wifts V , f-p. HVi ' -ysr il-JB P5!i.J MS' s; 1EHBS ITTSBtmGDJSPATGHSaiTJESPfNOiyE 19M1889. -v jf A, y r' L i0 DEGREE STATED. R&ut W. H. Smith, the Colored Man, is :L nn Trinl fnr MnrrWinrf TTio Wifo. V UU V1 ilUUUi0 "M HUM 'TROUBLE IS SECURING A JDRT. ?pA,Germaii Preacher Who is Opposed to Cap ital Punishment. IGOODBALAKCE IN THE SISKIKG FUND. 'The Cocsnners 6u Co., With $50,000 Capital, Wants a Charter. , la the Criminal Court yesterday "W. H. Smith was placed on trial for murdering his wife. The decree of murder was not stated -by District Attorney Porter. The lawyers .bad considerable trouble in getting a jury. "W. H. Smith, the colored man who mur dered his wife on the 3d of September last, and then tried to commit suicide, was placed on trial in the Criminal Court, be lt) re Judge White yesterday, The prosecu tion is represented by District Attorney Porter, and the defense by Thomas II. Mar shall, Esq., John Harron, Eq., General Blakeley and Attorney SIcElroy. Almost all day was consumed in securing a jury. Nearly the entire panel was exhausted be fore the requisite number of jurors were se cured. Anions: others called was Her. Gus tarus Lauch, of the Twenty-sixth ward, who surprised the Court by stating that he bad conscientious scruples against capital punishment. Judge White wanted to know where he got those scruples, and 31 r. Iiauch said he could not speak English good enough to go into a discussion of the question. The jury to try the case is composed as follows: John Askey, Allegheny: James Casey, Sharpsburg: b. R. Caster, Pittsburg; David Forsjthe, Franklin township; Nathaniel J. Holmes, Pittsbursn Henrv Hemlnghou'e, Pittsburg; J. P. Kunkel, Pittsburg; Joshua Marshall, Pine townchip; William Mawhinney, Pittsburg: K. B. McNierny, Pittsburc: Joseph X. Phillips, Pittsburg; Peter Weber.Pittsburg. SENT NOTES HOME. After the jury had been gives a chance to send notes home informing their friends of where they were, said notes having been care fully examined by Jud?e White, the case was opened by District Attorney Porter, who ex plained to the jury the different degrees of murder. He detailed the crime for which Smith is accused. He did not say what degree the Commonwealth would demand. The hrsi wit ness called was Charlotte Smith, mother ot the murdered woman, who tes tilled that her daughter Mary was 30 years old when she met her death. Mary hid previously been married to a man named Joshua Turner. She had been married to Smith two or three years aro, and the witness had seen their marnace certificate. Mrs. Smith was at her daughter's house on the Sunday previous to the shooting. Mr. and Mrs. Smith did not seem to be on the best of terms. He cut a watermelon and ottered the witness a slice, but did not Eire any to his wife. Her daughter handed her a niece of cake which she did not want to take, and the de fendant advised her to take it, saying that tbpre might not be any when she came again. The witness also saw the defendant go to the window, and as he looked out he said: It will not always be day for her." The witness did not see her daughter again until after the shooting. During the recital of her story the mother wiped away a few tears, but made no particular scene. THE DOCTOR'S TESTIMONY. Dr. J. Guy McCandless testified to having made the post-mortem on the body of the mur dered woman. He stated that he found one external wound, that was about ,an inch and a half from the left eye, just at the temple. The bullet penetrated the brain structure. The bnllet was found on the right side of the skull, uiu uau uua a suguuy aownwara course. The bullet taken from the head of the deceased was produced and identified by the witness. The deceased, the witness stated, was about 30 Tears old, a mulatto in color, and appeared to hare been in excellent physical condition. The wound inflicted was sufficient to cause instant death. On cross examination by Mr. Marshall Dr. McCandless stated that the pistol must -hare been held close to the head, as he found powder marks about the wound. H. Grant Miller, Coroner's clerk, was next called, and testified that be went to the house, 124 Fulton street, on the morning of the shoot ing, and found the body of Mrs. Smith in the bed. She was laying partially on her side, as if sleeping. Witness had the body removed to the morgue. He noticed a bullet hole in the temple. On searching the bed witness found a razor under the sheet, about IS inches from whe'e the body lay; he also found the shell of a cartridge on top of the sheet. The bed showed no evidence of a struggle. Witness knew both the deceased and the defendant, they having lived near him at one time. The revolver with which the shooting was done was given to the Coroner by Officer Terry, and was in the same condition now as when handed to him. At this point court adjourned until this morning. A CAPITAL OP 850,000. The Consumers Gaa Company Applying for a Charter. A charter was filed in the Recorder's office yesterday for the Consumers Heating Com pany. The capital stock is $50,000, divided into 1,000 shares at $50 per share. The directors are Herbert DuPuy, President; David Shaw, A. H. Clarke, Robert J. Anderson and Robert Jo sephs. To-Day' Trial Lists. Common Pleas No. 1 McCann vs Beibert; Willison et ux vs Hartung et al; Fletcher exe cntor vs Rauh; Hutchinson vs Garrett; Hutch inson vs Woods; Fitzgerald vs Dunwoody; Willey vs Getty; Jones vs Carry Institute: Chalk t Bark vs Donerty, Bros.; stand A Co. vs Thornton; Ahlborn ts Ortman $, Co.; Keenan et ux vs Erbe; Gracey vs Peoples' Mutual Accident Insurance Company, Stroap vsMc Kinley; Steamer Twilight vs Steamer Daniel .Kane. Common Pleas No. 2 Hamlll vs Supreme Council of Royal Arcanum; Mangent vs Ward; Auer t xierines: junior vs ivinannmg insur ance Company. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs J ihn Unlenz, Jeff Ditman et al, Patrick Griffin et al. Miles Langhlin et al, Alice Crnmbacher.Georco W. JVIcPherson, John Stroucht, N. W. Hudson, John Gallaway, Patrick McCnane, John Mc Conville, E. Rudolph, Mary Murphy, Thomas aiid Enoch Lonrey, John Clark et al, John H anion. To-Dar'a Audit List. Estate of Accountant. Alfretta L. Wilson John H. Wilson. F. J. LandgraS Mary Cooney. S. C. Hclmich C. 11. Kleimann. ; James S. Toad..... KleanorTodd. Caroline Water Frank Patr. Florence Donovan P. B. Reilly. Clements Venn James Callery. Charles Gallagher. Lawrence Johnston. Mary A McAlwayne...J. C. Richey. Patrick Fay Bridget Fay. Work of Lawyer. THE suit of D.F. McAfee against Doherty Bros-, an action on a contract, is on trial before Judge Stowe. The suit of C. F. Todd against Kdward Hart net an action on a mechanic's lien, is on trial before Judge Slagle. TnE assignment of the personal property of Holt fc Bro. to Benjamin Hallamforthe benefit iy-reilltors, was also recorded. The Vjounty Commissioners yesterday ap pointed Jacob Friti Assessor of the Eighth ward, Allegheny, in place of Peter Wilhelm, resigned. The jury is ont in the ejectment suit of the heirs of John A. Miller against John V. Rivers, brought to recover a lot on Forty-filth street. Seventeenth ward. The suit of Arabella J. Shaw against the Pittsburg and East End Railroad Company to recover for property taken, was compromised yesterday and a verdict taken by consent (riv ing the plaintiff $750. The voluntary assignment of E.W.Hl3ted, the photographer, to John M. Morrison, for the benefit of tne creditors, was recorded yester day. V. S. Bell and Benjamin Alexander were appointed appraisers of Hlsted's effects. Michael Schusxt yesterday sued John Koehlerfor $5,000 damages. Ho alleges that Koehler maliciously charged him with enter ing a building with intent to commit a felony. 'He was tried and acquitted, and now sues for damages. A COJTPTjXSobt non-suit was entered against the plaintiff yesterday In the case of J. F. v , Gaines and wife against D. K. Calhoon, an , action to recover for boarding workmen; also . in the suit ot John Rusche against John Fink, aui uudd ou a contract. -f George Ablop. Assessor of Union townslffp, yesterday returned to the County Commission- rers his book containing the assessment for 1S90. This is the first book returned for this assess ment, and it was only out 17 days. All of the books must be in by January 1, 1890. A meeting of the County Sinking Fund Commission was held yesterday afternoon, and the accounts of the commission audited. Only three bonds have been canceled since the last call, leavine a balance In the sinking fund of 23,119 84. A call was ordered to be issued for compromise bonds to this amount. LtjdwioBost is on trial in Judge Magee's branch of the Criminal Court on the chrrge of selling Honor without a license in Mifflin town ship. Tne prosecutor is Emelia Gnhlentz. Judge Magee's branch of the court did not get started until S20 o'clock, owing to the delay in getting a jury in the Smith murder case. LATE HEWS IK BRIEF. Lieutenant Rust, in a letter to London, dated a week later than Dr. Peters' last report, does not mention the massacre of Dr. Peters and party. It is reported that the German Emperor in tends to build a new palace in the Avenue Un ter den Linden, at Berlin, on the site ot the Royal Academy of Arts. Archbishop Croke. of CasheL his written a letter to the officers of the Irish Tenants' De fense League wishing them Godspeed in their undertaking, and inclosing a subscription of 50 for the League. The jury in the Collom forgery case at -Minneapolis, came in at 10J5 A. M to-day, caving been out since Saturday night. The foreman announced that the jurymen were un able to agree. Judge Hoker sent them back again. A telegram from Wheeling states that the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad will build an extension to Bellaire at an earlv dav. Connection will be made with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad there. H. V. Phillips, city editor of the Carthage Banner, accidently shot bimelf dead yester day afternoon, at Carthage, Mo., while clean ing a revolver. He was a prominent fireman, being one of the Vice Presidents of the Asso ciation of National Firs Engineers. Thomas Eddmgton, traveling agent for the Standard Life Insurance Company, of Detroit, Mien., was found dead in bed at the Head quarters Hotel, Fargo, N. D., on Sunday. It is thought he committed suicide, asa bottle which had contained laudanum was found on the table. Hamilton fc Co., the glass manufacturers of Pittsbanr, who purchased the Co-operative Glass Works at Bntler six weeks ago, com menced work yesterday morning in their 12 pot factory. It is the intention of the firm to rebuild the other factory as soon as they get their new one fairly started. The first snow of the season fell at Vanda lia, 111., on Sunday. The ground was covered to a depth of three inches on a level. At Bloomington, I1L, on Sunday afternoon and evening the first snow of the season fell. The Alton road, from Dwight to St. Louis, was cov ered. About six inches fell. The Elkador train on the Chicago. Milwau kee and St Paul road left the track Saturday evening at Stolaf, la., shaking up the passen gers and badly injuring several. Mary Mehan, of Dubuque, was seriously hurt about the spine and side; Andrew Reiter, nf the Mc Gregor Jfinex, Mrs. Thomas Williams and Deputy Sheriff Elmer Benton, of McGregor, sustained painful thongh not serious injuries. The passenger coach turned completely over. General feir Frederick Middleton. com manding the forces of the Dominion, is now on his way to British Colombia, where he goes to thoroughly inspect and report upon the de fense of the Canadian Pacific .coast. The British Government is not satisfied with what the Canadian Government has done in the di rection of increasing the efficiency of their military strength and the coast defenses of that province, the whole militia force on the Pa cific not reaching 300 men. Sereeant Oliver Tims, of the Thirtieth Po lice Prcciuct.New York,said in an interview re cently published in the Volks Zeitung, a So cialist organ, that every fifth man on the New York police force was a Socialist or an Anarchist, ana the sentiments expressed by him would do credit to Most and Mrs. Parsons. A translation of the interview has been pub lished, and the Police Board called on for an investigation. Inspector Byrnes says he will look into the matter at once. The famous case cf Collins against Collins was decided at Ritchie C. H., W. Va.. on Sat urday. The plaintiff was Hon, Creld Collins, who isnearly a millionaire. The defendant was his wealthy brother, who five years ago was in dicted for counterfeiting. Collins was proven to have been the leader of a notorious gang who flooded the State with spurious coin. He was convicted, but escaped imprisonment. His brother spent a large amount of monevin his defense. It was to recover this that suit was brought. The j ury's verdict was for the plain tiff. The Butler. Pa-, jury in the case of P. C. Boyle vs. J. B. Smithman, for $-50,000 damages for the refusal of the pipe line company, operated by defendant, to publish a monthly statement of business done, etc., and which was on trial at Butler last week, returned a ver dict for defendant. A writ of error was taken by plaintiff's attorney anr1 the case will be taken to the Supreme Court The verdict is a black eye for the Standard Oil Company, as Boyle waslooked upon merely as the representative of the standard. He Is the lessee and manager of the Oil City Derrick. The work of lifting the bodies of victims of the Johnstown flood that were taken from the river and interred at Nineveh, began yeserday. The bodies will be brought to Johnstown and interred in the Grand View Cemetery. There is a large number of victims at Nineveh, and many friends of the deceased went down from Johnstown yesterday, to be present when the bodies were taken up. The removal of the remains from Nineveh, will complete the work of transferring the dead from their temporary to their final resting places, except a lew picked up here and there along the river banks and interred near where they were found. An eastbonnd freight train on the Michi gan Central Railroad was ditched at Stevens nlle, Ont. Snnday. owing to the switch having been designedly misplaced by unknown scoundrels. Tbe engine was turned upside down, burying Engineer Reardon, his fireman andBrakeman Murray in the wreck. They managed to crawl out of a small hole in the cab. Reardon was badly cnt on the head. Murray was internally injured and may die. Of the 13 cars composing the train seven were wrecked, and live stock, flonr. glue, etc, piled heavenward. Over 100 head of sheep were killed, and the track so badly torn up that nine hours were required to clear the wreck. One of the most important issues of the day is the proposal for the federation of the Aus tralian Colonies, set forth in tbe dispatch which Sir Henry Parkes, tbe Premier of New Bouth Wales, has addressed to the Premiers of the other colonies in Australia. It ib in reality an invitation to meet and consider tbe formation of an independent combination of the colonies, a sort of United fatates in Australia. Most of the colonists probably will not exactly so regard it, and England has not tbe faintest suspicion of its meaning. The Dronosal has come annul through the advice of the Military Commis sioner whom England sent to assist the Austra lians to a common scheme of national defense. He reported in favor of a Federal Australian army, and Sir Henry Parkes, who is a Fedtr alist, but not an Imperial Federalist, at heart, has seizedthe opportunity and boldly tells tho colonies that the time bas come for a grand federation, not only for military protection, but for all the uses that are implied by the term. Is is with pleasure that I add my testi mony to the excellence of Dr. Jayne's Ex pectorant I have used it in my family for several years, and can truly say that I know of no medicine equal to it for checking and curing the frequent coughs and colds to which children are subject at all seasons of the year. 1 have also realized great benefit from it myself, and have recommended it to others, who almost invariably have learned to value it I always prescribed it to the students under our care when necessary, and the teachers willingly add their testimony to mine in praise of this medicine. J. S. Edwards, Principal of Providence Confer ence Seminary, East Greenwood, B. L Ilnndkerchicfs! Handkerchiefs! 9 ct handke jiiefs to go at 4 cts. each. SO ct pongeendkfs. to go at 29 cts. Don't miss them. Wednesday sale be gins. Unable & Shcstee, 35 Fifth ave. Extra For To-Dny. To start a big rush for the men's cape coats we will sell tor to-day only 75 hand some brown checked cassimere "cape coats for the ridiculous priceot 7. Recollect $7 is the price for a stylish cape coat to-day at our great store. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Cnriem! Coret! E. & G. Corsets to go at 75 cts. ' E. & G. Corsets to go at 75 cts. Sale begins Wednesday morning. Kxable & Shustek, 35 Fifth ave. Shonldor Capes. Just received, the largest and most com plete selection yet shown, consisting of seal, persiana, mink, astrachan, monkey, lynx and gray krimmerer. Horn e & Waed. 41 Fifth avenue. AiiAJOEEnrof people prefer P. & V.'s Pilsner beer for family use. 'Phone 1186. SHOOK HER1PSBAND. An Auburn Woman Becomes Infat uated With a Dade, and LEAVES WITH HIM frOE THE WEST. She Forsakes Her Husband, a Prominent Banker, and Also Her Child. SO SECKET MADE OF HEE INTENTIOHS. Bid Break of a Society Leader and an Active Worker In Chnrch Circles, Polite society in Auburn, K. T., is shocked to its very center. The wife of a prominent banker, herself a great church worker and society favorite, has boldly left town with a young dude bookkeeper, desert ing her husband and young daughter. Mr. Longstreet, the wronged husband, has ap plied for a divorce. ff PICXU. TELZGBAX TO TUB DI8FATCH.1 Atjbuen, N. Yl, November 18. Mrs. Clara C. Longstreet, wife of George B. Jjongstreet, Teller of the National Bank of Auburn, brought a summer's folly to a close and shocked Auburn's 400, Saturday even ing, by leaving the city in company with Louis H. Leach, a young man employed as bookkeeper by tbe Birdsa.ll Manufacturing Company. Strictly speaking, it was not an elopement, for no attempt at secrecy was made. The pair went to the New York Central station together, and took the 8:50 p. M. train, West Toung Leach, who is good-looking and built on the dude plan, blossomed oat Sat urday afternoon with a new silk hat and a new overcoat He called at a clothing store and bought such a large quantity of shirts, cuffs and collars that the clerk who waited upon him had his suspicions aroused and concluded that he and Mrs. Longstreet were about to take the final step in a scandal that had agitated Auburn's high society all sum mer. Leach has been so bold in his atten tions to Mrs. Longstreet that the matter has been ' THE TALE OF THE CITY. Her husband could not have been obliv ious to what was going on, but it was not until abont a week ago that he made np his mind that he had pat up with about as much indignity as a man was called upon to endure. So he took his young daughter and engaged room and board at tbe Osborne House. Mrs. Longstreet was left in charge of the family residence at the corner of West Genessee and Fort streets. He has com menced proceedings to obtain an absolute divorce. It is the general opinion that Mr. Long street knew that his wife and Leach in tended to leave town together, for on No vember 8 there wqs filed in the office of the county clerk in thts city a deed from Mrs. Longstreet to her husband. It transferred certain real estate in this city. Mrs. Long street is worth about $20,000 in her own right, which she inherited from the estate of her father, the late Colonel William H. Carpenter, who was a prominent business man. He died about three years ago. XS ACTIVE CHURCH WOEKEB. Mrs. Longstreet has been very prominent in society, and took an active interest in the work of St Peter's Episcopal Church. She is not distinguished for her beauty, bat she prided herself upon her graceful walk. Bat it is thought that young Leach was more captivated with her pocketbook than withx her walk. Mrs. Longstreet's friends have used every possible means to bring her to a realization I of her conduct, but to no purpose. Her pastor, tne itev. ur. israinara, caiiea at tne house for the purpose of remonstrating with her, but she refused him an audience. Her sister, Mrs. Warren A. Worden, called for the same purpose, and was accorded the same reception. The name of Frank W. Lightfoot, a young colored barber, has figured picturesquely in the scandal. Light foot is a very handsome colored fellow and dresses with taste. He and Mrs. Longstreet have been seen walking together on the back streets of the city, and he has been seen en tering and leaving her residence numerous times. A great many of the woman's friends are of the opinion that she is crazy. Before she and Leach left town they said that they were goimr to Ohio, and would be married as soon as Mr. Longstreet had secured bis divorce. Then they were coming back to Auburn to live. The peerless remedy Dr. BulPs Cough Syrup, the best and cheapest 25 cents. Jackets! Jackets I $12 jackets reduced to $8. ?9 jackets reduced to $4. S3 oO jackets reduced to $1 75. 57 jackets reduced to $3 50. Enable & Shustee, 35 Fifth ave. 4 eta. 4 cu. 4 cts. Handkerchiefs, handkerchiefs, regular 9c qnahtv. Great sale begins Wednesday. Suable & Shustee, 35 Fifth ave. Greatest Bargain Ribbon Sale On record begins Tuesday. All fancy shades for holiday fancy work, narrow to wide widths. Hoese & Waed, 41 Fifth ayenne. STRENGTH OF BAKING POWDERS By Actual Chemical Testa. DR.PglCE'S.rim.t mzmssBsmmamumBBKa JOHItSOH'S (Him)... BAXSBT'S (wht IMk) , HATWOOD'SCUiuiFewiler)! RlDEE'S QUEEy (iImPw4er).. CLTBUEE'S (.lort wt. 1-2 .). DAEI.ELL A CO'S (llnrn Powder). EflUl EUEEKA (Una rowdtr). HEKBEET&CO'S. CHIEF (Alan Powder). GIFT Fewness (eootala Alum lmOBl) . BWMia SCHEME POWDEES(tonUlnAlniAinil; BtrLKTOWDER (mU looie Alma Ammoill). Basset's (wh sot fresh) v. EEPOETS OF OOVEENMENT CHEMISTS AS TO rCUI- TY AUD WlIOLl&OME2tESS OF DR. PRICE'S CItEAM BAKISQ POWSEB. Dr. Price's Cream Baiting Powder does not contain Aram. Ammonia or Lime, or any adulterant K. S. G. Patov, Ph. D., Chemist for the United States Government The Cream ot Tartar used in Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the strongest and tree from aU lime and other Impurities. The best Bating Pow der made. Prof. Peter Colmek, Chief Chemist for the United States Department of Agriculture, Wash ington, D. C I have several times examined bating powders In the market to determine their purity, raising power and Influence on the health of those using mem. i have uniformly fonnd Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder the best In all respects. In raising power it stands at the head. It Is a pure, clean, elegant and healthful preparation. I have nsed "Price's" In my family for years. Prot E. C. Kedzie, Late President Michigan State Board of Health. my&4S2-TTseosu J. DIAMOND, OPTICIAN, 22 SIXTH STREET. The Eye examined free oi cnarge. spectacles perfectly nttea. jirfkax ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted and ui?SJ warrant! tn nir 8el2 6-TTSU Pears1 Soap (Scented and Unscented) 8ECITKE3 A SEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. OF ALT. URUaOXSTS. ' aa,sssa,,,..s,HSE9ByEHJKM , fgEBWKSi JiMHHHHHHHrai A MDEDBEEE WHO WOH'T BANG. He Killed Three Men, but Five Trials: Fall r to Convict Him. Chablestoit, S. C, November 18. Jones, the model Edgefield family murderer, has made his fifth escape from the rather feeble clutches of the law' in Edgefield countr. The jury having his case in charge failed to agree upon a verdict A mistrial was ordered. When the jury was being organized for Jones' fifth trial it was discovered before the panel was completed that a jnryman had been sworn in whb had expressed an opinion. The State's Attorney made an effort to get him recalled, but without effect It appears now, however, that this was not the only Jones jnryman who got on the jury. When the jury was discharged it is said that it stood nine for -acquittal and three,for a verdict of man slaughter. Some two or three years ago Jones wiped ont his father-in-law and his two brothers-in-law because they wanted him to pay rent for a farm that he had hired from them. It was a clean piece of work. He met his father-in-law in the field. The old man was 75 years of age, and paralyzed, and Jones blew ont his brains. Then he killed the old man's two sons. He was first tried for the murder ot the old roan, and was convicted of manslaughter, the leaser degree of murder. He appealed from the verdict and has since been tried three times for the murder of one of his victims, each trial resulting in a failure of the jnry to agree. Jones will probably get offentirely. Beecuam's Pills cure bilious and nervous ills Fsabs' Soap secures a beautiful complexion s Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITI0U8 JUICE OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, fcirming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENCTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR s-smtrp 03E figs MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FBAttClSCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. HEW YORK. . , y9-77-TT8 MR. WALTER'S TROUBLE His Version of the Matter. Of the hundreds of patients cured by the physicians of the Polypathic Medical Insti tute dnring the past six months, perhaps none have experienced more intense suffer ing than has Mr. Henry Walter. Thfe com plication of aches and pains resulting from rheumatism, associated with a severe jbnronic cough, caused him untold misery. (Speak ing of his trouble one day, he said: -"A catarrhal secretion of mucus often propped down from my head into my throat, A. hard, dry cough so affected my lungs that my breath became very short, I had a tired feeling, and as I grew weaker my stomach became involved. My food wonljd soar on my stomach, and I had sour, bitter eructa tions of gas. I had pain over vak eyes, and often felt dizzy. My hands acra feet were continually cold, and I was also afflicted with rheumatism. I would) have sharp pains in my side and back and I would sometimes have such a numb, dead feeling. My disease gradually grew j worse. One day I happened to read iin the papers an account of a person who iaad been cured by the physicians of the Pctlypathic Insti tute of a disease similar to mv own. I therefore placed myself ymder their care, and became entirely curedl" Mr. Walter is a well-KAown gentleman, ana nis aaares3 win De in -oished anyone by calling at the Institute, 4 ifenn avenue. The physicians in cha' fully all forms of kidney ge treat success- and urinary dis- eases.. Also chronic u those peculiar to women. Positively no operation iscases, including i are performed, as oy their medicines and are not known to the ce appliances, which heral practice, the ladies can themselves use the treatments. Office hours, 10 a. m. t. 4 p. ir., and G to 8 r. ll. Sundays, 1 to 4P. M. Consulta tion free. Treatment lso by correspon dence. I no9-TT3 OPTICAIi AND MATHE IATICAL, GOODS. bneclalty Correct fltti, oi lenses and frames. All styles of H ectacles and Eye Glasses. Experienced Opt, cians and our own factory ana workmen are inducements. WH.E. STJERM, Optician, SMSMITHFIEIiD SX ..PITTSBURG, PA. re22-27-TT3 Js 'ij ai- It doesci't make us tired women in tHe United States SAPOLIO. Its use saves often substitute" urocers iaend back, s ich articles, and . '-era NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable " qualities of ' the genuine. Ask for , , Ivory Soap and -f i insist upon having it. 'Tis sold everywhere. no3-101-MW3 Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Eyes. KOENBLUM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. 50 Fifth avenue, near Wood street. Telephone No. 16S6. sel9-Dsn ESTABLISHED 187a BLACK (JIN FOB THE KIDNEYS Is a relief and sure cure for the Urinary Organs, Gravel and Curonic Catarrh of the Bladder. The Swiss Stomach Biilers are a sure cure for Dyspepsia, Liver nnmnlftfnt And AVArv Trade Makk species ot Indigestion. Wild Cherry Tonic, the most popular prepar ation for cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Lunz Troubles. Either of the above, $1 per bottle, or ?8 for to. If your drngzist does not handle these goods write to VfiL F. ZOELLEK. Sole Mil., ocS-71-tts Pittsburg. Pa. DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. names' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cap of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it: is abso lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether, the pxtlent Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of Drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken uolden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge and to-day believe thev quit drinking from their own free will. IT MEVKR iail3, ine system once unpregnatea witn tne Specific, It becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For sale by A. J. Rankin, Sixth and 1'enn ave.. Pittsburg; E. Uolden & Co. 63 . Federal St., Allegheny. Tirade supplied llechenv. Trade Bundled bv I Ueo. A. KeUv& Co.. Pittsburg, Pa. Qei7-i3-TT8 I ROSEN BAUM& CO. MARKET STREET AND FIFTH AVENUE STORES, ifct SurDrises and Great as have been past culs in prices this week will show greater. Our house is a LEADER in its lines. These lines shall GEOVT. We saved yon big money last week, and we will save you more this. A mass of stock is marked to GO. Yon will learn our plans by reading. You're wise to come in the morning, too. OLOAES. Fine Seal Plush Jackets, $8 25; were 310. Fine Seal Plush Jackets, 9 CO; were $12 CO. Fine Seal Plush Jackets, 510; were fl3 SO. , Fine Seal Plush Jackets, S10 45; were $14. Fine Seal Plush Jackets, $12 45; were $16 50. Fine Seal Plush Jackets, $13 50; were $18. Seal Plush Sacques, $13 50; were $18. n Seal Plush Sacques, $15 75; were $20. Seal Plush Sacques, $1G 50; were $22 50. Seal Plush Sacques, $18 75; were $25. Seal Plnsh Sacques, $21 50; were $30. ALL FINER GEADES EEDTJCED EQITALLY. We show the best $5 Beaver and Stockinette Jackets in the world. ftockinette Jackets, $2 95, $3 25, $3 45. $4 50 and up. mported English Cheviot Jacket. $7, $8, $9 50, $10, $11 and up. ( Three-quarter length Jackets in Plush, Beaver, Stockinette and Cheviot, at all prices. Our facilities are all that the art of the age can suggest Here we command all. Judicious management enables us to show you the bare hat, and trim it to your liking, at our own peculiar prices. CAPES Are all the rage. We show genuine Astrachan, cloth Astrachan, Hare, Seal Plusb, Monkey, Cape Seal, Children's Angora Capes, and Muffs of all kinds to match. BIBB03STS. Every width, every shade, every quality, you can find here at the right prices. Largest assortment in the city, without exception. A lot ofsNo. 22 Watered, Pure Silk, Satin-edged Ribbon, 25c, worth 50c. Velvet Ribbons, all colors and widths. TKinynnvciisrG-s. Fur Trimmings of all kinds. Angora and Thibet, Monkey, Seal, etc., in fact every leading style. Persian Open-worked Trimmings, Embroidered Flannel Trimmings, Silk and Mohair Gimps, Fringes, Girdles, Braid Ornament Gimps, Plain Silk and Beaded Ornaments, etc. EST" Special bargains in Underwear, Hosiery, Kid Gloves and Ladles' Neckwear, newest styles. , berbauni 510, 512,514 MARKET ST. Copyrighr, sssBi BL H i.as Hi HHHV tsssHV skkkkkkW 5a.v,"When me wind blows vour fire.il is useless to Wre yourself ilbour half of your roil can be -t II - sAvoiaea ay rjne use to tell about the merits of thank us every hour of their many weary hours of toil in house-cleaning. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. cheaper goods for SAPOLIO insist .upon having just what mi MORGAN'S SON CO.. NEW ABVERTISEKEXTS. ' "NECTAR." Pure old ry a whisky. Our own make. 3 yr. old, 60c quart. 8 yr. old, $1 25 quart. 4yr. old. 65o quart. 10 yr. old, II 50 quart. S yr. old, 75c quart. 15 yr. old, $1 75 quart. Nothing like these goods can be bought at tbe price. Highly recommended lor medicinal useA Orders by mall filled same day. U. E. IilPPENCOTT, oc27-Tu 639 Smlthfleld St.. Pittsburg. Pa. -TT TTXtrV SCIENTIFIC JJ. C CJ-2X- ., OPTICIAN Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka nose blades fitted to other eye glasses. Oculist's prescriptions a specialty. All kind of lenses crouncl and spectacles made on the premises. 808 PENN AVENUE, P1TT& Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. my2S-92-TT3 OAIXROADS. r- -w-ktTTSTlTTT? rmwpiwv MfhAdnle in effect Kovemberl7. 1S89. Central time. IlFART-For Cleveland, t:00.'8:00a. m., '1:33. '420. -9:30 p. m. For Cin cinnati, Chicago and bt. Louis. 5:00 a. A.. 'lAx, 9:30 p.. For .Buffalo. 8.00 a.m.. 4:20, 9:30p. m. For Salamanca, 3aT0 a. m.. 4:2) p. m. or youngstown and Newcastle, S.CO, sua. 10:15 a. m.. l:S5. 4-2n. 3:30 p. m. For Beaver Falls, 5:00i 7:30, '8:00, 10:15 a. m., '1:35, 3:30, '4.20, 5:20, "9.3u p. m. For Cbartlers. 6:00, 15:33 -a. in., 5:35, 6:55.7:15,70. 8.05. 8:30. 9-50,10:15 a.m.,12:05,12:35, ,12:45, 1:40, 8:30, 3:50, 14:30, 5:05, 5:211 '8:10, 10:3 PABRlVl-Froin Cleveland. :23 a. m., '11:30, 5:40, "7.55 ft m. From Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, 12:30, "7:55 p. m. From Buffalo, 8.25 a. m., '12:30. 10 p. m. From Salamanca, 12:30, 7:55 p. m. From Youngstoyn and New Castle. 6:25, 9.-20 a. m., '12:3a 5:40, 7:55, 10 p. m. From Beaver Falls. 5:25, 6:25, 7:20, 9:20 a. m., '12:30, 1:20, 5:4a 7:55,10p.m. P.. C. Y. trains for Mansfield. 8.30 a. to., 3:30, 5-05 p.m. For Essen and Beechmont, 8:30 a. m., 3:30 p.m. - P.' C.&X. trains from Mansfield, Essen and Beechmont, 7:G3a. m., 11:59 a. m. P., McK.&Y. B. K.-DEPJIRT-Kor New Ha ven, 5:30 a. m., '3.30 p. va. For West Newton, 1'5.30. 9:30 a. m.. 'Z-.S), 8:20 p. m. ABBIVE From New Haven, t'SSO a. m., SilS p. m. From West Newton, 6:15, t8.-20 a. m., 1:25, '5:15 p. m. For McKeesport, Elizabeth, Monongahela City and Belle Vernon, 6:30, ,7:30, 11:15 a. m., 13:30, 3:50 p. m. From Belle Vernon, Monongabela City. Eliza beth and UcKeesport, 7:45 a. m., 19:2a 12:30, 5,00, 15:15 p. m. Dally. ISundays only. $WiU run one hour late on Snnday. will run two hours late on Sun day. City Ticket Office, 633 Smlthfleld Street. i BALTIMORE AND OHIO BAILKOAD. Schedule In effect November 10, 1889: For Washington, D. C, Baltimore, Philadel phia and New York, '8:00 a. m. and "9:20 p. m. For Cumberland, 8:00 a. m., 11:03, 'iiVi p. m. For Conneilsrille, 18:40 and '8:00 a. m., IftOO, 14:00 and 9:20 p. m. For Uniontown, JS:4a '8:00 a. m., 11:00 and 14:00 n. m. For Mt. Pleasant. 18:4a 8:00a. m. and 11:00 and 14:00 p. ro. For -Washington, Pa., 7:05 and $9:40 a. m., "3:35, 15:30 and 7:10 p.m. For Wheeling, 7:05, 19:40 am.. 3J5, 7:30 p.m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis, 7i05a. 7:30 p. m. For Columbus, "7:05 a. m.. 7:30 p.m. ForNewark. 7:05, 19:40 a.m., "3:35, 7:30 Trai i. nor i;mcago, :uo ana iiai p. m. is arrive from New Tort. PhlladelDhla. Baltimore and Washington. 6:20 a. m., 'SJi p. m. From CammbnA 8:25a.m., 9:oo p.m. From Wheeling, 8:25u J0.50 a. m., $5:00, 9:00 p. m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Washing ton, Cinclnnattand Chicago. Connellsvllle accommodation at 53.35 a. m. Sunday only. ' The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and check: baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. & O. ticket office, corner Fifth ave. and Wood st. CHAS. O. feCULL, Gen. Pass. Agent. J.T. U'DELL, General Manager. DnTSBUBO AND WESTlEBN RAILWAY. J Trains (Ct'l Stan atlme) Leave. Arrive. Day Ex., Akron.Toledo, Kane 6:40 a m 7:37 p m 50 d m Butler Accommodation. in 9:00 a m Chicago Express (dally) New Castle Accommodation. Butler and Foxbnrg Ac 12:40 p m 11:30 a m :ai p m 7:00 p m 5:30 a m o:i p xn SO GO. jrirgi class zare 10 umcago, am w. second class, I SO. Pullman Buffet sleeoinz car to Chleaeo dalli iallr. Save YourDoIIars! AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE. nol9-TTSSu r t& !' . of SAPOLIO. Thousands of lives for having told them of to make a better profifc you ordered. Vrfarat!'j. t, I88a & m umm HEW ' . xxw AVnwnSWKEXTS. KM W DAILY CARD OF REASON tive necessity.. Hence, when Kaufmanns' announce thatp they will this morning place on sale 'li'' 900 Pairs of Men's Extra Quality, Water; proof Cork Sole Shoes at $3, this announcement should and undoubtedly will be hailed with delight by every man in need of Shoes. Policemen, letter carriers, express men, messengers, solicitors, collectors, insurance and book agents evefy body, in short, whose calling keeps him "on the go'tKe biggest part of the day, should see, buy and wear.tfiese "shoes at 3. They are made of th& best American alf obtainable, perfectly seamless, and can be had with'corp-v sole or without You can walk in the rain or wadejirii ' the slush !with them all day and never feel cold' aPthe1 leet tor a minute. Being also extremely able, these shoes will answer for dress as well as for.s'treet! wear. . Now, then, come in without delay, if you wantija,' pair of these shoes. Remember, there are but 900 pairs, and; at the low price of $3, they will be snapped up,very quickly. We have all sizes on hand at' the time' of tfiis writing. A I nt nf Hen'c w mwii w m i , worKingmen ana mecnanics, tms is your cnanccri 7 enmranrpp rripcp rrnntc cnKrl 1fat-rir aHtrtrnnrrri TVieiikf ... -.'.. . . Jj& will outwear any $3 pair 250 pairs of these all sizes. Men's Tap Sole Fine Calf Dress Boots, at onlv ' These, are firiiftclass William Richardson, the facturers in the country, and will surprise themeril hitherto have considered it necessary to pay $5? nnepairot nana-maae call of them. :: $1 50 and $2 We have just closed morning 750 pairs of Mens bhppers, in velvet, plush, quilted linings, beautifully some flower designs. They a pair (and over); our closing out prices as.long as last will be but $1. A - itf KAUFMANN Fifth Avenue and WHOIESAJE: KA1XR8ABH. i From Pilftbarg Union Statfon. Bnnsulvania Lines. TriiM Ran by Central Time. SOUTHWKSTBYSTEM-FANHAJIDl.EHOrjT. Lxm ror Cincinnati ana i. iximi. oiiui. m d 7:30 . m.,d -00 and d 11:U p. m. UennUon, J:45 p. m CblcaKO. d l:li s. m. and 12rfX5 p. m. Wheelini. 7:30 a.-m.. iZM, 5:10 p. m Steuben ai a.-m., lzus, euop. m sieuoen- 1. Wuhlmcton, 8:55, 8:33 a. m., lot, p.m. Bnlrer, 10:10a. m. Borjetta- a. m., 5:05 p. m. Manifleld, 7113, Tiue, fiJiaa. m. ZOO, 4:46, 4:Sp tnvn. H Il?3.1 I 9:30. il.cn . m.. 1:05, eao, d 8 JO. SO p. m. Me lonalda.d4IS.dlO:4Sp.m. Tbains AEWVJifrom the Wert, d 2:10. d-C0a. m., 3.-05, dS:55p. m. DennUon, S.30 . m. SWtt benTiUe, SK8 p. m. Wheelinir, 2:1V. S:K a. m 3.-0S, S'JSp. m. Bargetutown, 7:U a. a., a 9M a. m. -Vuhlnfrton. 5:55. 1UO, 8:40, 0V a. Jn 1:35. 6:25 1. m. Manifleld. 8:36, 8:3a 11:40 a. m., 12:15, 30.9:40 and 8 6:30 p. m. Bulger, 1:40 p. m McDonalds, dB.38a.ni., drtp. m. NOBTHWEST SYSTEM KP-WATNE BO VTX LeTB for Chleajro. d 7M a. m., d 12'. d trOp. d 8:46, except Saturday 1H20 p.m.: Toledo. 75 a. m d liafi, d 1.-O0, and except Saturday nab d.dj.: Crestline. 5-45 a. in., aereland, :ld 12.4S d 11:05 p.m., and 7:23 urn.. Tla-P.. Ft.W.CBy.:Neir Castle and. xoungstoim, 7:05 a. m.. HOB, 3:4Sp. m :Tonnjrttown and 'Miles, dual p. rn,:Meid Tllle, Erie and Ashtabula. 7:05 a. nu. 12-3i p. m.: Ulles and Jamestown. 2:45 p. m.: MasJillon. 4:10 p. m.; Wheeling and Bellaire, 5:10 a.ra.. 12:40. 3:3) p.m.: Bearer rails. 4.MJB, 5-05 p. m. ; Bearer J'sllsS 6Sa. m.Leetsdale, 3:30 a. m. Dipakt from AU.KOHKVT Koebeater, JO a. m.; Bearer Falls, 8:15. uu avm.; Knon, 3-00 p. m.:Leeudle,-5-oo, 930, iortio,ii:4Ja.m.: 1:15, 2:jo. 430, 4:46. sal 8:15. 7:30, :00p. m.: Conwajr, 10:30 p.m.; FalrOaUS 11:40a.m.: Bearer Falls, a 4:30 p. m.;Leetsdale, 8 5:30 p. m. - TRAtsa akbivx Union sution from Cblcatro, ex cept Monday. 1:60, dS-OO, ds:34 a.m., d t-M and d 60 p.m.: Toledo, except Monday, 1.50. dSUOa. m 55 and SuO p. m.; Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Youugstoirn and Kerr Caslle, 8:10 a. m.. laS, 50, 10:15p.m.: Miles and Younntowu. d 8:50 p.m.: Cleveland, d 5:50 a. m 23, 7 00 p. m.; Wheeling and Bellaire. 9a a. m.. 2.23, JM) p m.; Erie and Achtabnla, l.M, 10:13 p. ra.; Maaslllon. 10:0O a.m.: Mies and Jamestown, 1:10 a. m.; Bearer Jfalts, 7:30s, m., 1:10p.m.; Bearer Falls, S 83s p.m.; Leetadale, 10:40 p. m. Aerivi aluoubxt, froar non, 8.00 a. ra.: uon way 5.48, Rochester, (,40 a, an; Bearer Falls, 7.10a.m., s. 30 &j Leetsdale, 4.30. 3.38. (.13. 8.50, 7.46 a. m.. 12.00, 12.48, 1.46, X30, 4.30, 8.30, 9.0S p. m.; Fair oaka. 8 8 55 a. m.: BearerFails, s ills, a rials. ltaup. m.; Leeuaaie, a tvoo p. m.: nearer ri a a.p. izi. d. dally; S, Sunday only; other traiBS, except Sunday. TJ1TTSWUJ40 AK1) CASTLB SHANNON K.K. JT &MWr Time Table. Oa aMt after May 1. 108s. niHM rrther notice, train will raaMfoUows on ererr day, except Sunday. XaeterB standard tKsei Lawrlag ltwburg-al a. a., 7: a. nL. M.a 8t,a. nu. n-.3oa.ai.. Ii49p. m :P .. t IV. m.. t.50 p. a., 8i8 p. .,: p.m., limy. . Arilarton-: a. a., IAls., 7i a.m., fca.m., 18:20 a. ., imp. m 1:40 p. as;. w p. Jab, a:av p. EH,, o:m lit jwvvit a mnmvm i s-.u. ". iW Jf J November 19, 188?h. !' "Let Ann, well hammer' d soles protect ithy feet, r y Thjouehreezing snows, and rain, and soaking '$' i. No article worn byt man&isV a more certain preventive against colds and sickness tlian WATERPROOF. PAIR OF SHOES?;. And right now that cold,rjz-' zling rains are the ordeijof the day, and snow and slusrl are sure to follow soon," tne wearing of good, solid SKoes Tbecomes a matter of imoera- . ?V V pliable, shapely and comfort CJM Kin RnntQ st l QR itiH aww fcw & tmm visa - t - -- - -- f ,a ,....' , -".Fi you buy elsewhere. We navel $2 51. Boots in' evarVftr "champion of fine Tbootvr K Doots. we nave 172 pairs Slippers for $1. :: out and will place on sale thisJ Upera, Jiverett and riarvardj corduroy, imitation alligatc embroidered, many with had are worth from-$i 50 to $2 Smithfield Stree and BETAIL. XAILROABS. PEJ4WSYI.VAJ41A KAILUUAU VH A'1 after November 10. M68. trains leave TJnloa Station, mttsbnri. a tallows. Jtaetersiiitwdanl TUnet MAIN LrSEJCA3TWAB. New Tors: and Chleaco UaWed ofFnllman Veto Kbule dJlyat7J a. m. jf' ItautnlB. fely,eaeitSady, SiJoa. au Stat UWTl ssasstf-sy Oi'SVsB. IB. av exnraaa ilall-r at CM im Mall express ctelly at 10 p. m. Phllstdelphia eorpeees ttaUy at 4d n. nu Xa4rBeipradHyaT:14., FaetLlMdaUyat 8:18p.m. ereeasMnt exprese :Sl p. m. week daT lerrTespreMllaata. m. weekdays. AH toroaain. trains connect at Irrtrr atr I Bo4s cf "ooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. S. T--. i avoMIag doablelerrlage aad barney throufkiu Trotsat arrtre at Union Mattes m roaows: 8t Louis. Chlcaoand Cincinnati Exnress. datlr.......... ....... ..,........ 2i00a.mC: IJliwljijdaUy, ......... 8-Mp. mif1 Ia&Bresa,Jially. 12rtSp.nvr Fatli, dally iZZZlZLT:. 41-Jp. suuxu warr vkum kail wax. For Uniontown. 8 JO ana 8:35 a. m.and4arq Bs wltaont chance of caras 12.S0 n. m eonneosw lag at Greentbnrjr- Tralas arrive from Ualoa-' hjwb atvws. m.. isna, aa aaid aim p. m. WK8rT MWN3X"A.irAJJiA UlVlSlua. TToa FE1MEKA1V err. STATION. AllegBenr CKf .' MaU traiau o peetlBf far llTUle. Kxpress, tr MlfUnrAa, euteetlnz1 : a. ss for BuUer 189- Bntler A Ace date .aaVa. aa irsaand tuin. na Banned Aeeom4Ui3ea.aa.30and 0p.m.;i mum ieaai..4 1I.M. in' Freeport Aocom Ob ttandar. North-AdoU - ....,. ' .' am' U. ...,v y. m.. -.., ....BtdSand -,30B.nv. jrorttTApoUoAeeea..:..nMa.m.and IDp. nv ABechear Junction AemmuLttm, s.9i m. i BlfcL-rriaeAecojBBiodatlma li0p.Bu(i Tralna arrtTe at FEllEKAI, STKXET STATIONt " mivjj. twwMag irosa Bntler.. waoa.ra. S if T . B"" - ......... .H48tvaa, BuUerAeeoaa., uoa. m., 4.40and7S5p. nu JUalnrUle AecommodaUoB...: :p.aa,. Freenort Aecoas.7itt a. au. Ida, 7 Of and 11:10 p. nu Oa 8uaaay. 10:10 a. m. and7MD.ah SprlaijaleA.6eom....8Jf,U48a.it,3:4Ai4Jp. a; dviaarwa .&oQ9Be......swa. m. aaa.wi MON ON Q A MKLA XtlTlSlON. Trataj leave Oalos station, Ftnsmtrg. as roua For Moaomamhfl furr Wt Urownsrllle l TJaioatewB. -48a.m. For MononraheuCitTs vtstrt jH7wswriue,7Naaaio:4oa.iB.ana ''"F" Ob Sunday, i p. nu For MoBonganela Cy. I r. m. wcK.aaya. AnwreasBrgAe., week day, 330 p. nu West . jaHBVtwta Accommodation. 8:20a. 1 Maniav ft Jk TH-. lorner Fourttt avenue and 1 J.R.WOOH GenH rass'r Aawstt. .Uatrawrviri.TT KA1T.KOAH- a.TradaHl laa iw Dnt Onion SttUOD (AiaieTn avnm aa)t AMttaaalar Ae t- ..-i Ml ally. 8aVa,Bu. Mnlton Ac M.S. ctu ABh Mt jku ; Braeura Bx, 8 p. m. t M JBTSt jBkSb Ac. 4 p-m-.tli lag Jf9 ttorvitffSSMDk 2SgtTgi tmbLL. met MQBH08 veatloB. CMA8. aVFyaH. WeBeeai aiaaafer. OHMI TsmiBsl tSt . fWJ, gauii I ' L .. iy- . i . . i t-fr. . - . rif ..,?-- fiK.iij -a.- - . w- " r it i .. "A5rti -? -s .. . ?L . ... -. w dA.Wi.M .JHJtejJmsiE&bM- T3"i.5.