BUMliMuiHsHHHH WM LEADERS ABSENT. ilesdames Swin,Campbell, Weeks and . Brjce KonVith the W. C. T. D. ' DULL DEJECTION SAT ENTHRONED. There Were no Bows,lut Plenty of lately Discissions. OBJECTIONS TO ADTERTISEMENTS The tegular monthly meeting of the County "W". a T. TJ., was held in the Third TJ. P. Church yesterday afternoon, with Sirs. S. E. Gemmell, in the chair. As was expected the attendance was small. Those present blamed the bad weather for this state of affairs, but there was a noticeable absence of the faction who hare withdrawn from the union on professed non-partisan grounds. Mrs. Campbell, the late County President of the county. Mrs. Swift, who recently re signed the office of State President; Mrs. "Weeks, who gave up the office ol State Sec retary; Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Bryce, Mrs. Matchett and many other of the former prominent workers were absent. There was not the slightest ripple of dis cord in yesterday's meeting, and yet the re ports from the various unions, together with the report of the Countv Treasurer, showed that there is considerable discouragement throughout the county, dne probably to the withdrawal of so many of the women ho were formerly at the helm, and were always relied upon to push matters along. There was a tone ol dejection in tbe proceedings throughout. The Treasurer's report showed that the receipts of the quarter were 517 20, while the expenses were $31 59, leaving the treasury $34 33 in debt, with the expenses ot the delegates to the recent national conven tion still unpaid. One union was reported to be on the verge of disbandonment, be cause the members could not be interested in the work. The reports from the delegates of the ten unions represented showed that consider able work lb yet to be done this winter. The various lines to be pursued include evan gelistic, juvenile. Sabbath observance, tem perance, national reform and scientific in struction. After the reports had been heard, Mrs. Gemmell took occasion to GIVE SOME ADVICE to the women. She said the W. C. T. TJ. was not a partisan organization. If the Re publican party had made prohibition a dominant issue it would have been indorsed. If the Democratic party had made it an issue that party would'have been indorsed. The principle of prohibition was indorsed and not the party. "The women of the "W. C. T. U. must stand for the right, and not find fault with those who differ with them. Mrs. E. H. Jones, Superintendent of the social purity department, here arose and said she was very much disappointed on hearing a report from only one union on this line. "I am bristling all over with in dignation at the state affairs are getting to in this line." she said. "The ladies regard this as a delicate matter, but if you could go over to that jail from which I have just come, you would see some of the effects of the community's impurity. There are many lines in which" we can work with propriety, and one way is to abolish obscene pictures and literature." Mrs. Jones then offered the following resolution, which was unani mously adopted: Resolved, That we protest against the exhibi tion of forms In the windows of business bouses and unseemly pictures in newspapers as a method of advertising, and declare it an insult to all good women and detrimental to the morals of the community. SOME FUKTIIER BEMABES. There was very little discussion on the motion to adopt the resolution. Miss Mc Conneil, however, thought a committee ought to be appointed to visit the varions places and first ask the proprietors to dis continue the display of cards, but someone else said the pictures were not displayed through ignorance. The business men think they are pleasing the people, but they ought ioJbe shown that there is a class of people they are not pleasing. The resolution was then adopted. Mrs. H. H. Forest, who succeeds Mrs. "Weeks, as State Secretary, and who is on her way from the Chicago Convention to her home in Philadelphia, was present, and made a few remarks, giving an account of the work done in Philadelphia. She re ferred to the Chicago Convention, and said the reports about the disorder in the con vention had been very much exaggerated. In tn is connection, Miss McConnell, na tional delegate from this county, said that it was politicians and not members of the "W. C. T. TJ., who had made the noise. POT ASIDE SELFISHNESS. Following the meeting was a consecra tion service conducted by Mrs. Spencer. She read a chapter from the Bible about the Israelites who met with misfortune because ibey did not do the will of the Lord. She said. the present was a trying iime for the "W. C. T. TJ., and unless all selfish motives were laid aside and the women get down to doing the work before them evil will come upon them just as it did upon the Israelites. "We don't want bitter feelings," she said. "Don't let us speak unkindly of those who differ from us. Let them alone." Kev. J. T. McCrorv, who was in the room, was asked to say a few words, which he did. He said that it was altogether beyond what a reasonable man oughtto expect, to think that the W. C T. U., would get along with out dissensions. It was what he expected from the first. "God will sift this organiza tion, as He does every other organization of His own creation, undwhen He gets it just right He has a great work for it to do." he concluded. THE NON-PAETISAN DESERTION. The meeting then adjourned. Several members of the union were spoken to after the meeting closed, and asked for their opinions as to the probable effect the with drawal of the non-partisan faction will have on the future of the organization. They seemed to be of one accord, that it would not hurt the union in the least. Mrs. Forest said that the people who had withdrawn in Chester county are going back into the union, and are sorry they ever left it. Mr. McCrory said: "Mrs. Watson, who is among the seceders, was one of the most ardent supporters ot the movement in 1883 to present a petition to the various Rational conventions asking for the in dorsement of prohibitory planks in the party platforms, and promising co-operation with the party that would make prohibition an issue. Mrs. Willard, Mrs. Foster, and Mrs. Watson thought the Republican party would do that, and when they found thev were mistaken, they were displeased. Now that the W.C. T. TJ. has taken a stand for prohibition, it has a right to hold it, and the women who urged them to take the posi tion, ought not to lorsake them now." Jobnnn Huffs Malt Extract Has wonderfnl tonic and nutritive properties that have made it so popular. Quite nat urally, imitators have come into the market, against which the public should be warned. See that "Johann Hoff 's" signature is on the neck ot the bottle. Eisner & Mendelson Co., sole agents, 6 Barclay street, New York. A Long Frit Want. On Saturday our store represents a scene fairly bewildering. Customers are crowded and pushed about in Jheir endeavors to be waited on, and we find it is necessary to resort' to some means to divide the big Sat urday rushes. Starting this week, we will hold our Thursday bargain sales of fine clothing, and we intend to offer such tempt ing bargains for this day as to make it a complete success and outshine even the ruthes. of 'Saturday. Thursday, November 21, watch for it and our big ads announcing our sale. "We intend to sell fine clothing at cost on that day. Wait for Thursday, the bargain day at our store. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. MB. BAUMAN'S-COUSIN. The Ferry Street Liquor Dealer Recognize Mr. Brneker Tho Toon Man Warn Bound to Germany to See His Parent!. B. Bauman, the liquor dealer, whose place of business is at 418 Ferry street, yesterday identified the remains of Joseph Brucker, the passenger on the Eastern express who was killed in the Seventeenth street wreck, as those of his cousin. Brucker was 30 years of age, unmarried, and has resided for the past two yean at Chicago, where he followed his trade as a carpet weaTer. He came to Pitts burg Saturday, en route to his native home in Germany for a visit to his parents. He stopped here, the guest of his cousin, Mr. Bauman, and was escorted to the train on which he met his death by several members of Mr. Bauman's family. A brother of the deceased was telegraphed for and will be here to-day. Xhe .Mayor received a telegram irom ot. Louis yesterday, signed by F. P. Beimes, asking it Brucker was the man who started from Chicago to Germany, and asking if he was a relative of John Brucker, of St. Louis. Mr. Bauman does not know of any member of the family of that name. Mr. Bauman was anxious to take charge of the body, but Superintendent Cowen tnrned it over with the nersonal effects. about $450 in money and draits, to Chief Dispatcher Uulp, ot tne Pennsylvania roaa. The road assumed all responsibility and shipped the remains to Chicago last even ing. Mr. Cowen stated that he hadn't any donbtat all that Mr. Bauman was Mr. Brncker's relative, but in such cases where the identity is not complete, though it Eained him, he was forced to adhere to the ospital rules. The railroad department of the hospital was never so crowded before as it is now. Mr. Cowen stated that they have more patients than they can properly care for. Cots have been placed in the halls, and the convalescent people must give way to the sick and injured. The sanitary condition of the hospital, however, continues to be good, and the Superintendent attributes this tact to the elevated situation of the build ing. C0E0NIAL INQUESTS. , Tbe Fire Case an Mt. Washington Proves to Amount to Nothing. The inquest on the remains of Catherine Affle, the little girl who was burned to death on Saturday last, was resumed and concluded yesterday by a verdict exonerat ing the boy Peter Mager. Several witnesses were examined and their testimony was clearly that the event was accidental. In the case of William K. Simonson, a fireman on the Pennsylvania Bailroad who was killed at Shadyside on Saturday, a ver dict of accidental death was rendered. The same verdict was given in the case of J. E. Good, who died at the West Penn Hospital from injuries caused by the landslide. Jos. Bruckner died at the West Penn Hospital from the injuries received in the Pennsyl vania Bailroad wreck of Monday evening. James McTighe, the employe of Kiter & Conley, who tell from a 20-loot scaffold last week, died at Mercy Hospital yesterday. A Long Felt Want. On Saturday our store represents a scene fairly bewildering. Customers are crowded and pushed about in their endeavors to be waited on, and we find it is necessary to resort to some means to divide the. big Sat urday rushes. Starting this week, we will hold our Thursday bargain sales of fine clothing, and we intend to offer such tempt ing bargains for this day as to make it a complete success and outshine even the rushes of Saturday. Thursday, November 21, watch for it and our big ads announcing our sale. We intend to sell -fine clothing at cost on that day. Wait for Thursday, the bargain day at our store. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Fine S700 Piano $200. A magnificent 74 octave upright piano, with all improvements, excellent tone, swinging desk and elegant carved rosewood case. This instrument is in perfect order and will be sold, fully warrantedfor 200. A great bargain at the music storevpf J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 537 Smithfie!d street. Also a sweet toned parlor organ at $10. Christmas Novelties at the Woman's Ex change. There will be an opening of Christmas novelties at "The Woman's Exchange," 628 Penn avenue on Thursday, this week, from 10 until 6 o'clock. Ice cream, cakes, jellies and preserves will also be on sale. Lunch served as usual from 12 until 2 o'clock. LtmcH will be served from 12 to 2 o'clock in St. Andrew's Church, Ninth street, by St Andrew's Sewing Society, on Thursday and Friday, November 21 and 22. Faultlessly Correct. The advancing season necessitates procur ing suitable clothing. Before purchasing elsewhere yon are requested to critically ex amine the faultlessly correct tailor-made clothing of Brokaw Bros., sold exclusively by A. L. Sailor, Sixth and Liberty streets. WF Corsets! Corsets! fl2 styles to select ironi. All best fitting styles, including the French woven Com mon Sense, the C. P., the P. D., Mad. Foy's, Ferris waists, Warner's, Abdominal, Thomson's glove fitting, 10 Misses' styles, 25c to 51, the lightweight ieatherbone, 85c, the Equiline Health, $1, Warner's coraline, $1, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. mrsu Newly Married Connies! Making preparations for housekeeping do sot forget that Dreydoppel soap is a very important article to nave. -Lne nnest and best for all purposes that soap can be used for. Benders clothes beautifully white, sweet and healthfnl to wear. Full pound bars, 8c per pound, at grocers everywhere. Diamonds. Studs, Pins, Ear rings, Scarf pins. No advance in prices at the Jewelry House of Henry Terheyden, 530 Smithfield st. TOM Thornton Bros., 123 Federal St., Allegheny. It will cost yon in the city, 1 50 to have an old umbrella recovered. Does it pay when you can buy a gloria silk from us at $1 19, and children's school umbrellas as low as 45c. Umbrellas from 45c to any price desired. Given Away With every dozen of cabinets taken this week by Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny, an extra picture of yourself or children framed in a handsome white frame 8x10; handsome Christmas present. M wrsu Special Sale Plash Sncqaes! 800 fine plush sacques, $15 to $25, best values ever shown. MWSU BOSENBAUM & Co. Don't let whisky get the best of you, but get the best of whisky. Klein's Silver Age rye only $1 50 per full quart For sale everywhere. Ask for it MWP None but Pleasant Effects Follow the freest use of F. & "V.'s Iron City beer. The purest materials only en'er into its composition. All dealers keep it. Fine watch repairing. Lowest prices at Hauch's jewelry store, No. 295 Fifth ave. Wfs New neckwear at James H. Aikea& Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. Highest prices paid for ladies' or gents' cast-off clothing at De Haan's Big 6, Wylie ave. Call or send by maiL ws Fine hosiery and underwear. James H. Aiken Ss Co., 100 Fifth aye. NEW 'BLOCK SIGNAL Chief Engineer Manning Will Test His Patent on the B. & 0. Road. IT IS WORKED BY AIR AND GRAVITY Operators Can't Sleep Without Being Be trayed by the Machine. INCEBASIKG TBE SAPETI OP TRATEL W. T. Manning, chief engineer of main tenance of way of the Pittsburg division of the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad, is about to put in his new block signal for the pur pose of making a practical test of it on the road. The test will be made at McKees port. bnt the inventor claims there is not the slightest doubt of its success. Mention has been made of the signal in The Dis patch before, but no detailed description of it has ever been given. It is to be called the Manning antomatic-pnenmatic electric block, and a patent will probably be issued tor it within the next few weeks. The block signal's chief advantage over tne present semaphore, or "apron, blocks lies in the fact that it drops back to safety by gravity. It can either be worked by the "apron" block or the "semaphores." The signal is worked with air by an operator by means of a lever. When the white block is shown the operator must maintain his grip on the air lever or the red signal will drop down. When the operator wishes to allow a train to pass, he presses down on the lever. THE ALAB3I BINOS. The rei signal is pulled up out of sight and the white one displayed. While in this position an electric alarm is constantly ringing. The alarm keeps up a continuous din until the lever is released and the red signal drops back into position. Another feature about the block is that it can be worked by foot levers under the table. This enables telegraph operators to work them with their feet while they are sending or receiving messages. Attached to the levers by a system of air cocks are two air pumps, which supply the valves. There is no compression of the air whatever. The signal is mainly intended for small stations, where the rope block signals are now Deing worked. It is a well-known trick among railroad telegraph operators to pnll the red signal out of sight about midnight and then go to sleep. They tie the end of the rope on to the end of a table, or put the handle in the drawer and close the latter. The block then shows a white signal, and tbe few trains running on the road in the early hours of the morning pass without stopping, tbe en gineers taking it for granted that the road is clear. This trick has been the cause of dozens of wrecks. The usual result was that the operator was discharged and the company was out thousands of dollars. OPEBATORS CAN'T SLEEP. With the Manning patent an operator cannot very well hold a tight grip on the lever and sleep at the same time. If any attempt is made to tie the lever to the floor, the tension on the rope would soon cause it to break. When this occurs the weight is taken from the lever, and tbe danger signal drops back into place. The ropes and wires now used are an end less source of expense to the companies, and a great saving is made in this particular. The block will also have an electric register attached to it When a white signal is dis played a bell rings in the office and a num ber appears. This will show which block is up. This precaution is taken in cases where trains going in opposite direc tions meet at the station. To insure greater precaution two levers will be provided. One will be for one track and the other for the opposite track. The two levers will prevent operators from becoming excited, and giving the wrong block to the wrong train. A number of railroad officials have inspected the signal, and say it is a great improvement over the present blocks or "semaphores." The latter are made by the "Union Switch and Signal Company, and have been adopted by the Pennsylvania lines. It is claimed that in very severe rain and snowy weather the "semaphores" will freeze up and become useless. Mr. Manning has also applied for a patent on an improvement in discharging the car valve for signaling the engineer from a train by a whistle instead of with a bell rope. The improvement gives a clear, sharp and distinct whistle, instead of a combination of signals. In all kinds and degrees of sprains Salva tion Oil with rest will effect a speedy cure. Price 25 cents. A Iiong Felt Want. On Saturday our store represents a scene fairly bewildering. Customers are crowded and pushed about in their endeavors to be waited on, and we find it is necessary to resort to some means to divide the big Sat urday rushes. Starting this week, we will hold our Thursday bargain sales of fine clothing, and we intend to offer such tempt ing bargains for this day as to make it a complete success and outshine even the rushes of Saturday. Thursday, November 21, watch for it and our big ads announcing our sale. We intend to sell fine clothing at cost on that day. Wait for Thnrsday, the bargain day at our store. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. No Fake Advertisements Here. How does the following strike you for a plain, concise and unequivocal advertise ment If you buy a black Henrietta dress from us this week or next, at 79c or 89c, and find it is not 45 inches wide and same qual ity as sold elsewhere at SI 15 and $1 25, re turn it and your money will be refunded. Forty-six inches all-wool Henriettas on sale Friday at 49c, all colors. Ii this cloth is not better than the 65c one elsewhere, re turn it and get your money. Return Brad ley's five-pound blanket at 80c per pound if it is not the same weight as you pay S5 50 a pair for elsewhere. Tbe cash store. Thobnton Bbos., 128 Federal street, Allegheny. To Chlcngo via B. Sz O. The B. & O. K. K. Co. now operates a through car line between Pittsburg and Chicago via Wheeling. A Pullman vesti bnled sleeping car leaves Pittsburg, daily, on the 7:30 P. si. Express, and goes into Chicago on the vestibuled Limited, arriving at Chicago next morning at 10:55. A din ing car is attached to this train at Garrett, Ind., and breakfast is served as the train approaches Chicago. This service is su perior to that of any other train between the two cities upon which no extra fare is charged. For tickets and sleeping car space call at B. & O. ticket office, corner Filth avenue and Wood street Faultlessly Correct. The advancing season necessitates procur ing suitable clothing. Beiore purchasing elsewhere you are requested to critically ex amine the laultlessly correct tailor-made clothing of Brokaw Bros., sold exclusively by A. L. Sailor, Sixth and Liberty streets. WF Kendy.for the Holidays. Make your selections now, while the stock is complete. By paying small amount down goods will be lajd away until the hol idays at Hauch's jewelry store, No. 295 Fifth ave. tvfs Men's underwear for winter. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth aye. Lovely infant's cloaks in plush, broad cloth, Eidercloth, cashmere at $2 to 112, at Eosenbaum & Co.'s. liwsu Men's fine neckwear. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth aye. TJseF. &V.'s Pittsburg beer to quiet yonr nerves and compose you for aleep. HUMANE SOCIETY MEETING. The Election to be Held on the Second Tues day In January. The Western Pennsylvania Humane So ciety held its regular weekly meeting at their office In the Penn bnjlding yesterday afternoon. The following resolution was adopted : Whebeas, The Western Pennsylvania Hu mane Society was granted a charter by the Court of Common Fleas No. 1 on Saturday.No vember 18, 1889, for the purpose of preventing cruelty to animals, children and aged persons; therefore, be it , Resolved. That tho Western Pennsylvania Humane Society hereby accept tbe chatter, and that under It an election will be held to select a board of managers and officers for the ensuing year, on the third Tuesday of January, 1890, and yearly thereafter at tho office of tho society between the hours of 4 and 6p.m. A committee composed of ex-Mayor George Wilson, Fredrick Keinhart and Jo seph G. Walters, prepared ten new rules, which were adopted and ordered to be printed lor the use ot the officers and mana gers ot the Bociety. There were some slight changes made in the by-laws, but of no m- Sortance. Mrs. Dr. Walters was elected a fe member. Donations Mrs. B. Thaw, ?5; Mrs. Dr. Walters. 525; J. F.", cash, ?2. Fines 'Squire Edwards, of Braddock, imposed a fine on Michael Strickler,cruelty to children, ?10. Samuel Creelman, Jus tice of the Peace, of "Wilkinsburg, imposed fine on H. Schaner, cruelty to animals, 10. Alderman McKelvev fined Dora Doppman, cruelty to children, $10. A Lone Felt Want. On Saturday our store represents a scene fairly bewildering. Customers are crowded and pushed about in their endeavors to be waited on, and we find it ia necessary to re sort to some means to divide the big Satur day rushes. Starting this week, we will hold our Thursday bargain sales of fine clothing, and we intend to offer such tempting bar gains for this day as to make it a complete success and outshine even the rushes of Sat urday. Thursday, November 21, watch for it and our big ads announcing our sale. We intend to sell fine clothing at cost on that day. Wait lor xnursaay, the bargain day at our store. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Closed, The silk warp Henrietta at 69c, of which we have sold over 1,000 pes. Another lot will arrive next week, bnt you need not wait; see what we are going to offer: our 46-inch one at 79c, but only till the other arrives. It you want to see what a bargain it is get samples of the best $1 25 quality in either city for comparison. Thobnton Bbos., Allegheny, Pa. Clocks. Onyx, Marble, Brass, Wood, Iron enameled. Henby Tebhetden, WFM 530 Smithfield st Eicii and poor alike must pay the cash; not a dollar's worth of goods leaves onr pos sessionvtill settled lor. Bemember this, and when you see the big bold prices marked in front of our store on goods, you need not ask "how can yon sell so cheap." Thobnton Bbo's., 128 Federal st, Allegheny, Pa. Fine Far Capes, All styles and qualities, at lowest prices, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. iiwsu Don't let whisky get the best of you, but get the best of whisky. Klein's Silver Age rye only $1 50 per full quart For sale eVerywhere. Ask for it. mwf The Holidays Are Approaching. You are thinking about buying a watch. The best and cheapest place in the city for diamonds, watches and fine jewelry is at Hauch's jewelry store, No. 295 Fifth ave. Established 1853. WFS Cash paid for old gold and silver at' Hauch's jewelry store, No 295 Fifth ave. i " WTS Men's underwear for winter. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. MEETINGS. THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF General Putnam Conncil No. 125, Jr. O.U. A M., are requested to meet at their hall, cor ner Penn avenue and Twenty-second street at 12.30 P. M. sharp, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th inst, with caps, funeral badge and glovcs,to at tend the funeral ot our late brother, Past Councilor James E. Good. Bister Councils are Invited to attend. By order. J. H. W. ANDERSON, Councilor. W. B. LOWMAN, R. S. no!9-81 - PrrrsBtmo Connellsvtlle R.&. Co.,") General Office, PlTTSBUBG, November 12. 1889. J VTOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS NOTICE JlM is hereby given tbat in accordance with tbe requirements of the charter and by-laws of this company, the annual meeting of the stockholders will be held at the offices of the B. 4 O. R. R. Co. (comer Smithfield and Water sts.). In the city of Pittsburg, Pa., on MON DAY, December 2. 1SS9. at 12 o'clock M.. for tbe election of a Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before the meeting. The stock transfer books will be closed on 25th Inst, and remain closed nntil after December 2 prox. J. B. WASHINGTON, Secretary. no20-91 AMUSEMENTS. BIJOU THEATER Matinee to-day. McCAULL OPERA COMPANY IN CLOVER. Nov. 25 J. K. Emmet in his New Play. no!8-15 GRAND OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. KAJANKA. Next week Salvini fc Co. In repertoire. no!8-12 H ARRIS THEATER- Everv Afternoon and Evnnlnc George O. Morris' Spectacular Melodrama, A LEGAL WRONG. Week Nov. 25 The Nelsons. nol7-23 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY lo-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, LILLY CLAY'S COLOSSAL GAIETY COMPANY. BO17-20 WORLD'S MUSEUM Week of November 18. The world's great absurdity, CON-GO. Seymour, the mind reader. The fat man, skeleton and others. Great stage show. Nov. 25 G eary's World's Circus. nol8-l CANNIBALS OF THE CONGO. HERBERT WARD, Under auspices Press Club, AT LAFAYETTE HALL. FRIDAY, NOV. 21 Tickets for sale at Kleber's. no!9-S9 PROPOSALS. Office of Bobouoh Clebk. McKeesport. Pa, November 15. 1889. J TOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED Xl proposals will be received by the under signed until TUESDAY4p.M..Novetnber26,for the construction of a wooden truss bridge over Crooked run. East End, said bridge being 21 ft long. 16 ft wide.and will contain 45 cu, yd. arst class ruble masonry in the abutments. Plans and specifications can now be seen in the En gineer's office. A bond in tbe sum of S800 will be required to be filed with all bids. The Coun cil reserves the right to reject any or all pro posals. GEORGE BOSSART, Clerk nol5-93-15.20.25 MONEY TO IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND England can best be sent by checks on the "Cheque Bank," which are cashed by all bankers, merchants and tradespeople. Pitts burg Agency MAX SCHAMBERG 4 CO., 627 SmlthSeld St., Pittsburg se25-wsu A, WHITELEY. 128X THIRD AVE., UPSTAIRS. Gents' shoes soled and heeled in 15 minutes lor 75 cents. . Finest work in the city. au23-S0K-WT vr. ( Enfravlnga Buildings, machinery, portraits, cats for c&U- ivjtues, etc; reproductions oi pen ana 1 link draw ings, wood cut prints, manuscripts, etc; print- uig, Dinning, nuns uwu, eic. e--W tS'Dirplay advertUement one dollar ptr iquare for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, eta, ten cents pet line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty merits. THE PITTSBURG ,DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation . of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except wbera advertisers already bare accounts wltnTosDls PJITCU. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, S5u9Bntler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. Mth street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY ACO., Wylie ave. and Fultonst N. STOKJSLY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST IKS. ! TV. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & BHElBLER,Sthav. & Atwood (t. SOUTHSIDS. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. H. A. DONAIUJSON, 1707 Carton strett. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEECHER, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBBIDE. Market House, Allegheny. FBFJH. EGGEltS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEK3 ft BON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOSIASMcHENKY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LUYALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCKER, Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 CARSON STREET. WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT, BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE BPECIALSOUTHSIDEISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. Mole Help. w ANTED GOOD BARBER; STEADY wors. Apply nu'i'ti avi. noau-ia WANTKD-P1PE LAYERS, CALKERS AND ISO Italian laborers. Apply at bead of ShinglBs St., Boj d Hill. OTT BROS. nel9-3 TTTANTED-A NO. 1 PRACTICAL HORSE VV SHOER; no other need apply. JOHN GAS3. 879 Preble ave., Allegheny. no20-99 WANTED KFSPECTABLE PEOPLE TO adopt healthy male child, of excellent pa rentage. Address P. K., Dispatch office, nolg-19 WANTED-A GOOD BARBER: NONE BDT a good hand need annlr. Cor. FEDERAL AND SOUTH DIAMOND ST., Allegheny. no2o-30 WANTED-Afc ENGINEER: ONE WHO UN DEUSTANDS repairing maohlnery: Ger man preferred. Address P.O. BOX 43. Allegheny. nolo-51 "TTTANTED- PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS M wanted: those accustomed to glass rooflnsr. Applv ALLEGHENY PARK NEW GREEN HOUSES. no20-83 TTTANTED AGENTS IN ALLEGHENY. V Beaver. Lawrence, Westmoreland and Washington counties to sell a household necessity. Address A. K. KARTELL, 411 bmlthneld St. OC23-MWT WANTED EXPERIENCED AIAN FOR PER MANENT position: good salary to right narty; reference and personal application indis pensable. P. WARD, Room 2, 1036 Penn ave. no20-ie WANTED-GENTLEMEN WHO DESIRE A wife or a lively correspondent to 6end their address and stamp to THE AMERICAN CORRE SPONDING CLUB, Box 643, Clarksburg, TV, Va. OC23-10 WANTED SALESMEN IMMEDIATELY In every town and city: good salarv or commission paid; steady employment. Address H. V. CLABK&CO., Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. OC27-80-MWT WANTED AN EXPERIENCED TRAVEL ING Salesman In a wholesale clothing house; references required; all communications strictly confidential. Apply to SALESMAN, Dispatch offlse. nol9-4I WANTED-YOUNG MAN FOR. OFFICE; compensation, lessons In practical book keeping; must be good penman, with fair educa tion. Address W.WOOLSEY, Expert Account ant, 163 Fifth avenue. no2)-29 WANTED-AN ACTIVE MAN POSSESSING some knowledge of property values and ability as a salesman; position awaiting a man qualified fortheworkiwillyield a good Income. Call on W. I. MILLER. SI3 Wood st. noCO-38 TfT ANTED AGENTS SHOULD WRITE TOR vV Illustrated circular, terms and two weeks' trial of Missouri washer: washes dirtiest clothes by hot steam without rubbing; easily sold; profit able. J. WORTH, 54 Beekman St., N. Y. nolO-94-wssu -TTJ-ANTED AGENTS "DODGE'S HORSE YV blanket bolder:" keeps tbe blanket from blowing or sliding off the horse: nothing like It In tbe market: every horse owner buys: sample by mall 25c. BTAYNER & CO., Providence, B. I. nolO-95 WANTED-SALESMEN AT S73 PER MONTH salarv and expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc. : by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Bartlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN AKU, SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D WANTED-BRICKLAYERS THOSE WANT ING work and employers and all others who may wish to employ bricklayers are entitled to register such wants, free of charge, at the headquarters or the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, 93 Fourth ave., first floor front. Open until 9 F. M. Saturdays, ocll-so-wrsu WANTED-SALESMEN AT ONCE-A FEW good men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest manuracrarers in our line in tne worm: uoerai salary paid; permanent position; money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. For full terms ad dress CENTENNIAL MFG. CO., Chicago. 111., or Cincinnati, O. no9-77-WTSu ANTED-AGENTS TO SELL THE P1NLESS clothes line; tbe only line ever Invented tbat holds the clothes without pins; a perfect success; patent recently Issued; sold only by agents, to whom the exclusive right Is given; on receipt of 50 cents we will send a sample line by mall; also circulars, price list and terms to agents: secure your territory at once. Address WORCESTER PIN LESS CLOTHES LINE CO., 17 Hermon St., Worcester, Mass. OC23-44-WS Female Help. TJ ANTED LADY WHO CAN LEAVE THE TV city to solicit for special work: salary SCO' a month. Call N o. 5 SIXTH AVEN U E. nol7-128-wsa w ANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOR SMALL famllv- must hn ffnnd cook and laundress! first-class wages paid; only girls with relerences need apply. 353 MAIN STREET, Lawrenceville. P019-Z7 Ulalo and Female flelo. WANTED-LADY AGENTS-ALSO MEN Two Immense new specialties: one ladymade 27 berore dinner, another J1S first hour. Address LITTLE & 'JO., Box 413, Chicago, 111. OC30-29-WS6U WANTED-HOTEL COOK, MALE OK FE MALE, dishwasher. 2 dining room girls, night cook, cook and chambermaid lor small fam ily, 100 house girls, 60 cooks. 10 chambermaids, nurse girl, laundress. MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant st. nolD-D Situations. TTTANTED-BY IOQPEBIENCED BOOKKEEP- YV EK, whose time Is not lutly occupied, small set of books to keep or other clerical work. 'A.O., Dispatch office. no20-92 WAN TED-SITUATION AS A MECHANI CAL draughtsman; well qualified, good training and can present best of references. A. W. S.. Dispatch office. nol9-87 WANTED-SITUATION AS SALESMAN IN a wholesale grocery or commission house; long experience; best of references. Address N. Y. D., Dispatch office. no20-S3 WANTED-SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER or salesman by one who has had experience in the boot and shoe business; best of references. I. H. B., Dispatch office. n 020-98 WANTED-A SITUATION AS ASST. SUPT., paymaster, special agent, timekeeper, or any position of trust by man of 24, with excellent recommendations and experience. Address CIR CUMSPECT, Dispatch office. no20-l( Rooms. Douses. Etc. WANTED-TO RENT A NICELY FURNISH ED front room for one gentleman In a pri vate family less than five minutes' walk from postofflce. Address NO. I, Dispatch office. no20-io Financial. WJYLE A CO., 131 Fourth ave. myll-CO TITANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS TT of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on i)i percent, free ortax; also smaller amounts at & and 6 per cent. BLACK A BA1ED, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d28-D w AKTED-MOKTG AGES-ft, 000, 000TO LOAN on cltr and nhnrban Tiro ner t lei at4K. Sand srcs ccuu ana on ianns in AHeEDcuj uu, uja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. Ji. JTCN.NOC1C & .. - i j . ---- . . .r ": i 'j. SON, 103 Fourth avenue. apT-fll WANTKD-TO nOAN 1230,000 ON MOST- GAGES; 1100 and upward at 8 per cent; 1500,000 at iH per cent on residences or business &?&(: a''o In adlolnlng counties. 8. H. FRENCH. 125 Fourth avenue. o2l-4-D TXTANTED-MORTGAGE8-IW0,000 TO LOAN T T on mortgages, in sums from 300 to 810,000, fr f to 5 years on city property, at very low rates; write for terms and give description of property. J. E. GLASS, 133 Fifth aTe. Telephone No. 17M. noll-47 , WANTXB. 'Financial. -TTT-ANTED MORTGAGES LARGE AND VV smaU. ED. W1TTISH, 410 Grant street. no!2-&5-D WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PEOP . EKTY, over S4.000; 4M oer cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVtRACO?, 92 Fourth avenue. mb2-a2Z-D WANTED-WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN onPlttsbnrg, Allegheny or suburban real 'state, at lowest rates. ALEXANDER ALEE, No. 313 W ood street. nol6-43 MW8 Miscellaneous. -T7"ANTEDLARGE 8AFE: GOOD VV TION. L. J. POPE, 6190 Liberty CONDI ave. WANTED-HIGHEST SPOT CASH PRICES paid for second-band furniture, carpets and household goods of all kinds. 1211 PEN N AVE NUE. au26-25-Mvnr WANTED -NOVEMBER 13 THE LAST month for fine cabinets at 11 per dozen, at AUFRECHT'S ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market St., Pittsburg. Bring tbe children on elevator. no3-60-TWTSSn WAJ.TED-FERSONS3 TO KNOW THAT BY acreclnr to nav SI Tier week von can ffet possession offine'goldor silver watches, clocks, fewelry, diamonds, silverware, etc. J.MITSCH, SO Federal st, Allegheny, Pa. se!2-Mwrsn TTTANTED BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO V V TOGBAPHEE, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg; and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know tbat be is making fine cabinets at fl SO per dozen; photos 4ellvered when promised: instan taneous nrocess. mhl33 FOR SALE-IMPKOVED REAL ESTATE. City Residence. FOR SALE-I3,7D0 A 9 PER CENT NET IN VESTMENT, brick house, 8 rooms, on Marian st.. Sixth ward, one-half square from Fifth are. W. A. HEKHON & SONS, 8) Fourth avenue. noZ-9l-ws FOR BALE-S3,800-EAST PAYMENTS-A good brick bouse 6 rooms, attic, bath, range, natural gas; 2 squares Irom cable cars, on Bed ford avenue. Eleventh ward. Bee W. A. HERBON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. nol3-41-ws FOR SALE-ON MAIN. NEAR DAVISON ST., Seventeenth ward, at a sacrifice, as owner Is leaving the city, a new s-room brick dwelling, with modern conveniences; lot 25x100: price 94,500; all or half cashv bal. to suit; cost over fc.000. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler street. nol6-86-W8Su East End Residences. F OR SALls S4.600 A LARGE 8-ROOMED house and lot 43x130 ft. on Grazier st: a hand some home: will sell on easy payments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. nol5-10-KWS FOR SALE-FOR 83,300, A, NEAT, NEW house, S rooms, well improved; lot 27x13) feet: onHallman. near Uo we St., Twentieth ward. See W. A. UERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. nolS-72-WS. FOR SALE NEW FRAME HOUSE 5 BOOMS and lot 25x125, on Euclid ave.; has bath, city water, both gases, speaking tubes, porches, etc.; price (2,900. MELLON BROTHERS; 6349 Station St., E.E, nol5-10-UWB FOR SALE-S500 CASH AND REMAINDER on monthly pavments of (23. a neat new house of 6 rooms and attic: late Improvements; well located: near Shadyside station. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. no!2-88-ws 7OB SALE-A SMALL CASH PAYMENT AND X balance on long time will buy a fine residence site In Villa Park plan. Brushton: our prices are very low and now is the time to Invest. JN O. F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smithfield St. nol7-69 FOR 8ALE-BAUM GHOVE-Q.UEEN ANNE residence on Amber street. 8 rooms, 4 attic rooms, reception hall, bath and all modern con veniences: large lotiTeally a beautiful borne, and very reasonable In price and terms. BL ACK A BAlRD, 93 Fourth ave. no 13-65 FOR SALE-ON ELLSWORTH AVENUE, 15,250, a neat, almost new house, 6 rooms, large attic, late Improvements, all in first-class order: street and sewer Improvements made: well located at Shadyside. See W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. n 06-40-ws FOR BALE-1,600-E. E.. I SQUARE FROM cable road. Fifth or Hiland aves.. on a 50 toot street, substantial 6 room frame dwelling, hall, water, etc., all In excellent repair, with 4 lots 24x100 feet each, which are alone worth tbe price asked for all. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. no2M7 FOR SALE-NEGLEY AVE., E. E-, NEAR Penn ave., new Queen Anne brick residence of 12 rooms, reception hall, front and back stairs. Inside shutters, nat. and art. gas. laundry, batb, h. andc. water, 2 Inside w. c.'s. complete electric work, sewered and aspbaltum street: lot 45x100; smalt casn payment, balance on long time. SAM UEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. nol7-89 FOR SALE-HOOO WILL BUY A GOOD SUB STANTIAL new modern frame dwelling. well arranged and convenient to steam and cable cars In the East End; good street, neighborhood and surrounded with first-class Improvements: it con tains 6 large rooms, double finished attic, hall, vestibule, front and rear porches, bath, inside w. c, stationary washstand, hot and cold water, slate mantels, sliding doors, china closet, large clothing closets, Inside shutters, slate roof, both gases, fine chandeliers, large cellar and cut stone foundation: plumbing first-class and sewerage complete: fine lot 21x133 reesno a 20-foot alley: this property is low at the price 'fend can be bought on easy terms. L. O. FUAZTEB, Forty-firth and Butler sts. no23-18-WT8u Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY-AN TILEGANT park property: 0,000. CHARLES SOMER3 A CO., 313 Wood st. no20-3S FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN-ALLEGHENY, close to parks a choice property; press brick; 9 rooms, laundry, bath: large lot, extending to street in rear; 87,000. CHARLES SOMEBS A CO., 313 Wood st. n 020-33 FOBS ALE-SUBSTANTIAL HO USE 6 BOOMS, hall, porches, cemented cellar, yard, prime condition, clean, attractive: close to Pleasant Valley cars. Allegheny; 12,200. CHARLES SOM ERS CO., 313 Wood St. no20-3S F OR SALE PARK PROPERTY. ALLE GHENY, choice residence. .No. 21 Montgom ery ave.. 14 rooms, bath, lavatories, laundry and lf conveniences: nnlek sale desired tn settle an estate. BAILEY, FARRELL A CO., 619 Smith field st. nol4-S5 FOB 8ALE-DESIBABLE PROPERTY AND A profitable Investment considered cheap: only 87,000: payments made tosnlt; on Lacock, near Sandusky st., Allegheny; lot 21x100 ft. ; two houses, one In front and one In rear on Stoddard St. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. no6-68-ws Suhnrbon Residences. FOR SALE-EDGEWOOD HOME, 3 MINUTES from station; a new frame of 8 rooms: bath, natural gas. electric light, laundry, etc.; lot 40x150: Immediate possession: good terms. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. no!9-6S FOR 8ALE-ATWILKINSBURG.TW07BOOM houses, bathroom, finished attic, lots 33x120 each: 6 minutes from station: all modern Im provements ; 14, 50Q:easy terms. W. E. HAMN KTT. 404 Smithfield street, Pittsburg and Wilkinsburg, Pa. nol7-f FOESALK-CASH PAYMENT OF 8500 ONLY required to purchase a brick dwelling on Broad St., Sewlckley, In the best of neighbor hoods, near station, etc.; large lot, 47x203 feet, and additional frontage can be secured: Imme diate possessions rare chance for a young business nan to get a good home. A. W. ADAIR, Boom 708i Penu Building. Penn ave. no20-7-wr FOR SALE-ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF house and lot in borough of Etna; Thnrsday, November 21. at2 o'clock, on the premises, will be sold the property of the late Lewis King, on the Butler turnpike road, 60 yards north from the Freeport road, lot 30x100. with frame dwelling house: terms one-fourth cash, balance In three Sears: Norman King, administrator. A. LEG ATE A SON, Auctioneers. nol-69-1.8,U. FOR SALE LOTS. Suburban Lot. FOR SALE-KELLY STREET, BRUSHTON, a vacant lot 40x137, for t900. BLACK A BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. P019-6S F2 R SALE-AT WILKINSBURG LOT 84x130. RTntnnfpfi from station. SLOuO: a bargain. W- K. HAMN ETP, 404 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, and Wilkinsburg, Pa. nol-7-D F OR SALE AT WILKINSBURG CORNER lot snriln. A minutes from station. SI'JOO. w. E. HAMNETr, 404 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, and Wilkinsburg, Pa. nol7-r TTTlOB SALE AT EDGEWOOD LOT 100X150, 7 JP minutes from station, 81.100; a bargain; easy terms. W. E. HAMNETr, 404 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, and Wilkinsburg. Pa. no!7-7 FOR SALE-BUILDING LOTS CHEAP-THE best In the market for the money: special In ducements to purchasers desiring to build: terms easv: location very desirable; only 7 miles from Federal St.; at Asplnwall station, adjoining Bharpsburg. West Penn R. B. For plans see W. A. HERRON" A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. no2-90-ws Farms. TTtOB SALE-FARM-100 ACRES OB MORE. C with first-class improvements; the best and finest on Allegheny river, at town and station. EDWITTISH, 410 Grant st. nolS-D FOR SALE-ELEGANT LITTLE FABM-AD-JOINING town, thirty miles from city: In view of two R. R's: 12 acres: fruit, garden, excel lent buildings: prime order: attractive: SLOOO. CUARLESSOMERSACO., 313 Wood St. noK-38 FOR SALE-VALUABLE FARM AND FLAG STON I. quarry: the farm contains 42 acres more or less, and Is situated l'A miles from Canonsbnrg, Wash, co.. Pa.; upon this farm are a good two-story frame house of five'rooms, a large barn, a two-story brick wash and spring house and other outbuildings; two good orchards of choice varieties or fruit; tbe farm is in the oil and g-is belt, and Is unencumbered by a lease; It is well watered: the stoncqnarry Is known as the Cook quarry. Call on or address GEORGE Mo W1LL1AM8, Canonsburg, Wash, co., Pa. nols-33-D Miscellaneous. F OR SALE '4.000 ACRES HEAVY TIMBER, Cameron county. T. LIVEZEY. Allen's Lane, PhUa. np!3-4S-w FOB BALE-COAL LAND-80 ACRES IN Baldwin tp., Allegheny co., Pa., on line of B. A OB. B., 4 miles from city; In good state of cultivation; underlaid with a good quality of coal: good farm buildings: plenty or fruit; cheap lrsoldqulck. See W. A. HERRON A SONS, & Fourth ave. no6-69-w EOR BALE-NATURAL GAB LANDS-ISO acres on Noblesvllle rood, eight miles from llanapolls; no wells yet drilled on this land, bnt lands on all sides have flowing wells, from which entire supply for Indianapolis Is obtained. For prices apply to L. A. COQUAKD. U4 North Third St., St. Louis, Mo. aolt-48-B F8R SALE-LSTS. Cltr Lota. FOR SALE-FINE LOT-SUITABLE FOB manufacturing establishment; situate on Second avenue, above Boss st. : If sold soon can he had at a bargain and on easy payments. SeeW. A. HEBRON A SONS. 80 Fourth are. no2-90-Wff East End Lots. FOR SALE-BAUM UBOVE-LOT 40x102. ON St. Clair St. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. nol9-65 FOR SALE-LOTS 40x100 FEET FOR JI, 000 ON easy payments, one square from Firth av enue, near College avenue. SeeW. A. HEBRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. nol2-88-WS FOR SALE BAYABW STREET, NEAR Neville, 100 feet: a splendid opportunity to anyone wanting a safe investment: a number elegant residences to be erected this spring; think and act quick. For full particulars apply to . .. v M .VAM.', IVUUt .U A , C AW..-1W FOB SALE-A LOT 60x120 FEET.ON A 50-FOOT street; sewers, pipes, curbs and flagstone walks all down and no extra cost for them: with in S minutes' of steam cars and 2 lines of cable cars; churches and schools close by. MELLON BROS., T. E.. or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent. 512 Smlth fleld street. nol7-70-wsn Glcnwood Lots. 1TOK SALE-LOTS AT GLENWOOD; CON F VENlENTtothe station and Second Ave. Electric Railway; graded streets, sidewalks, city water: houses and lots for sale on monthly pay ments. GEORGE C. BUBGWIN, 150 Fourth ave. OC29-29-MWSU Allechcnv XiOta. ' FOB SALE-ENHANCEMENT FOLLOWING rapid transit: good lot on Center ave.. Alle gheny, near new electric road: size 26x150 ft. to a street: low-price and easy terms. A. W. ADAIR, Boom 708, Penn bldg., Penn are. no20-8-wr Manufacturing; Sites. T70R SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE, HBX J 300 feet (or in sizes to suit), la First ward, Allegheny, fronting four streets and P. A W. B. K. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOB SALE-A CHOICE INVESTMENT IN A cltv business establishment. CHARLES SOMEBS A CO.. 313 Wood St. n40-3S FOB SALE-AN EXCELLENT AND PB03 PEBOUS East End grocery business. CHARLES SOMEBS A CO.. 313 Wood si. nolo-38 FOB SALE-FIXTURES AND STOCK. OF GRO CERIES, located In prominent business center of Allegheny; a bargain. CHARLES BOMER3 A CO., 313 Wood street. no20-3S P OB SALE-DRUGSTOBE-ONE OF THE finest and most central in the cltvr fine stock of coods: to a anlck buver will sell at less than In voice. Inquire- of L, H. HABBIS A.CO., Liberty St., or Geo. A. Kelly A Co., Wood St., or A. c. Henderson, Seventh ave. nol-86 FOB SALE SEVERAL FINE GROCEBY stores, large and small, at low prices: cigar stores, small drygoods stores, confectioneries, bak eries, laundry, feed store, milk depots, boarding houses, printing office, etc. N. B. We have customer with 85,000 or more capital who will take Interest in good paying city drygoods business. SHEPABDACO.,54FlFthave, no9 FOB SALE-A WHOLE OB HALF INTEREST In an extensive general store doing a large and lucrative business in a rapidly growing man ufacturing town on line of railroad: spacious rooms in a brick building on the corner or the two leading streets In the place; oldest and best stand In town: sales about t80,00Oannually, mostlyona cash basis; no bad debts; such a fine opportunity as this presents to seenre a money-making busi ness Is of rare occurrence. Fuller Information to principals only and tbose meanlngbuslness can be obtained at our office, or sent by mall when real name and address Is given. JAS. W. DKAPE& CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. nol6-54-MW8 FOB SALE-A FIRST-CLASS FULL ROLLER mill, from 75 to 80 barrels capacity, frame building 40x80 feet, J itorl-s high, 65 horse Iiower steam engine, 12 sets 6x18 Dawson rollers, 0 fourteen feet reels, 4 Smiths' purifiers, dust collector, magnetic separator, flour packer, Rich mond bran duster, four cleaners, 30-luch corn and feed stone, new buckwheat roils, etc: this property is situated on the line of the Pennsyl vania Bailroad. at New Florence station, West moreland county, Penna., with a side track to the mill door: It is in a good grain country, and should command a good run of custom: tbe present owners are not practical millers rtbey re side at a distance from New Florence, and are engaged in other pursuits; they would therefore rather sell tbe mill at a bargain to a good cus tomer, than rent it. For terms, etc., apply to ANTES SNYDER, Blalrsvllle, Penna. no9-38-irwT Boalnesn Stands. FOR SALE-FIRST-CLASS GENERAL STOKE In rich agricultural section pf Ohio; excellent location for bnslness and desirable -for residence: low to prompt buyer. CHARLES SOMEKS A CO., 313 Wood street. no20-3S FOR SALE A FINE HOTEL IN ONE OF THE most prosperous towns In Western Pennsyl vania; everything new and or the most Improved style: steam beat, closet and bathrooms. 18. bed rooms, two offices, reading and sample rooms, fine range In kitchen; barn 36x75 ft.: elegant 'bus and team; business aU that conld be desired: reason for selling poor health. For further particulars write to or Inquire at DISPATCH OFFICE, no 4-50 FOR SALK-M1S4TELLANKOUS. Machinery ana Metals. 17IO SALE ENGINES AND BOILEBS-NSTW X7 an d refitted : repawn g promptly attended to. PORTFFOUNDRVANDJtACHlNECO.,LIM., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 F OB 8ALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers: all sizes and styles la stock, from 4 to 100b.p.;all refitted; good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines. 8 to 25 h. p. ; boilers all sizes and styles. J.S.YOUNG,23Park way.AUegheny, Pa. OC25-80-P TTIOB SALE - HOISTING ENGINES. NEW JP and second hand; wire and manllla rope, der rick and fittings, hoisting tabs and cars, clay and ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky sts., Alleghenv. au5-17-itws Miscellaneous. FOB BALE-A CONSTANT SUPPLY OP empty boxes and barrels good for pack ing. AddressELECTRIC, Dispatch office. no20-97 TO LET. j , , Business Brands. TO LET-FEOM DECEMBER 1, AT TABEN TUM, Pa., one brick storeroom with cellar. 20x75. Apply to M. OPPENHK1 M EK, 713 Liberty street. nol9-30 Arvuaeat. TO LET-S BOOMS: GAS, WATEB; CONVEN IENT to Pleasant Valley ears. Allegheny: 110 per month. CHARLES SOMEBS A CO.. XU Wood st. 0020-38 TO LET-NEW HOUSES IN FIVE-BOOM apartments; all modern Improvements: on Colwen St.. above Vine. Apply-stV.LANGE'S, 393 Fifth ave. no20-6 Offices. Desk Boom, dec TO LET-BOO PEB YEAB-A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED office with all modern "conven iences; newly painted and papered; has two large closets for storage room. Inquire at GERMAN LA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Woodst. noIS-31-D . TO LET-COBNEB FIFTH. AVE. AND WOOD St., 2 nice connecting corner offices, unex celled location; elevator, beat, and Janitor's ser vices free: moderate rent to a good tenant; posses sion at once. BAM'L W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. "" no!7-8i PERSONAL. PEBSONAL-THE TIME IS LIMITED FOB buying those solid gold, filled case watches at 115 50, 618 60 and (18 50: this Is a special cut" la prices: watch clubs sell them at 838. B. E. ARONS, Jeweler, 65 Fifth ave. S017-I42 PERSONAL-HAVE YOU SEEN LEVI'S, bookstore? Do yon know we have new books as well as eld? Do yon know we have tbe largest stock of old books west ot tbe Allegheny Moun tains? LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, SOO Liberty st. no3-33 PERSONAL THE GREAT EXCITEMENT caused by "Voltaic Diamonds'1 is dally on the Increase: they are actually taking the place of the gennlne diamonds; rings. SB 75 and up: studs, 82 50 and up: eardrops. 83 50 and np: heavy solid gold mountings. B. K. ARONS, SSFlfth ave. UUK-114 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY EE TURNED; recently they had not been on tbe best or terms owing to a little iamlly lor occa sioned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate bis wearing appareL and which, ot course, was done in a bnngllngmsnner; in order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work: hereafter to DICKbON. the Tailor. 65 Fifth are.r corner Wood St.. second floor, and. now everyuung is loveiy ana peace ana nsppiness again reigns la their household. Telephone 1568. an30-D FOUND. iUND-50 PEOPLE EVERY HOUR EXAM INlVR VnltalR Diamonds:" the nnmilir J? I verdict; The finest we ever saw;" 1 also set them in any rings, eardrops, etc, tbat yon have In use. B. E. ARONS. Sole Agent, 65 Fifth ave. nolT-ia LOST. LOST-ON LAST SATURDAY EVENING IN AUesrhenv a poeketbook containing sjim or monev. Tbe finder will be rewarded by leavlngit with DR. BIDDLE, No. 161 Federal st, noSM T OST-A BUNCH OF KEYS IN THE POST I J OFFICE lobby. A suitable reward will be paid the finder by returning them to NO. 152 THIRD AVE., second floor, front, Pittsburg. noao-3 y L OST-A BROWN AND WHITE ENGLISH setter do; any person bringing or sending him to me will be suitably rewarded. Address ED. A. PFIEL, No. 1957 Carson St., 8. 8., Pitts burg, Pv no38-8a .w. ..on, ci. -vnnrir n DTVna vno toit toipv I 1 il 7S for misses. 81. 81 SB. tt 7S? ladles' jc, 7dc, sec; zor muses, fu si ws, ft g; taaies' IS and up: boys' rings. K 75, ft a and up; rings. 1875, 44 50, tfito sad np. B. E. rs, SSFlfth ave. nol7-l4S sizes, x rents' r ABONS, SEEN05T ORGANS. 8.HA5I1LTOK, HAND FIFTH AVaKTTB, Pmrtmr. Pa. sM.7i- 3K;35g?&W?!3I W t-s m. t ' . CJArOJWD- "'- , ZSZ J : SQUARE. .: i - , ,'. i , NOTE DAILY REPORT OF SALES U IS THE FINANCIAL COLUMNSiy SAM'L W.-BLAOK.& CO; W FOURTH AVENUE. noises LEGAL NOTICES. flftAH. VQ T1A fTT.TWrjFTR Attnpnrt.TAWi R7 THstmnnrl trAr -- j ESTATE OF PETER HEBDT. DECEASED . Notice is hereby given that tetters testa-: mentary on tbe above estate havobeen granted to the undersign ed,to whom all persons indebted' to saiu estate are requested to msKO lmmeoir , j? nio payment, wiu ujubo naTing nanus acaura tbe same should make them known without de-" lay. PHILIP BPIKHL. Executor. - ocZm-w- 143 Ohio st Allegheny. GEO. D. RIDDLE. Attorney-at-Law, 118 Diamond street. -fJSTATE OF W1NFIELD 8. WILSON, DE J2i CEAHED Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on tho estate of Winfleld' S. Wilson, late ot Allegheny connty, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whoa ail persons indebted to said estate are request' ed to make immediate payment, and those bavins claims against the same should make them known without delay to MARY H. WIL- SON, Executrix, No. 23 Cabinet st Allegheny.'" no20-U TO ROBERT G. BROWNE. LATE OF Pittsburg; Pa. You are hereby notified tbat proceedings aealnst yon f or a divorce a. v. m., upon the ground of desertion, have beea commenced by your wife. Jennie C. Browne, in tbe Court of Common Pleas No. 3. of Phlla-t delphia county (March Term, 1SS9, No. 46), "' Master has been appointed and a meeting for taking testimony in said case will be held as -' the office or tbe Master. No. 727 Walnut street, . Philadelphia, on THURSDAY; November 28, 18S9,at S o'clock. P. 3L,when and where yon may attend and be heard, should yon so desire., JOHN DOLMAN, JR., Master, 7Z7 Walnut . street, Philadelphia, Pa. QC30-3I-W OFFICIAL PlTTSBUKti. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1M report of Viewers on the paving and curb ing of Corday alley, from Pearl street to Cedar street, has been approved by Councils, whlcli action will be final, unless an appeal Is filed ia the Court of Common Pleas within ted (10) days from date. E.M.BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. PrrrsBTjEO, Pa, Not. 11. 1883. noIl-46 -vrn new is herebtoives that the - JM reports of Viewers on tbe grading, naving' ana curuing or. wensier avenue, irom "Anirzy third street to Orion street has been armroved by Councils, which action will be final unless .ti .... .JfM u U4u ... .MB WU.. VK WU.KUVB,jj .fieas wiuun ten .w) oays irom aaie. Chief of Department of Public Works, " - PrrrsBUBQ, PA., Nov. 14. 1883. no!4-46 3 in-OTiaEISHEREBYGIVENTHATJCHEf XI reports ot viewers on tne opening- ot t uapie street, irom jucLain street to tiiii street, "and Grazier streer, from Homewood avenue to the Cltv line, have been annroved br. Connclls. which action will be final, nnlefts an. t appeal is filed in the Court of Common PleaaV '? wjumu tea iivi uay iroia aaie. 4. 3 Chief ot Department of Public Worsv.' ff rrrrsBUEO, pa., govern Dexis, iss. noi4- VT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT XKsjf 11 reponoi v lowers on me construction oi-. .K.Ei UU .UCUU DUCC. UUULIU9UV1UJ cn0( .t-g line of Penn avenue to Blum's northern listev'a nas oeen apnrovea oy councils, wnicn acHesiTJf will be .final, unless an appeal la filed in t;-i.' fromaate. E. MBIGELOW, fe '1 Chief of Dept. of Public Worfcs. isSt PrtTSBTrao.PA, November 14. 1588. nol4-4sK : ESo.138.1 t ; UTION-AUTHOBIZINa, and directing the Chief of the Depart-?! ment of Public Works to let and lease for-a i term ot years toeproperty Known as us jvtracs . Avenue Market nouse, io .cattery -n- ana taei ; liignteenin ztegiment, x. u-jr. v Rfnlviri That thAChtaf at thA TnartSflsa of Public Works of tbe city of Pittsburg 1I, and Is hereby authorized, empowered and di-Ki reeled to- let and lease that property owned by t the city of Pittsburg; situated at the corner ox iriitn avenue ana AUitenDerger street, in ssi city, and known as the Fifth Avenue Market House, to Battery, "B" and tbe Eighteen Hegiment, n. u. jr., or ineir representatives, for such term of years and upon such terms and conditions as he In his judgment may deem tironer. In ConnciL November U, 1839. Read three. M kuuco MUI4 vstoaou U4ius s sudywwu w o rules. r. BL P. FORD. President of Select ConesL :?, Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select.-- wi Council. W. A. MAUiirJ, president or iwm- mon council pro tern. Attest: uxuu.xULrxja,,n Clerk of Common ConnciL .J MayorVi Office. Nov-mber 12,1888. Approved ,U ; wm. jucuallxin, inayor- Attest: nuiituBU., . nSTERMAIER. Assistant Mavnr'a Clerk. J Recorded in Ordinance Book. voL 7, page MV" l 1r)k 4j4P UiwswiKas A I 1CQQ vtnOAJt . iiltO , AasUIKU W. VfOUlWCl, M.MMV atiMsa-v -- '4 VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SL aled proposals will be received at tbe oSceti or uitv controller until wcunLsuAi-uis.' - A. ' .. v .... . . .. V Z7tb day of N o vember, A. D. ISS, at 3 P. JC, fori tne louowmg, viz.: v, SEWSRS. Reed street, from O verhill street to DlnwfceaMT street: 15 Inch nine. 'TtSXA Wallingford street, from Bidwell street ti$ j e vine street; la-mcn pipe. Kirkwood street, from Collins street "tcf thei west line of Hiland avenue; 15-lnch pipe- J Cypress street, from Osceola street to Center avenne; 15-inch pipe. X" Grazier street, from Novelty street to JiaK-i,- 1..4 m.,. IE f.1. -I.. - Cornet street, from line ofJoneS property fe . Maurice street sewer; 15-Inch pipe. .v""- Lowry street, from Second avenno.to tfcei Monongahela river; 15-inch pipe. - JSK Maurice street, from north lino of property of Wm. Ward to connection with seweraeoatjj 270 feet south of Forbes street; 15. and IS-lnckJ pipe. BOARDWALKS. Cohasset street, from Granaview avenue Ml .rawnee street. Industry street, from Arlington' avenadi Amanda street. - Craig street, from Center avenue ta EJssjslJ street. "-j UKAULNU. - .ia uayara street, irom xevuie street io-oibb son avenne. GRADING. PAVING AND CURBING..! Grandvlew avenue, from Wyoming street tel Oneida street, wlih irregular-block stone. ' II Plans and specifications oan be seen aattl blanks for bidding can be obtained at MM office. vri Each proposal must be accompanied by sV cona prorated oeiore toe mayor or city uerv The Department of Awards reserves the rirtJJ to reject any or auoias. - ., E. M- BIGELOW.- Chief of Department of Public wors noio-H STORAGE. THE PEnraYLYANIASTORAGE 39, 40 and It WATER 8T4 Beg to call attention to their superior? facilities for storing and cariaererastw cImim el, merchandise. Boeejsite Apartments rented fer 1 hold feed, . X,JAkjkiMLsl IsflsM V -tSsvit ? iT-Wty r-so . f( m m .9 i I V"a t iV'A-.