?KIt yraKa fT- .--.,, ( t'-fC :- - jSB " -. V if -ty. -.- TP - T - "i . ? 1 s T . -V THE PsETTSBim& -DISPATCH, 'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER - 14? "1889.- ?fK-.i?s,irSi'' ' t r A BIG TAX TEST CASE. The County Commissioners Assessors Collide and WITH TWO BIG CORPORATIONS. Jones & Laughlins, Limited, and the Dol lar Savings Bank OBJECT .10 THE THREE MILL TAX The County Assessors bare as yet not made much progress, at least bnt little has been reported at the County Commissioners' office, bnt Assessor Joseph II. Wilson has already run against two snags in the Second -ward. Jones's Laughlins' Limited, and the Dollar Savings Bank objected to throwing np their hands, figuratively speaking, and though the precise objection is not very definitely stated as yet, it appears they claim that nnder the act of June 1, 18S9, they are exempted by the twenty-first sec tion from making the return demanded by the local assessor, but are amenable to the State onlyi In a precept issued by the Auditor General for the guidance of Asses sors and County Commissioners is found the following: THE LAW QUOTED. Assessors and County Commissioners should notice the difference between the act of Jnne 1, 1889, nnder which taxes for State purposes are now to be assessed and collected, and the act of Jane SO, 1BS5. under which they have been previously assessed and collected. Under the latter act the mortgages, judgments, securi ties and moneys owing corporations by solvent debtors conld not be taxed, but nnder the act of June J, 1889. they are all made subject to taxation at the rate of 3 mills on each dollar of the value of the same, the exceptions being that the act does not apply to notes discounted or negotiated by any bank, banking institution, savings institution or trust company, nor to building and loan associations, nor does it tax the morteages, judgments and other securities of corporations, limited partnerships and joint stock associations that pay a capital stock tax to the Commonwealth directly, providing such mortgages, judgments and other securities constitute a portion of their assets included within the apprised value ot their capital stock uon which a tax is paid to the Common wealth. AMOUNTS BEYOXD CAPITAL STOCK. 'Whatever a corporation, limited partnership or joint stock association has in the way of mortgages, judgments and moneys due it from solvent debtors over and above what enters the valuation of the capital stock upon which a tax is paid by it to the Commonwealth directly, should be returned to tbo assessor for purposes of taxation, as also all judgments, mortgages and other securities held in a fiduciary capaci ty or not otherwise excepted. Corporations, liniited'partnerships and joint stock associations orcanized exclusively for manufacturing purposes, excepting companies engaged in brewing and distilling and compa nies that enjoy and exercise the right of emi nent domain, are exempted from the payment of a capital stock tax to the Commonwealth; and whatever mortgages, judgments, moneys due from solvent debtors or investments they own, have or hold, should be returned to the assessor for taxation; and in all cases where thev refuse or neglect to make such returns the assessor should estimate a return as in the case of individuals, to which estimated returns the proper Board of County Commissioners or Board of Revision of Taxes should add 0 per centum as the penalty for neglect to make the return. THOSE INTERESTED CAN PICK OUT. To give the instructions in full is unnec essary, as the reader who is interested, and ail are, can pick it out of the sections above quoted. Under the old act savings banks were not required to make return to the local assessor and, in construing the provisions of the last act, Assessor Wilson and the Dollar Sav ings Bank do not agree. The controversy, however, between the corporations noted and the assessor is not acrimonious, but it is necessary that it be settled amicably never theless. The' matter of particular interest to the County Commissioners is this: They must provide for the cost, and in making their es timate they want to get as near right as pos sible. They do not want to run the risk of putting the county into the soup. WHAT TAXPAYEBS MUST PAY ON. The return of personal property taxpayers are required to make includes all loans or shares or stocK ownea dv you ol a railroad comnanv chartered and doing business out side of Pennsylvania; also, the same class of securities owned by yon or manufacturing, mining and other companies chartered by and doing business in other States; also, mortgages, judgments and other securities of saving fund institutions of this or other States that do not have a capital stock; also mortgages, judgments and other securi ties of mutual insurance companies of this or other States; also, mortgages, judgments and other securities of any corporation, lim ited partnership, or joint stock association of this Commonwealth, or that operates and does business in this Commonwealth, which ! does not pay a capital stock tax to the Com monwealth. This will include mortgages, judgments, investments and moneys due and owing to all corporations, limited partner ships and joint stock associations organized and engaged in any manufacturing business of whatever kind or nature it mar be. It is held that the Dollar Savings Bank has no capital stock. The 3 per cent tax on its $13,000,000 of mortgages, securities, etc, would be something like $40,000, and were the Commissioners in default of return to add 50 per cent, as they would have power, if it be shown that a return should be made to them would aggravate the matter to the extent of $15,000 or $17,000, and the signifi cance when ail the county is canvassexl be comes very great. The attorneys of the corporation named conferred at length with the Commissioners yesteraay, anu bounty bolicitor Geyer's at tention was called to the matter. He stated that he wasn't ready to cive an opinion, but seemed to think the meaning of the law would not be difficult to reach. It is pro posed to get up an amicable test case and have the matter settled by the Court as soon ts possible, so that the work of making as sessments shall not be delayed, BIG MONEY FOE COUNTIES. "What makes the case peculiarly interest ing to the county is the information con Teyed in the closing paragraph of instruc tions from the Auditor General, which reads thus: As the several counties of the Common. wealth are entitled to have returned to them under the art of J une 1, 1SS9, one-third of the tax, as per statement made by them to the htate Board of Revenue Commissioners, it is hoped that county commissioners and assessors will be vigilant in securing foil and proper returns from all taxable persons, corporations, firms partnerships. limited partnerships and joint stock associations. CbBtnberlnln'a Consfa firmed?. Several years ago Chamberlain & Co., of Des Moines, Iowa, commenced the manu facture of a cough remedy, believing it to be the most prompt and reliable preparation yet produced for coughs, colds and croup, that the public appreciate true merit, and in time it was certain to become popular. Their most sanguine hopes have been more than realized. Over 300,000 bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy are now sold each year, and it is recognized as "the best made," wherever it is known. It will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treatment For sale at 50 cents per bottle by E. G.Stuckey, Seventeenth and Twenty fourth sts., Penn ave., and cor. "Wylie ave. and Pulton st; by Markell Bros., cor. Penn and Franklin aves.; byTheo E. Ihrig, 3,610 Fifth ave., and by Carl Hartwig, Butler st., in Pittsburg; and in Allegheny City by E. E. Heck, 72 and 194 Federal st., and Thos. K. Morris, cor. Hanover and Preble aves., Fred H. Eggers, 172 Ohio street, F. H. Eg jrers & Son, Ohio and Chestnut streets. Tisu 85 Worth lor 85. One elegant life-size crayon, 13 cabinet photos, one panel, all for $5, at Yeager & Co.'s Gallery, 70 Federal st, Allegheny, Pa, Leave orders tor Xnias; come soon. 'IFAMILY MEDICINES. A Few Suggestion! io Parents on an Inde pendent Subject. What constitutes a family medicine? This is a question in which all parents are deeply interested. There are medicines that sail nnder the name of family medicines that have very few of the requisites demanded for household use. In the emergencies that are likely to arise at any time in the family they are always found wanting. They may be good medicines in many respects, and yet4rhen it comes to the peculiar qualities, the possession of which entitles a medicine to the name of family medicine, they are utterly lacking. In the first place, family medicines that are family medicines in fact as well as in name, must cover all the diseases that are likely to break out at any time in a family. It may be a simple cold,"or it may be con sumption; it niav be the whooping cough, or it may be cnolera morbus; but what ever it is, light or severe, comparatively harmless or extremely dangerous, a family medicine must be able to check and to cure it. Then it must act promptly and effect ively. The disease may be as violent as it is sudden, and unless a medicine acts promptly in nine cases out of ten it is uie less. In any event it cannot be relied upon, and a .family medicine must, above all things, be reliable. Then it must be good as well as safe lor old and young to take, and pleasant, also, for otherwise the children will not take it The children, it must be borne in mind, are a very important part of the family, and their tastes as well as needs must be consulted. Then further, a lamilv medicine must be reason able in price. The rich are the few, the poor are the many. A family medicine that finds its way into rich families only is not truly entitled to the name. But a medicine that is high in price cannot be kept in the house by poor people. They cannot afford to buy it Therefore the price- must be adjusted to meet their financial circumstances. Again, a family medicine ought to be a preventive as well as a cure. Part of its usefulness should be to keep disease away. The moie successfully it can do this the more usetul it is. Bat, above all, it must be such that it can be made use of by the members of the family without calling in the aid of a phy sician. This is unquestionably one ot the principal attributes of a true family medi cine, for without the ability to cure them selves by means of it the name Family Medicine would practically be meaning less. Such are the qualities that constitute fam ily medicines that truly and justly deserve the name. In how many medicines will these qualities be fonnd? In very few, in deed; and first and foremost among these few, by the common consent of all who have given them a trial, are the three great fam ily remedies Pe-ru-na, Man-a-lin and La-cu-pi-a. Every essential quality and im portant characteristic given above is pos sessed by these remedies in a marked degree To begin with, they cover all the diseases" likely to break out at any time in any fam ily. If it is consumption, or pnenmonia. or pleurisy, or bronchitis, or asthma, or croup, or neuralgia, or quinsy, or disease of the heart or stomach, or colic, or cholera mor bus, or cholera infantum, or diarrhoea, or dysentery, or disease of the kidneys, or scarlet fever, or whooping cough, or diphtheria, or typhoid fever, or erysip las, or yellow lever, or rheumatism, or female diseases, or acute diseases oi the skin, Pe-ru-na will cure tbem all, and cure tbem in a marvelously short time. If it is constipation, or biliousness or piles, or any kind of trouble with the liver, Man-a-lin will cure it promptly and effectively. If it is catarrh, or running of the ears, or chronic rheumatism or scrofula, or chronic ulcers, or constitutional skin diseases, or any blood disease, however violent, La-cu-pi-a will cure it and do so in a way that will demonstrate its power in a most conclusive manner. In the second place, Pe-ru-na, Man-a-lin and La-cu-pi-a act promptly and effectively. In the third place, they are safe and pleasant to take, and good for old and young alike. In the fourth place, they are reasonable in price, being but$l a, bottle six for $5, so that the poorest family can afford to keep them on hand. In the fifth place, they prevent diseases as well as cure them. Pe-ru-na is nudoubtedly one of the very best tonics ever made, while a little Man-a-lin taken now and then effec tually prevents constipation, and thus keeps the system regular. In the sixth place, and lastly, and most important of all, they are not only medicines for iamily use, but are to be used by the members of the family in curing themselves, thus saving time, trouble and doctor's bills. By every attribute and mark, therefore, of a true family medicine, these three are such. As such they are in thousands of homes to-day, in every State of tne union, ana as such thousands of fami lies that have tried them and found them as advertised would not tor a single day be without them. As such, finally, they are recommended for trial to those who have never tried them, with the assurance that they will be found to be, in every respect and in each particular, exactly what they are denominated the three great family remedies. Thompson' Guide to Music Baring-. ,. . Tel7 n?1"; this publica Every musician in Pittsburg should have tion. It is a laree 60-natred catalogue, full sheet music size, containing illustrations and prices of nearly every musical instrument irom a double-ton eued jewsharp to a fine piano. Also, a complete list of over 6,000 pieces of popular sheet music. Also, a special list of popular music books by well-known publishers. The special net prices printed in this cata logue will open your eyes. We send this complete, including Will L. Thompson's latest song and chorus, on receipt of 10 cts. in postage stamps. W. L. Thompson & Co.. tts East Liverpool, O. Can It Be Possible. Bradford Piano, 7)4 octaves, square.... $100 Von Minden Piano, 7)4 octaves, square 125 Grovestine & Fuller Piano, 7)4 octaves, square 150 New Upright Piano, G)4 octaves 175 New Organ, "5 octaves 44 New Organ, 6 octaves 55 Mellor & Hoene Organ, 5 octaves 20 Pittsburg dealers' expenses are so high that it is impossible for them to sell within 25 per cent of our prices. Echols, McMuebay & Co., 123 Sandusky st, (Telephone Building), Allegheny, Pa. TUSSU This Morning We drop our bargain knife and cut the price of our men's imported Schnabel's chinchilla overcoats from $22 to $12; $12 to day. They come in three shades blue, black and brown many of them bound, and we guarantee them first-class garments. P. C. C. C. cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Gnltnrs and Mandolins. "WARRANTED TRUE AND NOT TO'SPLIT. The American antique oak $ 8 00 The Arion mahogany 10 00 The Conservatory rosewood, first qualitv ". 15 00 The Conservatory rosewood, second quality 12 00 The Washburn rosewood $22 to 150 00 The American Mandolin 12 00 The Washburn Mandolin $22 to 75 00 Also, always on hand a fine assortment of banjos, zithers, cornets, music boxes, auto harrjs, violins, music cabinets, accordions, music wrappers and (olios. Everything in the musical line at the lowest prices. Ail the latest sheet music sold at half-price by H. Klebcr & Bro., No. 606 Wood street Cabinet photos, panel picture. Lies' and 12 Sixth st $1 per doz. Extra Popular Gallt-', io Tisa The most effective "night cap" is a glass orF. & V.'s Iron City beer. HEAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, Mat, 401 SmlthDeld Street, cor. Fourth Arcnuo. Capital, 8100,000. Surplus, BS.O00. Deposits of 11 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. tts Biaib's Pills Great English cont and rheumatic remedy. Sure, prompt and effect Ire. At druggists'. TTSu M3-Display advertisements one dollar per square or one insertion Classified advertise menu on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for las than fifty tents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements arc to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Till DIB PATCH. prrrsBURQ. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 35o9 Butler street. EM1L O. BTUCKEY, Mth street and Penn ave. E. G. bTUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton aU N. STOKELY, jftrui Avenue Market House. EAST END. " 3. TV. WALLACE, cm Penn avenue. v OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SBEIBLER,Stb av. & Alitood It SOUTIISIDK. JACOB SPOHN. No. SCarson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. HAERCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBKIDE. Market Honse, Allegheny. FEKDH. EOGEHS. 171 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERS A SON, Ohio and Chestnut M. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson meets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsvlvanlaand Beaver aves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. M1LLYALE BOROUGH. W. "W. FLOCK.ER, Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOB THE SOUTHSIDE AT HO. 1220 CARSON STREET. WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIALSOUTHSIDEISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. aiale ITcIp- T7-ANTED-AGENTS-APPLY TO A. J. PEN- VY TECOST, 413 Grant St. nolf-48 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCE!) CLOTHING salesman. Call or address FAMOUS, Brad dock, Pa. nol4-37 WANTED FIRST-CLASS DRUG CLERK; none other need apnlv. Address P. o. BOX 1005. Pittsburg, Pa. ,. nol2-6J XTJANTED-AN EXPERIENCED MAN-TO V solicit orders for job printing offlrc. Ad dress K. T. Box 689, city. noU-96 WANTED-BLACKSMITH-TO GO TO THE country. Apply, at 9 o'clock, BOOTH A FLINN. 933 Penn avenue. nol4-!3 WANTED-A HAMMERSMITH FOR FORG ING fan-tall and coach-shape carriage axle. CLEVELAND AXLEM'F'G. CO., Cleve land, O. nol4-6-D -TTT ANTED A COMPETENTSHEETROLLER: V a first-class Job and steady work for a good man: reference required. Address P. O. 0X29, Pittsburg. nol4-S WANTED -A SUBSCRIPTION NUMBER book salesman, with reference, can hear of a pood opening by addressing J. H. C, Dis patch office. nol4-l -rXTANTED-200 LABORERS FOR RAILROAD, V pipe line and stone quarry, 100 coal miners, carpenters, coal shufflers, rarm and gardeners. Inquire 640GUANT STREET. nol4-31 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN WHO UNDER STANDS magic lantern, to travel with company; state wages required, with reference, at once. Address BOX 512, Latrobe, Pa. nol4-49 -TrjANTED-GOOD ROLLING MILL BLACK- TV SMITH who can work either Iron or steel. Apply at once to Mgr. of PITTSBURG FORGE AND IRON CO.,Mlnth ward, Allegheny. no!4-22 WANTED-GENTLEMEN WHO DESIRE A wife or a lively correspondent to send their address and stamp to THE AMERICAN CORRE SPONDING CLUB, Box 643, Clarksburg, W, Va. OC23-10 w AN1KD-A YOUNG MAN AS MENOH- VV RAPHER and typewriter: wWing to do other -work aUo. Apply at MANAGER'S OFFICE CABLE W&IRKS, cor. bixtecnthh and Pike sts., city. nol4-24 "TOTANTED-CARPKJ.TEHS-A FEW GOOD Annlr YY house carpenters and millwrights. at once to JOHN A. GOFF, Foreman, corner Twenty-fourth street and Penn avenue, Pitts burg. nol4-23 -TTTAMEU-RELIABLE LOCAL ANDTRAV YV ELING salesmen; nosltlons permanent; special Inducements now; fast-selling specialties: don't delay; salary from start. BROWN BROS., Nurserymen, Rochester, N.Y. sel7-70-TTS -TirrANTED AGENTS "DODGE'S HORSE Y blanket holder:" keeps the blanket from blowing or sliding off the horse; nothing like It in the market: every horse owner buys: sample by mall 25c. STAYNER & CO., Providence, K. I. n 010-95 -TT7-ANTED AN EXPERIENCED, INTELLI YY GENT man to act as general salesman and floor manager In a retail drygoods bnslness: man about 25 to 35 years of age wanted the rlrht man can secure a good position. Address DRY-no!4-7 uuifua, uispaicn omce. WANTED-LABORERS WANTED IN NEW Orleans-SOO able-bodied men to sblpas crew; wages (CO per month and board; to reliable men steady employment will be given. Apply to M.N.WOOD. Coast and Lalausche Line, No. 2 Canal St., New Orleans, La. oclS-42 WANTED-AGENTST08ELLTEA. BAKING powder and pure sptces: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmcn can makemoney In their spare time; special Inducements toner sons having established trade. YAMASH1RO TEA CO., 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. u20-79-TTS -TTJANTED-SALESMEN AT f75 PER MONTH YV salarv and expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc.; by sample only; horse and team famished free: write at once for full Bartlculars-aud sample case of goods free. STAN AUD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. Se24-90-D TTTANTED-BY A WELL ESTABLISHED VV firm, doing business In the city, a man to represent them in St. Louis; must have more than ordinary ability and push: salary SS0O to $1,000, with prospects of Increase: must have a Utile cap ital to start with. Aadress B., Dispatch office. nol4-I2 WANTED-YOU TO KNOW THAT NOTH IftG Is selling like Dr. Walsh's famous book, "Mary, the Queen or the Honse of David:" one agent reports 141) orders from 151 calls; good salary or commission to the right parties. Pub lished: exclusively by A. S. GRAY & CO., Eisner A Phillips building. nol4-12 WANTED -AT ONCE-ONE ENERGETIC salesman to handle our line of GO samples in women, misses and children's hand-sewed turns, hand welts and McKay sewed shoes on a commis sion of 5 per cent. In western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio: goods well known: samples ready, MCCLURE, BLOEbER & EGGERT, Buffalo. N. Y. noS-lOu ANTEDAGENTS IN EVERY TOWN IN Western Penna., Northern W. Va.. and Eastern Ohio to sell the Merritt typewriter, the best 115 machine In America: we also have the simplex duplicator. Shannon letter and bill files, filing cabinets, office desks, letter presses, copy ing books, etc.: write for circulars and terms, OFFICE SPECIALTY MFG. CO., McCance Block. Pittsburg. noH-100 Female Help. TTT ANTED AN EXPERIENCED NITESK girl at 149 SHEFFIELD bTREET. Alle gheny. no!4-44 WANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, to live out of the city; no wash ing: references required. Inquire at office ORE GON BREWERY. Forbes and Stevenson st. nol4-90 WANTED-LADY (MIDDLE-AGED) IN OUR educational department: must possess some business abilities; hours 9 to 5: salary f 10 per week. Call after 10 to-day, No. 5 Seventh aye. H. A. SCHROEDER. no!4-95 WANTED-LADY AGENTS FOR OOR NEW Mcintosh Raglln; superior cloth. In wide stripes on outside: vulcanized rubber on Inside: close fitting; very stylish: never spots: beautiful as the finest cloth garment ever made and Is abso lutely waterproof: agents sell six a day and make t4 00: great opportunity; also fine line other goods. Address E. II. CAMPBELL, 484 Randolph St., Chicago. nox-69-TTsu WANTED TO EMPLOY A FEW LADIES, on salary, to take charge of my business at their homes; entirely unobjectionable; light; very fascinating and healthful: no talking required; permanent position: wages flu per week in ad vance; good pay foi part time; my references In clude some ol the best well-known people of Lou isville, Cincinnati, Pittsburg and elsewhere. Ad dress with stamp. MRS. MARIO WALKER, Fourth and Chestnut sts., Louisville, Ky. selZ-13-Thsu Male nnd Female Uelo. WANTED-HOUSEKEEPEK, LAUNDRESS, cooks, chambermaids, dining room girls, nurses, 100 Louseglris, German aud colored girls, drivers, waiters, farm hands, 1 colored boy. illtS. E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant St. noli-KThs WANTED AT ONCE HOUSEKEEPER, must be Catholic, laundress, dishwasher and nurse girl, cooks, chambermaids, bouse girls, 2 dining room girls, 83 50 per week, vegetable cook, Santry girl, 2 colored girls. MEEHAN'S. 545 rant St. D014-D fsltnntlona. WANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED YOUNG man, situation as timekeeper or shipping Clerk: A No. 1 references. REX, Dispatch office. noI4-8S WANTED-A SITUATION-FOR A FIRST band bread and cake baker in the city. Address FRED MILLER, 36 Darrab St., Alle gheny. nolS-24 WAN TED-BY A MIDDLE-AGED ilAN. single, a position as timekeeper, cashier or any position 'or trust; can give first-class, refei ence and a cash deposit. Adaress W. O.. Dis patch omce. - i-' ,"8014-28 WAlfTED. Rooms, nouses. Etc WANTED-TWO FURNISHED BOOMS FOR light housekeeping. Address X. X., Dis patch office.- noH-a Financing "W- 'ANTED MORTGAGES LARGE AND small, mi. wixxiaxi, 4iourani ira:t. U012-&5-D WAN1ED-TO LOAN C,00O IN SUMS TO salt on first mortgage. Save expense by addressing PRIVATE, Dispatch office, noiu- -TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-MO EYTO LOAN VV in sums to suit at , 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES &. BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl-14-TTSSU WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over I1.O0O; 4tf tier cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVLraco., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D VHTANTED - M.OOO INTEREST IN SOME vr i legitimate business, which will secure situa tion: light mnrg. preferred. Address BUbl ESS, Dispatch office. nol4-83 -TTANTED-MOHTGAGlib-IL000,ai0TOLOAN IT la large aim Buiau terxent, frceof btatetax OYLE& CO., 131 Fourth i In large and small amounts at 4S. Sands no delay. EEDB. lave. mT21-60 WANTED-TO LOAN 850.000 ON MORT GAGES in amounts to suit. In city or coun try, at 4)4 to 6 per cent, as to security; no delay. SAMUEL W. liLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave jyl4-16-HThS WANTED-TO LOAN 1500,00a IN AMOUNTS of $3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4J4. percent, free oftax: also mailer amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK Ic BA1RD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D WANTSD-MORTGAGES-IT, 000, OCOTO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4M, Sand 6 per cent, anu on jarms in Aiicgnenrauu ujo- cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. Ai. rTtv" a BUH, lUo Jt onrm avenue, ap7-ftt TTTANTED-TO LOAN 1200.000 ON MORT- YY GAGES; (100 and upward at 6 per cent; 1500,000 at 4K per cent on residences or business property: also in aatoining counties. S. H. FRENCH. 125 Fourth avenue. oc21-4-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-1100.000 TO LOAN' on mortgagea. in sums from S500 to 510,000. for 3 to S vears on cltv property, at very low rates: write for terms and give description of property. J. E. GLASS, 13S Fifth ave. Telephone No. 1764. nolS-47 Snaccllaneona. T1TANTED -PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS IN Y V sparring. Address SPAR, Dispatch office. noi3-22 WANTED-TO BUY A STATIONEKY OB notion store In country town. Address, withf nil particulars, G. H., Dispatch office. nol4-91 -rT7"ANTED-TO PURCHASE A SECOND VV HAND electric light machine. Inquire WM. KLEIMAN, No. 213 Main St., Allegheny City. noH-20 WANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S dozen (13) of Stewart ft Co. ' j fine cabinet photos for tU at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mv28-49-TTSU -TT7-ANTED A RESPECTABLE PERSON, YV willing to adopt a perfectly holthy girl baby, Sweets' old: legitimate and healthy par ents. Inquire Sj3 PENN AVE. nol3-13 TIT ANTED - NOVEMBER 13 THE LAST VV month for flue cabinets at fl per dozen, at AUFRECHT'S ELITE GALLERY, 510 Market St., Pittsburg. Bring the children on elevator. DOS-60-TWT6SU TiTANTED-BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO- VV TOGRAPHER, 96 Firth avenue, Pittsburg. and 43 Federal street. Allegheny, everybody to Know that ne is matin nr Sne cabin fine cabinets at ;i 50 per doxen; photos delivered when promised; instan- taneous process. mhl3-63 WANTED-PERSONS TO COME AND 'EX AMINE the Patterson plan of lots at Cochran station, on the Monongahela division of the P. R. R., before purchasing elsewhere: see advertise ment another column. J. R. WY1.IE. Cochran station, Duqucsne, Pa., or No. 8 W OOD STREET, Rooms, Iron Exchange building, Pittsburg. oca-60-ocT).nol.4, FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FOR SALE A BARGAIN IN A BRICK dwelling of 7 rooms, on Wylle ave.. near Ktrkpatrlckst; price only 12,600. C. BERINGER &SON., 103 Fourth ave. nolJ-3-ThS FOR SALE A 9 PER CENT NET INVEST MENT: a quick sale desired to settle an es tate; 2 large brick houses; lot 40x80 feet. Tunnel, near Firth avenue. See W. A. HERRON A bONH, 80 Fourth avenue. no6-67-HTh FORBALE-L1NEOFCABLE, TEN MINUTES' walk from Wood at. and Sixth ave., new two story and mansard press brick. 8 rooms, vestibule, bath, laundry, inside w. c, slate mantels, double parlors, folding doors: this Is a handsome bouse ox moaern nmsn, in a location rapidly improving as a residence quarter: lot 22x115 to 40-foot street: 86,000. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. PQ14-42 East End Realoencea. FOR SALE SPACIOUS EAST END RES! DENCE and grounds, Shadyslde district. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 123 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Mortgages wanted. nol3-5S-WThS FOR S A LE-NEAT RESIDENCE AND LARGE lot; East End, near cable cars; everything almost new; 85,600: a bargain. J AS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Mortgages wanted. noI3-58-WThs FOR SALE-JO. 000-A NEATHOUSE.7 ROOMS, well Improved: lot 59x127 feet, on Emerson, near Alder St., between inland and bhady ave nue. East End. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. nolO-63-MTh FOR SALE-FIVE-ROOM BRICK HOUSE ON Fifth avenne, near Robinson street, on line ofcable cars, at a barraln price 82,600, 81,090 cash, balance on ten years' time if desired. C. H, LOVE, No. 93 Fourth ave. n 014-8 FOR SALE-ON EUCLID AVENUE, EAST END, near both cable lines, seven-room bouse with good lot; price 82,900, 8500 cash and 831 a month; this Is a very cheap property. C. IL LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. nol4-9-ThSSu "CWK BAL-LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN-2 JP six-room houses (nearly uew) on Edmond St., near Liberty ave.. Twentieth ward, lot SSilM; Srlce only 83,000 to a qulca buyer. BALTEN PERGER i WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. nol2-58 TM rOR SALE-ONLY 84,200-OAKLAND-A X? new 2-8tory frame dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, Tesiiouie, nam, lnsiue w. c. ana w. s. range, n. and c water. Inside shutters, slate mantels and tile hearths, lot 24x100 to an alley. J. E. GLASS, 133 Filth ave. Telephone 1761. nol4-27 FOR BALE-ON ELLSWORTH AVE.. NEAR Roup St., rorner lot 55 by ab't 135; frame house, 8 rooms, bathroom: natural gas, elegant front porch, hall In center of house; good elevation; very desirable In every respect; only $8,000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth aye. noS-58-TTSSU FORSALE-WALNUTSTKEET.NEAR AIKEN avenue, choice lot, 34x1:7 feet to 20-foot al ley: 3 substantial four-room houses; occupied by desirable, prompt-paying tenants: property in prime order; good location: rentals about 8600 per year: price 85,500. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood street. nol4-4! FOKBALE-83.600-SAORIFICE E.E. DWELL ING, 5 minutes' from cable line or P. R. R.; substantial, almost new six-room frame dwell ing: ball, gas, water, etc., with two lots, each 24x 109 feet: this Is a corner property, and very de sirable; call at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 98 Fourth ave. nol2-78 FOR SALE ELYS1AN AVE. NEAR POINT BREEZE A choice corner property In a rap idly Improving and promising locality; new two story frame, 6 rooms, oath, porches, excellent cement cellar, private sewerage; lot 48x109 feet; an attractive and desirable home, (4,000. CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., 313 Wood st. no 12-7 FOR SALE-ON O'HARA ST., BETWEEN Firth ave. and Walnut St., lot 42x130: frame house of 8 rooms and bathroom; lavatory on first floor; slate mantels, natural gas. 'elegant front and side porch: ab't 3 minutes from Fifth ave. cable cars; desirable In every respect: only 85,750; a bargain. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. no9-58-TTSSU FOBSALE-HANDSOMEHOMEFOR88.300ON very reasonable terms; street andsewerln provements made; a complete brick house, late style of architecture, 9 rooms, finished and con venlenced most thoroughly; beautifully located on Coltart square, Oakland. Full particulars lrom W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. no4-3-TT FOR SALE-ON COR. EL WOOD AND EDWIN sts., lot 50x120 to 20-ft. alley: new framo house of 8 rooms, reception hall, bathroom, basement laundry and all modern improvements; elegant front and sldeporch: good neighborhood: only 2 minutes' walk from Fifth ave cable cars: 88,750; easy terms. THOS. LIGGETT, Mo. 114 Fourth avenue. no9-58-TTSSu FOR SALE ELLSWORTH, NEAR ROUP station and cables: new Queen Anne brick; 10 large rooms: large tile vestibule reception hall; bath, laundry, cedar closet, hardwood mantels with mirrors: a beautiful house; embracing every mod ern appliance and convenience: large lot with lawn, shade and hard walks; well worth 814,000. CHARLES SOMEKS ft CO., 318 Wood st. nol2-8-TT FOR SALE-THE VERY BEST AND MOST complete brick houses for the money offered for kale In either city: only 88,300-brlck houses wellbulit: late style of architecture: 9 rooms, hand somely finished: complete to smaller details; street and sewer Improvements made: location first class, on Coltart square, the most desirable part of uaKiana; senator particulars, w. A. HEltKuri ft SONS, SO Fourth avenue. no4-4-MTb FOK SALE-EAST END-AriNJi NORTH HI LAND ave. dwelling containing 10 elegant rooms; all conveniences; this is a very desirable home, complete In all respects; onlyaiew min utes' walk from both cable lines, and a short dis tance from Kast Liberty station: lot 55x118; ele vated above the street; tbe price has been re duced to a very reasonable figure. BLACK & 11A1KD, 05 Fourth ave. 3A-143. nolO-K) FOB SALE-83G3 CASH. BALANCE SUALL monthly payments, for 7-room Queen Anne dwelling; half, vestibule, porch, bath. Inside w. c. range: lot 80x19): one minute from Second ave. electric rallwaytprlce 83,650; this la part of tbe large Blair estate, and we offer these low nrlces and easy terras to Interest downtown people, ex pecting to make our profits later on, SAMUEL w. BLACK It CO., 89 Fourth ave. no9-V2-TTS T7IOK SALE-BEN "VENUE PLACE, A F1BST--.' CLASS Queen Anne frame residence of 8 rooms and attic, recept. hall and bath room, in side w. c. and stationary w. s., nat. gas for fuel, electric light, electric bells, cemented cellar.lann dry with stationary tubs; elegantly flnlthed throughout and U one or the moit desirable resi dences In-East End. with a beautimi lot 82x140, and only 87.500, on easy terms. For particulars see J. E. ULASS, 138 Fifth ave. Telephone 17S4. nol4-27 ' -- FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Enat End Residence!. FOR SALE-GOOD SMALL HOUSE. THREE rooms, with large lot, on Orphan avenue. East End: price I1.2U0; terms easy. C. H. LOVE, N o, 91 Fourth avenue. no!4-8 FOR SALE-OAKLAND DWELLINGS-WE have a large number of dwellings in Oak land. ranzlnirfromt3.snotntT.mo:eaUforlIst. C BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. noH-3-ThS I7IOR SALE-A NICE NEW BRICK BESI : DENCE, with 2 lots, on Larimer avenue, a graded, paved and sewered St.: all In perfect order. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avuuo. nol3-S3-Ths Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-GOOD FRAME DWELLINO house of 7 rooms, with lot 20x12? feet, on Bea ver ave., Allegheny, near Fayette st; price low. C. BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. nol4-3-TbS TTtORSAI.E FRAMK HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS JD also a 3-roomed house: lot 40x150 feet; Grand avenue. Tenth ward Allegheny: price only 11,800 lor an. c, BERINGER & SON, 1(1! Fourth ave. nOlt-3-ThS FOR SALE-ELEGANTMANSION. 11 ROOMS, large lot, shade irees and shrubbery: Wash ington Btreet, Allegheny; will be sold at a bar gain. W. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 105 Fourth aye. FOR 3ALE-AT A VERY REASONABLE price, one of the most desirable properties on North Avennp. Alleirhnnr. fronting the most de sirable part of parks. W. A. HERRON & SOJS, w r oarta avenue. nol2-87-TuTh FOR BALE ALLEGHENY INVESTMENT Close to California ave. and locomotive works; three-story frame. 8 rooms; rentals will yield a large return on price.t2.300. CHARLES SOMEKS & CO., 313 Wood St. H014-42 FOR SALE-PARK PROPERTY, ALLE GHENY, choice residence. No. 21 Montgom ery ave.. 14 rooms, bath, lavatories, laundry and all conveniences: quick sale desired to settle an estate. BAILEY, FARBELL & CO., 619 Smith field st. noH-35 FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY - WE THINK well of this property as a point for business. In the center of a rapidly-growing locality, and as a place affording a pleasant home;substantlal new two-story frame, large storeroom, side hall. 4 large nice dwelllngrooms; lot 24x130: well excel lent water, stable, etc: a good Investment; 3,OC0. CHARLES SOMERS i. CO., 313 Wood U nol4-42 gnbnrban Residence!. FOR SALE A NICE RESIDENCE AND large lot In Sewlckley, near railroad station. 8 rooms, hall, cellar, porches, natural gas, bath, etc., large lot, open elao entrance, stable and car riage honse, etc.; price only Jo, 500; a great bar gain. JAS. W. DRAPE 4X0., l5 Fourth avenne. x'lttsborg. noia-56 FOB. SALE LOTS. East End Lots. FOR BALE-OAKLAND LOTS ON ROMEO ST., Bonndry St., Joncalre st. and Sylvan ave.: 1250 and f30O each. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-217. nolO-61 FOR SALE-BUILDING LOTS FOR 8700, ONE square from cable cars, on Howe, near Roup street: terms easy. W. A. HERRON Jt SONS. 80 rounn avenue. nOllHB-HTh FOR SALE-8 ACHE3-THE FINEST BLOCK of ground on Squirrel Hill, on the leading avenue: price only (12,000. ed wrnisH. 410 uiaubBu, xiisourg. nol4-D FOR SALE 2 ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL ground, almost adjoining the Schenley Park. Twenty-second ward, for 89,00) if sold quick ,uiu if sola quicx. w. ourth avenue. A. ll.ttllU SSU.NS, BUfO nolO-69-MTh FOR SALE-S650-LEVEL BUILDING LOTS, on grade, 25x100 feet, 0 feet from Home wood station, P. R. R.; location desirable: terms easy. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 60 Fourth ave nue. BOlO-48-MTh FOR SALE-81X ACRES ON BHADY AVEN UE. Squirrel Hill, one minute from new electric road, at less than value: well planted in fruit, etc.; terms to suit. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. nol4-10 FOR SALE-HEHRON H1LLU-OT3 8500 EACH, Madison aye., just at the termlnns of the Wylle ave. cable line: this Is a good place to buy or a home or Investment. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. nolAl FOK SALE-COH. WALNUT STRAND COL LEGE ave.. lot 100x147; sets well above grade; about 3 minutes' walk from Fifth ave. cable cart; small cash payment, bal. on time. THOS. LIG GETT. No. 114 Fourth aye. no9-58-TTSSU FOR SALE VILLA PARK PLAN OF LOTS are the most desirable In the market; no lot less than 40x140 feet; good walks, close to station; S rices low and best of terms: investigate this plan efore purchasing elsewhere. JOHN F. BAX TER, Agt., 5l2Smlthfleldst. noltMi-TTSSu T7IOR SALE-SECURE ONE OF THOSE VERY E desirable lota for a home or Investment: Baum Grove plan. Roup station; the Baum Grove plau Is the most central location In the East End, and prices below actual value. MELLON BROS., East End, or JNO. F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 6ml th fleld st. noll-5-TT FOR SALE THE CHEAPEST LOTS WITH greatest advantages are the Baum Grove lots; no extra cost for sewers, grading, curbing, stone Salks, etc., easy of access; fprices low: terms iay, and monev to build If desired. See MELLON BUGS., East End, or JNO. F. BAXTER, Agent, MISmlthfleldst. noll-4-HIh FOR SALE-ON WILKIN B AVENUE. NEAR Fifth avenue, four acres, one of the finest lo cations In the Squirrel Hill district, not over two minutes' walk from new electric road, and about five minutes from Fltth avenue eable line: this Is one of the most desirable locations now for sale In the suburbs or the city. C. H. LOVE. No. 93 Fourth avenue. nol4-ll-ThF6u Tlazelwood lota. FOR 8ALE-LARGE LOTS. CHOICE HESI DKN CE location and good investment prop erty. Second ave, near Hazelwood station, right in line oi eieciTic roaa. CO., 313 Wood St. CHARLES SOMERS 4 U014-42 Suburban Let. FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS; 50x194, 8400 TO 8600, Belmont Place, Ingram, P., C &bl. L. R. R.: streets 50 ft. wide: sewered: houses to set back 40 ft., cost at least J2.0CO: terms 825 down, balance 810 per month. INGHAM LAND AND IMPROVE MENT CO., 60 Fourth ave. (second floor). OC13-102-TTSU OHacellBneona. FOR SALE-NATURAL GAS LANDS-160 acres on Noblesvllle road, eight miles from Indianapolis; no wells yet drilled on this land, but lands on all sides have flowing wells, from which entire supply for Indianapolis Is obtained. For prices apply to L. A. COQUAKD, 124 North Tblrd St.. St. Louis. Mo. no!4-W-D FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR 8 ALE-THE PATENT RIGHT OF A VERY useful article, used In every household. Call on W. B. BRATTEN, seventh Avenue Hotel, to day. noI4-35 FOR SALE-CHEAP-AN INTEREST IN AN oil well, nearly finished, with 500 acres, near producing wells. Address FORTUNE, Dispatch office. nol4-34 TTIOR SALE-BARBER SHOP. WITH EQU1P JD MENT for the business, with lease of building; location first-class. For particulars call at NO. 179 FEDERALJJlBEET, Allegheny City. no!2-9 FOR SALE-DRUGSTORE ONE OF THE finest and most central In the city; well stocked with fresh goods: will sell at Invoice: only those meaning business need answer. PHAR MACY, Dispatch office. no!4-4l FOR SALE-1N THE OIL BELT. NEAR THE Arbuckle well. In Cbartlers Creek, at Duff's station, Allegheny county, Pa., 6 acres price y,uw. d or zuii particulars see w. HERRON t SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. FOR SALE-CHEAP, ONE OF THE OLDEST and best paying photograph galleries In Alle gheny; must be sold, on account of poor health; rare chance for right party. Address PHO TOGRAPHER, Allegheny P. O., Pa. nol4-92-MTh8 FOR SALE-DRUG BUSINESS IN NOR1H WEsTFa., the oldest and best located In city oris. 000 'nop.; stock and business worth 81,-000; will sell for 82,500 cash; owner In other business Call or address J. L. WILSON, St. Charles Hotel, Thursday or Friday afternoon. nol4-17 FOR 8ALE-AT A SACR1FICE-A FIRST CLASS drygoods business: stock fresb and clean: location one of the very best. In a large manufacturing district; stock will Invoice about 83,000; can be reduced to 85,000; good and sufficient reasons for selling. Those meaning business can Set full particulars by addressing P. O. BOX 60, IcKeesport, Pa. no2-43-TT8 FOR SALE SEVERAL FINE GROCERY stores, large and small,, at low prices: cigar stores, small drygoods stores, confectioneries, bak eries, laundry, feed store, milk depots, boarding houses, printing office, etc N. B. We have customer with 5, 000 or more capital who will take Interest in good paying city drygoods business. 8HEPARDftCO.,oVrlFthaye. no9 FOR SALE-A WHOIK OK HALF INTEREST In an extensive general store doing a large lucrative ousiness in a rapiaiy growing man ufacturing town on line of railroad; spacious rooms in a brick building on the corner of tbe two leading streets in the place; oldest and best stand In town: sales about 880,000 annually, mostly on a cash basis; no bad debts: such a line opportunity as this presents to secure a moneymaklng busi ness Is of rare occurrence Fullerlnrormatlon to principals only and thoe meaning business can be obtained at onr omce, or sent by mall when real name and address Is given. JAS, W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. nol2-76 Business Standi. FOR SALE-DO N'T MAKE AN INVESTMENT , nntll we quote you price on an Allegheny Diamond property. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood at, noBil FORbALE-BUSINESS PROPERTT-A PKOF ITABLE investment: large and substantial brick building, cor. federal street and North ave nue, bee W, A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. no6.e7-MTh TTIOR HALE HOTEL PROPERTY NEW X! CASTLE. Pa.; the undersigned will sell at public sale the Crawrord House, New Castle, Pa., Tuesday. Nov. 19, 1839, at 2 o'clock p.m.; house has always been a licensed hotel, and is In ""- " inry utii a uceuseu uvici, ui ?0U)cP!llr- "or particulars inquire of CKATYFOHD. New Castle, Pa. ocCT-88-1 uirc oi u. ju, OC27-98-T118U FOR SALE-A FINE BOTlsLINONEOFTHE most prosperous towns In Western Pennsyl vania; everything new and or the most Improved style; steam beat, closet and bathrooms, 28 bed rooms, two offices, readingandsample rooms, line range in kitchen: barn 38x7ajrt. : elegant 'bus and team; bnslness all that could be desired; reason forseningpoor health. For further particulars wniexo or inquire at uisrATCHOJrllCE. Mwi-ois j -$r y"-, j, ." FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery ana Metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW ..5S.l,..T?atte'I:v,'ePlrlnittiromptlv attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACH1NECO..L1M., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. anlo-29 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.;all refitted;good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines, S to 25 h. p. ; boilers all sizes and styles. J.S.YOUNG,23Parkway,Allegheny. Pa. OC25-80-D FOR SALE-NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine, 2 surface planers and I shaper.and new andsecond-band engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, Slemen valves, castings, etc VELTE ft MCDONALD, Thirty-second st, and Penn ave. 1v21-91-ttb TTIOR BALE-ON SPECIALLY EASY TERMS. X' a completely equipped malleable and gray ron foundry. In full running order; property .-djuou ieei; onca ouiiaing, wua roacniue auop, patterns, etc., and is situated within three blocks or the switch track In the heart of St. Louis. For rnll particulars apply to JOHN GRETHER, No. 304 N. Eighth St., St. Louis, Mo. OC26-39-TTS v lTonea. Vehicle. Live Stock, dec. FOR SALE-COVERED DELIVERY WAGON; weight about 850 lbs.; lair condition: also hone; both offered at low price for want of use. Wi UilAM' oi., city. . UOlf-W pOH SALE-HORSE-CHESTNUT GELDING, 1 14VC hands, vprv nnlpt trnrtA Innklmr. fearlpxa of cars, suitable for children to ride or drive. JAMES KERR'S STABLE, 527 Penn ave. noH-72 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-ONE POOL AND THREE BIL LIARD tables in first-class condition; pool and billiard supplies: tables cut down and re paired. C. L. litAGY, 1313 Tenth ave., Altoona, Pa. noO-78-TTSn PERSONAL. PERSONAt-HAVE YOU SEEN LEVI'S bookstore? Do yon know we have new books as well as old? Do you know we have the largest stock of old books west ot the Allegheny Moun tains? LEVI'S BOOKBTORE, 900 Liberty st. no3-33 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family jar occa sioned by the wHe insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, til course, was done in a bungling manner; In order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave., corner Wood st., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns in their household. Telephone 1558. aud0-D LOST. LOST A-BUNCH OF KEYS. BY LEAVING at DISPATCH OFFICE will be rewarded. nol4-2S LOST-85 REWARD-A SMALL MEXICAN dog: answers to the name of Don. The above reward will be paid If returned to J. at. SIMON TON, 133 Fourth ave., city. nol3-73 LOST YESTERDAY IN PITTSBURG, pocketbook containing commutation ticket on Ft. Wayne and Chicago road, sum of money, papers, etc. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at DISPATCH OFFICE or JT. WAYNE TICKET OFFICE, Allegheny. nol4-39 FOUND. FOUND ONE SMALL SILVER WATCH chain and ring attiched; the owner can have same by calling on N. T. KUHNH, Agent Adams Express Company. Allegheny. no!4-43 MEETINGS. TTOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS THE i.1 annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pittsburg Traction Company will be held at the office of the company. No. 310 Fifth avenue, on MONDAY, November 18, 1SS9, at U o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing seven directors, to servo for the ensuing year, and for such other business as may come before the meeting. GEO. L. McFARLANE, Secretary. no863 VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IM there will be a special meeting of the stockholders of the Sewlcklev Dairy Company on THURSDAY, November 1889, at S P. K., at the parlors of the St. Charles Hotel, for the purpose of voting for or against a proposed de velopment of the company's property for gas and oil. O. P. COCHRAN, Secretary. Pittsbueo, October 18, 1889. oclS-79-18,24,31-no7,l FlUELTTT TrrXE AND TRUST COMPANY, J 121 and 123 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.. November 4 18S9. ) mHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE I stockholders of the Fidelity Title and Trnst Company will be held at its office on THURSDAY, November 14,1889, at 1 o'clock P. IL. for the pumole of receiving the annual report, the election of 15 directors to serve tor the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as mavproperly come before the meeting. C. B. MoVAY. Secretary. no5-5-&a,,14 RESORTS. THOMASVILLE, GA., Piney Woods Hotel. Season opens December i. 1889. M. A. BOWER, Proprietor. For circulars, rates, eta, address "WM. E. DAVIES, Manager, Thomasvine, Ga, orF. A. BUDLONG. Windsor Hotel, N.Y.City. ocRMT-TTS BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION NOTICE 18 HEREBY given that the partnership lately existing between John S. Wallace and Geo. M. Cote, of Pittsburg, Pa., under the firm of Wallace A Cote, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 12th day or September, A. D. 1889. All debts owing to said partnership are to be received by said John S. Wallace, and all demands are to bo presented to him for payment. JOHN 8. WALLACE. GEO. M. COTE. Pittsbubo, November 13, 18S9. noll-2-Th DISSOLUTION NOTICE THE UNDER SIGNED firm of Lindsay, Sterrit t Co., composed of James C. Lindsay and George B. Sterrit, has been dissolved. LOJD8AY. STERRIT & CO. Co-partnership The undersigned has adailt tedJohnB. Lindsay and Thomas McMurray, for many years employed by the late firm, to an interest in the business. The business will be continued under the firm name of . JAS. C. LINDSAY 4 CO. noHWO-TTSu JA8. C. LINDa-Y. AUCTION SALES. BANKRUPT BALE. . OVER $150,01)0 WORTH OF FINE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CARPETS, RUGS. Etc., BY AUCTION J AT 723 AND 725 LIBERTY ST., CORNER EIGHTH. Sales, Morning, Afternoon and Evening, COMMENCING, MONDAY, NOVEMBER IL N. B. Special accommodations provided for ladies. nol2-74-TTS3u TTANDSOME FURNITURE, ELEGANT carpets, mirrors, etc., at Auction FRIDAY MORN TNG. Nov. 15, at 10 o'clock, At No. 811 Market st. Parlor, library, office, chamber and dlninir room furniture. Brussels and ingrain, ball, room and stair carpets, bedding, hair and'huak mattresses, tine aecurated dinner, tea and toilet sets, fancy goods, mirrors, ruga, linoleum, stoves, kitchen and laundry goods, ladies' wraps, stationery, dishes, iron safe, piano forte, clocks, ornaments, Turkish rues, eta. etc. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., nol4-25 Auctioneers. piNE ART AT AUCTION. Consignment ot about 100 handsomely framed English steel plate engravings and modern oil paintings at auction SATURDAY, November 16, at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon and 7.30 In the evening, at.No. 311 Market tt. Persons who wish to purchase these works of art will obtain them at their own price, as every picture will be sold regardless of cost. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIL. nol4-26 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE-FOR ACCOUNT OP whom it may concern, 10 bonds of fSOO each of the New York and Westmoreland Gas, I'oal and Coke Company at the rooms. No. 311 Market st, TUESDAY, Nov. 19, at330 o'clock. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., Auctioneers. uolO.77.MTh "PIANO&, ORGANS. B. HAMILTON. SI AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-7-B WAXTJIB J. O3E0URNE. KICHABD BARBOWS. T ARROWS & OSBOURNE - A X JO" JONXJSllS.' , i J vsr , 2 i TeieNeCjuJi nlHIUUU BITB1. TO LET. City Residences. mo LET-ON FEDERAL ST., NEAR WYLIE X ave.. brick bouse of 7 rooms and bathroom. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth aye. no9-5S-TT8Sn Eaat End Keaideacea. TO LET-HOJSE OF H BOOMS. STABLE and outbulldlnts: large grounds; on Negley avenue, near Penn avenue cable cars. Inquire of HENRY K0BEKT3,at Oliver ftKoberU Wire Co., Boutbslde. sel9-10 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-A FINE NEW 8-ROOMED HOUSE, nice front porch, an modern conveniences, 209 Juniata st. Inquire In DRUGSTORE, cor. Franklin and Fulton sts., Allegheny. noM-09 Sabnrban Residences. TO LET-VERY CHEAP ON ACCOUNT OF removal of owner; a good house or i rooms, large-yard: near station, stBellevue. P., Ft. W. ft 0. R. R. 8ee W. A. HERRON ft SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. nol2-Bl-TTS Apartments. TO LET-SECOND-STORY BACK ROOM. furnished, 158 SANDUSKY ST., Allegheny, no 14-33 TO LET-VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS, FUR-, NISHED or unfurnished: bothgases. Apply at NO. 270 SHADY LANE, East End. noll-87 Offices. Dek Room. Jfcc- TO LET-80OO PER YEAR-A LARGE, WELL- LIGHTED office with all modern conven- lences; newly painted and papered : has two large closets for storage room. Inquire at GERMAN IA SAVINGS DAJXK, 423 Wood St. nolJ-3i-D Business Stands. TO LET-133 THIRD AVENUE, NEAR SMITH FIELD St.. storeroom ana dwelling: will rent them separately If preierred. C H. LOVE, BSjFourth avenue. nolJ-SJ-Ths mO LET-STONE QUARRY ON SECOND AVE X NUE, Ulenwond; the large number of band ings going no In this vicinity makea a near market lor the stone: fronting on the B. ft O.. which gives the great advantage of loadlngthe cars right at the quarry; also having the line Second ave. pavement to haul down town; a great chance ror a nartv who Is able to handle sood atone In lirea quantities. - r.m ... ... ii --. . .- i- - 1 SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. W Fourth ave. nO!2-79-TT8 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of Viewers on the paving and curb ing of Corday alley, from Pearl street to Cedar street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsbueo, Pa Nov. II. 1889. nol4-W VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE V reports of Viewers on the opening of Maple street, from McLaln street to Lillian street, and Grazier Btreet, from Homewood avenue to the City line, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Pleas, within ten (10) dayj from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. Pittsbubo, Pa.. November 14, 1889. noH-IS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of Viewers on the construction of a sewer on Euclid street, from the north curb line ot Penn avenue to Baum's northern line, has been approved by Conncila, which action will be final, unless an appeal is Sled in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from aate. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Dept. of Public Works. Pittsburg, Pa., November U, 1889. nollAH AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE grading of De Sota street, from Fifth ave nue to Allequlppa street. Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi davit on file in toe office of the Clerk of Coon cils, that one-third in Interest of the owners of property fronting and abutting upon the said street, have petitioned tbd Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for the grading ot the same; therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is herebv ordained and enactadby tbe authority of tbe same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise, in accordance with the acts of Assem bly of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania; and tbe ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relat ing thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for tbe grading of De Sota street from. Fifth avenue to Allequinpa street, the contract therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said- acts ot Assembly and ordinance. The cost and ex- Sense of the. same to be assessed and collected 1 accordance with the provisions of an act ot Assembly ofthe Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled. "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class." -upDroved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this" ordinance be aud tbe same is hereby re peale'd, so far as tha same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enactedlnto a law in. Councils, wis sta aj ox uctooer, a. xr. issu. H. P. FORD. President of Belect Council. Attest: GEO. 8HEPPARD, Clerk of BelecT Council. W. A. MAGEE. President of Com mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. October 3L 1889. Approved; WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 169. 2d day of November. A. D.. 18S9. no9 I No. 122.1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE construction ot a sewer on Grazier street from Novelty street to Murtland street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg; in Select and Common Conn cila assembled, and it la hereby ordained and enacted by the anthority of tbe same. That tho Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with the acta of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinanceS of tbe said city of Pittsburg relat ing thereto and regulating- tbe same for propo sals, for the construction of a pipe sewer on Grazier street, -from Novelty street to Murt land st.-eet. commencing at Novelty street; thence along Grazier street to a connection with sewer on Murtland street, size of sewer to be 15 inches in diameter, the contract therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said acta of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and ex pense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second claw," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. ejection 4k nat any orainance or part ot or dinance conflicting with tbe provisions ot this ordinance be, and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 28th day of October, A. D. 1889. a. r. v unu, rresiaent ox select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Belect Council. W. A, MAGEE, President of Com mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. October 31, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book; voL 7, page 175, 6th day ot November. A. D. 1SS9. noI3- No. 120J AN ORDINANCiV-AUTHORIZrNG THE widening and opening of Cecil alley, from the northern side of Liberty street to the southern side of Duqnesne way. . Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it ix hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That Cecil alley, from the northern side of Liberty street to the southern side of Duqucsne way, be and the same shall be widened on tbe pres ent eastern side thereof to the extent required to make said alley 0 feet in width. Section 2 That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized ana directed to cause to oe surveyed, widened and opened within 60 days from tbe date of the passage of this ordinnnce said Cecil alley, be tween Liberty street and Duqnesne way, to tbe width of fifty (SO) feet, as herein provided in the foregoing section. Section 3 That any ordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and: tbe same is hereby repealed. o xar u uoudd suxecta una orainance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 28th day of Octoher, A. D., 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHBPPARD, Clerk ot Belect CounciL W, A. MAGEE, President ot Com mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor office, October 8L 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 173, 61 h day of November, A. D.. 1889. no!3 No. 117.1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE constrnction of a boardwalk on Holt, Summer and Barry streets, from Sterling street to Josephine street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the author ty of the same. That the City Engineer be and is hereby authorized, and directed to advertise for nrorjoaals for tha constrnction of a boardwalk on Holt. Summer and Barry streets, commencing at Sterling street, thence eastwardlv along Holt street, crossing Picnic street to Summer street, thence along Summer street to Barry street, thence .AKu... .11.. T.... XI w.. .va- .. TMM.kl.. w. ... i. ... ui j Mvu jvajij ..c;ot w riiwcyuiuv street, and the same shall be let In the .manner directed by an act relating to streets and sew ers in the cities of the second claee, approrsd jiay io, a. u. 1MB, ana oroinaacw ox uonncu relative to the same. The coat and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accord ance with the provisions ef aa act of Assembly ef the CoaaSBOswaalth ef Pony Ivaai eetltlett "AaanhrttBtrte streets aa sewera la aWW 1 the ssoajtt,'' ayawivnt Mm ,18s dafsC tSfl OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. this ordinance be and the same 'is hercbyire-l peaiea, so iax as wa same autcia imsiorui-i nance. 'vvKVsfl Ordained and enacted Into a law in ConnciUI this 28th day of October. A. D. 18S9. ,. stjl H. P. yORD. President of 8elect ConncfiS Attest: UEO. 8HEPPARD, Clerk of Select! Council. GEO- L. HOLLIDAY. President of. I common council- Attest: utu. liUUTiM uera ui vomioaabouuvu. - p.1 Mayor's Office. October 31. 1889. Approved:! WM. McCALLIN. Mayoj. Attevt: KOBEBTJ usi-fc-KMAlEK, Assistant Mayors uiert jxM Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 7. paco 1713 slu uar ox jaovemuer. ja x. ioov. uoiam Continued on Sixth Fane. LEGAL NOTICES. "VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVKN THAT'AirE IN application will be made to the Governor! in Pennsylvania on tne -ana oay ot iuv,ii-H BER, 1883. byM. F. Scalfe, H. P. DllwortliJ Christ Steffen, John F. Scott, H. W. Arfivtf strong and others, onder the act of Assembly-i entitled "An act to provide for tho inconora-i! tion and regulation of certain corporations, approyea Apru 2tf, loll, anu uib supplement inereio, ior tne cnarterox an mtenaea corpora-, tion, to be called "The Pittsburg; Storage Com- pany," the character and object of which is thai carrying on the business of a storage warehouse j and storage yard company, and for this rjarooMfi to have, possess and enjoy all the rights; bend-JJ hsupplemouu thereto. no7-9Prh " nts ana privileges oi saiaaczoi Assemoiyanaj a. a. Mcui.uru,e Solicitor SOTICEs. mHE WEST VIRGINIA AND TRONTON J RAILROAD COMPANY. authorUedlto construct a bridge over the Ohio river at a point about one and one-half (ljfl miles abova the month of the Big Sandy river, hereby gives notice of its intention on' tbe 19tb day of-No vemDer, iss, to submit to the Hon. itedfleid Proctor. Secretary of War. for bis examination. and approval a design and drawings of the pro- jroseu unugB ana piers, wiui ine maps ana other information reanlred under the act of Congress of December 17, 1872. and the suppled menu uiereto, autnonzing tne construction c-r. Dnages over tne uuio river ana prescribing tha dimensions of the same. WEST VIRGINIA' AND IBONTON RAILROAD COMPANYJbv J08.L DORAN, President. CHAS.H.MEL- XAr. oecnreiary. noo-ozrj A3ITJSE3IEXTS. EXPDB1T1DN ! ONLY THREE DAYS MORES OP THE GRAND ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL AND 8ClIQmFIO EXHIBITION., Concert each evening by the ' GREAT WESTERN BANDS ADMISSION 25 CENTS. TjIXTRA-BLTOU THEATER. Week beginning MONDAY. Novcmber&l ONLY MATINEE SATURDAYS McCAULL OPERA COMPJ In Von Supne's masterpiece, "CLOVER." ' With the Original Cast, Sale of seats begins Thursday. NoveabJ Prices, a b ft 75j, 60 and 25c nolg B1 UOU THEATER. TO-NIGHT. Bartlev Campbell's SIBERIA. -3 November 18 The McCanll Opera Company! 111 jiaj y ntw noii-n-MTTSB. ZiRAND OPERA HOUSE VI -To-night, Matinee Saturday. - HOYTS" AMldnlchtBelL N ext Week Grand Bpectacnlar Kajaagl no.ii.zi TTABRIS' THEATER Every, afternoon and evenis ZO-ZO. THE MAGIC OUEEN. '..-. . . .... -t( - WeekJfov. 17-"A Legal Wrong." nolft WILLIAMS' ACADEMr- TtMI o-nighV Matinees Tnesday, Thursdaylanll BETLLY fc WOOD'S NEW BIG SHOWl ah new ana novel features. noHWJ -rrroBLD's museum ATJiKOHKNlr crrr. This week Bass, the OasIOed Man; MrJoMsyl Connors, the Sonthside Play Actor. nolMtksfl real estate. -AT- COCHRAI STATIC -oir THS- P. "V. & C. rt R., ,j Where the Allegheny BessemecBteelWa The Howard Plate Glass Works, ,xsd ; The Duqnesne Tube Works Are located, is one of the most dealrabteylSSl now brought before the notice of pexseatJliMCT tag for a place to locate for a pleasant HOKEJ where steady employment Bay be hatfSSl LOTS can be purchased on the PATTeSoSj PLAN, at REASONABLE PRICES askfo! EASY TERMS, It win pay anyone to come and see purchasing at any other place. J. B. WYLIE, cochhan station; DUQUESNE, Pa, Or No. 8 Wood street. Room 5, Iron ExelkssSj Building; Pittsburg, Pa. o29-61.8Q-nol.ia.8ll2.H BUILDING LOtfsl Swissvale Place. The first purchasers are getting tnechole Iota, also the most favorable inducements. Lata are 25 to 60 feet wide by 123 to 173 deep, locate! at Swissvale station and & minutes' waDcffstsi Edgewood: 62 trains daily; sidewalks, natural! gas, water mains, electric llzhts. schools, ttoreu etc., everything to make a country homaa! city advantages. Prices $100 to ILWOtten 310 to $50 down, balance on weekly or monthly payments. Very liberal Inducements to PJ chasers who commence building at once. vj BAMUEL W. BLACK1 t COZ 99 Fourth avtnaetf a noll-33-T 8E1TH, AVENUE DYE WORKS, I M. MAY SONS & C'i STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS And general renovators of textile fabriosclswl dies' and gentlemen's soiled or faded garment neatly Cleaned or restoreu in coior. uarNkHtsi of every description careituiy alienated tar M. MAY SONS & Co.' iell-TTS 68 SIXTH AVE.. Pittsburg, ggg r A. BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, u oeveaw avenne. ',WBS3pi1 Telephone ISM, TTtJEWlXL NOT BE: UNBMkXKKl v I watcaes, mocws. jewe e ate. Finest SHHUtiM: tap fWBacKiesLsatwJ ilM'Fe4Htfca?l irwitsstsw FsssUHsssk amtn-e-rajj Ma t f ,r