T THE PITTSBITRGr DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1889. FEATURES OF TRADE. -fHides and Harness Leather Active, and Prices Steady. CALF SKINS SLOW AT QUOTATIONS. Competition and Close Margins Stimulate Shoddy Goods. LEATHEE BELTING IN GOOD DEMAND. Office of Pittsbtjbo Dispatch, Tuesday. November 12. 18S9. t The hide market holds up well, consider ing the fact that this is the dull season and that the receipts of cattle are unusually large of late at lire stock centers. Heavy steer hides are firm at quotations, nd only extremely light hides are weak. Dealers report very large offerings, but with the ex ception of lightweights and calfskins mar kets hold up well. It will be seen by reference to quotations below that green calfskins are 3c lower per pound than heavy steer hides. There has been a steady downward drift of calfskins the past few years. Three years ago green hides were at least 3c per pound lower than preen calfskins. Now they are 3c per pound higher. The change has been brought about by the immense growth of the split cowhi de trade. The hide is made to do double duty by splitting, and something equivalent to a num ber of ; calfskins is evolved from one hide. How Shoes Were Cheapened. The ordinary footwear has been immensely cheapened by the new processes, bat the cheap ening bas been at the expense of quality. The new fancied leather may present all'Jie outside appearance of first-class calf, or kip, bnt lacks the wearing qualities and comfort of the genu ine article. Competition and. clcse margins have introduced an era of shoddy goods, and there is little doubt that in the line of footwear wo are paying more m the long T.un than when higher prices were paid. It is one of the signs of Vhe times that calf skins are so much below jter hides in price. Butchers no longer count t'de calfskin as an item of interest in their prc.flr, -whereas a few years age it was an impotent factor. Follow ing are prices of hides tao calfskins: o. 1 green salted 6tecrrA to pounds and over... . "No. 1 green salted cow j, all weights .No. 1 green salted uiiVs,, 40 to 6J pounds.. IN o. 1 green salted hi i'.-s, 15 to 40 pounds . .No. 1 green salted b ,i : o.l green salted sJfrKlns .o. 1 green salted real kips .o. 1 green saltec" runner kips. "No. 1 green steer t, 60 pounds and oier.... lo. 1 green cow j, all-weights ."so. 1 green bul ,s o. I green Mi es, 40 to 60 pounds o. 1 green hides, 3 to 40 pounds "No. 1 green Cilf.fclns o. 1 green veal kips Io. 1 green Winner kirn Sheepskins HanduD 'fallow, prime.. 4J4 Reduction f jr .o. 5 stock, lc per lb. on steers and light hio js, " on bulls and 2c on callsklns. Harness Leather. Harness leather is moving out freely, and, though tix capacity ot the Allegheny tanners has been increased f nlly 25 per cent in the past two yea s, it now looks as though there wonld e no a xcmulation of stock this fall. -rf presentative of the Allegheny firm which Hes the heaviest business in this line said to-dy.- "We are better sold up than we were at tbl t time last year, and we have little doubt r being able to place all our output, notwith-s- jmdirgour greatly increased capacity to turn ' ioi goods. A few weeks ago stock accu mulated for a short time. ow it is going out abeutasfast as we manufacture, and, from rprcsent appearances, we will have little on !xu.nd when the year closes. Following are prices of harness leather as llurnisbed by James Callery fc Co.: I"N'o. 1 extra trace selection, weights 20 to 27 pounds ho, li extra trace selection, weights SO to 27 33 poanu. 30 "No.lnicdlnmselectlon. weights 17to22pounds 30 o. 11 medium selection, weights it to 2 pounds 3 "So. Sail weights 28 l!lacK line leather, made from stags, heads and bellies, snlit to an even substance.. vr jf'lnebarncss backs . 55 lne finished rein leather, russet and stained, per dozen fS4 00 Fine finished bridle leather, russet and stained, per pound 45 Leather Belting. There is within the corporate limits of Pitts burg but one tannery namely, that of the Hartleys, at East Liberty which is devoted to Ibe one interest of leather belting. A half century aco there were a number of tanneries an this city, but as land became precions in the old city the tanning industry graduallv shifted 10 the Jiorthside. The one survivor on this side is that close to the East Liberty station. There some 50 men are employed turning out leather belting, and from 2U0 to 300 heavy steer .hides are worked up each week. A rerresent- aure 01 ims una repuru, an active aemand lor rtheir goods. Said he: "We have no seasons of activity and quietness in our line, but a uniform trade, which is far better. Of course trade improves when our iron industries are .active, and new plants are springing up. The ordinary wear and tear in the iron mills ot this section furnishes a fair demand for our goods; and while we cannot report a boom, our in dustry is in a very healthy condition, and there is a good demand for all the stuff we are able, with our present capacity, to turn out." L1Y STOCK MARKETS. TberCondltlon of Business at the East Liberty Slock Yards. OrncE orPiTTSBtTEo Dispatch, l Tuesdat. November 12. 1888. Cattle Receipts, 340 head; shipments, 340 bead; market steady: prime, 84 104 35; good, S3 203 65; fair, S2 803 20; bulls, Btags and fat cons, SI 502 50; no cattle shipped to 2ew York to-day. Hoos Receipts. 1,600 bead: shipments. 1.200 lead; Market, all grades, H OOS5J4 10; one car of 3iog shipped to Kew York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 2,b00 head; shipments, L200 head; market firm and 1520c better than last week. By Tcleerapu. Nkw Yobk Beeves Receipt. 18 carloads all for exportation In dressed quarters; no Trading in beef cattle; dressed beef had a fair demand: native sides sold at 5K(7VTc rer -sound: Texas and Colorado do at jports to day, 600 beeves and 2,600 quarters of .beef; to-day's Liverpool cable quotes American :steers dull and weak at 10Kllc per pound Jor the dressed weight, taking the offal, and .American refrigerated weak at 7$c per pound. Calves Receipts. 450 head; reported steady at 58c per pound for veals. Sheep Receipts. 700 head; market firm and all sold, inclndinc .sheep at 3K5Vc per ponnn, and lambs at Sit 6c Hogs Receipts 4,400 head: the few sales alive were at 84 005 40 per 100 pounds, and the market closed easier. CHICAGO The Droierf Journal report Cattle Receipts. 8.000 head; shipments, 3,000 head; market slow, closing 10 cents lower: choice to extra, S4 5035 00; steers, 2 80Q4 40: stockers and feeder. $1 S03 00: bulls and rnlxed, SI 152 60: Texas cattle. ?150g2 70; Western, ranges Z2 00S3 35. Hoss Receipt" 40,000 head: Bhipmentsj6.500 head; market&a 10c lower; mixed, S375100: heaw. 53 &4 00 light, 13 754 05; skips, t3 003SO. Sheep- Receipts, 6.000 head: shipments. L000 head market steady; natives. J2 75fi!5 00: western 13 S0ffi4 25; Texans, S3 404 10; lambs, $4 50 70. Kaxsa Crrr Cattle Receipts, 9,000 head shipments. 4.100 bead: market strong to 10c higher; native beeves, $3 204 80: cows. $1 5o I 55: stockers and feeders. S2 453 35: Texans. SI 602 95l Hogs Receipts, 12,000 bead; no shipments; marKet heavy, and mixed 6c lower: mixed to choice light. S3 6503 So; heaw and mixed. S3 703 So. Sheep Receipts, 1 300 bead; shipments, 200 head; market steady jrood to choice muttons. S3 704 95; stockers and feeders, $2 553 6a St. Loins Cattle Receipts, 2,400 head; no shipments; market strong; choice heavy na tive steers, S4 2004 90: lair to good, 0.0, $3 25 4 30: stockers and feeders, S2 103 15: range steers, S2 003 00. Hogs-Receints, 6.400 head: 310 shipments; market slow; fair to choice heavy, S3 6503 SO; packine. S3 603 SO; light. iair to best S3 6oeB su aneep Receipts, 600 bead; no shipments: market firm; fair to choice. S3 204 70. BDTFAiX) Cattle stcadv and unchanged; re ceipts 37 loads through; 27 ale. Hogs steady at yesterday's prices; receipts, 9 loads through; 70 sale. Drrsroods. Kirar VnnKL November 12. There ni nn change In the stato of trade in drygoods. Spring orders continued of good proportions, while staple goods were more or less quiet, with some improvement for export and for converting. The market for cotton goods ruled firm without change, bat stocks contiuue light with reryfew exceptions, woolen goods were quiet, except dress goods for spring, which were in fair order request. There was an auction sale of about (100,000 worth of woolen clothing offered by N aumberg. Kraus, Lauer & Co., to clean up stocks, which attract ed considerable attention. It was a very good access, and imparted strength to both, the WIMUU1g mj wosicu -suras. HABKETS BY "WIBE. Speculation In Wheat of a Local Nature Prlces a Trifle Stronger on Reports of a Short ace in Rnssln. Chicago Wheat There was a fair volume of speculative trading to-day, chiefly, however, on local account. The feel ing developed was a trifle stronger, bnt other wise there was no Important change to note. The report byBeerbobm that the preliminary official crop report of Russia indicated a short age of L00Q,X bushels of wheat and 95,000,000 bushels of rye as compared with last year's crop, was the only feature of interest and had a strengthening effect upon, the market. European market advices quoted a quiet and steady feeling. India shipmentsarofalling off. The market held steady most of the day. ad vancing 5Xc over yesterday's closing, land closed ic higher for December and He higher for May. In com a firm feeling prevailed, and trading was at somewhat higher prices early, but later an easier tone was manifested. The chief strengthening factors were the small receipts, light stocks and good shipping demand. The speculative market opened at about the closing prices of yesterday, was firm and advanced 3sC, cased off Jfc, ruled a little quiet and closed Hc higher than yesterday for November and a shade lower for other futures. Toward the close the market reacted, touching the in side pnees of the day on free selling of May by several prominent operators. Oatswere active and higher early, particu larly for the near deliveries, November and December, which were offered sparingly and wanted urgently by shorts, who in their anxiety to cover Did prices npc. There was good general trading in May, bnt offerings were moderate and prices advanced Ja Later weakness developed, dne to larger offerings, and about all the advance was lost at the close. In mess pork a moderate trade was reported, and the feeling was stronger. Prices were somewhat irregularand averaged 53 10c higner, but were not fully supported.' In lard a fair trade was reported, and a steady feeling prevailed. Prices were well maintained. In short rib sides only a moderate business was transacted, and the market was compara tively steady. Prices exhibited very little change. we leading futures ranged as follows: .Mt ff4SA;vflW;r4w,ivw januarv, cv esufeSUHc: May. V3y&&l8S4$ic. Corn -Sal December. 326S2W3232c; Januarv."3131J31K3lfc; May. 33&S3 Oats No. 2. December, 1V20K19"4 19c; January. 20202020e; May. 222 ESS PORK, ner bbL Year. 89 2509 3583 9 259 30: Jannarv. $9 S79 459 829 425$; Ma. $9 659 809 659 75. Lard, per 100 lbs. Year, $5 S55 S7V5 85 65 85; January, $5 S7K5 b7X5 85go Sl: aiay. w U7H0 1U8 U7J$eS U 0110KT runs, per iou as.- Year. MSU 87V H XAitiH fS: Jamiarv 82g4 8offi4 80S 4 S2M: ilav. to Oftffin 055 OKah 0.5. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady and unchanged. N 0.2 spring wheat. 79?79c: No. 3 spring wheat,62665c; No.2 red,779c: No, 2 corn. 33c .No. 2 oats. 9&c;No.2 rye. K15c.No.2 barley, 68c No. 1 flaxseed, SI 33K1 3 Prime timothy seed, II 15. Mess pork, per bbk S9 o09 60. Lard, per 100 lbs, S6 006 02K. Short ribs sides (loose). $5 35Q 5 CO. Dry salted shoulders (boxedj, $4 37K iSO. Short clear tides (boxed), $5fi05 KK Sugar, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 21,000 bar rels; wheat, 129.000 bushels: com, 157.000 bushels; oats, 145,000 bushels; rye, 14.000 bushels: barley. 60.000 ibushels. Shipments-Flonr. 29,000 bar rels; wheat, 63,000 bushels: corn. 262,000 bushels; oats, 270,000 bushels; rye, 130,000 bushelsjbarley, 57.000 bnshels. On the produce exchange to-day the bntter market was firm and unchanged. Eggs, 19620c New York Flour moderately active and steady. Cornmeal steady. Wheat Spot firm and moderately active; options quiet, irregular, l4Qc higher and weak. Rye more active and firm; sales 29,000; bushelsNo.2 Western at 63c c and f. Barley quiet: Canada. 5070c; West ern. 5065c Baney malt quiet; Canada. TTKc. Corn Spot firm and quiet; options qui it, fie lower and weak. Oats Spot active and strong; options firmer ana quiet. Hay quiet and easy. Coffee Options unchanged to lo points down, closed steady at 15Q20 points down; sale?, 36.500 bags. including November, l4.75U90c; uecomuer, n.oomo,uoc. reoruary. u.4Vc; March, lL8515.05c; April. 15.05c; Mav. 14.95 15.05c; July. 14.80c: August, 14.55ffil4.75c: Sep tember. 14.40ai4.50c: October. 14.40c; spot Rio firm: fair cargoes, 19fc. Sugar Raw held firmly checking business: refined firmer active; granulated. 6 15-lOc. Molasses New Or. leans fairly active. Rice quiet and steady. Petroleum steady. United closed SI 0S-c for December. Cottonseed oil weak. Tallow weak: city (2 for packages) 4 7-16e!4c. Rn.in qnletand steady. Turpentine dull and lower 47c. Eggs quietrabout steady: western 2324c: ice bouse 1518c: receipts, i,3S6 pack ages. Pork steady; mess inspected Sll 0011 25: do, uninspected, $10 75: extra prime, S9 50 9 75. Cntmeats firm: middles firm; short clear, S3 60. Lard spot firmer and quiet. Options dull; easier: sales, western steam $6 45g6 47K closing at S6 47; November, S6 35 Lid: Decem ber. S6 28: January. So 286 31, closing, $8 29 bid; February $6 326 35, closing, SB 34 bid: March closed, $6 39 asked. Butter quiet; choice fresh and firm: Elgin, 26264c; western dairy 917c: do, creamery, 1325c: do, held, 1218c do. factory. 712)ic. Cheese firm; western, TJtf 10c. PHrLADELPinA Flour Choice Minnesota patents firm and under a fair demand; other descriptions quiet but steady. Wheat Options largely nominal: spot lots steady: rejected in grain depot, 65GSc; ungraded on track. 85c: ro. 2 red. November. 60S0)fc: December. 8114 BSlVc; January. 82K82c; February, 83 3c. Corn fepot firm with a good demand: options quiet and nominal; No. 2 low mixed in Twentieth street elevator, 41c; No. 2 mixed, inTnentieth street elevator and grain depot 41Kc: No. 2 high mixed and yellow, do. 42c; No. 2 mixed, November, 40f41c; December. 40Kc: Jannarv. 39KQ40C Oats Snot Arm, K. 3 white, 28c; No 2 white. 29c: do choice. 29Vc". do on track, 28fc; choice clipped oats. 33 lutures m fair demand and a Bliade firmer- No 2 white, November. 2829c: December. 28?i 29c; January, 2929c; February, 29K29Kc. Butter steady and in fair demand; Pennsyl vania creamery, extra, 25c; do prints, extra 29Q30C Eggs quiet; Pennsylvania firsts, 260 27c St. Louis Flonr quiet and unchanged. Wheat There was enough demand to advance prices, etc, bnt not maintained, thouch the c!oe was Wc above yesterday: No. 2 recL cash 78c: December TSJfc, closing at 75Jic bid: Mav' S3KS3c, closing at KSSHc asked. Com higher; No. 2 mixed, cash, 313ftic; November 30K30?ic closed at 30c asked; December' 2&J4C closed at 2SK29Ke; Sfay. 30V 3(r5ic closed at 30Jc bid: Jul v. 'Sc Oats flra No. 2 cash. 19Ucl)id; May. 22c asked. Rve- No. 2, 39c bid. Barley Nothinc done. Vw-r. seed firm. with light offerngs. '" Milwauxee Flour dull. Wheat qniet: cash and December, 7Sc: No. 1 Northern, SIKc X ruviMOUS unn nut nnihi.Mri uru iea.uv; ,0.0 01a, ac uats Arm- No 2 white, 22S22KC. Rye firm; No. L 44Kc Barley firm: No. 2, 52Kc Provisions firm. Pork. S9 67K. Lard. $590. Cheese steady; Cheddars" 9S9Jc Baltimore Provisions unchanged. Butter firm; creamery. 24c Eggs firmer; western. 25c Coffee qniet; Rio cargoes fair and nominal Toledo Cloverseed steady and firm- cash. S3 55: November, S3 60; December, S3 65. Wool lIlRrket. ST. Lorns Receipts 156,493 pounds. Market steady and unchanged. N EW Yoek Wool in moderate demand and steady. Domestic fleece, 323yc; pulled. 23a 41c: Texas, 142Sc Boston The wool market is steady. The small lots that are selling command abont pre vious prices, and large lines can be moved only at some concession. In Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces thero have been sales of X at 3ie32e XXat33K34cand;No.lat373Sc Michigan X fleeces are not moving freely at 30c In Sne delaine selections there have beeu sales of Ohio at 31c and of Michigan at 3233c Comb ing wools remain dull. Territory wools have been quoted at 60c. scoured; for fine at o.'i57c Texas and California wools are quiet. In Eulled wools there has been fair trade, but nyers are offering low prices, which fact in terferes with trade. Foreign wools are firm. but are not selling very well. Metal Marker. -New Yobk Pig iron firm; American, f 16 O018 60. Copper strong and more active lake. November, J12 40. Lead qniet and' easy; domestic. $3 87J& Tin unsettled and easier; straits, S21 95. a DAMON AND PITfllAS. The Curry Dramatic Clnb Will Indnlge in Clnaalc Drama. The dramatic club of the Curry School of Elocution and Dramatic Culture will give a rendering of "Damon and Pythias" in the "University Hall, on'Sixth street, next Fri day evening. The tickets are limited to 00. The part of Damon' will be played by George S. Gallupe, Jr., son of Colonel Gallupe, of the Germania Fire Insurance Company, and 'Pythlai' by A. K. Wilson. The performance it promised to be a faith ful and careful one. Salvation On, is a speedy and perma nent cure for all pain. It extirpatea the came. .Price, 25 cents. '. A STEP IN THE DEAL Which May Extinguish the Western .and Atlantic Pipe Line. MB. JOSEPH CRAIG SELLS OOT. Owners of Bealty Showing a Disposition to Stick to Fair Prices. THE NEW PARK HAKING ITSELF FELT As throwing some light on the mystery surrounding the reported absorption ot the Western aud Atlantic Pipe Line and re fineries by the Standard Oil Company, it can be stated authoratively that Mr. Joseph Craig has disposed of his interest, a little less than one-fourth, in the properties in question to his former partners, Messrs. "Weidner, Eeighard & Co. This much cqmes from Mr. Craig direct He will here after giTe his whole attention to the devel opment of his prodncing interests. Jnst what lies hack of this transaction is still a matter of speculation. A gentleman who claims to know something about it re marked yesterday evening: "I think it is the first of a series of moves to place the property in a few hands, with the ultimate purpose of selling out to the Standard. This would be in line with the vol icy of the monopoly, and no doubt profitable to the Western and Atlantic people, whose busi ness, I think, is on the decline. If it were as large and remunerative as formerly, I do not think Mr. Craig would willingly part with his interest He is not that kind ot a man. I think the full story will come ont in a short time." The fear of a boom in values of real estate seems to be on the wane. A gentleman who has studied the subject pretty thoroughly said yesterday: "Early in the season the danger of inflation was Imminent. Quite a number of owners, both in the city and suburbs, who bad offered to sell at definite prices, canceled the orders they bad given to their agents and with drew their properties from the market, their object being to hold them for an advance. This was succeeded by a lull in business, showing that buyers could not be coerced. It was the same as saying: 'If we can't buy property at a fair valuation we won't buy at all.' In the face of this determination owners could do nothing but back down, or rather abandon the idea of ballooning. This they did, with a few ex ceptions, and business at once revived. "Buyers are more liberal than they get credit for. They recognize the fact as completely as owners that the city is growing: that land suit able for building purposes is becoming scarcer every day, and that as a legitimate result, values must advance, but they object, and with reason, too, to being required to pay extrav agantly for contemplated improvements, such as parks and electric and cable roads. They want a share of the benefits of these comforts and conveniences. This is reasonable, ana it is right To sell land this year at the price it will bring four or five years hence would give the buyer no chance at all to make anything out of his investment. Owners seem to be coming to an appreciation of this injustice, and are more and more confining their de; minds to reasonable limits. In my opinion all danger of undue inflation has gone by. Values, of course, will continue to enhance, but not out of proportion to the growth of tbe city and expansion of business." m The influence of the proposed Scbenley Park on adjoining property is already being felt, as shown by an offer made a few days ago to Messrs. Black & Baird for the entire balance of the Lloyd plan, situated on Dithridge street. It was wanted for speculation. The offer was refused, the owners declining to sell to any but persons who wonld improve. Since the offer for the entire tract was made fonr of tbe lots have been sold, and four fine stone residences will be erected upon them next spring. This property is especially desir able from the fact of its close proximity to the main entrance to the park. High prices at borne in consequence of a short supply and a large yield abroad have com bined to rednce tbe exports of apples to Europe. The shipments so far this season, indeed, amount to hardly more than one-third as much as last year. All authorities report the crop exceedingly light and of a decidedly poor quality, except in Maine and a few of tbe Western States. The yield in New England, except Maine, and New York is not more than enongh for tbe home demand. In the West, Missouri, Illinois and Michigan have very large crops of good qnality apples, and they "have been forwarding them East at a rapid rate, ex pecting to realize on the short crops there. Western apples are of fine quality for home consumption, but as they are inclined to be soft they are hardly adapted to undergo foreign shipping, and very few are exported. Freight rates to Liverpool are abont one-third higher than a year ago. a Activity in cotton manufacturing continues to be one of the most noteworthy features of the industrial movement ot the year. While there is little to encourage the owners of woolen mills, the cotton factories are making liberal profits and extending their operations. Their record is even more gratifying than that of the iron works of the Middle States and the West, inasmuch as they have shown no signs of depression at any time since January. Ad ditional construction is the order of the day. It is said, indeed, that 17 corporations are either building new factories or enlarging old ones. This remarkable growth in the business is not confined to the Sonth, where perhaps tbe prog ress of recent years has been tbe most pro nounced, nor to New England, where the in dustry is most highly concentrated, but both New England and the South share in the gain, which also extends somewhat to the West. The Eastern manufacturers acknowledge the strength of Southern competition, but do not consider it disastrous, or admit the possibility of its becoming so. DOINGS IN STOCKS. A Spnrt In Central Traction, Currylnj; It to High Water Mark. Central Traction was the drawing card of the stock market yesterday. It opened at 33J and sold up to 34. closing a little off, at 83 bid and 31 asked. The advance was due to the near completion of the road, and to tbe belief that it will pay from the start Philadelphia Oas was pounded, and yielded a trifle. Electric was about steady. Pleasant Valley Railway was fractionally higher, and People's Pipeage a trifle lower. There were no other changes of importance. The sales were 3ffi) shares. Bids, offers and sales were: MOESTNO. Bid. Asked. 63 ArrxExoow. Hid. Asked. Citizens' Kat. Bank. City havlnfrs Banc City Deposit Bank Diamond Mat. Uanf Preebola Bant 55 Lawrence Bank.. .... Masonic Bank Mechanics Sat. Bank. 107 Third Mat. Bank'..... 160 60 68 ISO 60 107 City Insurance 25 Citizens' insurance. 3.1K alan.AMer. Ins 4a 100 2GX Allegheny Heating Co. Brldjrewater Gas "26X unio vaiiey uas People's S. li. A P.Co .... Penna. Uas Co. Philadelphia Gas Co... SIX Wheeling bas Co Hazelwood OU Co SOX Central Traction SI Citizen ' Traction 69j Pitts. Traction 47ii 1 IS 14 22 15 S2 28 ii" 70X 48 21 31 it 64 Pleasant Valley 11 Pitts., A. A Man 225 Pittsburg A Connells'e 20 Pitts. June. B. B P. U.AM. 1, Pitts. A Western It. K. .... P.A W.K.B.CO. pret " Point Bride Hi 21 "a 20 20 j-oini nnan pia to xjS a oria aiming uo. X H H Yankee Girl lllninc... Westinrhouse Electric lx-Divldend. m sotf 61 Bales at the first call -were 100 Citizens' Traction at 70, 40 Pleasant Valley Railway at 2 20 Central Traction at 8 60 at 84,10 at 8 25 at S and 25 at 8 At the last call 6 Electrlo brought MM. 17 Switch anfi Sienal 10, 45 Central Traction 84, i Philadelphia Gas 32 and SO 32. J, H. Patterson sold 60 ahares .Citizens National Bank at 65. Henry M. Long bought aou xaccbfiu fc au day were 269,235 shares, Including: Atchison, 13,265; Union Pacific 6.60b: Delaware. Lacka wanna and Western, 5,300; Denver, Texas & Ft. Worth, 3,200; Erie, 4,210; Hocking Valley, 4,020: Louisville and Nashville. 12,475; Mis souri ,Paciflc 7,267: Norfolk fc Western, pre ferred, 6,377: Northern Pacific, preferred, 12,665; Reading, 18,400; Richmond aud West Point, 22,901; St. Paul, 17,02a IN GOOD SHAPE. Enongh Money, In Pittsbnrff to Insure a T.onc Period of Ease There was a good demand for money yester day, which was met at the usual rates. Tbe amount of cash available for business purposes was stated to be large enough to insure con tinued ease throughout the winter. Checking and depositing were liberal. Eastern exchange commanded a premium. Tbe exchanges were, $2,120,277 65 and the balances $342,978 89. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy, ranging from 5 to 6, last loan 5. closed offered at 5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper o7. Sterling exchange quiet but steady at S4 80i for 60-day bills and $4 liji for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. D. S. 4s,reg 127 U. S5.4s.eoun 127 M.K.4T. Gen.M , 60M Mutual Union ss.. ..100 N. J. C. Int. Oert...m , Northern Pac UU..1I3X Northern Pae.2ds..ll0 Northw't'n consols. H2 U.S. 4Xs, re Wi O. S. 4Ms. coup.... V&H Pacific As or '96. U7H Loulslanastampedls 89H Missouri 03 1U1J4 Tenn. new set. Ss... 106 Northw'n deben's..H0 Oregon & Trans. 6s. 101 St. U AI.M. Uen. Si 85 8t. L.ftS.K.Gen.M.120 si. 1'aul consols ....123 St.i-L uw Feists. 20 Tenn. new set. &S....101H renn. newsei.as.... u Canada Bo. 2ds 97 Oan. Pacificists 117 Den. Alt. Q., UU...I1SM Den. &K. Q. 4s 78 D.B.G.Wet,lits. 99H Erie, Ms 1W Tx., Po.L.G.TrRs.W Tx.,Pe.K.O.Tr.Kctt 17 union rac. in,,.."' West Shore 1IH 11. K. AT. Gen. 6f.. 67K Yesterdav's bond offerings were as follows: Registered'4s. (137,000 at 127: registered 4X'i $53,900 at 105; coupon 4& $6,550 at 105. New Tobk Clearings, 1174,015,785; balances, W,470,060. Boston Clearings, $17,405,062; balances, 521244,761. Money at 45 per cent. Baltimore Clearings, 2,349,526; balances, $370,879. Philadelphia Clearings, $13,305,256; bal ances, $1,830,874. Chicago Bank clearings were $11,687,000. New York exchange was par. There was no change in rates for loans. AMONG THEMSELVES. Pyklng Between Exchanges All That Can be Snld of Oil. ' Although there was considerable animation in the oil market yesterday, with a fair amount of trading, there was nothing to attract special attention. The business was of the pyking sort between the exchanges. New York and Pittsburg did most of the buying and Oil City tbe bulk of the selling. Tbe market opened at 10SK highest 109, lowest 1USX closing 108. Monday's clear ances were 1,053,000 barrels. Fenlures of Ibe Market. Corrected daily by John M. Oasuey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened 1MWI Lowest... Highest lraXlC'losed..., ....108H ..108j 8 Barrels. Average runs , Average shipments , Average charters 48,323 74.421 IS, 059 nennea, mew lore, r.uc Kefinerf, London, ft'l. Refined, Antwerp, lT&t". Keflned. Liverpool. 8 1-lSd. Refined, Bremen, 7.20c. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 11 07V 1 07K; calls, $1 09. Other Oil markets. On. Citt. November 12. Opened at SI 08; highest. $1 09; lowest, $1 0S! closed, $1 08. Bradford. November 12. Opened atSl 08; closed at 81 084; highest, $109; lowest, $1 08. TrrusyiLLE. November 12. Opened at$l 0 highest, $1 09; lowest, $1 08; closed at $108. NKwYORK,November 12. Petroleum opened weak at 107 after a slight decline in the early trading some slight buying carried the price up to 109. An attempt to realize then caused a reaction, and the close was weak at 108. Btock Exchange Opening, $1 07: highest, $1 09; lowest, $1 07: closing, SI 08. Consolidated Exchange Opening. $1 07; highest, $1 09; lowest, $1 07; clos ing, SI 08; Sales, 6U,0U0 barrels. LANDS AND HOUSES. Continued Activity Ih Benl Estate Transac tions la City and Saburb. , J. C. Heilly, 77 Diamond street sold for Chas. Manning to John Scbwamb a three-story brick dwellinp:, No. ICTTIckroy street lot 25x95, for S3.950; also, two lots for James W. Breen and John O'Neil, 20x100 each, on Wylie avenue, near Wandless street, to John JlcCallum for S1.400; also, lot 40x120 on Belonda street, Mt Washington, for Jos. 16 to Wm. Porter for $350 cash. B.P. Benbow, of Carson and Twenty-first streets, Southside, closed the sale of one of those excellent eight-roomed brick and stone houses lately erected by Bakewell Phillips on Sidney street, above Twenty-third stieet Southside. The purchaser was Mr. David Lewis, a well-known ironworker. The price paid was $4,875 07. This is the third house sold for Mr. Phillips within a month ont of the six hardly yet completed. Jamison & Dickie sold for Henrv J, Banner a six-roomed bouse on Knclid avenne, East J6nd, to Maria E. Seelig for $2,800, and for Caro line Macfarren four lots, 50x120 feet on Lang avenne, Twenty-second ward, to Mrs. W. S. Taylor for $3,200. Black 4 Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold for J. R. McClintock et al. a vacant lot having a 1 rontaee of 200 feet on Linden avenne and ex tending back along Kdgerton avenne a dis tance ef 174 feet for $6,000. Reed B. Coyle 4 Co., 131 Fourth avenne, sold for Jos. Loughrey two lots on Ward street Oakland, size 24x100 each, for 52,000 cash. SMALL ADVANCES. Trading In Rntlroad Shares Locks Vlm-n Threatened Enforcement of the Mlssoarl Law Causes a Flurry Lead Trust. New Yobk, November 12. The stock mar ket was more qniet to-day, except at intervals and in spots, and tbe dealings, as a rule, were made within narrow limits and presented little feature of interest There were several items of news which would have had a bearing upon values, but they seemed to fall flat in almost every case, and while the market for tbe greater portion of the day had an upward ten dency, the movements lacked vim. and outside of a few specialties tbe final changes are gen erally confined to small fractions. The most prominent feature of the day was the selling of Lead Trust by St Louis, which became alarmed at the threatened enforce ment of the law which was passed last winter against Trusts, and tbe stock was forced down about 2 per cent though a partial recovery took place. Tbe bears, of course, helped the decline, and the recovery was in all probability the result of the taking of profits on the short side. With the exception of London, which bought freely at times of all of its favorites, St. Louis was tbe only outside center which traded to any extent in this market to-day. Next to Lead Trust Richmond and West Point attracted most attention, and both kinds of stock changed hands, some at advances. The Grangers were all stronger, though Bur lington seemed nedected, and failed to move with the others. The long-expected dividend on Northern Pacific preferred was declared to day, bnt the announcement failed to have any cnect on the stock, wmch was steady throngh out, with a slight upward tendencv. The spe cialties were in many cases conspicuous for 8tseiigth, and Canadian Pacific, Ontario and Western and Louisville and Nashville all made material gains. The market reacted from the depression of yesterday afternoon, and opened from Jf to K per cent higher this morning. Though tbe bears soon made a drive at New England and forced it off over 1 per cent; though after tbe pressure was removed there was a full recovery. The demonstration bad the effect of checking tbe upward movement in the general list how ever, and some stocks went back slichtlv for uo uuio uc.ufc. . uw,Eooiuu was ot snort duration, and, led by Richmond and West Point the entire list moved up slowly, not- nuiifiMuuiU); tuo nca.uua buuwu in 1j6AU. Stagnation was tbe feature of tho list in the afternoon, but Ontario and Western, Hocking Valley and other low-pricea specialties re lieved the monotony by sharp upward move ments, and late In thn day tbe advance became general, except that Chicago Gas dropped 2U per cent on the grant to another company of the privilege of bringing gas into Chicago. The greater portion of this loss was afterward made up, however. The close was fairly active and strong, gener ally at the best prices of the day. 1 he final chances are almost all advances of fractions, but Ontario and Western rose Hi, Rlohmond and West Point preferred 1U. the common lit, St Paul and Canada Pacine li. Jersey Centra Louisville and Nashville and Missouri Pacific 1 per cent each, while Lead Trust is off li and Chicago Gas 1 per cent Railroad bonds were more quiet to-day, the sales of all issues reaching only Jl,22L0e0. and the onlv rall v antlTA lamn w -Er.u.fe....-tr.l- leyto, which contributed. HWoeo to tie total. The tone of the market was rather heavy, if anything; but final changes are abont equally divided between gains and lose which are in bnt few cases for more than fractional amounts. .The PoiPt financial article says: The selling of Erie and some other stocks yesterday was presumed to be for London account, and this, together with the fact that in tbe last week the Bank of England has lost 45,000 on balance, nas led some people to expect that the Bank of VSSd me discount would be raised on next Thursday, and thus give the whole stock speculation a setback. There is, however, nothing in the London money market as yet i?".,"11'11118 expectation. Money is easy at et, though there are still some apprehensions of the necessity of further shipments of gold to the Argentine Republic But this forenoon were was considerable Erie bought for London account, aud the early prices in the market for a'American stocks were higher than closing prices here last night it is the apathy of the American public in re gard to railroad stocks that makes the dull mar xet, and leaves all the active stocks lower to day than a week ago. The decline in Lead irnst was dne to heavy selling of St Louis nolders, who were alarmed by the notice of the secretory of tne State of -Missouri to all cor porations or that State that they must comply witn the law, passed last winter, prohibiting any corporations from putting their stocks into 'fnst The penalty for non-compliance Is loss or their charters. Some of the most profitable concerns in the Lead Trust are in St Lonis, and it looks as if they would be compelled to with draw from the trust Nevertheless, thodecline intrust certificates was only 1 per cent ..i "5 flowing tame snows tne prices oractlve stocks on the Mew York Stock xenanre yester-lfrA-CorTec,e(1 daUv for T Dispatch tar X?IT??,T8TEPHKN8Ow. oldest Plttshurg men hers ofKew York Stock Exchange. Jrourlh ave- Cloi- Low- lnc est. Bid. 331f 34 35 S5K 7W 71 an an 118 118H 25K 25K USm Ids 7 sk 111 112H IS 39 184" .... m 87 112 112X .... 112 75 7SS 93K 93 32 31K Wi MX 140 140 .... 147 10! 10! 70 71 22 2iH 116 111 18H 18ii 64 63 107 lifift MX Mi S7 V!H 9H m 68 3h .... 106! 23 28i 16 67H .... 35 4314 44 m 20 19H 33 33 75 76 22H KH 46 46 Wi UK 32H KH 18K 40K HU 1S6H ax a4 79 tin 120 . 120 .... 24 .... loe VK V)4 S7!4 67M 16 31 3IH 84! 84H 74 ItH 19 S0H S2H 64 Open- High . .. In- t f5-KCoon OU MX !4 Canadian Paclno 7ijJ 72 Canada Southern 55H 85Jf Central or flew Jerny.118 18 OiettpeakeaOhio.... 2SX 25JJ .. Bur. a Oulnev. ....105X 10S c.. Atii. a at. faui.... tsx s .. Jill.A 8t P., pr.. ..liiM 112 -. goes l a r nth r, U..StL.Antts .. C., at, U A Pitts, pf.. 89 39 C St.P..M. At) c. at.p..u. ao.. pr. 0. A Northwestern m 112)$ O.A Northwestern, PL ft. p.. C. A I 7S 75K ft. U., O. A L, pr 98K DSJf Col. Coal A Iron. 32 82 Col. A Boozing Vat .. 19 WH Ke!:ALkdTou:r:.:::-... ". f::vvi-H.a:iiVpF. Ig, K.T.. Vs. A Oa. 2d pr. 221, 23 Illinois UentraU lie 11 Lake Erie A Western.. 1834 183? Like krie a West nr 64 fare Snore AM. a 107 1075j LoulsvllleAKashvllle. MU 84 Michigan central S7 ilk Jio., Uan. A Texas.... 9K 9K Missouri r'aclfle 83 69S New Kora- CentraL J.. UB.AW 28X 28M J. X.. C. ASt b ? '...C.sst.L.pr. -N... C. A8t.li.2dnf J-US. X UH 44H r.. O. A W 15J4 20)4 Norfolk a Western JorrolkA Western.pf. 58J 881t Northern Pacific 33jJ S3! Nortnern Pacific nref. 78 78X Ohlol Mississippi..... 22SJ" 22J4 Oregon Improvement. 48 48 Oregon Transcon...... 34 Jl PaclfleMall 32 32 Peo. Dec. A Kvans Pullman Palace Car Klchmona A W. P. t.. 23X 24)4 Klchmond A W.P.T.pf 7f 81H St P., Minn. A Man. .120 laiji StL. ASan Fran St JL. A flan irran pf. &t.jj. A San if. 1st pf. Texas Paelflo 203 ) Union Paolno 67? 67J Wabisn Wabash preferred II Jl Western Union S4H UH W heeling A L. . 69H es& Sugar Trust 74 KH National i,ead Trait.. 2iX 21M Chicago tias Trust.... 65 M Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue, change. xtsmoers .new xorx bioccbx- mn. Asked. an 8K 63 sX KK 76H Pennsylvania Kallroad -. J2M Keadlne.. 20 9-19 Buffalo. Pittsburg and Western, LehUh Valley Lehhrn Navigation fcortnern Pacific , Nortnern Pacifio preferred . S . S2 . 63 Boston titocks. Ateb. A Too.. 1st 7s. 117 A. AT. Landr't7s.ll2 Atca. ATop. B. R. .. J5 UoitonA Albany.. .215 Boston A Maine. ....110 CC.1Q 103 Clnn. flan. A Cleve. 22 Eastern K. ft 118K Flint PereM 20K Mexican Cen. com.. 15S Mex.C.lstmtr. bds. C6 . V. ctevKiit,.. 44 it. Y. A A. E. 7s. ...127 Old Colony. 173 Wls.Oentral.com... 23 AllouexHcOo H Calumet A Hecla....23S rranuin. UK Huron 2)j Osceola. 13J Pewablc "5 Qulney 61 Hell Telepnone 200 Boston Land 6 Water Power 6 Tamarack lis Sao Dleco 22 Santa fe copper.... 70 Business Notes. A. J. Stephenson has applied for member ship in the Pittsburg Exchange. Thiett-sevejt mortgages were recorded yes terday, the largest being for 810,000 purchase money. The old Board of Directors of the Western Insurance Company was re-electedata meeting held yesterday. Fob the month of October the gross earnings ot 104 railroads were $30,481,993, an increase of $3,858,276 over October, 1838. It is stated that the Monongahela connecting road is to be extended along the river bank to Glenwood. This would open up a fine manu facturing district A MKETINO of stockholders of the Pittsburg and Allegheny Bridge (Ninth street) Company bas been called for December 2, to vote for or against an increase of the indebtedness of the company. Renters are already on the move. Quite a number of applications for houses were made yesterday. It is the general opinion that small and medium-sized dwellings will be very scarce next spring. The belief is so general that the Central Traction Railway will do a good business from the start that there was quite a boom in tbe stock yesterday. The road will be in running order by the middle of next month, or sooner. Investments in local bonds are large. An officer of the Fidelity Title and Trust Company remarked yesterday: "Some time ago there was very little money invested in local bonds, bnt within the past two Wfceks this has changed, and there is a most satisfactory condition of affairs in this line just now." ONLY FINES AT THE WUfibT Can Be Imposed Upon Men Who Brought These Glassworkcrs. Washington, November 12. If the argument made by the Treasury law officers concerning the imported glassworkers at Jeannette, Pa., is accepted by the Attorney General and Secretary "Windom, and it is decided that the glassblowers willfully transgressed the law in contracting to take service at Jeannette, tbe Government has made ont a case against the men who indnced the workmen to leave England. If contracts were made, the employers and agents who arranged the contracts have rendered themselves liable to prosecution, and, if found guilty, to tbe imposition of the fine imposed by the con tract labor law. The snggestiqn made to Secretary Win dom on Saturday may be at once approved by Attorney General Miller, and the action against the contractors and workihgmea begun immediately. CLEANING B0TLEK STEEET. Lnvrrencevllle People Flensed Over an Un expected Flow of Water. The citizens of Lawrenceville are In hieh glee now on account of the at tention of the city authorities in cleaning, or making at least a pretense, of cleaning Butler street. Early Monday evening a corps of hosemen got "numerous hose in op eration and cleaned Butler street irora end to end for the first time, it is said, since the Citizens' Traction line was laid. The sight was so novel that residents stood in their doorways and watched the proceedings with manifestations of delight, feeling that at last some step had been taken to remedy the bad condition of Lawrenceville'a prin cipal thoroughfare. For Hard Drinkers. pr. Flint's remedy is the only safeguard which hard drinkers have against tbe blunting or loss of sensation, the derangement of the sense of taste, hearing and sight, and tbe stimu lation of the emotions whioh hard drinking brings. Descriptive treatise with each bottle: or address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. MWT DOMESTIC MARKETS. Game and Western Ponltry Easier Owing to Soft Weather. POTATOES QUIET, APPLES STEADY. Sugar and Coffee Are Drifting Toward a Higher Level. THE CEEEAL SITUATION UBOHAKGED Office oF-PrrrsBOBG Bis atcjt, TUESDAY. November 12, 18S9. J Country Produce Jobbing; Prices. Game and ponltry are coming in freely from the West, and uwing to soft mild weather, are easier. Nearty poultry Is scarce. Turkeys are particularly scarce in this vicinity. There is a slight improvement in the demand for apples. Sweet potatoes are firm at quotations. Irish potatoes quiet Florida oranges are in good supply and fair demand at quotations. Grapes are slow and their end is near. Tbe sales of creamery bntter at Elgin yesterday reached 33.300 pounds, at prices rangingfrom 25 to 25ic This brings the lay-down price of the bestl gln creamery close to 27c in Pittsburg. Mild weather is all that keeps eggs from another ad vance. The first sharp weather will, no doubt, send them up. Fresh country eggs are hard to secure at any price. Btjtteb Creamery, Elgin, 2S2SKr; Ohio do, 2526c;lresb dairy packed, 2224c; country rolls, 21622c Beans Navy band-picked beans, $2 252 30; medinm, 2 102 20. Beeswax 2830c f) & for choice; low grade, lSSBOc. Uidek Sand refined, 16 507 GO; common, 3 G04 00; crab cider. 8 008 50 fl barrel: cider vinegar, 1012c gallon. Chestnuts $5 0065 60 $) bushel; walnuts, 6070c $ bushel. Cheese Ohio, 11011J4c; New York, UKc; Limburger, 9KlIc; domestic Sweitzer, 11 13Vc; imported Sweitzer, 23c EQGS 2324c dozen for rictly fresh. Fbuits Anples, fancy, Ti 002 50 fl barrel crapes. Concords. 40cabasket; Harriett pears $5 $ barrel; quinces, 45 ft barrel; cranber ries. Jerseys. $2 GO per bushel box; Cape Cods box, S2 7503 00; Malaga grapes, laize barrel, $300. Gaste Squirrels. 81 75 ? dozen: quail, S3 50 i 50 dozen: nralrie chickens. 23 o04 50 dozeu; pheasants, S3 504 60 fl dozen: rabbits, 30035c a pair; venison saddle, 2022 fl pound; venison carcass 1012c $ pound. FEATHEES-Extra live geese, 6060c; No. L do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c V &- rowiTBT unica-ens, old hens, Go70c;cmck ens, large, yonng, G055c; chickens, small, 35 40c; ducks, 5560c pair; geese, f 1 00Q1 10 $) pair: live turkeys, 10llc V t. Seeds Clover, choice, K!fts to bushel, 85 00 5 2 IH bushel; clover, large English. 62fts, $5 60: clover. Alsike, 88 00; clover, white, 89 00; timo thy, choice. 45 Ss, 81 50; blue grass, extra clean. 14 Iks. 90c; nine grass, fancy, M B, 81 00; orchard cras, 14 lbs. 81 65; red top, 14 As, Jl 25; millet 50 fts, 81 00; German millet, 50 As, 81 50; Hungarian grass, 60 lis. 81 00: lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, 82 50 f) bushel of 14 &s. Taiaow Country, iyic; city rendered, 4 5c TBOPiCALFRTnTS-Lemons, common, 83 60 fl 00: fancy, 84 0065 00: oranges, 84 G05 00; lotida oranges. 83 7&4 60; bananas, 82 25 firsts. 81 50 good seconds. bnncb; eocoanuts, 84 (X) i 50 V hundred: rigs, SX9c p &; dates, S 6Ke $ ft: new layer figs, U$iiec; new dates. vegetables-Potatoes, from store. 5055c: on track, 4045c; tomatoes, 811 25 fl bushel; wax beans. 75c 5? bushel: green beans, 4050e 9 bushel; cabbages, 84 005 00 a hundred; celerv. 40c fl dozen; Southern sweet .potatoes, 82 252 GO; Jerseys, 83 603 75; turnips, 81 00 1 50 a barrel; onions, 82 a barrel. Buckwheat Flous22c $ pound. Groceries. Coffee options are drifting upward, and pack ages promise to-rise at an early day. An ad vance in roasted coffees was generally looked for by dealers to-day, but expectations lalled to materialize. Sugars are up c since Satur day and markets are firm at the advance. The movement of general groceries is unusually active, but prices remain unchanged. New Orleans molasses, new crop, is now coming in freely and crlces tend toward a lower level. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 22K23Vc; choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; low grade Rio, l19c; old Government Java. 27c; Mar acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 2S29c; Santos, 20 23c: Caracas, 21023c; peaberry, Bto,2323c; La Gnayra, 2223c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 23c; high grades. 242&cr old Government Java, bulk, 31032c; Maracaibo, 26Z7c: Santos, 22UQ 27c: peaberry, 28c; choice Rio. 24c; pilme Rio, 22c; good Rio, 21; ordinary, 20c. Spices (whole) Cloves, 1920c; allspice, 10c; cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c: nutmeg, 70080c Petboleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test 7c; Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight 150, BXe; water white, 10Kc: globe. 1414Kc: elaine, 14Kc; car nadlne, lljc; royallne, 14c; globe red oil, 11 Miners' Orx No. 1 winter strained, 47g48c fl gallon. Lard oil, 70c Struts Corn syrup, 28030c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c: prime sugar syrup, S033c; strictly prime, S335c; new manle syrup, 90c. N. O. MOLASSES Fancy. 48c: choice. 4Bc: medium, 43c; mixed, 4042c; choice new crop, ooc. Soda Bl-carb in kegs, 8K4c; bi-carb in s. 5Jic: bl-carb, assorted packages, 66c; sal' pacKages o. annlated, 2c soaa in Kegs, 154c; ao grsnuiaiea, zc. uandles Biar, inn weight, vc; steanne, w set. 8Uc: parafflne. 11CS12C. Rice Head, Carolina, &7c; choice, 5fi) 6c: prime, 56c: Louisiana, 56Vc Starch Pearl, 2c; cornstarch, o6c; gloss starch. IKerJc - Foreign Fbuits Laver raisins, 12 65; Lon- S2 75; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, SI 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, SJSSHc; sultana, 9Kc; currants, 55kfc: Tnrkey prunes, 4X5c; French prunes. 6)o,c; Salon ica prunes, in 2-ft packages. 8c; eocoanuts, fl 100, $8 00; almonds, Lan., $ tt, 20c: do. Ivica, 19c; do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1215c; Sicily fllnerU. 12c; Smyrna figs, 13Kelc; new'dates, 66Kc; Brazil nuts, 10c: pecan-, llI5c; cit ron. v S, 1920c; lemon peel, )) , 15c; orange peel. 4c 'Dried Fbuits Apples, sliced, pec ft 6c, ap pies, evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, evap orated. 14JI8c; peaches, evaporated, pared 2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, un pared, 1921c; cherries, pitted,13J14Kc; cher ries, nnpitted, S6c; raspberries, evaporated 25K26Kc; blackberries, 1)i8c; huckleberries 1012c 8TJ0ARS Cubes, 7Jc; powdered, 7Jic: granu lated, 7Vc; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A. 7c; soft white, 6K&3.c;yellow,choice,6G6c; yellow, good, 66c; yellow, fair, 5c; yellow, dark,5Kc Ficxiiis-Medinm, bbls (1,200). to 60; medi nm. half bbls 16001. S3 25. Salt-N o t V bbl, B5c; No. 1 ex, f bbl, SI 05; dairy, fl bbl, 31 20; coarse crystal. bbl. II 20; Eiggins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S3 60;,Hlggins' Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00. ' Cakitis Goods Standard peaches, 82 ts 2 CO; 2ds, Jl eo&l 80; extra peaches, (2 402 60; pie peaches, 95c; finest corn. II 001 50; Hid Co. corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90ctl; Lima beans, tl 20; soaked do. 65c: string do, 6065c: mar rowfat peas. $1 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples. II 401 50; Bahama do, 12 75; dam son plutns, 95c; greengages, II 25: egg plnms, 12; California pears, 12 60; do greengage. II 85: do egg plums. II 5; extra white coernes, 1240: red , i4u:reu iieetl 10: cnernes, ius. ouc, rasiiuenica, Strawberries. II 10: gooseberries. 1 3001 40: tomatoes, 8590c; salmon, 1-&, II 651 90; blackberrie. 65c; snecotasb, 2-ft cans, soaked. 90c; do green. 2-ft, $1 251 50: corn beef, 2-& cans, 12 05; 14-ft cans. 114: baked beans, II 45 1 60: lobster, 1-ft, II 751 80; mackerel, 1ft cans, broiled, $1 SO; sardines, domestic, lis, $4 254 60; sardines, domestic, ijs, IT 2587 60; sardines, Imported, &. Ill 5012 50, sardines, imported, K. 18: sardines, mustard, f3 30; sardines, spiced. 13 SO. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 R bbL: extra No. 1 do. mess,l40; extra No. I mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do, mess, 136: No. 2shore mackerel, 124. Codfish Whole 6c; do large, 7c: boneless hake. In strips, 6c: do George's cod in blocks, 6JiQ7Kc Herring Round shore, 14 50 fl bbl; spilr, S66O; lake, $2 75 41 100-ft half bbL White fish, 16 00 100 ft half bbL, Lake trout, S5 60 ft half bbl. Fln- IB hall DOL XAae trout, 90 ou ft nan haddock, 10c W ft. Icelam 3b. Pickerel, JibW. B00: K' mac herring, 15 00 a bbL 12 fill iceiana nauDnt, 13c Xh H bblSHO; Poto- lurnnc-:!5 00 bbL 12 60 W i bbL OATKEA1 6 006 25 fl bbL Grain, Flour nnd Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at tbe Grain Ex change, 48 cars. By Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 3 cars of flour, 2 of com, 1 of oats, 3 barley, 4 of hay. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 1 car of flour and feed, 5 of oats, 6 ot corn, 4 of hay, 1 of oats, seed and rye. 1 of bar ley. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 o.ar of corn. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 2 can of barley, 2 of corn. 2 of bay. 1 of screenings, 6 ot rye, 2 ot malt. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of flour, 1 of oats, 1 of hay.- Sales on call, 1 car sample corn, 41c, 5 days, Pennsylvania Rail road; 1 car mixed oats, 28c, 10 days, Pennsyl vania Railroad. The cereal situation is un changed. Markets are sluggish and will, no doubt; continue so until there If a falUag oS In receipts. Supplies are too large for wants of trade, and as a result markets are in favor of buyers. Prices below are for carload lets on track. Whxat New No. 2 red, OOOOlc; He. 8, 790 see. ear. 4041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 3940c:high mixed, shelled, 3939c: mixed, shelled, 3&)i 39c. Oats No. 2 white. 27Q27Kc; extra, No. 3, 25K26c: mixed. 23K2f e. Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5051c: No. 1 Western, 4819c; new rye. No. 2 Ohio, 45 46c. Floub Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, 85 005 &0r winter straight 84 2534 50; clear winter. 84 004 25; straight XX$X bakers', S3 6003 75. Bye floor, 83 603 4 75? MHiTEED Middlings, fine white, SIS 00 18 50 fl ton; brown middling. 8I3 0O13GO: winter wheat bran, 811 5011 75; chop feed, 815 go18 oa HAY-Baled timothy. No. L 811 00011 60; No. 2 do, 88 0010 00; loose from wagon, 811 00 013 00. according to quality; No. 2 prairie hay, 87 0008 00; packing do. 87 257 SO. Stkaw Oats. SO 7507 00; wheat and rye straw, 88 006 25. Provisions. Bugar-cared hams, large, 10c; sugar-cured hams, medium, 10c: sugar-cured hams, small, HJic; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 9c; sugar cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 7c: sugar-cured California hams. 7c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured dried beef sets, lOKc; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12Kc; bacon shoulders, 5c: bacon clear sides, 7c; bacon clear bellies, 7Ke; dry sail snouiaers, 054c: ary salt clear sides, vc Mess pork, heavy. 811 60: mess pork, family. 812 00. Lard refined, in tierces, 6e; half barrels. 6c; 60-ft tubs. 6c; 20-B palls, 6c; 50 X tin cans. 6c; 3-& tin palN, 6c: 6-ft tin pails, 6r, 10-ft tin palls, 6c; 5-S tin pails, 6c. Bmoked sausage, long, 6c: large, 6c. Fresh pork links, 9c. Boneless hams, 10c. Pigs feet half barrel, 84 00; quarter barrel, Dressed Meats. Armour & Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meat: Bef carcasses, 450 to 550 ft s 6c; 650 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fis, 67d. Sheep, Vfi ft ft. Lambs; 9c fl ft. Hogs, 6c. Fresh pork loins, 8c When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children,she gave them Castoria an9.77-KwTSn FULL VALUE F0RTHE MONEY B LOOKERS lbs. SlOO, Klbs. 65c d uteri COCOA 150 Curs for sun. Choicest, Purest, Best MMtaieoTLr-iiti Boiling Water or Milt V. 8- Dxpot, 3S Mercer St, Kiw Yoax. At retail by all leading grocers and druggists. OC23-60-WS Established 1S3X BROOM CORN. Broom Manufacturers Supplies PEANUTS. ROBERT DICKEY & CO, 77 WATER ST. AND 98 FIRST AVE. Telephone 163. u231-sn?r inn 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET. MTTttBTTJIlG. IJu Transact a General Baiiifi Mm, Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, IN STERLING, Available lnallpaits of the world. Also Issue Credits IN DOT.T.AP.3 For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Sonth and Central America. aD7-Sl.JT!VT ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO,, CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This is now conceded to be the best in the market, iS witnessed by tbe fact that we have jnst secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be ing held In Philadelphia. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR IN QUALITY, And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly roasted beef. RESIiOIBER, Jy5-19-HWT M 1 A HEW TBEATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagions, or that they are dne to the presence of living para sites in we umng momorane 01 tne nose sod eustachian tubes. Kicroscopio re search, however, haa proved this to be a fact, and the result of this discovery Is that a simple remedy haa been discovered which cermanectlveurea the mart aaznu vated cases of these distressing diseases by afowsimpleappllcationsmale((oWM3w martlbTthettientathoma. Anamnb- let explaining this now treatment is sent fret by A. H. Dixon & Son, 387 and 980 w ess xung coeet, Toronto, Canada. oc8-wwk BTKAlrfKKa AND EXCURSIONS. -rrrHlTE STAE LIAE- rOE QaSTOWN AND LIVZKPOOL. Eoyal and United States Hall Steamer. "Teutonic Nov. 13. 9 a m Teutonic, Dee.u,7:ai am ucnmmc. nor. u. uertnanic, uec l&ip m Bri tannic, Dec 17U am BrlUnnIcN0T.r7,8 Adriatic Dec Hi m PAdrlatlc Jan. L From White Star dock, foot or West Tenth St. Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates, ISO and upward. Second cabin. S35 and upward. According to steameran-d location of ben Ex- enrtlon tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, White star draft navable on demand In all the principal banks throaihout Great Britain. Ap- Ir to JCHN J. MCCOKMICK. 639 and 401 Smith eld st.. Plttsburr. or J. BKUCEiSMAl. Gen eral Agent, 41 Broadway, new York. noe-D STATE LINE To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin and LiverpMl. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passace 3S to SSO. according to locatlom ol stateroom. Excursion 565 to See. Steer jo to and from .Europe at Lowest Eateai AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents, S3 Broadway, Kew York, j. j. Mccormick. Aatai. 639 snd 401 Smithfteld 84.. Pittro. Pa. OC24-D ANCHOR LINE. . United Sisies Mail Steamers. Sail everv SATURDAY from NEW YORK TO GLASSOW, Calling at MOVLLLE, ( Londonderry.) Cabin passaae to Glasgow, Liverpool or London derry, Sandt65. Bound trip, see and KSO. Second-class, fse. Meeruc M. ' MEDIIEHHAHtAn StKVI-CE, Beat route to Horrocco and Algiers.. NEW YORK to FLORES and FAYAL L (AzorMl. GIBRALTAR, NAPLES and VENtCE. sst u iii itrr 1 ' rvtm vol i s v -uw NEW YORK to FLORES sad FAYAL, l. R ALTAR sad NAPLES B. B. CALD7UK.NIA, BATURDAY, NOV. M. Cabin MMtse to Aseres, MS to MO: 1: MaeleK to H: Veslee. MK. Draft on Great Britain, Irelasd or Italy. andlettera of credit at favonMo rate. T Iff ftOMNO M A. NEW ADTEKTISKXEm. ; J . W&$k LEflDS-THE'RACfT The old tcorn out Potash, Meteury and Svr taparilla mixture all left far behind. a a a never fails to cube blood poison. I have seen Swift's Specific used, and know of many cases of the worst form of blood - dls- -eases which have been cured by it Iknow-ths proprietors to be gentlemen of tbe highest type and utmost reliability. I recommend It as a great blood remedy, unequaled by anything I. know of. M. B. WHABTON, Pastor First Baptist Church. Montgomery. Ala, Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed t free. Swtft Specific Compart. Drawer 3j Atlanta, Ua. zulZSS-Xwr, WHOLESALE H0USL . JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Lor. Wood and Liberty bts,, Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this weekia SILKS, PLUSHES, ' DBESS GOODS, aAinrawsiil v II GOODS ut MIOIf aLIU'DClTT IL LID .iSj'i' fy. XU.WWU, jjj U1NUHAMS, PRINTS? and OHBVIOTS; For largest assortment and lowest prisjsjreistj and sea us. r I wum pqai e cvm neivruv f fe22-riB-D $ itROKECS-FUCANCLlU. "fl "TnxUTNEY & STEPHENSON, i.i ruunmavMUIS, aasue travelers- credits tnrougn iie3Srs.irreL. Morgan 4 Co New York. Passport procured. aiM&M t THE SAFE DEPOSIT OF PITTSBURG, NO. 83 FOURTH AVENUE.' BTJRGLAE-PBOOP VAtTLTSj FOR SECURITIES AND VALUABLES GBNltBAL FTOTJOIARY AQBNM D1BECT0RS-A Garrison. Wm. Eea. 1 uTIchrmftn a T MiWnn -E. n.--7S Cbas. J. Clarke. Ar E. W. Fainter, FelixSS! BrnnotLJohnH.KIcketton. '-r-lii OFFICERS? A Garrison, Prest Wm.T.Howe, Sea ATr.fl CaIl ureit isi vice t-. noire, u. Monn am'-' i,r -n'-njir. -r. ------,-, no. ova, mi vice.tr. oecxnaxreas. Henry A Miller. CounseL nol0.88-XTrrJ J0HH M. OAKLEY t CO, BANKERS AND BEOKES3. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum) . . J Private wire to New York and CMoagaj 45 SIXTH SX, Pittsburg. - u PIG IRONg we are prepared to buy and sell P'g IfoalMslI cash or on margin. Quoatlons received dssjvj JOHN it. OAKLEY A COS 45 Sixth itreeVf ,no!09 MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 VXSJI AVENUE, FITTSBUKG, tL. As old residents know and back flies of Pttss-t- burg papers prove. Is the oldest estahlMMCi and most prominent physician In the city, eW A voting special attention to au curonic niniassj. j SSempn,NOFEEUNTILCUREDl alCDlnilOand mental diseases nhnieaO 1 1 L. II V U U Odecay, nervous debility, lack oCj energy, smoiuonana nope, impaired ragrj, uiat'ruereu ugoi, aeu distrust. oaantuiBeiu dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, emptiOB, is-? poverunea niooa, lauing powers, orgaaicwo . noss, dyspepsia, constipation. consusaptioaasH fitting the person for business, society aadsMsr- xugc permanenuy, aaxeiy ana privately cwfStft BLOOD AND SKINstaSr: blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, gtobsMssr swellinz. ulcerations of tonene. mouth, tare I ulcers, old sores, are cured for llfa.adHssV poisons tnorougniyeraoicateairoBi tse sj 1 1 P I M A D V kidney and bladder dm U II I linn I imente. weak back. irravsL tarrbal discharges, inflammation and ottssf. painiui symptoms receive searcmnt; tri Dr. Whittler's life-long, extensive uspeitf ence, insures scientinc ana reuania troaiaieas, on common-sense nrlnclplea. Consnlattonfre.'' PatienU at a distance as carefully tresttad ast i here. Office hours 9A.Jtto 8 r.KMin 10A.Sf.tolP.il. onlv. DR. WHTXTISSTasi jreun avenue, rniauur .. -iJlQ.nan. V jiwv7rM)vnte GRAY'S SPECIFIC ME! CURES NERVOUS DEBtLITHy LOSS OF MCWOIIY. full nartlenlars in naniMsai sent free.. The genuine Uray'aj Speeiae sold by c axnaxuvaoBivK yellow wranper. rnee, a- paekage, orstcrorss, or by on rcelnt of nritttir mddMkfl Bg TOE GRAY MZU1CINE CO, Buffalo. JttTJ n . "" oyo. o. nuiiuuiu, ' esssjswj Dmiuiaciq anaxaoexty su. DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS In an quiring scientific and coaMJssI J tui treatment! ur. s. n. Laws M. R. C. P. S Uthe oldest assll most experienced speciaUet ' J the city. Consultation free ssaml sdctlv confldentlaL OMjaal hoars 9 to 4 and 7 to 8P. M.;Sandas. 2tw4 sv M. Consult them personally, or write. DowjsjsjI LAXx.co renn ave ritisQnrg. ra. jel2-45-DWk " 1. B Cotrtcnx 3 COMPOUKD imnosed of Cotton. Root. Tasssr. sa Pennvroval a recent disoovsa-rssrs ,, - -t.i t- L.tT'try - 01a nnvsician. A3 ntcccBwiieBri montAtu-Safe. Effectual., Price . fc-i sealed. Ladles, ask yossr druatrlK Ootion Root Compound and take a or inelose 8 stamps for sealed parttsssJesw.. dress POND LILI COWPAST, Ks.Tjtj aoest, ki wooawara aretjewoK, astsWits "jsTTJotd inPitteburgvPlOVJesjej' lag A Hon, Diamond and Starke ate.- mTHalnlny parslcaISM brjhor HpIWV ft 9t FWMWJTlr M WiCc -4J . 3J