rv SJr. '-,'W-m-; vsiswx.v:.: ?-w.jacEs?sr,'air -TJUJU.- - '. ".V i Tj'. - T; - B M- rv. .- fif f- iiliTE NEWS IN BRIEF. IJentenant Ranforri is tote tho ncwSecre- .at 8 Hairier street, and?Arcli street. Boston, ,haa failed, iio statement of liabilities has been 'made. 1 . AQam KeTser, ao years oia. empiorea as a I - clerk in Becker's flour mill. New York Oity, committed suicide yesterday morulas Dy takinc rough on rats. Greer 4 Co, the Newark, N. J., agents of Armour Swift, the Chicago dressed meat men, went into the hands nt a receiver yester day morning. liabilities $3,000. Lord Edmund Gilmaurico was married yesterday to Miss Caroline Fitxgerald, of New .York. Tae ceremony took place in Bt. Peter's Church, in Eaton Square. London. Yesterday was whipping day at the New Castle, Del., jail, and Sheriff Allen applied the "cat" to three colored men and one white man, all of whom had been convicted of larceny. The British steamer City of Chicago, in bal last from Bio Janeiro ior Coosaw, has gone ashore in a log on Conibebee banks, St. Helena Bound. A tug has been sent from Coosaw to drag her off. J. M. Munoz, the Consul for Costa Rica in New York, yesterday morning received a cable pram from the Secretary of the Treasury of that country denying the rumor of a revolu tion in Costa Rica. Minister Ryan was at the State Department at Washington, yesterday morning, closing up the business which has kept him in that city Ecreral weeks. He left for his post in the City of .Mexico last night. A professional agitator named Kelly, who took a prominent part in manufacturing public sentiment in favor of the sugar bounties bill, has obtained a verdict of 5 damaees against the London Star lor calling him Sugar Boun ties Kelly." The Selectmen of Milton, Mass have offered a reward of $2,500 for the arrest of the poachers who shot Millionaire Cunningham Thursday evening. Four Italians are sus pected, and are being held without bail, but there is not much evidence against them. The recent sale of land around Kabibikki Falls, on the Keminenestiqua river, to Minne apolis flouring men, has been followed by the filing of notice in the House of Commons of an application bv the Port Arthur, Duluth and Western Railway to build a branch line to Kabibikki Falls. The new steamer Orizaba was launched at Chester, Fa, yesterday afternoon in the pres ence of a large crowd of people, among them being about 15 members of the Fan-American Congrers. The new steamer is for the Nevr YorkandCuba Mail Steamship Company. After the launch a banquet was gnen to the foreign delegates. The St. Louis, Des Moines and Northern Railroad, a narrow gauge road running about 60 miles, was sold yesterday under a decree of foreclosure to Solon Humphreys and J. T. Granger, for General G. M. Dodge, of New York. Their offer was about $450,000. The road was transferred to the JJes Glomes ana Northern Railway Company. The watchman at Dobb's ferry, before day light, heard cries of "Help !" "Help r out on th Hudson, but was unable to see any one. The cries continued for some time, but growing fainter and fainter, they finally ceased. Yester day morning wreckage from a canal boat came ashore, and it is thought a number of persons were drowned, although no bodies have yet teen recovered. Georce Gould, President of the Pacific Wail Steamship Company, recfeived a cable from London yesterday stating that the latest addition to the company's fleet of steamers, the mammoth steamship China, had gone aground in the harbor of Yokohama. The China was bound for San Francisco, from Yokohama. She has on board a large number of passengers and a valuable cargo. The vessel is valued at 1,000,000. The Bridgeport Board of Trade held a meet ing last night and discussed the matter of marine police protection for the Connecticut coast to prevent smuggling which has been car ried on for several years. It was decided to prepare a petition to nave ine uovernment done along tne coasts of the other lie w En gland States, and present it at the next session of Congress. At Lockport, N. Y., Martin Sprecht was yesterday found guilty of the murder of Bar keeper Gray last June, and was sentenced to Auburn for life. Timothy McCarthy, an electric lighting lineman, fouled live wires in Providence. R. L, yesterday afternoon, and was instantly killed. His body hung on the wires and had to be taken down by means of a ladder. He was SO years U1U SU1U UJilBMilCU. Frank T. Barry. 15 years old. son of the late Hon. Henry V. Barry, of Mississippi, was found dead in his bed at Bridgeport, Conn., yesterday. He had rigged a string from bis bed to the gas bracket so that he might study while in bed and turn out the gas without leav ing the bed when he became sleepy. In bis sleep he had involuntarily turned on the gas. which during the night filled the room and asphyxiated him. The call issued by Plymouth: Church for congregational council to Install Dr. Abbott and Rev. Mr. Bliss as pastor and assistant pastor of thit church, is addressed not alone to such local churches as are In harmony with the advanced ideas of Plymouth, but also to the Ando ver professors. President Dwieht and ex-President Porter, of Yale, and many noted men representing the liberal side of the church's doctrine. It was reported Friday evening that ex Minister George H. Pendleton was dying in Brussels of an abscess. His son. Mr. Frank Pendleton, who returned from Brussels two weeks ago, said that it was not true that his father had an abscess. He wa? suffering from a stomach trouble, but was not in a dangerous condition. Mr. Pendleton received a cable dispatch yesterday from Brussels, informing him that his father was not so well as he had been, but that no immediate danger is appre hended. One of his daughters is with him. Frederick CSmith, Cashier of theChicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company, has resigned to co to Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, to undertake the duties of financial agent of a company of London capitalists con trolled by F. A. Bowen, formerly of Chicago, who is backed by the Barings. Mr. Bowen has a concession from the Republic of Uruguay to build 600 miles of road from Montevideo to Rosario and Paysandu. George Smith, Chief .Engineer of the Burlington, will accompany bis brother and act as chief engineer of all the railroad and other tramway enterprises the Barings have in band. Isdoesed by popular acclamation, the famous Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 25 cents. 60HMER riANOS, ASSISTED FOR X B0IC0TT. l Two Jersermen Accnsed of Conspiring to Rnln a New York Brewer. rsrxctix. tilxokaii to thx dismtck.) NETvTOBK,Novemoer23 Michael Kelly and John Smith, of Jersey City, were arrested to-day, accused of conspiring to injure the business of D. Stephenson, a brewer of this city. 'William Dykes, an agent ot Stephen son's, is the complainant He alleges that Kelly and Smith distributed the circulars headed: "A Plague in New York. Boy cott Stephenson's Ales, Porter and Lager Beer." The circular concludes as follows: Two of the most eminent chemists in New York have analyzed the stuff, and found that one glass of either his ale, porter or laeer will acton the human being far more quickly than the deadliest poison. Therefore, take warning and shun the stuff, and the places it is sold In, as you would surely catch a contagious dis ease. The qualities of quinine are specific against premature baldness. Atkinson's Quinine Tonic leaves the hair soft and glossy. su NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CASLNOMUSEUM. "WEEK OF NOVEMBER 25, 1S89. SPECIAL THANKSGIVING ATTRACTION PROF. DEVERE AND LADY In Great London Sensation. ' "CREMATION." Miss Lizzie Sturgeon Educated Pedals Congo Princess Mast. Charles Carter Fred Howe.... Prof. J. &'Mack THEATORIUM: Simmonds, Hughes & Rastns' A i.T. STAR SPECIALTY COMPANY. 18 PEOPLE. Coming Dec. 23 Two-Headed Baby. no213 Colby Pianos, Ballet & Cnmston Pianos, TJnequaled in tone, durability and work manship. Pine variety of these celebrated pianos' at the music store of J. M. Hoffman & Co., 537 Smithfield street. No Tbanksclvlnc Table Will Be complete without Canary oysters. Umbrellas far the Holidays, Finest silk, either in gold or silver handles; lowest prices. No charge for engraving at Hauch's jewelry store, No. 295 Filth avenue. wrsn. Dom Pedro Slay Lcnvo Brazil So long as we have the celebrated Canary oysters. Fob rosettes and badges) call on P. Reineman, 64 Sixth street, city. Q. No Thanksgiving Table Will Be complete without Canary oysters. Lovely stick pins and fancy hairpinB very cheap. Atjg. Loch, 145 Federal, cor. N. Diamond. Dabbs, the well-known photographer, :il 1-.A-. im a11av nnpn Fnr hnsinAKX on prepare a petition to nave uie uutemuiBui i mnjiw(i.w; vr. - station revenue cutters in this section, as is Thanksgiving Day. TULLY'S "WAR VIEWS Campaigns and Battles of the War. 300 views, 400 square feet each, and CONCERT, under the" auspices of the WASHINGTON INFANTRY. OLD CITY HALL (Market street.) November 25, 28 and 27. Admission with reserved seat 60 cents. Season ticket lh Secure reserved seats at S. Hamilton's, 91 Fifth ave Nov. 21 to 27, from noon to 6 p. h. nol7-10S-17-2i-25.26-27 BIJOU THEATER Under theDtrectlon of B. M. GTJLIOK 4 Co. WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25. MaUntes, Thanksgiving Day (Thursday) and Saturday. J. .K. EMMET, In His Entirely New and Natural ' Drama, UNCLE JOE; OR, Fritz in a Mad House, Which ran Three Months at the Fourteenth Street Theater, New York. Excellent Company, Carload of Scenery. Plinlimmon, the $5,000 Dog, The Largest and Handsomest Dog in the World. ENTIRE NEW SONGS. Week December 2 Hallen & Hart in "Later On." no24-16 4 NEW ABTERTISEJCEXTS. ' NYE ANDR.LEY! BILL NYE! JAMES WHITC0MB RILEY! In a brand new entertainment, WIT -HW ABTMTBCXEmB.- AND PATHOS I AT OLD CITY HALL, TTiursday, December S, 1889, Under the auspices of the Press Clnb. no24-74 PHES M iJS jssi r fcflEATENBr UMEI rPTMi ssm. WIS llki HI V I. 1 n' N -N t . ifi . i j r mxAiZ ,nU9 i , , . A. ssss'wiiTrj .WW f j ' J3 sWfc-JSsC-Mk .Vis A. 'MEDICINE J. HI Ml 6U1NSB-0X- for Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver. SOLD BY AIX DRUGGISTS. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. reparedonlybyTHOS.BEECHAM,StHelens,Iancasliire,Ejglanfl. B. F. ALLEN & CO., Sole Agents FOB UNITED STATES, 3G5 Sc S67 CANA1L ST., NEW YORK, Who (if your druggist does not keep them) will mail Beecham's Pills onreceiptof ynz&ztutinquinfrst. (Please mentionjhis paper.) LEVY! THE GREATEST LIVING COENETIST. ROSA LINDE(bCHAAIU3CHMTDT.) And a Strong Company, at Oia. Oity-Hall, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, Matinee and Night. Tickets, 75c and II. will be on sals Monday at E. Q. Bays & Co.'s Music Store, 75 Fifth are. no21-75 MB. E. D. WTLT, Lessee and Manager. WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, NOV. 25. Thanksgiving ana Saturday Matinees. Special Farewell Engagement of the World's Greatest Tragedian, SALVINI ! Supported- by a carefully chosen coinpanr. Including the popular actress, MBS. D. P. BOWERS, under the direction of Mr- A. M. PALMES. REPERTOIRE: MONDAY EVEOTNG, Nor. 25 (First time here) SAMSON WEDNESDAY EVENING,NoTjJ7,OTHELLO FRDOAY EVENING, Not. 29. .THE GLADrATOR SATURDAY MATlNEEJfor. SO.. OTHELLO The aboTB plays will be presented with the same special Scenes.Propertles and Equipment as in New York and Boston. SCALE OF PRICES. Parquet and First Three Rows In Parquet Cir cle, S2 50: Balance of Parquet Circle. J2j Dress Circle, First Three 'Rows, f 1 60; Balance of Dress Circle, SI: Gallery, 60c; Lower Boxes. S18: Upper Boxes, 18. Mr. Palmer desires to call special attention to the fact that the present engagement will afford the last opportunity to witness the per formances of Slgnor Salrinl in Pittsburg, as he will not again appear here. SPECIAL NOTICE. On Tnesday. Thursday and Saturday Even ings and at the Holiday Matinee, Ihursday afternoon, MR. ALEXANDER SALVINI in Robert Buchanan's Powerful Fire-Act Play, "PARTNERS." assisted by Slgnor SalTinVs SupportlngCompany. Regular Prices, 25 60c, 76c and $1. At the Tbanktglring Matinee, Manager Wilt will pre sent to each, lady an Elegant Satin Bourentr Programme. NEXT WEEK Grand Chicago Production, BLUE BEARD, JR. no24-ll t.rS-.H J&f"-; NARRT VILLIAMS ACASEMT. Monday Evening, Nov. 25. Matinees, T&esday, Thursday a-ad Saturday. THfflSGIM The Night Owls ' Burlesque Company. tt-Artlsts L r Handsome Ladies. Lord Fauntleroy'i Recep tion. A Brilliant Olio And the NewBurlesqne, THE SCULPTOR'S DREAM. Dec. S Sheffers and Blakelrs' Co. no24-7 AT2P.JI. HOLIDAY MAMEE mm PRICES OF ADMISSION. E ILECTRIO AUTOMATIC SILVER MDNE, OfcENS MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 74 FEDERAL 8TREET, .ALLEGHENY. The most perfect exhibition ot mechanical and electrical skill erer produced. Admission 10c H017-17-TTSSU . 3jyj &&tsmwj HAERIS' THEATER. WEEK COMMENCED MONDAY; NOV. S5 Every Afternoon aad Evening. . ' ' ' " :'. ;. 'NELSOKB- Ga?ea-b - "Woz?ZLi OOMBINATIoSrif;' Composed of high-class vaudeville artists Ixss London, Vienna, Pans and Berlin, Including the famous 7-NELSON FAMILtf-7 Premier Acrobats of the world-A - NOTE-ThanksgivingMatlnee,Nlgiit Price 10c.l5cand23c. ' J7 Wee Pec 2-"BEAC0K LIGHTS.?, n'oSM ptJENTHEB'S ORCHESTRA iumisnes Music for Concent ' Weddlaet Receptions etc, etc . Also Lessons on Pluto and Piano. SeI5-l-8u 440 WOOD ST. Ideal Extravaganza Co. Season '8S "Cbtstai. Surras." pRAND OPERA HOUSE-EXTRA BEGINNING MONDAY, DEO. 3, SEATS ON SALE THURSDAY Mi I VI. I 200 People on the Stage. "It is the most taking spectacular extrava ganza seen in this part of the country in many years." New York Herald. Presented with all the gofgeoutness which characterized its long run in Chicago and the East. no24-115 TMPERIAL HALL , Cor: Seventh ave. and New Grant street (Next Thursday (Thanksgiving Day), THE IMPERIAL CLUB will hold two grand receptions. Afternoon and night. At the afternoon matinee, a beautiful dla. r mond ring will be given to the lady holding toe lucKynmnDer. Atniarnt a diamond shirt stud to the gentleman holding the lucky num ber. The drawing to be done by a committee selected from the audiene. , Don't fail to attend. You will certainly enjoy yourself. c JR. Or Fatima and Fairy. the Admission, 60c Hat box, lOo and 16c ao2& TITORLD'8 MTTBEUM- Allegheny City Week of November 25. - GEARY'S OWN WORLD'S CIRCUS. A grand exhibition of arenie talent. THE 8KELETON DUDELET. Thinnest. woman on earth. A GREAT SHOW. Positively the. event of the season.' December 2. Wax groupings of the great Oronln murder mystery. Hume's Gingersnap Company. no21-81 REMARKABLEREDHGTMS ABE NOW IN FOEOB AT HOPPER PROS. & CO. "' In Every Department. Oome and see our 940 and 845 PAELOE SUIT, IN HAIE CLOTH: AKD.PLTJSH. - BEDBOOM ZFTXaRZEriTTTRIEI At p-rSportionately Low Figures, ia "Walnut, Oak, Mahogany and Cherry- ' OAEPETS. C-AIFIETS-; We are stOl selling ALL-WOOL Ingraias ai lotr ai Me, 60o and 75o per yard) guar anteed. The&a&lllj we say they are. Where can yon duplicate these prices?'Bngs, Bymrna and velvet, marked away down. Oil Cloth, Linoleums, Window Shades,' Lace and Portiere Curtains. Some very fine pieces of SASH CURTAIN GOODS are being shows this week at very low prices. CASH OR CKE3DI07. ;-sf fL'-r.' HOPPER BROS. & COS THE : COMPLETE s HOUSE : FURNISHERS, DA7 -WOOT) STREET 3(W V V l BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH. A.VES. JJ I no2-wisa VING DINNER FOR SIX HUNDRED DESERVING POOR FAMILIES IMPORTANT NOTICE! OUR ANNUAL FREE DISTRIBUTION OF TURKEYS WILL TAKE PLACE ' AT OUR STORE, THANKSGIVING DAY, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8 AND 9 A. M. 1 ! & ' r SA . 14 ' It-' . We shall have the pleasure of making our annual distribution of 600 (six hundred) Turkeys between the hours stated, on day named, to as many deserving poor families of the two cities. In order to participate in the distribtitiaa it is necessary to make early application f tickets to the officers of the Pittsburg Association for Improvement of the Poor, the Dorcas Society,, and the Ladies' Relief Society of Allegheny, the officers of the societies named having kiadly :: n :: ''- a consented to distribute the tickets, without which the gift is not obtainable. :: :: :: , ''' . ,.A GRAND THANKSGIVING WEEK FEAST -IN- 'S AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS. You and your boys will want an Overcoat, and possibly a new Suit, when cold weather comes. 'Tis with the idea of calling your attention to our extraordinarily large and superb assortment of Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys of all ages from 2 years up, do we address you to-day. And yet not only to our mammoth stock, but also to our phenomenally low prices a genuine Thanksgiving week of bargains, to which we invite everyone's attention. We have thousands of Men's Suits, all prices, from $5 to $35; Men's Overcoats, all prices, from $4 to 30, but we particularly call atten tion to our Thanksgiving week's Suits at $8, $10, 12 and 15, and to our Thanksgiving week's Over coats at '$6, $8, 10, 12, 15 and 18. These are greater bargains than you can possibly imagine, being as a matter of fact, better (we guarantee them as such) than any Suits or Overcoats obtaina ble at any other store in town, at prices ranging from 10 to 25, "Auction," "Below Cost," "Sacri fice," "Bankrupt" Sales notwithstanding. Parents, you can't save from $1 to 5 easier than by posting yourselves up in the prices we name and the values we offer in Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats, of which we have thousands in every style, color and sliade. You'll find extra and special values this Thanksgiving week in Little Boys' Suits at $3, $3 50, $4, $5 and $6; in Little Boys' Overcoats at $2 50, 3, 3 50, $4 and 5; in Big Boys' Suits at 5, $6 and 8 and in Big Boys' Overcoats at 5, $6, $8 and 10. Mothers should make a tour of inspection and they'd quickly find out how vastly superior and cheaper our Clothing for Boys is to what is offered by other houses. Our Mail Order Department is complete" in every particular. We send goodB C O. D. to any part of the United States- and Canada, guaranteeing them to give satisfaction in every particular. Out of town people should bear this in mind. t.. S3M ? -H A GRAND THANKSGIVING WEEK FEAST I'S AND BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS. ::: Without any comment further than saying that our Yurnishine Goods department is daily crowded with customers, we append the following prices, which we know are the lowest in the city. Men's double front and back Medicated Scarlet Shirts or Drawers, good value at $2 25, at $1 74 each. Men's genuine all-wool Camel's Hair Shirts or Drawers, extra long cuff on drawers, well worth $1 50, for $1 19 each only. Men's famous Morris Bros, fine wool Fancy Stripe Shirts "or Drawers, regular $1 50 goods, Si 24 each. Men's shrunk Flannel Shirts or Drawers of the famous "Star" make, best quality Stripe Scotch Flannels, well worth $4, for $2 50 each only. Men's fancy stripe a"nd plain colors Shirts or Drawers, regular price 99c, will be sold for 74c only. Men's strictly all wool Shirts or Drawers, made of best scoured yarn, free from dye these are the genuine Hygienic wool goods, 89c only, cheap at $1 25. Best grade Jersey Overshirts, $1 44 and $1 24, regular $1 75 and $1 50 goods. All-wool Jersey Overshirts, .99c. Boys' Jersey Oversliirts, 63c. Jersey Coats, all sizes from 34 to 44, $2 74 each. Boys' Kid Gloves or Mittens, plain or fur top, 49c. Men's plain or fur top Kid Gloves, regular 75c goods, for 49c Men's Nutria Fur Gauntlets, $2 24 to 3 25. Best grade Sateen Umbrellas, with gold caps, 28-inch, 89c only. Superb values in finest gold and silver imported wood and carved ivory handle Umbrellas, covered with best quality silk, at prices from $3 49 to $xo. , , - ANY OF THESE GOODS CAN BE ORDERED BY MAIL. - : i : l LL-r! A GRAND THANKSGIVING WEEK MEN'S AND BOYS' WINTER CAPS. L , A 1 ;.d WM hM - -TB FEAST 1 simm We want it to be distinctly understood that while you get the" best here you pay no fancy prices. ' We run this department on the same principles as we da all our other departments, giving the best possible goods for the least amount of money, offering aone "but the latest style? and fashion?, and underselling all other hat dealers by at least 25 per cent No wonder then that this department is so popular. This week we shall name the following competition defying prices, and we want every body to note them carefully, as the goods will be found here as described. Men's Freach Coney Caps, 74c, 89c, 98c; sold by other hat dealers at frorri 87c toi 50. Men's French Seal Caps, ft 49, $1 98 and $2 39; sold all over the city at prices ranging from $2 so to $2 75. Men's genuiae (no , itnUntinnt Seal Turhans at i,i An. it aK. Ha in tn ttn. Choice from the grandest and finest' assort- ment of Seal Caps in the city. Want cheaper Winter Caps say you? Well then, what do you thir or Mens scotcn wool Windsors, imea, tor 44c; Mens uorauroy wmasors, uaea, ai me samepnce; Men's plaid CassimereS for 34c or Men's blue Scotch Caps for 34c? Surely you never heard of lower Drices for same aualitv coods. And what a wonderful assortment of Boys' and Children's Winter Caps. We intend to surprise our patrons this Thanksgiving week. Among the ytty maayi bargains we shall offer will be found: (Jhildrea's. Velvet Turbans, in various colors, at 49c only J Rnvs' Plush Cans, with Astrachan band. 21c onlv': BoVs' fine assorted Chinchilla -Caps; 40c: B6vs Polo Caps at 9c up. Come on in your thousands,, pareats, we'll show yotf the greatest bargainsria, Hoys ana nuaren 3 iaps you ever saw. "$ f-',& Have you yet seen our "Illustrated Monthly?'' . The most humorous of, all pablica--tions. No charge for it- We'll mail it, free to any address.- Be sure yoa '"write for itname and address on a postal card'wilrdo. -?- A .GRAND THANKSGIVING WEEK FEAST -IN- LADIES', MEN'S, MISSES', BOYS' and CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR. If every inhabitant in this section of the couatry only knew that our stock of Shoes for Men, Women, Boys, Girls and even Babies is not only the greatest, but absolutely the lowest priced, for reliable qualities, in the city, we should have to at once enlarge our Shoe department to ahout five times the size. As it is now, it seems-as though fully half the people came he're for Shoes of every description. No doubt we need competition. It keeps us up to our best Bad shoe stores have their uses. One of these is to give us something to-beat Manjr of 'em get their trader by making you'think. their things are so cheap that yott take the risk of their cheatiag; but yom oaly bite once. We shall offer this week: Ladies' best quality glazed Doagola Button: Shoes, opera md common sense lasts, $1 98 and $2 50. Ladies' warm liaed Slippers, 60c, 67c, 75c, 8gc to $3 0. Ladies' warm lined Lace, Button and Congress Shoes, 89c, x to, $i 20 to $3. Ladies' elegaat glazed Don gola Shoes, patent leather tipped, button,, $2 50, Misses best quality glazed Dongola, spring heel button Shoes, it 60 and $2. Misses' extra good grain button Shoes, $t and Jt 25.. Men's extra quality Calf Shoes, button, lace and congress, $i 50. Men's best Calf haad welt lace and congress Shoes, '$4. Men's extra quality- Velvet Slippers,- $1 and $1 25. Boys' bK quality veal Calf buttoa Shoes, it go, $t 75 and $2 10. Boys' extra good veal Calf lace Shoes, St. to and tt 25. Boys' best Calf button Shoe3, fa 60, Boys' best Calf lace Shoes, fa 48. Youta' best Calf button Shoes, heel or spring heel, fa 30. Child's best glazed Doagok, straight goat aad pebble- gsat, spring heel, ' button, fa and fi 25. Child's red top Saota, 98c ANY OF THESE GOODS CAN IE OXDERED BY MAIL. THE MOST POPULAR AND LARGEST RETAIL CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, FURNISHERS AND SHOE DEALERS,, 300 TO 400 MARKETSTREET, PITTSBURG, PA. . NO BRANCH STORESr . "t v -, ; "''vi.!! GUSKY'i 1 i M ' : Jt t"-ui ijL .- J. '3afaSL3 r. 'f ". y "