Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 15, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    ? 1 -ii!
'Bfooldyii and Cincinnati in
The League.
affhe American Association May be
Broken Up.
gAfForfeit Put Up for Farrell to Fight the
"" The baseball magnates created a big sur-
f prise. Brooklyn and Cincinnati left the
. '.American Association and joined the
league, making a ten-club organization.
The Association may collapse. A Pittsbnrg-
er puts tip a forfeit for Pat Farrell to fight
the Marine. The Turf Congress adjourned.
Hew York, November 14. The Brook
lyn and Cincinnati clubs were admitted into
the National League to-day. It was a com-
' plete knock out for the Association men, yet
they come up to the scratch smiling, and say
that they will be found at the same old
Etand next year and will be as prosperous
as hereto lore. bile reports ol such a
change had been flying around thick and
fast for seTeral days, the rupture, if there
B was to be any, was not expected to occur so
m suddenly, let the result shows that while
F the Association was at a deadlock Messrs.
R-"Byrne and Stem were quietly perfecting
their -mans for a transfer. It aDDeared to
If them their only alternative, as St. Louis,
..Louisville, Columbus and the Athletics
promised to set it out indefinitely before they
would move an inch. Brooklyn, Cincinnati,
S Kansas City and Baltimore declared likewise.
There conld be no compromise; in tact, none
was suggested. Ballot after ballot was taken,
with no signs of either side weakening.
Finally, and late in the afternoon, two docu
ments were handed to Chairman Von der Ahe.
They were the resignations of Brooklyn and
i Cincinnati. The fact rather startled their old
allies Kansas City and Baltimore. Both clubs
contend that they had no idea of such an oc
curence. The Kansas City ana Baltimore dele
gates at once retired, leaving the Athletics,
Columbus, St Louis and Louisville in full pos
session of the room. It was not a very pleasant
position to be placed in, and at 6 o'clock they
adjourned, to meet at 10 olclock to-morrow
'-morning. What the outcome will be it is diffi
cult to determine. Mr. Von der Horst, who is
reported to be the real owner of the Baltimore
club, said that the defection hit his pocket
pretty heavy and he was prepared to quit The
Athletic representatives appear to be very little
concerned about the matter. Treasurer Whlt
taker says that as far as Cincinnati is concerned
he is very glad that that city is out. He was
sorry, however, that Brooklyn had deserted
"Will there be an Association? '
"Why certainly. We have already one r
two applications. I won't mention names, bnt
yon can depend upon it that they are good
cities. I don't apprehend that Kansas City and
Baltimore will desert us; if they do this all
B right, we'll still go on."
J Manager Sharsig says he has always expected
such a thing and that it was a creat shame.
& "Mark my words," said he to a Dispatch re
ft, porter, "there will be some trouble to arise out
? Of this matter." The Hon. J. J. O'Neill, of the
EL Lonis club, said he was greatly pleased at
r the way affairs had taken. He hoped that the
,v Association wonld fill up its ranks with clubs
who would not attempt to rule or ruin. Both
Mr. Byrne and Mr. Stern received the most
i hearty congratulations when the news first
flashed through the corridors that they had
been admitted to the League. Mr. Byrne said
' lie disliked very much to leave the organiza
tion, but he was compelled to.
"They have given out repeatedly that they
L could do without the Brooklyn club. K owlet's
see if they can do it."
' The impression among the best informed
t persons of the national game is that the Asso
ciation will remain as it is provided it will
not have to recruit too strongly. Then it may
come down to an amalgamation with the
Brotherhood. But even with the loss of either
', the Kansas City or Baltimore, it is believed
that three cities can be selected to make the
'. organization fairly strong. The delegates to
the League convention worked up to such a
late hour Wednesday night that they did not
get around to the hotel very early this morn
ing. Three or four important changes in the
constitution were effected on Wednesday
night, and when the convention assembled at
noon to-day the consideration of the constitu
tion was resumed.
' Section 5, which read, "Releases of players
from contract or reservation, and future con
i tracts with such players shall be regulated and
governed by the national agreement of pro
fessional baseball clubs and the League leeis
: lation made in pursuance thereof," was
amended so as to provide that "no player,
' without the consent of the club with which he
has a contract or reservation, can negotiate
with any other club for his services, but if said
consent is given said player may negotiate with
any club for bis services and receive money
consideration therefor, which may be accepted
by the releasing club." This action does away
with the system of sales over which there has
recently been such a cry. Section 36, which
, Stated that "a manager or player, whose con
f tract has become void by reason of his club's
S disbanding, withdrawing from or losing its
I membership in the Leagne, may engage for
j the remainder of the season with any other
I club immediately after the Leagne secretary's
wiinurawai or loss oi mcmDersnip," was cut
out and another section inserted which pro
vides that in case of such withdrawal of a
.club, the players under contract or reservation
shall be considered as released therefrom, but
that any negotiation for the services of any
player must be made subject to transfer to any
hother club desiccated bv the Leairne.
In section 44, which states that four umpires
jxnut be selected by the Leagne, the number
j, was increased to six. The League was in.
, session about five hours, and during that time
fc did good work. Beside admitting Brooklyn
r and Cincinnati, they entirely obliterated the
classification system, and made the percentage
f to visiting clubs 40 per cent instead of 25. Sec
tions SO, 31 and 32, relating to classification, was
I stricken from the constitution. Section 9 (1)
' has been amended to read that each club
elected to membership shall within SO days
after official notice of sneb election execute
and deliver nnto the President of the League,
as trnstee of other League clubs, a bond with
approved sureties, in the sum ol 25,000 (in
stead of $5,000), to tie paid in annual instal
lments of not less than $1,000, payable during
the month af May.
Section 59, which says that a tie or draw
game or games prevented by rain shall be
r plaed off on the same grounds on the first suc
I 'ceeding tine day (not counting Sundays, days
" previously agreed upon for championship games
between said clubs, or days when rain renders
' playing impossible) within the dates of the
.' same schedule series between such clubs, if
? any remain open; and if not, such game may be
played off on any open date on cither grounds,
jlias been changed to read: "Games postponed
..uiU.jCUMKin.lMf ". bnw f,cUJ0 U-
nhoi De piayca on one day witnout toe prior con-
sent of two-thirds of the League clubs."
f. Section 6i which says that a visiting club
shall be paid the sum of 12 cents for each and
every person admitted on the groun -is, has
been changed to 40 iter cent of the cate re
ceipts. The written applications of Brooklyn
and Cincinnati, made out in due constitutional
form, were presented and referred to the
Board of Directors. The entire board approved
UMucm, anu iney were
"President Tonne was authorized to designate
and, ''fix a distinctive color for each club
INick young was re-elected President, and
Messrs. Robinson, of Cleveland; Nlmlck, of
Pittsburg; Hewitt, of Washington, and Byrne,
of BrooKlvn, directors. Schedule Committee
of Pittsburg. Board ot Arbitration Nick
Young John L Rogers, of Philadelphia, and
John B. Day. of New York. Joint Playing Rules
Spalding, Day and Rogers. The next annual
meeting will be held in New York, and the
spring schedule meeting in Cleveland.
A committee of three, consisting of Messrs.
Bpaldirg. Rogers and Day, were appointed to
prepare an address to the public Messrs. Chas.
H. Jyrne and F. A. Abelt, of Brooklyn, and
Aaron Stern and Harry Stern, of Cincinnati,
were admitted as representatives to the
An adjournment was taken until 10 A. K. to-
American Turfmen Disagree en Some Bis
Qneslions and Adjourn.
Chicago, November It, The American Turf
Congress closed its fifth annual meeting to-day.
The revising of rules 10 to 16 inclusive, relative
to fines, a fund for trainers and jockeys, to the
disallowance of post bookmaking by a person
having a horse running in the race, and to
ruling off persons for corrupt practices, was
referred to a committee, but as that body could
aeree in no carticular, the old rules were al
lowed to remain intact. The other changes
made in the rules are as follows:
By-law H, which said "the subscribing jockey
clubs agree that no contract for betting privi
leges shall be made with any association of
bookmakers," was stricken out
Rule No. 4 was changed so that in future con
ditions referring to maldensshali mean maidens
at the time of entrv, unless otherwise specified.
The old rule read '"time of start."
Rule No. 10 was changed to read: Where no
entrance fee is required, the declaration must
be accompanied by 5 per cent of the first
money. The old rule read "5 per cent of the
whole amount of the purse."
Rule relating to change of name was changed
so that no association shall receive any orallow
a horse whose name has been changed any
where or on any course to run on its course.
The last sentence of this rule reads: "In
stakes, this rule to go into effect from and after
January 1. 18S9," was stricken out.
Rule No. 21 was amended so that stake en
tries need not be accompanied by racing
Rule No. S7 relating to liabilities for stakes
and forfeits, was changed so that a subscriber
to a sweepstakes, who transfers an entry and
the transfer defaults, shall be entitled to a for
feit order as dne to himself, should he pay snch
stakes or forfeit.
Rule No. 41 was changed to read: "If the
time for the first race is not fixed by the pro
gramme it shall be indicated on the dial." The
words "half an hour in advance" were stricken
Rule No. 40 was changed so that the owner or
trainer of a horse must consent to the decla
ration of the jockey to carry legal over-weigbt.
Rule No. 5, defining a starter, now reads:
Every horse whose jockey has weighted out
and whose nnmber has been put, is a starter,
and is liable for the whole stake. If the horse
is exercised after he is weighted out, all books
on the race are void, and additional time be
fore the race shall be granted by the judges.
In auctions or Paris mntuals the bets stand,
but the money belonging shall be refunded.
Rule No. 23 was amended to read: Anyone
ruled off for fraud shall stand ruled off for a
Rule 92, section A, relating to stake penalties,
was stricken out; so was section C, relating to
beaten and maiden allowances.
Rule 129, so that jockeys, grooms and stable
boys found on the betting grounds may be
fined as well as suspended or ruled off.
Rule 140 was stricken out and a new rule
adopted in its place. It reads: If an inelligible
horse be entered for the purpose of betting
against him and he finishes, first, or if he be
entered for the purpose of having him dis
qualified by objections made after the race, all
bets on snch a race shall be declared off.
Rule No. 100 was changed to read: Where
two or more horses start in a race owned
wholly or in part by the same person, they
shall be coupled and sold as one horse in all
pools. Paris mntuals and book betting.
He Is Full of Hope Abont the Brotherhood's
Fred Pfeffer, one of the leaders of the Broth
erhood movement, dropped quietly into the
city yesterday on his way from Chicago to the
East. Fred did not wear the look of the "op
pressed" or "down-trodden," but, on the con
trary, looked as gay and fashionable as a lord.
He was enthusiastic abont the Brotherhood's
prospects, and expressed his surprise that
Pittsburg money was not so plentiful tor the
scheme as it is in other cities. His mission to
this city was to sign Tener and Gumbert for
the Chicago Brotherhood club. He said:
"I've signed Tener, and Gumbert will sign in
a few days."
Pfeffer was asked his opinion about the
League granting Sutcliffe's claim of $250 and
reforming the sales system. He said:
"Well, doesn't that look funny on the part of
the League? However, it is too late now for
them to do anything."
"Wasn't Sutcliffe's grievance the only one
complained of to the League?"
"Well, yes, but we could have made other
complaints. However, we are out to go it
alone, and after awhile, if the other organiza
tions see fit to notice them, we mav do so. Our
players won't desert us. In fact, I would pity
a deserter when he appeared la public with
mother club."
"Are you and others not deserters by leaving
the League without ceremony, after pledging
yourselves to stay, and if faith is broken in one
instance is it not likely to be broken again?"
"Not at alL We left the League because of
unfair treatment, and we pledged ourselves one
to another that we would stick together and try
to improve our lot Our case is different from
a man leaving the League. At any rate I don't
think that the players will refuse to stick to
gether. We have any amount of money in
Chicago, and we expect a touch fight there."
Ed Hanlon did not succeed'yesterdav in dis
posing of all the club stock, as expected. He
expects, however, that everything will be all
right in a few days. Al Johnson is expected
here to-day and it is anticipated that the 120,000
will be almost raised. Hanlon also stated that
the League Is too late in remedying evils now.
Clifton Entries.
New Yoke, November It Clifton entries
for to-morrow:
First race, mile and a furlong-Ovid VS, She IBS,
Vivid 98. Wild Cherry 93.
becond race, selling, five-eighths of amile Trlfler
114,TeE6ieK108, Fustic 108, Hearst, Woodbnra,
Dougan 104 each, Nugget 100, Faust 100. Bed Light
102, Verona 99, Lady Archer 90, Seatlck, LlllieM
96 each. Legacy 92.
Third race, five-eighths or a mlle-TerralL St.
Paris 114 each, Fnlton 110, Osceola 108, Brier 106,
Guardsman 104. Urav Cloud 104, Bussell A (for
merly Chrompatblr) 100, Ariel 99; Alaric 95, Bulls
Eye. J. J. Healr. Berlin, Kial 90 each.
Fourth race, handicap, six and a half furlongs
St, John m, Raymond. 118, Carnegie, Brown
Charlie 115 each, Mary T 107. Theora HO, Fire
Fly 105, Bessie K. 85, Lakewood 99.
Fifth race, seven and a half furlongs Middle
stone 69. Eleve 102. Besiie K. 96, Millie K, Beckv
Knott S4 etch, Tbad Kowe 110.
Sixth race. Witter handicap, three-quarters of a
mlle-St. John 148, Braltl47, Eollanlti, Zanghar
120, Lorrls 123, Tom Kearns 118, tilen Armond 117.
Boxinff nnd Wrestling.
New York, November It The Boxing and
Wrestling Championship Committee of the
Amateur Athletic Union met last night in the
Astor House. It was decided to postpone the
fencing championship till January, the events
to be held in private. This action was taken
because of the large number of entries that
will be accepted in the boxing and wrestling.
The committee decided upon the following
events: Boxing, 105 pounds, 115 pounds, 135
pounds, 158 pounds, and 120 pounds special for
the Downing medal; wrestling, 105 pounds. 115
pounds, 135 pounds, and 158 pounds. The final
events will take place at the Metropolitan
Opera House, Thursday evening, December 19.
The trials will be held Monday, December 16,
in private.
Valnable Race Bonn Burned.
Louisville, lovember It Luke 4 Bmith's
barn, on the old Btandiford farm, near Louis
ville, used for sheltering brood mares and
young colts, was burned last night, together
with 17 brood mares and 18 yearling colts, en
tailing a loss of about 25,000; insurance, J15,000.
The following dams were burned: Louise W,
Mysterious, Nannie L, Mytilla, Lady Steele,
Venus, Sultauette, Cannda, Beeswing, Louise,
Lillie. Lena. Musette, Bijou, Racket. The fire
is believed to have been started by a tramp
seeking shelter and lighting his pipe.
The Cash Dp for Farrell.
rsrxciAi. txligram to tux DisrArca t
New York, November It A prominent
sporting man from Pittsburg called at the it
Imtraled Kewt office this afternoon and posted
a forfeit of $250 for Pat J. Farrell, the Pitts
burg pugilist, to fight La Blanche for $1,000 a
side and any reasonable purse that maybe
offered by some responsible club. Pittsburg
ers are prepared to back Farrell for any
McAnllffe and Dnty Matched.
New Yobk, November It A fight has been
arranged between Jack McAuliffe, of Brook
lyn, and Mike Daly, of Bangor, Me., to take
place on Decembers, at or near Boston. The
articles call for 15 rounds with two-ounce
gloves for $1,000, offered by tho Parnell Ath.
letic Club, of Boston.
Denny's Intentions.
A friend of Jerry Denny, the ball player,
was In the city yesterday, and he 'had the fol-
lowing to say about Denny's intentions: "I had
a letter from Jerry- a few days ago, and he
nolntedlv informed me that he will stav with
the Indianapolis team. I feel confident that be-1
means what ho says."
The Local
Gnn Tournament
The local shooting tournament was brought
to a successful termination yesterday. The at
tendance was large and the shooting extremely
good. The event has been one of the most suc
cessful of its kind ever held in this city, and
reflects great credit on Messrs. Shaner, Crow,
Richardson and Davison, the managers.
Yesterday 500 live birds were killed and a
very large number of clay birds were broken.
The matches were not decided until numerous
exciting ties haa been shot off. The next
tournament will be hld at Brunot's Island on
November 28, nnder the auspices of the Squir
rel Hill Gun Club. Following are the results
of yesterday's matches :
First match, 5 live birds, S ground traps, en
trance S5. entrles-22, E. E. Shaner. H. A. Pen
rose first, with S each; J. U. Hoffman second,
with 4; T. A. PeacocK third, with 3.
Second match, S live birds, entrance 15 22. en
tries E. E Shaner; H. A. Penrose, J. G. Hoff
man, Tom Farmer first, with & each. C A. Brown,
M. Hostetter. J. B. Hunter second, with 4; (X
Klchardson third, wltb 3.
Third match, 10 blue rocks fine traps, entrance
fl 27, entries Q. A. McCIure first, with 10: Jim
Crow and W. ST King second, with 9 each; J. ii.
Hoffman and Klchard.on and P. Kelsey third,
withSeach;'P. Edge fourth, wlth7.
Fourth match, 9 Keystones, entrance IL straps,
!7 entries -Tom Farmer, P. Edge, K. McKnight
first with 9 each; George Cochran second with 8;
C A. Brown and P. KelEey third with 7 each; C.
M. Hostetter fourth with 6.
Fifth match, 10 Blue Kocks, s traps, entrance
11, 31 entriesE. E. bhaner.C. Richardson and W.
O. King first with 9 each; J. d. Hoffman, C. A.
Brown, T. A. Peacock and O. Cochran second
with 8 each: Tom Farmer, C. M. Hostetter and P.
Eelsey third with 7 each; S. G. MUler fourth
with a.
Sixth match. 9 Keystones, 3 traps, 825 guarantee,
31 entries A. H. King first with 9: 'lom Farmer,
Q. A. McCIure second with 8 each; Jim Crow, T.
A. Peacock third with 7 each; P. Edge fourth
with 6.
Seventh match, 'live birds, 22 entries, entrance,
f7-H. A. Penrose first with 7: E. E. Shaner
second wltn 6: T. A. Peacock and Jim Crow third
with 5 each; Tom Farmer and Dr. Burgoon fourth
with 4 each.
Eighth match. 7 live birds, entrance 7, 22 en
tries E. E. Shaner, T. A. Peacock and Jim Crow
first with 7 each: H. A. Penrose. Tom Farmer,,
A. H. King and J. G. Hoffman second with 6
each: J. U. Hunter and C. M. Hostetter third with
Seach;CJUchardson and S. Miller fourth with 4
Ninth match, 3 lire birds, S3 entrance H. A.
Penrose. Jim (tow, J. K. Hunter and C. M. Hos
tettor first with 3 each: E. . Shaner, T. A. Pea
cock, S. U. Miller. Dr. Burgoon and William Mc
Knight second with 2 each.
The Canadians Willing to Back Him Against
Searle Affaln.
NEW York, November It William O'Con
nor, champion scnller of America, and Edward
Hanlao, ex-champion of the world, are in town.
Hanlan says he is anxious to have O'Connor
and Searle row a race in America.
"To prove wnat I think of him," said the ex
champion, pointing. at O'Connor with pride, "I
am prepared to back the youngster against
Searle for any amount from $5,000 upward. I
will give Searle $5,000 to come here and row
O'Connor on any fair course, and guarantee
him $10,000 if he wins. With O'Connor as a
partner, I will make a double scull match
against any two men in the world for any
amount of money. If anybody wants to accept
this offer, 1 am prepared to make a deposit at
once to bind the match. I will also make a de
posit for a match between Searle and O'Con
nor. The Canadian people are not losing faith
in O'Connor. They know that be was beaten
on his merits, but are prepared to back him
O'Connor says: "It's the ambition of my life
to meet Searle again, and I will leave nothing
undone to accomplish my object. He is a first
class sculler, but I feel certain that I can show
Searle over the course."
He Agrees to Ficbt Jack McAuliffe for the
San Fbancisco. November It The chal
lenge of Jack McAuliffe, of New York, to meet
Jimmy Carroll for $5,000 and the lightweight
championship of the world has been aecepted
by Carroll, and he has requested the directors
of the California Club to put up a purse of
$2,500 for McAuliffe and himself to-battle-for.
It is the general opinion here that the club
will put up 2,500 for the rivals to meet, but will
not allow McAuliffe 500 for expenses, as they
think the champion's demand exorbitant, but
they may allow half that amount. Carroll's
backer states if McAuliffe and Carroll agree to
contend for the purse in the California Athletic
Club that he will bet Dick Roche, of New York,
McAnllffe's backer, any part of $5,000 on the re
Trouble About Raisins Cash for the
Snllivan- Jackson Mill.
New Yoke, November It Now that Peter
Jackson has decided to accept Sullivan's chal
lenge to fight, there is po doubt but that the
California Athletic Club will put up a
tempting purse for them to battle for,
as the champion has also expressed himself
willing to make a match with ithe colored 'un.
whlch, in fact, was the only thing that be could
do since Join Smith has been knocked out.
McCaffrey is the only other man left who is
willing to meet the champion.
Slavin says that he is coming to America next
year, and will be ready to fight Jackson at any
time he gets a chance, and if he defeats him he
will return to his native land twice as popular
as he was before he went to England.
Will Jump Again.
Albany. N. Y., November It "Steve"
Brodie, of bridge jumping fame, who arriYed
in this city to-day with his family, says he will
soon go over Niagara Falls again, as so many
persons have doubted that he ever took the
leap. He declares he will make the perilous
plunge once more if it costs him his life, just
to show the doubters his nerve. Brodie says
that he wonld rather leap over Niagara twice
than jump the Paterson, N. J., falls again, as
the latter was the most hazardous ot any of
his undertakings. His friends have tried to
dissuade him from making the attempt, but be
is determined.
A Local Fight.
Mansfield, Pa, November It Articles of
agreement were signed last night for a flht to
a(finish with two-ounce gloves for a purse of
$200 and gate receipts between Jack Jennings,
of Mansfield, Fa., and William Ryan, of Mc
Donald. The fight is to come off in four weeks
from date.
His Name Is Relllr.
A local sporting man called at this office last
evening and stated that the "unknown" whom
he wants to match against Billy Corcoran is Ed
Reilly. The latter will fight Corcoran at 129
pounds for $200 a side.
Inspector McKcIvey Compares His District
Favorably With Other Cities.
Inspector McKelvey, of the Southside,
last night was reviewing the condition of
affairs in his district, and said: "Few peo
ple realize and less recognize what a city we
have on the Southside. The next census
will show a population there of 75,000, and
of these nine-tenths are honest, hard work
ing men who have no time and less inclina
tion to commit crime. For the last year all
the robberies that were committed on the
Southside have been petty thfevings, and
$500 would amply cover the entire amount
There is of course some drunkenness occa
sionally when the men get paid off, but we
are pretty thoroughly free from the graver
class of crimes, more so in fact than in any
city oi that population in the country, ac
cording to criminal statistics."
Special Yicllance to be Observed to Detect
When the police went on duty in the
First district, last night, they were in
structed by Assistant Superintendent
O'Mara to be especially vigilant just now,
as at this time of year thieves were likely to
get in their work. The men were also in
structed to arrest any person found on the
streets at night who acted at all suspiciously,
or who could not, or would not, give a good
account of themselves.
WARDEN-On November 14, 18S9, at H:40
P. M., at her residence, 14 Townsend street,
Mrs. Eliza Wabden, in the 81st year of her
Notice of funeral hereafter.
Eelatiyes of an Executed Murderer,
Denied by the Law's Officers
Eesnrrect the Remains From the Grave
and Hold a Wake Upon Them.
And Mother, Father, Brother and Wife Mourn Oxer
the Corpse.
Despite the efforts to prevent the family
oi the executed murderer Hillman from
seeing the features of their dead, a olever
ruse was played on the officers in charge of
the grave, and while they were dining the
body was removed and kept in the home of
the deceased's father over night. The scenes
at the wake of the resurrected man were sad
and touching.
Philadelphia, November 14. The
distorted face, the ghastly tear in the neck,
and the cold and stiff form of Joseph "W.
Hillman, the murderer who was so bung
lingly executed at "Woodbury yesterday
have been viewed by the family, despite the
efforts of Sheriff Bidgeway to bury Hillman
without his friends again looking on his
face.' The body was disinterred as soon as
the Deuuty Sheriffs left the grave, "Wednes
nesday afternoon, and was carried into the
house, where it was guarded throughout
the entire night by the murderer's family.
"When the limp form of Hillman was
taken from the gallows it was placedjn the
coffin and given into the charge of Under
taker Jeffries. As the undertaker started
for the grave, under the apple tree in his
father's yard, two deputy sheriff', "William
Smith and James Carr, followed in a car
riage directly in the rear of the hearse.
When the body arrived at the grave the
family requested that the coffin be opened,
but the deputy sheriffs would not permit it.
Before the body was half covered the family
left the grave and returned to the house,
followed by the officers. As the deputies
entered the house Lawyer Harris invited
them to accompany him to Blackwoodtown
and partake of dinner at the almshouse.
They accepted, and, after bidding goodby to
the lamily, the officers, undertaker and Mr.
Harris drove away through the drenching
Hardlv had the sound of the carriage
wheels died away before Ephraim Hillman,
the dead man's brother, and the aged father
of the murderer seized a shovel each, and
out in the pouring rain commenced digging
the mud from the grave of the son and
brother. "When the box containing the
coffin was reached, assisted by two other
male relatives of the dead man,
to the surface of the ground and carried it
into the house. No time was lost in un
screwing the lid of the coffin, and soon the
body of the murderer was disclosed to view.
"While the deputies were enjoying their
dinner, a few miles away, satisfied that their
work was well executed, the family of Hill
man were bending over his coffin, weeping
hysterically and "calling for their boy to
speak to them again. As the lid was lifted
from the coffin, showing the distorted face of
her boy, Hrs.Hillman uttered a scream, and
throwing herself over the coffin, rested her
head on the boy's face, and sobbing, kissed
the cold forehead and called to him to speak
to her. The father and brother of Hillman
stood by, crying bitterly, while the wife of
the executed mau and his sister bent over
the foot of the coffin and sobbed aloud. Sev
eral other near relatives of Hillman viewed
the ghastly corpse.
and wore an expression of intense agony.
The gash in his throat made by the slipping
of the rope was still fresh and bloody.
Around the neck of the dead man could be
distinctly seen a thin, blue circle, the im
print of the rope as the man strangled to
death. The sight nearly drove his mother
wild, and for hours she bung over the comn,
until she was prostrated with grief.
The body was kept in the house during
the entire night, closely guarded by the
family, who, one and all, sat near the coffin.
This morning the lid was again placed on
the coffin, and the body lowered into the
grave in the presence of the family. A re
quest of a doctor to hold a post-mortem ex
amination on the body of Hillman has
caused the old father of the murderer much
anxiety. He fears that someone will at
tempt to steal his boy's body. Any such
as Mr. Hillman has an old army musket,
heavily loaded with large shot, which he
says he will empty into anyone caught lurk
ing around his boy's grave. The aged father
intends keeping watch over the grave for
some time.
Lawyer Harry Scovel, to whom Hillman,
on the morning of his execution, gave a
proof of his photograph, mounted on paste
board, to give to his wife, sent the picture
to-day to the person for whom it was in
tended. On the back of the picture is writ
ted: "From Joseph "W. Hillman to his
dear wife. November 13, 1889."
He Delivers nn Interesting Talk Upon Steel
aiakine Processes.
"The Process of Steel Making," was the
subject of a lecture delivered by Mr. "Wm.
Metcaif, of Miller, Metcalf & Parkin, last
night, at the Guild Hall, South Eighteenth
street. There was a good attendance, and
Mr. Metcalf s address was listened to with
considerable interest. He spoke for an hour
and a half, giving a geological statement of
the foundation of iron and ore. He spoke on
the chemical process of making steel and
the distinction between iron, wrought iron
and steel. He described the Bessemer and
other processes and gave brief sketches of
the 'various inventors who have become
prominent. He recommended the study of
steel caking as a valuable course for all
young men.
After the lecture the members of the
YoungUen's Guild ave a supper to Mr.
Metcalf and a tew invited guests. Speeches
were made by Dr. Z. T. Miller, B. P. Ben
bow and Mr. Metcalf. Among those pres
ent were E. E. Mercer, C.E. Succop,-Dr.
H. L. Eeinecke, "W. E. Hamilton, Kev. J.
D. Cameron and others.
Every Wire In the Country to Concentrate
In One Boom.
One of the most unique and original en
tertainments ever given in this country will
be that tendered to James D. Beid, the
pioneer telegrapher, who has recently been
appointed Consul of the United States at
Dumferline, Scotland. The banquet will
take place at Martinelli's, 130 Fifth avenue,
New York, on the evening of the 21st in
stant, and a peculiar feature of the enter
tainment is that every telegraph company
in the country will have a loop laid to the
banquet room, so that Mr. Beid can receive
the congratulations of his co-workers from
Maine to California, and acknowledge their
good wishes.
Mr. Beid is over 70 years of age, and laid
the first lines between Pittsbnrg and the
West to Cleveland, Cincinnati and Louis
ville, and is well remembered by all the old
workers of the key in this section of the
country. Among those who received in
vitations in Pittsburg, coupled with a pass
over the wires, was 'Councilman S. A. Dun
can, who formerly worked under Mr. Beid's
direction as a telegrapher. ,
To be Devoted to missionary Work by the
Methodist Chnrcb The Foreign
Fields Will Receive the
larger Nhare.
Kansas City, November 14. The sec
ond day's .session of the General Missionary
Committee of the Methodist Church was de
voted to the discussion of the committee's
finances. Bev. Dr. Sandford Hunt, Treas
urer, reports that the receipts for the year
ended October 31, 1889, had been 31,130,137,
or 5129,556 more than the previous year. It
took two hours of brisk discussion to decide
how much money the committee would need
lor the work during the coming year.
It was finally decided that appropriations
should be made as follows: For home and
foreign missions, $1,120,000; for incideutal
and annuities, $31,775; lor the contingent
fund, $25,000; for office expenses, 825,000;
for publications, 510,000: for Dallas, Ore.,
detective land claims, 8,000; for Upper
Sandusky, 52,000. Total 51,225,775.
The proportion of division of the mission
ary fund was then taken up. The home and
foreign mission fields both had their advo
cates. The first motion was that the fund
should be divided equally, but amendments
followed in quick succession till five were
before the committee at the same time. The
discussion occupied the remainder of the
morning session. At the evening session of
the committee it was decided to divide the
appropriation on the basis of 45 per cent for
the home and 55 per cent for the foreign
missionary societies.
The Opera Honse Owners Bobmlt Their
Claim Other Claims.
The Board of Viewers yesterday morning
took a stereoscopic view of the claims pre
sented by those who said their property,
leases and interests would be damaged by
the Diamond street widening. The term
stereoscopic was adopted by one of the mem
bers in a jocose vein because the claims ap
peared double in many cases. E. D. Wilt,
the lessee of the Grand Opera House, put in
a total claim of 5180,027 79, as follows:
Bent to accrue to Opera House Company,
555,027 79;, improvement on house to bind
lease, 535,000; value of lease and loss of
business, 575,000; damages to be paid dra
matic companies, 515,000. Mr. Wilt stated
that he had been offered 570,000 for his lease
and had refused it. He said that there was
no other building in the city which he
could secure for his purposes.
William Bader, butcher, stall 114 Dia
mond Market, wanted $10,000; Mrs. Lynch,
millinery, 15 Diamond, 515,000; W. S. Por
ter, 23 Diamond, baker, 53,000; James
Painter, representing Mrs. John Gates and
Mrs. Annie Brown, 540,000; George V. Mar
shall, ot Marshall Bros., elevator manu
facturers, 5120,000, of which 560,000 was for
the loss of a business conducted uninter
ruptedly since A. D. 1818, and 560,000 ac
tual loss; ijenjamin Marks, ot Mailer & uo.,
claimed 539,275; Mrs. Caroline Hayes, 524,
Some Bereaved Country Jewelry Store Can
Reclaim Its Own.
Inspector McAleese has telegraphed to
the small towns in this end of the State noti
fying them of the arrest of George Allen
Cook, the man who was arrested on Fifth
avenue yesterday with a lot of watches and
jewelry he was trying to sell. The police be
lieve now that Cook is one of a gang of
three or four, and that they have robbed a
country store somewhere in this part of the
None of the rest of the gang have been ap
prehended as yet. Cook is lame in the right
leg, and is dressed in an entire new outfit,
the coat and vest being of a cheap brown
wooly material and the hat a soft olue felt
with a red, blue and yellow striped lining
and a picture of a female in the center. No
name or marks of any kind can be found on
the clothes or stuff found on Cook to lead to
his identification, but the police expect,
through the telegrams sent out and the de
scriptions published, to hear something
about him to-day.
The Order Is Thinking of Pnttlnc Up a Fine
The Order of Elks in this city is intent
upon building a fine hall of its own for use
of the brethren, and as an investment. At
a regular communication of Lodge No. 11
held at the end of last month, various plans
were discussed, but none have as vet been
adopted. One similar to that of the Masonic
Hall Association will most probably be de
cided upon.
Another idea is to establish a joint stock
company with shares at 5100 each, the order
itself to take 50 shares or more. This could
easily be done, as No. 11 has now over $6,000
in the reserve fund. Quincy Bobinson, a
well-known member ot the order in Pitts
bnrg, says that although the question of site
has not yet been considered, it will not be
long before one is chosen, and the brethren
will have a home of their own.
They Are Bnjlng Live Cattle to Ship to tho
Chicago, November 14. Gehlsen &
Gehrkens, of Tonnine, Germany, are here
buying stock cattle, calves and 2-year-old
steers and heifers. They intend shipping
between 600 and 700 in the first cargo.and if
they can get the class they want will for
ward a second cargo. The cattle will sail
irom Boston to Germany.
About 11 years ago the same firm bought
two or three steamer loads of stock cattle,
which sailed from New York and Boston.
They claim "store" cattle are very high in
Germany, and that they can get a better class
of cattle here.
A McKeesport Veteran In Danger ot Death
From an Assanlf.
John S. Campbell, chief time keeper of
the National Boiling Mills and Forges and
an old Grand Army man, who was in the
regiment of President Harrison during the
war, is lying in a critical condition, suffer
ing from concussion of the brain, and it is
feared that he cannot recover.
While passing along Fourth avenue, near
Huey street, which leads to the mills, at a
late hour, he was hit by an unknown man
over the eye, on the top and side of the head
with a blunt instrument.
Stoned His Daughtcr-lo-Law.
Lieutenant McNimery, of Allegheny, ar
rested George Agent yesterday on a charge
of disorderly conduct. It is alleged that he
threw a paving stone and struck Mrs.
Agent, his daughter-in-law, on the head,
inflicting a wound that necessitated the
services of a physician in sewing it up.
The Cases Continned.
The cases of Carlisle, McNeal and Walt
houer, the museum men, were not tried yes
terday before Alderman McKenna. As
Carlisle had not returned from Ohio, where
he is engaged on a business matter, the
hearings were continued until Monday aft
ernoon. btnbbed In the Back.
Patrick Lyden and Michael Connolly
quarreled on Monday night at the corner of
Fifty-second street In the fray Connolly
slightly stabbed his opponent in the back.
An information was made before Alderman
Porter yesterday. The man is still at large.
Will Watch far tho Robbers.
Twelve extra officers were detailed yester
day for work in the East End district. They
were taken from all ot the other districts
and stationed in various parts of the "East
End owing to the number of robberies that
have occurred in that neighborhood recently. )
The Lone Highwayman Takes the
Stand in flis Own Defense.
All of His Desperate Dee'ds Performed Whilo
1 Leading Question Prom the Prosecstiiig Attorney
Confuses Him.
Holzhay, Michigan's notorious bandit,
was' placed upon the witness stand by his at
torneys yesterday, and gave a history of his
remarkable career. He stated that he was
hurt by falling from a horse, bnd since then
has been subject to strange spells. It was
during these attacks that the robberies and
murders were committed.
Bessemeb, Mich., November 14. Eei
mund Holzhay, or, as he is popularly
known, "Black Bart, the lone highway
man," made a remarkable statement to-day,
which was at once J confession and a de
fense. Holzhay was put on the stand the
first thing this morning and in a reluctant
manner told the history of his life.
"I was twenty-three years old the second
of last month," he began. "I was born in
Germany, in the southern part, and my
parents still live there. All the schoolingl
ever had was in the ol3 country. I never
attended school in America, I came to the
United States seven years ago, and not hav
ing any trade I went to work at my uncle's
planing mill in Green Bay, Wis. I worked
there about two years, and then went to
work on the Oconto river, where I stayed
about three years. Becoming
and desiring a change, I went out West, I
stopped at Portland, Ore., for a short time,
and then went up to the Puget Sound conn
try, where I worked in a mill about five
months. I spent abont a month riding
around the country on horseback, and was
in the West about eight months altogether,
then came back and went to work again on
the Oconto river, and worked there about a
year and half."
In answer to questions put by his at
torney, Holzhay stated that while irt Wash
ington Territory, he was injured by his
horse falling on him, that he laid uncon
scious for some time afterward, and that
while his health previous to this accident
bad been good, since then it had been bad.
He conld not describe just how it affected
him, but it affected his whole system, and
particularly his head.
Ordinarily he felt quite good, but these
bad spells would come over him and would
last probably a day and sometimes more.
He said that during these spells he felt
strange, but could not describe the feeling.
During such spells his actions and any
incidents or occurrences taking place at
such time were all a blank afterward.
Nearly all last winter was spent in the
woods working, but he came out one time to
see a Dr. Williams, in Chicago, who is con
nected with Dr. Lucas' institute for the
treatment ot nervous diseases. About a
year and a half ago he went to see a Dr.
Palmer, in Green Bay, who treated him for
nervous troubles.
The spells came on him sometimes quite
unexpectedly, and he always had to look
out for himself, and at times he felt an irre
sistible impulse to do something bad or des
perate. He had several of these spells since
his capture, and probably had a dozen
or more since he was injured. Holzhay
said he remembered the day he was arrested
and who arrested him.
He could not tell why he held up the
stage. He held it up, and that was all he
knew about it. A fellow prisoner of
Holzhay named Burns has been engaged the
past month in writing a life of the robber
and has incorporated into the narrative sev
eral deeds of daring claimed to have been
committed by Holzhay while in the Western
In the cross-examination Prosecuting At
torney Howell mentioned several of these
instances where Holzhay was alleged to have
held up several men, and asked him as to
the truth or falsity of the stories. Holzhay
said they were all untrue and originated in
the brain of Novelist Burns.
In regard to the holding up of the Wis
consin Central and Milwaukee and North
ern trains, Holzhay said he felt the spell
about thesame as at the time of the Goge
bic stage robbery, and did not remember
any oi the incidents connected with the af
fair. He stated that in all these instances
where shooting was commenced, it appeared
to clear his brain and brought him to a re
alization ef what he was doing, and he took
to. the woods afterward to avoid being cap
tured. Holzhay did not remember who was in
the Gogebic stage, did not remember seeing
either Fleischbein or the driver, and failed
to identify the watch and pocketbook said
to have belonged to Fleischbein. He
claimed that he had never seen Fleischbein's
name on the pocketbook till hjs attention
was directed to it by Mr. Powell.
Attorney Flannlgan flustrated the prison
er somewhat, when he said: "Holzhay, why
did you carry two guns, knowing that you
were liable to have one of those spells at any
time, and shoot somebody? When you felt
one of these spells coming on why didn't
you leave these guns somewhere until after
you recovered?"
Holzhay appeared somewhat staggered by
the directness of the question, and he re
plied: "I carried the revolvers to protect
myself from wild animals in the woods, and
did not like to leave them anywhere, as I
might not find them again."
"Is it necessary for a man to carry two
IN its first stages, canlbe successfully
checked by the prompt use of Ayers
Cherry Pectoral. Even in the later
periods of that disease, the cough is
wonderfully relieved by this medicine.
"I have usedAyer's Cherry Pectoral
with the best effect in my practice.
Thi3 wonderful preparation once saved
my life. I had a constant cough, night
sweats, was greatly reduced In flesh,
and given up by my physician. One
bottle and a half of the Pectoral cured
me." A. J. Eidson, M. D., Middleton,
" Several years ago I was severely ill.
Tho doctors said I was in consumption,
nnd that they could do nothing for me,
but advised me, as -a last resort, to try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking
this medicine two or three months I
was cured, and my health remains good
to the present day." James Birchard,
" Several years ago, on a passage home
from California, by water, I contracted
so severe a cold that for some days I
was confined to my state-room, and a
physician on board considered my Ufa
In danger. Happening to have a bottle
of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it
freely, and my lunra were soon restored
to a healthy condition. Since then I
have invariably recommended this prep
aration." J. B. Chandler, Junction, Va.
flyer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., LowH, Mate.
SoklbyailDruggisti. PrleeSlJslxbetU,.
..- , ;5.i?v, . .,,, ,0
revolvers w peeci nisareu in me wooas oi;
this country?);"
"Yes, sirvsaid Holzhay. ""I think it is."
This reply seemed to satisfy the prosecu
tion, as Holzhay was" removed from the
stand, and shortly after returned to jail.
Holzhay'f examination lasted about two
hours. Holzhay was the only witness called
for the defense, and when he had concluded
the defense rested.
For Western ftnn
rylvania and Ohiojight
rain or snow, except
fair in Southern Ohio;
colder, westerly wind,
high on the lakes.
iHlI For West Virginia,
fair, colder, westerly winds.
Ptttsbtjbo, November 13, 1889.
The United States Signal Service offlcerln
this city xnmisnes ins iouuwmij:
Time. Tner. Ttwr.
8:00. jr....- M Maxlmnm lmp. si
120 it SO Minimum temp.. . 43
10 P. x.... .. Kanite 8
2:00 P. It .4S Mean temp 47
.OOP. M FreclplUOon. ...... .03
8:00 P. if 44
Blver st 8:3) P. 1C 11.5 faet, a change of 4.7 In U
River Teleirraras.
Bbowssvuas River 18 feet 8 inches and
rising. Weather cloudy. XhermometersT'atS
Moboah tows River 13 feet 9 Inches and
falling: Weather cloudy. Thermometer 60 at
The W. C. T. V. Will Go South.
Chicago, November 14. The Executive
Committee of the National Woman's Christian
Temperance Union Convention to-day decided
to accept the invitation tendered by the State
and other officials of Georgia and bold the
next convention at Atlanta. The officers say
no action will be taken in the Iowa matter un
til they learn what stand the Iowa State unions
decide to take.
It GIVES NEW IitEE and Strength
when the bod J is tired and weak from over
work. Sold by druggists. Price $1 00.
Prepared only by BOGEBS' EOTAL
BEMEDIES CO., dlEssex st, Boston,Mass.
A No. 129J
. construction of a sewer on Cornet street,
from line of Jones' property to Haniico street
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same. That
the Chief of the Department of Public Works
be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise. In accordance with the acts of Assem
bly ot the, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and
the ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg re
lating thereto and regulating the same, for pro
posals for the construction of a pipe sewer
15 Inches in diameter on Cornet street from line
of Jones' property to a connection with a sewer
on Maurice street, the contract therefor to
be let in the manner directed by the said
acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost
and expense of the same to be assessed
and collected in accordance with the provisions
of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania entitled "An act relating to
streets and sewers In cities of the second diss,"'
approved the 16th day ot May. A. 1V1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or pan of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions ot this,
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into a law id Councils
this 28th day ot October, A. D. 1888.
H. P. FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. W. A. MAGEE, President of Com
mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Cleric of Common Council.
Mayor's Office. October 8L 1869. Approved:
WM.MoCALLIN, Major. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMA1EK, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded In Ordinance Book, voL 7, page ISO,
8th day of November. A. D. 1S8S. nolS
J.! reports of Viewers of Street Improve
ments on the opening of Kirkwood street from
Hiland avenue to Collins avenue, and Alder
street, from Shady avenue to Hiland avenue,
have been approved by Councils, which action
will be final, unless an appeal is taken from the
same in theourt of Common Pleas within ten
days from date hereof.
PrrrsBUBO, Nor. 13, 1889. nol3-77
, opening ot Duff street, from Wylie ave
nue to Bedford avenue.
Section 1 Be it ordained sad enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, In Select and Common Coun
cils assembled.and It is hereby ordained and en
acted oytne autnonty or tne samevinatine
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to cause
to be surveyed and opened within 0 days from
the data of the passace of this ordinance. Duff
street, from Wylie avenue to Bedford avenue,
at a width of 40 feet. In accordance with an or
dinance of Councils, approved November 2,
1888, and Lincoln Memorial Cemetery plan, ap
proved by the City Engineer September 26,
1883, and also plan of E. P. Jones et al. record
ed in Recorder's office, Allegheny county, in P.
B., vol. 6, page 66. The damages caused there
by and the benefits to pay the same to be as
sessed and collected in accordance with the
provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act
relating to streets and sewers in cities of the
second class," approved the 16th day of May,
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance ba, and the same Is hereby repealed,
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils
this 28th day of October. A. D. 1888.
H. P. FORD, President of Belect Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. W. A, MAGEE, President of Com
mon Council, pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH.
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, October 31, 1889. Ap
proved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest:
ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's
Recorded la Ordinance Book. voL 7, page 182,
Sth day of November. A. II. ISS9. nolo
fNo. 130.1
construction of a sewer on Fortieth
street and Butler street from a point 20 feet
south of line of property of John C Klrkpat
ricfc, distance about 1,140 feet south of Butler
street; to connect with sewer on Almond alley.
bection 1 Be it ordaiaed and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of the same. That the
Chief of the Department ot Pnblic Works be,
and is hereby authorised and directed to ad
vertise, in accordance with the acts of Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ana
the ordinances of said city of Pittsburg relat
ing thereto and regulating the sime, for pro
posals for tha construction of a pipe sewer on
Fortieth and Butler streets, from a point on
Fortieth street 20 feet south of line of prop
erty of John C. Elrkpatrick, distance about
1,140 feet south of Butler, street, to
and along Butler street to connect with a
sewer 8a Almond alley, size of said sewsr to
be fifteen (IS) Inches in diameter, the contract
therefor to he let In the manner directed by
the said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The
cost and expeate of the same to be assessed
and collected in accordance with the provisions
ot an act of Assembly of the Cemmonweath ol
Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to
streets and sewers in cities of the second
class," approved the 16th day of May, A-D.
Bection 2. That any ordinance or part of or
dlnaccecoBgletingwith the provisions of this
ordinance be, asd the same is hereby repealed
so far as tfce sasae affects this ordlse.
Ordaiaeo aad enacted into a law la Councils
this 36th day of October, A. D. 188V.
H. P. FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of 8lect
Council, W. A. MAGEE, President of Com
mos CoBhcll pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Coraea Council.
Mayor's OkW, October 31, 18NL Approved
OSTERMAIK, Assistant sWi Clk.
8th wms ir. a. am
m . c kjv
OuMtntr-Umt BbesIhsTsssedWOXTrs AOS
Wolff sflCMEBIacking
Ja tho Blading M Men, Women amdf
aUdren. ..
Leather Waterproof and Durable. t
jxojiTutn. m. oatne jxuu a Week, ' ?w
Can be washed with water, tame a OSdotkfl
The Finest Dressing for Barness. '
Bold by Boos Stores. Grocers, DmsssBS, s
and retailers gesetsur.
WHFF Jt RAWflLPH. muamim '"
The Great English Complexion SOIP.
W all Dth&'jb, im leware of imitations.
An Easy Plan.
Look at prices anotheVwa
mere are two siaes toa
price. It may be small andfe
yet extravagant: or fair, andi
economical. r . -'v
it aepenas air.oger.ner onj
the'satisfaction got out of the
amount. $
Let satisfaction stand fort
comtort, wear, looks.
You buy a suit of 1?
(''greatest chance you eyjr
had' eta): and pay him $8.
In, a few weeks the colorbe
gins to turn, the seams to o,
and buttons. In three months
or less you needs must spend
as much more for another
"greatest chance" suit
You buy a suit at Wana
maker's for $12. It is well
sewed, a reliable quality and
wears .you without the petty,
but vexatious annoyances of
repairs for six months.
Your six months' account,
2 Suits fromiJX $8 e&chl
1 Suit from W.'& -E-a,
in? as long as the two, $r2-
There's nothing in mean,1.
cheap clothing except wasteT
of money. Measure our good
make by time worn, comfort
had and price paid. '
Keen a mmnranrliim.
& Brown,
Sixth street Mi Feu areine.
The prices reasonable. We,
do- tailoring to order idr that:
with best of goods and' work-.
' n4S-S
Anchor sneclaltfeff. Oaten-li
Remedy, Rheumatic Bmtdj:'
Dyspepsia Remedy, Beef, Wina
and Iron, Beef, Wine Iron and
COCOSk Cod Liver OiLSuiaaartlll.
;ver Puis. Liniment, and extra Isssm stnmeth-
ening plasters. We have tboasaeda of testi
monials from people who have used tas
and all commend them as being the best prep
arations in the market. We guarantee, satis
faction in all cases where the directions are
carefully followed. selSorwr.
WilL with a few applications, produce the
golden sunny hue so much sooffht for and ad
THE HAIR. Price 59c at
nolO-lM Market and Diamond.4
-- O.D.LEyiS.8olieitor of Patents. .
311 Fifth avenue, above BHUthQe'.d.neitLeider
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
No. 138. 1
street, from Negley aveaua to St Clair
Section I Be It ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Belect and Common Coun
cils assembled, aad It is hereby ordained andr
enactedDVtheanthorttvnf thjm, ThitKnT
street, from Nejjley avenue to St. Clair street; ,- ,
to-wit: The north 6-foot line shall begin at a
point on the west 5-foot line of Negley arsnno
at a distance of 310 feet southerly from a stona,
monument situated at th int.nu.oHnn nf th.,
"irf rsj
north Moot liae of Siigaonette street with thtv .j
west o-ioot ubs ozxiegley avenue; thence de- -
necung 10 m a ie wr lor a aistance 01 oiuua
reet to aroint on the Ast 3-foot line of Mi
dair street, intersecting said line at an angle D
of 80, aad add street shall be of a width of ,
leet. ' -
Bection 3 That any ordinance or part or or-
auuuico tuunicuHj wiin tne provisions oi mis.
ordinance, be sad the same is hereby- repealed,
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into alaw ia Co usoJBc f
mis xkq ay oi ucxoDerj A. u. J&. j
H.P. FORD, PreWBt of Belect CewefLi
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Seise!
Council. W. A. MAGEE, President ot Coss-1
toon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO.BoexX.-i
Haver's Oflce. October 3LMM1
WW WnTHT.lW VT... !...'
" awviwn, ajv mvw. JmSPSM
OBTSKMAIER. Assistant Major's C&usr ,
MrwtvMip urawaace too. vts. i, i
Ms f nt jimirt ii. A. g. Ms.
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