" -.', - If too mint Board, Rooms, Tlosaes er Help, adrertise la THE DISPATCH. Pnrenasers can be found for everything offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH. TIIE DISPATCH fa the belt advertising medium in Western Peansjlvanla, Try It " FORTT-rOUKTH TEAE. 0PP0SEDTQ BLUNE. A Fussy Old Gentleman From the Argentine Republic Keeps Bobbing Up IN AND OUT OF SEASON, Causing the Pan-American Congress Some Trouble. POLITICAL ASSESSORS IN THE SOUP. Senor Qalntana Insists la Having a Hand In Secretary Blaine's Congress Evidences or Ills Spleen He Coll. for ttie SerTlces of Two Secretaries, One of Them to be Spanish The CItII Service Commission BrcoDimendi the Prosecution of the Old Dominion Rennbllcnn I.eagae for Yloln tlon of tbo Law la Making Political As sessments Mrs. Goodloe I.tkely to Get Her Late Hnsband's Position ns Col lector A Temporary Trace Between ' Senator Farwell and the President. One of the delegates to the Pan-American Congress has no love forBlaine, and opposes the Secretary's plans at every step. It is Emanuel Quintane, a fussy little old gestle man from the Argentine Eepublic The President has about decided to appoint the widow of Colonel Goodloe to succeed her husband as revenue collector at Lexington, Ky. Senator Farwell and the President agree to a temporary cessation of hostilities. rsrSCIXI. TELIGBAM TO TUB DIBPATCR. "Washington, November 19. The Pan American Congress is starting out under great difficulties. The delegates seem to have met a large stumbling block in the person of a very fussy old gentleman named Emanuel Quintana, who is one of the accredited delegates from the Argen tine Bepublic Senor Quintana is an exquisite old gentleman, whose love of ease is so great that he was compelled to absent himself from the recent tour of the Pan-A merican Congress, owing to the fear that there would be a lack ot personal comforts be had on a fast run ning railroad train. Now that the Congress has fairly got to work. Mr. Quintana is bound to make his influence felt. He has become A SORT OF TEEROB to his brother delegates, and if all the propo sitions he has prepared ready to thrust be fore the Congress are listened to. the daily sessions will make little headway. Yesterday Mr. Quintana threw a mild bombshell into the meeting of the Congress when the minutes of the previous meeting of sir weeks ago, at which Mr. Blaine was elected President, were read. The minutes showed that the election was unanimous. Mr. Quintana caused some embarrassment by calling attention to the fact that several delegates were absent from that meeting, and that therefore the election was not unanimous. He was promptly sat down upon. ANOTHER STARTLER. At yesterday's meeting Senor Quintana again arose and presented the interesting proposition that the meetings of the Con gress should be recorded by two secretaries, one copy to be in English and the other in Spanish. This proposition was referred to the Committee on Bales, consisting of Mr. Romero, of Mexico; Valente, of Brazil; Quintana, of the Argentine Bepublic; Tres cott, of the United States of Central America; Mano, of Ecquador; Alphonzo, of Chili, and Castellacos, of Salvador. While this committee were deliberating upon Mr. Quintana's proposition, he arose with another which is even more startling in its natnre, and bids fair to upset , all the plans laid by Secretary Blaine and other leading men in the Congress. This proposition of the fussy old gentleman was an enlargement of his plan of the previous day. He proposes that there be elected two secretaries to the Congress, and that each of them should be thoroughly conversant with the English, French and Spanish languages. This prop osition was INDEED A NOVEL ONE, considering that the State Department would find itself pretty hard pressed to dis cover such a lingnist among its diplomatic corps. The gentleman whom Mr. Blaine has picked out to be one of the secretaries of this Congress can speak English fairly well, and that is the best he can do. There is one man in the State Department who possibly could fill the bill with satisfaction. This is Assistant Secretary Adee. But as he is as deaf as the traditional doorpost, his name could not be considered. The committee now has the busy Mr. Quintana's plan under advisement, and not . content with all the changes he had pro posed up to date, he now has ANOTHER ONE which he brought forth to-day. This is that each morning's session, when the minutes of the preceeding day's meeting are read and approved, that they shall be signed by every member of the Congress. As there are something over 40 dele gates, this daily procedure might possibly delay the work of each day's session. The Committee on Bules was in session this evening, and the most pressing work they had before them was the discus sion .of tie question of how to suppress Quintana. The joke of the whole business is that Senor Quintana can speak no language ex cept the Spanish. JHEE HUSBAND'S PLACE To be Tendered Colonel Goodloe'a Widow Other Candidates for the Position of Collector of Islington How Goodloe Got It. -rrHCIAI. TK.taB.Ast TO THB DISrXTClt.1 "Washington, November 19. It is re ported to-night on good authority that the President has made up his mind to appoint the widow of the late' Colonel Goodloe to succeed her husband as Collector of Inter W-1 nal Kevenue at Xexington, "Ky. The au thority quotes President Harrison as saying this afternoon that he had decided to ap point Mrs. Goodloe to the position. A call at the Treasnry Department devel oped the fact to-day that there was no appli cation on file there from Mrs. Goodloe, nor had the President called for the papers in the case relating to other applicants. Same of the officials said that the selection of the widow to succeed her husband would place the administration in the light of taking sides in the Goodloe Swope quarrel. Beside this, they did not think the office was one which should be put in charge of a woman. There are six candidates for the place, some of whom were candidates before the appointment of Colonel Goodloe. Then no other aspirant was considered'itfeonnection with appointment. The office was simply tendered to Goodloe, and he accepted it. Those who were instrumental in securing it for him were members of the National Com mittee. The annlicants in the field now are: M. C. Hutchins, of Maysville; "William Sneed, of Jfrantrort; ex-Uongressman anomas, oi "Vanceburg; Thomas McDowell, of Lex ington, son-in-law of Mrs. Goodloe; E. B. Blaine, the present Chief Deputy and Acting Collector, of Lexington; and a gentleman named Shaw. Mr. Leslie Combs. Jr., of Lexington, a brother ot Mrs. Goodloe, is now4n Washington endeavoring to do what he can to secure bis sister's ap pointment. TO BE PERSECUTED. The Civil Service Commission Leaves the Old Dominion League la the Presi dent's Hands Prosecution of All the Alleged Offend ers Recommended. "Washington, November 19. The Civil Service Commission to-day laid before the President, with the recommendation.it is un derstood,that the offenders be prosecuted, its report on the Old Dominion Republican League of Virginia for violation of the civil service law in soliciting contributions for political puposes among the clerks of the Government departments. The circular which was sent out by the Old Dominion Bepublican League was signed by C. A, Newton, as President, and Brooke Smith as Secretary. Among the officers of the League whose names were printed on the circular were those of J. J. "Visser, an employe of the Government Printing office, and "W. C. Elam, a Chief of Division in the General Land Office. All the evidence in the case collected by the Civil Service Commission, which is very voluminous, also accompanied the letter of recommendation to the President The Commissioners, it is said, are confident of having made out a good case acainst the acensed, and it now rests with the President to direct, in his judgment, the prosecution by the Attorney General, to whom the recommend ations and evidence in the natural order of business will go. This is the first recommendation for prose cution of this character made by the Com mission. The Civil Service Commission also handed the President their annual report for the current fiscal year. A CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES. Temporary Trace Patched Up Between Sir. Farwell and the President. rSrECLU. TELEGRAM TO THE DISrA.TCH.1 "Washington, November 19, For the past three or four weeks Illinois politicians have been considerably stirred up over the impending war between the President and Senator Farwell regarding the appoint ment of a Collector of Customs and other officials at Chicaro-v. The Senator .arrived4n "Wasblngtofi a Week or more ago, ana nas since been engaged in preparing for an attack upon the White House. After a conference with the other Illinois Senators, Mr. Cullom, and members of the House lrom Illinois, it was given out that if Farwell's man Campbell was not appointed Collector, war should be de clared by the two Senators against the ad ministration. To-day the much-talked-ot interview between Mr. Harrison and Mr. Farwell took place, and resulted in a cessation of hostilities, ior the present, at least. The threatened declaration of war was not made, but the Senator plainly in timated that lie did not intend to back down from the position he had taken in the matter. The conversation lasted for an hour and a half, and in the meantime all other busi ness at the Executive Mansion was sus pended. Half a dozen members of Con gress and other distinguished personages waited in the ante-room impatiently, and were compelled to leave without seeing the President, as the Illinois Senator remained until 12 o'clock, and then the Cabinet offi cials arrived for tbe regular Tues day meeting. "When Mr. Farwell came out from the President's library it was learned that a suspension of hostilities had been effected until a further conference can be held. Judging from that, the Senator said privately, it looks as if he would win the fight and secure tbe appointment of his man. CLOSE ENOUGH TO COUNT OUT. Very Slim Prospect of Lampion Becoming Ohio's Lieutenant Governor. rsrECTAI. TELEGHAM TO TIIE DI6PJLTCH.1 Columbus, O., November 19. James E. Neal, Chairman of the Democratic State Executive Committee, arrived in the city to night, accompanied by Governor-elect Campbell. Other members of the committee are also present, and they will hold a meet ing to-morrow to consider the question of a contest by Mr. Marquis for Lieutenant Gov ernor. Mr. Marquis was here about all last week, and learned what he could in regard to the contest between himself and Mr. Lamp son for the office, and seemed to be satisfied that Lampson had been elected although it was by a small plurality. Tbe committee was greatly disappointed over the apparent lack of interest which he manilested in re gard to the position, and they will endeavor to strengthen him by their action to-morrow, to go ahead with the contest. There is very little doubt that Mr. Lamp son will be relieved at tbe proper time from performing the duties of Lieutenant Gover nor, as his services are not wanted by the Democratic Senate, and they have the pass ing upon the question as to whether he shall remain. There are a good many Re publicans wbo are diappointed,as they had hoped that Lampson would be allowed to occupy the position to which he had been elected, so that he would not be up for vin dication in the next two years. FLOODS IN THE EIVER TALLEI8. The Snsqnefaanna and the Schnyllrill Again Over Their Banks. Beading, Pa., November 19. The rain of the past 36 hours has again caused a rise in the Schuylkill, and the river has over flowed its banks. The Maiden creek, Tulphocken, Monacacy and other trib utaries are greatly swollen. The storm has been very severe and many of the streets ot the City are under water, and cellars in different sections have been flooded. A dispatch from Sunbury, Pa., says the Susquehanna river has been swollen to enor mous proportions by the late rains, and great damage is reported from various towns' along its,course. Many bridges have been swept away. Still Another Smallpox Scare. TrrrlN, O., November 19. A case of smallpox is reported at Dennquat, a village 20 miles south of here, to-day, and as many people have been exposed great excitement exists. THE TIME TOO SHOBT. President Towoe, or the Mechanical Engl necrs' Society, Bays We Can't Havo B World's Fair la 1S92 More Time - Necessary to Get One Beady for the World to See. rsrECUX TELSOBJkM TO TUX TttSFi.TCH.1 New Yoke, November 19. The Ameri can Society of Mechanical Engineers, in session at the Academy of Musio this morn ing, listened to the address of its President, B. H. Towne, and was told among other things, that its duty was to tell everybody that we can't have a "World's Fair in 1892, because there is not time to get up a fitting one, and that it should be postponed Tor one or possibly two years. He said: A World's Fair here, to bo fitting for the oc casion and the people, must be an event with out precedent in the world. This is no easy task, especially alter the French Exposition just ended. It may be possible to equal the achievements of the Frenchmen, but it will be impossible to exceed them. Our fair, if held under the rijht conditions, will reqnlre 85, 80, and perhaps 100 acres under root, and Its at tendance will be from 30,000,000 to 40,000,000. We haven't realized yet tbe scope of what we are undertaking. It must bo an international affair, and that will settle the question of loca tion. A big lair can be created at Chicago, or St. Louis, or even at Washington, but it is a grave question whether such a fair could be made International. To foreigners. New York is the United States, to an unlortunate extent, and we cannot teach them better. It is the dntv of the American Soeifitv of Mechanical Engineers to warn the public that- mis worn: cannot do done Dy itsa; we must have more time. It is possible to hold an ex hibition in New York, 6r Chicago, or St. Louis in 1S92, and hare it huge and monstrous and discreditable: bat it cannot be worthy of us, especially in its artistic features if it is held in 1892, and in this matter sentiment should not stand in tbe way of success. The session to-day was the first business session of the meeting. There were present about 100 members, including representa tives from mechanical institutions and schools of all sorts in all parts of the coun try. The officers elected were: President, Oberlin Smith, of Bridgeton, N. J.; Treas urer, William H. Wiley, of New York; Yice Presidents (to serve two years), Joel Sharp, of Salem, O.; George "W. "Weeks, of Clinton, Mass.; Prof. DeVolson Wood, of Stevens Institute; Carleton W. Nason, of New York, and H. H. Westinghouse, of Pittsburg. SHOET STEEET CAE STEIKE. A Tie-Up la Brooklyn That Lasted Only a Few Hoars. rSFECUI. TELEQEJLM TO THE DISPATCH.1 New Yoke, November 19. There was a tie-up on the lines of the Atlantic Avenue Railroad, Brooklyn, this morning, but It lasted only a few hours. Although the strike was ordered by the Executive Com mittee of D. A. 75, 'Knights of Labor, a large majority of the drivers and con ductors seem either to have been op posed to it or to have lost heart when matters came to an issue. The direct trouble was in the discharge of two conduc tors and six drivers by President William Richardson, because they belonged to a labor organization. Mr. Richardson ad mitted that they had discharged their duties in a satisfactory way. His reason given to the men, was that he considered it for the best interests of the company that other men should take their places. There are nearly 800 employes on the eight lines operated by the company. The ordering of a strike was a surprise to a ma jority of the employes, but all of them seemed at first inclined to obey the summons to stop work. At 6 o'clock police reserves numbering more than 500 were on duty at the various stables or along the route." At 12 o'clock almost all of the cars were run ning as usual. Not more than 20or 30 men, all told, out of the 800 employes, had failed to report for duty before 1 o'clock. AN EXCITING CONTEST For the Election of One of the Senators From North Dakota. Bisjiaeck, Dak., November 19. Gil bert A. Pierce was made the unanimous choice of the Bepublican caucus for United States Senator. The first vote gave him 53 to 18, and his nomination was made unani mous amid wild enthusiasm. He was es corted into the hall and thanked the con vention in a short speech. Balloting for the second Senator was then proceeded with, and two ballots were taken without result, the last vote standing as follows: M. N. Johnson, 27; P. J. Mo Comb, 14; N. G. Ordway, 10; "Walter Muir, 8; George H. Walsh, 11; C. A. M. Spencer. 1; W. C. Plummer, 7; George H. Winship, 2. The caucus adjourned and balloting will probably not be resumed for several days. On the motion to adjourn, which was expected to be defeated by the Johnson and "McComb men, the vote stood 40 ayes to 34 nays and the prediction is made that Johnson cannot get sufficient strength to win. The fight for the second Senatorship will be exciting. AN OLD MAN WITH A PISTOL Succeeds In Defying n Posse of Citizens and Starting a War. Mapleton. Minn., November 19. The village of Easton, 12 miles south of here, is in a state of great excitement. For some time there has been a feud between the citizens and a man named Au gust Barishol, which culminated to-day when the constable and a posse of citizens attempted to arrest the old man and bis son and hired man for carrying concealed weapons. They succeeded in securing the last two, but the old man escaped and re treated to his farm, keeping the posse at bay with a revolver. War was declared and volunteers have been asked for. The (rouble arose through numerous fam ily quarrels in the Barishol household, the old man refusing to make certain settle ments upon his wife when he went to Mil waukee through a newspaperadvertisement. Lawsuits have been brought and dismissed; citizens have taken sides; revolvers bought, threats made and the town patrolled nights until to-day the affair culminated as above. MISS TANNEE'S NEW POSITION. Tbe Corporal's Danshter to Act at Recre- tary to Treasurer Huston. Washington, November 19. Mr. B. A. Durnan, of Indiana, has resigned Ms position as private secretary to Treasurer Huston, to accept an appointment as chief of a division of the Pension Bureau. The salaries of these offices are $1,800 and $2,000 per annum, respectively. The first named office will be blled by the appointment of Miss Tanner, daughter of the late Commis sioner of Pensions, who resigned her posi tion in the Pension Bureau for this pur pose. Treasurer Huston said this afternoon that he was not personally acquainted with Hiss Tanner, ana that her appointment is made solely in recognition ot the army services of her father. THE YOUNGEST CHIEF JUSTICE. North Dakota Elects One Who Is Only 31 Years of Affe. IsrXCTAI. TJU.ZQBAM TO TUX CISPATCB.1 Pouqhkkepsie, N. Y., November 19. Guy C. H. Corliss, the newly elected Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the new State of North Dakota, was, a little over four years ago, a member of the bar of Dutchess county. He enjoys f'e distinc tion of being the youngest Chief Justice in the history of the English-speaking people, and possibly in the history of the world, he being only 31 years of age. His majority in the election was 17,000. In one county be received all the votes but i. His salary is $4,000 a year, PITTSBURG, "WEDNESDAY, THE rOMGEEPUBLIC Is Apparently Progressing, in tbe Host Peaceful Manner, ALL KUMARS OP RIOTING DBHIED. The Provisional Government Has Issued a Proclamation GUARANTEEING ALL TESTED EIGHTS. Dom Jedro's Brier Hote Accentlns the Terms o! th BeTolotlonists. The new government of Brazil jseems to have been accepted by all, and general con fidence has been established. No reliance is placed upon rumors of rioting. A mani festo outlining the plans of the provisional Government has been issued. Bio De Janeieo, November 19. The manifesto of the Bepublican Government of Brazil is as follows: To Ait Citizens: The army and navy and the provinces have now decreed the fall of the Imperial dynasty and tho suppression of the monarchial system. This patriotic revolution baa been followed by the formation of a pro visional Government, whose first mission is to procure order and the rights of the citizens. The formation of this Government until a definite Government has been named, has been made with full regard to the most competent material. The Government is simply compose", of temporary agents, who will govern i ana maintain peace, liberty, fraternity and order. LIFE AND PEOPEBTT SATE. The attributes and extraordinary faculties Invested are for the defense and integrity of the country and the preservation of public order. The provisional Government promises to use all means in its power to guarantee se curity of life and property to all the inhabitants of Brazil, native and foreign, and respect for individual political opinions, excepting tho exigent modi fications necessary for the good of the coun try. The armv and navy, the ordinary func tions of the .Department ot Justice, the cml and milttary administrations, will continue under their existing organizations, and respect for those holding possession will bo main mined The Senate and State Council are abolished, and the Chamber of Deputies is dissolved. The Provisional Government recognizes and ac knowledges all national compromises under the late Government and all agreements with lor-ei-n powers. The public debt, internal and ex ternal, "will be respected; also all existing con tracts and obligations legally made. Deodoho FonsecA, Chief of the Provisional Government. Emperor Dom Pedro made the following reply to the communication of the new Government, informing him of his deposi tion: TOOK IT "VEBT CALMLY. In view of the address bonded me on the 17th Inst, at 3 o'clock p. M., I resolve to submit to tho commando! circumstances to leave with all my family for Europe to-morrow, leaving this beloved country, to wmen l nave tnea to pro firm And - -nH Hariiratinn dnrini- nearly half acen toflfiMnnv OL UIJT UlCbUUU.w .wiw tnrv as chief ot the State. . ' ....- o. T .1l lunin1in r .. i ... kindly remembrances Brazil and hope for tts prosperity. . Pedro De Aloantatba. To the Provisional Government. Adhesion to the new order of things con tinues. Candidido Olivira is still a pris oner. The King of Portugal has offered Emperor Dom Pedro the use of his palace at 'Lisbon. Senhor Campos Salles, the new Minister of Justice, who has been absent, was re ceived with enthusiasm The provisional Government delivered to. the Emperor1 drkit for fiUO Pontes to enabfe him to live well and independently of the donation al ready mentioned. The Minister of Justice has taken pos session of his department, having declared before the President and Ministers of the Supreme Tribunal his adhesion to the new order of things. Like declarations have been made by all Generals and magistrates. The National Guard and most ot the prominent public men in all the provinces are in accord with the present course of events. Count d'Eu has resigned. He is likely to leave Brazil. m FIGHTING THEEE. All tho Keports From Brazil Are of a Peaceful Natnre -Tho New Bepublic Will be Governed Like tho United States. "Washington, November 19. Dr. Val ente, the Brazilian Minister, to-night re ceived the following telegrams by way of London: The Brazilian Bank ot Bio telegraphs the Brazilian Bank of London: "Provisional Gov ernment appears to have inspired confidence. Perfect quiet reigns. Republic accepted by Kio and the Northern and Southern provinces. Everything quiet. General opinion is that tho Bepublic is quite secure. Exchange is firm." The Minister said that he thought the Hamburg report of bloodshed was nonsense. These two telegrams were later in date, and were direct contradictions of the report of fighting in the streets. Dr. Valente was asked to explain how it was possible that such a change of government would take place without any serious trouble between the supporters ot each party. He said that it was due to the fact that the Brazilians were extremely liberal and tolerant. Any one could express openly his views on poli tics or religion, and no one would take offense. Bepublicans and Monarchists were friendlv. and it did not shock either side to hear criticisms passed. The people were peaceable, and nobody wanted to fight. When people were educated up to this point of toleration, changes of government might be bloodless. The Emperor Dom Pedro was too just a man and had too much horror of bloodshed to encourage fighting. The Minister was quite well satisfied that there would not be any bloodshed. "Why should there be," said he, "the personal rights of all persons are respected. The manifesto which you have just read me is very liberal. The provisional Gov ernment will maintain order until a new election takes place, when the voters can decide the matter." He did not think there 'Would be any dis integration of the Brazilian territory. The provinces had generally accepted the Be public, which would now be governed very much like this country. Heretofore . the provinces had been partly independent and partly under the direction of the central Government, Now, each province would direct its own local affairs, while the Gen eral Government, in which all the provinces would have a voice, would direct national affairs. "Hook upon the Bepublic," added the Minister, "as an accomplished fact." The State Department has instructed our representative at Bio de Janeiro to keep it well informed of affairs in Brazil, and is closely watching the progress of events. No instructions have yet been sent as to recog nition of the new Government There is said to be no exactly analogous case to the present one upon which to base a precedent for official action. It may be that Brazilian affairs will adjust themselves so as to raise no question of the proper diplomatic course to be pursued. Fortunately the situation is uncomplicated by any bloodshed or damage to American interests. TIIE TfORK OF SPECULATOES. No Credence Given to tbe Sensational Hu mors Hent Ont From Hamburg. rSrKCUIi TXUEQBMU TO THX SISrATCH.1 New Toek, November 19. The only representative of Brazil, in town to-day was Chancellor-John O. Bediaan, of the Con-,, i NOVEMBER 20, 1889. ulate. He had read the cable from Paris", received from Brazil via Hamburg, an nouncing trouble between the ex-Emperor's followers and the revolutionists, and that a fight was going on in the streets of Bio Janeiro with the hope of restoring the Emperor. Mr. Bedman could not reconcile the message with the announcement that a rigorous censorship of all cables sent out from Brazil was in force. Still, he thought it might be an inkling ot the true situation. He said that the mes sage could have been sent from one of the prov inces. But Mr. Bedman added that a good manv speculators hero and in Europe had a special interest in promoting news of dis cord in Brazil, and with that knowledge he was not Inclined to give much credence to the Paris-Hamburg-Brazil cable. Cables to Charies B. Flint announced an advance in exchange and rubber, and Mr. Flint construed the advance in exchange to mean that Brazilian finances were not likely to be disturbed by the change of Govern ment. J Lawrence McKeever had a cable saying that the Bepublic was an assured fact, and that all of the provinces had come in. Wall street had this from London: "The news from Bio is favorable, and good order is preserved. In consequence Bra zilian bonds improved fractionally. Free communication with Bio by cable is not yet restored, and a strict censorship is known to be exercised at both ends' On the Coffee Exchange there was a larger business, amounting to sales of 93,750 Dags. Prices drifted downward. HENBY GEOEGE ON TOP. The New Jersey Court of Appeals Decides a Case la Favor of tbe Poverty Aboil- tlonlst Why the Lower Court's Extension Is Set Aside by the Chief Justice. rSFXCUIt TELIQItiM TO THX PISrATCS.1 Teenion, N. J., November 19. A deci sion was rendered to-day by Chief Justice Beasley, in the Court of Errors and Ap peals, in the matter of the will of George Hutchins, who died a few years ago, leaving nearly all his estate, valued at between $20, 000 to $30,000, to Henry George for the dis seminationofhisworkss,especially "Progress and Poverty." Hutchins' widow filed abill in chancery to prevent the execution of the trust. vice Chancellor Bird decided against George. He took the ground that a trust created for such a pupose was under the immediate control of a court, and no court would permit a book setting at de fiance the existing laws to be circulated under its jurisdiction and scrutiny. "Prog ress and Poverty" was a book of this class. The decision was appealed from, and Chief Justice Beasley's decision to-day was the result. The Court, after defining Mr. George's doctrines and quoting the Vice Chancellor's decision and views, announced that his con clusions were opposite to those, arrived at by the court. The Chief Justice says he can not perceive for what reason it is incompati ble with the judicial position to aid in the circulation of the works of a learned and in genious man, putting under examination and discussion any part of the legal system. He adds: It Is evident that the decision of the Vice Chancellor in adding a class of writings to the catalogue of those proscribed as manifestly violating the law. or corrupting morals and re ligion, does not -harmonize with any of tbe ad judged cases. If the principles urged in this case were adopted It would be productive of serious mischief. It may well be doubted whether it wonld not be altogether impractica ble, under such an extension, to disseminate, by means of a charitable use, the works of any of-the leading political economists, for none can be found that does not make war upon some parts of every legal system as It now sub. BiStS. SHOET OP WATEE. Another SoBthsIdere WrltesiItsSccords. " " 'on Front nndfLos Account. " Abont 1:15 A. M. fire broke out in the sausage department of Turner, Clans & Company's large slaughtering and meat packing establishment at the head of Twenty-first street, on the Southside. It was supposed to have been cansed by overheating of the curing rooms. The fire spread with wonderful rapidity and soon the three-story building was a mass of flames, against which only two streams of water faintly struggled for the mastery, the supply being, as usual on the Southside, deficient. Soon the flying embers set fire to Heel ing's coal stables next to the building, and the turning loose ot the horses caused a panic among the bystanders while the people who had just come out of tbe Odd Fellows' Hall, where a ball had been in progress, were in danger of being trampled to death. After the Monongahela Water Company had been notified by telephone or postal card that more pressure was needed, the fire was got under control about 2:30 a. m. Mr. Clans estimates bis losses at from 520,000 to $25,000 on stock, and $10,000 on the building with, very small insurance, all placed in the German Insurance Agency of the Southside. MSAGEEES WITH WISDOM. Why a New Tork Banker Takes Little Stock io a Proposed Policy. tSFXCUI. TXLSjQasJC TO TttB DISrjLTCTT.l New Yobk, November 19. President H. W. Cannon, of the Chase National Bank, in discussing to-day tbe possibility, as well as the effect of the talked-of withdrawal of Government funds from the depository banks, said: Even if the Secretary of tho Treasnry should conclude to recall tbe foil amount of the In crease which was made in these deposits by bis predecessor. Secretary Fairchild, the total amount so to be withdrawn would not exceed $25,000,000, as on Juno SO, 1S37, the amount de posited to the credit of the United 8tates and the Federal disbursing officers in the various banks, to enable the Government to properly conduct its business, was 123,310,000. It was not until June, 1SS7, that Secretary Fairchild began to increase those deposits, and prior to that time they have run from fiaOOO.OOOto $23,000,000. On November, this year, the aggre gate was H7,35,00a. But, as the business ot the Government is steadily increasing, the average amount necessary to bo kept on deposit for the use of tho Government and its disbursing of ficers must bo larger. Again, tbe policy here tofore pursued has been to buy tbe bonds from national depositories and no money would In fact be withdrawn from circulation; but as tbe difference between the Secretary's price of 127 and the amount deposited, whfeb is 110, Is 17 per cent In favor of the banks owning the bonds, there would be that amount additional in funds released for the public needs. There is no reason whatever to suppose that the Secretary of the Treasury would be other wise than glad to purchase all the bonds de posited to secure public moneys. Personally. I doubt very much whether the Secretary will do anything until after January L, as he Is not responsible for this state of affairs, and I think he would not, in the present condition of tbe money market, attempt to compel the banks to sell their bonds, but would probably wait until money was easier, and the matter would produce little or no confusion. TI0I.ENT ST0EM AT LONG BEANCH. The Bodies of Three Sailors Cast Ashoro by the Waves. I6PKCUt. TXLXOILUf TO TUB DISFATCII.l Lonq BEANCH, N. J., November 19. A violent northeast storm has been raging here for 36 hours. The bluff between the Ocean Hotel and the Mansion House has been slightly damaged by the waves, while the great crevasse above the Hotel Brighton has been extended to within 21 feet of the west side of Ocean avenue. Many more such storms will totally ruin that thftroughfare, and many anticipate that unless jetties are at once built the avenue will in a year or so have to be abandoned. Superintendent Havens, of the Life Sav ing Service, reports that near the Manto loking station tbe bodies of two sailors were cast np bv the sea. while a third was found ,by members of the "West. Creek, s tmm MORE BUSINESS MEN Shonld Take Part in the National Government, According to the , IDEAS OP GE0VER CLEVELAND. The Annual Chamber of Commerce Banquet Makes an Attempt to BOOM NEWI0EK FOE THE WOELD'S PAIB Justice Killer, Secretary XMe and Many Others Eespmxl to Toasts. At the banquet of the New York Chamber of Commerce last night, the leading ad dress contained a statement of the ad vantages of the metropolis for the fair of 1892. Ex-President Cleveland, in respond ing to a toast, spoke in favor of business men taking a more prominent part in the Government. A number of other speeches were made. New Yobk, November 19. The Cham ber of Comrdcrce gave its one hundred and twenty-first annual banquet at Delmonico's to-nieht. President Smith had on his right ex-President Cleveland, and on his left Hon. John "W. Noble. Others at the tables were Hon. Samuel F. Miller, General Sher man. Channcey M. Depew, Hon. William McKinley, Jr.. Carl Schurr, General O. O. Howard, Hon. Edward J. Phelps, Erank Hiscock, Boswell P. Flower, Horace and Henry Villard. "When the cigars had been lighted, Presi dent Smith of the Chamber of Commerce spoke. He had just come from abroad, and referring to our commercial interests, he said: To have an International Exposition In the United States in 1SS2 is an economic and politi cal necessity political, not in its party sense, but in its broad and general -meaning. Intelli gent foreigners regard the United States as producing In the main ONLY BATiV MATEBIAW with Jllttle skill In the production or manu facture of the higher class of the world's necessities and luxuries. We are known for our cotton, grains, petroleum, provisions, steel rails, sewing ana reaping machines, steamers' machinery. Few in Europe know that of plain silks we are the second manufacturing country in the world, and In our specialty of plain colors in thi9 fabric, we are quite equal to the best productions of Lyons, We are the largest carpet manufacturers, and we did not show a piece of silk or carpet, this year, in Paris. Away from the seaboard In our country an exposition would bare little sympathy from abroad. To insure its success with f orelcn ex hibitors it must be located in this city. Of this lam convinced by recent intercourse with prominent business men in Europe. Tbe in fluence of such successful exposition in New York would radiate to tbe lakes, to the gulf and the Atlantic to the Golden Gate. The first toast, "The President of the United States." was drunk in silence. The second toast, "Our honorary members," was responded 'to by ex-President Cleveland. After thanking the Chamber of Commerce for the honor it had conferred upon him in making him an honorary member, he said that the business of a country was its life blood. Those who understood its laws and their operation were better able io perform their duty as citizens than they otherwise could. A TEST OOTEBMENT. A good government was best measured by business tests. Hence the greater the num ber of business men who are engaged ia ad- jninistering the; aSairs, of state .the. greater -will be U efficiency oi we government. There should bo more business men in oar national administrations. Mr. Cleveland stated that there was an abundance of good! material available wnicn was now going to waste. Many of the evils of public life would, in his opinion, speedily disappear if business men would take greater interest in public affairs. Mr. Cleveland said that there had been a great deal of discussion lately over the Question, "What shall we do with our ex Presidents?" He hoped that the country would not take the advice of an Illinois ed itor who recommended that they should be shot. He suggested that the best way of disposing of them is to let them alone and give them a chance to earn their daily bread in peace. Edward J. Phelps, ex-Minister to En gland, responded to the toast "Commerce the ally of good government, the offspring of national prosperity." TO CUBB THE SENATE, " While speaking to "The Judiciary" Hon. Samuel E. Miller, of the United States Su preme Court, said that the separation of the powers of government is not as perfect as it might be. The Senate partakes in the functions of the Executive by the require ment of its assent to his appointments to office. It entrenches upon the judicial function by being the constitutional body to try impeachment oi tne omcers oi govern ment The Judicary has asserted and maintained its power with a moderationand a discretion which have secured for it up to the present hour the confidence and the respect of the American people. In closing Jndge Miller said he had known a great man 'whose ser vice of eight or nine years on the bench did not detract irom his high Character as a statesman, but it might be doubted if the reputation which he had leftas Chief Justice wonld not stand higher to-day with his countrymen, if his fondness for political life had been less and satisfaction with his judicial position greater. The toast, "The Mississippi; ItsBelations to Ocean Commerce," was responded to by Secretary Noble, wbo made an earnest speech in favor of the development of that great river as a commercial highway. AN IMP0ETANT COAL FIND. Tho Greatest Accidental Discovery Ever Blade la Anthracite Developraeatm. rsrxcm. telio-liu to tux piariTcn.1 PorxsniiiiE, November 19. The most important event occurring in the coal regions of Pennsylvania, was the ac cidental discovery of a "find," just made, in the extensive colliery of Lawrence & Brown, at Mahoney Plane. The men were running a drift about 440 yards down, when they suddenly and unexpectedly struck a vein of pure coal, containing several million tons. The "find" will go on record as one of the greatest accidental discoveries of a coal vein which has ever occurred in the history of anthracite developments. The vein is over 200 feet thick and correspondingly wide. NOTHING GAINED BI LIING. A Tonne Jewelry Thief Gets the Extreme Penalty of tbe Law. tsTXCtAI. TILXQBA1C TO TUS DISriTCK.1 New Yobk, November 19. Samuel Lob ley, the alert-looking, well-dressed young thief who preyed upon a number of jewelers in this city in 1883 and flew to Canada, pleaded guilty in the General Sessions Court to-day of stealing $2,500 worth of dia monds from Alfred H. Smith & Co., of 184 Broadway, in June, 1883. "Can I say a word. Judge, before you sentence me?" asked Lobley. "Yon can," replied theBe corder. "I pleaded guilty. Judge," Lobley said, "to throw myself on the mercy of the Court. I served four years for that Smith matter in another county." This was a lie. The .Recorder gave him ten vears, the extreme penalty, He has committed thefts enough to keep him ia itrisoaforlifo. rATCK.rre-sst f- jejaent la A UA77,r,G R0rTT&& n .Electric Kallroad to Be Bant iroi. laata to Savannah Katnral Wat Power to' be Used to Generate; the Electricity Necessary for Propulsion. fSriCIii TXXXQKJUI TO TUB PISFATCB.1 Atlanta, November 19. The most dazzling railroad scheme in years came to light here to-day. E. C. Machen, known as "Magio Machen," the man who built the Covington and Macon Bailroad 10 miles on a capital oi a side of bacon and a. box of crackers, is in charge of a scheme to build an electric standard-gauge railroad from Atlanta io the sea, at or near Savannah. "Work has begun on a road between Eaton ton and Machen, a distance of 17J4 miles. Electricity will be first tested. It it works well it will be applied to the whole line of 150 miles. The capitalists backin&Hachen are New York, Philadelphia and Chicago parties, who believe in electricity for rail roads and have ample means to test it This route was selected because of its rich environments and immense water power with which to generate electricity on the Ocmalgee, Little river, South river and other streams on the route. Machen esti mates the water power at 65,000 horse. This, it is thought, will generate electricity enough to move all trains 'that can run over the road. The construction will bo such that ordinary locomotives can be used in an emergency, and the road will have steam equipment as a reserve power. It has not been decided 'whether batteries or overhead wires will be used.' Machen goes to New York in a few days, to confer with electrical experts who claim to have solved the prob lem of transportation by electricity. Machen does not disclose his backers' names, but it is thought they are men who have backed him In the Covington and Macon road. BEFORE THE PARDON BOARD. No Decisions Hondered, Bat Several Cases Taken Under Advisement. rSPKCLU. TUXOEXM TO TBX DIirATCH.1 Habbisbitbo, November 19. Among the cases heard by the Board of Pardons to day were those of S. P. Sweitzer, Abraham Shnltz and Jesse Baughman, of Somerset county, who were convicted of selling liquor without license and sentenced to pay a fine of $500 each and undergo an imprison ment of three months. The applicants for pardon, who were represented by General William H. Koontz, did a small distilling business, by advice of counsel, who, with Judge Mcllvaine, interpreted the law of 1887 not to repeal acts permitting this busi ness without requiring a license to be seenred from the Court. The Supreme Court has since rendered a decision in conflict with this view. A strong appeal was made for the remission of the imprisonment and fine because of the alleged absence ot any in tention to violate the law. The cases were held under advisement. The application of Christian Burkhart, of Allegheny county, sentenced July 16, 1887, to the penitentiary for ten yean, for murder in the second degree, was withdrawn atthe request of "W. L Moore, by telegraph, and the papers will be returned to Mr. Moore, the prisoner's counsel. John Eobb was here in the interestof John Byers, of Alle gheny county, bat no action was taken ia the case, ,- . f -r S A THREATENED STEIKB. -,? - Employes of tbe Centra! Ha4ea RaHread Company Expect t Oo at. fgrSCUX. TBUSKAX TO THB SUrAICS.1 AiBAXX, November, 19. Ta Central Hadaea &ail4 Csaayaay -""aid. iti-,sa-ployed havejbeea at odd for seaMjfaste past' over the matter-ef wages. Sanday lt the climax was reached, when the Knights' of Labor here helda.largely attended meeting, and determined to send a committee of their number to New York, to hold an interview with railroad officials. This committee went to New York yesterday, and announced the cause of their trouble, which is that they are allowed no pay for time lost in lying idle with trains for six or eight hours outside the West Al bany freight yard. The company gave no satisfactory reply and it has therefore been decided to strike on Thursday if no favor able terms are offered by the company to morrow. This movement takes in the conductors and trainmen, as well as engineers and fire men. They claim to have messages from the Union Pacific employes, and other West ern roads approving their action and prom ising aid. The railroad company will prob ably resist, as order; have been received ut Dewitt," the western terminus of the eastern division, to ship no freight east except live stock and perishable goods, until farther notice. TO BE SETTLED AT LAST. Governor Wilson Will Call a Special Ses sion of the Legislature. rSrZCfJU. TZLSOBAX TO THX DISPATCH.! Wheeling, November 19. It has leaked out that acting Governor Wilson has pre pared a call for a special session ot the Legislature to convene on January 15. He has also prepared a bill to establish the Australian system of voting in the State, with what he considers some improvements, which is to be introduced by one of his friends, and his call will embrace this as one of the matters to be acted upon, together with several others, chiefly of local import ance, in addition to the settlement of the Gubernatorial question. The call will be made public in a few days. There has been considerable complaint throughout the State, on account of the Governor's delay in this matter. Over a year has passed since the election for Governor and the contest that ensned has not yet been settled. The committee appointed by the Legisla ture, was in session nealy all summer and adjourned early in September, after com pleting its investigations. It has been claimed for the Governor, that he has been waiting on the report of the committee to call the special session, but members of the committee hold that such a course is not necessary, because the committee is not obliged to report to the Governor. THESE WILL BE NO STEIKE. The Knights of Labor Opposed to a Radical Eight-Hour Movement. Atlanta, November 19. The session of the Knights of Labor was devoted to a dis cussion of the eight-hour question. Besolutions were adopted to the effect that the matter ot short hours should be regulated by the demand. The effect of this is to leave it with tbe local as semblies to get as short hours as is consist ent with the different kinds of work. The General Assembly favors a gradual reduction, but it is opposed to any radical movement, such as. a general strike ior the purpose of securing an. eight-hour day. TBE DE1TING WHEEL BR0EE, And the Engineer and it Brakeawa Were la . stanllyKlHed. Gotcheie, L T., November 19. Beport has reached here of a serious freight wreck in the Washita canon on tbe Denver, Ft. Worth and Texas Bailway yesterday. A flange of one of the engine's driving wheels broke, and the engine and five cars were thrown from the track. ' Engineer Wilmath and Brakeaan Wier were ktaatly killed. FireMB Elaswas daigarowily ujared ?ABTJEWn9C ysHsrikastoesalaVr reasraa umM WANTS are nlwari preistpdr'.resWade to whea advertise la THE BIsJfATCH.' .Real Estate' canae aold-tbrosca adrer THE DISPATCH. 1 THREE CENTS' t fc IMMDEDEfiOUS ATTA0E On a Prominent New York Physician, TYho flas Called to Bis Door and SLASHED WITH HIS 0.WIT LArJCET, An Earl j Morning; Caller Wlio.Wonlda't Leave When Commanded. HE HADE A MISTAKE IN THE HOUSE, - .. ;$ T?rt VTAl-ntlv T....4 tt- nA.-9a Iff mnt t aYiIui Aj fllaUsreOn. A prominent New York physician was - called to his door early in the morning by a Zf( 4 lent ringing of his doorbell. Seeing that - j? his caller was intoxicated and not in ap-' parent need of his services, the doctor" attempted to drive him away by brandishing i;, a lancet at him, when the caller snatched , the instrument from the physician's hand' 'i and slashed him across the1 head, face and hand. The slasher escaped, ' . rSTXCUX. TXLXOILUt TO TH PUTATCH.1 t jj xij&w xuiuk, xiovemoer A3. J, jouasf-' man with a German cast of features, wh'b .. wore a Prince Albert coat, buttoned up, and ? a brown slouch hat, ran up ihe steps of 43j Third street, at 20 minutes to 5 o'clock thiiO morning. He carried a heavy cane in lus. hand, and with this he pounded on the outer door. The house is occupied by Mrs. li't, bert, who lets out furnished rooms, na. chief boarder is Dr. HillyardTyndale. whor J occupies the two rooms on the parlor floor. - nt. . - fLll ab Al-A. AAh (4nA AJ AJbtl vft JSSUi Aaerc is a oeu ou uxu uuhcr uw. wuugvuji with Dr. Tyndale's apartments. After the German had pounded on the',, door for some time, and had elicited no rt -. snonse. he Tanked the doctor's bell.. Tha . doctor is accustomed to being aroused at all'l hours, and in a lew seconas ne was as ue door. When he opened it he saw that Jtha.j (ierman naa apparently iwen urmjung. His face, which was TOuthfuL was Icnittedl into bcowIs, and he addressed the doctor isuf navAcrft tnnpJL .. M 'Let me in." he cried. "What do yon want?" asked thedoewBl II UAS49 KtVUS r cy Ttia'man MinfintiAl 4f mtr T.s ma -lvi'J .I.AAB f """ MisMUUt.U V V J W MV JM BAD HADE A MISTAKTC V It was raining and the man had no.u35 Tirplln Thndnp.tor imagined that herhasla made, a mistake in the house, -aohaf told him sharply to goaway,andsIaBe4jj tne uoor in uis lace, aucu ma uuuwi ? back to his room and tumbled into be4 Suu - .... ' xne noise naa rousea several ot tne bujcb hnr and nnn of them looked ont of the win- dow at 46 and saw the. man step back as tb doctor slammed the door. The maa ap-f i peared to be infuriated, and branaishei bk stick luriousiy. u tne eyes oi ton wii new. a woman, the' man appeared to b about 24 years of age, short and. thick eC--iS The doctor bad hardly gotten into bed o4-1 fore tbe man again began to beat a tattoaj upon the door. This time he. banged tswi door so as to leave Dig aenw in it, sas, am satisneo. wim mis, ne sirucs. ma ajs through the parlor window in several plaeeaj The doctor was now thoroughly aroa4JI and very angry. He jumped up, ad "j lng pOjBOre appropriate weapon as nssiysj took his lancet from his case., and eeasssss; 1 osthe pWed open t6 door aai shesjsisaol "See here, yotf temBdrel," stemfred'tfil AAlrvm" ffvATl illUl'tSd KWSV ftfSASB.feSSnl nun Auwu.j.u THE DOCTOH OVJBPOWJUHilJ.. ll .. .,., " . .. TfeeSaan gave savage yell and jas"sal the doctor. He hit him awt the aeai'wHtil bis cane, and then seizing hia by the tiwata threw him heavily to the floor. The deetai-jf wbo -was twice the man's acre, and noBsttehg for him physicaUy, was put at still fartsMsrj disadvantage ty oeing taxen unawares. jum a moment the young German had wreeKMlJ the lancet ont of his band.and had es deep gashes into his face. He slashed h-MS face and one hand, and then rushesloCj .. ilia f.eat ' &.j3 The doctor, bleeding frightfully, W3 lowed. His assailant ran down toward Finin avenue, shouting at the top of his voice feM the police. He lost his hat while runningI but did not stoo for it. He still brandlsltssll the lancet as he ran. Down near First ava nue he met a homeless tramp, to whoa'jM tnmed and said, tiointintr to' the. doctor", "seal that man? He tried to cut me." Iheah? started off on a run strain, and as the doctor felt his strength leaving him, he gave vpm the chase. , i The man disanneared somewhere on First i avenue. The doctor staggered back, bare-j beaded, and halfdothed. to Stohlaan's! druestore. a 30 Second avenue. He roaiiAj the clerk, and the latter CXLLSD IS A P0LICEXA5V Thev did not take this policeman's nuss s andiftheyhaditlsverr probable that Thi I would be summoned to explain why he di4 not immediately send ior an amoniaaesvY Instead of doimr this, he said that theeikwl was "out of his precinct," and that he woMj call another policeman. A policeman's ff-J cinct is wherever he is when his semeeas are needed. The other policeaaa in response to his Tapping, in abontl minutes, and Tiefore sending ont for" ambulance, compelled the doctor fotellMsf story. ap It was more than an hour alter the, fes noliceman had amieared that an ambulance arrived tram Bellevna Hosnital. The'doS tor had been bleeding all the while, in spitsfj of the eSorts of tne clerk to staancfi tnsjj blood. At Bellevue Hospital hiswomad were dressed. They consisted of several slashes across the head and face, and cssf on the right hand which nearly severed. tlM, Al.l. ft.. ..4 .... .lA f..n . MA . I U1UU1U, XUO GUk VU W1Q maui. wacuv rwj near severing an aiwrjr. juutuii uiussv wounds were not dangerous, the loM'oCfi blood had weakened the doctor greatly, ) the shock had also injured him. He wi'Im have been removed, to the New YoricHosvnj nltal hot this afternoon it was eonsiderecl unsafe to remove him. The delay easts! j hvthe rjoliceman's stnniditr or lasinswCT beside giving the doctor a good chaaeeWj die, gave the doctor's assailant a good oltsijwj to escape. ; cau'i vnm she maw. Dr. Tvndale described his assailant! vouthful and- beardless. Mrs. Hubert'tes Detective Bissert that she had neareVt mn rintrlni? the bell and veUintr. hat Isssl not seen him. The detective went throjs every house in the neighborhood but e learn nothing of anyone answering ta)ejM scription given by Dr, Tyndale. Altheigk it was learned that the man's hainsl dronned on the sidewalk it could 4W found. Somebody wanted a hat, dOM and picked it up. Tt A snnnosed that the man was and went to the doctor's house, having l tnlfen the number, or more likely, the sst unit thnt ha nrobablv wanted to see'M person, presumably a woman, who liTMjstJ tne neuruDoraooa. .uetccuvo mmest i fco'fl r,tf.hr fellow-after lnauirv ia w the less respectable streets nearby. He's th-it the, noliceman who had first Med d In rind vtin failed to send out far Sail balance, ought to be discharged fremtiiSj force. His case will probably be aDisTIsi the attention of the Commissioner. MlSMiil t ! riismvered who he is. Asflkalvssfl out of his beat.it may bo diatatlt t MsjJ mm. ;. a Dr. Tyndale is one of the staff ytM . .. n.n..1 OnloligU j Bklatkta Be'k s Mekr, ai,-' a?'.r-Z t. .(-: ."-. "ra ? t1 -J "''