Hi IG IT LILY, Association. Magnates in a I ' Deadlock. HkE LEAGUE'S WISE WOBK. Marinates Resolve to Grant Sutcliffe's W? f!liim of S2n0. eT ' IMPORTANT REPORT READ. r teler Jackson Hakes a Spicj Eeply to John L Sullivan. GJBNERAL SPOETIXG NEWS OF THE DAT The baseball magnates are making matters quite interesting at if ew York. There is a deadlock in the American Association. The ' ILeajrue resolved to grant Sutcliffe's claim of f "$250, it being the only case submitted by the f Brotherhood. Peter Jackson replies to Sul- kli van's challenge and so does Dominick Mc . Caffrey. ?f- rSrSOAlTELEOBAH TO T3E DISPATCH.' i Xew Yoke, November 13. The third f .day of the great week of baseball meetings i resulted in very little being done. Both jj"the National Iieacne and American Asso $ciation seem to be taking things easy, and k are spending most of the time in watching Keach other. The League directors had a E.rmeeting this morning, and then the regular - meeting of the League began. In the mean Ntime the regnlar meeting of the Association was being held. Everything was lovely j-'tintil it came to the election of President, '"and dben the fun began. Phelps, of Louis- Hille, and Krauthoff, of Kansas City, were the candidates, and each man bad lour clubs 'to back him up. The consequence was that a i'deadlock'took place, and it seemed for a time ito be war to the knife. There were several Brotherhood players about the hotel, and It t was reported that some 10 to 30 of them had DEigned League contracts. THE ASSOCIATION FIGHT. $; It was 11 o'clock when the meeting of the Association was called to order in Parlor A fe!The delegates present were: President i-WTieeler Wikoff: Athletics, H. a Penny tjpacker, W. H. Whittaker and William 6har &Blsr, Brooklyn, J. J. Doyle, F. A. Abell, Charles i"A. Byrne; Cincinnati, Aaron S. Stern. Harry Stern: Columbus, Conrad Born, R. Lazarus; Baltimore. J. IV. Wall. W. Barnie; Kansas . City, L. C Krauthoff, J. W. Spear, F. K. llar--:tln; Louisville, L. C Parsons; St. Louis, Chris f Von derA.be, J.J. 0NeiL, Judge Scott The . report of the joint Bules Committee and the "Board of Directors were adopted. Then came - the election of officers. There were two candi 1 dates named L. C. Krauthoff, of Kansas City, , and Zach Phelps, of Louisville. The battle .'between 'The Combine" composed of St. Louis, ' Columbus, Louisville and the Athletics, and the , balance of the clubs now began in earnest, , and when the first ballot was recorded each - candidate had received four votes. The dele Kates, after balloting 3 times, took an adjourn- ment at 620 o'clock until 10 o'clock in the . morning. , BOTH SIDES DETERMINED. Both "the combine" and its opponents show '.a determination to stick, and no one can pos- sibly predict tbe outcome with any decree of certainty. A compromise candidate Is talked of, but each side claims that it must be either f Krauthoff or Phelps. The annual meeting of the National League was called tu order by President Young in 'parlor F at 1 o'clock to-dar. Reports ol the , Board of Directors' Committee on Playing Bules and the Board of Arbitration were sub-, znitted and accepted. Then the constitution was taken up, but before any material changes jrerc made a recess was taken until S o'clock. After tbe recets the deliberation upon tbe con- ' stitution was dropped, and tbo report of the League committee appointed to confer with the Brotherhood committee was taken up. The report was accepted, their action indorsed and the committee discharged. Mr. bpalding stated "that although tbe Brotherhood com mittee bad refused further conference with the League, and, therefore, bave not substan tiated by proofs the charges against Cleveland in the Sntcliffe case, yet he moved that the League itself would investigate said charges t ortnn lth. After a statement of facts, the fol lowing resolution was adopted: 6UTCLIFFE GETS HIS MONET. Whereas, it bas been brought to the notice of this League that E. E. Sutcliff e, a player of the Cleveland club, claims that he is entitled to payment by that club to him of tbe sum of $250 as being the amount paid him for the season of 18S9. less than he received in the Detroit club tor the season of 18SS, and Whereas, such claim is made pursuant with the understanding had with the Brotherhood of players whereby a player consented to serve his club for the season next ensuing the ex piration of his contract provided he should suffer no reduction in salary, and Whereas, snch was tbe spirit of the under standing ol the Brotherhood Committee, and it was so expressed in the form of contract there agreed upon: therefore Kesolved. That although as a matter of fact Sutcllffe did not sign a contract containing a perpetuating salary clause for the season of 'tis, be having signed a contract with the De troit club under date of October 24, 'ST. prior to the agreement of the Brotherhood com mittee; and although there is some doubt as to whether Sutcllffe did or did not voluntarily consent to play for the Cleveland club for a less amount than was named in his contract with tbe Detroit club the year preceding. ''BELIEVE IN SQUAEE DEALING. Yet as it was tbe plain intention of both par ties at the time the Brotherhood contract was agreed upon that the players, hen thereafter reserved for an ensuing season, should receive not less than tbe same salary specified in the contract for the current season, and as this is tbe only case that has been brought to tbe no tice of tbe League involving a claim of the Character indicated, it is hereby ordered that .the Secretary of tbe League pav to the said E. . Sutcllffe the sum of 1250, ue'ing the differ ence between tbe amount paid bim for his ser vices by tbe Detroit club lor the season of '83 and tbe amount thus far paid him by the Cleveland club for the season ol '89. After tbe passage of this resolution the meeting ad journed. Tbe Board of Directors of the League met at t rfrfock in parlor F, and was in session just ur. Kick Young was again compliment .h an unanimous re-election. Secretary r presented petitions from Umpires Lynch irry, asking that fines amounting to $iS mposed by injuries, be retunded. The allowed it. Umpire JdcQuaid, however, cotfare so well. He presented a petition iing that something like $200 be remitted on xcount of absence tbrough illness but while in the line of duty. This was disallowed, because tbe board thought it would be establishing a bad precedent. SPALDING'S BEPOET. During the meeting the report of the com mittee appointed to meet the Brotherhood was listened to with great interest. It contained copies of the official correspondence between Spalding and John M. Ward, President of the Brotherhood. Ward's first letter, dated May 31, 1SS9. stated tbe grievances of the players, and asked that a committee be appointed to .discuss them. In a letter to his lellow mem bers. Mr. Spalding says tbe Brotherhood claim 'that classification rule violates the understand ing had with tbe Brotherhood in 1SS7. The only specific charge they make is in tbe case of "Butcliffe, of the Cleveland club, who, they claim, received his salary of $2,000 from tbe .Detroit club in 1SS8. and bad signed with the Cleveland club for 1889 at tbe classification figure of $1,750. With this exception of Sut cllffe, Mr. Ward does not claim that the League "bas violated tbe letter of the Brotherhood con tract, but the spirit thereof, claiming that while it was not specially written in tbe con tract, it was understood that the total amount of salary paid a player, whether written in the contract or not. was to be tbe basis of reserva tion. Mr. Spalding denied that there was any such understanding, bnt tbat clause 20 of tbe League contract should be the basis of reserva tion for the ensuing year. ' Mr. Reach's View. - Robert Beach, of the firm of Beach & Co, Philadelphia, was in the city yesterday on busi ness. He is well informed on baseball affairs, and be states tbat a Brotherhood team will not be a success in Philadelphia, He feels sure that ail tbe good players of tbe old League iuii will remain with it next year. V '- He Sayi There la Plenty of Ontalde Money to Help Fliubnrjr. Cleveland, O., November 13. Mr. Albort L, Johnson, the promoter of the players League, has returned from New York tilled with enthusiasm. He says the new League will be a go. In an interview he said to-day: "In all the cities we have the best of financial backing and the hearty co-operation or the play ers. If Pittsburg capitalist did not care to take stock in their club, there was plenty or money in tbe East tbat was available. I place no confidence in these stories of desertion, telegraphed to In dianapolis at once after tbe story that Denny bad rcrnsed to sign with the new League. We expect to keep all the weak-kneed chaps In line. I have a telegram In my pocket now from Glasscock. He is all right. Hutchinson, Burns and Anson are the only players in tbe League that are not in the new deal. "What do von think of the arrangement made to carry on the business of the League?" 'Well, It leaves a chance for me to lose money. The withdrawal or the co-operative feature does not Insure the clubs In the smaller cities from financial loss. I take the risk. If 1 lose moner. or course there will be no share from Cleveland for the players' pool, and that will, of necessity, accumulate from the earnings of other clubs. The Cleveland players would have a share of such earnings, if any were made. Many of the players have invested money in the enterprise," STOCK STILL FOR SALE. Ed Hanlon Thinks He Will Finish His Work To-Day. Bd Hanlon has not secured sufficient pur chasers for tbe local Brotherhood club yet, but to use bis own words, he is "on easy street." Last evening he stated that during the day be had met with cheering success. He expects to have tbe entire stock disposed of to-dav, and if be sneceeds in that, a meeting of the stock holders will be called at once. One or two gen tlemen took some stock yesterdav, but Mr. Hanlon withholds their names for tbe present. Mr. Hanlon states that everybody he asks to bny stock seems to be afraid that some ot tbe players might refuse to play with the Brother hood. This fear prevents many from buying stock. It is argued that if the players break their promises and pledges in one instance, tbey are liable to do it again. Mr. Hanlon, however, is certain that everything will go alsng all right. TEEY STEAN BUSINESS. Too BIcKeesporters Resolve to Have a Salaried Team. rSFECUl. TELEOKAM TO TUX DISPATCH.1 McKeespokt, Pa November 13. The Mc Keesport Baseball Clnb held its annual meet ing to-night and finished up its business of the past year and decided to increase its stock to $5,000, and also to put a good salaried club in the field next year, providing admission to a suitable league can be secured. Any good sober Dlayers who want to play for a moderate salary wonld do well to write to the Secretary, Frank Torreyson. Any good man ager, who is also a player, would do well to apply. THE TURF CONGRESS. Poor Horses to be Prohibited From Run nine Races. Chicago, November 13. There is a large gathering oi horsemen from all parts of tbe West in this city to-day in attendance on the annual meeting of tbe American Turf Con gress. An executive session was held, lasting until after 1 o'clock this afternoon. Its pro ceedings were not made public 'Before this congress adjourns," said Secre tary Brewester. "it will be safe to say that action will have been taken upon the growing evil of allowing such awful numbers of poor horses to enter the lists. What is wanted is a nice track free from cheap selling horses, many of which are unfit to bo classed as race horses, and to do away with the poolrooms at the race tracks." Tbe most important change considered was the alteration of clause A of rule 47. Tbe clause read: "There shall be no race given for horses 3 years old and upwards less than six furlongs." The amendment rule is as follows: "There shall be no dash race given for horses 3 years old and upwards less than one mile." This was the only change that brought about a division. The amendment was carried by a vote of 6 to 2, the members voting against be ing Judge Perkins, of Latonia and L EzekieL of Birmingham. Section H, in the preamble and by-laws, reading "tbe subscribing jockey clnbs agree that no contract for betting privi leges be made with any association of book makers," was stricken out. The rule in regard to foul ridirg and fraud was made to read "Any one rnled off for a fraud shall stand ruled off foy life." Rule 16 was changed to tbe follow ing: "When two or more horses start in a race in the same interest, or ownea wholly or in part by tbe same persons, tbey shall be coupled and sold as one horse in all pools, Paris mutuals and book betting." A number of minor changes were made. A few of the proposed changes were referred to a committee with instructions to report to-morrow morning. The change indole 47 is regarded as signifi cant, and made for the purpose of elevating the standard. It was believed tbat too many half and three-quarter-mile sprinters had been produced by the old limit, and that nothing less than one-mile races for 3-year-olds would result in a better grade of horses. Considerable discussion arose over a sugges tion that a board of stewards similar to the English Board ot Stewards be appointed for tbe control and issuing of licenses to jockeys; the body to be composed of representatives from different associations, for tbe complete control of jockeys, and from which board all j ockeys must first obtain a license. The matter was referred to a committee. Clifton Entries. rsrxciAt. tzuccsax to thx DtsrATCjT.1 New York, November 13. To-morrow's en tries for Clilton: First race, purse 300, selling, mile and a six teenth Cheeny ill. Gonnod 107, Van 107, Kink 107, Eleve 107, Bonnie S 107, Manhattan 107, Eastcr bot 107. llobsUy 107, Alan Archer 107. Vigilant 107, Klngsrord 107. fcecond race, purse $300, seven and a half fnr longs Firefly 116. Lancaster 115, Tbeora 114, Moonstone 110, Lorrls 106. J. McFarland 1(3. Third race. Cascade handicap, purse $300. one mile bt. John 119. Speedwell Its, Dunboyne 114, KassonlU. Sam D 109 Iceberg 10 Vivid KB. Fourth race, purse $300. for 2-year-olds, selling, three-quarters or a mile Owen Golden 108. Made line colt 108, Uesslck 105. Garrison 102, Mischief S7. Folly 95, Fast Time 6. Fifth race, purae ssoo, mile beats Young Duke 117, Dunboyne 112, Vivid 96, Fannie H94, Ocean 94. Elizabeth Winners. Elizabeth, N. J., November IS. The races resulted as follows: Flr6t race, six furlongs Civil Service won, Oregon Second, Wheeler T third. Time, 1:2X. Second race, one and three-sixteenth miles Barrister won, Joe Lee second, cwburr third. Time, 2:1SX. Third race, six furlongs Benlfit won, Tacitus second. Oregon third. Time, 1:27. Fourth race, one and one-sixteenth miles Lonely won, Pclham second. Glory third. Time. 2:0b. Filth race, six fnrlongs Golden Beel won. Free dom second, Verdee third Time, 1:35. tilth race, one and one-sixteenth miles St. Nick won, Glenmound second, Boyal Garter third. Tlme.2-U3X. GOOD TRAP SHOOTING. Some Excellent Contests In the Big Local Tournament. Despite the unfavorable weather yesterday the shooting tournament promoted by Messes. Richardson, Shaner, Crow and Davison was a great success. The shooting took place in a field adjoining the ground of the Squirrel Hill Gun Club. The contestants were numerous and the shooting excellent. Two huge tents were erected, so that the spectators were shel tered from the rain. The were seven matches, the principal being that at ten live birds, entrance fee 10 each. There were 16 entries for this event, and tbe winner turned up in Jim Crow, whoe share of the stakes was J48. All the contests were close and exciting, and some of tbe "shoot offs" were only decided after 15 or 16 straight had been killed. The shooting will be resumed this morning. Everything is In readiness for a start. The traps are all down, tbe tents up and all tbe birds on the ground in charge ot two men. There are 9,000 clay birds and about 1,000 live pigeons in readiness for to-day. There are many of tbe leading shooters in the country taking part in tbe contest. Following are the winners of vesterday's contests First match, ten blue rocks, entrance tl Q. A. McClure and Jim Crow first, with nine each; George Cochran and E. E. Shaner second, with eight each; F. F.Davison and Chas third, with seven each: O. E. Snyder fourth, with six. Second match, nine blue rocks, three traps, en trance II K. E. Shaner first, with nine; Chas sec ond, with eight; G. E. Snyder and T. A. Pea cock third, with seven each; F. F. Davison fourth, with six. Third match, nine blue rocks, entrance $1 E. E. Shaner and Q. A. McClnre first, with nine: J. O. Hoffman, Jim Crow and F. F. Davison sec ond, with eight each: C. Kichardson third, with seven: U. E. Snyder fourth, with six. Fourth match, nine blue rocks, entrance tl E. E. Shaner, Q. A. McClnre and T. A. Peacock first with 9 each, George Cochran second with 7, J. B. Hunter third with 6, Jim Crow and W. McKnlght divided rourth with S each. Firth match, nine bine rocks, entrance fl T. A. Peacock first with 8. E. E. Shaner second with 7, Jim Crow, K McKnigbt and Mack Brown third with G each, J. G. Hoffman and William McKnlght fourth with 5 each. Sixth match, ten bine rocks, five traps, $25 guarantee, entrance J2-J. G. Hoffman andQ. A. McClure first with 10 each. E. E. shaner second with 8. Dr. Burgoon third with 7, William Mc Knlght rourth with 8. Seventh match, ten live birds, entrance 110. fire ground traps Jim Crow firm with 9. C luchard son second with 8, J. G. Hoffman third with 7. Hntnrdny'i Foot Race. Interest in the Priddr-McCIelland foot race,' which takes placo on Saturday next at Exposi tion Park, is increasing rapidly. Yesterday McClelland and bis trainer were in the city, but there was no opportunity for McClelland to let his backers see him run. He Is looking well, and Is confident' of victory. Priddy is in excellent condition, and he is also extremely confident of winning the race. He is running well, and doubtless tbe race will be a good one. The contestants must run, "rain or shine." SULLIVAN MUST WAIT. Peter Jackson Taken Little Stock In John's Challenges. rsrxcuL tsxigbau to th ptsrxTCH.t London, November 13. (Copyright) Jack son, the colored pugilist, does not take 8ulli. van's challenge to fight him for $20,000 seri ously. Neither does Parson Davies, Jackson's manager, who controls the black man abso lutely. "When Sullivan pnts np tbe money," said Davies, "we will consider the proposal, but we will not change onr plans here on Sullivan's account, or on that of anyone else. We have already made engagements for two months ahead, and aro concluding contracts for an ex hibition in Paris. Sullivan has always kept everybody waiting heretofore, and now he can wait himself if he wants a go with Jackson. It is much more likely that we shall make a match with Kilraln before we do with Sulli van, as Kilrain has sought the opportunity first. I can scarcely believe that Sullivan really wants to challenge Jackson, as the big fellow has always said be would never fight a nigger. He has drawn tbe color line so closely before that I hardly believe he has chopped it off now." "And do you think if Sullivan were brought up to the condition in which he met Kilraln last July, Jackson could best himT" I asked. "I think Jacks jn is the best man who ever stood in the ring In ray time," said Davies. 'Look at the Smith fight. Smith's best chance bas always been his ability to stand punish ment, and yet Jackson knocked bim out in two rounds." Jackson and Davies are receiving much at tention from the sporting element of the gentry and nobility. The pugilist begins a series of exhibition matches with Jem Smith at the Aquarium to-morrow night, and as it is generally believed that Smith will take the op portunity to obtain revenge for his defeat Monday morning, all scats for the mill are already taken. HAD QUITE A TIME. Revolvers Pointed at Steve Brodlo nt a Livelx Battle. rFFECIAL TELEGRAM TO TBS DISPATCII.l New Yoke. November 13. A prize fl ght, with variations, took place in "the Hook," a noto rious East Side den, early this morning. Charlie Judge, of Philadelphia, and Joe Fowler, ex-champion feather-weight of En gland, were the principals, and Steve Brodio was the referee. There was no rope, so the ring was formed by the spectators locking arms around the contestants. From the first to the sixth round Judge had it all his own way, to the great delight of bis friends. In the sixth round Fowler lauded a right-hander on the lower jaw that maae Judge silly. Judge claimed his jaw was broken, and, as he could not close it, it looked likely until a doctor snapped something into placo again. Then tbe fighting went on. Fowler kept his good work up, and Judge's friends saw that it was time to take a hand themselves. Whenever Fowler approached tbe ring they would punch him In the back and ribs. His seconds decided tbat he had not come there to fight the crowd, and claimed the figbt on a fouL Brodie was going to allow it, when a gentleman in tbe crowd covered the bridge jumper with a pistol. The situation was a try ing one. Brodie knocked the gun out of the excited owner's hand, and put it in bis own pocket. He then refused to allow the fonl. The crowd yelled, and the few friends of Fowler shouted back. Their man was evidently going to win, and they were jubilant. They made so much noise that tbe referee thought it was better to stop and let matters stand as tbey were than to suffer from a raid. He gave it a draw, and the purse was divided between the two men. M'AULIFFE ON DECK. The Cnlirornlnn Offers to Fight Kilraln or Joo Lnnnon. San Fbancisco, November 13. Jack Demp sey, the "Nonpareil," will soon try to raise his fallen colors. It will not be with La Blanche, however. Young Mitchell and his friends have been poking fight at Jack so long that at last Dempsey has succumbed. Both fighters were at the rooms of the California Athletic Club last night Tbe directors offered a purse of $3,000 for them.'to contest for March 29,J500it o go to the loser. Dempsey wanted the match to take place sooner, but Mitchell did not care about fighting before March. Dempsey did not feel anxious to meet Mitchell, who is an old pupil of Jack's, but said that things had now gone too far. Mitchell said he had no feeling in the matter, but his friends insisted on him issuing a challenge. So the two friends have laid aside tbe friendship of a lifetime to fight Tbe club directors gave.Doth men till Monday to oecide when tbey would meet. Joe Mc Auliffe,wbo was defeated 'by Peter Jackson, has issued a challenge to Jake Kilrain or Joe Lannon to fight for a purse of 2,500 and from $1,000 to 10.000 a side. The Occidental Club will offer the purse to-morrow night a chal lenge having been telegraphed to Kilrain, McAuliff e says he gave Jackson a hard fight, and tbe latter toyed with Smith, who fought a draw with Kilrain. Dominick Means It rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO TRK DtSPATCH.1 New Yoke, November 13. Dominick Mc Caffrey, in a long letter to the Sun, declares his willingness to meet Sullivan on falrand reasonable terms for a substantial stake and purse. McCaffrey reminds Sullivan tbat be did not best him (McCaffrey) in their contest at Cincinnati. Dominick inlsts that it is mere bluff for Sullivan to decline to accept his, Mc Caffrey's, challenge. Grounds for the Brotherhood Brooklyn Club. New Yore, November 13. John .Ward said to-nisht the Brotherhood had purchased grounds for the new Brooklyn club. They are situated on tbe comer of Ful ton street and Manhattan Beach crossing in tbat city, and it is stated that tbe purchase price is $100,000. The grounds are 450x860 feet, and are believed to be owned by Austin Cor bin, who, it is said, is the backer of tbe Brook lyn Brotherhood club. Sporting Notes. Slave? now wants a go at Sullivan. G. F. Jack Dempsey is not a heavy-weight pugilist Akd now Jem Mace wants to box Charley Mitchell. These is a letter at this office for George Smith, "Pittsburg PhiL" Sprinter Hutchins and Wallace were matched to run, but the latter forfeited. Peter Jackson. .the colored pugilist is evi dently on his dignity now, just as Sullivan was a while ago. Latham has been sold to Cincinnati for $5,000, providing Arlie makes terms with that team within'a month. Charley Mitchell knocked a few of Bookmaker Hart's teeth out in London Mon day morning after the Smith -Jackson affair. THE WEATHER. For Western Perm tylvania. West Vir ginia and Ohio, fair, clearing on the lakes; no change in temr perature, westerly winds. Ptttsburo, November 18, 18S9. The United States Signal Service officer In this city lurnishes the following: Tune. Thw. mar. Maximum temp.... 53 Minimum temp...., EI Kanee - .... 3 8I00A. v a.-03 K IrOOp. K. S.-0OP. K SrOOP. K sap. m Klver at t-sa r. hours. .M .51 ...53 Mean temp 64 Precipitation. 49 ..EJ 1U 6.8rMt,achangeofL41nM River Telegrams. .tSPXCTAL TELEGRAMS TO THX DlgPATOItt Brownsville River 9 feet 3 Inches and rising. Weather rainy. Thermometer 53' at 7 p. at MoRGAJrrows River 7 feet and rising. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 62 at 4 P. x. WVbrkn River 1 MO feet and stationary. Weather mild with llghtraln.' - W tCil k 3 Formally Dedicated, With the Most impressive Ceremonies. HAERISOU, MORTON AND BLAINE Among the Distinguished Guests 'vTho Were in Attendance. THE OBJECTS OP THE INSTITUTION, As Plainly Set Forth in the Sermon Delirerea by Bishop Gilmour. The Catholio University at Washington was dedicated yesterday. Bishop Gilmour delivered the principal sermon. President Harrison and Secretary Blaine made britf speeches, which were well received. A number of other gentlemen, lay and clerical, responded to toasts. WASHlifCJTOir, November 13. The great event of the centennial year of Catholicism in America occurred to-day, when the new university, from which bo much is expected, was dedicated. Unpleasant weather caused a slight delay in the opening ceremonies and materially affected the attendance. The delegates who came over from Baltimore on special trains preferred remaining down town under shelter to venturing out in the wet The opening ceremony was transferred from the west front to the interior of the buildinp, where, shortly after 10 o clock, Cardinal Gibbons delivered a short address. The dedicatory sermon was preached by Bishop Gilmour, oi Cleveland, and is as follows : Knowledge and doctrine will be the objective work of this institution. Civilization is limited only by education, and it is a significant fact that from the beginning religion and education have been linked hand in hand. A higher mo tive than to assist at tbe dedication of this building to the mcro cultivation of the arts and sciences, valuable though they are. has to day brought the chief magistrate of this great republic these high dignitaries of Church and State, this distinguished audience of the laity. The building bas just been blessed and forever dedicated to the cultivation of tbe science of sciences tbe knowledge of God. TBUE EDUCATION. It was well to have begun with the divinity department If for nothing else than to teach that-all true education must begin in God and find its truth and direction in God. No more can the State exist without religion than can the body exist without the soul. The State.it is true, is for the temporal, but bas its substan tial strength in the moral, while religion is for the spiritual, bnt in much must find its work ing strength in the temporal. In this sense it is a mistake to assume that religion is inde pendent of the State, or the State independent ot religion. As a matter of fact religion must depend upon tbe State in temporals and vice versa, tbe State must depend upon religion in morals, and both should so act that their con joint work will be the temporal and moral wel fare of society. In this country, wo have agreed that religion and State shall exist separately, but this does not mean their independence of each other. No State can or should exist that does not rec ognize God as the Supreme Authority. Ameri can society has been strong because we are and have been a religious people. Our colonies were founded by men pre-eminently religious. Our laws and constitutions are the outgrowth of the Christian law. We are strong becanse our faith in God Is strong, and we will live and strengthen In proportion as we are guided by His law. Catholics have no contention with public schools or State schools as such. They are willing to accept them in America, as they have done in Europe, on condition that the child shall be taught religion and the laws of morality. Our 650 colleges and academies, 3,100 parish schools, 27 seminaries for the train ing of the clergy and 2 universities are a glorious galaxy amid which to plant this Catholic university. Her statesmen and churchmen are to be prepared, and through them the masses molded and society guided. It was, therefore, wise to begin with the di vinity building. A HIOR STANDARD. Let generosity mark the spirit of the house of learning. Let it be filled with the best of our youth, and let every effort be made to place this university in the front ranks of modern in stitutions of learning. But above all, let no narrowness seek to make this the only Catholic university of this country. We have broad lands and eager hearts elsewhere, who in time will need new centers. Let the great ambition of this university be to lead in all that tends to elevate our race, benefit our fellow citizens and bless our country. Revelation is God's best gift to man.tThe mission of this university is to take up all that is good in human knowledge, purify it in the alembic of God's revelation and give it back to man blessed in the light of God's truth, increasing in volume and intensi fied In force, thus giving science its direction and revelation its complement Covers were laid for about 250 guests, and the dining table and banquet ball were handsomely decorated with flags and flow ers. Cardinal Gibbons occupied the seat at the head of the table, and on his right were Cardinal Tascherean and Archbishops Sa tolli and Fabrre. Cardinal Gibbons was vis-a-vis Secretary Blaine, who was flanked "by Archbishops Kyan, Williams and Du Hamol on tbe left, and Secretaries Tracy, Noble and Busk on the right Bishop Keane acted as toastmaster. The first toast, "His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII," was re sponded to by the Most Bev. llonsignor Satolli, the EEPEESENTATrVE OF THE POPE, who spoke in Latin. He said he was glad to see so thoroughly a representative body, for it means that all nations were working with America tor Catholic evangelization. He expressed the hope that the second cen tury of the hierarchy in this country would prove as productive ot good results as the first Secretary Blaine, in responding to the toast, "Our Country and Her President," said: "I come to represent the United States, not in any political sense, much less in any partisan sense, nor in connection with any church or sect, but to speak for all and the great freedom which we enjoy. I have made the statement in Protestant assemblies and I am glad to make it in Cath olic ones." He referred to the administration as one which had produced good results, and con tinuing, said: "I am glad of every college that is endowed, no matter who endows it Every institution of learning increases cul ture, which I believe will build up the Government of this great country of ours, under which all are iree and equal." APPLAUSE POE BLAINE, Mr. Blaine was cheered loudly dnring his remarks, and the applause when he con cluded lasted several minutes. Cardinal Taschereau, of Canada, was responding to the toast, "Our Sister Universities," when the MarineBaud struck up, "flail to the Chief," and President Harrison entered the hall. The entire assemblage rose to their feet and applauded until tbe President took the seat reserved for him on the lett of Cardinal Gibbons. As soon as the President was seated Bishop Keane proposed his health, which was drunk standing. In response to urgent calls for a speech the President said: "I am thankful for the reception you have given me. I have avoided speech-making heretolore in occasions of this kind. It has been my fortune often to have that covenant broken by being compelled to make a speech. I am sure yon will permit me to Sickening Offsprings. Headache. Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the -Month, Bilious At tacks, Palpitation of .the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, Forebodings of Evil, are the offsprings of a torpid Liver. For these complaints. Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills hav no equal. A single dose will convince anyone. A New Orleans Report. G. A. Pickett says: "My habit has been cos tive all my life. Have used a great many remedies, but never found any that could com pare with Tutt's Pills. I believe they will cure any case of chronic constipation. I commend them to all who are troubled with this dreadful affliction." Tutt's Liver Pills BEGTTLATE THE BOWELS, 44 Murray St., If. T. exactia compliance with that covenant, and again to simply thank you for your kindly greeting" Vice President Morton and his wife en tered the hall just as the President con cluded, and were shown to seats near Car dinal Gibbons. THANKED Blf GIBBONS. "The hierarchy of the United States," was responded to by Cardinal Gibbons, who thanked the President and other officers of the Government for their presence. "In this university," he said, "your children will be educated to strengthen the country by their number, enlighten it' by their wis dom, and, if necessary, defend it with their valor." The speech making concluded with a humorous address by Archbishop Byan, and a response, by John Boyle Keilly, to the toast, "The Press." The next ceremony was tbe presentation of the bust of St Thomas Aquinas, the. gift of the Catholics of Great Britain and Ireland in Borne. Arch bishop Satolli, in the name of the Gov ernors, turned the bust over to the Board of Directors of the university, and read an ad dress prepared by those he represented, ex pressing the deep interest felt by the Gov ernors in the success of the university. The privileges granted to the new university by the Holy See, he said, are a fresh proof of the paternal charity and wisdom of the sov ereign pontiffs, who. in desiring tbe conver sion of all men to the true faith, haVe en deavored also to provide them with a solid and enlightened education. The day's celebration then closed with the inaugural exercises, which took place in the lecture room. Cardinal Gibbons opened the meeting with prayer, the Kt Bev. M. J. O'Farrell, Bishop of Trenton, delivered an oration, and the very Bev. Mgr. Schroeder, Professor of Dogmatic Theology in the Uni versitv, read a Latin oration. The choir sang, ""Oremus Pro Pontifice Nostro Leone," and the audience was then dismissed with a benediction. 0BDWAY AND HIS BOODLE. Consplcnona Elements in the North Dakota Scautoriblp Contest. rSPXClil. TKLEOBAM TO TUX DISPATCltl BiSMAECir, November 12. The new State of North Dakota will elect two Sena tors next week, and there is a prospect of d warm time. There are only 13 Democrats in a total Legislative membership of 92. The administration at Washington is prob ably more interested in the issue in North Dakota than in any other of the new States. Harrison and his private secretary are very friendly to ex Governor Pierce, who came to Dakota in 1884 and served as Governor satisfactorily and well. He is now a candidate for Sen ator, backed by the administration, with a fair chance of being nominated by acclama tion in the Republican caucus. On tbe other hand, another ex-Governor, Nehemiah G. Ordway, well known in tbe lobby in Wash ington, is a candidate for Senator, backed by a barrel and the courage of a man who does not know when he is beaten. UOrdway's candidacy is unique. He came to Dakota last spring, and initiated a can vass for United States Senator. It was not known that he claimed a residence in Da kota, and his advent was a surprise; but he has received more attention than all the other candidates put together. The oppo sition has painted him as the "bold bad butcher from Washington." It is given out that President Harrison is very hostile to Ordway and that his election would bean offense to the administration. REPUBLICANS ALL-FIMD MAD. They Barn Harrison's Plctnre Became an Appointment Doesn't Salt Them. ISrECIAL TXLSOBAU TO THE DISrATCIM Indianapolis, November 13. Jeffer sonville Bepublicans object so strongly to Major Luke, the postmaster appointed to day, that they gathered in the streets, made a bonfire, and burned every picture of Har rison that they could get hold of. Campaign transparencies bearing his pic ture were also destroyed. Dorsey, a party hustler, was the man wanted. IT HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD, What did? Why ROGERS' ROYAL. NER VINE, of courtel What else could? The talentfiil actress-HelenDanyray, says: I have used Rogers' Royal Nervine Tonic, and find it an excellent tonic for exhausted nerves, sleeplessness, and that utter fatigue which comes from over-taxation of the brain. HELEN DAUVBAX-. Board of Supervisors of Rockland County. HAVERSTEAW, N. Y. April 25. Dk. Henby Rogers, Dear Sir: I have used Rogers' Royal Ner vine Tonic and can say that I find it an excel lent remedy for nervousness induced by over work, and as a pleasant speedy and unfailing relief from sleeplessness I most cordially rec ommend it to those suffering from an over worked brain or body, for I believe Rogers' Royal Nervine Tonic will do all that you claim for it Yours very respectfully. JDBIAH FELTER. Chairman Board Supervisors, Rockland, Co., N.Y. ReauWMfeJiEeCaijMlofNew Tori City says. New Yobk, April 30th, 1889. R0QEB3' ROYAL REMEDIES Co., Boston, Mass. Gentlemen: I only feel it just tbat you should know the rruly wonderful results I have experienced in using your Royal Nervine Tonic The immediate effects wore simply miraculous. It is indeed a specific for nervous troubles. Respectfully yours, Mrs.. J. CAMPBELL. H8 Washington Place, New York City. ACT Ti I K U ICAAIO OH k WEAK STOMACH. jSSots. &, Box OF ALL PRUCCISTS. THE MOST MARVELOUS OP ALL STIMULANTS Is the Pure Eight-Year-Old Export Gucken heimer WhisVy. Innocent and harmless, and always reliable when a pure, good, old, well-matured whisky is required. Sold only by Jos. Fleming & Son, 412 Market st, in full quarts tl 00, or six for $5 00, where you will also find tho largest and most complete stock of PURE CALIFORNIA WINES to be found in the two cities. These wines are of excellent quality and are sold at popular prices. Suited to the masses and bound to please all who love good, pure wine. Foil quarts, 50 cents, or $5 00 per dozen. Mail orders solicitcs and shipped promptly. JOS. FLEMING & SON, DRUGGISTS, PITTSBURG, PA." nolO-TTSSu ERN. STEIN'S TOKAY WINES. In original bottles, direct Importation from his vineyards in the Tokay district (Hungary), tbe Purest and Best Dessert Wines In the world, now obtainable at reasonable prices from the undersigned agents. Inquiries for terms solicited from wine H. A. WOLF 4 SON, Pittsburg. W. H. HOLMES & SON. Pittsburg. JOS A. FLEMING fc SON. Pittsburg. KLINORDUNQER tCO, PittshUTBi WM. 8GHUSLER. East End. ARTHUR ANDBIESSEN, Allegheny. , MEDICINAL TOKAY . AT HARRIS' DRUG CO. , i - . i "- neja-7-r UIT! Ladies, Misses and Children. We are running our workroom steadily on the above goods, producing handsome and unique effects in all the leading fabrics, both woolen and silk. "We rarely ever make two suits the same, so that ladies buying from us do not obtain factory styles, but are equal inelegance and in design, trimming and workmanship to those made to order by the most fashionable modistes. Ladies who will do us the favor of an ex amination will at once discover that the whole tont en semble of our suits is entirely different from those offered in ordinary suit departments, while the prices are never higher, and, in most cases, considerably less. We make no charge for alterations." We desire to call particular attention to the fact, that nowhere else in this city can there be fonnd such an extensive assortment of Misses' and Children's made-up suits. It will be interesting to mothers to look through this department and see the very cute and nobby styles which will interest and please them. CHILDRESS SUITS. Before deciding that you can't get any thing nice made up for vour little girl, and WILL HAVE TO MAKE IT, we would ask, as a favor, that you come to this de partment and look through OUR styles of Children's Suits. Nor is it necessary in or der to obtain handsome styles that you should pay fancy prices. jLT $20, Perfect little beauties, all shades nnd colors, in ALL-SILK STJEAH COMBINA TIONS, AT ?20 DO WN to 515. Striking results in Wool and Silk Combinations, all colors and in quite a variety of designs. AT $15 DOWN TO $10, Children's Suits that are just as choice in design and workmanship, made of less ex pensive materials. AT $12 DOWN TO $6, A very large line of Misses Suits, including not only all the plain colors, but a compre hensive line of Plaids, Stripes and Novelty Effects. AT $5 DOWN TO $3, An excellent assortment of Misses' Suits, well and neatly made, from good, strong and durable materials, jnst the thing for school wear. AT $3 DOWN TO $1 GO, Cashmere, Cloth and Combination One piece Suits, These look well, are all right for wear and much better than the price in dicates. Please note, we have all sizes in the above Suits, from 18 years down to 2 years. , N. B. We are reliably Informed by persona who have been through the leading Suit Departments of both New Yorkrand Brooklyn, that they did not see as good a line of Ladies' Suits as can be obtained-in THE PEOPLE'S STORE, Pittsburg. CAMPBELL & DICK, Freemasons' Hall, Fifth Avenue. s JOSENBAUM & C0S RIGHT KIND' "oriOODS. RIGHT PRICES. Complete Stock in Every Department FURS OFALL KINDS Huffs of real Astrachan, real Seal, real Beaver, real Monkey, real Lynx all with Capes, Stoles or Boas to match, in the newest shapes. Every quality of French Seal, Nutria, Raccoon, Coney, Mountain Lynx, etc. The nicest' satin-lined Hare Muffin the city at 50c. Choicest lines of Misses' and Children's Furs in the city, either in single muffs or pelerines to match. Children's Muffs with large capes in Chinchilla, Angora and Seal, just arrived. FOR TRIMMINGS Any kind of Furs by the yard from 18e to $5. r7hite Thibet and "White and Colored Swansdown Trimmings. Van Dyke and Directoire Ruchings, wide and narrow, cream and black Collars and Cuffs in Van Dyke and Oriental Laces. Embroidered Mull Ties and newest patterns in Silk "Windsors. Exquisite line of Hand-run M attellasse and Spanish Guipure Scarfs and Fichns from 50c to $15. Real Point and Duchesse Lace Handkerchiefs. HZXJD GLORIES. ' Four to 20-bntton lengths Suede and Glace Kid Gloves;-in evening shades. A fresh lot of soft Kid Gloves at 60c, worth 76c. Seal French Kid, tan shades, 75c, worth fully $1 SO. Five-hook Foster Lacings, 89c, $1, $1 60; seven-hook Foster Lacings, $1, $1 25, $1.60. $175 and $2. Lined Silk and Cashmere Gloves, lined Fur-top Gloves for ladies and misses, Wool and Silk Mittens for infants, misses and ladies. Cloaks and Wraps. New goods every day. Latest styles in Empire and Directoire Newmarkets and Jackets. Elegant Seal Flush Jackets, best satin lining, $8 25, $8 95, $9 75, $11.45 and up. Lister's Seal Flush and Sacques, best satin lining, chamois pockets, $15 75, $16 75, $18 75, worth fully $20, $25 and $30. Finer qualities up to $10. Over 100 styles Infants' Short and Long Cloaks in Cashmere, plain and fancy Eiderdown and Fancy Flannels and Plushes. 3VrTT,XiHsI All the special shapes in Trimmed Hats and Bonnet's. R bgeribamn 510, 512.514 MARKET ST. P. B.-We continue to donate a $6 Encyclopedia with every $20 purchase. " nol2-TTSsu OFMCllCPlTTSBURO. rNo.128.1 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Frankstown avenue, from Lincoln avenne to Everett street sewer. "Section 1 Be It ordained and enactea by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Conncils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same, Tbat tbe Chief of tbe Department of Public Works be andis hereby authorized anddirected to advertise. In accordance with the acts of As sembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg re lating thereto and regulating the same, for pro posals for the construction of a pipe sewer on Frankstown avenne, from Lincoln avenne to a connection with a sewer on Everett street, said sewer to be 15 inches in diameter, tbe contract therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinances. Tbe cost and expense of the same to be assessed and col lected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of tbe Commonweal tb of Penn sylvania entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A D. VSS9. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 28th dav of October, A,D., 1S89. H.P. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk ot Select Council. V. A. MAGEE, President of Com mon Council protein. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk ot Common Council. Mayor's office, October 81, 1S89. Approvedi "WM. McOALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT -OSTKRMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk, Recorded in Ordinance-Book. 'vol: 7. page 178, A FEW PRICES ON SUITS' Simply to convey an idea. To realize the full amount of stock, it would be necessary to come and see them. AT C7C Handsome effects In Silk A I 33 Combination Suits,embracing the latest Parisian ideas. AT.$50 A beautiful line of Silk Suits, plain and combination. in black ana coiorea AfjULUb, Aii MURES. EHADAMES. 6ROS GRAINS and SURAHS. IT fl 35 and $30-Silk Suits, A I sDnU very handsomely designed, but less elaborately trimmed. IT (TOP Black and Colored Silk Suits, M I 33 weU and neatly made. Very nice goods, indeed, fdr the money. AT $16 A line of Colored Silk Suits that are indeed remarkable value. We desire particularly to impress upon the readers of this advertisement, that every suit we offer is well made, no matter what the price may be. No slop work here. MOTHERS will please notice tbat for children from 2 years' or under, Cloaks, Dresse, Carrying Dresses and every possi ble requirement in Dry Goods necessary for the latest arrival, can be found in great abundance and variety in our Under wear Department. IjJiJDT BS' STUFF SUITS! AT CQC and 30 EIegnt 8yfe in HI 303 wool fabrics, trimmed in Pas sementerie, etc., and also with silk combina tion. Very choice. AT $25 Pine French Royal and Biar retz Whip Cords, in all the leading snades. combined with soft silk fabrics, which makes a rich and beautiful suit. AT $20 Cloth, Cashmere Robes, in other plain and fancy mate rials. Suits that are useful as well as orna mental. AT ClC ?12, $10, ?8 and J6B0 Large HI 310, lines of good, well-made and neat- fitting Suits, good for street or house wear, and while not as rich as some of the higher-priced goods, will be found to look well, fit well, and give satisfaction to the buyer. Be sure to come and get one. LADLES' MOURNING GOODS always on hand. ' noI2-TT3 ETRIT. Hats and Frames. High novelties in Trimmings and AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE. OFFICIAL PITTSBUKG. N0.12LJ AN ORDINANCE -AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Atlantic ave nne, from Penn avenne to Liberty avenue. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and en acted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department ot Public Works be, and is hereby authorized and directed to advertise, in accordance with the acts of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and tbe ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for the construction of a pipe sewer on Atlantic avenne, commencing at Penn ave nue, tnenco to Coral street, 15 inches in diame ter, and from thence to a connection with a sewer on Liberty avenue, and to be 18 inches in diameter, tie contract therefor to be let tn the manner directed by the said act of Assem bly and ordinances. Tbe cost and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in ac cordance with the provisions ot an act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, tAn act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A..D. 1869. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance confllcttsg with the provisions of this ordinance be and tbo same is hereby repealed, so far as the Same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils this 26th day oi October. A. D. 1st). H. P. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk ot Select CounciL W. A.. JCAOEE, PresMeat of Com mon Council pro tem. Attest: GEO.-BOOTH, Clerk of Comae CevaciL Mayor's 0ee, October 8L WIS. Approved: WM. McCALUN. Jtayor. Attart: SOBJKRT TT "f"! jiiHUnT Mayor's CUrt. Reeci itshTMMMt Boo. wi. t, M 171, and Curing by the nse of Herbs and- rt?rin. -i ?t . -W A Well-known Pittsburg Lady Cured by Gun Wa after Suffering Twenty-Eigltf! Years A Well Woman at Last. A Tribute paid, to the Simple but Effect- ive, though Harmless, Medicinal Rem, rt,Vo Vlnrl Mntli.rM.... 1 o 1:.. '' --" --- -.".uicutfaiauyyuet j to Relieve tne Afflictions of Weak , Humanity. . t -. The restoration to health and strength of a womaa Jf - f woo, iut iwcm-jj" jmh, ims sunerea as oniy, v f woman, wun ner oelicate organism, can suffer from1' a complication of diseases, might be announced, as a, "miracle;" hut it Is not. Unless there be organl derangement or physical injury, nature intendeds woman to be healthy, and the fact that so many sufferfv from weaknesses " incident to the sex" Indicates simply an exciting cause which, once removed, nature 3 asserts her normal condition health. Bearing tnis tact well lamina, ana wun proper treatment, it is j,(:3 easier to be well than to be sick, for it is the natural, normal state. That is the theory of Gun Wa, the' rMn physician. The following statement by lfa- theory: ;Jc "For twentyight years said Mrs. Davy, "l-jy mave been ' ailing and much of the time I have been '" a very sickwoman. I have been treated during that" time by fifteen American doctors, each grvisjrsmy malady adifferentnameand assuring me of acnrc,bnt j, , record of fifteen failures was the result. Rather a hopeless outlook. As near as I could maVe out I had a complication of rheumatism withewiale weak ness. Sometimes my knees and legs were so swollen and painful, or my abdomen so bloated that I would be confined to my bed for weeks, covered with a sour-smellingperspiratioii so profuse and continued as to drench the bed clothing, and the stubborn irregu larities of my ' changes,' with, the frightful attending pains, made me Jong for death as a welcome relief. I had been so salivated with pcnrerful'drugs that half of . my teeth had dropped out, and one of my legs seemed permanently twisted. I had been 1ustered,' 'cupped.' 'bled' and 'drugged 'all to no purpose. God knows I gave those doctors every opportunity to effect a core, '' and paid thenv hundreds of dollars while they experi mented. But when Gun Wa, the famous , Chinese physician', came here I went to see '" him, as it promised something new. My lecuitiy dates from that day. He kindly and quietly looked me over and furnished me a two-weeks' treatment of - herbs (which 1 prepared myself, an internal remedy and a wasn, ratner pleasant to caxe, ana oave(cond tinned them with slight changes -ataceT -The result iijl rheumalisinirfrcocrcX.my-syitemrapptuK-apa, digestion better than I had ever known, bowels and other functions greatly improved, and my general health such as I had never dared hope for. Th Chinese herb and vegetable remedies have done this for me, and as long as I am able to talk I shall recommend Gun. Wa and his Chinese treatment to sufiering women. 1 have lived all my life In this conimsnity, and now reside at No. 1 Fountain street, Allegheny, and will gladly talk with any person who Is Interested." : Gnn Wait a distinguished Cliinese physician, who, though debarred by onerous Americas laws from practicing' his profession, has a merchant's privilege to sell his Chinese specifics far various diseases, which he does for a small sum. He has opened parlors, for their sale at 940 Penn avenue He charges nothing for consultation or advice, and Invites afflicted persons to visit him. If you cannot call, write (enclosing 4c postage) for circulars on, various, discasesand history of his. eventful career- Aadress; fg40tPenn. Avenue, Pittsburg. noU-38 ESTABLISHED 1S70. v. - BLACK flda KIDNEYS Is a relief and sure cure for the Urinarr Orzans. Gravel and Cnronlc Catarrh: of ta Bladder. ' The Swiss Stomach Bitters are a sure cure for Dyspepsia, ' Uver Comnlalnt and everr Trass ITauk species ot Indigestion. Wild Cherry Tonic, the most popular prepar ation for cure ot Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Lnnc Troubles. Either ot tbe above, Tl per bottle, or 18 for fa, It your druzgist does not handle these goods write to WiL F. ZOELLEB, Bole Mfi.. OCS.71-TTS" Pittsburg; Pa. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. -VTOriCEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE '' XI reports oi viewers on me grading, paimy anctcurblng of "Webster avenne, from Thirty third street to Orion street, bas been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless- -an appeal Is filed in the Court ot Commoa Pleas within tea (10) days from date. E. M. BKrELOW. Chief ot Department of Public Works. PlTTSBtnto, PAyov.M.IS8Bl nol44o "Vre-TI.CE ra HEREBY GIVEJT THAT TH Xl reports of Viewers of Street Improve ments on tho opening of Klrkwood street, from TTIl.nil avnnna tn nnltint ,mnm ftnl) AldftP .... f nm Hh.rf M,na fn TTilatMf ftvtintl have been approved by Councils, which actios ,' will De nnai, unless an appeal is razea irom ins same in the Court of Common Pleas within- tew !av from date hereof. OKORtlE 8HEPPA.RD. Citv Clerk. PlTTSBUEO.NoV. 13.1883L nol3-77 .j rtfo,iiai ii i W ORMKAKCE-AUTHOBIZING THK A. construction of a board-walk on WHlbvm ;; street from Brownsviue avenue totttuieystw-.j Rprtion 1 BeJWdained and enacted by th ' city d! Pittabargrfe Select and Common Cons-' ' cils assembled, aad' It is hereby ordained ad' , enacted by the authority of the same. That . the Chief ot the Department ot Public Wor ' be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise for proposals for the construction ot a board-walk on William street, from Browns ville avenne to Bailey avenue, and the same' shall be let in the manner directed by an act re lating to streets and sewers in -cities ot tho, gecona Class, approve -may 10. joov, aura or dinances of Conncils relative to same. Tbe ' cost and expense- ot tbe same to be assessed..; and collected in accordance wttn tne provision - of an an oi Assemoiy oi tnevommoaweziia of Pennsylvania, entitled "As act relating to streets andsewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1869. election 2 That any ordinance or part of orssV sanca conflicting with, tbo provisions ot tats' ordinance be and tho same Is hereby repealed, so far as the samo affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Cowte-M", this lata nay ot October. A. v. iss1. H.P. FORD. President of Select CouadL. , Attest: GEO. SHEPPAKf Clerk of Bettct ConaeU. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. PreeQC ' uosmbob council. Attest; UfcU, UOOTHV mw& ui omiuoh council Major's otVce. October St 1888- WIL HeOALLIN. Mavor. Atteot: OMMUtAliX, AMtotMt Mayer's Otarit P&i -.! , 1 1 ., . --ik j-J j