" r'. If yon -font "Board, Boons, Homes "or Htlp, udrertlae ia TBS DI&PATCtl. Fnreh" can 'be found for evrrrtulns; offered Far Sale In THE DI-PATCU. THE DISPATCH U the best ndrertlslng medium In Western Pennsylvania. Try It. rOETT-rOUKTH YEAIL IS NOT GOING YET, though it May "be Hard to Be tain for Many More Years. CONCLUSIONS EXPLAINED By the Seeming Limits of the Fields, the Loss in Pipage, THE DIMINUTION OP PRESSURE And the Sure but Gradual Exhaustion of Uaturo's Storehouse. FUEL IN ITS STEAD TO LAST FOEETEE The summary and conclusions appended, as to the possible exhaustion of natural gas an both interesting and important. Each assertion is accompanied by a statement of the character of evidence on which it is based. There is, beyond this evidence, how ever, the gratifying fact that a less easily exhaustible fuel lies in abundance at Pittsburg's very doors, and that the gas, even if the bulk of it roes within four years, will still stay long: enough to admit of an other gas fuel being nicely and cheaply in stalled in its place. Economy, as is shown, will tend to lengthen the natural gas period. In arriving at a conclusion as to how long Pittsburg may reasonably expect to .have natural gas in sufficient quantities for all purposes, at a price not exceeding coal, it is not proper to accept simply the opinion of one person, nor the mere guesses of several. One gentleman, an official of one of the largest companies, whose duties require him to keep posted in regard to the different fields and their production, said to me that this would be the last year for natural gas at less than coal rates in Pittsburg. 'I mean by that," he continued, "that within a year natural gas will be to some extent a luxury. It will not be exhausted within that time, or for long afterward; but there will not be enough for all manufactur ing purposes. There are no more good fields obtainable, and the old fields are being exhausted. HOW TO PBOVE IT. "One way to prove this is by asking the farmers, and see what they say. "We are not looking for any more new territory now. "We have secured some leases in Greene county; but that field, when developed, will not change the general result, in my opin ion." Quite different was the statement of a prominent official ot the Philadelphia Com pany. In answer to the question, "Does there seem to be any new field toward which to look after the present producing ones are exhausted?" he replied: : "We now look to the Bellevernon -field. -It is evident that, no matter how far north theTdurrysville field is extended, we will still find gas in great quantities. Every other new well discovered is larger than the last one, and nobody can say where the thing will stop. Then the new fields in Greene county and "West Virginia also look as if tfiey would continue for an indefinite time. "Within a radius of DO miles of this city there are THOUSANDS OF ACHES of as good gas territory as were ever devel oped. This is especially true of West Vir ginia and Greene county. There is no earthly necessity to go after high pressure; it is too hard to control. The Philadelphia Company means to use low pressure lines. To that end we are building large pipe lines. "Thirty or 40 100-pound wells will pro duce more gas with less waste than 10 600 pound wells." In a subsequent conversation this same gentleman said that the Philadelphia Com pany was not securing any more territory; instead of securing any more land, the com pany is throwing up leases on many thou sands of acres which it did control. Mr. S. F. Jones, President ot the Belle vernon Company, said he felt confident that the Bellevernon field could not furnish any considerable supply to Pittsburg for a longer time than 'two or three years, at most, altbough the supply for manufactories, near the wells in the district, would proba bly last for ten years, if not longer. He based this opinion on the fact that THE FIELD SEEMS LI2IITED, and that there is no uniformity in the pres sure ot the wells, some having a high pres sure and others being of low pressure. It will be remembered that in the second article of this series I quoted a well informed gentleman at Canonsburg. He said: "It is my belief that we will have plenty of gas for years to come at this place. There are thousands of acres that will give gas yet; but I fear that it will not be under sufficiently strong pressure to pipe it to Pittsburg. I think we can send gas to Pittsburg for three or four years yet, but I am afraid it will not be much longer." This same gentleman was of the opinion that shut-in wells would gradually accumu late gas again, but would never regain the lost high rock pressure. A GBEENSBtJBQ OPINION. Mr. Kuhn, Superintendent of the Xough iogheny Natural Gas Company, at Greens burg, said that the gradual failing of the rock pressure indicated that it would be only a few years at the utmost, when the pressure would become so low as to render the piping of gas for long distances im possible. Mr,' Joseph D. "Weeks, who has prepared ,seTeral papers upon natural gas for the United States Geological Survey, and has given the subject of sources of supply; the' amount and duration, inucn carclul study, says it is simply folly to pretend that the gas.is illimitable or that it will last forever. Atvthe present rate of production he esti mates that the districts in the Pittsburg field will need to fall back on coal in three to four years more. Through the practice of economies it may last a few years longer. Prof. Orton, State Geologist of Ohio, says that high pressure wells come from reser voirs, and rapidly exhaust large sections of territory. SO WAY TO KKPLACE IT. Prof. I. a "White, who has been quoted before in these articles, says that the gas tha( 1S borued is not replaced in the. reser voirs from which it is drawn. But.snppose it to be granted that the J .w v- "ii. weight of the testimony inclines to show that the gas fields from which Pittsburg draws its supply will gradually fail, the next question is: "With wtiat rapidity? Any diminution of supply was not notice able for some four or five years after the reservoirs were first tapped. Confidence in the lasting qualities ot the fields was largely established because one or two wells had been pouring out gas for a long penoa with no apparent diminution in rock pres- sure, flow pressure, or volume, it was no fully realized then that one well in a large territory inOHT -FLOW FOB- VEABS, but that many wells in the same territory would be of correspondingly short life as each new outlet was made in the reservoir. The first great Murrysville well might still be producing gas in the enormous quantities that it did when first drilled,- if other wells, and many of them.had not been put down in the same gas sand. "When gas was struck in it no one "thought of measuring the rock pressure and flow. Indeed, there was no method then known of doing either. Since then two or three methods have been put into use for such purposes; the anemometer for wells yielding not over 1,000.000 cubic feet of gas per day, and a modification of pressure is obtained by shutting in a well until it reaches the normal pressure. As has before been said the rock pressure is the carrying principle of the gas. The flow pressure is obtained bv measuring the gas as it leaves the well, and indicates how fast it flows. AS IT ONCE WAS. Before the Murrysville field was filled with holes all the wells had a normal rock pressure of about 500 pounds, and the flow pressure indicated a daily production of about 15,000,000 cubic feet for each well. That wonld give lor the 48 wells in that field on November 1, 1886. 870,000,000 cubic feet per dav, or about 317,550,000,000 cubio leet per year. Instead of 58 wells in the Murrysville district, there are now about 260, the Phila delphia Company alone having about 150 wells in the old and new Murrysville fields. The average rock pressure in the old field, as has been shown, is now about 100 pounds instead of 500 pounds. Por 1886 the Phila delphia Company, which supplied about one-half of all the natural gas used in Pittsburg, estimated its production at 60,000,000,000 cubic feet, and yet it then owned 48 of the 58 wells in the Murrysville field and ten wells at Tarentum besides, so that the calculatian ot 15,000,000 cubic feet per day for each well in the Mur rysville field could not have been correct at that time, or else there was an enormous waste in some way. A Philadelphia Company official, in an interview in The Dispatch on last Thursday, estimated that they were now furnishing 450,000,600 cubio feet of gas per day Irom the Murrys ville, Grapeville and "Washington fields, that would amount to 164,250,000,000 feet per year, now. as against 60.000,000,000 feet in 1886. or nearly three times the amount of 1886, which has to be secured from 171 wells in the Murrysville field; nearly four times as many as there were in 1886, with the number of wells in the Washington county fields not stated. GBADT7AL, YET 2IABKED. These figures themselves would prove a gradual, vet marked diminution of supply. If a well at 500 pounds rock pressure yields 15,000,000 cubio teet per day, it might naturally be inferred that a well at. 100 pounds pressure would .give only one-fifth as much, or only 3,000,000 cubic teet, there fore the 260 wells now in the Murrysville district, with an average rock pressure of 100 pounds, would yield 90,000,000 feet less per day than did the8- wells three yean ago. i5v1" "f But this would be Incorrect and mislead-1 ing, as the production of a well is not always the same with the same rock preessure, and the decrease in flow is not in direct ratio with the decrease in rock pressure. It is beyond question that more gas can be ob tained from 50 wells at 100 pounds pressure than from 10 at 500 pounds. But, it will re quire a much larger pipe to carry the same quantity of gas at 100 pounds than it would at 500. , It is reasonable to suppose, and it is un deniably correct, that -the reservoir will not be exhausted nearly so rapidly when the rock pressure and flow pressure decrease; that is, that the exhaustion is arrested, and ' proceeds more slowly. Therefore, if a pipe is laid large enough to carry the same quantity of gas at low pressure as was carried under high pressure the supply will remain as great, and be of longer continuance. ANOTHER DECIDED ADVANTAGE in having large pipes under low pressure Is that the waste will be so much less through leakage. Becognizing these facts, all the natural gas companies, or the principal ones, at least, are now laying large pipes as fast as they can. They will increase the life of the gas fields to a very great extent. I have spoken of this point in previous articles. I also called attention to the great amount of leakage in the mains con veying the gas to the city. It is almost certain that one-half the gas which comes out of the wells is lost by leakage in pipe joints during the long carriage to the city. In addition to putting down larger pipes, the Philadelphia Company is now devising a method for securing the joints of the old lines more perfectly. Tnese changes will give as much gas, if not more, without making it necessary to ami new high-pressure wells for the present Another important factor in prolonging the period during which Pittsburg will have natural gas is the practice of economy in its use. Although there is not so much waste now as there was three years ago, still probably one-half of the gas drawn from the mains by manufactories is lost through imperfect methods of using it, and careless handling by employes. Although THE WASTE IS NOT NOW SO GBEAT as it was three or four years ago, it is still verv great. "It is estimated," says Joseph D. Weeks hi the official natural gas report before alluded to, "that in the past four years Pittsburg has consumed and wasted enough gas, in one way and another, to have lasted ten times as 'long if it had been judiciously produced and burned." In spite of the attempts on the part of the gas companies to enforce economy in use in the mills and manufactories, there is still entirely too much wasted, as will readily be seen by observing the mill stacks still belch ing forth flames. The gas should go into the furnace at a low pressure and be entirely consumed in the lurnace, and none of it be allowed to escape into the stack. This has been known for some years, but the theory has not been strictly applied. Under the system of furnishing gas for domestic service by contract instead of bv meter there has been large and hurtful waste. Manv families use all tbe gas they can get in their houses instead of as much as they need. Then the methods of com bustion are imperfect The grate fires suit able for coal are not always suited to hum gas economically. One gas company official said that the grate fires should be abolished altogether and .stoves substituted, as by that means all the heat would be radiated into the room, instead of three-fourths of it going up the chimney as it does in a grate fire. HOW TO GAIN HEAT. But stoves are disagreeable to many per sons, and are not likely do be generally adopted. An open grate, however, can be so arranged as to throw out four times as much heat with less than half the gas now used. This can be done by placing an asbestos back wall in the grate at such an angle as to throw nearly all the heat into loom. It has been tried with great success. Compelling all consumers to use meters "i- - "J will lead to these chancres being adopted by private families. The mill owners now find that the service pipes in their establish ments are not large enough for low pressure, and when they put in enlarged pipes they will have enough gas, but not under such high pressure as to drive it through the fur nace and into the stacks. The enlargement of pipes and the enforce ment of economies must prolong the life of the present fields to a considerable extent J erai ne1r fiei,jSi or ratner extensions of the '-hen, as has been shown, there are sev- old ones, which can he relied upon to furnish considerable quantities of gas for at least three or four years to come, probably even longer. Since I was in "Washington there has been A NOTABLE STBCKE MADE, extending the Hickorv field ten miles fur ther. This was at Amity, where the "Wheel ing Natural Gas Company has just brought in a well with 800 pounds rock pressure and 550 pounds flow pressure. Extensions like this may be expected in different directions on the old fields until their final limits are reached. Tljere are also some limited fields of low pressure lying near the city, which may possibly be used, but which would scarcely pav to develop because of the great expense inlaying large pipes, but which might be connected with other fields and be made to pay. The final conclusions then are: First That the developed resonrces of the natural gas fields are rapidly diminishing as the drafts upon them increase and accumulate. Second That by the laying ot large pipes, carrying low pressnre, and the enforcement of reasonably economy in thense of gas, tho life of the fit-Ids can be materially prolonged. Third That the extensions of old fields give much promise. Fourth That not the slightest alarm need be felt that the supply will fall short of what is needed for at least two or three years more: and that by within that time the discoveries of new fields, the unexpected extension of old fields and the greater experience gained in producing, carrying and using tho gas may be such as to make the supply last much longer. Fifth Very emphatically, neither this nor the next is the last year for natural gas in Pittsburg and vicinity. C. T. DAWSON. NO FUN FOR THE DOGS. The Antics of a Number of Canines They Grab nt- Carcasses In Front of a Batcher Shop, Then Yelp nnd Ran Awnj. p Z.CIAX. ELEQBA1I TO TUX PISFATCH.I St. Paul., Met., November 24. A dog was observed to twitch suddenly, then yelp and run away, just as he was passing the butcher shop of Wiel & Vuckel, on Seventh street, Thursday. Presently another dog meandered along that way and took occasion to smell at the carcass ot the hog that was hung outside the shop. At the moment his nose touched the carcass he shot backward as if sent that way by the toe of a boot, re covered himself quickly, and ran away yelping vigorously. A third dog came along, smelt of the carcass, and went heels over head across the walk into the gutter, where he quivered a moment, then sprang to his feet and ran away howling. Quite a crowd of "people was soon at tracted by the strange gymnastics of the pass ing dogs, but all were content, to stand quietly by and be amused at the way the canines were getting fooled on that hog. Hobody understood what was the matter, and all seemed to be overcome by a sort of superstition and willingness that the dogs should do all the investigating. One dog was ahead of another, and the hind one became jealous of the one ahead, and rushed with all his might between him and the carcass, took first a snap, with a growl at the outside canine, and then a snap withont a growl at the carcass. Result two astonished Jogs went sailing out into the street A canine that witnessed the performances conclnded the carcass was poor meat, .and thought he1 would trv a -dressed "turkey hanging hear- He was a cautious uog, nowever, ana sninea at tne turkey at long range. Another dog thought he was a coward and proposed to make him ashamed of himself, so the brave dog took first a sneaking look at the -people about, to estimate his chances of getting kicked, and then opening his mouth wide enough to en velop half of the bird, made a bold rush for it For a moment there was a limp dog hanging to the turkey, then the cur sud denly came to, and his body began flying about the turkey like a chicken's during the process of neck-wringing, while he yelled as if mad. A bntcher standing by got excited at the way the dog hung to the turkey, and forget ting all about the previous scenes, rushed in headlong to save the bird. The butcher went to grass with a dull thud, and then it began to dawn upon the people what was the matter. An investigation disclosed the fact that an arc wire was touching the iron Ejsts upon which the carcasses of the tur eys hung, so that the meats were all heavily charged with electricity. MAH0NFS LAST FIGHT. Demanding That His Candidate for Post master of Richmond be Appointed. ICrECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE PISPA7-fe. J Richmond, Va. .November 24. Ifahone is making his last fight now on the postmas tership of Bichmond. His candidate is S. Blair Morris, who was his main organizer in Bichmond, and was therefore a bitter enemy of the straightout element Mr. John S. Grubbs, another applicant, was the choice of Hon. John S. Wise, and was the cause of the bitter language used by Mr. Wise to the President, he claiming that the President had promised him to appoint Mr. Grubbs. The third applicant is Judge Thomas S. Atkins, formerly Judge of the Hustings Court, and the man who sentenced the murderer Cluverius. Atkins has the strong est backing among the citizens, and is a. native-born Bepublican. EUINED BI HIS SON'S WILDNESS. Marcus Brown's Bad Bay Skips Oat and Cannot be Fonnd. tSFECIAL TXLZGKAX TO THE PISrATCH.1 New Xobe, November 24. The failure of Marcus Brown, the shirt manufacturer of 40 White street, was due to the speculation of his son, Harry Brown. Samuel Brown, Mr. Brown's nephew, a member of the firm, which was dissolved on November 1, was found to-day at the office examining the books. He'said that Barry's losses of the firm's money were pretty large they would be at least $50,000. Harry le t town Thursday last, as soon as his irregularities became known, and he has not been seen since by any of his friends. Nothing is known of his whereabouts, THEY QUARRELED AT CARDS. One Was Murdered and tbe Other Had n. Narrow Escape From Lynching. IJOSTOBIA, O., November 24. Reuben Gardner fatally stabbed Lafayette Fronts at West Millgrove. a small place near here, last night A quarrel arose over a game of cards. Frontz died in a few minutes after the knife was plunged into his side. Gardiner's speedy removal to the connty jail at Bowling Green stopped the talk of lynching. MRS. BODTHWOBTH IN PBISON. Tbe Avenger Has Recovered From Her Attack of Nervons Prostration. New Tobk, November 24. Mrs. Hannah SoUthworth, who Bhot and killed Stephen Xi. Pettus, had a good night's rest and was able to eat quite a hearty breakfast. Since her arrest she has not read any newspapers. The only person who visited her to-day was the prison physician, Dr. Magee, who said the did sot need any more prescrip tions. ' WWrSfflR'3 JWF tT" :' A'A .A JSV-W -a. , - 4 juiyuiuu sbbbss-! "B H B maS l "F Bar m T? BB 2 BB u . PITTSBUBGr, MONDAY, BOUND TOM A ROW. A Tery Unenviable Task Ahead for the New Speaker of the House. THE MINORITY TO. MAKE A FIGHT For the Purpose of Preserving the Eight to Filibuster Awhile. HOW THEY. CAN GO ABOUT THE WOEE". A Statistical EtpDrt to be Hade by tho Censes Borean in a Barry The Democratic members of the House nowin Washington, headed by Mr. Mills, are busily-at work outlining the' part each is to take on the opening of Congress In order to keep in nsa the rales of the last Congress as long as possible. Filibustering is to be kept up at the risk of raising a veritable row. The Census Bureau will make its report on statistics of population as soon as possible, in order to give the Be publican party all advantages that may be made thereby. tTBOM A STAM COBBSSrONDEUT.l Washington, November 24. It is verf evident from the movements and expressions df the Southern Democratic members of Congress who are in the city, and who lead the Democratic side of the House, that it is not their purpose to abandon without a vigorous struggle the advantages which they would derive from the privilege of dilatory motions if the rales in force during the last Congress are not disturbed. They n,A nlnmnrnnn fnr the pnfnrcement of the. old rules. They say little to thegeneralH public, but while the Bepublicaus are absorbed with the Speakership, they are buttonholing Democratic members as they arrive, explaining the situation, allotting the part that each must play, and arrang ing, with such method as they can, to resist the abolition of the right to filibuster-;in other words, of the right othe minority to rule. getting in his wobk Boger Q. Mills is the busiest member in this work. He is a bulldozer by nature, and as filibustering is but another name for bulldozing,'he is in his element when laying his plans for a fight against the elimination from the rules of the House of a law of pro. cedure that is not tolerated by any other parliament of the civilized world. Mr. Mills has had sundry meetings at his rooms of members from his own section, who are still imbued with the old spirit which prompted them to rule In Congress, right or wrong, by fair or foul means. The proposition is for a fight to the death, and at all hazards against any attempt to curtail the right to filibus ter. No matter who is elected Speaker, it is ex pected and certain that he will, with the first word he utters, declare against the main tenance of the custom by which a new House proceeds under the rules of the next preceding House until new rules are adopt ed, and on the other hand, that it shall pro ceed under general parliamentary law pre vious to the adoption of rules. THE CBITICAI. MOMENT. It is at this juncture that Mr, Mills and his associates must get in their work, for that declaration once made final the chance for their success is greatly lessened. They tviII nnncnl from this decision. On the an. d&3&BB->5&iSi8& The Bepubrtcans will endeavor to pass a motion that a vote on the appeal shall be taken at a oertain time. The Democrats will filibuster against a vote on the motion. The debate on the appeal will go on. After enough has been said, a motion will be made to lay the appeal on tbe table. As such a motion is not debatable, Mr. Mills and his circle of able obstructionists will lall back on motions to adjourn or to take a recess, and other dilatory motions, and keep up this monotonous bit of aggravating war fare until the Speaker takes the bulldozers by the horns, so to speak, and refuses to recognize any o! them for further obstruc tion. CHANCE TOK A BOW. As movements to adjourn or to take a recess are always in order, provided some other business intervenes between each mo tion, a refusal to recognize a member to make one of these motions will be an ex treme procedure, and Mr. Mills and his friends will raise a fine row in case of such blindness and deafness on the part of the Speaker. Just how far they will carry their obstruction they probably cannot themselves now estimate. Their present consultations are for the purpose of looking up every trick of the parliamentary trade, arranging the parts each is to play in 'the serio-comedy, and pledging nerve and backbone to carry the scheme to the end according to pro gramme. When the Bepublicans have carried their point as they will if they do not make a woful mistake in their choice of a Speaker the next fight will occur when the Commit tee on Bules reports a new code of proce dure, which of course will embody A CLEAE DEFINITION of the rights of the fihbuster,the crane, and the professional objector, whose only means to gain notoriety is by unremitting repeti tion, pairot-like of the words "I object," on occasions when unanimous consent is de sired for the introduction, consideration or passage ot a motion or measure. Again Mills, the Breckenridges, McMillin, "Kil gore, of Texas," and the rest of tbem will exhaust their mind and ingenuity to defeat the new rules or to modify, the anti-filibus-tering clause which they will certainly con tain. How long they can continue the fight will probably be known only when it is ended. There is not only a possibility of a very long contest, but of a regular row be fore the end is reached. Much depends on the Speaker. One thing which, it is asserted by some, will ham per the action of th.e Southern fili busters is the fact that Speaker Carlisle once ruled that each House was tbe creator of its own rules, and that until it adopted rules it must proceed under general parlia mentary law. CARLISLE'S MOUTH WILL BE CLOSED on this question, but Mills and the others' declare lrankly that they care nothing for Carlisle's attitude, that they never agreed with him, and that they propose to fight to the last inch of ground. While they are not publishing their plans, they have flung down the challenge, and the Bepublican candidates for Speaker know jnst what a fiery trial the lucky man will have to endure. There is more than one candidate who, if put in position to go through that fierv trial, will be exceedingly lucky if he is not hauled out of the coals completely roasted. LlGHTNEE. A CALL TOR HASTE. The Census Bnrcaa to Hurry TTp Its Statistical Report Benefits Ex pected From It for tbe Repub lican Party Very Soon. ppEOM A STATS' COBBESrODIHT. 1 Washington, November, 24. One of the things that the Census Bureaus proposes to do promptly is to finish the report of the statistics of population at the earliest possible moment. This is not only desirable on account of the work itself, but also that thel"iftv-rirt Oowrres awyhaveaa oppor tunity before its expbtttio ea tke- 4thf J NOVEMBER 25, 1889. March, 1891, to reapportion, on the basis ot population discovered by the new census, the Congressional representation of the Various States, that it may take effect previous to the Presidental election of 1892. This is highly important to the Bepublican party, as it is well known that several of the Invulnerable Democratio States have de creased largely in their population, while many of the strong Bepublican Stater have greatly increased. It is probable that if each State had in 1884 cast only that number of electoral votes to which it would have been entitled ac cording to the basis of. representation fixed by law, Blaine, and not Cleveland, wonld have been President, so generally had the population of the Southern States either de creased or remained stationary, while that of the Bepublican States had either greatly increased or remained stationary in the years intervening between the taking of the census of 1880 and the Presidental election of 1884. It is expected that the new census will 'increase the chances of Bepublican rule In Congress, though its effect in this respect may be to some extent counteracted by gerrymandering in Bepublican States whose legislatures may happen to be Democratio when the State is redistricted. The im portant effect, however, will be on the Presidental election, as almost undoubtedly the representation In Unwavering Bepub lican States will be considerably increased, and in no State decreased, while in some Democratic States it will be decreased, in others left as it is, and in only a few in stances increased in any important degree. This conclusion is reached irom a compari son of the votes for President in 1880, 1884 and 1888. At any rate, the Bepublican Fifty-first Congress will try to dispose of the reapportionment question. STANLEY WAS SICK. For SG Days He Was Completely Pros trnted Discoveries of tbe Greatest Importance Tha Fate of Trotters. London, November 24. Mr. Marston has received a letter from Henry M. Stan ley dated South End Victoria Nyanza, Sep tember 3, from which the following extracts are taken: The rebels of the Emin Government relied Upon their craft and on tbe wiles of the "Heathen Cninee,,rand it is amusing now to loos: back, and note how punishment has fallen on them. Was it Providence or was it luck? Let those who love to analyze such matters re flect on it The traitors without camp and traitors within were watched, and tbe most active conspirator was discovered, tried and banged. The traitors without fell foul of one another aqd ruined themselves. If it is not luck, then it is surely Provi dence, in answer to good men's prayers. Far away, our own people, tempted by their extreme wretchedness and misery, sold our rifles and ammunition to our natural enemies, the Manyema, the slave traders' true friends, without the ieast grace, either of bodies or souls. What happy influence was it that restrained me from destroying all concerned In HI .Each time t read the story of Nel son's and Parkes' Sufferings X feel vexed at my forbearance, and yet again 1 feel thanlcfnl for a higher power than man's, which severely afflicted them with cold-blooded murders by causing them to fall upon one an other a few weeks after the rescue and relief of Nelson and Parkes. The memory of those days alternately hardens and unmans me. With tbe rescue of Emin Pasha, poor old Casatland those who preferred Egypt's flesh-pots to tbe course plenty of the province near Nyanza, were returned, and whilo we were patiently waiting, tho doom of the rebels was consummated. Since that time of anxiety and unhappy outlook, I have been at the point ot death from a dreadful illness. The strain had been too much, and for 23 days I lay helpless, tended by the kindly and skillful hands of Burgeon Parkes. Then little by little I gathered strength and finally gave orders for tbe march far home. Discovery after discov ery in this wonderful region was made the snowy ranges of Bnevenzonl, the Cloud King or Rain Creator, the Semofiu, the Albert Ed ward Nvanla. the Dlains of Nooucora. tbe salt lakes of Katlve, the new peoples-of tbeWa- featured Wasonyora, the" Wanyoro bandits, and then Lake Albert Edward, the tribes and shenberd races of the Eastern unlands. then Wanyakori besides the Wanyaruwamba and Wazinja. until at last we came to a church, whose cross dominated a Christian settlement and we knew wohad reached the outskirts of blessed civilization. Mr. Mackinnon, the Chairman of the Emin relief committee, has also received a letter from Stanley. It is dated August 6, and was written at HZaiurro, an Arab settle ment on the Karagwe. WILL NETEE SDBEENDEE. Baltimore Green Glass Battle Blowers Is sne a Cbnllense and a Warning;. SPECIAL TELEOIJAM TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 Baltimore, November 24. The green glass bottle blowers of this city who have been on a strike since last September are out with a statement of their grievances. The cause of the trouble, they say, is due to the non-compliance of the man ufacturers with the apprentice regulation adopted by the Eastern and Western di visions of "the bottle blowers. Tne Eastern manufacturers also decline to start factories until the employes accept a reduction of 25 per cent in wages and allow the full control of the apprentice regulation. Tne address concludes as follows: We challenge any one to show us any trade that has been as liberal to the apprentice question as the green glass bottle blowers. There is no trade that can make such a showing on this question. There is one apprentice to less than fonr jour neymen at the present time, yet we are asked to give those 16 firms unlimited control of the apprentice question. Now we propose to not only protect the American boy, but to protect the American man, fellow workmen, and citi zen, against the greedy and grasp ing manufacturer, and, Jn the present warfare now waged against the green glass bottle blowers by the 16 firms, we do honestly and firmly notify them that we will never sur render to tbem until such time as they are willing to grant to us snch terms as have al ready been conceded by their competitors in the green bottle business. THURJIAN'S DAUGHTER D1T0E0ED. Mrs. Coles Secures a Divorce From Hrr Hnsbnnd, a IT. 8. OScer. ISPICIAI. TELZOBAX TO THE DISPATCH. 1 SanDieoo, CaE., November 24. For nearly a year Mrs. Mary Thurman Coles, youngest daughter of Judge Allen G. Thur man, has resided at San Diego. Shortly after arriving here she filed 0 a petition in the Superior Court, asking for a divorce from her hus band, Lieutenant William 8. Coles, now in command of the United States steamer Despatch. The principal charge in her complaint is neglect The couple were married at Washington, 16 years ago, when Mrs. Coles was only a girl. The complainant alleges that Lieutenant Coles soon forgot his marriage vows and ceased to provide for his wife. The divorce proceed ings were kept secret until to-day, when the decree was issned. TROUBLE IN THE LEAD TRUST. The Trustees nt Cincinnati and St. Zionis Have Resltrned. St. Louis, November 24. It is reported on what is believed to be good authority that the local representatives of the National Lead Trust have resigned their trusteeships, audthat developments respecting the con dition of the trust are likely to follow which will be very interesting. It is also said that the trustee at Cincinnati has taken the same action. Trouble on an Ocean Steamer. Queenstown, November 24. The Canard Line steamer Etruria, from Liver pool for New York, is delayed here by a fog. There was trouble on board the steamer, owing to the union saea refusing to sail with the aoa-anlon men. The unlo aM were imprisoned fer dajv -,' mmmsmrwmsm i tTuT1I I ill " REALLI A BEBDBUC. The New Government of Brazil Has Been Enthusiastically ACCEPTED BY THE. WHOLE PEOPLE. Interference From Germany or Abj Giber Foreign Power Will NOT BE TOLERATED WITHOUT A FIGET, The European Monarehs Will be Easy Watc&fBC Their Own Subjects. Minister Valente has received .authentic information from Brazil that the Bepnbllo has been accepted by all the provinces and blessed by the Church. ThUr he says, assures a united front against any attempt at foreign interference. Dom Pedro is ex pected to arrive at Lisbon in a few days. Washington, November 24. Senor Va lente, the Brazilian Minister, this afternoon received the following important cable, gram, which shows that the Bepnblie has been accepted by all the provinces of Brazil: Rio mi Jasteibo, November 24. I inform yon that all tbe provinces have sig nified their adherence to the Republic and Pro visional Government without anx resistance or protest Tbe Government has extended the right to vote to all citizens, except only those usable to read or write; Tbe Archbishop, head of tbe Church In. Brazil, has conferred to-day his solemn benediction upon tbe Government and tbe Republic. IRtnr Babboza. Minister of Finance In reply to a suggestion that cable dis patches from Germany stated that there was dangeb op a division i of Brazil into three parts. Minister Valente said that the telegram received to-day was a complete refutation of all such reports. It showed that Brazil was united and that the sentiment of every province was in favor of a Republic It was not pleasing news a most of the countries of Europe, the Min ister said, to hear that a monarchy had quietly and without bloodshed become a Bepnblie It might set the people there to thinking abont Republics. Doubtless the other monarchies would like to see a reaotion and would like to pnt obstacles in the way of a Bepubiic It was the will of the people of Brazil, however, that a Bepnbllo should be estab lished. It was accomplished without any bloodshed or commotion because the time Was ripe for It The people were tolerant in religion and politics, and- this prepared the way for the change. The Government had never at tempted to interfere, and everyone was per fectly free to express his view. When in Brazil last Jnne the Minister had heard two members o'f the House riie aad hail tho coming of the Bepnblie. good feeling all abound. The movement had gone on, fortifying and fructifying; until every one was ready forit. The Emperor, Dom Pedro,' knew of tbe movement, and had said fie weald re tire if it were for the good of the coantry. Tbe Minister would not say that the Em peror was pleased with the. notification that lie was to be deposed, but he was sure that he bore no one any ill will for the measures which had been token. Dom Pedro wonld not countenance any movement looking to his forcible replacement on the throne. "There is one thing in the telegram in ad dition to the fact that all the provlnaas. wiWpsIb. aaaSja'l, -BjSrsej -Tapf&QHk SaefaA- Yi&ioBai cruTCfiiincai, uja. is yexy uapert. ant," said MiVTlate, "and that is that the Boman. Catholic church Jms to-day blessed the new Governmen t That is a very powerful support. Ton see, in Brazil, while every one is free to worship his own religion, the Roman Catholic church is the church -of the State, Just as the established church is endowed by England. The fact that the Church has accepted the change ia Government shows, that it is the will of the' whole TEOPLE and there is no opposition. The priests had nothing to do with politics, and they are naturally conservative and friendly to mon archists principles. They had acquired their privileges under a monarchy ana did not desire a change. Republics are Dot friendly toithe establishment of any church, as they believe that each church should he supported by its own congregation. "So. when the church formally recognizes the Republic, it shows that it is convinced that it is the will of the whole people, that all the provinces favor it, and that there is no hone of a restoration." Continuing, the Minister said that if other countries sought to interfere, they would aid instead of harm the Bepubiic Germany would like to have a South American Empire, and be had seen It stated that there were 200,000 Germans in South ern Brazil. That number might not be too large if it included those of German descent, bnt those Germans did not wish to be under the control of the Home Government They were free to leave the country, and he was sure that they would, if asked, say that they were happier than they were in Germany. WILL TOLEBATE NO INTEBFEBENCE. Any attempt at interference on the part ot an outside nation would strengthen the country and make every Brazilian rise up in her defense The people would not per mit any intermeddling with their domestic concerns. Bpeaking of the statements that the revo lution had been largely due to hostility of Count d'Pu, the husband of the Princess, and to the emancipation of the slaves, Mr. Valente said both statements were untrue. The Bepnbllo was not brought about by hos tility to any man, nor any set of men, bat because the people believed that a Bepublio was for the good of the country. THE EXILED EMPEROR la Expected to Arrive In Europe Setae Thae This Week. London, November 24. It is expeeted that Com Pedro, the deposed Emperor of Brazil, will arrive here about the end of the month, and ihat after remaining here eight or ten days, he will go to Cannes. EMIN PASHA'S BT0SY Will Centals a Great Amenst ef Terr Ex citing History. Beblin, November 24. The lettsrwhlca Dr. Scbweinfurth has received from Emin Pasha is dated "Mission Station TJssaabrfo, Victoria Nyanza, August 28." Imin ex presses the hope that he will soon be able to give an account of the military revolution; the imprisonment of himself and Jeppson at Dufile; the arrival of the Mahdists at Lado; the capture and destruction of Bedjaf; the massacre of the soldiers and officers seat against the Mahdists; the departure from Wadelai and flight to Tungnru; the Mahdists attack on Dufile and their ee plete defeat: the final union with Stanlar, and the highly interesting raareh, geograph ically and otherwise, from, the Albert Nyanza. Died From His Irjsrtes. Matthew Lavery, who was m terribly injured by falling three stories apen a pile of brick at theWestlnghoBseEleetrle build ing en Garrison alley, dtei at the Heaseo attifc Hospital last STsalay. Ohm ks-wsUwill4Wasiiastall A.JC te-aay. u- EmmC; .- T -? 2&fci., .,j.-5if!lL.,.JS??X. jJWAMJ1 V ; .wh.UmilM-lW'-- ,&, i - lul but. , . ..U Hnm ilm. '.:' : -3 ' theie plans hset. Montana RejwtllcaB.. fTATNt Tws Sesatsrs.'tYna K 6e The Bemsera Agree te a JMvl , Afik nrAA. Ai ) - v,as NFZCZAZi TXLIORAM TO TBS DUV3A- Helena,.- Mont., Novembr'3$"3 failure of the Seast to nreanfae yeslKl owintr to "the absence of eight Deaafc,4 members, ha had the tSect of disarrange all plans for electing twq Bepubln Senators and sendlne them, with cer tificates (torn the Bepublican Secre tary, of State at Washington. The Democrats are not much better off, but they have not regarded the qnestion of the Sen atorship as being of the first importance. So far all the Democratio Senatorial aspi rants have kept in the background, aaa their entire effort has been to see that the Silver Bow members secured the seats to which tbey were elected. Theresultof the two policies has been that while the Democrat representatives present a solid front, the bolting Republi cans'are split up into factions,, and cot a few in private conversation condemn the action of Auditor Kinney in. ordering the .Repub lican members to Beet in another place than that selected by the Governor. The report was published last night that Auditor Kinney had been Offered $20,000 by the Democrats to call the House to order in the place designated by the Governor, at the same time recognizing"the Democratic mem bers from Silver Bow.. Kinney, in a morn ing paper, pronounces the story a canard. When tne committee from the Repub lican bolters calls pn Governor Toole-, to morrow, to inform him that the House of Representatives is ready for business they will not be recognized in their alleged official capacity. Thereis good ground for the assertion that whea they return to tbe body whieh'seat them, and report the re sult, that two members, and probably three, will favor the Republicans going up to the Court House and answering to roll call. The Bepublieaa caucus sat last evening, the object being, to agree upon one Senator ial candidate, and then make an offer to the Democrats that each side be allowed a Sen ator. This will not: be successful, as the Democrats will not yield a single point in what they believe to be their rights. As the matter stands now, everything is blocked, and as the-Democratio Senators will not take the oath until the. Hoase question is settled, it will be seen the only way oat of it is for some one to back down. MAY M IM00EST. A Female Betsetlre TrjlBr la Saye a Mas Coadesss4 to be" Haafed Aaetaer Mas Reported lo Have Caa 'fused B4aaeK' sfca Mardrr. M SCUI.,T -SBA1C EB BiSCATWCt New Zobk, November 25. Jadgs Moore.fwhM for the third time he seBteseed John Gme.wald.to be hanged, said ia sub stanctkat he never had had aaydesU of his guilt of the Harder of Lyman S. Weeks, The saate feeliag- of certainty oa this peintwas shared 4y hat few people, Aasoflg those posscsasCmrHi the idea that the prisoner was iaMst of this crJBM, and was b-ns; stwfe the scapegoat t a. .g ef cat throats wasMr--JT-Binghs-, a ftsaale deieet ive. Whea Greenwald, thrlee condemned and apparently friendless, was taken back to his cell it was she who went to him and whispered ( hope. She said to him fraaklyr "John, I believe yoa are iBfioeeat ef this roHraVr, an if yoa will ;Wp--eI -Ul. try to aslawMsss aayslwy VrI9VvB3 .Sa!BsrOoaSrTB or alxv Ma j a"asM afTassvBBfSar VVATsrSirTv daatlsedvsa fx the KeMsw,' This evideaee M friendship at a tisM whea hope seesasd to have deserted him, unnerved the condemned man, and for several minutes he sat in dark re cesses of his prison chamber, sobbing like a child. Saddealr springing from his seat, and looking earnestly throngh his tears at the good woman who had brought cheer to him in his darkest" hours, he raised his hands dramatically and said in hroken "English: "As God is my judge, I may have bees a thief, bat I am not a murderer." A local paper prints this sseraing the result of Mrs. Bingham's diseeveries. This inclades the confession of an accom plice ia the barglary, "Frederick Christian, who was outside1 the hoase, heard the fetal shot, knows Greenwald had no pistol, and declares that Paul Krouse, who was inside, confessed firing the shot" later, while asleep id Christian's roost. FAILING yfklLS ' Kill Oae FbHadelBbhi Ffreasaa asd Isjere Others, WUIe Here Were Mteded ,by Barnia- Frar aad Dfas tard A Flannels! Lass f 93,a. Philadelphia, November 24. Follow ing the damaging fire of last evealag, which destroyed the drygoods storehouse of Sbarp less Bros., another conflagration, more de structive in its character sad aeeosapanied by loss of life, broke oat shertly before 4 o'clock, this adrniag ia the wholesale grocery hoase of Janaey & Andrews, Nos. 121 and 123 Market street. The building Is six stories high, and the fire is supposed to have originated from spontaneous combus tion. The firemen worked for over aa hear, and thoaght they had the fire well uader control, whea flames suddenly burst oat, aad the four upper stories were soon completely gutted. Theiarning pepper and mustard, sent up fumes which interfered considera bly with tbe work of the firemen,, and five of them are now in the hospital under treat ment for partial blindness caused by the pepper getting into their eyes. The burning building far overtoppe'd the others in the vicinity, aad -at about S o'clock, when the wall fell, eight fireaseB, who were fighting the Jasaes from the roof of a building in the rear of 115 Market street, were caught by the debris. James McCuen, foreman of No. 4, suffered a frac ture of the skull aad otfaeciajaries aad died while being carried to the hospital. Tbe other seven men were qnieker ia getting away and were only slightly injured, oae of them, having an arm broken. Tbe dead fireman was a widower. He leaves two children. The aggregate less is estisaatsd at nearly 1250,000. FOWBElil A TERI TIRO HA. He TMaaM tbe Fanfa AlWaass WW Aasal aaMteWMhtMlCst. ISraCIAl TK.I8BAM TS THI BerAes.t Philadelphia November 24. Gen eral Master Workman T, T. Powderly; General Secretary Joha W. Hayes, and Member of tbe Xxeeatlve Board A. W. Wright arrived at the Windsor Hefel this afteraeoa. frees Atlanta, Ga., where the General Assembly of Mm Kalthts of Labor had beaa ia sessii. Mr. xww4k1t said this emlaf : "I am red. I aaa tell yea; we had a very saseessfal assembly, aad there is eae thing that is particularly grati fying, and thai is the books mi the geaeral efiee were thrown open to all whe wasted, te see them, and thereby wa hav eftetaally silenced the mischisi'm-ksts ws have been continually waking falsa aeeasations. , There will be a meetiaf Wsweea our ef- MHiMlBMtl IM-rarasa - Ainssai l , U m-ens.1, jus -- & aaa. X SCSamasU. Illlllll I smmmL mf " lMhr aanmsjam JSBa1 " ?-.ja - aroal a-a a- islislsTsinainl Baal Batata caa be aeM tan saw advar- ElaTflEDlsFATCZ. THREE OENTSij HEADING OEFMBED'El Jl ----!, Piecautioss Taken to PreTefij Shooting of Jatlge or Lawyeisf a fn m THE FAMOUS CIOltHI -TEIfeK Jeeessary Attention Faia te Thtttta Ibml Against Attorneys. . SHERIFF KATSvtfTO AT0I1 ACsstWjtf lad the la s Gnarss sfPsUce ts be TrtMe, SeedfoL d i Precaution snwe Weaken by ntyftSI connty ofieer t-psrresrt ther of lawyers or Jodsjeisv. the Croaiajtea iBxtra guards arec tsbe on. duty dariafW summing up by th lawyers. Bamori oiw-1 hears! by the police have led to this sisp.f rsnciu. -xxzoxAK so saMNat S Chicago, Novessber 24. Sheriff Matse Is considering plans to limit the a4tesdase at the Crbnin trial while the attorn j x making their final arguments. His for doing so is not a selfish oae. Be!- merely consulting the wishes of JudgeJaal uonneii ana an tbe attorneys, aaaassa same time he is keeping in mind twsTiS that threats have repeatedly and boIdlifMsatl made against the lives of both Mr.. ayssB and. Mr. Mills. Even Judge Los has notescanedin this carticnlan '7- The threats have been made by sll'i of people, and in all sorts of plaeesT-t first the lawyers were inclined to'pay,' & tention to them, xney continued totses the subiect Fn this way until one dav a eai man visited the State's Attorney's oSesj ana BEtiAT- A CONVBB3ATIOX Which he overheard between two Irisk men in a saloon on State street He over? heard the larger of the pair say, after tallgy ing atgreat length about the conduct of Ail Cronln case: "What has been done by 'small ... . ... n. . . . . . -il jeiiows in liBicago? xne repiy was ia e that arrangements had been made to " care of the bis; lawyer, and that "the UMKl man would be looked oat lor later. ,. In referring to the attorneys they swm vilest epithets they could command. Taajsj suosequent conversation reyeaiea ts, that the men had referred to Mr. Mill i Mr.Hynes, and they were discTHiinggMfl com uioou lue posmumtj oi eiuser t r a gentlemen, being assassinated la saw aaas room, in tact one of them eteaMW. mated that both attorneys woald W down before they could address stents to the jury. THE PBECAUnONS ' Neither Mr. Mills nor Mr. Iryass wsaifgj cliaed to pay any attenue sa issscsaaasaayi batwnea uniei xmnoarei aeara as .js isst once issned orders to doable tsts sMaaM board in the court oss. The fcatveaast policemen on every beaeh eaefc day,. a when the speeches are bean it is ae4jz likely that tne namBer ot oat ee an Will be doubled ortK est as of the time seav sanest The Chief also insisted apea oteiliejf officer to gnard Mr. Mills bOHsa,; against the attorney's protest WmS selected- a sssn (oruis duty nr remarkable discovery Ihat ths who was traveling the beat am wsakig .Mills boase is locatea was aames and a little more investigation a the additional fact that 7w the man who ran the saloea ea street where. Conghlia aad ssntesead Dr. Cseejai is i S amWajsv. XaJasiaa Jerria Pauley sa saittsr ksatai -!- lia'aA A l Chief Hubbard aad S-srst M, are acting in harmony oa this protection, have detersaiaesl ta outbreak. TBUSTS TUBNED Lt; Khte Haadrc Ceraaratlaw IniM ( lKJar! The Westera Freea and Wetlasasass 1 trie Cannay Aa the Sasferi rs s At-T-taaaAiiTOT tiiisi i iaayj ST. Louia, November 24. The of 700 Misseari eeraoratioas and 3M I corporations doiag basin ess fas have been revoked by Seeresarys Lesarer, for rtfasiBs; to comply provisions of the anti-trust law. Oft revoked, at least half have sJreawfJ to exist The Secretary of Stata night: One good effect of the law- wBI batbaaf immense amount of rubbish will bessajaai'.s of the archives of the state. uas be that new corporations caa takes of soase dead one. Tbe name Of a Hon oft; expresses a eood deal. is an almost dally occurrence tbat 1 relnse to issue lBcotporauoa oa rans at x cosfilct of names. The 1 of all these charters will furnish sew tions with plasty of expressive nanus tej from. Under tbe law pre en ting i tbe various eoantles of the State - ta bring suit airalnst tae irein that bare net complied with tbe law to the returning ot the snMar not a party to any pool or trust 5a tion of those that have failed to the purpose of informing proeeeasaHt tne corporaaofis 10 proceeu . All the trusts except theLss4 seed Oil have suffered. The Jaea Trust the. Coffin Trust, thd Tiaws aad others are on the list AsssaflssS; eign companies who are kaoeicM N, K. Fairbanks Company, ah Paekinsr Csmnanv. the Oiivs PIow Co bdv. the Wests. Press, Diamond Match Campaayyfij uase .new vmpauy. am - Clock. Comaaav. Michiaaa Salt and the Westiagkouse EleetrieLIejfcs' nanv The hi local comsaaiss aa Hk Loais StasapiBff Comnsav, owaed hju' greesmss NeidriBgnsus; Biswas ware Company, Citizens' CaUe" St Loais Cofta Company, Si. Leafit! ging Company, Standard Jsg W psay, "Union Elevator Company; aaals! of lesser note. ISPIaTI f I8HT WITH AT . Aa Xadteasi Van Fteda the Na Tali Casta er. anAfc -at-asRAH to ths GJtKEX3UKS,aXB., NoveJsnSW'J! the dragste-af Theasaa Willi mammoth gray eagle. Its same abet alter oaa of aha izbts a ssoa ever had. A far Frank, li-sin was rHiag road sem miles fram town wheat saddealy as-asd against him fx - k-BAjdc' Mm fro his fight lasted aa hamr. The have Wm sad scratefced with the fary of a Eggormaa oeaM not getaway, aaarswd, eeald not for a leaf aay advaataga. At last fee Mtllnrtfc aird dews aad 3ta. Trsitrstaa'n Boss is of, aa4 Mi wttakiaee leaks lilni His stetkac was eompieMty aUtwd a Oakdaht C The CarasMT received a 18:30 T. X. yesterday, seatrne: Whitman, the wife of a wall of OaksVUa, was accidentally aay evsMBff. wnuew the pMWadla read at hfas) ,:&3Mi: , .i.m; JffiL& in - . ' ."-a?.. l v iy. - r JfcSM C&r. '.?!&?