i T" .- i-wA - s- 7 " .: " J v -art fAf'w -WW Itirc-A-tfifcJ S?HE TEEM) OF TEADE Unnsual Activity in Sewer Pipe, Ce ment and Fire Brick. VOLUME SEVER BEFORE SO LARGE. Slate for Hoofing and Mantels is in Extra ordinary Demand. HAEGINS OP PBOF1T TEEI KAEEOW Orncs or PrrrsnDBa Dispatch, 1 Tuesdat. November 19. 1889. Interviews with representatives of the sewer pipe, cement and firebrick trade de Yelped the fact that there is unusual activity all along the line. The uniform testimony is that the trade is much beyond that of last season in volume of goods handled, and in fact was never better than right now. The new traction roads constructed the past year have made extraordinary demands upon the cement trade. A member of a leading firm reports sales of 123,000 Carrels of cement the present car, and nearly the same amount last, which is an increase of more than one-third over the average sales of the five years pre vious. The demand for sewer pipe does not show any great increase; but dealers report an improve ment over last year. Fire Brick In Bis Demand. There has been an extraordinary demand for fire brick, both for paving and mill purposes, all this season. In some grades it has been next to impossible to fill orders. The two new furnaces in process of construction at the Ed gar Thomson works call for millions of fire brick, and it taxes one of our leading firms to meet demands there. At one establishment it was learned this morning that heavy orders were recently re ceived from Roanoke, Virginia, and Philadel phia, and that the orders now in would Keep the manufactories represented by them busy all the coming winter. There has been developed here in recent years a large trade with Philadelphia for pav ing fire brick. The Mutter U Explained. Said a member of one of the leading firms: "Our Industry was never in better shape, and the outlook was never brighter than it is to-day. To be sure, competition is sharper and margins are much closer than in other j ears; but we make np for this in the amount of goods handled. Prices vary very little from what they were a year ago. If there is any difference, they are a shade lower." It was elicited in the Interviews with repre sentatives of the fire-brick industry that there has been developed in the past four years a great trade for paving fire-brick. The great eduction in prices and the superior qualities of this material for paving purposes have very much stimulated trade at the expense of the old fashioned red brick. Slates and Mantels. A member of the leading business house of the city engaged in the manutacture and sale of slate for roofing and mantels thus puts the situation and outlook of this Industry 'We have in no former season handled the same amount of goods, but profits are greatly below those of former seasons. W thought prices of the high grades of roofing slate were down to hard pan a year ago, but there was a reduction of about 10 per cent last spring, owing to the unwise policy of dealers, and no recovery since, though demand has been ex traordinary. Low grades have taken an up ward turn, but the cut-throat policy among competitors has prevented a similar advance in the higher grades. "With such an active demand as we have been having this fall, and the low prices that have prevailed by all ordinary rules of trade, there should be higher prices. "We find it next to impossible to meet orders, and, though we have two quarries turning out materials, have been obliged of late to go outside of our own products to satisfy customers. This has Very Rarely Occnrrrd in our business history. Notwithstanding the great pressure for our products, it has been found impossible to advance prices. The sea Bon for mantels is now fully on, as houses are being finished up and demand was never greater. It is nip and tnck between slate and wooden mantels for tine residences. "The fine artistic designs in slate mantels have given them quite an impetus the past year or two We sell both, and find that the -aJate mantel is full holding its own in com petition with that made of wood. "As to amonnt of goods handled this season, both in roofing and fire front materials, we have done better than last year or any former year, and the outlook for a lively winter's trade was never as bright as now." UY STOCK MABKET& The Condition of Business at the Bast Liberty Stock Yards. OrrrcE ofPittsbubo Dispatch,! Tuesdat. November 19, 1S89. J CATTLE Receipts, 3S0 head; shipments, 1,020 head; market fair; prime, 54 104 40; good, S3 S03 90; fair, 2 K3 40; bulls, stags and fat cows, SI 502 50; fresh con s, S2040; veal calves, $5 OOgS 23; no cattle shipped to N ew York to-day. Hoas Receipts. LSOO head: shipments. 1.400 head; market slow; Philadelphias, 4 O04 03; Yorkers, $3 S5S 80; 1 car of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 3,600 head; shipments, 1,400 head; market slow at yesterday's prices. ' Br Telegraph. New Yoek Beeves Receipts 940 head, in cluding 41 carloads for exportation and 17 car loads for home trade slaughterers direct: no trading in beeves; dull for dressed beef at 5KS8 lic per pound for native sides: exports 3.060 quarters of beef. To-day's cable advices f rOm London and Liverpool quote American refng eratea beef at scant 6c per pound, and Amer ican steers doll at SglOc per pound for the dressed weight, sinking the offal. Calves Re ceipts, 440 bead; steady and all sold Including reals at 608c per pound; grassers and 'Western calves $2 353 75 per 100 pounds. Sheep Re ceipts, 2,100 head; fairly firm for both sheen and lambs with a moderate trading at $5 25 6 75 per 100 pounds for lambs and at (4 005 75 for sheep, some poor Iambs going at $4 60 and some poor sheep at $3 51 Hogs Receiots, 5,100 head; live hogs sold at $3 S04 25 per 100 pounds, and the market closed weak. Chicago The Vrover't Journal reports Cattle BecelDts. 9.O00 head: shipments, 3,500 head; market opened strong, closed weak but not lower: choice to extra beeves, $4 60ffio 00; steers, S2 75B4 50,stockers and feeders, 81 2a 2 75: cows, bulls and mixed. SI 002 80; Texas cattle. SI 4002 90: Westerns 52 40S3 4a Hogs Receipts, 23,000 head; shipments, 5.500 head; market weak: mixed. S3 6503 SO; hran- S3 60390; light, S3 653 95; skips, S2 003 57. Sheep Receipts, 7.000 head; shipments, 1,500 head: market active and steady; natives. S3 255 25; Western. S3 S04 40; lambs, SI 75 gS 60percwt KANSAS CITT Cattle Receipts, 6.600 head: shipments. 500 head: native beeves. S3 104 60; cows, SI 602 35; stockers and feeders. SI 250 S 15: Texans, SI 502 75. Hogs Receipts, 10, 000 head: shipments, none; market closed 510c lower after a strong opening; good to choice light. S3 653 70; heavy and mixed, S3 603 65. Sheep Receipts, none; shipments, 2,000 head; good to choice muttons, 13 704 95; stockers Snd feeders, S2 354 60. dNcnnrATT Hogs higher: common and light, S3 003 85; packing and butchers, S3 75 S 9a Receipts, 2,900 head; shipments, 1,650 bead. Bcffaxo Cattle Steady; receipts, 59 loads through; 3 ale. Hogs steady; receipts, 12 loads through; 77 sale. Wool Market. St. Loots Receipts of wool, 129,167 pounds. Market quiet and unchanged. New" Yobk Wool In fair demand and steady. Domestic fleece, 32S9e: pulled. 23a 41c; Texas, 142Sc. . Boston The wool market is steady, though buyers do not go beyond their immediate wants in purchasing. Sales of Ohio fleeces are noticed at 3132c for X, and 37c for No. L Michigan X fleeces were held at 30c, and No. 1 was held at 3536c. No. 1 combing wools have been quite firm at3940c.tand unwashed combing has been seHingat2728c for one-fourth blood and2930c for three-eighths blood. Ohio fine delaine has been in steady request it 3433c, and Michigan at32033c Texas and other unwashed wools have leen sellirg generally at a scoured basis of 5S 60 for fine,5557c for fine medium and 5053c for medium. Pulled wools have been in fair de mand. Foreign wools remain firm, owing to the strong advices from abroad. Metnl Market. Nhw" York Pig iron firm and active; American, J16 50219 00. Copper nominal: lake, November, SIS 00. Lead unchanged. Tin de clining; straits, 21 30. Whlskr Market. There it an active demand for finished goods attiOi MAEKETS BY TOE. - No Life in the Wheat Pit Prices Slightly Lower. December Option Leading Pork More Active and StendT. Chicago. Trading in wheat to-day was moderate. Operators were rather inclined to sell December, and those disponed to buy gave May the preference, and the premium between these futures was 44Vc The market ruled fairly steady most oi the session within a lower range of prices, the decline being most marked in December. Corn ruled quiet and inactive most of the ses sion,trading being light and fluctuations limited to a Kiio range. The speculative market opened a shade under closing prices of yester day, was steady for a time, became easier, ruled steadier, and closed a shade better than Mon day. Oats were active, stronger and higher. Mess pork was a little more active, and the feeling was steady. . In lard not much life was manifested. Prices ruled 510o lower. The leaaing futures ranged as follows- Whbat No. 2. December. 816Sie0f 80c; Januarv, 81KSlol681Kc; May, 0oj4 68oJS4J'&oc. Corn-Ko. 2, December. 31K3131? Slc; January, 3131K31K31c; May. Oats No. 2. December. 20i20320X 20c; January. 202020Jic; May. 2.d 22422c Mess Poke, per bbl. Year, 59 1569 159 9 159 12K; January. & 309 S09 309 30; May. S9 659 659 609 62. Lard, per 100 fts. Year, S5 95; Januarv. 55 92HS5 Sto5 92XQ5 92f : May. Jfl 108 12X 6 10&6 10. Short Ribs, per 100 fts. Year, J4 904 92$ 4 8584 92H:May, S5 00. Cash quotations were as follows: Floursteady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 80c; No. 3 spring wheat, 656Sc; No. 2 red. 80c: No. 2 corn. 32Kc Aa 2 oats. 2021c; No. 2 rye. 45c. No. 2 barley. 5658c No. 1 flax seed. SI 34. Prime timothy seed, 1 20 Mesa pork, per bbl. S9 629 75. Lard, per 100 lbs 56 10 Short nbs sides (loose), S5 10 5 4a Dry salted shoulders (boxed), unchanged. Short clear sides (boxed), unchanged. Sugars Cut loaf. 6c; granulated, 7c: stand ard A 7c. Receipts Flour, 2o,00u barrels; wheat, 122.000 bushels: com, 194.000 bushels; oats, 140,000 bushels; rye, 12.000 bushels: barley, 85,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 7,000 bar rels; wheat, 38,000 bushels: corn. 93,000 bubels; oats. 357,000 bushels; rye, 8,000 bushels; barley. 58, 000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the bntter market was steady and unchanged. Eggs, 21 22c New York Flour dull and unchanged; poor qualities easy. Wheat Spot dull and weaker; options moderately active and &iz lower and steady. Rye steady: Western, 5a 55Kc Barley eak; Western, 5065c; Canada, 59j73c: sales of i0,000 bushels Canada at 5964c Barley malt dull: Canada, TTJc Corn Spot moderately active and Kc lower and steady; o tions quiet, KQMa lower and steady. Oats- Spot less actire and easier; options moder ately active and stronger. Coffee Options opened barely steady 5 points up to 10 points down, closing steady 15g25 points down; Rio offers to sell more freely at easier prices; sales 93,750 bags. Including November, 15.b015.80c; December. 15.6015S5c Jan mry. 15.6015.95c; February. 15.6515.90c; April, 15.7015.90c; Mav. 156515.ft5c; June. ia6015.90c: July. 15.5015.80c; August. 15.70c; September, I5.4015.45c; October, ia4515.50c; spot Rio easier and quiet: fair cargoes, 19Jic: No. 7, 17$c Sugar Raw a sliaue hlzber and firm; fair refining. Centrifu gals. 96 test. 6 ll-165Kc Sales 110 hhds English islands and 600 hhds Porto Rio e3 test at 4Kc; refined,firm and in good demand. Molasses New Orleans steady and In fair de mand. Rice in moderate demand and steady. Cottonseed oil easy; crude, 23c: yellow, 84S5c. Tallow quiet. Rosin steady. Turpentine dull and rominal at 4545c. Eggs quiet. Pork active and steady. Cut meats easy; pickled bellies, 12 :ponnds, 66c; pickled shoulders, 55c; pickled hams, 99c: middles dull. Lard stronger and more active; western steam, S6 50 55, closing, $6 55, and S6 52KC.L f.; November, $6 50; Decem ber, $6 3ogo 36, closing S3 36 bid; January, S6 35, closing SO o5 bid; February. $8 40, closing S6 40 bid: March, S6 45, closing $6 45 bid. Butter in moderate demand; fresh firm; Elgin. 26K27c: western dairy, 917c: do, creamery, 1325c; do ISc, do, factory. 7K14c Cheese quiet and steady; western, 7K10c. Philadelphia Flour steady with a fair demand for desirable grades of both spring and winter. Wheat Options weak and lower; uiku graues sicaoy; steamer ro. z red, in ele vator. 73c; ungraded, in grain depot,184c; No. 2 red. November. 80VSlc: December, 804i81c: January, 8282c; February. 8Ma Com Options quiet and Jc lower: carlots for local trade steady though quiet; ungraded yel low, in grain depot, 41Xc: No. 2 high mixed, in Tw entieth street elevamr, 42c: No. 2 vellow. in grain depot. 42c: No. 2, mixed, Novem ber. 40c: December. 39eiS40a Jmiurr ors 39ic; February. 39J440c. Oats Carlots quiet: Nol 3 white, in Twentieth strAt 1nntnp I oi 2Sc: do in trrain denot. 2SVc: fntmm nnlof Tin 2 white. November. 28J 29Jic: December. 29c; January, 29fi)295ic; February,29JC30c Ezgs steady for fresh stock; PennnirauU. first, 20Q27C. Bt. Louis Flour dull. "Wheat lower and generally weak throughout; No. 2 red, cash. 78K78Jc; December. 7979Jic closed at79Wc bid; January, 80580iic closed at 80c; May, 84Ji84Kc closed at 84Jjc asked. Corn steady, but very quiet; No. 2 mixed, cash, 805c; No vember, 30Kc. closed at 30K30Jgc bid: Decem ber, 28c. closed at 2Sc bid. Oats firm and in demand; No. 2 cash, 19J19Jc bid; May, 22Jic. and that bid at the close: January, 19Wc. Rye No. 2 hard. 40c bid. Barley No demand. Flaxseed steadier at SI 25. Provisions un changed. Cikcinnatt Flour quiet Wheat firm: No. 2 red, 7778c; receipts, 6.000 bushels; shipments. 5,500 bushels. Corn firm;No. 2 mixed. S7KS8c. Oats barely steady: No. 2 mixed, 2223cT Rye firmer: No. 2. 46c. Pork steady at Sia Lard stronger at S6. Bulkmeats dull and unchanged. uuHHiinn. ougar steauy. x.ggs Xirmat20c. Cheese steady. DKIYEN TO AN IXSANfi ASXLUH". A Man Who Claims to Have Invented the Monitor Crazed br Disappointment. Maldex, Mass., November 19. A man who claims to have been the original in ventor of the "Monitor, was sent to the "Westboro insane hospital to-day. His name is Joseph "W. Ubrcross. His insanity was caused directly by the refusal ol Secretary of the Navy Whitney to adopt a model for a lifeboat which he designed. His wife substantiates his statement that he was the original designer or the Monitor, and says that he submitted his designs to Gideon Wells, then Secretary of the Navy, together with a model for a gun turret. He claims that these models were turned over to Erics son, who built the Monitor. He savs he watched the construction of the boat, and told Ericsson that it would sink, as it was not being built according to his model, and the truth of his prediction was verified though not until she had sunk the Merri mac Norcross also claims to have first invented the screw propeller and twitting block, and that he was the original inventor oi the barbed wire fence, models of which he had on exhibition for a long time previous to its being adopted, but he says he made verv little money out of his inventions, because tney were stolen trom mm by capitalists. He superintended the building of the Bo chester aqueduct, andwas offered the super intendency of the construction of the Erie canal. He is reported to have been wealthy at one time, but he is a poor man now. He is 79 yean old. SOME BOIS FIGHT TICIOUSLT. One of Them Has His Scalp Laid Bare by a Blow. Yesterday afternoon a free fight among several boys occurred on Main street, West End, and resulted in a painful injury to one of the participants, Thomas White, 8 years of age. From what could be learned of the origin' of the fight, it appears that the boys had a aispute aDout a game tney were playing and concluded to settle the difficulty by a fight. White was the only one injured. His scalp was laid bare about three inches, and bled profusely. White claimed that a boy named Cunningham had struck him with a club. The boy was removed to his home. FOR DYSPEPSIA Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. Lorenzo Waite. Plttsfleld. Mass.. sum "From its use for a period of about eight weeks, to the exclusion of all other remedies, I attribute the restoration to health of a pal tient who was emaciated to the last degree, in consequence of nervous prostration and dys pepsia. This patient's stomach was in such an irritable condition; that he could not bear either liquid or solid food. An accomplished physician of many years experience, whom I called In consultation, pronounced his ease an Incurable one. At this stage I decided to use Horsford's Acid Phosphate, which resulted as above mentioned.'" AMAJOEnrof people prefer F. & V.'a Pilsner beer for family use. 'Phone 1166. 0NETJH1NG WALNTED. A Real Estate Exchange Necessary to Handle Business Properly. SOME ADVANTAGES POINTED OUT. Sequel to a Remarkable Boom That Swept Oyer Southern California. HEWEKGLAHD FARMING PLATING OUT The methods of handling real estate are constantly changing. Time was when near ly all the sales were by auction, but this system is rapidly falling into disuetude, ex cept when required by law. From the auction to the exchange is a big jump, but that is the trend of the business. - Beal es tate exchanges exist in nearly all of the principal cities, and are found to work sat isfactorily to both sellers and buyers. There is no good reason why Pittsburg should be behind in this important matter. Business is already too large to be rapidly and conven iently transacted any other way. Real estate exchanges promote business wherever established. This statement has the support of statistics, and is in harmony with the opinions of leading operators in realty who have from time to time given their views to the public And there is good reason why they should. They bring business men Into closer relations, where they can discuss affairs face to face. They bring buyers and sellers tozether, a very Important matter in business; for more can be accomplished In a personal interview of a few minutes than in days or weeks of corre spondence. They benefit agents by simplifying and expediting business. Tbeydonot have to keep a large force under pay to drum up business. It comes to them. They Insure ,unity of action among agents, by putting all members on an equality. They compel uniformity of rates, thus making throat-cutting impossible, and guaranteeing fairness to each other as well as to their clients. Profits of individual agents or Arms are as great, or even greater, than under any other system, since sales are more quickly made and expenses smaller. There1 are real estate agents in Philadelphia who did next to nothine before the exchange was estab lished, but who have had all they could do since, and some of them have amassed for tunes. The result would be the same in Pitts burg. There has been considerable talk here about establishing a real estate exchange, and those favoring it even went so far as to appoint a committee to visit Philadelphia, New York and Chicago to examine the workings of the institutions in those places and report; but for some reason the report has been held back and the matter allowed to drop almost out of sight. Interest in it is reviving, however, and there is ground for hope that the project will yet be carried out. Some of the most influential busi ness men of the city are in favor of an ex change, and it is Intimated that they will soon take steps to bring the question to a direct issue. If this be done with anything like unanimity on the part of friends of the enter prise, the result cannot be doubtful. Pitts burg will have a real estate exchange. History fails to record a more signal collapse of a real estate boom than that which broke out in Los Angeles and the adjacent counties in Southern California in 1SS8 and 1S87. The fall in values has been something perfectly enor mous. At Oak Knoll lots which sold two years ago for S1.500 at present find no takers at 1100; large tracts of alkali lands, at one time laid out in lots, but at present the home of horned toads and jack-rabbits, are assessed it S60 an acre, and are not worth one-tenth the sum; and a list of property can be shown which had been sold for prices aggregating $103,980, and which at pres ent are not worth their assessed value some rnooa But the Inflation in town sites went to an extent that seems absurd to an outsider. There were some 60 paper towns cre ated in different parts of Los Angeles county. comprising 79.350 town lots enough, say, for 300,000 people, and nearly 40,000 more than there are In New York between Fifty-ninth and One Hundred and Fifty-fifth streets. At present there are 2,351 people living In these towns Border City had 1,920 lots, and not a single irf habitntto take advantage of them; Chicago Park, 2,286 lots, and but a single occupant; Carlton, 4.060 lots, and not an inhabitant: Man chester, 2,304, and the same overwhelming pop ulation; West Glendale, 8,123 lots, and no in habitants; and Sunset, 2,07 lots, and one soli tary watchman, who looks after an expensive hotel and a deserted town. Booms and balloons are mnchthe saxre. They go up In fine style, amid the applause of thoughtless people, but nearly always come down in a collapsed condition. It seems that farming in New England is playing out. It certainly Is in Vermont, if the following may be credited, and it comes from so high a sonrce that few will be disposed to dispute its truthfulness. A party of State of ficials, among whom was Mr. George Valen tine, while standing on a hill in Bennington county, and looking over the valley of the West river, a tributary of the Connecticut, a few days ago, counted 15 contiguous farms, of perhaps 100 acres each, all fenced, with dwell ing houses and barns in at least tolerable con dition, withont a single Inhabitant. Beyond, toward the Connecticut, but hidden by the groves in the valley, were, as tbey knew, 15 more also deserted, yet all well situated and still showing signs of their former fertility. Statistics show that a similar condition pre vails all over the State. In Windham county alone are more than 40,000 acres of land, once cultivated, but now deserted, and in the whole State the number of abandoned farms, com plete with bouses, fences, barns and outbuild ings, mnst be several thousand. Yet Vermont is one of the pleasantest, healthiest, most fer tile and most civilized States in the Union. In its river valleys is no malaria, while its bills are covered to the summit with vegetation. The reckless agriculture which has made portions of the country nearly barren has never been favored in Vermont, where a century or more of stock farming has rather enriched than exhausted the soil; yet the people who once found happy homes there have crowded into the towns, or have left the State altogether. In 30 years, from 1850 to 1880, the increase of popu lation in Vermont was 5 per cent, while the population of the whole country was more than doubled, and that of the adjoining State of Massachusetts increased by nearly 80 per cent. It Is not a little curious that a region so favored in climate and position should be retrograding so rapidly. There is material here for political economists to ponder over. When men begin first to become familiar with the methods of measuring mechanical power they often speculate on where the breed of horses is to be found which can keep at work raising 33,000 pounds one foot per minute, or the equivalent, which Is familiar to men ac customed to pile driving by horse power, of raising StO pounds 100 feet per minute. Since 33,000 pounds raised one foot per minute is called one horse-power, it is natural for people to suppose that the engineers who established that unit of measurement based it on the actual work performed by horses. But that was not the case. The horse power unit was established by James Watt about a century ago, and the figures were settled in a curious way. Watt, in his usual careful manner, pro ceeded to find out the average work which the horses of his district could perform, and he per minute was about an actual horse power. At this time be was employed In the manu facture of engine, and had almost a monopoly of the engine building trade. Customers were so hard to find that all kinds of artificial en couragements were considered necessary to in duce power users to buy steam engines. Asa method of encouraging business. Watt offered to sell-engines reckoning 83,000 foot-pounds to a horse power, or one-third more than the ac tual. And thus, what ras Intended as a tem porary expedient to promote business, has been the means of giving a false unit of a very im portant measurement to the world. IMITATING JUCAWBEB. Local Securities Weak and Dnll With a Fevr Exceptilons. There was very little in the stock dealings yesterday to interest eithir buyers or outsiders. The total sales wore 330 shares. Philadelphia gas opened a little weaker than the day before, but picked up and dosed about the same. The tractions, also, showed a slight loss of staying power, but not enough to excite either side of the market. Pleasant Valley Bailway and Junction Bail road were the only really strong shares, and each of them scored a handsome advance. The rest of the list was featureless and dull. Trans actions were: MORXTNG. JUrTXBXOOlJ. Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked. Keystone B'k of Pitts. 85 .... ... Lawrence Bank, 68X .... e? Masonic Bank... 61 M. & M. isat. Bank.... 63 , .... City Insurance 23 .... 7o) .... Citizens' insurance 37 J Allegheny Heating Co. 100 lie Chanters V. Gas Co 49 Hat. Gas Co. of W. Va. .... 75 .... 75 1'eople'sN. G. & F.Co 14 ...- Philadelphia Co 82 ZHi S3 &X Pine Run Gas i -;,, Wheeling Gas Co Wf .... OT Columbia Oil Co 3 1)i .... llazelwood Oil Co W4 Central Traction S3 s4 K H Citizens' Traction C3 70 .... 6V" Pitts. Traction 47f 43 Pleasant Valley a 2$ 22K 24 Pitts., A. A Man 200 .... 250 .... Chartlers Hallway..... 46 S2 P. &Conn,UvllleR.lt. 14 19 Pitts. Jane. K. K Wi U P.,McK.AY.B.B.Co. 6U P. C. 4St. L 19 I.Y. ttCGasCoalCO 37 .... W La Noria Mining Co... H Luster Mining Co 10 15 .... 15,, Yankee Girl Mining... ! 35 1H 3K Wcstinpnonse Electric 494 49M .... 49S Monoogahela N Co ... 75 Mon'gahela Water Co. .... 35 Union Storage Co 75 WestInghoueA.B.Co. .... 114 .... 114 At the morning session 200 shares Philadel phia Qas brought 82, and 30 Pittsburg Traction 4SJ. At the afternoon board 50 shares of Cen tral Traction went at 34, and 56 Pleasant Valley Railway 22. Andrew Caster bought 150 shares of Phlladel- hia Qas at 31 and 82, and sold 10 shares of lttsburg Traction at 48. The total sales of stocks at New York yester day were 308.6S7 shares, including: Atchison, 10.910; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 13,617; Denver, Texas and Ft Worth, 5,695; Erie. 2.600, Lake Shore, 5,600: Louisville and Nash ville, 12,230: Missouri Pacific. 3.600; North western, 4,700; Northern Pacific, preferred, 4, SS6; Beading, 21,600: Richmond and Wet Point, 4,533; St. Paul, 6,945, Union Pacific, 30,665. WORKING EASILY. Bankers Expect Present Good Times to Last Through the Season. There was nothing new In the local money market yesterday, except that exchange was in oversupply. The demand forf unds was fair, and checking and depositing of large propor tions. There wag no change in rates. The ex changes were 2,360.135 67 and the balances S440.364 62. There is every indication that the market will continue to work easily for some time to come, as money Is returning from the South and West. Money on call at New York yesterday ruled tight, ranging from 6 to 12 per cent, last loan 6, closed offered at 6. Prime mercantile paper, 5i"K. Sterling exchange quiet but steady at 14 81 for 60-day bills and $4 85 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. U.S. 4,reg 127 U. 8. 4a. eoun 127 U.K. &T. Gen. 5o 60 Mutual Union 6s.... 1H N. J. C. Int. Oert.,.11fc Northern Pae. law. .114 Northern Pac.2ds..ll0 Northw't'n consols. 144 U. 8. 4Ks, reg 104H U. S. iHi. coup.... 105H Paclflcfo of '95. 117)j Loulsianastampedls OOli Missouri 6s 101J4 Tenn. new set. Ga... 10s H Northw'n debcn's.,110 Oregon & Trans. es.lOIX St. L. AI.M. Gen. 5s 85W rena. new set. as iui Tenn. new set. 3s.... 73 Canada Bo. zds 96)4. St. L..4 S.tr. Gen.il.H31i Hi. Paul consols ....127 St. PL Chi & Pclsta. 113 jcn. jraeinc.isis.....lij Den. AK. G, lsts...H5 Den. AR. G. 4a 78 D.K.G.West,lta. 99 Erie, 2ds 104 M. K. AT. Gen. as.. 69) ix.. rc.L,. u.tt us. sin Tx.,PcK.G.'lT.Kts 37), union i'ac. lts..... 113 tvesi snore kux Government bonds dull and steady. State uunus una aau le&tureiesg. St. Louis Clearings, S3,737,513; balances $597,703. Chicago Bank clearings were S12,59S,000. New York exchange was 50c discount. Money was in good supply, but there was no disposi tion on the part of brokers to let down the rate below 6 per cent on call, and 78 per cent for time loans. New Yobs Clearings, S170.047.687; balances. S6.765.374. Boston Clearings. 816.611,130; balances, $2,208,532. Money 56 per cent. Pikladixphia Clearings, $14,534,240; bal ances. SL63S,305. Baltikobe Clearings, 12,198,400; balances. $274,236 LoitDOX The amonnt of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day is 150,000. Bar silver 13-16d. per ounce. Paris Three per cent rentes, 871 80c for the account. DOINGS IN OIL. An Advance In Refined Puts Prices Vp k Llltlb Here. What there was of strength in the oil market yesterday was tho result of an advance of 10 points in case oil and 5 points in winter white. This set New York and Pittsburg to buying, which ran the price up in the afternoon to 110, the highest point But; ail in all, it was a light day, the market being narrow and sensitive, showing the want of a bold, ener getic leader to take the bull by the horns, as It were. The market opened at 110, hlghek 110, low est 109, closing with sales at 110 fed 110 bid. The well on the Davis farm was reported doing about 20 barrels an hour, but it was hardly mentioned as a factor in the market. The working stock of oil is so scarce that one or half a dozen wells make a very slight impres sion. The fact cannot be ignored that all the conditions are bullish, and unless prevented by manipulation the upward movement will be continued. Features of the Market. Corrected dally by John M. Oaaiey it Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened 110 I Lowest. 109H 110H Barrels. 49,089 74.369 29,0o6 m llgheat.... ..UOKlUosed., Average runs Average shipments Average charters helloed, Mew York. 7.45c Refined, London. Oil. Refined, Antwerp, liHt. Kefined, Liverpool, 6 l-16d. lteflned, Bremen, 7 20m. A, B. McQrew & Co. quote: calls, SI UK. Puts, $1 09K: Other Oil Markets. On, Cmr. November 19. Opened at $1 09; highest, Jl 10; lowest, SI 09j closed, $1 10. Bradford. November 19. Opened at SI 09; closed at SI 10; highest, $1 10; lowest, $1 0 TITCSTII.I.B, November 19. OpenedatSl 09; highest. $1 11; lowest, Jl 09&; closed at $1 10. Tew YoRK.November20. Petroleum opened steady and closed firm. Stock Exchange: Opening, $1 09K: highest, $1 10: lowest, SI 08; closing, SI 09. Consolidated Exchange: Opening, SI 09; highest, Si 10; lowest, $1 09; closing, $1 10. Total sales, 602,000 barrels. HAS STAIIXG POWERS. Continued Activity In Realty Some Valu able Property Changes Owners. Alles &. Bailey. 164 Fourth avenue, sold for Mrs. Susan Stephenson a frame dwelling of five rooms, finished attic, bathroom, both gases, etc.; lot 22x83 feet; side entrance; No. 76 Jack son street, Allegheny City, to Mrs. Robinson for $3,100. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold another Oakland Sqnare property. No. 26. The house, a handsome brick of nine rooms with modern conveniences, is to be completed early next year. This is the second house sold on the sqnare this week, and the Indications are that the few remaining houses will be sold in a few days. It is very gratifying to the pro jectors of tbe square that the houses are sell ing faster than they can be completed. The price, S8,000, is considered very reasonable. J. C. Reilly. 77 Diamond street,sold lot No. 89, 38x100, in the Columbia Parkplan, Tenth ward, Allegheny, to George A Hoffman for $1,300. W. A Herron & Sous sold a lot on Collins avenue. East End, size 25x100 feet, for $115 a foot, spot cash. Black & Baud, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to George Dever lot No. 8 in M. G. Arthur's plan, having a frontage on Frazier street of 25x100 feet in depth, for $550 cash. L. O. Frazier. corner Forty-flfth and Butler streets, sold for Peter Keil, et ah a brick dwell ing of four rooms, attic, etc., lot 18x100 feet to a 20-foot alley, situated on the east side of Fifty-first street, near Butler street. Eighteenth waru, to jraai x esvue ui i,vdv. Jamison & Dickie sold for Ada Campbell, lot S3JixlS8 feet on Inwood street. Twenty-first ward, to J. W. Moore, for $675: for Henry Lox terman three lots on Monticello street. Twenty first ward for $1,200, and for Mellon Bros., lot 40x110 feet on St. Clair streetNineteenth ward. for 1,800. They also sold a mortgage on East End property for $2,500, three years, at 6 3-10 per cent interest. J. W. Drape A Co. sold an interest In a farm of about 90 acres In North Fayette township, for $4,000 cash. Charles Homers 4 Co., 813 Wood street, sold for Robert Irwin to James Brown a small gar den farm of 15 acres, with a six-room frame house, one-half mile from Verona station, on tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad, for $3,000. W. E. Hamnett, 404 Smithfield street, Pitts burg, and Wilkinsburg, sold for Clement New ton a five-room house and one acre of ground at Copeland station, Pennsylvania Railroad, to Moses Bichenbanga for $2,400. TIGHT MONEY Fata on Embargo Upon Dealing In Rail road Shares The Close at About the Lowest Prices Cot ton Oil Strong. New York, Nowmber 19 The markefwas again under the influence of tight money to day, and the result was less business, with a general weakening with material losses In many of the active stocks Is the outcome of the day's trading. Money was easier in the earlier portion of the day, but generally hard ened, and per cent was the maximum rate ex acted during the day. That this hardening of the money rate is caused by manipulation is the general opinion. St. Paul, Union Paciflc, Reading, Lackawanna and Louisville and Nashville were the principal stocks in the usually active list; but tbe movement was not sharp, and was spread along through the day, no rallying of importance breaking the mo notony of the steady shading off of prices which assumed large proportions as tbe day drew to a close. Among the trusts Cotton Oil became strong, though the only reason for this was that tho time lor depositing nnder the plan of reorgani zation expires to-morrow. The most violent fluctuations were furnished in Tennessee Coal, which lost all the improvement ot yesterday, dropping from 80 to 71 at one drop. The lower firices of the day were generally reached in the ast hour, when the selling again became prom inent. The close was farly active and heavy to weak at close to the lowest figures. Every thing is lower to-night. Railroad bonds were quiet to dull, and the dealings were more than usually devoid of fea ture. The tone of the market was heavy, in close sympathy with that of stocks. The sales were only $1,095,000. There were few im portant changes. The following tame shows tne "prices oractlve stocks on the Mew Tfork Stock Bxenange yester day. Correctid daily lor Tux DISPATCH by Wiimrar A Btefuznson. oldest Pltuburr mem bers of Mew xorx Utocc Eicnanje. 57 fourth avenue: Cl os-HIgh- Low- lng est. est. Did. X4 tW 28H SIX J31, 33 1V4 73 73 a4 an MH 33 S3 I4S 5X 25 25S 106M 10S 10614, 71 70k 70H Wa 93 8376 15K 39 38X KM 34 -3ZH 33H 113K 112), ian 74K 7JM 74 V$H 83 9S1 33 35 t( 21 21 H 21 142)i H1H 141H 110 ISO 149 Mi 60 , 10 72 23M 23X 22K 117 1W Wi 18 wi 64 an 106H rax Mi 88 85 83)4 98 98 85K MM UH 14 10 9H csh 63 e$H 108 23 27j- UH I7M 70 39 J8K 13 44 44X 44)4 21fi 211, 21), 20H iso 60 en'l KM 32K 32!4 78 757, 75)4 23 23 23H X3K KH UH 23X XSH U'A 20 19 19!i 42V 41 42 189 189 188S HI 23V 23)j 82 82 81 ixa van KSH 23 sy- 55K 64H .. . 107 20)4 20M 20K 70X 09H 9X 17 UH 17 32K NX S2H 84M 84H 84 70)2 88. 68M 72H 69ft 63 20 20 20!4 MV MX 84)2 Open ing. Am. Cotton Oil tsH Atcn.. lop. 4 s.r Wi Canadian Pacific 7! Canada Southern MM Central Pacific i Chesapeake A Ohio.... 28 C. Bur. A Qu1i,ct.....10M C. Mil. a St. Paul.... 71 C. BockL AP 09-i C, at. Ik A Pitts C, St. L. A Pitts. DC. sax C St. P..M. All SI I C A Northwestern U3 f C., C. C. ft f 74 v., v., usi,, pr ss4 Col. Coal a Iron 3?H Col. A Hooting Val .. 21! Dei.. L.. A W. 142X Del. A Hudson.. ....... ISO DenverAKlo G Denver A Bio G nr E.T.. Vs. AGa .... E.T..Va. AGs. 1st OT. .... E. a.. Vs. A Ga. 2d pr. 23M Illinois Central. Lalte Erie A Western.. 18 Lake trie ft West. nr.. 64K Late Shore AM. S 106i LoulsmieftMashvllle. 6S& Michigan central 9fl Mobile 4 Ohio UH Mo.. Kan. A Texas.... 10 Mlssoan Paolfic 69t( Hew fork Central . X..L.E.& vv Z7?s A. Y.. Ci.SU L. . i.. a : st. l. nr. xr.. a. ABt.t,.2a nr zsx . : 44 . If.. O. A W 21 ..Norfolk Western -Norfolk Western. Df. 60 Northern Pacific. 32K Nortnern .Tactile orefc ISii Ohioi illsjlsslDPl..... 23 Oreion rranicon MS Pacifieaiall 33! Peo. Dec. A Kvans. .... 20 Phlladel. A Heading. 427, Pullman Palace Car. ..180 , Klehmona A W. P. T 24H Klchmond A W.P.T.nf 82 St. P., Minn. A Msn..Ii)4: SUA,. ASan Fran, bt. L. ft San JrranVpf.. Six St. J,, ft Han H-.lst pt Texas Paolfie y Union Pacific 701 Wabaan 17 Wabash DreferTed Z2M Western Union 84M Wheeling ft L. . 69K Sugar Trust 72 National Lead Trnst.. 20U Chicago Gas Trnst.... S4M Philadelphia fitocka. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 fourth avenue. Members New York stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Ballroad -.. &Vi 82V Heading 21 21S-1S Lehigh Valley Wtf 33 Lehlgh .Navigation 84 Northern Paciflc 32 KH Normern Pacino preferred 78 76S Boalnn Stocks. Ateh. ft Ton.. 1st 7s. 118 Wis. Central pC.i. 60 UonezMgCd". H Calumet ft Hecia....t3S rranaun. 1414 Huron 2)4 Osceola. 14 Pewablo 5 A. AT. LandGr,t7s.lir)i Atcn. siop. a. n. .. 3J)$ Boston A A16snT...2n C li. &Q. 106 Clun. San. A Cleve. 23 Eastern K. R 121 Eastern H. K. 8s ....128 JTllntftPereM. DIu. 93 Aleotican Con. com.. 15 Jlex.Clstnitg.bds. 86 N. y. A Mew lout... 44 Old colony 180 Wla.Central.com... 28J, Qulney 63 Bell Telepnone 200 Boston Land , H v, aler rower famarack.... ...... San Diego Santa Fe copper.. 22 .72 Business Notes. The firm of Wright & Snyder has been dis solved, James Snyder retiring. These was no boom in any kind of business yesterday. Tbe weather was held responsible. It is again hinted that the Chartiers Oas Company will pay dividends after January next. The Union Electrical Construction Compa pany has been dissolved, W. T. S. Dawson re tiring. The good reports put out by the traction companies failed to boom their stocks, but they must have a good effect sooner or later. The largest of 34 mortgages finished up yes terday was for ti,i0Q. The smallest was for 1100. Seven of the whole number were given for pur chase money. In 1866 John Harper was elected President of tne Bank of Pittsburg, succeeding John Gra ham. Mr. Harper has just been re-elected. He entered the bank in 1832 as chief clerk. Two or three gentlemen, supposed to be on the inside, yesterday denied that the Pennsyl vania Railroad peoole were buying property downtown for a depot or any otherpurpose. Builders are on the ragged edge. They have been unable to do anything at excavating so long it will bother some of them to fill con, tracts. If they could collect damages from the weather clerk the courts would soon be full of such business. The Pittsburg Indicator Advertising Com pany and the American Manufacturing Com pany have applied for charters. A limited partnership between John Q. GuinlfF, William C. Stelnert with James W. McFarland, special partner, has been formed. Advices from St. Louis say the members of the Lead Trust will apply for an injunction to restrain the Secretary of Btate from nullifying the (.barters of tho lead companies pending an appeal to the Sopreme Court concerning the constitutionality of the anti-trust law. The gross earnings of 152 railroads for Octo ber were $46,168,096, an increase of $5,073,775 compared with tbe corresponding month of last year, and tbe gross earnings of 133 roads for tbe ten months ending October 3L 1889, were $349,914,796, an increase of 28,638,605 compared with the same period of 188. Poor, Foolish Men. tmfiK" TAKE A WOMAN'S ADVICE. This la onlythe second time in eight weeks that I have had to polish my boots, and yet I had hard work getting my husband to give up his old blackuig brash, and the annoyance of having tho paste black rag rub off on his pants, and adopt Wolff'sACMEBIacking AmaeEificeat Deep Black Pollah. whlchUst on Men's bootsaweek.andonWomeii'ssiraeBtau WOLFF RANHIH.. NUUKLraut. mrou 'Wfln IM)dU DOMESTIC MARKETS. Steady Bains Have a Depressing In fluence on Produce. COFFEE MAEKETS VERY FE7EEISH Owing to the Uncertainties of the Brazilian Bepublic OEEEAL SITUATION UNCHANGED OrwcE of PrrrsBUBa Dispatch, Tuesdat. November 19, 1889. Country Produce Jobblns Prices. There is a growing firmness in cheese since the factories began to close up for the season, and prices for Ohio are a shade higher than last week. The creamery butter situation Is unchanged, but choice grades are firm. Good country bntter is active at quotations. The continued heavy rains have bad a depressing influence on general produce trade. Potatoes are very slow. Cabbage Iain the same boat. There is some improvement in demand for fancy apples since last week, but nothing like activity In markets. In tropical fruit lines Malaga grapes are very firm, as advices from sources of supply indicate an unusually short crop. Btjttee Creamery, Elgin, 2S28Ke; Ohio do, 2S26c; fresh dairy packed, 2224c; country rolls. 2122c Beaks Navy band-picked beans. $2 252 SO; medium, 52 102 20. Beeswax 28330c fl fi for choice; low grade, 18ffl20c Cider Sand refined, K S07 E0; common, $3 604 00; crab cider. S3 00Q3 SO fl barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c fl gallon. - Chestnuts 55 0005 60 fl bushel; walnuts, 6070c 3) bushel. Cheese Ohio. UllKc: New York, llKc; Limburger, 9Kllc; domestic Sweitzer, lltH 13Kc; imported Sweitser, 23c. Eogs 2324c fl dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Anples, fancy, 12 002 60 fl barrel; grapes. Concords, 40ca basket: Bartlett pears. So ft barrel: qmnces. S4Q5 fl barrel; cranber ries. Jerseys, 12 50 per bushel box; Cape Cods, box, $2 753 00; Malaga grapes, large barrel, Game Squirrels, tl 75 f) dozen: quail, $3 5u 4 50 fl dozen; prairie chickens, S3 604 50 fl dozeu: nheasanta, S3 5004 00 91 dozen: rabbits. 3035c a pair; venison saddle, 2022 fl pound; venison carcass" 1012c fl pound. Feathers Extra lire geese, 5060c; No. 1, do. 40045c: mixed lots. 30035c B. Poultry Chickens, old bens, 6570c; chick ens, large, young, 6O05oc; chickens, small, 25 40c; ducks. 65C0c W pair: eeese, SI OOgl 10 fl pair: live turkeys, 10011c fl lb. Seeds Clover, choice, 61 to bushel. $5 00 5 3 Ifl bushel; clover, large English, ffifts, (550; clover. Alsike. S8 00; clover, white. S9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, SI 50; blue grass, extra clean. 14 Bs, 90c; Dine grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 00; orchard crass, 14 fts. SI 65; red top, 14 fts, SI 25; millet, 60 Us, SI 00; German millet, 50 fts, SI 50; Hungarian grass. 60 fts. 1 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, S3 CO fl bushel of 14 fts. TALI.OW Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J ac. Tropicai. Fruits Lemons, common, S3 60 04 00: fancy, J4 0005 00: Florida oranges, S3 60 4?3 75; bananas, 52 25 firsts, SI 50 good second.", fl bunch; cocnanuts, S4 004 50 fl hundred: ngs, 8K9c fl ft; dates, 6Kc fl ft; new layer fljrs, 140J6Kc; new dates. 7Hc fl & Vegetables Potatoes, from store, 50055c: on track, 40045c; tomatoes, S101 25 fl bushel; cabbages, 34 0005 00 a hundred; celery, 40c fl dozen; Southern sweet potatoes, S2 2502 60; Jerseys, S3 5003 75; turnips, SI 001 50 a bar rel; onion", S2 a barrel. Buckwheat Fxoub 2K2c ft pound. Groceries. Coffee Is the uncertain factory of grocery trade. Markets in New York to-day were very feverish. An advance of e on green coffee Is reported. Thefutnreof trade is about as un certain as the newBrazyiau republic. There was, however, a very strong coffee market previous to tbe revolution, and whatever comes of the new movement in Brazil, present prices will no doubt be sustained. A leadipg jobber said to-day: "Higher priced coffee is an assured fact, irrespective of Brazilian revolutions. Dealers have been laying In large stocks for the past few weeks in the faith of a rise. Our customers have been duplicating orders for the past ten days, and stock is moving out more freely of lata than for mouths past; If Dora Pedro had kept his seat on tbe throne arise was bonnd to come about this time." Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223c; choice Rio, 2O021c; prime Rio, 20c; low grade Rio, 18019c; old Government Java, 27c; Mar acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 28029c; Santos, 20 23c: Caracas, 21023c; peaberry, Rio, 230-.fl.Xc; La Guayra, 2223c Roasted (in Darersl Standard brandsSVe: niga graues. zaurc; oiu unvernment Java, bulk, 3132Kc;Maracaibo, 28K27Kc; Santos, 23028c; peaberry, SSJfc; choice Rio. 24JJc; pilme Rio. 22c; good Rio, 21; ordinary, 20KC Spices (whole) Cloves, 19020c; allspice, 10c; cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 70080c. Petboledm (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7Jic; Ohio. 120. 8Kc; headlight, 150, SXc; water white, 10Kc: globe. 14014c: elaine, 14c; car nadine, U)c; royallne, 14c; globe red oil. 110 HMe. Mi inebs' Orx No. 1 winter strained. 40047a ft gallon. Jjaxa ou, u& Steues Com syrup. 28030c; choice sugar syrup, 33038c: prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strictly prime, 3335c: new manle syrup, 90c. N. U. Molasses Fancy, 48c: choice, 46c; medium, 43c; mixed, 40042c; choice new crop, 53c Soda Bl-carb in kegs, 80SJc; bi-carb In X'. 6c: bi-carb assorted packages, 606c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated. 2c. Candles star, full weight, 9c; stearlnevfl set. 83c; parafflne, 11012c. Rice Head, Carolina, 607c: choice, 6Q 6c: prime, 5K6c: Louisiana, 56Vc. Starch Pearl, 2c; cornstarch, 66c; gloss starch, 407c. Foreiqn Fruits Later raisins, S3 65; Lon don layers, S2 90; California London layers, S2 75; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, S2 10; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 808c; suiiana,VKc; curranu,oi(90$.c; Mursey prunes. 4K5c: French prunes. 69c; Salonica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoannts, fl 100, 16 00; almonds, Lan., ft ft, 20c; do, Ivica, 19c; do, shelled, 40c; walnuti, nao, 12K15c; Sicily flloerts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12(jl3c; new dates, 606Kc; Brczil nuts, 10c: pecans, 11015c; cit ron, ft ft, 19020c; lemon peel, fl A, 16c: orange peel. 15c ubied niinTS Appies, siicea, per m bc, ap ples, evaporated. 9c; apricots, California, evap orated. 14K16c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 26028c: peaches, California, evaporated, un pared, 1921c; cherries, pitted,13J$14Kc; cher ries, unpitted, 506c; raspberries, evaporated, 25K26Kc;.blackberries, 70Sc; huckleberries, 1012c Sugars Cubes, 7Jc; powdered, TJac; granu lated, 7c; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A, 7c: soft white, 6Kc;yellow,choice,606asc; yellow, good, 66c: yellow, fair, 5c; yellow, dark, 5Kc Piosles Medium, bbls (1,200), 55 60; medi um, half bbls (600), S3 25. SALT N o 1. f( bbl, 9qc; No. 1 ex, fl bbl, SI 05; dairy, fl bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl. SI 20: HIggins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 60; Higgins' Eureka, 16-14 & pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peacbe, S3 000 2 25; 2ds, SI 6501 80; extra peaches, $2 402 60; pie peaches, 95c; finest corn. SI 0001 SO; Hid Co. corn, 75090c; red cherries. 90c31: Lima beans, SI 20; soaked do, 85c: string do. 60065c: mar rowfat peas, SI 1001 15; soaked peas. 70ouc; pineapples. SI 4001 60; Bahama do, S3 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, SI 25; egg plums, $2 00; California- pears. $2 60: do greengages, SI 85: do egg plums, SI 85; extra white cherries, S3 40; raspberries, 95cSl 10; strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, SI 301 40: tomatoes. 85090c; salmon, 1-ft, Jl 6501 90; blackberries, 65c; succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green. 2-ft, SI 2501 50; corn beer, 2-ft cans, S2 05; 14-ft cans, $14; baked beans, SI 45 1 50: lobster, 1-ft, SI 7501 80: mackerel, lib cans, broiled, SI 60: sardines, domestic, Us, S4 2504 60; sardines, domestic, K. M 750700; sardines, imported, i Sll 60012 60, sardines, imported, &, &18: sardines, mustard, S3 80; saraines, spicen, w ou, UFish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 fl ml.: extra No. 1 do. mess. 140: extra No. 1 Stackers!, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, mess, p 6: No. 2sbore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole Bollock. 4Kc $ &: do medium, George's cod, c; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips, 6c: do George's cod in blocks, 6K07JSC Herring Ronnd shore. S4 60 fl bbl; split, S6 50; lake, $2 75 fl 100-ft half bbl. White fish, S6 00 fl 100 ft half bbl. Lake trout, $5 SO fl half bbl. Fin nan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c fl ft. Pickerel, X bbl. S2 00: bbl SI 10; Poto mac hernng, S5 00 ft bbl, $2 50 f) X bbl. OATHEA&-te 006 25 fl bbl. Grain, Flour and Feed. Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Exchange, 27 cars. By Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 2 cars of bay, 2 of barley, 3 of com, 3 of flour. 1 of feed, 1 of middlings, 1 of oats. By Pitts burg, Cincinnati and St. Louis. 1 car of wheat, 6 of hay, 1 of com, 2 of oats. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of hay, lot flour and feed, 2 of oats. Sales on call, 2 cars No. 2 white oats, 26ic6days,P.R.R.: 1 car extra 3 white oats. 25Jic,'6 days, P. R.R.; 1 car No. 2 yellow shell corn. 41c5 dys,P. R.R. The cereal situa tion is practically unchanged. The falling off of receipts slightly Improves the tone of mar kets, but there is large, room for further Im provement before markets are in a satisfactory condition. Prices below are for carload lots oa track. WHEAT-NewNo. 2 red, 8486c; No. 3, 860 83c Cork-No, 2 yellow, ear, tfc; kiga mixed ear. 46g41c; No. 2 yellow, shelled. il941Jc: high mixed, shelled, 40041c; -mixed, shelled, 40 Oats-No.2 white, 2702TKc; extra, JSo.8, 25M826c: mixed, 23X24c Rye Ha 1 Pennsylvania, and Ohio, 50051c; No. 1 Western, 48049c; new rye. No. 2 Ohio, 45 Floub Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, S3 0005 60; winter straight, S4 254 50; clear winter. $4 0004 25; straight XXXX bakers', S3 503 75. Rya flour, S3 509 MaxLTEED Middlings, fins white, 3 000 16 50 fl ton; brown middlings, 113 00013 50: winter wheat bran, SU 50011 75; chop feed, 115 50016 00- "".- HAT-Baled timothy. No. L Sll 00011 25; No. 2 do. S8 00010 00; loose from wagon. Sll 00 012 00. according to quality; No. 2 prairie bay, S7 0008 00; packing do. 17 257 50. Straw Oats. So 7507 00; wheat and rye straw, S3 0006 25. Provisions. Under ordinary circumstances the drop in hogs would depress provision prices; but such is not the case. The reason given by packers Is that markets had for some time been down to bard pan. and margins of profit had already been about wiped out in most provision lines. Sugar-cured bams, large, lOJc; sugar-cured hams, medium, lOKc: sugar-cured hams, small, lljc: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 9c; sugar cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders.7c; sugar-cured California hams, 7c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-enred dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders. 6Jc: bacon clear sides. TKc; bacon clear bellies, 7Kc; dry salt snouiaera, oc: ury sail clear sides, tC Mess pork, heavy. Sll 50; mess pork, family, J12 00. Lard refined, in tierces, 6c; halt barrels, 6c; 60-ft tuba. 6c; 2o-S palls, 6c; 50 ft tin cans. 6c; 3-ft tin pail, 6c: 5-ft tin palls, 6jKc; 10-ft tin pails, 6c; 6-ft tin pails, 6jc Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 5c. Fresh pork links, 9a Boneless hams.l0a Pigs feet, half barrel, S4 00; quarter barrel. Dressed fifeats Armour & Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meat"; Beef carcasses, 430 to 650 fts, 5c; 550 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fts. 6BXc Sheep, 7c fl ft. Lambs; 9c fl ft. Hogs, &c Fresh pork loins. 7c When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children.she gave them Castoria ap9-77orwTSu THEIR WORLD OF TRIUMPH No Disease More Easily Cured, by the Physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 323 Perm avenue, than Catarrh. Their Constitutional Blood Medi cines, made to suit the require ments of each individual case, strike at the root of the disease. Sir. Gorman, residing at No. 1912 Fenn ave nue, had ieen afflicted with Catarrh for seve ral years. The mucus that dropped from his head, into his throat caused him to be always hawking and spitting. He had also much dis charge from his nose and be was seldom with out a cold. On September 16 he gave the fol lowing statement for publication: "This is to certify tbat I have been cured of Catarrh, from which I had suffered for about five years, by the pbysicans of tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute. 323 Penn avenue. Patbick Gobxait." MISS LYDIA MOROAN, Whom 20 doctors said must die of consumption. Her disease was caused by catarrh and was cured by the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute. She lives on Kearsarge street, near Virginia, on ilt Washington. Treatment by Correspondence. A system by which patients are successfully treated at their homes by correspondence. Ur. David West, of Prospect, Butler county. an extensive farmer and a well-known dealer in horses, suffered from catarrh and asthma for 15 years. His head, nose and throat was con tinually stuffed up and had a "burning sensa tion. He was so suffocated at nights that he could not sleep, and there were wheezing sounds from his lungs when be breathed. He began treatment, and on November S he wrote: "I have no stuffed-up feeling, or burning in my nose and throat, no suffocation nights or wheezing." The Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute Is per manently located at 323 Penn ave. They cure Catarrh. Dyspepsia and Diseases of Women. Consultation free-to all. Office hours, 10 a. k. tolr.it., and 8 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 12 to 4 p. v. nolS-MWTSu FULL VALUE F0RTHE MONEY BLOOKER'S lbs. L0O. Xlbs, 56c. dutch COCOA 150 COTS for tun. Choicest, Purest, Best, MantaieouS wltt Boiling "Water or lilt U. S. Dztot, 35 Mercer St, NnTYoax. At ntail by all leading grocers and druggist. OC2&50-WS A NEW TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware tnfr tnese aiaeasea axe contagious, or tnu nsy aro due to the presence of living par sites In the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic re search, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result ot this discovery is that a simple remedy has been discovered wnicn permanently cures tne most vated cases of these distressing diseases by afowsimpleappllc&tionsmade(ttMwe ovarii ov uis Dftusnt ac noma. ATianaiis- leterrjlalninz thisnewtre&tmpmtls sent free by A, H,DrroH &So, 397 and 868 vy en nine oseet, xotohio, "ft. oc8-wwk 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET. PITTeJBTJBG, JPJL. Traiact a teal MM. Mm, Arroonta solicited. Issue Circular Letters L of Credit, for use of travelers, aad Cesaaer- ciai ureaws, nr sTBBLQta, Available ia all paita of the world. Alto lssse Credits m DOLLARS For ase In ttis oeuatry, CaMfto, Jfeatee, "West lad. Saoth asd Central AmsHca. (atARRH LHLUIiSOKUlL TXW I Eight yean ago cancer came on my lower lip. It took off my under Up from one side to the other, and down to my chin. I had it treated by burning, and got to weak that I did not think that I could stand it much longer After much suffering I discarded all other treatment, and began taking Swift's Specific, and tbe cancer soon began to heal, and ma short time it was completely healed anal was entirely well. It Is now over three years since I got well, and there has been no sign of any return of the disease. I know It was cancer, and I know It was cured alone by 8. 8. 8. EL V. FERSAKD, Ruston, La. Treatise on Cancer mailed free. The Swift Specific Ca.Drawer 3AtlanU, Ga. anl9-55-3rwT", 'J 4 WHOLESALE -i-HOUSE,, WOOD AND LIBERTY STS. , Special attractions now open in use m goods special. y suited for the Holiday Trade. NEW ABVERTISSafZXTSL T-T- S-J i S .A iL. -A.-l-Z " J XSC4.iC4T9 UO 1UT1KU UJ J13pcCb (QO SLOCK,,. which is complete, and at prices TfhiclTcij sot fail to impress the. buyer. . itifc. "Wrf ARMOUR'S " swat cAinnui ur occrv ARMOUR & CO,, CHICAGO,. SOLE MANUFACTOBEES. This is now conceded to be the best in the, market, is witnessed by the fact that we bare just secured the DIPLOMA FOB EXCELS LENCEatthePnre Food Exposition, how bi lng held In Philadelphia. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTtrBE, SUPERIOR IN QUALITY, Ana wiui uio ongnt appetizing navor ox xreaar . lr roasted beef. J . REMEMBER. '-fj AEMiajjSA Hi9-xwr -t THE SAFE DEPOSIT OF PITTSBURG, NO. 83 FOURTH AVENUE, Complete Protection Secured' ' IN ITS FIRE-PROOF BUILDrNO ANB BURQLAR-PBOOF VAULTS To all holders of Bonds, Stocks and aJL kinds of Securities, Valuable Papers. Records, etc Safes for rent at to a year and upwardV Ample provision for the storage of Silverware, Jewelry, etc., at reasonable rates. Acts as ex-i ecntor, administrator, guardian, trustee, as signee and all other fldnciaryjcapactties. A. Garrison, Prest. Wm.T.Howe,Sec.4T,t EdUregg.lstVlceP. Robt. C. Moore, Aaati Wra. Rea, 2d Vice P. Sac. and Treaa. v Henry A. Miller. Counsel, Nov 153 Fourth avs,,. noia-xwr.' . 3 BROKERS FINANCIAL, VWH1TNJSX ASrEPHENHON, CI FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs.1 Morgan 4 Co, New York, Passports pre sp23-l --J muw m nAti cv x rw duiiii ins wfinbiM i wtf wm ti3 Tl AT3TTB!H AWT WRfYirRnML 1 " - ' " ' H Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chic 45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE. PITTSBURG. TA. As old residents know and back files of Pitt burg papers prove. Is the oldest established. and most prominent physician in theclty.de votine snecial attention to all chronic diteain. iSffSSSNOFEEUNTILCURED MCDinilCahd mental diseases pnjwear IMtnVUUOdecav. nervous debmty. laeioS" 1 energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,? aisoraerea signr, sen aisirusi, oasniaiBaa,y . dizziness, sleeulessness. pimples, eruptions. ! i. porerished blood, falling powers, organic wea-- AtHnrthATiArtAn f nr hn1nps3t. !UMlAtv asd imaM riage. permanently, safely and privately cattiSj BLUUD AND SKW.SrtiJ5ri blotches, tailing hair, bones, pains, glandateel swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month, tkrea nlcera. old sores, are enred for life, and bloe. poisons tnorouguiy eraoicatea irum tao syne 1IDIMADV kidney and Bladder dew Unillnn Iimeuts, weak back, grave), i larrnai uiacnantca. uuuujiMuvu miu painful symptoms receive searcning; nrnmnt r.lnf and real cures. Dr. Whittler's life-long; extensive I ne Insures scientific and reliable Vto on common-uiiu nrlnclnles. Consulages f Patients at a dlsUnce as carefully treated aat here. Office hours BA.JC.to s p.m. bubo lOAH-tolP.M. only. DR. WHiri'lKR, 1 penn avenue, rittsDurg, ra. no9-30K-BSa-wk. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEHOKCj t.yn - . ntnvuus utllblJl.lkji LOW OT krCHaKY. hwi .vram- Sl rail nartleulars la sent free. The ceuulne Bpeclflo sold by druggists yeuow wrsnner. timl. .package orslxfarSL or -av- k r on receipt or price, bv aaatw lit Tax GKAY MEDICINE CO, BaSUo. X. io, M. f I Sold InPltUbnrg by 3. 3. HOLLAND, eofMC Smithfield and Liberty tt aI3- '" DOCTORS LAXE, SPECIALISTS In all aulrlns sdentiflc and c ual treatmentl Dr. H. K. M. R. a P. S is the oldest most experienced specialist tne city, consultation Strictly confidential hoars V to4 asd'-to 8 P. K.; Sundays, 2 to icconsmt tnem personally, or write, uai lfT sa feun ave, finsourg, jra, lel2-15-DWk .' Oottoaa. COMPOUND inosed of Cotton Boob Pennyroyal a recent diseovetr overrsri 'old nhvslcian. Is sticceasytuhr PrT rugglst for O tiumtMif Bate. EffeetnaL Price I sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist Cotlon Root ComtMund and take no or iselose S stamps for sealed parttomlg dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. Hock, 131 woodward ave, Detroit, J9-3otd in Pittsburg. Pa., by Joseph mg ot Don, xiiamona ana Market sis. naertac(ro.1ss', facts et yooissssMl m 1 n tot rir om . i ttstthood , etc. I inn send a thbaw iretMi contsUolaff full psitlaiUrt tor ham c&re , WStt TrTFowLW, Wmam, . ott4S-Bewl T AT"Tl?CBIN-OAlDPiiigs iin iji 'nn tnpenor w ; Fil&SSr"' 4c Clarke A Co., f wKm IwRco m i (, ..