?,'" rj- LOCAL LITE STOCK. -' Leading Features of ffarkW at tho East Liberty Yards. TIDI BUTCHER CATTLE ADVANCED. Light Eeceipts of Sheep and Lambs and Markets Stronger. HOGS DRIFTING DOWN EVERYWHERE orncE or PirrsBUKO dispatch, 1 WedsksdAT, November 15. VeSQ. j The run ot cattle on Monday was 110 loads against 130 loads the week before. In the receipts were 8 to 10 loads of very good stock from Ohio. One load ol steers run ning from 1,400 to 1,500 pounds, from Knot county, O., was nearer prime than anything received at these yards for months past. The price paid was $4 55. A few loads sold nt $4 25. A large proportion of the offer ings were coarse half-fatted stock weighing from 1,000 to .1,300 pounds, and this grade managed to hold up to last week's nrices, Owing; to the LIsbt Rnn. Nice tidy butcher cattle being very scarce were 10 to 15c higher than last week. There was a better Inquiry for good heavy feeders weighlnE LOCO to L200 pounds than for some weeks past, and prices were a shade higher; common stackers are hard to sell at old prices. Buyers were few. Joseph Myers was the only buyer of export cattle, and his demands were met by a half dozen loads at a range of ES a to 525. The fancy stock from Knox county, Ohio, was bought by Trauerman 4 McAuleyatH with a Tiew to retailing to our homo butchers. Prospects are, therefore, fair that better beef than usual will be on our stalls for the next wees. Taken Up Quickly. There was a good supply and demand for fresh cows. First-class milkers are in good de mand. Eastern buj ers are quick to take up anything desirable In this line. There has been ho Monday for a month or two past when cattle were so promptly taken as this week. Yards were well cleaned up early in the day, and haTe not for a lent: time been so bare as at this time. Much more smooth, tidy butch er stock than was offered would hare round ready sale at 10 to 15c better prices than they commanded last week. Sheep nod Lambs. Receipts were light and markets strong at an advance of 15c to 20c over last week's prices. Some dealers report the advance still greater. Last week shippers were forced to unload at a loss, prices being oft on account of heavy re ceipts and unfavorable reports frOm Eastern markets. The loss of last week has been more than recovered. Such Is life. A week ago markets were heavy and dull at reduced prices. Kow everything desirable is promptly taken at a sharp advance. Hoes In Good Snpply. Supplies were large fully 25 loads larger than at this time a week ago. Markets have ruled Blow, and the drift has been steadily toward a lower level. At Buffalo S4 was the outside price yesterday, and at Cincinnati 3 9a Here $4 10 was the outside rate. One of our leading pack ers received advices from Chicaeo this morning that receipts of hogs there were oveH0.000bead to-day, and an equal number yesterday. The bears have the innings in the nog markets at this date. McCall ofc Co.' Weekly Review. The supply of cattle has been only fair, mostly of an inferior grade, and the market ruled slow and a shade lower on common to medium, while good to prime cattle sold read ily at a shade higher prices. We eive the f ol lowing as ruling prices: Prime, 1,300 to 1,000 pounds, H 25t 50: good, 1,200 to 1,400 pounds, S3 50! 00; good butcher grades, 1,000 to 1,200 pounds, 53 103 60; rough fat, 1,100 to 1,300 pounds, S2 S)03 15; good feeders, 1.000 to 1,200 pounds, 3 003 30; common to fair feeders and stockers, weighing 700 to 950 pounds. S2 25 2 65; heifers and mixed lot. S2 0)412 50: bulls and fat cows, SI 502 50, few exports. S3 00 S 25; fresh cows and springers S25 VO&io 00 per head. The receipts of hogs on Monday were the heaviest of the season, and with a full supply to-day and the weather very bad, the market is dull at the following prices: All grades $3 90 i. The supply of sheep this week has been fair and the market slow at an advanco of 1015c pef 100 pounds over last week's prices. We quote as follows. Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, wplffhlnr here 110 to 120 pounds. H 75 5 00; good, 90 to 100 pounds. $4 40 1 65; fair to good mixed, 75 to SO pounds. IS 25S3 U0: jroi U uaai SO: fall fair to good, 50 to 60 pouhds, S3 50 ?ooa vearnnza. o 10 ou iwqqub, l 00: good lambs. S5 006 00; veal calves. 110 to 120 pounds, 55 00b 2o; heavy calves, 2 00 68 25. Br Tclecrnpb. New York Beeves Receipts. 60 carloads for the market, 40 carloads for exporta tion and 20 carloads for city slaugh terers direct; prime steers were scarce and sold at former prices: lower grades more than plenty and dull at a decline equal to 10 cents per 100 pounds, and a full clearance was not possible: native steer sold at $3 25J 75 per 100 pounds; bulls and dry cows at 81 bo2 7a. Calves Re ceipts. 900 head; market a trade easier for all korts, but nearly all sold. Including Teals, at $5 007 75 per 100 pounds: graseers and West ern calves at 2 256 00. Sheep Receipts, 12, 200 head; market reported steady for sheep at S3 5o5 25 per 100 pounds, but extremely dull and c per pound low?r for lambs, with sales at $4 Loj6 30 per 100 pounds; a few picked small lots come to $6 606 62. flogs Receipts, 13,200 bead: no sales on the live weight before 'Change; dull feeling; nominal value $4 00 4 40 per 100 pounds. Chicago The Droter' Journal reports: Cattle Receipts. 16.000 bead; shipments, 2000 head; market duU, and 10 cents lower; cholre to extra beeves, $4 o0ffi5 10; steers, $3 00Q3 40; stockers and feeders, SI 80J53 00; bulls and mixed, $1 2002 70: Texas cattle. SI 502 SO; Western ranees $2 003 40. Hogs Receipts, SS.000 head: shipments, 5.000 bead; market act ive and 5c loner; mixed, S3703 95: heavy, $3 65 6390;light,S370400:skips.S320g3SO. Sheep Receipts, 8.000 bead: shipments. 1.000 bean; market steady; natives. 12 755 20; western, 3 SOQi 15; Texans, S3 251 10; lambs, 4 506 6 71 ST. Loins Cattle Receipts, 3,800 head; shipments, 200 bead; market steady; choice heavy native steers, $4 204 90; iair to rood, do, S3 SS064 25: stockers and feeders, $1 00 2 90; ranee steers, 2 003 CO. Hogs Re ceipts, 10,300 head: shipments, 900 hend; mar ket lower; fair to choice heavy, 53 5o3 70; packing grades, S3 6003 SO; light, fair to best, $3 703 95, Sheep Receipts, SO0 head; ship ments, 8,000 head: market firm; fair to choice. (3 254 60. Kansas Crrv Cattle Receipts, 7.071 head: shipments. 474 bead: market weak; medium cattle lOffiZOc lower; native beeves. S3 004 65; cows, SI 4USJ2 25; stockers and feeders. $2 20 3 00: Texans, Jl 152 6a Hoes Receipts. 12, 224 head; shipments, 900 head; market 510c lower: rood to choice llcht. S3 TiURS 87VC: heavy and mixed. S3 fo3 75. Sheep Re ceipts, 1,076 bead; shipments, 2,301 head; mar ket steady: good to choice muttons, S3 704 95: stockers and feeders, 82 55S8 60. Cincinnati Hogs lower; common and light, (3 003 75: packing and butchers. S3 65 3 85. Receipts, 12,350 head; shipments, 4,000 head. Hvftxlo Cattle slow, weak and irregular; receipts 85 loads through; 6 Kale. Hogs slow and little doing; receipts, 21 loads through; 42 sale. Dryaooda. New York. November 18. Rainy weather again restricted business in drygoods, but orders by mail for next season's fabrics were of Rood proportions. White goods are pretty well cold up and the season's production of fine wash novelties, fancy seersuckers, fine satins is practically sold, and some woolen dressgoods are largely under the control of orders. The demand for staple goods was moderate and irrezular. but the market tends to Increased firmness in cotton goods. Popular makes of H1UG luccuufcs .w wiu iu uiAiim vi yruuuD'i tion. Heavy yarn cottons are decidedly firmer,1 Metal Market. New roBJt Pig Iron firmer and active. , Copper strong: lake, November, S12 75. Lead jftqnfet and Weaken domestic, S3 82)4 Tin "cull and heavy; straits. S21 9a This Morning We drop onr bargain knife and cut the, price of onr men'a imported Scbnabel's' chinchilla overcoatsfrom 2 to $12; $12 to day. They come in three shades bine, black and brown many of them bound, and we guarantee them first-class garments. P. C. O. C., cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Quench your thirst with F. & V.'s Pittsburg beer. -There's not a headache in a barrel of it Telephone 1186. MABEETSBY TOR , Bullish Ketrs at Home and Abroad Booms All tfao Cereals-Pork -Decline! hud Recovers Closing Si en dr. CHICAGO Trading was more active to-day, ahd there was more life afa& animation to the market The feeling developed was bullish, and the short interest manifested more inclina tion to cover than has characterised their operations for some days. There was strong buying for May from the start, on the theory that tho premium between December and May would widen out again, and the market showed less appearance of manipulation in December, as noted by the widening of the premium from SJcto3K32go instead of coming close to gether. The shortage for May is considered a large one, and operators were rather more in clined to cover, Judging from the action of the market to-diy. Many traders predict a sti'J further widening out between tho December and May futures. The Northwest was reported is having sold on big receipts, but there evidently waSa Change of sentiment in tho local crowd. This was influenced some by the reported shortage as noted yesterday in the Russian crops. European markets, too, were quoted steady, With the tone of private cables, if anything, a little more encouraging to holders. It was re ported that export bids from the other side had been advanced 161K6 per bushel for Duluth wheat over the bids of the previous day. Re ceipts in the Northwest continue liberal. The market opehed strong and KKC higher than yesterday's closing, advanced llKe for both December and Mav, and closed lo hlcher for December ahd IQIKc higher for May than yes terday. The market just before the close de veloped a llttlo more strength in December than In May. Corn A moderate trade was reported within a range of Xc, and the feeling developed was quite firm. There was no outside news of importance received that had any apparent ef fect on values, which were governed almost ex clusively by local influence, the chief of which was the fair purchases Of November, Decem ber and May by a prominent Speculator. The speculative market opened at about the closing prices of yesterday, was firm and gradually ad vanced Ko. showing the most strength, eased off a little, ruled firmer and closed J Jc higher than yesterday. Oats were fairly active and stronger, and a higher range of prices was recorded. Outside prices were fairly maintained at the close. The advance of Jfc was due to the receipts be ing below estimates. Tho selling was mainly by two large operators, but they were unable to prevent the advance. In mess pork trading was fair and prices averaged lower. A reduction of 67Kc was submitted to early, hut during the latter part of the session a steadier feeling prevailed ana tbedeeil e was recovered. In lard not much interest was manifested, and the feeling was easier. Prices rnled about 2)ic lower, and the market closed quiet. In short rib sides there was a little more life manifested and tiading u as more active, though chiefly tot January delivery. Prices ruled 2 5c lower, and the market closed steady at tue reduction. The leading futures ranged as follows) Whbat-No. 2. December. 80KS2SOK 81Hc; year, 61c; Januan, 8181Ji&80j681?ic; way. M4BBaMBHiB5oc (JOEK JN 0,2, December, si JITtll, IW-Tgl-, JOUUiLtlt 7S4WA nnv VTCA lnnP 'il 1tsi 113, May, 33Xe3ie33e33C Oats No. 2. December. 20g20K2020c; January. 20K20Ke20KQ20Mc; May. 22.E.J 22X22Jc. Mess PobK, per but Year, 59 2069 32K 9 209 S2K; January. S9 37M9 42U9 359 40; May, 19 7U9 759 67K9 76. Labd. per 100 lbs. Year, S5 S5S5 S5; Janu ary. 5 8565 87K5 855 b7K: May. SS 05 6 07K6 05S6 07J Bbobt RIBS, per 100 Bs. Year, $4 S04 85 4 804 85; January. S4 82 b24 S7 4 60: May, $4 8K6 0064 97K&5 00. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm and unchanged. No. 2 Spring wheat SOJic: No. 8 spring wheat 61gB2c; No. 2 red. SOgtlc: No. 2 corn. 33Kc No. 2 oats. 20Ug20?gc; No. 2 rye. 44K45e.No.2 batley, 58c. NnJ flaxseed, Sl34Ht35. Prime tlniotny seed, 81 17. Mess pork, per bbk S9 o09 60. Lard, per 100 lbs, 50 00. Short ribs sides (loose), $5 2o& 5 00. Dry salted Shoulders rboxed), S4 37K 4 5a Short clear Sides (boxed). 55 505 61k. Sugars Cut loaf, 6c; granulated, 7c; stand ard "A" "c Receipts Flour, 82.000 barrels; wheat 131.000 bushels: corn. 127.000 bushels; oats, 91,000 bushels: rye, 16.000 bushels; barley. ga.000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 29,000 bar rels; wheat 98,000 bushels: corn. 133,000 bu'bels; oats. 93,000 bushels; rye, 7,000 bushels; barley, 54000 bushels. On the produce exchange to-day the butter market was steady and unchanged. Eggs, 19 20c Nifw Yor Flour held firm. Corameal dull. Wheat Spot moderately active and fie higher; options moderately active, firm and c up. Rye strone; Western at6355c Barley dulk Barley malt quiet Corn Spot firm and mod erately active and scarce; options moderately active and stronger. Oats Spot active and higher; options more active ana stronger. Hops dulk Coffee Options steady and un changed to 10 points up, closed firm at 2030 Eointsup; sales, 52,500 bags, including Novem er, 15,05c; December, 15.00615.10c; Janu ary, 15.0015.15; February. 15J0c; March, 14.9515.15c; April. 15.00c; May, 15.0015.20; June, 15c: July, 14.8515c: August 14.75c: Sep tember. 14.60c: spot Rio firm and fairly active; fair cargoes, 19c Bugar Raw firm and in better demand; sales, 10,000 bass; 600 bags cen trifugal. 96 test 5c; 86 hogsheads and 11,800 bags molasses, 87 test Xc refined firm and active. Molasses New Orleans steady. Cot tonseed Oil easy, dull; yellow, 35c Tallow easy; city (2 for packages), 4 7-lCc Turpentine dull. Eegs quiet and steady at 15917c; receipts, 5,4.3 packages. Pork firmer; mess Inspected, SU 25 gll 50; do, uninspected, Sll 00. Cdtmeats steady: pickled shoulders, 65 CO; middles steady. Lard easier, dull: sales, western steam, SO 45; November, S6 35askea: December, S6 27 asked; January. $6 27 asked; February, $6 SO, closing at $0 31 asked; March, 6 36 asked. Butter quiet and unchanged. Cheese quiet and steady. ST. Louis Flour firm. Wheat higher, and that too. In the face of liberal receipts here and in the Northwest; No. 2 red, cash, 7S5 78c; December 7980c closing at79Kc asked; May, 83384c closing at 84c bid. Corn firm and bisber; No. 2 mixed, casu, ZlKi1lc; November, 810 bid: December, 29c asked; Janu ary, 28c; Mav. 30K30c bid. Oats higher: No. 2 cash. 9194c bid; Januarv, 19Kc bid; May, 22Kc Rye firm, but no sales reported. Barley Nothing done. Flaxseed higher, at 51 28. Provisions quiet and unchanged, with very little business. CUtCINNATI Flour quiet Wheat stronger No. 2 red, 78c; receipts, 200 bushels; shipments.' 1,600 bushels. Corn stronger; No. 2 mixed. 38c. Oats firmer; No. 2 mixed 23c Rye in good demand: No. 2, 45647c Pork dull atS9 75 10 oa Lard easier at So VM. Bulkmeats ne glected; short ribs, S5 6a Bacon easier; short clear, S7 Oa Butter firm. Sugar firm. Eees firm at 19$20c Cheese barely steady. MrtWAtTKEE Flour duU. Wheat firm- cash and December, 74c; No. 1 Northern. 81Vic Corn firm: No. 3 old. 33K34c Oats firm: No 2 white. 23HS24C Rye Arm; 4bc bid. Barley easier: Nn. 'j, in store, 51Jc Provisions firmer Pork. S9 65. Lard, $5 80. Cheese steady; Ched dars, 9g9Xc ' " Baltimobe Provisions steady. Butter firm; creamery, 2425c Eggs firm; western" 25c Coffee quiet; Rto cargoes fair at 19ji Toledo Cloverseed firm and hltrher; mo. and November, S3 67K; December, S3 75; Jan uary, S3 fcU COAL ALL M0TED DOWN-STBEAM". There 1 but Little Coal Yet Remaining for Shlpmrnt, Nearly all the coal has gone ont of the Pittibnrg harbor. John A. Wood & Co. have shipped all their coal. Joseph Wal ton & Co. have a little left to ship. The tows which went out Sunday and Monday have been generally reported to be making good progress down the river. A few accidents but no serious ones, have occurred. The Ben "Wood grounded two barges on Raccoon bar, 30 miles dowq. bat with the assistance of tne B. D. Wood the barges were hauled off yesterday morning. The heavy fogs which have hung over the river for some time have delayed vessels somewhat, and almost entirely prevented navigation by night The Hudson, of the .Cincinnati Packet Line, wag so delayed by 'fog that it did not arrive until late yesterday aiternooHj more than ten hours late. The rain of yesterday was reported to be general, and a rise is expected to-day. The river yesterday was over 7 feet At least 9 ieet are expected to-day. An Old Man Dies Saddealy. Peter Demuth, aged 65 years of age, dropped dead about 7 o'clock yesterday .morning on Spring Garden avenue, Alle gheny. He was a street repairer and was on his way to work, when death overtook him. He was a resident of the Seventh ward. The test oi half a century proves the un rivaled Or. Bull's Cough Syrup the best. Quench your thirst with F. & V.'s 'Pittsburg beer. There's not a headache in a.barrelofit Telephone 1180, WITHELP TRAFFIC. it i Monongafiela Conneclisg Railroad to be. Extended to Braddocn", INSURING LIVELY COMPETITION. Bight of tCar Obtained in Glenwood, and a Large foundry to be Built. AN IMPORTANT IXSUBANCE DECISION Brief mention has been made in TflE Dis patch of the extension of the Uononga hela Connecting Bailroad to Glenwood, in regard to which additional information was obtained yesterday. Although the road has been laid out only as far as Glenwood, that it not its objective point. It is the in tention to extend it to Braddock. The road starts at Laughlin's furnaces, and extends down the river as far as Boho and up to Frankstown, connecting With the Linden Bteel Works, lioorhead, McLean A Co.'s works, Pennsylvania Tube Works and the works of the Elba Iron and Bolt Company, giving these establishments switching facilities with the Lake Erie, Pennsylvania, Baltimore and Ohio and Junction Kailroads. It is in th6 fullest sense a common carrier for those railroad systems. Heretofore the great Iron plants on the north side of the Monongahela have Men lim ited to one railroad which, in the absence of competition, had It in its power to make its owfi rates. The Connecting road will not only afford a healthful and necessary competition, but greatly increase the facilities for Shipment, and stimulate industry in a district which has always labored under the disadvantages inci dent to oppressive railroad charges. Tho recent purchase by Mr. Laughlin of about sir acres in Glenwood was with a view to seenring the right of way for the Connecting Railroad at that place. Ground not needed for the road will be sold. This purchase will bring manufacturing sites at Glenwood into active demand, as It will insure & much-desired addi tion to the shipping facilities of the place, and Consequently competitive rates, the want of which has kept that section of the city in the background. That the new road will stimulate industry may be Seen In the fact that a large manufacturing site adjoining the old Glenwood Steel Works was sold a few days ago to a gen tleman who will bnild a f onndry on it at Once. This will be a valuable addition to the Indus tries of the Twenty-third Ward. It is thought there will be no great difficulty. In securing the right ot way to Braddock by purchase or otherwise. A decision of some interest to those inter ested in co-operative or mutual benefit insur ance companies has just been rendered by the general term of the New York Supreme Court (Fifth Judicial Department) in the case of Bhay versus National Benefit Society. It ap peared that the plaintiffs husband fire years ago took ont a policy ot insurance on his life in the defendant company for 310,000. He paid his dues and assessment promptly until Sep tember, 1888, Wh&h be failed to pay an assess ment after due notification within the time prescribed by the contract of insurance. The defendant company, however, in common with other similar companies, permitted the issue of a second official notice to members "In lapse," advising delinquent members that If they Would pay arrears within 30 days after default they would be reinstated to membership, though providing that the company shontd not be liable to the delinquent or any beneficiary named in a policy for any claim to benefits that may have accrued while he was In lapse. A second notice of this kind was received by the plaintiffs husband, and payment bf arrears was made to the company after he had been taken sick with the disease of which he died. The company refused to pay the policy on the ground that the last payment was made by the defendant with full knowledge of the excep tional risk he was Imposing on the company, and that he was guilty of fraud, which inval idated the policy. The trial court however, held that the effect of the company's second notice was to extend the period of insurance 30 days without regard to the delinquent's phys ical condition, and that payment of the arrears within the time specified would bind the com pany, even it made b? the beneficiary after the defendant's death. This judgment has jnst been affirmed by the general term of the Supreme Court The Commissioner of the General Land Office recently rendered a decision ih the ease of Mary Barr, formerly Wasson, a resident of the Mitchell, Dakota, land district This is one Of the most unique land cases on record. It ap pears from the testimony that in July. 1SS2, Mrs. Barr, then a resident of the State of Iowa, went to Dakota on a visit and while there took up 80 acres adjoining a tract then recently en tered by Michael Barr. She purchased a house and had it moved on her claim, broke one acre and made other improvements. At that time, sht Says in her testimony she had no intention of marrying Mf. Barr, but later they married, when they moved their houses up close to gether on the line and Bodded them up all around on the outside, making One house; that they were then married; that Barr put his bed store, table, etc, In his house and she put her bed, stove, table, etc, in hers; that there is no means of communication between the two dif ferent parts of the house except by going out side,' each having an outside door; that she acted in good faith in making the entry, not knowing Michael Barr at the time, and having no understanding with the Barr family; that she complied with the homstead law fully. Mrs. Barr's claim is rejected on the ground that a husband and wife cannot maintain separate residences at the same time, and In the same house, so that each, by virtno of such residence, may perfect an entry under the homestead law. It is said that there are. a num ber of cases in the general land office similar in all important respects to the case of Mrs. Barr. BEABISH WEATHER Bescti a Kindred Feeling Amass; Local Stock Traders. The weather was bearish yesterday, and So were the stockbrokers. Sales at both calls were 43 shares. Electric, Philadelphia Gas and Central Traction were the only active stocks. Philadelphia Gas was the only thing 'that Ecored an advance. Electric and Central Trac tion were lractionally lower. There was no pressure to buy or sell, and, with the single ex ception noted, the tendency was downward. Bids, offers and sales follow: MOBXIXG. Bid. Asked, nttr Ravines Banc SO .... ArrxBKOoir. , Ills. Asted. City Deposit Bank 59 hlfin Avenne Hink.... .... 46 Keystone U'kofFltts. 65 Lawrence Bank 60 Masonic Bank 61 .... M.AM. Sat Bank.... KIM .... Mechanics Mat. Bank. 10S Allemannla Ins Co.... 45 .... Birmingham Ins 40 .... City Insurance SS .... Citizens' Insurance.... 37 S9 Humboldt imurance.i 43 60 Man. Sler. Ins 43 .... Tentonla ln. Uo W Allegheny Heating Co. 100 108 BrlcUewater Uas 29 Cbarilers Val. GasCd CO People's N. U. ft I'.Co l'enna. GasCo. Philadelphia Co ,. Wheeling Uu Co Central Traction SiH U Citizens' Traction 69V& 70X Fitts. Traction Pleasant Valley 21 .... i Pitts., A. & Man S3 .... P. C. ASt. 1. 18 .... Wtts. Western B. K. MX .... r.& W.K.U.CO. prer.. j aK North. Mb. Bridge.... 80 .... Point llrldee 34 .... Point Bridge plu 18 .... Union Bridge ; ... La Norla Mining Co... H X rank Girl Mining... , t ..., Westinghonse Electric 60 60Jf Union Storage Co.... . .... 75 U. S. Slg. Co 19 .... 60 2SX 15 14 28 84 S3 "X 1 "so "MM iwS K Yestlnghouse A. xs.co. The onlv sale at the first call was thai of 10 shares of Central Traction at S3H. At tho last call 5 shares of Electric brougnt 60 and 30 Philadelphia Gas 32. ALTOGETHER K0UTINE. Bad Weather Makes ItielfFelt at tbol.ocnl Financial Center. Business at the banks yesterday was almost entirely of a routine order, but was of good volume considering the disagreeable state of the weather. The exchanees were (2,437,693 93. and the balances S16G,8G2 44. j Money on call at New York. yesterday was h THE' HTTSBtmG 'DISPATCH, ' v 'T!HfmSDA,T tOYEMBEx"llf 1889 easy, ranging from 4 to 6, last loan i. cldsed offered'at 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper bUSi'ii. Sterling exchango quiet aniVateady at H WH f or W-toy bills and & 8ii for demand. CIostliEBond Quotations. TJ. B. J,re- 1J7 V. H.4. coup... 117 U.S.4XS.M JMH O. S. 4HS, conp.... 103H Pacified of '... .... II IH Loulslanaatampeills 89 Missouri 61.... 101M Tenn. new set 6s... lttlX Tenn. newset H....1011I Tenn. newset.ts.... IVi rtanaril HA. 2dl...... S7 M.lf.4T.Gen.M,60 Mutual Union J.... 997, N.J. O.lnt Cert... 113 Northern Pae. UU..U3H Northern Pc.2d..H0 Northw't'n consols.142 Northw'h deben'f..lllK flrxrnn A TranS. 64.103 8tL.4EM.Gen.6lMX St.U&H.I'.Gen.itlJS at. pauieomou -.; St. PL CMAPe.l.t20 Cen. Paciflo.lt. ... .1141 Den. A It. y.i 1IU...US Den. R.Gi4s 78 l).4K.Q.Wei,lt3. 99X Erie, Ms IM Tx.,Pe.li.O.TrBj.2 Tx., PC It G.'lT.Bett 17 union rac. w......".i Weit Shore .....lto 11. k.. 4T.Qen.es.. 67 Government and State bonds continue firm and dull. Ssw i-OBX-Clearrogs, $131,433,429; balances, Ul,Ko. Boston - Clearings, 117.822,510; balances, SL798.7S5. Moneyatipercent . , PrrttADSxrHiA-Clearlngs, $12,619,968; bal. ances SU4J.34L. BAT,TinoB-Clearlng8, $2,322,466; balances. $397,783. LoNbotf-The amount of bullion cone Into the Bank of England on balance to-day Is 23,000. Br silver, 43 11-163 per ounce. Pabis Throe per cent rent, 87f Sac for the account , GtllOAGO-Bauk clearings were $11,G09,000. New York exchange, 2330c discount. Rates for money remain at 0 per cent for call ana 7 8 per cent for time. . . Br. Loms-Clearings, $3,319,433; balances, $023,941. The total Sales of stocks at New York yester day were 275,030 shares, including Atchison, 81.470; Delaware, LacKawanna ahd Western, 6,516; Erie, 6,010) Lake Shore, 2,020; Louisville and Nashville, 17,700; Missouri Pacific. 6,200; Northern Pacific, preferred. 6,814; Read.ng, 23,220! Richmond and West Point, 16,003; tit. Paul, 33,850; Union. 9,100. OIL GOES TO. The Slippery Stuff Boomed a Little by Covering of Shorts. The Oil marketwaa dull yesterday until about 2:1?, when the bulk of the day's business was done amid considerable excitement The mar ket opened weak at $1 0 and continued in the rut until late in the afternoon. It then tookatackandsoldup to $10 but weak ened off and sold back to $1 08. On covering by shorts it rallied and advanced to $1 UK. and closed at $1 11 bid. Pittsburg was the highest point all day. A broker remarked: "From a careful perusal of the statistical Conditions, 'I feel confident in saying that oil is the best speculative commod ity on tho market At the present rate ot de crease of stocks within 12 months tbere will not bs a barrel of oil above ground, unless new sources of supply are discovered, of which there Is no present probability." Features of tho Murker. Corrected dally by John M. Oasiey fc Co., 45 Sixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened KM Lowest 108)4 Highest UIHlUoied Ill Barrels. Average runs 48,021 Average shipments...., 76,892 Average charters. -. IS, 830 Iteflned, Mew York. J. 15c Keflned, London, SKI. Refined, Antwerp, 1Xf. Kenned, Liverpool, e 1-lJd. Refined, Bremen, 7.20o. A. B. McGrevr & Co. quote: Puts, $1 09; calls, $1 14. . Other Oil Markets. Orx, Orrr. November 13. Opened at $1 0&V; highest $1 11; lowest, $1 0 closed, $1 101 Bradford, November IB. Opened at SI 0S; closed at $110; highest, 5110; lowest $1 0&. Tmjsvfi.LE, Novemberll-Opened at$l OSji; highest $1 10; lowest $1 OS; closed at NkwYobk, November IS. Petroleum opened at 108 and remained quiet at about that figure till the last hour, when hnvinr- liv Standard Oil brokers caused a sharp advance on which the market closed strong at 110. Stock Exchange Opening, $1 0S3ft highest $1 10; lowest, f 1 07: closlnc, SI 10. Consolidated Exchange Open ing, $1 083$ highest $1 10K; lowest, $1 07; closing, JllOH. Sales, S66,o8 barrels. LIKE HOT cakes. Many Important Denis Indicate Great Activity la Real Estate. Dixon & Co., 112 Fonrth avenue, sold for Charles A. McClelland to Catharine Himes, a six-roomed brick house, being No. 326 Locust street Pittsburg, for $2,300; also for Catharine Himes to Isabella Holmes, a four-roomed brick house. No. 4 Quince alley, for $1,250. They also placed A mortgage of $1,200 on Pride Street property and one of 11,500 on Fourteenth ward property, both at 6 per oent Thomas McCaffrey, 3309 Butler street Sold for the People's Savings Bank to Mrs.Hainmer, ft property on Penn avenue, near Main street, lot 40x100 feet, hating erected thereon a two story frame house of seven rooms, for $3,000. Charles SomerS 6 Co., 313 Wood street, sold for Charles Goettmanh to 3. lx Ross, a fine residence property on Amandastreet Biushton Station, Pennsylvania Railroad, consisting of two-story and attic Queen Anne house, with lot 80x100. for a price approximating $6,000. W. A Herron A Sons sold two acres of land in Hazeiwood, Twenty-third ward, with a frame house of seven rooms, near Second avenue electric line and ten minutes' Of Haxelwood sta tion, for $4,100 casb. J. C. Reilly, 77 Diamond street sold for the Thomas Livingston heirs to J. H. Nleman, the Wvlle avenue confectioner, a lot on Webster avenue, near Logan street, 24x100, with a two story brick dwelling, fronting on Wilson street, for $3,900 cash. Samuel W. Black ACo.. 99 Fourth avenue, sold four more lots in the Blair estate. Twenty third ward, on Lytle street, between Elizabeth and Courtland streets; size 25x110, for $2,000. McCune Coulter closed the sale of a lot in tho Pittsbure Bank for Savings "Orchard Plan," at Wilkinsburc, to Dr. Norcross, of the Pittsbure Female College, for $2,5001 Black A Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to Joshua Nuttallalot having a frontage of 70 feet onAtwood street and extending back a distance of 70 feet, for 3,150 cast. James W. Drape & Company closed the sale of a lot about 24x100 on the Soutbslde, with common improvements, for $1,750 cash; also sold an interest in a house and lot on Harrison street city, tor $2,600 Cash, and placed a mort gage of JLOOO at 6 per cent on a house and lot in the East End. They have taken an option on a large property of the value Of $40,100 for a corporation. They closed the sale of a house and two lots in the East End and city at 12,650 and placed two mortgages in the city, $1,700, at 6 per cent J. E. Glass. No. 1SS Fifth avenue, placed a mortgage of $1,600 for three years at 6 per cent on a property on Atwood street Oakland. Reedfl. Coylo & Co, 131 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage of 81,600 on Oakland prop erty for threo years at 6 per cent " Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage for 5,000 for five years at 4 per cent, free of State tax, on a two-story and mansard brick dwelling on Fifth avenue, near Jumonville street city. EAIDEES AT W0EK. Ballrond Share Open Strone, bat Close Weak at Bottom Prices The Traits Come Forward as a Disturbing Element In the Market. New Yoek, November 13. The stock market jras weaker again to-day, and the trusts came into prominence onCo more, furnishing an ele ment of disturbance whereby the general list was depressed with further, losses. There was little change in the temper of the market this morning, and nono was of a character to affect values. The bullish feeling, with a covering of shorts, led to a strong opening, first prices being generally from to per cent higher than last evening's figures. The Improvement was met bv renewed weakness In Cotton Oil. which was sold heavily by operators who had Information, which they considered trustworthy, reflecting upon the reports of the business done by the trust, and that the profits reported were much smaller than they were said to be. This Information was met by denials from inside parties, who said that the trust had met with no new obstacles, and was in a pros perous condition, lhe selling continued, how ever, and an extreme decline of over 3 per cent was scored in the stock, while the other trusts sympathized to some extent, all being lower, and lead still remained active. Atchison halt ed in Its upward course, and was sold on the opposition developed among the English bond holders to the plan of reorganization. The story was not good, bnt a repetition of advices received sometime ago, and the stock remained quiet though it ran off about 1 per cent This weakness affected-Missouri Pacific and Bur lington to a limited extent as likely to suffer in case of Atchison going Into the hands of a receiver, The other Grangers, and especially St Paul and Northwestern, were strong, the report coming from Chicago that soma of the large operators at that center were again ranged on the bull 6lde. Louisville and Nashville was also a strong feature, and among the specialties Ontario and Western on the expectation of a reduction in Its capital stock continued strone within nar row limits on a large buines3 for that stock. Richmond ana West Point was less active, the baying supposed to be for the purpose of con trol at thetnext meeting. The afternoon saw some improvement in the list, though Jfcwas confined to fractional amounts outside of Tennessee Coal. The raid was continued In the last few minutes of business, however, and the market finally closed aotlve and weak at about the lowest prices of the day. Almost' everything traded in Is loWet to night Cotton oil is down 2, Sugar Uf.ChicaKO GaKiAtch1 Son IU and Jersey Central 1 per cent Railroad bonds, were quiet and irregular, but were strong in the forenoon, weakening In sympathy with stocks later In the day, and the Kansas and Texas Issues, the Toledo, An Ar bor and North Michigan, and some others which scored advances in the forenoon lost all of the improvement toward the close. The Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe bonds were weaker on the opposition to the Atchison plan. The PotVt financial article says! The sud den activity In Richmond Terminal grows out of a coming struggle for control at the next election, when there is likely to be another en deavor to make a revolution in the administra tion of the property. The dissatisfaction of some of tho largest stockholders of the Rich mond Terminal OompanyJs expressed to the effect that the present 'administration has failed to compel a harmonious and at the same time an economic management of the running arrangements between the three great properties controlled by the Ter minal Company, viz.! the Richmond and Danville, the East Tennessee and tne Central of Georsia; that there is a prevailing policy on the part of the several companies to carry freights over circuitous routes in order to make a show of large gross earnings instead of oy more direct routes that would be available if the lines were operated as a unit controlled by the Terminal Company rather than of three different systems. The dissatisfied party represent at least one third of the capital stock, and, it is understood, will endeavor to elect Mr. Calvin S. Brice to the Presidency. Incidentally, It may also be Stated that Mr. George H. Scott has declined to continue as President of the Richmond and Danville, though ho will probably be Intimate ly connected with the management T&e following table snows tne prices eraetive stock! oa the New York Stock Excnange yester day. Corrected dally for Tub Dispatch by Whitney &, BtefiibhSOK. oldest Pltubnrg mem bers ofHew If ore BtocK Kxcnange. 47 Fourth ave nue: Cloj- r Id. Am. cotton Oil , 33)5 AtCn... Top. AS. r... SJM Canadian Pacific n.t. "2M Canada Southern " Central of flew Jeriey.U7 Central Paelflu i Chesapeake A Ohio,,.. 25 0.. iiur. Jt QdlLer. ....106 C. Mil. ft st falll.... OM C.. JIJil.ASt. P.. pr...iK 0., KacitL r SIX a, St L. A Pitts c, st l. &ritts. or.. 39 C. St. PM. &U....I. .... C. bt.P.,M.&0.ipf. ,. C.4 -V0ftnwestern..,..llJ4 0.4 .Northwestern, pr. .... C., C C. & 1 isa c, c. o.4i., pr Col. Coal ft Iron.,,.... Jljf Col. ft Hoctlng Vl .) 20 Del.. L. &V, IU Del. ft Hudson DenverftKlo O i.i. Dearer Bio tt st... .... E.T.. Va.ftOa.. ..,.. 10)4 K. T Va. a Oa. 1st pf. ... K-T.t Va.ftUa.Zdpr. 23 Illinois central. Lake Erie ft Western.. UH Lake Krie ft West pr,. C3' Late Bnoro S M. 3 lCTkt .LonlsvlneftMashvllle. bW Michigan central 31 iff ;w 3y 105 m 112 a 112 1 HM OS 31 H m 140 117 IS SO 10 73 22) T 61 KICK $ U 6Stj JMK 2IK 63 17 67 39 M U2 MX ioli 74 31K so Ml am 14)M 10)4 23H 185(1 64!4 1C7H 10 isk 63M 1MK 84 ii MODlleft Ohio. Ho.. Kan. ftTexas.., Missouri faelfic Hew If orx Central.... h. X.t L. K. W..... N.V..L.E. W.nrer. 10 m 63H 29H 23 !7 X. ., O. ft&t U UH 17 It. I., ti ft St L. pr.. 67 97 X.X., Cftbtlj.M W36 36 N. XftN.K ,... 44)f 44 1. ".. O. A W 20H 20)4 Norfolk ft Western,... 20 20)g Norfolk Vrestern.pf. S9 B9H Northern Pacltle 33 S3! Nortnern f aciac oref. 76H "i(H Ohio A Mississippi..... 23 23i Oregon Improvement Orccon Transeon...... M 3iJi acincMaU 33 33i feo. Wee. a Krana 17 67 36 437,! 19 29 m 22k t'4 20 20 xa IS 45 34 32 1M 40 18SJJ 24K 81V 1195s I4H S5 107 20 an .!& 34 33h, Fblladel. ft Keadlnc. K j. i uiiman jraiace car .... Richmond ft W. F. T.. 24if U liichmond ft W.P.T.pr 81 82 St P., Minn, ft Un..mA 120 St Xj. ft San Fran..,,. St li. ft San Iran pf. ,... St.ii. ft SanJf.lM pr. Texas' faelSo. i. ........ 20X 20 UnloaPaalflc...... C7K 68 Wftbmn 16H 17 Wabash preferred I1H 32k Wettem Union n HH WhrtlMfr ft h. ..., 63K 9M Sugar Trust... ......... 74H U1 National Lead Trntt. WH 10H Chicago Uas Trait.... M U 24 81 11954 20S4 B7 164 31)S 4H 69 73 Philadelphia Ntocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished hy Whitney ft Btepbenson, brokers. No. S7 Fourth avenue. Members Mew fork stock .Ex change. BM. Asked. Pennsylvania Bailroad t. ....... S7K C3K lteadlns , 2o 20K Bnttalo. Pittsburg and Western....! SS S Lehigh Valley 52 33 lrfhlsb Navigation S3 an Northern facile XIU KH Kortnern f aciao preferred. ......... 75M Kh Boaton Atoh. ft Ton., 1st 7. 116 A.AT, LandGr't7.IlIH Atoh.ftTop.lt B... 34K Boston ft Albany ...21S C, it. ..... ......106 Clnn. San. ft Cleve. 22 Eastern B. K 118V Flints rereM 22 Mexican Cen. com.. UK Mex.O.latmtK. bdS. UH S. X. 4 New En. .. 44J4 N. Y. ft H. E. 7S....127 OKd.ftLl Cham, com, 5 Old uolony 173 Butlanaeom Stock. Wis. Central, com... 23 AUoneaMKCo...!... V Calumet ft Hecla....233 franklin..! 15 Huron..,.,..;,,..,.., 2 Osceola. , 15, l'etrabls 5)f Qalncy. ............ 63 Bell Telepnone..- ..200 Boston lAnd ti Water Power SK Tamaraok 130 SanlMego 21 Santa Fe copper.... 73 Bnalaes Notea. The Diamond National Bank has Increased its rate of dividend to 10 per cent Application will soon' be made for the In corporation of thevlllagoof Wllmerding Into a borough. It seems Impossible for the stock traders to keep two or three things going at tho same time. When one bobs up tho rest bob down. Tbere is too much bear in the market The old Board of Directors of the Lawrence Bank has been re-elected as follows: W. W. Young, A. H. Ahlborn, James B. Young, T. B. Htewart, B. McMahon, J. C. Kirkpatrtck, Will iam Flaccus, George McKee and John Hoerr. Walteb D. UptoqrafFj J. M. TJptograff, C. C. Wolfe, Edwin E. Little and Allen Mat thews will apply for charters to supply light heat and power by means of electricity to the township of Leet, the boroughs of Bewickley and Osborno. Tue treasury receipts for OctoberapgTcgatcd $32,492,G07, an increase of $1,000,000 over Septem ber. The receipts for the fotir months since July 1 amounted to (132,029,004. The expendi tures for October amounted to S2),557.43S, an increase of 811,000,000 over September. The ex penditures for the four months were S12J,393 639, and the excess of receipts over expendi tures tor the four months, $7,000,000. IK explanation of the omission to call a meet ing of stockholders of the Pittsbure;, Allegheny and Manchester Bailwayto reorganize on the basis of an electric and traction line, Mr. George B. Hill said yesterday: "There has been no necessity to call a meeting of the stock holders. As soon as we are granted tho rights we ask from Allegheny Councils there will be meeting of tho stockholders called, and a full explanation of all matters made to them, but for the present I can seo no reason for such a meeting. Tbere Is no disposition, however, to keep from the stockholders anything done or intended to be donot when the time comes a meeting will be called. Rumor, accompanied with conslJerabe full ness of detail, was circulated on Fonrth ave nue yesterday, that the stock yards at Torrens were to he abolished, this being an improve ment on former stories of their removal! bnt It was subsequently denied by an official of the Pennsylvania Railroad, as will be seen by refer ence to the local columns of Tub Dispatch. In connection with this rumor Was another to the effect that the railroad shops at Torrens were to bo removed to Walls station next spring. This was also denied by the authority referred to. Rumors such as these, affecting large areas of real estate, should always be taken with salt To build upon them would be to imitate the foolish man who trusted to the sand for a foundation for his house. IiSTO INDIANA CODA'TI. The Bell's Gap Bond Changed to the Penn- ylTanlu and Northwestern. Passenger trains have now begun to run regularly on the Cash Creek branch Of the Cambria and Clearfield Bailroad. The branch runs from MeGee's Mills to Glen Campbell, the contractors are still work ing on the extension of the line from a point near Glen Campbell to Burnside. The road does hot yet connect with the Cambria and Clearfield, nlthoueh it belones to the Penn sylvania Railroad. It connects with the. Bell's Gap road at Lajoae bnd McGee s. It Is the intention to rnn It into Indiana county and open up the valuable lumber district in'that section. It is rumored that the Bell's Gap road will be called the Pennsylvania and North western after January 1. It is expected that the line will pass into the hands of the Pennsylvania Brilroad.. Company, Who are now in a wty operating it The road is said to be on a good paying basis, a&4 the Pennsy is interested in iWg j l Open- High- IiOW in inn. eiu est ill High- Low est est m 3i Soli 34 72 71ft MX U)fc 117 117 25 25V 106 IKJi m 112K r,h 87? DOMESTIC IfARKETS, Produce Markets Knocked OvA by Steady and HeaVy lains; PACKAGE C0FFEE"TE2JDS DPWAKD. Oats and Hay Dnlf Wheat and SteadyCorrf Very Firm. Flour ACTIVE DEMAND FOE OAK LTJM3EE ("toics ot PiTTSBUfltf Dispatch, ) Wednesday. November 13, 1889. J Conntry Produce Jobbing Prices. Heavy and continuous rains put a quietus on trade. Prices stand unchanged from our last report Dairy products aro quiet Eggs very firm at quotations, with difficulty securing an article strictly lresb. Potatoes ate easy, and choice apples fairly steady. Sweet potatoes are firm as quoted. BtjTTEE Creamery, Elgin, 282Sfc; Ohio do, 2526c; fresh dairy packed, 2224c; Country rolls, 2122c BEAxs-Navy hand-picked beans, S2 25Q2 30; medium, S3 102 20. Bkeswax: 28S30c $ & for choice; low grade, 18020a. UIDEB Sand refined, (6 fi07 60; common, S3 6001 00; crab cider. 8 0068 50 f) barrel) elder vinegar, 10i2c tt gallon. OnEStjttrrs 5 00Q5 SO bushel; walnuts, C070c jfl bushel. CHEESE-Ohio, Um: New YorK. UKc; Limburger, 9llot domestic Sweltzer, 116 lSKc; imported Hweitzer, 23c. Kggs-2321c f? dozen for strictly fresh M FHUHS-Atjples, fancy, K 002 60 y barrel, grapes. Concords, 40o a basket: Bartlett pears, $5 $ barrel; quinces, $l5 3) barrel; Cranber riet, Jersevs, J2 50 per bushel box; cape Cods' box, 27503 00; Malaga grapes, Urge barrel, 3AM-Squlrtels, tl ? dozen: quail, 3 So 4 SO fl dozen; prairie chickens. (3 60g4 SO $ dozen; pheasants, $3 6004 00 p dozent rabbits, 3033c a pair; venison saddle, 2022 jl pound; venison carcass, 1012c V pound. FeAtheiis Extra live geese, 5060cj No. L do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c V &. PouiriiT Chickens, old hens, 65070c; chick ens, large, younsr, S055o chickens, small, 3S 40c; ducks, E560c B pair; eeese, Jl OOSX 10 J pair; live turkeys, lOtgllc $ B. 8BED3 Clover, choice. 62fts to bushel, tS 00 6 2 ll bushel; clover, large English, (fills, $5 50; clover. Atsike, 18 00; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 43 Bs, Jl SO; blue grass, extra clean, 14 As, 90c; Dlue grass, fancy, 14 lis, tl 00; orchard crass, 14 9s. 81 (SS; red top. 14 tts. SI 25; millet SO Bs, 81 00; German millet, 80 Bs, Jl 60; Hungarian grass, 60 8.3, tl CO; lawn grass, mixture of tine grasses, J2 50 $ bushel of 14 Bs. Taucow Conntry, 4jc: !' rendered, 4Ji 65c. Tkopicai. Fntrrrs Lemons, common, ttta fl 00: fancy, $4 0C5 00: oranges, S4 S0S 00; lorida oranges, S3 7S4 50; bananas, $2 25 firsts. i ou gooa secona?. w ouncn; cocoanuts, h uu 64 60 ?l hundred: figs; 8K9o &; dates, K6 6Kc ffl s; new layer figs, 14X0ll)c; new dates. 7c ft. , Veoetabi.es Potatoes, from store, SOgS&c: on track, 4015c; tomatoes, Sll 25 ) bnsbei; wax beabs. 75o ffl bushel; green beans, 4050o V bushel; cabbages. $4 0003 00 a hundred; celery. 40c f dozen; Southern Sweet potatoes, 12 252 SO; Jerseys, $3 603 75; turnips, Si 00 1 60 a barrel; onions, S3 a barrel. Buckwheat Floub 22c ty pound. Groceries. The failure of package coffee to advance has been a disappointment to Jobbers. There has been a steady upward movement of green cof fee in Eastern markets for a number of days, bnt packages, so far, fail to respond. Green coffee Fancy Rio, 22e23X; choice Rio, 2021Kc; prime Bio, 20c; low1 grade Rio, 18Q19ic; old Government Java, 27c; Mar acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 2Sg29c; Santos, S0 23c; Caracas, 2123c; peaberry, Rio, 2S28ic; La Guayra, 2223c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 23c; high grades, 242SXc; old Government Java, SPICES (Whole) Cloves. 19Q20C alljn!pi Ikfi- cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmec, 70680c. PETB0I.XU1I (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7VC; Ohio, 120, 8Kc headllaht, 150, 8Kc; water white, 10c; globe. 1414ic; elalne, UJie; car nadlne, llHO; royallne, 14c; globe red oil, lift UKc. Miners' OrL No. 1 winter strained, 46947c fl gallon. Lard oil, 70c. i Steups com syrup, Z8$S0ei cholee-sugar syrup 33638c; prime sugar syrup, y80B38C; strictly prime, S3g35c: new maole syrup, 90c., ' N. o. Moiassss Fancy, 48e; choice, tec; medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c;-o&olce new crop, 63c. SODA Bl-carb in kegs, 33Jici bl-carb In Hi, c: bl-carb, assorted packages, 5Ji5c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated. 2c CAKDLES-star, foil weight, &c; stearint, set, 8He; parafflne, ll12c Rice Head, Carolina, 6Ji'7c choice, ffliS (3ic; prime, 6H26c: Louisiana, 6&a 8tAECn-Peatl,2?IC; COrflStarch. Sec gloss staren,4&07o Foreign Frtits Layer raisins, S3 65; Lon don layers, 2 80; California London layers, $2 75; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, (2 10; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 8&c; sultana,9Kc; currants,6K5fc: Turkey prunes, 4K5c; French prunes. 69e; SalOnica prunes, in 2-B packages, 8c; cocoahntS, fl 100, 88 00; almonds, Lan., 1 ft, 20c: do. Ivlca, 19c; do. Shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12)15c; Sicily liloerts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12eil3c; new dates, 60GKCS Brazil nnts, 10c: pecans, ll15c; cit ron. V B, 1920c; lemon peel, fl ft, 16ci orange Dbied FBurrs-Apnleg, sliced, per ft 6c, ap ples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, evap orated. UXftlBc; peaches, evaporated, pared, 203280: peaches, California, evaporated, un pared, 1921ci cherries, pitted,13l4K; cher ries) unpltted, 66c; raspberries, evaporated, 25K2SKei blackberries, g8c; huckleberries, ivimiAiH . 6H!6?icivel velloW. cood. EflWic: yellow, fair. &?ic: yellow. dark, bC. Pickles Sfedlnm, bbls (1,300), to 60; medi um, half bbls (600), S3 25. , 8ALT-N o L V bbl, 95c; Ho. 1 ex, V bl, Jl 05; dairy. bbl. Si 20; coarse crystal, f) bbL Jl 20: Higgihs Enreka, 4-bu sacks, 2 HO; Higgins' Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goons Standard peaches, 12 00 2 25; 2d. Jl 631 80; extra peacbPS, S3 402 tO; pie peaches, 95ct finest corn, Jl 001 60; Hid Co. com, 7590c; red cherries, 90cJlt Lima beans, $1 20; soaked do, 85c: string do, 60Q65c: mar rowfat peas, tl 101 15; soaked peas, 70S0c; pineapples. Jl Km 50; Bahama do, 12 75; damson plums, 95c: greengages, St 25; egg plums, S2 00; California pears, J2 0; ao greengage.' tl 85: do egg pltttnl, tl 86; extra white cherries, 82 40; raspberries, 95cetl 10; strawberries, Jl 10; gooseberries, Jl SOgH 40: tomatoes. 8590c; salmon 1-ft, $16581 90; blackberries, due: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green. 2-fi, SI 2S1 60; corn beer, 2-ft cans, J2 05; 14-ft cans, J14; baked beans, 81 45 01 fiO; lobster. 1-&. 81 75U1 88: mackerel. 1ft. cans, nroueu. ou; S4 254 SO; sardines, fianlines- lmnorted. Hi imnorted. Ws. J18: sardines, mustard. IB SO: Bardines, spiced, S3 SO. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 836 9 bbL; extra No. 1 do, mess, S40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, J32; extra No. 1 do, mess, S33: No. 2shore mackerel, J2i. Codfish Whole pollock. 4c ft; do medium. Geom's cod. Be; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c: do George's cod in blockB, 6K97KC. Herring Round shore, J4 50 $ bb); spilt, 6 SO; lake, 82 75 W 100-ft half bbl. White fish, 6 00 W 100 ft half bbL Lake trout, S5 SO 9 halt bbl. Fin nan haddock, 10C f) ft. Iceland halibut, 13c W ft. Pickerel, Kbl)l.S2 00: yK hhUJUO; Poto mac herring, $5 00 f bbL $2 SO fl Jf bbL OATMBAL-W 000 25 V bbL Grain, Floor and Feed. Sales on call at the Grain Exchange, 1 car 2 y. a. corn, 41c, 5 days, Pennsylvania Rail road; 1 car No. 1 timothy bay, 111 26, spot, Pennsvlvania Railroad. Total receipts as bul letined, SS cars. By Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne and Chicaeo, 1 car of oats, 4 of flour, 1 of barley, 1 of malt By Pittsburg: Cincinnati and St. Louis. 4 cars of hay, 1 of middlings, 3 of bran, 4 of corn, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg and Western 1 car of oats, 1 of hay. 1 of busks. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 1 car of hay, S of flour. There is little life to markets. Hay and oats are par ticularly dull. Wheat and flour are fairly htoariv Cnm IS firm. Prices below are tor carload tots on track. WHBAT-NewNo.2 red, 8384c; No. 3, 79 80c Cobn No. 2 yellow, ear. 4284Se; high mixed ear. 4041c; So. 2 yellow, shelled, 89ewc: high mixed, shelled, 39ei9Kc; mixed, shelled, 38. 89c. oats No. 2 white, zrazTe; extra, No.1 2SK26c; mixed, 23K21c. RYE No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 50e)51c: No. 1 Western, iSgtOc; new rye, Not 2 Ohio, 4a 46c FtoUB Jobblne prices Fancy winter and spring patents, S5OO5 60; winter straight, J4 254 50; Clear Winter. 064 23; straight XXXX bakers', S3 50g3 75. Rye Hour, 16 590 4 JO. 16 winter sis snais oa HAY-Baled timothy, No. J. Sll 0011 60: No. 2 do, 88 00010 00; looee from wagon, 11 00 4813 00, according to quality; No. 2 pralrt bay, 17 008 00; packue do, S7 aaK 68. BTKAMr-Oata, fH 737 W;wkfti kk4 saw nraw, o ww . . ij.j.. inf: , Prevtstew. Suearured hams, large, lOJic; 'sugar-cured hams, medium, 10chsugar-cured hams, small, llifct sugarnsured breakfast baconf9c; sugar cured Shoulders, Sc; sugar-cured boneless Shoulders. 7c; snear-cured California hams, 7c: sugar-cured dried beet flats, 9Kc; sugar-cured dried beef sets, 10Hd sagar-cured dried beef rounds, 12Kc; bacon shoulders, fct bacon clear sides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, 7jcr dry salt shoulders, 5c: dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess pork, heavy. Sll SO; mess Tiork. family, J12 00. Lard refined, in tierces, t,a half barrels. 6c; 60-ft tnba. 8e: 20-ft palls, 6c; So ft tin cans. 6c; 3-B tfn palls, 6ct 5-ft tin palls, fie; 10-ft tin pails, 6c; 6-ft tin pails, ic Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 6c. resh . pork links, 9c. Boneless hams, 10C Pigs feet, half barrel, J4 00: quarter barrel, SS15, Dressed Meats. Armour & Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meat": Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 Bs 6c650 to 650 Bs, 6c; 650 to 759 Bs, G7d, Bheep, 7cVft. Lambs; So ft. Hogs, 6c. Fresh pork loins. 8c Lumber. Prices are unchanged. Trade was on the rush through October and tho early part of this month, but has quieted down the past week. There has been some' difficulty for weeks past meeting the demands for oak lumber. The opening of navigation has partly relieved this pressure. rntn rorLAJtiD tabd quotations. Clear boards, per M. ...j.53 oc5S 00 Select common boards, per M.. ......... 90 00 Common boards per M .......i...., 20 00 Bheathlng..., , ....,., .18 00 Pine frame lumber per M Q 00927 09 bhlngles, No. 1, 18 Id. peril SCO Bhlngles, No. Z IS In. per M 375 PLANED. Clear boards, per II., ,..,,.,,,, 60 00 Burface boards .. .,..., uu SO 0035 CO Clear, S-inch beaded celling 26 CO V artlttou boardi, pern as CO flooring, No.17..'. D00 noorlufr. No, 2., t Z5C0 Yellow pine flooring , 30 OK&tOCD Weather-boarding, moulded. Ho. 1.... SO 00 Weather-boarding, moulded, No. 2.... 15 00 Weather-boarding, ji-inch..,....,,.,,,. SO 00 1UBD WOODS TAED QOOTATIOXS. Ain; 1 to 4 in..... J40 ooa.Fs oo Hlaekwalnnt, green, lo run...,..,..,., scaasooo 131 ck walnut, dry, log run...., .00 00373 00 Cherry 40 00530 00 Green white oak plank, 2to41n 20 0032500) Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4ln. ....,... 2100(523 00 Dry white oak boards, lln. 20 00(325 00 West Va. yellow pine, I Inch ZOOOSOO West Va. yellow pine, IH Inch K tt&B 00 West Va. yellow poplar, H to 1 In 1SCO025OO Hickory, ito3fn . 1SKI5C0 Hemlock building lumber, pern,,..,.. 14 CO Bank rails.. , 14 00 Boat studdinr ,..., , J4oo Ooalearplank ... WOO haed Woods-jObbino rnicM. Alh...... 3CO300 Wslnotlofrnn.green;.,,,... , 15 awns co Walnut log run; dry,....i. , a 00(350 ot) White oak plank, green 13CO3CI00 White oak plank, dry.......... is 00025 00 White oak boards, dry 13 00323 00 West Vs. yellow pine, lln :i avaTt oo WejtVa. Vellowpme, IX In fflCOrtoW Yellow poplar, 18 COWS 00 Hickory, W to 3 ln..,. is ocSs oo HenUoct. ucoisoo Bunk rails. moo Boat studding, , 14 00 Coal ear plank , MOO MB. SUOfiSCElIGER'S P05ESAL Details of the TJaostentatlous Ceremeales In This City. The Jaie John H. Shoenberger, who was intimately connected with this city daring the major part of his active life, is fb be laid to rest in Allegheny Cemetery. The religious services, however, will take place at St, Thomas' Church, New York City, where Mr. Shoenberger attended while resident in, that city. His body wU arrive here on Friday at 12:45 P. Si., and the funeral cortege will be in waiting at the Union (fepot. The coffin will be transferred from the cars directly to the hearse, and I will be immediately conveyed to the family lot in Allegheny Cemetery, followed by the mourning friends. The" Et. Est. Dr. Scarborough, Bishop of New Jersey, will accompany the remains and perform the conoluding ceremony ac cording to the Episcopal ritual at the grave. The funeral in this city will be" strictly private. -Only the near friends and rela tives of the deceased have been Invited tot take part la the obsequies. The whole pri "eeedlags are to be conducted is a simple" manner, without the slightest pomp orshow, which is characteristic of Mr. Shoenber- ger's tastes while la lire. HsaiJache. Lanouor and Xe&ait. GHOLlT generally spring from a disordered stomach, costiveness, or a torpid liver Bach may readily be removed by Dr. D. Javne's Banative Pills, a few doses of which will be found to stimulate the liver and stomach to healthy action, remove all. bil iousness, ana produce regular evacuations of the bowels. JAS. MNEIL & BRO. BOILER3, PLATE, AND BHEET-1BOS WbRK. BHEET IRON ANNEiXma PATENT With an increased capacity and hydraulic machinery we are prepared to furnish all work In our line cheaper and better than by the Old methods. Repairing and General machine work. Twenty-ninth street as Allegheny Val ley Railroad. f&6oTT3 DRUNKENNESS Or ihs Liquor Habit Potillrsly Cared by Administering Dr. Hsiaes' Golden Seeeifie. It fan be given in a eup or eolree or te without ,1 lately harmleMv and will effect a uermanrat and h .uunnui vi me peraea laxinp it; ltanso speedy core, whether the patient IS a moderate drinker or. an alcoholic Wreck. Thonsandi of Drunkards have nen tn&da tpmnui mh .!, have taken Uolden Specific In their coffee without their knowledge and to-day tellers thev nnlt drlnklns; from their Own free will, ft JTEVSB BpeClfle, It becomes an utter linpoMlolllty for the lfquor appetite to exist. For sale by A.J. Rjnklo. gn.uu. .iig.j.kui uuob irapngoswa who ine ? IS. Federal St., AUeeheny. Irsde dpplld by eo. A. Keuv & Co ttburr. Pa ne&-isrw "Why toil and slave forever P 13e Was meant for llviny, not eternal Blavinp. Ceaaa this weary drudg ery. SOAPONA does your work Itself, and neither Injures hsaid nor DAPQNA fabric TJwa Way do 11 your Tls nonsense, very nonsense. Awake, Ladies, Awake I Your health and His are at stake. Use SOAPONA everywhere. It cleans like magic. WASHING POWDER BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-Bett Soap Made. 0.&EHMF6.MBiffi,X.Y, mylSn PILES; rnoTMs-is44H. I hteaee ittktos aaSatlaa laoNit kti 'frK tasis mti and MM tA saMtaT I ITCHING PILES.t I sfjTrtieyiitleerteli&c teerfitloa.KlldlalftMtri WBSSnk SjVRCS Sl.Nf. nlrrrnHim inilllWlltniinniniiiii I lli i tn. Ben. SWAm'iOnaTUalilbjanaslttrBulMa) aaldnMaaraniptrpric,nKLatit Stent, tut KOTllUb ravasai amniwi t mtert. OB. SWAT SOX. PUlaialpkla, fav A PtHFECl IValBlBl umwi-im A purely Vegetable JoraeoUnd that eraal iall kid knsMTS fro Mm asveM n,iWTt PtsLLv t'4 KXW ADTERTTSlaOCfl f jj .mini roil r untirTr. 'Pm YvnuLr-oLr. nuuot. rncppu HnRNF t rn "wwr" ". vwv,V" .. wS'f?j wr. wooa ana Lioertyis., Importers an3 Jobbers of. Special off erinn this week U STTiKg, PLUSESS, DRESSGOODS, SATlUN SEBBSTJC5KEB, GINGHATVTB, PRINTS, and OHEVlOTa i For Urgest assortment and lowest prices os& and see us. WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY fe22rS3-D JAJ3. D. CALLER President JOHNW.TAYLOH... Caahiee, CITY SAVINGS BANK, 8IXTH AVE. AND aSUTHJlELD ST, Capital and surplus. SlS.CCQ, ' Transacts a General Banklyg Business. irs-frrs liaOftEUS-FLNANCfAL. nTSmitEX &. STEPHEKSOiT, ETFOTTTiTn AV-ROTTP Issue travelers' credits through MessrsvDrexei1" Morgan 4 Co, New York. Passports procured; : JUVM. ft j e TO S10C JTJTJICIOUSLT investeb 1 a stock options In Wall st, leads to weaithJI , u. iuuuii k w4 giai,r,i,' ocl7-ll-TTSn 60Newst,NewYorXA' JOHN M. OAKLEY L COffi BANKERS AND BROEBBS.. Btocks, Bonds, Crain, Petroleum. Prlrntd wire Cji "W "VrtV AMrrfifmr A -, 45 SIXTH 8T Plttsburr. f"t MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER Sll PKNN AVENUE, F1TTSBCX8, TJU As old residents know and back files of P1IM trarg papers prove. Is the Oldest eetliB and most prominent physidan In the city. de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. SSTJSSNO FEEUNTILGURED MfTDWriilCand. mental disease pys4e4 Vi tn V UUOdecav. nervous debility, lact ot enerzy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, disordered liffht. sell distrnac haahfnlneaa. diizlness, sleeplessness, pimples, ertrptjsas, is poverished blood, falling powers, orjanlowea ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, ua flttine the Derson for business, society and ma. rUge. permanently, safely and privately cUrsCf bLUUU AND SKINstSleerernM blotches, falling hair, bones, pains; Elalidak awelllnss. ulcerations of tontrna. mouth, throat - nlcers. old sores, are cored for Ufa, aadrbtewtr II GOODS and MM poisons thoroughly eradicated from the es.:-;a IIDIMADV kidney and Plodder dsrm U III IN Alt T imenta. weak baok, avfi, m-$ painful symptoms receive searching treatasMsrt, promot relief and real cures. xm. w miners uie-iose, exiewivef L esoe. insures scienti&a and reliable I on common-sense. principles. ConsslaMert&e' uranents at a aistance as careiuuy treaiea as mji cere, umce hours iakm i p.k. b J0A.JT.tolP.it jonly, DR.WHTIT. Penn avenne Httelrorr, Pat no9-30K-D3o-wk. Health is Wealth sb. is, C. wxsra nkbvk ajtd , HSaium . Trkatkktc', a guaranteed speclfloroiH'reeertek , dullness, convulsions, nts, nervous BevfeajsMI headache, nervous prostration caused by use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness. depression, tottenlnj: of the brain reasKteg sit J Insanity and leading to misery, dec" aMi death, premature oldT aire, barrenness, mm eS power in either Sex, involuntary lasses atsCH spermatorrhoea caused by over-eseTtioa,st1 brain, self-abose or over-udulajeae. JsWefcJ box contains one month's treataeat. M a eesvl or six boxes for So, sent by maitprsfald est e-J ceipt of price. . WE GUARANTCC X sWXIt To cure any case-Witk each orer,reetv' sw ea for six boxes, accomnanled with & 0SL we li send the purchaser our written gaaraateo "! refund the money If the treatsseBtdees Hta j feet 1 care. Guarantee Issued only bfta a, i RtnekV. Drnfl5t. Sole Ateat. 1T81 anS 94 rtmin ave. and cor. Wjlie are- and Fulton U. P41 DOCTORS IAIL1 RPECIALISTSlaaat onlrlni? icienUftc aa4 ei tlol treatmeatt Or. H. X. Letjsii M. B. O. P a. is e oHesJiaa4, most experienced SfteetaMNital the city. Consultation free sjmS itHetlv ennadentlJi, .OAmI hoars to 4 and 7 to 8P.x.;Sundaf,34JU H. Consult tnem personally, ox wtim, j Lin; sss renn avv, jmunari, x-a. jel3-43-SWlc B OotTSKSSQ. COMPOUNI tnnund of Cotton Boot, laamr s Pennyroyal a recent dlsobvesy ay old cbysician. a tueetrnimm u safe. Effectual, .race m. sr sealed. Ladies, ask your drasgtet See C Cotam Root ComDonnd aad take bo er Inclose 2 stamps for sealed aarMsstlass. ttmt FOND LILT COILPAKY. No. 3 Block, 131 Woodward ave Dssratt, ISassv. 5-Sold In Pittsburg. Ps, by Joseph mg a son, jjiamona ana Jiarxet sss. CHICHESJTCH'S CfaL!SH PENNYROYAL CO CROSS SUSMNS Salb u4 thrtra RBtu. utt Dtaj far Amu la red, magutun, Ua tlkbos. Tkbe sa pUli la pMUbouA tout vita pmv 4e ouuoM) aw rutlnian. iiif immtl JTiwi Fob CtlitHWCtoa'ld .liSfcw n,TSl .SO ooS-7I-; MFN ONI Y a roarnvs uui For LUirr- ot r UAJIHUUl, " mmm -r mm m nen, weas Body A Mind, Lack or Strength, Vlxor velopment, eaawd by Errors. .Excesses. Mom or 8zu-TElATitET. and IToofl (sealed) free. Address XBlE MEOICAi, uamuo, M. x. aes-ST' aOi n niT . aalbrS . coatxOniDS fall psucuUrt lot boom - ritCnf F F0WtW llsHshnnri REST t?g Tryy st. A. IIIMIIISWWM etTouura essxliur Prematare beciy, Serront Maahood, 4c. haTlag Wed ta rata ryc Cf TOUthfttl MM Tatnararr fr, hsM dincoT7d a Mm DMUUOIM iBtohlafeltow; Aderaaj, t. TL BXIVEJ, P.O. Box JSW, Xw OOlg,T3l," HARE'S REMEDY Vn trimt thflttoi thA vtarst -"" Wl m slaHt km, mms fKk fl4 AtMW VLa U OSB Sr j fleminu-s mca&tncZ&kT i 1a5--TTSSa 412JSwkKSMMs DEARS If. BcnafaIjsSLSraia4lsiaO Wat tmtedbook JTCK. TiSKS VsfC aVOSsVWV( Msn MsseVtae Svlf l !aYKl!l' " ' i UUasaT js''sv ijCwZleaBV sB pr? vttajMtwsr'-3 MMteMBSak SsBSTv jracs?. kserveee Mf aa Sks ic BMaSV P Tfl WtAR Hiti! yboT s n I L asru l aa vainaiHO a uaaaaRaaw -M CloV43.pSWg ' ,m OtliFl' jsHt- BIMsmssl C- ,-t rdss;f' i- . - . . .rfs&4ir. -., .stjas&csftf? uffi X: