Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 24, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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- She PITTSBTJE& - 03ISFATOSinvrDAgrr;-,.NOyEMBERf2f - 18pMf
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A Thanksgiving Symposium
Concisely Presented.
'Some Politicians in Step "With the
The fact that next Thursday -will be
.Thanksgiving Day, if it does not rain, as
any intermediate day would be under simi
lar circumstances, was brought to the at
tention of the general public yesterday by
The Dispatch reporters. As the Presi
dent has decided in faror of Thursday, and
the Governors or the various States, irre
spective of age, sex or previous condition of
politics, annually agree with the National
Executive, probably for the first time in
some of their lives, the date was put before
the citizens generally with the request that
any data which they possessed lor basing
thankfulness upon might be produced. "I'm
thankful I'm livm was almostthe universal
response with a number of variations given
W. A. Magee X am thankful to be a
resident of a city, of which the residents are
apparently awakening to a public spirited
feeling, which prompts them to study the
general good and help it in proportion to
their means. J. H. Shoenberger and Mrs.
Scheoley certainly furnish examples to lol
low which would be an honor to both the
individual and the city.
"William Elinn I suppose I ought to be
thankful that 1 have good health, and that
1 have not been named as a candidate for
the Mayoralty. The surface indications of
my own cand"idacy are also cause for grati
tude to my friends
Philip Hoerr I believe that I'm thank
ful I'm alive. You know that from the
nature ot things I can't do very much kick
ing, anyhow; a fellow can't use one leg
unless he has another to stand on. I have
no foundation for kicking, and consequently
I am grateful.
A. C. Robertson Thankful 1 1 should say
I am. The free bridge question is again be
fore the public, and I want to have permis
sion to walk from the First ward to the
Thirty-filth without being compelled to pay
for the privilege of exercising my legs.
That will make everybody thankful when
the chance is afforded.
George Browne, Superintendent of the
Wafer Bureau I don't know yet, but I am
pretty sure I will be thankful if the basin
shows up fnll on Monday next, although I
don't want anybody to consider that this is
a chance for any other portion of the ad
juncts of the waterworks to get full.
S. A, DuBPan, Councilman of the Thir
teenth ward That depends. I am some
what thankful under some circumstances. X
am permitted to exist as one of them, but
whatever the general public has any cause
for gratitude in that fact I don't know. I
am thankful that the Thirteenth ward is
securing some improvements, and I shall
be still more thankful when the Central
Traction road commences to run.
Assistant Brhlding Inspector Captain I.
A. A. Brown was thanklul that no disasters
from falling buildings or fire escape casual
ities had occurred since Jnly 1.
Henry P. Ford was thankful for good
health, and his home of thankfulness will
be furnished with au extension of the latest
style, mansard roof, hot and cold water
and accompaniments when he is the re-cipient-of
the postmastership.
E. M. Bigelow I am exceedinglv grate
ful that the Lord has given me good heath,
and for the lastver bled me to
make the paths pleasant. X
feel also a vict. lness on the
part of our citizens to -nt donors ot
such generous gifts to the-...,.
E. S. Morrow Yes, I have reason to be
thankfal'for my health, and for the numer
ous good things received not deserved, but
given me. I am thanklul for the prosperity
of the city, and that the hearts of some
have been opened to give of their plenty for
the benefit of the citizens.
W. XL Ford, Delinquent Tax Collector
lam exceedingly thaueful that I had no
money deposited iu the Lawrence Bank.
There was a man who may not be so thank
ful, however, who paid over $300 into. my
office about noon on Thursday for taxes.
The check was on the Lawrence Bank, and
returned protested when I sent it to the de
.pository. Major J. F. Denniston Thankfull I
should say X am. "Why shouldn't I be,
with one toot in the grave, and the other
just as lively as a three-year-old, with lots
of fun going on, and a great big dog about
two months old keeping me awake nights
by running up and down stairs. Thanklul,
you bet.
Frank Darriogton, of the Treasurer's
office I dunno about the fact whether I
ought to be thankful or not I suppose I
might be. My family ain't any bigger and
my grub isn't any smaller than it was last
year, so thanks will go.
Coroner McDowell I am certainly very
grateful to my friends and the "boys" gener
ally for the manner in which they stood my
friends during the last election. " "With the
obvious objection to getting in "the soup,"
which every man who runs for office has, I
feel the services rendered me the more
keenly as the opposition appeared to be so
strong. Yes, I am very grateful to my
Chief Brown, of the Department of Pub
lic Safety, was not in the city yesterday,
and is, without any doubt, thankful that he
escaped the interviewer, so his cause for
gratitude is on record anyway.
George McCutcheon, the Meat and Milk
Inspector, said in the first place that he was
thankful he could swim, in view of the con
dition of the East End streets, and if he had
to travel around with a cork belt buckled
around him and a life preserver on each arm
he was satisfied that tbe number of lump
jawed cattle supplied for food was much
smaller than it was a year ago. He thought
also that, notwithstanding the heavy fall of
rain recently, the milk would be found
tretr rrom water thau it was when he opened
war on the adulteration of milk. This, he
said, he was thankful for and was sure he
would be backed in the thankfulness of
every mother in the country and every baby
in the city.
Roger O'Mara, Assistant Superintendent
of Police, said he would be thankful il he
found his children well on Thanksgiving
Day, as, according to medical opinions, that
would be the turning point of their afflic
tion. Mr. O'Mara's family has been suffer
ing from diphtheria for some weeks.
Captain Beed, of the Central police sta
tion : "I am thankful that I have got so far
through this wicked world, and am still
preserved to do my duty. I am thankful
that the city is is Euch good shape that a
check is kept upon habitual criminals such
as places them-in letter restriction. I may
live many-years yet to conduct affairs, and I
am thankful in advance for that."
Inspector McAleese thought it would be
better to be thankful for haVyjg the First
ward cleaned out without the Police Bureau
being put to unnecessary expense and
trouble, but seemed to shake a grain or
two of salt over the purification process.
H. P. Ford I shall be thankful if I get
the Pittsburg postmastership.
James S. McKean Senator Quay is
doubtless thankful that he landed that Phil
adelphia Surveyor of the Portship. Mr.
"Walters, of Chester, does not appear to have
made a permanent hit by requesting that
the Pennsylvania delegation be polled at
the Chicago Convention.
H. L Courier I shall be thankfoljf my
strained leg will get well, and give me a
chance to get about in my Mayoralty can
vass. John B. Larkin I am thankfnl that my
entire term will be completed, as it is a
graceful thing for the administration to show
consideration for a public servant who has
at least tried to do his whole and complete
duty while in office.
Superintendent of Mails Stephen Collins
X haven't much to be, thankful for. You
know the department decreased my sal
ary, and X have no reason to be thankful,
unless it is because X was not relieved en
tirely. Eddie Morris You can say that I am
thankfnl because I know the Brotherhood
will be a success; because my ann is iu ele
gant shape, and I am going to pitch good
bftl next vear.
J. F. DifTenbacher, publisher of the City
Directory I have commenced already to
give thanks that I am just over a severe and
protracted attack of neuralgia. I believe
our country has more to give thanks for
this year than any previous one. It has
been exceedingly prosperous. I sold more
directories than ever before, anyhow.
Ex-Building Inspector M. G. Frank
Just say that I am thankful X am out of
politics, and that X wish X had always
stayed out
A. J. Kaercher, the druggist I am
thankful that the "Wishart gang are letting
ml alone. They seem to be minding their
own business at present
Henry Hunneshagen, Mayor Pearson's
clerk I am thankful that the election next
spring will not take my sitnatiou away, as
Wyman is a sure winner.
Chief of Police Kirschler I haven't
much to be thankfnl lor, except that I
didn't have any money in tbe Lawrence
Alderman C. E. Succop I am not so
selfish as to only give thanks for myself. I
am thankful that the Southside has been
Erosperous and everybody seems to be
appy. I am thankful that there are pros
pects of our getting free bridges, and above
all things, stoves in the Birmingham street
Dr? J. "W. Biggs I am thankful that I
am living and that there are plenty of
turkeys in the market
Officer Thomas Richards If you think
there is anything in a policeman's life to be
grateful for, you are mistaken.
They Return Tbnnks for n Year's Steady
and Prosperous Work.
A number of men were seen yesterday
among the mills to find out what they had
to be thankful Tor. The Black Diamond
Steel "Works was visited as a likely place
to get a general idea about what the work
ingmen thought of Thanksgiving Day. Mr.
Tom Carrier, Superintendent of the open
hearth department, said:
"The most conspicnous thing that X have
to be thankful for is that every applicant
for employment in my department for the
past two months has obtained work. Be
cause this ho 8 been the case it makes me ex
tremely crateful, and I mean to appropri
ately celebrate it on the day appointed.
Another thing for which I will render
thanks, is that in the slaughter of convivial
resorts 93. were left where a man can repair
his lost energies after a hard day's work by
a 'deep draught of good Rhine wine.'"
Mr. David Murphy, a steel melter, said
that he offered up thanks because he had
had ten months' straight work in the past
year. He said that he voiced the senti
ments of tbe whole works by the word
happy. One other circumstance made him
glad, and that was the company paid him
ample salary.
movements of Pittsbnrcers and Others of
Wide Acquaintance.
E. C. Fundenberg left last evening for
St Louis, Mo., where on Tuesday evening next
he will be joined in the bonds of wedlock to
Miss Nellie Graham, the second and lovely
daughter of Mrs. M. Graham, of 8032 Franklin
avenue, at whose residence the nuptials are to
be consummated. Miss Graham 18 one of St.
Louis' most beautiful young ladies, and during
her visit here last winter she was very much
admired by all who met her. After spending a
few weeks in travel they will return to Pitts
burg and take up their residence in the East
D. L. Morgan, of McClure avenue,
Allegheny, is announced as a candidate for the
position ot Instructor of penmanship in the
Allegheny schools. He is one ot some 12 or 15
applicants, six or seven of whom are up in the
Spencerian system.
Later Developments In Retard to the Ohio
River Accident.
One, at least ' the men who were
drowned Friday evening from the over
turning of a skifi near the landing of the
"William Thaw ferryboat, in the Ohio river,
has been accounted for.
George Freed, a little boy who lives in a
shanty boat at Chartiers creek, reported to
Captain James "Woods that one of the men
drowned was his father, and said that the
skiff was that of his father. The boy said
that his father's name was John Freed,
46 years old, and that he had a
wife " and five children living
in the shanty boat He had been
employed at Long & Co.'s mill before the
suspension. Friday afternoon John Freed
and a man whose first name is "George,"
but who is otherwise unknown, had been
drinking heavily, and had pat out for Alle
gheny in the skiff, stating that they would
return in the evening. That was "the last
seen of Freed, and his family are positive
that he was one of the men.
Captain "Woods stated that he is not$ pos
itive that there were only two men in the
boat The search for the bodies of the
drowned men was continued yesterday, but
to no avail.
In the "West End yesterday a large num
ber of persons were named as having been
the persons drowned, but all of those named
showed up, and satisfied everyone that they
were still with the living.
A Slight Bin ze nt 811 Liberty Streot Caused
A fire in the manufacturing department of
J. Klees' clothing house, 811 Liberty street,
at 10:45 last night, caused an alarm from
box 23. The fire was confined to a lot of
newly made Kentucky jean pants, and its
origin is not ktewn, but is supposed to have
been caused by a match being carelessly
thrown among them. The loss will be cov
ered by $100.
Great excitement was caused downtown
by assertions telephoned throughout the
city that the Academy of Music was burning
A Brockwayville BInn In Tronblo With a
Bank Arrested Here.
Detective John McTighe on Friday night
arrested Jacob Truby at the American
House, who is said to have obtained some
$430 from the bank at Brockwayville on
false pretenses.
The Constable, Mr. Shraeberger, arrived
last night Ind will take his prisoner back
to-morrow. The information is made by C.
H. Kuapp. The case may be a enrious'one
as Truby has had a deposit in the bank for
some time, and his defense will be that he
has simply overdrawn his account.
Thinks It Dangerous.
Some people think the Southside Gas
Company must have a considerable surplus
from the amount it allows to go to waste
at the corner of Grandview avenue and
Shiloh street A member of the firm of
Boehmer & Company states that the smell
is almost overpowering, and that he is
afraid to carry a lighted toby in his mouth
when passing, and he expects to hear of
some one being hurt
Master Workman Ross Returns From
Delegate to District Duty
Two Hundred and Fifty of Long fc Co.'s Men
"Waiting for Three Weeks' Pay.
Mr. T. N. Boss, Master "Workman of Dis
trict 3, Knights of Labor, returned from
Atlanta last evening. Speaking of the
proceedings of the convention, Mr. Boss
said: "It was the best conducted General
Assembly ever held; everything was in per
fect harmony. It was a strictly Knights of
Labor conference, and it was remarked by
old time delegates that they had never been
present at a more thoroughly business-like
and orderly conducted Assmbly. A new
feature introduced was that the proceedings
of the previous day were lurnished to each
delegate next morning."
"What is the condition of the order?"
"Flourishing, and improving day by day.
The.membership was increasing from April
to July, and the reports sent in to the Gen
eral office since then show a continual in
crease. A good many of the locals that had
lapsed were making diligent inquiry into
the best means of getting back into the order
"What about the Callaghan conspiracy
''I was talking with Mr. Powderly about
it on Thursday, and he said that he did not
know what it was about, but would inquire
about it when he got back. I myself don't
know anything about it, but imagine that
there is very little in it Mr. Powderly,
anyhow, is not worried over it."
"What action was taken in Evans' case?"
"As far as Joseph Evans' case is con
cerned it was referred to the Executive
Board at my request, as he was not there to
defend himself. I asked that the cases
would be treated separately for this reason,
and because McGaw had the floor to make
his own defense. McGaw's expulsion was
due solely to his maligning and stigmatiz
ing the officers of the General Assembly,
and for general unworthiness, and not at all
in consequence of the part he took in the
Jeannette importation case. The matttr of
McGaw's connection with this case was
brought up by James Campbell, but the
evidence produced was not of such a nature
as to have influenced his expulsiou; at least
that is my opinion."
"How about John M. Kelly and "William
"Mr. Kelly's case was brought up, and on
a point of order was re 1 erred to the General
Executive Board for action. It was not dis
cussed in the assembly. X have every
confidence in the board doing what is just
and right in the matter. William Mc
Auliffe's case was not referred to in any
Knights of Labor Do Not All Agree as to
Honoring Armstrong.
In labor circles yesterday there was no
little comment made on the lack of sym
pathy with the Armstrong celebration,
which was apparent in certain locals of the
Knights of Labor. It was said that over
1,600 Knights would be absent from the par
ade, and while about 800 of them, compris
ing the street car men, mixers and teasers
and salesmen could not, by nature of their
employment, turn out, there was no reason
why the remainder should not make a show
ing.. The warehousemen, who number about
200, have no legitimate excuse for absenting
themselves, and the teamsters, comprising
about a similar number, have elected to act
the role of spectators instead of swelling the
ranks of tbe procession. The tube workers
also, could as easily turn out as other mill
The Knights of Labor ranks, including
these deflections from its strength, will be
further reduced by those of its members who
will march in the Veteran Legion, the
Amalgamated molders, and others. Com
ment is made on the fact of these locals re
fusing to parade when such strong delega
tions are coming on from Kittanning, But
ler and other points.
The Firm Owes Them for Three Weeks'
Work, Amounting to $7,000.
There was a considerable deal of dis
cussion, and no little inconvenience ex
perienced id Chartiers yesterday in conse
quence of Long & Co.'s shutdown. The men
had been looking forward to receiving the
two weeks' pay, and in addition, the 'lying'
week, or week held back by the firm after
the usual custom, but when 5 o'clock arrived
intimation was made thai no payments
would be made. The firm employed about
250 men, distributed around the 19 puddling
furnaces, the bar mill and guide mill, the
forge and outdoor departments, and the pay
sheet would have reached thetotalof eloseoi
$7,000. AH the departments, with the ex
ception of tho forge, were running double.
A meeting of the employes will be held on
Monday, at Chartiers, to consider what
action should be taken in tbe matter.
It Is Tboncbt Patrick Clcary Will Succeed
President Campbell.
Secretary George L. Cake, of the Window
Glass Workers' Association, said last night
that he knew of no new developments in tbe
case of President Campbell and William
Slicker. He had no information as to when
Mr. Campbell would be home.
It was reported yesterday that the result
of the vote for a successor to President
Campbell had been announced at the meet
ing of L. A. 300 on Friday night, but Sec
retary Cake denied the report last night
The voting sheets were only sent ont last
night, and the varions local assemblies have
not had time to send in their votes yet. The
result may be announced at the next meet
ing. It is reported by those who seem to be
posted on the matter that Patrick Cleary, of
the Southside, will be the winner.
And Arranging to Tarn Oat En Masse on
There was a well attended meeting of the
molders held at K. of L. Hall last night,
during which matters affecting the three
shops which have not yet signed were dis
cussed, and arrangements were also per
fected for a turn out on Thanksgiving Day
to participate in the Armstrong parade.
About TOO molders will take part, beaded
by the McKeesport band.
More Gas Needed.
The barbed and wire drawing departments
of the Braddock Wire Mill will hereafter
be operated at night instead of bra day turn.
Th'is will be done until the supply of gas
increases. By this means they expect to
get gas from the mains, while other mills
are not in operation. President Edenborn,
ot the Braddock Wire Mill Company, ar
rived in the city to-day, and will remain
here until the middle of next week.
A Suspected Man.
William Daly was locked up in the
Twenty-eighth ward station house last night
by Lieutenant Stewart, on the supposition
that he was implicated in the larceny of a
lot ol jewelry from McSchaefer's boarding
house on Sarah street Daly is said to have
pawned two rings that were among the
stolen plunder.
Db. B. M. Hanna. Eye, ear, nose and
throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Perm
street, Pittsburg, Pa. s&su
Henry Purchase of Properly by tho Mc.
Keesport andBellevernon Railroad Ex
tending nt Both Ends.
The Mcteesport and Bellevernon Bail
road Company yesterday secured nearly
$250,000 worth of valuable McKeesport
property, which will be used in giving the
company an entrance into that city from
Beynoldton and an outlet toward Pittsburg
by the Monongahela river, at a point near
the foot of Walnut street 'The purchase
consists of 14 private properties located on
Water street, Market street and Second and
Third avenues, aud is all within three
squares. The cost is $212,250. One
block of it has a frontage of 390
feet on Market street, extending
from Second avenue to the wharf
by a depth of 160 feet, the Second avenue
and Water street front being 160 feet Two
valuable pieces of property contained in the
purchase are tho Tassey residence and the
Rowland property, located on the west
corners of Market street and Second avenue.
One of those properties will be used for the
passenger depot and the other for the freight
depot. Both are strong, large brick build
ings, and will be remodeled.
Of the purchase moaey $164,000 was
paid. The purchases were made by
James B. DeLong, a real estate broker,
and the options were made good until De
cember. Mr. DeLong and President Wain
right closed the sales Friday evening, and
the President will at once go to Philadel
phia to look after important matters con
cerning the road. The work of extending
the road through these properties to reach
the Monongahela river will be commenced
early in January. Some of the brick houses
bought will be utilized, while the most of
them will be torn down.
The Fayette City extension of the road is,
according to the statement of the officials,
to be made at once. According to the pro
gramme, the line is to be completed into
Pittsburg within a year. President Wain
right has interested Eastern capitalists in
the line and it promises to boom. The chief
engineer and a large corps of surveyors are
at work locating lines now for the road
through McKeesport
Mr. W.J. Lewis' Two Little Grandsons Were
Lost In the City.
Two children of Dr. Bobertson, of Hazel
wood, were lost down town yesterday through
the customary greed for knowledge dis
played by youngsters. The two boys were
driven down with an elder brother to get a
ride about 250 P. M. yesterday. The col
ored driver stopped at Gusky's store to get a
parcel, and while he was in the two little
ones attempted an exploration of the neigh
borhood, which they evidently succeeded in
accomplishing. When the driver returned
to the carriage he missed the two children,
and notified the police of the missing boys'
The grandfather ot the missing boys.
W. J. Lewis, proprietor of the Lewis
Block, on the corner of Smithfield street
and Sixth avenue, called at the Central sta
tion, and offered a large reward for the re
turn of the children. About 5 P. M. they
were recovered, and as one was only about 5
years of age, and the other 4, it was not
difficult to eflect the recovery.
The parents were alarmed about the dis
appearance of the children, and the grand
parent, Mr. Lewis, of Hazelwood, was the
most active in getting the boys back to their
home, as at first it was thought the chil
dren had been kidnaped. The driver of
Dr. Robertson's wagon drove back with
profuse apologies, but the capture of the
boys, who had simply gone out to take a
walk, was done in the simplest manner
possible, and tbe police are now in expecta
tion of the ample rewards offered during the
It Keeps Up Its Late .Reputation as an
Oleaginous Gusher.
Allegheny county oil territory isn't doing
badly as a surplus sustainer. The Arbuckle
Jamison well, without any further drilling,
still does 300 barrels a day, and it is only
drilled merely through the crust of the sand.
The well on David Keel's farm, at Horseshoe
Bend, on the Perrysvilleroad, is giving both
gas and oil, but not much of either so far. It
is expected to make an oil well when finished.
The Davis, on the Steubenville pike, is
still holding forth at a 28-barrel-an-hour
gait, and promises to last as long as the Ar
buckle south of it
Missionary No. 2 on the Cope farm, Duff
City, is flowing 15 barrels au hour. Mis
sionary No. 1, 500 feet distanf, is only a
small "pumper, but her neighbor has done
much to restore the credit of the field, which
was considerably depressed a day or two
previously. In the same field Hite, Bren
nan & Co.'s No. 5, on the Sam Bonner farm,
same field,.is eight feet in sand and filled
with grease. It is not expected to be
The Fergnson well, in the Shannopin
field, owned by Boggs & Mecklin, and the
Keely No. 4, on the Beagle farm, same field,
are each making 400 barrels a day.
Hukill's No. 1, on the D. Wise farm, Mt
Morris, is still putting out 600 barrels a day,
and three or four more of Hukill's wells in
that field are due this week.
Grace Lutheran Church Sold
$35,000 to the Italians.
The recently formed Italian Catholic con
gregation on Friday purchased the property
of the Grace Reformed Lutheran Church Jon
the corner of Webster "avenue and Grant
street The price was $35,000. The Italian
congregation, it is stated, has about 700
The trustees are C. Gambogi, P. Debe,
John Debe, P. Bacilagipa and J. C. Muzzia.
The terms of the sale were $1,000 cash,
$9,000 to be paid in April and the balance
on time. The church bnilding will be
altered to suit their purpose for a Catholic
church and school. The congregation of the
Grace Church sold the property in order to
seek another location.
Incidents of a Say In Two Cities Condensed
for Beady Reading.
The Paragon Club entertained a number of
their friends at a social parlor dance in the
home of the Misses Hilands, on Arch street,
Allegheny, last Thursday night. Among those
present were the Misses Lizzie and Ella Har
rison, Jessie McDonald, Jennie Watson, jtfay
McClelland. Annie McPherson, Phillips, Bing
ham, Wall, Owens, Ella Clark, and Mrs. Charles
Shoemaker, Messrs. Gold,Till,Shoolc,Harbison,
Shoemaker.Kay.Taylor.Ccfus, Marker. Barrett
Howard. Frantz, Bay, Eichbaum, Humphrey,
The November entertainment given by Cen
ter Avenue LOdge 124 A. O. U. W., on Tuesday
evening, was a big success. The exercises con
sisted of piano and vocal solos, recitations by
Prof. Sleeth, musical recitations by Mr. N.
Schenk. Mr. C. B. Callaghan. who has charge
of these entertainments, has selected a fine
list for the December entertainment which
will take place about the 17th of the month.
The bearing in the case of W. L. Morgan,
the election assessor of the Twenty-ninth ward
who is charged by Controller Speer with swear
ing to service In a greater number of days than
he actually worked, was to have been heard
yesterday afternoon before Alderman Gripp,
bat was postponed until next Saturday after
noon at 8 o'clock. This is the second postpone
ment in the case.
Elmeu CADDEg, a Pullman conductor,
while standing on the platform of a car, was
thrown off by a sudden lurch and seriously
hurt. The accident occurred on the Ft. Wayne
road, nearPerrysvlIle, O., while tho train was
moving at a high rate ot speed.
The Committee ot Arrangements for the 8.
K. of A. O. TJ. W. reception, will meet on next
Wednesday evening at Old City Halt to settle
up affairs of reception.
A reception will be held at Union Rink,
Allegheny, Thanksgiving ere by the Sylvan
Is the Statue of Washington to he
Placed in Allegheny Park.
It Will be Made of Westerly Marble and
Will CostAbout $10,000.
The committee appointed to pass upon the
model of the equestrian statue of Washing
ton to be erected in the Allegheny parks ex
amined and approved the structure yester
day morning. The committee consisted of
Alexander Wil3on, of Wilson Bros., C. F.
Schrader, the tailor, and H. S. Stevens, the
artist and was appointed by Chairman A.
L, Smith, of the General Monumental Com
mittee, because it was the desire that an un
interested committee, representing the pub
lic outside of the Mechanics, should have a
part in the arrangements for the monument
Edouard Pausch.the sculptor.representing
the Smith Granite Company, of Westerly.
B. I., has been here for three months, aud
with his assistant, Stanly W. Edwards, has
prepared the model approved yesterday. It
is an exact representation of what the statue
will be. The lower base of the pedestal will
be a solid slab of granite of the
same material as the figure, and
will measure 12x8 feet On the front
face of the pedestal will be the emblems in
has relief, representing the American army
and navy, showing on one end of the statue
a large man-of-war and on the other a fortifi
cation. On either side of the bas relief will
be panels containing designs of laurel and
Mow It mil Appear.
oak carved on the surface. On either end
will be large emblems of the Junior Order
of United American Mechanics. On the
reverse side of the pedestal will be panels
with the inscription: ."Erected by the Jr.
O. U. A. M. of Western Pennsylvania,"
and also the names of the councils that have
contributed to the fund for the erection of
the monument
Bising from the pedestal and supporting
the figure of the horse, will be a scrub oak.
The horse will stand 17 hands high, and the
fignre will represent a man six feet high.
The portrait of Washington will be made
from Hondon's bust, said to be the best one
of Washington in existence. Washington
will be represented at the time he was a
General, in full uniform, resting in an easy,
graceful position. The expression on the
face is thatjof a man whose attention "has
been suddenly attracted. The figure of
Washington on horseback will stand 10 ieet
above the pedestal.
The monument will be cut from Westerly
granite, said to be the densest and most en
durable material for the purpose known.
In color, it is a bluish gray, ana is from the
quarry adjoining that from which the ma
terial in the Frew and Clarke monuments
in the Allegheny Cemetery was taken. The
monument complete will weigh about 76
tons, and will be 19 feet high. The contract
price is $10,000, but when completed and
unveiled, it will cost nearly $12,000. Itwill
be erected in North Park, opposite Webster
street, with the horse's head directed toward
Sherman avenue. This will make the
statue to be apparently looking directly at
the greenhouse.
If the model is correctly imitated, the
statue will be a great work of art The
drapery about the uniform is well executed.
Tbe anatomical appearance of the horse is
perfect Mr. Pauseh, who has already
gained a wide reputation as a sculptor, will
make the effort of his life in portraying the
features of the immortal Father o his
The Monumental Committee has raised
$7,000 of the fund necessary to pay for the
statue. On Monday 82,500 will be paid to
A. E. Windsor & Co., granite cutters of
West End avenue, Allegheny, who have se
cured the contract for the erection of the
This will make $5,000 that will have been
paid on the contract price. It is necessary
to raise about $4,000 yet, and arrangements
are now being made for a fair to be held,
commencing about December 20, and to
continue for four weeks. A building will
be erected especially for the purpose on the
site of the old South Common M.E. Church,
on Church avenue.
The movement to erect a Washington
Monument in the parks originated in June,
1886 throueh a suggestion made by Council
man Henry P. Staving, of the Tnird ward,
Allegheny, who is a prominent member ot
the order, The suggestion was acted upon
immediately, and in July of the same year
a committee of three members from each of
the 11 councils in Allegheny met in Com
mon Council Chamber. 'A. S. Smith, of
Young & Smith, was made the Permanent
Chairman of the committee. The first thing
to do was to secure the consent of the Park
Committee to allow the monument to be
placed in the parks. This was cheerfully
A Design Committee was then appointed,
consisting of A. S. Smith, J. M. Huddell,
A. B. Irwin, A. J. Neillie and Joseph
Morris. The arrangements were pushed
vigorously until the monument became an
assured fact It is intended to lay the
foundation for the monument on the 22d of
next February and have it completed and
ready for unveiling the following year. The
statue will be a great credit to the city and
an improvement to the parks.
Sonthslde People Will Parade on Washing
legion's Birthday.
The Southside committee oppointed to ar
range for the Washington birthday parade
met at 1401 Carson street last night with A.
W. Bossiter iu the chair. Edward Fas
torius was elected Secretary and J. D.
Carey, Treasurer. There were 14 Councils
of the Mechanics represented. It was deci
ded to invite all Councils in the western
part of the State on the south side of tbe
two., rivers to participate with the South
side division.
The nominations for Marshal of the di
vision resulted in the namingtof T. J. Mor
ley. of Council No. 171; Peter Soffel, 64,
and L. L. Davis, of 179.
Evening- Entertainments.
Musio makes long evenings pass quickly
and pleasantly. Violins, flutes, mandolins,
guitars, zithers, concertinas and musical
boxes are sold for less than half price at K.
Gallipger's, 1106 and UOO Pena aye. shsn
lrzr- --3111
Tbe Bis Demonstration In Allegheny Next
Tnsrsday-No Conflletlon With the
Armstrong Pnrnde.
The arrangements for the grand celebra
tion of the Germans next Thursday, Thanks
giving Day, on the occasion of the dedica
tion of the new Allegheny Turn Hall, have
been perfected. The' Southside and Old
City divisions will form in their respective
districts and march to Allegheny. What
routes they will take will depend upon the
Armstrong monument dedication pro
cession. The parade is to be an Allegheny
affair entirely. Chief Marshal Neebe has
conferred with Chief Marshal Weihe, of the
Armstrone parade, and there will be no
conflict of columns.
The German parade is to keep on the east
side of Federal street, Allegheny, and tbe
Armstrong parade on the west, and neither
will cross into the other's district
The Adjutants of Chief Marshal Neebe
and the Division Marshals will wear dark
clothing and slouch, Grant hats. The Chief
Marshal and aids will wear, as colors,
rosettes of red, white and blue; First divis
ion, red; Second, white, and Third, blue.
The formation of the nrocession will be as
follows: Chief Marshal and staff on Isabella
street, Allegheny, right resting on Federal
street The procession will be led by a her
ald, dressed in German Uhlan uniform, fol
lowed by a platoon of police. Next the
escort verein (the Teutonia Singing Society
in high silk hats, black clothing and white
gloves.) Then the Great Western Band,
under the leadership of Prof. B. Weis; Chief
Marshal and staff; English and German
orators, Building Committee and officers of
the Turn verein, in carriages,and the members
of the Allegheny Turnverein on foot. The
First division will follow. It is composed
of societies of the Southside and-those ar
riving at the .depots on the Southside. The
Second division will be the Old City and East
End societies and those arriving at the
depots in those districts. The Third is the
Allegheny division, composed of the socie
ties on the Northside and those arriving at
the depots there.
The officers of the parade are: Chief
Marshal, John N. Neebe; Chief of Staff.
Fred Emrich; Adjutant General, Paul
First Division Marshal, John Arras: Chief
of Staff, Joseph Simmons; Assistant Adjutant
General, J. Martin Schaefer.
Second Division Marshal. Peter Hermes:
Chief of Staff, Oscar Breitenbach; Assistant
Adjutant General, Dr. A. E. Bicbter.
Third Division Marshal. J. F. Bellstein:
Chief of Staff, Charles Neidbart; Assistant
Adjutant General, William M. Sauer.
The First division will form on Jane
street, Southside, and the West End socie
ties on .Carson street, with right resting at
the south end of the Monongahela bridge.
They will move at 1 P. m. The Second di
vision will form on Libertv avenue, with
right resting on Seventh street The East
End societies will have a short parade in
their district beforehand, but will be in line
at Soventh street ready to more at 120 P. M.
The Third division forms on Church avenne
with right resting on Federal .street The
line will move at 1:45 p. M. from the
corner of Isabella and Federal streets,
up Federal street to Ohio street, to William
street, to Perry street, to Chestnut street,
to Third street to Madison avenue, to North
avenne, to Cedar avenue, to Second street,
to Madison avenue, to Main street, to Chest
nut street when they will pass in review.
They will then proceed to South Canal street
and to the Tnrn Hall. The exercises there
will consist of music by the Mreat Western
Band, singing by the combined German
singing societies and addresses by Dr. H.
W. Hechelman in German and City Attor
ney George Elphinstone in English.
Eminent Speakers and Lnborlienders Intend
to Be on Hand.
The Armstrong Monumental Association
has nearly completed the arrangements for
the dedication of the monument on Thurs
day. Letters have been received from Gov
ernor Beaver and the Hon. John Dalzell ex
pressing their regrets at not being able to be
present at the dedication. Both gentlemen
stated that they knew Mr. Armstrong well
and admired him greatly.
Notification bas been received from 15
additional organizations of the Amalgamated
Association and building trades unions
that they will turn out The G. A. B. band
of 37 pieces will head the procession. A
band composed of 200 members of the Musical
Union will play the opening piece, an air
used at the funeral of Mr. Armstrong,
"Nearer My God to Thee." The stand for
the exercises is being erected in the park.
Two hnndred invitations have been issued
to various prominent persons throughout the
United States. T. V. Powderly, Samnel
Gompers and P. J. McGnife, among others
are expected to be present The Executive
Committee will meet to-morrow night to
make the final arrangements.
Captain Wlinatt Has Brought Some Speaks
to Bay.
A number of hearings were held before
Alderman Carlisle yesterday morning in
cases brought by Captain Wishart, of the
Law and Order Society.
Joseph Schneider, of No. 324 East street,
Allegheny, was charged with selling liqnor
without license, on Sunday, and to minors.
Two girls testified to having purchased
beer at Schneider's place, and he was com
mitted to jail lor court in default of $1,000
W. Chapin, of the Yellow Bow, Second
avenue, charged with sellingiiquor without
a license, was committed to jail in default
off 1,000 bail for court.
A Gentleman Who Carried Too Many Time
pieces to Salt the Police.
Charles Friend was arrested by Captain
Mercer, of the Second Police district, last
evening, on Neville street near the Junc
tion Bailroad tunnel, and locked up in
the Fourteenth ward station, charged with
being a suspicious character.
When Sergaent Irvin searched Friend he
found on his person seven silver watches,
five silver watch chains and a fine shawl.
When asked what he was doing with so
many watches he said that he was selling
them. He will be given a hearing this
What the Directors Are Doing Daring Their
Annual Inspection.
The National Tube Works Company's di
rectory was joined at McKeesport yesterday
by Charles A. Lamb, who is in charge of tbe
Chicago branch house, and Edward Worces
ter, who is in charge of the St Louis branch
house. The' officials will not complete the
annual inspection for several days, and it is
thought that they will not appoint an assist
ant general manager. E. C. Converse, the
new general manager, assumed the duties ot
the office immediately after bis election 'to
the position. '
Ho Stepped Ont to Bay Tobies and mys
teriously Disappeared.
Inquiry was made at the Central station
last night for Charles Gould, who runs a
broom factory at 24 Woodward a venae, Al
legheny, who disappeared on Thursday
evening last.
The missing man is about 30 years old,
and has a wife and four children. On
Thursday night he started from .home to
purchase some tobies, and since then noth
ing has been heard of him.
Walked on tbe Track..
Alexander McBride was struck by a
train at Thirty-third street, on the Penn
sylvania Bailroad, yesterday afternoon,
while walking on the tracks, and bad bis
right arm crushed. He was removed to the
West Penn Hospital.
Mr! ShooHDerger's Generosity is
Eagerly Discussed.
Trinity Cannot Change Its Methods Until
Hext Easter.
Mr. C. L. Fitzhugh, a member of Trinity
Protestant Episcopal Church, whose wife is
s niece of Mr. Shoenberger's first wife, was
called upon yesterday evening concerning
the iron master's bequests. Mr. Fitzhugh
was asked: a
"Have yoa seen what The Dispatch
published exclusively this morning con
cerning Mr. Shoenberger's will?"
"X have." was the reply, "and I think
you gave all that is of interest to the public
The details and conditions of those bequests
and the vrivate legacies I do not know. The
matter is in the hands of Mr. Shoenberger's
relatives in New York, but the entire matter
will be made public in a short time, when
the will is probated. Mr. Shoenberger, as
all know, left no children, and his private
legacies are to relatives. Such matters can
ftardly interest the public?"
'Do you know what is the name specified
for the hospital on Penn avenue?"
"It is to be called St Margaret's Hos
pital. Mr. Shoenberger's first wife was
Miss Margaret Cust, of Greensbnrg. She
died, I think, in 1878."
"How is. the bequest to Trinity Church to
be invested?"
"The capital, 100,000, will be placed in
the hands of the trustees of the church, the
Interest only to be used for the benefit ot
the church. I think the conditions of the
bequest will be accepted by the church.
That matter, of course, rests with the vestry
Another member of Trinity Church ex
piessed the opinion that the conditions
would be accepted by the vestry. The pews
have been rented until next Easter, and no
change can be made before that time. The
rental from the pews is not as large as
would appear to one unacquainted with the
facts, and some of the members have for a
time been dissatisfied with the system. On
the other hand, it is suggested that there
will be a very strong opposition from some
of the oldest families in the parish to the
free seat system. Quite a number of the
best pew holders in the church would feel,
it is said, that the adoption of the new plan
would-be almost equivalent to a severance
of their connection with Trinity.
An effort was made to see Bev, Mr. Max
well, tbe rector, but he was not at home.
The vestrymen are reluctant to express an
opinion, desiring to learn the feeling of the
members before taking action in the matter.
They will, at any rate, await a full copy of
the will.
The eight acres of land on Penn Avenne
upon which the St Margaret Hospital will
be erected form very desirable blocks of
property and offer many natural advant
ages for the carrying' out of the details of
tbe plan. An intimate friend of Mr.
Shoenberger who was seen yesterday stated
that the iron master bad had tbe idea of a
magnificent hospital in bis mind for a good
many years.
"One of Mr.tShoenberger's criticisms,"
said this gentleman, upoi the usual hos
pital was, that there was no chance for
nature to plar her part in the restoration to
health ot. afflicted humanity, nothing but
bare walls) bleak hillsides or uninviting
roofs, things not calculated to cheer the
iaded eves or instill hope. Fresh air and
nature were two things Mr. Shoenberg him
self believed in, and X ara sure he bore this
in mind in arranging the details of St
Margaret's. I think that there will
be minute instructions in regard to the
beautifying of the entire tract in order that,
the hospital shall have the handsomest nat
ural surroundings of any similar institution
in this country. The land in its present
condition is valued at from $17,000 to $20,-
000 an acre, and, if improved or laid out,
would be easily woith $25,000 an acre."
Mr. Shoenberger's magnificent gifts were
the theme of conversation all over tbe city,
and much surprise was expressed that so im
portant a matter escaped tbe attention of the
entire city press, except The Dispatch.
He Will be Broaght to Pltubnrg ir Genera.
College Stadeats.
Mr. Will Carleton, the famous home-poet
and writer, is to lecture in Pittsburg at Old
City Hall, on Tuesday evening, December
3, subject, "The Science of Home," under
the auspices of the students of Geneva Col
lege. He has earned a brilliant reputation as a
lecturer. He will lecture the preceding
evening at Beaver Falls, Pa. In his lec
tures he is often sitting and often standing,
while he weaves into some of his best poems
expressions of joy or sorrow, of home or of
Ther Wilt Recover.
The Braddock victims of the gas explo
sion are are doing well and their recov
ery is assured. George "Walters and his
nephew, Joe Kelsh, were badly burned and
they suffer ereat pain, but they are in ao
danger of dying.
- i
To Hake R Visit That Will Both Please
and Prcflt Yoa.
"Where?" you ask.. Why, to the re
liable and greatly enlarged jewelry store of
August Loch, 145 Federal street, cor. North
Diamond, Allegheny. Such a visit will
please you, for there you will find a lovely
assortment of novelties in gold and silver
goods, watches and jewelry; and it will
profit you by the large saving you can make
on every holiday purchase. He strives to
please all his patrons, hence his success. He
knows bow to buy right, hence can sell at
lowest prices. '
Onr Monday Speclsltr.
The good thing we offer for to-morrow Is
overcoats in three styles of very fine im
ported goods. They are imported Schnabels,
chinchilla. English kersey and ribbed broad
wale. No need to say they are made up tn
custom-tailor style and just the thing for
fine dressers. Our price to-morrow will be
$11 for choice of these high-class goods. It
will pay yon to see them. P. C. O. O.,
Cor. Grant and Diamond its., opp. the new
Court House.
Also, we will sell 250 cape overcpats and
ulsters at $10 and $12. P. C. C. C.
91 ee-Noreaiber Last Month-$l W
For fine cabinets at $1 00 per dozen, at
Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street,
Pittsburg. Elevator. Fine crayons.
The photographs made by Hendricks &
Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny, are admired
more and more every dav. People always
appreciate good work. Good cabinets $1 a
Last Week Those large French Jumeau
bisque dolls at $1. worth $1 50. Busy Bee
Hive, Bixth and Liberty. ,
Ot. Sale Monday
1,000 gloria silk umbrellas, gold and silver
caps, at$l for 26-incb, $1 29 for 28-inch, at
the cash store. Thobntok Bros.,
128 Federal st, Allegheny.
As OOSTUKA Bitters, indorsed by physi
cians and chemists for parity and whole-
The Canary Has Always
Beea the faest oyster- ia tie awket
Cut Piiess Tat ehiH's plask eeate si
Ngc jBKT,MsaLr.
..ST-'? ,.!-.
Aa Explosion of Metol la SaoenhergeVe
Mill, bat Ha One Was Hart.
An explosion took place yesterday after
noon at Shoenberger's milt Tbe men were
preparing to tap No. 2 Bessemer furnace,
the heat being about ready, when they were
relieved of their job by the liquid steel
bursting through the tapping hole into the
pit below. After the metal had flowed into
the wet pit an explosion occurred.
The steel was scattered around the shop ia
every direction. At least 60 men were ia
the place at the time the explosion took
place, yet, fortunately, no one was hit by
the flying metal. The sides of the buildingi
were all bespattered with the metal and
slag. The shop presented a most unseemly;';
appearance. There was a 30,000-pound f
charge in the converter at the time It broker '
through. t
A Bad Mao, Caged. A
John McKee, of Westmoreland, countrf-' "
was brought to the Kirerside Penitentiary
yesteraay w serve o years and l(r-nuntM.TP
His crime was ot an odious nature.
The Turkeys will cease to gobble In the' ' J
land and the small hoy's waistband s-?'
will be exceedingly tight. -
But we must bare something mora
than Turkey for TbanksgiTing. What
can be more lasting in Its effect than
genuine old-fashioned Mince Pie. You
eat it for dinner, dream over it at night
and it still clings to you In the morning.
Our Home-made Mincemeat is a
daisy. Delicious to the taste, and
we guarantee It to contain more
night-mars to the square inch than
any other on the market. We will
cheerfully refund the money to any '
one who uses our Mincemeat and
fails to atleast dream of their grand
mother; four pounds for 25o is our ,
price. Low enough to suit any one."'
A mt . .... J- H.MS u.uM.t1f4
to a Thanksgiving dinner. Without a 1J.;J: '
doubt we have the dandy tea trade of -r-'
this section. We are selling be twees ( V i'
one and two thousand pounds of teal
each week, and if any other store sells
more we would be pleased to hear from '
them. We can suit yon on tea. no nut
ter what tout taste, for we have the '
largest and Dest assorted stock of tea In
either city. Mr. Shaw has charge of our
Tea Department. Tea is his hobby and
he rides itat a 2 J0 gait. 12 yoa are a
crank on tea come and see Mr. Shaw. If
you are a bigger tea crank than he is I
would like to meet you.
List and order by maU. Orders
amounting to $10 without counting
sugar, packed and shipped, free of
charge to any point within 200 miles.
Give me a trial, I will save yoa
79, 81 AND 85 OHIO ST.,
Cor-Sandusky, Allegheny. ifiir
H ilBTit
E. J. HOESEE &'C0T 'jti
bi aa a vr ss Tirpom mm l.wiiv ttttpt mm ? i
W,WOilV UJ IT nrA1 A. TT JCLlAt-AilUfclggA ty;
Ten Show Booms filled with tie litest pre-'z J
dnctlons of the Furniture and upbolsttryjl
Art from the recognized manufacturing cea I
ters or tne wona, j.
urana .Bxtuoition ox iaruniiinuvjsij
TIES suitable for HOLIDAY and WEDDTNG g
PRESENTS, and for Drawing Boom use and ?
ornamentation, at specially attractive prices.
Visitors to New Ysrk are cordially invited to
call and examine our stock and; prises. The '
central location of our etabllhsaat (adjel
ing Eden Musee) make it easy of aceasafrom ,
all parts of the city. seSS-10-Ts,- ;
Garments In almost eadlsM variety, fee
Some Special Values:
TJIntrt TartAta at fin.
PInh Jaitru ftxtra lfmrliuL MX. 5 Vi
Plush Coats. 88. S8and Inch IescOsVattM't
SiO OU. 9i OU UU W J 5.-1 - ,.
Elegant Braided Plush Coats at 9K to SJtX . .
novelties in irinsa jckbis wiia Asaraeaai
Vesta, Collars and Lapelsetc. "H
out; rLiUSH. UAtiausivrs are.
with treat care as to durability, w
quilted linings, chamois pockets, et&, I
uar to genuine seal garments.
A large purchase of Preach BraMtftH
wraps oucxeu uouw vmus at fa t
u iw.
Imported English Cberiet, Jackets.
Stockinette Jacaev ra saedfam and
heavy wentnts. iacK Beaver, and J
agonal Jackets. Many of these at :
duced prices.
Shoulder Canes in Plush. .
Monkey, Persian .Lamb, eta, is
meaium asa nne graae.
. wip
' r rfct !
505 and 507 MARKET STREET
Beg te eaU attention to their super!
faeUlee for storing and caring for a P
clmas of Merchandise.
ftsmti ABartawnts rested far 1
falMVaaa MaaaL
jtvBawfBaaTaraWVf asSaraV
. vrf-SBa?
7 1
t 9
BH 3