-? ? ?5 &--' .- . . i. -. i . ' - --';y....W3tM.- -ii j;:s"MEBK!y.'4J :v THE FJDTSBT3fi& BI5PAT0H?V-WEDNESD!;. N0YEMBERWflO,1889 'V mgt- '4 W' ......5c . w$T t I m 1 Mje BigpMj. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY S, 1846. Vol.lt, So. 36. -Entered t Pittsburg Postoffice. November 11, liS7, as second-class mutter. -Business Office 07 and 09 Fifth Avenue. . - News Rooms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 7fl Diamond Street. .- Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 45, Tribune i " Buildlufr, New York. Average net circulation of the dally edition of vf THE DiSrATCU for 6lx months ending October " k 7 'H. 1S80, as sworn lo before City Controller, & o-v inn fep, OU,liSO h Cople6 per Issue. Average net circulation or the Sunday edition of Tux Dispatch for fiTe months ending October 'S, 1SS9. 53,477 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. TOSTAGE THEE IN THE nflTED STATES. J)AILV DlRr-ATCli, One Year f 8 00 Daily DisrATcn, Per Quarter SCO Daily Dispatch, OneJlontli TO Daily DisrATCH. lncludins Sunday, lyear. 10 00 UAILYDlsrATCU. Including Eunday.Sm'tlis. ISO Daily DisrATCH,lucludinr5imday,lmonth 90 StWDAY DisrATCiL, One Year ISO Weekly Dispatch, One lcar 1 25 The Daily DisrATCH Is delivered by carriersat 31 cents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at Jt cents per week. PITTSBURG. WEDNESDAY. NOV. SO, 1S39. IS IT A MAEKEI? "While it maybe true.as our Columbus cor respondent aTcrs, that a large number of the Ohio Legislators are holding back their Senatorial pledges until they see what the usufruct is, there are scattering indications that some of them, at least, have found the market to their satisfaction. The apparently authoritative announce ment that the Cincinnati delegation is se cured to Brice, is matched by the declara tion of a paper owned by Hon. Elmer E. "White for the same candidate. We have expressed a hope that Mr. Brice's canvass could be unaccompanied by the taint of pecuniary transactions; but it is not en couraging to that faith to observe that Mr. Brice's most important accession comes from the most unscrupulous quarter of the Democracy, or that the first declaration, from a legislator who runs a newspaper is from one who in the same dual character was pretty openly shown to have secured a large share in the distribution from the barrels which elected Bayne. The descent from the principles of selection which once took such men as Thurman and Pendleton as representatives of, the Ohio Democracy, to that which makes the Senatorial gift of the present Democracy a prize for the high est bidder, is equally pathetic from a party point of view and discouraging as bearing on the national interests. THEHAS0NIC OPENING. The formal opening of the new Masonic chapel in the magnificent building of that order, yesterday, completes the inaugura tion of that creditable and ornamental structure. The prosperity of the order is shown by the promptness with which this costl building has replaced the one that was burned down two and a half years ago. The addition to oar municipal architecture which this building furnishes is no mean cne, and the members of the order have good reason to be proud of the creation which so creditably symbolizes the pro fessed nature of their craft With all the other public and society enterprises of Pitts burg so creditably fulfilled as this, our city will largely gain in attractions. . PEACEMAKER E0WAED. It is wonderfully hard for a man to be a peacemaker in Kentucky. The correct thing in that chivalrous Slate is rather to make war than peace. Mr. Wills Howard, who has been engaged in the bloodthirsty scenes about Harlan Court House, is en titled to universal sympathy iuhis touching role of peacemaker. Probably if Mr. How ard had not informed the world oi the fact, his operations about Harlan Court House wculd not have been recognized as peace making. Perhaps Mr. Howard himself realized that his actions were open to misconception, for he has written an explanatory epistle to the liouisville Courier-Journal. From this letter we learn that the trouble in Mr. Howard's neighborhood is all due to the shocking misbehavior of the Turner family and their friends. Mr. Howard says in his gentle, pacific way that the Turners are loafers, liars, scoundrels, robbers and mur derers. Very hard material to labor with in the interest of peace, one would think, but Mr. Howard tackled them without a tremor. He said, "Let us have peace" whenever a Turner came across his path, and to prevent possible altercation usually shot the Turner dead. Quarrels are distasteful to Mr. Howard; he will have none of them. Sooner than bandy words with a Turner Mr. Howard will go to the trouble of drawing his revolver from his hip pocket. Fortunately all Mr. Howard's folks are equally goodnatured. They have been to the pains of cutting up and boring holes in a multitude of Turners in order to keep the region calm and law-abiding. Peace at any price to the other man is their motto. IX WILL NOT DO. The report from Washington that the President i? desirous of appointing ex-Judge McCraryto the "vacancy on the Supreme Bench will arouse a good many criticisms. The dissent will not be on account of Judge McCrary's record on the United States Bench but ou account of the fact that he left that position in order to become the legal servant of a great railroad corporation at an advanced salary. Besides the objection to taking a railroad lawyer to decide the cor poration question of the day, the road which that course opens for judicial pre ferment, is not a desirable one. It should not be understood that the Judges who leave the judicial service of the United States for the better-paid service of the cor porations will find it easy to get back from the service of the-corporations to the Inch est places in the service of the United States. DO NOT ELOPE! It is the fashion just now forvoung peo ple to elope at the smallest provocation often with no good grounds at all. The race to the altar is rivaling the race from the altar in popular favor. A very serious evil it is, too. Of course, to a couple of senti mental young geese, who find that their parents and friends are opposed to their marriage, it may seem rather a good joke to steal into matrimony by way of Camden, N. J. The romantic post chaise, and the wild race to Gretna Green with an irate papa an hour behind them, the glamour that was thrown about an elopement a century ago, all these desirable things are fled. The descent to two seats in a parlor car, with an uneventful journey over a well-ballasted railroad, ought to be disenchanting. It is . not, however, and hardly a day passes but J we read of a couple of young people raping through the sorry farce of an elopement. The pain which the escapade gives to a couple of innocent families does not figure prominently in the newspaper reports, but it is very often bitterly real enough. There is nothing to be admired in the conduct of most elopers. Only in the uttermost ex tremity is a resort to flight and a clandestine marriage tolerable. Wc are not speaking of the cut-and-dried elopements of Actresses, of course, for they are either advertising dodges or proceedings even less respectable with which we have nothing to do just sow. It is the epidemio of elopement in respectable circles here that suggests the need of saying very plainly that illicit, headlong advances to the altar are very seldom blessed with. the happiness and peace marriage should bring. BEAZIL'S DOUBTFUL FUTUBE. The report that fighting has taken place in Kio de Janeiro, through the rise of the supporters ot Dom Pedro against the newly established republic, may be the product of the hopes rather than the information of the friends tof the late Government. Still, it is necessary to recognize the fact that if the course of the new Provisional Government is correctly reported, it has been such as to provoke civil war, not only from the Mon archists, but from those who are in favor of a genuine and constitutional republic. It is gathered from the present reports that the Provisional Government represents no authority except that of the revolution. This is temporarily inevitable, if the revolu tion was needed ; but to establish genuine republicanism a government so founded should lose no time in calling together the representatives of the people cither to form 3 new Government or to draft a Constitution. The fact that the new Government has not done this, but has rather abolished the Chamber of Deputies, is calculated to create a doubt whether, instead of founding a re public, Brazil has not exchanged the em pire of Dom Pedro for the dictatorship of Eonseca. This doubt is further deepened by the grave question as to whether a re vol ution was necessary. It is reported on both sides that Dom Pedro declared himself ready to retire from the throne, if a plebiscite should show the desire of the people for the repub lic. Such a course would have an orderly and indisputable transfer of power from the monarchy to the authorized representatives of the people, instead of the forcible seizure on which the present Government is founded. It is to be hoped in the interests of civili zation that Brazil is not to be plunged into civil war, and that the new Government will not prove to have seized power for themselves rather than for the people. But until events demonstrate the contrary, the circumstances under which the Provisional Government came into existence will place it under the suspicion of the world. AEUEOPEAN SUPERSTITION. It is interesting to observe in the columns of the English press the full development of the idea that the reported betrothal of the Czarovitch to the youngest sister of the Ger man Emperor means an alliance of the two powers and a prevention of war. The super stition that international marriages of the royal houses are a guaran tee of peace, is almost as general in Europe as the theory in this country that railroad pooling prevents rate wars. Yet the facts of history disprove any such no tion. The first Napoleon married into the house of Hapsburg and within a few years his Austrian father-in-law helped to destroy him. The reigning houses of England, Ger many and Russia have inter-married ior the past generation or more; but that has not prevented them from being at swords' points a half dozen times during the same period. The idea is a singular survival of the theories of royalty; but one would think that the European press might learn better from the records of history. AS TO BENTS. Nobody is violently fond of paying rent. It is not in human nature to warm toward a duty which drags open the pocketbook and robs it with regularity once a month. But to counterbalance the dislike of the majority for paying house rent, we have the intense love for collecting rent which lies in the bosoms of landlords everywhere. There is all the time a struggle going on between the lessees and the lessors on the rent question. It is a pity that this should be so, but there is no remedy for it. The sole reason we have for adverting to the subject at all is that there occurred yes terday in Allegheny a painful example of the way some people injure themselves in trying to avoid paying rent A. man who lives in Long Bun, Allegheny, fell in ar rears with his rent. His landlady delicately reminded him oi the fact as landladies will from time to time, and instead of pay ing her in current coinage the tenant gave her a fanciful sketch of herself in lurid language. Thereupon the landlady haled him before the Mayor and a fine of thirty two dollars and the usual odd number of cents was imposed upon the tenant. This was not economy on the latter's part He would have saved money by paving the rent and abusing the landlady after the popular fashion, behind her back. POOLING AND COMBINATION. An example of the persistency with which a fashionable error can be pursued is fur nished by the editorial remark of the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette with regard to the railroad changes of which so many rumors are heard, as follows: The Inter-State commerce law having pro hibited the pooling of business by the tail roads, which had been done before that law was enacted, for the purpose of protecting competing roads from being ruined by each other, some other way of accomplishing the same end was naturally sought. The theory that pooling is necessary to keep the railroads from ruining each other has been persistently preached, without an attempt to explain why it is that other business interests, where pooling is impos sible, do not also ruiu each other by competition. The theory itself suffers irreparable damage by collision witb one fact That is, that in the two-and-a-half years since the passage of the inter-State commerce law, railway wars have not been either so persistent or ruinous as during the period previous to the passage of that measure, and the earnings of the roads for the present year, after pooling has been abandoned, are the largest on record. The fact is that every railway war that was pushed to the degree of actual loss, was waged for the direct purpose of driving com petitors into combination and with a well defined hope of recuperating the loss by levying high rates under the pool. Now that such a hope is no longer possible the railroads find themselves forced to cut short their quarrels when they have reached the point of throwing away money. Railroad managers are not such foolsas to ruin their cor porations merely for the sake of doing it although their chosen advocates often put them in that light As for the consolidation of connecting lines which isnoW' going on, although it may be produced by the system of exclusive privileges, it accomplishes' a distinct public purpose widely different from the combina tion of competing lines. The statement that one of the Pittsburg labor leaders who was expelled from the Knights of Labor was subjected to that dis cipline for "talking too much," warrants the re mark that the remedy is not likely to work a cure. The probability is that tho expelled member will make bis loquacity rather broader and more persistent than ever, without any effort to use his conversational powers for the benefit of the K. of L. Mb. William Waldorf Astoe has written a magazine article combating Chicago's claims to the World's Fair. A more effective method of combating Chicago would bo for Mr. Astor to come down with a 100,000 sub scriptlon to the New York fund; but that would not be quite so economical. The report that the State of New York will tackle the Standard afterithas disposed of the Sngar Trust, promises lively times before tho job is ended. It may be just as well to havo it settled now whether the State is bigger than the trusts or vice versa. , To the esteemed cotemporary which rises up in indignation at' the answer of The Dis patch to a correspondent, that if a man lies aUbut his hand at poker he loses the pot,we ten der our humble excuses. While the intellect ual department of The Dispatch may not be fully versed in the deceptive features of drawpoker it was obvious that the mistake was one which no one connected with theSYmei would make. It is to be remarked that three high priced works of art are now attracting public attention. They are "L Angclus," valued at 8110,000; Axtell. $105,000, and SnnoL variously quoted at $50,000 to $100,000. The first named is believed to have the most sentiment, bnt the two latter excel in action. It is reassuring to note that most of our cotemporaries editorially argue that both Emin Bey and Casati must be with Stanley: bat it will be more reassuring when all three of them reach civilization once more. The New York girl who sued for 5100,000 damages for breach of promise and got a ver dict of 6 cents is to be condoled with on the depressing effect on her interests of the New York environments. The tendency of the metropolis to cut downtbe amounts aimed at to a minimum in realization produced even a greater shrinkage in her enterprise than in the World's Fair and Grant monument funds. Geronimo, the Apache chief who was formerly principally famous for bis artistically murderous abilities, is now reported to have become a Christian. Geroulmo is evidently de termined to show that there is another way of becoming a good Indian beside the pro verbial one. We do not think that anything much se verer has been said of the Ohio Democracy than the avowal that it has got so rank that Allen O. Myers cannot stand it The continental idea seems to be that if American heiresses will not come down liber ally for the European titles they buy, it is the function of the European press to make up the deficiency by slandering the young women. European nobility does not seem to be an es pecially noblo thing when you come to get ac quainted with it. The joint platform of the Democratic press and of General Kitz John Porter seems to be that any historian of the war who does not tell the story of the second Bull Run cam paign exactly as General Porter wishes it told, is a liar and a traitor to the State. The proposition! give the Southside a park, instead of free bridges, will probably sug gest to that popular locality that It would be very nice to have both. It is evident that the Indiana Liquor Dealers' Association thinks that its election of Vice President Morton as an honorary member was a slur at the Vice President; b:.t it also fol lows that this amounts to a decided recognition ou its part that its membership is bad company for any man of high reputation. The Pittsburg and Western denies that it has any freight blockade on its line. This, it is hoped, will permit the road to handle freight as the shippers may order, instead of under taking to issue orders itself as to what classes of freight the shippers shall ship. The rains promise another coalboat stage on the river and also on some of the city streets. PEOPLE OF PK0MINENCE. Edg Ab Allan Fok, captain of the Princeton football 11, weighs only 133 pounds. He is a Baltimorean. Hon. Hannibal Hamlin has survived all but two of his fellow members of the Maine legislature of 1S38. Mr. and Mrs. F. Marion Crawford will spend the winter at Washington, where Gen. eral Berdan has taken apartments at the Bhorcham. Senator Wolcott, of Colorado,has taken a fine house at Washington, and ladies with mar riageable daughters are displaying much inter est in his arrangements. Alphonse Daudet's noTclshavo won a for tune for him, but his plays -on tbe stage have been failures, and his jealousy of Sardou's suc cess is set down by bis critics to be intense. Julius Baxter, of Nashville, prospective candidate for Governor of Tennessee next year, while a Democrat, says he would like to see the so-called Solid South broken. "It would be better for the South commercially," he said, "and better for the whole country to have party lines changed." Haines D. Cunningham, a newspaper man of wide and varied experience and exception able ability, has been appointed editor of the New York Press, a place which was held by Robert P. Porter from the time of the founda tion of the paper until he became Superintend ent ot tbe United States Census. Wilson Barrett's brother is considered in England a far cleverer actor than the head of tbe big London melodramatic company. George Barrett is a comedian, and what is rare among comedians an actor of steadiness, force and power in heavyroles. Ho Is also a more accom plished man socially than Wilson, but he has not the power of leadership which the older brother possesses, and be is content to follow In the latter's wake. Tho affection between the two is very strong. EDITORIAL MERIT RECOGNIZED. An Erie Newspaper Man Soon to be Ap pointed Collector. ISrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Washington, November 19. The Erie Col lcctorship will almost undoubtedly be settled to-morrow by tho appointment of Mr. John M. Glazier to succeed the late Collector Arbuckle, whose time expired a day or two ago. This is again a recognition of the newspaper profes sion, as Mr. Glazier is the editor and proprietor of tbe Erie Advertiser, a very bright and pros perous Republican weokly. Mr. Glazier has been a very active and influential Republican. This appointment will leave tbe Pittsburg Surveyorship the only customs office in Penn sylvania not filled by a Republican, New Fashions In tbe En it. From the New York Telegram.l Waterbury threatens to set some very impor tant fashions. She has already made time one ot tho cheapest things in the country and now one of ber courts has fixed fifty cents as the legal rate per kiss when a man trespasses on tbe lips ot another man's wife. It would have paid Mr. Arbuckle to have taken his Baby Bunting case to Waterbury. A LIsht Equipment. from too Washington Postl It wo were going to Greenland In the same manner that New York is going to get tbe World's Fair we should tako nothing in our satchel but a linen duster and a palm-leaf-fan. THE TOPICAL TALKER. He Knew He Had a SonI Beeauie It Ticked An Argument for Eating With a Knife Speak-Easles In tbo Drnma and Town Talcs of Lost Treasures in tho South. AT the Sunday school of au East End church very recently, the teacher in tho infant class asked a remarkably bright boy if he knew he had a soul "Golly, 7es" I have," replied the youngster clapping his band to his heart, "you Bhould hear it tick." A little AUeghenian, one of those boys who delight in being downrighf boys, has a habit of eating with his knife in a fashion his parents naturally and properly abhor. Ills father tried several arguments with ,tue young hopeful and finally sought to frighten him out of tho practice by telling him that there was danger of cutting himself with the knife It he persisted in eating with it "Well," said the boy, "if it's dang'rous to eat with a knlf a it's three times dang'rouser to eat with a fork. Aknifoonly cuts one way and a fork has three points." Not bad logic for a philosopher in kilts. . It is astonishing what hilarity and applause any allusion to a "speak-easy" evokes in our theaters. De Wolf Hopper and that delightful little Annie Myers indulge in a gag in "Clover" which brings the house down. "Are you a rounderT" Hopper asks his sweet heart, disguised as a drummer boy. The drum mer boy nods his head and the lofty camp follower says at once: "Then come along and Til show you a speak-easy." "The 'speak-easy' is going to add to the com plications of local politics," said a politician to me yesterday. "How soT" "Why, you see vthe saloon keepers are not feeling any too well toward the Republican party as tbe parent of the Brooks' law," he re plied, "and now that the Republican county and city officials are letting the 'speak-easles almost altogether alone, and thus cutting into the receipts of the licensed saloons, the hostile feeling of tbe saloon keepers toward the Re publicans is intensified." Still, the fact that nearly every saloon keeper who has a license is making a comfortable tor tune in spite of the 'speak-easy' competition must also bo taken into consideration. ... A 6KALL girl holding an empty "growler," or, to speak more politely, a tin can, in one hand and rubbing tho dirty corner of a pinatore into her right eye with tbe other, formed a fa miliar picture of juvenile misery on federal street at dusk yesterday. Tbe child, between her sobs, managed to inform a lady who bent over her witb a sympathetic ear, that she had been sent out to get some milk and bad dropped the nickel in the mud and water flowing into the culvert beyond the curb on which she stood. It was easy enough to stay tbe tears and break up tbe picture of woe with a nickel and some cents tor candies as a bonus. Then the Lady Benevolent turned to me and said: "I think that tiny tot told the truth. She had really lost tbe 5 cents. But I had my faith shaken in that kind of story when I was in Florida a few years ago. I am sure that every colored child in St Augustine is trained from the time It leaves tbe cradle to spin romances about losing money in the sand. You cannot end a black pickaninny on an errand for a Bpool of thread, but the little monkey is likely to return with the corners of his or ber month drawn down and eyes all whites, and a story about dropping tbe money in the sand. If all the stories of losing money m this way which were told to me were true, it would be worth while, to start a silver mining company to work on the sandy streets of St Augustine." TflEEE FINE PICTUBES Added to the Rapidly Growing Collection of the Corcoran Gallery. f SPECIAL TELEOEAM TO THE DISPATCH. I Washington, November IS). Again the Corcoran Gallery of Art has surprised and gratified the public by tbe addition of three costly oil paintings, paintings by eminent art ists. One, a small canvas by Vibert represents a dignitary of the church in his robes and with brilliant surroundings. This cost in round numbers 3,000. Another is a landscape by Dupree, about 18x28 inches in size, simple in composition, very broad and peculiar ip treat ment, but lovely in effect and tone. It cost in the neighborhood 810,000. Tbe largest of the three a canvas about 8x4 feet is a landscape by Daubiguy, for which 87,000 was paid. It is not particularly harmonious in tone, nor pleasing in color, bnt for breadth of treatment, it is a remarkable example of the French school, and it is wonderfully strong in its effect of conveying the impression of solid earth. Each of these landscapes is a much more interesting addition to the collection of tbe gallery tban tho Rousseau, which was pur chased at the great Secretan sale for 15,000. Tbe threo new pictures were received through Parisian dealers. TELEGBAPHING ON THE CONGO. Llttlo Black Boys Trying to Master tho Art of Sending Messages. From the New York Sun.l Some black boys, on tho Congo are now learn ing tbe art of telegraphy. They live in tbe cataract region. A short telegraph lino has been stretched over tho hills, and the boys are sending messages to one another. Their in structor is Mrs. Bentley, the wife of one of the best-known African missionaries. Tbe last time she was in Europe she learned telegraphy for the purpose of training native operators, and she hopes to havo them all ready for serv ice by tbe time the Congo railroad stretches a line along the river. When a French or German operator tries to send a message in English it is observed tbat he is apt to make a rather bad job of it, particu larly if the penmanship is a little blind. As these boys can read-only in their native lan guage it is possible that some of the French messages they will transmit will have a little value as curiosities. 10 POSH THE BORDER CLAIMS. Tbe State Commission Will Visit Cbambors- burg and Begin Work To-day. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Harrisburg, November 19. The commis sion appointed under a resolution passed at the last session of tbe Legislature to present to Congress the claims of tbe people who suffered losses by tho rebel invasion during tho war, will leave hero to-morrow morning for Cham bersburg, where operations will be begun. The claim aggregates about 53,000,000, of which the State would receive $800,000 in return for moneys advanced claimants at different times. The commission consists of Governor Beaver, Attorney Goneral Kirkpatrick and Auditor General McCamant and members of the Legis lature. Congressmen Maisb, of York, and A klnson, of Juniata, will be present at the meet ing of the commission, which will havo- a full representation in attendance, except Speaker Boycr. SEN0R CASTELAR'S MOVEMENTS Cause Same Talk of n Revolutionary Dem onstration la Spain. Paris, November 19. Senor Emilio Castelar, who has been spending some days in this city, started this morning on his return to Madrid. Political wiseacres who seek to find some meaning in all of Castelar's movements im agine tbat they see in this some indication of a significant political agitation to be inaugurated In Spain. Some go so far as to think that this will take tbe form of a Republican revolt Senor Castelar, in his speech at the reception tendered him by the Students' Association, evoked the greatest enthusiasm by his refer ences to the lepublic, which he said was infalli ble. He dwelt upon tbo greatness of sublime faith in an Ideal. Columbus, be said, discovered America through faith. If America had not existed God would have made it rise from the waters to recompense such faith. BPKING OWNERS COMBINE. Oyer 823,000,000 of Capital Represented In tbe Now Organization. Chicago, November 19. A new organiza tion, represeLting an invested capital of over $25,000,000, and including all the prominent mineral water spring owners of the country, was effected here to-day. Tho object of the organization is to secure protection by legislation from foreign manufactured mineral waters, it is said that nearly all of tho imported mineral water is manufactured, but that it Is entered as natural spring water, and thereby comos in duty free, defrauding tbo Government of large revenues and seriously injuring tbe legitimate trade in this country. A. M. Jones, of Waukesha, Wis., was elected President; w. B. Keller, editor national Bottler's Gazette, Now YorkSecretary, and E. Enfeld, ot Bedford Springs, Pa,, Treasurer. WEDDED AT GALY.ARY. The Crouch-Parker Nuptials Attract a Fashionable Throng. Xn Calvary Church last evening, at 730, Miss Frances Crouch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crouch, of Mayflower street, and Mr. How ard Hampton Parker, of Shadyaide, were united in marriage. Rev. George Hodges, pas tor of the church, performed tbe ceremony. Miss Killikelly presided at the organ, and the Lohengrin "Bridal Chorus" floated forth as Ushers W. K. Hart Jr., Frank Liggett J. M. Ewen. Clark B. Nicholson, Weldon S. Mason and A. W. Weber preceded the bride, attended by ber father, to the altar. The groom and Edgar G. Lang, his best man, were fn waiting. .The bride, a petite young woman, was attired in a very stylish traveling suit of blue broadcloth, the large pockets and cuffs of -which were trimmed with Vandyke points. White broadcloth formed a V at tho neck, and a girdle finished tbe bodice. A pretty little toque and a bouquet of roses completed tbe toilet The young people left on an evening train for Chicago and other Western pointsJ They will reside in Sbadyside upon their return. AN ALLEGHENY WEDDING. SIIis Hello Reed and air. C C. Bye Become Man and Wife. At 8:30 o'clock last evening in the Arch Street Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, Miss Belle Reed, and Mr. Charles C. Bye, of Wilmington, Del, were joined in the holy bonds of matri mony by Rev. D. S. Kennedy, pastor of the church. The bride is a member of the Mozart Club, and out of compliment to her a number of the members nnderProtMcUollumsanp: selections from ''Lohengrin" and "Cinderella." After the ceremony the friends were enter tained at the home of the bride's parents, on Esplanade street, and enjoyed an excellent re- Sast served by Haean. The future home of r. and Mrs. Bye will be in Wilmington. Social Cbattor. THE Orphans' tea party this afternoon and evening at Lafayette Hall. A i o'clock tea will be given by Mrs. James Hayes, Southside, next Friday. The wedding of Mr. Oscar Scheer and Miss Cappcl took place last evening. Mrs. James Park, of Roup street and Fifth avenne, will give a reception on the i9th of this month. The Woman's Club held Its regular weekly meeting yesterday at the Pittsburg Teachers' Library. MissLlllie N. Huston, of 'Fulton street Allegheny, will giro an art reception this afternoon. The first cotillon of the Rochambeau Cotillon Club will be held in Cyclorama Hall this evening. Ladies to the number of 10 will enjoy pro gressive euchre to-morrow afternoon with Miss Holmes of Frankstown avenue. MissLoTD.of Fifth avenue and Dithridge street, entertained a party of 23 at the Duquesne Hotel, last evening, after the concert The Pittsburg German Club, 40 couples, held the second of its series of six germans at tbe Mrs. Slack Davis' dancing academy last evening. The marriage of Miss Annie K. Siedle to Mr. J. Mealey will be solemnized next Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock in St Paul's Cathedral. The ladies of the Woman's Foreign Mission ary Society of tbe First Methodist Church, will serve their annual dinner and supper this week. Dinner Thursday and Friday from 11-50 until 2 o'clock. Supper Thursday evening. A TWO-CENT SWINDLE. ' Unique DIetbodof CbeniingUncIe Sana Out of Postal Dues. From the New York Star.'i "A man who would beat the Government out of postage is pretty small. But the fact that it is comparatively easy to avoid the payment of such a nominal postal tax by taking advantage of a department regulation has led to such swindling where you would hardly expect it," said Frank T. Smitb, a well-known downtown clerk, who UBed to be in the postal service, to me yesterday. "Each year," he continued, "the number of letters dropped into tbe pockets at the post office without the necessary stamp affixed is surprisingly large, and every succeeding post master has endeavored to devise some way of preventing such accumulations.- Much delay has been caused by this seeming negligence oc carelessness, and tbe services of several clerks have been employed in ascertaining tbe names of the senders of this mail. Tbe department rule is to return all such letters for postage, and where business addresses are not printed on the envelopes the seal has to be broken to get such names. The fact that such is tbe rule has developed a picayune style of swindling. Two downtown brokers, it is said, have carried on a correspondence for several months with out investing a cent in postage. Their method of mulcting the Government is unique. For instance, Mr. John Smith wishes to communi cate with Mr. James Jones. The address on the envelope will read : :If not delivered In ;ten days return to ; James JoBes. : James street : New 5f ork City. Jons Dos, iiroadway, City. "No stamp is affixed, and when the clerks, in sorting the mail, discover this letter, they toss it on one side, after first stamping it in red ink. "Returned for postage." Naturally tbe postal clerks believe that Mr. Jones is the sender, and tbe letter reaches him. The address, John Doe, is of course fictitious. In tfiis way they have kept up a correspondence for months, and Uncle barn's eray coats have been performing messenger service gratis. FAIR NORA WAS A FRADD. A Number of Wife-Hunters tbe Victims of Misplaced Confldence. Nebraska City, Neb., November 19. Isaac Henry, a day laborer of this city, recently rented a lockbox in the postoffice and ordered all letters addressed to Nora Henry, to be placed in it Then he inserted an advertise ment in the Eastern matrimonial papers, that Nora Henry, an orphan, "passably good-looking and of independent means," desired corres pondence with a view to marriage. Hundreds of letters soon arrived for "Mora." Af tersome correspondence "Nora" would ask for some present as a guarantee of good faith, and tbe contributions wbich flowed in consisted of gold watches, money, rings and jewelry. One of tbe dupes from Lincoln, Neb., and another from Iowa, came here to press their suits in person, but were told that "Nora" had gone to Kentucky. Isaac refused to give back the presents and tbe dupes caused his' arrest for using tbe mails to defraud. A Warning to Europe. From the Detroit Free i'ress.I If such a monarchy as that ot Dom Pedro can bo quietly overthrown and a Republic pro claimed, the crowned beads of Europe had bet ter wake up and bolt the back door and ring for tbe patrol wagon. It's the handwriting on the waU" A Gas Gusher In Kansas. Cherryvale, Kan.. November 19. About 11 o'clock to-day the Cherryvale Vulcan Coal and Mining Company struck a strong flow of gas at a depth of 600 feet Tbe force of the escaping gas threw tho water confined in the Shalt iu leet into tne air. No Ads. on Postngo Stamps. Washington, November 19. Postmaster General Wanamaker has written to W.J. Arkell, stating tbat the Attorney General has decided tbat it would be contrary to law to print advertisements on the back ot postage stamps. CHANGED. We, who were lovers so warm and nesr When spring's young buds were RTOwlng, Walk to-day through tho woodlands drear , With the dead leaves round us blowing. Here Is tbe path where mv timid arm rirst dared in Its clasp to fold her, And bere by the clear stream's songful charm Her cheek first touched my sboulder. And yonder what passionate dream is this What breath through tbe silence sobbing? The pulsing thrill of an endless kiss, Or the sound of a heart's wild throbbing? We walk as of old, but we walk apart , Through tbe well-known nooks and spaces; We stand no morewlth heart pressed to heart In the lonely beautiful places. But I follow mutely her footstep slow Through tbe cool bright autumn weather. Because we were married sir months ago And are used to being together. Madelines. Vridga in Judgu OHARITY CONCERT. ' A Delightful and Successful Musical Event Emma Juch's Charming Parr of the Programme Generoosly Doubled Up - The Toilets Most Noticeable. Not even the day uf rain and the night-fall of drizzle could in any degree counteract the strong centripetal forces that, made Old City Hall last evening the center of attraction for tbe musico-social whirl. Fashionables and music-lovers from all quarters of the com munity streamed in and crowded the au ditorium to overflowing. Just as was the case with the recent Thomas concert, so bere sev eral hundred additional seats'at the same price (and who knows bow many, at popular prices) could have been sold, if the hall could have held them. Could there be better evidence that Pitts burg is full ripe for a laree, central music hallf As everybody knows, the occasion was the charity concert for the benefit of that ad mirably practical Domestic Training School In the East End. Tho well-known society women actively interested in the institution, with tbe wise advice and most efficient aid of Advisory Chairman John W. Black, did all thev cxmA to 'make the ticket sale what it ought to be and vueu went on to mane tne concert itself worth more tban tbe price they asked for tbe tickets. A rare and most creditable phenomenon in charity cencertswas this. Of course a charity concert does not and can not pretend to stand upon a purely artistic plane. Itmust place alms before art; shekels before standards. By the same token. It IS not a proper sublect for criticism according to se vere standards the more, since the performers are almost always volunteers. Juch Appenrs at Advantage. 'Among other things. last night's entertain ment proved that "Emma Juch" is a good name to conjare with in Pittsburg. The much admired American prima donna, who bad so graciously turned Marguerite' t apotheosis from Baltimore into a start toward Pittsburg, was of course the chief attraction, both before and at the concert And she proved herself fully worthy of the situation. It is very doubt ful if she ever appeared before an audience here to better advantage upon all points. Whether in the grateful, glowing ballad from Flotow's long-forgotten "Indra," or in the passionate, dramatic splendor of the surviving scene from Gounod's mori bund "Queen of Sheba," Miss Juch's vocal power and richness, her artistic taste, musicianly Instinct and emotional strength were alike prominent and delightful. Her first encore piece, Braga's sentimental "Angel's Serenade." she made as nearly artistic as could be; and Rubinstein's Ineffably lovely song, "Du blst wio eine Blume," with wbich she responded to the second enthusiastic en core, received an interpretation lull of feeling and significance. Miss Jnch did herself good in Pittsburg last night; her holiday opera season will show the results. Tbe Home Favorites. The familiar and popular local artists who gave the rest of the long programme published last Sunday do not require any very detailed review. Miss Agnes Vogel sang the Bach Gounod "Ave Maria" (Mr. Retter, piano; Mr. Fred G. Toerge, violin, and Mr. Charles F. Cooper, violoncello, assisting), the Arietta from "Freischuetz" and a cute encore ballad by Meyer-Helmund. with her accustomed vocal and artistic excellence. Miss Mamie Renck tllaved a Fantasia Canrl r.n fnr violin hr Vieuxtemp so well that the audience very properly showed an eager desire, to hear her play something less long and dry. Mr. Harry B. Brockets in tbe familiar "Salve Dimora," from "Faust," did the best work ths writer has had opportunity of hearing from him since returning- from Dresden and Lam port! Finished phrasing and rich vocal qual ity made the cavatina delightful. Mr. Edward H. Dermitt has not often done himself more credit as regards both the tonal purity of his resonant bass and tbe manner of its delivery, than in Handel's big aria "Honor and Arms." Mr. William Guentber treated Popp's brilliant arrangement for fluto of airs from "Traviata" with his wonted skill and taste. The Haydn Quartet (Messrs. SeIdle,McCaus land, Bearl and Wagner) gave an exceptionally effective and artistic rendition of "Annia Lau rie" in Buck's rich harmonic setting; Mr. Wag ner's bass obligate and the smooth accompani mental singing of the other three were tbe special features. The Beethoven Quar tet Ciub (Messrs. Retter, piano; Fred G. Toerge, violin: George Toerge, viola, and Chas. F. Cooper, violoncello, contributed a most en joyable and creditable element to the pro gramme in Hirette-Vlardot's Serenade and that superb last movement of Rheinberger's QuatuorOp. 38 played, perhaps, even more cleanly ana effectively than at the recent Chamber music matinee. Tbe Philharmonic's Part. The Philharmonic Society, under Mr. Thomas F. Kirk's baton, did itself most credit in the livelier measnres of Popps Caprice and the na tional airs, with which the evening closed. In Kelar Beta's descriptive overture things did not go by any means so well. Mrs. Dr. J. S. Walters and her Poco-a-Poco Orchestra (about two dozen amateur and a half dozen professional players) scored a decided success. Barring one trifling slip, quickly recovered, from their playing of tbe selections from Stanl's "Said Pasna" was a deakmore artistic and finished than tbe musio really deserved. Mr. Joseph H. Glttlngs, Mr. Carl Retter and Mr. Fred G. Toerge, in their role of- accompanists, contributed their full share to the enjoyment of the evening c. w. s. As n Lady Views It. The miserably inclement weather had almost interdicted a public appearance, and those ladles in tbe audience who risked a wetting did not don their most gorgeous apparel. Not an evening toilet was to bo seen, except those worn upon tbe stage. Miss Juch was in one of her merriest moods and also one of her loveliest gowns an exquisite creation of delicate blue, which looked sweetly simple, but must have cost a preposter ous sum. It was cut mediumly low enough to display the perfectly-rounded neck and shoulders of the fair diva, and the gleam ot many diamonds constituted tbe only trimming. Her reception by the audience must have been as gratifying to her as hit graceful responses to tbe encores given by her were to the audi ence. i -A Most Graceful Sharer. Her ready tact and extreme unselfishness prompted a very pretty act, when, as she com pleted ber first encore nnmber (during which Miss Mamie Reuck assisted tbe accompanist), instead of bowing acknowledgment alone of the ovation, she, by taking tbe hand of the talented voune viollniste, made her an equal sharer in the triumph. Miss Reuck's youthful figure was robed in a soft silk ot a mode shade, andshe was a decided favorite during tho evening. Miss Agnes Vogel was gowned in light blue of some soft clinging material and looked un usual) attractive. i Mrs. Dr. Walters, the directress of the Poco-a-Poco Orchestra, wore a toilet matching as noarly as possible the colorof her hair, a golden shade, draped with black silk mull. Tbe stage lost some of Its ancient look by the artistic decorations on either side, composed of handsome plants, ferns and palms. Tbe baskets and bouquets given tbe various artists were of the choicest flowers, and. in every Instance, brought forth the sweetest smiles of tbe receivers. The ushers who braved the weather were In immaculate attire, and handled the large audi ence with skill and discretion. Thorne. Branch. THE! WANT HARMONI. Modest Demands to be Made by Congress men From the New Scales. Washington, November 19. The Representatives-elect from tbe four new States, with tbe exception of Congressman Gilford, ot South Dakota, who is ill, met last evening in conference for tbe purpose of .securing har monious action at tbo coming session of Con gress. They decided to act as a unit on all measures affecting their interests. They will favor an increased coinage of silver, liberal ap propriations for river and harbor improvements ana for irrigation, the taxation of lead ore im portations and tne protection of the farming interests, including that -of sheep raising. They will ask for places on the Committees on Territories, Pnblfc Lands, Indian Affairs. Coinage. Mines and Mining, and Rivers and Harbors. Aiding (be Temperance Cause.' from the Detroit free Press. If It bo true that the price of drinks at the Bhoreham Vice President Morton's Washing, ton hotel has been put at 20 cents, tbe friends ot temperance shonld rejoice rather than grieve. At that prico the average Congress man will he compelled to drink very moder ately or run in debt More Western Men Fixed. Washington November 19. TbeTresldent made tbo following appointments to-day: Alonzo J. Edgerton, of South Dakota, to bo United mates District' Judge for the district of Bouth Dakota; Villis SweeVot Idaho, to be Associate Justice of tbe Supreme Court of the Territory of Idaho; William B. Sterling, ot Bouth Dskotay to be Attorney of the United States for tbe district of South Dakota. ' aOSSIF OP TBE METROPOLIS. Opposed ti Postal Exprensage. IJrSTW TOBK BUREAU SPECIALS.! Nett York, November 19. Ex-Postmaster General James expressed himself at length .this morning concerning Postmaster General Wan amakers proposal to reduce postal rates for packages. "1 am opposed," he said, "not only to the increase ot facilities for delivering, par cels, butl think tbat tbe whole businessshould be dispensed with. The Government is now carrying parcels at a rate far below cost and this makes it impossible to consider at present any further reduction in letter postage. The letter postage ought to, be 1 cent, and it could bo but for the enormous loss which the Gov ernment meets with in carrying tne parcels. The truth Is that the letter postage is held at 2 cents in ordor to preserve the balance in the department It is not possible, in my opinion, tbat this sort of expressage business done by the Government will ever be remunerative. Tbe greater the amount of tbe business the greater tbe loss to tbe Government, and if the prices are still further reduced I am apprehen sive that the increase of business will swamp the department" An Awful Threat Made. Hundreds of frowsy fingers witb tousled beads and defective jimbs crowded tbe steps of the. City Hall from 11 to 2 o'clock to-day. They were the Italian, French, Swiss and German curbstone musicians, who bud turned ont to help their committee in pleading, with tbs aldermen for tbe repeal or the ordinance against street mnsic Thn Aldermen metat 10 o'clock, and before the deputation could sqneeze a word In edgewise, resolved to submit the whole matter of curbstone music legislation to the Law Committee, next Friday. This is a victory for the organ-grinders, for the Law Committee is a unit in their favor. Tho organ grinders propose, in the event ottbe rescinding of the ordinance in question, to give an organ concert in Paradise Park. There will beat least ISO organs played daring tbe concert The oldest organ-grinder in the city, who is an Italian with an unpronounceable name, and who has reached his 87th year, will play tbe "Miserere" on his band-organ. One hundred and fifty organs will-play in unison "Walt Till the Clouds Roll By," "Bonlanger's March," and "Where Did You Get That Hat" A Trick Donkey Makes a Mistake. Last night the trick donkey belonging to Bartholomew's show nearly killed James Lyon, tbe stage manager at Proctor's Opera House in Bridgeport It is part of tbe performance for tbe donkey to fire a pistol by pulling the trig ger with its teeth. In this instance tbe donkey fired a cannon, which it was intended one of the trained horses should discharge. Mr. Lyon had his back toward the audience, and the charge and wadding, striking him below the equator, hustled him over the footlights Into tbe orchestra. Lion was severely hurt, and the performance temporarily paralyzed. The donkey, after oombardmgMr. Lyon, trotted to tbe footlights and looked complacently down on tbe confusion. Hard Lack Kills Another Mas. Nickolas Skowerly, a bachelor iS years old was found dead on his bed this morning, with a-ten-inch stilletto sticking in his heart Hard luck and lack of money had led him to commit suicide. He was in good circumstances years ago, but was defrauded of his money by a partner in business. He spoke five languages and read night and day. Oae Mere Lesson la Soaps. The Congressional contest between the ice man, Charles H. Turner, and tbe reporter, Thomas J. Murrey, has grown some degrees hotter to-day1. Yesterday Turner's friends nailed the campaign lie that their candidate bad been a member of a Salvation Army. To day tbey carried war into the enemy's camp by accusing Reporter Murrey of writing "Fifty Soaps," "Ninety-nine Desserts," and other works on culinary subjects. When the Murrey boomers asked thelfcandidate to explain these yarns, be only said. "Tell tbe truth," and gave them cards in which was his name over the words, "Author of 'Fifty Soups, 'Ninety-nine Desserts,'" and 25 other similar books. This was a blow to tbe Murreyltes, for tbe Sixth Congressional district has a strong anti-dude element ready to knife any candidate who knows too much about desserts. The general opinion is that Mr. Murrey's election experi ence will acquaint him with a soup which is not one of the Who wrote about Diphtheria on Board a Steassshhs. The North German Lloyd steamship Fold came to her berth this morning. During her passage diphtheria became epidemic among the immigrants in tho steerage and four little children died. They were buried at sea on the days on which they died. The victims were: Christine Lechaner, aged U months; Elizabeth Ran, agedSyears; Eva Merkel, aged 3 years, and Chris Gerlng, aged i years. The disease was brought on board by little Christine Le chaner, who bad "been ill for several days be fore the ship sailed. Her parents had wrapped her up so carefully, that none of the ship's crew noticed that she was ailing. Little Christine died 'the first day out Three days liter Lizzie Ran, daughter of Gottlieb Kan. a Russian Jew, died. Three days later Eva Merkel died, and to-day Chris Gerlng. The sick children and their parents were separated from tbe rest of the passengers, and tbe steerage was fumigated repeatedly. While tbe little Immigrants were struggling for breath, the cabin passengers away forward waited anxiously for news. There was not a little danger of the disease spreading to tbe cabin. Presents of food and clothing were sent daily from the cabin to the steerage. The officers of tbe North German line say that they are not responsible for the presence ot diphtheria on the Fulda. 'WOULD CHICAGO BE SATISFIED? A Cotemporary Weald Give It the Worli'a Fair and the Capital. Toe, From the New York Herald, Paris Edition, 1 If tho Exhibition goes to Chicago, why not meet the growing sentiment ot tbe country and send the capital there. Washington is a mis take. It was, at the ontset a real estate specu lation. It was captured and burned by a foreign foe, and Chill, witb our helpless navy, could capture and burn it to-morrow. Tbe West could govern tbe country. Do not let us imitate a New England brethren at the time of the Hart ford convention or our Southern brethren in the Rebellion, and resist any honest impulse of this kind. If public opinion would give Chicago the'Ex hibition. so be it Let the capital go likewise. New York will do ber part to make them both a success, feeling that she is in herself an exhi bition all tbe year round, and the capital of the Continent dowered with a supremacy which none can challenge. TRI-STATE TRIFLES. A farmer near Hellertown found recently on bis place a curious shaped earthen bowl evi dently the handiwork of tbe Indians. Still traceable on its surface Is tbe representation of a group of warriors engaged In a medicine dance. A WATSOKTOWN man saw advertised "ASure Cure for Drunkenness." He forwarded the necessary dollar, and received by return mail, written od a valuable postal card in beautiful violet ink, the magio words: "Don't Drink." A Mexican glant;7 feet 0 inches in height, is employed as special officer in the Scrauton Arcade. .-. TT 9 llMniiMliAls sTffrv ! his cellar. They are still sound and perfect Chaeles Biboeb, of rork, drew a bear at a raffle last week. Jonif Brmn-KY, of Reading, carries his help less mother, weighing 800 pounds, around tbe house as if she were a baby? Ir Ohio papers are tobereliedupon, the "old est voter in the State" voted at IS different places by actual count JAMS3HALL. of Cochraasville, O., and Car rie Malsen, of Tyler county, W. Vs., were mar ried last week under romantic circumstances. The couple met tbe minister at the railroad sta tion opposite Cochransvllle after'nlght and, after readleg tne license by the light of a lant ern, the Ueht was extinguisberi and tbe couple .were me one amid the silence which was broken only hf the minister's voice and that of the hootlag ad screchlc afcht owls, and in the weMsoe. of the nesiitewaa who aecoa- be prentrlf'rdozentp7lerwa"in I " of Pompeii, gii 1838. AbramColvintookthemfromabarrelln,,Hniwtd.dh(iaWon,, Uf& I pftBtM the saiiilstex. Thee, sue comssay oas I perse. St'-.c J'' '.-- DUBIOUS COSifEflSATlQNSl : rHl A Pendleton. Ore., man drankisTgalloa of mineral water at one sitting on a wager on Sunday. , "rf,- The oldest cat in Massachusetts is dead. It was owned by Colonel Richmond, fsFree town, and was in its 20tn year. Dr. J. T. Chase, of Hallowellpwns the first tall clock ever brought to MaSneJlt still runs and keeps good time. '"., At the Paris Exhibition of 1867lethe tlJS'iSE" ln 100.000. at the Exhibitforlfof 1S78 82,600,000. and in 1889 t3.0CO,000. At the recent election in Beverly,-Massv, one ballot was entirely blank, but ontie'back,' oHt was written: "I want to vote the sameas Maurice Heaphy." There Is a woman near Astoria, Ore."i who has to hold up her hand and get permission?; from her husband before she can eo out .1 Bho' is going to school to him. .-H The Society for Prevention of CrudtaX to Animals In Switzerland has resolved to tjan&ar, Ish cats from the republic on the grbundvtbat K' tbey are killing off the birds. - r ? ? The artistic wealth of the Paris munici? pallty in paintings, sculpture. engravlrigs?et?!'sJ Is estimated at $2,500,000, outside of thetereatV treasures owned by the nation. . ., ji A G. A. E. post has been organizeUlatf' juueau. xue pi" ni3 Deen named Seward K ovv 38, in honor of William Seward, the nurehaiera of Alaska for the United States. All attempts to rear buJaloesinVcap5 ' tivity of lata years have proved nnsnecSsTnLy A baby buffalo, bom recently in CentraTPark,'. New York, died on Monday of rickets. kj- According to a London daily, there are. about 2.50O building associations, with ovefeOCf? . ,. 000 members, in the United Kingdom.' iJMtk "' year the receipts were upward of S100,000"OOOS,, Information from Keathley.Tennls to jfe ' the .effect that a farmer named Newton was"- ,i attacked near tbat place on a mountain path- :3 way by a panther and torn so badly that t he '. died soon after. ' 'i .' Mrs. Sanden, of Artondale, Ore., sur prised a big bear ln ber back yard last week. She did not scream or fall in a faint,-but Stepped into tbe bouse and, getting a rifle, dis patched the intruder. Women hare been admitted to the bar in all the New England States except New Hampshire and Vermont Mrs. Rlcker, a suc cessful Practitioner Jn Washington, has now asked permission to practice law in New Hamp shire. - The greatest beer drinkers are those of Munich. They drink 192 litres per head per year, against Vienna's 298, London's 25iBer lin's240,andParls's22. This costs the Munich inhabitants on an average of 30 & headman nually. ' gj" Mrs. Callie L. French, a Cincinnati lady, and wife of Captain A. S. French, is .the, only female steamboat pilot in AmericxjShaV is regularly licensed as a pilot from Vleksbnrg ' to New Orleans aid the Atchafalaya river and - . ' its tributaries. '?"' Samuel Morse, of Essex, Mass!,has .'.;: been hungry all the time for 13 years.. Be -,, drinks three quarts of water per day and Mts"L? hearty meals every hour. His age is aTyears'';. ' ' and his weight 135 pounds. His case is apuz-J' zle to .the physicians. - w L. O. Beeeher, of Woodbridge, Conn planted a hill of pumpkins last spring. ."From, that bill be gathered 17 pumpkins aggregating 686 pounds. He has sold them all at 1 cent a pound. Gathering nearly 17 from one hlQ beats , anything the rich farming lands of Kansas can show. ' ' 33. D. Bloan, of Klamath Agency, ! found recently in a cremation mound on the Klamath Indian reservation a Harrison badge of the campaign of 134L The "log cabin" and profile view of Genreal Harrison sbow quite plainly.' Probably tbese Indians got tbe badge 'from General John C Fremont's party when they traveled through that country. While fishing near Slaughter Beach; Del., a few days ago. several young men-of Mllford caught a veritable sea devil It was'.; nearly fire feet in length, two feet six inches la? width, and had an immense bead. Large fins: grew from each side, while on its head crew,, i long, slender fin. The latter appendage' was rued as a baitio entice smaller flahwhen it buried itself lathe mud. . A somewhat famous ejectment suit for.' piece of ground 7 Inches wide and 30 feet long, situated ln the village of Mfllersbnrg, Berks county. Pachas just been revived. The plaint-. Iff is Jacob Mover and the defendant G. MF.- Rick. The land Is worth perhaps tS. but several' aunaiea nave ajreauy oeen speat in miao.Ti There ha been a trial before a-rbitratow,Vow I ln the courts of "the "-countr; end the eaeer ken f been once to tne Bnpreme uourt According to an official report justjj sued of the C9.473 people whose marriages were? registered ln Massachusetts last year, 895 were K men and 245 women who bad reached their 60th , year; 19 men and S women were over 73 years of ' ; age, ana i men ana a women were over out ins total number of males under 20 years of ase were 388, and ot females 818. Two females 3 were 12, 3 were 13, 13 were Hand 61 were 15 a years of age. One male was 15, and there were;- none unueriaatsgo. The young men who are seeking homes .j amine the possibilities of Connecticut agricul-ipl ture before they buy their tickets. Up at Bey-" nolds Bridge. Conn not onlr beans but bean poles grow from ths same hill. George Bun-j nell bad a pole from a button bail wbich had been cut far several rears. He used it for his bean vines to grow on, and now he finds that the poie has sent out roots ana started several sprouts from the top. y A. new gambling arrangement has come' into vogue in Cincinnati. It Is in the shape of a ,i tntnffttnrA riA track with antomatic horses ""Vt iTSl and jockey attachments the outfit being the . ? same as yon see at any race track with the ex- v-J ceptiontnatitis raaaooi. Damsteaa oi sesa jf . and blood. There are four horses. By turning , '', a crank the horses are made to go round and ' round, tbe race becomes exciting and the out- come W, of course, ln doubt One of the ma- , chines fs in a Vine street eating house.1, One '" young man raked. in afsti pot on tho brows none tne oiuer ernfnng. V?nnnv thinn sometimes harrnea . ar' tka Alsace-Lorraine frontier. The otherdAyJa family in Lorraine, near the border expected a party of relatives from over the' line to lunch with them. The French family didn't think it necessary to get a passport tor such short visit, but the German officials refused1 to let them cross without it They therefore turned , back for a few yards Into France, and alighted. '' ln tne meanwhile their Lorraine relatives, who jf had seen their retreat, had gone home, and re- K turned with knives, forks, plates, glasses and . hot dinner. The cloth was laid across the, af -frontier upon a patch of smooth grass, and ,,. merry picnic was held, each party sitting on its -r-ji .-, own soil. The German officials stood by the r-,Y whole time, ready to arrest the strangers in J. case they overstepped the imaginary line, but ; they were careful nov to do so. flr-y iiiV CUTS AHD CUTTING. Chare of the light brigade Seventy-firOjf cents per lamp per nlxht Boston. Herald "It's the biggest ocean raee on record,1! quoth Ssilthwiek. "Which ouo wis thatl" "wnaies." fe. . -tj Carrie Tonne Unless she fears that hVaj after her money, I can't, understand why WssG Oldsome treats our Jscjc so coolly 1 'SH Jessie Bell-Her aie explains It Thirty-two iUt the freezing point 70a tnow.JSoston TinutZgjm "Mamma, why do they hunt tfgers-andfi lions?' ,. Beesnsa thev kill the poor Utile sheep."; i'J Then," asks Tommy. afters, moment's. reHee-I tlon. "why don't tbey bunt the butchers asweiuiji -Judge T- In a Library. "Xshould like something little historical In character." Hum I What did be die on" 'An eruption, Ibelleve."-Jtel gt. "1 understand yon hare Just been down Sj Bt Louis!" Vm- tnent thrM dT therf" "Did you see any of the blgbugs of the place! "h o; I went to a brand new notcW-Juage. Prodley I hear "you've been , -getting married. Tooker-Yer. Vrodler Whom did von marrvr Tooker Millie Jones, her mother, beritej-1 father sad two maldea va.-MarptrtJsaiaru Tamer Oatcake fat bank window) TJ ut. kin voa tell me J Mr. casbmore-Oo to the next wlndoir'irftoSJ want any Information. '-WBI Varmer Oatcake Thnnderatlon I I'd llkeite1 knowwhatyoutverottbatUga 'Telltr'.iLovetTr Dead tor, say wsy t jtuc. At a Chicago Beception. Mrs. BnllrMgl Woo is Inst ume leiiow -nua u araracsagsej, much attention oat merer Mrs. Wheatoa-Thsfs. MlpltsU, fee ; t&eoftrnhlft. .-. : Mrs. Bunrlni-Oh. I do. so hoee ybai tobriagtheftstramentwlth bistitcM -. f-M i-i'i-t' ito& fedaSJEsKLi'.i Sfe.'3