Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 26, 1889, Image 1

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want Board, Room.
Help, advertise la THE DISPATCH. -'
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Purchasers can be found for everything .
offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH.
THE DISPATCH It tbe best ndvertlslnf
medium In Western Pennsylvania. Try It.
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M wkea advertised la THE 9iATCMJ
j'JUn! Estate en e W-ltasnga new
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-J -,
. Jr' (
t IB'' sH. .H
lairrenceBankDirectors Will
Gome to the Rescue
Depositors Meet and Appoint a Com
mittee to Kick.
Interviewed at Butler He Talks Interest
ingly of the Bank.
IfA prominent director of the Lawrence
Bank says the directors will assume the
liabilities and realize upon the assets at
leisure. The absent cashier returns and ex
plains his action, claiming that he left in a
dazed condition. He is sure there was no
wrong doing. The depositors held a meet
ing and kicked at not being consulted by
the directors in the choice of an assignee.
But little leaked out of the meeting of di
rectors and stockholders. Chartiers' pros
perity is bound up in the Vulcan Iron
Works, but Lone & Co. are not ready to
make a statement.
. A prominent director of-the Lawrence
TJank told a Dispatch reporter last night
.that the asset, were in better shape than the
depositors supposed. The director said:
"There cannot be s doubt that every cent
due depositors from the Lawrence Bank will
be paid. The directors have concluded to
meet all the liabilities. They expect to meet
the demands from the ultimate realization
of the assets, but if the assets do not pan J
oat, the directors will make a subscription
to meet the liabilities and make them good.
Esther than dispose of ourproperty at a loss,
which would certainly be the case if we were
forced to realize at the demands of the de
positors, we
the various properties and claims and hold
them until we can sell at advantageous
prices. Ton can easily observe what a tre
mendous sacrifice it would be to sell the
lands, houses and other claims if the buyers
of the same knew we were disposing of them
to satisfy the demands of depositors. To pur
sue such a policy would be diametrically
opposed to common sense, and the directors,
after talking over the matter,- prefer to hold
the property until an advantageous sale can
be made.
"The property in the possession of the
bank, before the collapse occurred, was
worth much more than the price paid for it.
If we hold it for a. few months, the property
grill. be enhanced in value.
"The idea that is prevalent among the de
positors, that the bank, will propose to settle
their claims for 50 cents on the dollar, is
absurd. "We can and are determined to
meet all the responsibility that the bank
officials contracted, and we mean to pay in
full every liability of the bank."
Mr. Hoerr reached Pittsburg last even
ing and was met at the depot by his brother
and another gentleman. He was driven
direct to his home on Charlotte street and
reunited to his wife, who has been much
disturbed at his absence. He was ill and
retired immediately, and although a cordon
of reporters hemmed in the mansion, no one
was allowed to see him upon any pretext
He sent word out that the state of his health
precluded any interviewing.
Waylaid at Bntler by a Vigilant Corre
spondent He Convenes Freely He Left
Pittubnrg Dazed at tbe Crash to
Seek an Old Friend He Claims
the Slanacement Erred.
It has been almost an impossibility to
reach Mr. John Hoerr since the suspension
of the bank. Since 230 on the afternoon of
the day on which the doors closed for good
Mr. Hoerr's whereabouts have been prac
tically unknown until it was positively
learned that he had gone to Butler. An
avalanche of telegrams was sent to that
place, and at least a dozen newspaper men
attempted to locate Mr. Hoerr, but entirely
without success. Yesterday afternoon, how
ever, an energetic correspondent of The
Dispatch, who, with others, had been on
the alert, located Mr. Hoerr in Butler
whither he had come from Carbon Center,
an adjacent village, to take a train for
"The , following telegram is the first ex
plicit account or statement of what has been
going on, and Mr. Hoerr's own statements
are very significant:
When Cashier Hoerr arrived here last Thurs
day evening he concluded to visit Henry Forcht
at Carbon Center. He and Forcht had been
playmates at school in Lawrenceville, and were
in the same company during three years' ser
vice In the army. In conversation with Mr.
Hoerr at Carbon Center to-day, he said that it
was Impossible to account for his departure
from Pittsounj. His mind was not clear, and
yet he said he conversed with friends at the
Pittsburg depot, purchased his ticket and
seemed to be leaving for Butler as ho had done
on other occasions, not realizing that his family
did not know of his departure. Since his ar
rival at Mr. Forcht's he has eaten but little and
has been despondent.
Meeting him for the lint time I was most
favorably impressed with him. In answer to a
question regarding speculation, he replied that
none of tbe bank's officers, within his knowl
edge, had ever speculated; none of the bank's
funds bad been Improperly used; there were no
dishonest transactions, and he believed the
books jrere entirely correct.
Upon being asked whether the bank had per
sonal enemies, be said there was ono man who
bad been persistently and rather maliciously
asainst the bank for several years.
Replying to a query as to the principal cause
of the failure, he said the managers were at
fault la loaninc too much to one person or firm.
Had their loans been mors largely distributed
danger of failure would have been greatly
lessened. Of course tbe great run was tbe
main cause of tbe failure. He thought there
were sufficient assets to pay all claims in full.
Mr. Hoerr said be became connected with
the bank, as watchman, in 1S&5, and about ten
years later was made cashier. All his own
property and that of bis friends was involved.
He spoke feelingly of bis family and friends,
and was visibly affected. - He feels his posi
tion keenly and regrets that he left tbe city.
While be talked freely, bis sensitive nature
was always apparent.
Unlike most bank cashiers, he carries a mod
est' silver watch, which Is in harmony with his
neat but Inexpensive raiment. It was bis in.
taction to be in Pittsburg this morning, but be
failed to get off until this evening. He is
ready to do all in bis power, to the end that the
depositors may be paid in full.
Senator TJpperman Presides A Committee
Appointed to Investigate The Deposi
tors Think They Should Hove Been
Consulted In the Assignee Choice
Judge Bailey Was Desired.
A very general meeting of the depositors
ofthe Lawrence Bank was held last even
ing in the hall ofthe Fifteenth ward school
house, at the corner of Charlotte and Thirty-seventh
streets. The place was occupied
to its fullest capacityj and the doorway and
adjacent part of the hall were crowded with
men standing, The men and women who
were in attendance, and there were at least
a dozen women, were, as a rale, not particu
larly well dressed, and presented the ap
pearance of being small merchants, mill
workers and general workingmen, who
could ill afford to lose the savings of a
life time. Prior to the organization of 'the
meeting there were many quiet talks, and it
was plain to be seen that a spirit of uneasi
ness and dissatisfaction ran through the au
dience. Nothing other than this feeling has
ever been discovered among the depositors
of a delinquent bank.
Mr. John L. Mills, at about 820 o'clock,
arose and moved that Senator John Upper
man be chosen chairman of tbe meeting.
There was not one dissenting vote, and Sena
tor TJpperman went upon the rostrum.
Senator TJpperman returned his thanks
for the election and then said; "We have
come together to devise the best means to
take care of the depositors of the Lawrence
Bank. I would counsel that we go about
this matter in a business-like manner. This
is no time for incendiary work, no time to
excite the minds of the depositors. Let
every depositor keep cool, state his views,
and before tbe meeting is over I think we
will have things so shaped that we will be
able to take care ofthe people whose inter
ests lie at the Forks of tbe Eoad."
Several nominations were made for Secre
tary, but Samuel P. Kerr was elected by
general consent.
Bobert Warren, of Ligonier street, arose
directly and presented the subjoined resolu
tion, which be read himself:
Whereas. The Lawrence Bankhavintr closed
I its doors, and no statement of its actual condi
I tion being forthcoming to the depositors, the
1 real creditors, and
Whereas, The stockholders and officers of
said bank bave (rone Into' court and' bad an
assignee appointed without consulting the said
depositors of said bank, therefore, be it
Resolved, That a committee of five of the de
positors be appointed, who shall have power to
employ counsel and see to it that all the inter
ests of the depositors be fully protected.
The resolution was adopted without a
negative. The Chairman asked how the
committee should be selected, whereupon
Mr. Warren moved that the Chairman
should appoint fpur and that the Chairman
himself should be the fifth member. This
motion prevailed and Senator TJpperman
appointed the following four: Charles F.
Hilger, William P. Eichenlaub, Baiph J.
Richardson and Michael Flanagan. Mr.
Hilger is a restaurateur recently ot Smith
field street, Mr. Eichenlaub is in the furni
ture business and a stockholder of the bank,
Mr. Richardson is in the hotel business and
Mr. Flanagan is a boss blacksmith.
Chairman TJpperman then said: "This
afternoon I consulted four attorneys as to
our rights in the matter of the appointment
ot a receiver. Jfrom eacn of them I got the
opinion that the stockholders and directors
had a right to make an assignmentto whom
ever they saw fit, but that it tbe assignee
was unsatisfactory to the depositors,
the depositors could go into court, and, if
thev had sufficient reasons, have that assig
nee set aside, that they could then suggest
names to the Court and that the Court could
select one of the men suggested and have
him appointed receiver."
It may be stated.here that, during the-aft-ernoon,
the Lawrence Bank filed in court a
statement that an assignment of all its ef
fects, for the benefit of its creditors, had
been made to William M. McKelvey, Pres"
ident of the Third National Bank of Alle
Joseph Berger That assignee was appointed
The Chairman So I understand.
Mr. Berger I think we have good reason to
object to that man, as I believe he is one of the
stockholders or directors of the bank; be is in
The Chairman If he is interested he has no
ritrbt to be assignee.
W. F. Eichenlaub I think It Is not under
stood who the man Is, He is the President of
the Third National Bank of Allejrheny. As I
was told, be was sworn in this afternoon.
Man in the Rear He is a responsible man.
The Chairman The committee Will Invest!.
gate the record of this man, his lntesrrity, his
security (riven, and so on, and if they find any
thing they will go into court and have him re
moved. Dr. John J. Greene-Can the bank officers pro
ceed in tbe presence of the attorney of the
bank and overlook the books, withont the
presence of a representative from the depos
itors? I think there ought to be action takon
here to-night so that we ought immediately to
have a representative present There ongbt to
be no more proceedings withont the presence
of an attorney employed by the depositors.
We ought to bave full cognizance of every
thing done from the hour the doors closed.
The depositors are the interested parties.
The Chairman That is the object of the ap
pointment of this committee, and they will pro
ceed at once to-morrow.
Dr. Green We ought to attempt to arrest
further proceedings until we procure the at
tendance of a responsible representative.
The Chairman Will the gentleman emlain
how that can be done.
Dr. Green It has been done. I do not know
that the "banking law of this State so provides,
bntitdoes in other States. We ought to have
writs served on them. They have no business
to hold star-chamber sessions, where they ex
clude reporters and depositors.
The Chairman The committee is autnori
to take such action as is necessary for the full
protection of the depositors. That covers
everything. ,
Mr. R. R. Warren I move that we adjourn
to meet at the call of tbe committee.
This motion was seconded and put to the
house, when Mr. Eichenlaub said: "There
has not been anything said as to who was to
stand the expenses. I do not want to stand
one-filth ofthe expense, and I think that
matter -ought to be brought before this
assembly;,to see if the depositors sre willing
to stand any expense incurred in this mat
ter." Mr. Warren I withdraw my motion.
The Chairman Litigation is very expensive
at times, and this committee may incur an ex
pense of from f 100 to $1,000.
Mr. Eichenlaub I bave taken the responsi
bility, with a few. others, of having printing
done to-day for this meeting, but that is a small
item. Everything counts, however. IfBvefy
depositor wUlstand bis share pro rata it will
not be much on each one.
J. B. Nobbs I move that, as depositors of
this bank, wo obligate ourselves to pay all
necessary expenses incurred bv this committee.
John L. Hills suggested an amendment
that tbeexpense.be borne according to the
amount of deposit. This was accepted by
Mr. Nobbs, and. tbe motion was put. There
were three or lour emphatic negatives.
The Chairman Your committee will not
Sroceed to take legal advice or contract any
ebt unless tbe depositors are willing to stand
their pro rata share. I for one will be a loser,
as many ot yon will be, and I do not think that
any man oucui to Ouject to Hiving protection
thrown around blm and his money. If men
will not subscribe to protect what they bave,
then we had better let it go. Let-them take
all. I for une will stand my share, no matter
what it be. If my expense should exceed my
deposit, I am ready to stand it. It tbe officers
of that bank have done any wrong I for one
will join you in prosecuting them, r Applause.
I do not think it is right; when ladles and gen
tlemen come here trying to protect themselves,
when their money looks as though it were lost,
that men should object to paying for such pro
John Matthews I say to let out those who
are poor. Let those better able stand this ex
pense. I will stand my share. I have over
S51900 In this bank, and it wen,t in at the
eleventh hour. ;
Mr. Matthews' statement created quite a
stir and many people turned to look at the
speaker. Another vote on tbe motion of
Mr. Nobbs was called for, and then Dr.
Green moved that the voice of the meeting
be made unanimous. When this motion was
put there was not a single dissent.
On the motion of Mr. Warren, the meet
ing then adjourned to meet at the call ofthe
committee of five. Senator TJpperman an
nounced that the committee would meet at 9
o'clock this morning at the office of W. F.
Eichenlaub, corner of Butler and Thirty
fiftb streets. The committee, be said, would
be pleased to receive suggestions as to a
suitable receiver.
It was stated by a number of the" stock
holders who took an active part in tbe meet
ing that their choice for receiver is Judge
John H. Bailey
Stockholders nod' Directors Sit Around a
Table, Talk and Decide W. M
McKelvy Chosen as Their
Assignee Depositors
Mot Consulted.
The "Diogeneses'' ofthe press with their
little lanterns in their hands invested the
forks of the ,road yesterday until a .late
hour, but at the close felt, that so far as the
affairs of the Lawrence Bank were con-'
cemed, they were still in much the same
condition that Moses was once on a time.
A meeting of the necessary two-thirds of
the stockholders was held at the banK yes
terday forenoon. Willis'P. McCook, Esq.,
was present1 with them, but President
Young was not, nor was Cashier Hoerr.
Mr. Young came after the meeting
adjourned, supposablyat the request of tbe
directors. Samuel H. Keller presided.
Among those in attendance were J. B.
Young, George A. Moke, J B. S. Lyons,
TJncle Jake. Wainwright and Emil Win
ters. There evidently was little talk wasted,
for in a short time the meeting adjourned,
when the announcement was made that the
directors had been authorized to go into
liquidation, and to reeommend to Court the
name of some person as assignee, the person
to-be selected from a list of five given the
directors by the stockholders:. If there
were any figures presented, thtTfae't could
not oe ascertained, as the members present
did not give them, and some denied that
they had been furnished, and said there
was no discussion on this part of -the sub
ject. Numerous fruitless visits were made dur
ing the day to Mr. McCook's office, until
late in the day a young man in the office
stated that a man named McKelvy had been
chosen, but he could not tell his first name.
Later it was stated that Mr. William M.
McKelvy, President ofthe Third National
Bank, of Allegheny, had been selected.
The feeling among some of the depositors
was growing ugly yesterday, and some in
sisted that they s'hould have a voice in the
selectiou of an "assignee, and if they were
not considered in this connection they would
ask the court to appoint a receiver. The di
rectors were in session a long time, hut the
medium through which inquiries were
forced to elucidate wis too opaque to allow
any news worth noting to escape.
The strongest feeling is found among
small depositors whose all, made by hard
knocks, was deposited in the Lawrence, and
there were some moving scenes at times, but
a safety valve was found in the discussion
of the probable whereabouts of Cashier
Hoerr. Calls at his residence were almost
as frequent yesterday as on any day pre
vious since the collapse, and the front door
has swung on its binges more frequently
than any other except those of popular
saloons or principal places of busi
ness. The lady who answers all questions
doubtless comforts herself with the promise
that there is rest for the weary on the other
side of Jordan, for her patience has been
tried as Job's never was, and yet she con
trols her temper. Why she does not issue
bulletins every ten minutes and save trouble
is beyond comprehension. A gentleman
connected with the bank stated, confiden
tially, that Mr, Hoerr might be produced at
any time, hut that in his condition it would
be cruel to force him ,to the front. To this
angry depositors generally reply: "If he's
straight, why doesn't he make a breast of all
he knows and end our suspense?"
Long Si Co.'s Employes Discuss the Situa
tion nt Chartiers.
Chartiers station, Pittsburg and Lake
Erie Bailway, is also worked up over the
suspension of Long & Co. Not only are the
workmen in trouble, but the people of the
village generally are feeling blue. Should
the men not receive their pay they will find
it difficult to settle with butcher, baker and
These people always feel industrial sus
pension about as soon as tbe idle workmen
do, for there are few that do not owe from
one to three weeks' sustenance.- Should
the works remained closed for any; consider
able time, the prosperity of the village will
receive a sharp check.
Long & Co. s employes held a meeting in
Enterprise Hall, the first subject for discus
sion being their failure to get their pay,
amounting to 57,000, on Saturday. J. F.
Mahony presided.- Some were peculiarly
anxious to get what was dne them, so that
they wonld be able to travel elsewhere in
search of employment. They appointed
David Straus, James Bicrat't, Michael
Bradley, Edward Pord and J. P. Mahony a
committee to go to tbe office of Long & Co.
and see what could be done, but just as they
were gathered at the railway station prepar
atory to departure 'for the city, Paymaster
Cowan arrived and stated that he had come
expressly jto get the pay rolls and that Mr.
Long had said he would pay in full, and
would not keep them waiting until the rav
eled sleeve of care was aeaiu knit.
The men thereupon decided to beat the
Pittsburg and Lake Erie out of 18 cents
apiece and -await events'. Mr. Cowan ex
pressed the opinion that the men wonld not
have long to wait.
J. D. Long & Co.'s Affairs.
The members of the firm of J. D. Long &
Co.', with their attorney, John M. Kennedy,
i Continued on Sixth 2qg$,A'
Ultimate Supremacy of the Catholic
Church Almost Conceded, at
Dr. Potter's Essay on the Gongresa Held at
Baltimore Listened to
The Church. Referred' Jo Ia a kindly Way bj Several
Other Speakers.
Without a note of alarm, several Baptist
ministers, at a meeting in New York yester
day, spoke in eulogistic terms of the Cath
olic Church and Its "work in America. The
ultimate supremacy of the Catholic Church
was even conceded, The majority of the
speakers bad a kindly word for the church,
which, they said, was progressive and more
liberal than formerly.
New Yore, November 25. The Baptist
minister&rgathered in Dr. Potter's Taber
nacle, in Second avenue, to-day, for their
regular weekly conference, and the Doctor
stirred them up with an essay on the Catho
lic Congress and Catholics in general. His
essay, coming from a well-known minister
of a leading Protestant church, was remark
able from the fact that it well nigh conceded
the ultimate supremacy of the Catholio
Church. Indeed, it would not he difficult to
find in his words reason' for supposing that
he believed tbe Catholics to be just as good
Christians as anybody, ii not a little better.
He said:
The Catholic Congress at 'Baltimore was a
jubilee. Its first note was a pean and its last a
doxology. Its voice was defiance, its exhibi
tion was of strength; its purpose advance, and
tbat-Idare say It irresistible. The signifi
cance of the congress was, first of all, thejfresh
prominence given to tbe Roman Church in our
country,-and the rejoicing of tbe fact that the
American branch of the church is one with all
other branches; that its loyalty to the Pope is
tbe loyalty of all other Catholics.
Next, tbe congress gave an opportunity for a
fresh recounting and heralding of the strength
of the church a telling of its growth in Ameri
ca from 30,000 souls and no schools or institu
tions in 1S79. to 9.000.000 souls in 1889. with
almost countless charitable and beneficent in
stitutions. Its next significant feature was Its
zeal for what Catholics call Christian educa
tion, their zeal for mission?, for the Indissolu
ble marriage tie, for? temperance, and for a
better type of citizenship generally.
This congress Is tbe precursor of others, and
their apparent object Is' to make America
Catholic, and to restore the temporal power of
the Pope.
In referring to the Roman church in gen
eral, and its influence on humanity, Dr.
Potter said:
The present issue grows out of the fact that
theCatholics say they are tired of paying taxes
for the support of public schools. Thev call
them Uodless schools. They say there can he
no education that ignores God (and that's
true, too): On this issue they will fight. If
thej cannot win to-day, they will wait. They
gain everything by waiting. Their unalterable
determination Is to bave a proper share of the
school fund, and who Is there who has the
temerity to say that the public schools are not
already doomed.
The story of the leper priest of Molokii,
the Catholic who went to live among the
wretched lepers, in the Sandwich Islands,
and by his eood influences raised them from
a horrible moral condition to one of decency,
and in the end cheerfully died of the dreadl
riicjtncA wn nTl'3ttV wttltrsth tt lio wat-i
disease,, was toldjWJVHe walketh In the.way
of Jesus of Nazareth," added Dr." Potter.
Until the Protestants shall meet the Roman
ists on the common platform of self-denial and
supreme devotion, the Church of Borne will re
main unshaken. There's that vast array of
DiacK-snrouaea women wnose lives are de
voted to doing good, who are at the
bedside of the dying where all others
have forsaken they must either be swept away
or met by a like bostof equally devoted women,
if Borne is not to triumph. The Protestant
world will appeal to roligious bigotry in vain In
the hope of prevailing against the Church of
Borne until it has learned more perfectly the
meaning of the sublime words: "1 say unto you,
whosoever will come after Me, let him deny
himself and take up bis cross and follow Me."
An interesting feature ofthe after-talk on
the essay was the kindly way in which the
majority of the speakers referred to the
Catholic Chnrch. TheBev. William Dixon
was quite sure that the ancient and objec
tionable Bnmanism was dying out, and that
modern enlightenment was making a broader
and very eood sort of a church oi it. The
Bev. Mr. Pox said it was absurd to shudder
at the growth of the Catholic Church, and
that there had been as much change in the
Catholic Church as there had been in the
Presbyterian since Calvin had an obstinate
objector burned at the stake.
An Apparently Saccessfnl Concern Driven
to tbe Wall.
Newburg, N. Y., November 25. A
general surprise was occasioned here to
night by the announcement ofthe assign
ment of the iron firm of Coldwell, Wilcox
& Co., a young, progressive and supposed-to-be
successful concern that has been
largely interested in the New York aque- I
uuui. uuutrttuus, auu uub ui wmen 11 was
thought they were making large money.
They not long since bought a foundry site
on Broadway, but not finding it adapted to
their growing trade sold it and purchased a
river front adjoining lands of the Standard
Oil Company and erected a large shop.
Thomas Coldwell father of the senior
member, is made.assignee. The amount of
assets and liabilities cannot be stated to
night, as those who know cann6t be found.
But for 'Some Benson tho Clear Factories
Have Shut Down.
New YORK, November 25. W. T. Taylor
& Co. and several other importers of Havana
tobacco and cigars, received cable dispatches
to-day, from the resident manufacturers of
cigars. These cables said that all the fac
tories bad shut down. No cause was as
signed, but it was understood that the lock
out had been contemplated for some time.
Miguel Snares Guanes. Spanish Consul
General, received to-day, by cable from tbe
Captain General ot Cuba, a denial of the
recent report of insurrectionary and other
disturbances in the island. The dispatch
denied, further, that there hadybeen any
local troubles of violence, and stated that
the entire island was peaceful.
A Judge Decides That Money Won In a T.OI
terylslllcsal Wenhb.
rsrEciAL TitraBAJt to ths pist-atcim
Denver, November 25. An interesting
case was decided here to-day by Judge Tid
dell, of the Circuit Court, Some weeks ago
James Meyer persuaded Prank Leayjtt, of
this city, to go into partnership with him in
the purchase of a Southern lottery ticket for
$1. Leavltt finally went into the scheme
and allowed Meyer to keep the ticket,
When the recent drawing was announced
Meyer discovered that the ticket' in his
possession had won $15,000. Leavitt claims
that Meyer refuses "to divide, and accord
ingly brought sulk
Judge Tiddell to-day decided "tbat.no
court eonld adindicata the nmnTHr- nK.
Inedjn such an ualawui way.". u . . ..
NOVEMBER 26, 1889.
Her Delegates Admitted to tke'-PanAHierl-
eau Congress, Despite Drvftla'a Kicks
-Tho Secretaries Are Caw
nod Baslne.s ls"Bcgan.
.Washington, November 25. twenty
eight delegates were' present this afterhqon
"when tho International American Confer
encewas called to order. Dr. Zegarra, of
eru, presided. The Temporary Secretary,
3?r. Guzman, read the report of the Commlt
,tee on Credentials, nasslnir favorably upon
sthe credentials of the Brazilian dele
gates and of Mr. Cornelius Bliss. Dele
gate Nin, of Uruguay; wished" to know
'.whether the Brazilian credentials emanated
from tho Imperial or the Kepoblican Gov
ernment. "tienor Huriado, of Columbia, moved the
previous question upon the adoption of the
report, desiring, as he said, to cut off any in
quiry or investigation respecting what is
Enow going on in Brazil, as it was, in his
Lview, a subject not proper to be touched
jut. it in said that ne aia not leei aumor
pzed to .vote nntil his inquiry had been an
!swered. The question was held to be in or-
fler, and Senor Romero, of Mexico, Chair
man ofthe committee, in response said that
the credentials had already been read to
tbe conference those signed by the Em
peior and the cablegram confirming tbe
powers sent by tbe present Government.
Tbe committee had found them in good
form and sufficient but he wanted to know
whether the delegates represented the Era:
pire or the Eepublic
Dr. Yalente, tbe Brazilian Minister, said:
'We are here representing the Government
of .Brazil." Delegate -Alphonsor of Chili,
required no further proojs, and proposed the
acceptance of the report. Without objec
tion, and with some applause, tbe report
was adopted and the Brazilian delegates
Dr. Nin moved to proceed to the election
of two Secretaries. This motion prevailed,
and the names of F. G. Piera and H. Ran
som Whitehouse were submitted by the
foreign and United States delegates re
spectively. Mr. Whitehonse is a citizen of
New York, and is at present Secretary of
tne juegation at Mexico, Jar. .riera is the
representative of the Spanish-American
Commercial Union, and is also from New
York. Both of the nominations were ac
cepted, and Mr., Piera took his place. Mr.
Whitehouse is.absent from the city, but will
be here in a few days.
The conference next, resumed the con
sideration of the rules, beginning with the
eighth rule, governing the method of recog
nition of delegates by the President, and
this consumed the time up to adjournment.
The Great Bond to Have Direct Connection
With AH tho Coalfields.
McKeesport, November 25. The pur
chase of nearly $250,000 of MeKeesport,
property is looked upon as a step to ward, the
consummation of a much talked-of enter
prise the extension of the Pennsylvania
Railroad system to the coal fields ef tbe
YongEiogheny and Monongahela. The big
purchase" was stated to have been made so
as to give the MeKeesport and Bellevernon
Bailroad an inlet arid an outlet at MeKees
port, and by it the Pennsylvania Bailroad
will secure entrance to the heart of the city
and will locate a union depot near the foot
of Market street.
The MeKeesport and Bellevernon people
are working 'together; survevs have been
made and a bridge is to be built atBivertou
to connect the McKeespbrt and Bellevernon
branch with the Pittsburg, Virginia and
unarieston. At juessemer tne branch will
cross to reach the main line of the Pehwyl
hmm ti;'nBU.n. n,i.r.H; T- tZia.
.-vania, thus gluing a. direct outlet for traffic-
between Mc&eesport, Pittsburg and all
parts of thecoal and coke regions. Work
will soon begin.
Four Brothers Under Arrest at Pine Grove
on a Serious Charge.
rsraeiALTiLiaitAJiTo tub pispatcb.i
Pine Grove, November 25. Numerous
bold robberies have occurred here of late,
and quite a sensation was caused on Sunday
night by the arrest, of three prominent
young men, Charles, Jacob and Amos Long,
brothers of James H. Long, whose hardware
store has been repeatedly robbed. They were
held in $800 bail, in default of which they
have been lodged in jail. These arrests
were followed to-day by the' arrest of their
eldest brother, James H.,on suspicion of his
being implicated.
On. Sunday afternoon Constable Heiser
served a number of search warrants issued
by James H.. Long, and in searching tbe
trnnk of Jacob Long, who boarded with his
brother Charles, were found three masks,
three bull's-eye lanterns, three dirks ana
other articles,
young men.
This led to the arrest of the
The eldest brother declares
he's innocent.
Farmer Lyman R. Casey Elected (Senator
' From tbe New State.
Bismarck, November 25. Lyman B,
Casey, a bonanza farmer- of the James river
valley, was nominated to-night on the tenth
ballot for United States Senator. He never
held a political office in his lite, but is
nevertheless a remarkable man in point of
fitness. He Is 52 years old. The Scan
dinavian lawyer, Johnson, went down with
his colors flying. He is in bad humor to
night, but his followers take his defeat with
indifference. The building fairly' shook
with applause and cheers when the vote was
announced. Casey was escorted to the hall
and accepted the election in a neat speech.
There is great rejoicing among tbe people
now in the city over the seieotion.as tne suc
cessful man.is popular with all, classes. He
is a brother of T. B. Casey, the well-known
Minneapolis banker.
A Dispute Abont Ability' to Absorb Whisky
Lends to Nnrder.
Connellsvtlle, November 25. John
Yansack murdered Mike Zonetsbin during
a quarrel at Yanderbilt, four miles west of
Connellsville, late Saturday night. Both
men are Hungarian coke workers, employed
at Cochran's Nellie Mines. These two,
with about 100 of their countrymen, were
celebrating a wedding o7 one of their num
ber and became intoxicated.
The quarrel started oVer the amount of
liquor each was to consume, and Yansack,
in drunken rage, plunged a knife' a half
dozen times into Zonetsbin's breast. Ode of
tbe thrusts penetrated his heart and the
nun aiea instantly, vansacs was arrested
and is now in jail.
An Old fostofllce Employe Is Tried and
Found polity.
Philadelphia, November 25. Frank
Harrison, for over 20 years an employe of
thepostoffice here Was to-day convicted in
the United States Court of stealing letters
containing checks. Harrison was a time
keeper, and at times assisted in distributing
tbe mails. On one of these occasions Postal'
Inspector Baird, who suspected him of
wrong doing, watched from above and saw
him secrete three letters in his clothing after
carefully feeling them.
He was arrested and in each of the letters
wa-J found a check.1' Bekteaee' was de&me.
Stanley Tells of a Conspiracy Among
flis Faithless .Followers and
The Severest Measures found Necessary to
Prevent an Uprising.
With Plains lite Grassy lakes, Surrounded hy Snow
capped Mountains.
Another letter from Stanley details his
trials and annoyances while making his
latest expedition. His forces were nearly
alienated through plots among the dis
affected, but by severe discipline he brought
his men to terms.
LoNDON,November25. Mr. Mackinnon,
the President ofthe Emin Belief Commit
tee, has received another letter from Henry
M. Stanley. It was written at tbe camp at
Kilzinga, Uzinja, and dated August 17.
Mr. Stanley says that Emin, with Sellm
Bey, seven officers and 65 people, arrived at
nis camp on Tebraary 17. Lieutenant
Stairs arrived on the 18th with his column
from the Ituri. At a meeting on the 18tb,
Selim, who had retaken Dnfile from the
Mahdists, killing 250 of them, stated on be
half of the deputation that they had come
to request time to allow the equatorial troops
and their families to assemble at Kavalll.
Mr. Stanley continues:
I explained through Emin Pasba the object
of my expedition and offered tbem a prosdse,
written In Arabic, to wait a reasonable time
for them to join me. The deputation replied
that my offer was satisfactory. They said they
would proceed directly to Wadelai and pro
claim it and commence the work of transpor
The deputation started for Wadelai on the
2Sth.r Emin returned on'the 27th, with bis lit
tie daughter Ferida an $ a caravan of Ui men.
He and I agreed that 20" days was a reasonable
time. Be offered' a written understanding,
which I declined. The interval was occupied
by Burgeon Parke in healing our sick; So de
Voted and skillful was he that I was able, on
April L, to turn out ffiOable-bodied men, where
as in February it would bave been difficult to
muster 200.
Stanley then bitterly complained of the
immense loads of property the refugees
brought in, entailing endless work upon his
men to bring to tbe plateau and which was
practically rubbish, because it must be
abandoned on the marcb. On March 1 he
ordered the stuff to be stopped from being
brought to camp. Thirteen hundred and
fifty-five loads had already been brought in.
A month after Selim's departure a letter ar
rived from him announcing that rebels.
officers and everybody were unanimous to
depart for Egypt nnder Stanley's escort.
Stanley, now finding- great delay likely
in assembling, the refugees, called a council
of tbe officers and stated in detail tbe posi
tion of the case, also the danger of trusting
the rebels imrjhcitlv. as Emin was inclined
to do, when 'they-had already boasted of
their intention, with cajoling words, to
entrap "Stanley and strip his expedition.
Finally Stanley asked the officers whether
he would be justified in waiting beyond
April X. Each, officer -replied inhe nega
tive. He continues: ,
I said, J'We march on the loth."' In reply to
Emin's question' Isald we could certainly, in
our conscience, acqnlt him of having aban
doneQU'theLineoilevlt ttey. hL, not arrived.
Then, -fewTSays later, Emin: troubled theCa
satis scrnples as to whether they were Justifled.
if they abandoned the people.
Stanley deals at length with these diffi
culties, convincing Emin that food was
plentiful and tbe Egyptians living in con
cord. The natives showed no disposition ixi
On April 6 Emin Informed me that but few
of his servants', would go. Here was a disap
pointment Out of 10,000 only a" few were will
ing to accompany me. Wo all had our eyes
opened; it was' a farce on the part ot the
Wadelai force,. It was clear that the Pasha no
longer had authority. Yet Emin was obstinate
in his belief in them. Bat now the Pasba said:
"Never mind, I can do with two servants a3
well as with 60."
At this time I discovered conspiracies in the
camp. The Egyptians tried to steal the rifles
ofthe ZanzJbaris, and the number of mal
contents kept Increasing. Emin also bad re
ceived news of a bad state of things at Wadelai.
Therefore, I decided upon Immediate action. I
formed a square of rifles and assembled all the
Pasha's people within it. Those who refused
to come were arrested and placed in irons, and'
some were flogged. All denied any knowledge
of a plot. I told all who desired to accompany
me to stand aside, and, through the Pasha,
wholly if there were any more rebellions tricks.
They promised religious obedience. This
muster consisted of about 600 persons. On the
10th we Btarted, numbering abont 1,600 persons,
including 850 newly enrolled native carriers.
On the 12th we camped at Ma-
zambonis, and that night l was
strnck down with a - severe illness
which well-nigh proved mortal. During this
28 days Sellm had plenty of time to rejoin us,'
but never came, and the only additions to the
camp were Shukarl Oga, chief of the
Mswa station, and one servant, ten
others having deserted him on the way. These
were all that remained of tho garrison ot 60,
reported to be tbe most faithful of the faithful.
During the month there were several plots
mooted only one ot which was realized.
The ringleader, a freed slave, was
tried by .court martial .and executed.
The Intercepted letter from Sellm revealed
another plot to attack the expedition. On May
7, a letter was received from Selim containing
various insolent charges against us and an ap
peal to wait lonrer for them, the rebels having
again robbed them of all their ammunition.
Stanley replied, offering to go slowly so
as to enable them to overtake him, bnt he
never heard any more from Selim..
We resumed the march on May 8 and adopted
a route' skirting the Balegga Mountains, 40
miles from Nyanza. Arriving at the southern
end of the mountains, we had a successful en
counter with tho King of TJngoro, which
cleared the route as far as the Semllkl river.
Then follows a' description of a snowy
range seen the year before and the valley of
tbe Semliki, with its enormous grass plain.'
The ripening grasses made the people and
even one' of his own officers mistake
it for a vast .lake. He describes
the Semliki as a powerful stream, 80
to 100 yards wide Crossing the river,
tbe Warasmas attacked his force with a
well-directed volley, but fortunately with
out casualty. He gives a picturesque de
scription of the' snow mountain, which he
estimates at between 18,000 and 19,000 feet
It tooklO marches to reach the southwest
angle of the range. The huts ol the natives
were seen at an altitude of 8,000 feet above
the sea.
All the officers wanted to climb the
mountain, but were not in condition, to do
sO. Emin attained, the height of 1000 feet
above the camp. Stairs managed to climb
10,677 feet, only to find
the spot where he was and the snowy sum
He collected a numberof plants sad Emla
was happy in classifying them. The re
mainder of the letter consist of Georgia's
physical details and accounts of oeeesional
brushes with the natives. As a general
thing; however,, the. natives displayed a
wholesome fear of tbe expedition.
The greatest trouble was. caused by fever.
Once there were 160 cases in a single day.
Seasoned veterans like Emin and Caaati
were, .prostrated repeatedly. In the smitlt
of July the expedition lost 141 IgvBtiaes,!
Maty lagged Sehia-.W rt3ih:
bowel complaints, and were left tor the
doubtful treatment of the natives' of whose
language they were ignoraat,
The London Timet says it is assured by
high authority that Stanley i not likely to
reach home nntil the end of January, and
tnat ne will probably stay some .time at
Mombassi to give the benefit of hi
experience to Mackenzie, who it
organizing the Government in .British
East Africa. "It is hope," avj the Times,
"that Stanley, alter a rest, may be induced
to undertake the administration ofthe East
African Govenment. We believe he might
be quite willing to become a British sub
Sirs. Harriet Habfenrd Ayer's Hssfcasd's
Petition Witkurawa Frew Court.
rerxctAi. nuoaiK to th distatcs.1
New YORK, November 25. Mrs. Harriet
Hubbard Ayer authorized the publication
to-day, of the following dispatch, as an
official announcement ofthe settlement of
her divorce suit:
Chicago, November 25. Tbe last steps in
the Ayer case were taken to-day. Tbe order
signed by Judge Sbeppard states tbat tbe peti
tion filed by Herbert C. AVer, on July 9, 1889,
has been withdrawn from the flies of the court.
Mrs. Ayer says: "I have never asked or
received, or intended to ask or receive, any
alimony from tbe defendant, and I hereby
release him from all claim for alimony. I
have not for seven years received a- dollar
from Mr. Ayer. I have myself paid for tbe
education ot my children." Mr. Ayert pe
tition was for the' reopening . of the divorce
case and. for the custody of the children.
The Kesolt of n Frightful CellMoa on aa
OWa Railroad.
MASSILLON, November 25. A frightful
collision occurred this morning on the
Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling Railroad,
at Flushing, between a coal train and the
work train. Tbe horribly mangled dead
body of A H.Myers, engineer of thecoal
traip, who lived at Bridgeport, was taken
from the wreck. His fireman escaped with
out a scratch. Jerry Page, conductor, and'
Charles Beesie, engineer of the work train,
were both seriously injured,- Beesie being
badly scalded.
Two other trainmen were also seriously
hurt. Both engines were "ruined beyond re
pair and 20 cars were piled up as high as
the telegraph 'poles. It is said tbat tbe
work train was running on the coal train's,
Aa English Syndicate Psrehases the New
Rapid-Firing; Gob.
Philadelphia, November' 23. The
Driggs-Schroeder rapid-firing gun, invented
by Lieutenants Driggs and Schroeder,
United States naval officers, has been sold
to English, capitalists for $600,000. Lieu
tenant Schroeder is commanderof the 'dyna
mite cruiser Vesuvius, and Lieutenant
Driggs is one of the best authorities in the
navy on ordnance matters. Several of the
guns were built at Cramp's ship yard for ex
perimental purposes, and after being sub
jected to the severest tests by English
ordnance, experts, the latter unanimously
recommended their immediate purchase,
and no time was lost in coming to terms.
It weighs only 15 pounds, is made of the
strongest kind of -steel, andean fire a shot
three miles. It can be fired thret-ime8 as
fast as tbe famous English Arastroag gaa..
A Massacbasftts WotImhmi Mm aXIsgeHBst
.snlfl tOft 1Vt9 JsfffHw
Canton. Mass., November' X,
H. Carney died yesterday under peculiar
circumstances. He was employed breaking
the cord in Kinsley Iron and Machine
Works, belonging to the day gang. For
some reason Carney went to the oven Satur
day afternoon without knowledge of his fel
low workmen, and was closed in when the
day gang left work. The oven was not
opened again until 2 o'clock Sunday morn
ing, when the night gang discovered him.
Carney was still alive, but unconscious.
He was almost completely baked. His flesh
was torn from his hands' in eforts to free
!. himself from his prison. He remained un
conscious until he died Sunday, Carney
was 25 years old andton&amed.
A Yonn a; Girl's Mistake Gets Her lata the
Clatchea ef tbe Lam,
WiLLiAMSPORT, November 23. Mary
Stigerj. a 14-year-old girl of Bose Valley,
this county, was lodged in jail here to-day
on a charge of horse stealing. Martin Meyer
r drove to Cogan station yesterday, and while
there tied his horse to a tree. When he re
turned the rig was gone. He gave chase and
followed the culprit for 26 miles.
Miss .Stlger said that James HcName
agreed to have a gray horse and buggy at
Cogan station in order that she might drive
home. At the station she espied a gray
horse tied to a tree, and supposing it was
there for
her use, took possession and
drove off.
A Rhode Island Convict FataHy StaMtedky
a Fellow Prisoner,
Pbovtdence, November 25. Phillip E
Laeoste, a life prisoner, was terribly stabbed
in the neck by John F. McCarthy, a high
wayman, at the State prison this morning.
Both were employed in the shoe shop, and
McCarthy stepped up behind Laeoste, pnt a'
shoe knife into the back of his victim's neck
and drew it around one side of the peck,
Laeoste, who will die, was sentenced for
murder. Laeoste has sine bad wounds oa
his head and body and innumerable small
cuts. His head and face are terribly cut.
The Bays of the Confederacy's WMte Basse
Richmond, YA., November 25, To
night in the City School Board a resolution
was oSered and referred providing for pull
ing down the building known aa the Jeff
Davis Mansion, or "White House of the
Confederacy," which has for 20 years been
used as a public school. It .is proposed to
erect on the site a spacious school building.
of k Large MaMfeetsrfec Ceau
BMT at NBWSSFff. X. Y.
Newbitbg, N. Y., November 25. Cald
well, Wilcox & Co., iroa WMHfaetarera;
and eofttraeters, with extensive, works os
the river treat, to-day assde a seaeral as
signment to Thomas. Coldwell, of the Chad
bourneTft Celdwell Maaufsctarisf Cesipeny,
for the benefit .of their efeditow.
The liabilities and assets are nksewa,
bet it is stated that they will W heavy.
Harris la Merylaa
BALTritOBS.NeyeatBer 26. Xkn Oetavk
L. Ward and . Williaaa X. Baxter, a nae
Ieekksr yenag-ysBnle, wae ngnsaMecl irosa
Hietanaau Ja.. Wars marrtsd, aesn .sMlay at
tMsVJesHest. B was 1 stonily
Maine Man.
New York and. Pe:
Sitting SIit
Floor. 'rW
Apt MBKOMiie
MndfrfZaditf the Lead's? Casii4';.cii,
Both States. - 'i r'.4
The Speakership contest continues to beM
the attention of some people yet. Mr.
Seed's friends are making their chief fight
on McKinley, considering him the one swat
to. be feared. New York and Pennsylvania,
it is thought, will decide the. matter, aai
their conclusion is expected to be knotfa be
fore Saturday, when tbe caucus will meet. -
Washdtgtoh, .November 25. Th
Speakership contest opened up .merrily thJ ,
morning. A few new Congressmen hii
come to town since Saturday, and they wen
pounced upon this morning by the friei
of the various candidates, and the liMk '
corner and corridor confabs lasted all day,';
and the more open discussions iff hotel',
lobbies put'more of an appearance of lit'
into the fight than has hitherto appears.
Notwithstanding the, new arrivals the num
ber of Congressmen in town is remarkably
small for the day just one week prior ta tM
sound of tne Speaker's gavel. It worries
the candidates awfully, and they can't
understand why it is that everybody is set.
excited as they themselves.
it is, seriously speaking, very exasper
ating to the candidates, aa they cannot cos-'
mnnieatewith members except they are
the ground. Letters are
for campaigning.and tbe chances are If thay .:""-"j
were written they would oe going outwatsl
wnne persons lorwuom, tney arefMtenaea
woum be on tneir way to the capital.
xnis adds mncn to the anxious lea!
the situation, but It will make tail
the more exciting the last days of the
when about 30Q members will come
id-all at once. The' great question w-i
ofthe candidates seems to be in rati
the attitude of New York and Penawl
nis. The great Bepublican delsgatin. ef
those States are conceded to be a gins, if
not a deciding' factor. Tbe friend of km
McKinley and Beed are claiming XMJee
itv of the Bepublican mess hers fre wpmi
States. It is conceded tbat if Beed gs A
practically solid delegation it will ahassj)
insure his election. They weli gfcris Hs
in connection with his solid New Eagll
backing, as to carry him through., Jf or title
reason tbe McKinley people" are doing tit
that lies within: them to break the fore f
the impression that New York and 2eas
sylvania are practically solid for JtsiA?
Such a support,, once establiaKed, wawK
have a tremendous effect on messbsrs. a aj
majority of whom care leas fcr tbe leJes-Aitjr
of the Speaker than for being oa tie wiMsssi.
side, that they may have a better i
get-good places on committees.
A friend of Major McKinley :
correspondent, of The. Dispatch
that they had 11 Peansylva-sie veta
sately pledged for McJpaley, bat -directlvnorindireetlv
eeuM aav Is
tion of theideatityef jwy ef 'tae ilasfff ,
Hon. ,Joe.''T5crBtoa was At 'mifii
arrival irom Jennsyivaai -sr.
outspoken for Beed, and date sjf
McKinley will hve
from the State when the final test
Several New York members arrived
dr -;
among them Farquhar. of Bnfa-fo.
says that tbe unit rale will serssuiy
vail in the New York delegatiee, IM
Beed will have a good majority ot set
cast to decide-wnom tney win se
With the 53 votes from NewEazl
35 from New York and Penisylvhs
Beed's nomination would be as good M sat-
sured, because of the "moral" inlseaet ef
such a large and compact vote.
Only two or three ofthe1 seventeen fcessV
era Republicans are here. Evaasafsae
Chattanooga district,, arrived to-day. Jk'
said to The Dispatch correspoadeet'ssat;
he 'was unpledged, as he believed all ef Mai'
Southern members are. This weW 4s
pose of the claims of seme McKia-ley nsn
that they bad a majority of thessessssssi,
votes pledged. Mr. Evans said tsMtaessw
would be no caaeas- of the Soathera
hers, and no attenmi made ta
unanimity of action. Each would
lie pleased, and erobftbly moetef
and try to cast his destiny with the wiasiWI
man. w nere an tne oanaiustec were s as -,
anrl ahla ia AAtilrl ma. Anftu anrnnsasl ssast
uu uib uue uuiuu uu jv awaeo n- ansa?
got with the fellow that did not get these. Y '
This seems to be the logfe of masy nss
bers, and it wiH, probably result in s'aaeaa?
tion on the first or, at tbe fiVrtaest, Mm am?
ond ballot, of tbe man who is abMi ta ess.
vince the oeeg that he Is going "ass
there." Possiblv that is the' reason wbtbbs
McKinley men are claiming everyBSBai; ,'
but claims will only work after it fcaa .
covered absolutely, as itwiu.ee benwe
urday, just bow Pennsylvania and TKiAJn
York will jump. Tbe friends, of Magg;j
are comnlalnine that the fine Italian
of Senator Quay is. evident in the anient el
Beed. But the Senator save he ieent
spoken to asyone on the subject axaentassav
who have called on him on other besssess.
when the subiect was caonallv bwwrirt asV"r-
andthenhe sever attwntad ta lanii
anybody, '
About the oalv woof of the ebarae eMni ,
is that CoBgreasaea living in Pwssjl vai '.
districts" adjacent to the MeXIaley diasrtil i
Townsend, for Instance wbwoWnasjs
ally be for Jaciualey, nave swung see
to Beed. Bat Daliell is one of these
eluded in this region, and it wiH
accepted that Mr. Dalaell has been
into the Beed fold bv the denial a
present infiueeee or tbe Senator Tale fm
a piece with the legio of those who eaaiaaa
tnauseeaisnofsoBnaontne term, mstm
same breath with which they sees
support bv sack extreme and unseat:
sing advocates as Quay, Bayne, DelaeU
other Peansvlvaaiaos.
Candidates for, the House sad Sae4 ; j
ces are making up ana wasuug up a li-sasr
canvass. New ones appear at every tsiarj
Amos? these eosioz to the serfeee
is W. S. Meek, of the Wbeeliax
I ttr. formerlv of PiHsbarr. who
subordinate position with, me cleat as
Hon. JohnDslzelL coes to Phil
to-morrow, to lecture in the evening
the Pennsylvania Clab on the "eii
tbe Taria to the , Prosperity ofthe
eiates. .bob. xnemas jh. xsayae
tunt'to-aorrow Bseraine from T
where he has been in atteadaaee a a
ding of a friend.
, A WHs Msrsaree laateeasV
BELLEPOSTJt November 25w Ta
Jury this evening returned a tree aisf en 1
iedietatent aeelast Seeley Hoi
etiseretolv see his wife la
eo tae nseintlast -ef SeaetaaaarJsV
1A...l - t . . .. v - . u.x l!
JsHwn , sVBVSsnWs, S fssssBSj saajsjsjss;
kiassetfiaMkftlssfte. v
avarir nnnni iroaa mm wnai
T ;
.-:-'.. ' J
, Sievi.
; JSOJpa-, :
, - ,