ff i.T ' f. f '. V fc ft t A. !'. r SAINTED TOO BLACK Canadian Sealers Deny That They Destroy Ten Valuable Animals iPOE EYERT SEAL THEY CATCB. they Also Claim That They Do Kot Slaugh ter the i'nrsing Mothers. I0KD ETAKLET GEAD TO HEAR IT. He Eopei Some Satisfactory Compromise Hay tie Hade Very Soon. The Canadian sealers -who hare been accused of destroying too many seals in their pursuit of each seal placed on the market, have denied that charge. Lord Stanley, in replying to the sealers' address, agrees with them in their conclusions, and says he is glad to learn that they hare been maligned. rSPECIAL TXLEQIUM TO TBI CISPATCILl Ottawa, Xovemberl6. With more than ordinary interest have the sealers of British Columbia, and in fact Canadians generally, been -waiting to hear what Lord Stanley would hare to say regarding the recent seizures ot Canadian vessels in Behring Sea by United States cruisers, and after waiting they know bat little more than they did before. On laying their case before the Governor General, during his recent visit to Victoria, the Sealers' Association, in their address to His Excellency, called attention to the manner in which they had been mis represented. "It has been published broadcast In En gland, as well as in America,' the address went on to say, "that lor every one seal taken by our sealers and placed on the mar let, ten seals are destroyed. We believe that tbis statement, persistently made, and seldom or XEYEE CONTEADICTED, has created, especially in England, a preju dice against onr scalers, and it is to the gross inaccuracy ot the statement we desire to especially draw Tour Excellency's atten tion. "We 'have abundant evidence, part of which is already in the Department of Fisheries, Ottawa,' that the actnal number of seals killed by our sealers, but for a va riety of causes not actually captured, does not exceed six in every 100. We are charged also with the wholesale destruction of female seals while carrying and nursing their young, thus destroying immense numbers ot young seals as well. To answer this charge it is only necessary to say that the females breed upon the islands in Behring Sea about midsummer; that they remain with their young about two months, seldom going more than a few miles lrom the island tor food, and' consequently do not come within reach of our sealing vessels. The great majority of seals taken in Behring Sea by onr sealers are what are known as "bachelors" and "barren cows." TOO CLOSE A SEASON. "It has been stated that the matters in dispute will probably be settled by a com promise in the nature of a close season from ilay to December in each year lor seal hunt ins: in Behring Sea. As the only period of the year when seal hunting can be carried on in Behring Sea falls between May and December, Your Excellency will see that a close season, covering the period men tioned, means practically the complete closing of the sea to our sealers and a monopoly of the fur trade by the Alaska Commercial Company or other lessee of the same rights and privileges now enjoyed by that company lrom the Government of the United States. We feel assured that Your Excellency will, so far as is consistent with your high and responsible position, be able AND IT'LL BE lis li (k. "Time and tide wait for no man; And if you think that our special Hat bargains will wait for you beyond to-morrow, you'll be.a very much mistaken man. $174 trill take your size to-morrow of one of the finest styles of modern headgear the Square Crown Derby. We guarantee it fine fur, and to be equal to the regular $2 50 and 3 goods sold by other hatters. Another lot of those Little English Buckle Derbys at li 50- NO WAITS to assure us that in the future -our rights in Behring Sea will be more clearly defined and their enjoyment unmolested."' Replying to the address His Excellency said:, "The matter on which we have met is one of the most difficult and delicate ques tions I could have to speak upon. It con cerns not only your interests, but the inter ests of the Dominion and the Imperial Gov ernment, and ' THE INTERESTS OP KATIONS. "I would take this opportunity of im pressing upon yqur minds the fact that it is the greatest of mistakes to suppose that you have not considerable sympathy felt for you in the mother country, and that delay in the adjustment of the question lies in any lack of interest manilcsted by the home Government. I was a member of the Im perial Cabinet when the first seizures were made, and I can assure you that thee mat ters very closely occupied the attentit n of the Government at that time. At the present time I cannot say more than that diplomatic negotiations have been made and will continue to be made. The United States we regaid as a friendly power, and I do not consider b.-t that onr representata tion will be received with dne and proper weight. I canoct say more. I think you have very wisely taken the point on which public opinion at home requires a certain amount ot information. "It has been persistently urged that of the number of seals killed by your hunters a very large proportion are lost altogether. With many people COXSTAXT ASSERTION goes a long war in place of argument. If you are able to show .that such is not the case, and if you are also able to show that the female seals are not destroyed by whole sale, as stated, while they are nursing their young, you will do very much to strengthen the case which the Imperial Government is endeavoring to make out for you. The statements have been made in your address very plainly, but at the same time I think it would be of considerable advantage to me if you could lurnish me with distinct infor mation corroborative of what you say, notably that the great majority of seals killed in Behring Sea are what are known as 'bachelors and 'barren cows. "In regard to the close season: It appears to me that the nenod nronosed. from Mnvlo De cember, would be fir too one-sided, shutting our sealers out altogether, and handing over to the owners or lessees of the islands to which the seals go during the breeding sea son A MONOPOLY OP THE INDCSTBY. "I cannot say much more upon the sub ject of our meeting. I am glad to have the opportnnity of assuring you that the Gov ernment has no desire to pass this great question by, and also of showing you the importance of my receiving from you defi nite information, based on your Knowledge of the facts, which I can transmit at once to the home Government, through the proper channels." Hereford's Acid Phosphate Relieves mental and physical exhaustion. Given A war With every dozen of cabinets taken this week bv Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny, an extra picture of yourself or children framed in a handsome white frame 8x10; handsome Christmas present. M WTSu Art Pottery and China. Our showrooms are filled with the choicest examples from all the best factories and you will find a finer selection here than any where in the city. It's reasonable to sup pose so. It's our legitimate business and we confine ourselves to it. Feench, ELekdeick & Co., 51G Smithfield st., opposite City Hall. Prepare for Christmas, And buv kid gloves now at P. Schoenthal's, 612 Penn ave. TJseF.&V.'s Pittsburg beer to quiet your nerves and compose you for sleep. THE CRACK SALE "Strike while the iron is hot" If you want to avail your self of the grand bargains mentioned below, be sure and come to-morrow, Monday. 9 will buy your choice to-morrow from a large lot of Men's fine and nobby Overcoats, consisting of Meltons, Cheviots, Cassimeres, Chinchillas, Fur Beavers, Diagonals, . Wide Wales, etc., cut in the popular Prince Charles, the fashionable Englishsack, the long storm ulster and hand some cape styles; actual prices ranging from 12 ::: to 14. ::: will buy your choice to-morrow from a line of genuine custom-made Overcoats, in Carr's English Meltons, Irish Friezes, French Montagnacs,Elysian Fur Beavers, English Wide Wales and Chin chillas many lined with silk, and altogether equal to any Overgarments sold else ::: where for 23. ::: ! NO DELAYS! lis fern S15 TEE SMYRNA BUGS, 81 75 UP. Another Week ot Special Offering at Groclslnger'i. We have four sizes of best Smyrna rugs at prices running from $1 75 to $4. The $4 ones are the same we sold all sum mer at 7. All sizes are reduced in proportion. They go fast. Why shouldn't they? You den't get an opportunity to buy a $7 rug for $4 very often. Edward Geoetzinokb, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. JAPANESE WARE BAZAAR. Grand Holiday Ilplr. This department will close January 1, 1890, making it an exclusive holiday dis play. Call and see our wonderlul selection. Wai. Haslage & Son, 18 Diamond (Market square). Don't fail to attend the immense bank rupt sale, at auction, nf drygoods, carpets and rugs during the coming week at 723 and 725 Liberty street, corner of Eiehth. Have your photoeraphs taken by Hen dricks & Co., 68 Eederal st, Allegheny. Their work is the finest in the two cities. Good cabinets SI a dozen. De. Griffith's Ta-va-zon Cough Syrup cures colds, coughs, etc. 301 Grant st. a fUUTWEGf? fURb 0m GwnE fiEFECTIfi?! Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes lor more tbana quarter of a century. It Is used by the United State Government. Indorsed by the heads of the great universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia. Lime of Alnm. Bold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. SEW TORE. CHICAGO. ST. tOUIS. my5-S2-TTSeoSn MEDICINE . eiEAM Mm0 - i w rv i i a ?n cw wocwwnn snns?w; vs. "VvVnsn - - n a. scv-sxs? For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain In tho Stomach, Sletc Headarho, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flashings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costlveness, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed bleep. Frightful Dreams, and all Kerrona and Trembling Sensations, c THE FXRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, end they tcill be acknowledged to be a Wonderful Medicine. "Worth a guinea aboi." BEECHA1TS PILLS, taLen as directed, will quickly restore females to complete health. For a WEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they ACT LIKE MAGIC: a etc doses will work wonders upon the Vital Organs, Strength ening the muscular System; restoringlong-lost Complexion; bringing hack the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with the KOSEBTJD OF HEALTH the tchole physical energy of tho human frame. These are " facts " admitted by thousands, in all classes of society, and one of the best euarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that EXECSAX'S f ILLS HAVE TflB LA25E3I SALS Or AH? PATEHX lSaiCIHX IS THE WOBLB. Full directions with each Box. Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold by Druggists generally. B. F. ALLEN & CO., 3G5 and 367 Canal St., New York. Bole Agents for the United States, who (inquire first), If your druggist does not keep them, WILL MAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, 25 CENTS A BOX. QF THE SEASON. A "Time passes like the wind." Remember this sale is for one day only and that'll be to-morrow, Monday. Be sure and be "on deck" early. ;7 50 will buy your choice to-morrow from over 500 Business Suits, cut in the latest shapes of cutaway sack and frock styles, trimmed in the best possible man ner, and made from , such fine materials as Harris' Cassimeres, best American Cheviots, choice" Worsteds, extra quality Diago nals, etc Suits of the same quality will be sold in this city to-morrow for 10, :: 11 and 12. ;; S14 will buy your choice to-morrow from several lots of Men's exquisite imported Dress Suits. They will please the finest dresser in the city, tor they are the cream of style and elegance. You can't duplicate them any where below 20. Our price ::: to-morrow, 14. ::: lii s is. A LAEGEIY INCREASED FORCE 0E PITTSBURG DISPATCH, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Kabo corset that brings a woman to perfect form if she only laces it tight enough for it never stretches or breaks its "bones" or rolls up has soft eyelets that do not cutthe laces. Soft eyelets are loops of corset lace instead of metal eyelets. If the Kabo corset fails in a year in any part but the steels no way has yet been invented to make unbreaka ble steels you get your money back from the store where you bought it You wear the Kabo corset two or three weeks; and, if not satisfactory, take it back and get your money again. Chicago Corset Co-Chicago and New York. j. diamond, gssaa. 22 SIXTH STREET. The Eye examined free of charge. Spectacles perfectly fitted. ARTIFICIAL EXEH Inserted and warranted to suit. sel2-6-TTSu Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will tit any nose with ease and comfort. The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments ana Artificial Eyes. KOENBLTJM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. 50 Fifth avenue, near Wood street Telephone No. 1CS6. sel9-rjsn HERBERT WALKER ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER, .T.TTV' Ki TVITCTW RT fiffirn hours for insertim? eves. 1 to 3p.v. Satnrdaya, 1 to 6 P. M. 6eS5-sn SHP. l,i'W , jJtaP? GUiNaac VERITABLE PICNIC FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS. A WATERLOO FOR Fmisliif Goods " 'Tis madness to defer." 'Tis the worst kind of ex travagance to miss this special bargain sale to-morrow, if yon want any Furnishings or Fix ings. "V .ll""1!!- V... . WW'IIIlu ".l) 'HJI Camel's :" Hair Underwear increases in popular favor every day. We don't keep the shoddy grades, but warrant all our goods not to shrink and to be soft and pleasant to the skin. 69c. 98c. $139. $2. See the four special drives we will offer at these prices to-morrow. They're worth 50 per cent more money. ' Camel's Hair Half Hose at , 24c, 33c and 50c ttMVti Mir2311 rj jmf&ve s-ifflfs a. r4f SUNDAY, JTOVEMBER KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MSfr$0--64 Jinzer's Old Honesty. The Chewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will soon find that it lasts longer, tastes sweeter than other tobaccos and will please you. Ask your dealer for it and insist on getting it. Genuine has a red H tin tag on every plug. mh3-33-S3u JUST- SIXTY SECONDS. One minute of your valuable time is all we ask to convince you beyond a doubt that you can save from 25c to 40c on each dollar you spend, bybuying at our great Closing Out Sale. We will positively close entirely in December. This wiU re quire a rush 'and to this end we have still further reduced prices. Zamps, comprising Xdbrary, Banquet, Piano, Vase and all other varieties; Cliandeliers and Sail IAghts, Glassware, Fine Cut, Pressed and Blown; Queensware, Porcelain and Cliina Tea, Dinner and Chaniber Sets; Fish, Game and Ice Cream Sets; Bronzes, Clocks, Gas Fixtures, Cuspadores and Winbrella Stands. Bric-a-Brac, comprising all the renowned Potteries of High Art; Onyx Tables, Wedding and Anniver sary Gifts, and an immense stock ofttoliday Gifts. TheJ.P.Smith Lamp,Glass andGhina Co 935 Penn Ave., Between Ninth and Tenth Sts. Boys Ou s "Gather the rosebuds while ye may." You have no time to lose, if you wish to take advantage of this sale. It's for one day only from 8 a. m. until 6 p. m. to-morrow. 3 will buy your choice to-morrow from over 500 Boys' Over coats, among them Kilt Overcbats, sizes 2 to 7j Little Boys' Over coats, sizes 4 to 12; Big Boys' Overcoats, sizes 12 to 18. Some fancy, some plain, some with capes. A most prodi gious line, ranging in prices from $4. to $5 50. Mothers, : this is your chance. : will take choice to-monow from a most fashionable line of Overcoats for Boys of all ages, including one lot of nobby silk faced Melton Overcoats, sizes 14 to 18; one lot of the -popular Lord Chumley Overcoats, sizes 4 to 12. They're worth every :: cent of $8 and $9. :: SALESMEN WILL $5 tf, 1889. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Superb and Incomparable Assort ment of Fur Caps Now Opening' RTTBBlsr'S. The "Boston" Turban! In Coney Fnr, 87c, 98c and $1 20. In Oregon Seal, J2 2a 82 40 and 52 90. InAlaska Seal, Z5, 8. 10 and $12. The abovfl cut Illustrates the handsome Bos ton Turban, which is decidedly new, real and stylish. There Is not the least doubt but that it "will prove the most popular cap of the season. The band Is somewhat higher than the old style turbans. Tho top. a full oral, and its general ontlines are craceful and becoming. Owing to the backwardness of the weather and our tremendous stock, we are naming prices at the start which we expected to quote at the ciose oi we season. .Besides xne .Boston we have the following styles: The Detroit, The Montreal, The Alexis, The Cleveland, The Driving and The Cv Uge. Don't fail to see our magnificent stock ot Fur Caps and Gloves. IRAXBIElsr, Til Jtta-fcter and. I'ttrnlslicir, 421 and 423 Smithfield St nol7-wrsu OOZ7-WXBS "Take the current when it serves." Shrewd purchasers buy bar gains when they can get tfiem. You can get them to-morrow the best ever offered in Pitts burg. 3 50 will buy your choice to-morrow from several lines of Kilt and Short-Pant Suits not me dium qualities, but goods fit for the little son of a millionaire. The most fashionable styles among them -and the cheapest suit of them all equal to any dealers' best $5 suit. Come to-morrow and see for yourself. $6 will take your choice to-morrow from 145 Boys' Long-Pant Suits, sizes 12 to 18, in strictly all-wool Cassi meres, Cheviots .and Corkscrews, cut in softroll and button-up sack styles. You'll not find anything finer else where for fS or $9. Boys, here's your chance, if you have $6 in your purse. M MS. GIVE PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL NEW ABVERTTSEMENTS. 4 IOTITDBE. ED-LETOR SALE HOUSEHOLD m. rnrM N IP.d And if you are in need of Furniture'of any description it you to call and examine BEDROOM SUITS In Walnut, Oak and PARLOR SUITS Of the latest designs make an extra drive. FOLDING BEDS ::: Ofthe-best make and neatest design. SIDEBOARDS, BOOKCASES, LOUNGES And in fact all Furniture necessary to fix a complete household. The Goods must be disposed of as we are Selling Out to quit business will be refused. Hemember the place and numbeft MICHIGAN FURNITURE 437 SMITHFIELD STREET. X xJy vi nol-WFSn - ' SN-AJPINTO. V. From this date, and until November fever before heard of. Just think of it, we are Top Action, Twist Barrels Rebounding Hammers, Pistol Grip, Choke, Bore and a if im provements, at ?11 SO. Other1 dealers charge from $18 to $20 for the samelfua. The above J ?l "but one of the score of special drives "wenow have to offer yon. it 1 IEC. SIMUZT, 934 noIT-nssc COMPETITION. r "Make hay wliile the sun shines." 'Make haste, if youwant good Shoes for away "below their actual Yalue. They'll be offer ed but one day To-morrow. Be on-hand. $150. At this price ve shall place on sale to-morrow 200 pairs of Ladies' Royal Kid Shoes, all widths and lengths, common -"sense and opera toe, and usual ly sold at $2 25. $2 50 will buy your 'pick and fit' to nioiTOW from a line of Ladies' extra fine quality Dongola and Curacoa Kid Shoes, warranted liand-ttirned and equal to any Shoe for which $3 50 is asked elsewhere. DON FURIIOTi oy- fl v FHENITDl our stock1, which embraces ::-: Cherry. " ::: wtuMmmwaf t SSysvflhiflE HIHl ywhich 'for' "thenext 30 d&y, and no reasonable" ojK& noVMOSL , Established 1817. X. GiE833NKA3CP OS SCtisi Manufaturer3 of StTPEEIOE CAB. EIAQES if all the latest style For elegance and durability the GLE3. Jiiisfljai quAUH. flas'no equal. SalesrconS, 313 and 320-Penu avenue,' No connection ith any other carriage honwj 30, we will offer some f the greatestVbsTgaia now selling a-Double-barrel, Breee&loSder.l Liberty St, Gor.SmithfM' "A golden opportunity is never offered twice." And the bargains .which Kaur xnanns' will offer is their Cloakj department to-morrow willf nevec again. be -shown, La'dieijj lase me mat, $8'-s will take vour choice 'IrS row from ten differeat,styjij ' or Ladies 'loose frost m-3 markets, suDerior to' a oiicreu eisewnere. ior; j:i $12. $12 $ will take your choice fa-morro from six different stylesfof tailor-made Directoire Newmarkets; sold in the diy goods store's at i8& ' j; 3 for jour choice front a lot Ml Beaver tailor-made Jacket,! in Aatrtf tin jiUf hyAwi3 m uvj) tau; aavc istwrrjMi green, eta, taa Would bt considered cheap at x. A 20 will buy your size to-norr from 54 finest English" Seill Plush Saccmes, guaranteed for five years not to wear S out at the edges and:'9 re lain uieir ricn, seal gloss. Dry goods stores will tax you itw $32 for the same ideat'icSl garments. Try it YckTM :; nnd it out soon enougHSln 1, rjm COMERS. fcA 'HMPW7V 'irllllvnff II iH UUUJiULUi 1H - 1airaH!r i?l jh BH mBmJ&m AUPMANNS' xr a T'ycnur a tvttvtcmj FIFTH AVENUE and WHOLESALE and ; 0 r fm li r hi .m- ii im , SMTTHFIEIiD.ST. ll? ? 4b-saiTj mSUf v,