MAGNATES' PLANS The league Will Appeal to law to ENJOIN THE OLD PLATERS. Baltimore Likely to Purchase Senators' Franchise. the CHAEGES AGAIKST BROOKLYN. Final Arrangements for the Priddy HcClelland Kace. GESEEAL SPOETIXG HEWS OP THE DAT There was another interesting day among the baseball men. Kansas City withdrew from the Association, and Baltimore mar buy the "Washington franchise. The League will appeal to law to secure injunctions against the old players. Final arrange ments were made for the Friddy-SIcClelland race. 1EFXCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! 2etv Yoke, November 15. To-day was the fifth day of the great baseball meetings at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. The League had very little business to attend to, and the del egates were soon ready to leave for home. Sogers, of Philadelphia, said that it was a notorious fact that a cumber of players re served by League clubs had declared their intention to violate said reserve, notwith standing notices by their respective clubs of said reserve, and of the latter's option to re sew the usual form of contract with such players for the season of '90. Also, that the opinions of eminent counsel bad been re ceived affirming the legal and equitable rights of said clubs under said contracts to the services of their respective players for the sea son of '90. That, therefore, he moved the fol lowing resolution: A BIG BESOLVE. Resolved, That the League hereby declares that it will aid each of its club members in the enforcement of the contractual rights of said clubs to the services of its reserved players for the season of '90; and that a committee of three be appointed by tho League with full power to formulate and carry out the best methods of enforcement of said contractual rights of said clubs; and that such committee be authorized to draw upon the guarantee fund of the League for such amounts as may be necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution. Messrs. Byrne, Rogers and Day were appointed as said committee. Mr. Spalding offered the follow ing resolution, which was adopted: Resolved. That no League club shall from this time enter into negotiations or contracts with players not under League reservation, or enter into negotiations with any club for the transfer of any of its players until February 1, 1890. A SETT COMMITTEE. Resolved, That a committee of three be ap pointed to be designated as the Negotiations Committee, of which the President of the League shall be Chairman, to which shall be referred all applications from players desiring positions on League teams as well as applica tions from club members of the national agreement wishing to dispose of the leases of their players; Resolved, That the Chairman of this commit tee shall be the exclusive channel through which such applications and negotiation can be conducted by the National League or any of its clubs, and said committee shall ascertain the terms upon which any such releases can be pro cured or such contracts executed; Resolved, That all League clubs in order to secure the services of such players will indicate to the Chairman the positions to be filled and the names of the players wanted, and upon the unanimous vote of said committee a contract may be executed between a club and any player so approved and formulated in the usual manner. GETTING CASK BEADY. Resolved, That the committee, by its unani mous vote, be authorized to draw from the guarantee fund of the League such funds .as maybe necessary to carry ont the purpose of this resolution, to be repaid to the fund by the clubs benefited thereby. Messrs. Byrne, Young and Reach were ap pointed on this committee. The League then adjourned, to reconvene on January 2S. 1890. Acting rresiaem v on aer An called the As sociation meeting to order at 11 o'clock. The first business before the meeting was the resig nation tendered by Delegate Q. C. Krauthoff, of the Kansas City club, irom the Association. According to the constitution, any club can re sign during the month of November without going through the formality of an acceptance of the resignation by the Association. Messrs. Spease and Krauthoff left the rooms, and the Kansas City club was immediately transferred to the Western Association by telegraph. This action left only five clubs in the Association. As the representatives of five clubs constitute a quorum, business was resumed, and Zach .Phelps, of Louisville, was elected President All this occurred before the Association bad been in session an hour. It leaked out later that the DETBOIT AND STBACUSE Clubs had made formal application for ad mission to the Association. The result of the application has not yet been made public There are well-authenticated rumors afloat to the effect that the Baltimore is making an ef fort to desert the Association and it is said that an attempt will be made by the Baltimore managers to make their club a member of the League by the purchase of the Washington franchise. All the morning Walter E. Hewitt, of Washington, and Henry R. Von der Horst. the wealthy brewer, who virtually owns the Baltimore club, have been in close consulta tion. Mr. C Born, of Columbus, was elected Vice President. The following committees were then elected: Board of Directors Ath letic, Baltimore, Columbus and St. Louis. Finance Committee Columbus, Athletic and Bt. Louis. Schedule Committe Athletic. St Louis and Louisville. Players' Rules Ath letic, Baltimore and Couisville. Board of Ar bitration Phelps, Wbittaker and O'Neil. MB. BTBNE'S BEPLT. A recess was then taken until 2.30 o'clock. TJpon reassembling Mr. Barnie was added to the Finance Committee. This committee was empowered to receive applications and approve them. Their decision will be final. Messrs. Phe!p Whlttaker and Barnie were appointed a committee to revise the constitution. The next meeting of the association will be held in Columbus in December. The meeting was ad. journed until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. J jur. .Byrne saia: "I have no reply to make to any statement made by the St. Louis club or its allsged legal representative. The press and the public will readily recognize and appreciate the animus which prompts any statements made by the ex champion club of the American Association against the Brooklyn club " After the routine business the Hon. John J. O'Neil, Mr. Von aer Abe's legal adviser, ex plained the argument of the '-combine" in the following manner, as he walked nervouslv up and down the carpet MB. O'UEIL'S ABGUMEKT. "Ton gentlemen are probably aware of the statements floating around the corridors to the effect that a combine had been formed against the Cincinnati and Brooklyn clubs. I wish to contradict these statementsand the men in this room will bear me out There has been no combine having for its object any injury to Brooklyn or Cincinnati. We have known for tome months that the Brooklyn and Cincinnati clubi had intended forsaking the Association. Realizing that we had to deal with a conspiracy -we selected a man in Mr. Phelps for President whom we knew to be above suspi cion and who would not be influenced by a financial consideration. We knew he did pot have a dollar invested in the Louisville club. We believed he would preserve the As sociation from disintegration agaigst some who were conspirators in it We believed that the Brooklyn club resorted to dishonorable means, such as Indirect bribery and tampering with the club in order to get the Association cham pionship. Telegrams were sent by A. J. Bnshong, a Brooklyn catcher, to John Milli gan, 5f the St Louis club, of a very compro mising nature. These telegrams were the re sult of an agreement, as near as can be learned, made previously between MILLIGAN AKD BUSHONG toihe effect that Bo-hong agreed to give Mill- .fancne-nsil of the money he recelred in case. tho Brooklyn team won, if HUHfrn would do the same with him. At this time the Brooklyn team was four frames ahead. One of the tele crams was produced by Mr. O'Neil. It read as follows: To John liiUlt-an, Catcher BU Louis Baseball Club: FMIKDJACK Hone Ton will answer the tele trram 1 sent you which was that 111 give S200 for your share In our agreement. It will be a per sonal favor to me lfyoa will and besides will he a sure thin for you and yet jtlve me a chance to make a little. Don't lose your chance as yon did with Tucker, heply Instantly at my expense. A. J. BnsiiONO. Mr. O'Neil closed his talk by sayinc that It was the intention of the Association to hew close to the line In the future no matter whero the chips fell, to play honest ball and make the came purely an athletic test between men and men. Mr. Von der Ahe stated that the dispatch to Milligan was opened by him as he thought John micht be sick and he was given permis sion to open any letter that he thought was of any importance. "When I read the diSDatch." continued Mr. Von der Ahe, "I was thunder struck. Wlien I saw Milligan and asked him to explain matters, he said that the agreement which has already been read here, was true In crery respect, but he contended that he did not mean anything wrong." SPALDING'S PLAIN TALK. He Snjs gome Pointed Things About the Situation. New York. November 1& After the League meeting adjourned to-day, A. G. Spalding was, interviewed on the situation. He said be was perfectly satisfied with the legislation and work of the League at this meeting and with the addition of Brooklyn and Cincinnati, he considered the League stronger now than it. ever was in its history. The in creasing of the bond to be given by each club to $25,000, not only in his opinion insures the financial responsibility of the League, but Is a guarantee to the players that any contract made between r League club and a player can be enforced by the player. "The League," said Mr. Spalding, "by the abolishment of the 'sale system and classifica tion rule-and by the payment of $250toSut cllffe. although technically there was no legal obligation to do this, as Sutcliffe did not sign a Brotherhood contract with the Detroit club in 1SS7 containing the salary reservation clause, has civen the players more than they asked for, all of which carries out my promise to Ward that the matters referred to in our June con ference could safelv be entrusted to the League for a fair consideration and settlement at its annual meeting. The League has up to the present time given the Brotherhood every thing they have asked for, and if after this action the players are determined to make an effort to break the League and Join a rival onranlzation they must prepare themselves to take the consequences." In answer to a question as to what the policy of the League would be toward their revolting players. Mr. Spalding said that no one could speak definitely for the League, but his per sonal Idea was tnstu tnepiayers persist in their "conspiracy," and show in same more substantial way than empty threats that they really intend to carry their scheme into opera tion, he had no doubt that the League clubs would make every possible effort to enjoin the players from playing in any other organiza tion. Mr. Spalding said that it was the opinion of some of the most prominent lawyers in the country that such an injunction will hold. He has, as yet seen no opinion from any lawyer on the other side, indicating the reverse. "In case the injunctions are not obtainable what will thepolicv of the League be thenT" Mr. Spalding was asked. "In that event there will be nothing left for the League to do but to expel all the players who enter into the conspiracy, which will prac tically mean their retirement Irom professional baseball, should their rebellious scheme prove a failure. "I have too high a regard for the general in telligence of the rank and file of the League players to believe that they will be led into such a dangerous experiment by a few hot headed anarchists, urged on and abetted by a few enthusiastic long-chance capitalists whose only possible interest in the matter, according to their 'own statements, is tbe amonnt of money they hope to realize out of it" MB- STERN'S SCHEME. He Wants to Pat His Plnyers on the Co operative Plan. KetTobk, November Id The Cincinnati players are going to be given an opportunity to play speculative baseball next year. It is the plan which President Stern has been hatching for such a length of time, and a hint of which was given out last week. Mr. Stern said to day: I was going to wait until I got home, hut have concluded to let you telegraph a skeleton out line of the plan, so that the players will have time to do a little thinkinir before I get back to Cincinnati. They think, I guess, that I made money last year. Such is not the case. I lost money, and my books will show it Here is what I nropose to do: My men. if they want to. can go with me on the co-operative plan. By that I mean that my players and myself will go on the salary list at (1,200 a year each and at the end of the season we will divide profits or losses as the case may be. Of course tbe man ager is tbe exception to this, for he must be paid his contract price. Tbe players can help select their own gate-keepers, money-coujters, bookkeepers,auditing committee, and can have a say in imposing fines, the discharging of E layers, tbe engagement of new ones, and, in nef, they will share authority with me in everything that pertains to the management and welfare of the club. Can anything be fairer than that? You can add, also, that my expense will be greater than theirs because I will make no charge for interest on the capital I have invested in tbe plant Everything will go into them free. Here is a chance for them to work on a basis that double discounts tbe Brotherhood plans for making money. As I say, the chance is theirs if tbey want it and I was led to devise this plan only because I pro pose to do everything 1 can to make them con tented. Tbey can take their choice of tbe old way or tbe new, and their choice will be a mat ter of indifference to me." PHELPS' NOTION. He Thinks the Association and Brother hood Could Unite. ISFECTAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCH.l Louisville, Ky., November 15. The with drawals of tbe Cincinnati and Brooklyn clubs from tbe American Association have caused no little anxiety among the local lovers of the na tional game. As to the fate of the Louisville club many seem to fear that the withdrawal of two of the strongest clnbswill result in the break ing up of the Association, while others seem to think that it is a very fortunate thing for the Association. A reporter this morning called upon Mr. Zach Phelps, the new president and asked what would bo the effect of the with drawal of clubs. He said: "I am too far from the seat of war to be in formed of the plans formed by tbe remaining clubs. Of course the withdrawal of Brooklyn and Cincinnati will temporarily embarass the Association. However, all of the clnbs have been expecting this very thing for several months. They knew tbat Byrne and Stearns were waiting for the first opportunity to jump and they believed tbat tbe League would make places for them at its November meeting. Here is a fine chance for tbe Association to build up the grandest League that ever ex isted in tbe history pf baseball. It can affiliate with the Brotherhood. I do not advocate the breaking of the national agreement, although things seem to have been drifting in that direc tion for some time. Of course to unite with the Brotherhood would be an open violation of the agreement, unless it is shown tbat the League has violated it in admitting the Cincinnati and Brooklyn clubs. Whether it has or not, I do not know as any negotiations prior to Novem ber 1 would have been kept very quiet. It the Association and Brotherhood were to unite, a splendid league of ten clubs could be organ ized. The Brotherhood players and those of the Association Could be distributed in such a manner to make tbe ten clubs very nearly equal in strength," Got Their Charter. f FECIAL TTST.ErRAM TO Till DI8FATCR.1 Albany, N. Y., November 15. A prelimi nary certificate of incorporation of the New Yorks, Limited, was filed this afternoon with the Secretary of State. The incorporators aro Cornelius Van Cott, Edwin A. McAlpin, Ed ward B. Tolcott, John Montgomery Ward and William Ewing, of New York 1ty. Its objects are "tbe exbibition of baseball and other athletic contests." and tbe location of its busi ness is to te at New York City. The amount of capital stock is fixed at S20.000, divided into 200 shares at 100 each. The duration of the cor poration is to be for tbe term of 60 years. Will Oreaulze on Monday. Ed Hanlon has so far succeeded in disposing of the local Brotherhood club stock tbat he in tends to have the club thoroughly organized on Monday evening. A meeting of stock holders will be held and an organization formed at once. When that is done Hanlon will then hustle to get all the players signed. He says there Is plenty of money behind the Pittsburg Brotherhood club. Beckley'a Plans. It is stated thai Jake Beckley has declared his intention of remaining with the old League club of this city. He states that he is out for the "stuff." and Is sure ot getting It in the old League. Ed Hanlon gives little credit to tho rnmur, and says Jake is joking. Hanlon also intimates that Pittsburg may bo dropped from the old League. Jocko Kelt's In tbe Brother bee. It is learned on very jelUbi'-uo-Hj MssaJ. feAjjftfes, ... i?L . . Aauft "Jocko" Fields, the wicked little batter and excellent catcher of the Pittsburg club, was signed yesterday by John Ward, of the Brotherhood, presumably to plar in the Brotherhood Pittsburg club next season. Leaf by leaf the roses falL THE BOSS OF THE BROWNS. Advised by His Friends to Join Hands With tho Brotherhood. St. Loots, November 15. The St Louis base ball public were up in arms to-day when they heard of tbe desertion of Brooklyn and Cin cinnati. To-night Eddie Von der Ahe, the only son of tbeTresldent of the St Louis club, at tbe suggestion of several of President Von der Ahe's warmest friends, sent him a letter to New York, urging him to form a coalition be tween the clubs that are left of the American Association and the Brotherhood. The dispatch woundup by saying: "If you will join forces with tbe Brotherhood we will elect yon Governor of Missouri." Mr. Spink, editor of tho Sporting Neve, said to-night: "President Von der Ahe has always been friendly to the Brotherhood, and tbe dispatch sent out some time ago quoting him as saying that the fight between tbe Brotherhood ana the League was a fight between labor and cap ital, and that he would be found on the side of capital, was a lie made out of whole cloth. He is too good a business man to make such a statement, knowing, as be does, that such an assertion would be a direct affront to a large part of his patronage." TO-DAY'S BIG RACE. Ted Johnson Selected Referee for the Prlddy-McClcllnnd Contest. The representatives of Peter Priddy and E. C. McClelland met at this office last evening and made final arrangements for the big foot race which takes place between these two run ners to-day at Exposition Park. The meeting was of the most harmonious kind, and showed that each party means business. The names of Henry Meyers and Ted John son were mentioned as suitable persons to act as referee, and the toss of a coin decided in favor of Johnson. It was then decided to engage two policemen to keep the track clear. Tbe contestants will be on the mark at 4:15. A good rate is expected, as both peds are in ex cellent condition and confident of victory. The track is heavy, but the race has to take place "rain or shine." The stakes are $500 aside and the distance one mile. There is sure to be some spirited betting, but mo conamon ot the tracx will certainly pre vent anything like fast time. Last evening Priddy ran a strong half mile, and finished in excellent Shape. McClelland has, it is stated, been doing first-class work. He will strip at 132, and Priddy will be ten pounds heavier. Sam Day has bad Priddy In charge, and Chris. Boselip has been training Mr. McClel land. Pnddywillbe accompanied on the track by his trainer and George Smith, and McClel land will be attended by his trainer and Ben Trimber. If the weather is not extremely cool there is sure to be a big crowd present Tho Card at Clifton To-Day. grxcTAX, txxxqiuuc to thz dispatch!. New Yobk, November 15. Tho card at Clifton for to-morrow is as follows: Tim race, five farlongs AnstrallndlOS, Vera 105, fautlne 105, Ban Lassie 105, Decoration 105, Made line colt 103, Lady Agnes 1C0, Bonnie Leaf colt 93, HemetW, Owen Koberts 88, Flambeau 88. Second race, mile and three-sixteenths, selling Bam D IK, Jennie McFarland 101, Belmont 100, Yan 83. Amos 83, Banbrldge 83. Third race, mile and a sixteenth Longitude 110, Vigilant 110, Brian Born 102, Gallns Dan 102, Gounod 102, Pegasus 102, ElevelCO, Woodbnrn 101, Fannie H 89, Ocean 99, Souvenir 89, Wild Cherry 83. Carrie G 99. Fourth race, handicap, one mile and a furlong Speedwell 117. Frank Ward 110. asm D 107, Decep tion 105t Jennie McFarland 105, Wild Cherry 101 Elsve 100, Specialty 98. Fifth race, seven and one-half furlongs, selling Count Lnna 120, Howerson IIP, Mattle Looram 110, El Trinidad 110, Elgin 110, Kasterbok 110, ilarsh KedonllO, Ked Leaf 110. Charlie Kussell 10o, Tony Pastor 105, King ot .Norfolk 120, General Gordon 120. Hilda 115, lyronellS. Clatter 115. Sixth race, one mile bt. John 105, Little Mlnch Ita, Glendale 105. Tellle Doe 105, Lsfitte 105. DEMANDS MURPHY'S SCALP. Attorney Clover Wants a Sporting' Editor Indicted for Murder. rSFECIAI. TXLEOBAK TO THE DISFATCH.l St. Louis, November 15. Circuit Attorney Clover had a tilt with the grand jury to-day over tbe Jackson prize fight case. It appears the grand jury refused to return an Indictment for murder against Joseph A. Murphy, sporting editor of the Gloat-Democrat, who was referee of the fight Circuit Attorney Clover said: "Tbe grand jury took upthe murder of young Jackson and beard testimony regarding It This morning I ascertained that, while the grand jury was ready to return indictments against the principal, Ahern, the Dalys and uiuer accessories, it woma not return an in dictment against tbe referee, Joseph A. Mur phy. I protested against such discrimination; but, on finding that the members were deter mined to adhere to tbat line of action, I in sisted on tbe omission of the whole matter from their report I took the whole case out of their hands and will submit it to the next grand jury." ARTHUR CHAMBERS' OPINION. He Talks About Jackson and Godfrey, the Pugilists. A local sporting man returned from Phila delphia yesterday and repeated the opinion of Arthur Chambers, the once famous lightweight pugilist, regarding Godfrey and Jackson, the tn o colored pugilists. Chambers said: "Jackson is a good man; one of the best His movements are excellent and he has an ex traordinary reach. He is not a very heavy hitter, but he is quick and has a pair of good legs. Godfrey is also well built and quick, but be cannot give much punishment He is a good pugilist, however." military Shooters. rSFECIAI. TE1IOBAH TO THE DISPATCH.! Bedford, Pa., November 15. The time for rifle practice in the National Guard closes to morrow. Company Lot the if th Regiment, Second Brigade, N. G. P., commanded by Cap tain Robert C. McNamara, of Bedford, Pa., has qualified every man of his company, among. are also quallfied,making69 men qualified. The Colonel Walker trophy was awarded Company I for superior marksmanship for the rifle sea son of 18SS. Upon examination of the Adjutant General's report, this is the best record that has ever graced the annals of military marks manship in the National Guard of Pennsylva nia Some Great Sport. There will be a great display of boxing, wrestling and other athletic sports at Little Washington this evening. A grand benefit is to be tendered Bilson Jack, the well-known middle-weight pugilist, and he will wind up with an unknown of Cleveland, O. The un known Is supposed to be Rcddy Gallagher. Ed ReiUy, the local wrestler, will appear. He wants to wrestle any 130-pound man, catch-as-catch-can, for $250 a side. Wise, Bisseil, Simp son, Hays and others will give boxing exhibi tions. Tbe County League. A meeting of tbe Allegheny County Base ball League was held last evening; when tbe nannQnt mia nrAntp ' tn fha 7nF T.J Athletics. Mr. Pratt expressed his pleasure In f presenting ine nag io sucn a una set oi young fellows. Other business of minor Importance was transactea, ana tne meeting aajonrnea. Rode Himself ro Death. Rochester, N. Y., November 15. Ellis B.; Freatman, a memDer oi tne uenese Bicycle- Club, who recently competed in tbe road raci from Buffalo to this city, died yesterday. Hii death was the result of over-exertion in race. He was 28 years of age. He leaves widow and one child. Kllroy With the Brotherhood. Philadelphia, November 10. Delahai signed a Brotherhood contract to-day. Art; Irwin, of the Washington club, was hern day, and stated that he had signed Matt ,1 Ktlroy, of the Baltimore club, for the Bo ,. Brotherhood dub. fipertlng Notes. Theee are wars and rumors of wars In' the baseball world. If Baltimore gets into the League the old ganization will be a gainer. It is stated tbat Latham has accented advance money from the Chicago Brotherh club. i BnoOELTN and Cincinnati have paid lL, than any other two clubs to get into the LeafCff hnv UUIUCO U. vuMU,p&ue, . iwwauij fc. sy cave gotten a premium to join. IN talking oi tne croiuernooa yesteruay i 0i. onel Rogers said he didn't care anything ab nc tbe organization, but he would guarantee tl t cash or anvthlng else if John M. Ward wot i? attend tbe meeting and answer a few questlc 3, under oath "mind yon, I say under oath,' Jfew iorictiun. The most effective "night cap" is a gl of if. bs V. s iron uity Deer. Fbtb hosiery and underwear. Jam H ASSXS& CO., 100 JSftk Mslflssa - r&yaffl ikre.- MR.HPST0N EXPLAINS His Keasons for Suggesting: That the Government Should Cease PAYING EXPKESSAGE OH COIN Sent Oat of the Treasury in Kesponse to 'Private Demands for It. HOW BIS H00SIER FEIENDSDO BANKING The Treasurer's Flan Still Criticised by Eminent Financiers. Treasurer Huston's plan to prevent the re turn of so many silver dollars to the Treas ury has been explained by that gentleman, together with his reasons for such a recom mendation. But that does not suffice with other financiers, who find it a subject of criticism. rSMCIAI. TELEOBAM TO THE DISFATCH.l Washington, November 15. The mys teriousuggestion Dy Treasurer Huston, in his annual report, that for the Government to cease paying tbe cost of -transportation on silver sent out of the Treasury in re sponse to private demands might be effect ive as a means of preventing tbe return of the coin to the Treasury, has finally been explained by that gentleman, "Let us suppose," he says, '-that a bank in my State, when the grain harvesting sea son approaches, with the necessity for pay ing off large numbers of field hands, makes a draft upon us for 50,000 in standard sil ver dollars. There is no hesitancy in making this call, because it will not cost the bank anything to get the money. "Well, the men are paid off, tbe season of harvest is over, and the silver finds its wav back into the bank by degrees. The managers of the bank, knowing that they "WILL NOT NEED THE SILVER AGAIN for a long time, conclude to ship it to us once more, because they are aware that at any time they desire they can have it returned without expense. Now don't yon see that if the managers understood that they would be.obliged to pay a ronnd sun for recover ing possession of that silver they would not send it back to us so promptly?" "But would they order it in the first place as readily if they had to pay transportation on it?" he was asked. "Well, experience has shown thai we can not expect to keep more than $55,000,000 to 60,000,000 in circulation at any time. The amount varies slightly, but the average is pretty well maintained year by year. I as sume that it would stay about the same if we ceased paying transportation. But the point I wanted to impress in my report was that if the Government ceased paying trans portation, the banks which now'feel confi dent of their ability to get their silver again by merely asking for it would hold fast to it while it is in their hands, instead of ship ping it to "Washington when there was a temporary lull." THE PLAN CBITICISED. A well-known financier who was for a number of years an officer of die Treasury, when this explanation was qnoted to him promptly commented: "That is a brilliant idea of the Treasurer's, but the bankers where he came irom must do business on peculiar principles. Anywhere else they would do their thinking before they paid the expressage from their town to "Washing ton for the return of the dollars to the Treas ury. When they are willing to take that expense upon themselves, and incur the further risk of having a lot of them thrown out as counterfeit, or light weight, or other wise imperfect, it is prettv good proof that they want to get rid of "it, I should think. .Having got it out of" their hands at such a cost, does it not stand to reason that they would think twice before ordering it back the next season ? Mr. Huston's argument is very interesting, but it begins at the wrong end. It mav be that we cannot keep more than $60,000,000 in circulation, do what we may; butisngtGgfjOQ BETTEE THAyA SMALLER SUM, ""' such as we should' snreIy be reduced to if w ' Husjsu policy in force? There is no loabt of the unp0pn-.arity of the standard do5-ar ag a coin for generai cir. culation; my experience has given me abudan' Pf of it. Our people were spoiled by thjfir iong nse of paper for form of metai moneVi anil especially so bulky a forr as Bilver. But there is the silver law, jhich cannot be repealed as a whole, and it js certainly to the interest of everybody tfljput as aany of these dollars out of the i jTreasurv vaults and into the w a5 n e hands of the De0Dle a5 Pos sible. All j,e Government pays for car nage, as I Understand the present contract, is 2 mills a mile for eTery $1,000. Those are very ltjw terms much lower than any private paUy could command from the ex press companies. Is it not the part of wis dom, tbereW to facilitate, as far as prac ticable, tbfc draft of dollars from the Treas ury, whetpep some of them afterward come back to itor noto Bought at Auction. The larfrest anptinn mIa iht Iifln taVn place iU years was held last Tuesday, No vemberf i2j in New York City. It was a sale of jthe entire clothing stock of the well known) firm of Messrs. Kaumberg, Eraus, Lauew & Co., and included the finest of overcfiats and suits, for which this firm is specially noted. Always looking for these opportunities, our buyer was on hand. He hotight, and he bought heavily at about one thirdf what the goods cost to manufacture. We paid spot cash, and the first fast ex prei s landed them at our Btore, corner Gra at and -Diamond streets. "We have ar ran ;ed them on 12 counters; and marked the a at a little above cost To-day you can hav e a pick from this purchase.and at $8 buy a "indsome chinchilla overcoat, worth $15 anj $16; $12 gives you a selection of im ported English kersey overcoats, regular Prlce $22 to $24; also cape coats and top cobts, storm coats at $10 and $12. Men's snfits in sacks and cutaways, $10 and $12, vjrth double the money. P. C. 0. C, r. urant ana uiamona sts., opp. the new Court House. CASEY'S celebrated "Lot- Cabin" whiakv io a fine Monopgabela rye, pure in quality auu uicuun nun agr, its qualities u a sum nlant are unexcelled. 1'or sale at T. D. Casey & Co.'sold corner, 971 Liberty street. Derby.Rlbbed Half-hose, doable sole, soft and elastic, 25c. Hosiery bargains to-day. Jos. Hokne & Co. 's Penn Avenue Stores, i Decorated dinner sets, dessert plates, enps and saucers for coffee, tea and alter dinner, in almost endless variety, at Greer's, Penn ave., opposite Library Hall. The Snnltnrlum, Green r-prlng, O., The leading health resort; the richest min eral spring in America. Steam heat, elec trics lights,-all kinds of baths, experienced physician and nurses. A desirable place for invalids.and a pleasant home for the winter. Write for pamphlet and winter rates. "W. 0. Westox, Lessee. SA Ladles, See the window display of ?1 felt hats the best for the money you ever saw. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. At the old reliable china store of W.. P. Greer, 622 Penn are., opposite Library Hall, a full and complete line of all goods pertaining to a first-class china store can al ways be had. jSp-IS WOMAN ADVANCING? is the question asked by Julia Ward Hows in to-mooow'a DIS PATCH . ,x The French Academy has awarded a prize to Marion Crawford, the author. A rich vein of silver has been struck at Bandolph, IS miles east of Jamestown, N. Y. Mr. Henry Lea, of Fhiladelnhia, has been appointed a corresponding member of the Munich Royal Academy of Science. The Government has placed In Europe, through the National Bank, the amount ot in terest due on tbe national debt on January 1 next. A charter was issued from the State De partment yesterday to the Altoona Homestead Loan and Trust Company, of Altoona; capital, $15,000. The Emperor and Empress of Germany ar rived at the Wild Park Railway station, Berlin, this morning. The Berlin newspapers warmly welcomed their Majesties. Joseph Smith was struck by the western express at the stone bridge, at Johnstown, Pa., yesterday, and instantly killed. He lived in Prospect, and was 60 years of age. The Columbus, O., Gaslight and (Joke Com pany was sold to an Eastern syndicate yester day, which wis represented by Colonel H. B. Wilson. The purchase price was Sl.200.000. The Russian Grand Duke Nicholas, who is suffering from cancer, has nndergone a surgi cal operation for the introduction of a canula Into the throat. The Czar visited his uncle yesterday. Mrs. Helen F. Moore and her brother.Fied- eiick E. Whttrnmh nf Wllhnliitn M nn trial for the alleged murder of the woman's husband, have been acquitted after a long and sensational triaL A company of Washington, Pa., capitalists are examining the Tiltonville, O., pottery, with a view to purchase. They expect to use the plant as a nucleus for a large glass factory, and a deal will probably be made. A- telegram from Glasgow announces that the boom in the pig iron market has collapsed. The bull account was overburdened. Warrants have fallen 13s. At Midalesborough warrants declined 18s and hematite 14s. A fire broke out in the cotton on the Guion Hue steamer, Alaska, at LIverpooVfrom New uim wane sno was unloading at tne Alexan dra dock to-day. Five hundred bales were damaged. The vessel sustained no injury. President Harrison was not burned In effigy at Jeffersonville, Ind., as reported. Leading .Mpuuiiwuo wunj lniuznaai on account oi me appointment of A. M. Lake as postmaster and bnrnea all their transparencies and other cam paign paraDbernalia. Patrick McGuire, a well-known Westmore land county farmer, while crossing tbe railroad at Latrobe last evening, with a loaded wagon, was struck by the Irwin coal train and badly injured. He was thrown about 25 feet and considerably cut about tbe head and body. The wagon was smashed into kindling wood. 4 The call for the eighth annual meeting of tbe National Law and Order League was Issued yesterday. It was signed by President C. C. Bonney, of Chicago, and Secretary L. E. Dud ley, of Boston, and appointed the next annual meeting of the League to be held in Toronto, Canada, commencing the 22d of February, 189a A deal by which the Schleslnger syndicate purchases the Buffalo, Bouth Buffalo, Queen and Prince of Wales ore mines, near Negaunee, for prices aggregating about 8800,000, has been aihsbh rta.. j ,&ir. m .. . . . L ""i "' k'tbs vue synoicaie a lootnoia in the Marquette district, and is an additional earnest of Its intention to ultimately control the non-Bessemer ore market. An explosion which shook Little Washing ton, Pa., and broke glass in some houses, oc curred near there yesterday. The explosion was at first thought to have been caused by tbe ""i ui one ox we numerous oil well cull ers near town, but upon investigation it was found tbat several oil men had exploded six pounds of nitre-glycerine for a joke. --James 8nodgrass, of Greensburg, was in Pittsburg yesterday and went home on the fast line, but when the train stopped there he was asleep and did not wake up until after the train was some distance from tbe station. He then went to the platform and jumped off, and was found in the ditch by a night watchman. He was badly injured, but may recover. A telegram from Cheboygan, Mlch says that the first winter weather of tbe season set in early yesterday morning from tho northeast with a driving snowstorm. It kept many craft from leaving port, and several made the harbor yesterday. Inside are the White Cloud, Mont calm, Martin, Lotus, Lookout, George Steel, Sachem. Newsboy, Winslow, Westover, Chaffee and consorts. The sermon of Archbishop Ryan, of Phila delphia, at Baltimore, on Snnday, has caused a great sensation in Mexico, because of the Arch bishop's support of the right of Catholic writers to criticise the faults of priests, while here Archbishop La Bastlde has excommunicated a number of persons for such criticism, and charges have been brought against him in Borne for so doing. Lehigh county detectives last evening raided a camp of li tramps at Aineyville and found stolen goods on three of them, who were committed for trial, while the others were dis charge. The trio were Henry Shenk, of this county, known as "The Mysterious Telegraph Operator:" George Harman, of New York, and Otto Beriscb, pf New Jersey, and are said to be notorious burglars. -JoseTr&Ba'niTlf. workmaa-il the Tenth street bridge, BeaVeiri alls'. Pa., nowln Course T- oi erection nere, ana son oi trees Darling, one of the proprietors of tbe Sourbeck House, N ew Brighton, fell from the structure this forenoon, a distance of 80 feet. He aliebted upon a pile of rocks, breaking an arm and several ribs and receiving numerous cuts and bruises. His re covery is very doubtful. Spence S. Hollingsworth, ex-Treasurer of Vincennes county, IntL. has filed suit against the county to recover money on a $1,000 order issued in his favor on May 1, 1888, which tbe present Treasurer refused to pay. Ho'lings worth has but recently returned from the Jef fersonville prison, where he served three yoars for an alleged defalcation of $50,000. The suit promises some rich developments. The National Grange, of Sacramento. CaL, at their session yesterday, received a telegram from the Farmers' National Congress, in ses sion at Montgomery. AlaM extending congratu lations. In the afternoon tbe National Grange was given a reception by tbe California Grange, Master David Davis, of the State Grange, making tbe address ot welcome. The session will adjourn next Wednesday. David, the 4-year-old son, and Kitty, the 2-year-old daughter, of Robert Henncssy. of Danbury, Conn,, were playing with fire, in their home, yesterday afternoon, while the mother was hanging clothes in tbe yard. Both were burned sn badly tbat they died almost immedi ately. The third child, still younger, saw the sufferings of tbe other two, and toddled out, bringing the mother in, but relief came too late. The Little Washington, Pa., jury in the case of James McPeak. charged with arson. returned a verdict of guilty this morning. Tbe strongest endencejatrainst McPeak was given by bis son, a 17-year-old boy, who, it is said, is on Daa terms wiw uis iaiuer. une witness in the case affirmed that the boy told him tbat be put the blame upon his father to save himself frm being accused of tnv crime. Counsel for McPeak made application for a new trial. Edward M. Mendel, of Milwaukee, a student at Harvard, was arrested Thursday night, charged with the larceny of one tin and two pasteboard signs from a building in Pemberton square, Boston. The young man took his dis grace very hard. He said he as told bv the fellows that the only way to get ahead in 'Har vard social circles was to '"bag signs." Every fellow, he says, has a lot of them, and he was told they were necessary, and without them he would be nowhere. There is great excitement inWebster county, KentucKy, over the reappearance of tbe terrible spotted fever scourge that raged In that county with such fatal effect last winter. A number of new cases have been reported from different villages surrounding Dixon, tbe county seat, all being tbe same disease in its most malig nant form. Everything possible is being done to prevent its spread and to keep tbe terrified people from deserting their homes as they did in large numbers last year. A W. Morris A Bra. proprietors of the J. A Converse Plaster and Cordage Works, Mon treal, hare been compelled to seek tbe indul gence of their creditors. It is impossible to estimate tne iiaoiuues, out tney will reach, n not exceed, f 1,100,000. The Molson's Bank is interested to a large extent; but Is secured for most of its claim. The firm is an old one, having been in existence for about 80 vears. It hasalwavs enjoyed the highest confidence of the business world, and was thought to be per fectly safe. Charles Brown, 20 years of age, of Penn sylvania avenue, Newark, N. J., was found at an early hour yesterday morning In a hallway on West Sixteenth street, New York City, with a bullet hole in the right temple. He was un conscious, and was taken' to the New York Hospital, where he died a few hours after. Tbe police say that Brown and a man named Cox called upon a young woman named Macls Harnr, who occupies rooms in the building. They quarreled about tbe woman and Cox shot Brown. Cox is in custody. The entire London Gaiety Company, which Mr. Abbey contracted with for a tour in America, in ''Faust Up to Date," has been at tacked in Scotland with typhoid fever. George Stone, who played the part of M. Valentine, died last week. E. D. Ward, dne of tbe lead ing men at Wallack's two years ago, died last night. Florence St, John Is also ill and unable to play in' tbe farewell performances at tbe Grand Theater, Islington, this week. Five female choristers have been attacked by the same fever and their lives are almost despaired of. Fire was dtscnyaW yesterday morning on the steamer Hawairrwhich was lying at tbe ocean dock, San Francisco, ready to sail for Honolulu. Tbe steamer had a f nil cargo, in cluding mucu vaiuaDie mercnanoise intended for the Christmas trade at Honolulu. She was at once towed away Ires the doefc.'Md tbe fire Bxtiatralshed by (WftMlM her ob tb feu. The s 9 S u A lien will yetaMy sstwfts-ail. TUMmtM. The PEOPLE'S STORE! FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURG. THE PLACE TO DO Big stocks of new and stylish goods and The Cloak, "Wrap and Dress Goods Departments claim your special attention becataiet of the great variety and attractive styles We are also showing the first of our in almost endless variety. NOTE THESE SPECIAL One hundred dozen C-Hook Genuine shades. Price $1 00; the wholesale price is Another lot of still finer Persian Silk I- 1a n.A-a ..Ivoan of tliat ""a an1 AVi - A large Hamper Basket full of Seal .. , -. t 3 it i.ii! ail at iv cents a jaru. xiu use leiuug juu near. Black Lace Scarfs and Fichus are nearly as cheap as Torchon Laces; a big Iot'-SC come in at about half previous prices. Sea ihem; from 50 cents to $5 00. A Antique Applique and Eeal Lace Tidies from 10 cents to $4 00, will itrika yotttM cheap. It's more than likely yon will take same with, you if you look at them. '' CAMPBELL & DICK; FREEMASONS' HALL, was formerly named the Del Norte, and was re cently purchased Dy tne wnaer oieamiuip Company, of Honolulu, for S3Q,O0a She was In tended for tbe inter-island trade. Fire started near tbe boiler room of the tng Peter Dalton yesterday morning while she was going down Lake Michigan. The fireman, en gineer and cook were driven off by the flames, and got into the lifeboat and were afterward picked up. Captain Joseph Lamorey stood in tbe pilothouse until It caught fire, when he jumped overboard and was rescued by a tug. Then the Dalton ran wild around the lake, chased by two tugs, which finally overtook her and tried to put out the tire, bnt could not until she ran aground. The boat burned to the water-sedge. She was valued at $7,000. The Southern lumbermen, in their conven tion at Montgomery. Ala., passed a resolution declaring that the yellowpine manufacturers of the States of Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and Georgia heartily commend the energy and en terprise of the citizens of Chicago in their efforts to secure the World's Fair as being a city where visitors and exhibitors will And equal, if not superior, accommodations to those which could be obtained in any city In the Union, and tbat tbe convention indorses the claims of Chicago as tbe most thoroughly repre sentative city among the various municipali ties working to the end desired. Several Mormons have lately applied for citizenship and objection has Deen raised on the ground that Mormons who pass through the Endowment House are obliged to take oatbs nh aannflttiinm for citlzenshlo. Tbe Utah Court is taking testimony on this point, audi several apostate Mormons nave maae. uuuer oath, terrible accusations against the Church. They say that persons admitted through the Endowment House swear to obey tbe priest hood above all other powers on earth, and to aim at the destruction of tbe United States Government. The penalty for violating or di vulging oaths is to have the bowels cut out and the throat and tongue cut,andseveral witnesses swore that the" had seen this done. Tbey also testified tbat the Mormon Church Instigated the Mountain Meadow massacre. rT.Onffn Natalia has scored another vic tory over her ex-husband in compelling the I OHIV1AU ACOU W Blimii u i,.vbu.u. permit her to see her son whenever she-day choose to pay him a visit, the only condition or importance Imposed upon ber being that she shall refrain from political intrigue. This ar rangement is very much as Russia ould have It, and the royal lady may be depended upon to make her influence felt upon per son and in other directions wltboutrenderhfg herself liable to the accusation of violatinjslCbe terms of her agreement. Meanwhile e-King Milan has gone back to his congenlalAffe in Paris with a metaphorical black eyejAnd the Czar is pre paring to add another toiis long list of blood less conquests in thecontrol of Serna, when Natalie shall have coopieted the necessary pre parations for the transfer of the keys of Bel grade to ber imperUi protector. A g6ro Burnt Down. Ail atarm of fire from box 8, on McClnre avenue, Allegheny, about 11 o'clock lasl night, was caused by the burning of a small frame house, owned by John Holeheler.on McClnre avenue. The house was occupied by a family of Hungarians, who upset the stove. The house was totally destroyed. Loss J500. THE WEATHER. For Wttttrn Ibtm flhania and Wat Virginia, fair Satur day and Sunday; no change in tempera ture, variable aindt. J-txtsb'Ubq, November M, 1389. The United States Signal Service oOcerla this city rarnisnes tne louowing: i Kl U j wisz.m Time. Tiitr. Iher. S-C0.Il. v.... 33 Maximum temp... -O 12:00 H 41 Mlnimom temp..... 15 1:00 r. x Bange S Z-00F. X SS Mean temp.... 39 Precipitation-...... 8-00 r. X 38 Trace. Biter at S:20 T. Xn 11.5 tat, a change of 0.0 la U hours. River Telesmms. rsnciii. txlzoiulxs to thb vistxtco. Waebbs River 9-10 of 1 foot and ttaflOB ary. Weather cloudy and cold. Brownsville River 15 feet and falling: Weather cloudy. Thermometer S8 at 7 F. x. MoBOAMTOW-sr River 0 feet 8 inches and falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer)0 at 4P.X. Sickening Offsprings. Headache, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, BlMous At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain In the region of tbe Kidneys, Forebodings of Evil, are the offsprings of a torpid Liver. For these comnlalnts. Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills have no equal. A single dose will convince anyone. x A New Orleans Report. G. A. Pickett says: "My habit has been cos tive all my life. Have used a great many remedies, but never found any tbat could com pare with Tutt's Pills. I believe they will cure any case of chronic constipation. I commend them to all who are troubled with this dreadful affliction." Tutt's Liver EDls BEOTJLATE THE BOWELS, 44 Murray St., JV. T. noU-TTSsn THE MOST MARVELOUS OF ALL STIMULANTS Is the Pure ElgM-Ysar-Old Export Gnckso- helmer Whisky. Innocent and harmless, and always reliable when a pure, good, old, well-aatarea whisky is required. Sold only by Jos. Fletag 4 Sob, iU Market St., in full quarts SI 00, or six for 5 00, where you will also find the largest and most complete stock of PURE CALIFORNIA WINES to be found la the two cities. These wkss are ot excellent quality aad are Kkl at petmlar prices. Suited to the a4 be-at-d te please all wh6 love good, pare wise. Fall quarts, SO cents, or 15 OU per deaea. Mail orders solicited and aM-spot yrowftly. JOS. TLEXIXG & SOIT, 0 dushsm, lumm, T A, ,fe e. C3T " YOUR SHOPPING. 1 Lowest Prices. and values. Christmas Goods. Handkerchiefs and Mufflers BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. Kid Gloves in Black, also in all new and ckolesn1 $16 CO per dozen. '& and Tinsel Dress Trimming at 49 cents. If ( vhA? - r luiil Kn t h? Int f 4!!1 .i.m. Torchon (all Linen) Laces, 2 and 4 inches wide;- .u.... -, : i it v.i -Vln ucj uo uuaji, it uu t utui price or anyways -" V FIFTH AVENUE. nolS-rrS TO THE It Is made from selected tomatoes, and Is gaM an teed pure as per following -analysis Mr. Thos. C Jenkins Dxab Sis The sample of J. W. Hunter's To rn it o Ketchup received from yon on Oct. 8, '89, has been analyzed, and 1 find It free from all min eral acids, salicylic acid or artlfldaT coloring matter. feigned HUGO BLAUCK, Chemist. Pittsburg. FOR SALE BY Thos. C, Jenkins. nolG-68 ERN. STEIN'S TOKAY WINES. ll-fejy ; - ..JJ"""S-fMMS-3-aM sn TRY uHsBSsSiiSHH It is issiiiiiiiHflH&Rlissfl PURE. KSSIsikBiH I desire to IHBlStfln&asLLH draw at- PsHsKissBI tentlonof MlBSvBBeBssB consum- kLflkHiKJsISwflliM ers to tbe BHsc-MfflHI super!- IRffnVfrlrTJiHWH ority of IgsatBsssiKugHI Hunter's Bi9a9iEsHH In original bottles, direct importation from '' 'SikA vineyards in the Tokay district (Hungary), therN.HLS Purest and Best Dessert Wines in the worldT&uit-W now obtainable at reasonable Drices from ths3sV' unaersignea agents. ., Inquiries for terms solicited, from Ha-lImi-s. J H. A. WOW A SON! PIttsburtr. W. H. HOLMES & SON. Yltffivng:, JOS FLEMING A 80N. Pittsburg. KLINORDUNGEB & CO, Pittsburg., , WM. 8CHTJSIjER. East End. ARTHUR ANDRIESSEN, Allegheny. MEDICINAL TOKAY AT HARRIS' DRUG CO. nol2-73-TTS An Easy Plan. Look at prices anotherway. There are two sides to a price. It may be small and yet extravagant: or fair, and , economical. It depends altogether on the satisfaction got out of the amount. Let satisfaction standfor AUksMtMAAsa shah mm ImmIvm . CUllItUlJ., WCU, 1UU1U. if You buy a suit of ("greatest chance you even had, et&j: and pay him In a few weeks the color gins to turn, the seams to go, and buttons. In three months or less you needs must spend as much more for another "greatest chance" suit You buy a suit at Wana- maker's for $12. It is well sewed, a reliable quality and wears you without the petty, but vexatious annoyances oft repairs for six months. Your six months' account stands: 2 Suits from D , $8 each $16. i suit irom w. & H., wear-j tnre ne lrnrr-ie. Iia !.,-. t "t " -'". & inu, 4ia x' There's nothing in meanSa cneap ciotning except waste ot money. Measure our gtfod make by time worn, comfort had and price paid. Keep a memorandum. W ANAMAKER i H & Brown, Sixth ttreet mi fen wj The prices reasonable. Wey j- .!' i- r. alaVI ao tailoring to oraer ior maui with bcit of goods and woTfe manship. TB2STT Si ?,,-. urns, fciwtwri e fs-ssjisa MM!1-! BBmWWsWkjs) BMHaMsI J ? . 1 i& Dmm