Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 18, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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YoL. No. SS4. Entered at Fittsburg I'oitoEce.
'November 14, issT, u second-class matter.
-Business Offico--97 and 99Fifth Avenue.
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DAH.T Diepatcii. including Snnday, 1 year. 10 00
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The conviction of three city aldermen for
. flagrant misuse of their official powers nat
urally creates some serions thouchts as to
the necessity of reforming a system under
which such things are possible. This need,
which has been pointed out from time to
time in these columns, is corroborated by
what is said in interviews elsewhere from
gentlemen thoroughly versed in the matter.
One of the most striking evidences of the
utter viciousness of the present system is
the well recognized fact that an Alderman
who tries civil cases on their merits, in
stead of giving judgment for those who
bring the cases before him, namely, the
plaintiffs, will not get much business. This
reduces the Aldermen's courts to a de
grading competition for fees, and utterly
eliminates the idea of justice as a factor.
In connection with the disclosures made in
the conspiracy cases it places it bevond
question that the system is organized on a
false basis, and largely debauched by the
election of men whose character renders it a
foregone conclusion that they will use their
offices to make money, leaving the matter of
impartial justice as a secondary considera
tion. "Whether the planlto reduce the number
of Aldermen and make them salaried po
sitions will work a fall reformation is an
open question. But it is at present the
only one looking in the direction of a re
form, whose need is plain. That something
must be done which shall thoroughly guard
against the present evils has been placed
beyond dispute by the recent disclosures.
To leave injustice established as a -ruling
principle in the courts of the people, re
duces popular government to a hideous
The movement toward the adoption ot the
Henry George theory of land taxation in
Australia is commented upon in some quar
ters as an anomaly. But the fact is that it is
the most natural revolt in the world from
the system of great landed estates on which
Australia was settled. The fact is that the
single tax idea has always arisen as a result
ofa state of society where the land has got
into the hands of great holders. Mr.George
conceived and developed it in California,
where great estates have arisen both from
the Spanish grants and the more modern
land grabs. It has met with its greatest ac
ceptance in the cities where there is a large
non-land holding class. In Australia, where
estates of tens of thousands of acres are the
rnlc, it is natural that it should find sup
port. But among the hundred-acre farmers
of the West, or the ten-acre peasants of
Prance, the proposition to put all the taxes
on the land will never be popular.
Mr. Jlurat Halstead's detailed -explanation
of the manner in which he came to
bring that forged contract into the Ohio
campaign may be very interesting; bnt ex
cept on the principle that open confession is
good for the soul, Mr. Halstead would have
done better forhimself to have left the mat
ter where it was. It was not wholly de
structive of Mr. Halstead's reputation for
fairness to Suppose that in the heat of the
campaign he might be deceived into think
ing a forged signature genuine if it would
hurt the opposing candidate; but to show
himself in the light of supposing something
to be true which would hurt both parties
and suppressing that portion of it which
lurts his side, must be injurious to Mr. Hal
stead's character as a fair and reliable jour
nalist This is practically what Mr. Halstead's
statement discloses. He says that when he
and Governor Forakcr came to examine the
document! which they supposed to be proof
of a job, they were thunderstruck to find
that the supposed signatures, in addition to
Campbell's name, contained those of Sher
man, McKinley and Butterworth, besides
that of S. S. Cox, who had just died. Gov
ernor Foraker declared that the document
could not be used because of its disclosure;
but Halstead, after thinking over it for a
few days, concluded to use it by printing a
Jac-simile, cutting off all the signatures
below Campbell's, and utterly suppressing
the fact that the evidence which he had
against Campbell was equally strong aga'inst
the leaders of his own party.
This was not only unfair but it was very
shallow. If the signatures had been gen
uine, Campbell could very easily have
brought out the fact that the Republican
leaders were in the same boat with himself.
As all were bogus, the affair only proved
Mr. Halstead's willingness, when he sup
posed that he had discovered a scandal, to
keep part of it dark for the benefit of his
friends while raising a sensation about that
portion of it which affected his enemies.
The comments of the British papers on the
recent fall of a large brick building at
Glasgow, with an immense loss of life, not
only confirms the impression received from
the cable dispatches of its similarity to the
Willey building disaster in this city, but
display the same division of opinion that
was manifested here, between fixing a per
sonal responsibility and putting the blame.
The North British Mail editorially com
ments on the fact that the bnilding which fell
was a new mill five stories high and nearly
completed. It finds "no other hypothesis
open to us but that the fall of Messrs.
Templcton's unfinished mill was caused by
the force of a sudden and furious gust of
wind." This is manifest enough, but as in
Pittsburg, it fails to explain why a sudden
gust of wind should wreck one bnilding and
Jeave others standing. That point occurs to
the London Standard: "The advent of a
wind or even a gale is not one of those re
mote contingencies of which rational calcu
lators need not take account. Everyone
concerned architect, builders and proprie
tor was bound to sec that, pending the
completion of the new premises, there
should be no jeopardy of life.'"
The fact is probably that the cause of the
disaster was the same in both cases, namely
a huge building run up without sufficient
care that each story was solidly set
and able to resist the usual stress of weather1
before the next was added to it. The fact
that two such disasters occur in the same
year, in different portions of the globe, indi
cates that the error of hasty and unsafe con
struction has become widespread, and re
quires a complete and prompt reform.
While there is some discussion as to the
operation and control of the Free Library
just completed as the gift of Mr. Andrew
Carnegie to Allegheny City, there is no
reason to fear that the matter will not be
satisfactorily settled. The very discussion
which has arisen concerning the matter
shows the deep interest that is taken in its
success, and therefore furnishes evidence that
the public will see that the library is so
operated as to secure its highest usefulness.
w mie nospecmea conuiuons uuve accom
panied the gift, there are certain principles
of action so evident as to afford a clear basis
of action. In the first place the resolution
of Allegheny Councils proposing to Mr.
Carnegie the construction of the library was
practically a pledge that the city would
maintain it This pledge includes the fact
that it shall be a free library that is,
open to all classes desiring to
avail themselves of its store of
literature. While the library will be of
undoubted use in connection with the
schools, that is not the only class it is in
tended to benefit. All who have or wish to
cultivate the pleasures of reading are, by
the very nature of such an institution, to be
invited and encouraged to come there.
We take it for granted as a result of
these basic ideas, that the city will consti
tute a board to manage the library in
which the city as the power which appro
priates funds for its support, the school or
ganization as a leading interest in educa
tional matters, and citizens at large shall all
represent the public interest That such a
board should be non-partisan is beyond dis
pute, as it is inconceivable that a magnifi
cent and wholly educational institution
should be subjected to the limitations and
drawbacks of politics. It seems equally
clear that the duty of the city to provide
the store of books which is the first requisite
of the library, can best be performed by
using the present Allegheny Library as a
nucleus and making liberal accretions to it,
year by year, out of the funds provided for
that purpose by the city.
These is little doubt that Allegheny will
take tome such course as this so as to give
its beautiful building the fullest utility.
So city government could be blind enough
to neglect or misuse so valuable a gift.
Mr. W. L. Scott's newspaper, the Erie
Herald, asserts that the Democratic machin
ery should be organized exclusively
in the interest of Grover Cleveland. No
man who is not openly pledged to Mr. Cleve
land should be given a place "either as a
local official, committeeman or State dele
gate." This way of putting the Democra
tic party into a Cleveland Trust, as it were,
might be effectual in hopelessly dividing the
organization. We can leave that considera
tion to the determination of the Democrats;
bnt it is necessary to remark that if the
Democracy is to be organized in Mr. Cleve
land's interest, Mr. Scott should be gently
bnt firmly placed on the ontside of the or
ganization. A man who as Congressman,
writes to a railroad President, that though
they differ in politics they are agreed on
corporation questions, and asked for passes
to be used in. furthering the triumph of cor
poration interests, would be a millstone
around the neck of any Fresidental boom
under his management. Mr. Scott should
confine his efforts to his darling corpor
ations. The statement is made that the Trenlon
potteries have succeeded in making an applica
tion of the Siemen's gas process to the firing of
their kilns, which makes their foci as econom
ical as the natural gas used by the potteries of
this section. This is another indication of the
necessity for our manufacturers either to keep
the natural gas supply abundant and cheap,
or to make up the lack by the manufacture of
cheap fuel gas.
The report that the White Caps at Gales
burg, lit, have resumed their old tricks of
burning barns and whipping lonely people,
shows the necessity of an administration of the
law energetic enough to find such ruffians the
legitimate work of breaking stones on the road.
The proposition for a confederation be
tween the Knights of Labor and the Farmers
is a good one, but the plan can only be made
feasible on a platform of opposition to monop
oly and special privileges. We can hardly im
agine, for instance, the farmers1 organization
going into a movement to permanently estab
lish an eight-hour day.
A decreased production of molasses
mm, as shown by the internal revenue report,
indicates that the consumers of that fiery
drink must be turning their attention to
smoother beverages, or that the gentlo moon
shiner is enjoying a boom.
New York has three million dollars sub
scribed to her guarantee fund, and with an
other million declared to be '"in sight," hones
to make a decent showing before Congress
meets. Bnt the multi-millionaires still stand
back and give the common people a chance to
demonstrate their public spirit
If Pennsylvania and other States which
voted "wet" this year had foreseen what effect
it would have had on the weather of 1SS9, it
might have made a decided difference. Cer
tainly the waning year can claim the champion
ship for moisture.
Again the public is informed that the
Baltimore on ber second trial trip surpassed
requirements ana showed herself to be a racer.
This is gratifying intelligence, but as such
glowing statements have been somewhat com
mon in the past, the public will prefer to wait
for the official returns. -
The type founders are considering the
project of forming a trait They had better
go cautiously or the printing Interests may
start type foundries of their own and knock
the whole type arrangement into pi.
The notice served on the stay-at-home
Pennslyvania Democrats who failed to come out
and vote for Bigler, that they will be read out
of the party, is calculated to carry the impres
sion that the Democratic party Is much too
large. Wo were under the Impression that the
recent vote made just the opposite showing.
It is intimated that the defense in the
Cronln cane hare concluded tbat their best
chance Is to fall back on Mr. Tony Waller's
master-stroke and make "an alleybi."
Loed Baxisbdby's talk of "imperial
federation" as a solution of the Home-Hula
question is an indication that the Tory Govern
'THE .
ment is scared enough, to' steel the Liberal pol
icy, but is desirous of discovering some way in
wbicb It can effect the theft without-being
caught at it
The grist of department reports that in
variably precedes the meeting of Congress con
veys the assurance to the people that the ma
chinery of government Is still grinding on.
The richest woman In Wisconsin is Mrs
Alexander Mitchell, widow of the late presi
dent of the Milwaukee and 6t Paul Railroad.
"I ah only a farmer, and know nothing of
politics," was all tbat reporters who attempted
to interview him In Chicago conld get out of
Jesse Grant, of California, the other day,
TnE fiftieth anniversary of the production
of Verdi's first o pera was celebrated through
out Italy yesterday. King Humbert and
Prime Minister Crispi sent congratulatory dis
patches to the famous composer. Messages of
congratulation were also sent by all tne princi
pal cities and towns in Italy.
Peke Pamphile de Veuslkb, brother of
Father Damien, has started upon a tour of the
world for the purpose of collecting a fund to
establish, in memory of his brother, an insti
tution in which missionaries for the leper field
may be taught to administer not only to the
spiritual, but to the bodily wants, also, of their
pitiable charges.
Olxveb Ajies, the Governor of Massachu
setts, is a medium-sized, well-built man, who
has had great experience in public life. The
Governor followed bis brother, Oakes, in Con
gress, and has been twice re-elected to the
office he now holds. He is one of the wealthiest
men and best livers in New England. He baa
a fine house on Commonwealth avenue, and en
tertains handsomely.
UThe wife of ex Speaker Carlisle, who has
just returned to her home in Covington, Ky.,
from a visit to an invalid son in the West, was
the recipient after her arrival of a lovely gift
from an admirer in Paris, France, a handsome
monchoir-case for embroidered handkerchiefs,
especially designed and embroidered for her,
and it is an exquisite piece of work, edgea with
real Valenciennes lace.
The little cabin In Fairmount Park, Phila
delphia, once used by General Grant as bead
quarters, is going to ruin from negloct Public
sentiment however, is aronsed and steps will
undoubtedly be taken to preserve it as a relic.
It is the duty of the city to take care of the
cabin, but If for any reason it fails to do so,
George W. Childs has promised to have it put
in good condition and cared for at his own ex
Unlucky Bio of Slang Gets a Fan-American
Into Trouble.
From the New York Tribune.
Senor X I mention no name because the
home ot tho young gentleman Is not 100 miles
from Valparaiso Senor X, I say, had been en
gaged in earnest conversation all evening with
the danghtcr of Jndge G , in the conserva
tory attached to the host's residence. She was
a remarkably handsome young woman, ex
tremely bright and clever in conversation, and
with a charm of manner'Wbich seemed to
bold the young diplomat a willing captive.
In an evil moment Miss G touched upon
the subject of slang. This seemed Senor X's
forte. He had picked up half a dozen slang
phrases on the steamer coming to this country
and had' added, since his arrival, perhaps as
many more to his little collection. Small as it
was, it outnumbered the sum total of his voca
bulary of the rest of the language. Word led
to word, one phrase to the other. There never
seemed a happier pair. Then, suddenly, as if
seized by an idea, the young foreigner ex
claimed: "Ah. Mees, you ha-ave a great deal of gall I"
If she had been struck in the face, if the
ceiling had opened before her gaze. Miss G
conld not have looked more surprised. A
sickly smile played about her lips as she turned
ber head. In vain did the young man, with a
horrid grin on his countenance, try to explain
that he meant to say she had a '-great deal of
go." She would listen to no explanation, but
left him standing there and then, in search of
her chaperone. The young man doesn't know
to the present day what ailed tne young woman.
There is, however, at least one family in
M s to-day who think that all South
Americans are ill-mannered boors and "no
gentlemen," and one yonng woman, perhaps,
who is of the opinion that they are all "too
mean for anything."
A Detroit Bcantr to Wed a Wealthy Ger-
Din Nobleman.
New York Herald Berlin Cable.1
The example set by Prince Hatzteldt will
find many imitators here. In no capital in
Europe are the beauty and wit of American
women so keenly appreciated as , in Berlin. If
to these attractions be added wealth, so
much the better; but the fact tbat in tbe
next marriage, which is to take place be
tween a Prussian nobleman and an American
heiress, money was bnt a secondary considera
tion will be balled with delight on tbe other
side of tbe Atlantic It is certainly a love
match, for, well off in this world's goods as tbe
young lady is, ber future husband is even bet
ter provided for In this respect
The contracting parties are Count von Klelst
and Miss Elizabeth Thompson, daughter of
Mr. Thompson, -of the Standard Oil Company
and ex-Mayor of Detroit, where he married
Miss Brusb, of an old, honorable and wealthy
American family. The Count, who is 26 years
of age and one of tho handsomest
young men In a city which swarms
with good-looking young officers, is, as a
matter of course, in tbe army, and might
have been seen riding with the staff during tbe
recent great reviews given in honor of the Kai
sers imperial guest in tbe uniform of, his regi
ment, the Twelfth Thuringlan Hussars, to
which be is attached as lieutenant of reserve.
He is a Majoratsherr or inheritor, by right of
primogeniture, of three large estates situated
in three different States of the Empire, and is
one of the richest proprietors in all Germany,
The bride is only 19. and a beautiful blonde.
An Unostentatious Magnate Who Ban Amu
to Marry His Wife.
From the New York "star,")
Mr. DeBardeleban Is the Andrew Carnegie
of Alabama, and the wealthiest man in the
State. His wealth is variously estimated at
from $4,000,000 to $40,000,000. He is at the head
of almost half the iron companies of tbe Bir
mingham district N ot many years ago be was
a farmer. By a clever business stroke he se
cured tbe now famous Pratt Coal Mines for a
a song, developed them, and then sold out to
tbe Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Com-
Eanv, making a cool million of dollars. Mr.
leBardeleban is just rounding 50. He wears
a full gray beard, and perhaps no millionaire
In the country Is plainer in habits or so easy of
Mr. DeBardeleban's favorite story is in re.
gard to the manner in wbicb be doped with his
wife and was robbed in the same way of his
oldest daughter. Mr. DeBardeleban was poor
wben he ran away with and married the 15-
year-old daughter of Judge Pratt who was
quite wealthy. The old Judge sent for him and
said: "Henry, vou've treated me mighty mean
in this matter by stealing my daughter. Why,
my boy, you could have bad her for the asking.
I don't know of anyone I'd rather have for a
son-in-law." When Mr. DeBardeleban's oldest
daughter reached the age of 16 she eloped with
T. a Brittle, a yonng lawyer with little money
and a small practice. Mr. DeBardeleban sent
for him and repeated almost tbe exact language
Judge Pratt bad nsed to blm 17 years before,
Mr. Brittle is now becoming a millionaire him
When sister Jean was married
The church was gay and green
TVith flowers and ferns we carried
To brighter make the scene.
A wedding bell was hanging
Above the altar rail.
And none might hear Its clanging
Save she who wore the veil.
"The loveliest of flowers
Is Jnst yourself; '" it Bald,
And petals fell in showers
When sister Jean was wed.
When sister Jean was married
The organ slowly played.
As if the music tarried
To keep her still a maid.
The women wept, and children
Fair summer roses flung,
And praises of her beauty
Came fast from every tongue.
No maid was ever sweeter,
God bless your pretty bead, "
JTbe neighbors said to greet her,
When sitter Jean was wed.
When sister Jean was married
The gaUery was dark,
' And In its darkest corner
Bat one she did not mark.
Who, whUe his heart was breaking,
Moved his wan lips in prayer
- That her heart know no aching
No taste of hla despair:
And no prayer wa o earnest
As that be softly said
Up in the gallery corner
When sister Jean was wed.
"AH. Ii. Barker in Inter Ocean.
The Inventory of a Language Difference
Between the Old Lexicographer and
tbe New The Century's Historical Value
Sight of the Man Behind the Eye A
Story of Niagara New Zealand After SO
Yean, and Other Books.
"Get the best" is always an excellent piece
of advice. Indeed, the main purpose of these
Monday morning book talks Is to let people
know what the best Is. The Critic writes not
for the publishers, nor for tbe booksellers, but
for the book buyers. This column is meant
for busy men and women who have no time to
waste over books which are dull and unprofit
able, and not much leisure even for the task of
selection; but who are glad to learn what the
newest books are, what they arc about which
ones are particularly worth reading, and in
what Pittsburg bookstores they can be found.
"Get the best" is an advice which the indus
try of the advertisers has especially connected
with dictionaries. Whoever follows this ad
vice to-day In tbe purchase of a dictionary will
have small difficulty in choosing. The best
work of tbat nature which is to be had in this
country is published by the Century Company,
of New York, and to be had in this city from
H. Watts fc Co., their agents.
The Century Dictionary costs money. That
however, is one of the disadvantages which, In
this imperfect state of civilization in which we
live, attaches itself to nearly everything which
is good. It is issued in 24 parts, at a cost of
2 0 a part These parts can be put together
afterward, if one wishes. Into six volumes, but
they are so tastefully and substantially bound
that they make handsome books jnst as they
"A dictionary," Archbishop Trench said, "is
the inventory ofa language." A good diction
ary includes all the words which are to be
fonnd in all the books of the language. It be
gins with the beginning of the national liter
ature and comes down to the last word which
baa won a place In tbe dally papers. Tbe older
lexicographers started out with the intention
of being literary reformers. They put in the
words which they thought it would be well to
have in tbe language, and left tbe others out
Later dictionaries have been trner to the in
ventory Ideal. But even snch a great work as
the dictionary of the Philological Society
quotes no scientific books, and so inclndes no
technical words. Tbe Century Dictionary In
cludes everything, ft is the first adequate in
ventory of tbe English language.
It not only inclndes all the words which are
used in the "physical and mathematical
sciences, and in tbe "mechanical arts and
trades," but it is the first dictionary to give the
sort of definition which an intelligent reader
wants. It is an encyclopedia In brief. We
have been for some years in the habit of using
the word "berserker" as a dictionary test.
Anybody who will look up berserker in Web
ster or Worcester and then In the Century
Dictionary will find out more about the
superiority of thlslatest venture in lexicography
than could be stated in a hundred sentences.
The Century Magazine from May to October,
and St. Nicholas for the cast year, from
November, 1S88, to November. 1889, come in
handsome volumes, and are, as always, a f eas(
to tbe eye and tbe mind alike. Any
child who has been so unfortunate as to have
missed reading St. Nicholas in tbe monthly num
bers can have this deprivation made up by a
Christmas present of these two beautiful
volumes into which they have been bound.
Here are Mrs. Bnrnett's "Little Saint Eliza
beth," and Mrs. Catherwood's "Bells of Ste.
Acne," and Mr. Harris' "Daddy Jake, the
Runaway." Hera are battles, and guns, and
ships, brownies and legislators, history and
poetry and fiction, dogs and ducks, sea-lions
andshog-back panthers. The best makers of
pictures and the best makers of literature are
enlisted by St. Nicholas in the service of the
boys and girls. A year's reading of this ideal
young folks' magazine is an education in cul
tured and Christian manliness and womanli
ness. The Century comes bound in cloth of gold
and is good gold all tho 'way through. This
latest volume Is especially notable for the per
manent value of its leading papers, and for the
excellence of its pictures. Tbe Lincoln his
tory and the Siberia articles are undertakings
which have no parallel in the history of periodi
cal literature. The "Italian Art Masters," by
Mr. Stillman and Mr. Cole, and the "English
Cathedrals," by Mrs. Van Ilenssalaer and Mr.
Fennell are most felicitous partnerships of pen
and pencil. (H. Watts & Co.)
A charming book, ontside and in, is A Ram
bler Lease (81 25. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.;
H. Watts & Co.). Mr. Bradford Torrey Is an
adept in the- mysteries of "esoteric peripateti-
cism." He is one of tbe people who know how
to walk, The ltttle book is a record of ram
blings through woods and cornfields, along old
roads and up and down New England hills.
"It is not the eye that sees," says Mr. Torrey,
citing an old truth whose applications are as
wide as the sky. Not tho eye, "but the man
behind the eye." When tbe man is a botanist,
or an ornithologist, he sees a good deal, Dut
when he is a student and a poet as well as a
naturalist, then he sees a hundred times as
much, and is able to make us see it also,
If rambler's leases were investments paying
dividends in the kind of money which can be
locked up in bank vaults, tbe novelist would
be rich, indeed. Miss Yonge, for example, who
already holds on rambler's leases, some of the
most delightful places in England, has recently
taken possession of the entire town of Cheddar.
Cheddar is the town in which tbo good Miss
Hannah, More, after diligent search, was able
to discover only one Bible, and that was used to
hold a window openl The grandmother of The
Cunning Woman's Grandson (1.50. Thomas
Wbittaker) was an old witch, who lived in a
cave and made a living by selling amulets and
telling fortunes. Miss Hannah More and her
sister start a school in Cheddar and persuade
tbe dirty, ragged and heathen children into it.
and mate good men and women out ot some ot
them. One whom the reformation touches is
the cunning woman's grandson. Old Goody
Lake, however, continues to be anything but
"goody" to the end. Miss Yonge's latest book,
like all its predecessors in the long series, is
both interesting and profitable reading.
Goody Lake professed to be quito intimate
with the mysterious personage about whom the
Rot. Dr. Edward H. Jewett has recently de
livered a course of lectures, Dialolology
($1 50, Thomas Whittaker) is a study of the
kingdom and person of Satan. The subject is
approached from tbe orthodox point of view.
Tbe author believes In tbe devlL The theories
which wpuld dismiss tho devil by explaining
Bible texts as personifications of evil, or as ac
commodations to popular ignorance, he vigor
ously combats. He devotes a chapter to the
petition in tbe Lord's prayer which the revlsors
read, "deliver us from the evil one." He
denies tbat the Jews brought the idea of the
devil back with them from the Babylonian
captivity. The Persian religion, in which the
devil has so large a place, was not brought into
Babylonia until tbe captivity was nearly at an
end, and then only as a court religion; indeed,
the chief result of tbe captivity was to convert
the Hebrows to tbeir own creed. Henceforth
they were vigorous monotbeists. Dr. Jewett's
book Js a strong presentation of the traditional
idea of the devil.
The devil is the leading character of Mrs.
Julia DItts young's novel. Adrift; a Story of
Niagara; ($1 25; J. B. Lippincott Co.; H.
Watts & Co.) His name is Marcy Fornster.
He is a veritable incarnation of the adversary.
Some minor measures of the evil spirit get into
the hearts of several of the otber characters.
There are two quite unconnected stories run
ning side by side throughout the plot One Is
the story of Jerome and Diana, which is capi
tally done; the other is the story of Stephen
and Bella, which is probably a fairly accurate
diagnosis ot a very unpleasant disease. The
book Is really not so Jrashy as Its very suspi
cious title would lead one to suppose. But one
Is inclined to wonder a little what Mr. William
Dean Howells, to whom ft Is inscribed, will
think about it
Tbo trouble between Bella and her husband
was "incompatibility of tempert" they were
like the man and wife whose versions of their
marital unbappincss Dandet puts in parallel
pages. He loved poetry; she loved accounts.
Only in "Adrift" tbo cases were reversed.
Marriage is protty much a failure, according
td Daudot, at least when one of tho two Is un
fortunate enough to be a genlns. "Geniuses,"
said Mrs. Carlyle, ''are all very well; but they
are terrible to live wlthl" This is tbe moral of
Wives QfMen of Genius (75 cents. Worthlngton I
Company; J. B. Weldln 4 Co.) The raen of)
genius who figure in, these sprightly sketches
seem to have had more genius than judgment
They married In haste, and fulfilled tbe proph
ecy of the old proverb, by a repenunce at leis
ure. The attractive pages are adorned with
the usual little bits of pretty pictures, none of
which are quite so commonplace as tbe one
selected for some occult reason as frontis
piece and decoration for tho cover.
Fifty years make more changes than any of
the prophets can keep up with. Fifty years
ago in New Zealand they had an ingenlons
system of land transfer which was both direct
and effective. The register of deeds and the
examiner of titles bad no place in it The
prospective owner simply killed the previous
occupant and ato bim. To-day that cannibal
Island has all the advantages and disadvantages
of "modern civilization." On t of the ground they
dig a kind of gum which is brought into the
United States and used in making varnish.
Every year they freeze shipload after shipload
of mutton which thnv onrf tn Kncrlandtand.
after a two months' cruise "the most fastidious
connoisseur" cannot tell but tbat this mutton
was walking about only tbe day before as sheep.
Mr. Edward Wakefield, in New Zealand After
JXrtj Tears (CasseU fc Co.:H. Watts 4 Co.),
tells ns just what we want to know about this
growing colony, its history. Its volcanoes. Its
plants and animals, its 00,000 Europeans and
its 40,000 Maoris, its trade, its politics, and its
prospects. There is an excellent map, and a
good many unusually good pictures and anln-
The transfer of property In this country do'cs
not, as a rule, involve the eating of either party
by the other. It is, however, attended some
times by a fleecing operation which is almost
as bad. Mr. Warren discovered this histori
cal fact, and, indeed, experienced the bitter
side of it in Frederick B. Sanford's 27ie
Bursting of a Boom; ($1 25; J. B. Lipnlncott
Co.. H. Watts Co.) Mr. Warren, whose in
itials are M. H. W., and Miss Wade, whose in
itials are also M. H. W.. exchange trunks in
tbe confusion of the checking room. They
meet afterward at a friend's house In the town
where Warren is working up a real estate
"boom." The boom fulfills the prophecy ot
the title, but the love affair, with a life-saving
adventure for a crisis, comes out all right.
The prettiest version of the old Cinderella
myth is that which tbe Germans love, in which
tbe heroine's name is Ashanpnttek The rat
and pumpkin foolishness does net appear in
this version. A little tree takes the place of
the fairy godmother. The step sisters cut off,
one her great toe, and the other her heel, t J
get their feet Into the Prince's slipper. The
little "Cinderella." which White k Allen pub
llsb.and J. B. Weldln & Co. have for sale,beglns
with a translation from tho German, but speed
ily halts and picks np the mouse traps and the
magic wand.
It is not quite apparent why Mrs. Schere
schewsky should have named her pretty story
M 1st Buoy's Novel. Miss Euby could do every
thing which is good, except write a novel.
This delightful little maiden lady goes to live
In a tenement house, and brings with her such
a flood of sunshine that the whole neighbor
hood is lighted up. The Flynns and O'Ronrkes
become quite other people than they were. It
was a queer little idea which came into Miss
Ruby's mind that sbe would write a novel, and
one which should suggest "nothing but what is
charming, elegant and reflned.'r The wise
Miss Ruby gives it up after awhile. Her life Is
tbe best kind of novel. A pretty little helpful,
uplifting story. (Thomas Whittaker. 60 cents.)
An Englishman's Impressions.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Having been attracted by -an article headed
"So, English, Xou Know," in Sunday's Dis
patch, I cannot allow the misstatements in it
to pass uncontradicted. I read tbat if awork
ingman in England was to become tbe owner
of horses and good clothes his wages would be
cut down. This Is not so, and I speak with
authority, as haying associated with work
ingmen and been an employer of labor for
many years. In England, as elsewhere, there
are men of tbe improvident and ne'er do well
class who prefer to lounge round the corners
and drinking beer, instead of practicing habits
of thrift and respectability, but these are
counterbalanced by tbe steady and Industrious
artisans who respect themselves, their families
and their country, and who in their hours ot
relaxation from labor dress well, and in very
many instances employ a good snare of their
leisure moments by mentally and otherwise im
proving themselves.
To my mind it is not extraordinary or out of
place for a workman In this country earning
18 per week to dress well, or, if bis inclination
leads that way, -to possess a horse for bis own
use and amusement, as a matter of fact I
knew a yonng workman in the old country,
whose earnings at the time would not exceed
212 per week, owning a thoroughbred horse,
purchased ont of bis savings and which he
delighted in using.
During my six months traveling through this
country, I have, with admiration, noticed the
sturdy and manly independence of tbe labor
ing classes, and Instead of finding fault witb
the wage earners for dressing well. I consider
it very commendable and as Robert Barns says:
"A man's a man for a' that," but he feels
much more so if he is decently clad.
I will always have pleasant reminiscenses of
my travels through the States and my observa
tions of tbe working classes, not among the
least I trust my insular prejudices remained
behind me, when I left my native shores of
England, so that when 1 meet anything worthy
of praise, I may nnstintingly give it
John Cashidy, of Cheshire, England,
AlEQnENT, November 18.
Farmers' Sons Who Become Famous.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
How many of tbe Presidents were born on
tbe farm? Please name other prominent men
who were farmers' sons. L,
Vekona, November 10.
Washington, Adams, Monroe, Andrew Jack
son, Van Buren, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Buchanan,
Lincoln and Garfield were all born on farms.
Jay Gould was a country boy who came to town
with a patent mousetrap. Henry Ward
Beecher was a country boy who loved farm life
all his days; William M. Evarts came from a
farm in Vermont; Cbanncey M. Depew used to
run barefoot aronnd Peekskill till Vanderbilt
took a fancy to him. Russell Sage Kill never
be anything hut a countryman, if he lives In
cities all his life; Whltelaw Reid is from Ohio,
and was 30 years ridding his hair of hayseed;
De Witt Talmage first expanded bis lungs
calling to an oxen team be still looks country
all oyer; Sunset Cox hoed potatoes as a lad on
his father's farm near Zanesville, O. Abram
S. Hewitt was a rosy country lad whose gar
ments were made by tbe village seamstress
when he first went to New York. Thomas C.
Flatt was born on a farm; so was h. M. Bates,
who got bis first commercial training Intending
a cross-roads store. Addison Camniack was
raised on a plantation: so was Tom Ochiltree.
Tbe list might be continued indefinitely.
A Plltsburger's Railroad Scheme.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Having just read in your paper of Npvember
Han interview of Colonel James Andrews in
regard to a "Railroad vs Canal Scheme," allow
me to say that my father, G. W, Scott, who ii
an old Fittsburger, bnt now of Chicago, has
been loud in his advocacy for ten yearaot a
distinctively freight railroad, from Chicago to
New York, with cars carrying 100 tons or more
each, thus obviating the necessity of elevators
here holding grain tor the opening of lake
transportation. My father never tired in set
ting forth his views on this subject.in your city.
Wheeling and Chicago. If there be any credit
in advancing such improvements to the eeneral
public, I want bim to get his share. Will yon
kindly give this a notice, as he is well known In
yonrclty. DAVID SCOII.
Cummings, Ixi, ( November 15.
Two Kinds of Ballots.
To the Editor of The Dispatch;
What is the tissue ballot and how is It ma
nipulated as a fraud, at elections? Also, what
is tbe Australian system of voting? W.
Franklin, November 13.
Some years ago it was claimed that frauds
were perpetrated in some of the Southern
States Dy having ballots printed on thin paper
and several of them thrust Into the box at a
time, tbe voter folding them In with the regu
lar ballot In the Australian system the names
of all tbe candidates are printed on ono ballot,
and the voter marks a cross opposite the names
of those he wishes to vote for. Booths are pro.
vlded, so that tbe voter can do bis marking in
secret .
A Problem In Foker
To the Edlter of Tbe Dispatch:
Pleaso ancer the Folleing A and. B ar plalng
a game of poker A. bets, and B calls. A says 3
pars B. says 3 Kings. A says thats good and
tben be. A. says no i have a full hand. Witch
Wins A. or B
Ancer and Oblige a reader
UuiojfTowjr, November 18.
A should havo stated exactly what be had.
His failure to do so, causing B to exposo his
band, makes tho latter tho winner.
Ye, Twice.
To the Editor of The Ulssatctu
Has the present Governor of Ohio bees de-'
felted for tbat office twice? - M.
mont.oe. pa. nevember - -. .w ..
Tho Way the President's message Was Once
Made an Article of Commerce It
Doesn't Go Oat Now Until Read In Con-great.
Washington, November 17. Notwithstand
ing the statements to tbe contrary which have
been telegraphed over the country, no arrange
ments have been mado by the President or
Private Secretary Halford for the distribution
of tbe President's annual message on tbe day
when it is sent to Congress. Tbe stories that
tho President has determined that it shall not
be given out a minute in advance of the time
when It is read to Congress are fabrications, or
so Mr. Halford assures me. The President has
a natural and commendable anxiety about tbe
simultaneous publication of bis message
throughout the United States. Its widest Cir
culation Is obtained through simultaneous pub?
lication. Even so important a document as
this would be In dancer of neelect bvnub-
lisbersif discrimination, accidental or inten
tional, should be shown in its distribution.
Every year, as newspapers have grown more en
terprising and more eager in competition with
each other, greater safeguards have been
thrown about the President's message and the
reports of tbe heads ot departments.
Mailed Under a Pledge.
At one time copies of the President's mes
sage were mailed to tbe newspapers direct
under pledge given by the Press Associations
that they would not be published until released
by telegraphic message from this city. Many
of the department reports are sent now in that
way. With these reports there is an advantage
to be gained by adopting this system, for the
editor who is given an opportunity to make a
full and early synopsisi and to prepare editorial
comment on it for tbe same edition of the
paper will give more attention and more space
to a report than he wonld give if be had to
handle a synopsis received at a late hour by
telegraph through one of the Press Associa
tions. When it was distributed direct to the news
papers they waited only tor tbe message to
como from the Press Associations, "Release
the President's Message." In two seconds tbe
wrapping has been torn from tbe copy of the
message; in two more it was in the hands of the
foreman of the composing room being cnt into
short "takes." Every printer's case was filled:
every printer was on bis mettle. It was a race
oftoiuab fciiuej M4 aujjuuatiuu ui wo principles
of modern mechanics in tbeir most ingenlons
form to the dissemination among the people of
a nation of tbe thoughts and ideas of their
Chief Executive.
A Secret Printing Office.
In 1877 tbe first message of President Hayen
was distributed throughout the country on this
system. The report of John Sherman, the
Secretary of the Treasury, had been prepared
at abont the same time and circulated in the
same way. Down In the basement of the
Treasury Department is a printing press and a
small composing room. There are set up and
printed the circulars sent ont by tbe Secretary
of the Treasury and his assistants. There, in
Mr. Sherman's time, were printed tbe bond
calls issued from time to time. The printing
office was a secret institution.
Tbe printers and the pressmen were pledged
to secrecy, for the premature publication of tbe
Secretary's designs meant a great deal In finan
cial circles. It was thought tbat it wonld be
much safer to entrust the printing of tbe ad
vance copies of the Secretary's report to his
own printing office and, after some discussion,
it was determined that the President's message
should also be printed there. Every ordinary
precaution was taken to prevent "leakace."
and it was thought tbe message was quite safe. J
copies were struct on lor tne tress Associa
tions and mailed under the usual injunction
and pledge to all of the daily papers taking the
press reports. Copies of the Secretary's report,
which was of as much news value as tbe
message, were sent out in the same way. Bnt
(be precautions taken by the Secretary in re
gard to these two documents were not suffi
cient How It was Stolen.
There was in the employ of tbe Treasury De
partment a printer who saw in the possession
of these documents a possible profit for him
self dishonest but desirable. He entered into
negotiations, therefore, through several inter
mediaries, for the sale of tbe message and the
report to a well-known newspaper correspond
ent now doorkeeper of the press gallery of the
United States Senate. The message was to be
given ont in a day or two. There was little
time to bo lost Communication was opened
with the principal newspapers in tbe largest
cities in the United States.
Tbe agreement called for tbe transmission of
tbe entire report- by telegraph on the night
prior to the day on which it was to be read to
Congress. The report contained abont 14,000
words. Arrangements were maao in advance
with the manager of the Western Union Com-
pany for tbe handling ot this enormous "spe
cial" and a number of day operators were
quietlv told that they would be wanted for
extra work tbat nlgbt Tbe copy of tbe Presi
dent's message was delivered into the hands of
the correspondent at tbe appointed time. He
went witb it to tbe office of the Western Union
Telegraph Company. Before midnight the
whole of the message had been transmitted,
the sheets had been stitcbed together again
and tbe book was ready to be returned to the
Treasury vault, from which it had been taken.
Went lo tbe President,
In the meantime the manager of the Wash
ington Bureau of the Associated Press, Walter
P.Philllps, pew general manager of tbe United
Press, bad heard, through some mysterious
channel, tbat tbe message was in the hands of
the special correspondents and was being sent
out He went immediately to tne rjcecuuve
Mansion. President Hayes wag called out of
bed and Informed of wbat was going on. It
was Impossible, he said, for tbe message to
have leaked ont Mr. Phillips assured blm that
it had and that it would be published all over
tbe country tne next morning. He asked the
President's permission to release the message
12 hours earlier than the time agreed upon.
TbCFresldent wonld not consent to this. He
said be did not think it would be right to re
lease the message until it bad been read to
r.trntrtPML Mr.pEilliDS returned to bis office and
sent out a message to all editors telling them
tbat the message was being sent to certain
newspapers, but that the President refused to
release it, and therefore tbo bands of tbe Asso
ciated Press were tied. Tben he went to bed.
The next morning, tbe message was published
in various parts of the country seven or eight
hours before it was sent to Congress. Tbe
schemes of the Washington correspondent who
planned tbe whole affair, failed in only ono
A Report Also Stolep,
Tbe report of the Secretary was stolen also
and-sold to a syndicate. Secretary Sherman
was told that the report was ont but he refused
to believe it, and again the Press Association
were helpless. Tbe following day wben tbo re
port anoeared in the newspapers the Secretary
set on foot a thorough investigation wbicb re
sulted in placing the responsibility for tbe
theft, and tbe thief was promptly discharged.
After his experience with bis first message
President Hayes inaugurated a new system.
Tbe copies of the message were sent to Col
lectors oi internal ahicuuc, anu. pusuuasiers
in different towns with instructions to deliver
them, on receipt of a release message, to tho
newspapers. This scheme worked fairly
Of recent years, though, the Chief Executive
has recognized tbe danger of putting themes
sage in type so long before tbe meeting of Con
gress, and this scheme has also been aban
doned. It was President Cleveland's custom
to send copies of his message, In charge of a
special messenger, to Baltimore, Philadelphia
and New York, to be delivered to the newspa
pers by tbe postmasters of those cities on re
ceipt of a release message from tbo President's
private secretary. A copy of the meisage was
delivered to'tbe representatives of each Press
Association in this city at tbe moment of the
release. O'Beizn-Baet.
One of Sherman's Traits.
From the St touts Globe-Democrat
Senator Sherman declines to discuss the re
sult of the Ohio election. One of the things
for which this eminent statesman is most ad
mired is bis habit of never talking when there
is nothing to say. .
Dr. Wilson, of Ottawa.
Ottawa, Ost.. November 17. The intelligence
of the sudden death In New York ot Dr. Wilson,
LawClerkof the Dominion Bouse of Commons,
bas created general regret here. Dr. 'Wilson
was universally respected. He left Ottawa on
Friday afternoon for New York; accompanied by
his daughter, whom he proposed to place in a
training school for nurses. Dr. Wilson suffered
from heart trouble for several years pas. Be be
came suddenly HI on the street In New York last
nlKhtand was taken to a station house, where he
died. Although a physician, the deceased never
practiced medicine. Heart disease caused bis
Mrs. Alice J. Bmner.
Mrs. Alice i, Bruner. of Wlllerstown, Butler
county, died suddenly In I'blladelpbU, Saturday
mornlnr, November is, Mrs. Bruner, formerly
'Miss Alice J. Jackson, was a necessrnl teacher
for many years In the Forbes School, nttsburg.
Yesterday' Se.Pace Dispatch Filled With
Choice Reading Matter.
The great triple number of The Dispatch,
published yesterday, contained all the news, m
its most Interesting form, and scores of literary
articles of great excellence. It cost but fi cents,
yet many a So volume contains far less tbatls
worthy of careful perusal. The unsurpassed
facilities of The Dispatch for obtaining, all
the news and its specially engaged corps of
talented writers, who are regular contributors,
serve to make these mammoth editions
Veritable cyclopedias of wholesome, entertain
ing and useful Information.
Tho latest news from Brazil confirms the re
port of a revolution. A Republican Govern
ment has been organized and officers chosen.
Emperor William and the Empress returned
home Saturday and were warmly greeted.
There has been great excitement lb Glasgow
over tb e pig iron market A scarcity of Cleve
land iron has sent tbe price up to a high figure.
There are m ore labor 'troubles In London. Bis
marck's diplomacy will probably result In tbo
reinstatement of Russian control in Bulgaria.
The mother of Charles Stewart Pamell is dis
tressing! poor.
Tho Federal Steel Company has been or
ganized in Cleveland. Pittsburgers are inter
ested in it State politics were interestingly
discussed by a Philadelphia correspondent A
romantic story of a poor entomologist who
once received a hundred lashes, and his rise to,
wealth and influence, comes from Ban Fran
Cisco. In tbe Cronin trial the defense has be
gun introducing testimony. The Treasury De
partment has information of' hundreds of
laborers imported from Canada to work in the
United States. The Cuban strike has developed
a sensation and the islanders have protested to
Secretary Blame against tbe actions of the
Spanish Consul there A woman Is on trial In
Waterville, Me., for treating ber brother like a
dog; keeping blm in a pen and compelling him
to work In harness.
Sonthsiders complain that the Beck's run
scbindery pollutes their water supply. Al
Carlisle, of Ohio, talked of the political situa
tion in his State. A Belgian glass manufacturer
gave some information that will interest those
connected with that industry. Tbe latest phases
of the Mayoralty contest were discussed. W.
G. Johnston has presented the city a portrait
of William Pitt Aldermen Callen, Maneese
and Doughty have been found guilty of the
charges against them.
Rumors are current that there is a break in
the Baseball Brotherhood. Peter Friddy de
feated E. C. McClelland in the local mile race.
The contest was an exciting one. The sporting
news and tbe review were as complete and In
teresting as usual.
Parts second and third (pages 9 to 20) in
cluded the usual number of literary contribu
tions, tbe regular departments, the continua
tion of Prof. Ebers "Joshua," and otber excel
lent features, Julia Ward Hpwe contributed a
paper on woman's advancement George W.
Williams wrote of the "Opening of Africa."
James A. Wake field sketched the life of Sam
Honston, the Texas hero. Wales described
tbe police patrol system of the dty.and Brenan
tbe night schools. Henry La Luberne gave an
interesting account of Dr. Brown-Seqnard's
experiments with the so-called elixir of life.
Frank G. Carpenter explained soma of the
mysteries of Chinese cookery. M. Hungerf ord
pictures peasant life In Ireland. Henrv Hay
Hie gave some graphic Parisian views. A. de
tective story entitled "Tbe Silver Locket," and
Helnrtcbs' fairy tale were among the choice
fiction. Other contributors of bright papers
were W. A. Hoy, M. M. Dilke, Rev. George
Hodges, Searigbt, William S, Walsh, Clara
Belle, Benjamin Northrop, Ed gan L. Wake-i
man, A. M. H., Falkirk. A Clergyman, F. A.
Bassett Morton and R. W. ShoppelL
A Novelty la Blowing; Infrodaced at the
Ellenville. N. Y Works.
From the X ew Tork Times. J
xne manufacture oi glassware oymaeninery
on a permanent scale li'now forth first time
undertaken In this
counter at the lone-idle
Ellenville Glass Works,
rka, in the neighboring
village of that name. It is known that the op
erative glass blowers ef tbe country are organ-
f izsd in compact and powerful labor unions
tbat are practically enabled to, dictate terms In
matters of wages and shop retaliations to tbe
manufacturer, and it Is also known tbe manu
facturers are restive under what they allege to
be the unreasonable and unjust exactions of
the labor unions, and have been casting about
for some measure ot relief.
When it was reported tbat a machine for
blowing glass bottles bad been invented ana
successfully worked in England, a syndicate of
American glass manufacturers waa formed
with the view of introducing the machines
In this country, and one ot the member was
sent over were to examine ana report upon
the merits of tbe invention. His report was
so favorable that an experimental machine
was brought over and set at work at
the Ellenville Glass Works, where it is now
Tbe machine as now fitted up will blow quart
bottles only. It is operated by a man and boy,
and is very simple of construction. It con
sists of an iron upright, around which revolves
arms fitted with molds for shaping the glass.
A pipe supplied with a current of air and
readily manipulated by the operator does tbe
work of blowing. The machine is operated
with astonishing celerity, and is said to be
capable of taming off 100 dozen of perfect bot
tles a day.
A Fair ot Animals That are Plain ftr
Tcataalo Driver,
From the .New York Sun.!
A team of German oxen are plains; for a
Teutonic driver up at Greenfield Hill, Green
wicb,Cpnn, on tbefarm of Miss Agnes Murray,
popularly known as "Lady Agnes.'' Theownir
ot the oxen called at tbe labor bureau at Castle
Garden yesterday, and asked Agent Godde for
a German farm hand. Mr. Godde said they
were pretty scarce, but tbat sbe could bare
laborer of some other nationality,
"But1 I mnst have a German," the woman
said, "as my oxen do not understand English.
They have always bad a German driver, and
I'm sure they wouldn't know which way to move
if requested to 'gee' or 'haw' in the usual Amer
ican way." Agent Godde said be feared tbat
the oxen would have to be taught the United
States dialect, includins its persuasive Idioms,
by which our oxen' are guided.
J. F, Lewis killed a large bear near Addison
hammock, southwest of Landisburg, Pa., Mon
day of last week; He was out deer stalking at
the time, and suddenly he found three bears
eyeing blm in a peculiar manner. One he killed
the first shot and the other' two disappeared
quickly ia the tan scrub.
AyACMEB near Nevada, O., heard a rap at
his door, and opening it saw the apparition of
Martin Weldimlre. who committed suicide by
hanging November 4. He asked what was
wanted, but the ghost would not answer, and
beckoned him to come out He went In the
house, and closing the door seated himself,
thinking of what had jnst occurred, and of the
meaning of such a strange visit' A loud rap
again called bim to tbe door. Forgetting for a
moment his late visitor he obeyed the sum
mons, when a sight met bis eye tbat froze him
to the spot Tbe atmosphere was lighted with
a strange light for a distance up and down the
road, and a funeral procession exactly like the
one attending the funeral of bis late neighbor
was passing his house, only it was going away
from tho graveyard instead of toward it For
a few moments his eyes were riveted ca the
strange scene, and in another moment all had
vanished. There bad been much wrangling
over tbe location of tbe suicide's grave, and
friends had been talking of having the body
disinterred and buried in another place.
Sove Wheeling boys put up a job on a user
of tbe weed, Concealing a piece ot soap in the
plus. Tbe tobacco chewer masticated some of
tbe cwnpound aud waa sick for two days.
By a mistake Norriatewn liveryman sent s
hearse asd carriage to a hose of mourning a
day ahead of thefuneraL
Txx Lc6ter police, sMble toll any crista
en a suspicious character arrested there,
bought a railroad ticket with the money found
ba hjm and shipped hlia out ot town.
Wrrsa. view of testis a sew teotk pulltas;
MefcHMrirkleh be n Heat M parch a
.WUegrt etoatsK sMtwst kteself ta b
vyes, SAe., vse veepec paci of sbs boo
- -vTt!."
At a wedding in BIrminzhazoAla.i
one of the lady guests stole a watch; diamond
and money. . -1 '
Lorenzo D. Teter and Gertrude S. Harp,
students of the Des Moines College, have been
expelled because they eloped aud got married.
At Cincinnati ahorse backed oy'eijthe
bank and fell down a declivity of 100 f eetdrag
ging his cart and driver with htm. The driver
did not get into the water, but tbeJJiorse
plunged into tho river and swam acrossto
Covington, detaching the vehicle fromhinvin
midstream. ;--
A sign that is attracting hundreds of
people to where It hangs, on a carpenter shop.
in-Paterson. N.J reads: "Coffins made and
r?p?.iTe Extra, strong ones for country peo-
pie-" The old man who owns the eatablish-t j
ment has bis own coffin on band. It Is made of JJ,
Dine wood, anri fa cnim. ;.u ... rmrP3k
of wallpaper. &
A certain vounsr ladT in Cincinnati 1st
sorry she bet on Foraker. She agreed to wheel;
her sweetheart shnnt tmm i -f.nv,rrfvar at .
noontime in case she lost, andtnow in the horrW
uio i cm ui. uie ming tne gentleman na con, jl,
sented to allow the performance to takeplaceyr
at i o'clock in the morning when the streets are) ..
not so crowded. ' , ''
Living within 2 miles of MatiapoisethV '
Mass., where all were born, are 9 brothers j5dj
sisters named Belles, who range In age:from"69?
to SS years. Altogether there-were 13 children
but 3 died. 1 at the age of G another at tbe agej
ot 60, and tbe third when he was 2iXTbe;
mother lived to be a nonagenarian. Tbe father
died in bis fisth year. ft, -v.
John Benson, a Bice county, (Minniu
farmer, performed a most remarkable feat on .
lake two miles north of Faribault recently. Ong
looking out? of his window be saw a bevy? ot
wild ducks trying to extricate themselves fromi
tne ice wnicn naa frozen about tbeir. legs dur-ji
ins tbe nieht, Beizinc a eom-rntf jt hn rnhrtl
to tbe lake and clipped off the heads of 131' of 5
A supernatural visitant, described as' a
white fieure in human shape of unusual
height which stalks through the woods, at
night, bearing in its right hand a flaming torch
and in its left a black banner emblazoned witb
skull and crossbone. is reported to have been
seen In Crenshaw county. Ala. His gbostsblp
is said to make his appearance every night at
10 o'clock, emerging from a cavern In a side
bill at tbe eastern extremity of tbe woods, and
traversing westerly until he disappears in the
uuo pine loresi.
Mr. Henry Caby, whose real name is
Kish-ka-ko, lives np In Arenac county, Mich
is a great grandson of an Indian chief of the
same name, and he sets up a clal m that In 1819
his royal ancestor was, by treaty with, the Gov
ernment, given sections 28 ana S9, on which
much of tbe most valuable pan of Bay City
stands, and now his lawyers propose to get'tha
land for him or get the- money value thereof.' - s
It la alleged that the treaty records show.no, .
uaw ui.imlMUU ut tuo 1AUU UJSat) OI WOU- rj
authorized since the treaty of 1B1X x-Ya
A new gambling arrangement haj come j.
iuuj i uKuoia Cincinnati. "ins mine snapeoiav-i,
miniature race trade with antomatlo horses
and jockey attachments the outfit beint; the?
same as you see at any race track with the exr
caption that it is made of tin instead offteshf
and blood. There are four horses. BytuniinV
A crank the horses are made to go roundjand.
round, the race becomes exdtlne; and the out
come is, of course, in doubt. One of thofma
chines is In a Vine street eating house. One
vpung man raked In a $ pot on the brown
horse the other eveninc
A stream near Benton, Tenn., is said to
be full of phantom fish . Standing on the rocks
and looking down. Into tbe water the eye can
see hundreds of trout, some of them remark ,'
ably large, darting about the pools or resting ,.
with the irentle motion necnliar to thplrtrth.
The angler casts his fine in one of these pools , J
literally swarming with fish, to all appearances, jl
ana no matter now attractive the fly or bowl?
skillful tbe fisherman he never gets a bite. AsTj
pienuiaiuineyseemia oe no one nas ever.
yet been able to catch a trout In that stream?
The fisb par no. attention to the hook or line.
and when the bait Is thrown at them, or an at-1
tempt is made to Upear them, the Instrument's
haa the appearance of passingthrongh the flsn,I
but he is not caught: when the barb or spear la"
The exquisite American Beauty which.
so says a florist, is the most popular and host-
selling rose in all the market; has a pleasing)
little history of Its awn. In the first place, it u:
I --"- -..., iuius
little history of iu own. to the first place, itm
I " onlT n9W rlSy of rose that Americavls -..-
pventothe world. France and England have i
iitwuwituMij j ue cuiuraieu vzrjeueew'
America but this Incomparable one, Curily
eaouga,-iaa,uieBawerwa not W,ratli
EiianuDc wiujouc waiting' to nays WW?
vent into tne wona encQuragea oy tne
processes or pycnnitxtion. this stnrdvnaral
exponent of American enterprise was fonnd. 1
one morning; perfect in form and color, exquis-
lte in fragrance, on a scrubby little bush In! the
garden of a Washington gentleman. Its una--.'
nn Deaaty attracted tne immediate attention"
of flqwer lovers, but wben classification was at-. '
temptea no vaneiy was iouna io include the .
new specimen, now it was produced has never;
oeenascertamea. come nappy cross between, j
two especially adapted varieties, and that cross ?
mo. result ox cnance, prooaoiy ongmaiea uiss
marvelous and perfect variety of tbe rose.j
xayaiio oar American genius, it is empnaoi
cauyseu-maae. -w
John Thomas Heslop, of Birminliam
England, is a lad whose powers of vision are ton
Jtnowniw "toe lirteff microscope" on fteeonag
w vww pwiW tw vy iuu wwl tUUlUW wyjOvC,
dearly defined. In 1878 or 1879 he was at)
tacked with some bailing eye trouble, andi.
came very near losing bis sight forever. After
the disease bad reacbecQts worst there was aql
instant and startling change f or the better
When his sight returned it was with extrior.
dlnary increased powers of vision. To John
Thomas, the most minute plant louse wasujJ
larKtta ftuiu,uu uo jawtjaiws 0111 aa
largo as an h nanme; no couia see ana oe iji
scribe distant minute objects with startling f-'
clearness and precision. He was amasingly in
shocked upon repairing' to the well to get a -"
cooling draught to see the Immense number ot.-1
hideous creatures tbat were floating fighting, '"
and wriggling about in tbe water. FroseitA ',
day to this water haa never paused the 11m of f '
John Thomas Heslop; hla drinks constet wholly .
of coffee, tea and milk, thoroughly boiled.
The doctors say tbat tbe entire organisation of
the eve has undergone a imiiinual chum
'!( 1 .lIII. h lUMUH. I.K.a..Hn.. V
larged, and that thd crystalline lens havedU' '
VIUBU iuui kmog uiiiaiouk uisaa or quaes, eaCU ; '
circle surrounded bv another of llrhthlnn. - -rt
Captain (anxionsly) Coafband it; I
I could get a second mate.
Talr Widow How would I dof-Oeeaa.
HeWell, yon, know, Ijuda othersb
one-Tea, but Isn't that a rather low standard
of Judpnentr-jBoitoi Trttnteript.
A. man, desiring to have a pet dog li
censed, facetiously asked the clerk if the doghaij
to make personal application.
'No," was the reply. "Too, as next of k
can take out the papers.' ' tfa lork ledger
Braggt This is a little late for yon i
out lia'tlt Peel? Aren't too afraid tour'
will miss your
iir. x, reet-i nope set wju. sa can a
things pretty straight, thoub.-Tirrf-ffdHt '.
press. t
labsley These novelists, make me til
Theldeaofat'wUherlnff.glancer" AsirtoyoaeJ
could be withered oy a mere look.
Wickwfre-You are jonni: yet, Yabsley,
never stepped on your wife's train at a I
Terrs nauts jixpress.
The days will come,
The days will go.
Tilt the end of life's endeavor,
Yet woman1! tongue
WUrknow no whoa,
It Is bound to run forever;
Kearney Enterprise
Benks Are you going to see Molcinift
iamous acior, vo-uiguu
Dob ton No, sir.
JSenks-Why not?
Dobson It com too math. I paid M fori
an actor last week. ."i;
Benks-Bowwas that? '
Dosson He held four tees.. Startup" i
Eural Minister None of tbe brothers!
whose duty It is to pass the plat are hereto-d
Would you object to taking no tte collection? I
Modest "Worshlper-l never passed the 'plate!)
eanreninmyuie,asa I'm azraio, rati.
"Oh, never mind about that. It n
noticed. Most of. my congregatloa bee
sorbed la their hymn book about the :
plate goes round.' Jfea York WcUly.-
Blinks What? Can't k$ep your
Jinks (tadly)-No, I can't 1 was drawaT
jurythlsweek, and couldn't get out of It '
"Indeed I did. I did my beat to male i:
eat to be a hopeless Ignoramus, bat shay wo
"fiwet BeaW, nt Thewey to in Ml
wma jvv Mvif luiHaiaua,.' j
- -4. -. at-.' ,., .. ifj