W ' .-J i T3T' r TEJ PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1889. WHY CAMPBELL WON. JSIarguis Will Contest Lient. Got. Lampson's Election. PHE PLURALITY IS ONLY 22. Why Allen 0. Myers is Sweating Under the Democratic Collar. JSOME SENATORIAL CANDIDATES Al Carlisle, the widely-known politician j'of Ohio, came into the city last evening f, from Columbns, where he has been since the election. There are few men better posted in Ohio politics and none who have less per sonal interests at stake. His friends agree that he could have almost any appointive office in the giftof Governor-elect Campbell, but Mr. Carlisle says flatly that he will not accept office, having, as he puts it, "trouble enough already." Mr. Carlisle was seen last evening by a representative of The Dispatch, and, in answer to a question as to the cause of Mr. Campbell's success, said: "The interest taken in the Democratic State Convention at Dayton had mucn to do with it. The sharp contest for the nomina tion produced a lull attendance. It was the largest convention ever held by the Ohio Democracy, and out of the struggle came one ot the best platforms ever adopted in Ohio. It united all elements or the party in its support Mr. Campbell represented in himself the party's platform, and con ducted a most brilliant canvass, aided by the gentlemen who were his rivals lor the nomination. The management of the Dem ocratic campaign was perfection itself. 2o mistakes were made from start to finish. The Democracy was aided by Foraker's un popularity, caused by his forcing himself on the party as a third term candidate, and con tinual blunders by the Republican man agers and Governor Foraker's boon com panion, Murat Halstead, of the Commercial Gazette." LilirSOU'S 22 PLUEALITT CONTESTED. "Will Mr. Marquis make a contest for the office of Lieutenant Governor?" ''Yes, sir. The returns first certified to by the Clerks of the county courts gave Marquis a plurality of 32. Some mistakes were discovered, in Montgomery, Mahoning and other counties, and the clerks made cor rections. Then when the Secretary of State counted up the votes Lampson had an ap parent plurality ot 42. However, a mistake was found in the vote of Washington county and that return was then sent back to the clerk. That clerk is a Republican, and the Republicans cannot cry traud. The abstract was again received at Columbus yesterday evening. The correction makes a reduction of 20 in Sampson's apparent plurality, leav ing it only 22. Mr. Marquis has been in Columbus for two days, in consultation with his attorneys, Hon. George L. Converse and Hon. Thomas K. Powell, and with leading Democrats of Franklin county and the State, in regard to his contest. His action was indicated by Mr. Powell's introduction of Mr. Marquis at the meeting in Columbus last night. He said: 'We have with us this evening our Lieutenant Governor elect, Mr. Marquis, of Bellefontaine, who, I believe, has been counted out but will yet be Lieu tenant Gorernor of Ohio. "Mr. Marquis is one of the finest men in Ohio, and would not make the contest were it not that he has assurance of enough illegal votes to turn the thing in his favor." ALLEK O. "WAS TUEXED DOVTN. "What is the meaning of Allen 0. Myers' declaration against millionaire candidates for the United States Senate?" "I think the tronble is this: Mvers has been under a big salary from John R. Mc Lean, and owing to his troubles at Colum bus in the tally sheet trials, the people who have charge of Mr. McLean's newspaper business have refused to allow him to write political articles in the Enquirer. For a number of years Myers has been active in Ohio politics, is well versed as to the ins and outs of both parties, and is a brilliant correspondent. Having been denied the privilege ot writing any more for the En quirer, on politics, has made him sore. While be has stated many truths in what he has said, he is especially correct in his as sertion that public sentiment in Ohio cannot be bought. The fact, how ever, that a man is a millionaire will not be considered a bar against his being a candidate for any office in the gift of the people. The people will demand that he be a man of ability, and that he shall not be honored with such an office simply because he has contributed to campaign funds. They will look to the individual services which he has rendered the party in its many fights, and his ability to defend the positions of the party in the Senate and on the stump before the peo ple." A I,OSQ LIST OP ASPIEAXTS. "Who are the Democratic candidates for the Senatorship?" "Calvin S. Brice, Chairman of the Demo cratic National Committee; John H. Me diation, an able attorney of Dayton, who has secured a good record in Congress; Charles Baker, an eminent lawyer of Cin cinnati, and General John H. Thomas, a large and successful manufacturer of Spring field. General Thomas is distinctively a tariff reformer and in full sympathy with Mr. Cleveland's ideas on that subject. While some of these gentlemen may not de serve the honor, there is little question as to their ability. At this time it looks as if the fight were an open one, with a possibility that other prominent men may be brought out. The Republican caucus, I think, will nominate Charley Foster." f "Who will be the candidates for Speaker r of the House?" xne two prominent canamaies are Jur. Hysley, of Perry county, and Hon. Jesse P. Torfces, of Coshocton countv." "What are their chances?" "It seems to be the general opinion that Mr. Forbes will be successful. He is a capable man. He is young and vigorous, and was a member of the last House." Mr. Carlisle says that the biennial election amendment to the State Constitution re ceived 255,000 votes, while 252,000 votes were cast against it. The question whether or not it requires a majority of all the votes cast, which it did not receive, will soon be passed upon by the Supreme Court If it is adopted it will make Mr. Campbell's term three years instead of two. STECCK. THE 0THEE BOY. Newberry Interfered In n Flrfit and Was Tined S10 for II i Tronble. M. L Dean had a case before Alderman Porter yesterday. Sidney Uewberry, who works at the Black Diamond, was charged with striking the son of Kate Gallagher. Newberry's boy was fighting with young Gallagher in the Thirteenth ward. New terry was getting the worst of it, when his father, coming home from work, happened to notice them. The man caught hold of Gallagher and severely thrashed him, hit ting him across the head with the chair. Newberry was fined f 10 and costs or 30 days to the workhouse. PRESENTED A P1CTUEE. Boiler Street M. E. Church Received a IJkeeess of Their Superintendent. The teachers of the Butler Street M. E. Church presented the school with a hand some picture of their Superintendent, Mr. Samuel Hamilton. An ice cream supper was served before the presentation. The tables were prettily adorned with flowers. Rev. W. H. Pearce j made the presentation speech, and Mr. Hay accepted the picture on pehajf of the sciooL, AN ALDERMANIC NINE-PIN. How Prisoner Chnpman Bowled Over the I- & O. Cbnmplon A. WUhart Bobs Up Once More Fan at the Jail. William Chapman was committed to jail yesterday by Alderman Carlisle on charges of selling liquor without license and on Sun day, entered by A. Wishart, in default of $1,000 bail." The circumstances of Chapman's arrest were rather unusual. A son of Alderman Carlisle was the arresting officer. Chapman is a large, fine-looking man, beside whom young Carlisle looked like a school boy. Chapman good-naturedly accompanied Car lisle as far as the jail entrance, and then suddenly remembered that he bad a little business to attend to down town. He in formed Carlisle of his intention of going down to attend to it, bnt tbat young man thought a prisoner had no right to attend to any business, and caught Chapman by the arm to lead bim into jail. Chapman stretched out his arm and Car lisle went spinning ont into the street The act was repeated several times, and quite a crowd gathered aronnd enjoying the fun, much to Carlisle's discomfiture. But, al though embarrassed, Carlisle did not allow his fear ot his prisoner to get the better of bis judgment, and be accommodatingly al lowed Chapman to cross the street and carry on a conversation for half an hour with some friends, thongh he kept coaxing him all the while to come over to the jail and al low himself to be arrested. Chapman, how ever, paid no attention to his cap tor, except to catch him by the neck every once in awhile and send him running out into the street until his conver sation was ended, and then he started down the street, Carlisle following. In about an hour Chapman returned to the jail, followed still by Carlisle, and turned himself over to Warden Berlin. Carlisle turned the com mitments over to tbe "Warden, and the pris oner was locKea up. In addition to Chapman Alderman Car lisle committed Marshall Moss and his wife to jail yesterday on charges of illegal sell ing and Sunday selling. A. Wishart was tbe prosecutor in both cases. ELOPERS IX JAIL. A Gay and Feslire Couple of Iiorera Caught In Allechenv Yesterday afternoon Detective Eichen laub, of Allegheny, arrested Henry Frie decker and Wilhelmina Bender, who are alleged to be an eloping couple from New York City. The pair have been living in Allegheny for eight weeks, part of the time with a Mrs. Eiffel, a sister of Mrs. Bender. Mrs. Eiffel kept them in her house for six weeks, when they had a quarrel. Mrs. Ben der was turned out and her husband in New York notified. He came here a few days ago and swore out a warrant for the couple. Mrs. Bender was arrested at a house on East street, where she had gone housekeeping, and Friedecker at a house on Fifth avenue, this city, where he was working at his trade carpentering. They will have a hearing be fore Mavor Pearson to-morrow. Mrs. Bender claims that her husband ill treated her, and has no right to molest her, as he procured a divorce when she deserted him. HIS BACE IS MJliPED. Ia There Any Wonder That Policemen Soon Xearn to Swear. All the difficulties encountered by the police are not made by the criminals, or those trying to get outside the reach of the lash of the law. The manner in which the police bureau is notified of the advent of criminals is sometimes as misguiding as if the man who wanted to dodge the officers dictated the telegram. For example, the following received last night from Jean nette might be taken to cloak the stunted smasher of the laws of the Commonwealth rather than lead to bis arrest: Look out for short, hump-backed man. Rob bery m Jeanne tte. James A. Farmer. The telegram giving no time in which to look out for the coming man, subjected a great many people who might be afflicted with spinal deformity to arrest, more especially if, as in nine cases out of ten, his stature happened to be short The descrip tion was taken with a receipt for ten words and several grains of salt FAMILY TE0DBLES AIRED. The Dnrdlnes Seek Magistrates' Ofllces to Ventilate Their Slaritnl Infelicities. The hearing in the case of E. F. Dardine, charged before Alderman Richards by his wife with assault and battery, was continued last evening. After hearing the testimony the case was dismissed. Dardine has pre viously been held in $500 bail for court on the charge of desertion, preferred by his wife. Mrs. Dardine, who had been charged by her husband's father with a serious of fense, was held in 5500 bail for a hearing Tuesday. Immediately after the hearing, Dardine was arrested by a constable from Magistrate McKenna's office. The charge against him was still more grave and was brought by his wife. He was held for a hearing. Dardine is 21 and his wife but 17. Their married life was ery unhappy. THE SDIT0E SUES. That Bcllevue Swain Alter the Father of nu Dalclnea. Herman Weschalk appeared before Al derman Porter yesterday and entered suit against Austin and August Mischbaugh for assault and battery and felonious shooting. The parties reside in Bellevue, and the allegations are that when the prosecutor went to call on the daughter of Austin Mischbaugh he was assaulted, kicked from the house and pistol shots fired at him. The defendants were arrested and held for a hearing on Monday. SHAKESPEAEB SCHOOL ELECTION, Oils 3Iarr Andenon Chosen an Assistant Principal. The election for an assistant principal at the Shakespeare school last night resulted in Miss Mary Anderson being chosen for the position. Miss Anderson's place as teacher of a lower room was filled by the election of Miss Jennie McConnel. The Central Board of Education allow another teacher at this school. There are 24 candidates applying for the place. No decision was arrived at last night by the directors in the matter. A Crook's Ladder Found. An officer on making one of his rounds in the neighborhood of Ben Venue last evening, found a 16-foot ladder lying on thehillside above Ben Venue station, alongside a fence, covered over with a lot of leaves. When he examined it he found it to have both ends rapped with carpet, so it would stop any noise made in placing it against a building. A Chief Marsh nl Substitution. Fred Greenwald.who was appointed Chief Marshal of the butchers' division for the Thanksgiving Day parade, has refused to serve, and Chief Marshal of Allegheny divi sion, J. F. Beilstein, has appointed Jacob Richter to serve in his place. A. Kalch thaler was appointed Adjutant General. A big turnout is expected. Objects to Being; Knocked Down. John Sweeney was held in default of $500 bail for court yesterday by Mayor Pearson, of Allegheny, on a charge of aggravated assault and battery, pretened by Hugh Callahan. The latter alleges that Sweeney knocked him down and drew a pistol on him. De. B. M. Hjlnka. Eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn street, Pittsburg, Pa. :. . , ,,g&sa A PERIODICAL SCARE. The Beck's Kun Schindery Polluting the Monongahela Water. SODTHSIDERS WANT IT REMOVED. Dr. Mundorf Discusses Possible Methods for Future Eehef. APPEALING TO THE HEALTH OFFICERS There is a deal of condemnation being heaped upon the Beck's run schindery again. Southside people claim that the water is so ioully polluted with organic matter that the health of the community is not only endangered, bnt the people are given a supply of water that is wholly unfit for use. Beck's rnn, on which is located the schindery, empties into the Mononga hela a little more than half a mile above the influent pipe of the Monongahela Water Company, and although it is claimed that the greatest care is exercised in the manage ment of the schindery, there is more or less organic matter carried by the surface water into the adjacent stream, its natural outlet. The scientific argument being that all streams carrying organic matter must en danger the health of the people who draw water from them, the Southside folks are de claring themselves against the schindery, and assert tbat it must be abolished. As the complaints against the alleged nuisance are periodical, a Dispatch representative visited the place yesterday atternoon and examined into the condition of affairs. The schindery is located a little over a a mile from the mouth of Beck's run. It is owned and operated by Anthony Sulje, and it consists of two buildings, one on each side of the run. One building, about 80 feet long, is used as toe boiling establishment. AIT UNPLEASANT JOB. Mr. Sulje was not about yesterday after noon when the reporter called, and tbe lat ter was obliged to examine the establish ment alone. The- boiling bouse contains the boilers and two steam-tight tanks, in which the material is boiled. The one side of the house was piled full of bones of dead animals, and over them, perched on poles, were a dozen or two of chickens. Rats and mice were as thick as Kansas grasshoppers, and they were playing hide and seek among the huge pile of bones. The odor in and around the place was anything but pleasant. Across the run was found the dry house. This was filled with material that had been boiled-yesterday, and the drippings were slowly finding their W3y to the stream a few feet distant The ground around the entire establishment is thoroughly saturated with the filth from the place, and a sickening odor rises continually from the valley. The residents in the neighborhood say it is almost unbearable in the summer time, but since the cool weather has set in it is not quite so bad. Mr. Sulje's manager was seen at his home in Lower St. Clair township. He said that every precaution was taken to prevent a pollution of the water. He said the ma terial was boiled in steam-tight tanks and then removed to the dry-house, where it is prenared for shipment Mr. Sulje has operated the schindery since 1875, and he thinks if he was maintaining a nuisance he would have been compelled to abolish it long ago. The prevalence of zymotic diseases on the Southside during the low water stages of the river has provoked a very close exam ination of the water supplied for drinking and cooking purposes to Southside resi dences. The result has been a number of tests, which are now held in testimony of the deleterions quality of the water. In one it is shown that drawing a pail of water at night and letting it sjand until morning will result in showing a blue scum on the surface. The water drawn early in the morning shows apparently a deposit of lime or some other white substance, which, whether it is intended as a disinfectant or not, is not known to the consumers. THE TVATEB IS POLLUTED. The health officials have for some two years been laboring with the Question of the .Monongahela Company's water, but have not as yet reached any conclusion, except to condemn the existence of schinderies and other sources of pollution within a range of the influent pipes, which in any flowing water is suppose J to clear itself. Tbe state ment was made some 18 months ago that the pipe had been so changed as to prevent all chance of contamination from the schindery at Beck's rnn, but the people of the South side are still complaining less of the absence ot free bridges than of the presence of free pollution of the water they are compelled to driuk, without resorting to wells contami nated by the sewage necessarily taken in by the conformation of the ground on that side of the river. Dr. E. A. Mundorf, of the Southside, who for years has been an ardent advocate of a better supply ot water, said last evening: "The difficulty that besets the sanitary purification of the Monongahela river will eventually render the Allegheny impure also. Both rivers are gradually becoming large conduits into which is constantly pourea reiuse ot an sorts along tbe snores, and as there is a large increasing population the present temporary methods constructed to get rid of the accumulation of impurities will prove inefficient; and as the work of sanitation necessary to keep pace with the increase in population would need to be very extensive, there will come a time when we will be compelled to seek a remedy else where. THE BALEFUL EFFECTS. "There can be no doubt abont the schin dery having a bad effect upon the condition of the water supply, and so far as I can see now, the only possible method in the future will be a wholesale purification of the water after it is pumped into the reservoir, and before it is distributed to consumers, or it will have to be drawn from a source far be yond the city limits, The Beck's run schindery may not contribute any great amount of organic matter just now, but the least amount would cause the water used by our people to be proportionately impure. The same care should be exercised in fur nishing a pure water supply that is exer cised is giving us pure milk, meat and bread. " "There is not much sickness on the South side just now because the people are avoid ing the use of well water, and the public health is favored bv a larger volume of water in the river channels than usual. But the time may come when all cities not too remote will be forced to draw their water supply from great lakes, the natural reser voirs of pure drinking water." Dr. M. A. Arnbolt voiced the sentiments of about half tbe people who talk about tbe schinderv. He said: "It's an outrage; and it Is something that would not be tolerated over in the citv, nor in Allegheny. I con sider that the State Board ot Health is ex tremely derelict in its duty. A word trom the proper officials would have abolished the establishment long ago. "We cannot afford to jeopardize the health and welfare of our common humanity by allowing such a thing to exist" Some of the Southside citizens are so in dignant that there is talk oi bringing suit against the schindery proprietor to have it abolished once and for all as a public nuisance. Chnrcod With Embezzlement. John Weyman was yesterday held in 5300 bail for a hearing to-day before Alderman Gripp, on a charge of embezzlement, pre ferred by D. Shanahan, Jr. Weyman was in the employ of Shanahan, who is a pro duce dealer, and, according to the allega tions of the prosecutor, took away produce and failed to make any return. The amount of money involved is small. Evening Entertainments. Music makes long evenings pass quickly and pleasantly. Viol inst flutes, mandolins. pnitara. cithers. fnnrirt.inftr And mnslnAl oxes are sold for less than half price 'at N. LGallinger WW and J200 Pnn vs. Wjan J THJJ ARMSTRONG DEMOKSTATIOff Will be Attended br nn Unusually Large Turnout Some of Those Invited. Matters are progressing favorably for a very large turnout at the dedicatory exer cises of the Thomas A. Armstrong monu mont on Thanksgiving Day. The monu ment is erected and has been accepted from A. E. Windsor & Co. by the Executive Committee, a sub-committee of whom viewed it in Allegheny Parks on last Thursday and expressed themselves as highly pleased with the work. Reports from the different organizations indicate that no time or expense is being spared to make the demonstration a success. Some of them have expended $400 in prepa ration for the event. It promises to be the grandest spontaneous demon stration that W3S ever held. In addition to nearly 20,000 members of labor organizations who will participate, the Union Veteran Legion at a recent meet ing arranged to turn out 600 men; also Post 162 G. A. R., o.wbich Mr. Armstrong was amember, will be largely represented, under command of A. P. Burchfield, who repre sents the G. A. R. on the Monumental Ex ecutive Committee. Any other organiza tions desiring information can communicate with William Martin, Secretary ot the Amalgamated Association. Invitations to attend the exercises have been sent to a number of prominent men, among them President Harrison, Governor Beaver, Samuel Gompers, T. V. Powderly, P. J. McGuire. Patrick Ford, of the Irish World; John Swinton, New York; Mayors McCallin and Pearson, Hon. T. II. Bayne, Hon. John Dalzell, Judge Collier, who was Colonel of Mr. Armstrong's regiment, the One Hun dred and Thirty-ninth Pennsylvania Volun teers; Judges Stowe, Ewing," White, Single, Magee, Hawkins and Over, William P. Herbert, Hon. W. C. McCarthy, Warden Wright, James M. Swank, of Philadelphia; Dr. William Cable. David Harris, B. A. McGinty, Joshph Bishop and John O. Ed wards. Many other warm and life-long friends of Mr. Armstrong were invited. ANOTHER FOUNDLING. The Little Cnller Whom Mrs. Todd Found on Her Doorstep. Shortly after 9 o'clock Friday night Mrs. Todd, of No. 16 Boyle street, Allegheny, was summoned to the door by a ring of tl bell, and when she opened the door she found a basket on the step. . She carried the basket inside and removed the lid, when she was surprised a find a pretty baby boy sound asleep. In the basket was a note asking her to adopt and raise the child, which was about 3 years old, but as the lady does not care to have the trouble, she went to Major Hunker, of tbe Poor Board, who sent the infant to the City Home yesterday. LONG BALLOTING. A Protracted Siege in tbo Election of an Allegheny School Teacher. , It took 85 ballots to decide upon a teacher for the First ward of Allegheny at the di rectors' meeting Friday night There were three candidates, but Miss Emfield, who lately came from Indiana, Pa., was finally elected. Miss Emfield had a letter of rec ommendation from Judge Harry White, and another from a Judge of the Supreme Court. She succeeds Miss Alice Turner, who left to take a position as teacher of a kindergarten. Philip Smith was elected janitor to fill the place made vacant by the death of Thomas Christian. HO OBJECTIONS TO THE DAM. A. & J. Groetzlngcr, Tanners, Did Not Op. posn the Herr's Island Scheme. Mr. A. Groetzinger, of A. & J. Groetzin ger, tanners, knows nothing of an objec tions said to have been made against the Herr's Island dam by the tanners whose works are at or near the proposed site. In talking to the reporter he said: "I have not given the matter much thought, but I do not think that the tanners' objections were what caused Councils to re fuse the Government tbe necessary land. I cannot see why they would object, and I do not know that our firm has done so." AID FOE THE INDIANA MINERS. The Bricklayers Contribute 8100 Clothing Terr Acceptable. The bricklayers' local has contributed f 100 toward alleviating the distress among the suffering miners in Clay county, Indi ana. They were addressed on the subject by Mr. T. Horsfield, of Brazil, Ind. Any. contributions of clothing or shoes and boots which readers of The Dispatch may desire to send to the region will be taken in charge of by Mr. James Flannerv. of the Trades Journal, at the office, on Fourth avenue, western corner of Smithneld street A STACK FELL DOWN. Patrick St. John Was Injured by Some Firing Debris. A stack fell down at Zug's Sable Iron Works, yesterday. Patrick St. John, who was working around it, was hit by some flying debris. His arm was fractured and his leg broken. The injured man was taken to the West Penn Hospital. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day in Two Cities Condensed for Ready Readlne. Mes. Kemp, Principal of the Perrysville av enue (Second ward) school, Allegheny, who was sued before Alderman Tatem by James Stew art for whipping his son, waived a hearing yes terday morning.and appealed the case to court Mr. Stewart, who is one of tbe Allegbeny Board of Assessors, claims that his boy was terribly abused. ON Monday last Paddy Diskin, of Lawrence ville, was sent to the workhouse by Magistrate Brush for six months on a charge of disorderly conduct Diskin was released yesterday on a writ of habeas corpus by Judge Magee. The people who reside on the side streets in Lawrencevillo rejoiced in a change of light last night On all streets the electric light was turned on for the first time. Tho residents ex pressed themselves as well pleased. Mn. John Klein, late treasurer of Harris' Theater, this city, yesterday joined tho Zo-Zo Company as advance agent, a position his friends hope will fit him as well as he is quali fied toIt it. The Gospel Temperance Union will hold Its regular meeting this evening in Curry Hall, John W. Moreland presiding. Miss Mary Stuckrath will lead tho choir and Miss Lena Hoffman will sing some solos. William Dullard, while on his way to work early yesterday morning, slipped and fell on an icy sidewalk on Thirty-eiginh meet and fractured his leg. Dr. Clark cared for the in jured man. AN Information was made before Alderman Porter, in which James Christy was charged with abusing his wife. He was committed to jail in default of $3tt) ball for a hearing next Tuesday. The Central Traction Company placed a largo gang of men at work last night at tho corner of Grant street and Fifth avenue, to make the crossing of the fifth avenue traction road. The W. C. T. TJ. will have a meeting at 4 this afternoon, corner Beaver and Washington avenues, Allegheny, every lady will bo mads welcome. Prominent speakers will address tbe meeting. The Sons of Temperance Organization has an open meeting at No. 68 Ohio street, Allegheny, every Snnday evening. Some good speakers are booked for this evening. A bed, white and bine reception will be given at tbe Union Kink in Allegheny, on No vember 25, under tbe auspices of Allegheny Conncil No. 23, Daughters of Liberty. Custer Council 23S 0. U. A. M. will hold Its second annual reception at the Imperial Hall, new Grant street; on Thanksgiving eve. Hisses Thompson and Lemon have been aWm tmehina in thn Mt wubtntrtn m,i Tairtx - second war4,v- r wf,-"i-Wi CHATS WITH PEOPLE. A Belgian Glass Manufacturer Dis courses About Fnriiaces, AND DECLARES IN FAVOR OF TANKS Dr. Evans Strikes Anarchists a Sledge Hammer Blow in the Neck. HOW MCKNIGHT'S SHOES WERE SHINED Mons. Georges Deprez is a Belgian gen tleman who is staying at the Duquesne. He is general secretary of the Glassware Com pany of Val Saint Lambert, Belgium, one of the most extensive in the country, and is here to improve his knowledge of the States as well as to attend to bis business interests. The Val Saint Lambert Company manu facture cut, decorated and pressed glass ware, and have a good connection in New York and Chicago for their wares. In this city its trade is small. The company prosecutes its business here in face of a 45 per cent duty and heavy transportation charges, but finds its largest markets in China, India and Turkey. Skilled glassworkers in Belgium receive as high n3 560 per month, but the average rate which glassworkers are paid is $20 a month. The factories are in operation all the year round; work, in brisk times, being carried on on Sunday. The hours of work are from 6 to 6 with two intervals of one hour each for meals. Fuel is an expensive item, the cur rent price of coke ruling at S3 80 per 2,000 pounds. Regarding the relative merits of pot and tank furnaces, Mons. Deprez said: POTS GOING OUT OF SATE. "The use of pot furnaces for the manu facture of window glass is almost out of date in Belgium and the iew firms which still held to their use are not making any profit from tbem. I may say that the entire out pat of window glass in Belgium is the product of tanks. Among the largest manu facturers in this line are Jonet, of Lodelin sart, with four tanks of an average capacity of each 350,000 pounds; Casimer Lambert, of Charleroi, who has one tank and 48 pots the tank capacity is about 500,000 pounds; Bandourg, of Lodelinsart, with four tanks, and who makes colored window glass a specialty; Leon Mondron, of Charleroi, and Verreries, oflumet, all of whom nse tanks exclusively. Mariemout has the largest tank in Belgium, its capacity being 700,000 pounds. He has one 150,000 pounds and 21 pots. The feeling in Belgium is against the use of too large tanks. They are made, not all, on the same plan, and there are about a dozen different designs in use. "In what are tbe tanks superior to the pot furnaces, Mons. Denrez?" "In every single particular. First, it is found theyare more economical as regards fuel, a serious item when coke costs any thing from 52 50 to 51 per 2,000 ponnds. Then the quality of the tank glass can always be depended upon. In pots one may produce good quality, whilf its neighbor will be found very inferior, and the third may be so dirty as to yield br,t a very small percentage ot good qualities, lb en again the yield of best qualities from the tanks is very much above that of the lots; the aver age percentage of best qualities from the pots being from 50 to 60 per cent, while the tanks yield fully 90 per cent O) bests STILL USING TANJCS. "In my factory we still adhere to pots, of which we have over 300. "Welcould not use tanks because it is found that only in pots can a pnre white glass be made. It is im material in the window glasl trade if the glass is slightly colored, but p the pressed and cut glass trade the glass mast, of course, be of a pure white. I "In my opinion it is only a raestion when the tank furnace will entirely lupersede the pot and its use become universal." "How will American competition affect the Belgian glass trade?" "Ah 1" said Mons. Duprei, jrith a depre catory shrug of the shoulder), "we shall have ceased to do business with you in an other few years. You have skilled mechan ics and greater facilities than we posjess. Your work is better th-.n ours in pressed and decoratea ware, owing to the superiority of your molders. We have two Ameran mold makers in our factory, and their TOrk is very far superior to the Belgian. A a few years we are prepared to find a cessa tion of the export of Belgian window ghss to America. Then will stop the presled ware branch, and finally the plate gllss trade." I Mons. Duprez said that the proper form or design of a tank could only be ascer tained trom experience in its nse, and flat it usually took four or five years to brinj a tank down to its best work. Alterations were necessary from time to time to remedy defects which only could be discovered in the course of time. Very large tanks wjre jouuu to ue a litiiure, me uuai icsuiia ueing obtained from tanks of from lau,uuu to 4(D, uuu pounas capacity. HE GOT THE DIME. How a Bootblack Made James McKnlfht Ijook Like a Contractor. ., i James McKnight, while standing upon the City Hall steps yesterday, was ap proached by a bootblack, who said, "Shine em up, sir; black yer boots, patent .leather polish, for a dime." Mr. McKnight looked with scorn upon the imputed desire fpr dudeism, and said, "What do I want with polish? I am a contractor. It isn't polish I want it is mud. Look at Jim Booth, it Martin Joyce and others, now if my shots were plastered up with mud it would be " "Yes?" responded the newsboy, with ready ingenuity, and darting out to the gutter, re turned with two big handfuls of mud, which he carefully distributed over Mr. Mc Knight's lower clothes and shoes, and hold ing out a hand begrimmed by contact with the mud-throwing which was as vigorously conducted as in an ordinary political cam paign, the boy said, "Now gimme the dime, I've made a contractor of you." The contract was carried out, and the dime paid. ANAPCHY A FIZZLE. Dr. Evans Tabes No Stock In Spouting Rev olutionists. Dr. C. Evans, Select Councilman from the Twenty-third ward, gave an idea of an archistic prospects in this country yesterday by saying: "That meeting a week ago was, of course, a farce, and a pitiful farce; it had no significance beyond the walls of the meeting room, nor could the united efforts of all the Anarchists in the country disturb our Government in the slightest degree. This is essentially a people ot homes. We have too many owners of homesteads, rang ing from 5600 to 510,000 in value, to permit of such revolutionary measures as might be acceptable to the masses in 'countries owned by from two dozen to 200 proprietors with almost the powers of life and death in their hands. Believe me, this talk of commun ism or anarchy will never amount to more than talk in our country. HE SC0DTS A KE70LUTI0N". W. C. Marzh Doesn't Believe tho Brazilian Government la Upset. Mr. W. C. Marzh, a Brazilian gentleman" who was for many years a member of the Imperial Parliament, is in the city. Of the reported revolution he said yesterday: "The reports are unreliable. I have no doubt the r eports were sent out by coffee speculators, to advance prices. Every dealer here is scared and coffee can be sold at high figures. Such reports of revolutions in Brazil have several' tunes been sent out to boom the coffee market It is truethat revolution has been brewing for some time in Southern Brazil. Da Fonseca, X think, is from that part of the country. The dissatisfaction is not with the Etsperor, but with tae IsrpwUl yessssiSLj HOTMUCII DONE. Tbo Trades ConncilX'inds That German Paper Is Not Anarchistic. The Trades Council of Western Pennsyl vania met last night with Vice President HughD. McGaw in the chair. The at tendance was large and credentials were presented by Augustus H. Tate, of Iron Molders' Union No. 14 and Francis E. Champ, of Hod Carriers' Union No. 1. The committee on the horse shoers re ported that the bosses were employing the old men and that the trade is progressing smoothly. The committee on the painters reported that the difficulties between the Brotherhood and the K. of L. men had been amicably arranged. The committee on the Arbeiter Zeitung presented the following: Besolved, That a committee havinc exam ined tbe Arbeiter Zeitung, of this city, finds that It is not anarchistlo in its principles and recommends it to the support of the working men. The resolution 'was adopted. A motion was offered that the expulsion of John Phillips and Homer L. McGaw from the Knights of Labor be referred to the Executive Committee for investigation. There was considerable discussion, and pending action on the motion the Council adjourned. CROSS SDITS BROUGHT. A Carson Street Racket In a Merchant's Establishment. William Johnston, a storekeeper at South Twenty-seventh and .Carson streets, was charged with assault and battery before Alderman Flack last night by Thomas Murray. The prosecutor claims that in the evening while making some purchases in Johnston's store he was called upon to pay for some goods which he had not bought, and when he declined to hand over was as saulted and thrown out of the store. The constable had not been gone many minutes with the warrant for Johnston's ar rest, when a man came into the Alderman's office and made an information against Murray, charging assault and battery. His name, he said, is Harry Boss, a partner in business with Johnston. His version was that Murray became violent and abusive to everyone who came into the store and when asked to keep quiet or leave the place at tacked and beat the prosecutor. Warrants issued in both cases. GEATITDDE MEATLT EXPEESSED. The Mlliraukee Calnmet Club to Receive a Neat Testimonial. When G. A. E, Post 128 was at the last National Encampment at Milwaukee, Wis., the members were royally entertained by the Calumet Club, one of the swell organi zations of tbat place. In gratitude" for the fine treatment accorded them, the members of the post have caused to be prepared a set of engrossed resolutions cpnveying their thanks to the Calumet Club. The work, which was executed by Eobert H.Longmore, of Allegheny, is of an en tirely different character lrom any hereto fore done in this neighborhood. The design is a mixture of Japanese and Bomanesque, and is worKed out most artistically in colors. The resolutions are on exhibition In a Federal street store window, and at- iraci mucn attention, xney will be sent to Milwaukee in charge of a committee in a few days. THE BODY IDEKTIFIED. The Man Killed at Salubarsr on Friday Said to be Henry Miller. The body of the man who was killed on the B. & O. at Saltsburg on Friday, has been been identified as that of Henry Miller, of Johnstown. C. W. Francis, who has charge of the Carnegie boarding house at Braddock, re ports that Miller boarded with him for three days. He left Thursday morning with 530 and a good silver wa'fch in his clothes. All that was found in the dead man's clothes was 10 cents. The deceased lost two sisters " in the Johnstown flood, and he leaves a father"and brother who live in the 'Cone mangh Valley. HE FELL 20 FEET. One of RItcr it Cooler's Workmen Sastalas Probably Fatal Iojnrles. John McTighe, a laborer employed by Biter & Conley, at the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, of Braddock, was brought to the Mercy Hospital yesterday morning. He was working on a scaffold repairing one of the boilers, when in some way he lost his balance, falling a distance of 20 feet to the ground. He fell on his head, cutting a deep gash. He was removed to the hospital, where he is suffering from congestion of the brain, and is still in an unconscious condition. His recovery is doubtful. CHILD BADLT BOBXED. A Little Girl of the Soath Side Has Her Clothing Consumed. Katie Apple, the 5-year-old daughter of Bernard Apple, of Summit street, Twenty- seventh ward, was seriously and perhaps fatally burned yesterday afternoon near her parents home. A brush heap was being burned, and in playing abont the flames the child's clothing caught fire. Before any one could come to her aid the clothing was almost entirely consumed and the little girl severely burned.from head to foot. Dr. H. D. Potter, who attended the case, considers the child's burns serious. AN ACTOR'S FASCINATIONS. How They Caused a Frisky Tonne Woman to Steal nnd Levant. Ada Groadhouse called at Central station last night and reported that Ella Geary, with whom she has been rooming at a board ing house on Grant street, had gotten up early yesterday morning and stolen tbe com plainant's silk dress, coat and other articles of apparel to the amount of $60, with which she had skipped tbe town last night in the company of an actor who was playing at the museum. Miss Groadhouse said she had bonght her clothing with hard-earned money and could not afford to lose them. The police will try to recover them for her. STRUCK BI A TRAIN. John Holland's Team Killed brA.T. R.R. Cars He Was Unhurt. Yesterday John Holland was driving a team of horses attached to a wagon across the A. V. R. B. tracks at Twentieth street. A train of cars was backed down suddenly and the horses were struck. One horse was killed instantly and the other animal was injured so badly that it died a -short time after the accident Hol land managed to escape nnhnrt New Femlckey Schedule. The new schedule on the Pittsburg, Mc Ktesport and Youghiogheny Hailroad, which goes into effect Sunday, will give among its changes three fast trains per day from Pittsburg to McKeesport, and the same to Pittsburg, the average time of all but one of which wilt be 35 minutes in making the trip. The one exception will be a train that will make the trip from Pittsburg to McKeesport in 23 minutes. These trains will only stop at Braddock and Homestead. Accused of Stealing Stockings.' Michael Hay, who is boss of a gang of street workmen, was arrested in Manchester vesterday afternoon by Officer Conley. Hay Is accused of having been drunk and steal ing stockings from a peddler. The peddler says that Hay also threatened to whip him. Nothing Hantftoner ftr Xims Than a fine craye portrait Mie byAn- freent,. pnotogTfjtyr.yaijiurttH )WH, &MlriT1iWwj.? f OLITICAL FLAMING. Present Schemes of Leaders m Both Parties Liable to Change. A DEMOCRATIC DICKER LIKELY. Republican Dissension Ripening Flams to Fill Democrats. 'SQUIRE H0ERE IS KOT DISCOURAGED The discussion of the Mayoralty candidacy, caused by the first announcement made by The Dispatch of S. D. Warmcastle being a factor in the fight, occupied a large por tion of the spare time of the local politi cians yesterday. It was talked ot in all its bearings, from the time before Mr. Harrison 'had an opportunity to make any Federal appointments, when Mr. Warmcastle was talked of as the opponent of Joseph F. Denniston for City Treasurer, and slated for the position, to a short time after when the Mayoralty was placed before him as a matter for consideration. He did not then decline either possibility and is thought to day, although having no designs on the Treasuryship, to be satisfied with the nomi nation for Mayor. Among the reasons given for this is the probable support to be given by some Dem ocratic leaders to secure a rakeout for their friends in the distribution of the local loaves and fishes, and which is ready to be thrown either way, as the exigencies of the case may require. If terms are made on the one side, it is said H. L Gourley will remain in the field; and if on the other, Judge Bailey will be withdrawn, or allowed a chance to write a polite and statesmanlike letter of declina tion, in which case J. C. O'Donnell will be put up to be knifed by his political associ ciates on account of old grudges originating in the last mayoralty fight. This is one pro gramme laid out by different politicians. MEECEB TJKDEE ADVISEMENT. Another is that Robert E. Mercer, pres ent County Commissioner, ought to'receive the result or tbe promises already made, and be the nominee of the party, not alone as being the man who can best concentrate the Southside vote, at present somewhat disorganized through the free bridge ques tion, but as a measure of justice to an old servant with a clean record. C. W. Batchellor was next favorably spoken of as a man who could get the busi ness and working vote of the city from all quarters, but who would stand perhaps sec ond to Mercer as not being so generally well known among the working people, and not having the soldier vote, some 25,000 behind him, as a unit. There was no indication in the statement of Mr. Warmcrstle's friends that He would decline the nomination if offered him by a united party, which, taken in conjunctions with the alleged positions of some of the Democratic leaders on the fence, calculated to bring either of the Re publican factions, if they continue to exist, to time, presages an early agreement among the Bepublican leaders as to the local is sues, or a defeat for one of them, fighting against the Democratic indorsement of their opponents. That the Conncil fight will be a bitter one In February there is no doubt. Every pre paration is being made for the control of Councils and tbe Mayoralty, which will settle the next complexion of the depart ment chiefs. The latest Council contest an nounced is tbat of E. B. Carnahan, who an nounces himself asa candidate for re-election in the Nineteenth ward, with, it is now understood, Thomas S. Bigelow as his opponent. 'SQDIEB nOSBB IK ZXEXTST. The friends of Philip Hberr, of the1 Southsldeare becoming considerably in terested in. the Mayoralty fight. .They have slated 'Squire Hoerr, and are in the fight tot win, if success can be attained by honest, active efforts. They seem to have struck a snag by learning, after the 'Squire had agreed to become a candidate, that bis po litical friends have nearly all pledged them selves to support Mr. H. I. Gourley, and unless Mr. Gourley makes np hh mind to withdraw from the field, they will have as extremely bard row to hoe. "His friends are tied np with Mr. Gourley and he doesn't want to fight them," said one of his stanch supporters last evening. 'Squire Hoerr was asked for a statement in regard to his candidacy; but he had little to say. He said he was not in a position to say much. "lam simply resting in tbe hands of my friends," said he. "But if they suc ceed in compelling me to be a candidate I will be out to win, if possible." An ex-Councilman said he thought Mr. Hoerr's chances were as good as any of the others. He is not only popular on the Southside, but has many fnends in all parts of tbe city, and it was at their urgent re quest and not of his own will that he per mitted his name to be used as a candidate for the office. SENATOR DELAMATER HERE. An Important Political Conference In dulgedA Social Call Paid Gubernato rial Gossip. George Wallace Delamater, State Senator and probable candidate for Gubernatorial honors and emolnments,arrived in Pittsburg yesterday morning from his home in Mead ville. He was looking and feeling yery well. After circulating among some of his friends for a few moments he called upon his aunt, Mrs. D. A. Stewart,at her home in the East End. Despite the social aspects of his call it was credibly rumored that a very important political pow-wow took- place in Hon. S. D. Warmcastle's private office in which Mr. Delamater bore a very promi nent share. It is and has been well under stood for many moons that Senator Delama ter is a candidate for Governor. He fought thy of any distinct announcement of his devices while the Boyer fight was pending, but it is nonv understood that in a few days at the most, his candidacy will be authori tatively announced and his active campaign begun. Some people say that the confer ence of yesterday will bear fruit in the near future. The Meadville correspondent of the New York Times recently made a great parade over the discovery that the Allegheny county leaders were making np. their minds to drop Major E. A. Montooth as a candi date, or at. best give him a first ballot com pliment, their active espousal going to General D. B. Hastings, the idea being to take up so strong a candidate in his person as to bring np the ancient struggle for State supremacy in a new light This informa tion, however, was given in the columns of this paper at least a month since. .But the fact Is unquestionable that Senator Quay has not yet indicated the slightest bias to ward either Messrs. Delamater or Hastings. Sparks on the Water Works. The alarm from box 151, Allegheny, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, was caused by a slight blaze on the roof of the water works, Biver avenue. The fire was started by a spark from the smoke stack. The damage was abont $100. Caught la the Aiu A young man named Harry Melrose was arrested last night In the act of flim-flamming a storekeeper at the comer of Ander son street and Biver avenue, Allegheny. He was keked up for a hearing. Qaeer AdvertMsf. Bradley's Blankets-BlaakeU at 98 88, 14 M, H ad 6 60. Howl a person to knew treat such a sUssset wkethey they are , er not. Why aet say 8Se Kaeaaef, slum t Will tW3t tBa.s,Minug VasA OBBftBl fBBfcSBBBBBatSBSftsM.SSfcB JsW SSatlBHlkSBBaBfebSBS shJBBlShflfcAlfelVmhh wVBa JtWaHsssNssHPMs W sssaMsaaMMBsft IfrWVIVJ BM ssaMK.BMIWsM'HvBsk VffsHsssaMft jttksl ,-.- Will Save Too Money. i Grapes! A good deal can be said about grapes, and there are a good many kinds of them. "Sour grapes" have been proverbial for ages, and must be especially so now dur ing the reign of the Sugar Trust. But it is California evaporated grapes we want to talk about now. We think wo know a good thing when we see it. And; the first time we saw these grapes we bought, two tons as a little starter. This was just a week ago, and we sized it up about righ t,'J for they are half gone already. They are something new, and they are without doubts one of the nicest new things out Solomon.. bnt Solomon COt left sh.n . clctmtrtnl"; without seeing these grapes. We fear the old gentleman had a hard time with his? numerous wives, bnt these grapes would; nave sweetenea nis declining years. How, much? 5 pounds 25c and tne greatest bar gain of the season. Canned jruits are like Hew York'a sacred 400 a little uppish. But we have" bargains. We always do, you know. Blackberries, 4 cans 25c. is oneofthemjl These are strictly first-class goods. We recommend then because we know you will1 like them. S But newspaper prices are often mislead ing. Send for my large weekly price lists ana get a complete list ot all my prices. JM am the only retail grocer issuing a price) list cacu week, sou my list means somen thing. I guarantee my prices and sell by. my price list. i Orders amounting to $10, without counts mg sugar, packed and shipped free, ot charge to any point within 200 milesi Give me a trial. I will save yon money. ' Mabshell, -79, 81 and 95 Ohio st, corner Sandusky, Atiegneny. Six Christmas Pianos Selected and Sold At rendv. On the second and third floors of Kleber & Bro.'s immense music rooms, 106 Wood street, may be noticed not less than six pianos and four organs labeled, "Sold to jui tnese are mtenaea lor unnst- mas gifts, and the purchasers thereof, know ing tnat tbe crowds or customers toward the holidays at Kleber & Bro.'s made it almost impossible to get a thorough and satisfac-. tory choice, concluded to run no risk in be-ijt insr waited upon, and selected their instru-jL- MARSHEI.I the CASH GKOCER, ments in advance of others. Kleber &, oro. s siocs is truiy wonuerini lor numocru variety and superior excellence over all others, and tlfeir well-known good name for. strict honesty ot dealing attracts mne-tentna of all purchasers to their store. ModelrOf the Steamship Laos. Messrs. Max Schsmberg & Co.. the local representatives of the Korddeutscher LlovdJi have placed on exhibition in the window.ofj Hamilton's mnaic store. Fifth avenue, al beautiful model of the steamef Lahui'the ? crack ship of the Lloyd fleet. The model 1 jW about eight feet long, and an exact; repreVT' sentation of the steamer. ' Lies the breath of life to tired humanity is a glass of Wainwright'a pure beer. Kept by all dealers. zxssa Ahoosttjka Bittees, the worfa re nowned South American appetizer, egret" dyspepsia, etc. Dress Salts. For a good fitting dress suit or overcoatf go to Pitcairn s, 434 Wood street " Going;, Going, Gone! . Prices no object. Come quick. F. Schoknthal, 612 Penn ave. Tt Use Dr. Griffith's Ta-va-zon for the bloodAg uver, saaneys ana nerves. auLfcrranxsir"--' Sate Moitet Buy blankets, comfort;- etc., at .ousy uee Hive, oixta ana JoiDertyj TswstPB.Bfs .Alli'mlieur? Genuine seal skfnrzanBV9Sr -a FURNITURE .$ t E. J, HOMER k CO. j 0, 63 AND 65 WEST TWENTT-XHIBD SXj NEWTOBK. LAKGEST EXHIBIT OF ARTISTIC FUKNiXUKE IX AMEBICA.1 Ten Show Booms filled with the latest proj ductions of the Fnraltnra and TJpboljteryl Art from the recognized manufacturing cea-1 tersot the world, Novelties of London production. Novelties of Paris production. xtOTemesox v leaua prouueuoo. , f' Our own importation. i Novelties of American production, laclaiiiaCi those ot our own manufacture. Visitors to New York are cordially Invited tej call and examine our stock and prise: &Tb5j central location of our establishment (adJeiSj ing Eden ilnsee) makes it easy of access tromt all parts of the city. se22-I98-TKl SPECIAL , This "Week r Dress Fronts and Sashes. Elegant fronts and sashes in silk net aadr fringe combined. Bashes atM to H; fronts ( townigu. omauiurs in very great variety; iien ni-v imitation .Beaver aiuns and ichns,JSons:eyf i x-erxian namo, Aiasxa uinc ana aeai jiuus, j s.i M.u A-.wuua A ibsj AaaawiUbiUO y.AWCa. Choice new effects and novelties in Curtains j and Drapery. Flush and Tapestry Table Covers j and Fancy Jacquard work. Felt, Silk andf Plush Table Covert, Mats, Tidies and Bculs. n e ass so lancy prices m wis department. M-IncnAH-WoolPlaidCostame Cloths. These j are very'striklng in effect, and would be exceKu lent value aiu par jara. weonarmeminoc.:; 42-Inch French Serges in very effective stripes. These are an excellent bargain at 75c, j 54-Inch Camel Hair Plaids and Stripes wortaj tQper jard a month ago. We are enabled to I oner you these at U 37K. 66-Inch Trlcutfne In medium weieht Tbeeal are good value at SI 60. We offer the balance oi wis line at si per yard. A All the new ideas to be found in our TrtaCl mlngRoom. Van Dyke Point in all grades,1! Fine Gimps and Laces; Gimp de Gene; Total juwpery Jes in black and evening shades at 1 H2o up to 3 25 per yard. s BIBER & EASTON 50s and 507 MARKET STREETS nolS-TTsaa STORAGE. THE PENNSYLVANIA STOBAGE ( 88, 40 tad U WATER BT., Beg to cff t-Hentlon to their uperier 7 ftsftHloa for storing and carlaf f oc tJtS 1 of Merchandise. 1 Ajartaeats ret4 fee 1 a'smMi 1s? SiHsP Vt S j9$B Nr-ni m lBa.1 (.-? r&V - - . .,1 iitefS.it -i