Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 22, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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11 SI OF IT,
League Magnates Hake a
Strong Appeal.
Seasons "Wliy the Players Have Acted
Very Ungratefully.
The national baseball magnates hare
issued their address to the public regarding
the conduct of the players. It is an able and
forcible appeal. Application will at once
be made for a charter for a local Brother
hood club. There was a desperate prize
fight broken up and the principals arrested.
Philadelphia, November21. The com
mittee which was appointed at the recent
annual meeting of the National League of
Professional Baseball Clubs to prepare an
address to the public defining the position
of that organization in the present baseball
controversy, completed its labors to-day.
The committee consisted of Messrs. A. G.
Spalding, of Chicago; John B. Day, of New
York, and John I. Eodgers, of Philadel
phia. The text of the address follows:
To the Tubtlc:
The National League of Professional Base
ball Clubs has no apology to make for Its ex
istence or for its untarnished record of 11
It stands to-day, as it stood during that
period, sponser for the honesty and integrity of
professional baseball.
It is to this organization that the slayer of
to-day owes the dimity of his profession and
tho munificent salary he is guaranteed while
playing in its ranks.
The good name of this League has been as
sailed, its motives impugned and its integrity
questioned by some of the very men whom it
has most benefited.
The League therefore asks the public to in
spect its record and compare the following
statement of facts with the selfish and mali
cious accusations of its assailants. The Na
tional League was
u a necessity, to rescue the game from its
slough of corruption and disgrace, and take it
from the hands of the ball players who had
controlled and dominated the National Asso
ciation of Professional Ball Players.
No effort was made by the old association to
control its members, and the result was that
contract breaking, dissipation and dishonesty
had undermined the came to such an extent
that it seemed an almost hopeless task to at
tempt its rescue.
The League, upon its organization, abolished
pool selling, open betting on the crounds, pro
hibited Sunday games and excluded the sale of
liquors. A better class of people were invited
to attend the exhibitions and a moro svstematio
way of conducting the game was introducod.
But the
were not to be crowded out without a struggle.
At the end of the season of 1876, two of the
strongest clubs, the Mutuals, of New York,
and Athletics, of Philadelphia, were arraigned
before the League for violating their schedule
engagements. This was the first crisis the
Leagne was called upon to meet and the world
knows how promptly and vigorously It faced
the issue by expelling those two prominent
clubs, representing, as they did, its most popu
lous and best paving cities. The following sea
son (1877) was a disastrous one financially, and
ended with but five clubs in the League, in one
of which (Louisville) were players publicly ac
cused of dlshoncBty.
The League promptly investigated these
charges and when the four players of the club,
Devlin, Hall. Craves and Nichols, were proven
guilty of selling games, they were promptly ex-
peuea anu nave never oeen reinstated.
These two steps, boldly taken, when the
League was struggling for existence, settled
tho question as to a club's obligations to the
League and forever banished dishonesty from
its ranks, stigmatizing the latter as an unpar
donable crime.
The struggle for existence for the next three
or four years was desperate, ana at each an
nual meeting there occurred vacancies difficult
to fill because of the almost certain financial
disasters threatening clubs in the smaller cities,
Finally, as a check on competition, weaker
clubs in the League demanded the privilege of
reserving five players, who would form the
nucleus of a team for the ensuing season. This
was the origin of the "reserve rule," and from
Its adoption may be dated the development of
better financial results. The system of reserve
having proven beneficial both to clubs and
players, the reserve list was increased to 11 and
then to 11 or an entire team.
Under .this rule the game has steadily grown
In favor, the salaries of players have more
than trebled and a higher degree of skill been
attained. Ont of, and as an incident to "res
ervation" arose releases for pecuniary consid
erations. The right of reservation being con
ceded, the club's claim on the player's continu
ous services must be of some value. But ex
cept in cases of disbanding or retiring clubs,
that right has never been transferred without
the player's co-operation and consent, usually
at his request and for his own pecuniary emol
ument. In the exceptional case of the disbandment
or retirement of a League club the involuntary
transfer of a player to a new club was the sub
ject of complaint, by a committee of the
Brotherhood in November, 1SS7. Butafter sev
eral hours' conference with the League com
mittee the former were obliged to admit that
such involuntary transler was absolutely es
sential to the welfare, if not the existence, of
the League and, while it might work' apparent
hardship to one or two Individuals, its abolition
would imperil the continuance of full club
membership and the employment of perhaps
80 fellow players.
therefore, wrote into the contract they bad
formulated, that 15th paragraph, by which
each sicning player expressly concedes such
involuntary transfer of the right of reserva
tion to his services from his club if it should
disband or lose its League membership to
"Any other club or association," provided his
current salary be not reduced. And the neces
sity for sorao such power of preserving the cir
cuit of a League, by approximately equalizing
its playing strength, is recognized by the new
league, which the seceding players have tem
porarily organized; for, they give this "extraor
dinary power" of transferring players, with or
without consent and with or without club dis
bandment, to a central tribunal of 16 directors,
whose fiat is final. In view of these facts and
concessions the nse of such terms as "bondage,"
"slavery," sold like sheep," etc., become mean
ingless and absurd. At the annual meeting of
the League in November, 1SS7, the
Brotherhood asked and received rec
ognition upon the statement of its
representatives that it was organized for
benevolent purposes and desired to go hand in
band with the League, in perpetuating the
game, increasing benefits, popularity, and ele
vating the moral standard of its players. They
disavowed any intention or desire to interfere
with the business affairs of the Leagne, the sal
aries of players, or tho "Beserve rule," simply
asking that the contract be so revised, that it,
in itself, would indicate every relation be
tween, the club and each individual player.
when accepted and adopted, has never been
violated by the League, cither in letter or
spirit, and we challenge proof m contradiction
of this declaration. .To correct a misapprehen
sion in the public mind, as to the alleged "enor
mous profits" divided among stockholders of
League clubs, it may be interesting to know
that during the lust five and only prosperous
years there have been paid in cash dividends to
stockholders in tho night Leagne clubs less
than $150,000, ana during the same time League
players have received In salaries over $1,500, WO.
The balance of the profits of the few success
ful clubs, together with the original capi
tal and subsequent assessments of stock
holders, is represented entirely in grounds
and improvements for the permanent good
of the game, costing about 600,000 The
refusal of the Brotherhood coramitteo
to meet the League In conference at the close
of the season, proves incontestibly that the im
perative demand for a conference in mid
summer, to redress grievances that have never
yet materialized, was a mere pretext for seces
They know there was no urgency for the con
sideration of their claims, and knowing that
the Leagne conld not, without sacrifice of time,
money and other conflicting interests, convene
its clubs in midsummer, and anticipating and
desiring a refusal to cover tho conspiracy
which It now appears, was then hatching, they
started the organization of a rival association,
while receiving most liberal salaries
from their employers. Under false prom
ises to their ' brother players, that
they would only secede in the event of the
League refusing them i nstlce, they secured the
signature of tho latter to a secret pledge or
oath to desert their clubs at thebidding of their
disaffected leaders. Upon the publication of
their plot; September 7, 1ES9. they and their
abettors denied, day after day, that there was
any foundation for the story, and repeatedly
plighted their words that tho Leagne should
have a chance to redress their alleged griev
ances before they would order a "strike." Blow
false their promises and pledges, how evasive,
contradictory and mendacious have been their
every act and deed, from first to last, we leave
to the readers of the daily and weekly press for
verification. An edifice
has no moral f onndation and must perish of
its own weight. Its official claims to public sup
port are glittering generalities that lack detail,
color and truth, and the National League,
while notifying its recalcitrant players, that it
will aid its clnbs. in the enforcement of their
contractual rights to the services of those
plavers, for the stason of 1890, hereby proclaims
to the public that the national game which, in
1876, it rescued from destruction, threatened by
the dishonesty and dissipation of players and
which, by stringent rules and ironclad con
tracts it developed, elevated and perpetuated
into the most glorious and honorable sport on
the green earth, will still. Under its auspices,
progress onward and upward, despite the ef
forts of certain overpaid players to again con--trol
it for their own aggrandizement, but to its
ultimate dishonor and disintegration.
By order of the National League of Profes
sional Baseball Clubs.
A. Q. Spaminq,
John B. Day,
John L Rodgers,
Philadelphia. November 21, 1SS9,
The I.encne Magnate Passes Through and
Scores the Flayers He Thinks Tener
Ii All Blent The Legal
Phases Argued.
A. G. Spalding, one of the most prominent
of the League magnates, passed through the
city last evening en route from Philadelphia to
Chicago. As usual, Mr. Spalding was extremely
frank and brimf nl of some very sensible opin
ions on baseball matters.
During a conversation he expressed a strong
hope that the League's address will have great
force with the intelligent public, and he also
stated that, the old League would still remain
in the van.
"How many old players have contracted with
League clubs for next year?" was asked.
"Why, all of them. That surprises you. Be
fore the commencement of last season a
Brotherhood contract giving each club an
option in their services for 1890. was signed by
all, and as all the League clubs have notified
their players ot their intention to avail them
selves of this option, makes it, in my opinion, a
much stronger contract than any tba.t the
plavers have yet executed.
"It therefore follows that the signing of the
alleged new League contracts amounts to
nothing at alL I feel that we are in the posi
tion of a man who holds a judgment note
against another, who might try to evade its
payment by giving subsequent note"."
"Would the public support you in attempt
ing to compel a man to play in a club against
his wishes?"
"I might answer that oy asking, would the
public support a player in breaking his con
tract with bis club, for that is the exact posi
tion our old players are in. who are now
having so much fun in naming their own sal
aries and signing contracts with the new en
thusiastic capitalists of the Flayers' Leagne.
I hope the boys are not forgetting their past
education by neglecting to ask for the usual
"Evidently you expect your old men to play
with the Chicago League club next season?"
"Certainly I do, and have no doubt they will
all come round in due time and ask the
"In t'ae event of their not doing so, and the
court failing to hold their League contracts
valid, what will be the probable course of the
Chicago clnb?"
"Fill their places with new men and go on
without them, just as we would probably do if
they should all die."
"If the Brotherhood makes a failure in mid
season what will be done with the agitators?"
"Don't think we will have to wait that long,
but there will be plenty of time to decide on the
reconstruction policy after the rebellion is over.
The Brotherhood seems to be signing more
players now than the League clubs.
What does that imply? It implies, if it
implies anything, that the leaders deem it
necessary in order to keep thiseUiflce from tot
tering to pieces to bolster up their men and
keep them in line by having them sign a new
form of contract every month or two. First
they bound each player to a solemn oath that
he would do the bidding of the Brotherhood
leaders, then each player signed a so-called
contract, agreeing to stick to the Brotherhood
on the promise that they would receive the
same salary.they did this past year,with the
glittering possibilities of having one-half of the
profits of all the clubs divided equally among
the players. They held a meeting in New York
and revamped their financial plans. This change
necessitated a third contract, which some of
the boys are now signing. I understand these
present contracts are made between players
and individuals, and still another contract will
probably be necesarybeforo all hands will feel
secure in their contractal relations"
Mr. Spalding went on to sa that he does not
believe John Tener has signed a Brotherhood
clnb contraCt, believing that Tener has too
much business sens. Mr. Spalding also em
phatically denied that the recent legislation of
the League was influenced by the players' out
break. He also said that sbonld the players'
conspiracy succeed the status of the came will
be injured. He also asked why Brotherhood
matters were dragging so much in Pittsburg,
and was anxious to Know the capitalists behind
the scheme here, and wondered why they are
any better fitted for baseball business than the
A Local Charter to be Applied for nt
John M. Ward stated last evening that a
charter for the new club here will be applied
for at once under the Limited Liability, or
Partnership law. This'will enable the Brother
hood club to be chartered and fully organized
within a few days. Ward continued to say
strong things about Glasscock.
Al Johnson arrived in the city from Cleve
land, and he, Ward and Hanlon had a long
conference regarding the Brotherhood pros
pects. Johnson, during a conversation, stated
that both McKean and Glasscock were base
traitors. The former. Johnson says, will not be
allowed to play -anywhere except with the
Flayers' clnb at Cleveland.
Miller states that be is to get $800' advance
money and Galvin is to receive $GO0. Hanlon
intends to leave the city as soon as possible to
sign all the old players he can. Yesterday he
wired Beckley and also forwarded him a Broth
erhood contract. Ward left the city last
evening for Cincinnati to have a conference
with Buck Ewing.
The Brooklyn Clnb Incorporated.
Albany, N. Y., November 2L Articles of
incorporation of the Brooklyn Baseball Club,
Limited, were filed with the Secretaryjof State
to-day. The amount of capital stock is fixed at
$30,0)0. consisting of S00 shares of $100 each.
The incorporators are Charles II. Byrne,
Ferdinand A. AbelL Joseph J. Doyle, Henry C.
McLean and John Brice.
Two Lightweights Arrested After Fighting
Fifty-Four Rounds.
Chicago, November 21. One of the greatest
lightweight prize fights that have ever occurred
in the West took place this morning at Ham
mond, Ind. The participants were Tommy
Morgan and Tom White. The firsthas a record
in the ring, while tho latter never appeared in
public before. White, until he began to train
i for to-day's figbt was employed as blackboard
man in the stock brokerage office of ex-Congressman
Dunham. He is very slight in build,
and very few outside of the "sports" around
the Board of Trade knew or suspected that he
was "handy "with his fists." White fought at
118 pounds and Morgan at 12S.
The fighting begau, and a prettier or moro
scientific battle has never been witnessed in
America. White outfought his man from the
start, and proved himself a second Jack Demp
sey. He was badly advised, however, and
should have won in 20 rounds, out, owing to his
waiting tactics, the fight was prolonged to over
three hours, Morgan being terribly punished.
During the progress of the forty-ninth round
an alarm of police was sounded, and a general
stampede occurred. This was repeated in the
fiftieth round, and tho belief was general that
the Morgan party were trying to save their
money by breakinc up the fight. While the
fifty-fourth round was in progress a posse of
officers from Kensington appeared upon the
scene and arrested both the principals, thus
putting an end to the battle. Morgan was terri
bly punished about the face and neck. White
only receiving a few scratches. The latter is
one of the most promising lightweights that
has been seen in years, and this, his first fight,
win make bis reputation.
Pfcler and Other Say a Few Words About
the Address.
Chicago, November 2L Immediately upon
the receipt of the telegram addressed "To the
Public" of the League baseball managers to
night, the Associated Press secured an inter
view with a number of the old reliable Leagne
ball players now in the city, and who are
Brotherhood men. They all spoke in about
the same vein. Fred Pfeffer, for example,
after smilingly reading the "Address," said:
"Well, I must say, those self-glorified magnates
throw bouquets at themselves in great style..
But they tell too much. They say they have
rescued the game from an awful slough and in
the same breath acknowledge they have dona
it with the very mon who are now starting in
for themselves. The only question," continued
Mr. Pfeffer, "is one that can only be ansrwered
by the public, and that is whether the Brother
hood men are not as capable as ever of con-.
tinning in the good work these people ac
knowledge they have done to elevate the came.
"What have I to say about the financial
question? Just this. If thepoor Leagne man
agers are making such puny profits, why are
the gentlemen making such desperate efforts
to continue at the game? To the ordinary bus
iness mind It would seem they would be glad to
abandon such an enterprise. Are we to believe
that they are erecting this beautiful edifice for
the public benefit and their health? Bosh! It is.
a well-known fact that the club of which the
committeeman signing this address is Presi
dent has paid in the last five years 100 per cent
In dividends 20 per cent a year for five years
on the capital invested. In addition tha club
now has a sinking fund of over f 105,000 safely
"They say tho rumors as to the players plans
were repeatedly denied. I wish to say that is
true, and to add that the man Who did ic is the
very man whom the League managers are now
using as a tool to rebuild their 'grand moral
edifice.' It would be justas well forthe gentle
men signing that address to say nothing about
moral effects, etc None of the Brotherhood,
players that I know of have ever been con
nected with a 'Freight Bureau scheme.' The
League committee seem also to nave entirely
forgotten that after the glorious start of 1876,
just two years later, Mr. Spalding himself de
serted the Boston clnb. In which ho was a
player, to come to Chicago, and for no other
reason than to better himself. You can 'just
say as a wlndnp that the gentlemen trader
wnose auspices really the progress onward and
upward of the national game has taken place
will continue the ascension in 1890."
Other players were shown the address, and
indorsed the opinions of Pfeffer.
Lots of Youngsters for the Plttiiburg
Leagne Clnb.
"We have 17 men engaged for the Pittsburg
club for next season," said Harry Smith yester
day afternoon. "Of that number six, are
pitchers, two of them being left-handed. To
day I have made arrangements to talte Shible,
of Youngstown, and Stencil on trial. The
former is a promlsinglef t-banded pitcher. We
will have a good team, and some of the old
players will be with us."
Hallor, lately of the Wheeling clulb, signed
with the Philadelphia League club yesterday;
at least he accepted the terms offered, by Man
ager Harry Wright. It is understood that the
local club will make no more efforts for new
players until the next League meeting is held.
President Nimick stated yesterday that when
the Brotherhood falls baseball will easily be
carried on without any of those connected with
the conspiracy.
Beckley In Line.
Jake Beckley, the big first baseman states
that he is in line with the Brotherhood. Yes
terday afternoon he wired Ed Hanlon as fol
lows: "Still in line, and will never weaken."
This would seem to conflict with Glasscock's
statement regarding Beckley. Ed Andrews
passed through the city last evening am bis
way East, He had nothing of importance to
tell. Hanlon will go to Philadelphia this-even-ing
to sign Dunlap, Conway and Maul.
Local Opinions.
Ed Hanlon, when asked about the address,!
thonght it was very misleading and in some
narts absurd He denies that no more than
$130,000 have been cleared by the League clubs
in five years. Ed Andrews. Al Johnson, Gal-
vin and Miller all expressed themselves to the r
effect mat the address is very aeiective.
Fnrrcll Has Signed.
Marlboro, Mass., November 2L Charles
Farrell, of this town, 'catcher of the Chicago
League team the past season, has signed to
E lay in the Players' National League team of
JDST $80,000 OCT.
A Philanthropist Becomes the Victim of a
Wily Member or the Y. SI. C. A. He Is
Forced to Mnke an Assignment.
San Francisco, November 21. Charles
Montgomery, the owner ot the American
Exchange Hotel o this city, who is well
known on account of the charitable work
which he has been engaged in, has made a
statement showing that he has been the vic
tim of a confidence operator who has suc
ceeded in swindling him out of about $80,000
and forcing him to make an assignment.
Over two years ago he met a young can
giving the name of . Giencross Grant, who
had identified himself with the Young ilen's
Christian Association here.
Montgomery took an interest in him and
finally formed a partnership with him in
the agricultural implement business. The
company was formed and known as the Bull
and Grant Farm Implement Company, with
stores in this city and Los Angeles. Grant
was placed in charge of the Los Angeles
store and Montgomery, who furnished the
capital, recently discovered that Grant had
contracted debts and had also appropriated
the proceeds trom the sale of the machinery
amounting to about $80,000.
Grant's record has been looked tip and it
has been discovered that his name is Glen
cross and that he committed similar offenses
in London and fled to this country under
the name of Edward Giencross. .He worked
as a clerk in the railway clearing house of
London. He was also known in London as
Ebenezer Giencross. His whereabouts now
are unknown. Montgomery announces
that he finds it necessary to make an assign
ment on account of Grant's fraudulent
transactions. His liabilities are about
$220,000 and assets $118,000.
Upon a Nominee for the Second Senator
From North Dakota.
Bismarck, N. D., November 21. At
last the end of the red tape has been reached
and Gilbert A. Pierce is a United States
Senator for North Dakota. The event was
the most interesting in the history of polit
ical gatherings inj Dakota, and the
crowd of citizens rose and cheered for
several minutes. The Senator entered the
room in response to the invitation of the
joint Assembly. The speech of acceptance
was short, but eloquent and to the point.
As soon, as the joint Assembly dissolved the
Johnson men in the House attempted to
force a vote for the second Senator, but a
motion to adjourn prevailed by a vote of 32
to 30. Twice the vote was a tie but the
changing ot votes resulted in adjournment.
A Republican conference committee has
been appointed to call a caucus, but as it
is a tie, no caucus will be called and in all
probability the second Senatorship will be
fought out in the Legislature. Johnson
has passed hiszenith. Ordwayis gaining and
it is believed will be elected. The Legisla
ture meets at noon to-morrow when there
will be a ballot
Tho New Government Is. Receiving the
Snpport of the People.
Washington, November 21. Dr.
Valente, Minister from Brazil, called .at
the State Department to-day and informed
the Secretary that his latest advices from
Brazil were to the effect-that peace and tran
quility reigned, and that the new Govern
ment was receiving the snpport oi the
people. Dr. Valente also received this
morning authority from, the provisional
Government to instruct the representatives
of Brazil to the International American
Congress to continue to act for their country
in tne sessions of the Congress,
It is supposed that similar instructions
have been sent to the delegates to the Inter
national Marine Conference.
Will in tho Tery Near Future lie
Manufactured Exclusively by
A Meeting field to Formally Organise the
New Corporation.
They Will Hot be Able to Secure Any of the Keces
sary Saw Material
The Federal Steel Company combi
nation of wire, wire nail and barbed wire
concerns, was formally organized at Cleve
land yesterday. All of the leading firms
were represented. Mr. Oliver, of Pittsburg,
will be Vice President of the new corpora
tion. Cleveland, November 21. The Fed
eral Steel Company, the gigantic corpora
tion formed for the purpose of combining
all the wire, wire nail and barbed -wire
manufacturing plants of the country and
controlling these three great industries, has
been formally organized, and the directors
and stockholders are now in session in this
city closing the contracts with producers of
raw material and accepting the options
held upon the stocks bf the companies which
will form part of the consolidation. The
meetings are being held at the Yeddeli.
Among the gentlemen present were the fol
lowing: John W. Gates, of the St. Louis "Wire 'Com
pany, St. Louis; T. McCosh, of the McCosh
iron and Steel Company, Burlington, la.; Joel
Sharpe, of the Balem Wire Nail Company,
Salem, O.; James Larmon, of the Cincinnati
Barb, wire Fence Company, Cincinnati: John
F. Hazen, of the Cincinnati Wire Nail Com
pany, Cincinnati: F. Buffington, of the Ameri
can Wire Nail Company. Covington, Kv, and
Anderson, Ind.; A. R. Whitney, of tho Brook
lyn Wire Nail Company, Brooklyn; George T.
Oliver, of the Oliver & Roberts Wire Company,
-Pittsburg; W. Douglass, of the Iowa Barb Wire
Company, Altoona and New York; C. B. Beach
and a H. Chisholm, of the H. Nail Com
pany, Cleveland; F. 8. Page, of the Cleveland
Rolling Mill Company, Cleveland, and Thomas
Jopling and William Arkless, of the American
Wire Company, Cleveland.
It is understood that during the session a
five-year contract was made with the Cleve
land Boiling Mill Company to furnish the
Federal Steel Company with steel billets
and wire rods. The barbed fence business
of the Cleveland Boiling. Mill Company,
under the contract, will be suspended and
that department of the company's large
plant closed. It is also said that the ab
sorption of the American Wire Company
was practically completed. The American
Wire Company is a close corporation, the
stock being held, as far as known, by C. A.
Otis, Thomas Jopling, T?'. B. Thomas, W.
T. Wellman, Samuel Andrews, William
Arkless and J. K. Bole, of this city.
All of the shareholders, it is said, favor
the consolidation project, and have ex
changed their holdings for stock in the Fed
eral Steel Company, through trustees ap
pointed for that purpose. The plant of the
wire works, it is said, was valued at $600,
000 and the good will at $200,000, so that the
wire company will be represented by $800,
000 worth of stock in the consolidated cor
poration. The owners of the H. P. Nail Works were
not so unanimous in regard to entering the
new company, but later on agreed to-do so.
Another meeting will be held to-morrow.
and if time 'is found the officers of the new
company may be chosen. It is generally
conceded that 'Mr. J. W. Gates, of St, Louis,
will be elected President and Mr. George T.
Oliver, of Pittsburg, Vice President The
directors said to-night that the other officers
had not been decided upon as vet There
are a number of concerns which have- not
yet been induced to enter the fold. .One
reason for holding aloof is that the offers
made them will give them only an insignifi
cant position in the combination.
They feel that tbey may be forced to
suspend operations temporarily, at least,
for lack of raw material, the nine rod mills
of America being either consolidated with
the nail and fence manufacturers in the
combination or being under contract to
furnish the Federal Steel Company their
entire product They say that already the
new concern has such a hold that the rod
mills will take no orders to be filled after
January L
General Alger's Scheme to Do Away With
the Veterans' Old Friends.
New Toek, November 21. Ex-Governor
Busseli A. Alger, oft Michigan, as Commander-in-Chief
of the G. A. B., was the
guest of Alexander Hamilton Post 182, in
Arthur Hall, to-night.- Commander Will
iam T. Wood and Assistant Adjutant Gen
eral A. B. Penfield made speeches of wel
come, after which General Alger was intro
duced. He was received with enthusiastic
cheers. General Alger said :
We are not going to ask for anything our
selves,bnt the men who saved this Government
shall not live In poorhouses. We are going to
propose bill for Congress compelling the census-takers
to take a full description of every
soldier that fought in the war, so that
we may have a history in brief
of their military records filed at Washington,
and classified, so that pensions may be given to
poor soldiers and their widows, without having
to send and search for records all over the
world. We can and will do without a' claim
General Alger then spoke in praise of
Corporal Tanner, and concluded by asking
that a recess be taken, that he could shake
hands with each member of the post.
A Portion of the People Are Nearly Beady
for the Move.
Monteeal, November 21. Apropos of
Brazil, quite a number of French papers,
La Patrie, Le Lecteur, Canadien and
Levenement declare this morning in favor of
a Canadian Eepublic. The Herald, of this
city, the chief organ of the Dominion oppo
sition, says the English people are slow to
make constitutional changes, but adds that
it is unsafe to say what the force of example
and the increasing intercourse of Great
Britain and America, backed by the further
blackguardism of persons in high position,
mieht not do.
It would, of course, make no difference
whatever to Canada were the English mon
archv to give place to a Republic, beyond
the impetus that such a change might give
to the" train of thought that leads a thinker
to the conclusion that it is nearly time
Canada busied herself about her own in
dependence. Australia, which is a baby
among nations, is already considering the
propriety of establishing an Australian
Tho First Step Taken Townrd Consolidat
ing; All Their Societies.
New Tobk, November 21. The Ameri
can Society of Mechanical Engineers to-day
took the first step toward the formation of a
great organization to embrace the members
of the four leading engineering societies
of the country, the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, with 1,050 members'
the American Society of Civil Engineers,
1,100 members; the American Institute of
Mining Engineers, 1,900 members, and the
American Institute of Electrical Engineers,
375 members.
Many gentlemen hold a membership in
two or more of these organizations, but the
new society would number act far from
The Mystery of n Suicide Explained B. H.
Payne Killed Himself in Preference
to Facing; Certain Exposure
One Crime Leads to
St. Loots, November 21. The motive
for the suicide of B. H. Payne, a prominent
young St Louis business man who put a
bullet through his head in a Jersey City
hotel on October 10,us no longer a mystery.
When the news of the suicide was flashed to
this city the relatives and friends
of the unfortunate man could offer no
explanation. He was wealthy, and appar
ently successful in business. A few days
after the suicide it was discovered that in
stead of being successful in business ven
tures, disaster had followed him continu
ously, and of his fortune of $100,000 noth
ing remained. The suicide was then attributed-to
his losses.
Mr. Payne was administratorof the Payne
estate, the property of five minor heirs.
These heirs were children of his brother,
and their estate vwas worth 575,000. After
Mr. Payne's death W. V. Butledge was ap
pointed, administrator of the .Payne estate.
To-day he completed the Investigation,
begun a month ago, and announced that
the entire estate had been stolen and
swamped in speculation.
The scheme by which Payne succeeded in
dissipating the estate reflects seriously on
the St. Louis Probate courts. He filed a
petition from all the heirs asking for a par
tition sale. The Court ordered the sale,
and appointed Bochester Ford, Payne's
partner, special commissioner. Payne repre
sented himself as attorney for the heirs,
when in truth he was not, and bought the
entire estate from the special commissioner
for 540,000 about half what it was worth.
Then, instead of paying the money into
court, he secured an order that the special
commissioner pay the money over pro rata
to the heirs. -Not 1 was paid to the spe
cial commissioner, and not ?1 to the heirs,
and Payne had the property in his own
He then secured a loan of $40,000 from
the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance
Company on the property, and gave the
American Opera Glass Company a second
deed of trust for 525,000, secured loans from
local banks, amounting to' 512,000, and lost
the entire sum in real estate, opera glass
and Wall street speculating. He invested
540,000 in the "dime-in-the-slot" opera glass
business, and the enterprise fell flat.
Knowing that discovery would eventually
come, he went to New York and killed him
self. The widow and five children learned
for the first time to-night, that instead of a
fortune of $100,000, which they supposed
they possessed, they were penniless. They
did not know that the sale had taken place.
A Close Trnfflo Arrangement Made
tween Two Prominent Rnllroads.
Chicago, November 21. "We mean to
find out if the Union Pacific and Mr. Van
derbilt have a mortgage on the States that
lie west of the Missouri river," said a gen
eral officer of the Atchison system, to-day.
"In order to make a start in the
investigation the Atchison, Topeka and
Santa Fe system and the Chicago, Bock
Island and Pacific have formed a close traf
fic arrangement. The contract, was signed
this evening. It is understood to run for 99
years, and became effective" to-day. It pro
vides that a new trans-continental route
shall be formed, to be known as the Atchi
son and Bock Island line. The junction is
fixed at Dodge City, Kan., where the Bock
Island will make all westbound transfers to
the Atchison, and the Atchison will deliver
eastbound business to the Bock Island.
"The Bock Island agrees that while the
contract remains in force it will deliver to
the Atchison all its business to the Pacifio
slope, and to points reached by the Atchison
system in connection with other lines than
the Bock Island. The Atchison agrees to
deliver to the Bock Island all business
arising on its Pacific Slope lines going to
points east of the Missouri -river. The
alliance is both offensive and defensive."
A Yankee Who Can Mnke Pretty Yellow
Staff for 60 Cents a Found.
Bridgeport, Conn., November 21. A
Birmingham man has been experimenting for
a year on ametal resembling gold, and has his
discovery nearly perfected. He stumbled
on the combination at first while analyzing
some metals, and when he realized what he
had found he soon produced a metal which
puzzles the best of jewelers. All
the aluminums before discovered are
lacking in weight or some other essential
point. The new metal is as heavy as gold,
and to all appearances is the precious metal
itself. It can be manufactured at a cost of
about 60 cents a pound, and will make the
best foundation for gold-plated goods that
can be found. It is easily worked, and can
be either hammered or drawn.
The metal is no'tompound, it being only
one kind, reduced to its gold-like appear
ance by the application of certain chemicals.
The inventor says there is no use in taking
out a patent, as no one can discover the
secret of its manufacture by analyzing it.
Spread of tho Desire Over the Border for a
Chance of Government.
Monteeal, November, 21. The. trans
formation of Brazil into a Bepublic has had
the effect of turning the attention of the
Canadian press to the fact that Canada is
the only remaining American country under
monarchical control. The Herald, a lead
ing organ of the Liberal party, declares in
favor of a Canadian independence, and La
Patrie, a leading French-Canadian paper,
says to-night:
There now only remains Canada in the New
World which is under the sway of a royal
scepter. Our most ardent wish is that it be
given to the writer of those lines and to all -
who snau read them to see the day when the
electric wire will flash the news that the work
nf Washington, .Lafayette. Pranklin, Lonis
XVI., Rochambeau, Canning, Bolivar, Sucre,
Lincoln, Paez, our fathers of 1837 and Da
Fonseca has been completed, as well as the
end of European rule over America, the com
plete emancipation of tho New World, the
reign of liberty from pole to pole, and the
proclamation of the new Canadian Bepublic.
A Young Girl Becomes a Thief to Brsak
Herself of tho Morphine Hnblt.
NKW Yoek, November 21. Hattie Cum-
mings, a slender, pallid, plainly dressed
girl of 17, pleaded guilty to-day in the Gen
eral Sessions of stealing several articles of
clothing from Mrs. Carrie Smith, of
305 West Nineteenth street, on November
10. Her counsel said that she was of excel
lent family, bnt had been betrayed and de
serted, when she threatened to kill her be
trayer. She has become a victim of the morphine
habit through a physician who had
prescribed morphine for sleepless
ness and enabled her to get mor
phine at any time. She believed
that during her imprisonment she would
naturally conquer the morphine habit, and
she had pleaded guilty more to obtain this
rest and opportunity to recover her health,
than because she was guilty.
But the Position Held by Her Hnsbaud
Remains In the Family.
Washingios, November 21. The Pres
ident to-day appointed Thomas 'Clay Mc
Dowell, of Kentucky, to be Collector of
Internal Bevenne for the Seventh district
of Kentucky, in place of William Cassias
Goodloe, deceased.
1 Mr. McDowell was a son-in-law of the
late Colonel Goodloe, -
Continued from First Page.
was down 600 feet when the tools were lost,
and, after a short fishing job, it caved In, and
Is now only 600 feet deep, with the tools still la
the well. Ginger Hill, No. 2, of the Bellevernon
and Monongabela City Company. Is 800 feet
deep, and flshine, and is In danger of caving,
not yet being cased.
These instances are quoted to show the fact
that there is more risk, and that greater care Is
needed in drilling In these fields than there is
in almost any other one which has been dis
of wells in the Bellevernon field Is about the
same as In the Hickory and Canonsburg dis
trict, The shallowest well of the Bellevernon
Company, a light one, is 1.850 feet. The deepest
Is 2,250 feet Ginger Hill, No. 1, of the Bell
wood and Monongabela Company, Is 2,365 feet
deep. Two others of the four wells owned by
this company are 2,500 feet below the Pittsburg
coal. All of these wells are In the 50-foot sand.
The chief point of interest concerning the
Bellevernon field' was as to whether or not it
was simply a pocket field, or was it one which
could he depended cpon furnishing gas over
all its area, as does the Murrysville.fleld. The
developments so far made indicate that it Is a
pocket field only. The number of dry boles
and their location would seem to show this.
The Bellevernon Company put down a well
not more than 3,000 feet distant from a well of
the Philadelphia Company, which was pro
ducing gas at nearly, ii not quite, 800 pounds
pressure. So certain was everyone connected
with it that the contractor who drilled the
well was entirely willing to Insure gas for
$500. That is. if he didn't get gas, he would
only receive J500 for drilling the well, and if
he did get it, he was to receive
$500 more than the contract price, which
was about $3,000. To the surprise
of everyone, although the well was directly on
the anticlinal, no gas was obtained. Anothef
dry hole found by the Bellevernon Company
was only a short distance from the BIder well,
which was the largest one struck by the Belle
vernon Company. This is now leased to the
Monongahela Company (the Pittsburg con
cern). The three dry holes of the Fhlladelnbia
Company and those of the Bellwood and Monon
gahela City Company were in no instance far
from paying wells.
I JMr. S. F. Jones, of the Bellevernon Company,
says "there is no question but tho field Is of
only a pocket nature." Mr. Kuhn, Superin
tendent of the Youghiogheny Company, says
the same thing; and this is what an official of
the Philadelphia Company says :
"In comparison with the Mnrrysville, the
Bellevernon field has shown an enormous pres
sure. This is because it has been but recently
tapped. It is somewhat 'spotted.' By this I
mean that gas is only found In spots. The field
so far is wholly undeveloped as compared with
other fields. Nine wells have been drilled
there. Three of them are dry. This result
was brought about largely by drilling outside
the gas belt under the impression that they
were on the belt. If the Murrysville field had
been started three miles farther East It would
also be "spotted' as the Bellevernon field is to
day." But where a good well is found in the Belle
vernon field, it is extraordinarily good. The
.Bellevernon Company only uses one of its
wells, holds one in reserve, and leases the
others to the Monongabela Oas Cempany. This
one well of the Bellevernon Company is of
abont 800 pounds rock pressure, and furnishes
all the pas needed for domestic nnrnosp.s in
'Brownsville, California, Coal Center and Belle
vernon; supplies some domestic service ana tne
glass factory at Fayette City, and gives gas to
two other glass factories, m all working 70 pots
which are kept running. B. C. Schmertz &
Co. supply part of their glass factory at Belle
vernon with a small well of their own.
The Ginger Hill well. No. 1, of the Bellwood
and Monongahela City Company, located about
3 miles from the latter city, toward Washing
ton, supplies all the manufacturing establish
ments of the place, and all the domestic ser
vice, except upon the hill. The Croll well,
located as already mentioned. In the borough
limits, furnishes the supply to the dwellings in
the hill wards and to the green houses. This
company has another well on liry run, held in
Nearly every well of any value at all for long
distance work, which has been found in the
Bellevernon district, has been close upon 800
pounds rock pressure. This comes from the
character of the field. Being "pocketed" or
"spotted," one well does not draw upon an
other, so that the rock pressure is greater. But
the field has been developed for only such a
comparatively short time that nothing can be
determined as to the life of the wells, it
happened to become suddenly cold
on November 15. On that day the pressure in
the town pipes at Monongahela City from the
great Ginger Hill well actually ran down to
zero; bqt the distance of piping was so short
that there was little appreciable difference In
the volnme of gas furnished to-the fires.
The testing of the Bellevernon field is still in
prOeress. It is probable there Is much unde
veloped territory there yet; bnt no one can tell
without an actual test exactly where it is to be
found. The two wells of Jones & Laughlins
near Coal Center are simply being drilled for
test purposes. Until they, find out the result
they do not intend to lay any pipes. On the
other hand, the Monongahela Gas Company is
arranging to lay a larger pipe to the city, hav
ing sufficient confidence in the field to do so.
While Jones & Laughlins are putting down
test mills in the Bellevernon field, tbey are
also gathering data in regard to the best and
cheapest methods of manufacturing an artifi
cial gas for fuel.
The roads were not so bad in the Bellevernon
field as tbey were in the Murrysville section.
But some of the buggy stock'was livelier. At
Monongahela City I wanted a rig to drive over
the Maple Creek field. The proprietor of the
hotel suggested that a team of ponies would
do better in the mud than horses. I agreed with
him about that, bnt didn't agree to have a
driver. It took three men to hitch up the
team, while I got in the buggy.
"In eoing up a hill you can touch that off one
with the whip," said mine host; "but don't let
the whip touch the near one, or he will jump
out of the harness. Drive them with a tleht
rein; they are a little ugly at starting; but they
will go all right afterward."
That was the caution before the signal for
the men to let go. The hostlers let go, and so
did tbe ponies. One stood on his hind legs for
a moment, then came down on all fours, laid
down flat and rolled over. The other tried to
jump over the tongue-yoke, but only got out of
the traces sidewise. Then both, getting up,
tried to go different ways. It was a picnic,
beautiful to contemplate.
I took a driver, finally, in order to be relieved
of responsibility for damage to ponies or
buggv. I afterward learned that the owner of
the team wouldn't attempt to drive it himself
for twice its valne. I abandoned it myself op
posite Bellevernon.
The conclusions to be .gathered from what
has already been published, and from state
ments which have not yet .been put In type,
will be tho next chapter of this series.
c. T. Dawson..
Large Wood Palp Mill.
B. Munroe & Son, West Point Boiler
Works, yesterday shipped from their fac
tory a wood pulp mill that is .one of the'
largest ever made in this country. It is
shaped like a boiler about 8 feet in diameter
by 30 feet in length. The heaviest boiler
plate iron was used in its construction, and
it weighs close to 20 tons. - It will be put up
in a paper mill near Peidmont, W. Va.
Incidents of a Dny In Two Cities Condensed
' for Ready Reading.
The mahv shaft of the big engine in Older
Bros. & Phillips' Sonth Fifteenth street steel
mill broke down yesterday afternoon. The
mishap will enforce a week's idleness on all the
men and boys engaged in the finishing depart
ments of that establishment, and also part of
the South Tenth street mill.
Alexander Clark was brought" to the
Riverside Penitentiary from Mlfilin county by
Sheriff Frian yesterday to serve 18 months on a
charge of larceny.
Annie Weir, arrested in the speak-easy raid
two weeks ago. was held for court yesterday by
Magistrate Oripp on a charge of selling liquor
without license,
Michael lynch 'was sent to jail yesterday
in default of $5u0 bail on a charge of desertion
preferred by his wife, Anna, before Alderman
Praagjafc A D eaters. I
!!..! HnWw&S
fc'v .'. Amsmi MURifc;'
A Woauut Brass Bead From tbe Effects f
' AHeged Violence.
Last evening James Hanney was arrested
on a charge of murder, based on the state
ment that he had kicked and beaten a
woman namea.&ate xionovan, last -inurs-day,
on Jones avenue, on the hill near
Twenty-sixth street Hanney was placed in
the Central station, and Daniel Welsh,
Mary Welsh, Peter Beams, who owns the
house where the alleged murder occurred,
William Simpson and Annie Simpson were
all arrested as'witnesses.
An investigation of the case showed that
Kate Donovan, who is a very small Jpropor
tioned woman about 35 years of age, entered
Daniel Welsh's house about 11 A. M. yes
terday, and asked for a cup of tea. This
was given her. but before she drank it she
fell to the floor dead. Officers Miller and
James Burke were called, and on inquiry
were informed of the kicking and abuse
which the woman is supposed to have re
ceived, William Simpson being the princi
pal informant.
The body of Kate Donovan was removed
to tbe morgue, where a close examination
failed to show any external marks of
violence, except" a slight abrasion on the
right hip, which was evidently a very old
mark. The remains looked very emaci
ated, and the opinion of several people
E resent was that death was caused from alco
olism and want of nutrition. Assistant
Superintendent of Police O'Mara, upon re
ceiving the reports in the matter, ordered
the release of the people held as witnesses,
arriving at the same opinion as the people
who had viewed the woman's remains that
there was no murder in the case. A post
mortem examination of the remains will be
held this morning to ascertain if the woman
sustained any internal. injuries which might
have caused her death! The house where
the woman lived and the witnesses also
put in their time is reported by tbe police
to be one of the' filthiest places they ever in
vestigated. j
Chlllo's Home Bound to Keep Up With the
It was reported to the police last night
that Bosa Carsaro, 33 years old, wife of
Petro Carsaro, an Italian who keeps a
boarding bouse on Larimer avenue,. East
End, had eloped with a boarder named John
The Carsaro boarding house is the one
where John Francis Chillo killed his
brother some weeks ago. Dill was em
ployed as a boss by George Walters, the
contractor. Mr. Carsaro is alleged to have
taken with her 570 in money and three gold
rings. The last seen of the pair was when
they took the 13:40 train on the Pennsyl
vania Railroad for the citv. Mrs. Carsaro
was the mother of one child who is left be
hind. The case was placed in the hands of
August Bnflilo, the Italian detective.
Tho Horrible Confession Dfnd'e by a Box
Nineteen Years Old.
IiOUisvilXE, November 21. A skeleton
that was discovered in a fence corner about
six miles, from Elizabethtown, several days
ago, has been identified as that of Ira
Aubrey, who disappeared about six months
ago. The grand jury was notified and wit
nesses summoned to investigate the case,
when, to the surprise of the officials. Alex
ander Aubrey, a lad of about 19 years of
age, and a. cousin to the deceased, came in
and confessed to murdering his cousin for 50
cents and concealing the body.
A Cabdrlver's Corporeity Does Great Exe
cution at tbe Duqoesnr.
About 12 o'clock last night Martin Hop
per, a coach driver for Kennedy, tbe Alle
gheny liveryman, slipped and fell through
a plate glass window in the barroom of the
Hotel Duquesne.
The large glass was smashed to pieces and
a loss of f75 entailed. Hopper was'arrested,
but afterward releaseeVby Captain Sylvus.ff
Herman Straalr eVCo.'s 81M.90S Addition
Herman Straub & Co., of the Union
Brewery, .on Main street and Liberty ave
nue, yesterday, signed a $100,000 contract
with 'Contractors' Benze & Bro., of Thir
teenth street, Southside for an addition to
their plant Tha architect is a Philadel
phian. An Old Woman's Iioac Tramp.
An old and decrepit woman entered the
Allegheny Mayor's office yesterday morn
ing and said that she had been on the streets
all night. She said she was Mrs. McCune,
but could not remember her first name. She
had left her home la Bloorafield, East End,
to go to the home of another friend, Mrs.
McOurgin, ,151. Ellsworth avenue, Al
legheny, but got lost. When Mr. Mo
Gurgin came to the Mayor's office she de
clined to go with him and again sought the
Robbed of a Wateb.
A man'giviag .the name of Thomas Cum
mins notified Officer Moran that he bad-been
held up and robbed of a watch by three men
near the TJnion'depot lastnight. He pointed
out "Bull" White, James Stanton and Jo
seph Butler as the men who had robbed ,
him, and they were arrested, hut no watch
was found on them at Central station.
Thanksgiving Services.
It is very probable that union services of
the Protestant Episcopal churches of the
city will be held in Trinity Church on Sixth
avenue on Thanksgiving Day. A. very at
tractive musical programme is in course of
preparation .by the Trinity vested choir un
der the direction of Mr. O. P. Huntington.
It GIVES NEW LIFE and Strength
when the body is tired and weak from over
work. Sold by druggists. Price $1 00.
Prepared only by SOGERS' ROYAL
REMEDIES CO., 41 Essex St., Boslon.Mass.
no536K-F '
AN ordotanOe-establishingthe
grade of Omega street from St. Andrews
street to Everett street
Section 1-Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and It Is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of tbe same. That
the grade of the east curb of Omega street,
from St. Andrews street to Everett street, shall
be established as follows, to-wit: Beginning on
the sonth' enrb of Bt. Andrews streetat an ele
vation ot 205l48 feet: thence rising at the rate of
1 foot per 100 feet tor a distance of 193.04 feet to
a point at an elevation of 207.43 feet; thence
falling at the rate of 1 foot per 100 feet for a
distance of 211.M feet to a P. O- at an elevatiou
of 203.32 feet: thence by a parabola for a dis
tance of 400 feet to a P. T. at an elevation of
200132 feet; thence falling at the rate of 9 feet
per 10O feet at a distance of 128 feet to the north
curb ot Everett street at an elevation of 1S3.60
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordi
nance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and tbe same is hereby repealed,
so far ae tbe same affects this ordinance.
OrdalBo4 and enacted into a law in Councils
this 28th day of October, A, D., 18.
H. P. FORD, Preldent ot Select Council.
Attesti GEO. SHBPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLL1DAY. President ot
CoBimoa Council. Atteit: GEO. BOOTH.
Clewt or Common Cobbou.
Mayor's oftae, October SL 1389. Approved:
WM. MnCAIJriN. Mer. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERsfAlKK, AsekKaat Mayor's Clerk.
Wetterti Penn
sylvania and WesttYir
ginia,light rain,$Ughtly
cooler; variable winds,
becoming westerly.
FU'isuuBQ, November H, I89BV '
The United-States Signal Service officer la
this cltj furnishes ths following.- , ior'a
S.-00A. V......
32:00 M ,
Jscor. k
8:00 r. M
juxlmara tnp. iu
Minimum wmp..v V)l
Ksnire flit
Mean Mmi........4Si
Precipitation. ..-V-M3.-
Elver stS.-fflr. M- in rt ,.,... rti ii ft:
hnnn. "-- o"rjT.IUt
River Telegrams. ;" ' Mr
nnctxt. TixioRAjis to Tna mAiW-t aii
Sr?afe-B For
MonOAKTOWir River 10 feet 6 lnSeaSaaajll
stationary. Weather cloudy. ThermbmetSrf?
iSPa.tir.x. "-''""rife
BEOwsavrmt River 13 feet 5 lnclfes4-
rislng. Weather rainy. Thermometer i7 SXS
P.JC. - -- ;-lr,
JrJfLS? ..
Tbe Senators' Center Fielder May Remain'
at'Washlacton. -" " S 4,
TnmisAY, 0 November 2L wm ,A. Hoy
the well-known deaf mute center fielder of- the
Washington. D. C. Baseball Club, lives in this ,
city with his parents and is now at home for
the winter. He refuses to state whether he
will sign a Brotherhood agreement and accept
his assignment to the Buffalo team or remain
In the Leagne and hold down. bis old place with
the Senators the coming season. But such of
his friends as are in his confidence are of the
opinion that he win not go with the Brother
hood, and that In due time" Washington can
have his signature to a contract
Hoy Is a shrewd business man and takes no
chances on his salary, which be carefully hus
bands, and Is considered well-to-do in a finan
cial way. He talks kindly of the Brotherhood,
but It Is a safe bet that be will not desert the
Entries at Elizabeth for To-Day.
New York, November 2L Entries at Eliza- .
both for to-morrow, are as follows: ' & ,
First race, three-quarters of a mile Grey" Clouds
117, liepartee 117, Freedom 117. Printer (formerly "
Regan colt)10O, Warsaw 100, Alfred B10O, Winona
110. Dalnasblre ls 97. 'Jt
Second race, three-onarters of a mile Elkton
96. civil Service 95. TrcitleSS, Cortland H, Owen
Golden U. Mary B alive. .' 15? .,
Third race. Ave fnrlontrs Hmstone 105, .Arab ! V
irs, Harry FanstnsiW. Tom KearnsSS, LorrtsSS, ."
Klcbelleu 110, 'CambTses 107. Adolph 107, Tea"
Bbook 84, Wanderer the first lot .'$?
, Fourth race, six and one-half fbriong-Hnnt-;'
ress 113, Connemara 105, U. W. Cook 115, -Bill
Barnes 103, Theodoslns 108, Battersby 108. " - 7S
Fifth race, six and one-half rarionxs Frelols
110. Oregon 110, Glory IK, MsnoU 107. Helen Mc
Gregor colt 100, .Beceho 1U, Martin Bossell 105.
Frince Karl 103.
Sixth race, mile St. Valentine 90, Bravo ICO,
Bsrrliter 100. Glenmound 100, Bohemian loo,
Wheelerl KEV BeUwoodllC; Golden Bee! 110, Jlot
Guilty US.
A number of horses arrived from Clifton to
day; ;
To-Days Card at Clifton. i
New Yoek, November 2L The card. at
Clifton to-morrow Is as follows:
First race, one and one-sixteenth miles. kelHnr
Refund 108. Samnel O 103. Jennie MeFarlsndi
101. Vivid 102, Belmont S3, Count Lnns 98. ',"'
Second race, one mile Clay Stockton 119. She ii
115, Wild Cherry 110, Vivid 1U Ufaleece HsT? fJ
Third race, seven and a half furlongs, seHlnr S
Gray Cloud 100. J. J. Ob 100. Amos 100. Woodbnrn"
100. Bay itldge OS, Seatlex 82, Brier 92, Balls Eye
90. -js
Fourth race, handicap, one mile and a sixteenth
Dunboyns lis. Van 106. Wild Cherry 1CS, Clay
Stockton 102, Wahoo 101, Peg Wofflngtoa-L
Specialty H.
Fifth race, mile andsnel2hth-Dunboynsl07,
Zleve va. J. J. Healy 100, Macbeth the Second 97,
My Own W. it.
Sixth race, "Welter handicap, six and one-half
furlongs Jim Marphv 124, Jack Kose 121t
jeiaucrijjt uratnaqu ij iTwiuuuraii.
TS sot only, a distressing complalat,'oT
1 itself, but, by causing the blood; ter?
become depraved and the system ehV
feebled, is the parent of innumerable
maladies. That AVer's Sarsaparill
is the best cure for Indigestion,- evea Tj
when complicated witliiilveruompiaint,. (
a- -J3 1. 1.a i.11.tlMn fartlmnm'.
23 JIXUVBU uy uio Aiujunuj& vtxttoMiviij j
trom Mrs. Joseph. Lake, 01 xlrocirwajri 1
Cfiiitre.Mlch.: Jl
"Liver complaint and infflgestfoaM
made my me a ouraen ana cams neac. 3
ending my existence, xor more man
fonryears I suffered untold agony, was i
reduced almost to a skeleton and hardly:.
Baa axrensxn j maz myseu. auuuk .out 1
Irfnrta nf fnnrt (Hstrpmfff! ttih. and milr Vj
the most delicate could De digested as
"""'' . -rjr -: r"3- 1. : , ". .
au. Within tne tune mentioned several .
physicians treated me without giving re-,
lief. Nothing that I took seemed to doc '
any permanent good until I commenced
the use of Ayeza Sarsaparilla, which;
has produced wonderful results. SoonT
after commencing to take the Sarsapa
rilla I could see an improvement in my
condition. My appetite began to return
and with it came the ability to digest
all the food taken, my strength im
proved each day, and after a.few
months of faithful attention to your
HiTor.tlr.Tio T fnnnn rrrvself a vrnll';
woman, able to attend to all honsekottf
duties, 'ine medicine naa giveaaeia.
new lease 01 llle.
Ayer's Sirsipirijlii
rutriirrD xt
D'. J. C. Ayer it Co.,
. fcrleatl; six bottles, $5- WorthaSabottl. '
' Eoval and United States Mall Steamers;
Germanic Mov. 31,3pm
Britannic N or. 27, 8:30am
'Adriatic Dec ilpn
Ten tonic Decll.7:30 am
Germanic, Dec 13, 1pm
-Adriatic rfan. J.
Oltle. Jin. 8.
JTrom Whits Htar dock.
root or went Terra si.i
Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates?
f30and upward. Second cabin. fS andupwanv
according to steamer and location of berth. Ex
cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, tec
White BUrdraTU parable on demand In all ths
principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap-c
ply to JCHN J. JlqCOitMICK, 39 and l Smiths?
Held it., rittibnrjr, or J. BKliCEi3HAr, Qen
eru Agent, 11 croaaway, New xorr. nccv-p
T0 Glasftw. Mfast, DvUil
and LiverMOI.
Cabin passage SB to 10. according to locatiaaj
01 niKiogm. juxcnrsion 10 sou. t; "
tHeera a to and from fnropa al .Lowest Batecji
AUSrOT BALDWIM 4 CO.. General Aea5
j.j. Mccormick. Aat.
639 and 401 Smitfcnela .. iMir.; PtH
United SUIes Mail Steamer.
Ball every BATUBOAT front
tailing at moville; (Londonderry. ih
Cabin passage to Glasgow, Liverpool or LeS
aerry, fuanas itoanairin,nanaM,l
Second-class, KB. Bteeragclts. J
Best roots to Algiers and eoast ot MorroeWI
nnPLts, vtmuc. ana iwitjit; -jsvaa
Cabin passage to
Azores. SSStOtflOr.Nanlpj. SSatoW6-T
Drafts on Ureal Britain. Ireland orlttt&i
"" ,7"!wawn SWmi
ovpiy w iiJiiM utirauiM uwiaAMr js.j!
SCORER it SON, 415 Smlthftel ., B