rr'm JHE'J PITTSBTIRG DISPATCH; TSATUEDAT, - SrOVEMBEB;r23, 18& e - V -j , A. & CAUSEDABIG STIR, Opinions About Glasscock's Objections to the PLATEBS' JJEW LEAGUE. Hanlon Says Ko Keceipts Ko Salary is True. AL SCASDEETl'S VIEW OP IT. The reasons of Glasscock Jor deserting the Players' League hare caused considerable talfc among baseball authorities. Hanlon says the statement of no receipts no salary is true. Secretary Scandrett adds his opinion. John M. "Ward failed to secure McPhee. Sullivan may fight Jackson for a $15,000 purse. Jack Glasscock's reasons for deserting the Brotherhood caused some interesting dis cussion a local baseball circles yesterday. The reasons which were given by Glasscock in Cleveland were as follows: "I have had all the experience I want in de serting the League," be said, "and am going to stick by it now through thick and thin. The Brotherhood is a failure already. I have signed five members of the presentlndianapolis team already, and I know of 20 other League players now under contract with League clubs for next season, Uytho 1st of January there will be a stampede from the Brotherhood. I have one of tbe Brotherhood contracts in my pocket now. It was sent me by Ward, with a request tbatlsicnit and return to him. I haven't done it and do no: intend to, but if I should it would not hold mo legally. It is an extraordinary document. STBOI.G AEGUMEXTS. "My salary is placed at $3,030, and I am to be assigned wherever Ward sees fit. Moreover, that salary is to be paid out of the receipts of the games. No receipts, no salary. Count Jack Glasscock out on that deal. It amazes me that any sensible player will permit himself to be made a tool of by the men back of this move ment. I hare but a few more jears in which to play ball, and I intend to take no chances, but earn all the money I can now and put it aside for some other business. It's not a mat ter of sentiment with me as much as dollars, and that is what we are all in baseball for." Ed Hanlon was asked his opinion regarding the statements of Glasscock, and said: "I don't know of any contract that Ward f o r warded Glasscock, but I do know that I was requested to visit Glasscock at Wheeling and take a contract with me. GLASSCOCK'S GOOD CHANCE. "1 went to Wheeling prepared to give Glass cock as much for next year as he had last sea son. Indeed, I intended to give him $4,000 rather than lose him. I further intended to al low him to be manager of tbe Pittsburg club in my place, so that his position would be no worse than it was in Wheeling. In view of these facts I don't think it is true that Ward wanted him to sign for 53,000 and to go to any club selected for him." "Is the statement of 'no receipts, no salary,' made by Glasscock true?" "Why. that is trne, but some explanation is needed. We have or will have a capital stock of 20,000 out of which new grounds will be laid out and the salaries for April paid. Then we will commence to get receipts and all will be well. Bnt even in dfSculties those of us inter ested in the scheme will do prepared to make some sacrifices. However, there is no fear on thai point. Glasscock's treachery will not have a very great effect, though I regret it has occurred." scandrett's opinion. Secretary Scandrett, of the present club, was asked his opinion of the matter. He said: "Glasscoik has done what any other sensible man would do. Any ball player would be very ioohsh to sien one of these no-receipt-no-salary contracts, and I certainly think that there are many more sensible ball players in the League besides Glasscock. Now look at the matter this way: The proposed new club here is to be chartered under tbe limited liability law. This means that the stockholders 'will not be responsible for a cent more than the capital stock of 120,000. But it will need all that to fix up the grounds, and who will pay the players' salaries until tbe cham pionship season opens 7 When that difficulty arrives there Rill not be so many heroic sup porters of the players. Nobody can blame Glasscock or any other player who refuses to sign anything so unfair and unsafe as the Brotherhood contract." Ed Swartwood joined in the conversation and said: "Why, I'll give my opinion: H there was a League contract in Iront of me and also one from the proposed new league. I certainly would sign the old League one. The new one is certainly extremely unsale, and a ball player needs to look after himself or else he'll get the worst of it every time." COULDN'T GET M'PHEE. Ward' Million to Cincinnati Not n Very Successful One. rSFXCUJ. TXLEOIL1.M TO TUB DISPATCH.! Cikcinnati, November 22. John Montgom ery Ward arrived from Pittsburg this morning, and he was at once joined by "Buck" Ewing, and Ed Andrews, of tbe Indianapolis club. The trio visited John A. McPhee, and found the crack second baseman indisposed. The result of that interview is clouded in mystery, but Mr. Ward declares he has very little hopes of secur ing McPhee. "He is a man of his word," said Ward, "and if he has promised to stick to Cincinnati he will do so.'' And President Stern believes be will make good his word. Andrews is one of McPhee's armest personal friends, and his presence here is doubtless to urge him to cast his fortune with the new Players' League. All afternoon the trio of players have been closeted at the Grand Hotel, where, with a typewriter and whole reams of paper, undis turbed, save by snndry visits of a son of Ham bearing trays of glasses and mysterious bottles, tbey have digested the address of the League. The action of Jack Glasscock has aioused ard to vehemence, and he said: "Tbe League is welcome to all the players who will follow that pimple-headed blankety-blauk. The League is probably willing to take them." A letter from Holliday came to-day. and he has virtually consented to return. Contracts were mailed to-night to Nichol andSuryea, and President Stern breathes easier. THE MAGNATES LEAVE. Hanlon and Johmon Go to Philadelphia to Hustle for Plnyera. Ed Hanlon and Al Johnson left for Philadel phia last evening. Hanlon does not expect to return for two weeks, as he intends to visit home befoie he comes back. Before leaving he stated that everything was in good shape here, and that a Brotherhood club was a cer tainty In this city. He expects to meet Dun lap, Maul and Conway before he returns, and sign tbem alL There was some talk last evening relative to Sunday's intentions. It is rnmored that he will certainly play in the Brotherhood League. Al Scandrett, however, states that he will run all chances ana will bet $30 to $50 that Sunday will again he in the Pittsburg's old club. Ad Gumbert also stated to a friend that he is not inclined to sign a three-year contract such as presented by the Brotherhood. Love'a Philadelphia Club. Phuadelpiiia, November 22. Henry M. Love yesterday announced that Lave Cross, catcher of the Athletic Club, had signed with the local Brotherhood Club. This was a severe blow to the Athletic Club, since it was confi dently expected that Cross would sign an As sociation contract to-day. Cross' terms were accepted last Monday, and Manager Sharsig considered him as good as .signed. It now looks as though Stovey and Bierbauer might also go over to the Brotherhood, although tbe former has said that be will take no decisive step until after January L With Cross, MilUgan and Hallman behind tbe bat the local Brotherhood Club will be well fixed for catchers. Another pitcher is wanted, and Mr. Lore says that he will be signed to-day. K0III7 is Ready. A backer of Ed Beilly called at this office last evening and stated that Beilly Is willing to ac cept the challenge of the unknown. Reilly's backers will meet the unknown's backers at this office at 820 next Saturday evening to make a match. Tiai talks a little. The Now York Pitcher Says Deserters Will be Enjoined. New Tokk, November 22. 'If Glasscock has deserted the Brotherhood, and I am in clined to believe that he has," said Tim Keefe to the Sun reporter yesterday, "he is certainly a man without any honor or decency. To have heard Denny and him heap abuse upntho heads of the management of the Indianapolis clnbwhen they signed a Brotherhood contract In this city, you would have said: 'Well, there are certainly two men who will never falter.' Why, they almost got down on their knees and promised faithfully to support the Brotherhood in any undertaking. Now what can you expect from such men as these?" "It's a rather serious defection withal T" "Not so much as one would think. Both men ate good players, it's trne. As far as Glasscock is concerned, there you may stop. If you had beard the uncomplimentary remarks made by some of the Indianapolis plavers last season atramst Glasscock, you would quickly come to tho conclusion that tbe Brotherhood, in fact, any orjranization, is better without such people. We Can stand their desertion ery well. Their places will be filled by men, who, while not pos sessing the national prominence, will play their positions just as acceptably." "Will the Brotherhood proceed against them in the courts 7" "Yes, indeed. Every effort will be made to enjoin them from playing in the League; not only these men but every othor deserter." "What cause do you assign for Glasscock's and Denny's action!" "Oh, I suppose they have been promised an. extraordinarily bin salar, and probably other inducements were thrown in." "It is 6ald that Boyl of the samo club, and Clements, of the Philadelphia club, have gone, too." "Well, I cannot believe Boyle has deserted. Prom what 1 know of the man I honestly be lieve that report is untrue. Clements. I think, acted like a baby." "It may be contended that tne Brotherhood has not lived up to its treement; that the men are doubtful about salaries, etc." "That can't be. In the first place every plaver sismed a personal agreement. The party with whom he signed was one of the stockholders of the club. As long as the party of the first part fulfilled his part of the contract the agreement will certainly hold good. How, then, after his club has been incorporated, and everyone in the new organization lias, the player signs a con tract with the party of the first part, the stock holders, at a salary equal to that received by him last year." "It is claimed that, thus far, there is but lit tle evidence of any capital being invested in tbe new movement." "That's a very foolish remark, indeed, for anyone to make. In this city and I speak from personal knowledge of affairs every share of stock has been disposed of, and I know of a dozen gentlemen who would like to become interested. I have a few shares my self, and a little more money beside laid by for f nnher investment in the same thing." "Have there been any players to receive ad vance money I" "Yes; quite a number. I know that Latbam received an advance when he signed. Of course, this is not intended to be a ceneral thing. We are aware that there are players who are deserving of an advance, and they will get it." "It is said that Mr. Von der Aheiscoqnet tinc with the Brotherhood with a view of bring ing the entire St. Louis club into the fold." "I don't see why he should. There's no room for him. The fact is, by the time we get throueh picking out his players, there won't be much left of the St. Louis club to go anywhere. It has surprised me not a little tosee bow quiet Mr. Von der Ahe has been in the light of ex isting events. THEY WANT A MANAGER. A Peep at the McKeenport Conntr League Club Affairs. Manager Torreyson, of McKcesport, is look ing for a good practical manager for the pro fessional clnb, and desires to secure more than one, also about four good scorers, as he has re quests from the Tri-State League clubs for the same. They will be paid $100 per month. Until yesterday over 100 applications for posi tions on the club have been received, but he has only signed one man, as he is devoting bis attention to securing a good manager for the club. Tbe stock is all taken, and about $1,000 will be put out to place the park in good condi tion. The club will play 6 games at home with Tri-State Clubs, and the same number abroad, and will start out for the season, April 12. Tbe McKeesports, of the Allegheny County League, will be as strong as last season and will be managed by local baseball men of tbe city, and during the absence of tbe professional club Allegheny County League games will be played here. McKeesnort had a difficult time gettingintotheTri-StateLeague.TheMansfield club fought bard to get the place that Mc Keesport got, but was outgeneraled by Tor revson. This is one of five clubs that tried to get in ahead of the McKeesports in the League. The club will have not less than 12 salaried players, and it is thought that Miller, Torrey son and Provin", of the old League clnb, will be among tbem, although Provins is the only one who is signed. To-Day'd Card at Clifton. rSFZCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCTM New York, November 22. The Clifton en tries for to-morrow are : First race, mile and a furlong, felling Van 97, Groomsman 91. Jennie McFarland 1G0, Lotion SS, Wild Cherry 102, Hermitage 94, Victrlx 103. second race, five furlongs Grand Mistake, Ausallnd. Shakespeare 93 each. Ban Lassie, Faustina 105 each, Waterloo. Felicia, Flutter colt 108 each. Vera 95, Lady Agnes 115. Third race purse 800, welter weights, selling, two miles and a quarter Falcon 125, Brac-a-Ban, Elgin, Banbrldge, Compensation, bam Brown, Pegans. Broadbeid 1C7 each, leve. General Gor don 105 each. Ten Hooker 117. Fourth race, bandicip. seven and one-half fur longs Carnegie 115. Haioolah 113, Ovid 109, bwlft and Deception 108 each, Gramercv 94. Fifth race, selling, one mile Kink, Gounod, Vivid, Mattle Looram, J J Ob 104 each, Souvenir, My Own 93 each, bunervisor. Ariel 110 each, Car rie G 107, oodburn lot. fensrllng 113. blxth race, six and a half furlongs Capulln 115, Little SI Inch no. Mulligan, Ulrondes. Kitty Pease, Theora, Fire Fly 105 each. On and after Monday, November 25, entries to ail purses at Clifton will be free. Gattenbcrs Entries for To-Day. rgPECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATOIt.i NEW York, November 22. The following are the Gntterrberg entries for to-morrow: First race, three-quarters of a mile Border Minstrel 84, Lomax 106, Big Brown Jug, Oarsman 99 each. Lemon Blossom 100, Full Sail 65, Hot Scotch 94, Artless, Topeka. Little Fred SO each, Fletcb, Taylorinseacn, bklp86. Second race, three-quarters of a mile Au6tri ctle, Frederick 1100 each, bpendori; Gypsv Ally, Lexington 97 each. 1'llgrlm 115, FastTlmc I'll. Ihird race, one mile HarwooddS, Vigilant 107, Bonnie Lass (formerly Bonnie Harold flllv), bultor 101 each. 'U ynwood 110, btephanie, Gloster ltri each. Wanderment Hz, Festus 104. Fourth race, one mile Glendalc, Guarantee, Now or Never 113 each. HattoollO, Hearst 104, Kan cocas 73 tilth race, seven fnrlongs Bradford 118, Sam Morse 90, Issaquenna filly 87, Electricity, Ocean 115 each. Sixth race, one and one-sixteenth miles Both well 122. Tunis 117, Jerry 80, Banner 115, Tyrone 1ZL Wayward 118, and Ben B 111. For To-Day We will offer COO men's handsome Kersey overcoats, in five shades, at $10. Other stores sell these same garments at $20. Don't take our word for it, call and see tbem. Price $10. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. For bad weather, ladies should see our California Shoe, S3; all widths. Cai-& Veekeb, Fifth ave. and Market st. MWS Hen's pure wool underwear. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. Men Winter Underwear. TJnderwearinall-woolen and in silks, com bining the softness of silk with the warmth of wool. The most complete line of underwear for men, women and children in these cities. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penu Avenue Stores. Comfort Shoe. Ladies' hand-sewed Comfort Shoe, some thing new. 13. Cain & Vebnee's, mws Fifth avenue and Market street. The Sanitarium, Green Sprinc. O., The leading health resort; the richest min eral spring in America. Steam heat, elec tric lights, all kinds of baths, experienced physician and nurses. A desirable place for invalids, and a pleasant home for the winter. Write for pamphlet and winter rates. "W. c. Weston, Lessee. SA Genu' Furnishing To-Diiy. Grand exhibition of A. H. Buckineham & Co. 'a fine London neckwear. Popular prices and most stylish goods. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Fenn Avenue stores. Cg'-COUSINS AT MADAWAS KA is the title of an entertaining Thanksgiving story by Bev. T. DeWltt Talmago, D. D., -wrhloh will cjppear in to-morrow'si)ISPATOH. THE PLATERS REPLY. Ward, Ewing and Andrews Tackle tbe Magnates. THE LEAGUE'S FALSE POSITION Explained in Another Spirited Address to the Public TIM JtEEPB SAIS A FEW W0KDS. He Says Tbat AH Brotherhood Deserters Will be Enjoined. ' Messrs. Ward, Ewing and Andrews have issued a public reply to the League mag nates' address. It argues that the League has made many misstatements. Tim Keefe also says a few interesting things. Cincinnati, November 22. A special committee of the Brotherhood of Baseball Players, Messrs. "Ward, Ewing and An drews, after an all-day session at the Grand Botel issued the following address: To tbe Public: If anything further were necessary to show the desperate state of mind into which the old League magnates have fallen, this last appeal to the public has furnished it. In its state ments of facts, it is tbe weakest, and in Its misstatements, the strongest of any yet issued. After claiming credit for things with which they Individually have had absolutely nothing to do, they launch forth on a sea of assertions, compared to which the so-called "glittering generalities" of the Brotherhood are a mere mill pond. THE LEAGUE PLATED OUT. "Without questioning the services rendered by the old League, or stopping to inquire how far its course has been prompted by selfish In terests, the players still believe that its days of usefulness have gone: that it has fallen into the hands of men who look more to their personal interests than to the good of the game. "When they attempted to make money at the sacrifice of the dignity of the game and at the expense of the player's rights as a man, they went too far. A system which contemplates the sale of a player's future services is too iniquitous and un-American to stand, however dear to the hearts of the magnates. The League commit tee has taken pains to point out how much the players owe to tbe League, but omitted to rnen tion .how much they themselves owe to tho players. The ease with which they skim over the origin and intention of the "Reserve Rule" and its supposed present necessity would be re freshing were it not so evidently intended to mislead. They ask: "What made that rule necessary? Was it not tue UNSCRUPULOUS VANDALISM . of the players themselves and their unwill ingness to trust one another?" As its author, A. G. Mills, has said, it was intended to take the robber manager by the throat and make him keep his hands off the players in an associate club. The power this rule gave, was used in the' most mercenary way and the assertion by the committee that no player has ever been transferred without his consent, is brazenly false. Do they call it consent when a plaver must submit or get out of baseball? Did Buffinton and Gunning consent? Were not both Morrill and Wiso sold and tbe fact published before either was spoken to or knew anything abont it? Did Rowe and White go willingly to Pitts burg? Or Kutcliflo to Cleveland? Or Getzein or this same precious trio, Glasscock, Denny and Boyle to Indianapolis? No. They did every thing to escape and only "consented" when the alternative was presented of being shut out of a livelihood in baseball. SOME FALSEHOODS NAILED. The assertion that the new League proposes to transfer players without their consent is either a mistake or a wilful misstatement, and when the terms of his contract has expired, he is at perfect liberty again to go where he will, and nothing in the constitution of the new League or in his contract attempts to deprive him of this right. We have no "reserve rule," no "arbitrary 82,000-Hmit rule,' only one con tract and the full salary written in it, nothing which encroaches upon the player's natural rights, and when he goes from one club to another his "consent" is not forced and no price is passed. The statement that the con tract in use since 1SS7 has never been violated by the League in letter or spirit, is another characteristic piece of effrontery. The under standing between clnbs and players was vio lated when the League failed (by its own con nivance, as has been charged) to secure the re peal of the salary limit rule; the SPIRIT OP THE CONTBACT was violated when they refused to insert in the contract the player's full salary; it was out rageously violated again when the classifica tion law was passed, and it was violated again in every case where a player's salary was re duced by the operation of tbat law. We re fused to meet the League this fall because the time for such meeting had long since passed. It is true the League has enacted some things the Brotherhood would have asked, and in so doing has not only stultified itself and acknowl edged the injustice of its former position, bnt admitted the justice of our claims. But is anyone conversant with League methods simple enongh to believe they would ever have done this had necessity not forced it upon them? They have not paid back the dif ference in salaries to the classified players, and their pretension to have abolished the sales system is a weak attempt to deceive tbe public In future tbe pl?yer must buy his re lease instead of the club, but the money will come just tbe same from the purchasing club, A DIFFICULT TASK. It is no simple task to organize a new league nor is it the work of a week. We could not postpone action until fall when we would all be separated and powerless to act together, be cause in such a condition the League would have laughed at us. In order to, Interest men with capital to expend time and money in such a project, it was necessary to give some guar antee of. good faith. We tried to meet the League, but they refused, whereupon, and not till then, we decided to look elsewhere for em ployment. If anyono thinks we should have made our plans public from tbe beginning let him look at the obstacles tbe League is now throwing in onr way and the methods it is em ploying to defeat ns. Had we had these to en counter at first our failure would have been certain and our position in consequence worse than ever. As for the effect of this movement upon tbe game the public need have no fear. Tho players interested are tbe very ones most vitally concerned in the game's future, and they will do nothing to Injure it In any way. On the contrary they will do everything to preserve its purity and integrity, to elevate it above a mere speculative enterprise, to place it on the level which our national game sbould occupy. William Ewing, Geobqe Edwabd -Andrews, JoiinM. Vabd. HARVARD'S WITHDRAWAL. It Causes Little Surprl.e Among- the Prince ton Fooibnlli.tiu Princeton, N. J., November 2L Harvard's action in withdrawing from the Intercollegiate Football League causes bnt little surprise at Princeton, since it is well known that Prince ton's series of victories in every branch of out door sport baseball, football and track ath letics dnring tbe last 15 months have not been very popularly received at Cambridge. In fact Harvard's football record in the games played with Princeton for the past 12 years has not been quite what she might have hoped for it to be, for dnring this time Harvard has won but two football games from Princeton, and these only by very small scores, In tbe autumns of 18S2andlSS7. Harvard's defeat at lacrosse last spring left the pennant with Princeton, which Bhe had held the year previous. Immediately after re ceiving this defeat Harvard withdrew from the Lacrosse League. If last Saturday's football game had turned out differently tbe feeling at Harvard might have been very much changed from what it now is. Cowan, who is a member of the Princeton eleven, declines to referee the Yale-Harvard game on tbe ground tbat after the ill treat ment tbat Princeton has received from Har vard, a Princeton man conld only with great difficulty satisfactorily render decisions that he might be called upon to make. Wall and Goode Mntched. New York, November 22. A cablegram from London to this city to-day states that Toff Wall and Bill Ooode have been matched to fight to a finish tot 31,000 a side. Sammy' Cash Up. Sam Day hat just put up his S100 which he promised to bet against another $100 that he will defeat 'Norejnae in the approaching 72-hour race which is to take place at the London Theater. Day therefore wins $10. bet with Pat Klrley, to the effect that he (Day) would make good bis $100 bet before this evening. Several people are wanting to back Hegelman against any other man in the race. John In for Bu.lnest. Boston, November 22. John E. Sullivan wnen seen to-day by a reporter regarding tho statement that the San Joe, Cal Athletic Clnb bad offered a parse of S15.000 for a finish j fight with Jackson, said he bad received no SUCU telegram, uuu me only cuius ue buuw about the matter was what he had seen in to day's papers. Sullivan further savs he was "in for business" and that any bona fide offer, ac cording to his published terms, would be duly considered. EportlnE Notes. H. 8. Jake Kilrain was1 born in February, 1858. ' The League's address Is well worth the read ing. THERElsaletterat this office for WBliam Smltb, the ball player. It looks as though Cincinnati was going to keep all of its old players. "Happt" Jack Glasscock is undoubtedly not of the Brotherhood now. "Little" Smith, the jolly English pedes trian, arrived here yesterday to get ready for the unrisimas race. John M. Ward states that he has the Brotherhood contracts of McGeachey and Bas sett in bis possession. Delkhaktv, who Is reported to have signed a Players' League contract, now is reported as regretting bis action. If confidence and enthusiasm mean success, there is no fear of the Brotherhood as far as Ward and Hanlon are concerned. Pitcher Foreman, of last year's Balti more team, states he will receive twice bis As sociation salary from tho Philadelphia Brother hood club, and part of tbe profits. Spalding stijl argnes that all of the old players signed last season to play next. What are tbe League clubs signing so many young sters for? is an opportune question. Reader Both codes of rules demand a sfand-up" fight, but the term is somewhat in definite; hence tbe referee often has to deter mine whether or not a real -'stand-up fight" is going on. Dominick McCaffrey and Frank Herald, the heavy-weight pugilist who gained quite a reputation a few years ago, have been engaged to box every night next week at a Brooklyn theater. Manager Mutrie doesn't seem to be at all disturbed over the present unsettled condition of affairs. "You can say for me," said Jim. "that we will open the season on the 21th of next March with our old mascots tbe Jaspers of Manhattan College. Furthermore, the New York club will have a good team. New York Sun. Mr. John B. DAT was asked at tho Sporting Times office yesterday what he thought of the Brotherhood contract. "I cannot understand," said he, "how a ballplayer with any sense at all can sign such a document. Another thing tbat is very qneer to me is how the players have come to tbe conclusion to wait for their salaries until all other expenses are paid." Ifew York Sun. Anson told me that Clarkson would play with the League next year, in spite of ail talk to the contrary. "X.had a talk with Clarkson." said the "Baby" captain, "and I know how be feels. He recognizes the weakness of the Brotherhood and doesn't propose to jeopardize his Interests by tying to the fellows who think they are the leaders in what they call a re volt." iVeto lor Herald. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day in Two Cities Condensed for Ready Reading. Joseph McConnell, of Walker's Mills, charges J. Stein with false pretense before Al derman McMasters, McConnell claims that Stein secured 1,375 pounds of old iron, valued at $90, from him on representation that he was an agent for Kaylor & Streng, for whom the iron was intended. Mr. John Boogs, ofWIlkinsburg, will ad dress a temperance meeting, to be held to morrow evening, in tho Moorhead building, corner Second avenue and Grant street, under the auspices of the Moorhead Union of the W. C. T. U. Thomas Fletcher and Charles Gallagher bad a bearing before Magistrate Grlpp yester day afternoon for tbe bnrglary committed at the saloon of P. McGee, on Grant street, Thurs day morning and were held for court in default of bail. Albert Chessxan, an old man aged CO years, and who resides at No. 249 Hiland ave nue, fell down a flight of stairs at his home yes terday morning, fracturing his right arm and injuring his back. He was attended by Dr. Davis. Miss Jennie, daughter of John Hutchinson, of McKeesport, was operated on at the Home opathic Hospital yesterday afternoon by Dr. McClelland, assisted by the medical board of the hospital, for tumor In her side. A jiasqoeila.de party was held at the Penn Incline Hall, last night, by the Central Social Clnb. The music was furnished by tbe Original Royals. A large number were present, and the affair was a pleasant one. Kennedy, the Allegheny liveryman, states that tbe cab driver who smashed a window at tho Hotel Duquesne night before last, was not in his employ, and that all his drivers are careful and sober. A horse belonging to Hyman Browarsky.the Fifth avenne liquor dealer, was struck and knocked down by a cable car on the Oakland line, yesterday afternoon. The animal was badly injured. Detective Fitzgerald went to Chicago last night to bring back James Grover, tbe de faulting bookkeeper of Boyd Bros. & McCalla, of Butler, who was arrested last Monday. The Board of Viewers yesterday held a meeting to receive claims for damages by the opening of Meadow street, from Laramir ave nue to Park avenne. HITHER AND THITHER. Movements of Pittsburcera and Others 'of Wido Acqnatntance. Jake Weldberg, of Cincinnati, brother of L Weldberg, is spending a few days among friends in this city. THE ALIiEGED CONSPIRACY CASE Creates Considerable Talk Peter Wise Ar rested and Released on Ball. The "Callaghan conspiracy case," as it is called, is creating a good deal of talk in Scottdale. Mr. Callaghan was seen last evening, and when asked about the unpub lished letters of his to T. V. Powderly, he saidlhat Mr. Byrne seemed to know more about such letters than he did. "If there are any such letters in exist ence," said Jlr. Callaghan, "they are evi dently forgeries. It cannot be otherwise, as no communication from me to Powderly would have any bearing on the present case. I wrote to Powderly in regard to the boy cott being waged against me by Wise and Byrne, but he ignored my letter entirely. The Beading Bailway story is all bosh. There is not a word of truth in the statement. I returned the pass sent by the Reading Company when I was a member of the Legislature and have had no dealings with the company since. The statement that I am unknown is ridiculous. I am well known to people of this and surround ing counties and I have worked hard to make my way in life, and do not feel like being bulldozed by a lot of scoundrels." Peter Wise was arrested by Constable Gay this afternoon, and gave bail for his appearance at the hearing. Mr. Wise is not disposed to say much about tbe matter, bat declares he was in no way implicated in a conspiracy ag&inst Sir. Callaghan. He emphatically denies that he ever told Calla- fhanthathe would be boycotted and his usiness ruined. He claims that Callaghan is simply a figurehead in the affair, and is being led on by outside parties. THEY STOLE BRASS. Two'Youns Men In Tronbte for Greed of Covetonaneis. Charles Soetick and Frank Kresack were arrested and placed in the Allegheny lockup last night on a charge of larceny, preferred by William Eippey. The prosecutor alleges that the defendants stole two brass journals off an engine be longing to him that were valued at $10. The defendants were held for a hearing. .MINISTRATION MENU for Thanksgiving Day, contributed try the President's wife and the ladles of the Cabinet, will appear in to-morrow's DISPATCH. A NIGHT OF TEKROR, Very Exciting Scenes on the Streets of San Jose for a Few Hours. LOTS OP POOR SHOOTING DONE. Pour Hen Killed, One of Whom Was a Most Estimable Gentleman. WOUNDS EECE1TBD BI FODJS 0THEES. An Uprising1 With Little Bloodshed and Some Amusing Features. Interesting details of the Costa Bican up rising on the 7th of the month have just reached New York andbeen telegraphed at once to The Dispatch. San Jose was a pretty highly excited place on that day. Four men were killed and four others wounded during the transfer of government. .SriCLlL TELIOEAM TO THE DI3PA.TCH.1 New Yobk, November 22. Under date of San Jose, November 11, The Dispatch letter, just received here, brings the follow ing: At 6:30 on the afternoon ot the 7th, there was a sudden commotion in the streets of this capital. People began to run hither and thither wildly, women fell to shrieking and sobbing, shopkeepers and their clerks hastily shnt and barred the doors and win dows of their various pfbees. From the slamming of shutters and the snapping of locks it was at once evident that there was serious trouble in the atmosphere. "Arms! Arnul Arms!" was the cry. Still no one could tell precisely what had hap pened. As in a twinkling, men who had run toward the outskirts of the town, reap peared, carrying each a brand-new machete in one hand, and in the other a large re volver or stoat club. WILD HUMORS IN THE AIB. "Guard every crossing Let no one pass without the word!" were the orders. It seems that word had been brought that a thousand or moreEsquivelistas were march ing upon San Jose from Alajnela. Other wild rumors were in the air. Victor de la Gnardia, brother of the late President Guardia, had proclaimed himself dictator. The true version is that the Bodriguista element having penetrated the police head quarters, a large number ot police who were known io be Equivelistas were all at once discharged from the force. They marched ofi good humoredly, taking their official decapitation in a philosophical way, but one of them, in passing near the central Cnartel, gave vent to his feelings in a last aenant " viva jssquiveil ' This was at once seized upon by the Bod riguista? as a pretext for action. By 6 o'clock the city was in a terrible commo tion. Prominent Bodriguista merchants distributed brand new arms to all who came. The huge machetes , SHONE LIKE SILVER The revolvers were bright and shining likewise. It was a beautiful, warm night, with hardly a breeze stirring. The moon was fnll and rose early. The Bodriguistas formed into companies, and tied their white handkerchiefs around their left arms. They posted sentries at the street corners. The challenge was, "Qnien Vive?" The answer, "Bodriguez." Then the question "TJno?" and if the approaching person did not instantly reply "Dos," he was arrested. With all the excitement, however, any foreigner was perfectly safe, unles he stepped in front of a stray bullet. The' Dispatch correspondent went in every direction without the least difficulty. Most of the foreigners ran up their own particu lar flags, but this was wholly unnecessary. One man went to borrow tbe stars and stripes from Mr. Keith, the railroad man. Air. Keith sent him word to wrap himself up in a sheet and go to bed; he would be safe enough. EODEIGUISTAS EVEETWHEBE. The Esquivelistas, it was soon seen, were in the minority. The Bodriguistas massed with their arms on the hill, above the rail road station, and in the Hospital plaza. They patroledthe streets and took possession of every available space. "Give us the cnartels!" was their cry. Firing began at last from the Presidental Palace. The guns were aimed high, how ever, and no one was hurt. The Union Bank and the French Hotel show some pretty good-sized perforations in their second-story outer walls. All night long the fight was kept up, with no greater loss ot life than four, and four others being wounded. Among those killed was an estimable gen tleman, Don Teodorico Quiros, a merchant who, .being a little deaf, did not hear or understand, a Bodriguistas challenge, and was shot down while going from his own house to that of his brother-in-law, Dr. Duran, whom he bad just heard, had been called to the post oi Acting President A night to eemembeb. Apart from this sad accident there is really little to grieve for, though the night was one to remember. The demand for tbe Cnartels was kept up, and also the demand that President Soto turn over the Presi dency to Duran, the third Vice President At about midnight Soto concluded to do so. Dr. Duran immediately named Don Bicardo Jimenez as Minister General in place of Don Mauro Fernandez, wno of course went out with Soto. This is now the condition of affairs. Dr. Carlos Duran is acting President ot Costa Bica, and Don Bicardo Jimenez is Minister of Hacienda, commerce, public instruction and all the other portfolios. Don Bafael Izlesias is the Warwick of the day. The leaders of the opposition party will be sent out of the country and given foreign missions. That is their worst fate. There will be no more uprisings. Bodriguez will step quietly into power, and Don Ascension Esquivel will accept his defeat quietly and philosophically, like the progressive and broad-minded man that he is. SOME AMUSING INCIDENTS. There were many amusing incidents in the uprising. A stout, elderly Bodriguista woman came rushing oat of her house into the moonlit street "So many people! So many men!" she cried, waving her eyes wildlr. "So many men, and not an arm I'm o'ff to get mathetesand revolvers." She galloped down a side street in her black skirt and white camisa, quite forgetting to take her shawl. In ten minutes she reap peared, heading a dozen other women in similar attire, each one with a handkerchief tied around her left arm (the Bodriguista badge), and carrying in one hand a huge knife and in the o'ther a pistol. The inevitable woman carrying her baby upside down was also on hand to relieve the strain upon one's nerves. She ran from one danger to another, and only subsided when some one called her attention to the purple countenance of her offspring, which seemed to be in the throes of dissolution. WOMEN OF ALL CLASSES of society took deep interest in the struggle. The beautiful young wife of President Soto was an ardent Esquivelista, and cheered on the party up to the last moment with patri otic songs and enthusiastic words. It is quiet to day, and no further uprising is feared. Dispassionate minds consider President Soto's act of letting go the reins a weakness on his part They say it looks aa though the Bodriguistas wanted the earth, sun, moon and stars. Don Ascension Esquivel's defeat may be attributed solely to ihi fact that the masses regarded him as a Kicaraguense, and their national jealousy is so strong that they could not pardon the accident of birth over the frontier line. There was not one other objection.v A man ot pure life, private and public, spotless in tegrity, kindly nature, and progressive tendencies, Esquivel must have made an excellent President The country loses a good deal, too, in the resignation of Don Mauro Fernandez from the Cabinet It has never had as Minister a harder worker or more clear-headed and enlightened states man. SOME OF THE EESULTS. There will never be 'a Central'- Ammu SEW ABTKMISEaseXTS. The PEOPLE'S STORE- - FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURG. CLOAKS AND WRAPS. In view of the coming Holiday season we fine Cloaks, Wraps and Jackets; no finer or larger assortment nas ever been shown in this ' city. We have all prices from a Jacket at $3 to the finest Alaska Seal Skin al $223. . For 5 you can buy a nice Stockinette or Beaver Cloth Jacket, a good Newmarket or an Irish Peasant Circular. ' For ?10 you can buy your choice of many handsome styles in Jackets, Beaver Cloth ' Newmarkets, Diagonal Cloth Wraps, handsome Connemarras, tight-fitting Plush Jac'k"eta and other handsome garments. For S15 Fine Imported Berlin Jackets, withrevers; stylishly trimmed medium-weight Wraps and your choice of some pretty hincs in NewmarUets and Connemarras. For S18. S20 and $25 stylish Wraps, richly lovelv ntting Deal jtjusu tiac&eu, me very uueat uiiuga iu .irjaiu, uucc&eu, lripea,8nafc Plain Beaver Cloth Newmarket, with double slee ves, the outer being Velvet. 4" .. . - nt-.-l. f-1 1 i For $30, ?35, $10 and $45 a magnificent array ot Outside Garments of the choicest BSm terials, beautifully trimmed and embracing the finest novelties. Special attention' ii&" called to our fine English Plush Sacques, $20, These are goods we can recommend for Thousands of garments to select from and very lowest CAMPBELL & DICK. FREEMASONS' HALL, FIFTH AVENUE. no23-TTS Union including Costa Bica; of that lam positive. The defeatof Don Ascension dem onstrates it clearly. This uprising may or may not harm'the country abroad. It has, of course, been of injury at home, and. all business had to be suspended for three days. Beyond the attendant inconveniences strangers in nowise suffered. The degree to which foreigners and their property are held sacred in the Bepubllo is something marvel ous. With a cessation of the hostilities of the past week the country will suffer no seri ous injnry. The new Acting President, Dr. Duran.is exceedingly popular and regarded as a wise and unprejudiced leader. His appointment of Bicardo Jimenez is satisfactory to every one. Bafael Izlesias, who is said to be a power behind the throne, is a nephew of ex President Castro, who has been working quietly, out ihdefatigably, for Bodriguez all these months. The Bodriguistas are now assnredly in power, and will doubtless re main so. SHORT S0UTHSID18GS. Blti of News Gleaned Entirely Among; and for the Blrmlnshnraers. The Humboldt Dramatic and 'Literary Asso ciation will celebrate their fourth anniversary January 31. B. BtraroOT, the artist, la engaged painting a picture of the lato Leslie "Wlnfred Benbow, chorister of St Mark's Church. The Catholic Library Association will soon renovate their rooms, and add beautiful Brus sels carpets and other comforts. The E. Cowen Fishing Clnb will open up its new clubrooms. In the Twentsrsixth, ward. Thanksgiving; with a pig roast , Dn. L. F. Scott, of 2419 Carson street, moved to Chicago Wednesday. He will give up his profession and embark in business. The Prospect Building ana Loan Associa tion, of the Thirty-second ward, will start a fifth series on the Urst Tuesday In January. A M. Bailey, gymnasium Instructor of St Mark's Guild House, has been engaged by the Mt. Washington Beading Boom Association. Michael BloekT, of the Clinton mills, had bis left foot mashed Wednesday by a mass of Iron falling on It Ha lives on tbe Welsh road. Thosias Btjtlee, of Thirty-fifth street, went to get on a Birmingham car at Thirty-first street Tuesday and slipped and fell, breaking ma wrist. Henry Kbeut, with Thomas Evans Cot, has been appointed Chief Marshal of tbe South side division of the Armstrong Monument parade, Thanksgiving. Lieutenant M, Dubb, of Engine Company Ko. U. had his ankle badly sprained at the fixe of Turner, Clans & Co. Wednesday morning. It was caused by a wall caving in. A. meeting of the friends of St Maak's Guild was held Monday evening to make further arrangements for the bazaar. The secretary reported that 600 tickets were already sold. A new council of the Daughters of Liberty was instituted on Thursday evening at Castle Shannon by National Vice Councillor James W. McCleary. assisted by several members of the order from this side of the river. Tin! southside Medical Society met lartMon day evening at its new room in Dr. Koehler'a office. Dr. Arnholt read a very Interesting paoeron'The PhyIsoIogical-and Therapeutic Effects of Medicine." The next paper will be read by Dr. Kress. A Cheistjtas cantata, entitled "Catching Kris Krinkle," will be given in the Walton M. E. Church Christmas eve. The committee of arrangements is cohioosed of E. A. Campbell, j. xi. opeeimao. a.iwanwiu. . . ... -, Miss Mary Heed, Mrs. Martha Gould. STitEETcar horses on the Short Line fell In an open trench, where the Philadelphia Com pany's employes were making a connection at 2300 Sarah street, last Sunday. Home laborers were in the ditch. The horses fell on top of them and they barely escaped with a few bruises. Mb. P. J. Mohan, a shipning clert at Jones 4 Laughlins'. received a painful Injnry to his right hand Tuesday afternoon. In shoving some of the heavy trucks about ha caught his band between them and lacerated it, requir ing the amputation of the little finger at the first Joint Residents of the upper part of Carson street are complaining-of tbe railroad company in allowing trains to stand across Twenty-sUth and Twenty-seventh streets to take water at the tank just above Twenty-seventh street. They say that they are kept from work by waiting to get across and that the lives of women and children are endangered. A curious accident happened on. Carson street last Monday. One of the rails of the Birmingham track was loose at one end. A car going toward the city caught the end of the rail and it slid up over the wheel and stove into tbe car, raising tbe seat It took a halt hour to get it disengaged. The car was dam aged some but no personal injnry sustained. 1 G3TGLABA BELLE has a more than usually bright and entertain ing letter about New York Society in to-morrow's DISPATCH. GEEED OP GAIN . And Thirst for Pleasure. The rnlimr passion of the human f atuDy. In grasping aim riches the brain is taxed, the nervous system strained. In tho pursuit of pleasure the body Is tortured by fashion's despotic sway; tbe hours designed for repose are devoted to exhausting revelry; the stomach is ruthlessly imposed upon; pure water, the natural drink for all created beings. Is ignored, and liquid fire Is substituted until, ere we are aware of It, disease bas fixed its iron grasp upon us. Then we look fortbe "remedy." To the victim of these follies, we commend Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills. They stimulate the liver, strengthen the nerves, restore the appe tite and build np the debilitated body. Tutt's Liver Pills Make a Vigorous Body. nol8-TTSSU PEARS' SOAP Is the MOST ELEGANT TOILET SOAP iir Taars world. Of all Druggists, but betcare of tmtaHons. TOO LATE TO CLAS&FT. F OK SALS-TWO GOOD PATTING SALOONS 1 (one with reitiAruitl lb tne ell? 6C Cleve land i good location : lone late: "rzo4 reasons far selling. AddreM X Ti liun, mm tt Uftte.. UeTNAMU V. H V .A,' I fi JC fcgjT tZT have just received an elegant assortment of af ' ! handsomely gotten dp. Fine I'Insh Jaek'eU - .' trimmed ; fine English Seal Plnxh Saeanesl'.... A !.! ! T11.SJ PL.-t J n. . . l" $25, $30, $35, $40, $45. , wear; style and shape the very latest and best:' prices on each and every one of them tho JRi Very Stylish, BLACK CHEVIOTS, fancx . weave (nothing ndbbier shown , this season), tailored to orders at a taking price. ry , , jl mnauo uiuc la uJ lino-,, take more common than supj posing tailoring to order is lor noDoay due tne weanny class. The citv is full of youngr men for whom we db"tf such wotk. it is not a ques tion of cost but tailoring. Young men are good judges of that. Nor are there bet ter judges of cost than the rich. Rich or moderate you pay a fair price for the goods you get no more, no less to any body. That's our manner of trading. The Black Cheviots show it in their price. Wanamaker -x' it-' Tfi A" Q D -r atttxt tX OKUWiN,' -f : Sixtii street tm arc QAPB, KTrr.TATHYK, WHOLESOME Our pure eighty ear-old export GUOKENHELMER 'WHISKY Is the cheapest, the most reliable and whole some whlilry that can WW be obtained; the most nourishing arsi strengthening whisky for invalids, convalescents ana the aged tbat can be found. It holds abigh place among all other whiskies, and it deserves it. Sold In fnll quart battles at 31, ox six for $3. PURE CALIFORNIA WINES. Equal in every respect to any of the high priced wines of tbe day, and as pure as the purest. Bold in full quarts at 60c, or 15 per dox. Please send for full price list, mailed free. JOS. FLEMJGTG 4b SOK, DRUGGISTS, P1TTSBUBG, PA nol7-rrssu nda-D-y-l ERN. STEIN'S TOKAY WINES. In original bottles, direct Importation from his vineyards in the Tokay district (Hungary),' tns Purest and Best Dessert Wines In the world, now obtainable at reasonable prices trosa the undersigned agents. ? Inquiries for terms solicited from wlnev", dealers. "S&i. H. A. WOLF & SOir. Pittsbnrz. -Tafifet. W. H. HOLMES t SON, Pittsburg. vV" JOS FLEMING A SON. Pittsburg. --?. KLINORDLINGER & CO. Pitaburg., -. Vi WM. 80HUSTEB. East End. j. . ARTHUR ANDRIESSEN, Allegheny. - MEDICINAL TOKAY ' 'l AT HARRIS' DRUG CO. TO TELE PUBliO. TRY Hunter's Ketchup IT IS iPTTIEfclEL Mr. Tho, C. Jenx lns: DEAR Sra-TBe sample of J. W. Hunter's T-i msto Ketchup received from you on Oct. S, has been snslyzed, and I And It free from all min eral acids, salicylic acid or artificial coloring matter. Signed HUGO B LA2J CSV Chemist.- f Pimbursv FOR SALE BY H 4 H - THOS. O. JENKINS. nolfrfi8-ssu t' -J -ASD- -veil Idesireto HMnillHH draw at- V IsssssiHIIsS tentlonof bH HpmiMssiiif oonsnm- ssKAllHtllulssVi era to the HnRVi'llllBflHyl super!- WiWHIBMSIIIIssHII ority mWjmWmWmmm-WA Hunter's M. HHH Ketchup. K&ssaaWH It is made llHHiBI from se- lul'SssiiKHiiiHi leeted to- ilTAsilllKsllllllllllllllBl is BHHBSiBsHJ guaran- f--SLmmmmWLmmmWnLmmmWl teed pure IRBSIsiHsHII asperfol- sEHBKIHEHLI lowingan- KSVHlKSHisifl rfVljSlS: m.mmmmmWMLwBmWKSlmmmm Trpe ,W:L?l-bi n-jfcylM iwiKat ft J Mitt.E.Tjr""lfc - ? Duff's College- yc.TMi ma at Cettetw ( Ti NbiO rm a .sa HHsHB i.iiM' - g g ii fiti i.ijp lima-'-"" ) ftH & 1" M n. &. V & C) . .-- ?. fc&ITA.,