ivV r.il3SK rc ???! Jrfl "V , a ' "W. an-" ' f V r '. - THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1889. sjrm p V p EM OF SPORTS L The Great Surprise of the Week. &BASEBALLFAMEIX DANGER Some Additional Points About the Brotherhood Sweepstakes. THE TEX-CLDB LEAGUE SCHEME. Kp Opinions About Peter Jackson's Easy Defeat of Jem Smith. HASLAK'S LASX OFFEE TO SEAELE People interested in baseball affairs cer tainly have bad their fill of excitement dur ing the past week. Probably never in the history of tbe national game has there been Each s crisis as the magnates and players have brought about, and what the end will be few if any people have any idea. A week ago the fight seemed to be only be tween the old League players and their em plovers, but now the Association has been definitely drawn into it, and that organiza tion's f.-ire movements will be watched with en-.ding interest The way in which the Association has been drawn into the conflict has been the surprise of the week. That the Brooklyn and Cincinnati clnbs would desert the Association and join tbe League very few people expected or even thought of. Of course now that the jump has been made' we have many persons declaring that they knew all about it. The truth 's. however, that the event was a complete surprise to everybody ex cept those directly interested in the move. Whether the League has done ncht in admit ting these two clubs under the circumstances is a very open question. I question very much whether the League has done the fair thing by the Association, and certainly tbe League magnates cannot but expect the Association to work particularly for its own interest in future. It is fair to assume that the move taken by Brooklyn and Cincinnati has been under con sideration by the League and the two clubs many weeks. If this is so the League has been acting in bad faith to everybody interested in baseball, and whatever the Association may now do in the way of self-preservation cannot reasonably bo crumbled at by the National Leacue. Tbe Association has certainly re ceived an unexpected, and what I term, an un fair blow. w Abont the Future. But what about the future of baseball? That Is a question which everybody interested in the Came will deem of vital importance. In look ing over the situation one soon comes to the conclusion that tbe rro-pects are not bright; the integrity and dignity of the national game is at stake, and I fear that a a result we will find It sadly demoralized before all this base ball anarchy is obliterated. None of us can shut our eyes to the fact that tbe national agreement will be almost a dead letter next year, and c all know that without the protec tion afforded by that agreement baseball to a great extent is chaos; indeed, without its being in full operation, a capitalist would be very foolish indeed in investing a dollar in baseball business. He will have no protection for his money as players will be liable at any moment to make a jump and leave him just where the players are trying to leave the Leacue officials to-dav. Most certainly the players are respon sible for this state of things. I fail to see any excuse whatever for their action: that is. for their not meeting the League. Their open and abrupt revolt clearly means the introduction of the principles of anarcliy into baseball. This, in my way of thinking, is tbe most serious objection against the action of the players, and those wbo support them cannot well condemn open and abrupt revolts in other phases of life. Civilization is so far advanced now that reforms are obtained by reason and not by systems of rebellion that aim at anarchy and devastation. The Ten-Club Lcncne. However, if the matter has to be reduced to ft conflict, and it becomes a question of tbe survival of the fittest, I say go ahead. For a time tbe public will see lots of fun,and thereby in some respects be the gainers. If it has to a matter of "Let him Veep who has the novrcr, And let him catch who can. " I would like to see two ten-club leagues. There will then be an increased interest for a time at least in the work of each league. .Not only wpuld there be an interest in anticipating which league would last the longer, but we would of course be interested in the respective contests, and competition would cause the public to get more favors than ever. But it is very problematical as to whether or not there will be an opposing ten-club organization to that of the League. At present I am inclined to think that the League means or in tends to have ten clubs, but I cannot very well see how the opposing teams are to be organized. It is not likely that the Brotherhood chiefs and men like V on der Ahe will ever agree, and that means a good club out of the list, except tbe St. Louis players act like those ot tbe League and bolt wholesale. There is just as much reason lor their doing Eo as there is for tbe action of tbe Le.iguo players. If this were to be done, and I would not be surprised if it were done, then the Brotherhood could soon get ten good clnbs. As stated in yesterday's Dispatch Jlr. Phelps, the new President of the Association, favors the idea of a consolidation with the Brother hood, and there is also a strong feeling in favor of it in St. LouR But were tbe Brotherhood players to amalgamate with the Association they could not consistently claim then that their revolt from their own employ ers had been because of unfair dealing. If the League has been unfair or unjust, then certainlv the Association is equally guilty. But this desire on the part of some ' Brotherhood members to amalgamate with the Association only shows that the great desire is SJp trample out the League, get money, and 'ftsct prominence. For the life of me I can sot see how tbe Brotherhood can consistently leave one set of established magnates and join forces with another established set. However, it may be that consistency is not part of the programme, because tbe fact of the much vaunted co-operative principle of the Brother hood being killed shows that the Brotherhood Is even at that stage to a great extent in the hands ot a new set of magnates whose eyes are as much on the turnstile as those of tbe hawk on its prey. And yet, if the Brother hood does not join forces with the Association, I fear they will take a trifle the worst of tbe struggle with the League and its new mem bers. I wouldn't advise anybody to underesti mate the fighting powers of the League. It is made up of many very honorable, shrewd and determined men. They have had experience and have to a very great extent made baseball what it is to-day. Their brains hate worked out methods and applied principle; that have given to the American people one of the best outdoor national sports that the world has ever seen. These are facts that must have force, because if they have not there is no fotce in truth and justice. And don't let us forcetthe fact that these gentlemen of w hoin I ha e just spoken mean to harrass the Brotherhood to tho full extent of the law. That may mean tint at best the Brotherhood clubs cannot commence to play until tbe season is far on. Even if the law will not sustain the injunctions spoken of it will require a long time to settle tbe question in court, and nntil it is settled the players must remain idle. There are, indeed, troubles ahead. The Leacue Concession. There has been considerable said about the concessions of tbe League during the last dav or two, but, generally speaking, the various opinions may be condensed into two classes. viz., that of the ultra-Brotherhood people on tbe one side and fair-minded people and League supporters on tbe other. Tbe Brotherhood ad herents claim that tbe League's concessions only show us sense of its own weakness, and that tbey would have never been made had not an open revolt heen made. I am not of that opinion, as my readers well Know. There is nothing at ail to show that hll the evils com plained of by the players or John AL Ward would not have been dealt with by the mag nates at the proper time. I am particular on this point because I have always nrced that tbe most manly and business like course of the rAz era would haro been to leave met the Leacue before decidioc definitely Son any pun. That this was not done onlysbows cthat the rant ana meoi the players nave to a lereaL.extent been led clindlybjafewTerj! impulsive people. I feel as confident as of the fact of my existence that had all the players been plainly informed regarding tho matter that there would bave been common senso enough amongthem to say: "We had better act as men and hear what the League says before we revolt." But it may be that some of the leaders thought that a meeting or con ference would heal up all the differences, and they would have none of it, because with the differences healed, then the leaders' hopes would have been entirely blighted. I will always contend that the example set by the players' representatives in ignoring tbe League stands as a precedent to warn capital i-ts against the impulsiveness of the players or' those wbo we are given to understand repre sent them. It seems clear enough to me that had tbe players met the magnates all the grievances of the former would have been granted. I venture to say that the concessions would not have been one whit less tban they are now. In the early part of the season I argued that there was every indication that there would be a reformation in tbe classifica tion rule and the sales system. Why, Messrs. Day and fepalding almost stated definitely that there would. A Good Case. The report of A. G. Spalding regarding the complaint of the Brotherhood is well worth reading. I have examined it very closely and it undoubtedly is a strong case for the League. This is said in all honesty of purpose and sin cerity. The report shows conclusively that the contract signed last year was the Brotherhood contract and that amid all the wrangling and clamor the players only cited one instance of its being violated by the classification rule. This was Sutcliffe's case. The sales system was also complained of. These two leading features were complained of by John M. Ward in a letter to President Young on May 31. Mr. Ward subsequently asked that a meeting bo held to remedy the evils. Now, I ask if. according to the players' own statement of tbe case, there was sufficient reason for a special meeting? The classifica tion rule was complained of, but only one case acninst it was cited, and that only involved 8250. Would it have been business or wise policy to have met during the playing season and abolished or changed tho system of buying or sellinc players! I contend not, and it is safe to say that no business is conducted in any such way as tbe demands of Mr. Ward and others would establish. Mr. Spalding very em phatically assured Mr. Ward, as there was really onlv 250 at issue, that it could be dealt with at tho end of the season, and it would then be the proper time to discuss the rules or constitution. In view of these facts I am not surprised that the League magnates have made the chances in their rules and granted Sutcliffe's claim. Altogether I do not see that tbe players have in the least anything like an excuse for refusing to meet the League; except it be that they resolved to icnore the gentlemen of the League and their vast capital entirely. But this augurs badly for the na tional game, and tends to show that persons with capital invested in baseball need expect its being wrecked at any moment just as a fit of impulsiveness or ambition seizes certain players. The Gaming Fentnre. A few days ago I drew attention to what I deem the betting feature in tbe organization, or proposed organization of the Brotherhood. I contend that the conditions which enforced each club to put up $2,500 to form a pool of $20,000 to be divided among the first four clubs at tbe end of tbe season was betting. During the week I have received a communication on the subject from Attorney T. J. Fitzgerald. I now pre the letter in full, as Mr. Fitzgerald cites the law very clearly and forcibly on the matter: Dear "I'iungm" Your reviews of sporting events have been well defined by a cotemnorary as bring 'terse" and "to the point," but bevond this von have invariably made clear and nave given vour readers a very iLtelllglble and exact representation of sporting matters, let them be cither In the way ot pleasure or gain. A reviewer or newspaper writer seldom rises above bis sub ject, but when he docs and says something to tbe purpose the gain is the public's, but when he does not the loss Is his own. M A good illustration of this was given in what you term the "IMaers' League sweep stakes" in last Sunday's issue. The point is well taken. It makes little difference whether the -.500 is "subscribed" or "assessed" the results arc the same, each one of tbe subscribing clubs bave virtual!? wagered they would win or lose. There are three attributes, "slue qua non," which constitute a pamirg contract or wager. (1) There must be two parties: (2) one of them most win and the other lose. (3) neither of them must nae the Intention to deliver or receive Mr. Leake. In his well-known text book on contracts, cites Hairden vs Walsh, where a wager has been denned as "a contract by John Doe to pay money to Richard Koe on the happening of a given event in consideration of Mr. Hoc paying money to Mr. Doc on the event not happening." At common law gaming con tracts were not unlawful, and the courts sus tained thera and gave relief, provided the matter of the contra t was legal and such as the courts could entertain without prejudice to morals and soclctv. Itut if tbey pertained to the corruption of morals or endangered public safety, they were null and void. I will illustrate, exempli gratia; a wager upon the conviction of a prisoner in a criminal trial was held void on the grounds of Its inter ference with Justice. Likewise nn election bet was unlawful on the grounds that it would tend to corruption and pave tbe way for a pecun iary Interest in the result of an election. The English reports teem wltb authorities on this point, and every law student Is familiar with the once famous case of Hartley vs Rice, where It was held that a w ager by a person that he would many w Itliln six years was held void, as operating in restraint of marriage. In fact, it was due to this case that brought about the appeal 8 and 9 ic, U. ion, making all wagers illegal, Srovlded. however, that this act "shall not be ecmed to apply to any subscription or agreement to subscribe or contribute ior or toward any plate, prize or sum of money to be awarded to the winner or winners of any lawmi game, sport, pastime or exercise." In consequence of the equivocation or play upon words in sporting con tributions, the law both In this country and En gland has been again modified and now only per mits contributions of plate, cup and such like, but not to monetary subscriptions where one must win and the other lose. There can onlv be a winner where two or more are to compete in doing something. When these clubs paid In their "assessment" or contribution. It was purely an agreement If you win. Ipavyon; if you lose, you pay me: or. In other words, it pave the appearance ot being a legitimate bargain without being so. It was simply and purely a genuine contract, and a counterfeit of the one laid down in tbe statute books. Some Probnble Rc-nlls. If Mr. Fitzgerald's interpretation of the law is correct, and I think it is, it would seem wise for the Brotherhood clubs to bave their essen tials of organization changed. Assuming the law is just what it has been stated it is, it will follow that, to legalize the proposed organiza tion, would be to legalize wagering or betting. A club cannot be in tbe new league if it does not put up its 2.500 as a bet that it will beat some other club. Mr. Fitzgerald also very aptly points out that where money is at stake there is a greater tendency to corruption than otherwise. That this is true all of us w ho have had experience in sporting events very well know. My only desire is to reduce that ten dency to a minimum. I hold that a national game should be entirely distinct from ordinary professional sports, and to contest for stakes is the leading feature of professionalism. Smith's Defeat. I fear that there Is comparatively little space at command this week to deal with questions outside ot baseball. However, tbe week has, indeed, been a busy one, and particularly among the pugilists and boxers. The chief feature has been the very decisive defeat of Jem Smith, the English champion, by Peter Jackson, tbe colored Australian. Those who read my opinions two weeks ago would be pre pared to hear of another victory for Jackson. However, I did not anticipate that Smith would collapse so. His was a collapse, because, according to reports, if ever a man acted like a thoroughly beaten man. Smith did. The re sult, in my estimation, does not make Smith any worse, but it makes Jackson better. It really does seetnas if tho pugilistic world has secured a colored Ned O'Baldwin. That Jackson is an extraordinary man in a glove contest of three-minute rounds none of us will doubt We cannotfor certain estimate as to his real worth in a bare knuckle contest in a 24-foot ring under prize ring rules. It may never be thus tested, but it seems probable that he will face Sullivan in a glove contest. The lat ter ha desceuded from his pedestal, which raised him so far above colored pugilists, and has "consented" to meet Jackson. It they meet in a ring the contest will be a great one, and the colored champion will undoubtedly have a verv large following. So far he has pol ished off his opponents just as handily as Sulli van could bave done, and on comparison of public form. I think Jackson has considerably the best of it. When the Sullivan party re turned from Europe John L. and his backers all argued that tbe next best man to Sullivan was Asbton. Godfrey, the Eastern colored champion, soon settled Ashton a few days ago, and Peter Jackson nearly killed Godfrey in nve minutes. McCaffrey' Reappearance. There is an evident desire in various cities to boom boxing and glove contests. Almost in a day boxing has jumped out of comparative obscurity and into prominence again. All the leading lights of the fistic world wbo were so familiar awhile ago have suddenly reappeared, and among others Dominick McCaffrey. Ho has come boldly to the front and challenged Sullivan. Tbe latter in turn states that he can not stoop to pulverize McCaffrey for less than $10,000. The world must, therefore, understand that Sullivan's slaughteringniachlne is still esti maed at a very high figure. However, Mc Caffrey would be a very foolish man to try acd get any such stake as 10,000. Demands of this kind are absurd. Surely, if McCaffrey is such an easy mark as Sullivan states he is, it would seem worm wnue to Jtnocc mm down lor $1,000 or 15,000. But really .McCaffrey has some claim on Sullivan's attention. The great John L. hida'tjla -picnic with .McCaffraf by any means when they met in Cincinnati. I don't think that Dominick would defeat the big man. but still he has a right to challenge the pro fessed champion for a reasonable stake. m m The Lesser Welsuts. There is also much activity among the light and middle weight exponents of tbe "manly art." John Quinn,of this city, has put up a forfeit for Pat Farrcll to fight George La Blanche for J1.000 a side. This is a bona fide offer, and I fail to see why La Blanche would refuse to meet Farrell. I am strongly im pressed with the notion that Farrell would be a little too much for the Marine. Jimmy Carroll has accepted the challenge of Jack McAuliffe, but the latter may object because more money is not offered. If he does object on this point, he ought to explain why he has engaged to meet Mike Daly, of Bangor, and fight ten rounds for a purse of SL000. Like the ball players, we may one of these days see pugilists forming clubs of their own in order to get oig purses to fight for. Hnnlnn's Offer. An old friend of Edward Hanlan, the ex champion sculler, is before tho public with a very strong challenge for O'Connor to row Searle on American waters. Hanlan will give (at least he says he will) Searle 55,000 if he will come here and row O'Connor, and will also Guarantee the Australian $10,000 if he wins. This Is certainly an extraordinary offer, so much so that ono is prompted to ask whether or not it is real or whether or not it is for ad vertising purposes. Nobody knows his own business better than does Edward Hanlan, but I venture to assert that Searle would seem a very foolish man were he not to accept the offer, of course assuming that it is genuine. O'Connor was so decisively beaten on the Thames by Searle that I am inclined to believe the Canadian has little or no show with the Australian. Of course there is no saying about modern professional scullers nowadays; indeeo. some people wouldn't be surprised if old len Eyck were to tump out and defeat both Hanlan and O'Connor. Prinole. FOLEY'S P0INTEBS. The Racy Bostonlnn Gives Some Advlco About the Brotherhood nnd tho Lengno Conflict Opposition to be Looked For Hian-Prlced Stars. I CORRESPONDENCE Or THE DISrATCn.1 Boston. November 15. Tbe war is onl "Can tho Brotherhood go it alone?" is one of the questions of the day. The Brotherhood will meet with great opposition, not' only from the League and American Association, but from hundreds of baseball enthusiasts, who look upon the Brotherhood League as wild and Utopianistic; a League that cannot get along without dissensions among the high-priced stars who have pulled big salary for tho past six years. The Brotherhood has tho conservative press of the country opposed to them, and without the influential papers to assist them, they will play to small attendance, and that means to destruction. The salary of tho New York team last season was $56,000; then add to this traveling expenses, board, ground rent, advertising, etc, and some of the new "base ball moguls" will wish they had stayed at home to nurse the baby and play garden croquet. The backers of the Brotherhood in this city would put out a good deal if they thought they could down the triumvirs; but 1 hard'y think they will start In to erect grounds until they know just where they stand. Charley Corey and John C. Haynes am the two wealthy men behind the move in this city, and make no mis take hut they have plenty of money. More over, Haynes is dead sore ever since the tri umvirs quietly bought up the stock of the old Boston club and ousted him and many others from their star chamber soirees. Haynes is a rich man, being a partner in the world-renowned music publishing establishment of Oliver Ditson & Co. Corey is the son of the late Barney Corey, wbo accumulated $3,000,000 or $4,000,000 in the wholesale liquor business. Another Brotherhood backer is the irrepressible Gen eral DixwelL whose fame as a baseball crank is known from Maine to California. Like Haynes, he (Dixwell) is opposed to the present management. John Morrill is cutting a conspicuous figure in the Brotherhood scheme, and if the thing is a go. bo will sureiy be appointed manager. It Is all right for Morrill to holler for the poor op pressed player, but 1 noticed he looked out for nobody but himself when he was captain and manager of the Boston team. "The poor op pressed player" didn't stand deuce high with Morrill at that time: and if -he were receiving his little $3,500 from the triumvirs, you can rest assured that he would stick to it ana let the Brotherhood eo and saw wood for themselves. Money doesn't play a prominent part in a ball player's career. Ob, not A ball player simply looks out for glory and his family and let him tell it. Already Tom Daly has deserted the Brotherhood and wlllplay in Brooklyn. He will be sadly missed, for Daly was one of the star catchers of tho League. It is also given out that Denny will stick to Indianapolis unless he has everything secure before signing with a Brotherhood team. The Brotherhood has made a sad mistake in not holding a conference with the League offi cials; they have also deceived everybody by say ing they would do so, and then ening back on their word of honor. Last August, after tbe scheme was well under way, I had a talk with one of the Brotherhood officers, and from what he told me I felt contldept that the players wouldn'tgoitalone without first conferring with the League. I was deceived; lean see through i all now. "I will write and let you know what is going on," said the Brotherhood officer. "If the magnates insist on sendingdetectives after our players we will retaliate in the same way. There Is a bitter feeling between Ewing and O'Rourke, and New York may release the great lawyer. He can't run as he used to; nevertheless I think it a shame the way Ewinc orders him around. The gang didn't like Spalding in the trip 'around the world. He has a barrel of money, out he thinks more of a dollar than I would of ten." He also spoke of the cases of Sutcliffe, Conway and Casey; also about the League classifying the men instead of Nick Young. I spoke about this affair in one of mv August letters, but as the man has been one of my best and kindest friends, I shall not give his name, fearing it might forever queer him withtheLeaguemagnates;andI even doubt if the League people would care about blacklisting this man, for he is one of the most popular ball players in tbe country, a man of education and an honor to his protession, notwithstanding the fact that he was a prime mover in the late Brotherhood revolt. The plan of secession was given away by a Chicago newspaper man who was formerly the official scorer of the Cleveland club; and it now leaks out that LarryTwitchell gave tbe schemeaway. The newpaper man was at New York and was up for secretary of. the League, but Ward seems to be very much opposed to him for giv ing the affair so much publicity. Ward wanted Harry Wright for secretary. Fred. Dunlap, the capitalist and house buyer, who was going to retire from baseball to enter the more respectable pursuits of a real estate Shylock, will stay "wid the boys" and bleed for the good cause, for he expects to rake a little fortune out of it. Fred knows about as much about the finances of baseball affairs as a Spitz dog knows about shinning a slippery lamp post in the dead of winter. Charley Smith says Fred was handed a newspaper one dav to read about the lacing be received, when he glanced over the shipping news and exclaimed: "I'm on to that reporter; he's all the time try ing to queer me." Dunlap has been a saver of money ever since he started ont with the Auburn. N. Y., team in 1877 for a salary of $00 a month. He was quite a ball player thpn, and when he struck for $1,000 to play with Chicago for 18S0, old man Anson thought he had goat in the head. Dunlap thinks now that nothing short of $5,000 a vear will do. The Chinamen of Pittsburg should boycott Galvin for driving a laundry wagon. "Gayie" looks much prettier on a brewery wagon. Chables J. Foley. HART IN THE WEST. Interesting News About Jim nnd His Ball Players. tSPKCXU. TELZOBAM TO THE SISrATCH.1 Denver, November 16. Jim Hart, accom panied by the Boston Baseball Club, arrived in town to-day, and to-morrow will begin to play a series of gimes with Charley Comiskey's St. Louis aggregation. These games will be the greatest baseball event that Denver has cvernown. The formation of tbe Brother hood of baseball players is attracting consider able attention. Darby O'Brien, of the Brooklyn club ar riving in the city this morning. He talked freely, and declared emphatically that the backbone of tbe Association will be broken when the Brooklyns and Cincinnatis step out. Anew league win he formed, wnicn wiu in elude Bt. Aiouis, itansas city ana-ueuver, Brotherhood is a winner. The Clnrk lo Dillon. A local sporting man called at this office last evening and stated that he is prepared to match Jese Clark to wrestle Dillon, of the Southside, for $100 a side, catch-as-catch-can style. Clark's backers will be at this office any time suitable to Dillon to make a match. Withdraws His Demand. CHICAGO, November 16. Fred Erib with draws bis demand that tbe American field championship cup be forfeited to him, and will meet C. W. Budd and shoot him the match tor it at Davenport, la., Thursday next, tbe 21st Inst. Ladies, be Wise Get our prices before purchasing newmarkets, jackets or wraps, misses' cloaks. dresses.or -infants, vear. -d t tr: ' o:-ii.fit;j'V tktWterfnufi ,ttwr A)co ait c, , bum mm -uius. j IS IT A COLLAPSE? Important Keport About tho Brother hood Players. A RUMORED BREAK IN HBW YORK. Some Significant Statements by President w. a. Kimick. ME. HEWITT DECLARES HIMSELF. 8yracaiS Admitted to tbe Association and So May Rochester, Interesting' rumors are current to the ef fect that a break has occurred in the Brotherhood. President Nimick says a few interesting things. Syracuse is admitted to the Association, and Kochester may be the next. Toledo has applied. IBPXCIAL TELEOUAM TO TUB DlSPATCn.l Cleveland, November 16. A private telegram was shown to the correspondent ot The Dispatch this afreruoon, which came from New York and contained'rather start ling information. lwas to the effect that the threatened break in the Brotherhood had culminated and that some of the seced ing players had signed League contracts. The source from which the telegram em anated though, your correspondent is not at liberty to make it public at present, is absolutely reliable, with emphasis on the absolutely. The intention of the telegram was to notify local League players not to sign Brotherhood contracts. It was sort of a private tip to hem, and through a friend the original message was shown to The Dis rATCii correspondent. AIT IMPOBTANT LEXTEB. Later in thej;afternoon a letter which had been mailed on the 15tb in New i ork City ar rived, addressed to a gentleman who is consid erable of a local enthusiast and a personal friend of Cleveland players, tbongh not in any way identified in a business way with the game, and its contents were rather startling. It ad vised the recipient to warn local players to postpone the signing of Brotherhood contracts under any circumstances until after the next Brotherhood meeting. Tbe writer said that he knew of three prominent Brotherhood men un der contract with one Eastern club and two with another; that a break was to come in the Western section and that certain plavers who bad not been mentioned in current reports had affixed their names to League contracts, the publication of which was withheld for reasons plainly apparent. The letter, in referring to the League meet ing, said that unknown to tbe Brotherhood, while its LEASERS WEBB WATCH IiTO tbe sessions at tbe Fifth Avenue Hotel, nego tiations had been pushed in other quarters and favorable responses received from players. An explanatory note further on in the letter in ferred that the break to come in the Western section was at Pittsburg, and from a bint dropped the impression was that Beckley, the big first baseman, would bo in the League as usual next summer. LOCAL OPINIONS. ' President Nimick was told of the gist of the above dispatch, and said: "There ia a lot of truth in it. X can stand before the world, and declare truthfully that about 20 old League players have signed with their respective clubs. I stake my reputation on this statement. Phila delphia has four of her best men re-signed. The others I am not at liberty to name just now for the players' sakes. But. good heavens, why should any sensible player not sign with the League? Answer me that. Let me tell you what the Pittsburg club means to do as sure as Pittsburg exists. Every old player of ours who refuses to play with us and who plays with a rival clnb will be proceeded against as far as the law will allow; and further, every man who supports these players in violating their agreement with us will be sued for damages. Now, that is what we intend to do. just as sure as my name is W. A. Nimick. The law, of course, may not be in our favor, but as sure as we live we mean to fight to the bitter end for what we claim are our legal rights, so that every man who con nects himself with the deserting players muot prepare for a very expensive war. This is no boast. We will haye, that is, tho League will have, about 5300,000 TO FIGHT the legal aspects and I think tho law is on our side in many ways. "But let me ask why Pittsburg should sub scribe stock to a stranger when local money is already invested in tho same business? Is that fair? Has this clnb, the old club or its propie tors ever acted dishonestly with the Pittsburg public? Have we not invested thousands after thousands of dollars in tho club to please tbe public, and now when we were just on the point of getting or having a profit able club, is it a fair deal for outsiders to step in and try'to wreck our honest money and prospects? I question whether a eood businessman in Pittsburg would do such a thing. If it can in anv way be proven that we have acted dishonestly to players or public I will forfeit my stock. We ask fair play. That is all we want, and I believe, as a Pitts burger, that we will get it in this city. Depend UDonit, that we have piid salaries to players that are extraordinarily bigh; we have gore down to our pockets time and time again to keep good men together, and we have had no complaints of any account. Then, I ask, as x business man of PittSDurg why a conspiracy to rob me and my colleagues of invested money should be encouraged?" PHELPS DOUBTFUC He Is Not Sure About Accepting the Presi dency Offered reFECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DtSPATCH.l Louisviele, November IB. A Dispatch reporter met Mr. Phelps this morning and asked him whether be would accept the posi tion of President of the Association. He said: "You know that my name was proposed with out my consent, and I had no intimation of what the meeting was going to do except what I saw in the newspapers. I will, therefore, be compelled to consult with my law partners, Messrs. Jackson and O'Neil. before I can give a final answer. However, I think it is probable I will accept. I cannot go to New York just now and a committee of the Association mem bers will be in Louisville the next few days and we will consult as to the proper means of strengthening the .Association for the next campaign." From what Mr. Phelps stated last night, it Is more tban probable that the Association and tho Brotherhood will join issue, and wage a hot warfare against the League all alone the line. Fred Pfeff er, the Chicago second baseman, and oneof tbe chief men in the Brotherhood, w as in tho citv sovcral days ago on a secret mission and it Is said thtt be came to consult President Parsons about tho distribution of certain players. It is generally thought here that Syra cuse and Detroit will not be admitted just yet, but they will be put off until a consultation can be bad with the Brotherhood. If the combine is effected, the two clubs will not be admitted, but the three vacancies will be filled by Brother hood clubs in League cities. It is said that the scheme Is to put clubs in Boston, New York Philadelphia and Chicago, and strengthen the Louisville, Columbus and Baltimore teams. The St. Louis and Athletics are considered strong enough'. The tenth club will be placed in Cin cinnati, if the Sunday law is repealed by the new Legislature. If not, the new club will be put in Pittsburg. This will be a very strong ten-club league. SIB. TON DER AHE. Ho Passes Throueb nnd Snys a Fow Signlfl. .cant Words. President Von der Ahe, of the St. Louis Browns, and President Stern, of the Cincin nati club, passed through the city last night. President Stern refused to say anything except that the League would come out victorious in any conflict that may take place. Heisconfl. dent that the League has rieht on its side and therefore must be a winner. Von der Ahe said: "I can tell you that Btern has bought three of the best ball players in the East I cannot tell tbeir names, but I am tell ing von be has Rot three first-classmen. Tho Cincinnati club will be, in another Beason, the best club in the League, and don't you fo.-get it. The League will get plenty of players. There is no fear of that, and they will be good ones." More New Men. Harry Smith, of the local league club, has signed Catcher Bergen, of this city; Pitcher Henry Jones, of McEeesport, and Branden burg, all good players in tne.ctubs where they nave peen. oranuenuuwisam;gnm,wn, ina 'ynanwwp,- b,,v.;wu HEWITT GIVES HIS VIEWS. He States That tho Senators Are in the Leneno to Stay. Washington, November 16. Walter F. Hewitt, President of the Washington Base ball Club, returned to this city this morning from the New York League meeting, and in an interview witjj Associated Press repre sentative, expressed himself as being highly pleased with the results of the meeting and policy to be pursued by the League. He said that the weaker clubs of the organization, which had heretofore been in the minority and. had consequently little Influence at League meetings, were enabled, because of tbe attitude taken by tbe Brotherhood toward the League demand to what bad been religiously refused them, and to raise the per cent of visiting clubs from 25 to 40 per cent. The meeting, bo said, was the most harmonious he had ever at tended, and the disposition and aim of the delegates was to unite in the fight against the Brotherhood. So far as the Wash ington club is concerned, he said that it was in better condition to-day than it ever has been since its admittance into tho League, for tbe reasons that it had no opposi tion in this city to contend with, and also be cause it would open the season on the same footing as the remaining clubs in the organiza tion. "Is it the purpose of the League to maintain ten clubs with tbe accession of Brooklyn and Cincinnati?" "Yes," he responded, "and I wish to state emphatically that both the Washington and Indianapolis clubs are in tbe League to stay, and that neither will dropout." Then Washington will have a League clnb?" said the reporter. In answering this question Mr. Hewitt said that for a time ,he baa seriously thought of sending in his resignation, but now that the League had legislated to "live and let live," the Senators would bo in the battle, even though he did not receive pecuniary assistance from outsiders. In reply to the question as to why tho League adopted the resolution provid ing that no clubs shall sign a player before February 1, ho explained that it was done for the pnrpose of killing competition among dubs, and also to abolish tbe system of paying exorbitant sums of money for releases. It does not mean, however, that negotiations can not be entered into with a player or club before that date. For instance: If three or more clubs desire tbe services of tbe same player, it is the duty of these rival clubs to notify tbe President of the League, stating the price offered for the plavor's release, ana on Febru ary 1 it will bo made known which club makes the highest bid, so that neither the player, himself nor the unsuccessful bidders will know now much was paid. FILLING THE VACANIES. Syra'cuso an Association Member and Ro chester May be Another. tsrXCIAL TZLZGBA1X TO THE DtSFATCIT.l New Yoke, November 18. To-day for the first day in two weeks, tho corridors of the Fifth Avenue Hotel were free from crowds of Brotherhood men, All of the League people bad gone home with the exception of Treasurer Howe, ot the Cleveland club, who will start to day. The Association delegates were on band at an early hour and went into parlor C, where the League people held their convention to fin ish up their week's work. This work consists of filling the vacancies occasioned by tbe de sertion of the Brooklyn, Cincinnati and Kansas City clubs. There were four applications for membership Syracuse, Rochester, Detroit and Toledo. It was generally denied that the last named club was seeking admission, but Mana ger Chapman, of the Louisvilles, exhibited a telegram" from President Ketcbam. of the To ledo club, manifesting a desire to join. There was a great amount ot secrecy ob served this morning and many wblspered con sultations in the cafe between tbe delegates and the representatives of the minor leagues. Shortly before 1 o'clock President R. V. Miller, of the International Association, A R. Dickin son and George O. Fraser, of the Syracuse club, were summoned to tbe meeting room and 15 minutes after the Association adjourned to meet December 9 at Columbus, O. The only business done at the session was the admission of the Syracuse club to membership. The rest of the applications will be dealt with by tbe Finance Committee, to whom they have been referred. Everything points to the admission of Rochester. The National League of Baseball Clubs com pleted its work to-day, and before adjournment was taken the plan of action against the re volting Brotherhood players was adopted. Messrs. Byrne, Young and Reach, the Com mittee on Negotiations, which was appointed in accordance with resolutions adopted at the suggestion of A Or. Spalding, will work bard for the next few weeks so as to be able to pre sent an encouraging report at the re-convened meeting on January 2S. They say that there will be no difficulty in getting all the players necessary tor the success of the game. Several of the League delegates met in A. G. Spalding's office this afternoon, but nothing was done. THE BROTHERHOOD OATHS. Some Solemn Features of a Secret Organi zation. rSFECIAI. TELEOBAU TO THZSIEFATCn. The Sporting Times will to-day publish tho Brotherhood constitution entire. Following is the section or article containing tbe oath: Ar ticle VI Initiation: Section 1. The candidate having been regu larly elected, shall appear before the Presi dent of the electing chanter at a meeting of that chapter, and take the following oath: "I (candidate giving full name), do solemnly swear to strive to promote tbe objects and aims of this Brotherhood in accordance with its con. stitution and by-lawj; Never to take an undue advantage of a brother in good standing. Never to permit an unjust injury to be done to or continued against a brother in good stand ing while it is in my power to prevent the same. , To assisra worthy brother in distress. To render faithful obedience to the will of tbe Brotherhood as expressed by the decrees of the council or by a vote of my chapter. To all this I make my solemn oath before Almighty God and in the presence of these witnesses. M'KEESPORT'S PROSPECTS. A Club for the N. V. and W. P. Proposed Lenne. It has been decided that McKeesport will have a professional club, to be a member of the New York and Pennsylvania State league or tbe Tri-State league and a county league club next season also. The latter will be composed of most of tho players of tbe old county league club. Manager Torreyson has signed James Provins for the professional club, and will sign Thayer Torreyson also If possible, and it is thought that the latter may be made manager of the professional team. Up to to-day he has re ceived 65 applications ftom players for places on the professional team, and will have no trouble in signing good men. He has his eye on an excellent battery, and will send a dele gate Wednesday to attend the meeting of the Tri-State league at Springfield, O-, and one to Jamestown, N. Y.. on the 19th to attend a meet ing of tho New York and Pennsylvania State leacuc,with a view of hitching tbe professional club to one of these leagues, and it will proba bly be the latter. GLOOMY AT ilALTIMORE. All of Bnrnlo's Good Men May be Sold to Other Clubs. tSPECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. I Baltimoee, November 16. All the base ball cranks in Baltimore were startled when they learned that the Cincinnati and Brooklyn clubs had deserted the American Association, and more so when it was learned that tbe Kansas Citv club bad seceded. What will become of the'Baltimores is a mooted question. From a private source it was learned to-night thatKllroy, the crack pitcher, bad been sold to tbe Boston club, and that the remaining star players would soon be transferred to other cities. The owner of the club, whom Vice President Walz represents, is in New York, and it is stated that sinco the three clubs have seceded he Is in favorof sellingTucker, Griffin. Shindle, Foreman and Quinn. This means that there will be no club hero next season unless the Washington club franchise can be pur chased and Baltimore admitted into the League. Bostons Beaten. Deotteb, Col.. November 18. The St. Louis boys knocked out the Boston lads in this city to-day to the tune of 5 to 1, that being the score atthe end of the ninth innine. The weather was quite chlllv, but for all that there was a good attendance on the ground, fully 2,000 being present. Score by innings: St. Louis I00001S3 5 Bostons :::..::::..::.:::::.oo o o o o o 1-1 Base-hlts-Bostons, 4; St. Louis, 7. Krrors Bostons, 2: Bt. Lonls, 1. Batteries-st. Lonls, Chamberlain and Boyle: Bostons, Daley and Qanzell. Umpire-Dalrymple. Broctbers a Brotherhood Man. rsrxciAi. TELEORAH TO THE sisrATcn.t Boston, November 10. Dan Brouthers has cut loose from tbe Boston LeaRne clnb. He signed a Brotherhood contract to-day to play with the new club In Boston next year. It looks very much as though Arthur Irwin was to be ...nnr tho now Rrntberhood nine In this city, .with Kilroy as pitcher, Brouthers on first j IDM9 jana ?rpp naivoiuuivw JTtiZlSrTSlj kPljBl mts wwiw jrre PEIDDT THE WINNER. He Defeats McClelland in a Great Mile Kace. SMITH'S FRIENDS DESERT HIM. The Britisher's Defeat Leaves Him a Downed Man. PEINCET0N EASILY DEFEATS DAETAED Winners at Elizabeth afnd General Sporting- Hews of the Day. Peter Priddy defeated E. C. ITcClelland in the exciting local mile race. Jem Smith's defeat by Jackson has left him without any friends. Princeton beat Harvard in an ex citing football match. It is some time since there was a more ex citing foot race in this city than that of yes terday between Peter Priddy and E. C. Mc Clelland, both local pedestrians. It is also safe to say that never was a sqnarer race run, and the fact that the contest was free from tampering left even the talent in doubt until the race was decided. The contestants ran one mile on Exposition Park, track for $500 a side, and, to say the least of it, the talent were completely upset, as McClelland, almost a 2 to 1 favorite, was very handily beaten by Priddy, after one of the finest races seen in this city. About 800 people. were present, and everyone was enthusiastic about the race. All tbe near towns were represented in the crowd, but tbe feeling preponderated in favor of McClelland. He, until yesterday, was an unbeaten man, and his backers and admirers stuck to him'with re markable confidence. Betting was lively at $25 to S15, and some bets were made at to lo-ic. Altogether a large amount ot money was in vested on the race. A MUDDY TBACK. The track was extremely muddy and tbe con testants were compelled to run on the extreme outside almost the whole distance. This caused them to cover probably 40 yards more tban one mile. This condition of things was understood to favor McClelland, and he became atthe start a sounder favorite tban ever. Ted Johnson, wbo was. chosen referee on Friday evening, conld not officiate and George Gang acted in that capacity, giving every satisfaction. It was about -130 when the contestants, ac companied by tbeir trainers, toed tbe mark. In short time the runners were sent on their jonrney. McClelland getting away with about two yards in front. Priddy went away with a vigorous stride and at once got within a yard of McClelland. Priddy then fell back about two yards, and with this differ ence between tbey raced to the quarter in ono minuto and seven seconds. McClelland still pegged away, getting out tbe pace at a merry gait considering the state of the track. Priddy kept at his heel, and the race at this stage was exciting. There were cries of 5 to 2 on McClelland. He was running well, and so was Priddy. When nearing the half distance Priddy, in response to Sam Day, his trainer, quickened no, and without much effort got breast and breast with McClelland at tbe half mile point, afid within the next few yards passed bim smil ingly. The pair then raced breast and breast past the three-quarters pole, and, indeed, the race was splendid. McClelland, who by this time was convinced that he had caughta tartar, struggled on like a hero. Priddy stuck to bim Ilka a shadow, and wouldn't be shaken off. On round ing tbe turn for the borne stretch Priddyforged to the front, the struggle being desperate. Mc Clelland really died hard, and he held on until tbe beginning of the stretch was reached, when Priddy drew out WITH AN EXTRA. EFFOBT, and McClelland hadn't an extra ounce with which to respond. The race was won and lost amid deafening yells. Priddy passed the wire an easy winner by about 20 yards in 4 minutes and 48 seconds. Comment on the race need be brief. Mc- 'Clelland at the distance was outclassed. He ran a game race, but as has been stated in this paper time and time again be lacks tbe speed to run any distance as short as a mile against a good mile runner. His lacK of speed is his stumbling block in a mile race. However, he is a game man and stuck to a superior runner yesterday in a way that ought to gain the ad miration of everybody who saw tho race. He was in excellent condition ana no fault could be found with his trainer, Chris Roselip. Mc Clelland's backers losed like heroes and merely said a better man had beaten them. Priddy ran a better race than many people thought he could run. He had run no trial, but as usual he was confident ot victory, al though many of his friends were afraid. He had been extremely well prepared by Sam Day, and the latter and George Smith coached him excellently on the track. Priddy was inclined to save S25 with McClelland in the gate re ceipts, but Mac objected, so that Prindy got all tbe admission cash. Priddy is undoubtedly a more natural runner in style than McClel land, and this told its tale when the argument became hot. However, it was evident that at the half-mile point Prindy had too much speed for the Sobo representative. Priddy simply won because be is a better mile runner tban McClelland. He, however, is a plucky oppo nent for any man to tackle. SMITH IN THE SOUP. All of His Old Friends Desert Him Becnase of His Defeat. BT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, November 16. CopyrightJem Smith has lost caste. Since his defeat last Monday morning, none of his old backers seem inclined to support him, and though the match with Slaviu will probably come off,his friends do not seem enthusiastic about it. There is some talk of Slavm's hands showing signs of weak ness, but tbe notion of tbe Australian is that they will hold out quite long enough to settle the English champion. The fight will take place in France. ........ Jackson and Smith have had three days' ex hibition boxing at the Aquanum this week. Some people thought Smith might bave another try in order to rehabilitate himself, but tbey weTO mistaken, for it was very quiet and dull all through. Jem Mace says there is only one man who can beat Jackson, and that Is John L. Sullivan. .Mace is heartbroken that such a man as Smith should pose as champion. He thinks Sullivan tbe finest fiehter he ever saw, and believes he could train him to meetanyone. Mace has offered to box Mitchell three rounds, to let the public see the difference between the old style and the new, but Mitchell thinks tho game is hardly good enough for him. Elizabeth Results. Elizabeth. N. i., November 16. Racing re sults to-day: tirst race, flve-eiehtbs or a mile Mamie B won In 1:0 Express second, Bradford third. Second race, three-quarters of a mile Kalnbow wonlnlH. Oregona second, Casperthird. Third race, one mile Bohemian won in 1:51, Theodoslns second, fethlem third. Fourth race. three-o.narters ofa mile Bellwooa won In 131, Ban Cloche second, Martin Knsaell Fifth race, three-quarters of a mile-Freedom won in IrtOM, Coldstram second. Puzzle third. Sixth race, one mile-Lonely won In 1:S1), Stepheanle second, Gallatin third. Bllllnrd Tournament Terms. Chicago, November 16. Tbe terms of the much debated billiard tournament were an nounced this evening. The leading provision is that there shall be two contest one in New York and one in Chicago. The first is to be a handicap in lines, and to be played in ew York: the latter part of January. Thesecondisto be a handicap in points, and takes place in Chicago about 30 days after the first tournament. Tbe Brunswick-Balko Collender Company will donate 52,500 for each tournament; each player to pay an entrance fee ot S250 for each tourna ment, and roust participate In both. In tho New York tournament.) Schaffer, Slosson and Vlgnaux are to play 14-inch balk line, and the other players 8-inch balk line. Games are to consist of 500 points- each. Foolbnll matches. Philadelphia, November 16. Tbe football teams of the University of Pennsylvania and Bulger's College played a game here this after noon, resulting in a victory for the university boys by a score of 14 to 0. HAKTTOBD. November 16. Trinity defeated S'evcns at football to-day by a score of 12 to a "speingfield, Mass.. November 11 Yale defeated Wesieyan oz to u, on nampnen rats, -. . .. ....... ... n ..tia mnlnn.lilfi ,. ,a "I hfl The this aitemwu, .m vuauiwu.ujij ,,nu.v work of the Yale team was very loose. How Tary Finished. Following is the official standing of the County League clubs for last season: non. East End Athletics 21 McKeesports 21 Braadoelcs .' IS jost. Percent. "S 807 ,7. 750 ' 3I , Homesteads ...... ...-.Tr...... nt Htn Stars .IKSKrrT.Tiffl I L'OftisWdl,-. r-.iV."..M...TJ i Ml -m 1 1 Si'msss COUNTY LEAGUE WINXEIIS. The Laclur Local Men Who Won the Good Prizes. The final meeting of the Allegheny County League for tbe season of 1889 seemed to be a veritable lova feast. All the clubs belonging to the league were represented, and each dele- j gate seemed to try and outdo tbe others in en deavoring to congratulate Manager Edwards on the success of bis team, while the latter gen tleman endeavored to accept their good wishes with becoming modesty. After the meeting bad been called to order by" President Clark tbe first business in order wa? the report of the of ficial scorer in regard to the official standing of the different clubs at the end of the season and the individual averages of the players. After Official tJcorer Eawards had read his report of the standing of the clubs, a motion was then made that as the Last End Athletics appeared to bave the highest percen tage of victories in tbe league they should be awarded the pennant for tbe season of law, which had been so kindly offered by Mr. A G. Pratt. This .motion was then carried unani mously, and Mr. Clark presented the trophy to Mr. Edwards in a few well-cboen words and Mr. Edwards responded with quite a lengthy speech for which be was heartilypplauded. Manager Torreyson, who made such a eallans light for tho flag, was then called on and ha responded by Saying that although be did nop get there this time, still he thought ho would make someone hustle for it next year, he was also greeted with applause. , , Official Scorer Edwards then read tbe official averages of the different players, and bis aver ages were accepted bv the league. A great deal oi interest was taken in these averages, on ac count of the different prizes offered for in dividual excellence in the different features of thogame. According to the official figures, Henry Laner, of the East End Athletics,' Won the gold medal for batting, with tho phenome nal average of .517 per cent in 21 games; John Baker, ot the Braddocks, and M. Halleron, of tbe Etna Stars, are tie for tbe gold medal for tbe best fielding average, each bating a per centage of tUCO in IS games played. James Provins, of the McKeesport club, stole 42 bases in 21 games, and he will carry off the medal offered for the most stolen bases. Jim Gray, of tbe East End Athletics,, will carry off the medal for the player scoring tbe most runs, ho having scored 4!) in 21 games. There seemed to be general satisfaction when the result of tbe different contests for tha prizes was announced, and everyone seemed to agree that they had been awarded to the proper parties. A committee of three, consisting of President Clark, Secretary Barr and Treasurer Schooler, was then appointed to settle the financial affairs of the league, and make a re port to tbe different clubs. A resolution was then drawn up as follows: "Tbe Allegheny County Leagne hereby thanks Mr. A G. Pratt for his kindness in pre senting lo the above league, a trophy which would do well worthy of a contest in a larger organization. They also thank him for tha universal kindness and courtesy with which ho has always treated the different clubs,and mem bers of clubs in tbe league." After a lew woids from each one of the different delegates present in regard to the successor the leagne during the past season and the future prospects of tbe organization for next season, the meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the President. , PRINCETON WON. They Easily Defeated the Harvard Boys at Football. Boston, November 16 Never In tho history of college athletics has such a vast assemblage attended a contest in Cambridge as that of to day to witness the game between tbe Harvard and Princeton football elevens on Jarvis Field. Every seat was taken long before play was called, and a mass of straggling humanity 15 to 20 feet deep entirely encircled the field ontsideof tbe ropeo. The respective teams were greeted with deafening cheers as they came on the grounds for preliminary practice. It was a perfect football day. The ground was hard and firm, and just a faint northwest wind was blowing diagonally across the field. Fully 10,000 people were sitting or standing about tbe field when the two elevens appeared for their preliminary practice. The Princeton men looked confident and the supporters of the crimson bad an earliest f eelinz that whatever the outcome tbeir eleven would make a hardy, pamey fight. The teams lined "up as follows: Harvard Comneock, left end, weight 160: Upton. left tackle, 160; Cranston, left guard, 180: Tilton. center, 190; Trafford. right guard, 175; Stickney. right tackle. 163; Crosby, right end. 145; Dean, quarterback, 145; Lee, left half back, 170; Baxe, right half back, 160; Trafford. full back, 160: average weight of tbe team, 165 pounds: avcrace welcht of rush line, 168 pounds. Princeton Warren, right end, weight 14S: Cash, right tackle. 161; Biggs, rieht-gnard.T80; George, center, 178; Janeway, left guard. 204; Cowan, left tackle, ISO; Don nelly, left end. 151: Foe, quarter back, 132; Black, right half back. 168; Cbanning, left half back. 144: Ames, full back, 155; average weight of team, 164 pounds; average weight of rush line, 172 pounds. The match was well played, and Princeton won by 31 to 15. The following dispatch shows how the news was received at Princeton: The news of Princeton's victory in the foot ball game with. Harvard to-dav reached here about 6 o'clock to-night. Fully 500 students were at the telegraph office to catch the latest arrival of news. When the final score was an nounced pandemonlnm reigned supreme, and tbe old town to-night is undergoing one of the greatest awakenings it has experienced in many years. Amid the play of fireworks, the din of horns, drums, etc. a great pile of com bustible material was heaped around tha old cannon on tbe campus and burned. After the celebration around tbe fire tbe student's pro ceeded in line to tbe president's house, where addresses were made. THE CHRISTMAS RACE. All tho Leading Pedestrians Resolve to Start In tho Contest. Everything Is progressing favorably for tha big local 72-hour pedestrian contest which Is to take place at the London Theater during Christmas week; Yesterday interesting letters were received from Noremac, Hegelman and Guerrero. The first named states definitely that all the leading pedestrians in the country will start in the ra:o. Ha states than Dan Herty has promised to coma and so has George Cartwrigbt. Howarth is training already for the race. Hegelman in a letter states that he and Con nors will start. The first named is certain that be will defeat any man in America 12 hours per day. He also states that all the champions are preparing for the race as 8,000 in cash is worth trying for. Moore, Spices, Adams, Golden. "Little" Smith and other prominent go-as-you-please contestants have resolved to start in the race. The track will be 23 laps. It will be an en tirely new track and will be laid under the bet supervision. The first man will receive HoO and all tbe prize winners will be required to stay on the track nntil tbe last hour expires. PITTSBURG'S SCRAPPISG BOBBY. The California Clnb Want to Match Pat Fnrrell With the Marine. Pat Farrell, Pittsburg's pugilist policeman, received a letter from the California Athletic Club of San Francisco, yesterday, asking him at what weieht he wished to fight in the pro posed match before that clnb with La Blanche, the "Marine." The letter propounds a number of questions in connection with tbe proposed match, and in timates that Farrell's backers must be prepared to put up a good round sum, as La Blanche is now in a position to demand fancy Azures, and will, no doubt, take advantage of it. Colonel Brace's Sale. t Elizabeth, November 16. Colonel 8. D. Bruce conducted a successful sale this noon In tba paddock. The horses sold comprised tha entire racing stables of McClelland & Rock, wbo have dissolved partnership, and Mr. A M. Hunter, the junior partner of tbe old firm ana a famous St. Louis sporting man publicly an nounced bis intention of buying Badge, but Bookmaker George Walbaum wanted htm to start at Guttenburg this winter, and when Mr. Roche bid $9,300. Mr. Waloaum went bim flGQ better. Tbe St. Louis man reached bis limit, and Walbaum secured the celebrated Badge for 9,600. The names, ages, pedigrees, selling E rices and purchasers of horses are as follows: iradford, b. h. (5). by Imperial Glengarry or Bramble-Nevada; G. Walbtum, S3.100. Badge, b. c. (4), by Imperial IU-Used-The Baroness; G. Walbaum, 11600. The Lioness, b. f. (3). by Imperial Billet-Vega; B. Roche. JL550. Hey dav. b. c. (3). by Iroquois-Ontario; C Pot, $1,700. LordTPevton, b. c (2). by Leoitus; Ed Brown. SL0O0. Frederick L. b. c (2), by Long fellow Frederick; Matt Sharp. 11.025. Property of William Hunter: Mr.Pelham.tt c. (2). by Imperial St Blaise-Danntlcw, F. Esbner. 31,050. Salvinl; A.M. Hunter, IL50O, VosburgjAM. Hunter, L200. The Quoit Match. SPBCIAL TXLIOBAM TO THI DMFATCR.t McKemtort, November 18. Arrangements were completed thbevenineforthe third cams of quoits for $100 aside between John Jinks, of McKeesport, and Charles Carmen, of Suters. The match will take place at McKees port Saturday next. The stakes are np- Tbe raea have pitched two games, each winning TW BWM , tw9 CnVV- lksTKflkiKHW, VtftmkyH. Tea W. IS of the nurse offered in the Warren-Murphy fight. Ho claims that tbe fight was stopped by tbe club and declared a draw, and that under tbe agreement he is entitled to one-half ofitha purse offered. ". Far West Racing. JCj ' San Fbancisco, November 16. Thafall meeting of tha Pacific Blood Horse Associa tion opened auspiciously to-day. Tf The first race was a mile dash Abi woni Daisy D second. Jubilee third. Time. 1:4L . Three-quarters ot a mile. Ladies' stakes-J Muta won, Jessie O second. Time, 1:16. Wbi? ban's driver, O'Neil, was thrown at the quar- -ter, but was not seriously hurt. One and one-half miles. November stakes, , 51,000. all aces Peel won in 2:363. Mikado seo--ond. Tycoon third. Three-quarter mile beats, selling Long Short " won, Kil dare second, Ida Glenn third. Best' time, I J4. Palo Alto Falls to Lower His Record. ISFECIAt, TEIEOBAX TO THE Dig PATCH. 1 Napa Citt. Cax., November 16. Palo 'Alto started this afternoon to beat tha stallion rec ord of iriZ, but made a bad break on tba home.' stretch and failed. His time was 2U2, Tho ' quarters were made in 3 1:06, 1:39 and 2 J2Jife ' S unol trotted an exhibition mile in 2:15. 8Um4, bonl again lowered bis record this afternoonJW and trotted a mile in 20 A prfVatewwaeerM of $10,000 that Stamboul would make 2:13 before,, the year is out Is still undecided. His time" at the quarters to-day was 33, W5Ji, 139, 2d2Jiri rrr A FIcfat to a Finish. . - . Knoxvtxae, Tenn.. November 16. A fight, to a finish with skin-tight 'gloves. Marquis! of' Queensberry rules, occurred here this mornings at 3 o'clock. The pugilists were Frank Mo5 Hngh.a featherweight champion ot Cincinnati, and Joseph Fappiano. of this city. Tha fight! lasted ono hour and ten minutes, and IS rounds fought. Fappiano threw up, and light and purse of $500 were given to McHugh. A Football Waterloo. Buffalo, November 16. Cornell defeated Michigan University here to-day at football by-68to0. First Meeting In the New HalU The Teachers' Academy held their first meeting in their new ball on Sixth avenue' yesterday afternoon. The only work dono was tbe election of Hiss Ollie Smith, of the HcCandless school, to membership,;and the appointment of a special committeejoj prepare a beneficiary clause as an amendv ment to the constitution and make a" report at tbe January meeting of the. academy!. The pnrpose is to establish a benefit . fdndj. and paybenefits to the members who majj. become incapacitated from following" theirs? occupation by infirmity or age. JMSi - - $. DIED. - CONROY At her parents residence. Mala ,' J& street. Sharpsburg, on Saturday, November'lNS? 16, 1880. at 1130 P. M.. MIS3 ClffTA CONKOT. vjSsT Notice of funeral hereafter. "?Kp JACKSON At theVestdenc of her daugbS?' ter. Mrs. Thomas H. Frost, 116 Bluff 'street,? Pittsburg, on Sunday, November 17, 1889,atr 122U a. M.,Mra. Maria Jackson, aged 81 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. QAFE, RELIABLE, WHOLESOME Our pure eight-year-old export GTJCKENHEJMER WHISKY Is the cheapest, the most reliable and whole some whisky that can now be obtained; the most nourishing and strengthening whisky for invalids, convalescents and the aged that can be found. It holds a high place among all other whiskies, and it deserves it. Sold in full quart bottles at SL or six for fo. PURE CALIFORNIA WINES. Equal in every respect to any of the hlga-,-' priced wines of tbe day, and as pure as thajL purest. Sold in full quarts at 50c, or to per doa.1 Please send for f uU price list, mailed free. ' ( ' i " DRUGGISTS, PITTSBURG, PA. ' nol7-TTS3U ACCIDENT ON CABLE LINE. r, A prominent gentleman in the East End, in: jnmping on the cable car the other day. made (. freat rent In his new suit, but Dickson, the ailor. at 65 Fifth ave.. second floor, came to bis rescue, repaired it, so that to all appear- ' anc It is as goods new. Dickson's specialty is cleaning and repairing, and bis charges are?, moderate. Give him a trial. no!7 TO THE PUBLIC. thy Hunter's Ketqhup IT IS ZPTTZE&IEJ Mr. Taos. C Jenk ins: TVnin Dra t,.. Hm.t. .r f .IT Hnnt.aTA. ma to Ketchnp received from you on Oct. 8, '8S, JtB has been analyzed, and I And It free from ail "'""yL exai acios, s&ucyuc km or ariiacuu wmmwij matter. SlxnedJ HUGO BLAXCK, Chemist, JElttibarz. FOR SALE BY THOS. O. JENKINS nol6-6 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. T-n-ANTifiiA rsrum nuT.iARr.Tl BOY? TO VV attend grocery store and d rive wagon : iroo reference. Apply IWl PJCSN AVE. norr-ISS -tokbale-an iNTKBEsrui AJrouwzr,c2 JD nearly finished, with soo acres near prodaclnj-g wells. Address FOKXONE. Dispatch office. 4J norr-ia yf F K3ALE-A PHOMPT BUYER CAN BUY for faxvOO a larxe, well-Improved East End, ; Tjrooertv- worth KQ. 000. AddreuHonTRBOUXOL Dispatch office. norMS4 '"X VT O T I C E-MEETINCr MACHINISTS- & J Pittsburg Lodge No. 62, National AssotaVW uonui. jiacm..i'i', n.ee s every 8ATCKDAV EVENING At No. 81 Fourth avenue, at 7:30 o'clock. DOIJ-IW-B CASINO MUSEUM. X W. O'BRIEN . .Proprietor! E. W. CONNELLY....- Jianagerj WEEK OF NOVEMBER 18. 1SS9.. wnpi.n ntr wnicntrna. 3 CHAREES- EL H1LUARD, Elastic Jointed Man. f FRETJ HOWE. . &"3 Kentucky Fat Bov, a Veritable MoucUJij of Flesh. TTl.rrWTJTr!tTK' MTTMMTER New Zealand Chieftains. Joe BLTo-'3 - i,T,rr t a ir rrrr.TP!- "l """ -- - ""W- V3rfs inu Li v 1 1 u i i r,u v. i,: XJJJJflLJ.Wiaum.E MACKTN- & CURDT'B -, Great Specialty Compaay, Including MacUa and Curdy, Miss Seam Brannasan aiid Steele. 3(saM jtraaamiam. q.M. FIFTHAVENUE 1 $m l.-dH Iiy?7??aifWnWffUsssWI y MC!?5 sssa. ? TrCLcii'm-uSii mlf . V jisf" 9 i li