1 PITTSBURG, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1889. - : 1 - -. ; ; ' iiJ LET US HOLMS For the Many Blessings Granted by Providence During the Past Year. ORIGIN OF THANKSGIVING. A Puritan Farmer Who Believed in Cheerful Gratitude to God, OBSEEYIKG THE DAI IN NEW ENGLAND. Tfaanksstvlng Day Instituted by tbe Fllcrlm Fathers A Good Man Whose Name Forgotten-Why Governor Wise, ol Virglnln, Refuted to Issue n Thanks eivine Proclamation A Pnritan Cele bration Ions Church Serrices and n Bis Dinner A Conflict Between Con. science nnd Venison How Pomp Shorter Got Into Trouble A Preacher's Re proof to mi Cold and Hungry Congre gation. rWRITTES TOR THE DISPATCH. i'i? all our national holidays, none is now more universally or more joyously celebrated than that of Thanksgiving Day, which has been appointed this year for next Thursday. Though of New England origin, and for many years confined almost exclusively to that section, it has slowly, but surely, extended itself all over our treat country. "We are indebted for it to the Pilgrim Fathers, who maybe said to hare celebrated it for the first time upon tbe completion of Pleading for a Day of Thanksgiving. their first harvest at Plymouth In 1G21, when Governor Bradford sent out four fowlers in search of game, that they "might, after a more special manner re joice together." But fasts were much more common among those hardy Puritans than feasts, and though they occa sionally observed a general thanksgiving day for some specially propitious occurrence, such as some action favorable to them on the part oi the mother country on the ar rival of a shipload of provisions, they de Toted much more time to deploring their miseries than they did to rejoicing over their blessings. It is said that their adop tion of the custom of annually appointing a Thanksgiving Day was due to a sensible old farmer whose name tradition has unfor tunately failed to preserve who rose up when it was proposed in the Assembly to proclaim another fast and plainly told them that he believed God was weary of their complaints in view of the fact that He was causing the earth to reward their labors; that He had filled the seas and rivers with fish, had made the air sweet and the climate healthful, and was permitting them the fall enjoyment of civil and religions liberty. The speaker therefore proposed that instead of S fast A DAT OP TUXSKSGTVTSO and feasting should thereafter be annually proclaimed, which sensible suggestion was unanimously adopted. "Whether or not this is a true account of the origin of the prac tice, it is a thoroughly established fact that s-C Going to Church in Colonial Days. by the year 1680 it had become a fixed cus tom for the Governors of the colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay to ap point a Thanksgiving Day late in the au tumn of every year, a usace that soon ex tended to all the other New England colo nies. The adoption of this custom outside of New England was very slow. How slow will be readily understood from the fact that as recently as 1855 It was considered a remarkable event in Virginia when Governor Johnson recommended the observance of a Thanksgiving Day and that Governor "Wise refused to appoint one in 1857, on the ground that he had no author ity to interfere in religious matters. Thanks giving Day was not regularly appointed by the Governor of New York until 1817. Dur ing the Bevolutionary War Congress an nually recommended a general Thanksgiv ing Day. Washington proclaimed one in 1789. on the adoption of the Constitution. and another iu 1795 for the suppression of a the whisky insurrection in estern Penn aylvania, while Madison proclaimed one for . ? -S&2 peace with England in 1815. After Madi son, Abraham Lincoln was the first Presi dent to proclaim a Thanksgiving Day, and he did it In 18G2 and 1863 tor war victories. In 1861 he proclaimed a Thanksgiving Day in November for general blessings, and his example of that year has since been an nually followed by every one of his succes sors and by nearly every State Governor down to the present time. A POTJITAir'EAST. But popular as Thanksgiving Day now is throughout the length and breadth of this land, it is in New England that it still con tinues to be what it has been ior more than two centuries the greatest and most eagerly anticipated holiday of the entire year. The old Puritans and their descendants, who so long frowned severely upon Christmas which, indeed, many of the latter stillcon tinue to do, refusing to it any recognition whatever found an excellent substitute for its cheerful hilarity, peace and goodwill in Thanksgiving Day. For at least a week be fore the important occasion all was activity in an old-fashioned, rural New England household. A bushel or more of the best iXr A Puritan Congregation. wheat was sent to the mill to be converted into flour.- Great rounds of beef were chopped up into mince meat. Cartloads of yellow pumpkins, with an abundance of milk, spices, finger, mo lasses and sugar, were made up into pump kin pies. An abundance of turkeys, chick ens and geese were killed and made ready for roasting. A pair ol immense plum pud dines were baked in tbe largest sized earthen pots, with Indian puddings and custard puddings to match; while there was baking of pound cake, plum cake and sponge cake from morning till night. From its very beginning divine worship was an important feature of the day's ob servance, and that term "divine worship" meant something very different in rural New England in old colonial days, and even for some 40 or 50 yearB afterward, from what it means. RIDING TO CHUECH. A great majority of the members of the religious congregations of that time, lived at a considerable distance from the meeting house, and had to be up bright and early on Thanksgiving morning to prepare for their long drive through "a nipping and an eager air," for ths weather in New England is often bitterly cold by the middle of Novem ber and it was no uncommon thing to ride to "Thanksgiving meeting" in a sleigh. On Thanksgiving and on all other feast and fast days, as well as on the Sabbath; there were held two services morning and afternsoa each of some hours' duration, and for places of rest and refreshmentduring the noon intermission between them, there were erected in the immediate vicinity of the meeting house, for the accommodation of distant worshipers, small buildings, called "Sabbath dav houses." These structures were usually built and held in partnership by two families and consisted of two rooms some 10 or 12 feet square, with a chimney between them, haying a fireplace in each apartment. On Thanksgiving morning a bountiful supply of good cheer was stowed away in the wagon or sleigh that was to convey a household to "meeting." Arriving in the vicinity of the sacred edifice, the "Sabbath da house" was first "Visited and the-pro-visions deposited there. Afire was then lighted and soon all were thoroughly thawed out and well warmed after their long, cold ride. At 9 o'clock, the hour for worship, they were ready to sally forth and shiver in the cold during the three-hour morning service, for the "meeting houses" or churches of those days were wholly un warmed by artificial heat of any kind. As a consequence the minister preached in his overcoat and mittens, and when the services drew near an end on a cold day everybody was anxious to escape from the chilling atmosphere of the church and seek warmth in their adjacent homes, or "Sabbath-day houses" as soon as possible. A pastoe's eepboop. Apropos of this a good anecdote is told of the Bey. Mr. Milton, a very eccentric man, who was one of the early pastors of that Congregational Church at Newburyport, Mass., within whose walls lie the remains of the famous English evangelist, George A Seventeenth Century Thanksgiving Dinner. "Whitefield. One bitter, cold Thanksgiving Day Milton had scarcely pronounced the "Amen" of the benediction before the door of every pew was swung open and its occu pants made a hasty rush for the aisles. Bnt their unseemly haste was checked when their eccentric pastor leanedover the pulpit and cried out, in his peculiar nasal voice, "Xe needn't hurry; your turkeys and mince pies won't get cold." At noon the family returned to the Sabbath-day house, where a warm room re ceived them, and where their Thanks giving dinner was cooked and eaten, a blessing being invoked and thanks returned by tbe head of the family. The morning sermon formed the chief topic of discussion, all being allowed the utmost freedom in their remarks. A long prayer was offered by some one present, and then all returned to the meeting house for another three-hour service. For the following quaint account of an old colonial Thanksgiving church service nnd dinner, "I am in debt to a Ieiter written in the Tear 1714, by an ancestor of mine, the Bev. Lawrence Conant, of the old South parish in Danvers, Mass., and still pre served as a most precious heirloom in my family. J "Ye Governor was in ye house, and Her Majesty's commissioners of ye customs, and they sat together in a high seat by ye pul pit stairs. Ye Governor appears very de vout and attentive, although he favors Episcopacy and tolerates ye Quakers and Baptists. He was dressed in a black velvet coat, boardered with gold lace, and buff breeches with gold buckles at ye knees, and white silk stockings. POMP shobteb's ibbevebencb "There was 4 disturbance in ye galleries, where it was filled with divers neirrnri: mulattoes and Indians, and a negro called PompShorter, belonging to Mr, Gardner, ..1.H.U6U."!! umr VIJI lulO1 f fe if MjF was called forth and put in ye broad isle, where he was reproved with great careful ness and solemnity. He was there put in ye deacon's seat between two deacons, In view of ye whole congregation; but ye sex ton was ordered by Mr. Prescott to take him out, because of his levity and stranze con tortion of countenance (giving grave scandal to ye grave deacons), and put him in ye lobby Turkey Ealcis of To-Day. under ve staire: some children and a niulai to woman were reprimanded for laughing at Pomp Shorter, when ye services at ye meeting honse were ended ye council and other dignitaries were entertained at ye house of Mr.Epes, on ye hill nearby, and we had a bountiful Thanks?"! ving dinner, with bear's meat and venison, the last of which was a fine buck shot in ve woods near by. Ye bear was killed in Lynn woods near Beading. After ye ' lessing was craved by Mr. Garnch, of Wrertham, word came that ye'buck was shot on ye Lord's day by Pequot an Indian, who came to Mr. Spes with a lye in his mouth, like Ananias ot old. Ye council therefore reiused to eat ye venison, but it was afterward decided that Pequot should receive 40 stripes, save one, for lying and profaning ye Lord's day, restore Mr. Spes ye cost of ye deer, and considering this a just and righteous sen tence on ye sinful heathen, and that a bless ing had been craved on ye meat, ye council all partook of it but Mr. Shepard, whose conscience was tender on ye point of veni son." Feank H. Wade, M. D. THE BID WAS WlTHDEAWN. An Interesting Tale Concerning; sn Ante Bellum Slave Auction New Tork Sun. I In Jacksonville, Fia., in the winter of 1848, an auction sale ot the personal estate of a deceased planter, comprising some 70 or 80 slaves and other "chattels," was held in the public market place. I was glad of the opportunity to see for myself how such things were done. On beginning the sale the auctioneer announced that families would not be separated, but "would be sold in "lots." After a number of "lots" had been duly brought to the block and knoc&ed down to the highest bidders, a bright-looking boy was brought forward and placed upon the stand. The auctioneer at the same time called an old colored man among the crowd to come up and stand beside the boy. He did so, and tbVauctioneer then, said: "Gentlemen, the old man is this boy's father; he lives in the West Indies and is a tree man. He wants to buy the boy and take him to his home and make him free. He bids $400, which is all the money he has." The intent of this statement was evidently to discourage any advance on that bid, and it touched a sympathetic chord in his audi ence. The crowd watched tbe proceedings for a minute or two in silence, while the auctioneer dwelt upon the bid of $400, and was calling it for the third and last time, when from the outskirts of the crowd a voice bid "Fifty." Every eye was at once turned in the directibn of the bidder, who was a rough, dissipated-looking fellow, a typical slave trader in appearance. The auctioneer paused a moment, looked annoyed, and then repeated his previous statement con cerning the old man, emphasizing the re mark that $400 was all the money he had. ".And now,"Eaid he. "I am bid 5450." From a dozen voices came the cry, "With draw your bid! Tbe auctioneer awaited the result. The bidder growled a surly re fusal, saying he "wanted that boy. and had as good a right to bid as anybody." "Four hundred and fifty," came slowly from the lips of the auctioneer. The shouts of "With draw your bid!" were repeated in angry tones on every side. "Well," said the bidder, "I withdraw it" The auctioneer quickly went back to the original bid, on which he dwelt two or three times, when down went the hammer. "Sold at $400. Old man, the boy is yours; take him down." The crowd "cheered, and the principal figure in this little drama, who the moment before had been the picture of des pair, hurried down from the stand, smiling and happy. BISCUITS WITH WHISKEE8. Tfaey Wero BIndo In 1823 and the Boarders Refused to Eat Them. St. Louis Globe-DemocratJ To give variety to the ancient fiddle busi ness, I will tell a true story of an old thing which is old and odd, if not musical. Not long since we moved here from Arkansas, where generations of our folks had kept house. Searching yesterday in a trunk we brought I found a wealth of relics. One was a bundle of biscuits wrapped in a copy of a Franklinville paper, dated January 3, 1823, during Monroe's prosperous regime. The bread had evidently been laid away, and, the weather being cool, the boarders had refused to eat cold biscuits. That was before baking powder was in vogue. They were so tempered by age that they would'actually ring forth a metallic sound which I think would not flood tbe soul of a hungry wood-chonper with rapturous mel ody. What would I. take for them? Noth ing. Aunt broke a tooth m biting one and that cost me S1L We will keep these bis cuits as a family heirloom. I would like to hear from anyone who has a biscuit more entitled to whiskers. Nothing Taken bnt FHsht. Billlngton Aha! Elvira, a camera. Let's stand just as we are. These fiends are al ways ready to capture good-looking people, and perhaps this one'll take a snap at us. Industrious Mullins Two crosscuts an' a bucksaw from the mansion. Trade' gettin' good. Wonder what struck them two high- toners to make'm. cit out like that .ftjcA;, . Jgi SWOKD SWALLOWERS Eccentric Performances of People With Peculiar Throats. LUNCHING ON LAMP CHIMNEYS. EemarkaMe Appetite of a Claan Knives. Sailor for MEH WHO EAT STONES AM) GLASS rWMTTEir FOB TB DISPATCH. "Of course we have all heard of people who thrust swords down their throats, swal low pebble-stones, and eat' glass; but nobody belieyes that they really do those things." So writes one who evidently believes him self too sharp to be imposed upon by any of theordinaryor extraordinary arts of trickery. But there never was a greater mistake. There are many people who actually perform the feats enumerated. They are to be seen in dime museums, side-shows, and occa sionally in bar-rooms or on street corners. I once had tbe pleasure of scraping the acquaintance of a sword swallower. He and a hairless horse constituted tbe at tractions in a small tent that had been pitched on the outskirts of a county fair. He called himself "Feretta, the Man With the Iron Throat," As soon as a dozen people had paid their dimes and entered the tent Feretta would bring out his sword and pass it around for examination. There was no deception about it. It was of steel, about 14 inches long, an eighth of an inch thick, half an inch wide at the hilt, and slightly tapering toward the tip. Feretta was very deliberate in his movements. Assuming a posture intended to be graceful, he would throw back his head, insert the' point of the sword in his mouth, and gently push it downward until the cross-piece, or guard, prevented it going any further. Then he would throw both arms behind him for the space of four or five seconds, after which tbe sword was withdrawn as carefully as it had been swallowed. A DAlTGEBOrS THICK. Then would follow a bow and smile, which appeared rather forced. Feretta told me the operation often cost him considerable pain, but of this he never gave public manifesta tion. He also said the utmost care was necessary in performing the feat to avoid in-, jury to the throat and stomach. Notwith standing his caution he occasionally hurt himself, and was obliged to suspend sword swallowing for a few days. But he had other ways of entertaining his patrons. He developed an appetite for pebble stones, which he turned to account by swallowing about three every half hour durinz the day. to the wonder and admiration of those who assembled-in his little tent. This was not a trick. The act was done too slow to admit of deception. He placed the pebble on his tongue, permitted it to remain in view for a moment, and then closed his mouth. The pebble reached some destination within his internal economy, and must have found a resting place in his stomach. He did not pretend that the stones were digested; but he said they never gave him any trouble. Feretta was also an all-around sleight-of-hand performer and juggler, as well as a good talker; so it will be seen that he was quite a host in himself, and well able to give 10 cents worth of amusement to the audiences that passed in and ont of his humble little tent AH OVEECBOWDED PEOFESSIOH. Glass eaters have become so numerous that they find their profession crowded. I have personally known two of this oI&st of "attractions." One ot them was a fellow about 20 years old, who was ludicrously shy and effeminate (off the stage) in appearance and manners. His only robust feature was a magnificent set of teeth, with which he bit chunks out of lamp chimneys and crunched them almost into powder with apparent ease. The other was a youngster of not more than 14, known as "Little" Glass Sam." He was n bright boy, and had amassed quite a stock of knowledge abont people and places, on which he could talk intelligently and en tertainingly. His teeth, too, were white and sound, and he masticated chunks of glass and swallowed the fragments with neatness and dispatch. He performed the feat in private before a committee of physi cians, who were forced to admit the fact, hut who were able to advance no explanation of how it conld be done without disastrous effects. But no injurious results followed. I never knew a glass-eater to cut his gums, tonene or any portion of his mouth. The stories of princely salaries which these queer-throated and tough-stomached people receive, are for the most part ficti tious. "Little Glass Sam," being only a boy, and small for his age, ought certainly to have been a drawing "card" in his line of work. Bnt he was frequently thrown on the world, and ready to do odd jobs of any sort to keep soul and body together. I have known him, within a week, to discard the tights and spangles of the variety stage for the soiled garb of a stable boy, and consider himself lucky at that. AIT ECCENTBIO SAILOB. Perhaps the most remarkable case of ec centric swallowing on record is that of John Cumming", an American sailor, scraps of whose history have been handed down in medical records. In the year 1799 Cum in in ss, then 23 years old, was sojourning in a village on the coast of France, where his ship had put into port He and others of the crew attended a small theater at which a professional juggler was astonishing the spectators by pietending to swallow clasp knives. CummlngSt believed that the per formance was genuine. Besides being cred ulous, he was boastful, and also fond of the "cup that iuebriates." That evening, on shipboard, he boldly an nounced to his companions that he could swallow knives as well as the Frenchman. He was just drnnk enough to be reckless, and promptly accepted a challenge to per form the feat. He placed his own knife in his mouth not without some misgivings, as ne aiterward acs:nowieagea and, greatly to the surprise of himself and the spectators, it slipped down his throat easily. The wit nesses of the feat were not satisfied, and asked him if he could swallow another. "All the knives on board the ship," he an swered, in a spirit of bravado. More knives were produced, three of which he bolted like so many pills; and thus the company was entertained for the night, as Cummings himself said: "By the bold attempt ot a drunken man.'' His stomach was readily relieved of its unusual burden, and the affair was passed over merely as an episode which had served to enliven a few leisure hours. MADE HIS WOBD GOOD. Cummings gave no more attention to knife swallowibg for six years. In March, 1805, while in Boston, he related his ex ploit to a party of carousing sailors who were engaged in a friendly contest of telling marvelous stories of their experiences. No one believed him, and, being again drunk and reckless, he swallowed six knives In the course of the evening. The story of his performance was quickly spread about, and the next day, in the presence oi crowds of wondering visitors,, swallowed eight more knives, making 14 In all. The exploit nearly killed him. He was taken to a hospital and tor a month suffered great tortures. He was finally relieved, and started on another voyage to France. The course of his wanderings at length took him to England, where, being again under the influence of liquor, he boasted of his former feats. He was again challenged to repeat them, and again complied, "disdain ing to be worse than his word." This was in December, 1805, and in tbe course of two days he swallowed nine clasp-knives of various sizes. A fev other feats of the kind J brought Bis record up to a total of 35 knives swallowed at different times. A MISERABLE DEATH. Now, however, he reaped the natural fruit of his folly. He was taken violently sick, and, despite the efforts of physician the greater part of the knives "stayed by him." He suffered excruciating pains and passed the most of bis time in Guy's Hospital, Lon don. After leading a miserable existence for nearly four years, he died in March, 1809, a striking and melancholy example of a "total wreck." Another peculiar case was that of Will iam Dempster, an English juggler, who in 1823 accidentally swallowed a table knife, handle and all, which he was thrusting down his throat. The mishap was occa-" sioned by the spectators crowdine around him and causing the knife to slip from his f "users, uempster died in great agonyaue? many inefiectual attempts to relieve him. It is related that a similar case occurred in Prussia in 1635. This patient was cured by the extraction of the knife through an in cision made in his .side. It cannot be regarded as a great misfor tune ttat the swallowing business is waning in popularity. However, there lurks in mankind a taste for the horrible, and there will probably always be found the means to gratify it in some form of grotesque and shocking violation of nature's commands, Willis Kentoit. ENGH5H AND AMEEICAS HOUSES. Many Convenience! That Oar Cousins Dwelling! Bo Not Have. The London Invention prints a very com plimentary article in regard to the house hold contrivances of the better class of American dwelling houses, such as electric lighting, the elevators, the heating, the burglar alarms, the calls for servants and the others oi our domestic details. There is no question as to the fact that, in all these particulars, this country is vastly in ad vance of any other. A peculiarity of the English grate is that it is fired up in the autumn and extin guished in the spring, not with reference to the condition of the temperature but by the almanac. There is a certain date when tbe grates must be kindled for the winter, and still another date when they must be put ont for the remainder of tbe season. The tact that it is very cold in the morning of an autumnal day furnishes no reason to the English housekeeper to "lay the coals" unless it be permitted by the almanac; and it is equally no reason why the "coals" should be raked out on a heated day in the spring unless it is a date authenticated by the same authority. The distribution of water in an English dwelling house is as imperfect as the heat ing. In all American cities, the inmates of the house can draw water in any quanti ties, at any honr of the day or night. Here in Chicago the householder turns a faucet, and all of Lake Michigan is instantly on tap. The English housekeeper has at her command a limited quantity of water in a tank near the roof, which is filled each morning from the public main, and she must exercise a rigid economy, for if the supply be exhausted, she must wait till the next morning for it to be replenished. In fine, in no essential particular is the English dwelling house at all comparable in its conveniences, comforts and advantages to the model residences in this country. 1 HW KATE FIELD WAS CHEATED. An Atchison Man Unload Some Worthless Real Estate on Her. Bt. Joseph Herald. Several years ago Miss Kate Field, the authoress, visited Atchison. While there she made the acquaintance of a prominent business man', who, believing that she had some ready money, portrayed to her the profit she would reap by buying a lot in that city. He induced her to purchase, the price being $3,000. She paid $1,000 down, and the balance was to come in payments. It turned out afterward that the lot really belonged to the man who induced her to buy, although he had represented differ ently. The editor of the Herald met Miss Field in San Djego nearly two years ago, when she related the story of her Atchison purchase, described the location of the pro perty, and said she had received a letter from a friend not to meet the second pay ment, as the property was not then and never had been worth more than $1,000, the amount she had already paid. We were requested to investigate the matter for her, and did so. We had two of the best reliable men in Atchison value the property. One placed tbe value less than $1,000; the other thought it might be worth $1,200. We advised Miss Field to lose the $1,000 she had paid down rather than pay the $2,000 vet due. This is the true story of Miss Field's real estate deal in Atchison. The deal was a clear swindle, for which the city of Atchi son was in no way responsible, but perpe trated by a man ofp rominence who claimed respectability. TWO GIDDY OLD GOATS. They Enter a Honse, Climb Upstairs nnd Leap from tho Window. Chicago Inter Ocean. 1 Two Mexican goats, with Pan-American whiskers, made their way up a flight of stairs in an apartment housBvon the West Side yesterday afternoon, and took a short turn to the left, which gave them an unin terrupted view of West Madison street. For a moment the two of a kind were noticed gazing abstractedly out at the panorama of moving pedestrians, and the next moment they were in the air, having leaped from the window to the awning below. Did they fall in the street? Not a bit of it. They knew their business, and for fully three-quarters ot an hour thereafter amused themselves by chew ing up old rags, oyster cans, clippings of tin and other matter that had found lodg ment on tbe extreme outer edge of the frail looking store front. When ready to take their departure the goats toak a flying leap from the wood awn ing to -an adjoining canvas affair, through which they disappeared, like Pantaloon in apantomime. Of course the goats landed right side up with care and lost no time in getting out of the neighborhood. Although absent they are still held to memory dear, the owner of the despoiled awning being in a quandary as to whether he had best sue the goats, the city, or the landlord of the furnished rooms for damages. A Sermon In a Sentence. ' Philosophizing on the tendency of the big apples to find the top of the barrel, the edi tor of the Ellsworth, Me., American quotes some pertinent wordsuttered by a Methodist minister whom he onoe knew. He said: "My friends, if your religion does not insure an honest deal and measure when you sell onions and apples, it is not worth having! TTnlesi you serve God in the measure of your potatoes, vain and futile is the service of your lips!" At the Boys' Own Theater. filS iBJ TJsher Say, Dookr, Bappsey Pilkinton's only got five pins an' a brass button. "Will J let bin in tr eea one so' ? JPhc .. Jj fenvffiK I l rrV-tKrM II II . Mill II II II I --l ri ill ii it ii i li DAWN ffl A BIG CITY. Pittsburg Streets as Seen in the Gray Light of Early Morn. MARCH OP THE ARMY OP TOILEES Oa Their Way to and Prom Workshops, Mills and Factories. A TOWN AEISIKG FEOJI ITS SLUMBERS rWBITTXX TOB THX DISrATCIM EE the dapple giay coursers of the morn Beat up the light.. ..and chase it into day. Mabsxox. We stepped forth from tbe wearisome clare of the electric light, and found ourselves, all at once, upon the threshold of another day. Jones started, and, tilting his hat back over his forehead, gazed wiili V.zti ey on the misty gray which seemed to have poured in upod the streets, as with a mighty flood, and sweeping the darkness of night before it, quenched the flaring lights, and engulfed the crowds that surge along the footways in j2 - Early Marketers the high-noon of sin. And in sooth the flood of gray seemed to touch our aching heads with the soft, refreshing embrace of the wild, free water, as it laughs and leaps and sparkles, clasping the weary frame to its pure bosom, and soothing the fevered brain with its cool, whife waves. Jones' parched lips broke into a smile,"fand he passed his hand over his eyes, as one does on suddenly starting from a dream. Then we both laughed, and looked back without a regret upon the dazzling brilliance, tbe uneasy delight, we had quitted. The lights seemed to have grown dim, the glamour which so lately lay upon the scene had been rudely rent apart, and we saw naught save a purposeless glitter, a tawdry, tinsel splen dor. ' Were -we -waxing drunk with these, great draughts we quaffed from tbe untainted ether, standing upon the threshold 7 "Was this why the scene behind had lost its at traction ? If so, this were intoxication in deed divine dissipation indeed refreshing I "By Jove," exclaimed Jones, "it's worth staying up all night if the mornings are like this!' Why we can almost 'breast the keen breeze,' as the poet somebody remarks. And how silent everything is!" His cane fell heavily upon the pavement It rang out through the stillness with the Going to Work. "S clang of a rifle drill. Terily, here was a deserted thoroughfare! Bnt yet not deserted. Half seen forms were passing and repassing in the gray, looking more lite the shadowy creatures of a dream, than the strong, sinewy sons of toil they were. These were coming down tbe street coming down from sound sleep and peaceful rest, to BEGIN TTTTtTR DAILY "WOEK. Each carried his little tin pail, and you could see by their pleasant faces that break fast had been Agreeable. We stepped into the street, and sauntered downward'also. This morning air proved so delighttul, so full of balm, that we were loath to leave it. The early risers passed us in one or twos, and we saw that they were of every age and size and hue. Old. men, bent and wrinkled, plodded by. Boys, laughing merrily, almost ran into the har ness that had not yet begun to galL Men in the glory of life, with frames of Titans, strode down to the mill, wherein they won their livelihoods Smart sons of Ham, around' whose grandsire's head, perhaps, the kingly ostrich plumes had waved in distant Africa, and whoseluckless sires had cowered beneath the driver's lash in the cotton fields, walked step by step, and stride by stride with those of the so-called superior race. Bnt black or "white, all these men were grand with tbe grandeur of Longfellow's blacksmith hero grand with the halo of labor accomplished, and the earnest heart andlstrong band thai will work still might- works, aad do things still mm diflfcult. 1 III atllp1 Strolling Bon in Ih Homing. These were some ot those that came down the street that early morning. Dp the street came another tide of men, the ebb tide one might call it, as the other was the tide in flow. These were- returning from the work or pleasure of the night re turning to sleep and rise refreshed, or to Pacing for the First Customer. sleep and rise with pale face and tottering limbs, according as they had labored or reveled. Boys and men black and white were coming up the street, much the same as those who had gone down. These toilers, too, bore each his little bucket; but they werenot so contented looking, nor so fall of the life and power which had given color to the faces and light to the eyes of those who went down the street They dragged their limbs somewhat heavily, they looked drowsy and tired, and a few, with bent heads and closed eyelids, seemed to sleep even as they walked. But it was the weariness which hard work produces, the drowsiness of healthful exer cise, which had attacked these men. No further care rested upon their brains till the honr of work came round again. They en dured not the never-ending toil ot the statesman when they had done their night's work, they had nothing more to do. BZELXHO BEVELEES. Other men, however, came up the street besides these honest sous of Adam. With wild, glistening eyeballs, hot red, faces, dis ordered dress, and unsteady gait came those who had bent the knee to Bacchus who had let the sun go down and rise again upon their mad, unmeaning folly. Stand aside and let them reel by they will not find much rest to-night, poor fellows. Jones was no impertinent chainer of in dividual liberty. He did not rise up in his fresh starched sinlessness, and exclaim: "Close up the whisky shops let man drink no more." Nay, I think that Jones drank himself upon occasion. But he was dis gusted with these staggering creatures. He said: "Do you know I often wonder why the atheists don't take a'drunken man as an argument against the existence of a soul. I presume these gentry think it the height of good fellowship to get as drunk as possible. They forget that all the real sybarites the men who knew how to enjoy conviviality and to take its best parts, never got drunk. Anacreon, Horace, Tom Moore they all sung Bacchus royally garlanded; but none of them sung Silenus, aught but the beast he was." Life was growing and intensifying along the streets, shops were opening their doors to the public, market wagons were jogging out of town, having left their loads behind. The newsboys were busy buying and ex changing papers at the corners, and scream ing in cadence hoarse or shrill the names of the various morning journals. the xotvir WAEXirO UP. Blinds were whisking up and shutters clanging back in upper windows, and sleepy eyes by thousands gazed ont upon the morn ing, fearing frost or rain or snow. The mist was slowly shading into blue and gradually lifting altogether. A moraine train rattled into the Baltimore and Ohio depot down ny tne riverside, its bell rang clear and loud over the low murmur of the town but just awakening. Old father sun was awake, too, high up in the heavens, and a right happy smile he bears this morning. It is clear he had not been adrinking the night awsyfhe looked too grand and brave and royal on his throne to have reveled' by gaslight Jnst then it occurred to us that it was about time to return to our domiciles. The reader may wonder" that the idea did not strike us at an earlier period; but the charm of the morning in slumbering Pitts burg and the strange appearance everything had for us must plead our excuse. As we walked home we passed a florist's store. Fresh flowers had just come in from the country and their fragrance loaded the air. We stayed a moment to enjoy and then has tened to our couches, a little tired, it is true, but with a great deal of happiness in our hearts and two white chrysanthemums in our buttonholes. And the sparrows in the eaves twittered us to sleep. Beekas-. HAED BT0EIES TO BELIEFS. A Faraoas Alchemist Whs Claimed to be 1.633 Tear Old. Medlesl Classics. The normal duration of life has been a problem sought for from tbe most remote ages. Hesiod, Solon, Esculapius, and Pliny had all their theories, mostly, how ever, associated with astral influence. Boger Bacon believed that man could live a thousand years if he only knew how to econ omize his provision of vital force. Ar tephius, a famous alchemist of the twelfth century who wrote a treatise on the preser vation oi life on the credit of his own ex perience, claimed to be at the time of writ ing his treatise in the 1,025th year of his age, and used quietly to settle every dis puted question of ancient history by- the Ir refragible plea of personal testimony. Gualdo, a brother of the Bed Cross, and the h'ermit Trautmansdorf, declared that they had attained, tbe one, 400 years, the other 140, by imbibing a solution of the philosophic stone. Paracelsus, whose real name was Bombast Yon Hohenheim, boldly asserted that he had discovered the incor poration of the vital spirit, and that he could create men in an alembic, yet never theless died in a hospital at the age of 48. Louis XL is said to have drank the blood of children as a means of renovation, thus realizing the fabled vampire. Descartes, who had had relations with the Bed Cross Knights, considered a vegetable diet most conducive to long life. His idea was to eat little and often of substances easily digested. But au Australian, who will stuff himself like a boa-constrictor, and sleep a week upon it, lives as long as those who take only two or three meals a day. A STEAHGE C0IKCIDE50B. The Graves of Tiro Cfasau AeelsteataUjr Le catedBidebjrBlrfe. Chicago Henld.1 "Speaking of coincidences," said a good natured fat man yesterday, "reminds me of one which I consider remarkably singular. An old chum of mine died not long ago. We were great friends. He was a jolly dog, like me. and we were together a good deal. He used to say very often that when ha died he wanted to be laid away ly my side. This argued that he thought I would be the first one to pass in my checks, but he died first His relatives intended to take his re mains South to his old home for interment; but later on they decided to bury him la Graceland. The casket was placed in the vault until the widow conld buy a lot She was anxious to purchase a lot in that sec tion known as 'the old cemetery, but she was told these hsdaii been sold. "While she was in the office a mad came in and said that as he was about to leave Chicago for good he would like ta have his lot sold. It was a desirable lot in 'the old cemetery,' and the widow ot say old friend purchased ft then and there. I went out to the interment not long ago and was aston ished to find that the lot adjoined thstof my own, in which my parents are bnried and in which I expect some da; to be laid at rest The widow jiad never heard of her husband's oft-expressed desire to be buried by my side, aad I taink the ooiaeWeaee a very BELIEFS OF ACTORS. Footlight Favorites Outline Their Ee ligions Opinions, LAST ffORDS OFJOHff GILBERT. Why Mrs. langtry Leans Toward th9 Catholic Church. SOME FALSE IMFBESSI05S EEHOYED rWRITTXX I OB TUX DISPATCH. It is a popular impression that actors, as a rule, are at variance with the Church and its doctrines. While many of tbe publio profess a disbelief in the religious instincts of the actor the pulpit has gone farther and declared him an atheist That those who successfully tread the boards of the theater can as devoutly bend the knee in religious devotion is to the minds of many difficult to conceive. Except in notable instances, the actor's voice has been but little heard in the discussion. Of especial interest, therefore, we think, will prove the testimonials of prominent actors sub-joined below. In almost every case publicity Is sow for the first time; given to the opinions expressed. The con-1 tributions have thus i freshness of interest as well as a unique value. HELEN DATJTEATS FAITH. Why Actors Seldom Attend Chnrch oa tbo Sabbath. Why is It that such a great portion of the public seem to take it for granted that all actors are irreligious, if not altogether athe ists? Some ministers of the gospel, who teach Christian charity, look upon us as forever lost to salvation, because we are-unbelievers. If those who deride us would only take the trouble to investigate with one-half the energy that they display in condemning actors and the stage, they would find such an opinion without foundation. In my association with my fellow-actors, it ' have yet to meet one who ever has anything but the greatest respect and belief in the Almighty Being. We are not church goers, it is true, but that is not because wa are unbelievers, but because Sunday is our only day of rest; and it is most welcome. Sunday is the minister's day of business;, therefore, he is punctual In his devotions, Bnt if he had to act every night in.the . week, and twice on Saturday, retire on Sat urday night physically exhausted,he would, perhap, also, when he heard the early church bells on Sunday morning, thine twice before he would leave the tempting bed of rest When an actor does visit a place of wor ship he is most reverential and deeply im pressed with, what he sees and hears. If any one doubts this, let him visit the "Little Church Around the Corner," in New Tork, some day, when there is a special gathering of dramatic people. I have done mo, and. was forcibly struck with the unusual serious ness of this usually happy band of light hearted Bohemians. Not being church-' goers they are all the more impressed, and I nrmiy oeiicyc, wuua in laa uouse oi wor- ' ship, think only of the Gospel and ltxi teachincs. while regular church-eoers. beinsrS accustomed to their surroundings, are ant to! let their minds wander to more worldly! aoairs. Perhaps periodical devotions that an ' deeply felt will weigh as heavily on high aa indifferent regularity. True religion teaches many noble things, but "thejgmtest of these is charity.' When in the world, and in -what profession, caa. Ode find mora of the "niilkot SH-ain-kiaA-"' ness," than in this elf-ta&bad of; Bi. t i utuiiuui xubjuo crcr raiuw Kieif ; lonn a neiping nana to inosein need, rt-y gardlesa of creed, nationality or profeasie. I do not think there is a prominent actor or actress before the publio to-day who is'aa, unbeliever. There may be agnostics annas: us, bnt I have never met an atheist -"" A Personally, I cannot say I am a charei? -goer. I attend service as often as I cab; when I do there is no one present who cess- munes more fervently with God., or with neater belief, than L Three of mv chiW-"i hood years were passed in a convent, and ail the age of 13 1 had serious intentions of be-" i coming a religieuse; and though I did atJ follow put my intentions I have not lost oe , jot ofay reverence for, or my faith in Ged,-Vjj HKT.Ejr JJAITVKAX WAS. COMEDIAN CEASE'S ESSATi , " Tie Profession Is Not Necessarily patlbto With KeHglsas Faith. Actors are more likely to hold in rever- ?3 ence religious and sacred things than the tl members of many of the learned professioas, saving, of course, the Doctors of Divinity, themselves. We are acoustoaed is oar' nightly work, many of us, at least, to eaua ciate sentiments of lofty morality and higst , and noble purport The emotional partofi nnw n.fnm faun 1ltnrt V fannv ffMA4 " - .-,- -.,, -w, , , its being trom tne emotional rather tnaartto intellectual side of man's character) is eea-- : stantly exercised, and becomes, therefore, more responsive and more easily stirred than in the case of other men. The very, ' nftrmwnpiut of !ntel!cfnal vision, whfck me often and perhaps rightly charged against ''J us, gives to our views oi uie a simplicity which is not affected by those divene ew ; rents of thought which anect tne opiawssv of those Drought more directly into oosus with the outside world. s Thus, at the start the actor Is, fa'&a'l nature ol things, much more lucely to hole rood men and divine things Invrsvereaes) than incontemnt: and or own obserratlasi'.Jl has led me to, conclude that this is pee caiiy as weu as tueorcucauy uie case. vS,; cause an actor, who leaves the theater at midnight on Saturdar, after a hard week's' jj wore and travel, laus to attend service at a Strange church m a strange oity, oa Sunday morning, there is in my opinion naevideeo fcrsupport a charge against his of InfliWtf or contempt for religion. . : Many reasons deter him from attsstdfaw;. divine service. He Is ever liable to ha charged with ostentation, and aceassi ef , going to church merely to, gain cheap' ar- vertisemenu and notoriety, it is; he may hear the reverend gentleman upon Uie actor's profession as tbe s mathtrav ii TutnHtinn. TTa Is flirnsAsss!, naturally, to place correct elocution' km, virtues wfaioh other men hold ia hlghetl esteem: and the time ha spends in ustsiiaw to a service read in the sinr-song, haltiaws .fashion, which, I fear, is the rule iahr; than the exception, is a penoa oi , mental torture. Finally, as I have kia Labove, he is a wanderer for sight or KJstts months in tbe year, and star ia aor i place Ions enouzh to enable hiss to Mi himself to any particular church orga4ei tion. RB That the actor's profession Is pecessarityj incompatible with, religions isua aiyutfa variety, save, perhaps, witn some igtim uncompromising tfuntanism, Aempaan deny. I haveknown many actorsand saajsyg actresses who were good Christians, jast as If have known many in all other prefwsiisjsl who delighted to insist la season ad Mtetfj it on tneir Hostility to aii lorma ex rsvsassj religion. "W. H. C8AXBJ STUAET EOBSOfl 13 HAD. Be Insists That Actors Practice AVflssj Great Virtues. n "j The morbid curiosity coacftsingli tnlrltnal aad Private life of theOln artist Is only worthy of thai vulvar asMll norant mass Of semMmbeeues ' c latfaadalMieattot ty aJw a'is stisji i , J