Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 21, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Pje Bftpaftlt.
VoLt. No.!S7. Entered at 1'lttsburi: Postoclce.
November It, lsST, as second-class muter.
Business Offlce--97and99FifttiAvenue.
News Booms and Publishing' House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street
Eastern Advertising Office, Hoom Tribune
Building, cwYork.
..Average net circulation of the dally edition of
Tm: DisrATCU for tlx months ending October
a, 1SS3, as sworn to before City Controller,
Copies per Issue,
Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of
Tue DisrATCH for five months ending October
-J7. 1SS3.
Copies per lssne.
1)ah.t msrjLTCH, One Year .....S 8 00
1UILT Dispatch, Per Quarter. 5 00
Dailt IlisrATCn. One Month TO
DAILY Dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00
Daily DisPATCU.lnclndlnKfcunday.Jm'ths. 2 50
Daily Dispatch, Including bunday.l month SO
fcUKDAY Dispatch, One Year ISO
Veeklt Dispatch, Ono Year 1 3
The Daily Dispatch Is delivered br carriersat
Jf cents per -weeV, or Including fcunday edition, at
SCcents per week.
The very interesting interview with a
Pittsburg broker who has been studying, in
London, the subject of English investments
in American enterprises, fully presents
same very important phases of the move
ment, 3Ir. "Weil's investigation shows, as The
Dispatch has often declared was most
likely to be the case, that the movement is
largely a speculative one; that its propor
tions are exaggerated by the large number
of unauthorized agents who are trying to
get options; and that there is a material in
flation of the capital between the price at
which the property is sold here and at
which the investor buys it abroad. If the
water does not exceed the twenty per cent
stated by Mr. "Weil, it is necessary to re
mark that the English investor gets off
easier than his American brother.
On the other hand, as an indication of le
gitimate demand, it is an important theory
that the talk of Continental wars leads cap
ital from all over Europe to seek safety in
American investments. This brings in a fac
tor which serves to explain the magnitude
of the demand more adequately than any
other that has yet been offered.
Nevertheless we imagine that our Euro
Dean friends, when they find that not a sin
gle one of the American companies in which
they hare pnt their money has a monopoly
of its business, will claim that they have
been swindled.
gbowh7g:wholesale tease.
' The activity which has crowded the rail
roads, stifleued up the iron and steel mar
kets, and kept all our mills and furnaces in
active operation, is shown by commercial
reports to have extended to the mercantile
trade. The wholesale interests especially
are full of activity, and show a large and
steadily increasing trade. One of the most
gratifying indications of the growth and
enterprise of our city is the expansion o! the
wholesale traffic which has taken place dur
ing the past few years. A little more than
a generation ago Pittsburg was the dis
tributing point tor a vast extent of territory.
Ten years ago it had lost through railroad
discriminations a great share of the trade.
"With improved transportation facilities 'it
has regained a great portion of the old
traffic, and is still extending its wholesale
connections. In proportion as, in the fu
ture, it provides itself with competing rail
road facilities it can rely on the expansion
of this element of its prosperity.
The quality of some of the criticism vis
ited upon President Harrison's administra
tion is very thin and strained to an uncom
monly fine degree. Here we have the New
York Sun in a state of mild hysterics be
cause Postmaster General "Wanamaker in
vited the Pan-American delegates to his
store, and sent out notices to numbers of
people through the mail announcing the in
tended visit. But after reading all the
clever and sharp things of the Sun apropos
of this, about the "bargain counter" and the
enormity of the Postmaster General's enter
taining the delegates at his store as "an ad
vertisement of his business," we are moved
to inquire wherein does the offense consist?
Is it wrong for Mr. "Wanamaker to stay in
trade while Postmaster General? "Why
should he not have the privilege of inviting
the Pan-Americans to see his store, just as
they were invited to see other large business
concerns in every city they visited ? Also,
why should not Mr. "Wanamaker, merchant,
have as full right to use the mails as Jones,
Brown or Robinson, so long as he duly buys
his postage stamps?
The anti-Wanamaker criticism we arc
afraid is becoming very petty and on the
whole rather senseless. It is rather a tribute
to Harrison's administration that the oppo
sition party finds it necessary to take tip
"Wanamaker's "bargain counter" as a na-
'tional issue.
The announcement of the Chicago, Bur
lington and Quincy road that it will accept its
reduced proportion of through rates to North
western points, whetherannounccd in through
tariffs or not, shows that the last attempt to
screw up rates is meeting with no better
success than its predecessors. This "Western
railroad is evidently determined to carry
freight at rates which will stimulate the
movement; and the results of such rates,
as shown in the present traffic of the roads,
certainly afford a good deal of justification
for that policy. The repeated failure of the
efforts to sustain arbitrary tariffs by agree
ment should begin to convince railroad
managers that their only course is to put
their charges ou the basis fixed by legiti
mate and honest competition.
The behavior of North Dakota has been
to seemly since her admission to Statehood
that we regret that some careless clerk in
"Washington has given a chance to the vain
scoffer to cast a gibe at the new State. Of
course it was accidental that the word
"standard" was omitted from the official de
scription of North Dakota's boundaries.
The southern boundary ot North Dakota is
the seventh standard parallel, a line used by
the Government surveyors. In the official
description, however, by the omission of the
word "standard" the new State was allowed
to extend vaguely southward to the seventh
parallel of latitude, that is within a short
distance of the Equator.
"We trust this will not upset North Da
kota's newly-donned modesty. She has
'been very reticent this falL Comparatively
little or nothing has been heard from her
- about picnics in November, and her farmers
have not asserted lately their ability to pro
duce more bushels of wheat per acre than
any of their competitors. In fact North
Dakota, unless she is reserving herself for a
supreme effort in the blizzard season, is
showing unmistakable signs of a change of
heart. It would be a pity, indeed, if the
momentary enlargement of her boundaries
'by a slip of the pen should lead to a still
greater growth of her head. "We hope the
cold weather will keep North Dakota calm.
Because she cannot, really cannot, expect to
include the isthmuses of Panama, and all
the intervening country, in her majestic
The usual result of the political grab
game is foreshadowed in Montana by the
discovery that the Democrats will be able to
deadlock the State Senate, prevent it from
proceeding to the election of the United
States Senators, and thus stop all business
until the session is over, when the Governor
can appoint two Democratic Senators.
This is, of course, utterly at variance with
the spirit of Republican institntions, but it
is the inevitable result of the party spirit
which is always ready to take an unfair or
dishonest chance to twist the result of elec
tions to partisan advantage. One party slips
in a few dishonest votes; the other secures
the returning machinery and throws out the
whole precinct, securing control of the State;
the first then deadlocks the Legislature and
declares that public businessshall stop, the
choice of the people be defeated, and
the machinery of government paralyzed un
less it is given the plunder.
In all this there is exhibited on, both sides
the utmost disregard as to whetherthe spirit
of representative institntions is preserved or
an honest expression of the will of the peo
ple secured. If there was a desire to secure
honest and fair returns, it would be very
easy to settle the primary contest on non
partisan grounds, aad to go on with the re
sults of that settlement without delay. But
all that these politicians wish is to grab the
offices; and honest government and fair re
turns may go hang so the party comes ont
on top.
The people, however, should recognize
that popular rovernment is impossible unless
both parties unite to secure the honest result
of an election. In other words, they should
be American citizens before they are Repub
licans or .Democrats. To secure that im
provement, however, it may be necessary to
clean out the present breed of politicians.
Complaints as to the bottomless condition
of some of the nnpaved streets are heard from
various parts of the city. Beports or car
riages stuck in the mud, and of wagons
abandoned with their loads, are rife, and the
general impression is corroborated, that, off
the pavements, the mud is at present some
thing unprecedented.
This is undoubtedly due to the remarkable
rainy weather which has prevailed for the
past two months, combined with the fact
that heavy teaming for building operations
has gone on as usual. In addition to that
some of the worst cases are produced by the
unfinished work on street improvements.
Center avenne, from Soho street, in the
Thirteenth ward, nearly to Hiland, in the
Twentieth, is impassable on account of
sewer excavations and grading, which,
though producing temporarily appalling
conditions, will work out into decided im
provements by next year. Besidents along
such streets can console themselves as they
wade with the hope of clean pavements next
For those wbo are obliged to travel streets
that are impassable in a state of nature, so
to speak, the conditions must afford a con
vincing proof of the economy of pavements.
Property, which cannot be reached with
supplies during a mud blockade, or which
must bnrn down if it should take fire, by
reason of the inability of fire engines to get
there, cannot be worth as much as property
on paved streets and the difference is con
siderably more than the cost of the pave
ments. There are lessons in mud as well as ser
mons in stones; and if those who are now
struggling through the mire to reach or
leave their homes apply the lesson rightly,
it may prove well worth learning.
A good deal of criticism is being indulged
in by some of the Philadelphia newspapers
because the Pennsylvania Bailroad is build
ing a cut-off by which its through trains
can go through directly to New York from
a station this side of Philadelphia, leaving
the latter city, as the Philadelphia papers
put it, "on a side-track." To raise antag
onism to the Pennsylvania Bailroad because
it seeks to provide the most direct route for
its through business is not founded in jus
tice. Neither Philadelphia nor any other
city has the right to object to any railroad's
providing the most direct route for traffic to
and from other points. It has the right to
claim that the best facilities shall be fur
nished for its traffic, and to recognize the
right of the corporation to do the same with
its other business.
It is with regard to the latter point that
Philadelphia is justified in objecting to the
policy of the Pennsylvania Bailroad. That
corporation is fully entitled to make its
New York cut-off; but it is not entitled in
justice to prevent other roads from gaining
ample facilities for handling the Phila
delphia traffic The Belt Line project is an
example by which Philadelphia wishes to
give all competing railroads free access to
her water front; and this is understood to be
antagonized by Pennsylvania Bailroad in
fluence, If Philadelphia can secure full
terminal facilities.for all competing roads,
she can let the Pennsylvania Bailroad im
prove its facilities for handling through
traffic without any prejudice to her rights.
In other words the proper basis of action
as between communities and corporations is
to recognize the full right of cities to have
the fullest and frceest opportunities for
transportation under competition, and the
right of the railroads to provide the most
direct and advantageous lines for the traffic
in which they engage.
The method of the Kentucky Democrats
who blew up their postoffico while celebrating
the Democratic victories took on a singular
variation in the case of the Warrinton, Va.,
Democrats, who in the jubilation of bonfires,
burned down their Court House. After sober
ing up, these enthusiastic rejoicers may reflect
that as they will be taxed to build a new Court
House, it may be cheaper In the future to con
fine their rejoicings to United States property.
It would be hopeless to expect that the lesson
will teach that popular rejoicings give no war
rant for the wanton destruction of property.
It is remarkable to observe the unanimity
with which the present generation of Ohio
Democrats, in looking around for a man to
send to the Senate, omits to consider the names
of Thnrman or Pendleton, who have made
their leadership in the past remarkable for its
reliance on brains rather than barrels.
If the present tendency keeps up, the
champion record of achievement for 1S89 must
be awarded to General Humidity.
day oiganizcd the interests 'which -have long
been pushing these claims -for an attack on
Congress. The undoubted fact that large
amounts at property were destroyed during
the Civil War certainly gives them a founda
tion: and it would be no more than just to
have them properly adjudicated and settled.
But it would not be discreet to pay the whole
bill off-hand upon presentation, as was shown by
the cutting down of our own riot loss claims.
The proposition of the railroads to charge
demurrage on all cars detained more than so"
hours in loading and unloading is just and
legitimate. It is the duty of all shippers to
load and unload cars promptly and the duty of
railroads to furnish cars to all shippers without
delay or discrimination.
The "W. C. T. U. has declared war on
female and juvenile cigarette smoking. As
this, in addition to Its opposition to intemper
ance, gives It a rather large contract, the ma
jority of mankind will unite in wishing more
power to it.
Ix requesting the directors to take steps
for the sale of the Homewood Driving Park
property, the stockholders merely bow to the
inevitable. Though nearly a quarter of a million
of dollars was spent for grounds and improve
ments, the enterprise was not a success. Dis
tance from the railroad and from other means
ot access had something to do with the failure;
the law against pool-selling also was a factor;
but the chief reason for the Driving mark's
want of success was a decline of public inter
est in trotting races. Baseball as the national
game absorbed so much interest that there was
little left for any other sport; while the per
formances of running horses have of late years
proved of more general attraction on the turf
than the contests of trotters. The frequent
disruption of Pittsburg's streets, too, for the
laying of gas lines, cable tracks and other use
ful purposes, has lessened the old-time ardor
for rapid roadsters. It is a singular and agree
able fact, however, that, though the Park As
sociation's venture was distinctly a losing one
on the results ot racing, the prospects are that
the great rise in the price of real estate will let
the present stockholders out without loss.
Anywhere from ESOjOOO to J30O.O0O is a probable
figure for the one hundred acre tract which
ten years ago was bought by the association
for about 30,000.
The misfortune of getting into a state of
mind so that the person affected does not know
what he is doing seems to spread from Michi
gan to Pennsylvania. Jn addition to the trouble
which Holzhay, the Michigan desperado devel
oped, a similar case was.brought ont in a local
murder trial yesterday.
The Monongahela river coal industry,
both miners and operators, are making an ex
periment for a time, to see how it goes with no
bread at all, before they accept the proverbial
half loaf.
The spectacle of an attornev for the pros
ecution, called as a witness for the defense, was
the singular one presented In the Cronin trial
yesterday. The point sought to be established
was apparently a legitimate one; but the possi
ble results ot taking the opposing counsel as a
witness are so infinite that it may be regarded
as a desperate resort. We presume that the
counsel for the defense in the Cronin case
would object to have Judge Longenecker's ad
dress to the jury go in as testimony which it
cannot impeach.
Sir Henry James develops the theory
that everything the Land Leaguers did indi
cated a wrong. The assumption being thai?
they are all wrong themselves, it is impossible
to gather figs from thistles. For this are high
priced counsel paid to air their oratory.
A double-edged scarcasm is contained
in the explanation that the reason why the An
archists hate the corporations so much is be
cause the corporations contain so much water.
"With regard to Gilbert's Mikado it was
averred that when ho says a thing is done it is
done. Germany arid Russia soem to have some
thing the same idea in decreeing the removal
of Prince Ferdinand from the throne of Bul
garia. Bnt the plucky Prince sticks to the
irrelevant idea that the suffrages of his sub.
jects ought to determine tho matter, with more
backbone than was shown by his predecessor
under similar circumstances.
A general strike among the Vienna
shirt button makers, gives a shock to tho im
pression that there had been, years ago, a strike
on the part of civilized masculinity against the
wearing of that effete and inconvenient institu
tion, the old-fashioned shirt button.
The Conemaugh at Johnstown is reach
in: the danger lines; but Johnstown rests com
paratively secure in the knowledge that there
are no dams above it to burst.
It is with much apprehension that those
people who are living on streets where grad
ing and paving happens to be in progress will
view the stormy spell which now sets in. Two
more weeks of fine weather would have enabled
the contractors to finish up several important
jobs. Hereafter the public will consider it
good policy to take the necessary weeks at the
beginning in place of the end of the working
The astronomers report that six comets
are now"VisIble; but the people wbo go out to
look for them will be apt to come to the con
clusion that the. astronomers must have dis
covered them at the moment of contact with 'a
New York policeman's club.
Oil continues to hold itself in the vicin
ity of SI 10, with a stiffness that defies the
Chartiers Valley gusher and all its works.
The complaint of somo clergymen that
Christianity is making more progress in heathen
Japan than in New York and Brooklyn, sug
gests the explanation that If Christianity took
more pains to convince the poor people of our
cities that its professors mean to lire up to its
principles, its progress might be more rapid.
An Aristocratic Buffalo Youth Weds a Saloon
Keeper's Prrlly Daughter.
isrrciAL telegram to tub dispatch.
Buffalo. November 20. Pretty Louise
Huetter, daughter ot "Mother" Huetter. pro
prietress of "The Triangle" saloon on the Ter
race, and Louis Boescb, Jr., a son of ex-Alderman
Rocscb, of the Twelfth ward, laughed at
locksmiths to-day and eloped to Rochester,
where they were married by Bev. Edward
Zeller. The groom's parents, who are among
tho best people at Black Bock, objected strenu
ously to the uride'santecedents, and threatened
to disinherit voupg Boeschif he married her.
On the other hand, "Mother" Huetter took ex
ceptions to the groom as being an "aristocrat,''
and would not permit her daughter to see him,
removing her to Cold Springs.
The bride is but 17 and very pretty. Roesch
first met her three months ago behind her
mother's bar. The parents have come around.
A Lesson Twnjibt bribe Recent Accident In
From the Washington Star,
In spite ot all that has been done to reform
the method ot heating cars, the telegraph
brines us the news of a fatal accident with the
old coal stove at Pittsburg yesterday. If
Pennsylvania had copied her sister State, New
York, in her legislation on this subject, such a
casualty could not have occurred. The only
thing left, it seems, if railroad influence is too
powerful for the State Legislatures to resist, is
for Congress to enact a law banishing the ooal
stove on inter-State roads and in Federal terrl
tory. Such a method was proposed by Mr. Tl llman
of South Carolina, a couple of years ago, but
was smothered in committee.
Dentil ofEdwnrd Doty.
The death of Edward Doty at llcaver Falls, Pa.,
last Tuesday night, removes one of the old citizens
of I'l tubing from the scene or a busy and useful
Ufc. He was a member or several lodges in this
city. Mr. Hoty had a responsible situation for
many years with the Llpplncott Ax Factory.
The funeral will take place this afternoon from
the home of Mr, Doty's son-in-law, No. ltl Forty
fifth street.
What Alia the Carneglo Clock t Charge It
to November Two Cases or Disappoint
"What is tho matter with tho chimes of the
Carnegie Library Hall clock T Nobody can
have heard the hour struck upon the bells in
that beautiful storie tower without feeling that
something was wrong with the clock's temper.
There is a jarring suspicion of discord in the
clang of the bells; not enoueh to be called a
downright discord, hut apparent all the same,
and unpleasantly to tho bearer. Especially is
it noticeable if one happens to be near tho
tower when the clock strikes.
Perhaps it is this vile weather. Charge it to
November with the Test of the Ills afflicting
mankind just now 1
With fog and rain November tries
To set the earth in sorry pulse,
Clouds all the sky with ghostly gray
And chases everything away
That might delight our wearied eyes.
Hope finds It very hard to rise.
And whisky straight not hence these sighs
Makes crooked many a mortal's way
With fog and rain.
The trim Clotilda fairly cries
As rubbers swell to monstrous size
Her pretty feet and gossips say
The roses or her cheeks decay,
Her beauty In the conflict dies
With log and rain. H. J.
"I saw a case marked 'glass with care," and
directed to you lying at tho station last night,"
said one suburban Benedict to another. "Some
thing good for Thanksglvingf"
"No a case of disappointment," replied the
other, "thought it was wine and it turned out
to be a parlor mirror with three bad oil-paintings
on it."
Another case of disappointment sticks up
In my memory.
A few years ago an East End clergyman of
great benevolence took particular interest in
ex-convicts. Ho rightly appreciated the diffi
culties that beset a man wbo tries to keep in
the straight and narrow path after a sojourn in
the penitentiary. He helped several released
prisoners to make an honest livelihood, and his
Buccess made him enthusiastic on the subject
of reformed convicts.
After a-wnile it happened that this good
dlvino got hold of a very brightyoung man who
bad served his time for swindling. Such a fav
orable impression did this young man make on
tho clergyman that he made it his business to
approach a very prominent lawyer on his, the
ex-convict's, behalf.
"It Is really a most promising case, my dear
sir," said the clergyman to the lawyer, and the
latter, goodnaturedly, said he would trv to
make room for the reformed criminal in his
Tho next day the lawyer met the clergyman
on the train and said to him: "Well, how Is
your promising case coming along 7"
"Ob, it's a case of disappointment,'' replied
the good man with a groan. "You know I gave
tlfat young man shelter and food In my house,
and last night he repaid me by stealing my
overcoat, my wife's watch and many other
things. He has disappeared."
Charles Egbert Craddock is a striking il
lustration of the old saying that beauty and
brains are seldom found in the same person.
Which does she possess?
Robert Browning bears a remarkable like
ness to the late J. B. Llpplncott, founder of the
well-known Philadelphia publishing house.
This resemblance is both in face and figure. ,
EGustave Dore, the celebrated painter, was
a man of medium size, but with the head of a
poet and the frame of an athlete. Although he
was very rich, be was one of the worst dressed
men in Paris. He was so devoted to his art
that, even in company, when not napping and
fiddling, he was making sketches. He was a
trne Frenchman, and although decorated with
more foreign orders than any of his cotempo
aaries, no triumph abroad gave him half as
much pleasure as the smallest succcess won in
Christian Reid. one of tho most popular of
the Southern novelists, is the daughter of
Colonel Fisher, of North Carolina, after whom
Fort Fisher was named. Ho was one of the
first Confederate officers killed during the Civil
War. Like Miss Phelps, Miss Fisher married
late in life, arm is now Mrs. Tiernan. Since her
marriage, in December, 18S8, she has published
nothing. Christian Reid is refined, graceful,
cultivated, an ultra Southerner and zealons
Catholic She Is a tall blonde, with a beauti
fully shaped head.
Hoetenbe Bertrand, daughter of Count
Bertrand, the most faithful of Napoleon's Gen
erals, is still living in Paris. She accompanied
her father and mother to St. Helena In 181
The Emperor taught the little girl her cate
chism, and she made her first communion at
the bands of the same abbe who administered
the last sacrament to the dying Napoleon.
Hortenso returned with her parents to France
and married M. Thayer, a gentleman of Amer
ican extraction. She retains a very vivid recol
lection of the great Emperor and has many
Napoleonic relics, among them his silver serv
ice, his famous Waterloo coat, etc.
Thackeray was fond of a good dinner, and
when he was in this country enjoyed the terra
pins and canvas-back ducks of the Chesapeake.
He liked to gather a few choice spirits around
him and have a good time, but all within the
limits of becoming mirth, with wine, cigars,
stories, etc Ho used to enjoy the Saturday
nights at the Century Club, New York, where
he once met Dr. Kane, soon-after the latter bad
returned from one of his voyages to the North
Pole. The doctor told Tbackoray how he had
seen a sailor reading "Pendennis" by the light
of a train oil lamp beneath a polar glacier.
Amanda M. Douglas, the popular novelist.
is one of the few living writers who knew Edgar
A. Poe personally. When the poet was residing
at Fordham, in 1843, Bhe was a frequent visitor
at the house of a relative whose home was
there. Here Miss Douglas, wbo was a girl at
the time, met Poe, and bis large, dark eyes,
broad, white forehead and lofty courtesy made
an indelible impression upon the youthful
Amanda. The poet's voice was low, but ex
quisitely modulated. Ho never laughed, and
seldom smiled. His smile was sweet but mel
ancholy. Miss Douglas Is now nearly 60 years
old, but is still actively engaged in literary pur
The Surprising Discovery Made by nn Ohio
Ashland, O., November 20. Ben. Harmon,
of Bed Haw, this county, is the owner ot a
farm, which is considered by his neighbors to
be more productive than any other piece of
property In the vicinity In which he lives, or In
the county, for that matter. Report comes Jo
this city to-day that a subterranean lake had
been discovered under a portion of bis farm,
and what is stranger still, flsh have been
caught through boles punched in the subsoil.
The fish vary in size from a herring to a pound
Eickerel, but are different, inasmuch as they
ave no scales and are eyeless,they greatly re
semble fish found In caves. They make a de
cidedly delicate dish, the taste being not un
like that of tho white fish, with the fatty flavor
let tout.
In a conversation with Mr. Harmon a corre
spondent learned that the lake, so far as
probed, extended over considerable ground.
The exact dimensions have not yet been satis
factorily ascertained. There is a subsoil of
rich alluvium covering the lake, varying in
depth from IS to 20 Inches. It has been very
productive, yielding as high as 60 bushels of
wheat to the acre a rare thing in Ohio.
The Erie Collcctorshlp and Several Post
masterships Disposed Of.
WAsniNGTON, November 20. As predicted
in these telegrams yesterday, "Mr, John M.
Glazier, editor of the Erie AdvertUer, was to
day appointed Collector ot Customs at Erie.
Mr. Glazier is a particular friend of Commis
sioner of Customs Holliday, and naturally the
Secretary of the Treasury courteously deferred
to the Commissioner the pleasure ot naming
the customs officer in his town. A larger batch
than usual of fourth-class postmasters were
appolnted-in Pennsylvania to-day and most of
them in tho western counties. They are as fol
lows: H. Koberts, Barnes, arren county:
a.t. nin.
East Brook, and K. M. Davidson. Rnnn
ttrooiv, nuu .
Vallev. Lawrence county: JarapsM. Mills, inloll.
ice county;
Forest connty; H. C. Hoggs, Evans city, liniler
county; Benjamin Franklin, Fallston, Beaver
conntv Mlas Kdlth Creese. Foster Brook. Mp.?.,.
county; Charles H. Hchumucker, Fried en, Homer-iercouuty;-Jonn
W.Taylor, Sparta, Washington
A Fashionable Wedding at Bailor,
tended by Many Flttsbnrgers.
There was a notable wedding at the residence
of Judge McCandless, in Butler, yesterday
afternoon. A large and fashionable company
gathered to assist at the marriage of his daugh
ter. Miss Katharine McCandless, to Mr. John
Q. Jennings, son of R. D. Jennings, the widely
known petroleum producer. Shortly after 3
o'clock the ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. E. Oiler, of the Presbyterian Church. The
bride wore a white silk dress, ber ornaments
being pearls and diamonds, the latter the gift
of the groom. She carried a large bouquet of
white roses apd presented a charming appear
ance against a back ground ot ferns and palms.
The show of wedding gifts was splendid, there
being beantlful pieces of antique silver and
pottery wita pretty decorations. As on a simi
lar and recent occasion, Jndge McCandless'
gift was a Government bond for 1,000.
The groom, though a young man, basbeen
remarkably successful in producing oil, and
has the pleasure of possessing quite a fortune.
After a tour of the Eastern cities Mr. and
Mrs. Jennings will return here, but within a
few months will reside in Allegheny. A most
interesting feature of the marriage was the ap
p earance of four handsome ladies in remarkv
nly handsome dresses.
There were a goodly number of guests from
Pittsburg, Johnstown. New Castle and other
nearby towns. Palms, ferns and flowers
seemed to occupy every comer. The wedding
breakfast was elaborate. After the departure
of the bride and groom there was a delightful
With n Card Party.
The "M. C. O.," of Oakland, were entertained
last evening by Miss F. E. Banker, of Meyran
avenue. Progressive euchre was the enter
tainment The head prizes were won by Miss
Annie Brady and Mr. B. F. Kelly. The former's
favor was a beautiful little toilet box. and the
tatter's a plaster case. Refreshments were
served and dancing concluded the pleasures.
Social Chatter.
A musical and literary entertainment for
the benefit of the McDonald W. and Y. W. C.
T. U. will be held in the First Congregational
Church, corner Manhattan and Franklin
streets, this evening. Mr. O. D. Forney, Miss
Lizzie McElwain and Miss Rosalind Forster
will be the performers of the evening.
The reception given yesterday afternoon by
Mrs. Azaph T. Rowand and Miss Mary, of
Edgewood, was very largely attended. The
pretty home was bedecked with fragrant flow
ers of every variety, the work being done by
Elliott, and the supper, a delightful one, was
served by Kuhn.
Colokel J. M. Schoonmakeb will lecture
this evening in Point' Breeze Presbyterian
Church, for the Young People's Society of that
church. A number of well-known vocalists
will also contribute to the evening's enjoy
ment. Miss Prrrike, of Forbes street Oakland,
will entertain a few friends with euchre this
evening and Introduce to them her guest, Miss
Filley, from Philadelphia.
The Maidens' Fair at the Emory M. E.
Church to-night promises to be a great success.
It will be continued to-morrow evening.
The pink reception by the G. A. R. ladles at
Cyclorama Hall this evening. Gernert's orches
tra will be in attendance
Mrs. Joseph Moffatt will receive her
friends this afternoon at her lovely home at
Miss Ltlles n. Huston, of Fulton avenue,
gave an enjoyable art reception yesterday
Mrs. Robert B. Pettt, of Center avenue,
will hare a progressive, euchre party this after
noon. The Rochambeau Cotillon Club enjoyedtheir
first reception in Cyclorama Hall last evening.
The Woman's Exchange have their reception
and opening of Christmas goods to-day.
The Elnsteln-Guekenheimer wedding occurs
He Gets a Poem and a Photograph From the
From the Mew York Herald. 1
A New York Montenegrin received a copy of
Glas Crnogorca, which is the official newspaper
(and the only one) published at Cettmje, tho
capital. I find in it an Item that I take the lib
erty of translating and sending to you, know
ing that your many readers, not only in the
United States, but in all parts of the world, will
find it interesting, and to many I am sure it
will bring agreeable surprise at finding in tho
hero of tne Black Mountains a kind, noble and
liberty loving prince, who not only admires the
American Institutions and government, but
loves its people, for thev, like the Montene
grins, have f ought bitterly for their freedom.
The item translated from the Bias Crnogorca
(which means "The Voice of the Montene
grin") in its issue of October 26 is as follows:
"His Highness our Gospodar" received a very
Interesting letter and a beautiful photoarrapn
from an American hoy who resides In the city of
Ke York, U. S. A. In the letter the young
American politely requests the Prince to send
him his photograph, which he desires tojnut In his
little paper, which Is published In New York, en
titled the Sunny Hour, and begs the prince to ac
cept his Dhotogr&ph, on the back of which the
young American wrote as follows!
"To the bravest prince of the bravest land, from
a little boy who loves him.
Our Gospodar was so much touched by the sim
ple request or the young American gentleman that
he Immediately ordered his private secretary to
forward to Mr. D'Anerv tits latest nhotosrranh.
taken recently, and as a further mark or kindness
the Prince wrote the following poem, which was
sent, together with the photograph, to the young
enterprising American,
This is the translation of the poem, which is
written in Slavonian, by the Prince:
Whit, little child from far beyond theses,
Ask you of the autocrat?
The leader of wild mountaineers
To send his Image to America the free.
Here, little dear, is the portrait then;
Put It upon the pages fair
In your young Journal there, and tell
To all your own free, happy countrymen
That here nmonjc out mountains dark and drear
'j heir wisuoin, ana meir greatness too,
"We know and hold In high repute.
And are In love of liberty their peers.
An Important Extension of tho French Cable
Company's Lines.
From the New York World.I
Tho Fronch Cable Company wag yesterday
granted official authority by Secretary of State
Blaine to land cables at Charleston, S, C,, con
necting this country directly by wire with
Haytf; San Domingo and Cuba. At Hayti
tbc new cable will connect with the
wires of the West India French Cable
Company, running to Martinique. In theFrench
West India colonies, and thence to Venezuela,
opening up direct telegraphic 'communication
between the United States and the Republics
of Central and South America. Tbe work of
laving tho cable has been ia progress for some
months, and the company expects tn be able to
land its cable at Charleston by the 20th Inst.
Tbe new cable Is part ot a project longin con
templation to unite tbe various French cablo
companies' wires and establish a continuous
telegraphic system by their lines all over tbe
American continent. Lately the West India
Com nan v extended Its lines from Martiniaue to
Hayti, and transmitted the intelligence of the
progress of the Haytian insurrection over the
French Company's wires.
Bonds Receiving Grants Mast Obey tho
Commissioner's Orders.
WASHJSOTOiT, November 2a H. A. Taylor,
Commissioner of Railroads, has received from
the Assistant Attorney General of the Interior
Department, an opinion on the question as to
whether railroads receiving grants of lands
from States, which grants have been made to
the States by Congress to aid in tbe construc
tion of railroads, are amenable to the laws
creating the Railroad Bureau, and are required
to make such reports to it as the commissioner
may prescribe.
The Assistant Attorney General holds tbat
the railroads concerned must make such re
ports as the commissioner may require, or be
liable to tbe penalties prescribed for refusal so
to do. Tbe commissioner will demand of the
companies concerned full reports of their phy.
sical and financial condition.
Why Candidates Are Plentiful.
From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Tbe plurality tor the Republican candidate
for State Treasurer in Pennsylvania was about
61,000. This is one of the reasons why half a
dozen aspirants for tbe party nomination for
the Governorship, which will not be made un
til next year, are already in the field.
Sufficient Unto tbe Day.
From the Baltimore American,
Some perturbed spirits aro alarmed about
the supply of great men that are to come. They
should not worry. If we will only take care of
the present, the future will take care of Itself
and provide its own leaders.
Arguments Showing Why the National Gov
eminent Should Pay Them Slnch Inter
est Awakened on the Subject Tho citato
Commission Meets and Organizes.
Chambkrsbtjbo, November 20. The prom
ised arrival of the Border Raid Commission, to
make preliminary arrangements for the collec
tion of the claims of the thousands of people
who suffered losses by the destruction of prop
erty by the Confederate army, attracted a large
nrlrnriA nt naMAns YI n i J v
the train carrjliiff the commission reached the (
Cumberland Valley Railroad station a crowd
of several hundred bad congregated SuS
vicinity. Carriages were in waiting for the
visitors, wno were taken to the Wilson Female
College and shown the operations of that pros
perous Institution. Subsequently Governor
Beaver, Senator Penrose, Representative HalL
of Mercer, and Congressman Malsh, of York,
addressed the young girls in the school in the
chapel. The several speakers were given a
most enthusiastic reception.
The members of the commission, before meet,
mg for organization, were conducted to tho
Court House, where hundreds of men and
women shook hands with Governor Beaver and
bis associates. Among those who exchanged
congratulations with the Governor was Judge
Stewart, the independent Republican candidato
for Governor In 1882, when Beaver Was de-
leatca on account oi tne party revolt.
Organized for Work.
The commission was organized at the resi
dence of Hon. Thad Mahon by the election of
Governor Beaver, Chairman; B. M. Nead, of
Harrisburg, Secretary, and Representative
Skinner, of Fulton, Treasurer. After discus
sion as to the most feasible means to obtain a
favorable consideration from the National Con
gress of the claims of the State and the people
In the border counties, who sustained losses by
the rebel invasion of Pennsylvania, a motion
was adopted authorizing the Chair to appoint a
committee of three to prepare a paper giving a
history of the Confederate raids and the legis
lation to secure the losers compensation, and to
prepare a bill to be submitted to Congress at
the earliest possible time for the reimburse
ment of the claimants, amounting to about
4,000 from Franklin, Adams, York, Cumber
land and other counties.
The Governor appointed on this committee
Attorney General Klrkpatrick, Thad Mahon
and B. M. Nead. Messrs. Mahon and Nead
are thoroughly familiar with the history of tho
claims against the Government, having been
appointed Special Claims Commissioners by
Governor Hoyt in 1S79, and having since done
much work in connection with them.
Eating and Oratory.
The drafting of the neeessary bill will be
largely left to the Attorney General, and the
work of the committee will be early submitted
to the commission for its indorsement before
presentation to Congress. Congressmen At
kinson, ot Juniata county, and Maish, of York,
gave the commission pertinent information as
to the best way opexpedltlng the passage of
the Indemnity bill, and posted the members in
other matters ot Importance. Both promised
to do their utmost to second the efforts of the
commission, and gave it much encouragement
At 2 o'clock the visitors were given a dinner at
the McKinley Hotel, and the time until the de
parture of the train for Harrisburg was taken
up In eating and sneaking.
Judge Stewart presided at the banquet. He
made a brief speech, in which be said the
border county people had sustained extraordi
nary losses under most peculiar conditions and
bad a just and equitable claim on the Govern
ment. There were a number of precedents for
the requested action. Ex-Judge Howe took a
similar view of the question and pressed his
points with vigor. Remarks were also made by
Attorneys xiuncan, brewer ana uinam, ana
Jacob S. Nixon, a prominent merchant, who
awakened interest by stating that Governor
Curtln had been informed by Secretary Stan
ton, in response to a demand for troops, that
the National Government desired to lay a trap
for the enemy by permitting it to enter Penn
sylvania. The Governor' Views.
Governor Beaver responded to the toast of
"The Commonwealth." proposed by Jndge
Stewart. He said that, as the National Gov
ernment bad called the troops, raised for the
defense of Pennsylvania, ont of the State, and
left the latter unprotected, it certainly should
make proper financial reparation. He never
nau any aouDt as to its legal naDiuty.
Attorney General Klrkpatrick closed the
speaking by making a compact, legal argument,
in which be said the National Government was
as much obligated to pay the losses by tbe
Confederate invasion as was the Legislature to
Sass laws to inforce proper contracts made by
tate authorities, although it could not be com
pelled to take such action. The commission
then returned to Harrisburg.
EAlSTEAD unbosoms himself.
He Talks Freely to a New York Reporter
About Bnckeyo Polities.
New York, November 20. Field Marshal
Murat Halstead. editor of tbe Commercial
Gazette, of Cincinnati, was at the Brevoort
House to-day. He had bis old-time aggressive
spirit and looked healthy and strong. He was
willing to talk about Governor Foraker's de
feat in Ohio; and he talked with vigor. When
asked whether the question if tbo saloons
caused Republican defeat be said substance:
'It Is a mistake to suppose that the saloon
question defeated Governor Foraker and lost
us the Legislature, it was the Bundav-closinc
law that gave Mr. Campbell some 7,200 plural
ity in Hamilton county, thereby electing him.
Governor Foraker carried the county when be
was elected tbe last time by some 6,000 plural
ity. It can be readily seen, therefore, that Mr.
Campbell's plurality in Hamilton county really
elected him. and tbat if Governor Foraker had
even held bis own in the county be would have
"You see, the law previous to this last Sun
day law left it with the City Council to regu
late tbo sale of wine and beer on Sunday. The
result was tbat tbe Council did nothing, and
tbe sale of liquor had no check, whatever on
Sunday. This resulted in a strict prohibitory
Sunday law, which was rigidly enforced. 1 do
not think tbe publication of the forged docu
ments changed any votes to Campbell. No, I
do not believe Governor r oraker knew tno
papers were forged. I published them on my
own responsibility."
Comfortably Settled.
f.rom the Chicago Tribune.1
The Brazilian Emperor has been uncrowned,
but tbo coffee kings in tbe United States are
more firmly on their thrones than ever.
ST. Lotus Qlobe-Vcmocrat: Brazil will
hardly choose Dom Pedro its first President.
Nevertheless tbat country will havo some
trouble in finding a better man for the post
PhUiAjjelphia TimeM: The surprising
feature of the revolution in Brazil is not that it
has comerto pass for that was inevitable bnt
that it has happened so suddenly and silently
and with so few direct premonitions.
Boston Herald: Tbe fugitive Emperor
Dom Pedro will have difficulty in finding any
body among tbe crowned heads of Europe to
cheer him up. About tho only rulers wbo may
be said to be truly bappy are those who owe
their elevation to the suffrages of tbe people
they govern.
Chicago News: Most likely the days of tho
Empire are over forever, but there are good
reasons for believing that the dethronement ot
Dom Pedro was tbe work of a bold taction
which has not yet gained tbe confidence of the
people. Perhaps the provinces will ratify the
work, bnt they can scarcely have done so al
ready, the telegraph to the contrary notwith
standing. New York Tribune.: The United States of
Brazil is now the natural ally of the United
Btatesof America. These two mighty repub
lics, rich in resources and in patriotism, should1
be bound together henceforth by indissoluble
ties of commerce and common interests. They
stand one in tbe North and the other In tbe
South for government by and for tbe people,
and for the paclfio destiny and enlightened
progress of a free and self-reliant democracy.
CrNCiKSATi Commercial Gazette: The Em
pire o( Brazil has f allen,and with it the author
ity of a crown passes from that part of tbe
Western Hemisphere south, of the Canadian
border. The only semblance of monarchical
government that survives between the snows
of Canada and the ice of tbe South Pole Is ex
ercised by the Senate of the United States in
its secret session. This is the last intrenchment
of political imperialism. The secret session
must go.
Chicago Berald: Probably the tragnetlo
attractions of Mr. Blaine are responsible for
the revolution in Brazil by which its people
have overthrown tbe monarchy and set up a
republican form of government, His affection
ate regard for South America was limited to
its republics, and, to share it on equal terms
with tbe rest, tbe Brazilians probably thought
they bad got to become a republic themselves.
It is a striking proof of the power sad Influence
of Blaine magnetism.
TroaWea of Erie Tralaaea
New YObk, November 20. Trouble Is brew
ing between the Erie Bailroad and Its engineers,
trainmen and firemen. A little black book,
which was banded to the men by the company's
officers a short time ago, Is the bone of conten
tion. This book, known now amongthe men as
the "cast-iron agreement," contained innumer
able contracts, divided off into neat little para
graphs, to which each engineer, fireman and
tralhman'was expected to sign bis name. Sev
eral of the paragraphs seem very oppressive.
One of them, for instance, is to the effect that
"D00ltuem. or instance, is to tue effect u
capaciated, as a resuft of performing his duty.
bs shall agreo that tbe company is in no way
liable to him, further than it shall make re
paration of its own accord. Every engineer and
fireman and almost every 'trainman refused to
sign tbe "cast-iron agreement." A grievance
committee spoke for the men and against tne
little black book from 3 to 7 o'clock last Mon
day in tbe office of tbe Erie's General Manager,
E. B. Thomas, who will announco the com
pany's ultimatum to-morrow. At present the
Erie road is Dlocked with a heavy pressure of
freight, which tbe company has insufficient
motive power to haul. In order to keep tbe road
clear passenger engineers and conductors, at
the conclusion of their week's work on Sat
urday night, receive orders to go to Port Je'rvis,
tbe terminus of the Eastern division, and run
freight trains eastto Jersey City on Sundays.
Should the company refuse to withdraw their
demands as to the signing of the cast-iron
agreement a tie-up of the most serious conse
quences to the road will result.
Tbe Teutonic's Fastest Time.
A cable to the White Star Line office to-day
announced that tbe steamship Teutonic ar
rived at Queenstown at 2 30 o'clock this morn
ing, just six days and eight hours after leaving
Sandy Hook. This time is eight hours ahead
of the Teutonic's best previous record. When
tbe cable was sent the City of New York had
not been reported. To equal the run of tbe
Teutonic the City of New York should hare
been reported at 830. At tbat hour the City of
New York was still ont of sight of the lookout
atFastnet. The result of the race between
the two big racers does not surprise the wise
acres ot metropolitan shipping circles. The
Teutonic has longbeen considered tbo superior
of the City of New York, it is now expected
of the Teutonic that she will go to work and
put from 20 to 2i hours between ber stern and
the New York's bow.
Conldo'i Llvo Without Beer
Felix Broeisel. a young artist, and Lizzie
Granmont. a girl from tbe Hester street dis
trict, were alona together In an attic in Wooster
street at 1 o'clock this morning. Broessel
asked Lizzie to go out f er a can of beer. She
refused. He again asked and she again re
fused. Then be drew a revolver, and without
a word shot himself through the heart. The
shot and tbe woman's screams brought a police
man to tbe nttic Broessel was already dead.
In bis pocket tbe officer found two pawntick
ets. U cents and this note: "If anyone hap
pened to be in tbe room with me at tbe time the
shot felt they are not responsible for anything
that occurred." Broessel was a German artist,
20 years old. son of Christian Broessel. a tailor
at 429 North Gllmore street, Baltimore. Young
Broessel had been in Europe two years and re
turned eight weeks ago. He came to this city
in search of work, but found none. His left
side was paralyzed, the result of lead poisoning
from bis paints. Be was four weeks in arrears
for board. He said on fonday that he had
written to Baltimore and expected remittances
from his father. Despondency over bis in
creasing poverty doubtless drove him to sui
cide. Shipwrecked Sailors' SuBcrlDgs.
The steamer Loona. from Galveston, brought
into, port this morning tbe shipwrecked captain
and crew of the schooner Fnrman S. Milford.
The Milford ran Into a series of gales between
November 14 and 17, on her wayfrom Key West
to Baltimore, Karly last Sunday morning tbe
cargo shifted, the vessel began to labor and a
little later began to sink. Tbe captain and
crew of seven put off from ber in a small boat
For SO hours they worked with might and main
to keep their little craft from going down In the
heavy sea. They had only hard tack to eat and
nothing to drink. Tbey were picked up by the
Leona on Monday.
PrrrSBtrno evidently thinks there Is a good
deal of merit as well as luek in "Clover," for
the Bijou Is being crowded nightly. Friday
night promises to see every seat sold. There
is a matinee on Saturday, it may be said, for
tbe benefit of many inquirers. The general
verdict on "Clover" seems to be more favor
able than The Dispatch's, but tbe greater
part of tho praise goes to the company, as
might be expected. Not only are the stars,
Miss Marion Hanota, Mis Myers, Madame Cot
trelly, Da Wolf Hopner, De Asgells and tbe
rest capable of tbe best kind of comlo opera
work but tbe company as a whole pulls to
gether as only CoL McCanll's companies do.
Mr. Turtle's stage management is also a factor
in the smoothness and easiness of the action,
tbe changes of scene, etc in one of the longest
and most trying of comlo operas ever pnt on
tbe stage. "Clover" is an artlstlo success in all
"Kajaska" is pleasing large audiences.
The matinee was well attended yesterday, and
the McCaufl Company and other professionals
were noticeable in the audience.
Saevtct, the great Italian tragedian, with
his company will play next week at the Grand
Opera House in "Samson" and "Othello."
Joe EMMETTinhisnewpliy. "Fritsln a Mad
house," Is tbe safe and sure attraction at the
Bijou next week,
ATHarrls' Theater, next week, tho Nelsons
will bold the boards, with a first-class vaude
ville programme.
Tan "Night Owls." old-time favorites, will
flutter about the Academy of Music next week-
a Syndicate Formed to CeBtrol a
Mcibodlst Suaiflaer Resort.
Watkrtowk. N. Y., November 20. A syndi
cate has been formed to buy and control all the
stock of tbe Thousand Island Park Association,
which owns tbe great Methodist summer resort
on tbe SMLawrence river. Tbe syndicate has
been successful in .getting a majority of the
stock, and at tho annual meeting ofjtbe associa
tion, held a short time ago. the Rev. M. D.
Kinney, Its President, was bounced without a
great deal of ceremony.
Mr. Kinney has been in control for 12 years or
more, and his overthrow caused not a little sur
prise among the Methodist brethren and others
wbo supposed him to be safely entrenched. The
syndicate, which Is now In control, Is made up
mostly of old stockholders wbo were dissatisfied
with tbe former management.
Mb. O. A. Bbswick; of HoUldaysburg, is
bappy in the experience of having sent and re
ceived a letter which left that place on the 18th
of July lasr, and made a passage entirely
around the globe, traveling east and. was re
ceived November 13 in mail from tbe west; Tbe
letter was in Aden, Arabia, to which place it
was orlginaly directed August 11, and after a
Visit to the United States consulate, was lent
to Yokohama, Japan, where It arrived Septem
ber It was there'advertlsed and then for
warded to tbe United States October 10. Deduct
ing the 18 days delayed at Aden, and the time
it remained In tbe postofflce at Yokohama, tbe
letter made tbe circuit around the mother
earth In 88 days actual travel. The expenses
ot tbe trip were just 6 cents.
A doq left in Snyder's saloon, at Carlton,
Pa., one night, whilo prowling around, opened
the spigot of a barrel of whisky, allowing tbe
contents to run out and thoroughly saturate
the floor. In tbe morning the proprietor found
enough on tbe floor to scrub out the saloon, but
it was a very expeaslre "wash."
A cootaxy 1 being formed la BeaiB to
establish cutlery works there.
Editor Gobsox, of the Mercer Dirpatch,
has drawn a 11-pound pike from tbe dhenango.
An Albino coon, without a gray balr on it,
has been captured by J obu Barkley, ot Mowoe
couu ty, O. Tbo animal has pink eyes.
Thbsb years ago sevsn Wheeling girls, who
moved is the saw set, reselTsd sever to marry.
NowtJm all ktM ex
cept eee, and her engagsmest is aanosBced.
i ' -... -...) ' .-.,rTi.,nvnS
1. 'Mara?" i. j!- "
o l umu us" wn um b&nuaait
- . - - -r: w "'.3
It is said that there are Slanguage
and dialects spoken in Mexico. f
A Democrat in Konana county,' Ia.',J
was elected to the Legislature by a majority of
1 vote. If he bad remained at borne on the
day of the election the result would have seen
a tie.
A mistake of one wonl recently cost 8.
O. Fisher, of West Bay City, the price of SO
bushels of potatoes. He told his clerk tor write
to a Grayliiig man for 5 or 30 bushels, and the
clerk wrote for barrels.
One of the smallest traveling men in
Michigan is a Sparling, of Kingsley. He is 23
years old, Inches tall, weighs 60 pounds, and
represents a Chicago house.
Jesse O'Cooly, of Jeffersonville, Ind.,
was arrested for desecrating the Sabbath at
Scottsburg. His crime consisted In repairing
?br?ke,nTTIa;t8.anaaJr Pvent a wreck:
the J.. M. & i, he being a section hand.
A cork tree at Vistalia, Cal..was trans
planted to tbe Court House yard last Friday.
It was planted from an acorn fa 1857 in aracant
lot. and has growo to be 30 feet high and 20
inches through the butt The bark is I inch
E. B. Duncan, of Salem, Ore., was feast
ing last week on strawberries that grew and -ripened,
unprotected, in the open air., Hls
vines are still in bloom and he has a few berries
in all the stages, some green and others are
about matured. J
Dr. Meade, of Cincinnati, Jeft his horse'1
untied and it ran away. The doctor sent mes-'
sages all over town ana had about given up all
hope of ever seeing bis rig asain. when be was ,
called to the telephone. He recognized the.
voice of bis affianced, and was rejoiced to learn
that the animal was standing patiently in Iron
of her residence.
There is a certain firm of subscription
book publishers in Cincinnati thathas anagent
wbo recently took a most wonderful number of
orders. "I can't explain it," said one of tha
firm, "except on the theory that he mesmerizes
them. I know that I delivered the books to thev
parties, and while they all acknowledged tbe
genuineness of the signatures. thv niim.rt
not to be able to remember the least thine
Hiram Lester, now an Inmate of the
Poor House, at McDonougb. Ga is thought to
be tbe oldQt man in the world. His age is 120
years. Colonel Sloan, of McDonougb, who Is
over SO years age, says when he was a boy Les
ter was old man. Letter's teeth are perfectly
sound and his eyesight and hearing are good.
His skin is wrinkled and as bard as parchment.
He-eats and sleeps well, and says be has given
up all idea ot ever dying. He remembers all
about tbe Revolutionary War and knew George
Last July a well-dressed stranger en
tered tbe First National Bank in Chattanooga,
and purchased one draft for Hand two of. 88
each, paying for the same. The bank Is now
notified tbat the ff draft has turned up in New
York a HO draft. It seems that the awindleri
went to Philadelphia and purchased a soda,
fountain for 51,100, paylngfor the same with tbe
raised draft and receiving 52,900 in exchange. .
The draft was thrown ont by the New York.,
correspondent of the Chattanooga bank as a
forgery. The work was so well done that it can
hardly be detected by an expert.
A Michigan exchange gives this advice t
to its readers: "If a gray-haired woman of 60s"
in moderately respectable attire is put off tho
cars In your town because -she can't pay her
fare any farther; If she almost immediately re
ceives a telegram urging her to come home on
the next train because her husband is dying,
and if she tearfully and desperately. In a plenty
loud voice, announces tbat she is going to walk
home 100 miles, you let ber walk. She and her
confederate, who sends the telegram, have
worked tbe dying husband racket In half a
dozen Michigan towns at a net profit, it is fig
ured, of 115 a day.
The first cargo of- the American bitumi
nous coal that has been known to be shipped
direct to Brazil will be taken by the schooner
Hannah McLoon, which sailed from Philadel
phia yesterday for Santos via Newport News.
Many efforts have been made to introduce coal
from this country into Brazil.but every attempt
was thwarted by the coal monopoly of tbe
country, which was in the hands of tbe En
glish, who refused to handle the American
product. Dnrlng the last two years thousands
of tons of coal shipped from Philadelphia have
been landed at St. Thomas and Martinique,
driving out all foreign coal. The McLoon gets
S3 60 per ton freight.
No variety of chrysanthemum is more
widely known than the Mrs. Alpheus Hardy,
an exquisite feathery white. The story of tbe
lady and the flower Is somewhat romantic.
Years ago Mrs. Alpheus Hardy and her ho.
band were on a veasel coming from Japaa'.teui .,
this conntrr. After the vssssl had Ion savamfgyv
days out a little Japanese stcwaw3ywas found
r3y was fimna,,
became toterigr'' '
among somer goods. The Hard js
estea in did, ana on tne lanaing
C.WU ... 14.MJ. UU WU .UV UNIUUlfa ft .MB GW. V.
took tne little teuow to tneir home in Boston
and educated him. He afterward returned to j
bis country as the Bov. Neesema. a native mis
sionary, wnence he sent back to Mrs. Hardy tbe J
most magnificent collection of chrysanthemum
roots that the country possesses to-day.
The teacher of a school in St Joseph,
Mo., last Friday night placed Willie Lechtman
in a closet in a deserted room as punishment -for
some trivial offense, but forgot to release
tbe culprit when tbe week's session was ended
and went home. The janitor, while going about
the- building; beard someone crying-, but
tbougbt it was a child in tbe neighborhood and i
paid no attention to It. Time passed and the
wall continued and grew weaker and mora
piteous. This touched bis heart, and he began-f
search for the source and soon located the
little prisoner in the closet. Tbe teacher had
"1rn that tVar with Tioi arA Tick va rtmvoTTH
to force tbe door. The' bo v. when released, was M
in a pitiful condition.
T. P. Smvthes, wbo has made some im
portant geological discoveries in Indiana,
stated to on Indianapolis reporter: "There is a
great lake under a part ot Indiana, as yon are
already probably convinced. I have explored
it. I was sinking a well on my place In Orange
county, when suddenly the drill knocked a
piece ont of tbe bottom and disappeared.
Tn rough the opening cnld, clear water rushed.
filling tbe well to the depth of 20 feec At this
level it stands. I have pumped water for hours,
using a steam engine once, and tbe water does
not lower an inch. One day I drew up a flsh in
a bucket of water. I had heard neighbors telli.
stories of subterranean fish, but this was the
first lhvl seen. Ihaveitnere laalcohoU-'Asl
yon see, it is eyeless." Tne flsh. was small.'ot
reddish color, and almost transparent. Hold-'
lng It before the light one could count every
bone In the fish. .The part of tbe State where
tbe underground lake exists is hilly, full of
gulches sua caves. It is there tbat Lost river,
a considerable stream, gradually sinks away
and Anally disappears altogether. A few miles
west, at Orangevlllt, a great body of water
(commonly believed to be. Lost river) gashes
irom the earth. It foams and gushes against
the rock and comes forth in sufficient power
and quantity to famish power for a mill.
The good things men do may be interred
with their bones, but thf eofflns of some men are
not crowded. Jtoy rrttt.
She And now that we are engaged. John"
dear, bovlone; shall the enf axement be for?
He (an absent-minded lawyer, who has Jost, ,
drawn up railroad lease J-Oh. tstjears, I s'pose.
f -.. . .......... .,.tj. 5
An inherent Aniipawy. --vrnyuo you;
suppose tbe Anarchist are so down on corpora
tions?" 'Because the corporations contain so smelt .
water." Few XortSu.
M the Ballet, Little Girl (fearfully) '
Mamma, when are the Indians coming on?
Mother-Hush, dear: there are no Indians.
Little Girl-Then who scalped all the men In the
front seatsT Sev Xort Sun.
Vm.4.. .1 IX ..1.4 .... .. l.Mi7.t
.wwti.uau uuiuuiiTHiiiumt rj.
Pedestrian (calmly) I have been ont shopplasj i
all dav with nr wife. 3
Footpad (STmpthetlcalIy)-Br Jiakit Here,1 r .
take this quarter.ff'w tor WUy.
Beggar I've met with many misfortunes, " ""
sir, and haven't a dollar to glvo to mysuHerlns; '' xt.
family. Can't yon help me out? "
Business Man-Yes, sir, lean help you out. but
you wilt feet much more at ease ir you help your
self out. There's the door, Few Jtork 8un.
Why He Couldn't Settle. "Mr. Orville-5 ' ,
B.Dupp.ael4 themanwlth a bllUtn land. u
harsh, menacing voice,-"you sabt tou would cer- 'Jt-,
talnly pay this If I would call this morning!" Jf?'
"IknowldhV'sald the miserable man, 'bnt.,S4
my wife is oat somewhere' with my poeketbookj, ,f
auyinz me a nirtnaay present." wmotst -
Professed Too Much. Capitalist Mr,
danghterl homely, cross-eyed, bomp-thouldered
and has a dlsnoililan lite s hornet's nest, what
do you want to marry her for?
onff Han f MfnttvlV tare Bar. sir.
CapIUUst-Tbeayoaean'thavsber.slr. IdoVt,
want to take a blamed fool miomyismuj. -
cago Tribune,
"Whene'er he has .1 tale to tell,
With purpose good or vlelons.
Or ghost or a-oblta. Jinn or fcelV
Or other thirties suspicious.
He never tells it In the dark.
Yet always start with the remarks
- ill u. mnt .TTtl.ntltlOUS."
fix T
W-, . i
' 1 "
t mi
Wfe 'iVrf fjjg