Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 22, 1889, Image 1

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A Great Thanksgiving Number
Dr TalaaMt anih
rui r a niniwsw 4
;x n
Mrs. Htrriton,
ofTHEPiTTSBUBQ Dispatcd will be Issued
next Sunday, - Everyone should read its 20
pages, filled with news and first-class literary
iat7: ,
" The First Lady of the. Land, contribute to tha '
-Thanksgiving i of. THE DiWAICS,
-which will be IdCll-" - wet Sunday.
i i.
. i--
11 x THREE OlMSl
l-SIlpw F-
Failure of the Lawrence Bank
Leads to a Big iron
Works Suspension.
He Says a Bnn on the Bank
"Was Supplemented by
His Indiscretion.
Some Very Vagne Statements, and a
Little Confidencee in Re
sumption Yet
AUeging- That $100,000 Judgment Note
Was Sprung to His Enin With
out Warrant.
The failure of the Lawrence Bank, at the
Forks of the Boad, was announced yester
day afternoon. On its heels comes the con
tingent suspension of Long & Co., proprietors
of the Yulcan Iron "Works at Chartiers.
President Young, of the bank, says Long
& Co.'s failure to meet a 100,000 judgment
note in his favor was the cause, in part, of
the bank's failure. Mr. Long, of the iron
'firm, says the unwarranted springing of
that judgment note, deposited as collateral
security only, is the cause of his own finan
cial ruin. Hundreds of workmen and a
number of poor depositors are sadly
Like a crack of thunder from a clear sky
was the annonhcement yesterday afternoon
that the Lawrence Bank was unable to lift
its checks in the Clearing House, notice
having been received through the Union
"National Bank that the Lawrence had noti
fied it to return all its checks (the
"Lawrences doing
its clearing business
through the'.TJnion National).
The checks
in question amounted to about $11,000.
' The announcement, as stated, created con
sterjSation among those directly interested,
from the fact that, though a rumor of failure
had been spread some three weeks ago, it
was strenuously denied, and that a reward
was offered for the apprehension of the in
stigator of the rumor as a malicious falsifier.
Subsequent admissions were made by the
President of the Lawrence Bank, W. "W.
Young, though some of the directors and
other officials persisted in asserting their
belief that all would eventually come out all
Solvency Problematical.
Belief in all claims of solvency were
EbaKen by the announcement that J. "W.
Hall, Esq., attorney for Long & Co., of the
"Vulcan Iron "Works. Chartiers station, yes
terday confessed judgments on behalf
of the firm to the Lawrence Bank
to the amount of 5300,000. The judg
ments were confessed in favor of "W. "W.
Young, President of the bank, and are
on bonds, or promissory notes, to the amount
of $100,000 each. One of the notes is dated
October 28, payable in 30 days, and another
October 5, payable in 60 days. The third
contained a clause stating when it became
due, if there was a failure to pay, the others
would become due also, notwithstanding
the conditions. An execution was issued
on one of the judgments for $100,000. The
members of the firm of Long & Co. are T.
D. Long, E. L. Maxwell and D. L. Browne.
The President Explains.
The residence of President Young was
visited last night He was found in com
pany with a number of people whose names
ie refused to give, stating that they were
friends who had come to offer assistance.
Mr. Young was much agitated, and for a
time resented questioning, stating that lie
was entitled to some considera
tion and commiseration, as the
strain on him bad been terrible
for a long time past and he must be allowed
some sleep, or he would brake down. By
dint of persistent questioning, and explana
tion that the gravity of the situation was
such that depositors ought to be acquainted
with the state of affairs, he finally consented
to answer some questions as follows:
He said that the hank hau been forced to
suspend on account of the run on it, which
bad been kept up until it was impossible
longer to satisfy demands.
They Refnsed Deposits.
JHe said between $0,000 and $7,000 in de
posits had been refused yesterday. Furthe r,
be said he had not been interested in any
Lead Trust and that the bank had not lost
thereby. He said a few cheeks had been
cashed after the bank's checks had been
thrown out by the Clearing House, but said
that it was done without premeditation.
Said be:
"I have put all my money into the bank
to save it; all my property, and money ad
vanced by my friends in hopes of saving it;
and the gentlemen in the room I have left
are friends who have come to offer assist
ance. Long & Co.'s failure had something
to do with it, but not materially so. There
is no dishonesty connected with the failure,
so far as I know. The directors will meet
to-morrow (Friday) afternoon. The assets
are between $700,000 and $800,000, and we
have jid out $253,000 since the run on us
began. "Whether we will succeed in ar
ranging matters I cannot say.
His Own Indiscretion.
"The trouble arose from my own indis
cretion. It is just as if you borrowed
$10,000 from me and could not repay, and
1 lent j on more and more from time to
time, in hope that you would recover.
You fail, and my money is gone. You see
my condition; and I think vou will allow
that I am entitled to some commiseration,
as one of the chief sufferers."
The assistant cashier, Mr. George A.
Moke, said that depositors would come out
all right, that the trouble was simply that
the persistent run bad exhausted their power
to get currency, just as a man pushed for
one-tenth of what he was worth would go to
the wall if he could not lay his hand on the
small amount he owed. He said the stock
holders wen liable to doublcrthe amount of
stock owned by them.
The Principals Left.
Mr. Bobert McKee, teller, said that after
2 o'clock P. M. the principal officers of the
bank pave up the ship and left the sub
officials. to run it as best they could. He
thought the outlook cerulean-hued.
Director Ahlborn, of the Keystone Axle
Company, seemed to think there was no
doubt the bank would open this morning
and do business as usual, but he evidently
did not know what President Young did,
I flit I Pi H Sbi
a, " m SSWSL """"I" n '- mm '
and it is said he. knew nothing later than
developed several days ago.
' Nothing short of a trip along Butler
street will give the reader an idea of the
gloom the trouble has cast over that part of
the city. The following was picked up at
Mr. Charles F. Hilger said he had $2,800
on deposit On 'Wednesday he went to
the bank and' had some notion of
withdrawing his money, but every
thing appeared all right so far as
he could learn from appearances and was
paid $40 interest so be concluded to allow
his cash to remain, although he might have
gotten it Mr. Hilger has had rough sled
ding this year, but he did not appear to be
'cast 'dd'wn by the last blow and was as cheer
ful as usual.
Lots of Depositors Affected.
An avalanche of names of unfortunates
was picked up within less than a square,
and tbey were largely of people who can ill
afford their loss, if it be one, as there ap
pears to be too much cause to doubt
James Ward had $2,000 on deposit; John
Fay, $5,000; Michael Flannigan, $15,000;
Wainwright's Brewing Company $40,000 of
firm money beside individual deposits;
Bichardson & Zacharias, $5,000; Lawrence
Hoffman, barber and emergency messenger
of the bank, $700, and a host of mill
workers sums of comparatively small
amount, bnt of immense importance to poor
people. It was stated that Thomas
Maroney, an ex-saloon keeper, and a man
named Lotton were on the verge of distrac
tion on account of their losses.
'"Among the heavy losers are the family of
John Zimmer. They are well-to-do iron
rollers 'and it is said had about $35,000 on
deposit The members of the family make
large wages,
Senntor TJpperman Drew Oat.
Senator TJpperman seemed to think the
bank would come out all right but he
hadn't heard the despairing cry of Fresdent
Young. Mr. TJpperman lately drew ont
$12,000, but he said he had not done it
through fear of failure, but to pay on the
property he had bonght
Dr. H. H. Clark had $70,000 or $80,000
on deposit some time ago, but he stated that
he had withdrawn it and invested in
traction railway .stock. He, too, thonght
the bank all right He had been informed
that the First National Bank had been
made acquainted with the state of affairs,
and had put up $300,000 to tide the flounder
ing bank over the shoals, but Senator
TJpperman said the above statement had not
been made by a reliable person.
Rumors About Steel Princes.
It was said that Carnegie, Phipps & Co.
had made their usual weekly deposit of
$50,000 or $60,000 for payment of hands, bnt
this was subsequently denied, and another
statement substituted that oi late they had
been depositing in down-town banks.
The Knights of the Mystic Chain had
$2,000 on deposit.
Senator TJpperman and Bobert "Warren
were discussing the situation, and as a
foundation for the belief that the bank was
solvent they referred to the late election of
directors, at which time a rosy statement
was made. A dividend of 3 per cent on the
earnings of the last six months was declared,
and the statement showed a surplus of
$50,000. This, added to the double stock
liability, $100,000, would give assets in ad
dition to deposits of $210,000.
Mr. Keating 'a Opinion.
Mr. A. F. Keating and other financiers
were of the opinion that the bank must be
solvent, stating that there were very few
institutions in the country that could stand
such a strain as had been put on the Law
rence Bank during the last month, bnt it is
a sorrowful duty to add that the President
who is supposed to 'know, does not share in
the sanguine hopes of some of his friends.
It was a noticeable fact -that surprise
played no small part among the Lawrence
ville residents in their discussion of the sit-'
Repented Visits to His Ilonsc Fnll to Reach
Him or Show Where Ho Is.
Since yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
when Cashier John Hoerr left the minnr
officials to run the bank to the closing hour,
3 o'clock, he has not been seen by any one.
jCisit after visit paid to his home on
Charlotte street, Lawrenceville, failed to
develori his whereabouts. Finally a't 130
o'clock Dispatch representative, who
had driven out from the city to the house,
succeeded in attracting the attention of Mrs.
Hoerr, who raised a second-story window
and inquired in a soft and pleasing voice
what the business or the visitor was.
"Has your husband returned home yet?"
"No, sir. He has not been home since
yesterday morning, when he went to the
bank. He has not sent mo any word. I
havi learned that there is trouble at the bank
through friends. My god! I am nearly
crazy with suspense."
The troubled lady burst into tears. It
was an embarrassing moment "The news
paper man had not the heart to give voice
to the suspicions which were bound to
struggle for utterance.
Finally he asked: "You think Mr. Hoerrf
will return shortly, do you not?"
"I.cannot understand his being away so
long. I knew he felt uneasy in his mind
when he went to the bank, but I noticed
nothing unusual in his leave-taking.
The news patherer was baffled. He badei
her good night, and drove home.
It was noticed that Mrs. Hoerr was fully-
attired, and seemed to be awaiting her hus-
band's return.
A Judgment Nolo Tor 8100,000, Merely Fat
TJp as Security for Running Loans
From tbe Bnnk Dnraoalnc Effect
of Trying to Bolster TJp
With It-Tho Mills
Will Shut Down.
James D. Long, of the firm of Long &
Co., proprietors of the Vulcan Iron Works,
was seen at.his home on Forbes street by a
Dispatch reporter early this morning, and
in a brief interview put an entirely different
color to the- bank failure, saying it had
rained him, and .not vice versa.
"So Mr. Young says our firm has been
partly responsible for the Lawrence Bank's
failure, does be?"' said Mr. Long, after hav
ing been informed of what the bank Presi
dent and others had told earlier in the even
ing. "That is about right," replied the re
porter. On tbe Other Foot.
"Well," continued Mr. Long, "instead
of our ruining the bank, the bank has
ruined us, for it amounts to the same thing.
About a year ago we gave to Mr. Young a
judgment note for $100,000 to secure us
credit on running loans at the bank. The
note was filed with Mr. Young's
papers, and was never intended to be
entered for collection, and I was greatlv sur
prised (o learn that he had resorted to this
apparently final attempt to bolster up his.
Rnia In Any Event.
"What effect will Mr. Young's action
have on the future of your firm ?"
"It wijl ruin us, in any event Even if
payment is not pressed, it will ruin onr
credit and if it is it may compel us to shut
"Did yon get any notice thatthe note was
to be executed against you?"
"None whatever. When therumor about
the bank's bad condition gained circula
tion, a few weeks ago, I went to Mr. Young
and attempted to have the cote lifted. He
prevailed upon me to let it alone, assuring
me that the bank was all right and that I
need not be alarmed."
Hard to Tell of tbo Outcome.
"How about your financial condition?
Will you be able to meet all liabilties?"
"I think our assets will cover our liabili
ties; but I cannot tell, as it is not my busi
ness to attend the financial end of onr
" What have you to say in answer to Mr.
Young's allegation that your firm is partly
to blame for the bank failure ? "
Utterly Nonplussed.
" I don't care to say anything. I cannot
understand Mr. Young's motive for
saying so. Neither can I under
stand why he placed us nnder such
an embarrassment without letting us
know. I knew nothing about the
note having been entered until late to-night
There must be some mistake, however,
about the amount of the note, as it could only
be $200,000.
The note was for $100,000, and
the bonds wpuld make it good for double
that amount, or $200,000. We did not con
fess judgment at all."
The Outside Effect.
Several iron men were seen at the city
clubs and elsewhere, and although with re
markable unanimity they declined to
allow the use of their names, they
were of the opinion that the probable
inability of Long-& Co. to meet their finan
cial engagements, as indicated by the con
fession of judgment to the. extent of $300,
000 in favor of tbe Lawrence Bank, would
cause a brief local flurry in the iron market.
Others were, however, of the opinion that
not even such contingency should be
Hnrd to Understand.
One prominent maa stated that during' the
whole existence of Long -5 Co. the firm's
name had been synonymous with all that
was gilt-edged, and many people were un
able to understand any difficulties when the
iron market was so firm, prices ruling fair
and demand right up to the output of every
concern in Western Pennsylvania. Labor
matters were also quiet, and the general
Verdict was that the matter was inexplicable.
Generally Successful.
One of those seen said: "I suppose you
know thatXoug & Co. operate a large roll
ing mill on First avenue, near the Pan
handle crossing. A portion of the mill was
destroyed several years ,ago and has not
been rebuilt. So far as I know, however,
the First avenue property was a financial
success." ,
Artisans, Laborers, Grlpmeo, Secret Soci
eties and all Industrial Classes Af
fected Allocations That Repre
sentations of Solidity Were
Mnds to Retain Deposits
Hono Bxpressed,How
ever, by Many
Director Samuel McMahon was seen at
his home on Forty-fourth street He said
'he had not.heard of the affair, nor had any
intimation that anything was wrong until
he received a notice to attend the meeting
of the directors to-day. He was not pre
pared to make a statement as to what he
thought the future of the bank will be. He
knew that the bank carried a large number
of interest-bearing accounts, and the deposi
tors got scared some time ago at rumors of
' the bank's failure, and had given notice
that they wanted their money. This caused
an extraordinary run and, no doubt, helped
to close the doors. "I cannot understand,
said he, "why they should have called in
checks amountingto only $11,000, when we
always kept $50,000 or $00,000 on deposit at
the Union National Bank. Our total de
posit amounted to $900,000." Mr. Mc
Mahon said he had an account with the
bank, but he refused to say how much.
Wild Rumors Afloat.
It was reported throughout Lawrence
ville last night that Dr. H. H. Clark had
drawn $80,000 out of the bank, within the
last six weeks. He denied this story, say
ing that he never had such an amount in the
bank. He was a depositor, and made a de
posit of $100 on Wednesday. He would not
say what amount of money he has in the
bank, bnt it is understood it is pretty
Z. Wainwright & Co. have over $40,000
in the bank. This is the amount the firm
has on deposit The individual members
of the firm have accounts ranging from
$3,000 to $8,000. They said that they had
often heard the rumors regarding the
solvency of the bank, but following close on
the heels of each report came emphatio
denials frosa officials, and the Wainwrights
kept up their faith in the institution.
Velte & McDonald, the engine builders,
ofPeun avenue, have been heavy deposit
ors. At present they have less than $2,000
on deposit John McDonald, a member of
the firm, stated last night that he thought
the bank would "pall' tbronrh all rieht. He
assigns the present-trouble to tbe interest-
oearine; accounts, wnicn are.oeingcaileaior.
by the depositors. When the bank can
realize on some ot their assets, and get in
some of the money they .have loaned ont
Mr. McDonald thinks they will be able to
resume business again.
Another Heavy Depositor.
It is understood that Seaman, Sleeth &
Black, of the Phoenix Boll Works, are also
heavy depositors. A call was made at Mr.
Seaman's home on Forty-fourth street, but
he was away. Mrs. Seaman stated that she
knew the firm had a very large amount of
money in the bank, but can't tell just how
much. He has an individnal account
amounting to over $3,000.
George Tees, the drnggistat Thirty-fourth
street, was inclined to discredit the rumor
ot the bank's failure. He is a depositor,
and has no fear of the bank being in an un
healthful condition.
Several of the Lawrenceville police have
deposits ranging in amounts from $300 to
$1,500. It is said that Lieutenant Palmer
has $8,0Q0 in the bank. He could not be
seen last night.
Grlpmen's Money Tied Up.
The Lawrenceville Assembly of Con
ductors and Gripmeu have $2,600 in the
bank. A conductor on. the Butler street
line stated last night that it had been the
intention to draw the money out at the
time the other rumors about the bank were
afloat, bnt they were indnced to let the de
posit remain by the emphatic statement of
the officials that the bank was all right
Probably no class ot people in Lawrence
ville will be affected more by the bank's
failure than the working people. Many of
the depositors in fact, more than half of
them were of this class, who had deposits
ranging in amounts from $100 up to $1,000.
One laborer at Z. Wainwright & Co.'s
brewery had $900 in the bank.
Every Cent Involved.
Several laborers in that section of the city
are reported to have every cent they own in
the bank, and many homes were darkened
by the announcement of the state of affairs.
The trouble of the institution was the sub
ject of conversation in all quarters. The
industrial people gathered in small crowds
on the street corners and discussed the
situation. Wherever two or three of them
met, the almost universal question was
"How much do you lose?" even before
much thought was given to the other side of
the discussion, "Will you lose anything?"
Losers and Lucky Ones President Tonne's
Property Sold.
Henry Ahlborn, a director of the bank,
was confident that they would reopen. He
said that the run had been severe on ac
count of the recent rumors, but he had no
fears. He has a large deposit in the bank
L. Hoffman, the proprietor of a barber
shop underneath the bank, and who
has been connected with the bank for 18
years as an emergenoy messenger, said that
it had been the custom of Carnegie, Phipps
& Co. to present a check for $50,000 or $60,
000 every Wednesday to the bank, but that
last Wednesday the bank tnrned the check
away. "
D. O. Keyser, of the firm of Alex Black
&Co.. coal merchants, stated that they
deposited with the bank, but had had no
fears of it. Yesterday afternoon he de
posited the money'intended to pay off their
men on Saturday. When he heard the re
ports afterward he questioned the teller. The
latter told him that all deposits received
after 2 o'clock yesterday had been put in
envelopes and tbe name of the depositor
put on them. Mr- Keyser said that if that
was the case he had better take his envelope
along home with him. His suggestion was
not accorded with.
Among other depositors were: John Fav,
$5,000; Michael Flannigan. $15,000; H. H.
rlar, 51,500; itaiph Richardson, $5,000;
George Hoffman, stockdealer.all his money;
JjTimothy Barrett, $3,600; Peliee Officer Pat-.
rick McNamara, $2,000; his sister-in-law,
$700(jecent deposit)
Among those who had been fortunate was
Henry Weaver who said his $4,0004 was at
lengtJVdrawn out after much persuasion and
threeAteeks of delays. Eobert & Myers said
that three months" since they bought the
property of W. W. Young, President of the
bank; which he now occupies, for $50,000.
Mr. Yilung purchased it three vears ago
from'jhe Batcheldr estate for $35,000, pay
ing $3,000 cash and giving a mortgage for
It is claimed that $6,000 or $7,000 of cash
deposihnrere refused yesterday by the bank.
A Depositor's Cariosity and a Director Who
. Didn't Direct.
'Wtopr & Dillenbach, owners of the larga
abb'atolr at Herr's Island, are among the
large depositors at the bank. It could not
be learned last evening to what extent they
will be affected, but it will run up into
thousands. Mr. Winter was seated in
the .""Hotel Duquesne cafe about 6
o'clock when a friend remarked: "Did you
heariSbout the Lawrence Bank going up?"
Mr.Tlnter excitedly jumped to his feet,
glanced at the newspaper his friend was
reading, and then made a beeline in search
of sane of the directors, leaving his supper
untaxed. He found Mr. James B. Youug,
a director, who boards at the hotel, but the
latter could give him but scanty informa
tion, j- ,r
MrtflfcB. Young, President of the
Ohio;Vnriey QasCompany, and one of the
directors oi the bank, was seen in his room
at tho Hotel Duquesne. Mr. Young is one
of the oldest persons connected with the
bank, and up until within a few years ago
he'was the leading spirit To the reporto
rial Inquiry he said :
"I really do not know anything about the
difficulty. The first I heard of it was when
lone of the depositors called on me and
waniea an explanation, x coma ten mm
nothing, and am entirely 'gnorant of what
caused the trouble. For the past two years
I have not token a very active interest
in the management of the bank. I
was'a director who did not direct The'rea
Bon I am on the board now is because the
stockholders did not wish to change the
ticket, at the last election. The directors
have been holding their meetings at night
and I have not attended one for two years.
My physician will not permit me to go out
at night on account of my illness, and this
is the main reason why I nave not been at
the meetings."
What a Routine Report Prcsenti Abont
Those Notos.
Among the assets of the bank are the
judgments presented against Long & Co.,
the Chartiers iron merchants, in favor of the
bank for $300,000 yesterday. The confession
of judgment was placed on file in the Pro
thonotary's office at 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon, by J. W. Hall, attorney for the
firm The judgments were on three bonds
or promissory notes for $100,000 each.
The first one contained the proviso that in
case the firm, could not meet it, or anyone
else should sue them for judgment, the
other notes would at once become due, not
withstanding the provisions contained in
them. The last two notes have not yet
become due, though judgment has been
confessed on .them in pursuance of the clause
in the first one. Of the last two, one is
dated October 28, 1889, at 30 days and the
other October 5, at 60 days. On the first
note for $100,000 an execution was issued
and placed in the hands of tbe Sheriff for a
levy, The confession of judgment was
joined iu by all 'the members of the firm of
Long & Co., T. D. Long, E. L. Mabcwell
and'D. S. Browne.
Xbpth.eprywaa ad vanned by several that
theTallure of the bank WaSinduced'b'y the '
large amount of the bank s funds in the
hands of Long & Co., which' they were un
able to recover.' The plant of the firm, it is
said, is fully worth the amount ot the
judgments if otherwise unencumbered.
lions fc Co. Employ $250,000 and Three
Hundred and Fifty 'Men.
The Vulcan Forge and Iron Works, of
which Long & Co. are proprietors, comprise
three departments the mill, forge depart
ments and machine shop. Over 350
men are employed. In the mill
department are operated 20 puddling
furnaces, 1 scrap ana 3 neatmg lurnaces
and 3 trains of rolls. There are 4 ham
mers in the forge department and tbe ma
chine shop attachment is an extensive one.
The capital invested in the plant is $250,
000. The firm has always done a good busi
ness, and enjoyed the best of credit in the
citv and elsewhere.
The mill has been running double turn
for many months with a large amount of
orders ahead.
Delegnte Henderson Offers a Resolution
Which Causes a Disturbance Tho
New Republic tho Bono
or Contention.
Washington, November 21. In the
Pan-American Congress to-day Delegate
Henderson, of the United States, offered the
following resolution:
Resolved. That this Congress welcome tho
United States of Brazil Into the sisterhood of
American Republics.
, Delegate Hortado, of Colombia, said that
this might be construed as a recognition of
the new Government, and it was not proper
for the delegates to do this in the absence of
instructions from their own Governments,
and especially as there was no official notice
of the change. Therefore, he moved that
the resolution be tabled. Delegates Castil
lanos (Salvador) and Niu (Uruguay) sup
ported Senor Hortado's motion. Delegates
Romero and Carnegie seconded the motion
to table, as it was apparent that the resolu
tion could not be adopted unanimously.
Delegate Henderson said that he was
sorry to place any of the representatives of
other governments in an awkward position,
but so far as he was concerned, he should
hail with equal pleasure the' announcement
that Spain or England or other monarchy
had adopted republican institutions. Con
tinuing, Mr.. Henderson said that to him
all places were proper and at all times con
venient for the enunciation of his desire to
see all countries republics. He was sorry
that any of his friends felt that their posi
tion was such that they could not
give the resolution nnanimous approval.
He understood the Brazilian people wished
unanimously for a republican form of gov
ernment, and' having created a republic the
conference should welcome them. He cared
not where the republican standard was
raised. If this great change had been ac
complished in Brazil without bloodshed,
and her representatives were here, why wait
for the announcement that the republic had
been formally recognized by the other Gov
ernments? The delegates were here not as
ministers to the United States, and why
should they delay giving encouragement to
this great revolution which- ended forever
all idea of monarchist government on
American soil.
After a prolonged debate a vote was taken
upon the motion to table General Hender
son's resolution, and it prevailed only two
nations, Venezuela and Uruguay, voting in
the negative.
Time Asked by the Nicely Boys.
Habbisbubo, November 21. Ex-Congressmen
Koontz and Caffrotb, and ex-Deputy
Attorney-General Gilbert appeared be
fore Governor Beaver to-day, and asked
him to delay the signing of tbe. death war
rants of Joseph and David Nicely, tbe
Somerset county murderers.. The Governor
will probably grant the request
The Headsof Several Wealthy Phila
delphians Bowed to the Dust.
Charged With Obtaining $6,000 on a Re
issued and Once Paid Note.
Other Forgeries Feared and Ball In a Large Amount
is Demanded.
The Secretary-Treasurer of the Glamorgan
Iron Company, oi Philadelphia, the scion
of a wealthy family, was yesterday held in
$15,000 bail to answer to tbechargeof forgery.
He is accused of r'eissuing.a note that had
been paid, and of obtaining $6,000 on it
from a Philadelphia bank. A millionaire
son-in-law of A. J. Drexel is the prose
Philadelphia, November 21. Charles
B. Wigton, Secretary-Treasurer of the
Clamorgan Iron Company, and the scion of
a very wealthy family, was arrested to-day,
on the charge of forgery. Tbe specific
charge on which the arrest was made was
that Wigton reissued, a note that had been
paid, and on it obtained $6,000 from .the
Commonwealth National Bank, but it is
understood that-the forgeries amount-to
over f50,000.
Some of the richest men in Pennsylvania
are directly interested in the case. The
prosecutor is Major John K. Fell, of the
firm of Aaron Pardee Ss Co., coal and iron
operators, with a city office at 237 South
Fourth street John B. Fell is a million
aire and the son of the late Gillingham
Dell, and a son-in-law of A. J, Drexel.
Major Fell made the charge as a member of
the firm of Pardee & Co., whose indorse
ment of the note, together with that of
James Long, the manufacturer, was, it is
alleged, fraudulently used.
The date of the note had been altered and
this aroused suspicion, and Major Fell was
communicated with. The reissued note was
for $10,000, payable to the order of E. B.
Wigton, and was indorsed by him, and bore
also the indorsement of A. Pardee & Co.
and James Long. It bore date October 25,
1889, and was made payable in fire months
"Jfaior Fell at once' consulted with the
bank officials, and it was decided to swear
ont a warrant for the junior Wigton's ar
rest Mr. Fell thereupon proceeded to
Magistrate Durham's office, and made affi
davit to tbe charges as already enumerated.
The warrant was placed in the bands of a
Pinkerton detective, who arrested Mr.
Wigton at bis desk. Wigton asked that
his counsel. George M. Dallas, be notified,
which was done. At' the Magistrate's of
fice John O. Bullitt was on hand to repre
sent A. Pardee & Co., and D. W. Sellers
looked after the interest of the bank. Mr.
Dallas asked for a postponement saying he
had been called to act in the .case at the
eleventh hour.
By mutual agreement between the lawyers
no evidence was heard. Mr. Bullitt Ad
dressed the magistrate, asking that the bail
be fixed at $20,000 or $25,000. in view of the
factJtbitLQtkeiforgeriearaigbt hav,e beea
,'comuiiitdMrvJallas thought, the amount
excessive, ana me ruagisiraie compromisea
by making the bqnd',$15000, and fixing next
Tuesday ,at noon as the time for a hearing.
Security was entered, by Frank H. Wigton,
a brother, who swore that he was Worth
$100,000 clear of all debts.
When it became known among iron and
coal operators that the Secretary-Treasurer
of the Glamorgan company was under bail
to answer for forgery, there was great sur-
Erise. The defendant was alwavs held In
igh esteem, and the charge shocked his
friends. He is a tall, handsome man, 30
years old, and bas a wife and tno children.
He lives in fine style at 429 North Thirty
third street His father is wealthy. He
took the situation coolly and affably declined
to talk abont the case.
One of the lawyers in the case said the
prosecution would press the charge vigor
ously. It was learned that a thorough in
vestigation will be made to discover other
forgeries, if they exist
The Bold Explorer Has Made Geographical
Discoveries of Great Value An Ex
tension to Victoria Myunza
. Now on the Coast.
London, November 21. The British
Consul at Zanzibar telegraphs to the foreign
office as follows: "Stanley arrived at
Mpwapwa on the fifty-fifth day after his
departure from the Victoria Nyanzaand the
one hundred and eighty-eighth .day after
leaving the Albert Nyanza." In addition
to the names already telegraphed, Stanley
haswithhim Hofmann, Emin's daughter
and Fathers Grault and Schinze, of the
Algerian mission.
Stanley left -Mpwapwa on thel2tb, travel
ing along the coast by way of Kemba and
WmemL Stanley made an unexpected dis
covery of real value in finding an extension
of the Victoria Nyanza toward the south
west. The utmost southerly reach of the
extension is sooth latitude 2U 48'. This
brings the Victoria Nyanza within 155
miles plLake Tanganyika. The area of the
extension is 26,900 square .miles.
According to further advices received by
the Foreign Office, Stanley has with him
750 persons, of whom 290 are Emin's follow
ers. There are also 60 children in the
nartr. Stanlev lost only 18 men during the
march", from the Victoria Nyanza. He had-
four days' fighting near Usukama. The
expedition is expected to arrive at Baga
moyo in a fortnight
Only 936,000 in Salaries so Var Given to
Colored Bcpublicnns This Year.
Washington, November 21. As the
aggregate salaries of all the offices that have
been bestowed on .colored men by this ad
ministration is only about $36,000, the
leaders of the colored people seem to be de
termined to assert their proprietorship of
the office ot Recorder of Deeds of the Dis
trict, which has been held by colored people
for about ten years. The first colored in
cumbent was. Frederick Douglass. Presi
dent Cleveland appointed Matthews to suc
ceed him, but the Senate refused tor
confirm, and after Matthews had field
the office as long as he could with
out confirmation, the President nominated
Trotter, the present Becorder. Mr. Trotter's
tenure has been good for a much longer
period than is satisfactory to the very ag
gressive and intense colored Republicans of
the city, and it now appears as though he
will speedily be succeeded by ex-Senator
B. K. Bruce, of Mississipj, wo is practi
cally a resident of the district, a gentleman
of fine abilities and irreproachable charac
ter and very popular with the best element
ol his race.
Many of the rank and file of the colored
voters do not like him because, aa they say,
he belongs to the "kid glove negroes, but
Ills appointment would give saUswtWa to'
citizens of all colors whose geed' opiates is
worth ImtIssT. LiesrarK."
Extraordinary Vigilance Observed os the
s Part of Pre tenants SIg-nl8cantHeo-latloni
Passed by the Baptists
on Tbeater-Golns and
Optra SIdsIdc". v'
"Washington, November 2L The re
cent imposing dedication of the Divinity
School building of the new Catholic Uni
versity seems to be having a curious effect
In every part of the country. The fact that
the ceremony was attended by the Presi
dent and Secretary of State has brought
alarm to many Protestants, and sermons
without numoer have been preached de
scriptive of the growing power oi a church,
one of whose cardinal principles is the dom
ination of the civil by tbe religious, or the
secular by the sectarian power.
From incidents that have occurred during
the sittings of the Baptist Council here this
week, it is evident that Protestants gener
ally are watching closely the movements of
the Catholics at the Capital, and that it is
the impression that it is a fixed purpose of
that sect to take every means to retain tbe
place it already has gained as. the leading
religious influence at the National Capital,
and to increase that influence with all its
cunning and power. The Baptist Council
has not openly criticised the President and
Secretary Blaine for their nresence at the
.dedication, but it has snubbed them indi
rectly in many ways for (bat, and went so
far in another direction aa to denounce
theater going and opera singing the day fol
lowing the announcements ot the presence
of the Prtsidental party at the opera and of
the singing of Emma Juch, the prima donna,
last Sunday, in what is known as the Presi
dent's church. All of these snubs are said
to have been inspired by the University
The crowning t result, hovrever, of the
newly aroused spirit of antagonism toward
the Catholics is a proposition to devote
$5,000,000 of the fnnds of the ehurch to the
erection of a great Baptist University, and
information has been received here that the
leading minds of other church organiza
tions favor the construction of universities
in the interest of other Protestant sects.
The prospect is, therefore, that beside the
great National University which is in con
templation, the day is not distant when all
the great sects will have each, their univer
sity at the National Capital, to counteract
as far as possible,, the influence of tbe old
and influential Jesuit University of
Georgetown and the new University which
the Catholic Church has announced its in
tention to foster and build up as the great
Catholic educational institution of the
Western Hemisphere. LlGHTNEB.
Interfere With tho Officers at the Federal
Government Witnesses Are Mobbed,
Two of These Being; Killed
State Officials Coaeerned.
Washington, November 2L Attorney
General Miller has received a long report
from Mr. Eugene Marshall, United States
Attorney for the Northern district of Texas,
in regard to the difficulty of administering
the Federal laws in that community in con
sequence of a feeling of hostility on the part
of certain State officials toward the Federal
officers, s
f According to the District Attorney the
trouble arose from the steps taken by Fed
eral officers for the protection of the four
Marlowe brothers, who were held as Gov
ernment witnesses in several pending suits.
A portion of the community became exas
perated at these men, he says, and attempted
to 'wreak, summary vengeance Upoh them.
They were confined lathe jail at Graham,
-aadas jttutt VaildiBg waot regarded,
secure, ' 'it was tho'nghr best to take
them to a safer place- Guards were
provided and they started, away from
Graham, but had not proceeded far
when they were attacked by a mob a"hd a '
fierce fight ensued. Two of the Marlowes
were killed at the first onslaught The
other two wrested weapons from their assail
ants, with which they ampatated the feet of
their dead brothers, to. whom tbey were"
manacled, and then fled to a neighboring
farmhouse, where they held the mob at bay
until assistance arrived. Three of the mob
were killed and a number wounded.
Among those who have since been indicted
for complicity in this attack on Government
prisoners, the District' Attorney says, are
two constables, the Sheriff, a deputy sheriff,
the County Attorney and the son of a County
The Heraalas of a Man Foaad la a New York
Canal Identified by His Soa-In-Iiaw.
rsrrciAi. txxeqkax to thx dispatch, i
PobiJebvjs, N. T., November 2L
Coroner B. 8. Marsh, of this place, was noti
fied a few days ago that the body of a
stranger had been found in the Delaware
and Hudson canal, three miles west ot here.
xne remains were those ot a man or respect
able appearance, well clothed, and abont 65
years old- In tie pockets were found $43 75
in gold and silver. There was no clew to
the identity, excentthatin the Dockets was
the stub of a draft on the National Bank of
Minneapolis, and the hat bore tbe trade
mark of a dealer of that city. Coroner
Marsh communicated with the Minneapolis
bank, with the result that A. Fredericks, of
that city, a son-in-law of the deceased, came
on here to-day and took the' body back .to
that place.
Tbe remains were those of Lewis G. Bof
ferding, a large property owner in Minne
apolis, who started about, October 25 for a
visit to Germany. When he left home he
was in vigorous health of body and mind.
How much money he took with hint is un
known, and the causes which induced him
to get off the train here and wander along
the banks of the' canal to the place where
his body was discovered are a profound
These Somewhat Noted InHvldaI Have
Formed a Pension PartaersM?.
Washington, November 21. James
W. Tanner and Colonel W. W.Dudley,
both ex-Commissioners of Pensions, have
formed a copartnership here in the pension
and claims business. It Is authoritatively
stated that General Alger did not, as er
roneously reported at the time, advise Mr.
Tanner to resign his office as Commissioner
of Pensions, ana that ne general Alger J
would look ont for his business future.
General Alger, however, has informed
Mr. Tanner that he is ready and willing to
Tender him whatever financial aid he may
require in establishing himself in his new
Appropriate the Wedding Freseata ana a
Qsanlby of Cash.
Fbanbxin, Pa., November 21. Hiss
Cora Maloney, daughter of Hon. George
Maloney, and Mr. R. W. Stewart, a banker
of Bangor, Me., were married at St John's
Church last evening. While the ceremony
was being performed at the church some
sneak thieves, who were evidently familiar
with the premises, entered the residence of
the bride s parents aad stole 1009 belonging
to the bride, several hundred de-llan belong
ing to the wedding guests and a number of
wedding presents.
.A Xe-Rated Ptssleser Fires'.
Washington, November 21. The Sec
retary of the Interior has reqaeeted and re-'
ceived the resignation of H. A. Phillips,.
Chief of the Middle Divisioa ia tie Peastoa
Offiee. - Mr. Phillips is one eC tbe re-rated
panrioBBTs whose eases wen rsewtiy ot
knlMl kv m Beswtary,
. m
es of NaturakGas
ellevernon Pocket ;
And Others in Their Very Shadow S
That Are Merely Dry Holes. ; f
t, ;
AN AEBA OP 0YEB 26,000
The Belleveraon cas field li - affording .
an expensive conundrum to projectdm.Tet,
paradoxical aa it may seem ia a field where.' ,
. ... 6W- .. Wi .C ., .UUOT . J...-- f.
at all more than make tip for the almost in
comparably larger number that yieldnotlt
ing. Think of a single well suDDlvins say-'-
eral large towns with all their domestic '
r-i -.t-.s t.. .. &&:
luei, jenjaij euougu uj spare ior iuuaijh
dozen great factories beside. That's'the' -
kind of a gusher Bellevernon's field -yi el diS" m
The chapter devoted to a review of thu d-raSJ
trict is most readable. . ".r
What is called the Belleyernoa natural
gas field has the general characteristics of
the two other Washington county gas dis-'
tricts, vii,, the Hickory and Canousburg.
say "what is called tbe Belleveraon field".
because Belleveraon is not really in it tol
any extent, and it Is sub-divided into t
Maple Creek, the Ginger Hill and the Coalg
Center fields. Colonel Chill Hauard.-a
the Monongahela City Republican, pratesto
very vigorously that there is no Belleveraeif
gas field, and that It ought to be e3e4tVj
Monongahela City field; while & CoalCeM
ter writer insists that it should be called MMl
Coal Center field. To all natural gas op
ators who do not live In any of thenV
divisions named, it is known by tie bm 5
. . ... ... -.
the Belleveraon field, and will coauaae tev
be so known, in suite of the amuiinr ItiSsM
71M.:a - .a -. .1.a lm t m M-mArJ9i''M'
jc.uiuca a mi hum wc a ui a u.ca.yt ,v ;
The name was given to the district ;b-vi
cause the Belleveraon Company was ao
fif Ana tn MmmrniM AiMntHnn. w.
was an entirely new, problematical and,'
possibly, risky territory. S. F Jpaes,?UH!
banker, of Bellevernon, is the presideatr
After the first successful well ws'mc
down in the Maple Creek field by tha-BeU?
vernon Company, the BelleverojrMt
Monongahela City Light and Heat-CiS?
pany, composed of local capitalists: tfce
Monongahela Natural Gas OmpaayA0M
posea principally oi rmsoarg
uren,andthe Coal Ceater Comp-ayv
ToraesU Tae-old lfge.nmyssnsy s
tha PHBdelDUa. 4he People's. tWl
Insr and the West Ylrzinia Na4ff6sl
Companies also secured leaw-Ia'tii'iy
tory. in aaoiuou, mere nas pe.
-work done by private firms in drilling, i
blrbr Jones Ss Laughlins, owners;' of i
American Iron Works; and by the.CiM
negies. sj
The Bellevernon field runs for dirt
of about seven miles along the fifth
clinal, with an average width of about ihtym
miles, or .about 21 square miles, with tJ
southwest crosscut giving about 20 sqasw
miles more or tern tory, maung is ai
field of about 26,240 acres. Thousands ef
acres are already leased, there beiafrte
fact but litle land that gives any proBsk
whatever that has not been, secured by w
or other of the companies.
The Bellevernon field was notdeeaMcS
worthy of note when Prof. L C White!
made his map of theuaturalgasanUdliili
In' 1886 (mention of which maphaealre-iyj
been made in foregoing- articles oft-Ml
Series). The Bellevernon people, aad Mr..
Jones especially, felt that
in the territory, and they accordlnglyia
dnced Professor White to maee a speMi
survey of it This result of the survey wSj
the. formation of the Bellevernon Coap-aj
and the beginning of a test welL
The first well found was, of light preseirSS
It was found' in the first gas send. This :'
indicated that other ventures might prove 1
more profitable, and operations were.
tinned, especially In the Maple Creek d at-j
In the entire district 23 wells have 1
completed, of which six were dry, not IwKl
ducing any gas, even when through the lstj
sand. The Bellevernon Company 'driUjlS
six, of which two were dry; the BeUweeetl
and Mononirahela City Light- aad- Hsari
Company drilled four, of which one Is dryTJ
and one ( the Croll well), inside the borowritl
limits, is of lightfpressure; the Philadelphia ,3
Company has complete- nine wells, t-fee
of which are dry. The Mooza-hes:
natural lias -ompany nas compiewa,if(,.
veils, with one of them drr. ; "bZ
There is much additional drilling bow gL
ing on in the field. The Mono-a-fceM
Natural Gas Company is putting dew-Xi5j
less than 10 wells In the Maple creek, Glsiirj
Hill and Coal Center fields; tbe P-0M
uhia Comnanr ia Buttinz down several.
ones; the Bellevernon Company is dril
on the Carson farm, in the MapM
field: the Carnesries are nnttine in two
on the Bedd and Moffit farms, and Jo-w'JK
Laughlins are puttins; down two weOs oa.t-ai
Bichey and Pepper farms, about X -t-aseeall
oi -ou center, auis consulates sioea
of the territory In -the way of develop
There may be some wells completed steeellj
gathered the forezolne Information, a .
or three new wells may have been started ateaej
then, because it is an entirely new fleMl
there cannot have been any material o M
While, as I nave said, the BeHeTeraoa
nas tne general cnaracieruucs oi m-
Washineton eonnty districts. It pri
more difficulties in drilling than does evM'MksV
Hickory or the Canonsbnrg Held. Thiwtik
ami netter unaerstooa wnen iraa. ns i
aid ahont tha clav strata in WsfihiM
county Is recalled, and the necessity for Hsar
at least a lO-lncn hole, in order 10 go set -aesEi
ss Is require-to get a paying gas veU. TkeWI
lnterf erins clay strata appear to DeweeMiM
tha Bellavemon Bld. however, thaa their Hat
in tno omer aeiss, it tne ex nwn-uu-y smmmm
of -fishing" Jobs can be taken as a OJllirisa.
xne Aienevernon uomp-ny -as o
two wells becanse of loss of tools aad c
of the bole. It now bas anew rigaa
Carsoa farm, because a weBwblc-lHM
&rienthnf ROO fftet nad to DO Abuuh
account of loss of tools and snbseaneM
In of the hole. The Monongahela Nairn i sjjH. i
Company has had one of the meat MatMMtal
fishing jobs ia ainirer.mii weu,s4.ii
sliced oa record. It has ia it two MM of 1
two fees of andllne,a b!lr. d !;
up with -clay. It was doww 1JM tm,-
Joaes A LanoaUas welL oa tfee TEehswis I
VvWW'WWWiw (ftw aVK