3tBT3T &r sg" r w '.;- tTHB PITTSBURG- DISFATOHf 'gEgDA Q7EMB35, 889- & t i ! tYBZIaA. XM!.! mp wi&uaMij fcr. , K' -............ . .. I I7TT" . iiOj.AllUGnjs.iJ JtliBliUArtX B, 1MB. YoL44. KaSL-Entered at Plttsburg.J'ostOQCe, 'iSoTcmber 14, 1887, u second-class matter. Business Office 87 and99FiftriAvenue. Mews Booms and Publishing' House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Office, Room 48, Tribune Building, ewYork. Average net circulation or the daily edition of IliE Dispatch for six months ending October &, 18S9, at sworn to before City Controller, 30,128 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of Tax DlSFATcn for fire months ending October v, rso. 53,477 Copies per Issne. TEEMS OF THE DISPATCH. rOETAGE FREE Rr THE TOOTED STATES. DATLY Dispatch. One Year I S 00 Datlt Dispatch, Fer Quarter 5 00 Daixt Dispatch. One Month 70 Daily dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00 daily Dispatch, Including fcunday.Jm'ths. S SO Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday. 1 month B0 fcCKDAY Dispatch, One Year S SO Weekly Dispatch, One Year IS The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at JScents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at IQcents per -week. PITTSBURG. FRIDAY. NOV. 15. 1SS9. MYEBS' BOMB. The political sensation of the day is un doubtedly Allen O. Myers outbreak in plain, unpolished, biting speech at Cincin nati. "What it -will lead to the boldest are almost afraid to guess, and what Myers means is too evident for anybody to be in doubt. The Democrats of Ohio, especially those who sit in high places, are not going to enjoy their feast after victory in peace. Myers has a whip in hand, and the first cracks of it are calculated to disturb the di gestion of the calmest of them. "What does Myers mean? Nothing so very new after all. He wants his party to remem ber that the election of Senator Payne was compassed by bribery, and that the Democ "xacy of Ohio has been cursed by the shadow of that unholy crime. He begs his party not to sell the Senatorship again, reminding them that "there is something that is not for sale, and that is public opinion." All true words, but not new, except as they come from the month of a Democrat, from the mouth of a man who has been mixed up in all the Democratic party's dealings which he now denounces in words that burn. But there can be no doubt of the benefit which such a deliverance from such a man will confer upon the cause ol purity and right in poli tics. "Whatever private grievance or change of heart may have led to Myers' explosion, it must do good. There may be further advan tages for honest men in revelations yet to be made. Senator John Sherman was right when he said the other day that then it looked to him as if his next colleague would be the Democrat who would put up the most money to be United States Senator, although he did not think there would be any open bribery, because public sentiment was against it. That is exactly what the situa tion promised to be a few days ago. But Allen O. Myers has knocked all the lead ers' calculations into a cocked hat. It may be harder for a rich man to get into Senator Payne's seat in the United States Senate than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. TUnrTRTAT. THIEVES. European powers do not take the trouble to assign even plausible grounds for plun dering the barbarian. Here is the free and enlightened junior partner in the Drei bund, Italy, threatening to bombard Tan gier, because, forsooth, the house of the Italian Charge d' Affairs was broken into by Moorish burglars, and King Mnley Hassan has not made reparation yet. That is to say. if some cracksmen violated the sanctity of the Italian Embassy in "Wash ington, we ought to expect a fleet of Italian warships a fortnight later to train their guns upon If ew York. But circumstances alter cases. Morocco is a bit of barbarism sticking to the north ern coast of Africa. No civilized power is Morocco's friend. In fact, all the European countries are greedily eyeing the lands of their African neighbors, and it is simply jealousy and fear of each other which pre vents a general partition of the few king doms in Africa not already half stolen un der the name of protection. Still the bombardment of Tangier is not likely to take place just now. The fruit is not quite ripe yet the hands of France are too near and too free at this moment Italy's chance to gratify what are politely termed her colonial aspirations will come when France is engaged in stealing some other African's land or when the inevitable Franco-German struggle shall be renewed. TEE CEISIS IK BASEBALL, There were great doings in the baseball world yesterday. At the League meeting the Association clubs of Cincinnati and Brooklyn were admitted into the League. This brings the number of League clubs up to ten, should it prove, as would seem to be the case, that no clubs are to retire. The withdrawal of the pennant club and the Cincinnati club from the Association is a Lard blow for that body. It opens the way, many think, to the combination of the As sociation's and the new Brotherhood League's forces. The next few days will decide this, but anyhow there is reason to believe that the remaining Association clubs will make it warm for the League if they can. In another way the results of yesterday's League meeting were momentous. The clubs of Pittsburg, Indianapolis, Cleve land and "Washington asked for an increase in percentage of the receipts given to visiting clnbs from 25 to 50 per cent The wealthier clubs op posed this, but agreed to a compromise at 40 per cent. This will be of great advan ce to the local club. In the general outlook for professionals baseball promises next year to be a very much played game; whether it will be a very mnch patronized game depends upon several things. A HUBDEBEB'S HEW FLEA. The line of defense adopted byHolzhay, the Gogebic Lone Highwayman, who is now being tried for the murderous deeds he committed last summer, will be of tre mendous service to murderers everywhere. During his examination as a witness in his own defense yesterday Holzhay testified that he was subject to certain peculiar spells which had compelled him to stop coaches, rob the passengers, murder the drivers, and to practice murder and robbery in railroad trains. These spells, he asserted, came on him sometimes quite unexpectedly, and when they came he always had to look out for himself. He seems, by the way, to have always succeeded iu looking out for himself. At times he felt an irresistible impulse to do something desperate, but I shooting always appeared to clear his brain. Shooting, we may observe, undoubtedly scattered his victims' brains. To this supremely cunning argument and evidence the Prosecuting Attorney replied with a question, which, we are told, for a moment nonplussed Holzhay. He was asked why he, knowing that he was subject to these homicidal impulses, never traveled without two revolvers in his pockets. After some hesitation he replied that he was afraid ot wild beasts. "We presume that the good people of Michigan will insist upon Holzhay's confinement for life for the same reason namely, their fear of wild beasts. In fact, the safest way in our judgment to deal with such fierce animals as Holzhay is to kill them. It is a pity they do not hang murderers in Michigan. Holzhay's defense ought not to be over looked by those about to commit murder, or who have committed murder, in Allegheny county. The theory of spells would be a pleasant change from that of drunken mania which saves so many necks in our courts. "We cannot s.y for certain how the juries would regard spells as a valid excuse in mitigation, but if it resulted in a hang ing or two in the county jail yard it would be decidedly pro bono publico. BE CALM! It looks very much as if Pittsburg was to have a sharp attack of genuine oil fever. The rash has broken out already on her ex tremities, and a good many of the neighbors are down with the disease. Oil fields are multiplying as fast as sanguine landowners can send in the news, and the proportion of derricks to acres is rapidly on the increase. The gentle farmer is basking behind his simplicity, and scooping in the dollars for leases with a hay rake. Here and there a real oil well is keeping up a steady flow and the spirits of the men who own dry holes nearby. In a few days we shall expect the cus tomary salutation of "How do you do?" to have been changed into "Have you struck oil?" But at the same time we beg our readers to preserve their presence of mind, to avoid pride in the ownership of an acre back of Sewickley or a town lot in Char tiers, and to put up with butter on one side of the bread till they have the cash to spread butter on both sides. Oil has been struck before, and men likewise have been, in vulgar parlance, "stuck" before. Re member that last truism, and bore away on a well if you will. EDITOR SULLIVAN ECLIPSED. This is sad. The blow will be felt in every newspaper office from Maine to Cali fornia. John L. Sullivan has been bounced from his editorial chair! It is no idle canard, hut the hard, horrid truth that the pride of Boston has been dischargetTby the New Tork newspaper which has em ployed him for many months as sporting ed itor. Journalism has lost a jewel; the press is less powerful by two hundred pounds or more. The public's loss is simply incalcu lable. For who knows what the Heavy weight Champion of the "World might have written had he ever put pen to paper? Now we do not know even that the prize fighter can write at all but we will not contem plate such a mournful possibility. It has not been revealed why the news paper in qnestion has decided to cast Mr. Sullivan overboard. The trifling circum stance that the most formidable sporting editor of his day never thought it necessary to pay regular visits to his office, may have had something to do with the catastrophe. Or it may be that his brethren of the editorial staff dreaded his presence among them now that he has no regular fighting on hand or in immediate prospect. Presuma bly the habit of knocking out one's fellow man, like other habits, grows upon one, and Mr. Sullivan's associates have reason to fear that he might, if denied reasonable relaxation in the ring, take to pounding them. Yet the idea comes to us that the hand of an editorial writer would be strengthened, his vooabulary warmed, and his clemency curtailed, if he knew for certain that he had Mr. Sullivan's arm to fall back upon when visitors were an nounced. If Mr. Sullivan still hankers after journalistic laurels we feel sure some of our breezy "Western cotemporaries will welcome him to their sanctums as a bouncer. JAY GOULD'S FACE. The other day Jay Gould had his photo graph taken for the first time since his youth. The portraits the public has seen of the "Little "Wizard" in the newspapers have been sketches of him from life or, more probably, from imagination. Now we shall be able to look upon the philanthropist's face in exact verisimilitude; a .priceless boon, no doubt, it will be to the many who have good reason for remembering Mr. Gould. It is singular that Mr. Gould should have so long kept out of the photographers' hands. Of course everybody knows Mr. Gould's aversion to having anything of his taken, but we should not have thought this feeling extended to the taking of his portrait. Still he has been exclusively tak ing things all his life, and we presume he found it uncogenial to let any man take anything of his. He could have had no artistic scruples for, bogy as he has been painted Mr. Gould is rather a nice looking man, with regular features, a black beard now streaked with gray and eyes of exceptional brilliancy. He is small of stature, but photographers know how to make a giant of a pigmy in a pic ture. It could cot have been with him, as it was with George Eliot, that he disliked to acquaint the world with his face, because of its plainness. Then, perhaps and here is a likelier reason than any he did not wish his enemies, many of whom have never seen him, to become familiar with his features. He trusted rightly to contempo rary illustration to conceal his identity from the world. This caution may have saved him from broken bones. O'DouovAir Rossa will not find this a profitablo time to make new appeals for money to support his alleged dynamite schemes. As sassination is less popular than ever as a means for freeing Ireland, and we do not believe Rossa has any supporters in Pittsburg. The complete returns show an entire chanter ot coincidences in the recent elections in Ohio and Iowa. In the firstplace two States classed as Republican have elected Democratic Governors by decisive pluralities, while the balance of the State ticket is Republican. In each case the.vote on Lieutenant (governor is more than close, Lampson being chosen in Ohio by only 41 votes, while Poyneer has 275 more ballots than his Iowa opponent. To complete the parallel the Republicans tn both States attribute their defeat to issues growing out of the liquor traffic, while Democrats see nothing bnt an indorsement of their tariff views. Philadelphia declares sheuid not treat tho Pan-American Congress as If it were com posed of museum freaks. But Philadelphia may havo done it in her sleep, you know. Extheb Allen O. Myers Is a most maligned individual or be has experienced a great change of heart It was generally under stood that ho had charge of the inducements which secured the election of Senator Payne six years ago, and was a devoted disciple of John R. McLean, Now, however, he is out in a radical address to the effect that neither Brice, Thomas, McLean nor any other millionaire should be elected Senator by the next Demo cratic uegisiaiure, anu iuav" millionaire is chosen he will lake the stump against the party. The gift of ?1,800 made by the Jr. O. U. A. M. to the Johnstown public schools, which snffered so grievously in their buildings ana their resources throngh the flood, is both wise and generous. The appeal for further aid ought to meet with speedy response. .. i Senator J, who has been presiding over the Senai investigation of the Pacific Railroads, rep very favorably of their con Bition, and pr s the payment of the debt they owe to tt Hon. His remarks about the Central Pacific's inability to get coal at less than eight dollars a ton are likely to evoke criticism. "We believe Senator Frye Is misin formed on this point. Nellie Bly has beaten Jules Verne's imaginative flights often enough, and now she proposes to beat his record lu fiction of making a voyage "Around the World in Eighty Days" by makine the voyage in fact in seventy-live days. We wish her bon voyage! History doesn't tell us the value of the pearl dissolved and drunk by Cleopatra, but it could scarcely have been a mnch more ex pensive draught than that of the Chicago drummer who traded a lottery ticket for a couple of drinks in Buffalo and will learn to day that the ticket drew 515,000 for the lucky bartender who held it. ' A YOTOG iceman is a candidate for Con gress in New York. He ought to be elected. His experience with tongs ought to help him in the House. The fact that the Tarentum Light and Heat Company refuse to supply a certain woman with natural gas would be extremely interesting, if the company did not in answer to the suit brought by the would-be consumer show that the latter's landlord forbade the use of gas In the building. Judge "White sailed into beer again yesterday. Beer is always being downed by someone. One German firm is endeavoring to solve the "dressed beef problem," so far as it affects the land of Bismarck, by purchasing the cattle here and shipping them to Europe alive. If such a business can be profitably conducted, there would seem to be scarcely any limit to its possibilities. PEOPLE OP PROMINENCE. William Spbagub, war Governor of Rhode Island and afterward United States Senator, is now living in poverty. He was once worth $10, 000,000. The following persons have, among others, been appointed cadets at West Point: Robert W. Lawler, of Mexico, Seventh Missouri dis trict, with Theodore Sternberg, ot St. Charles, alternate; Walker Irving Bates, of Meadville, Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania district, with Gny Golden Painter, of TitusviUe, alternate. Thomas Bkowek Peacock, the poet of tho prairies, is a young man not yet 3S years old. He was born in Ohio, and at an early age showed a taste for poetry. His "Rhyme of the Border War" attracted much attention, and won the admiration of Victor Hugo, Oscar Wilde, Matthew Arnold and other critics. The Countess of Essex, who died not long age, was the last survivor of several actresses who married members of the English nobility. Miss Mellon became the Duchess of St. Albans, Miss Fenton, the Bnchess of Bolton, Miss Fer ren, the Countess of Derby, etc In more re cent years no marriage of this kind has taken place. Many doubt that Judge Cooleywill regain bis health sufficiently to resume his duties as Chairman of the Inter-State Commerce Com mission. Commissioner Morrison says he ex Dec ts Judge Cooley to return to Washington from Michigan in about ten days, bnt admits that the Jndge is quite feeble. Judge Cooley i3 70 years old, and has undoubtedly over worked himself of late, Georoe Eliot maintained a self-respecting privacy during her life, which has not been re spected since her death. She never allowed herself to be interviewed; she refused to be photographed. It was said of Madam De Stael that she was "consolingly ugly," this remark applied more truthfully to George Eliot, who was morbidly sensitive about her personal ap pearance. She rarely spoke of her works, and never ot herself. She was a most fascinating talker when in the company of those she loved, but in general society she did not shine. John Brisben-Walker, the editor of tho Cosmopolitan Magazine, has had a varied and interesting career, although he is only 42 years old. Educated at West Point, he entered the Chinese army through the recommendation of Anson G. Burlingham, Minister to and from China. The bravery of the young officer raised him in a few years to the rank of General. Re turning home he engaged in mining in West Virginia, ana married the daughter ot General David Strother, who is better known as Porte Crayon. He was afterward a ranchman, then an editor. Lafeadio Hearn, the Southern poet, is a native of Leuca, Greece. His father was an English officf r.his mother a Grecian woman. He was heir to a large fortune, which was lost, and he came to America, settling first at Cincin nati, but soon drifting to New Orleans, where lie found genial surroundings and resolved to stay, tempted by the semi-tropical atmosphere of the place. He soon made his mark as a jour nalist and contributor to the magazines. He is now contemplating a trip to the East, where his rich imagination will revel in ali the beauty of earth and sea and sky. WHERE NICKEL COMES FE01T. Four Thousand Tons Per Tear the Product of b Single Mine. From the Youth's Companion. 1 In the Copper Cliff Mine- near Sudbury, Canada, it is said, more nickel is being pro duced than the entire market of the world calls for at current prices. A little branch rail way off the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, four miles in length, leads out to the mine, which opens into the face of a crag of the brown, oxidized Laurentian rock, char acteristic of this region. The miners are now at work at a depth of about 800 feet below the surface. As fast as the nicltel and copper bearing rock is hoisted out it is broken up ana piled upon long beds or ricks of pine wood, to be calcined, or roasted, for the purpose of driving out the sulphnr which it contains. The roasting process is of the nature of lime kiln ing or charcoal burning. Each great bed of ore requires from one to two months to roast. When roasted, the rock goes to the principal smelter, a powerful blast furnace, jacketed" In mining phrase with running water, to enable it to sustain the great heat requisite to reduce the crude, obdurate mineral to fluidity. The dross of the molten mass Is first allowed to flow off, and afterward the nearly pure nickel and copper, blended together in an alloy called the "mat," or matte, is drawn off at the base of the furnace vat into barrow-pots, and wheeled away, still liquid and fiery hot, to cool In the yard of the smelter. The mat con tains about 70 per cent of nickel, the remain ing SO per cent being mainly copper. When cool, the conical pot-loaves of mat can easily be cracked in pieces by means of heavy ham mers. The fragments are then packed in bar rels and Bhipped to Swansea in wales and to Germany, where the two constituent metals are separated and refined by secret processes which are very jealously guarded by the manu facturers. So jealously is the secret kept that no one in America has yet been able to learn the process, although ono young metallurgist spent three years at Swansea, working as a common laborer in the factories m order to procure it. At present there are produced dally at the Copper Cliff Mine about 90 pot-loaves of mat, each weighing near 450 pounds, an output which yields an aggregate of more than 4,000 tons of nickel a year. It Sbonld be fenved. From the Philadelphia Press.; The Mercantile Library, of Pittsburg, is in danger of falling into the hands of the Sheriff. .Such a catastrophe as this wonld be a very great loss to our sister city. The Mercantile Is the only public library in the city, and to shut it up would deprive hundreds of persons of the means of pleasure and profit. Tho total debt presslagdoes not exceed $50,000, and it Is hoped that the effort now being made to secure the amount will meet with tho utmost success. THE TOPICAL TALKER. The Terrible Result of Three Hoars in Mar timbers An Idyl of the Pavement. Two Pittsburgers were forced to spend three hours or so in Martinsbnrg, W. Va., not long ago. They had to wait there becanso the Cum berland Valley train from which they alighted did not make close connection with the west bound train over tbe Baltimore and Ohio. This explanation is due to tbe Pittsburgers in qnestion. for none of them would have know, ingly and voluntarily sought Martinsbnrg. The place thrust itself upon them. 'What shall we do ?" said A . "Let's go up and see the town," said B . ' "They sell cocktails here for 10 cents, I'm told." There were no objections offered, and they strolled into the town. The. first thing they saw which interested them was a sign above a saloon, stating that pool and billiards could be played within. "Wo can kill time playing pool," said A -, and the hint seemed so good that both turned into the place without more ado. They played pool for a while on a very bad table, "with etiptl cal balls and twisted billiard cues," as the Mikado puts it. When thoy paid for the use of the table tbe man behind the bar handed them checks exchangeable for drinks. "That was what made us think of tryingthelr whisky," said A afterward. . AmrHOw.tbey called for two whiskies and drank them down. There was nothing in the whisky to induce them to repeat the dose. B asked A , with alarm and curiosity battling in his face, if he had any skin left in his mouth and throat. A responded that the draught reminded him of the time when he carelessly took a drink of carbolio acid un der the Impression that it was sherry. But they both reached the Baltimore and Ohio depot without mishap. Arrived there A at once fell asleep on a bench In the waiting room. B did not go to sleep. The whisky affected him differently. There was a put-a-nickel-ln-the-slot machine in tbe room, which offered a, 300 insurance policy for 5 cents. B saw this, and tbe greatness of the bargain impressed him at once. He In serted a nickel and received an Insurance ticket. He was charmed and put another nickel in at once for the benefit of A . This exhausted his supply of nickels. Nothing daunted, be sought the station agent and pro cured a dollar's worth of nickels. He was drawing bis twenty-second ticket, representing 11,000 worth of insurance, when A awoke and the train arrived. This put an end to a re markable speculation in insurance, but both A andB had superb headaches when they reached Pittsburg, and the latter has the tickets still to remind him of the effects of one small drink of new corn whisky in Martinsbnrg. . Ir is not unusual to hear a baby cry, and the sight of one howling in a woman's arms is equally familiar, but when the baby Is arrayed in rags and is decidedly dirty as to its poor little face and hands, you would hardly ex pect to see it clasped close to the bosom of a fashionably dressed woman on a public thor oughfare. Yet that was precisely the sight which I saw on Smitbfleld street on Wednesday afternoon. There was the woman dressed in a delightfully tasteful street dress, with a close-fitting jacket of some light-colored expensive fabric and in her arms was a poor little babe crying with all Its might and main. The child, a toddler of three or less, was fresh from the mud of Virgin alley, at the corner of which the woman who held her stood. It was a curious sight enough to provoke inquiry, and it was easily dis coverable that the child had lost herself, for it was a girl I think. She did not know her name. or where she came from, and all she wonld do) heartily was to scream witb indefinite but con-i centrated force that a 3-year-old infant can- command. , SojiETrriNO directed my attention for a few! moments from the little drama of the lost child, but pursuing my way I came across the strangely assorted pair again at the comer of Sixth avenue and Smithfield street. The babe was still In the same woman's arms,buthad ceased crying. The woman was consulting with her companion, also a stylishly dressed woman, as to what she should do'wlth the little waif. Luckily a man came to the rescue, and advised tho deportation of the babe to tbe Mayor's office that haven of refnge for all sorts of waifs and strays. The man wanted to carry the child, but the kind-hearted woman who had first come to the rescue declined to abandon her charge, and bore the babe oft triumphantly to City Hall. The handsome cream-colored jacket with its gold lace was splattered and smeared with mud, and the fair savior's face also bore traces of the muddy little hands. MIND 0TEE MATTER, The Very Latest Local Triumphs In That Line, as Patented. List of patents issued to Western Pennsyl vania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia in ventors, Tuesday, November 12, as furnished by O. D. Levis, patent attorney, No. 131 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg: Frederick Q. Botsford. Erie, Pa., pipe coup ling; itobert Brown, Mlamlsburg, Pa., wheel fender for carriages; Horace 13. Camp, Cuyahoga Falls, O., conduit for underground wires; Bust J Christy, Banduskyj, O., knife; John W. Clark, Hamilton, O., wagon Jack; Pliny F. Cole, War ren, Pa., lathe attachment: C. B. Saeilenbach, Allegheny, airbrake; Francis Devlin, Bradford, Pa., piston packing; William A. Dunlap, Pitts burg, clamp; Francis Stephens, Canton, brace check: James T. Hamburg. Wilklnsburg, de tector bus. clip; James T. Hamburg, Wilklns burg. interlocking snitch and signal; Addison Lefiel, Xenla, O., planter; Adolpb Mentzer, Hamilton, O., file; Lewis Miller, Akron, U., grain shocking attachment for harvesters; Samuel V. Beynolds, Toledo, metallic fastener for to bacco; Herman Berge Bchnltze, .Rochester, Pa., apparatus lor manufacturing glassware: Frank K. bouthard, Toledo, vehicle wheel; Michael H. bteel, Greensbnrg, furnace; William K. Wilcox, assignee of one-half to J. Gernett, Pittsburg, hob nail; Walter W. Wlnton. Scranton, Pa., pen; Peter C. Zimmerman, bhoustown. Pa., gate hinge; Harry J. McKlnney, Patttm township, Pa,, churn. ADRIFT FOR A IEAR. The Wanderings of a Derelict Schooner at Last Ended. From the Philadelphia Press. The wreck of the three-masted schooner David W. Hunt, which has drifted for more than a year about the Western Ocean, has been towed into the Madeira Islands. She has been sighted more than SO times and her course was most erratic even more remarkable than that of the schooner Twenty-one Frlends,which drited ashore on tbe Orkney Islands after hav ing been abandoned off Cape Hatteras. The David W. Hunt was bound here with lumber from a Southern port and was aban doned early in November, about 300 miles from Smlthville, N. O. After this she drifted North in the Gulf Stream as far as tbe Banks of New foundland: then taking an easterly course, she bore away for Europe. When last spoken she was off Cape Finisterre, Spain. A CRAZ1 STATESMAN Soys Ben Hill l HI Fnther, and Wants to Kill Cleveland. SPECIAL TELBQBAJJ TO THE BISPATOH. ' Albany, November H. A man about 30 years of age, respectably dressed, entered the Stanwix Hotel last evenlng.registered as "F. B. Jacobson, Brooklyn," ana engaged a room. Then be went into the street and smashed his umbrella against a lamppost. After that he went to the ofiSce of the Morning Express and handed In written "charges" against Governor Hill, whom he declares to be his father. He was arrested soon after. At the station bonse the prisoner gave his occupation as "statesman." He also declared his intention of killing Grover Cleveland. Intimately Connected. From the Philadelphia Ledger. Kentucky's family feuds are giving the Bute more celebrity than her whisky, between which and the feudal chiefs there is, possibly, close connection. DEATHS OF A DAT. Colonel Ambrose Dudley Mann. NEW Yobk, November 14. Colonel Ambrose Dudley Mann, died in Paris yesterday. He was Assistant Secretary of State under President Pierce, and prior to the war held many diplomatic positions abroad. In 1881 he was one of the com missioners sent by Jefferson Davis to Europe to urge the recognition of the Confederacy. Later he was Confederate Commissioner In Belgium, and the bearer ot a letter from Jefferson Davis to the Pope. He has remained abroad since tbe downfall of the Confederacy. He was born In Virginia 84 years ago. Chief Justice W. N. H. Smith. Baleiqh, November M. Chief Justice W. N. H. Smith, of the North Carolina Supreme Court,-' died to-day at U o'clock.- ,, FAIE WOMEN WERE THERE, Mrs. D. T. Watson Was the Gaest ef Hoaer at Miss Watson's Reception. In the reception given by Miss Jane Watson at her home on Washington street, Allegheny, yesterday, she was assisted by a bevy of fair ladies. Tbe guest of honor was Mrs. D. T.Wat son, nee Walker, and those assisting were Mrs. Henry Rea, Mrs. Stewart Brown. Mrs. George Howe, Mrs. Thomas Blair, the Misses Watson, Misses Holmes, Misses Ricketson, Misses Reed, Miss Howe, Miss Hazlett, Miss Harding, Miss Mary McCandless, Miss Beach, of Washington, and Miss Newport, of St. Paul. The hours were from 4 until 8, and from 8 until 10 P. If. The scene presented in the richly decorated parlors by tho bewitchinEly costumed ladies would have done credit to fairy land. Elaborate refreshments were served in the cozy little dining room, which was a bower of beauty with American beauties and chrysanthemums nod ding their heads in every direction. A large number of guests participated in tbe hospitality of the popular yonng hostess, and a charming time was the verdict of all present. Tbe decorations were in charge of J. R. Sc A. Murdoch. Tbe lunch was served by Hagen. EECE1TED THE LADIES. Mr. end Mrs. Dlazzy Entertained About 300 of Their Friends. About 300 ladies 'of the boudoir and knights of the carpet were received by Mr. and Mrs. Muzzy at their residence on Sherman avenue last evening. Society people from Pittsburg, East End and Allegheny, with a number of Eastern friends, comprised the company. Mrs. LaMotte Dewey, of Erie, a lady well known in Pittsburg, was also a guest. Tbe hostess was attired in a becoming toilet of lavender silk. The parlors, library, dining room and hall were delightful with the perfume of many flowers. Gernert's Orchestra, from an inner room, sent forth strains of all the popular music, and a most tempting supper was served by Luther. With such pleasant environments an enjoyable time was Inevitable. After U o'clock dancing was indulged in by the younger portion of the guests. NO SUCI1 THING AS COLOR. A Lecture bc the Opening Reception of the Art Society. An Illustrated lecture on "Color" was deliv ered by Prof. John A. Brashear at the one hun dred and fifty-second reception of the Art Soci ety at the Pittsburg Club Theater last evening. The reception was the opening one of the sea son, and withont donbt one of the most suc cessful and interesting meetings ever held by the society. Mr. Brashear's lecture was fully illustrated by experiments and diagrams, and was intensely interesting. His argument was to prove that there is actually no such thing as color. That color exists solely owing to tbe refraction of waves of light or absorption of the same. Other very prominent specialists are booked tolecture before the society this winter, and altogether the season opens splendidly. IN GOOD CONDITION. Anniversary of the Temporary Horns for Destitute Women. The twenty-second anniversary of the Tem porary Home for Destitute Women and Chil dren was observed yesterday by the annual meeting of the managers of this important and Interesting institution. A full attendance of enthusiastic workers made the meeting one long to be remembered. The annual report was read by the Secretary, ana followed by the Treasurers report, both of which were very satisfactory. The new matron. Miss Managrie, who has taken Miss M. A. Smith's place, is giving entire satisfaction to all the ladies connected with tbe Home, and it is In a flourishing condition In every respect. HISS ORNE'S DEBDT. A Handsome New York Girl Makes Her Bow to Society. Mrs. 'Lawrence Dilworth threw open the doors of her palatial residence on Fifth avenue last evening to about 100 of her friends. Miss Mary McDonald, of Philadelphia, assisted Mrs. DUworth In receiving, also Miss Virginia Orne, of New York, whose debut in the realm of pleasure was thus effected. In the toilets of the ladies, the decorations of tbe house, and the serving of the snpper, rare, taste and judg ment were dlsnlaved. The floral decorations were in charge of iiiuoit, me reiresnments oi iuinn. A Pretty Sonthslde Wedding-. Julius Koch, the Sonthslde druggist, and Miss Albertine Margaretta Stmnz, daughter of the late Z. Stmnz, were married last night at the home of the bride, 721 Carson street, by Rev. Mr. Lorcb. The newly married couple left for an extended tour through Florida and other parts of the South. Evening Entertainment. Miss Estelle Groetzlnger at her home on Washington street, entertained her friends to the number of 43 last evening. The hours were from 8 to 1, and daneing was the attrac tion. Guenther's Orchestra furnished tho music, and Hagin served the refreshments. Social Gossip. A VERY enjoyable entertainment was listened to in the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association of the railroad depart ment on Twenty-eighth street last evening. The performers were pupils of the Curry Unl versity. Musical director, Mr. Simeon BIssell. The vocal and Instrumental numbers and tbe various readings were of such a nature as to reflect great credit upon the performers. Innumerable Christmas presents were near a state of completion at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon when the guests of Mrs. F. K Eohler, Lake street, took their departure. A. bewildering maze of dainty materials at 3 o'clock was by deft fingers transformed into various pretty creations by 6 o'clock. A lovely little tea was served, and the fancy work party voted a very pleasant affair. THE sixth anniversary of the Young Men's Christian Association of the Pennsylvania Railroad Department will be celebrated next Sunday. A programme comprising many in teresting features has been prepared for the occasion. Their rooms, on Twenty-eighth street, is the place designated, and 3-30 o'clock the hour. To-day is the twenty-first birthday of Mr. Frank Q. Bailey, of Third avenue, Homestead. His parents in honor of the occasion have in vited a number of his friends to dance the hours away from 8 v. M. to 2 A. sr. Special trains will be run to accommodate guests on the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad. The Young People's Association of the East Liberty Presbyterian Church will give a social and entertainment on Friday evening, Novem ber 15. Tbe exercises will consist of recitations by Mrs. Coster, and vocal and Instrumental music by Mrs. Coster, Profs. Bearl, Mayer and Glttings. The Bloomfleld Public Library Association have completed arrangements for an evening entertainment. It will be given next Tuesday in tbe rooms of the public library. Music, both vocal and Instrumental, and an address by Rev, C. M. Miller will insure a pleasant evening. ABAZAABand soap-bubble party will be in progress at St Peter's Episcopal Church to day between the hours of 4 and 10. The pro ceeds will be used by the Ministering Chil dren's League of that church in providing for a wee baby In Chlnaland. A musical and literary entertainment will be given at the new Grand Army Hall, on Fourth avenue, next Tuesday evening. The Monongahela Conclave No. 139, L O. U., will have charge of the afiair. East End society will turn out en masse this afternoon at tbe reception given by Mrs. D. W. C. Bidwell and daughter, Mrs. Harvey jj. Childs, at the Bidwell residence, on Ells worth avenue. The members of tbe Forty-third Street Pres byterian Church will formally receive their pastor, Rev. H. H, Stiles, and bride, formerly Miss Renshaw, on the 22d of this month. The Lafayette will entertain their friends Wednesday evening, December 4, at Turner Hall, Forbes street. Gernert Brothers w 111 fur nlsh inspiring music from 8 till 2. Mb. and Mbs. David Boyd, nee Miss Fabnestock, have issued "at home" cards for Thursdays in November at their pretty home on Boulevard place. THE wedding of Mr. A. Mntzlg and Miss Maggie Trescher occurred at the residence of Mrs. V. Marsch, on First avenue, last even ing. THE Unitarian Church, of this city, will hold a social meeting to-day at the residence of Miss Sen-pie, Sewickley. . It Anuses Him and Harts Nobody. from the Boston Herald.) It's a pretty dead sort of a duck that isn't able to Issue a manifesto.. Even Boulanger can I still avail himself of that harmless nriylleze. A COHFIDMTIAL PBOPHECT. The Man In the Moon Gets Some Very Good Pointers from Weather-Mixer Stewart The Tow, High and Low and Some Other Terms In a Game of Meteorology Sunsets and What They Mean A Very Cold Winter at Hand. It was an odd figure which stepped Into the Pittsburg Signal Service offices yesterday, and surprised Chief Observer Stewart out of his usual equanimity. An old gentleman with flowing white locks and a face as brown and wrinkled as a Normandy pippin; an old gentle man dressed in a long cloak tricked over with cabalistic symbols, and looking as though he had stepped out of some black-letter tome the living representation of Simon Magus, His features were drawn, and his blue eyes twinkled Like a candle flame when salt Is sprinkled." On his feet he wore a great pair of red shoes, tnrned up at the points, which latter were fastened to his attenuated shanks with strings of yellow. Upon his reverend head stood a mighty pyramidal cap, surmounted by a weather-cock and adorned with moons of all kinds crescents, half-moons and every other kind of lunar variety. In his enormous sleeves Ah Sin might have concealed himself as well as his card packs: and his bony fingers clutched a white wand tipped with a crescent moon In glistening silver. Altogether he was a very curious old personage, and scarcely the one Sergeant Stewart expected to see coming up In a latter-day elevator, to the eighth story of the modern Pittsburg building. "Is this a masquerade in town?" said the Su perintendent of the Weather to himself; bnt be bowed very politely to his visitor, and begged to be informed of bis requirements. Then the old gentleman made a low bow, and said in a sweet if somewhat cracked voice (the sort of voice that Mr. Toole affects in "The Cricket on the Health"): "I am a visitor from another world." The weatber mixer started. "From another world?" he exclaimed. "Yes, sir," said the aged visitor; '1 am the man in the moon." "The man from the moon," cried Indica tions, adding to himself: "Tbe man must be a lunatlcl" Almost Like a Mortal. But this extraordinary visitor did not behave like a lunatic He quietly removed his huge cap which, to say the least, must have been excessively cumbersome and sat himself down on the nearest chair. "Yes," he went on, "I am the man in the moon. If you will listen to me I shall inform you of my purpose in this room." The chief observer smiled. This "lunatic" appeared harmless; work at the moment was not pressing, and so he sat down also, and pre pared to give his attention to the visitor from above. The old man folded his hands and said: "1 have come hither to find out how you are able to make those prophecies of yours regarding the weather, and the heat upon your earth, circumventing and laying bare the deep-laid plots of wind and cloud. The whole heavenly mechanism is upset over the startling accuracy with which you can prognosticate the move ments of every component part thereof having the slightest influence on your, city of Pitts burg. Why, take last August yon were only wrong once in the whole month. It was the second day of the month, I remember, and you prophesied clear weather. It came on rainy, however, because the -" "Because the tow' moved down right on Ohio Instead of keeping off to the west," cried the weather man eagerly. "Tbe tow?"' said the man in the moon. "What is the tow V" Superintendent Stewart smiled. "If I tell you what a tow' Is." he said, "Pmay as well tell you everything about our so-called weather prophecies." "Suppose yen do f" said the man in the moon, twiddling bis thumbs and looking expectant. "Well, in honor of my visitor," said the ob server, "I shall do so. Pray settle yourself comfortably in your chair, my good sir. and re member that it is only to one like you I would give the information I am about to Impart." How He Showed Ir. Here the man of science produced a bundle of maps, marked all over with strange lines and circles, and laid them upon the office table. "You said, I think," he remarked, 'that the heavens were somewhat agitated over my suc cess in weather reading." "The clonds could smother you, and every wind in the atmosphere conld cut your thro? t," said the man from the moon. "You are dis tinctly unpopular in the upper regions. Sup pose a jolly young whirlwind has laid a nice little plot to raise a cyclone in Pittsburg and is coming sloping along from the sou'west. You catch sight of him while he is still in Ohio, and inform Pennsylvania that be Is coming. That doesn't at all please the winds: and it is much the same with the clouds." "You see," said the Sergeant, "our weather system is a splendidly organized one. We have stations all over America, and Pittsburg has long been regarded as one of the most prominent of these. We begin work at all these stations at 7 a. h., when we carefully note the temperature, the barometic pressure, tbe moisture, the rainfall during the night, the altitude and nature ot the clouds and the direction of winds. These we at once dlsnatch to Washington, whence we get telegraphic ac counts of the weather at aU other stations. A certain code we use conveys tbe reports from each place m five words. We then mark our Information upon one of these maps, and, com paring the data received with the re sults of other days' examinations and our own observations, we aro able to gauge pretty accurately our local conditions of weather. Formerly we were accustomed to send reports of tbe sunsets; but this is now given up. There is an old saying that when the sun Is red, the following day shall be fine. This is very tme. as I nave found by observa tion. It Is also true that yellow or greenish sunsetsa re promising for fine weatber. I do not suppose, my dear sir, that you ever read Coleridge: but there is a passage in hi "Ancient Mariner" which runs: y " 'Last night the moon had a golden rim.1 "Now this 'golden' rim is still watched for by us; and whenever we notice the pale, watery nimbus around your kingdom, we prophesy wet weather with 48 hours. High and Low Only. "We have certain laws regarding the move ments of storms and showers, culled from our observations. We find that both storms and rain rise in the "West, and usually move in a northeasterly direction. Then we have the terms "high' and low.' " "What about Jack and the Game!" slyly queried the man from the moon. The' Superintendent looked suspiciously at his visitor. "You know how to play cards, then?" he asked. "Certainly," replied the lunar delegate, a little uncomf ortably; "I learned betore you were born.' But go on about high and 'low" What are they? What do they mean?" "High " said the Superintendent, "means the center of highest pressure. Wherever it is temporarily situated bracing air and great cold prevail. Tbe present 'high' has been on the other side of tbe Missouri river for two weeks; and so they are anything but warm out there just now. When it comes East we will have to get our furs out. The 'low' denotes the center of lowest pressure. In its neighborhood there are either high winds or heavy rain. 'Low is very near Pittsburg a: present a great deal too near, in fact, for onr comfort. That Is what I meant by 'high' and 'low.' From tho nearness of 'low,' and the presence of another "high" In the At lantic, I imagine that Pitt3burg is in for a week or two of unsettled weatber. These dotted lines on the map, are isothermal lines. As you perceive, they are forever changing their direc tion. A week ago they embraced the skirts of Florida; to-day they have left the Southern States in the cold and find their center in or aboui Michigan. "If we had more stations we could do a great deal better. Ton see there is always a storm somewhere In North America. I defy you to examine any of our daily maps, for the last five years; you will find a storm marked upon every one of them. Btorms are constantly springing up, and we want more stations to keep a sharper lookout for them. However, I think we are doing pretty well as it Is." A Mighty Wintry Season. "1 should say so," observed the man from the moon gloomily. "You certainly have reduced this espionage on the elements to a science. What now is your Idea of what the conspira tors up In tbe clouds are going to do for the world this winter? I know all about it, of course; but 1 should like to hear you make a guess." , "I never guess," replied the Superintendent. "If you ask me what my opinion of the coming winter weather Is. I shall answer you that it will be the coldest we have had for two sea sons. I base my calculations on the fact that the weather, when it has made a big leap from its normal condition, tends to return to it at the earliest opportunity. Last winter wasmuch warmer than usual. Hence, I think that this year we shall have normal winter tempera turelots of snow, and cold In plenty. Am I right f The man in tbe moon did not answer. He rose and marched toward the door. Opening it, a little wratbfully, he bowed once to the Superintendent and passed out. As he did so, however a paper dropped from the sleeve ot his strange gown. The Superintendent sprang forward and picked it up. It was a copy of The Dispatch. A wild shriek rent the air, as the frenzied weather prognosticate? hurried in puisult.of tbe pseudo man In the moon. The corridor without was deserted, aad the strange old man nowhere to be sees. bxnan. '?w - . -.-"'P.y " . 'ms.4 TALKED ABOUT IH HEW TORI, Beelded Agamst the Deceases'. inWTOEC'BUBBAU BriCCULSlJ New Yobk, November K Th Roman Catholic authorities have decided that the body of Miss Theresa Kelly, friend and disciple of Dr. McQlynn, cannot be burled in her lot in Calvary Cemetery. The undertaker who had charge of Miss Kelly's funeral has been ordered to remove her remains at once from the Cal vary Cemetery vault, where they were placed pending Mgr. Preston's decision. Tbe final burial ot tbe body will take place at Woodlawn to-morrow afternoon. Miss Kelly died three weeks ago, and Rev. Father Burtsell officiated at her funeral. When Mgr. Preston and other trustees of Calvary Cemetery objected to the interment of her body there on account of her connection with the McGlynn movement. Father Burtsell gave a written certificate that Miss Kelly was a good Catholic, although, of the Anti-Poverty Society, and entitled to Chris tian burial. When tbe undertaker applied to the trustees of Calvary Cemetery for a burial permit it was refused, and tbe matter referred to Mgr. Preston, who announced his adverse decision to-day. Ad Unwilling- Visitor to America. Andreas Kpeppe, 33 years old, got here to-day on tbe steamship Slavonia, from Hamburg. He Is a Very unwilling visitor to this country, and when landed demanded that he should be returned to his native land right away. His story Is that he first came to America from Schneidermuhl, Germany, in 1873, and settled in Iowa. He returned home fire years later, and afterward came back to take a position la St. Louis. He never took out naturalization papers. In 18S6 his mother died In Schneider rauhl, and left him JlSiOOOL He went home to get the money. The Prussian courts, he says, refused to give it to him, because he had never served his time in the army and because they thought he had become an American citizen. Then thA tOWn ATlthn,t1ao .1itnn.d him T,nV tr America. The Collector will investigate thej A New Man la Control. Rear Admiral Daniel L.Braine to-day as sumed command of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, in place of Captain J. N. Miller, relieved. Offi cers, marines and the navy yard band were out in their dress uniforms to receive him. Wnen the Admiral alighted from his carriage at tho navy yard gate the officers were formed In two ranks, in the order ot their precedence. Tha Marine Guard was paraded on tho officers' Hit, and as the Admiral passed down the line every rifle was brought to "present arms." Then the drnms gave two ruffles and the band started "Hail to the Chief." The Admiral proceeded to the Lyceum, where the officers were presented In turn. The instant the Rear Admiral shook the first hand the old Vermont ran up its flag and began firing the formal salute of' 13 guns. Rear Admiral Braine entered the navy from Texas in 1&8. He was made a vice admiral two years ago. He has lived for the last few years in Brooklyn, where he owns a house. In 1S91 he will be retired from active naval duty, as he will then have passed the age of 62. Bit OfiT a Back's Head. John McCormack, a bricklayer, 23 years old, was hurrying home from his work in, Brooklyn last evening, when two of his friends tried to stop him for a minute's conversation. "Don't bother me, boys," bo said, "I want to get home for dinner. I am hungry enough to bite off a duck's head." Someone Immediately offered to bet a dollar that McCormack could not bite off a duck's head. McCormack took him up. The three men caught a duck ma nearby open lot. McCormack put the duck's head In his mouth, and forced his teeth clean through the neck. While he was extricating the head from his mouth a policeman arrested him. In court to day McCormack told the story of tha bet, and was sent up for six months. Nellie Bly to Break a Record. The lively writer on the New York World who signs herself Nellie Bly, sailed for Liver pool to-day on atrip around the world. She wants to find out how quick she can do It, and. If possible, break the all-the-way-around record. She is scheduled to reach Paris November 23, Ceylon December 10, Hong Kong December 23, San Francisco January 22, and New York Jane-try 27 making tha complete circle ia about 75 days. A New Automatic Mfr. P. S. Bates, of this city, has Invested an , electric motor which, he claims, eclipses any- tning or the kind yet invented. It Is entirely automatic, and when once started will perform its work for 100,000 hours without attention. The electric companies are very much, inter ested in the Invention, and are anxious for it to be put on the market. II SOtHDS PAMILIAE. A Colored Man's Circular CaWac far a Cfaanse la the Sooth. WASHtnqton, November It Accompany 'ing the call of the Central Bureau of Relief for a great convention of colored men and their friends in this city on the first Monday in Feb ruary next, is a circular, signed by 18 officers and executive committeemen .of the bureau; andirom that circular the fallowing extracts are taken: In tarts of this .conn try-especially In the South ern States the colored eltlxea Is prevented, by force and fraud, from exercising the rights of an, American that are guaranteed to him ana other citizens bT the Constitution and laws of our com mon country.They are in those States subjected by systematic lawlessness to personal outrages, by intimidation, whippings, burnings and lynching! murdered even fn the court house, while under tbe careof the court officers; their property wan tonly destroyed, and they are made powerless to defend or protect the sanctity of then-famines. Therefore, this organization has issued this clr-. cular letter as an earnest appeal to all Just and humane citizens, without regard to sex. race, creed, or political faith, to assist their eflort to remove this foul blot upon American civilization. "We ask them to denounce It throughout this land, wltn voice and pen. throngh pulpit and press and by petitions to state Legislatures, and to the Congress of the United States, for snch state and National legislation as will remedy these wrongs ; and to continue their efforts until this vile remnant of slavery is exterminated from the land, and the disgrace of It removed rrom the American nation. And, finally, we ask the ministers of every church in this country to offer on Thanksgiving Day special prayers against these outrages, and to Invoke divine Influence upon the minds and hearts of citizens, lawmakers, judge and sute execu tives as will cause them to seriously resect that a continuance of these crises against millions of colored American citizens Is an alarming menace to the safety of this Uovernment EECE1TLNG THEIR JSEWA1D. Two More Iadfaaa PaHtlclas WW Feast at the Pahllc Crib. Washxkqtox, November K Mr. W. H. Welch, of Maryland, Deputy Third Auditor of the Treasury, to-day tendered his resignation to take effect on the 1st prox. Mr, A. D. Shaw, of Indiana, will be appointed to succeed him. Mr. Shaw Is a leading railroad man la this State, and helped to organize the Harrison and Morton Republican League ot railroad em ployes: Tbe resignation of Judge Hench, of Indiana, chief of a division in the Controller's office, has been accepted to take effect on the first, a&d Mr. Frank Bmagger, of Logansport, IaiL, Is named as his successor. TI-STAT TSLFLES. Witches have impoverished Farmer George Moser, of Montour county. His fat horses have withered to skeletons; his milch cows have dried up, and every living creature about tha place seems under some baneful spelt The neighbors have come to the conclusion that it is the diabolical persecution of someone in league with the devil. Buperstition is rife there, and the credulousness of the people is unbounded. There are some old hags la the neighborhood who are placed under the ban. They have been discovered in their practice of the black arts. An old witch infests the Im mediate vicinity who at one time became offended at the Mosers, and left their barnyard gate, lifting her gaunt sad ominous forefinger in threats of a dire visitation. Witches are much feared in that region, and, la the face of their belief, fully avoid incurring their dis pleasure. All the prescriptions of witch doc tors, near and far, have failed to bring cure to this farm. A seven-foot gray eagle assist at Bell's Landtag, Clearfield county, tha other day. For a week past a couple of Frankfort young sters nave done a thriving buslness-by dealing in rabbit, They buy them of farmers and carry them to the woods, where they sell them at fancy rates to luckless hasten. In four days they sold 25 pairs. One little Akron boy who was proud of his latest aeqaieteioa surprised a-is'sa other by say log: "Fssftiag oatdeorsta shew God ay rubber boats." . TbmnH,3M,I aM:a!MsMMr mad a fBlBKfaa !M-f". -. ?.A2 CUBIOUS C05DKSATJ05S . . . . X.J New York's elevated roads carried 179 000,000 passengers during the past 13 months. ' A Baltimore man has been convicted of stealing a lot of gold filled teeth from the mu seum of the University. Bedheadville is the name of a flourish ing settlement in Otsego county. MIchg'A family of Redheads gave tha place its auburn appellation. T5ff" At the Baptist fair In ITllnt. Mich WhlCh iS SOW OTer lh imrlawlst. hUh Wnrtn'rlT- 2Mforlnn tha new aptfc &Z3l r ?mf ,httateine" Bowen, HL, woun21 S ZlS. lB urday and captured tM SLL "fj? JW Tlclon. and measures 7 feetl A company interested In thepropaga- tion of toe buffalo has secured a largo tract ofl feP.HSS' wner8 "ord of bison wiUsooa Four wolf scalps were taken ('to the County Clerk at Cartham. m u,rA: scalp brindnir 18. Wni. vTl .. L."ss merbn.tailutvldm.ysTxsonr0 "Vsf A few days ago workmen at Mbrrisvllle opposite Trenton, N. j ,-,, - nnasmi wmffSS!??! ZttnStfESSttt - V- - "J'vu, irw fGtXL -a queer decision by a New Jersey jniS ticeof too peace is reported. John Wolf puTa "7" uoor to represent his .aamei Adog destroyed the sign, and the lustleo holds WolV . SL .? iSSSLw9i. PresentedbJohng; W.&gutltvor biting the-man, andfe -"-- ". ijf -j uamages. ,- unite remoaeiing a chimney in an old's homestead In Cherrvfleld. M .... i." fif0t.j ? InteresW, .3 V ri ui r "'U8 orown ing or nn-' H.l'Vt8 was .?utf ta an-areh oftoe calm.' ney. which certainly had not seen the light for MC years. It was empty, but smelted ot other, A duck recently killed near Jamestown, N. Y., has caused great excitement In that region. In Its crop was found a piece of gold quartz. The bird had been feeding on the borders of Chautauqua lake nearby, and it Is claimed that an examination ot the locality revealed many mora specimens of rich gold bearing quartz. Miss "Way, an elderly ladv. livinir I alone at Salem, Conn., cleverly baffled a gang "uin waoinvaaea nernoass a lew nights ago. She was writing near a window, when a ---v..... rm MjfLu, uixuugn tne pans ot glass, J and voices demanded her money. She seized! the gup, but it was soon taken from her. She .iicuujow out ine ugncnastenedtotheroom where her mmflr -v&b Iran? fn ,n Mri --if.a Carried it tO the cellar, ani? rmlptl-rr u-inlti(fl throngh a hatchway, hurried across the fiddavfj ,u..a wo ruuuers were vaimy searcmnz, tnos house for her wealth. ? In Spain farming is conducted InafverjS a -m. uiwuu.u,i,(uiA u.iui rcap-p uik uuojt ani inresnea as in the time of tha Ciesars;thatis, by tramping about with asses -hitched to a stone boat The plow Is a crooked j stick, pointed wltn iron. In tha towns arb'toi be seen heavy wooden carts drawn by oxen.f MOSt Of tha carrvino. . trantfr-4n- i. I- ama by donkeys. Sand, brick, lumber in fact al most everything that has to ba moved is car ried on their backs. These animals are used all through Spain, and for every purpose, in the same way in which we use them in the al most impassable canyons oltho Rocky Moun tains. Captain Charles Johansezr, oi Tacoma, Is building a small boat in which he proposes to) sail around tha Horn to London and then re turn to the States and exhibit the boat at tha World'sTalr. Tha boat will be 20 feet long, built of native fir, cedar add oak, and will be a model of strength for so small a ship. Jobansen has invented a drag, which will ba tarownouti in dangerous storms, and it is claimed by this means tha most terrific hurricane can ba weathered bythe little craft. She will be pro visioned for 250 days, and will start about De cember 1, stopping at Han Francisco. After rounding Cape Horn she will take the usual course of sailing vessels for London, whera Johanscn expects to arrive in April or May. Five hundred million feet of logs arts cut In the State of Mains annually. Tha-j name Pine Tree State was acquired years ago, but Spruce Tree State Would sow be mora ap propriate. Although there are millions of pine yet standing, the palmy days of that tree,'' la a commercial sease. Ioatr sine, danutads and the spruce, prollao and nardy; is te main- May of tao lumber trade. Waa-W var M oaaa 1 may do is ower orates, naw juujtaammr tl ieariromiaeaenuaiuoaor cernpiaaas. TB' spruce is a proline tree, renewing its in a few years, thus filling up the sat by the lumberman's ax, and soon producing at second growth or aftermath. Man v towsahlna on the Fenobscot have been lumbered over twice and some three times, while in Hancock' county were is more nmoer standing to-day than there was 30 years ago. A "Convention of Heavenly -Recruits' is being held in iDiladelphla. Tho foUowlnz report of a meeting is contained is a paper of that city: "The object of the convention Is tha healing of the sick and curing of diseases, con version or sinners and to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. Evangelist CM. Ruth, of Indianapolis, was on the platform, surrounded by a number of preachers and elders shouting at tbe tops of their voices. .near toe piauorm wereanumoer oi men ana women crying and yelling. A strange sighs was a woman of middle aee prostrate on her back in one of the aisles; while around tha chapel were a number of men and women, clapping their hands and kissing tha new re cruits. All manner of diseases are guaranteed to ba cured, provided the person joins tha army of the saints. Each visitor as be enters tae ball is accosted by an elder who asks him if ha is seeking salvation. Oa elder said last night that he believed there was no salvation for reporters." Samuel Chavez, a very bright boy of 15 years; eldest son ox Carplo Chaves, a wealthy Mexican, residing at Piraje, N, M, was out with bis father's sheep in the Saa; Mateo Mountains, and on Baturday the pack' bsxtos strayed away, and the man la charge of tS herd went to look for them, Hfe returned withont them, and Sunday the boy Kartadj alter me Durroswnue ui man cnaBgeaiiafl, -?, camp, tiecoannueainesearcnmonaaymarn lag, and when it commenced snowing tb boy started for the new camp, but became ex hausted and bewildered, and was compelled ta if iinwi When- th. aaarehlnp nartr fotrad Ki. TXTMAimA9 mnralnp hn waa mnra rtmtiWi than alive from cold and hunger, having eaten iX nothing for four days. The boy is now-at hlarij large Mexican dog, who led him over the best nith as lone-as tha nor could travel, then lav close to him until the storm abated some, and" tnen struca out in seaxcu tu auaaeoae ui xea CUS the boy. When the dog sighted the taea be was almost wild with delight, and led the' direct to the boy. TO PROVOKE A SMILE. What Jay Gould wonld raise if ha yraii In the horticultural Une-water-mlHIenis.-Drs'! Magazine. , Lr The vegetarians may say what theyj please, bat Adam was fond of spare ribs.jjjt J?rakt't Magazine. "The party left in a jocund trama mkJ mind, ' remarked Mr. T angle. MK "Why I thought they went in a spring wgoa,jl replied Mrs. T.Jrakt't Magazine. , 3 Not Her Fault. "What an emgM ysjl are, NeUI" Why'" "I sever know how to take you." Ofou'venever tried. "Xl. A Sinecure. "I hear that.Bronsea Js svl regular soft snap la the Government employ;! Yet. His position Is all cake-he's a detestfwl In the mint." l$tm Then It can't be cake It must bamlnt-sfTj'CM Heto XoTk Commercial Adxertieer. '-i-mBtt Not Out "Ho you remember Mt?aw fully smart boy you used to hare layorosj "Oh, yes." "How did he come outi' "lie has' t come out. Be got 30 years ', Sing." Iftw York Commercial AdvtrtUtr.-' Their Favorite Songs. Corporal TaB2H Out in the Cold World." . Elliott F. Shepard-"And Every DayinUBl Sunday. Over There"." ','$& Susan B. Anthony "Believe Me If AllTaoaal Endearing Young Charms." SMMM HI U Chicago "Blow, Ye Winds of the Mornisf jl mow, mow, mowi" Jafl The 8ar Trait-'ln the Sweet Bay sad wJUJ Cornelius Yanderbllt-"l've Fifteen Dollars fil My Inside Pocket." Life. TtTUA EEPIAHJS. , "How hapless it, Julia that ring QsvytjatJ anger That costly and elegant new solitaire? And why In the parlor so long did you llsgerj Last evening? I thought yen aetettes. Blairi" s? "Why tait'i what I told tha aerrtdyaMCMZI . . mr. Si .SfcMJaHvaaabluihedtothe raattof W) litim IMnnU'alUtniinh,u . . n aektOMiM ffreat deal-ofi-a .v ' . -2"ii , ' - .. e. r