HRFZ ' T. T? JjHr- JV THE PTTTSBtlEG gISPATOH, SUNDAY,""' NOVEMBER ? ' 17, 1889.1 -i ET THE GATE OMAIN iKatureWas Bright and Joyous in the Fresence of Death When CHRIST RAISED THE WIDOW'S SON. The Tower of Sympathy as Expressed Ij Oar Lord. GOD'S LIST AKD GEEATEST ENEMI 1WJU11JL3I rO THB. DI8PATCH.1 "And it came to pass the day after" Upon which day He had done a blessed mir acle of healing in Capernaum, curing the centurion's servant it came to pass by one of those coincidences which we call chance, but which are themselres, as plain even as a miracle, a revelation of God's power In the ordering of human lives it came to pass that He went into a city called Sain. There is no city any longer in that conn try to be called Kain. "A few houses of mud and stone, with low doorways, scat tered among heaps of stone and traces of walls," are all which a traveler can find to-day along the street where the yonne man of this gospel lived and died and took dp life again. "Nam" means "the place of pleasantness," and no doubt but it had a look which answered to its name; upon that evening in the Syrian spring-time, when the master with "many of His disciples" going with Him, "and much people," came first in sight of it, after a day's wait irom Capernaum. The city stood upon a gentle hill, so they say who have seen the place. To the north rose Tabor with its vesture of green; and towering, high up beyond, the peaks of Hermon, white with snow, upon one side was Nazareth, upon the other Endor. To the south lay that great battlefield, the pla-in -of Jezreel. But here, beside this quiet gate, was to be fought a greater battle than any whose shouts ever echoed up that hillside from the days of Pharaoh to the days ol Napoleon. For "when He came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man car ried out." And so the Iiord of Life came into the presence of death. And so there was a fctaiu upon the beauty of the evening in the pleasant village. Death must almost alwavs teem tragically out of place in the world. Sometime when it comis to one ad vanced in years, who sits in his chair and reads his Bible, and just shuts his eyes and passes away into that blessed life where all mys terv will be made plain, and nobody knows that death has come till all is over, and hardly then can be persuaded that it is not sleep; sometimes I say, WHEN DEATH COSIES with that tender touch, there seems a beauty and a blessed fitness about it. But more commonly death is dreadfully out ot place here. And never more so than when the strong and the young are earned out, and the desolate follow behind, and all the air is full ot sunshine and the song of the Epring birds, and all nature seems perfectly and heedlessly happy. Oh! what a fright ful discord in the harmony; and yet the or chestra of nature goes on playing as merrily as ever, and pays no heed. For nature has a pretty face, and sweet voice, sometimes; but no heart at all ever. All the pleasantness of the little village was turned into bitterness by that pitiful procession, where there was "a dead man carried out, the son of his mother, and she was a widow." The householder arose one morning, in the parable, and lo, there were tares among the wheat. And he said: "An enemy hath done thisl" Christ looked out over the fair world, and saw the sin that was in it, and the sorrow and the death which marred it, and said, no doubt, the same words over again: "An enemv hath done thisl" For God has planted no tares I among the wheat; He has put into the world J aeither sin, nor sorrow, nor even death. "We I have brought these ills into human life our I own selves. Do vou remember that in the e.-rT of Eden, first comes sin, and after that death? And do you remember 'how St. Paul repeats and emphasizes that? Death, then, is the enemy of God. "We have the Scrip tures for -that "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." Let no one think that God sent down a dread messenger into that poor widow's home and took away her son, her comfort and her sole support No; the enemy came. And God, who knows the end from the be ginning; God, who knows how to turn even curses into benedictions; God suffered it to be so. He knew what we cannot know just why it was best that there in that little house in Nain, and in houses beyond num berinf, some of them very much nearer at at hand than Nain, the enemy should have his way. Somehow it was, and is, best Oh, thank Godl one day even that last enemy shall be utterly destroyed; thank God that beyond this life is another into which the gate of death gives entrance, where sorrow and crving will have no place at all, where there will be no death, no bitter parting, forever and ever. Cheist's stmpathy. t ' "And when the Lord saw her. He had compassion on her, and said unto her, 'Weep not' " How easy it is to say that! and how hard to heed itl And yet the very saying ot it, even from our lips, does good. Because it means sympathy. And sym pathy helps when nothing else can help. Christ does not forbid tear'. Some people are afraid that to be sorrowful is itself an act of unbelief; that God is angry at human grief. But there is no foundation for that fear. Christ Himself wept beside the grave of His friend. Sorrow is but the natural effect of affliction. It means love. It is the crv ot pain which comes at the breaking of a bond which God Himself hasmadestrong. God, Who put love into our hearts, made griet at loss of the sight of thoscwe love a part of our nature. There is only one kind of sorrow which offends God. That is selfish sorrow. The wisdom of God and the love of God let us go to these in the presence of the enemy. God knows best, and loves us. That ib the best kind of comfort. Somebodv sent me a tract the other day entitled, "Karma as a Cure for Trouble." The tract began by stating the old problem of pain. The world is lull of trouble, pain, injustice, suffering of all sorts. "Why? Why, says the political economist, because "in equalities in social life" troubles of that kind are the necessary effect o: high civili zation. Or, "it is the will of God," so the parish clergyman says. "He has been pleased to make a few rich and many poor, some healthy and others weak and we must accept the fact with devout resignation, not eye it with doubt or bitterness." The writer of the tract thinks but meanly of these meagre and un satisfying words of attempted comfort. He has a'word of his own. The cure for trouble is the doctrine of Karma. "This doctrine holds that men are what tbey have made themselves; that their lot has been fashioned by their own acts; that they suffer and en joy because they have earned either suffer ing or enjoyment." This seems, however, but a hard-hearted comforting. "You poor fellow," It says to the man in trouble; "you deserve all this. It is your own fault" "Whv this is precisely what Job's comforter tried to persuade him of. But wait There is more in this doctrine. Men will say. continues the essayist, how can that be true? "My condition began with my infancy." I was born poor, or weak, or subject to temptation, to which the theosophist will answer: "Ah, but before vou were born there was a life, perhaps 20 lives, perhaps a hundred. There is where the blame belongs. If you are nnhappy in this life, beyond doubt you were a scoundrel in your previous life, and are now getting properly punished for it This is the Karmie solution of the problem of human pain. "The doctrine of Karma presupposes THE DOCTRINE OP TEANBMTGBATION. jt Anybody may believe that who can. Anybody may get out of such a belief what ever comfort they can discover in it I Hook at Christ standing beside the coffin there at Nain filled with compassion, saying, "weep not" X remember that Christ came here to reveal "shownsthe Father;" and I learn that there is no human sorrow without God's sympathy. I learn that God above, who permits -pain and even death He knew why I learn that He cares and loves. And is not this availing and enduring comfort. "And He came and touched the bier; and they that bore him stood still. And He said, young man, I say unto thee, arise. And he that was dead sat up and began to speak. And He delivered him to his mother.' And then St. Luke goes on to tell how the multitude were affrighted by the miracle. "And there came a fear on ell; and they glorified God, saying that a great prophet is risen up among us, and that Goa hath visited His people." I wish St Luke had told us how the young man was affected. It would be universally interest ing to know how life looked to him, and what he did with his life after that marvel ous restoration. He who gave him life taught him it only by His gift that life is worth living. Did he live it afterward ac cording to this beginning? It makes one think of Browning's poem about Lazarus. You remember how Karshish, an Arab pilgrim, is represented in the poem as making a visit to Bethany and spending a little time with Lazarus alter Christ had raised him from the dead, and writing back a letter about him to his master in the Fast. Lazarus seemed to him the strangest man that he had ever seem. And especially in his estimation of the value of things in the life about him. To him, what other men accounted great the splendors of men, the riches, the ambi tion which influence men's hearts to Laz arus the talk about these things seemed idle as the buzzing ot the flies. And the small seemed great. The man looked out at human life with eves which had been bathed in heaven. "The spiritual life around the earthly life" he held to. "His heart and brain move there; his feet stay here." It makes one wonder if the young man at Nain lived such as that after Christ gave him life. Surely he went not back into the old worldly ways of doing and measuring things. And why need we? George Hodges. MARKED BI A EOG BLNGER. The Queer Stamp Fat Upon the Gift of a Wealthy Hootler. New York Evening San. "One of the funniest things that I have heard for a long time happened a few weeks ago," said my 'Western friend, "out in In diana, where one of the 'pillars of society' is a wealthy and generous old soul with an immense fortune the result of the inven tion of an ingenions triangular bit of iron designed for the noses of hogs and called a hog ringer. Now, it happened that the pretty daughter of his pastor was about to be married and (surely a bride may indulge in a little lady-like wonder as to such things) speculation was rife in the pastor's family as to what the good 'pillar' would send as a gift On the morning of the wed ding day tnere came to the house a great box bearing the card of the wealthy inventor. "With pleased anticipation it was opened. It contained a dinner service of solid silver, exquisite in design and finish. With little cries of rapture, the bride took out piece after piece and placed them side by side. Then a qneer little mark, where the mono gram usually is, caueht her attention; she bent over it, and what do you think? Ex actly in the most conspicnous place on each piece the dear old donor, with happy inspir ation, had had his hog ringer engraved." THE DOG WAS SO SAILOR. To Escape a Sea Voyage He Traveled Hundreds of Mile Alone. Many a landsman on board ship has been ready to say that if he were only once more on shore he would never leave it Such seems to have been the feeling of a dog, of which we read in the "History ot Thomas- ton, Me." Captain "Norton, of Cashing, had a favor- ite dog, which he took with him on a voy age to Wilmington, N. C, No sooner were they at sea than, from sea-sickness or some other cause, the creature became uneasy, and remained inconsolable through the whole voyage Soon after the vessel arrived at 'Wilmington the dog was missed, and noth ing more was seen of him. On getting back to Cushing, however, the Captain found the dog at home safe and sound. He had arrived there in just 14 days from the time of his landing at Wilmington. How he had made his way, whether across or around inlets or bays, passing cir cuitously along the coast, or by the regular traveled roads, nobody could tell, and he, of course, could not communicate. One thing was clear, he had had enough of salt water. THEBE ARE PLENTY OF GENTS. Men Who lack Some of the Qaallllri That Distinguish Gentlemen. New York Evening San. "Now see here," said a bright girl yester day, "I'm sick of all this outcry against the word 'gent' I like it and I'm going to use it, for there isn't any other word to take its place. Don't yon know the 'gent?' Why, America is full of them. There goes one now a perfect type. You see he is well dressed and good-looking, but without the distinctive stamp of gentle breeding. He is lnu-ueancu, tumwvu iu uio viuuk way. He has considerable knowledge of the world, and is a capital story-teller. He is not actually vulgar; he is sometimes very well educated, but he stops short of the finest tact and the best of taste.. "He never fails in a kind of hearty-souled chivalry toward women that somehow suits them in spite of its clumsiness, because it is so transparently honest and he himself so deeply respectful. He is a little pushing and aggressive, but he is neither a braggart nor a bully. In short, the 'gent' is the type of American whose sons will probably be gentlemen.'' ' THE TOUGH OLD GK1ZZLI. An Animal That a Snot Through the Heart t Will Mat Kill. y Phll&flelffla Mews. The grizzly bear, of all the animals, of this continent, is the most difficult to kill. Senator Penrose tells me that the hunter's tradition that a grizzly bear may be shot through the heart and yet live long enough to kill his assailant is true. The only cer tain way to put one of these gigantic bears to death at once is to send the bullet through his brain. Mr. Barringer was with Senator Penrose when they started one morning with both dogs upon the trail of a big bear lead ing from the carcass of the elk. A very few minutes' walk brought them to the ani mal, which was standing in an open spot near the base of the Teton Mountains. Senator Penrose sank upon bis knee, raised his Winchester rifle, and at close range perhaps 60 feet blew the top of the bear's skull off. The brute dropped in his tracks and hardly kicked. The skin was was taken off and taken back to the camp and now adorns the floor of one of the" rooms in Senator Penrose's residence. A Church Unlit by a Girl. Detroit Free Press. Let no one sneer at the hired girl. There is a -church in this city which was built and is sustained out of her savings. It belonrs to one of the evangelical societies.-and is lo cated on a fashionable street in quite an aristocratic neighborhood. It is not named after any saint but is simply and effectively known as the "church of the hired girL" An Eye to Business. Lsjwlitoa Journal. 1 Host young men have felt a longing to be Independent and have formed visionary Ideas of what they'd do if 8 fortune should drop into their hands; but a Portland youth has hit upon a highly original way of as serting his good luck, should it come, "if I was left 1 100.000, ".said he, "I'd strike my boss for a rise in pay, the next morningl" MOBTOFS BOARDERS. Prominent Politicians Who Will Live at the Yice President's Hotel. CAHDIDATES FOR SPEAKERSHIP Who Will Be Guests at the flow Famous Shoreham. A PECULIAR OBJECTION TO COL. BAINE cohbespoxoexcx of the dispatch. WASHnrGTON.November 16. Vice Presi dent Morton's splendid apartment house, the Shoreham, which has lately received so much free advertising through the medium of the W. C. T. TJ. Convention at Chicago, will be the home of at least 16 Congressmen during the approaching session of Congress. Many have wondered at the rather En glish title bestowed upon the house by the Vice President Ex-Governor Kellogg, of Louisiana, explains this by stating that it was named after the village of Shoreham, Vt," the scene of the Vice President's na tivity. ' That quaint figure in the Speakership race, "Uncle Joe" Cannon, as he is famil iarly termed by the inkslingers of News paper Row, has removed his lares et pen ates from the Willard to the Shoreham. He has secured, handsome apartments in this already popular house, wherein Mrs. Cannon, assisted by TWO PBETTY DAUGHTERS, will entertain quite extensively through the coming season. Cannon was one of the most conspicuous of the crowd of promi nent loungers in the lobby of the Willard last winter. Every morning at 9:30 he would make his appearance, a soft hat perched jauntily on the side of his grizzled head, and with his long overcoat, carried upon his arm, just touching the floor.s I believe it is not generally known that Can non is of Southern birth, but such is the fact, he having been born in the town of Guilford, N. C, some 50 odd years ago. In point of Congressional service he leads the contestants in the Speakership fight entering the Capitol during the -forty-third Congress. Senator Earwell and Bepresen tative Taylor, also ot Illinois, have also se cured apartments under the Vice Presi dental roof. Reed, of Maine, the real leader in the race for the privilege of wielding the House gavel, is also at the Shoreham. Colonel Tom Bayne, of Allegheny, is a fast friend of the would-be Speaker, and many a quiet game of whist do they enjoy at the magnifi cent residence of the former on Massachu setts avenue. While at Johnstown during the days when General Hastings was work ing day and night to bring order out of the terrible confusion then existing, a former State official in speaking of the genial Colonel said that his only objection to him was that he talked so much on finance. A rather peculiar objection, but as Colonel Bayne stands a fair show of capturing the Chairmanship of the Committee on Elvers and Harbors, I hardly suppose he will cease talking on his favorite subiect A WASHINGTON MICAWBEB. Among the hotel loungers who gather in the corridors of the hotels these chilly nights are some who have achieved distinc tion in civil life, and some who have "grown gray in wars." Thirty years ago the most prominent photographer of Washington was a man named Brady. From '61 to '65 his studio was. crowded with scores ot that famous product of war brigadier generals all anxious to provide posterity with conn 'terfeit presentments of their martial figures. Many of the photographic reproductions in the Century war articles were the work of this man. At the close of the war he had a large and complete collection ot photos of public men, which be sold to the Govern ment for quite a large sum. Brady was successful for a long time, but after the war business reverses crowded upon him, and to-day he is living upon a small annuity. Always scrupulously neat in his well-worn black suit, with a beaver so obsolete in point of style that the gamins cry out with aston ishing vigor, "Where did you gel that hat?" the old man hobbles into the hotel early in the morning to take up once more his cease less watch for something to turn up. Ssabight. FOSSILIZED MEN. A Good Deal Easier to Find Than Animals In Oregon. From tbe Wasco San. A crowd of professors, students and pack mules is over in the John Day country searching for fossils. The ignorance of Eastern people concerning matters pertain ing to this coast is truly wonderful, and tbe ground chosen by this party of scientists to prospect for fossils in is a fair example of it Had they understood their business they would have purchased through tickets to Portland and stopped at the hotels tnere while prosecuting their search. It is true there are some fine fossils up John Daywards, but at the best the specimens are only fossilized animals. In Portland the partv oould have found with out trouble perfect specimens of tossilized men. Some of the interior towns, excepting our own of course, oould furnish fine speci mens, but Portland has the advantage of through ticket rates and competitive point fossils. No Hulling There. Detroit Free Press. In Concord, Mass., there are 42 front doors to dwelling houses which have not been repainted or varnished for 60 years, and not one of them ha been opened for over half a century. The back door is good enough for Concordians, each one of whom carries a lantern as he goes out nights. Reward! for Literary Labor. Detroit Free Press.i Take ten writers of novels whose books have a fine sale and ten mechanics who have steady work at $2 SO per day, and at the end of two years the mechanics will have earned the most money. THE OLD RELIABLE Banner Baking Powder Alirnyi the Best. GINGER PUDDING. Take one cup dark Porto Eico molasses, half enp dark brown sugar, one-fourth cup butter and two eggs beat these all together. Stir into this one enp sweet milk, two teaspoonfuls ground finger, and three even cups of silted flour, having mixed thoroughly through the dry flour one measure of "Banner Baking Pow der." Bake in pudding or cake pan one hour, slow oven; serve hot with the follow ing hard dressing: One-fourth pound but ter beaten to a cream, adding one egg and six tablespoonluls granulated sugar, beating until quite light Flavor with vanilla. The "Banner Becipe Book" is replete with valuable household information for baking tea biscuit, rolls, muffins and all kinds of fancv cakes; instructions for roast ing meats, fish and owl; for preparing French and mayonnaise dressing and mak ing all kinds of desserts. Every lady should have one of these books. Order a pound can with the "Banner" .Recipe Bonk from your grocer. If he cannot supply the bopk, send your address to Banner Baking Powder Company, P. O. Box 245, Pittsburg, Pa., and we will mail it free. Now isthe season to keep on hand a supply oi "SOOTJBENE" to do all your house cleaning. There is no known article for S cents that will so help through house cleaning and do it as well. HOUSE CLEANING WITH BOOTJBENB Overcoats. Montenac, chinchilla and kersey over coats ready made and to order. atPitcairn's. .43i wooa street. tC3-IHtplay advertisements one dollar per square for one insertCon. Classified advertise tnentt on this page such at Wanted, For Bale, To Let, eic ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for lest than fifty ients. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with TUB D18- patch. , pittsburg. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, SSiS Butler street. EMIL G. BTUCKEY, Mth street and Penn ave E. G. STUCKEY 4 CO., Wylle ave. and Fultoast N. STOK.ELY. Fifth Avenue Market House XAST X2TD. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER &SHEIBLER, 6th. ay. A Wood it SOUTH8IDX. JACOB SPOHN. No. S Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEBCHER, 69 Federal street. H. J. McBBIDE, Market House, Allegheny. FRED H. EG GEES. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EG GEES & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENBY, Western and Irwin aTes. G. "W. HUGHES. Pennsvlvanla and Beaver ares. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. J11LLVALE BOBOUUH. W. "W. FLOCKER, Stationer, No. 4 Grant ave. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 CARSON STREET, WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIAIiSOUTHSIDEISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. SInle Help. TTANTED-A TINNER. IMMEDIATELY. VV Inquire ofTHOMPSON & WAMFLER. Ir win, Pa. noI7-ZJ WANTED CART DRIVERS 20 CART drivers at Collier's station, TV. Va, S. CASPABI9-, Contractor. nol6-S3 WANTED-COLORED BOY, CLEAN. TIDY and wideawake, to take care of offlce. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. noI7-33 WANTED-150 ITALIANS-DITCHING FOR gas line. Apnly Dead of Shlnglss St.. Boyd Hill, Pittsburg. OTT BKOS. nol7-40 WANTED CRAYON ARTISTS AT ONCE: mast be flrst-class. ELECTRIC PORTRAIT CO. , 10 and 12 Sixth St., top floor. nol7-0 WANTED PIPE LAYERS AND CALKEH3 for 16-lnch converse gas pipe. Apply at head or bhlnglss St., Boyd.Hill, OIT BROTHERS. nolt-33 WANTED-THREE FIRST-CLASS MACHIN ISTS can find steady employment and good wages at THE LLOYD BOOTH CO., Youngstown, Ohio. nolS-38 w AN1ED CALKERS AND DERRICK men on else line. ply on Monday ennave. BOOTH noI7-5S momlnjr between 7 and 9 at 833 &FL1NN. TTANTED-OFFICE BOY-15 TO 17 YEARS V of age; must write (rood hand, be correct at fienres ana fnrnlsh first-class references. Call at ROOM 8. 97 Fourth avenue. nol7-52 WAMED-A CATHOLIC MAN OF SOME ability as salesman: steady position and good pay guaranteed. 21. J. MALON EY, Mana- ger. Room 3, No. S Seventh ave. noi7-ui TTTANTED-ASOUCITORFORA STANDARD T typewriter and supplies. Address, stating salary expected and with references, TYPE WRITER, Box 553, Pittsburg, ra. nol7-83 TTITA1. TED-FIRST-CLASS MAN TO SELL VV an exclusive specialty In tbe cltv and county:.good salary to the right man. CHAM BERLIX & DUNLAP, 95 Fifth ave. nol7-51 WANTED BOYS 16TO 18 YEARS OLD; ONLY those who can bring letters of recommenda tion from responsible parties need apply at CABLE WORKS. Sixteenth at,, eity. nol7-143 WANTED-GENTLEMEN WHO DESIRE A wife or a lively correspondent to send their address and stamp toTHE AMERICAN CORRE SPONDING CLUB, Box 843, Clarksbur. W, Va. OC23-I0 WANTED-COOK-AN EXPERIENCED MAN to eo to the country to cook for men work ing on pipe line. Apply oetweenTand 9 o'clock Monaay morning at SX U3PI Penn avenue. BOOTH & r uwiii, U017-5S WANTED EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR for laundry wagon; one having experience on Southslde preferred. Address. 6tatlng ex perience and salary expected, SOLICIIVR, Dis patch offlce. n 017-118 WANTED-A LOCAL AGENT IN BEAVER Falls to handle our albums, household goods, etc.; sold on Installments. Ad dress at once. E. GATELY & CO., 25 Federal St., Allegheny. Pa. noI7-lI8 TVTANTED-A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN TO V V take subscriptions for a very fine and quick selling publication; an excellent opportunity to make inonty will be given to a trustworthy man. ROOM 7, McCance Block, 5 Seventh ave. nol7-90 WANTED-AGE&TS SHOULD WRITE FOR illustrated circular, terms and two weeks' trial of Missouri washer; washes dirtiest clothes by hot steam without rubbing; easllv sold; profit able. J. ORTH, 54 Beekman St., N. Y. nolO-94-WS8n tTTANTED AGENTS "DODGE'S HORSE VV blanket holder:" keeps the blanket from blowing or sliding off the horse; nothing like It in the market: every horse owner buys: sample by mall25c. STAYNER & CO., Providence, K. I. nolo-95 TrjAMEU-AN ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN VV from 18 to 22 years of age for a wholesale notion and gent's furnishing baslness; one with experience preferred. Address, in handwriting, stating salary expected, NOIIONS. Dispatch oMce. nol7-44-Tusu TJ"ANTED SEVERAL ACTIVE MEN TO VV sell our albums In Pittsburg and Alle gheny: they are beauties, and please the people. and vou can make mone' y selling tnem. Call at once on E. GATELY & CO, 25 Federal st.. Alle- gneny. Pa, nol7-lM WANTED-OFFIOE MANAGER AT CLEVE LAND to manage business for Northern Ohio; must Invest si, COO cash: ample reimburse ment and security given for 6ame; salary 11,200 a year (payable monthly). Address G. S. C.. Dis patch office. no!7-l37 TTTAI.TED GENTLEMEN AT BMAET'S V V Practical Business and Shorthand College. 4 Sixth st. ; greater inducements at lower terms than any other college; private lessons for both sexes day and evening: the best Instruction guar anteed without text books. nol7-71-TTSSu WAXTED-AGENTS-UNDOUBrEDLY WE have the finest holiday presents sold on easy payments ever Introduced to the people; now Is the time to make sales, and we pay big salaries weekly to good men; references reaulred. UNION CREOIT CO., 103 Fourth ave. DO17-130 TTANTED-10O COAL MINER3-THE CRES VV SON and Clearfield Coal and Coke Co. will, give steady employment to 100 coal miners: two weeks' pay: no company store: highest wages paid; good dwelling houses for families. Call on or address P. H. WALLS, Mgr., Frugality, Cambria co.. Pa. nol4-81-8u -rrjANTED-WE WANT TO HIRE AN ENER V V GETIO person In every 1 callty to distribute advertising matter and attend to our local Inter ests, a straight salary of 2 50 per day and ex Fienses will be paid. Address, Inclosing 2c stamp or particulars. UNIVERSAL8UPPLY CO., Cht cago. Hi. No postals answered. no9-7S-ssu WANTED-BRICKLAYERS-THOSE WANT ING work and employers and all others who may wish to employ bricklayers are entitled to register such wants, free or charge, at the headquarters or the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, 93 Fourth ave., first floor front. Open until 9 P. w. Saturdays. ocll-80-wrsu WANTED DISTRICT MANAGER TO locate at Meadvllle or Wllllamsport to em ploy and manage agents: salary fl.oooa vear;muat invest tioo fo. stock furnished, and give security for money handled. Call or address GEO. S. CLINE PUBLISHING HOUSE, 5 Sixth ave.; only first-class men full of energy need apply. no6-37-W6u WANTED AGENTS AT ONCE FOB "1HE Greatest Crime of the Century." The assassination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronln. Write at onre and secure agency for the greatest selling book yet Issued. 30 cents for complete outfit. Agents wanted In every town and county. Address, V, B. PARISH CO., Youngstown. O. nois-tio WANTED SALESMEN AT ONCE A FEW ' good men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest manufacturers in our line In the world: liberal salary paid; permanent position; money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. For mil terms ad dress CENTENNIAL MFG. CO., Chicago, III., or Cincinnati, O. no9.77-wrsa WANTED-GENERAL AND LOCAL AGENTS to handle tbe New Patent Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil. Greatest novelty ever produced. Erases Ink In two seconds, no abrasion of paper: 200 to 00 per .cent profit. One agent's sales amounted to SS20 In six davs another $33 In two hours. Terrltorv absolutely free. Salary to good men. No ladlesneed answer. Sample ss cts. For terms and foil particulars, address THE MONROE ERASER CO., Manufacturers, Lacrosse, Wis. non-49 Partners. TTANTED-TO INVEST ABOUT ft&30 IN A V V legitimate business by an enterprising busi ness man, capable of taking charge of the books and office in any establishment. Address with full name and particulars, ENTERPRISE, Dis patch offlce. nol7-145 WANTED-A PABTNEtt WITH ft. 000 TO TAKE , charge of office and loin with a practical workman Id establishing a manufacturing busi ness In this city In which the profits are large and the demanil almnit nnllmlted. AririvAu Pir a rrrr J CAL MECHANIC, DUpateaomce. v 017-tS J WANTED. Female Help. TITANTED-A GOOD FEMALE COOK FOB v v country Hotel: best or wages to right part; lW vau at S509 BUTLER ST. not; WANTED-EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES ., In millinery. None other need apply at ROSEN BAUM & CO. 'S, Market st. nol7i4 WANTED-LADY WHO CAN LEAVE THE , city to solicit for special work: salary (60 a month. CallN 0.5 SIXTH AVENUE. nol"-138-wsu WANTED LADY AGENTS FOR OUB NEW Mcintosh Raelln: sunerlor cloth, in wide nraimt lutely waterrjroof: arenta sell al-r a d&v and make (8 00: great opportunity; also fine line other goods. Address E. H. CAMFBELIj, 484 Randolph St., Chicago. noS-69-rrsu "VTTANTED-TO EMPLOY A FEW LADIES, .' on salary, to take cbaree of my business at tneir homes; entirely unobjectionable: light: very fasclnatlng and heal utnrui: no tailing requireu. permanent position wages Big per weexinaa- vance; good pay foi part time; my references ln- elude some of the best well-known neonle of Lou isville, Cincinnati. Pittsburg and elsewhere. Ad- i me oesi weii- dress with atmn MR1 ftAIHON WALKER. Fourth and Chestnut sts., Louisville, Ky. sel2-18-Thsn Male and Beinnle Heln. "T7-ANTED-LADY AGENTS-ALSO MEN V V Two immense new speclsltlestone ladymade (27 before dinner, another J16 first hour. Address LITTLE & CO., Box 443, Chicago, IU. OC30-29-WSSU TTTANTED-HOUSEKEEPER. COOK AND TV chambermaid for same family; cooks, din ing room fflrls. chambermaids, nurses. 100 Louse- l?.8.0ennn and colored girls. SIRS. E. juiurjua, oua uram St. nol7-Thssn TJA N T ED HOUSEKEEPERS, SEWING T T eirls, nurses, cooks, waiters, laundresses. caamDermalds. general house servants, ean get ,t No. (SS Federal St.. Boom 2. Al- suoolled. Call at No. 06 Federal St. legheny. MBS. ETTA CLIFFORD. U017-44 "TTJANTED-LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IN vi city or countrv wishing to earn n to is "j a. meir own nomes; no c Inrn ihul .. .. .. . day at their own homes; no canvassing; work luiumiiniana sens ny mall any aistance. aq. ?.?!& w,th 8tnp. CRYSrALIZI MSW. Sixth st,, Cincinnati, O. lYSTALIZED rHUTO UO., OC27-S7SU "TTTANTED INTELLIGENT, ACTIVE MEN V V and women to sell the "Boy Spy:" the larg est and finest holiday book ever published; 630 Paires, 120 engravings; sells like hot cakes; work all in AUezhenv county; one agent sold 290 copies In one week; big profits. For particulars address BOY SPY, Dispatch office. no!7-107 Situations. WANTED BY YOUNG LADY POSITION A3 copyist, or any kind of office work: can give good references. Address H. F., Dispatch offlco. nol7-lld WANTED-CLEBICAL WORK FROM SA. M. till 12 by a young man who Is employed In tbe afternoon. Address T. K. H., Dispatch office." n 017-23 WANTED--A POSITION BY A GOOD. EXPE RIENCED draughtsman (practical man) for buildings, bridges, machinery, etc, and rail roads; good reference will be given. Address N. O., Dispatch office. nolS-82 WANTED-SITUATION-A BTBONG AND useful man would like to have any kind of work; has good references as a driver; speaks German and French. Address BAUDIN. No. 55 Page St.. Allegheny. nolG-87 WANTED-A POSITION AT SHORTHAND and typewriting by a young lady who Is Just through schooling and Is now ready to take a position: can bring recommendation. Address TYPEWRITER. Dispatch offlce. no!7-32 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN OF BUSINESS experience wants to engage with a reliable city firm, where there Is chance of advancement; city references. Address ENERGY, Dispatch of flce. nol7-41 Boarders and Lodgers. WANTED-OCCUPANTS FOB HANDSOME LY furnished front bedroom facing parks. 23 MONTGOMERY AVE. nol7-15 TXTANTEU-JJCCUPANTS FOR TWO CON- VV NEC1ING furnished room"; suitablefor two or three gentlemen, 95 ARCH Br., Alle- gneny, noi7-s Rooms, nouses, dec "TTTANTED-B Y A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE V V furnished front room within three squares of postoffice. Address T. W. T., Dispatch offlce. nol7-H7 WANTED BY JANUAEY 1, '90, BY A couple without children, three or four un furnished rooms or small house In the East End; handy to Penn and Frankstown aves. Address Z. A., Dispatch office. no!7-lS Financial. WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT f. 5 AND 8 per cent free ot tax. W. C. STEWART 114 Fourth ave Ja20-2-sr TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN VV In sums to salt at 4K 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 157. apl9-14-TTSSU -TrANTED-MORTGAGl25-(1.000,O00TOLOAN VV In large and small amounts at 4H. SandS per cent, free of State tax; no delay. RjSED B, COYLE& CO., 131 Fourth ave. my21-60 WANTED-A LADY WOULD LIKE TO . .negotiate for loan or (800 from responsible party at low rate or Interest: will give diamonds as security. Address J. M. G., Dispatch office. nol7-12t WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON MORT GAGES on Improved real estate In sums or (JO0 and upward, ror 3 or 5 years, at 4), 5 and 6 per cent. X. O. FRAZIER, Fortv-flRh and But ler sts. noi7-43-TTSn WANTED MOKTGAGES-(l, 000,00010 LOAN on city and snburban properties at 4)4, Sand C per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at S per cent. 1. M. PENNOOK A SON, 105 ourth avenue. ap7-f41 -rTTANTED-MORTGAGES-dOO.COO TO LOAN tt on mortgages, in sums rrom sx iojiu,u. for 3 to 6 years on city property, at very low rates; iescrlptlon or property. J. E. GLASS, 133 Fifth ave niuuior lennBaDQ eitc uce nol3-47 b.vfuvuv Mg, .vm. WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY-WE HAVE over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at i per cent; no tax; we will also loan money on improved farms In Alle chenv. Beaver. Favette. Washington and West moreland counties; any marketable security taken for loans or any amount. BLACK ft BAtRD. 95 x ouna ave, je3-a9-su Unscellaneona. WANTED-SECOND-HAND ENGINE AND bolter, six to ten horse-power. Address, stating lowest price P. O. BOX232, Apollo, Pa. nol7-39, t WANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S dozen (13) or Stewart & Co. 's line cabinet photos for(l, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mv28-4!WrTSu XTTANTEU-KVERraODY TO KNOW THAT VV the Remington Standard Typewriter can be ?rocured on the Installment plan or A. M. MAR IN, 412 Wood st. U017-S3 WANTED PHOTOGRAPHERS, ARTISTS and agents to know we make pictures and sell trames at the lowest rates: send lor price list. PITTSBURG CRAYON CO., 631 Smlthfleld St. nol7-140 WANTED - NOVEMBER IS THE LAST month for fine cabinets at (1 per dozen, at AUFRECHT'S ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market St., Pittsburg. Bring the children on elevator. no30-TWT68U WANTED-PERSON S DESIRING TO LEARN shorthand and typewriting In tbe shortest possible time: situations procured. Address or call at MARHN'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL. 412 Wood st. D017-S3 WAN TED-PERSONS TO KNOW THAT BY agreeing to pay Si per week yon can get puoBcBBiuu ui une goiu or silver waiciies. ciuct.s, Jewelry, diamonds, silver ware, etc J. M1TSCH, 130 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. sel2-Mwrsn WANTED-THE PUBLIC TO KNOW WE sell fur capes, muffs, fancy umbrellas, sil verware albums, etc, on easy payments: call or send postal ana we will wait on you. UNION CREDIT CO., 103 Fourth ave. nol7-130 WANTED-THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THAT the largest and most complete stock or trusses, elastic stockings, shoulder braces, etc.. can be seen at the store of ARTIFICIAL LIMB M'F'G CO.. 909 Penn avenue, near Ninth street, Pittsburg, Pa. noIO-Go-SSu -TTTANTEDBY PEABSON, LEADING PHO W TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be is making fine cabinets at (1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous nrocess. mhl3-63 WANTED-TO SELL ONE OF THE FINEST drugstores, not only In the city of Pitts burg, but west of the mountains; stock all fresh and new; store exceptionally well arranged for business; Sue fountain, and, in fact, everything that pertains to a first-class store: location one of the finest, ir not tbe finest. In the city, with long lease or property; this Is no "catch-penny" busi ness, but strictly bona fide In every respect and one or the best opportunities ever offered to get Into a flrst-class established drug business; rea sons for selling tbe best, and given before any proposition is received; no attention to any communication unless accompanied by lull name and address. Address, for three days, Z. D.. Dis patch offlce nol6-34 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. City Residence. SALE-BLUFF ST.. ONLY (L700, A FOR m . Dries: dwelling or a rooms, nan, ves well finished: lot 21x92: an exceptlon J. it. COOPEB CO.. 107 Fourth ave. nolo-SO tlbule, etc. ai bargain, TTIOR SALE-MT. WASHINGTON-SI 500-LOT SJ HIXIDU; Incline: cnod 2-storv frame house: slate roof, 6 rooms, hall, good cellar, nat. gas, etc.: must be sold soon. J. B. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. nolS-80 TTIOR SALE-A CALDWELL ST. PBOPEETY; C now rented for (20 per month, and room to build a good house la front; street and alley both tayed; price (2,600; terms reasonable. C. II. OVE, M Fourth avenue nol5-86-rsu TTIOB BALK V1CKBOY ST. TWO-STOBY JJ and attlo brick, S rooms, vestibule bath, laundry, range 1. s. closets, h. and c. water, electric bells, etc: convenient and comfortable house; lot 100 feetto paved alley; (4.600. CHARLES SOMEKS & CO., 313 Wood street. nol3-79-W8Su FOB SALE-ON MAID. NEAR DAVISON BT., Seventeenth ward, at a sacrifice as owner. Is leaving me city, a new s-room oncx ow with modern conveniences; lot 25x100; price (4,600; all or hair cash, bal. to suit: cost over ""! THOS. M.CQAJEFKSY. v8 Butler street. FOR SALE IMPEOVED REAL ESTATE. CItr Residences. TTIOB BALE MILTENBERGER ST.. 5?. A! neat brick house of 7 rooms: electric bells. CDei both gases, e(c. J. R. COOPEB & CO., 107 Fourth ave., noie-80 F5J3A,1yc-MT- WASHINGTON, NEAR IN- , CLINE, (L700, frame house of S rooms: lot ???AiT.ei7Jfhea?:terntOBnlt- J- COOPEB & CO., 107 Fourth ave. nolS-80 FOB SALE-LOCUST ST., NEAR MAGEE st a very desirable two-story brick dwelling rS??.iJ??inl8ne1 "le; both gases; lot 21x60. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. nol7-14l-TTSSu FOR HALE-CENTER AVE.-FIRST-CLA83 brick house. 8 rooms, hall, vestibule; all con veniences: prime eonditlon; lot 24 ft. front; S3, 000. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. nolS-20 FOESALE- WEBSTER AVE.. NEAR FULTON St. 2-story brick dwelling. S rooms and store room; lot 20 ft. front, running to Wilson st. ; price (4, 000. J. c. REILLY. 77 Diamond St. noi7-14l-rrssn TfTOR SALE-CLARK ST., NEAR MILLER, AJ one of the finest dwellings in that locality, 10-room 2-story brick, with every modern con venience; price low: lot 20x120 to street. J. C. P.BILLY, 77 Diamond St. nol7-141-TTSSn FOR SALE-COLWELL ST., NEAR DIN WIDDIE, 2-tory Brick dwelling, 7 rooms and finished attic In good condition: this neigh borhood Is Improving rapidly and the price for this house Is only (2,700: easy terms; lot 20x100 to alley. J. c. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. nol7-141-TTSSO East End Residences. FOR SALE-THE BEST BABGAIN ON SQUIR REL Hill. C. H. LOVE, S3 Fourth avenue. nol7-2 I 'OR SALE FINDLEY ST., E. E.-(2,300 Frame dwelling. S rooms, hall, porches: both gases: stable on rear of lot. J. B. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. nolS-89 FOR SALE-GOOD SMALL HOUSE, THREE rooms, with large lot, on Orphan avenue, East End: price (1.200; terms easy. C. H.LOVE, N o, 93 Fourth avenue. nol4-3 FOR SALE-(S.500-SO3STANTIAL BRICK dwelling containing 8 rooms and all conven iences, well located In Shadyslde. W. C. STEW ART, 114 Fourth ave. sel-13-Bu FOR SALE-HANDSOME BBICK RESIDENCE on Rlppey st., on large lot; all conveniences; Srlce tO,A on easy payments. MELLON ROTHERS, S349 Station St.. E.E. nolS-ll-Tursn FOR BALE ON LEXINGTON AVE., NEAR Lincoln ave., 234 acres: good frame house of 5 rooms: elegant water: finest of fruit In abund ance: only (6,750. THOS. LIGGETT. No. 114 Fourth are. no9-67-MWrsSu FOR SALE-S3.000-NEW OUEEN ANNE brick dwelling, containing 10 rooms and all covenlences: lot 47x148; the best property for tbe Tnonev in Rhadvalde. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. au25-ll-sn. T7AOR SALE-FIVE-ROOM BRICK HOUSE ON X1 Fifth avenue, near Robinson street, on line of cable cars, at Cash, balance on t bar-rain: nrlee ffLfiot SI. 020 cash, balance on ten years' time If desired. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth ave. noi4- FOB SALE-FIFTH AVE., NEAR O'HARA St., two-story brlcx dwelling, 11 rooms, with all modern Improvements; this Is a very desirable locality for a home; lot 55x100. to alley. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st, nol7-141-TTSSn FOB SALE-ON EUCLID AVENUE, EAST END, near both cable lines, seven-room house with good lot; price &9Q0, (500 cash and (20 a month; this is a very cheap property. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue nol4-9-ThSSn FOR SALE-HOWLEY AVE,, GOOD LOCA TION, close to cable cars; two-story attlo brick, S rooms, hall, porch, side entrance, perfect sewerage: Tor convenience look at It; (4.000. CHARLES SOMEHS & CO.. SIS Wood st. nol5-20 FOR BALE HANDSOME FRAME QUEEN ANNE of 7 rooms, slate mantels, all modern conveniences: Edwin st., one sqnare lrom cable lines; lot 29x120; price (4.500. on easy terms. MEL LON BROTHERS, 6319 Station St., E. E. . nolS-ll-rursu FOR SALE-(30,000 NEW AND SUBSTAN TIAL brick residence, containing 12 large rooms and all conveniences: lot 114x4CO ft: this Is one or the finest located and cheapest pieces of property in snaaysiae. w. u. BiWAKi, m Fourth ave. au25-ll-sa FOR SALE-PRIME EAST END INVEST MENT: good streets, convenient location: lot 44x120 to paved alley: two houses, each 6 large rooms, wide halls, drycellarsrrentals yield good returns on price; U,0fo. CHARLES 80MER3 & CO , 313 Wood St. nolS-00 TTIOR SALE NEW FRAME DWELLING OF S J? rooms, ball, vestibule, attic and cellar, slate mantels, tile hearths: plenty or closets: nice level lots, am id only 3 squares from station, in East Fnd; orice S3.000: easy u J. E. GLASS, 133 Fifth nol7-S3 ave Telephone 1764. FOR BALE ONLY (4,200 OAKLAND A new 2-story frame dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, inside w. c. and w. s. range, h. and c. water. Inside shutters, slate mantels and tUe hearths, lot 24x100 to an alley. J. E. GLi ASS, 138 Fifth ave. Telephone 1764. nol7-8S FOR SALE-(11,000, ON EASY PAYMENTS: A new Queen Anne brick dwelling, containing; 12 rooms, all conveniences; fine gas fixtures, and Is elegantly papered: lot 55x175 feet: located in the heart of the East Kud, on one of themaln avenues. W. C. STEW ART, 114 Fourth ave. aull-68-su FOR SALE LD3ERTY IAVENUE AND Thirty-ninth St., convenient to cable line new frame dwelling, 5 rooms, finished attic, ball, vestibule. Inside shutters, etc.. grained and well nnisneaw L. O. FRA lot loxlotrf ect : nrlee S2.80O: terms eaav. . FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and .Butler sts. nol7-43-TTSU TTIOR 8ALE- MIGNONETTE ST., PRIME LO snrrounded bv fine Imnrari. JP CATION, ments; close to cables and P. H. B, ; large, nand some lot 43X120; two-story, S rooms, attic, cellar under all of house; water both floors; gas; all con veniences; to,500. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., S13 Wood St. nol5-20 F OP. SALE-ELEGANT BRICK RESIDENCE: new (just compieiea.1: corner property, on Stanton ave.. lso. irom jinanu ave: n rooms. receotiou hall, etc.: all modern Improvements: large groonds;jirlce $3,500; terms easy; beat bar gain in the E. E. WVW. MCNEILL & BBO., 105 Fourth ave. nol7-5S FOR SAL E NEWFRAMEHOUSE-10 ROOMS, reception hall, attic laundry, bath, 2 Inside w. c's. hot and cold water, slate mantels, tile hearths and all modern Improvements: the great est bargalnln the A". E.: lot 45x125: Eveline St.: (1, 500 down, bal. on long time D. BEHEN & st SON, 4112 Peun ave. nol7-5 FOR SALE-BEN VENUE PLACE, A FIRST CLASS Queen Anne frame residence of 8 rooms and attic recept. hall and bathroom. Inside w. c. and stationary w. s., nat. gas for fuel, elec tric light, electric bells, cemented cellar, laundry with stationary tubs; elegantly finished through out and Is one of the most desirable residences In East End, with a beautirul lot 52x140, and only (7,500, in easv terms. For particulars see J. E. GLASS, 133 Fifth ave .Telephone 1764. nol7-S3 Aneshenr Residences. FOE 8ALE-S-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. A NICE home In Second ward, Allegheny City; terms reasonable; price (4,600. C.H.LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. nol7-S FOR SALE AN ALLEGHENY CITY PROP ERTY, Second ward; near parks; now rented for over (600 per annum; will sell for (5,500. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave no!7-J . TTKJR RALK ADAMS ST.. ALLEGHENY, S 1 room and attic brick house: 11.JV I1VUDC. A4JI3 IUVIUB. high celltns halL etc: lot 20x120 to caved aller. f4,3. Ut RLE3 SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. nolS-20 TTIOB SALE NEW 8-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, JO on line of Pleasant Valley cars, Allegheny; small cash payment, balance same as rent: price, (1, 600. W. W. McNEILL A BBO., 105 Fourth are nol7-59 TTIOR S ALE-DESIBABLK BRICK BESIDENCE JU in Aiiegbeny; close to paras: s rooms, nam room, etc: all conveniences: nrlee (5,000, easy LL A BRO.l terms: examine this. .7 . ... J. ..... J '-;" vv. n. Aianxaitij s mtu, 105 rourtu ave. nol7-57'Tusn FOR SALE-WANT A QUICK PURCHASER, for a good little Allegheny investment 6 room house; new building, flrst-class condition: good lot: Irwin ave. : will yield rental of (300: (2.230. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. noJ7-136 TTIOR SALE-PARK PROPERTY, ALLB- X' GHENY, choice residence no. 21 Montgom err ave.. 14 rooms, bath, lavatories, laundry and an conveniences: qnicx sale aesirea to settle nick sale desired to settle an estate. BAILEY, FABRELL CO, 619 smlth-nol4-S5 field st. FOR 8ALE-(9,250-THAT ELEGANT NEW and substantial press brick dwelling (never occupied), containing 9 rooms, bath, stationary washstands, laundry, cement cellar and all Im- rovements, located on Ackley St., head ot onterey si, Allegheny. W. C. BTEWART. U4 Fourth are. ap21-i9-sn FOR SALE-FRANKLIN ST., ALLEGHENY Must be sold to close up an estate; almost new brick dwelling, 7 rooms, nsii, cam. range, b. A c. water, both gases, marble mantels, double parlors, and elegantly finished throughout; perfect sewerage; lot 24x130 to Decatur st. J. E. COOPER CO., 107 Fourth ave. nolS-SO F IOR SALE - ALLEGHENY WE THINK wen or this TiroDenr as a point tor business in the center or a rapidly growing locality and as a place affording a pleasant home: substantial new two-storv irsme large storeroom, side halL 4 large nice dwelling rooms: lot 24x130; well ex cellent water: stable etc: a good Investment; (3, 000. CHARLES SOMERS So CO., 213 Wood st. nol3-80-WFRU TTOR SALE- HANDSOME CORNER PHOP- A" ERTY. fronting on pans; three-story resi dence press brick. 9 rooms, vestibule bath, laundry, elegant finish, all modern appliances; aoume oricx aweinug iruauu wir street, yield ing good rentalr' this property, as a whole la most desirable affording, as it uucs a ocaumui nome and a aonrre of Income: (20,000. CHARLES SOMEBS & CO., 313 Wood st, nois-20 Suburban Residence. 8ALE-?l,00O-WILKlNSBUEG. WEST TTIOR X1 st. large 101, duxi-u; -5orj jrme nouse, a rooms: two In cash. bal. at 4H per cent Interest. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. nol5-20 FOR 8 ALE SIX ACRES. HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, stable, abundance fruit of all kinds; price only (1,500; also several farms, and small pieces of properties near wo cuy. nMuiuiunAssu, Dug Fourth ave. nolS-29 FOR SALE AVALON-P.. FT. W. 4 O. B. E. a handsome corner property, near station; nice elevation; large choice lot. 68x146; well built, comfortable, convenient and attractive house ot 6 rooms; (3,200. CHARLES) SOMERS ft CO., SIS Wood st. nol3-79-wssu TTOR BALE-ATW1LKINBBURG, 3 MINUTES JO walk, from station; 6-roora house finished attics: !bath, hot and cold water; electric light, gas: sliding doorstslate mantels; tile hearths; bar window, front and back porches; handsome lotto alley: price (8.360, (HO ease: tern to suit: eaU sumo? jjhosvju vvmssumi ojtsswswauoju VOK SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Sabnrbao Residence. TJiOK 8ALE-IN SEW1CKLEY-ON" ONE OF J the best streets (60 ft. wide) but one block from station, tn an elegant neighborhood and at a low price, an attractive brick dweUlng of 10 rooms, bath, hot and cold water, nab and art. gas, stationary washtubs, inside shutters, porches, etc: lot 47x203 ft., with good lawn, plenty of large fruit trees and flagstone walks; Immediate possession: also, adjoining property, lot 89Xx20 ft., with comfortable frame dwelling, nat. gas, city water, etc: the properties will be sold sep arately or together at a reduced price. A. w. ADAIR. Room 708 Penn bldg.. Penn ave. noI7-4 FOE BALE LOTS. East End Lota. FOB SALE-S3,00a-50X125 FEET ON NEGLEY avenne, near Center. W. C STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. sel-13-Sn FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS ON WARD ST.. Oakland; only (I, OX. J. E. GLASS, No. 13S Fifth ave. nol7-89 FOR SALE-OAKLAND LOTS ONROMEO ST., Boundry St., Joncalre st. and Sylvan ave.: (250 and (300 each. BLACK & BAIBD, 95 Fourth are. 2D-217. noUM4 FOB SALE -li,O0O-EASY TERMS: 11 ACRES . .. of level land desirably located on Squirrel ' Hill: will sell portion. STEWART, U4 luurusTC seu-65-sa FOR BALE-(650 LOT 24x109 FT. ON REY NOLDS St.. near Fifth ave.. handy to cable and railroad: on easy terms. MELLON BROTH ERS, OI3 Station St.. E. E. nolS-11-TuTSu FOR SALE-(2, 300-LOT47X120 FEET, LOCATED In Shadyslde, near Fifth ave., in a choice nelghborhoodrtbe best lot for the money In tbe East End. W. O. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. sel5-7-sa F Dal OR SALE-CHOICE LOTS ATTHE PRICE Montlcello street, near Frankstown ave. and allasa station, S lots, 23 1-3x120 feet to paved alley, (600. CHAS. SOMERS A CO.. 313 Wood St. nols-79-WBSn FOR 8ALE-r7.M0-5 ACRES OF CHOICE land, desirably located on Squirrel Hill, within two minutes' walk of new electric road: terms to suit purchaser. W. C. STEWART, 111 Fourth ave. se29-45-sa TTIOB SALE-ONLY (5,600. TERMS EASY-1W X? x440feet, desirably located on Shady lane, extending to Dennlston ave.: think or lit only (27 50 a front root for the finest piece or property on 8q.ulrrel-HlH. W. C. BTEWABT, 114 Fourth are. oc20-3S-sa TTIOB SALE-10 ACRES OF THEMOST BEAU V T1FUL land in the Squlrel Hill district, within 500 reel or the Sehenley Park, and having a front- aze on three streets: this is without doubt the best property offered In the market for a plan of lots. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. no9-57-uwrssa F 10 R BALE-(2.500-TERMS EASY; LOTS 50x200 feet: located on caved Bart of Forbes ave nne right at main entrance to Scbenley Park, and on line of new electric road, which will be In ope ration January 1: nothing in the East End to ex cel them. W. C STEWART, 114 Fourth avenne. no3-15-sn FOR 8 ALK-A.LOT 60x120 FEET ON A M-FOOT street: sewers, pipes, curbs and flagstone walks all down and no extra cost for them: within 5 minutes' of steam cars and Z lines or cable ears; churches and schools close by. MELLON BEOS., E. ., or JOHN 7. BAXTER, Agent, 612 Smith field street. nol7-7)-Thsu FOR SALE-HEBRON HILL LOTS 20X100 feet to alley on Herron ave., Clarissa and Adelaide sts.. Just at the terminus or new cable line: the place to buy ror a home or Investment; prices (JOOand (000 each; terms (100 cash, balance to suit purchaser: send tor plan. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. nol7-43-rrsn TTIOB SALE (1.500-TERMS TO SUIT PUR Jt? CHASER, lots 50x150 feet to an alley desira bly located in Shadyslde (Squirrel Hilt district) right on Hue of new electric road, which wlU he in operation December 1. and only 10 minutes walk from Fifth avenne cable cars, are the choicest lots In the East End. W. U STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. sel5-S7-sn FOR SALE-ON WILKIN S AVENUE. NEAR Firth avenue four acres, one of the finest lo cations In the Squirrel HU1 district, not over two minutes' walk from new electric road, and about five minutes from Filth avenne cable line: this Is one of the most desirable locations now for sale In the suburbs of the city. C. H. LOVE, No. S3 Fourth avenue. nol4-ll-Thrsa Glenvrood Lou. TTH)R SALE-LOTS AT GLENWOOD; CON J? YENlENTtotbe station and Second Ave Electric Railway: graded streets, sidewalks, city water; houses and lots for sale on monthly pay ments. GEORGE a BURG WIN, 150 Fourth ave OC29-29-MWSU ABeghenv Lou. TTIOR 8ALE-p,C00-LOT 21x75. FEEMONTJST., JL' near rennayivania ave, secona ws ghenv: good adjacent Improvements. GATE & SON, 3f Federal at.. Allegheny, LEG-noU-9 Suburban Lota. FOB8ALE-ATWILKINSBUEG-LOT 84X130. 8 minutes from station, (LOU): a bargain. W. K. HAMNETT. 401 Bmlthflefd street, Pittsburg, and WUklnshurg, Fa. nol7.7 FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS; 50x194. (49P TO (000, Belmont Place Ingram. P.. C. & St. L. B. K. : streets SO ft. wide: seweredrhousestosetbaek4o ft., cost at least (2,000: terms KSdown, balance tie per month. INGRAM LAND AND IMPROVE MENT CO., 60 Fourth ave (second floor). . ocu-ittvraa jranas. TTIOR SALE-THREE NEW LITTLE FARMS. 15 JC acres each: nice laying and productive ground: abundance of fruit; good water: 4, Sand 6 room dwellings; outbuildings: lOmlles from city; halftone or depot: 5 mUes drive from East Lib erty; (2,500 and (3,000. CHARLES SOMERS CO.. 313 Wood st. nolS-20 TTIOR SALE-520 ACBES OF GOOD, RICH X? rolling prairie land, and 40 acres of timber In Jefferson county. IU.: 520 acres bra high state or cultivation: live tenant houses and barns on the farm: orchards, wells, etc; 9 miles from county seat and 2Jf miles from good railroad town: the land is good and lays beautifully no waste or broken land on the farm: located in afloe country and one of the best farms in the county; a rare bargain: price only (15 per acre Call on or ad dress SAMUEL CASEY, Mt. VernonA Jefferson county. III. no!7-95 POR SALE BUSINESS Buslnrso Cbnneev. TTIOR SALE-BUSINESS CHANCES REQUIRING X' from saw to az.wu are oeingonereo oy . su ItUWAN ft W.t J002B GUOt aimUWB DUUOiDJ ling. Fifth ave. nol7- TPOR SALE-GOOD PAYING SALOON IN X East End, Oblor population of town L030; owner In other business In this city, and cannot attend to both: great bargain to good man mean ing business. Address V. A. B., Dispatch offlce noi5-12 EOE SALE-GROCERY STORE ON GOOD corner. In. Allegheny: an excellent stand for business; fresh stock; will sell at Invoice. Ad dress A. R. BRAGDON, care GEO. S. MARTIN sCO., Commission Merchants, 503 Liberty ave, Pittsburg. nol7-34 FOB BALK SEVERAL FINE GROCERY" stores, large and small, at low prices: cigar stores, small drygoods stores, confectioneries, bak eries, laundry, feed store, milk depots, boarding houses, printing office etc N. B.-W have customer with (5.000 0- more capital who will take Interest In good paying city drygoods business. BHEPABDCO., 64 sUth ave no9 Business Stand. FIOE SALE-AT A BABGAIN-A PIECE OF property desirably located on Wood st. W. a STEWART, 114 Fourth ave oc20-38-gn TJTOR BALE-COB. TWELFTH AND NEVILLE X? St.. S. 8. 4-room frame dwelling and attic: this can be made a No. 1 business stand;prlee very low. J. O. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. nol7-141-TTSSn FOR SALE-A LIVERY AND BOARDING stable now doing a good profitable business; tbe present owner has business that requires his full attention. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth are. H017-63 FOR BALE A BUSINESS WAREHOUSE IN the very best location on Liberty st. ; wUl Jiay over 8 per cent clear of tax, Insurance etc.; his I think the most desirable business location In the city now offered for sale. C. H. LOVE, 91 Fourth avenue nol7-62 FOB SALE-SEVERAL PIECES OF PROP ERTY on Fonrtn ave: also a number of pieces on Penn ave., smlthfleld st. and other ?:ood streets: will take pleasure In giving full par lculars and showing surveys to parties desiring to purchase "W. a BTEWABT, 114 Fourth ave ap21-19-8U TTiORSALE-PENNAVENUE, NEABTHIRTY JD THIRD st.-2-storyandMansardbrlckdwlI-ing, 9 rooms, bath, n. and c water, n. and a. gas; by putting storeroom In this it can be made a splendid business location; will trade for a home In East Liberty. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st, nol7-141-TTSsa ' TTIOR SALE A 16 PEB CENT. INVESTMENT XT New house of 12 rooms and storeroom, guar anteed to rent for (55 per month; bouse well adapted and In good location for boarding house: lot 25x120: necelsary outbuildings; rare chance for Investors and won't stand long; price (4.000. MAGAW AUUSF., LLU..Heai .Estate and Ins nsur- ance. 145 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. no!7-3 TCHIR SALE A FINE HOTEL IN ONE OF THE X most prosperous xowns in western r vanla; everything new and or tbe most lmj most prosperous towns In Western Pennsvl a: evervtbinar new and of the moat Imnrnved stvle: steam heat, closet and bathrooms. 28 bed rooms, two offices, reading and sample rooms,flce range In kitchen : barn 36x75 ft. : elegant Hus and team; business aU that could be desired: reason for selling poor health. For further particulars write to or im nqulre at DISPATCH OFFICE. nol4-50 FOR. 8ALE-UNIONTOWN THE THRIVING little city of 10,000 active workers In the coke and gas center; a flrst-class property, located right in business center, used as a residence but can be adapted to business purposes, very sub stantial and attractive brick, s large rooms, wide halls, hlcli celllnsrs. bath, lanndrv. marble man tels, hardwood finish; veranda, gas, water, etc.. large lot, stable carnage house etc.; conditions pertaining to the ownership or this property, de mand its immediate sale, and to avoid delay In its disposal, we are authorized to accept a price below actual value or buildings alone: we invite attention to It, as a prime Investment. CHAKLK8 HOMEK.1 A CO.. SlSTVood st. nolS-BB FOR SALE-M1SCELLANH43US. (lone. YeWcIes. Live Steele (fee. TTlOE SALE-PHAETON BUBOY AS GOOD AS i? new. Can be seen at a WEST t CO.'S, Car riage Makers, 430 Dacaesse wav, Pittsburg, Pa. nol7- -I710K SALE A VERY WXLL-BHID SADDLE 32 and driving mare; 5 years oW, oelsek with strip la fee; tabulated MSUcree est be sMes; dB sbbbbsB sV sl ! B ssf UsukAAssaW ssatssitM) sMW"W FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. TTKJR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS NEW A? an d refitted : renalrin g prom ptlv attended to. and refitted: repalringpromptlv attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACH1NECO..L1M.. below suspension bridge Allegheny. Pa. anio-a TT'OR SALE THE CELEBRATED ACME AU X TOMATId safety engine the best and cheap est power In the market: also the latest Improved automatic knitting machine. Cheap for cash, by . J. PRAGER, Gen'lAg't, No. 4 Filth avenue MlsceTlaneons. FOR SALE CHEAP 8,000 YARDS FD3ST CLA83 rubble and concrete stone For par ticulars address P. O. BOX 172, Pittsburgh Pa. J017-115 OB SALE-GENUINE ALASKA SEALSKIN sacque at a sacrifice: 38 bust. 40 long; pure London dye: perfectly new. Address AMBROSB G. BUDD, 93 Fourth ave. city. nol7-53 FOUND50 PEOPLE EVERY HOUR EXAM INING "Voltaic Diamonds:" tho popular verdict, "The finest we ever saw;" I also set them In any rings, eardrops, etc, that yon have In use.. B. E. ABON3. Bole Agent. 65 Fifth ave. nol7-ltT TO LET. Anecheny Residences. iTIO LET-NO. 24 SAMPSON BTBEET-BEICK JL bouse 7 rooms and all conveniences; posses sion at once See EWING- BYEB3. No. 93 Fed eral street. Call for list. D017-U TO LET-NO. 34 CHURCH AVENUE-BRICK house 8 rooms and aU conveniences: rent low: lossesslon at once. See EWING It BYEB3. No.! Federal street. Call for ust. non-u TO LET-COZY FOUR-BOOM HOUSE: MABV KET sL: large attic: back porch: water In kitchen: papered this spring: onlrSlS; Immediate possession. CLARENCE PLTT1T, 114 Second ave, Pittsburg. nol7-15S ' Arnment. mo LET THREE NICELY FTRSISHEDv X rooms, with or, without board Inquire 111 urantst., city. norr-37 1 ; mO LET VERY DESIRABLE BOOMS, TUR-i X N1SHED or unfurnished; Dotn gases. Appr trf at NO. 270 SHADY LANE, East End. hoj-oj ' mo LET- FUBNISHED ROOMS WITH.'.U X kitchen; washing done: all only (3 75 to (1 50. 41 LOOANCVl Sf.. near W vile. MBJ4r'f! ST., near Wylle. nol7-64f rXIO LET-TWO FRONT BOOMS ON THEi X Parks. Allesrhenv: verr deslrablr located: both gases reference given and required. Addressj iiuuai, xiupaicn omce. nou-au ' i Offices. Dealt Room. &c w m i.. T.wTM rTnpivv TTtl.r. TfTTvmnwrHi X furnished lodge rooms, with banquet haU and. kitchen attached: Ught. fuel and staze-1 Apply to P. O. BOX 790. non-13 tU Business Stands. TO LET-ONE-HALFOF ONE OF THEBESTAj ttnrafvMrni ah Havvi srtvsuf- Hm VWTVI1 t it BYERS, N o. 93 Federal street. nolS-49 mO LET A VERY DESIRABLE BUSINESS JL place: Wood st.. near Fifth aveiaJ-storrSL . brick: large store room, and 2 business floors. ". ' uiiAta s. oaiw w ounn ave uumi , -,, TO LET-OR BOB HALE-TO HOTEL. MEJT . A new 36-room house all modern improve-"' ments. lurnace eiectno ugni, eiectno cans, etc. . etc.: cltv 5.000 Inhabitants: a railroad division:, no other good hotel In tbe place; house been, ran . two years and has secured: good patronage. Ad-f aress J. ar, care lord Jt THOMAS, Chicago, iu.a HOM-NO-BB..J rpOLET-STOBEBOOMAND FIVE DWELLS! X uiu rooms, or can include 10 or u additional! rooms, affording room for hotel or large boarding! house: fine business location; terminus of eleetrlo road in midst or large working population: favor-l able lease to good tenant- CHARLES SOMEBS A! uu.. ij w oua st non-i PERSONAL. PERSONAL-THE TIME IS LIMITED FOB buying those solid gold, tilled case watches ati f m w, sis au ana sis eu; wis is a special "cut" ini prices: watcn cjuos sen uienx as oa. a J&. .ajujaivj tfeweier, uiuiqits. nou-iu j PERSONAL-HAVE YOU SEEN LEVI'S jj bookstore? Do von know we hava new books I as well as old? Do von know we have the larffes. T stock or old books west ot tbe Allegheny Moos- - . tamtr xixvx's isuunoiuiu wju iioerry st- TJERSONAL THE GREAT EXCIIEMENT,! X caused Dy "voltaic uiamonaj'- is oauyoa tbe increase: they are actually taking the place ofs toe genuine aiaroonas; rings, fa i ana op: sraas,ir (2 50 and no: eardrops. (3 50 and np: heavy soUaj! no!7-142 STRAYED. STRAYED CAME TO THE PREMISES OFl the undersigned, a Strang cow; owner wills piease can ana, pay cnarges ana nmarsiDeeow.s CHARLES W13ENEK. corner Forbes and Mariomf ave. Twenty-second ward. noi7-i: LOST. J J 40c 75c 98c : for misses. SL St 50. tl 7t Ladle'! sizes, szana np: ooys' rings, w vt, fJ a ana. an; gents'" rlnrs. ss ouv r " au u0 -b- a-u ABON8, 5 Fifth ave. BOM-MKE ' MELTINGS. ATOT1CE TO STOCKHOLDERS TH1 l annual meetine of. the stocknoU'ers of tkai Pittsburg- Traction Company will be he!dttj omce 01 tne company, .jxa. iu ruui avenue. 01 MONDAY, November IS. 1S39, at U o'clock xS mi. tor the nnmose of electlnc seven directorsLl toserve for the ensuing year, and for such otieejl business as may corns Deiora mo meeirafn GEO. L. Met AltLAJNii secretary. no4M OTICE HILLDALE CODNCII HOV Z35.JB.O. U.A.AL. will meet atinett INd, November 17, at BrfS o'clock sharp, to attend divine services at Df. A. M. Hill's rrhnreh. corner Franklin and Manhattan streets, Allejtneny City. Members of slstr councils are cordially invited. H.E.JOHK- BON. a: O. O. FRAZIEB. B. 8. noI7-ll EDUCATIONAL. MT. BT. ALOYSIU8, LORETTO. PA. The scholastic year of the Mountain Aeaettf emy, nnaer tne direction 01 ma sisters ot j Mercy wfll commence its fall term September! Z Tuition for five months. Including French and music, (lrjQ. Loretto is famed as a health 4 resort, and like a. sanitarium ofi unquestionable excellence. The reputation oft tbe Sisters of Mercy as instructors to world-f wide iw particulars address we Directress a of tbe Academy. anSMSn i AUCTION SALES. BANKRUPT BALE. OVER (150,000 WORTH " f FINE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DSTJ GOODS, CARPETS. RUGS, Era, BT AUCTION I. AT ' ' 1 723 AND 725 LIBERTY STVf CORNER EIGHTH. Sales, Moraine, Afternoon asd Evesiaj&ij COMMENCING, MONDAY, NOVEMBER MJ N. B. Special accommodations provided feci lames. noi2--Trsemii TTANDSOME FURNITURE, ELEGASTJ carpets, mirrors, eta, at Ancaon ,- TUESDAT MORNING, Nor. 19, at 10 tfetoesg At No. 311 Market st. Parlor, library, office, chamber and dinls. mattresses, flno decorated dinner, tea and toilet seta, fancy goods, mirrors, rnjrs. llnolensaj stoves, kitchen and lanniry coods. ladletTJ wraps, stationery, wanes, iron saie, iuw Clocks, ornaments, lutkiso rutrs 01a, HENRY AUCTION CCwTJM.. nniT.179 Anctloneersvl I AMUSEMENTS. TMPERIAIi HAUe- Cor. Seventh ave. and New Grant street. THE IMPERlAli CLUB RECEPTION,! EVERT THURSDAT EVENING. If you are fond of dancing, you will certs ls-q 1 In 1 If sir ITi rnni lift fin " 2f4al WJUI lUUtJOU ) lUSA SOVUJIM"-" Mosart and Royal Italian Orchestras.-' Admission, 66c. Hat box, 100 ana 100. nol7.11 -a srlfMHI.BRnTTrTER'a Jjl VBGETABU5 AND P0UX.TKT8TA3li supplies aJl-tbs city hotels: boaatnttrss tm And It to tbelr advantajs to aeai ww ssssy-jsi Telephone M. LB DIAMOND MAJftXBsVj flMVUUrC jjm urn !; WAXTKJ. OSTOOTOTL Klflf I - Hi MM WKi TJAMSOirS OSBOTTRNX- St J JhA' Itfl Kjl r H; -V'!WJrJ nsyrm- ...-