46 coun
ties. Court is held at four different places.
It takes in every county along the New
York State linn with the exception of
"Wayne. In the Eastern district there are
but 21 counties, court being held only in
Philadelphia. The latter district does not
have the number of criminal cases that are
tried in this section, on account of the
country not being so mountainous. In the
Eastern district there have always been two
deputies, who are paid $4,500 per year.
About a year ago David Cameron, a Re
publican deputy, was removed from this
district, and the place was never filled.
The fiscal year runs from July to July.
The intervention of this at the present.time
will necessitate non-action in the matter.
Meanwhile Mr. Alcorn will struggle along
at a salary of $3,500, while the Government
doubles up and saves 3,000.
Mozart CInb Take Up Their Titnlnr
Dignity's Great Requiem.
Bebearsal was commenced last night
upon Mozart's "Bequiem," the principal
portion of the programme for the second
concert of this season, to be given in Janu
ary next.
The work is a masterpiece of religious
composition and although necessarily
somber abounds in magnificent choral
effects. It will be the first performance of
the Bequiem in this city. It is a rare work
and the scores were imported from Leipsic.
Movements of PlttRborc-prs nnd Others of
Wide Acquaintance.
Chairman "W. H. Andrews, of the State
Republican Executive Committee, tarried last
night at the Seventh Avenue Hotel and leaves
this morning on tbe day express for Philadel
phia. He is accompanied by Mrs. Andrews.
His stay in Philadelphia will be according to
tbe delay incidental in the transaction of his
business it being well known that great bodies
and politicians move slowly. On a later train
State Senator George Wallace Delamater came
in and repaired to the same hostelry. Botn
gentlemen looked well and both were unusu
ally uncommunicative. Senator Delamater re
fused with the utmost good nature to discuss
anything within a hundred miles of Harrisbnrg,
and said he thought It rather early to say any
thing yet. Chairman Andrews stated that Mr.
Chadwick, the new postmaster at Chester, Pa.,
had been backed- by Senator Quay, and that
statements to the contrary were erroneous. A
number of local Republican gentlemen dropped
in during the erenms and there was much mys
terious coniabulaUon.bat everyone approached.
iiiie me imauu3 owi, saia Homing.
Mon. George Deprez, the Belgian glass
manufacturer, who bas been here for tbe last
ten days, is making quite a lengthened inquiry
into American methods of treating glass. He
has visited most of the large works In his line
of business, tbe pressed ware and decorated
ware branch, and claims to have profited to a
very great extent by his visithere. He Is nego
tiating with the inventor of tbe Neville pot for
its invention into use in his factories. Mon.
Deprez has snch a liking for America and
Americans, and snch an opinion of Pittsburg's
position as an industrial center that he would
very much like to start a plant here. It may
be that, after another year or so, tbe Belgians
will find their occupation gone, and if they
still desire to continue in trade they will have
to locate in the States. Perhaps Mon. Deprez
will convey a favorable impression of this city
uj uia vuuuLryuien on 1113 return.
Colonel Thomas Bayne packed up his
Congressional grip yesterday and took his de
parture for the political capital. He expressed
the opinion, at leaving, that tbe session wonld
be a long and stormy one, and wonld be inaug
urated with a heated debate on the rules of
Mr. "W. B. "Walker, who was formerly
chemist at the Union Steel Works, and now
General Manacer of the Chicago Steel Works.is
In the city for the purpose of visiting some of
the large steel plants. He is accompanied by
the Assis tant Manager, Mr. E. A.-8. Clark.
Simply Perfect.
The Union Pacific Bailway, "The Over
land Boute," has equipped its trains with
dining cars of the latest pattern, and on and
after August 18 the patrons of its fast trains
between Council Bluffs and Denver, and be
tween Council Bluffs and Portland, Ore.,
will be provided with delicious meals, the
best the market affords, perfectly served, at
75 centseach. Pullman's Palace Car Com- In order to do this, Mr. Keating moved to
pany will hare charge of the service on not concur with Common Council in con
these cars. sidering the matter. Mr. Eoberfson Quickly
Valuable Picture of William Ktt
Presented to the City,
The Question of Free Citj Bridges Referred
to a Committee.
The regular session of Councils was held
yesterday afternoon, and the variety of
topics discussed was only equaled by the
vigor with which they were handled. In
Common Council "W. A. Masee presided in
the continued absence of Mr. Holliday, who
is still suffering from his accident Under
the cajl of wards a number of papers relat
ing to streets were presented and .referred,
among others the ordinance drawn up by
Coroner McDowell for establishing a steam
boat patrol service, consisting of a boat
properly supplied with appliances for fire
and police work, for receiving the bodies of
drowned persons and other work.
Mr. Carnahan presented an engraving of
the Hon. "William Pitt, whose name the
city bears. It was the gift of "William G.
Johnston, who obtained it while on a visit
to England recently. Mr. Carnahan said
that it was a coincidence that the picture
was printed in the year the French evacu
ated Fort Duquesne, and it became Port
Pitt in 1760. Mr. Carnahan, in bis re
marks, paid a glowing tribute to Pitt, and
spoke at length of what he had done for the
American colonies. The picture was ac
cepted and the clerk directed to make a
suitable minute.
Mr. Carr.of the Twenty-seventh ward,pre
sented a resolution providing for an election
in February to decide on increasing the city
debt for the purpose ol establishing free
bridges. Mr. Carr said be offered the resolu
tion to test the sincerity of the members who
at the last meeting professed such great love
for the Southside. He held that the assessed
valuation of the city is 200,000,000. The net
debt is 510,000,000. and this he said was the
legal basis on which to place all calcula
tions, leaving room for adding legally $1,
000.000 to tbe debt, if tbe people so desired.
The Chair called Mr. Carr's attention to a
provision in the city charter which says that
an increase in the debt must be obtained by
ordinance submitting the question to a vote
of the people. The act called for an ordi-
L nance, not a resolution, and so this resolu
tion was out ot order.
Mr. Duncan asked Mr. Carr if he would
accept as a substitute a resolution for a joint
committee to investigate and report what
can be legally done in the direction of free
bridges. Mr. Carr accepted the amendment
and it was adopted.
The East End Street Railway Company
ordinance raised some commotion. Mr.
Carnahan wanted to know where the road
goes, and who will bnild it, and did not get
a regular answer. Messrs. MacGoriigle and
Wright, in whose ward the line will run,
spoke in favor of it and said it would open
up a large section of good territory.
Mr. Ferguson opposed the ordinance. He
said the traction companies had too many
privileges,and didn't pay enough to the city.
He moved to postpone action until the next
meeting, and notify tbe directors of the
line to attend the meeting and explain their
plans. This motion was defeated, and the
ordinance passed by a vote of 29 ayes to 1
no. Mr. Ferguson cast the negative vote
and Mr. Carnahan refused to vote,
saying he did not know enough on the sub
ject to vote intelligently. During the de
bate on the ordinance Mr. Donley accused
Mr. ergnson ot being an obstructionist.
Mr. Ferguson denied the charge and re
torted that he always came to the meetings
with his head clear. The Chair rapped the
gentlemen to order before the talkiada
chance to grow moie personal.
Tho ordinance for the purchase of lots in
the Thirty-second and Thirty-fifth wards for
fire engine houses was taken up and passed.
Mr. Carnahan presented the report of tbe
Chamber of Commerce on thencroachments
on the rivers, as recently published. Mr.
Carnahan thought the subject was of great
importance, and he moved that a committee
be appointed to consider what steps the city
should take, with power to have a survey
made by the Public "Works Department.
The resolution was adopted, and Messrs.
Bigham, Gardiner, Shannon and Ferguson
were appointed for the Common branch.
Mr. Carr presented a blank ordinance pro
viding lor increasing the city debt for the
purpose of the erection or purchase, of
bridges for public use. It was sent to the
special Committee on Free Bridges. On
this committee the Common Council mem
bers are Messrs. Duncan, Carr, McCurry
and "Wright.
After the passage of several street ordi
nances and the postponement of one to
change the name of Boup street to Negley
avenue, the Common branch adjourned.
In Select Council the October report of
tbe Department of Public batety, showing
expenses to have been $52,778 13, was pre
sented and adopted. Ordinances were passed
finally granting the use of certain streets
and highways to the Bast End Street Bail
wav Company and its branches; increasing
the salary of the three fire alarm telegraphic
operators of the city from 900 to $1,150 per
year, to go into effect from date of passage.
The engraving of "William Pitt, presented
by"W. G. Johnston1, Esq., to the city, was
accepted on behalf of the city in an appro
priate set of resolutions and Mr. Beating
made a retrospective speech.
Mr. Nisbet introduced tbe free bridge
question concisely in a resolution, which
provided for the appointment ot a special
committee of three members from Select and
four from Common Council, whose duty it
would be to secure and furnish to Councils
all the information obtainable on the mat
ter, particularly on the following points:
First, the value of the present structures;
second, the city's right to purchase them;
third, the probable cost of new structures
and tbe city's "right to build them; fourth,
whether the county is not legally bonnd to
provide free bridges lor the nse oi the peo
ple of Pittsburg, inasmuch as taxes are paid
for the construction and maintenance of
bridges throughout the county by the tax
payers of Pittsburg.
"When the Common Council resolution on
free bridges came up for action, Mr. Robert
son arose, but Mr. Seating, in a joke,
moved to concun, with Common Council's
action on the resolution, his object being to
prevent Robertson's speech. The latter,
however, declared that he was going to
speak on the matter whatever action, was
taken, and Mr. Keating withdrew his mo
tion. Mr. Robertson then made a short speech,
and proposed a substitute to the Common
Council resolution, tbe preamble of which
wsb similar in effect to the Common Council
resolution with the exception that it omitted
the consideration of gaining the consent ot
the electors of the city, and the matter of
issuing bonds for tbe purpose oi buying
bridges. The substitute provided for a com
mittee o( eight, composed qf three members
of Common and two of Select Council, the
Mayor, the Controller and the Chief of the
Department of Public "Works, who were to
ascertain the cost of purchasing a bridge,
and report to Councils in time to allow the
Finance Committee to embody tbe purchase
in their next appropriation.
Mr. Keating and Mr. Nisbet objected to
Mr. Robertson's resolution as being en
tirely distinct in, its provisions irom the
Common Council resolution, and it there
fore could not be offered as a substitute.
The Chairman sustained them, and said
Mr. Robertson's resolution could not be
taken up until the other was disposed of.
offered to' accept this solution of the tangle
in which he found himself, but Mr. Lamb
ing took the floor, and said the Common
Council resolution had been 'improperly
understood. "While the preamble, of that
resolution touched upon tbe electors being
called upon to vote upon the question, the
acrtal text of the document made no refer
ence to it. and none was Intended. Mr.
Mr. Lambing thought the matter was drift
ing to an unseemly contest between Select
and Common Councils for the chairmanship
of that special committee.
Mr. Robertson maintained that he had no
thought of such a contest He wanted some
provision made to insure prompt action and
an early report on tbe part of the committee.
In order to secure this he offered several
amendments and 'changes, but was ruled out
of Order until he withdrew his resolution
entirelv and then amended the Common
Council resolution bv adding to it: "This
committee shall report in time to give
Finance Committee an opportunity to em
body the same in their general appropria
tion." Dr. Evans was opposed to considering the
purchase of any of the bridges, as the
figures they would ask would probably be
too ridiculous to tnins, oi. xiereminaea
Mr. Robertson of his speech a week ago, in
which he urged the purchase of the Point
bridge. "This bridge," he continued, "cost
$500,000 when built, but has never paid any
thing on the investment, and is probably
tbe reason they want to sell. But, if there
is not enough travel to make it pay it
would be but little of an improvement over
the "present state of affairs, because there is
comparatively few to use it. As a monu
ment to the Thirty-sixth ward the Point
bridge would no doubt be a success, but no
one else scarcely would get any use of it but
Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth ward people."
Mr. Monroe and Mr. Nisbet both coun
selled against haste in tbe matter of pro
ceeding lor free bridges. Mr. Monroe said
he thought, and there were others with him,
that as Pittsburg and Allegheny paid 75 per
cent of the taxes required for free bridges
over small streams throughout tbe county,
the county Bhould help to pay for free
bridges in the two cities. He thought the
Bridge Committee should get some good
legal advice on this view of the matter, and
find out if the county could not legally be
compelled to pay its share.
air. Nisbet tnougnftoat toe uommon
Conncil resolution, and Mr. Robertson's as
well, were asking too much in the time they
had to act according to its provisions. How
erer. he would support the Common Council
resolution as amended by Mr. Eobertson, if
the resolution previously offered by him was
included as an amendment to it This was
agreed to, and both amendments were
adopted, after which Council adjourned,
Will Have a Good Showing on the Occasion
of tho Armstrong; Dedication.
The Amalgamated Association of Iron and
Steel "Workers is not letting any grass grow
under its feet in the matter of securing a
large turnout of its men 5n Thursday. It is
said that the number of iron workers which
will parade will exceed any former occasion,
but a larger percentage will take part irom
out-of-town mills than from the local.
Youngstown will furnish about 1,000 men,
and as many, or more, may be expected from
New Castle, Sharon and "Wheeling. The
Apollo, Leechburg and Kittanning mills
will send altogether about 800 men.
The largest local contingent will be from
Homestead, numbering 700 men, in charge
of Hugh J. O'Donnell, and the Vesuvius
mill at Sharpsburg will furnish a quota of
400. McBeesport has 6,000 iron workers,
but it is thought that scarcely one-fourth of
them will be in line. Some mills, on the
other hand, will turn out their full
strength. It was stated yester
day that of the "men employed in 35
iron and steel mills in tbe city and neigh
borhood, not more than an average ot one
half will turn out The following estimate
is near the mark: Of the 3,000 men em
ployed in Carnegie Bros. & Co., about one
third will appear; of the 3,000 in Oliver
Bro. & Phillips, three mills, about the same
proportion; the Forge and Iron "Works will
send.200; the Etna, 50; Painter's, 300; the
Clinton and Sligo, 300; A. M. Byers & Co.,
200; Jones & Laughlins, 600; Bepublio Iron
"Works, 250; Anchor, 75; Elba, 100; the
Soho mill, 250; Keystone, 75; Pennsylvania
Tube "Works, 200; Kensington and Pennsyl
vania Forge, 75; Wayne Iron and Steel, 125;
Zug & Co. and Shoenberger, 500. A num
ber of steel mills will send contingents of
from 25 to 50 men, and it is said that the
smallest delegation will be sent by Brad
dock. Nothing has been heard from the
5,000 blast iurnace men in the district, and
it is said they will not participate. Neither
will any mills working outside of the Amal
gamated Association.
How a Bacoflc Constable Was Ready to
Meet All Hazards.
The average country constable is gener
ally invested with more blood in his eye
and iron in his clothes than a Prussian
veteran. '
N. J. Stanberger, who was deputed by tbe
Lord Chief Justice ot Brockwayville to take
back Truby, accused of ovefchecking by
$430 at the Brockwayville Bank, was no ex
ception. "When he started for home with
his prisoner yesterday, who had been ar
rested without the slightest trouble by De
tective McTighe, the constable produced
a formidable-looking pair of handcuffs, with
which he proposed to "buckle up" Truby
behind his back.
Inspector McAleese told him that outside
of very grave criminals such measures of pre
caution were not customary, and alter con
siderable demurring the constable decided
to depend upon the arsenal he carried in his
pockets and the ordinary method of secur
ing a workhouse prisoner. The victim of
misplaced confidence in his bank account
felt very grateful to the Inspector for his in
terference and compassion.
A Reduction In Freight Rates CaualngTrou
ble Among Western Lines.
The railroads west of Chicago have issued
a circular giving rates from Chicago, St
Paul and Minneapolis and intermediate
points, which they will apply on business
originating east of the Indiana and Illinois
State line. The rates are governed by the
official classification, while on business
originating in Chicago higher rates will be
charged and governed by the "Western classi
fication. The railroads east of Indiana and Illinois
State lines have not yet decided whether it
will be legal or not for them to be a party to
this transaction by issuing through rates on
any other basis than the regular local rates
from Chicago. By 60 doing there will be
some cases in which the rates from Chicago
would be higher than the through rates from
points east The lines west of Chicago claim
they have the authority from the Inter-State
Commerce Commission to make the propor
tional tariffs to meet the competition via
Northern routes.
Incidents of a Day In Two Cilies Condensed
for Ready Reading.
A said was made on the house of John
Evans in Evans alley, Allegheny, last night
An information had been lodged against the
inmates before Mayor Pearson. Mr. and Mrs.
Evans, Bridget O'Brien and two children, aged
4 and 5 years, were placed under arrest. The
children will bo turned over to Agent O'Brien,
or the Humane Society.
, The Coroner was notified last night that an
unknown man was killed at the mines of tbe
Chartiers Block Coal Company, near Federal,
on the Pittsburg. Chartiers and Youghiogheny
road. He issued directions for the local Jus
tices of the Peace to bold an inquest
Detective Couxson left for Harrisbnrg at
3 A. m., to-day, with papers, to make another
effort to find Governor Heaver at home, or se
cure a requisition for Dennis Meagher, at pres
ent under arrest In New York.
The Allegheny City Property Committee
will meet this afternoon to take steps for the
Surchue of the ground for the new electric
sat plant .
Homestead Wonld Like to See the
City Poor Honse Taken Away.
Inmate3 Cfiuld Be Employed Cultivating
Kew Farming Lands.
"While there is considerable unripe music
being lost apparently.-at least on unsym
pathetic ears, regarding the grievance of
making the rural districts support a county
poorhouse almost exclusively tot the bene
fit of Braddock, McKeesport and Verona?
there is some argument being addressed to
the supporters of the City Home
that would probably be effective,
if urged more vigorously and
brought home to taxpayers' intelli
gently, as it is the argumentum pecuniae. It
is none other than the one in support of a
proposition to 'sell the present City Home
and its appurtenances, and locate another
where land is cheap. It is estimated that
the change could be made and the city bene
fited to such an extent thereby that the
cost of maintaining its paupers for many
years would be almost nominal, and if it is
to be done it were well that it be done quick
ly, while the boom is on, and manufacturers
want sues.
It is said the present site could be sold for
$6,500 an acre, and that the city could find
a better location, and more than duplicate
the present buildings and still have $350,000
remaining. In fact it is argued that land
could be secured for an almost nominal sum
that would answer the purpose almost as
well as the present tract at Homestead. It
isn't necessary that it be, good land, for
panper farming doesn't pay anyhow.
The rear ends of the lots in
the Thirty-second and Thirty-third wards
which run to Grandview avenue in the
Thirty-second ward, woujd answer the pur
pose as well as any other place. The male
inmates who are able to work might be set
first to building an immense retaining wall
along the Panhandle Bailway, and the rail
way company would doubtless donate a few
thousand dollars toward it for its own bene
fit, possibly would haul the stone necessary
gratis. Then the Harold Skimpoles who
in the Home could be made build the wall
under the guidance of a few practical
mechanics, and when it was finished the
hill might be terraced, and made a thing of
beauty and a joy forever, instead of pre
senting the appearance of having been
blasted and scarred bv the wrath of heaven
as at present It could also be made into a
vineyard, and the product would pay as
well as poorhouse agriculture does at
present Of course the first thing necessary
to be -done would be the erection oi tne
necessary buildings. The advantages of
this plan wonld be first, nearness to the
center of the city, and the reclamation of a
large quantity of waste land. Its present
crop otelderberries is scarce worth gather
ing. A station might be made about half
way up the freight incline plane railway, at
which inmates could be loaded or unloaded.
Another proposition made is to select some
sterile site along the line of some railway,
far enough out so there" would be no likeli
hood of the city ever growing out to it, put
the buildings up and let the inmates' labor
be made profitable in the improvement of
the land. There is very little land on the
bottoms of Allegheny county equal to that
of some once sterile knobs on the summits of
the Alleghenies, and pauper labor is just
tbe kind needed for such work, as it costs
nothing but coarse food and clothing. If,
as claimed, intelligent grain farming does
not pay on land worth $200 an acre in the
United States, how can pauper farming be
expected to pay on land worth 32 times
that amount? It would yield better return,
however, on $40 land, plenty of which can
be secured.
rHome located far from the city bummers
would not appreciate its advantages so much
as at present as they do not like to be where
they cannot be near the conveniences of life,
as, though they get transportation to the
Home, tbey cannot get it irom it.
It should not be understood that any in
telligent person suggests the subduing of
any forest by pauper labor better set
paupers to planting trees but there are
tracts oi land so stony that private enter
prise will not utilize them for centuries, and
it might be profitably done by pauper labor.
"Were the Poor Farm sold two thriving
towns would become one, and the farm
would soon be covered with buildings. In
deed, Homestead might be willing to give
something toward affecting the removal of a
nuisance. Doubtless the people who se
cured the present farm never even in their
dreams expected to see the city approach
within a few yards of it, but it is there, and
the institution has become an eyesore, and
-while it is an accommodation to bummers,
the worthy poor are entitled to a residence
where their nerves will not be destroyed by
the shrieks of steam whistles, rumbline of
railway trains and the concussion of enor
mous trip hammers.
The amount saved the city in interest
alone bv a change of base would be sufficient
to provide for the wants ot 200 or more
paupers, and were the farm farther away
and nlentv of stonerjickintrand hauline pro
vided for male inmates, there are scores of
able-bodied loafers who spend their times in
poorhouses who would not patronize "home
industry." The backwoods counties that
maintain poorhouses are not bothered by
tramps in a degree relative to city" patron
age in this respect
.It seems to be a matter of dollars and
cents mainly, for while the same argument
applies, though in a less degree, in favor of
removing the County Home, Mr. A. J. Mc
Qnitty says the people in the vicinity evince
nfrdislike to it, and are well satisfied with
it. It is to be presumed that as it is non
supporting it affords a borne market, and it
is only the taxpayer who is not benefited
whose ox is gored.
The Pollcp Sarseon Will Live for Several
Months Yet. ,
Discouraging reports of the condition of
Dr. Oldshue, police surgeon, having been
current for some days, a call was made at
his home on Fifth avenue last evening to
ascertain the true state of affairs..
Dr. Moyer, his assistant, said that al
though the doctor was a very sick man, the
attendant physician had by no means lost
hope of his recovery. His vitality at pres
ent was high enough to warrant his living
for several months unless some necident
should occur. He is being attended by four
doctors, amons which is Joseph Dickson.
M. D., and every care possible is taken.-"
The condition of the patient nas mucn im
proved since last Thursday.
The doctor added that to show how mis
takes may occur in the diagnosis of a case,
Dr. Oldshue was examined by an eminent
physician of New York on his return from
Europe in September. He was told that he
had but ten days to live. This Dr. Moyer
accounted for by the fact that Dr. Oldshue,
already suffering irom a malignant disease,
was exhausted by-a long voyage and very
low both in spirits and vitality. To-day,
he said, the prospects were much better and
there was no foundation for the statement
that the patient bad suffered from a para
lytic stroke.
Who Owns tbe Shirts t
Inspector McAleese has, at his office, a
number of gentlemen's white, open-front
dress shirts that have been recovered among
a lot of other stolen goods. The shirts are
nearly new, have narrow pleated bosoms
and tbe initials "C. B." worked in red on
the lower part of the bosom.
"None know it but to love it, nose suae
it put Jg pr,ie," r, Bull Gwik&jnf
rAmm ins gesashis. ;
Chartiers, DsffCtar and Evergreen HoliHsg
and Imperial Coating.
Since the 16th of October, that delicious
and russet-hued day on which grease was
struck on the Arbuckle-Jamison farm and
the eyes of the world turned to Stowe town
ship, $25,000 worth of oil have flowed out df
that six-inch hole, and it is still paying
$125 to $150 a day. No. 2, a few rods dis
tant from the pioneer, is showing for a big
well, and is expected to be as large as her
sister, with a possibility of being larger.
Mr. Jamison says it is in contemplation to
pump jmo. l, tnougn sne sun has a suffi
cient head of gas to expel the oil. He states
that when the well on the Aiken farm de
clined to 125 barrels a day she was pumped,
and production increased to about 200 bar
rels, and he thinks the same result will fol
low in the Arbuckle.
The Jennings & Patterson, on the Davis
farm, is making 20 barrels an hour without
agitation and more with it. They were
proposing to stir her up yesterday. The
same firm seem to be fortune's favorites.
Thev bought in seven paying wells last
week, ,and their Missionary No. 2, near
Duff City, Brush creek extension, was
drilled a foot deeper on Saturday, and its
flow ran up from 15 to 33 barrels an hoar.
Tbe Highland wel,owned by Beighard
Bros., one-third of a mile from Brownstown,
on the Evergreen Bailway, is again being
worked, having been plugged in order to
allow the owners time to secure more leases.
She yielded 72 barrels a day to the pump.
The village of Imperial, at one end of the
Montour Bun Bailway, has until lately
been content to ship coal and milk, but a't
present its people are in a ferment, it being
believed that they are in the oil belt, and
operations are beginning to be pressed with
vigor. The milk business on that road
hasn't much show in competition with that
on the Panhandle, shippers on the latter
getting five gallons carried for 7 cents,
whereas Montour Bun shippers must pay a
cent a gallon on' each railway, the 'Montour
and the Pittsburg and Lake Erie. "Were it
not for excessive freights the dairy business
in that valley would be large, as gross grows
luxuriantly and land is not very dear.
Mr. Potter, Filled With Whisky, Tries to
Water Stock.
Although the water supplied by the Mc
nongahela "Water Company, with, tbe Beck's
Bun sewage a ccompaniments, might drive
a man to whisky as a beverage, the contrary
took place about 1020 P. M. yesterday.
Bichard Potter, who claims to hail from
Masontown, Pa., ran down Grant street,
pursued, as he said, by a select assortment
of imaginary Italians, armed with stilettos
and Salvini's guttural style of declamation.
Not stopping to consider the lilies' and
other floating population of the river at
that point, he plunged in up to his neck,
thus obtaining an exterior water gauge at a
level witb the spirit gauge of his interior.
Officer Maxwell interrupted the natatory
exercises of Mr. Potter, and calling the
patrol wagon sent him to a dryer place in
the Central station, where by nrerning he
will have become very dry, both externally
and internally. His charge was that of be
ing a simple drunk, but to avoid any
suicidal attempts, as well as a severe cold
from wet garments, his clothing was re
moved and a blanket as toogh as a boarding
house beefsteak substituted.
Things Recently Accomplished by a Popular
In the past two weeks the Society for the
Improvement of the Poor has given ont 579
loaves of bread, 206 pounds of rice, 186
pounds of oatmeal, 172 quarts of milk, 57
pounds of tea, 180 ponnds of sugar, 276
bars of soap. In the same time the society
has given 258 orders for groceries. 1,075
bushels of coal and 183 garments.
Visits were made to 500 families, and aid
extended to 216 of them, comprising 809
persons. The number of visits made to the
sick and poor were 806. Situations were
secured for 13 persons, and day's, work ob
tained for 29.
The directors of the society held their
regular semi-monthly meeting in the Y. M.
C. A. parlors yesterday afternoon. After
the transaction of routine matters there was
some informal consideration of the society's
anniversary meeting next Sunday. The
meeting will be held in St Peter's Church,
and will be addressed by Bev. "W. B.
Mackey and Bev. Dr. Passavant On tbe
following day, December 2, the society Will
hold its annual meeting for the election of
District Attorney Will Enter Salt la
Time for Kctnrn.
District Attorney "Walter Lyon said yes
terday that he would be obliged to have the
papers in tbe civil suits against Messrs.
Chambers, McKee, Campbell and Slicker
entered by the return day, which would be
next week. During his visit to "Washing
ton be had had no communication with Mr.
Chambers, nor with Mr. Campbell, wbJm
he personally is unacquainted with. An
swers would be filed to the suits, in due
course, and meanwhile nothing more would
be heard of the eases until tbey came to
trial next May.
Pittsburg Pianos Sent to the Other End of
The following letter from Miller. Dak.,
also the one from Wingate, N. M., snow the
extraordinary popularity 'and widespread
fame enjoyed by the old Pittsburg music
house of H. Kleber & Bro., 506 "Wood
street Customers from all parts of the
United States order aud buy their pianos
by letter from Kleber & Bro., 506 "Wood
street, leaving the choice altogether in Mr.
Kleber's hands, and trusting fully in his
superior judgment and his well-established
character for strictly honorable dealing.
Muxeb, Dak.
Dead Sis At noon to-day the Opera
Piano arrived, and I cannot tell you now
greatly pleased I am with it The piano
itself is very handsome, but its tone is
what I like best; it is wonderfully sweet
I thank you very much for your cboice,
and shall remember gratefully every time I
sit down at my little gem.
Fort "Wingate. N. M.
I understand that you sell tne Opera
Piano the Cottage Opera, I mean. I
should like to buy one of you, and hence
asfc for further partieulais and what the
freight to New Mexico would come to. I
have full faith in your judgment and fair
ness in dealing, and will leave the choice of
an instrument entirely with, yourself.
Lieutenant B. H.. Cheeveb,
Sixth "United States Cavalry.
Six pianos and three organs were sold yes
terday at Kleber & Bro.'s, 506 "Wood street,
all for holiday eifts, and nine buyers out
of every ten prefer to purchase at Klebers!
rather than to run any risks at the other
music stores.
Have Tou Tried Theraf
Marvin's famous rifle nuts are the most
delicious morsels in the nlarket Grocers all
sell them and everybody likes them.
Montenac, chinchilla and kersey over-"
coats ready made and to order, at Pit-
cairn's, 434 "Wood street
The Broncho, the Broncho, the Broncbo
Music at Geo. Kappel's, 77 Fifth ave.
Angostura Bitters, the celebrated ap
petizer, of exquisite flavor, is used all over
the world.
Art for Xas Presents.
A fine crayon, pastel, oil palntla, In
dia ink, or water color, auwie by ABfrittt,
I MWKi K.j VUl JN ftje.Nffltr.
1T - r-
BeeMe and Ad ValoreM Battos.
Tbe "Wool Growers' and Sheep Breeders'
Assoeiatloa ef Pennsylvania met yesterday
at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. Abont 50
gentlemen were present from this. Common
wealth and a few Ohio men were in attend
ance. A general contention of wool grow
ers of the United States has been called, to
be held in "Washington on Monday, Decem
ber 2, the day on which Congress meets, to
endeavor to prevent a change of the wool
tariff. The meeting yesterday was called to
elect delegates to the "Washington Conven
President Joha N. McDowell, of "Wash
ington county, occupied the chair. He said
that New England was moving to have
certain brands of w6ol made free and others
taxed with an ad valorem duty. The wool
growing interest, he knew, demanded a
specific duty, with an additional ad valorem
tax on the higher grades. He said that
Australian wool was admitted as carpet
wool and then used for clothine. Daniel
Smith, of East Liverpool, argued that the
specific tax on; wool should be 12 cents a
pound, with an additional ad valorem duty
on the high grades. He declared that the
"hayseeds" would not get their" rights until
they took an active interest in politics, Mr.
Smith said:
"There is a contest for tbe Speakership of
Congress. Among the candidates are Mr.
Beed, of Maine, and Major McKinley, of
Ohio. The former represents the New En
gland manufacturers and the latter the wool
growers, so you can take your choice."
Speechespnade by other wool growers of
Pennsylvania favored a specific duty, some
maintaining that it would be better to ask
and get 8 cents a pound than to ask 12 and
get only 2 or 3. It was a source of general
complaint that the customs officers, whose
duty it is to appraise wool, are ignorant of
all matters pertaining to that great product
At the afternoon session the following
named officers were elected: John Mc
Dowell, of "Washington, President; W. A.
Herriott, Allegheny county, Vice Presi
dent; J. "W. Axtell, Allegheny, Secretary;
I. Xi. Faddes, Lawrence county; Treasurer.
Messrs. McDowell, Clark And Nelson, ot
Washington county; W. A. Herriott and
"W. C. McFarland, of Allegheny county,
and J. "W. Savers, of Lawrence county, were
chosen delegates to the convention in "Wash
ington City.
A series of resolutions were -passed, in
which they protested against classifying
wool as raw material; indorsed Major Mc
Kinley for Speaker; insisted on better in
terpretation of importation laws; objected to
the large quantities of ring waste coming
into the country, and finally declaring they
didn't want the earth. -
A Thanksgiving Sarprlse.
A great many men treat themselves to a
new overcoat or suit just before Thanksgiv
ing Day, and we have arranged a genuine
surprise to induce good dressers to call at
our store to-day and to-morrow. An entire
new lot of men's fine chinchilla and kersey
overcoat in four shades (blue, gray, black
and brown), about 1,200 in all, will be sold
for a $10 note apiece. Bemember to-day and
.to-morrow only they will be sold at $10.
They are first-class garments, well gotten up
and ws can safely mention them as the prize
bargains of the season. P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
Opera, Opera, Opera.
Special gaslight opening of evening bon
nets for opera wear Tuesdav- night, Nov. 26,
5 to 9 o'clock. E. S. Giles,
Si and 96 Federal street, Allegheny. .
I 8.&B.
New evening silks and draperies; new
silk crepes in lace department cream
stripes that are simple and handsome;
moderate prices. Boogs & Buhl.
Ear Operas. Receptions and Weddiogs,
FiswVarriage robes', fur and satin lined.
Jos. Horne & Co.'a
Pean Avenue Stores.
Bon's Get a Cfeea Orayra M
For Xmas, they will fade;. but goto Au
frecht's Elite Gallery. 516 Market str Pitts
burg, and get something handsome, at low
TO '
Garments In almost endless variety for
Sosae Special Values:
Plush Jackets tA, tlO.
Plush Jackets, extra lengths. SIS.
flush Coats, 36. SB and 40 inch lengths, at tlS,
SIS 60, S2 60 up to sea
Elegant Braided Plush Coats at MS to KS.
Novelties in Plush Jackets with Astracaan
Vents, Collars and Lapels, etc.
with great care as to durability, while the
quilted linings, chamois pockets, etc., are sim
ilar to genuine seal garments.
A large purchase of French Braided
"Wraps offered under value at $15 up
Imported English Cheviot Jackets.
Stockinette Jackets in medium and
heavyweights. Black Beaver and Di
agonal Jackets. Many of these at re
duced prices.
Shoulder CapeeJn Plush, Astrachaa,
Monkey, Persian lAmb, eti, ia low,
medium and fine grades.
505 and 507 MARKET STREET.
Tea Show Boeau filled wMits latest pro
ductions of the Furniture sad Upholstery
Art from the recegaiaed raaaafaetariae ea
ten of the world.
Grand Exhibition ot IMPORTED NOVEL
TIES snitable forHOLTDAY and WEDDING
PRESENTS, and for Drawing Roes use asd
ornamentation, at specially attractive prices.
Visitors to New Yorkars osrdlally Invited to
call aad examine our atoefc aad Kites. The
central location of our nMssHtaiuut (adjola
iag Rata Masee) stakes It tatr of aoottsfroa
all par ef the city. MM-lM-TWa
AttMacttesttMIr. It Is worth yimt wWtt
ta. TtMBttagaw mm
iFPwT TKjfctsjsjKsrfL-". Tjnrnfjiif
Ksw 9m of FItttsr's HHttTtM M Cm.
eeal His KsvitaM. jj ..
"Inspector, can I have an hovr-iSJftSa
afternoon?" said Sergeant Adolpb Metz, of
the Central police station to InspectorMc
Aleese yesterday morning. rf
"For what purpose?" was the immediate
and officially stern reply. y
I have some important businesstojati
tend to," said the Sergeant with a qmM
his voice denoting anxietv as well asdread
of delay. " ifC
"Is It of a personal nature?" waTthanext
question, and Adolpb. Metr replied withV;.
mist gathering in his light blue eyes and'av
conscious blush, that it was exceedingly
personal Indeed, and would admit of no,9
postponement Tho demeanor of theTn?
spector changed, the stern lines of his faest,
relaxed while a remembrance of thu tinisaVL
when ho visited Mrs. McAleese before ha
was finally accepted suggested to him, IhatlT
the Bergeant wished tovist his best gfrjjf
and so ho allowed the Sergeant leave ofjabv
sence. - ,
The Tiispector had guessed the trutbr.bnt5
only balf the truth, for at 3 p. at Sergeant'
Metz left the police station a bachelorandF
at 4 returned a benedict, arrested, landik
cuffed to the girl of his choice, Miss EmUIoE
Mariowitx,byBev. Mr. Buoff, of theBe.
formed Lutheran Church, on SmithfieldS
street The happy couple commencedf
housekeeping last evening at theresidene
of the groom's mother, 137 Third avenne, ia?
the Second ward. a
Tbe bridegroom was the m!it;ntui
"'B" " cuuaiueraoio aavice as to his future!
.. 1.4 !J ., , . -...w...- -W
course irom captain .Keed, Captain Daal
Sylvns and others more experienced fn thof
cares as weu as tne responsibilities of mar?
riea uie.
Cnng&t In Chicago.
Detective Fitzgerald arrived home Testegt
day from Chicago In charge of Jmeaf"
Grover, a bookkeeper for Boyd Bros. 8&
McCallan, Mars station, Butler county,,'
lumber and coal dealers. He had worked'
with them four weeks and left for the "West
with some $400, but was arrested in Chicago
on a requisition. Detective Fitzgerald wilir
take the -prisoner to Butler withhim this1
morning. ,'
Pittsbtjeo. Tuesday. November 29. 1!
tVlt-nM i
It is no mean little lot of shoulder. -. '
-, .. . .
xnere are hundred lots here and the
hundred pdlnt baa been passed more
than once already this season, and the
need ot capes just coming on.
There are capes of all sizes, all shapes
and in an grades and; furs between tha;
Astracban and the sable. f
A marked season In the great demand
for shoulder capes, and ours a marked ,
stock In the completeness of the many,
lines, ion wouia ratner nuy irom an ?:
almost unlimited stock than a pinched -J
one. Ton know well why you, bestdeM
KettisK just what yoa waatiajetltati
lower priee hen tins fire Htsjsi
, There' are aWaewf ar htSmmmi sssafl
A choice line of children's fan ia 'sets?
"What littlo cutting affray ia the cloak;
room on Saturday was the central tone f
yesterday. Prices cut at the first;
breath of winter. The pleaisself-de-
lease. Too many cloaks in this
that ought to be in the hands of
people, and these prices will put
there quicker than any newspaper aJ!
vertlslag could.
In the cloak room to-day is a newc
f erfng, worthy of Immediate attention.
100 long wraps, new styles, in fine aH-
wool striped aad plala. Beavers at HO 1
worth every ceat ot K5.
It we told yoa the rate garments 1
go out 01 this cloakroom there would
hTinnAMl of nniajr tah ta rmaM iaas
, .-- 3,
Tho dress goods oSerlsae ate aMe to
daily. Goodsatbar8tiapt1eMasleedj.
always as low ia prices at it it
to put reliable quality a. BatltitCl
such Uvea ess at the special sale of 1
that the constant ruth aaigsnalws Wj
dtetnent it due. There are always 1
gains in this dress good acre.
We have the tartest stock of trIat-3
rainga m satse cities, xiotttiaa; that is
desirable la drees accetapaaimeBtnatr:
found here. Our special effort is to J
match odd shades of goeat and novel j
vtjies ui. tunKV . s jfcJj
The latest novelties are the gosl
trimming in. Eiffel Tower points, edgetJ
aad applique embroidery. The folio
aaket the meet stjltaa effects. -v"
Ail the latest novelties ia etcsreal :
gtops la black and colon. . 1
''Pol gitspe in colors aad black ia if
President Braid, cord aad applique.
New Pattesteaterles of every descrip.
Fringes of all sorts Mack Silk Fringes
Fronts aa Fringe Satses. BibboaJ
Fronts, Colored Fringes la any shade 1
matched to order.
New aad very stjHea Angora Fringes!
with gttt headings eat of the, late and J
popular trtolat..
About 30 different UadtoXFurTriaa
mings, frora'l to 4 inches wide, roagl
lowest priced to finest, all the best'
valae obtajaabie for the money. Forsjj
are dettiaed by faehloa to be moral
pepalar. this season than ever before, i
Oa item fnrn Uw laca department:
HaadRaa Torches Laces,'""
'8 to S laches wide, lie and 380 a yattT 1
Harasy sail value. ,,
iftlE HDRNE k m
r m
W 4
Jf 5
.J-;6t te. . , J -