Wa .fr 'f SHE PEETSBUKG- DISPATCH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23; 1889.' THE OFFER ACCEPTED ladies Organize a Society to Carry Ont Miss BasendorFs Plan. A MEETING IN MR, LOGKE'S CHtfKCH. JUfss lonng Explained the Scope of Her Home in Grand Rapids. HEK TOUCHING STOKI WELL EELATED ' A second meeting to secure the opening and maintenance of a home lor nnfortnnate women, was held yesterday afternoo, at 2 o'clock, in the Sunday school room of the Smithfield Street SL E. Church. About 40 ladies and half a dozen gentlemen were present. The ministers who gave the move ment their approval by attendance were, Eev. C. E. Locke, Rev. C. E. Felton and P.ev. J. "W. Miles, of the Methodist Episco pal Church; Eev. J. T. McCrory, of the United Presbyterian Church; Eev. J. W. Spronll, of the Berormed Presbyterian Church, and Eev. "W. E. Mackay, of St Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church. Miss Biendorf (Daisy Hutchinson), of this city, and Miss Geoieia Youns, of Grand Eapids, Mich , were at the meeting. Mrs. C. E. Locke was called to the chair and Miss B. M. Such was elected secretary. Rev. Mr. Locke explained how the move ment had been started by Miss Basendorfs ofier of $1,000 and her house for one year He said that since the meeting held on Monday, letters had been written to Grand Rapids, inquiring about Miss Toung's work there. The replies were satisfactory and praised Miss Young Letters were read from the Methodist and the Episcopal ministers of Grand Rapids, and from Mrs. S. A. King, who was at the head of the home in that city. The Episcopal minister and Mrs. King spoke very highly of the work started bv Mis Yonng but Rev. Mr. Graham, the Methodist minister, did not praise so highly. A letter was read con cerning the home at No 919 Locust street, Philadelphia, and statements were made in regard to similar establishments in Chicago and Ifew York. All of these institutions were reported to be successful in their labors, and instrumental in reforming many young women. MISS TOUNG'S TALE OF WOE. Miss Young was then introduced by Rev. Mr. Locke, and told her story of the lound ing of the Grand Rapids home. She said: "My mother was poor. She worked by the day, but I believe she was a good woman. The Bible was sometimes open on the table when we had nothing to eat. Every morn ing she prayed, but did not give us more thae a cracker lor breakfast. So X came to think that prayer and religion did not do much good. Money was the thing to be soucht. With that one could get food and clothing and a fine house. I was married very young, and my husband deserted me when I was 1C years old. I was penniless and ig norant. I started out to find work, but I found a policeman. He took me to the station house. Next day there was no place to send me except to the county jail, and I was sent there. From that place I was transferred to the poor farm. The authori ties then sent word to the mother of my husband that if she did not give me a home ehe would be prosecuted. So she took xne in. She was poor herself, and could not well afford to keep me. One day she suggested that I ought to go to an intelligence office and try to find work. I went, but got nothing. Then I visited some of the rich houses, but without getting employment. That night I slept on the ground. The next day I found my way to a disorderly house. I did not know its real nature wnen I entered, but I will say that I was glad to find a place to lay my head. "I grew hardened to the life. I prospered, pot money and property and became a pro prietress. I thought nothing about religion. What I had seen of it did not impress me ery well. For many years we Civer heard n word about religion nor the voice of one pure, woman. 'We were not heathens ex actly, but we lived in greater darkness. I was led into this work by seeing that when n girl became sick she had no place to go. "hen she died we buried her, but no prayer was ever said over her dead body. I went, at different times, to get a minister to pray at a funeral. They all refused. Seeing these things I went to the Chief of Police and oflered to provide for any girl who should fall sick. THE OFFER ACCEPTED. "This offer got into the newspapers, and the Episcopal minister came to see me. He tried to persuade me to become a Christian, but I told him I did not wish to haveanytking to do with religion. I told him if he could get a minister to pray over the grave of a girl who had just died, I would listen to him. He said he would do it himself, and he did. At the funeral nearly all the women of that class in the city were present, and they heard words which most of them never had heard before. The minister called on me again. I do not believe he would have per suaded me, but he brought with him a good woman. She led me into the work which we are now conducting in Grand Rapids. I was making hundreds of dollars, and it was hard to give that up, but one night the house was closed " Miss Young then briefly told how the Emerson Home in Grand Rapids was man aged. Her story deeply impressed the listeners, and several speakers said that no greater incentive could be given for the work than that woman's simple tale. Eev. Dr. Felton, of Christ Church, ad vised the acceptance of the offer of Miss Bas endorf. Rev. Mr.Sproull moved that the gift we accepiea, ana mat a permanent society be organized, which was carried. A committee was appointed to nominate officers for the society, and alter retiring for awhile, it presented the following list, which was ap proved: President, Mrs. C. E. Locke; Vice Presidents, Mrs. Rev. "V. H. McMil lan, Mrs. Rev. J. P. E. Knmler and Mrs. Rev. J. W. Riddle; Recording Secretarv Miss B. M. Such; Treasurer, H. K. Porte'r. Rev. J. T. McCrory, Samuel Hamilton Mrs. Rev. T. J Leak, Mrs. J. O. Brownj Rev. J. "W. Miles, Rev. C. E. Locke and Mrs. R. H. Jones were appointed a com mittee to report a form of permanent organ ization at the next meeting. That meeting will be held at 2 o'clock next Friday after noon in the Third United Presbyterian Church, on Diamond, opposite the Court House. Ministers and members of all de nominations are invited to attend. The movement is intended to be entirely unde nominational. Henry Scarlet Underwear, All wool, at 88c to-dav sold all over the city at 1 25. ' p. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. SXOO S3.00 S3 00. Cain & Yerner's 53.00 shoe for ladies and gentlemen fit all shapes of feet and are comfortable. Fifth ave. and Market st. Atr Sledieaior and Injector. An apparatus for the cure of catarrh by medicated air. It restores bearinc break "m units, cures roar ing in the head. It is cheaper than any other treatment, cur ing simple catarrhs in from three to six months. ThU ; kjector given with each treatment, or sent to any express office. Exclusive I attention to catarrh, j nervous and chronic I tryTBMff uiseases. SS3S o. u. JUOOBE, M.D., 34 Arcn si., .auegneny, Pa. CATARRHAL DEATlf ESS CURED. De. Moobe When I came to you I could not hear a watch tick at my right ear. Your injector has restored my hearing and relieved me of roaring in the head. War. Coppes, 185 Ohio st, Allegheny, Pa. fifm i? I ww 0 i nnK: .Tra ' AMERICAN NECKWEAR It What the People Want, From the fact that it is superior in style and finish to any makes of foreign neckwear; the English and French can manufacture the silks, but they have not yet learned the art of designing the shapes and putting the scarf together to suit the American markets. Foreign scarfs are all thick, heavy and clumsy, and if you notice the houses that make their great efforts on foreign neckwear are always compelled to sacrifice the greater portion of their impor tation at the end of each season, and at a great loss. This certainly should be evi dence enough that the people of our busy cities do not appreciate cheap foreign labor, and especially on neckwear, which is .made superior in our own country, affording work for a great army of our own working girls, thus affording them a good living. The leading and exclusive furnishing stores of our Eastern cities discovered this fact long ago, and are now importing silks in the piece and having the scarfe made at home. Also, while you are led to believe that you are seeing new styles you must bear in mind that from the time foreign neckwear is ordered from four to five months elapse before it is shown to you, and in this time our styles and fancies change. Well dressed gentlemen are constantly wanting some thing new in neckwear, and the only way to get it is by purchasing from a store thit orders every week, as we do from our lead ing American manufacturers. We show to-day entire new shapes and silks, from the well-known American mak ers, Fisk, Clark & Flagg, Fred M. Walton & Co., Keys & Loekwood, whose reputa tions are superior to any foreign neckwear makers, of high classed goods. We display to-day in our windows and store, 200 dozen of Fred M. Walton & Co's. great SOc scarfs. When purchasing your scarfs, see our great stock of American neckwear. Will Price, Hotel Anderson. 47 Sixth st For To-Day We will offer 500 men's handsome Kersev overcoats, in five shades, at $10. Other stores sell these same garments at $20. Don't take our word for it, call and see them. Price $10. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., odd. the new Court House. EVERYBODY BUYS. Only a Few Left. Sec. hand 5 oct. organ $ 20 Sec. hand C oct. organ 25 NewSoct organ 44 XewGoct. organ S3 New T oct upright piano 175 Sec hand 7 oct. square piano 100 Sec hand 7 oct square piano 125 We defv dealers in either city to under sell us. Examine instruments and be con vinced. Store open everv night till 9 o'clock. Echols, McMubbat & Co. (Telephone Building), 123 Sandusky st, Allegheny. REAL ESTATE SAYIItGS BANK, LIM- 401 SmlthGeld Street, cor. Fourth A-euue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, 550,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received-and interest allowed at 4 per cent tts Why 1 Dreydoppel Soap Like Mr. EIIT Because it gets there; washes clothes clean, beautifully white, sweet and health ful to wear; is the finest, best and most economical for all purposes that soap can be used for. Reduced to 8c a lull pound bar, at grocers everywhere. Heavy Scarlet Underwear, All wool, at 88c to-day sold all over the city at $1 25. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. B. & B. 50c Special for Saturday sales: Ladies' all wool ribbed vests, high neck, long sleeves, at the low price of 50c See this bargain. Boogs & Bdhl. t Tor bad weather, ladies should see our California Shoe, $3; all widths. Cain & Vebner, Fifth ave. and Market st Mrs Uew line of fine neckwear. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. Fob bad weather, ladies should see our California Shoe, $3; all widths. Cain & Vebnee, Fifth ave. and Market st irws Money Bare Them. $8 buys your choice of men's chinchilla overcoats, in blue, black or brown colors, guaranteed not to fade; price to-day 58. Other stores charge $16 to $18 for these over coats. P. C. C. C., cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. C-A TRIP TO MOBGANTOWN is described" in a graphic manner by S. Latimer in to-morrow's DIS PATCH. RELIGIOUs. TTNITARIAN SERVICE U McCance block, cor. Smlthfleld. and Sev enth ave.. Rev. Dr. Townsend, pastor. Service at 10 45. Sunday-school, 10 o'clock. Subject: Is Unltariamsm a Real Gopel? no23-s METIIGk. VT O T I C K-MEETING MACHINISTS JLM Pittsbnrg Lodge No. 52, National Associa tion of Machinist meets every SATURDAY EVENING At No. 81 Fourth avenue, at 7.30 o'clock. nol7-14&B VTOTICE THE MEMBERS OF SARA i TOGA Council No. 262, Jr. O. U. A. M., will assemble at their hall. cor. Main and Bntler sts., SUNDAY MORNING, Nov. 21. at 9 o'clock, to attend divine services at Liberty St M. E. Church. JOHN MAJORS, Councilor. no23-9 LEGAL, NOTICED. A. E. WEGER, Attorney at Law, 93 Diamond street. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LET J TERS testamentary on the estate of Julius Ritzel, late of Allegheny City, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same should present them, dnly proDated, without delay. MARY T. RIT ZEL. CASPER GAERTNER, FRANK FER TIG, 65 and 67 Sandusky street, Allegheny City. Pa. OC26-3-S COTTON fc HOLMAN, 91 Diamond street. Estate of Lucy Barnes, deceased. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS hereby Given that letters testamentary on the estate of Lucy Barnes, late of the city of Allegheny, Penn'a, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and to whom those having claims or demands against said estate will make them known without delay. WM. H. BARNES, Executor, B016-2S-S 94 Fifth ave., Pittsburg. RESORTS. THOMASVILLE, GA., Piney Woods Hotel. Season opens December A 1SS9 M. A BOWER, Proprietor. For circulars, rates, etc, address WM. E. DA VIES, Manager, Thomasville, Ga. orF. A BUDLONG. Windsor Hotel, N.Y.City. ociasTira PROPOSAL?. TTNITED STATES ENGINEER'S OFFICE. U No. 3 South Rampart street. New Orleans November 18. 1SS9. By direction of the Secre tarv of War, a. Board of Officers of the Corps of Enplneers will convene at New Orleans. La. NOVEMBER 29, 1SS9, to consider and report upon Senate bills Nos. 3901 and 8S80, Fiftieth Congress, Second Session, relating to the con struction of a bridle across the Mississippi river, at New Orleans. The meeting will be held at No. 3 South Rampart street at 11 A. sr. on the above date. All parties interested are Invited to appear before the Board and present their views. It is requested that, as far as practicable, all arguments, statistics, etc, be submitted to the Board in writing. C. B. COMSTOCK, Colonel Corps of .Engineers IT. S. Army, President of the Board. DAN C KINGMAN, Captain Corps of Engineers, U. S. A, Recorder. no23-92 MS-Jhsplay aavertitemtnU one dollar par tquarc for one insertion. Claatfled advertite menU on ihit page such at Wanted, For Sale, To Let, rift, ten centi per line or each inter Hon, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRAirCX OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser? tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have acconnu with Tns DIE PATCH. PITTSBURO. THOMAS MCCArritEY, S&,9 Butler street EiilL G. STUCKEY. ath street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fultonst N. bTOKELY. Plfth Avenue SUrket House. EAST END. 1. "W. WALLACE, em Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER &SHEIBLER,5thav. &AlW00dst EOUTIISIDX. JACOB 8POHN. Ko.SCarsop street. IL A. DlNALDbON, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. XAEKCHEU, 89 Federal street H. J. MCBRIDE. Market Hone, Allegheny. FKKD H. EGGER3. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS&SON, Ohio and Chestnut M. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHEN BY, Western and Irwin avei. G. W. HUGHES, Peinsvl vanta and Beaver ares. PEBBY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCKEB, Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 CARSON STREET, WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT, BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS. AND FOR THE SPECIALSOUTHSIDEISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. Mole ITclp. WANTFD ATONCE HARNESS MAKEB at97abfcCONI AVE.; none hat sober men need apply. no23-U WAITED-AFILEGE1NDERAND A HAND cutter to ko to Erie. Inquireof HASKELL, at Home Hotel. no23-59 WANTED-ONlC FIBST-CLASS TEMPLET maker. Aooly at PlTTSBUBG BRIDGE CO., Thirty-sixth st. no3-9S YTTAlTED-BKIliGK MEN-10 OB 12 GOOD T V men to work on erection of bridge. Applv at TENTH ST. BRIDGE. Beaver Kalls,Pa. noa 98 WANTED ALL COMPETENT PERSONS seeking emplovment to call at TWIN CITY KMPLOYMLNT BUREAU, 67 ilfth ave.. second floor. noIK-lS WANTED-OFFICE BOY FOB NIGHT work. Address by letter onlv. stating age, reference and experience, EMPLOYER, P. O. BOX1S2, ity. noK-117 WANTED-SALEbMEN S60 SALARY: 40 advanced for expenses; work steady: send stamp, no postals. BELLEFONTAINEM'F'G. CO., Cincinnati, O. no23-97 -OTANIED-A BLACKS311TH WHO CAN DO V shoeing and general wagon and blacksmith work: steady Job the year round. Apply to UKO. HOFFMAN, McKeesport. non-100 WANTED-TEN FIRST-CLASS PLUMBERS and gas fitters: only sober men need apply; references required: name wages expected. Ad dress L., Lock Box 3, Jeannctte, Pa. no23-12 WANTED SALESMAN TRAVELING salesman who is thoroughly acquainted with the grocery trade through Western Pennsyl vania and Eastern Ohio. Address GBOUER. Dis patch office. noIl-53 WANTED-EMFLOYEltS TO KNOW THAT they can save time and money when need ing firat-cfasa assistants by calling on or address ing TWIN CITY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 67 Fifth ave., second floor. noI3-18 -VTTAMED-KEL1AMLE LOCAL ANDTRAV VV ELING salesmen; positions permanent; special Inducements now: fast-selling specialties; don't delay; salary from start. BROWN BROS., Nurserymen, Rochester, N Y. sel7-70-TTS -TT7-ANTED-AGENTS SHOULD WRITE FOB Y illustrated circular, terms and two weeks' trial or Missouri Ttaihcr; washes dirtiest clothes by hot steam without rubbing; easily sold; profit able J. WORTH, 54 Beekman St., NY. nolO-94-wssn -TTT-ANTED AGENTS "DODGE'S HORSE W blanket holder:" keeps the blanket from blowing or sliding off the bone; nothing like it In the market every horse owner buys: sample by mall 25c STAYNER & CO., Providence, K. 1. n 010-93 WANTED GENTLEMEN AT SMAET'S Practical Business and Shorthand College, 4 Sixth st. : greater Inducements at lower terms than any other college; private lessons for both sexes day and evening; the best Instruction guar anteed without text books. nol771-TTSSu TTXANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING TV powder and pnre spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmun can mute money In their spare time: special inducements to per sons having established trade. YAMASHIRO TEA CO.. 88 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. au20-79-TTS WANTED-SALESMEN AT S75 PEE MONTH salary and expenses, to sell a line ofsllver platedware, watches, etc.: by sample only; horse and team furnished free: write at once for full artlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN ABD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. Se24-90-D WANTKD-A FEW CANVASSING AGENTS (gentlemen) to go South with me for the winter; also ladies and gentlemen as local agents: this Is no useless humbug, nor false statements of Immediate fortunes without work, etc.; satis factory references given: write for Information. LOOK BOX 55, Steubenvllle, O. no!3-S7 TITANTED-WE WANT TO HIRE AN ENER V GETIO person In every 1 callty to distribute advertising matter and attend to our local Inter ests, a straight salary of S2 60 per day and ex penses will be paid. Address, Inclosing 2c stamp For particulars. UNIVERSAL SUPPLY CO., Chi cago, UL No postals answered. no9-76-SSu WAN TED-AGENTS-BOTH GENERAL AND canvassing, forZell's Illustrated Universal Encyclopedia, In five volumes, Just Issued, em bracing a complete dictionary, gazetteer, analysis and atlas of the world, 150, 0C0 articles and 1,000 Illustrations, the cheapest and best encyclopedia published. Address T. ELLWOOD ZLLL, Pub lisher, Philadelphia. no3-32 TTTANTED-GENERAL STATE AGENT TO V V open office headquarters in some principal city, assume exclusive control of our business, and appoint local or sub-agents in every city In this State. Goods well known, staple as flour. In uni versal demand, and pay a net oront of 50 to J 00 per cent. Address, wltb credentials, THE UNION COMPANY, 744 Broadway. New York. noI2-60 -VTTANTED-A RESPONSIBLE HOUSE IN TV Chicago desires to engage the services of a thoroughly practical and experienced man on or before January 1 next, to take charge of depart ment for manufacturing Jellies, Jams and pre serves: give experience and references. Address J. 21, care Lord & Thomas, Chicago, 111. noZlS5-TSSu WANTED-AGEN JTS TO SELL THE PINLES3 clothes line; the only line ever invented that holds the clothes without pins; a perfect success; patent recently Issued; sold only by agents, to whom the exclusive right is given; onreceiptof 50 cents we will send a sample line by mall; also circulars, price list and terms to agents- secure your territory at once. Address WORCESTER FINLESS CLOTHES LINE CO., 17 Hermon St., Worcester, Mass. OC23-44-W8 Female Help. WANTED-LADY AGENT8-ALSO MEN Tffo immense new specialties: one lady made v27 before dinner, another 16 first hour. Address LITTLE 'JO., Box 443, Chicago, 111. OC30-29-WSSU Male and l'emnle Heln. WANTED-noUSEKEEPER, COOK AND chambermaid for same family; cooks, din ing room girls, chambermalds,nurses, 100 house girls, German and -colored girls. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 60S Grant St. noI7-MTbS -TTT-ANTEn-HOTEL COOK, MALE OR FE YV MALE, dishwasher. 2 dining room girls, night cook, cook and chambermaid for small fam ily, 100 house girls, 60 cooks. 10 chambermaids, nurse girl, laundress. MELHAN'S, 545 Grant St. nol9-r -TTT-ANTKD-AGENTS W E PAY 60 TO poo VV per month to energetic gentlemen and ladles to procure members for our association; If yon can only devote a few hours each week to our business it will pavvpu well. For further partic ulars, address NATIONAL LIBRARY ASSOCI ATION. 103 State street, Chicago, 111. no23-99 Situation. -TT7- AN TED-SITUATION AS TRAVELING W salesman or collector. Address S. CHARLES, bharpsburg. Pa. no21-73 WANTED A POSITION IN WHOLESALE or retail drygoods store: haye good refer ences from former employers, and can speak Ger man and English. Address Yr. K. M., Dlspttch office. noil-ll -TTTANrED-SITUATION A BOOKKEEPER VV with many years' experience and now act ively engaged during the day would like books to balance or accounts to adjust during evenings. Address P. O. BOX 6L city. no22-2s Boarding. w ANTED-A NICELY FURNISHED BOOM -with board In nrlvate family, bv voune cen- tleman in business: must be near Oakland and cable cars. Address THEODORE, Dispatch of fice. no.3-24 Rooms. Ilontca. Etc -rjT-A-NTED-FUBNISHED OFF1CEIN PITTS VV BUBG: permanently If desired. Address B7, Dispatch otSce. noa-2 Financial. w ANTED MORTGAGES LABGE AND small. Eli. w 11 lua, -o uram street. S012-K.D WANTED. mnnnrial. TITANTED-MORTGAGES-JUINEY TO LOAN VV In sums to suit at 4, S and 6 per cent. ALLES 4 BAILEY, 14 Fourth are. Tel. 107. ap!9-14-TTgsn W ANTED-MOBTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over Stooo; 4 per cent; no tax. HENEYA. WEAVER Jfc CO.. KFourth avenue. mh3-aZ2-p ANTED-M0KTGAGE3 ON PITTSBURG, Allegheny or suburban improved rail estate at lowest rates. ALEXANDER & LEE. 313 tt ood Bt. PQ23-16-MW8 ANTED-fWO TO SaOftOOO-TO LOAN ON mortgages, 4.K, land 6 per cent. JAB. v. DRAPE & CO., l!9 Fourth-aye., Pittsburg. Tele phone No. 975. U023-21-MW8 WANTED-M0RTGAGl!3-ll. 000, 000 TO LOAN In large and smaU amounts at 4H. S"?,8 per cent, free of State tax: no delay. REED B. LOYLB & CO.. 131 Fonrth aye. mva-l WANTED lO LOAN (500,000. IN AMOUNTS of $3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4Ji percent, free of tax: also smaller am ounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & B A IBD, 95 Fourth avenue. teZl-d35-D -TTTANTED-MORTG AGES-SI, 000, 000TO LOAN T V on city and suburban properties at 4, Sana 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at Sper cent. 1. iL PENNOCK & SON, lOorourth avenue. ap7-ffl -ITrANTKD-TO A.OAN 1200.000 ON MORT VV GAGES; 100 and upward at 6 per cent; WANTED MORTGAGES-100,000 TO 1UA on mortgages, in sums Irom S300 toSI0,000, for 3 to 5 years on city property, at very low rates; write for terras and give description of property. J. E. GLASS, 138 Fifth ave. Telephone No. 1. nol3-47 Miscellaneous. WANTED-LAROE SAFE: GOOD CONDI TION. L. J. POPE, 5190 Liberty ave. noM-100 WANTED-PURCIIASEK FOR ELIGIBLE lot in Allegheny Cemetery. For description address BOX 13, Pittsbnrg. . not3-l WANTED - NOVEMBER IS 1HE LAST month for fine cabinets at SI per dozen, at AUFELUIT'S ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market St., Pittsburg. Bring the children on elevator. no3-60-TWTBSU WANTED-EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading photographer, of 96 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal St., All'y.. is making a life size crayon portrait, beautifully framed. and one dozen cab. photos, all for SS; all fine work. mh 13-63 WAN1ED-THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THAT the largest and most complete stock of trusses, elastic stockings, shoulder braces, etc., can be seen at the store of ARTIFICIAL LIMB M'F'G CO.. 909 Penn avenue, near Ninth street, Pittsbnrg Pa. no!65-ssn FOR hALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. City Residence. F 'OR SALE WYLIE AVENUE PROPERTIES. UHAKL.S SUllttK) A UU., 013 WOOO. SI no23-49 F GBSALE-PENN AVENUE PROPERTIES. CHARLES SOHERS & CO , 313 Wood St. U02J-49 FOR SALE-LOCUST ST., NEAR MAGEE St.. a very desirable two-story brick dwelling 7 rooms and finished attic; both gases; lot 21x60. J. U. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. nol7-141-TTSSu FOR SALE-COK. TWELFTH AND NEVILLE St.. S. S.4-room frame dwelling and attic: this can be made a No. 1 business stand; price very low. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. nol7-lll-TTSSU FORSALE-WEBSTERAVE., NEARFULTON St. 2-story brick dwelling, 5 rooms and store room; lot 20 ft. lront. running to Wilson St.; price fi.COO. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. nol7-lll-TTSSu FOR SALE-GIBBON ST., N EAR MAGEE ST., Sixth ward, nice brick dwelling it 0 rooms, vestibule, hall, slate roof, both gases: 3,625, easy terms. ALLES & BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. U02M9 FOl SALV-PLUFF ST.-ONLY I3.000-A modern brick dwelling oi 8 rooms, ball, ves tibule, etc ; well finished: lot 21x92; an excep tional bargain. J. B. COOPER & CO. , 10! Fourth ave. no23-40 IfOR SALE-CLARK ST., NEAR 3IILLER, . one of the finest dwcllincs In that locality, 10-room 2-story brick, with every modern con venience; price low; lot 20x120 to street. J. C. BEILLY, 77-DIamond St. nol7-141-TTSSU FOR SALE-S3.80O EASY PAYMENTS A good brick house 6 rooms, attic, bath, range, naturargas: 2 squares from cable cars, on Bed ford avenue Eleventh ward. See W. A. HERRON A SONS. 80 Fonrth avenue. nol3-41-ws FOB SALE-MABION ST., NEAR FORBES, good brick house: mansard roof. 7 rooms, halt, vestibule, both eases, finishe attic etc: lot 20x101): a decided bargain. J. B. COOPER CO., 107 Fonrth avenue. U023-43 FOR SALE A COLWELL STREET PROP ERTY, now rented for J20 per month, and room to build a good house in front; street and alley both paved; price FA 500: terms reasonable. C. H. LOVE, NO. 93 Fourth avenue. no22-39 FOR SALE NEAR FIFTH AVE. MARKET house, only 15,000. new two-story brick house.6 large rooms, good finished attic, both gases, double parlors, cemented cellar, sewerage, etc.; lot 20x90. J. B. COOPER & CO , 107 Fonrth ave. no23-40 FOR SALE FORBES ST.. NEAR VAN BRAAM: a prst-class investment: ctaly S3 000. brick: house of 8 rooms, finished attic and hall; also good brick house 6 rooms in rear, front ing Tustln St.: side entrance to both; lot 24x120. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave, no23-40 FOR SALE-COLWELL ST.. NEAR DIN WIDDIE, 2-story brick dwelling, 7 rooms and finished attic in good condition: this neigh borhood is improving rapidly and the price for this house is only (2,700: easy terms; lot 20x100 to alley. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. U017-141-TTSSU FOR SALE PRIDE ST. WELL BUILT pressed brick front dwelling. 7riMimn. hall. finished attic, both gases, water on second Aoor, good cellar, sewerage, side entrance, etc.: also 6 room brick house in rear: lot 24x104: at a low Srice and easy terms. J. R. COOPER & Co., 107 ourth ave. no23-40 East End Residence. FOR SALE-AT SfSSO-A HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS wltb good lot. In the East End, near Liberty station and cable cars. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. no23-20-D FOR SALE ON EUCLID AVENUE,' EAST END, near both cable lines, seven-room house with good lot; price (2.900, (500 cash and (20 a month: this Is a very cheap property. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue, no22-37 FOR SALE-S500 CASH AND REMAINDER on monthly payments or (25, a neat new house of 6 rooms and attic: late improvements; welt located: near bhadyslde station. W. A. HEREON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. nol2-88-WS FOE SALE-OAKLAND-MEYEAN AVE. only (5,000; two-story, mansard, brick dwell ing of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath.ranee, w. c , slate mantels, tile hearths. Inside shutters, etc J. R. COOPLR & CO., 107 ourth are. no23-40 FOR SALE-IN OAKLAND-AN 8-ROOM brick house with bay window, sewer, both gases and all modernlmprovements: street paved; corner lot; 4 -nlnntes from cable car: price (6.800; easy terms. JAMISON A DICKIE, 9SFourtb ave. nol9-40-TTS FOR SALE-NO. 4515 CALVIN ST., 8EVEV TELNTH ward, new brick dwelling, slate roof, 5 rooms, hall, vestibule and largo finished attic: large stable on rear or lot; price. (2,600 at terms to suit. 1H03. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler street. . no22-3I-ws FOE SALE-OAKLAND-5 MINUTES FROM cable road: new 8-room frame dwelling; hall, vestibule, bath, laundry, nat. and art. gas; slate mantels and tlle4iearths; price (4 000: terms very reasonable; fine large lot. SAMUEL W. BLACK &. Co., 99 Fourth ave. no23-33 FOR SALE-ON ELLSWORTH AVENUE, (5,250, a neat, almost new house, 6 rooms, large attic, late Improvements, all In first-class order; street and sewer Improvements made: well located at ShadyBide. bee W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, SO Fourth avenue. no6-40-WS FOHSALE-PENNAVENUE, NEAR THIRTY THIRD st.-2-story and Mansardbrlck dwll lng, 9 rooms, bath, n. and c. water, n. and a. gas; by putting storeroom In this It can be made a splendid business location: win trade for a home In East Liberty. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. nol7-14l-TTSsa FOR SALE-ON MAIN, NEAR DAVISON bT., Seventeenth ward, at a sacrifice, as owner is leaving the city, a new 8-roora brick dwelling, with modern conveniences; lot 25x100; price (4,500; all or half cash, bal. to suit: cost over (5,000. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler street. nol6-86-WSSn FOB SALE-EAST END RESIDENCES AND grounds on and contiguous to cable cars and close to railroad stations: we have several very desirable residences for sale, ol which we will take Sleasnre In furnishing full particulars at any time. AS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fonrth avenue, Pitts bnrg. no23-2O-0 FOR SALE-H600-E. E.. 1 SQUARE FROM cable road. Fifth or HUanuaves., on a50 loot street, substantial Broom frame dwelling, hall, water, etc.. all In excellent repair, with 4 lots 24x100 feet each, which are alone worth the price asked for all. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fonrth ave no20-17 FOR SALE-A NEAT EAST END RESIDENCE, near cable cars and R. It. station, 8 nice rooms, bath, lavatory, natural gas and all other modern conveniences, everything in prime order: good piazza in front, large lot, side entrance, price only (5,500. JAS. 1. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth aveuue, Pittsburg. no23-20-D FOR SALE-NEGLEY AVE.. E. E.. NEAR Penn ave., new Queen Anne brick residence of 12 rooms, reception hall, front and back stairs. Inside shutters, nat. and art. eas. laundry, bath, h. andc. water, 2 Inside w. c's. complete electric work, sewered and asphaltnm street: lot 45x100: small cash payment, balance on long time. SAM UEL 'A . BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. nol7-89 FOR SALE EAST END-RESIDENCE ON Ellsworth ave.. near Roup station, a very handsome Queen Anne brlcK dwelling, containing reception hall, 10 rooms, bath, both kinds gas. electric bells, and In fact replete with all modern conveniences: one of the choicest residences In the market: fine lot: price lowi easy payments. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fonrth ave H023-19-MWS FOR SALE (89) ONE SQUARE FBOM CABLE cars; Is one of the finest locations in Shady side: new 9-room residence, hall, vestibule, front andback stairs, inside shutters, slate mantels and tile hearths, bath. Inside w.'e., range, stationary wasbstands, nat. and art. gas. fancy brass chandeliers, good dry cellar, property all sewered, lot 30X100: price (4,800; terms reasonable: posses sion at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. , so3-3-tts FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East End Residence. FOE, SALE-FOR (3,300, A NEAT, NEW honse, 5 rooms, well improved; lot 27x120 feet: onllallman. near Howe st.. Twentieth ward. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. nol6-72-ws. FOB SALE-FIFTH AVE.. NEAR O'HABA St., two-story brlcc dwelling, II rooms, with all modernlmprovements; this Is a very desirable locality for a home: lot 55x103, to alley. J. C. HEILLY, 77 Diamond St. nol7-lll-TTSSU FOR SALE-BRICK DWELLING AND 3 LOTS at Shadyside, near cable and steam cars; beau tiful property and In a rapidly Improving locality. Particulars lrom JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 12D Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ,no23-20-D Hazelwood Residences. IfOR SALE-AT" HAZELWOOU-ON CATHA . RINEst., nearR. B. station, an almost new modern 2-storv frame house, Qneen Anne style, of 10 rooms, reception and back hall, bath, water, both kinds gas, electric tiells and other modern conveniences: good lot: price reasonable; terms easy. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 1 ourth ave. no23-19-MWS Allechcny Residence. FOR SALE ALLEGHENY-AN "ELEGANT park property; (K,0C0. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st. no23-49 FOR SALE-A DIAMOND SX. PROPERTY, close to Federal St.; we have Imperative orders to sell forthwith: a bargain ror prompt buyer. CHARLES 80MERS & CO., 313 Woo-i st. n 023-43 FOR SALE-AT A BAHGAIN-ALLFGHENr. close to parks a choice pronertv; press brick; 9 rooms, lanndrr, bath: large lot, exteudlng to street In rear; (7,000. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. D023-49 FOR SALE-5,000-HOUSE AND LOIk. 16 Anderson St., Alleahcney, near Ninth street bridge: lot 20x100; brick house seven rooms; good value at the price. A. LEGGATE & SON, 31 Federal st. no21-55 I7IOR SALE-ON NORTH AVE.. BRICK honse, 2 stories and mansard, side entrance, front yard: fine park view; house has 8 rooms, laundry, etc., with modern conveuiences. For full particulars and card of admission apply to A. D. WILSON, 65 Federal St., Allegheny. no22-46 FOB SALE-JACKSON ST., SECOND WARD, Allegheny; best location on the street: 1 sqr. from Pleasant Vallev cars; new 8 room brick dwelling; all modern improvements; a bargain at (-1.500: terms to snlt purchasers. SAM'L W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. nol9-73-TTS FOR SALE-FINE RESIDENCE ON THE Parks, Allegheny; 12 spacious rooms; aU bright and cheerful; a full flood of Uzht tnrough out: one ol the most pleasant residences on the Parks; price only 116,000. Particulars from JAS. Mr.UHAFE&LO., 129 9 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. iiiw.1) FOR SALE-DESIRABLE PBOPEHTY AND A profitable Investment considered cheap: only(7,oco; payments made to suit; on Lacock, near sandusky st., Allegheny: lot 21x100 ft.: two houses, one In front and one In rear on Stoddard st. VV. A. HERRON bONS, 80 Fourth avenue. no6-C8-ws FOB SALE-HOUSE AND TWO LOTU-QUITE near to the parks, Allegheny, two-story brick with mansard, 8 rooms, batb,w. c, finished attic, natural gas, marble mantels, dry cellar, etc. etc., all in good order: large side lot; excellent location. JA3.W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fonrth aye., Pittsburg. U021-63-D TTIOR SALE-FRANKLIN ST.. ALLEGHENY 12 must be sold to close an estate, almost new brick dwelling; "rooms, hall, bath, range, h. and c. water, both gases, marble mantels, double par lors, and elecantly finished throughout: penect sewerage: lot 24x130 to Decatur st. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. no23-40 F IOR SALE-A GOOD BRICK RESIDENCE nroncrtv In Second ward. Allecrhenr. near parks, and onllneof streetcars; 10 large and ele gant rooms, and beautified thronehont with ar tistic taste; bath, lavatory, laundry, natural gas, etc., etc. ; large lot, side entrance, etc.; a most valuable property in every particular; one of the best residences in the Second ward. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. HO23-20-D Suburban Residence. FOR SALE-A HOUSE AND LOT ON MONTH LY payments, on line of railroad; 2 min utes' walk from Ingram station; Immediate pos session. JAS. W DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. nc23-20-D FOR SALE-GOOD FRAME HOUSE OF t rooms: stable and carriage house: with two lots: at Duff's station, and only 10 minutes' walk from Cbartleis: price only (2, 800. c. BER INGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. nolS-U-TTS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOB WESTERN land, 4 new 2-story frame dwellings: price (6,000, encumbrance (COO: and 4 new 2-story brick houses: price (10,000, encumbrance (2,200; all sit uated in Baltimore. J. C. KENNEDY, Mar tlnsbnrg. W. Va. no22-69 FOR SALE LOTS. East End Lots. FOB SALE-LOTS 40x100 FEET FOR 11,000 ON easy payments, one square from Fifth av enue, near College avenue. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. nol2-83-vrs FOR SALE 1 ACRES AT SHADYSIDE. fronting on fonr good streets: lies beautifully and convenient to both steam and cable cars; & great bargain. J. R. COOPER CO., 107 Fourth ave. no23-40 FOR SALE-ELEGANT LOT-100X200 FEET; Shadyside district: large number of trees thereon and exceptionally desirable neighbor hood. JAS. AV. DRAPE Sb CO., L Fourth av enne, Pittsburg. no22-57-D FOE SALE-FINE LOT ON SOUTH HILAND avenue: East End: 50 feet front, extending, hack to an alley: best location on the avenue; sur rounded bv first-class residences. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsbnrg. no22-57-D F IOR SALE-BARE CHANCES FOB PROFIT ABLE Investment: bv bnvlnc a lot now in Banm Grove plan at present low prices you are bonnd to make nionev: Banm Grove plan will have more fine aspbaltum streets and wide flag stone sidewalks than any other plan In the mar ket. MELLON BROS . East End, or JOHN F. BAXTER. Aeent, S12 Smlthfleld street. noI7-67-Tns fTOR SALE ONLY (SCO EACH, ON GOOD JU terms, lots 25x135 ft., fronting on a 60-foot street, 24-foot alley In rear, located near station. East End; don't fall to see these lots; they are selling rapidly and are worth the money: nothing better in the market; also for sale 2jiew(Just finished) 6-room houses and fine lots, well sit uated, near station; everything in modern style; price only (2, 800 on good terms. For particulars call on or address KtLLY A ROGERS, No. 6315 Station street. East End. no23-3 Allcchcnv Xiors. FOR SALE FINE B UILDIN G LOT ON SHEF FIELD St., 30x124 feet: brick stable on rear of lot; good sewer and water connections; Just ready to build on. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. no22-46 Suburban Lot. FOR SALE AT EMSWORTH. CONVENIENT to station, lot of IK acres: excellent land, cottage house, natural gas, stable, etc.; price only (2.700. ALEXANDER LEE, 313 Wood st. no23-15 FOR SALE-BUILDING LOTS CHEAP-THE best in the market for the money: special In ducements to purchasers desiring to build: terms easy; location very desirable; only 7 miles from Federal St.; at Aspinwall station, adjoining Bharpsburg. West Penn B. R. For plans see W. A. HERRON &, SONS. SO Fonrth ave. no2-90-WS FOR SALE-FINE LARGE BUILDING LOTS InSwissvale Place at Swlssvale station; this property combines most of the advantages of town and conntrr; water and gas mains, side walks, electric lights, stores, schools, frequent rapid transit, and merely nominal taxes: prices (100 to (1,000: (10 to (50 down and the balance on monthly payments; locate your hoinewbereyou can have plenty of room, pleasant surroundings and be in the line of the great movemeut of popu lation toward East End. SAM'L W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fonrth ave. no23-S9-TTS Farms. FOR SALE-ON LINE OF RAILROAD AND convenient to the city, farm or 14) acres of good land; orchard, house, stable, etc., etc.: only (2,000. ALEXANDER & LEE, 113 Wood St. no.3-15 FOB SALE-CHEAPEST FARM IN ALLE GHENY county, consisting of 125 acres nice lying land with good house, barn, etc., at Glen shaw. P. A W. R. K. C. BEBINGEB SON. 103 Fourth ave. nol9-45-TT8 FOR 8ALE-A NICE DAIRY FARM, OVER 100 acres, near railroad: good land, orchard, water, dwelling nnd outbuildings, etc.. etc., in Washington county. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave , Pittsbnrg. Uo2S-20-D FORSALE-FABM-120ACRE3,LARGEBBICK dwelling, new bank barn, extra outbuild ings, all slate roof, fine springs, rich soil: at station; the best farm on the Monongahela; low price easy terms. EDWITTISH, 410 Grant st. no23-D FOR SALK-A LARGE FARM-OVER 225 acres; close to raUroad; near the city: ex cellent place for a dairy or stock farm: dwellings, outbuildings, orchard, etc., etc r will be sold cheap to close up an estate. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. no2S-20-D FOR SALE VERY CHEAP A FARM OF 200 acres In Monroe ro , O. : good orchard and well watered: about 50 acres In timber; new frame house of 6 rooms, large bank barn, etc.: price only (4.000, or wlU exchange for city property. C. BERINGEK & SON, 103 Fonrth ave. I1019-45-TTS TCIOR SALE-A FARM OF 104 ACRES OF RICH 1 land, with large new honse of ten rooms. Urge barn, two-story stable and all necessary outbuild ings, good springs, etc.: situate W miles from Hillside station. P. B. B.: price low, or will ex change for city property. cTbEBINGER A SON, 103 Fonrth ave. nol9-45-rrs EOR SALE-DAIRY, IN GOOD ORDER About 4 miles from Allegheny City Market, consisting of 20 head of cattle, 4 horses, wagon, harness, nay, corn, etc : also, a lease can be ob tained of 42 acres. For further Information in quire at the place. JOHN BENFEK, Evergreen, near Ross Postofflce. nol3-lS-srrn8Su FOR SALE-VALUABLKFARMAND FLAG STONE quarry; the farm contains 42 acres' more or less, and Is situated IX miles from Canonsburg, Wash. CO., Pa. : upon this farm are a good two-story frame house of five rooms, a largebarn, a two-story brick wash and spring bouse and other outbuildings; two good orchards of choice varieties of fruitrtbe farm is In the oil and gas belt, and is unencumbered by a lease; it Is Veil watered: the stonequarryls known as the Cook quarry. Call on or address GEORGE Mc WlLLlAkS, Canonsburg, Ayash. CO., Pa. FOR SALE-LOTS. Miscellaneous. TjWP, SALE-LOT IN ALLEGHENY CEME ATJ?85 action SL Inquire of CHRIST BLUME, 219 Smlthfleld st. nott-CO-Tus FO R B A L E-NATUEAL GAS LANDS-160 acres on Noblesvllle road, eight miles from Indianapolis; no wells yet drilled on this land, but lands on all sides have flowing wells, from which entire supply ror Indianapolis is obtained. For prices apply to L. A. CO QUARD. 124 North Third St.. bt. Lonls. Mo. nol4-48-D FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chance. FOR SALE-A CHOICE INVESTMENT IN A cltv business establishment, CHARLES SOMERS & CO.. 313 Wood St. no23-49 TTiORSALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED UKUG- -L store: Dandy to the city; selling. Address BOX- NO. 50. STORE: bandy to the dry; good reasons for nou-ii 17IORSALE FIXTURES AND STOCK OF GRO . CERIES, located In prominent business center of Allegheny; a bargain. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood street. nol3-49 TTIOR SALE-GROCERY STORE, ON MAIN X! street, doing cash business: large room, new stock, low rent; invoice about (1,600; at bargain. Address B. C, Dispatch office. no21-7 FOB SALE-DBUGSTORE-AN OLD ESTAB LISHED Stand; sold on account of death of proprietor; telephone connections. Apply to Mrs. T. B.BENBHAW, Freeport, Pa. no22-30-Turs FOR SALB-GOOD GROCERY-GOOD LOCA TION, doing a good business; railroad trade; money sure: will sell for (1.000; reason ror owner selling Is sickness. Address H. L., Dispatch office. no2l- FOR SALE-A GOOD GROCERY 8TORE AND 8 furnished rooms, within two minutes' walk of Pittsburg postofflce: on acconnt ot sickness will be sold cheap II sold at once. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. no2l-62-2t .13,24,25 FOR SALE-FIRST-CLASS GENERAL STORE In rich agricultural section of Ohio: excellent location for business and desirable for residence: low to prompt buyer. CHARLES SOMEKS & CO., 313 Wood 6treet. no23-49 FOR SALE-LEASEHOLD. FIXTURES. TOOLS and goodwill of a flrst-class meat and fish market; best location in East End: an elegant place to make money. Inquire C B. SEELY, 6017 Penn ave , Pittsburg, Pa. noI9-34-TTa FOR SALE-GOOD NEWSPAPER ROUTE IN Allegheny; active steady man with some capital can find excellent investment. Apply be tween 4 and 6 P. It. Monday., the zSih, and at no other time, to MR. MILLER, at Dispatch Business Office, Fifth avenue. no23-117 FOR SALE-THE FURNITURE AND BAR fixtures of Cottage House, Martin's Ferry. O. : have excellent trade, but sickness cause of sclllhg: bouse Is well furnished, and situated near new Union bridge. Call or address "Cottage House," Slartln's Ferry, o. GEO. DOKSCH, Prop, no23-9t-3lW8 FOR 8ALE-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED FAM ILY grocery business in Allegheny, one of the best stands in the city: everything In full run ning order, with a fine line of cash customers: carefully selected stock, all merchantable; a rare opening. J AS. AV. DRAPE A CO , 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. no23-20-O FOB SALE DRUG BUSINESS GOOD trade with specialties yielding handsome Income; fine storeroom: flrst-class location, busi ness center of large town; expenses reduced to a nominal figure; proprietor Interested in outside enterprise and will sell at a bargain. CHARLES SOMERS A CO., 313 Wood St. U022-83 FOB SALE-A WELL-ESTABLISHED DRUG STORE on one of the best streets In the city, a large thoroughfare: stock and fixtures all fresh, neat add clean; would Invoice about (5,500; will sell for (L00O: easy payments: 5 years' lease on the E remises: Immediate possession. JAS. W. IRAPEACO, 129Fonrth.avenue. Pittsburg. , no21-C5-ThS FOR HALE-COAL BUSINESS ON LINE OF railroad, near the city, all In snecessful op eration, and Including pit wagons, mules, tools and all necessary equipment; about 150 acres of solid coal; side track space for 5b cars: rare open ing for anyone who understands tbe coal busl ness. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburgh no23-a-D FOR SALE-GHOCEBY STORES IN BOTH cities, from S350 to (10,000; cigar stores (250, (350. (500, (L800; shooting gallery paying (73 per week clear of expenses: fine city and country drugstores; general country stores: good paving slate roofing business sn live town; hoarding houses, milk routes, confectioneries, bakeries and many other good business chances. SHEPARD A CO., 64 Filth ave. noSJ F" OR SALE A HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL general store in a prosperous manufacturing town on line of railroad, the oldest and best stand In the place, both In volume ot sales and desirable character of its patrons, has always made money: sales about (80,000 annually: no bad debts: It Is rare that such a fine opening as this can be obtained: satisfactory reasons forseUlng. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. noC3-3M Business Stand. FOB SALE-A FINE LARGE BUSINESS property on, Water street, extending through to First avenue: wide lot and substantial build ings: fine point for bnsiness or Investment. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsbnrg. no23-zj-D FOB SALE FIRST-CLASS STAND- FOE blacksmith and wagon maker: frame honse of 2 rooms, attic and cellar; blacksmith shop, and stable, with one acre of ground, on the Klttan nlng road, about 30 minutes' walk from bharps burg; will sell at a bargain. C. BEBINGEB A SON, 103 Fourth ave. noia-15-TTS Mnnufnctnrlns Site. TJIOB SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE, 200i JU 300 feet (or In sizes to suit). In First ward, Allegheny, fronting four streets and P. AW. R. R. W. A. HEBRON A SONS, EO Fourth ave. nol2-89-ws FOB SALE-FINE LOT-SUITABLE FOR manufacturing establishment: situate on Second avenue, above Boss st. ; if sold soon can be had at a bargain and on easy payments. See W. A. HERRON A SONS. 60 Fonrth ave. noM-ws FOR SALE MANUFACTURING SITE IN Allegheny; one of the beat located and cheap est In the market, containing S acres wltn fine front on the Ohio river and two R.B. connections, thus affording every facility for shipments: par ties wanting a manufacturing site by sn early ap plication will secure a grand bargain attbeflgnres we are authorized to sell. I. M. PENNOCK A SON. 105 Fourth ave. no23-19-MW8 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. fcc FOR SALE-HORSE. WAGON AND BUTCH ER route. NO. 130 EAST ST., Argheny. no2I-53 FOR SALE-LIGHT ROAD WAGON, PEAR LY new, very cheap, at BOB WARE'S. No. 63? Penn ave. no22-73 FOR SALE-BAY GELDING 8 YEARS OLD, sound, fearless and very speedy. SK ELTON LIVEEY Alt D SALE STABLES. Third ave. no23-13 FOR SALE-A PAIR OF COACHERS, BAYS, 16 hands high, 5 yean old, sound and rear less, at -TAMES KERB'S SALE STABLE, Penn aye., Pittsbnrg. no22-77 FOB SALE-IN GOOD ORDER, LADIES' buggy, one set single harness and ladles! three-horn saddle. JOS. B. D1LWORTH. Bid well St., bhadyslde. so22-36 -ITIOB SALE-THREE FINE TROTTERS AND V. one good family animal, b. m. Uli hands high, large enough for coupe: also 1 top and 1 one-man wagon at (75 each, and four-man wagon with top, for 5110. PAUL H. HACKE, cor. Filth ave. and Market st. no23-95 Machinery and IHctnls. FOB SALE ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. POSTER FOUNDEYANDMACHlNECO.,LlM., below suspension bridge, Allegheny. Pa. aalO-29 FORSALE ABATTERYOF X 2-FLUE BOIL ERS, 44 in. diameter by 24 ft. long: boilers and fixtures complete. Inquire Beaver Valley Boiler Works. CHAS. MILLER, Beaver Falls, Pa. no21-84 FOE SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; aU sizes and styles la stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.;all refltted;good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines. 8 to 25 h. p.; boilers all sizes ana styles. J.S.YOUNG,23Park way, Allegheny, Fa. OC2S-80-D FOB SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine, 2 surface planers anda shaper, and new and second-band engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, bicmen valves, castings, etc VELTE A MCDONALD, Thirty-second at. and Penn ave. 1v21-9l-TTS FOB SALE-ON SPECIALLY EASY TERMS, a completely equipped malleable and gray iron foundry, in fall running order: property is 225x100 feet: brick building, with machine shop, patterns, etc., and Is situated within three blocks of tbe switch track In the heart of St. Louis. For full particulars apply to JOHN GBETHEK, No. 304 N. Eighth St., St. Louis. Mo. OC26-Z9-TTS Ullscenaneou. FOE SALE-A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF empty boxes and barrel good for pack ing. Address ELECTRIC, Dispatch office. no20-97 PERSONAL. PERSONAL HAVE YOU SEEN LEVI'S bookstore? Do yon know we have new books as well as old! Do you know we have the largest stock of old books west or the Allegheny Moun tains? LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, 960 Liberty St. n 03-31 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family tar occa sioned by the wife Insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing appareL and which, ot course, was done in a bungling manner; In order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave., corner Wood st , second floor, and. now everything Is lovely and peace nd happiness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1558. auS0-D LOST. T OST-GOING FROM LINDEN AVENUE TO JU Federal St., Allegheny, aold link bracelet. Liberal reward If left at ISO FEDERAL ST. n 021-58 . H OLIDAT GOODS-BOYeJ 'WATOHEo. S3 and up: misses' solid silver watefass. (5 60 and up; tine cold watAn, dtine4i. eweiry, silverware, eioc, p-pecwcie. vk. wt .VirjMlN'S. ffl Fourth ave.. PMaafcan.- Vfatches aad jewelry caref aHf araa. v-i,- mr4B TO LET. Cttr Residence. TO LET-ABOUT4 ACBES IN THE CITY. ON both steam and electric railroads. lor one year or more: small dwelling bouse, natural gas and. city water: garden, greenhouse, vineyard, orchard : sale for all products at the door; a good gardener can make money. Inquire at NO. 150 FOURTH AVENUE. 0B-4S Allegheny Residence. TO LET-ON BOYLESTEEET; ALLEGHENY. brick honse of 3 rooms: (9 per month; no water rent. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood St. no23-15 TO LET-ON BIDGEWOOD AVE., ALLE GHENY, modern dwelling of S rooms, re ception hall, both eases, etc.. at (2 per month : no water rent. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood St. no23-I5 Suburban Residences. rra let furnished large brick JL drteltlnjr house at Emsworth at a very low rent. C. BEBINGEB A SON, 103 Fourth are.: U019-45-TT9 Business stands. 1JV) 1ET-BTOKE AND 9 LIVING ROOMS; JL cemented .cellar good business location: Seventeenth ward. A. H. LESLIE. Alderman and Real Estate Agent. no2l-g-Thssn TO LET-A VERY NICE STORE AND dwelling of four rooms on the Perrysrille Eoad, about une mile from the Electric R. B.; rent only (10 per month. C BEBINGEB A SON. 103 Fourth ave. nol9-45-TTS Offices. Desk Boom. dee. T 10 LET-DESK OBOFFICEBOOM; CENTRA! nartof cltv: lanlur service, heat, llffhr. call bells, typewriter, every convenience: low rent. CHARLES SOMERS A CO., 313 Wood at. no23-49 TO LET-BOO PER YEAH-A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED office with aU modern conven iences; newly painted and papered: has two large closets for storage room. Inquire at GEBMANLA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Woodst. nolJ-JI-D mO LET-CORNER FIFTH AVE. AND WOOD JL St., 2 nice connecting corner offices, unex celled location: elevator, heat, and Janitor's ser vices free; moderate Tent to a good tenant: posses sion at once. SAM'L W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. nol7-8i Manufacturing; Sites. TO LET-FINE 3IANUFACTUBING SITE ON long lease: fronts Duqnesne way, near Third St., opposite the Exposition building; size of lot. 89x120 feet: Immediate possession. See W. A. HEBRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. nol9-(6-TTS TO LET-ONLY (500 PER YEAR WILL RENT a new orlck building, size 60x150, adapted for manufacturing purposes: Is situate only 10 miles from city on prominent It B., with switch siding; natural gas on premise. Apply to REED B. CO YLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. no21-8-Ths AUCTION BALES. BRUCE & 8HIELDS, Attorneys, Fifth ave. and Grant st ADMINISTRATOR'S EXTENSIVE DIS FlENISHING public sale of the valuable) dairy and farmloR stock, over 10O cows, SI horses, wagons, implements, dairy "utensils, etc- of the estate of the late Alfred Harrison, deceased. The Safe Deposit Company, of Pittsburj, administrator of said estate, has Instructed us to sell at public sale on tbe late premises of said decendent. on Ellsworth avenue, corner of Barton, near Shadyside Station, and also at the dairv farm near Fifth avenne. Oakland, In rear of Fourteenth,Ward School House, City of Pittsburg; on TUESDAY Aim WEDNESDAY, December 3 and 4, A. D. 18S9, Commencing each day at 10 o'clock. The entire valuable dairy and farm stock; implements, etc, on said premises, comprising in part milk cows, heifers, bulls, calves, horses and hogs. A large lot of wagons, carts, buggies, sleds, wheelbarrows, single and double harness; lmptements.dairy utensil vs. milk cansJCameron pump, engine, boner and shafting? quarry implements: blacksmith's forge, with tools, portable forge, etc. Call or send for band bill giving more complete details. N.B. Tbe first day's sale will take place on the premises, at the old homestead, on Ells worth avenue, corner Barton street, near Shadyside Station, with about 18 horses', har ness, stone wagons, implements, etc.. and then proceed to the other premises, near Fifth avenue, Oakland, where the sale will be con tinued from day to day until everything has been disposed of. Peremptory sale. Terms cash. JAS, W. DHAPE & CO.. A nnHAnaaf 129 Fourth Avenue, Pittsbnrg. ' no23-23-D BANKRUPT SALE. : OVER J150,000 WORTH -OF- It.' FLNE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRT. GOODS, CARPETS, RUGS, Era, ZZH n BY AUCTION I -AT- " 723 AND 725 LIBERTY ST., CORNER EIGHTH. Bales, Morning; Af temoonT and Evening, COMMENCING, MONDAY", NOVEMBER U. N. B. Special accommodations provided for ladles. nol37-TTSan ELECTIONS. MONONOAHELA INSURANCE CO., 1 98 Fourth avenue. Novx-fBXB 20. 1889. ) ELECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING and election of fifteen directors toserrs lor tbe ensnlngyear will beheld at tbe office of tbe company on TUESDAY, December 3, IBS), between the hours of 11 a. m. and Ir.x, nna.70 J OHN H. CLANEY. Secretary? AMUSEMENTS. B TJOU THEATER Matinee to-day. McCAULL OPERA COMPANY IN CLOVER. Nov. 25 J. Bl Emmet in his New Play. nolS-15 GRAND OPERA HOUSE . ' TO-NIGHT. Matinee Saturday. KATANKA. . . Next week Salvlnl & Co. In repertoire. nolS-13 TTARRIS' THEATER Everv Afternoon and Evenlmr. George JO. Morris' Spectacular Melodrama, A LEGAL WBONG. Week Nov. 25 The Nelsons. nol7-23 SAKRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY tight, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, LILLY CLAY'S COLOSSAL GAIETY COMPANY. &017-20 -ClLECTRIO AUTOMATIC SILVER MINE OPENS MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 74 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. The most perfect exhibition of mechanical and electrical skill overproduced. Admission 10c nol7-17-rrssu WORLD'S MUSEUM Week of November 18. The world's great absurdity, CON-GO. Seymour, the mind reader. The fat man, skeleton and others. Great stage show; Nov. 25-G eary's World's Circus. noUfrl SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, I. MY SONS & CO., STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS ' And general renovators of textile fabrics, la dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded- garments neatly cleaned or restored In colon Curtains of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & Co. jeU-TTS' 68 SIXTH AVE,. Pittsbnrg, Pa, "t A. BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 cieventn avenue. pittSDurg. pa. se3eVm Telephone 13M. P IANOJ3, ORGANS. 8. HAMILTON, a AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg, Pa, apSMi-B Waltss j. osbotoxx. Richard BABBews; BARROWS A OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street' TeJepfceae Nb.812. anSt-frrra rrWK P1TTSBU KG PHOTXMEXG K AVI N G COSf -JL PANY.lBCOTIwratedlSWLDB-PATCHBUILD- totHliifis, McWnr, .pMttftiu. era to oM-. M.vW4M4Mt4- i- Jf-" if' 305 r 25. -J-&13? , 3& rv a1? t-t