Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 18, 1889, Image 1

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If yon want Board, Rooms, ITcraei or
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THE DlbPATCH ii the best advertising
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WANTS nro always proasatly responded
to when advertised Is TltS DISPATCH.
Real Estate can be sold through adyer
tlseraeat In THE DISPATCH.
NOVEMBER 18, 1889.
First Chapter of a Series, Pre
senting Facts About
Natural Gas.
And Kot a Single .Figure Tet to
Show the Resistance of Flow.
No Mere Second-Hand Investigation, bnt a
Personal and Scientific Research Where
tbe Anticlinals Tend, and What They
signify Pressure That is Blighty Uneven,
and the Ucnaons for It Absolute Failure
to Solve Tnat Phase of the Problem in a
Practical WaT Some Definite Data and
Conclusions to Follow.
The Dispatch has made such investi
gations, through a special commissioner,
aided by experts, as will, in three or iour
chapters, throw a much clearer light than any
heretofore brought to bear upon the problem
whether or not natural gas is to be a failure.
The first chapter really only a necessary
preface gives pood groundwork for a clear
understanding of what will follow. It
should afford not only interesting but useful
reading for the thousands in this region who
think they can't get along without the gas.
Undoubtedly it will.
"Will Pittsburg continue to have natural
gas? It is a question of great moment, for
upon the truthful answer depend many
thiogs. If the supply, without diminution
in quantity, or increase in price, could be
maintained, there is no question but that
Pittsburg would gain even greater suprem
acy than she has ever attained as a manu
facturing center.
More frequent and louder have been the
complaints since the advent of winter, that
the supply of cas was short. More often
has the statement been made that the
sources of supply were being exhausted. It
seemed to present an enigma not capable of
Eolation without careful investigation.
The Dispatch, knowing the ques
tion to be one of great interest
one well worthy the time and expense de
voted to it determined to investigate. To
be of value the investigation must neces
sarily be of an expert nature. It required
the services of a trained observer, entirely
unbiased in the start, and capable of reach
ing a conclusion warranted only by the
facts, and the gathering of the testimony of
' experts.
;,. so EAsr u-EKTAETira.
it is not always easy in such a case to get
facts. Self-interest, or perversion of belief
through pre-conceived ideas, leads many
otherwise perfectly honest and truthful per
sons to color the facts to suit themselves.
Under such circumstances it becomes nec
essary to make a careful, even a minute ex
amination. To make such a research, re
quired that the person delegated to the task
should go over the ground personally; for
second-hand statements get sadly twisted.
In seeking for the answer to the question of
whetherornot Pittsburg will continue to have
anjadequate supply of natural gas, the first
fact to be considered is, what is the visible
supply? That is, how much territory con
tiguous to the city limits may be depended
upon to produce gas in paying quantities?
"Whatever arguments may have been
urged against what is known as the "anti
clinal theory," time has demonstrated the
correctness of it. In no single instance has
gas been found in paying quantities beyond
tbe anticlinal lines, or their less well de
fined but clearly understood cross cuts.
For the benefit of unscientific readers, it
may be said that "anticlinal" simply means
one incline placed against another. That
is, in geological phraseology, the upheaval
of the strata of the rock so as to make a
ridge. A monoclinal is the upheaval of
strata of rocs: in such a manner as to leave
them without any corresponding support.
A. monoclinal maybe found between two
parallel anticliuals, but never, or at least
seldom, if the anticliuals are closely con
In "Western Pennsylvania, according to
the last geological svrveys, there are no less
than 11 anticliuals, in which it is possible
'gas may be found. It is not pretended that
gas can be found in all of them, nor in the
entire length of any one. The antilcinals
often are lost; but they retain their general
identity, through outcroppings, in many in
stanees an astonishing distance from where
they disappeared. The general, though
very irregular, direction is northeast
Taking Pittsburg as the center, the limit
of possible gas territory would be found on
the west on the Harrisville anticlinal, near
New Cumberland, Hancock county, W.Va.
Directly east, It would reach nearly 100
miles, on the Laurel Hill anticlinal, be
tween the Conemaugh river and Black Lick
creek. Directly north, on the eightieth
parallel, it would again reach the Harris
ville anticlinal at a distance of 100 miles,
1 near Harrisville, Butler county. Directly
south, the Waynesburg anticlinal would be
the limit, less than 40 miles from the city.
But it must be borne in mind that these
anticliuals run in a northeasterly direction,
and that Pittsburg lies in almost the center
o the field, so that the territory is actually
much greater than would be indicated by
direct lines north and south and east and
west. In. fact, shonld gas be found on each
anticlinal, and at every place on each, Pitts
burg would have a gas territory of many
thousand acres upon which to draw, and
need have no fears of a failure or the sup
plyfor years to come. It is not the purpose
M of iibii article, however, to state where all
the gas territory exists; that will come
.farther along.
? ajt expebt's view of it. j
F Some two or three weeks ago I was talk
ning with Prof. J. C. "White, the person who
- prepared the only map that has been pub-
,..ucu ui iuc muciiuaii in n esiern i'enn
ilsylrania with direct referpnre to trio cm.
... - ..... ,..
u was not about gas that we were
speaking, but the extension of the oil
fields in West Virginia, which he was
developing thorongh faith in his own anti
clinal theory. He said very significantly
in pantomime that it required elbow grease
to demonstrate whether or not oil or gas was
to be found in any anticlinal, although
neither could be found outside the limits of
an anticlinal. Since then I have read an
article which he published in the Petroleum
Age, a magazine now deceased, in which he
The essence ot it all is that tbe great supplies
of natural gat have accumulated in tbe rock
reservoirs, in regions of disturbtnee by which
tbe reservoirs in question have been elevated
above contiguous areas of the samo beds, and
in tbe lower levels ot which oil and water may
be expected; or, in other words, gas has accu
mulated where anticlmals or monocllnals of
considerable (but not too great) extent have
raised tbe rocks into arcbes and other forms of
elevation, and bence, as Frof. Orton says,
structure Is tbe main element in the occurrence
of gas and oil in large quantity.
I will not attempt to dwell now upon the
potency of this paragraph. Its meaning will
be more clear in subsequent papers.
The large natural gas companies of Pitts
burg do not depend upon the State geologi
cal surveys, nor upon any maps published
by -any person. They make their own sur
veys, and follow the anticlinals with their
eccentric windings and turnings, and secure
territory where the practical experience of
thelrained civil engineers think it will be
best. The chief official of the land depart
ment of one natural gas company looked
over Prof. White's map on Saturday, and
smiled sardonically as he followed the in
dicated anticlinals. But after all he con
fessed that the general direction of each was
correct, while pointing out the variations,
and the places in which the anticlinals were
lost, by actual surveys. A suppressed anti
clinal it becomes under such circumstances,
that title having been given to it by general
After finding the scope of the territory
upon which Pittsburg may draw for natural
gas, tbe next question is, How can it draw?
At first gas was brought to Pittsburg un
der high pressure through small pipe lines.
So high was the pressure that stringent
regulations were made by the municipal au
thorities against carrying over a specified
number of pounds per square inch within
tbe city limits. No pipe larger than ten
inch was laid, or was deemed necessary
when the gas first came into general use.
The gas was carried in these pipes at such
an enormously high pressure that it was
necessary to have escape pipes in the city to
relieve the pressure at night It is not so
What is known as rock pressure is the
carrying power of the gas. It must come
from the wells under a pressure great
enough to propel it through a long line of
pipe. The principal supply for Pittsburg
comes from a distance of from 30 to 40 miles,
some of it as much as CO miles away.
It might be supposed that a simple alge
braic problem would give the amount of
flow through a given sized pipe under a
known initial pressure, and for a known
distance. It would be easy enough to de
termine the quantity of water delivered un
der such circumstances; but it is not at all
possible to determine the amount of gas.
In the first place there is an astonishing
difference in volume in gas under differing
pressures and difierenttemperaturej. A
change of 450 in temperature of the
gas will increase or decrease the volume of
natural gas SO per cent A difference in
pressure of 200 pounds will make a differ
ence of at least one-sixth in volume. Re
markable as it may seem, no formulas have
been made to show the resistance of flow, so
that it is only possible to guess at it by iso
lated cases.
What is known as the Acme natural gas
pipe line, 10 inches in diameter, which was
one of the tightest and best ones ever laid,
started with gas at 500 pounds pressure from
the wells and brought it to the low pressure
lines at the city limits, at only 65 pounds
pressure an enormous waste. A 16 inch
line from Murrysville, reasonably tight,
left the wells at 200 pounds pressure,
and SO miles distant gave only 15 pounds
pressure. Snch figures as these simply
prove nothing. It is known that the
carrying capacity of a pipe 10 inches in di
ameter is much more than twice that of a
pipe only 5 inches in diameter, when it is
water that is carried; and the resistance is
known under certain pressures at the initial
point with the pipe discharging freely at
the end; but water is not subject to the
great changes in volume that gas is.
These unlcnown quantities have not been
made a subject oi so much study by the
natural gas companies as they would have
been had there been more time to study
them. The whole business is done with a
rush. It is a singular fact, but never
theless a fact, that no reliable test
has ever been made of the tempera
ture of gas as it comes from the sand
rocks, and then what it is when it
enters the pipe. Several German scientists,
who were over here recently, seemed espe
cially anxious to get such tests.
It was impossible to gratify them, simply
for the reason that all the wells are drilled
by contract, and no contractor would allow
the six hours' loss of time which would re
sult by the stoppage of work each time
such a test was made, in order to allow the
sand to regain its normal temperature after
the heat made by the friction of the drill
had subsided.
No known method has been devised for
driving natural gas. It must carry itself,
or it does not go at all. Taking the two in
stances named, ont of many that might be
given, it follows that with small pipes there
must be a high rock pressure from the wells
or the gas cannot be piped for a distance of
SO or 40 miles.
Whether or not this rock pressure is still
maintained, and what effect the decrease in
rock pressure has, where it has occurred,
anu way, win De toia in suosequent arti
cles, in connection with field observations;
since it is the aim, iu publishing this series,
to proceed in aconsecntive and progressive
line, in order that the interesting and vital
conclusions be clearly understood, without
wearying the reader by attempting to go too
far at a single reading.
Another question equally important in
determining the problem oi stability is the
character of the sand in which the gas is
fonnd; whether it generates gas, or is simply
a storage uouse wuicu may in time Decome
exhausted. Gas is never found in solid
granite; it invariably comes from
Sometimes this sand is actually pebbly,
as is found in some sections of the Murrvs
ville field. In other cases it may have the
appearance of greater density; but, never
theless, it will be found to be porous. No
gas sand that will produce a paying well is
of greater density tnan will admit of one
sixth of its volume in gas. The gas is con
tained in the interstices ofthe (tone possibly
in a liquid form, because ot the high pres
sure. It certainly is greatly condensed, at
any rate. The boring of the hole allows it
to escape; but it escapes from a storehouse,
and, when it is all out, there is and can be
no immediate or early process of regenera
tion or restoration; it is gone.
".Always taking out of the meal tub. and
never putting in, will soon exhaust the
supply," is an old saw which is axiomatic
As there is no replacing of the gas, as it
cannot now be replaced, having been gen
erated and stored countless years ago, it
follows that there must be exhaustion of
fields in time. How Jong? Well, we shall
all come very close to knowing, later on.
The dependence, then, for future sup
plies must be on new territory. As the cost
of pipeage is now as $50 to every ?1 in
vested in drilling a well (which in itself
reaches as high, in cases, as 5,000), the
opening of new territory must necessarily
become more and more expensive.
These are only preliminary statements,
which will be more fully explained and
demonstrated in what is to follow, continu
ing Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.
C.'T. Dawson.
A Modern Japhet Tarns Up In a Now York
Police Conn The Romantic Tnlo
Told by a Young Man Tinder
Arrest for Mlsnppro-
priallog Money.
New Yobk, November 17. Victor L.
Johnson, a young man of 20, told a remark
able story at the Harlem police court, to
day. He was employed as a collector by
Henry A. Connolly. Until quite recently,
he says, he supposed himself to be an or
phan, his grandparents having had charge
of him since childhood. They live in East
New York. Not many weeks ago Victor
received information which led him to be
lieve that his grandparents had deceived
him all these years, and that his father was
alive. He left his grandparents' house and
went to live with the family of Mr. Earle,
East New York. It is said that he expects
soon to wed Mr. Earle's daughter. At all
events Mr. Earle aided young Johnson all
he could in his search for a father.
Two weeks ago the young man .earned
beyond donbt that his father was all e and
was editor, or proprietor, or both, of a news
paper published in Fayetteville, N. C. The
newspaper directory does not mention this
Mr. Johnson. Victor had in his pocket,
when he made this discovery, $95, which he
had collected for his employer. He started
for North Carolina without pavtng it over.
Arriving there he says he received a hearty-
welcome irom nis lather, who had been tola
that the boy had died at birth, with his
mother, whereas only the mother died and
her parents took charge of the infant and
reared him, in ignorance of the fact that his
father was alive.
After spending several days with his
father, Vietor says he returned to New York
to settle up his affairs here and make ar
rangements to go and live at Fayetteville.
Meantime, Mr. Connolly had secured a
warrant for his arrest Victor went to his
employer's office Saturday with this story,
and said he was going back to North Caro
lina on Sunday or Monday, and would for
ward tbe 05 as soon as he got there again.
Mr. Connolly sent for a policeman and
young Johnson was locked up.
Mr. Earle had not lost faith in him, and
has either settled the young man's indebted
ness or guaranteed it, and Mr. Connolly
asked at the police court to-day to be al
lowed to withdraw the complaint. Justice
White canceled the warrant, Victor says
he will return to his father at once.
A Large Dnnvbridse Swung Into Position In
Less Than One Da j.
New Yobk, November 17. The diffi
cult engineering feat of swinging into place
a new and unusually large railroad draw
bridge, with but a 'few hours' interruption
of traffic, was accomplished tr?3ay at te
Hackensack river, on the Erie road. The
old draw was of wood, and single. It has
been in use about 26 years, ever since the
construction of the old Morris road.
The new draw is double, and of
iron. It has been built upon a newly-constructed
pivotal foundation during the
past four months, and it opens a
wider channel ou each side than
the old single passageway. To-day's work
comprised the riveting together of two
halves of the new dam, and the removal of
tbe old one, together with several feet of the
approaching trestle work on each side.
The new approaches for one track had
been completed on each side, the grade be
ing raised about two feet A large force of
men began work after the last train had
crossed Saturday night, and the undertaking
was practically accomplished soon after
dark this evening. The calculations of tbe
engineers were exact, and as soon as the
riveting was accomplished and the old piling
had been removed the new bridge swung
around in its proper place, exactly as was
Bo Is Discovered Admiring the Grnndenr of
KIngara Falls.
Suspension Bridge, N, Y., Novem
ber 17. George S. Bequa, a missing bride
groom from Tenafly, N. J., has been found
here at the Spencer House. He arrived at
Niagara Falls at 7 o'clock a. m. Wednes
day, and at the hotel it was noticed
that he was not in strong mental condition.
He walked about Prospect Park and Goat
Island, and spoke especially of the fascina
tion experienced while standing at Prospect
Point, viewing the American falls, and
asked numerous questions in regard to peo
ple who have jumped from the point into
the river.
The agony of the parents and the young
bride was something terrible during the few
days his whereabouts was unknown.
Ono Dion's Hend Blown Off The Roof of a
Steel Works Broken.
TrrusviLLE, Pa., November 17. This
morning at 2 o'clock a terrible explosion
shook the city. It was found that the boiler
at the Titusville Bedstead Works had
bursted, tearing John Carlsen, the watch
man, to pieces. His head was blown off.
The dome and boiler went 20 feet in the air,
and came down through tbe roof oi the
Burgess Steel Works.
Carlsen had a wife and six children in
Sweden. He was just going to send for
them. The wreck is dreadful.
Denial of tbo Story of Her Poverty and
Physical Sufferings.
Bobdentown, N. J., November 17.
Dr. William H. Shipps, of this city, attend
ing physician of the Parnells here several
years, says tnat at no time since Mrs. Par
nell took up her residence at "Ironsides"
has she lacked medicine or medical attend
ance. He further savs that her present physical
condition, considering her years, is remark
able for its vigbr.
Fannie Reese and Sadie Smith Swept From
u Boggy at a Ford.
Ctnthiana,K:t., November 17. Fannie
Reese and Sadie Smith were drowned to-day
while crossing a swollen stream near here.
They were young people who had attended
a social gathering and been compelled to
remain over night by the rain.
The girls were returning home in a baggy,
and the buggy nas swept away at a ford.
The Brazilian Emperor Sails for
Lisbon Under an Escort.
Bat Had to leave the Country Upon Twenty-four
Hours' Notice.
Tbe Eesult in the South American Empire Causes, ,
Uneasiness la tbe Kuropeau Conntiy.
Ex-Emperpr Dom Pedro H., of Brazil, is
now on the Atlantio Ocean on his way to
Lisbon, Portugal. He was notified by the
Provisional Government that he must leave
the country within 21 hours, and he
sailed under escort of a Brazilian
ironclad. He is given a yearly allowance
to' support himself in Europe. There now
seems to be a possibility that Portugal will
follow the action of the South American
Empire, and a revolution is momentarily
expected there.
The members of the Brazilian legation are
still without information direct from their
own country in regard to the situation of
affairs there. They were in hopes of receiv
some news to-day, but none came, and their
only intelligence was derived from the press
and from a telegram to the United States
Department of State.
Secretary Blaine said this evening that he
had received only one dispatch from Bio,
and that simply confirmed the press dis
patches. It stated in substance that the
army and navy were on the side of the in
surgents; that a provisional government had
been formed, and that the Emperor was a
prisoner in his palace.
A Brazilian, who is thoroughly conver
sant with the affairs of his country, and
who is well qualified to speak with regard
to the situation in Brazil, said this evening:
"I believe that the movement has occurred
and that the capital is in the hands of
the insurgents, but I do not believe that
this new Government has come- to
stay. We need to have more information
about the personnel of the newly pro
claimed government to believe in its per
manence. I think it is a military movement
supported by a few thousand civilians, and
that when the provinces are heard from
a reaction will take place. The names
of those announced as at the heard of
affairs are all those of Bepublicans, and
they are not men of high standing. The
Ministry is mostly composed of lawyers and
men of the press. I don't believe they will
have the confidence of the people. If we
could see some ofthe old leadersof Brazilian
affairs in the movement it would be differ
ent, but there is not one who is not already
a recognized Bepublican.
in favor of a Bepublic could not spring up
in a night without any warning. The last
elections show that the Bepublican party re
turned only two members, and that.;
the elections were tair and open.
That does not show any sentiment
favoring "a TJepublicT The insurgents
have captured the capital, the head of the
nation, and as the navy Is with them, they
control all means of communication. There
is undoubtedly a' censorship of the cable
service, and the company has been notified
that its wires would be cut un
less it submitted all messages be
fore they were sent I would
like to hear what the other
side are doing and something from the
provinces. If yon were an American in
Bio and heard that by a sudden and
able movement the garrison and the
citizens had captured the departments.
imprisoned tbe President and the
Cabinet and set up a government
you would want to know what Virginia,
New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and other
States were doing before being convinced
that the new government would last. I be
lieve the movement is a military one and
not supported by more than 5,000 civilians.
It would be very easy for the army and
navy, by surprise, when the officers of the
Government were peacefully and quietly
attending to their business, to capture the
city of Bio, secure them through the navy
control of outside communication and im
prison the Emperor.
'"But," it was suggested, "if the people
are favorable to the Emperor, how can they
maintain control?"
"That," was the reply, "is just what is
lacking, and I expect to hear that the Prov
inces have rallied to the Emperor s support.
Although he is imprisoned, he is still the
Emperor, and the Provinces can declare tor
him. I think the Provinces will declare
war against the Capital, and that the situa
tion will resemble that in France at
the time of the Paris Commune.
There are in the navy about 5,500
officers and sailors, not all of
whom are in Bio, many being abroad. The
army has about the same strength, and with
5,000 civilians upholding them, it would
make 15,000 men only, and I do not believe
the movement has greater strength,
rr all came fbom bio.
"It Is trne the dispatches say some of the
Provinces have declared for a republic, but
mis ait comes irom aid ana those who have
seized the Central Government We have
not got the other side. Knowing the coun
try, I do not think the Provinces have so
declared. The Bepublican party through
out the Empire is organ
ized into small clubs and their
members would, of course, send in their
felicitations to the General Government
There are also small garrisons of 50 or more
men in the various Provinces, and these
have sent in their congratulations. This, I
think, is the foundation for tbe statement
in regard to the Provinces. I cannot be
lieve in the permanence of the
republic until we get more information and
something from tbe other side." Of the new
Cabinet three members are journalists, the
President, Deodoro Da Fonseca, and the
Minister of War, Benjamin Constant are
soldiers, and the remaining three members
are lawyers. Senor Quintauo Bocavuva is
looked upon here as perhaps the leader in
the revolution movement He is the editor
of La Pais, published in Bio de Janeiro,
and is said to have a beautiful style as a
writer. He is a Bepublican of long stand
ing, and-has earnestly labored for the crea
tion of a republic. Benjamin Constant,
tbe Minister of War, has heretofore been a
professor in the Polytechnic school, and a
member of the Board of Military Engineer
The Emperor Sails for Lisbon After Learn
. Ing of His Deposition.
London, November 17. A dispatch
from Bio Janeiro says: Dom Pedro has de
parted from Brazil. He sailed direct for
Lisbon. Before his departure he was for
mally notified of his deposition. At the
same time he was informed that thexivil
list would be continued.. The Province of
Bahia opposes the .Bepublic, bat most-of
the other provinces have signified their ad
herence to tbe new regime.
Dr. Barboza says contracts entered into
by. the Imperial Government will be main
tained. The city is quiet. The overthrow
ofthe monarchy has temporarily paralyzed
business. Ou the exchanges nothing is
The Pans corresnnnri nut nf thn Daltv Newt
says: The Republican Council at Bio Janeiro
PUbllC ThAlMdM .f tha n.rtvv.tn An P.ftnfl.
dent of success that they ordered a number of
Republican flags to be made in this city. In the
new flag the imperial crown is replaced by a
Phrygian cap.
It is reported that Dom Pedro recently ex
pressed to his Prime Minister tbe opinion tbat
the Government bad not much longer to live.
Among the causes that led to the revolutlonwere
tbe tyrannical measures to which the Govern
ment resorted in order to secure the return of
its supporters at the last elections, when many
e'eetors were arrested and imprisoned.
The Brazilian Minister here expresses sur-
Snsa that several staunch Monarchists, whom
e thought incapable of treason, are among the
reported ringleaders ot the Brazilian Civil
Government. He said the Republicans-are
only a small minority; that the Emperor is uni
versally beloved; that General Da Fonscca has
much prestige and is popular with the army,
and tbat Senhor Constant is not important as a
The Minister's son scouts tbe idea that
slavery had anything to do with tbe movement
The Republicans, be said, supported tbe eman
cipation ot the slaves. A revolution had been
foreseen, but was not expected to take place
until after the death of the Emperor.
Pedro la Allowed a Yenrly Bum to
Snpport Himself In Europe.
Lima, November 17. Via Galveston.
The latest advices from Bio Janeiro, dated
November 16, 9:55 P. M., are to the effect
that the province of Bahia is opposed to the
revolution. Viscount Onro Preto, ex-Minister
of tbe Interior, and Senhor jiayunck,
a banker, have been arrested. The
Emperor is looked on with suspicion. The
provisional Government has abolished the
monarchy. The revolutionary commission
addressed a message to the Emperor, telling
him to leave the conntrv in 24 hours. The
Emperor acknowledges this and leaves by
tne pacKet Alagoas, accompanied oy the
ironclad Trachuelo.
The Brazilian Bepublic will give the
Emperor a certain amount to live in Europe,
The Bevolntionary Commission has been
sworn in before the Chamber of tbe Muni
cipality. The Bepublio is a certainty and
great enthusiasm prevails.
Slay Do tbe Same In Portugal.
Bbtjbsels, November 17. The Inde
pendence Beige has a dispatch from Lisbon
saying: "The overthrow ot the Brazilian
monarchy is regarded as definitive. The
people sympathize with the Brazilians.
Similar events are possible in Portugal."
Philadelphia Capitalists Investing Heavily
In nn Alabama Iron Furnace Great
Retnrns Expected by tho Pro
moters of tbe Enterprise.
rerrciAr, tzleobam to the dispatch.
Philadelphia, November 17. A com
pany, with a capital of $2,000,000, of which
Judge W. A. Hudson, of Alabama, is
president, is being organized by Philadel
phia capitalists, for the purpose of operat
ing iron furnaces in Florence, Ala. James
Pollock, the carpet manufacturer, who is
the prime mover in the enterprise, said to-day:
"We have contracted for 8.400 building
lots, 1,000 acres of ore land, and 20 acres,
with foundations already laid, lor the lar
gest furnace in the South. Our furnace will
have a capacity of 150 tons per day. It will
be directlv opposite the North Alabama
fEruaee,-oh.tbe banks, of 'theTennessee
uooper snapiey nas gone oown 10 Florence
to examine the titles, and reports them ab
solutely clear. As to the ore, the North
Alabama furnace, in which the ore has
been used, has produced a yield of 115 tons
of iron from 200 tons of ore, which I under
stand is unprecedented.
"Coal is within easy reach, and we have
limestone on the premises, while the cost of
transportation by steamer up the Tennessee
being only $51 25 per ton to St Louis, will
give us an excellent chance to compete for
the Western trade, the Birmingham fur
nace having to pay $3 25 per ton to bring
their iron to the same marset The cost ot
labor is 20 per cent less than, it is North,
which fact, in conjunction with the cheap
ness of transportation, enables the North
Alabama Furnace Company to deliver iron
in St Louis at $11 to $12 per ton. We
have, beside, the advantage over the Bir
mingham furnace that their ore contains an
excess of. 'phosphorus, while our ore is more
of a neutral ore, which produces stronger
Joseph S. Patterson and a number of
friends engaged iu the iron business, and
who have subscribed for blocks of the stock,
intend going down toward the end of this
month to examine the quality of the iron
manufactured by the North Alabama Fur
nace Company.
Senator Sawyer, a Sinn of Few Words,
Hard at Work for Gaentber.
Washington, November 17. Senator
Sawyer, of Wisconsin, has the reputation
of being an exceedingly shrewd man, both
ic politics and business. He has
been very successful in both pur
suits, and attributes much of his
good fortune to his life-long habit of
keeping his mouth shut Uncle Sawyer
served as a Bepresentative in Congress for
ten vears. is now in his second term
as Senator, and has held various other
public offices, including that of Mayor of
Oshkosh. During all this service he never
made a speech, and it is said that he does
not intend to.
The Senator -now has a little matter
on hand that he is saying nothing
about to anyone except a few of
his colleagues, bnt which he hopes
to bring to a successful conclusion
nevertheless. For the past two or three
months the wily Senator has beenconduct
ing a quiet bnt effective canvass in the in
terest of ex-Bepresentative Gnenther, ofthe
Badger State, for the office of Sergeant-at-Arms
of the Senate,
Harry Beard, the Illustrator, Almost If Not
Qnite Asphyxiated.
New Yobk, November 17. Harry
Beard, the artist, well known as an illus
trator, took a room at Coffey's little two
story frame "Household" Hotel, Saturday
night, as he had done frequently before,
and retiring late, left word that he
wished to be awakened at 1 o'clock Sunday
afternoon. When his door was opened at
that hour, by Mr. Coffey's daughter, Mr.
Beard was found in his bed, unconscious.
A drop-light with two jets hung from
the wall opposite the foot of his
bed. One ot the jets was lighted, and.
the gas was escaping from the other. Dr.
W. L. Mackenzie was summoned, and later
on Dr. James E. NewcQmb.
After working over Beard until 7 o'clock.
Dr. Newcomb called a Booievelt Hospital
ambulance. The hospital physician Jate to
night considered Mr. Beard's condition very
serious. Mr. Beard lives at"Flushing, and
has a studio in the Judge building. The
circumstances seem to indicate accident
rather than design.
Boy Killed by a Train.
Piedmont, W. Va., November 17.
Walter Buckalew aged 12 years, was struck
br a Baltimore and Ohio train here this
afternoon ana killed
Baltimore Catholics Say That is the
Best Temperance Method,
Resolutions Which Leave no Boom for
Don&t as to Meaning.
A Talk by Arcbbisbop Ireland Fall of Snestloa to
Temperance Workers.
A notable gathering was that in Balti
more last night, in which the Catholic
Church of America took the ground that
high license is the. best method of curing
the evils of intemperance. Cardinal Gib
bons presided, and Archbishop Ireland
made an address, Strong and expressive
resolutions were adopted.
Baltimoee, November 17. A natural
sequence ofthe position taken by the Catho
lic Congress was the mass meeting to-night
under the auspices of the Catholio Church
in favor of high license at Harris' Academy
of Music It was attended by persons of
all shades of religious opinion. On the'
stage sat His Eminence, Cardinal Gibbons,
Monsignor McColgan, Archbishop Elder,
Bishop Virtue, Bishop Keane, Bev. James
Nugent, Bev. James Cleary and some hun
dred prominent citizens interested in tbe
movement Every seat in the great theater
was occupied, and crowds were turned
away. Mr. P. Harris tendered the use of
the Academy free as a favor to his friend,
Archbishop Ireland. Cardinal Gibbons
presided. As he came forward to speak; he
received a warm greeting. Cardinal Gib
bons said:
I appear before you to-night, not only as a1
churchman, but also and chiefly as a fellow
citizen, anxious for tbe moral welfare of my
native city. Whatever contributes to the
moral growth of Baltimore, whatever contri
butes to tbe happiness of the people, has my
must nearly cooperation: ana x nrmiy
believe to-nlghe that the noble cause
which will be advocated here. If
successful, will contribute, under God's bless
ing, to the moral welfare of our beloved city;
tojhe welfare of tbe people: to tbe domestic
happiness and tranquility of the poorer classes
and of the laborer, f Applause. I The blow tbat
we strike to-night is a blow struck for tbe
the cause of the laboring man. and it must and
shall be successful. Applause.
Bey. James Nugent, the English temper
ance orator, spoke at some length of the
temperance work in England.
Bev. Dr. James Cleary next spoke, and
after him Archbishop Ireland was pre
sented. The latter said in substance:
Tbe position of tbe Catholic Church ou tem
perance and other social questions bas been
clearly stated In tbe Catholic Lay Congress
held In Baltimore. Tbe corrupting influence
of saloons in politics, tbe crime and pauperism
resulting from excessive drinking, require
legislative restriction, which we can aid in pro
curing by-joinine our influence with that oi the
other enemies of temperance.
Tbe Catholic Church Is absolutely and irre
vocably opposed to drunkenness, and to drunkard-making.
In vain we profess to work for
souls if we do not labor to drive out an evil
which is daily begetting sms by the ten thous
and and peopling belt. In vain we boast of
civilization and liberty It we do not labor to ex
terminate intemperance.
Your movement for high taxation of tbe
traffic with judicious supplementary olanses
as to character of venders of liquor, and for
feiture la case of violation of laws, deserves.
Tb6"snpportota!Wrhi3 will not do away with
aii evu; is wm reauce immensely tne evil, and
its best results will be where they are most
needed among the poor and the, laboring
A series of resolutions were then read as
The Catholic clergy and laltyof tbe city of
Baltimore, in mass meeting assembled under
the presidency of their diocesan bead, keenly
alive to the gigantic evils of intemperance in
the use ot Intoxicating drinks, evils which
menace tbe dearest Interests of religion and
thus imperil the well-being and stability
of the State and society at large; justly
alarmed, moreover, at tbe fearful havoo
wrought in so many ot their co-religionists by
this deadly vice, which thwarts tbe best efforts
of the Church in their behalf and renders
fruitless ber noblest influences and casting
aDont lor a means wmen will, it not at once and
entirely enre, at least greatly diminish the evil,
and thus pave the way to a complete moral
restoration, believe tbat they see this remedy
in what is known as the hizh license move.
ment Wherefore, it Is resolved as the sense of
this meeting:
First Tbat high license is at present tbe
only feasible and the only hopeful means of
stemming the deluge of vices and crimes of
which drunkenness is the frightful source.
Second That to make the remedy really
effective tbe license sbonld be put so high as
to make It practically prohibitory as regards
tbe multitude ot low saloons which are de
moralizing and brutalizing tbe poor, who, more
than any other class,need the help and comforts
of religion to make their hard lot endurable
Third That not merely a high license will
secure all the good aimed at by tbe movement,
but tbat certain restrictions should be enacted
as to tbe time and place of sale, and the
character of those who may be per
mitted to carry on the traffic
Thus, the number of saloons in
any one radius should be limited by statute:
they shonld not be suffered too near to churches
or schools. The excellentSnndaylawof onr city
npon this point should be rigidly enforced, ana
failure upon the part of the authorities to
carry out the law shonld be summarily pun
General Comstock Leaves New Orleans for
His Red Blver Work.
New Obleans, November 17. General
C. B. Comstock, President of the Mississippi
Biver Commission, arrived here this morn
ing from Wilson's Point, and left a few
hours later for Bed river to inspect the
Government works on that stream.
General Comstock states that a board of
engineers will meet in New Orleans on the
29th instant to examine and -report on the
proposed railroad bridge across the Missis
sippi river at that place, aa directed by the
Secretary of War.
Prof. Swift Discovers a Large One Without
Any Tail.
rsrxctu. txixoham to ths dispatch.1
Eochesteb, N. Y., November 17.
Prof. Louis Swift, of Warner's Observatory.
has discovered another comet, which he lo
cated in right ascension 22 42' 25'', north
declination 11 50'.
The comet has a slow northeasterly mo
tion, is without a tail, but quite large, and
can be faintly discerned in Pegasus in XI.
This makes six comets now in sight.
The Entire Neighborhood of VIckibnrg
Toms Ont to Hear Him.
Vicksbhbo, Miss., November 17. This
afternoon Sam Jones delivered a powerful
sermon to men only, and addressed about
6,000 people, the immense tent being to
crowded that even standing room was hardly
To-night an equally large assemblage met
to hear him, and the city is full of people
from adjacent towns and country.
Miners Frozen to Death
Glentvood Spbtnos, Col., November
17. Pat Gallagher and, Ed Connelly, two
miners at Coal Bidge, eight miles from here,
lost their way Friday night while retBraiag
to the miaes from New Cati, m4 were
ibeih roea to death.
Confirmation ot tbe Tale of Saffel
Ubop Taylor's Missionaries 31an
Them Had to Saccarab to the
Pangs of Hanger Des
titution of Others.
new Yobk, November 17. A yesr or
so ago one of Bishop Taylor's missionaries re
turned with his wife from the Congo,and re
ported that the party whom the Bishop
had led from this country to the
great river was to poorly sup
plied with the necessities of life that
the greatest suffering and destitution ex
isted. The report was denied by friends of
'Bishop Taylor, and the returning
missionary was accused of great exaggera
tion. His story, however, seems to be
fully confirmed by a report just published
in Xe Mouvemenl Geographfym on the con
dition of the Congo missions.
Considerable space is given to tbe Taylor
mission, which is said to have been "most
unfortunate in its beginnings."
It is said in tbe first place, that Bishop
Taylor went to the Congo with the idea tbat
after he had reached Stanley Pool he could
gain the country of the Baluba, his chief
destination on the Lulus river, by means of
barges and sail boats to be built
at Stanley Pool. He gave up this idea
as soon as he reached the Congo, and it is
said he abandoned at Banana. Boma and
Vivi, a considerable part of tne stores he
had brought at great cost from America,as he
tound them wholly nnsmted to tbe needs or
hii expedition. When he returned to Europe
and America to getfnnds to build a steamer,
he lefta part of his peopleatVivi, sheltered
only by a tent, and a very poor one at that.
The sufferings of the party were severe,
there were a number of deaths and several
missionaries returned home.
The Bishop has not despaired of ultimate
success, and at present "he is investigating
the chances of successfully attempting to
carry his steamer along the north shore of
the river to Manyanga. Meanwhile, his
missionaries, who, as is well-known, are
expected to be' mainly self-supporting, are
scattered along the lower river, far from
their intended destination, and are living as
they can. Their principal resource is hunt
ing and fishing.
Friends of the Lnte President of the Bontn-
era Confederacy fenr HI Illness
Will Prove Fatal ITU Age and
WeakAss Against Hint.
New Obleans, November 17. Mr. Jef
ferson Davis, ex-President of the Southern
Confederacy, now lying dangerously 01 at
the residence of Mr. L IT. Payne, in this
. city, passed successfully through last night
As on the previous night, he was very rest
less, and became much worse after midnight,
although not as sick as on Friday. The
weather, which was iheavy, damp and cold,
seemed to affect him unfavorably, and great
difficulty was encountered in preserving
that even temperature in the room regarded
as absolutely necessary to the patient.
It is evident that Mr. Davis' condition is
extremely critical, and he will not be re
garded as out of danger for three or four
days to come. Shonld he have a return of
the difficulty in breathing , which attacked
him Friday night, or any other relapse, the
chances are unfavorable for a second escape
from death which then threatened him, and
igwould require but a short paroxysm to
prove fatal. His weakness is so great that he
is unable to lift his arm or to turn over on
the bed. His only food is beef tea, and this
he takes by the teaspoonful. Last night he
suffered from nausea, and it was feared that
his stomach also was 'failing him, which
would have proved dangerous in his present
low condition, but lie recovered and took
the beef tea regularly.
During the day Mr. Davis had a return
of fever, but it passed sway, and to-night he
is somewhat better. Mrs. Davis still takes
a favorable view of her husband's condi
tion, and calls attention to the fact that she
has nursed him through many similar
attacks. The unfavorable circumstances
are his age and his present great weakness.
For nearly a year past friends who have
seen him at Beau voir have recognized the
fact that his health waa failing and that
old age was beginning to tell oa him.
The Little Actress Palnfally Injared by aa
Accident la Boston.
Boston. November it. Lotta, theactress.
who is spending the winter in Boston, met
with a serious accident on Beacon street,
last Thursday evening, the facts of which
have just been made public. She and her
mother had stepped into their carriage,
when the horses turned and started down
Beacon street- By the purest accident Miss
Lotta discovered that the driver was not on
his box, and the horses were increasing
tneir speea. as quicc as thought she
realized her perilous position, and
forcing open the carriage door she
sprang output in doing so her dress caught
and she was thrown violently to the ground,
striking on her head and side. She was
picked up in a half-conscious state and
taken into the house where she had been
visiting, and two physicians were called.
It was found that her injuries were a con
tusion on the head and severe braises on the
left limb and foot. Mrs. Crabtree, who re
mained In the carriage while the horses ran
a couple of blocks, cried for assistance, when
the driver and a couple of men chased and
caught the horses and relieved her from her
perilous position.
During the few minutes which the mother
and daughter were separated each naturally
thought tbat the other might have been
killed. In getting into the carriage neither
of the ladies nor the gentleman who wag
assisting them noticed that the driver was
not on the box. After the accident Miss
Lotta was removed to the Brunswick, and
she will not be able to leave her apartments
for a week or two. This is the second acci
dent Miss Lotta has experienced withia six
Edward Gregg Shot and Killed by Hesry
Robinson la Kansas City.
Kansas Cm, November 17". Edward
Gregg was shot and killed this evening by
Henry Bobinson. Bobinson was a colored
waiter at the Centropolls Hotel, and became
engaged in a quarrel with David Daven
port, a fellow waiter. He hit Davenport in
the mouth with his fistj and then chased
him into the kitchen with a revolver. The
fugitive, arriving at the kitchen, ran behind
.Edward Gregg, the second cook.
Just then Bobinson discharged his re
volver. The shot took effect in Gregg's
breast, and produced a wound from, which
he soon died.
The Most-Tolked-of CandMato for Speaker
at Mr. Morton's Washlagtoa Tavern.
rarscxu, tx-bsxax to sax dispatch.!
WASHmQTOir, November 17. Kepre
fe&tative Beed, the most aggressive Speak
ership candidate ofthe whole lot, arrived, in
town to-day. With due regard to the Sab
bath he refrained from talking ou pablio
matters, but announces that he will be at
home to-morrow, prepared to vigorously
open the canvass.
Mr. Beed is domiciled at the Bhoreham,
where he will be under the prattetiae wing
ofiteTiee Freidatal owner, proprietor of
the ;'het rtrtttifed fcr fat Ww wWld."
x&eet in Philadelphia and Listen to
vumauiuiiaub ujicciiucs
Won Hade to SHI Of AU.tlia
Wicked Reporters.
Any Mors Hon Washington or Any of HUColoaftf
Philadelphia Anarchists yesterday-met,
to the number of 700, to commemorate the
death of the Chicago "martyrs" to theCr".
cause. Bed-hot anarchistic speeches wera
made by local Anarchists, and Prof. Gar- -side,
an eloquent Baltimorean, held the au
dience for a while with a harangue.
Philadelphia, November 17. Th
AnarchuU who masquerade nnder the)
name ofthe Workingmen's Society held a '
meeting this afternoon in a lodge room aft
Tenth and South streets. The hall wag
crowded with the disciples of revolution.
Fully 700 men were preseat, with a sprink",
line of women, wearing in their hats bits of
red ribbon, the emblem of the society, andrf.
carrying scarlet handkerchiefs in their,
hands. &,"
Before the meeting was called to order,'
there were vague rumors of interference by
the police, but the Anarchists rejoiced un
molested in the possession, of the free speech'
they have been complaining so much about.
They made use of their opportunity to de
liver hot speeches denouncing the Govern
ment and the "bloated capitalist."
The meeting was called tinrrW1wRTnTi1
Pranner, who delivered an address of weli $1
coma in uerman. He introduced a wild- i :
looking, erizzlv-bearded man niraef .:,:
Matthew Bhaller, who spoke in German,
aoout iree speech, tree assembly and fre .
press. He declared that this conntrv of.
free ceonla had refused thn rMit nt tmJ
.nAh . 4t.fi. muT.1- a.J .ir.u..u 3 f&it..
"K-v- aw.c-jr, wiu uiwuiuagcu UK-
every way tneir attempts to tree tne Bard-1
worked workinzmanfrom the slaverv of th'a.
capitalists. The speaker then eulogized th1
"Chicago martyrs," and bemoaned their i '
crnei ana untimely death, wnicn he deJt?i,
souucea as muruer. ji
The next speaker was Prof, L. H. Gar-' ja
side, of Baltimore, who remarked that he'
. .11 V- 1.1.1 . .t-c
g.iGu)iau Aic uau jew years ago u t6 i
come an anarchist agitator. Hemadethigi
uncomionaoie suggestion: xnearsttaiaa;i.4-i
we must do u to
of the capitalistic press,and next-the poliee
men, who have been abusing us and calling '
us iu.-B.gi.en ana traitors, v e are not for
eigners, any more than George Washingtoa
and the other men who signed the Deciara- '
as for being untrue to our country, I would
say that we are the most patriotic citizens
alliens who try to free their fellow-working-men
from the power ot robbers, who arV
backed up by the law in their so-clii
legitimate robbery.
"The politicians and nnblie sneakem
continued the eloquent Professor, "sarttaf
we cannot remedy tbe position ot the i
Ineman of this conntrv-In a month
day; that the workingmaa mast jtork oa
be Patient.' ftadllhatthev' will Ssd'a rem
fortheevil;butlteilyonwea . T
tibed OS1 BETSO PAirEXT,
and must take the matter in handVaa
remedy it for ourselves. We are slaves
the rich man, and every day we are robbed!
of what is ours by- right: The capitalittcj
say -tne worgingman De ; and the work-
in eman goes on slaving, his wages beus,
eaten -p by exorbitant rents and groeen
bills. ?
"I sayto you. fellow workmen, thb- c
wav to free ourselves from this slaverv J
organize, and when you are ready. ti
the blow which will obliterate. But; yoal
say, wnen tne revolution is complete a
the so-called law and order are thrown- i
the winds, who will be master? The saa
and the Anarchist's victory will be thi'j
ireeingoi tne woraungman irom slavery,'
and we'll know no master. To the TOuBjtj
men wmo nave Decome agitators In the gIo-3
rious cause I would say that yon caaait,
turn back now the bridges, are being
burned behind you, and there is no retret.
The men who attempt to rebel against Mm
taw are
and can only devote their life to the
cause, as aw tnose Drive men in unieageri
wnogave up tneir lives in nope of DeeiiBj
their fellows. (-m
"Abe judges said when those men lal
Chicago were .martyed," shouted the pro-
fessor, "that anarchy was dead, but I tells
you anarchy has grown from a band of ra
men to an army of 5,000, and will grow iata
a body oi o.wo.ow, who will need ail t.
powers of evil to overcome them,"' , J
Prof. Gsrside, after pausing to bretssM
ana to mop tne loam from nis lips, said tfessj
newas going to new iorc ana attempt t
establish an anarchist paper, and asked ft
the snpport ot his hearers. "I am not goi
to establish a goody-goody Sunday scfcoe
-, ..fo thn fit ..WMI.i. . .
lutionary journal, devoted to promoting 1
cause of anarchy."
The closing speech was madebv
Goldstein, who grew eloquent whiUhi
ranguing tne crowa in nis native ueraM
The meeting adjourned, with cheers for 1
red nag, to meet next Sunday in toe i
A Plfteen-Year-OId Boy Used 93 for S
lax a Married Woataa Six Ttaws.
nrzciAX, TEUtoaiXTOTOX dispatch, v
Watebbxtbt, Costs., November 17.-
George Ackerman, a good-natured Pi
er, whose grocery is on Main street op
the principal betel in Naugatack, hail
very handsome wife and three childrea
Mr. Ackerman's domutie relations
been at times more or less ruffled, bat thj
was a climax a dsyor two ago when Tho
Clancy, IS years old, who- is in AckeraM?
employ, was fonnd making love"
Mrs. Ackerman. The injured hus4t
tried to reason with the voung Lothario, ball
was only abused for his pains. AekersM&i
swore out a warrant for the arrest of Cla-acyj
jfriaay, ana justice xutue. oeiore v&eft
the case was tried ln-Naugamcsvaaea 1
boy $3 and costs.
"Dld.voa kiss the woman?" was the as
tlon asked by the prosecution. The la
nung nis neaa, ana amia a proit.os.e
blushes admitted that his lips touched,
pretty cheeks of the wife ot his employer s
times. It was 60 cents a kiss. i j
Ex'Seaator Camden, of West Tligbts,
S4,M9 Acres.
Wheeldto, W. Va., November"7.
The heirs of ex-Senator Allen T. Ca-Mr
have transferred to ex-Senator J. N. Ci
den 94,000 acres of land in Clay i
ing counties at the price of 80
-AHOUtau, m cuai ow iniw !
RaL B aafB.-s' Id AaAahl .Si -a JM Of af ! a. a.- A -K J
aa verr vaiuiDia wnsa xtaaaasss,.
i s ran u is.