Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 22, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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'iJ-- -!THE
'Steel Kail Mills Kot Able to Keep Up
Phenomenal Growth of Toung
Around Pittsburg.
office or rmsBtrKO Dispatch,
Thuksdat, November 2L 1889. J
The Edgar Thomson "Works at Bessemer
are now turning oat upward ot 30,000 tons
of steel rails a month, and the faith and
hope of the managers are that November's
ontpnt will reach 35,000 tons. When the
tu o new furnaces in process of construction
ore completed the capacity of the works will
be increased fully 25 per cent The first of
the new furnaces is fast approaching
completion, and is expected to be
ready for work soon after the turn of the
year. The advance in steel rails the past 90
days is equivalent to J6 per ton, the prico now
being 32 SO against $26 SO in the summer.
A portion of this advance, about one tbird it is
conjectured, coes to the tonnage workmen. Not
less tban S3 50 per ton lias been added to the
profits of tbe owners in the past three months,
and with an output of nearly 1,100 tons every 24
hours there should be a comfortable profit now
if there was no margin at 26 50.
Hotv the Profit sizes Up.
If steel rails are not manufactured at the
Edgar Thomson at a cost considerably below
S20 per ton, many ot the experts in steel manu
facturing are very much out in their calcula
tions. ,
Thn Tiripp of Rtfiel rails in Enffland IS less
than $20 per ton, or was a short time ago. The
cost of labor there is, of course, much less
than here; but natural gas and improved ma
chinery mtrodnced by the late Captain Jones,
it is claimed by experts in steetmore than
offset tbe advantage from cheap labor.
The Eogar Thomson has sufficient orders
ahead to call out the full capacity of tbe
works for several months to come, and the two
new furnaces are very naturally being pushed
toward completion as fast as men and money
can do it
It Boom Everything.
As a result of this great activity at Bessemer,
Braddockis rejoicing in unwonted prosperity.
Heal estate in the young city is steadily moving
upward, and calculations on the value of Main
street property aro now made by the foot,
whereas a dozen years ago property holders
figured on the value per acre.
We read with wonder of the phenomenal
growth ot rising j oung cities of the new West
ern btates. But there have been few more
marked evidences of prosperity in Western
fields in recent years than is witnessed in the
rising young cities of Braddock, Homestead,
JlcKeesport and Mansfield springing up at our
very doors.
In the past decade or two Pittsburg has given
birth to a number of young cities, which, in
any Western State, would furnish opportunities
lor imraene booming. Here we look on these
new centers of great population as a matter of
Liberty Live Mock.
It will be seen from tbe accompanying report
that tbe local receipts of cattle are less this
week than last by 330 head, and 750 less than
the previous week. The supply of light butcher
stock was not up to demand, and prices ad
vanced 1015c per cwL
Heavy and common grades were slow at last
week's prices.
The grade of cattle most in demand in our
markets of late are those weighing 1,000 to 1,250
pounds, smooth and well fatted. For this
grade there has not been enough to go around
the past few weeks.
The run of hogs is less this week than last by
3.000 head. But supply is above demand and
the best that could be bad for Philartelphias
and Yorkers the past few davs was S3 D04 05.
Supply of sheep being 1,3X1 bead larger than
last t eek markets have been slow for all ex
cept very choice grades. Medium and common
were lower, and choice wethers were steady at
last week's prices.
Tbe Whole Week m Liberty.
Following is report of the week's transac
tions at the East Liberty yards.
Thro'. Local.
-Thursday ., S00 S3 6.150 S50
Flidav . HO . . S,8o01 l,oU
baturday 1,350 15) 3,C75 1,331
Sunday 380 3 3.375 2,420
Monday SOU BIO 5,(C5 1,630
Tuesday 1C0 1,94 2,43)
Wednesday 3S0 40 6,150 1,650
Total 4.100 1,910 31,575 11.660
Last week r.600 SVWO 34,675 10,450
l'revlonaweek.... 3,750 S.6C0 81,2951 10,4a0
By Telecrapfa.
Knr Yobk Beeves Receipts 900 head, all
for exporters and city slaughterers direct, ex
cept 1 carload; no trading in beeves; dull and un
changed for dressed beef aT67ic per pound;
exports, 1.000 beeves and 2.500 quarters of beef.
To-day's Liverpool cable quotes American re
frigerated beef steady at OJc per nound. Calves
Receipts. 200 head: quiet at 5Gc per pound
for veals and at 23Xc for gras&ers and West
ern calves. Sheep Receipts, 1,100 head: firm
at former prices with sale at 3K5c per
?ound for sheep, and at 5Kc for lambs a
ew choice lambs going to JO SO per 100 pounds.
Hogs Receipts, 4.100 head; no important
chance in values; live hogs were selling at
13 90i 2i per 100 pounds.
Chicago The.roier' Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts. 4.000 head: shipment. 4,000
head; beeres, $4 805 35; steers. J2 80S4 70;
stockers and feeders, $1 8003 00. Texas cattle,
J2 85; Western rangers, t2 S03 40. Hogs Re
ceipts, 23,000 bead; shipments, 5.000 bead; mar
ket easy; mixed, S3 653 80: heavy. S3 60
3 90; light, S3 653 90; skips, S3 003 So. Sheep
Receipts. 6.00Tiead: shipments. 1,000 head;
market strong; natives, $2 5065 00. Western.
3 V4 15; Texans, S3 004 50; lambs, S4 50
ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts. 2,700 head;
shipments, 3.800 bead: market steady; good to
fancy native steers, 54 3064 85. lair to cood do.
S3 30: stockers and feeders, J2 00S3 30;
range steers, S2 103 00. Hogs Receipts, 7.M0
head: shipments, 1,S00 head: market easy; fair
to choice heavy, S3 7003 80; packing grades,
S3 C03 75; light, fair to best, S3 6533 7a
Sheep Receipts, 1.000 head; shipments 1.400
head: market firm; fair to choice. S3 404 6a
BurrAXO Cattle steady; receipts, 89 loads
through; no Kale. Hops slow; receipts, 22 loads
throucb; 60 sale: msaiums, heavy and heavv
ends, Yorkers and pigs, S3 853 90; roughs, S3 25
63 4a j
Decestbkk15 is the date fixed for starting
the cars on the Central Traction road.
Ins Fourth National Bank has declared a
diviaend of 3 per cent, payable forthwith.
TBE annual xneetinc of tbe Monongahela
Insurance Company will be held on Tnesday,
December 3, from 11 A. m. to 1 v. St.
IT is now said that the Pittsbnrg, Allegheny
and Manchester Railway people will not buy
the Suspension bridge, bnt they may lease it.
No one wbe has tbe good of tbe real estate
market at heart will lend the least encourage
ment to a boom. Nothing worse could happen.
A bepobt current in the East yesterday that
the Treasury will anticipate the payment of
December Interest, caused an easier leeling In
the money market
N. F. HANFOBD. George 8. Griscom, bamuel
JIatber. H. O. Bonnell, James Pickandsand
otbera have applied for a charter for the Mc
Kee's Rocks Coke Company.
MAXYot the country roads are impassable
by reason of the accumulation of mud nuring
the lone wet spell. A wagon loaded with pipe
for tbe Philadelphia Gas Company stuck in the
road at Edgewood a day or two ago, and it took
20 horses to pull it out.
THE Sinking Fund Commissioners of Alle
gheny County notify tbe holders of Allegheny
Countv Compromise bonds, that bonds num
bered and dated as follows, to wit: Coupon
binds Si. m 249. 250, 252. 253, 24, 258. 2o8, 260,
26L 264? 26i 269. 27ft 271, 272, 274. 275, 276! 279;
asais? also registered Compromise bonds Nos.
2aL264!266 289 and 896, all bearing date of Jan
uarvLlSSi and maturing January 1.1913. will
b"pa?d,toghrwith interest to January 1,
i ntwin Tnresentation at the office of the
SSnSoirSSllSr Pittsburg Pu, at which
time all interest on said bonds will cease.
FOB curing cramps, swellings and in
flammations of all kinds rub with Salvation
OiUPrice 25 cents.
Last week......
4 3.25
6 2,916
1,564 6,743
299 1,377
36 3,276
.. . 1,909 19,411
2,242 18,035
... 2.64S 15,815
Wheat Blow but Firm at & Slight Improve'
meat November Corn Higher Oat
Steady Pork More Acllvo
nnd Stronger,
Chicago A slow trade and light business
was transacted in wheat to-day, but at the
same time a firm feeling characterized the
market. Outside news likely to have any
special bearing on tho market was lacking, and
operators were content with looking on and
waiting for new developments. The opening
was firm and sales were made at K6Vc over
yesterday's closing, but a prominent trader
checked tbe upward tendency by selling a fair
quantity for May delivery. Later prices re
ceded c, then rulod steady, and closing
He better for December and J-Jc blgae' lor
May than yesterday.
What little business was done again centered
chiefly in the May future, though some quiet
trading going on in December. Enropean ad
vices were again quite firm in tenor. Some
foreign buying orders were received here for
May delivery. Beerbohm, in a late report,
mate the available snpplvof wheat afloat In
the United States and principal markets in
Europe about 24,000 000 bushels less than one
year ago. New York reports 10 loads taken
there for export to-dav, of No. 1 hard, at 7c
over December price for Leitb.
Receipts in the Northwest again showed up
heavy to-day. A late dispatch from Minne
apolis said: "Although receipts are heavy the
demand is good from all directions, and all
wheat being absorbed." A prominent miller
there was credited with buying 100.000 bushels
cash in country elevator to carry. A feature of
the local market was the action of a prominent
trader, who offered to sell all the May wheat
operators wanted at 85c and to buy all the
December they would sell at 81c.
In corn a moderate business was transacted,
and a firmer feeling was manifested on cash
lots and November, vhile the other futures
were somewhat easier. The speculative market
opened at about tho closing prices of yester
day, was firm for November and easy for May,
the former advancing a and the latter de
clined c, ruled steadv and closed with Nov
ember ic higher and May slightly lower than
Oats were slow but steady. There was a fair
number or selling orders received, but buvers
were scarce, and a quiet and a rather easy feel
ing prevailed, but price changes were small.
In mess pork quite a good speculam e busi
ness was transacted, and tho feelins was firm
er. Prices ere advanced 1720c and tbe ap
preciation was moderately well supported.
More was doing in lard, and the feeling was
stronger, extending -to the longer deliveries.
Prices ruled 2K5c higher, with trading chiefly
in January delivery, and tbe improvement was
moderately well supported to tbe close.
For short rib sides the market showed more
activity than for several days past. The feel
ing was stronger and prices were advanced 2
5c, closing comparatively steady.
Tbe leaning futures ranged as follows-
Whkat-No. 2. December. 81681J;S(
81c; Jintiarv, 8181olK81c; May. teH
Cobn-No. 2, December. 81631X631
3!c; lanuarv, 313131H31Kc; May,
Oats-Jo. 2. December. 205i20&20
20K-; Mav. 2222CB22?i22Jic.
Mfess Pork, per bbk Year, S9 2009 27K
9 209 25: Jannary. S9 30fi9 459 S0&9 UU;
May, S9 C5g9 82K69 609 77K-
Labd, per 100 Bs. Year. S5 95' 97K
5 P55 97K; January, 85 956 00592i6 97$:
May. S6 l2Ke6 156 1268 15.
8HOBT RIBS, per 100 Ib3 Year, S4 924 95
4 92K&4 95: Jannary, $4 82X4 854 b2i
4 85; May. $5 025 0565 0255 05.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull
and uncnaneed. No. 2 spring wheat. S0S0c:
No. 3 spring wheat. 66c: No. 2 red. S0-,,680c
No. 2corn.32Kc No. 2 oats. 21c No.2rye.45
46c No. 2 barley, 5658c No. 1 fiaxseen.
II 35. Prime timothy seed, SI 2a Mess pork,
per bbL SO 759 87K. Lard, per 100 , SS 17M
6 2a bhort ribs sides (loose). $5 105 4a Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), S4 374 5a Short
clear sides (boxed). S5 505 62. Sugars, cut
loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 22,000 bar
rels: wheat, 103.000 bushels: com. 251.000
bushels; oats, 119,000 bushels; rye, lCOOObushcls;
barley, 47,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 22,000
barrels; wheat, 41,000 bushels: corn. 89,000 bush
els; oats, 147,000 bushels; rye, 3,000 bushels;
barley, 52.000 bushels.
On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs, 21
New York riour quiet, easy and generally
unchanged. Wheat Spot moderately active
and stronger: options dull, 5Kc higher and
firm. Rje stead; sales, 8,000 bushels: No. 2
Western, 55c. Barley weak: State, 55Q60c;
Western. 5065c: Canada, 5973c Barley-malt
quiet. Corn Spot active and stronger: options
iiull and unchanged to He lower and steady.
Oats Spot firmer and fairly active: options
active and stronger. Hay quiet and steady.
Hops quiet and steady. Coffee Options opened
steady, 515 points up, closed barely steady
unchanged to 10 points down: sales, 75250 bags.
including November, 15.85c; December. 15.so
16c; January.1585ei6.05c; February.l5.9516 05c;
March. 159016V.05c; April. 159016.00c; May,
15.9516.05c: June. 15.S516.05c; July. 1590c;
August, 15.8015.85c; September, 15.7515.S5c;
October, I5.60l65c: spot Rio fairly active and
steady; fair cargoes, 19Mc: No. 7, lTc. Sugar
Raw firm, fair demand sales, 5,000 bags centri
fugals. 96 test, 511-16e; refined firmer, active
C. o55c: extra C. CC&SJc; white extra C, 6J
66c; yellow, 6?i5r; on A, 68 5-16c: stand
ard A. 6Kc Molasses New Orleans steady;
open kettle, good to fancy, 4852c; old, 2S46c
Rice in fair demabd and steady. Cottonseed oil
steady. Tallow quiet. Rosin steady and quiet.
Turpentine steadier at tbe decline: sales, 200
Barrels at 44(44c Eggs steady and quiet;
Western, 21?oc; receipts. 2.954 packages. Pork
firth and act.Se; sales 800 barrels. Cut meats
qniet. Middies dull. Lard A firmer tendency,
but quiet: sales, western steam, closing at
S6 57K; Noremher, S6 4D6 50, closing at S6 50;
December, S6 39 aked; January, S6 366 37,
closing at SO 39 asked: February. S6 4lg6 42,
closing at S6 41 bid; March, S6 45 bid: May, f6 0,
closing at S6 52 bid. Butter Fresh firm and in
fair demand; Elgin, 2GKR27c: western dairy,
9 17c; do creamery, lSQSc; do held, 1218c:
do factory, 714c Cheese qniet ana firmer;
western. 7$i10c
Philadelphia Flour qniet but firm.
Wheat inactive; fair to good milling wheat, 80
85c; choice and fancv lnnzberry, 8790c;No. 2
red. November, 806S03c: December. 80S
tlC; January, oxtjoc; reoruary, w(ft'3lc.
CornOptions quiet; cirlots firm; sales old No.
2 mixed, on track, 42Vc: new No. 2 mixed, on
track,42c; old and new high mixed,in Twentieth
street elevator. iSMc: do, do, in grain depot,
42Kc: No. 2 mixed, November. 4040Ke; Decem
ber. 39Ji39c: January. t39c; February,
3940c Oats Carlots firmer: No. 3 white, in
Twentieth street elevator, 28c; do. m grain
depot, 2SK29c: No. 2 white. 29&c: do, in
special bin in Twentieth street elevator, 30c;
clipped oats, 32c: futures higher; No. 2 white
November, 2929K December. 2929c;
January. 29KS2c; February, 3030c.
Butter firm: fair demand: Pennsylvania cream
ery extra. 26c; do prime extra. 31S5c. Eggs
Fresh stock scarce and firm: held lots dull and
irregular; Pennsylvania firsts, 27a
MutKEAPOLls Receipts of wheat were 691
cars; shipments, 184 cars. There was some
Elowness in getting started to selling carlots,
but the demand soon became larger and sales
of No. 1 northern were at 77J478c. with many
running at 77"c and above, averaging higher
than yesterdav. Millers were again the lead
ing buyers. Elevator companies were bidders,
but they tried to buy at 70Ji677Jc anu were
overbid by millers. The elevator men bought
a little, paying finally millers' figures. Closing
S notations for No. 1 hard November, 78Kc;
lecember, TSJc; May, S45c: on track. 79c; No.
1 northern November. 75jc; December, 75Jc:
May,82Jic;on track, 77K77Kc:No. 2 northern,
November. 73c; December, 7ic; May, 78c; on
track, 7376c
St. Lotus Flour quiet and easy, with light
demand. Wheat Trading light, little change
in the market and tbe close was. about the same
as yesterday; No. 2 red, cash. 782i78a'e; May.
84684c. closed at 84S4j2c bid. Corn
higuer and very firm; No. 2 mixed, cash, 32"4c
regular; November. 3132!c, closing at 32c
bid: December, 28Kc, closing at 235;;
January, 28c. closing 2S"c asked. Oats
weaker; No. 1 cash, 20c bid: January, 20c bid
May. 2222Hc bid. Rye firm: 40c bid for No. 2.
Barley nothing doing. Flaxseed easier at SI 2a
Cottonseed, S12 0u12 5a Provisions Demand
and business moderate. Pork, S10 75.
Milwaukee Flour fairly active. Wheat
quiet: cash and December. 73Vc: No.1 North
ern, 82c Corn easier No. 3 old. 30f 31c Oats
dull: No. 2 white. 23c. Rye easier; No. L 47Uc
Barley steady; No. 2, 4Se. Pork J9 82U Lard
So la Cheese steady; Cheddars, 99Jc
Baltimore Provisions steady. Butter firm;
creamery, 2J25c. Eggs firm; western, 24Jjc
uonee strong; x&io lair at lvjw&ok.
Toledo Cloverseed active and steady; cash
and November, 37c bid.
New Y'ork November 2L There was a
relatively god business in articles for future
delivery, bnt demand for current wants was
moderate, though up to the average of this
period. Market keeps pretty firm. Heavy
drown cottons are very firm, print cloths haye
advanced 1-lGo and some colored cottons as
ticking are a little higher.
Alderman Cassldr'a Plana,
Alderman Cassidy arrested no keepers of
immoral houses yesterday. "When asked
whether he had done anything in the mat
ter, he replied, "No, sir; I am not going to
do anything lor a week, may be two weeks.
I'll just let it go till I get things in shape."
Tbe LndlcK Drlleblrd.
The pleasant effert and the perfect safety
with which ladies may nse the liquid fruit laxa
tive, TSyrup of Figs, under all conditions make
it their favorite remedy. It is phasing to the
eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in act
ing on the kidneys, liver and bowels.
Trade Les3 Excited, but Still Tery
Actiye and Prices Firm.
Urged aa a Eeason Against Any Further
Attempt to Boom Things.
Tho report of the embarrassment of the Law
rence Bank, a full account of which is given in
the local columns this morning, was the absorb
ing topic of conversation among business men
of the city yesterday. While all expressed the
hope that reports were exaggerated, and that
the officials of the bank would be able to make
a satisfactory exhibit, they were equally unan
imous In the opinion that, however complete
the failure might be, its effect upon business
would be scarcely felt.
It would be a serious thing, no doubt, to de
positors who failed to get their money, if such
there were, but that It would have more than a
local and temporary bearing was considered
entirely out of the question. As one financier
put it: "Pittsburg is on too sound a financial
basis to be seriously affected by the failure of a
private banking institution in the outskirts."
As to the causes of the failure, such as it
might turn out to be, no one seemed to have
any knowledge or to be willing to exnress an
opinion, but of all who were .spoken
to on tho subject not one could see
any tangible excuse for a failure
at this time, when business is phenomenally
active and nearly everybody earning a good liv
ing and something more. It would be differ
ent if the country were in a panicky condition,
with frequent failures and everybody trying to
save something from the general wreck, but in
the midst of universal prosperity and great
financial ease, trouble of the kind in question
must be accounted for outside of well estab
lished principles.
A clear statement, of the affairs ot the Law
rence Bank, and which, no doubt, will be made
indue time, is necessary to clear upwljat at
present is utterly incomprehensible.
The demand for iron has fallen off somewhat
since last week, bnt as this is merely an inci
dent of the season, always occurring toward
the end of the year, it had been expected, and,
therefore, occasioned no surprise. Indeed, it
had been anticipated and prepared for. The
shrinkage is so slight, however, as to be scarcely
perceptible in the output of the mills, which
aro as busy as at any previous period of the
season, running to their full capacity, when not
hindered by a shortage of gas, and with enough
orders ahead to keep them running for several
So far as surface indications count for any
thing, the iron trade stands on a solid founda
tion of prosperity, backed by actual demand,
but it is approaching the danger line, and great
caution is needed to tide it over the perils of
the next three months. The reaction abroad,
which is the inevitable result of a purely spec
ulative movement, may have an important
bearing upon the trade in this country,
although the conditions are radically different,
by stimulating imports. Tbe supply of pig
metal in tbe United Kingdom is very large, as
shown in the daily transactions, and a market
must be found for it if not at home, then in
this country, and any further advance in prices
here would afford foreign holders the desired
opportunity to dispose of surplus stocks. The
possibility of this should put American manu
facturers on tbelr guard. Another danger to
be considered is overproduction, which would
surely folio x another advance. This, together
with foreign imports, which higher prices
woold bring in, would be more than the market
could bold up under. There have been few
periods in the history of the iron trade when
conservatism was more needed than now.
In an interview with a Smlthfleld street iron
broker yesterdav. he said: "While there is
something of a lull in the trade, business is
active and all grades of iron are firm. As to a
further advance I am somewhat undecided.
There are signs of it, however, and there may
be a boom, as in England, but I hardly think
our manufacturers are foolish enough to spoil
a market that may last for years if carefully
handled, for the sake of large profits for a short
time. I think we are very close to the danger
line of foreign competition. The reported
collapse at Glasgow will turn attention to this
country, and if prices here should go any higher
we will be flooded with foreign metal. It may
come anyhow, as it can be transported as
ballast in gram vessels at a very low rate.
"Just what the transatlantic flurry means I
cannot tell at present, bnt that it will have an
important effect upon tbe iron markets of tbe
world there can be no doubt. One effect has
already come to light. A few days ago an Ala
bama fnmaceman passed through Pittsburg
for New York to make arrangements to ship
2,000 tons of pig to Glasgow. He said he could
make SI 50 a ton more by sending it there than
he could get In Plttsburz or Chicago. But the
reaction came before he conld complete his
arrangements, and I have since learned that
tbe iron was not sent. This venture was to be
made as an experiment, and, if successful, was
to be followed upon a large scale. Tbe iron
will probably remain in this country, as it
would be folly to send it away on a falling mar
ket. I am in hopes tbe drop at Glasgow will
prevent any further advance here. Home
production is large enough for the demand,
and any considerable additions to stocks from
abroad could have but one result they would
lower prices and put a large number of fur
naces ont of blast, throwing thousands of
people ont of work."
The iron Age, with its usual caution, re
marks: "If our people will observe moderation
in the management of their affairs and refuse
to be unduly influenced by the flamboyant
reports from abroad, they have an opportunity
to signaliie their independence of foreign
sources of supply more strongly than ever. The
way opens for an export trade. American iron
and steel may thus find a footing in the open
markets of tbe world and be able to retain it
even after British prices recede. Having in
this country a practically unlimited supply of
essential raw materials, thanks to the marvel
ous developments of the past five years, we
occupy a position of vantage 'immeasurably
above those countries which are forced to rely
on imported ores.
"An element of danger which now threatens
our future in this respect is the reported en
trance of a speculative syndicate in tbe South
ern iron field, with the purpose of accumulat
ing a sufficient stock to force prices up. Sen
sational telegrams are already being sent out to
alarm consumers, perhaps with the expectation
of securing unintentional co-operation from
them In precipitating a sudden heavy demand
on the market, which would advance prices
rapidly. If these speculative movements can
be checked and the iron trade kept in its legiti
mate channels, prices will not be unduly ad
vanced and there will be no disastrous reaction
to be feared."
The Iron Trade Beview, ot Cleveland, is
more optimistic. In its issue for the current
week appears tbe following: "The expected
lull after recent heavy buying has not proved
to be much of a lull. Indeed, present indica
tions point to greater activity. Foundries are
all nslng more iron tban they anticipated and
need to cover for considerably more material
than tbey planned early in tbe season. Lake
Superior charcoal iron has taken another up
ward move and is now held firm at S2L Ohio
softeners grow more and more scarce, and
dealers mark up prices gradually. W. F. Jarvis
& Co. report from Detroit: All grades of iron
have been remarkably steady at regular .rates
during tbe week except Lake Superior char
coal, which has jumped up almost dally, owing
to demands for car wheel purposes, and also
owing to the fact that -practically tbe entire
surplus on hand the first day of October, some
40,000 tons, has heen entirely absorbed.
"Almost all the Iron sold is for prompt deliv
ery, and it Is considered by all the furnace men
bad policy to sell at present prices for delivery
during tbe first months of noxt year, as the
cbarcoal iron trade, owing to the absorption of
tbe surplus and the close of navigation, has
never been in better condition for maintaining
their prices than to-day. The Bessemer men
are generally refusing to quote figures for 1890
delivery. Tbe feeling is quite general that
price must advance further."
Stock Broken Complain of a Scarcity of
Money Everything Bearish.
The stock brokers were in bad humor when
they came together yesterday, and the result
was that very little business was transacted.
Nothing was done in tbe forenoon, and after
noon sales were only 281 shares. Complaint of
the scarcity of money was very general, added
to which was a report of tho failure of the Law
rence Bank, and these together not only re
stricted business but caused a feeling of weak
ness throughout the entire list.
The only activo shares were Philadelphia Gss
and Electric, and both ot these sold at con
cessions. The tractions were weaker and neg
lected. Lawrence Bank was offered at 54 after
the report of the failure bad been circulated.
The only thing that developed a hardening ten
dency was Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester
Railway. The close was at the lowest figures of
tho day. Details follow:
Bid. Asked.
Rid. Asked,
Plttn. V. R. JfcM. Er...
Commercial Ji a. Hank .'. 07
I.Awrence Bank M
Masonic Bank 61
M. AM. at. li&nk.... M .... 64 ....
City Insurance 23 .... 27
German-American Ins .... GS .... &
Umnboldt Insurance 43 50
Allegheny Gas Co.. Ill 39
Cons'dt'dGasCo , 111. S3
Pitts. Gas Co.. Ill 64
HoathsIdeGBsCo.,111 25
AlIeKhenyHcatingCo ico ....
Brldjrewater Ua NK
ChartiersV. Gas Co 46
People's -V. G. & P.Co 11$ 15 lH ....
1'enux. Gas Co. 13 14 .. . 14
Philadelphia Co - 32 32'i 31 31H
Wheeling Gas Co nu .... 27
HazUwood Oil Co MH 65
Central Traction S!,H 34 Z3 B'i
Citizens' Traction 69
Pleasant Valley ZSX 22tf .... Htf
I'ltts., A. & Mm 2o0 400
P. C ast.li 19 .... 19 ....
P., V. AC.lt. R. Co.... 38
Pitts & W estern K. K. 13
P.JtW.K.K.Co. prer.. 20)f
N.Y. 4 CGas Coal Co 37
Union Brldce 17
La Korla Mining Co JS X
Luster .Mlnliifr Co 15 ill 13
Yankee Girl Mlnlnc... 2 3
Weitinchonse JJlectnc 49 49 .... 43)4
H.B.&Slg. Co 19 .... 19 ....
WcstlnEhoueeA.li.C'o. 113 114 .... 114
The sales were 50 shares of Electric at 49, 80
Philadelphia Gas at 31. 150 at 31K and 4 at 31.
HenrvJl. Long sold 60 Pleasant Valley at 22
and 100 Westinghouse Electric at 49.
The total sales of stocks at-New York yester
day were 264.776 shares, including: Atchison,
5,485; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
8,908: Denver, Texas and Ft. Worth, 13,983: Louis
ville and Nashville, 6,530; Missouri Pacific.
5,812; Northern Pacific, preferred, 3,025; Pa
cific Mail, 7,830: Reading, 67,300; St. Paul, 16,
01K Union Pacific, 27.555?
Plenty of Money In Pittsbnrs; for All Legit
imate Business Requirements.
There is no scarcity of money in Pittsburg
lor legitimate business purposes, nor is there
likely to be. Outsiders may occasionally be dis
commoded, but regular customers of tbe banks
may rest assured that they will be taken care ot
in the future as in tbe past. The cashier of a
Fourth avenue bank said yesterday :
"The talk of tight money in this city for reg
ular business is as wild as the report that nat
ural gas is playing out. There is plenty of it,
and no good paper is refused. A few of tbe
banks are temporarily a little short, bnt tbe
large majority bare plenty of funds for their
regular customers, and for outsiders, too. A
few loans have been called in, hut not because
actually needed. The fnnds could be more
profitably employed. The cry of tight money
by speculators is a bear movement nothing
niore nor less. Speculation Is so small here
that it is a very light factor in the money mar-
The demand for loans yesterday was the best
of the week, and tbe ruling rates were 67 per
cent Routine business also showed some im
provement, checking and depositing belnc of
good proportions. The exchanges were 52,001,
403 31 and tbe balances $215,913 16.
Money on call at New York yesterday ruled
close, ranclntr from 4 to 7 per cent, last loan 4.
f-clnscd oilered at 2. Prime mercantile paper.
5'- Sterling exchange aull and weaker
atl 80?i for 60-day bills and S4 85 for demand.
Closing; Bond Qnotntlons.
U.S. 45, res 127
U. S. 4s. COUD 127
M. K.4T. Gen.Ss
Mntnal Union 6s...
N. J. C. Int. Cert.,
Northern Pac. lits
so t
u. s. . re mn
U. b. 4is. eonp.... ltai
Pacific 6s or '35. 117H
LoulslanasUmpedto 91)4
. in
Northern Pac. Ws.. 1101,
aorinw'i'n consols. hi
Northw'n deben's..HS
Oregon & Trans. 6s.l01K
St. I,. AI.M. Gen. 5a 85
.uissoun os iirc
Tenn. new set. 6a... IDS
Tenn. new set. &S....102
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 73
Canada Bo. ids 96M
On. Pacificists 114
Den. & K. G., l8ts...lltsH
Den. AR.G. 4s 78!
U.&K.G.West,lsu. -as
Erie, Ms 165H
U. H.4T. Gen. 6s.. 67fc
St. LuAb.K. Gen.AL.117
Bl. fanl consols ....117
St. PL CMAFe.llts.llS
Tx., PcL.G.TrKs 92
Tx.,Pc.K.G.lT.Hcts 37J
union rac. jiu..... ux
West Shore 105
Government and State bonds were firm and
New York: Clearings, J138.S90.712: balances,
Boston Clearings, S15.076.553; balances,
S1.427.80S. Money 56 per cent.
Eaitimobe Clearings, 52,276,811; balances,
Philadelphia Clearings, 13,972,146; bal
ances. S2.103.961.
London The bullion in the Bank of England
decreased 210,000 dnrinc tbe past weeic The
proportion of the Bank of England's reserve
to liability is now 40.91 per cent.
Paris Three per cent rentes, 87f 77efor
the account. The weekly statement oi the
Bank of France shows a decrease of 2,150,000
francs gold and 3,475,000 francs silver.
CHICAGO Bank clearings were 811,703,000.
New York exchange was 2oc discount. Money
is plenty enough and rates are easy at 6 per
cent for call and 6B per cent for time loans.
Light Trading In Oil at a Lower Level
of Ynlncs.
There was nothing in the oil market yester
day out of tbe usual. AH in all, it was a dnll
day. There was a little life in it just before
tbe close, but it bad no significance.
The market opened in fair shape atllOK,
but almost immediately sold down to 110,
without much doing. It remained steady for
some time and then weakened oS to 10
rallied and advanced to 110, slumped to
109 and on news of the failure of the
Lawrence Bank, made another break to 109,
after which it steadied up a little and closed at
iua4 nm.
There was nothing in the wav of news to
affect values, Pittsburg was a seller on declines
at other points. Considerable long oil was
unloaded. Wednesday's clearances were 442,000
Features of the Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oauey 4 Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened llCMILowest 109
Average rnns
Average shipments
Average charters
Keflned, Mew YorK. 7,45c
Kenned, London. iHa.
Refined, Antwerp. 17r.
Keflned, Liverpool. 6 1-lSd.
Kenned, Bremen, 7 20m.
A B. McGrew & Co. quote:
calls, SI lOJi.
Puts, Jl 07tf:
Another Good Well.
Quite an important well, known as the Eoggs
& Mechlin, a little in advance of the present
Shanopin field, has just cracked the shell and
is doing at the rate of 400 barrels a day, with a
good prospect of increasing the flow when
drilled deeper.
Other Oil Markets:
Trrusvn,i.B, November 2k Opened at SI 10;
highest, SI 10; lowest, SI 09; closed at SI 09.
On, Crnr. November 2L Opened at SI 10K;
highest, SI Wl; lowest, $1 09; closed, Jl 09,
Clearances 452,000 barrels; charters. 5,953; ship
ments, 69,280; runs, 41571.
NKWYoRK.November21. Petroleum opened
steady at SI 09 but after some slight fluctua
tions became weak and declined slowly nntil
the close, which was weak at SI 09. Stock Ex
change: Opening, SI 09: highest, SI 09; low
est, SI 09; closing, SI 09. Consolidated Ex
change: Opening, SI 10: highest, SI 10K: low
est, SI 09; closing, SI 09. Total sales, 447,000
Squirrel BUI Properly Going Good Sales
In Other District.
Ira M. Burcbfield, 153 Fourth avenue, sold a
tract of land on Squirrel Hill to a prominent
business man. Consideration private.
L. O. Frazler, corner Forty-fifth and Butler
streets, sold for Virginia and Catherine E.
Meixner, No. 275 Forty-fourth street, .Seven
teenth ward, an old two-story frame dwelling,
lot 22x108 f eet to" an alley, to Joseph Fromm for
SL700 cash.
Reed B Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avonue, sold
toH.Q. Dlcacy eight lots in Marlon plan for
Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
William. Hill lot No. 5 in the M, G. Arthur's
plan in the Fourteenth ward, city, situate on
Frazler street, and being In size 25x100 feet, for
S550. They also placed a mortgage of Sl,200for
three vn&nt &t fl nar cent on mnnnftv nn th
Bouthside. . I
Bents Sinking the Most of Their Oppor
tunity Rnllrond fthnres Give Way
Talk of a Becelver for
Cotton Oil.
New Yoek, November 2L The stock mar
ket was a traders' market to-day, and the busi
ness done in all departments showed a consid
erable falling off from that past few days,
while the temper of thedeallncs was alter
nately strong and weak within narrow limits,
and the final changes, while generally In the
direction ol lower figures, are for small frac
tions only except in the cas of the two Trusts.
There was no cbango in the Bank ot England
rate this morning, as predicted by the bears,
but the London prices were something lower
than our figures of last evening, which had the
effect of opening tbe market merely steady,
though the f eelln? of the room was moderately
L bullish, and the,bears were disinclined to make
uy extended demonstration, iney pursueu
their late policy of hammering one or two of
the most prominent stocks, and Reading and
Sugar bore the brunt of the pressure to-day.
In the caso of the former the results were not
commensurate with the efforts put forth, but
in the latter a measure of success rewarded
their pains.
After tho opening of the market the bullish
feeling found expression in material advances
In Atchison, Denver, Texas and Fort Worth,
Tennessee Coal ana Sugar : bnt the early at
tack of the bears sent the last two stocks down
again as quickly as they rose, while the rest of
the list generally held on to a portion of their
gains until noon. Pacific Mail displayed some
strength at this time, the talk in the crowd
being that increased compensation for mail
service would probably be granted by Con
gress. The drive of the day was then made at
tbe Coal stocks, and Reading became specially
active, thougb with Lackawanna the impression
made was only for a small fraction. The ill
success soon brought the raid to an end, and
covering sent prices up again with consider
able celerity, and many stocks reached their
highest figures for the day.
Hie pressure was renewed upon the trusts in
the last hour, however, and selling of Denver,
Texas and Fort Worth to realize profits took
that stock down rapidly and its last price being
the lowest of tbe day, all tbe forenoon's im
provement was wiped out with something in
addition. Talk of a receiver for Cotton Oil had
its effect upon the trusts, and all of them made
material concessions. The close was fairly
active and heavy to weak at the lowest prices
in many stocks. Almost everything is lower,
though only two important declines were
scored, Sugar 1 and Chicago Gas 1.
Railroad bonds were relatively more active
than stocks, but the tone of the dealings was in
close sympathy with those in shares, being
irregular and rather heavy in the main. The
business done was well distributed, and
amounted to $1,457,000, with no special feature.
The Poit says: There was no change in the
Bank of England sale of discount to-day, as
was apprehended there might be, but the early
prices in London this morning were to K
lower for all stocks than the closing figures
here last night. It is, however, so distinctly a
mere "traders'" market, in which the ups and
downs cannot be traced to anything else than
the changing sides by the boardroom traders to
secure profits of 1 per cent, that the reaction
this forenoon had no especial significance. Tbe
underlying sentiment of the majority of specu
lators and traders is unquestionably in favor of
considerably higher prices within a month or
bo, but there is an unusual degree of caution
on the part of both bulls and bears. Tbe lat
ter are encouraged by the heaviness of tho
Coal stocks.
Cotton Trust has been comparatively steady
since last Friday at from 28 to 30, apparently
awaiting ine result oi tne euorts to reorganize
it into a corporation. The value of the entire
assets of tbe trust, over and above its out
standing paper, is estimated, upon a conserva
tive basis, at $18,500,000, viz: 812,000,000 for the
mills and plant, and $8,600,000 for oil cotton
seed and other materials on band. This would
be equal to say 45 on tbe $42,000,000 of the
Cotton Trust stock, but the trouble is that it
requires time to make Bales to meet the matur
ing paper, and in the present position of tbe
trust, it is difficult to get the paper renewed
until the sales can be made.
If tbe trust was reorganized and in the regu
lar working order of a corporation, with com
petent officers to financier its business, there is
little donbt that it could be carried successf ally
through tbe present crisis, but if the attempt
to reorganize is not successful, there Is little
doubt but that a receiver will be necessary.
Dp to last night $18,000,000 out of tbe total of
$42,000,000 of Cotton Trust certificates had been
deposited with the Central Trust Company for
exchange into the certificates of tbe proposed
new stock.
The rouowina: tame snows tne prices oraetlve
stocks on the JNew York Stock xcnange yester
day. Corrected dally for Tnx Dispatch by
WHCTJTBT A8TEPHKNBOK. oldest Plttibnrr nwm.
bers of N ew TC on Stock Kxchanae, 67 fourth ave
ing Hid.
inr. Am, Cotton Oil. Zili
AtCh., lop.&B.F 34
Canadian Pacific 72H
Canada tiouthern 65
Central of New Jersey.l20)
Central Paetfic &H
Chesapeake & Ohio.... 36
C. Bur. A Qaliier....106M
C Mil. & St. Paul.... 71)4
C. JIU. 4 St. P., pr....U3tt
a, KoccL 4P 99)!
C St. L. Pitts
C, St. L. & Pitts, vt.. S)H
C. St. r..M. JtO 34
a. st. i..K. & o.. pr. ....
C Northwestern 1IJH
C.t Northwestern, pr.14.2
C, C. O. 1 74
c, a, c i., pr 99
Col. Coal & iron J4M
Col. A Hootlne Vat .. 2m
Del.. L.S.W 142)4
Del. & Uadson..i 149
Denver Alt lo G 16K
Denver & Bio G.. pi
E.T.. Va. &Ga - 10
K. 1.. Va. AGs. Zd pr. ....
Illinois Central.
Lake GrlA A Western
Lake Krle ft West. pi.. 64S
Luxe Shore AM. s 106
LoulsvUie&Mashvllie. &H
Mobile Ohio
Mo Kan. A Texas.... 9K
Missouri Pacific 69)4
u X.. L..E.& W 28J4
M. x.. a a st. u
n. i.. c. & st. l. or.
-N.lf.. C. A St.ii. zd nf .. .
S.Y&K. K 44
J. IT., O. A W 22
Norfolk Western.... 217
Norroifc western, pr. 6qk
Northern Pacific 32
Mortnern Pacific ore, 76)4
Ohio A Mississippi... . 2314
Orejton Improvement. 44
Oregon rranseon asK
PacificUall 35
Peo. Dec. AKr&ni.
Phlladel. A .Heading.. 1H
Pullman Palace Car... 183
Blchmona A W. P. r 24
Richmond A W.P.T.pf ....
St. P.. Minn. A Man..lu5
SLl.ASan Fran
St. L.. A San mi pr.. BiH
St.l. A San r. 1st pi.
Texas Pacific 20
Union Pacific 70
Wabash nrerorrea tlH
Western Union MK
Whrelinj- A L. .,.... Ei
Saicar Trust 691
National iad Trust.. 20M
Chicago Gas Trust.... 65
ea i.
est. 29
64 1
32 If
64 64K
20i 20)4
7i nn
324 XH
64)2 84U
6344 67
704 684
20)4 19
53)1 ah
Bostnn Stocks.
Atch. ft Top., 1st 7s. 116
A.AT. L.andGr't7(.112
Kntland preferred
Wis, Central, com.,
Wis. Central pf..
AlIonesMfCo ,
Calumet A Hecia...
. 47
- tt
. 60
. 60
. 15H
. 2
. 15
Atch.ATon.U.B... 34
Boston A Albany.. .217
C. it. AQ. 106
Clnn. San. A Cleve. 22
uneniH.jt.... ..ii
Eastern it K. 6s ....124
flint rereat 22
Flint A Pen M. nrd. 92
Little K. ft Ft. S. 7i. 96
Mexican Oen. com.. 15
llex.O.Kt inter, baa. 66
. X. AKewfcn... 44
it. Y. A 2.E.7s....l28!i
Old Colony. 182
Butland, com 4
Qnlncy 65
nen Teiennone... t.iwi
Boston Land 8
nater rower ....,
Tamarack ,
. 6
. 21
San Dleco ,
Santa Fe copper.
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. Ifo. Si
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Kx-
KM. Asked.
.. S2J4 S2K
.. 20 7-18 20H
.. 8 8
.. S3 S3
.. UK M
.. 32M S3
Pennsylvania KaUroaO...
Buffalo, Pittsbnrg ft Western..
Le&Uh Valley.
LetalKti .Navigation
hortnern Pacific
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children.she gave them Castoria
This is now conceded to be the best in the
market, as witnessed by the fact that we have
lust secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL
LENCE at tbe Fnre Food Exposition, now be
ing held In Philadelphia.
And with tho bright appetizing flavor of fresh
ly roasted beef.
Dairy Products Quiet, but Prices of
Choice Stock Firm.
Corn and Choice Hay Actiye FlourBleady
llilifeed Weak.
Office of Ptttsbtjko Dispatch, )
Thursday. November 21, 18&9.
Country Produce Jobbing; Prlcss.
The New York Bulletin reports that finest
grades of cheese are being quietly absorbed, in
the expectation of an early rise. Markets here
are very firm for choice stock. The same Is
true as to choice (Trades of butter. Trade in
dairy products has been quiet the past week,
the quietness being due to constant rains. But
prices give no signs of weakening. Game is in
good supply and fair demand. Poultry is com
ing in freely from the West Near-by stock is
scarce. Potatoes and apples rule quiet. Onions
and cabbage are very dull. Sweet potatoes are
firm and higher.
Butteb Creamery, Elgin, 28?2Sc; Ohio
do, 252Sc; fresh dairy packed, 2224c; country
rolls, 2122c,
Beaks Navy band-picked beans, 12 252 SO;
medium, J2 102 20.
Beeswax 2830c ft f or choice! Io w grade,
cider Band refined, K 507 GO; common,
3 504 00; crab cider, JS 003 60 $ barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c V gallon.
Chestkuts S6 OOSo GO ? bushel; walnuts,
60070c $1 bushel.
Cheese Ohio, llllc; New York, llKct
Limbnrger, 9Xllc; domestic Sweitzer, lie
13Kc; imported Sweitzer, 23c
Eggs 2324c fl dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Anples, fancy fJ G03 GO fl barrels
grapes. Concords, 40c a basket; California pears,
S3 G04 00 a box; cranberries. Jerseys. $2 60 fl
bushel box; Cape Cods, box, 2 763 00; Ma
laga grapes, large barrel. t8 00.
Game Squirrels. Jl 25 f dozen; quail, SI 60
ft dozen; prairie chickens, S4 S05 00 fl
dozen; pheasants, 54 60o 00 fl dozen; rabbits.
SI 50m 75 fl dozen; venison saddle, 2022 ft
pound; venison carcass, 1215c fl pound.
JFeathers Extra live geese, 6060c; No. 1,
do, 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c fl ft.
Poultbt ChickenSjOld hens, 6570c; chick
ens, large, young, 605oc; chickens, small, 35
40c; ducks, 5500c ft pair; eeese, SI 0001 10 fl
pair; lire turkeys, 10llc fl ft; dressed turkeys,
l5ific fi a.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62&s to bushel. S5 Ofva
5 2 if) bushel; clover, large English, (Bits, 15 60;
clover. Alsike, S3 00; clover, white, 19 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fis, SI 60; bine grass, extra
clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 fis, SI 65; red top, 14 fts. SI 25;
millet, 60 lbs. SI 00; German millet, 60 fts, SI 60;
Hungarian crass, 60 fis. SI DO; lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 ft busbel of 14
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4$
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, 13 60
4 00: fancy, S4 005 00: Florida oranges, S3 60
3 75; bananas, S2 00 first', SI 60 good seconds,
fl bunch; cocoanuts, S4 004 60 fl hundred:
figs, 8K9c ft ft; dates, 1KKc fl ft; new layer
figs, 14j16c; new dates. 7c ft ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, from store, G055c;
on track. 40045c: tomatoe". $101 25 ?) bnsbel:
cabbages, S4 005 00 a hundred; celery, 40c fl
dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, $2 G02 7o;
Jerseys, S3 754 00; turnips, SI 001 60 & bar
rel; onions, S2 a barrel.
Buckwheat Flour 2f2c fl pound.
The looked- or rise of package coffee falls to
appear. Optlons'keep advancing in'New York,
and by all ordinary rules of trade packages
should advance. The trade awaits the action
of one great firm. Sugars are firm enongh to
take a rise before long.
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 2ZX23c;
choice Rio, 2021Kc; prime Rio, 20c; low grade
Rio, 1819kc; old Government Java, 27c; Mar
acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 2829c; Santos, 20
23c: Caracas, 214323c; peaberry, Rio,23323Kc;
La Gnayra, 2223c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,23c;
high grades. 2529c; old Government Java,
Spices twholel Cloves. 1920c: allsoice. 11
cassia, Sc; pepper, 17c; nutmec, 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7Jic;
Ohio, 120, Xc; headlight, 150, lic; water
white, 10J4c; globe, 1414c: elaine, 14&c; car-
nadlne, llKc; royaline, 14c; globe red oil. lie
HKc .
.Mutees' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 46847c
fl gallon. Lard oil. 70c
STRUTS Corn syrup, 2830c; choice sugar
svtud. S3S13Sci nrime snirar svrnn. S033c:
strictly prime, 3335c: new manle syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c:
medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c; choice new crop,
Soda Bl-carb In kegs, 33c; bl-carb In K.
6c; hl-carb, atsorted packages. 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc: do granulated, 2c
Candles star, full weight, 9c; stearine, fl
set, 8&c; parafflne, 11012c.
Rice Head, Carolina, 67c; choice, 6S
6c: prime, 5K6c: Louisiana, 56Vc
Starch Pearl, 23ic; cornstarch, 56c; gloss
starch, 47c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S3 65; Lon
don layers, f2 90; California London layers,
$2 75; Muscatels, $2 5; California Muscatels,
12 10; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 8$c;
sultana,9Kc; currants,65c: Turkey prunes,
45c; French prunes. 6&9ic; Salon lea
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, ft 100,
S3 00; almonds, Lan., ft ft, 29c; do. Ivica, 19c;
do, shelled. 40c; walnut, nap., 12)15c; Sicily
nloerts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12Bl3c; new dates,
06c; Brazil nuts, 10c: pecans, ll15c; cit
ron, fl ft, 1920c; lemon peel, ft ft, 16c: orange
peel, loc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft 6c, ap
ples, evaporated. 9c; apricots, California, evap
orated. 1416c: peaches, evaporated, pared,
26S2Sc: peaches, California, evaporated, on
pared, 1921c; cherries, pitted,I3M14Kc; cher
ries unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evaporated,
25K26c; blackberries, 78c; huckleberries,
Sugars Cubes, 7Jc: powdered, 7Jc; granu
lated, c; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A,
7c: soft white, 6K6Jic;vellow,cboice.66Jc;
yellow, good, 6&c: yellow, fair, 5c; yellow,
dark, 5&c '
riCKLES Jieaium, odis ii,zuuj, to ov; medi
um, half bbls (600), S3 25.
SALT No 1. ft bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex, flbbl, SI 06;
dairy, ty bbl, SI 20-, coarse crystal, fl bbl, SI 20:
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S3 SO; Biggins'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, S3 00
3 25; 2ds, SI 051 80; extra peaches, $2 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn. SI 0001 50; Sid Co
corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90cSl: Lima beans,
SI 20; soaked do, hoc: string do. 6065c: mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 70080c:
pineapples. SI 401 50; Bahama do, S3 75;
damson plums, 03c; greengages, SI 25;
egg plums, S2 00; California pears. S3 0: do
greengages. SI 85: do egg plums, SI 85; extra
white cherries, S2 40; raspberries, 95cgSl 10;
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, SI 301 40:
tomatoes, 8590c; salmon, 1-ft, S165l 90;
blackberries, 65c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked,
90c; do green. 2-ft, SI 2S1 60; corn beef. 3-ft
cans, 82 05; 14-ft cans, S14r baked beans, SI 45
61 60: lobster, 1-ft, SI 7501 80: mackerel, 1ft
cans, broiled, SI 60: sardines, domestic.,
$4 264 60; sardines, domestic s, SS 757 U0;
sardines. Imported, &. S116012 60, sardines,
imported, Ks, S18; sardines, mustard, S3 30;
sardines, spiced. S3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 fl
bbL: extra No. I do, mess, U0; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, mess,
$38: No. 2sbore mackerel. $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c f) ft; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c: do
George's cod in blocks. 6X7Kc Herring
Round shore, S4 60 fl bbl: split, S6 50; lake,
S3 75 fl 100-ft half bbl. White nsh, So 00 ft 100
ft half bbl. Lake trout, to 60 ft half bbl. Fin
nan haddock, JOc ?? ft. Iceland halibut, 13c fl
ft. Pickerel, X bbl. S3 00: K bbL SI 10; Poto
mac herring, t5 00 ft bbl, $2 60 ft Ji bbL
Oatheal-8 003 25 fl bbL
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Receipts of cereals show a great falling off in
tbe past weeK. but markets fail to look up.
Demand for corn and choice hay is active and
prices are a shade stronger. Wheat and flour
are steady. Northwestern millers are firmer in
their views tban they have been for some weeks
past, and buyers no longer obtain concessions.
Millfeed is weak, and drift is downward.
Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Exchange,
34 cars. By Pittsburg. Ft Wayne and Chicago,
6 cars ot bay, 1 of oats, 2 ot middlings, 1 of
straw, 4 of flour. Br Pittsburg, Cincinnati and
St. Louis. 4 cars of bay. 6 of oats, 6 of corn, 2
of bran. By Baltimore ana Ohio, 1 car of com.
By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 1 car of bay, 3 of
rye. Sales on call, 1 car sample oats, 26c S
days, P. R. R.; 1 car new No. 2 high mixed
shell corn. SSKc 10 days, P. R. R.
WnBAT-NewNo.2 red, S4485c; No.3,86
Cobn No. Syellow. ear, 4243c; high mixed,
ear.4041c; No. 2yelIow,shelled,41841Kc:hizh
mixed, shelled, 4041c; mixed, Shelled, 400
Oats-No. 2 white. 27027ic; extra. No. 8,
25K28c: mixed. 23J44834C
Rte No. 1 Pennylvanla and Ohio, SM61ci
No. 1 Western, 48349c; new rye.JSo. 3 Ohio, 46
FMHTR-Jobbluc prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, S5 005 60; winter straight,
S4 2504 SO; clear winter, S4 06494 25; straight
XXXX bakers', S3 500370. Rye flour, S8 ft
4 75.
MIUTMS-Xiadltesf. tea white, tU 0S
15 60 fl ton; brows middlings. 11 0813 00;
winter wheat bran, HI 2591160; chop feed.
S15 60816 00.
HAT-Baled timothy. No. 1, 1169U75;
No. 2 do. SB 00010 00; loose from wagon. Ill 00
012 00, according to quality: No. 2 prairie bay,
f! 00g8 00; packing do. S7 257 60.
Straw Oats, ?a 7607 00; wheat and rye
straw, S3 00C 25.
Sugar-cured hams, large, lOJc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 10c: sugar-cured hams, small,
llc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 9c; sugar
cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless
sbouIders.7c:SDgar-cared California bams, 7c;
sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured
dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds. 12c: bacon shoulders, c; bacon
clear sides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, 7Kc; dry
salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, 7c.
Mesv pork, beavy. 11 60; mess pork, family.
112 00. I.ard refined, in tierces, 6c; half
barrels. 6c; 60-ft tubs, &c: 20-K palls, 6&c; 60
ft tin cans. oKc; 3-ft tin pails, 6c: 5-B tin palls,
gic; 10-ft tin palls, 6c; 6-fi tin pails,
Gc. Smoked sausage, long, 6c: large, 6c
Fresh pork links, 9c. Boneless bams. 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel, fl 00; quarter barrel,
Dressed Meats.
Armour & Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meat: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 fts,
6c; 550 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fts, 6K6K&
Sheep, 7Kc fl ft. Lambs; 9c fl ft. Hogs,5c.
Fresh pork loins, 7c.
Apathetic Authorities.
The younger of the colored men, who fell
off the. steamboat C. "W. Batchelor, TVednes
day morning, was not named Kemble, bnt
William Welsh, and bailed from West
Chester, Fa. Before seeking employment
on the river he had worked for s lawyer,
whose office is in Diamond street. No effort
has yet been made to find the bodies of the
drowned men.
Poor, Foolish Men.
This is only the second time in eight weeks thai
I hare bad to polish my boots, and ret I had hsrd
work get tin my tnaband to gho up his eld blacking
brash, and the annoyance of having tbe ptata black
fag rob eg onMs pants, and adopt
A'maenlfleent Deep Black PoHah, which hurts
on lien's boots st week, and onWcaea's a month.
No Disease More Easily Oared, by
the Physicians of the Catarrh
. and Dyspepsia Institute, 323
Penn avenue, than Catarrh.
Their Constitutional Blood Medi
cines, made to suit the require
ments of eaoh individual case,
strike at the root of the disease.
Mr. Gorman, residing at No. 1912 Penn ave
nue, had been afflicted with Catarrh for seve
ral years. The mucus that dropped from bis
bead into his throat caused him to be always
hawking and spitting. He had also mncb. dis
charge from his nosa and he was seldom with
out a cold. On September IB heTgave the fol
lowing statement for publication:
"This u to certify that I have been cured of
Catarrh; from which X had suffered for about
five years, by the physicans of the Catarrh and
Dyspepsia Institute, 323 Penn avenue.
Whom 20 doctors said must die of consumption.
Her disease was caused by catarrh and was
cured by tho physicians of tbe Catarrh and
Dyspepsia Institute. She lives on Keanargo
street, near Virginia, on mi. wasnington.
Treatment by Corresptnttatce.
A system by which patients are successfully
treated at their homes by correspondence,
Mr. David West, of Prospect; Butler county,
an extensive fanner and a well-known dealer
in horses, suffered from catarrh and asthma for
15 years. His head, nose and throat wis con
tinually stuffed up and had a burning sensa
tion. Ho was so suffocated at nights that be
could not sleep, and there were wheezing
sounds from his lungs when he breathed. He
began treatment, and on November 6 he wrote:
"I have no stuffed-up feeling, or burning In
my nose and throat, no suffocation night or
The Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute Is per
manently located at 323 Penn ave. They care
Catarrh. Dyspepsia and Diseases of Women.
Consultation free to alL Office hours, 10 A. Jr.
to 4 P. JL, and 6 to 8 P-H. Sundays, 12 to 4 P. x.
Transact a General Batt Mies.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular .Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and. Commer
cial Credits,
Available la all paits of tbe world. Also Issue
For use In this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
Special attractions bow ope ia useful
goods specially caitel for tfre
Holiday Trade.
Dealers are Invited (a iapet tkt stock,
wkiek is eeaplete, and at priies wUeh ca
sot fell k baweM Mw Imyer.
W 1 III sw
.' V'f
! Ml Msrv-lfSBl n ST II
The old worn out Potath, Mercury and Str
taparilla mixtures all left far behind.
I have seen Swift's Bpeciflc used, and know
of many cases of the worst form of blood dls- '
eases which have been cured by It linowthe
proprietors to be gentlemen of tbe highlit typo
and utmost reliability. 1 recommend It as a
great blood remedy, uneqnaled by anything I
know of. M. B. WHARTONhr
Pastor First Baptist Church, Montgomery Ala.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases milled .
free. Swift Sfzcotc Coxpakt. Drawers, "
Atlanta, Ox auI2-55-xwir
,,. '
U -. '-L Ji JN jl: i.p
J- O. D.LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents,
311 Fifth avenue, above Smlthfleld. nextLeader i
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. .
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drex
morgan a co,, new xort. passports procun
Complete Protection Secured .-
To all holders of Bonds, Stocks and all)
kinds of Securities, Valuable Papers. Records
etc Safes for rent at 25 a year and nnward.
Ample provision for tbe storage of SIlverware,y
.Twlf-r t. At reaarniahlffr mtm Art w-
Mtnp rlmi1trat1 fmtroltsn lmlt A. 34
sienee and all other fiduciary canacities. js"i
A. Garrison, Pre JL Wm.T.Howe.Sec.ATrf' -J
El Gregg, 1st Vice P. Sobt. C Moore, Asa't-j
W m. jvea. zu v ice jr. oec ana area. u j j
uenry a. juuier, counsel, aftiui onrtn are, , ,
inuu ii nrni cv jl rn
juiiii m. unnbbi w. i
-i t
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. ft
Private wire to New York and Chlcaaiv A
45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. , u
As old residents know and back flies of PUs
burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established'
and most prominent physician. In the city, d-"
votlnesneclal attention to an chronic dls onset.'
MCDHPH lOand mental diseases physicsJT
1 1 L n V U U Odecay. nervous debUlty, lack otl
energy, ambition and nope, impaired tseaory,
disordered sieht. self distrust bashfntnetsif
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruption, te-jl
norensnea oiooa, xauing powers, orgaiuown
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption,!
nttlD?thenerson for business, society ad
riage, permanently, safely and privately cuevr
blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glAadtarj
sweiiines. niceraaona ol uniinia. nioaa. (? a
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and Woe
nn!nn thnmnfrhlTrAd!nfttlHlfro thA
TlDIMADV kidney and bladder decaas1
Unllinn Timents. weak back, gravel. ..
painful symptoms receive searching feesvl
Tiromnt relief and real care.
Dr. Whittler's life-lone, extensive expert-,
enco, insures scientific and reliable treats eat
on commonense principles, uraiuuuoiiinf.'
Patients at a distance as carefully treated aa It
here. Office hours 9 a. jc to 8 p. Kj8uBlrt1
10 A. H. to 1 P. Jt. only. DR. WHtXlUCR, M
Penn avenne, Pittsburg, Fa.
Eli hriIilTfil!I.T,Cftl
II111MM fl' ,U
How Lost! How RegirBtd,
aar xdarsa
A Scientific and 8tandard Potmlar sMesl TMiiMsi s 1
the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline, NerTom
and Physical Debility, Impurities of theBloei,
Resulting from Folly; Vice, lgnorxnce,
cesses or Overtaxatlan. Enerratinrandni
tingthe victim for Work; Business, tha Ms-!
riage or tsociai delations. :v
Avoid unskillful pretenders. PAMseM tMf 1
mat work. It contains 3DO mat. rovaJ 9TCLi
Beautiful binding embossed, full gUL Priea.1
only $1 by man. postpaid, concealed iaptatag
apply now. The distinguished author; waft. Jt'j
Parker, M. D., received tbe GOLD AH Jt."
ELED MEDAL from Ihe N.tlonil Aeif
toeisilon. for this PRIZE ESSAY en NCIWMIsrf
snd PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker sd
BvmiTC M a. BIS.k "----
whom all orders, for hooks or letters far ad vis 1
should be directed as above; anlS-ST-TaPSBW'
lost vmni ,&
roll nartlealan In pxmpgnsl
sent free. The jrenulne Unftl
Bpeelao sold by arnssist mtr 11
yeiiow wrapper, rnee, iitj
naekare. or six for SB. or bra
an rnwfnt Af nrlee. bY a4dMBoi
soia inirntsonrg nyss. p. iiuuu&jiia con
Rmlthfl.lft,nil l.llu.M.t, aalTUI
-"- M "--j - r
quiring scientific and coaadfji
tial treatment! Dr. 8. K. Latiag
SLR. a . S.. is the oldest aail
most experienced, speciauat'm
tbe city. Consultation free sad
ati-ietlT confldentlaL. Oflss
hoars S to 4 and 7 to 8P. K.: Sundays, a to w
jLConsnlt them personally, or write. DOi
liAKs. aa renn ave rittsours. rb
;'s Oottoa
Doaed of Cotton Soot, TaMT Si
Penrroyal-ft recent dfaoovsr W I
'old physician, a taeumymi
. Effectual, pnoe so, w
sealed. Ladies, ask your druxglst for C
flnctrm Krmt lumnoBM sod ta8 no SMts
or iaeloseZ stamps for sealed parUol.
drees rosD l.li.lL WMrAnxao.a
Mock, 131 Woodward aveDetroit, mmrn,
J8-3old in Pittsburg, Pa by JoMk.
ing x oon, uumnia ana jiarioi m.
JHI 'f
, . "5Si .
u-A.A . ,