Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 13, 1889, Image 1

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" If yon want Board. Room, Homes or T
ADVERTISE yoar badness In THE D1S-
Help, advertise la THE DISPATCH.
x-A-ixin. xronipc retains imrm Vr '
WANTS nre always promptly' responded
to waea advertised la THE DISPATCH.
Ben Estate can be sold through odver
tlsement In THE DISPATCH.
EX. rorcaavers cud db iouna lor evcryming;
offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH.
THE DISPATCH the best advertising
medium in Western Pennsylvania. Try it.
For Importers of Contract Labor
According to Official
But Its Instructions to Prosecute Are
For Lyon's Eyes Only.
Chamber. BIeK.ee, Campbell and Slicker
to Ssfler a Distinct Prosecution in Each
Case of Importation, if Things Go as
Indicated The Manufacturers Treated
as Principals, and the tabor Leaders
its Their Agents The Imported Men
Themselves Not to Be Fined. But Only
Deported The bhlp'a Officers Dare Not
Refuse Qnay on Harrison's Slowness
Walker Blaine's Mission.
Those who import labor under contract,
expressed or implied, may hear something
drop in Washington to-day. Assslstant
Secretary Batchcllcr, of the Treasury De
partment, clearly intimates that they will.
Windom will to-day decide whether the im
ported men shall be deported, and whether
Chambers, McKee, Campbell and Slicker,
all of Pittsburg, shall each be subjected to
25 separate prosecutions for violation of the
law. Hon. "Walter Lyon, of Pittsburg,
United States District Attorney, will, if
affirmatively decided, receive secret and
imperative instructions how to prosecute.
Washington, November 12. "The
legal views of the case o theJeannette
glass workers are now before Secretary
Wiudom," said Assistant Secretary Batch
eller, late this afternoon, as he sat at his
desk putting his autograph to the last lot of
the official papers of the day. "The Secre
tary," he continued, "will, I think, an
nounce his decision in the case to-morrow."
"And can you give any intimation as to
what that decision will be?" queried the
correspondent of The Dispatch.
"That is a matter for the Secretary him
self to give you?" answered the General.
"Will it be possible to get a complete
copy of the opinion of Solicitor Hepburn
for publication in The Dispatch?" asked
the correspondent.
"No," 6aid the General; "that will be en
tirely out of the question. There are por
tions of it that are for the eyes of the Dis
trict Attorney alone, to aid him in his fur
ther treatment of the case, and they cannot
be given out." Then he added, hastily, "I
don't mean to say that suit will be brought,
bnt that they are for the sole use of the Dis
trict Attorney, in the event of a suit being
Attorney General Miller concluded his
conference with Solicitor Hepburn, in re
gard to the case, to-day. He cave no formal
opinion of his own, but merely reviewed the
case in every particular at the request of the
Solicitor. While neither he nor the Solic
itor will converse about the nature of the
opinion, The Dispatch correspondent has
it from the best of authority that there were
In regard to any feature of the case. The
Attorney General coincided with So
licitor Hepburn in all things, and the opin
ion of the Solicitor virtually went to the
Secretary of the Treasury as the opinion of
the two most important legal counsel of the
There appears to be no doubt whatever
that District Attorney Lyon will be in
structed to bring suit separately in each of
the 25 or more cases against Chambers &
McKee as principals, and against Campbell
and Slicker as their agents. One of the pe
culiar features of the case, which makes it
distinctive from any other case tried under
the law, is that Campbell and Slicker are
connected with labor organizations which
prayed for the passage of the alien contract
labor law, and which are
to the importation of foreign labor under
contract, and yet took in hand, as is as
sumed from the evidence, the importation
of foreigners themselves, and committed
, one of the most conspicuous and serious in
fractions of the law that has yet come
within the knowledge of the authorities of
the Treasury Department.
These facts have been before the eyes of
the officials of the department all the time,
as well as the other fact that Campbell was
a member ot the Legislative Committee of
the Knights of Labor which spent whole
sessions of Congress in the corridors of the
Capitol during the enactment and amend
ment of this law, and the passage of similar
laws for the protection of American labor.
It is just possible that for these reasons,
the officials of the Department have taken
more than the usual interest in this case,
and that they will take pleasure in directing
the most rigid prosecution of the cases,
more to get at the members of the labor or
ganizations who are supposed to be culpa
ble, and who, of all others, should have
avoided being involved in an infraction of
this particular law.
As to the apprehension and return of the
glass workers, of course they will only
suffer by being sent back to their former
homes. Possibly not all of them may be
included among those deported. They may
be needed as witnesses, at least some of
Those returned may be sent back in any
Teasel, jstnd the vessel that brought them
over, which in this case was the Iowa, is
held responsible for the cost The expense
stands as a lien against the vessel, and she
will not be allowed to discharge a cargo or
clear from anv American port nntil she has
satisfied the demand. Of course there will
be no trouble on that score, as the cost would
be slight Under the law the Secretary may
designate anyone he chooses, a Marshal, an
Inspector of Immigration or other official to
attend to this feature of the matter. The
appropriation to pay for such machinery is
pa file, IiiaHTNES.
sbb nffff mfflfflS'ffl ill if r F' S UlW
Are the Only Persons, Qnay Snys, Who
Know Anything Abont Appointments
As Easy to Get Pointers
From One as the Other.
Washington, November 12. Senator
M. S. Quay arrived in the city this after
noon, and this evening is buried beneath a
tremendous mass of correspondence, which
covers the broad desk of his library, ex
tends its boundaries to chairs beyond, and
fills capacious waste baskets on the floor.
There were letters on nearly every subject;
but the mass related to pensions and.to
office-getting,and they came from all parts of
the country, from the lakes to the gulf, and
from Passamaquoddy Bay to the Golden
Gate. If will require several days to clear
away this volume of matter, and then the
Senator will be ready for business. Mean
time he will be rather exclusive, and will
give little attention to the demands of gen
tlemen who want office.
The Senator could not say when there
would be any movement in any of the Penn
sylvania offices. He intimated that only
the Almighty and the President knew any
thing in regard to the probabilities in that
direction, and that it is abont as easy to get
information on that point from one as from
the other.
It is plainly to be seen that the Senator is
not bursting with admiration for the manner
in which some appointments are being made
and some applicants for appointments dis
missed. Por instance, it is well known
that the Senator has for some
time desired the appointment of
Reynolds, ol Wyoming county, to the posi
tion of Second Deputy Commissioner of
Pensions. The correspondent of TheDis
PArrcn is reliably informed that he had an
absolute promise that this appointment
would be made; consequently the appint
ntent yesterday of Charles P. Lincoln one
of those gentlemen urged by nobody that
anybody can hear of, but who are so lucky
with the administration came in the
nature of a disagreeable surprise to the Sen
ator. i So many similar appointments have been
made, and so many Senators, Representa
tives and applicants incensed by them, that
it will not be surprising if the early days of
Congress develop a far greater opposition to
the President within his party than that
which began at a similar period of the
Cleveland administration, and grew in vol
ume until it swept the Cleveland adminis
tration out of existence. The feeling against
the President is on account of his treatment
of persons whose influence and advice should
naturally have weight in the selection of
successors to decapitated Democrats.
Tonne Walker Was Convincing Pan-Americans
They Sfaoald Go Sooth.
Washington, November 12. Walker
Blaine, after a few days sojourn among the
Pan-American delegates, at Pittsburg and
other points in Pennsylvania, returned to
his desk at the State Department, to-dav.
His mission, it appears, was to sound the
delegates with a view to learning their
wishes regarding a trip to the cities of the
Southern portion of the United States, and
favorable responses were made to his
proposition by every one of the delegates
with whom he conversed. This fact has
been laid before Secretary Blaine, and an
understanding has been reached by the
State Department regarding the matter.
"It is quite likely," said Mr. Blaine to
day, "that the delegates to the American J
Conference will spend a portion of the ensu
ing winter in the southtrn part of this conn
try. They have expressed a desire to do so.
They are expected to return to Washington
to-morrow, but the session of the Congress
will not begin until Monday of next week.
Human Bones Discovered Near the Site of
an Old Conscript Camp.
New Haven, Conn., November 12.
While engaged in digging a cellar near the
the Quinnipiac brewerv, this morninc.
Bernard Kevelin, a laborer, dug up a skel
eton. The bones were examined by Dr.
White, who declared them to be those of a
woman who was abont 20 years of age at the
time of her death. He further states that
from marks on the shoulder he believes that
the woman was murdered!. The skeleton
was found under a plank which had once
served as the bottom of an old boat, and
from the cramped position in which the
bones were found the body which once con
tained them was hastily buried.
When found, the bones lay about two feet
underground, and were ten feet distant from
a spot where, two weeks ago, the skeleton of
another woman was found. Both are oe
lieved to be the skeletons of murdered
women. During the war the place where
the skeleton was found was adjacent to a
conscript camp, and in a locality which in
those days was noted for thedangerous char
acters which frequented the neighborhood.
Southern Negroes Planning to Bednce the
Representation of That Section.
Atlanta, November 12. A State con
vention representing the colored race of
Georgia was held here to-day. The most
important action taken was a resolution to
boycott the census enumerators by refusing
all information to' them.
It is stated that this plan will be pnt in
effect in every Southern Strte. The idea is
to reduce the Congressional and Electoral
representation of the South.
Pr eparlng an Address to Show Why He Was
Mot Elected.
Petebsbubg, Va., November 12. Gen
eral Mahone for the past two or three davs
has beetl at work on an address which he
proposes to issue shortly to the Republicans
of the State, setting forth the causes which
led to the defeat of the Republican State
ticket in Virginia.
His friends say that the General will prove
that the most outrageous frauds were per
petrated by the Democrat.
Zjwn m.,j, W -JHgjjHJil?
---wy j
To Succeed Senator Payne He Aecedes to
His Friend's Wishes in the Matter
Two Democrats Beside Camp
bell Apparently Elected
Columbus, O., November 12. Camp
bell's plurality in the State will be just
about the same as Hoadly's in 1883, viz:
12,000. The Democratic majority on joint
ballot in the Legislature is eight, two in the
Senate and six in the House. The plurality
on Lieutenant Governor, will not be more
than 300 either way. To-night it looks as if
Marquis, Democrat, will win. Eighty o
the 83 counties are in officially, in the
Secretary of State's office, the rest estimated
and to-morrow will end the agony. Lamp
son, Republican, to-night gives it up, but
the official vote in the remaining counties
may elect him by a small pluralitv.
Marquis is 200 ahead to-night. This is
pretty close, on a poll of 800,000 votes.
Follett, Democrat, for Supreme Judge, may
also probably pull through. The rest of the
Republican State ticket is apparently
elected by from l.OtfO to 3,000.
Hon. Calvin S. Brice, Chairman of the
Democratic National Committee, has
yielded finally to the urgent request of
friends all over Ohio, and will be a candi
date for the United States Senate, to suc
ceed Henry B. Payne. Mr. Brice is a very
popular man in this State, especially iu the
Democratic Northwest, and he will get a
solid delegation from there. He will also
be strong in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Colum
bus and Dayton. Brice is an abler man
than many suppose, and his sudden rise to
weilth and power has not turned his head
the least It's like picking up money to
bet that he will win.
A special from Lima, O., says: A boom
that may land Hon. Cal. Brice in the
United States Senate was started here last
night, in the Democratic jollification meet
ing. It has been said all along by Mr.
Brice's friends here at home that he would
not be a candidate, but last night Dr. Nor
ton mentioned his name in a speech at
Music Hall, as being a candidate, while Mr.
Brice was sitting immediately behind him
on the platform, and it is generally under
stood that it was made by permission of Mr.
Brice. The mention of his name
drew Out loud and earnest applause.
Several Representatives and Senators-elect-from
the northwestern counties and dis
tricts were present at the meeting, and
called upon Mr. Brice at his home early in
the evening. Later there was an important
private conference at Governor-elect Camp
bell's room in the Bnrnett House, with
Colonel Brice, General Ben Lefevre, Chair
man Neal, ex-Chairman Townsend, General
Bice, Senator Shaw, Congressman Yoder,
Alien O. "Myers, Colonel Layton and sev
eral others who were present. Views were
expressed as to the policy to be pursued by
the incoming State administration, and Mr.
Brice talked with his friends in regard to
his candidacy.
She Was a Good Government Clerk, bat She
Sailed Under False Colors.
Washington, November 12. Mis3
Josie Holmes, who became somewhat noto
rious in the trials following the collapse of
the Fidelity Bank, of Cincinnati, as the
confidential clerk of E. L. Harper, and who
afterward came to Washington and obtained
a place under Superintendent Porter, is no
longer a clerk in the Census Office. She did
not appear for work to-day, and iu the
course of the evening the story leaked out
that her resignation had been accepted and
the date set for the 30th of the present
month. What probably decided her case
was the evidence produced in the Cincin
nati courts to show that she had falsified
certain accounts.
The mistake by Miss Holmes at the out
set was in entering the service under an as
sumed name, as this trick, when discovered,
lent color to the charges of systematic
wrong-doing which had been brought
against her. She made an excellent record
as a clerk, and her backing was very power
ful, including some of the most prominent
persons in the West.
A Former minister Kills His Wife, His
Child and Himself.
Stockton, Cal., November 12. G. A.
Ross, a preacher living near Lockeford,
early this morning shot and killed his wife,
his 8-year-old son and himself. He was a
Methodist preacher for several years, bnt
lately has been an itinerant Congregatioh
alist. engaged in selling books. He had
not lived happily with his wife, and they
separated some time ago. She 'Supported
herself and her boy by teaching school near
Lockeford, and made her home at the resi
dence of Frank Poster. Por some time
past Ross had been driving to the school
house and taking his wife home at the close
of school hours. He did this yesterday,
and remained all night
He arose at 5 o'clock this morning, and
shot her through the temple with a pistol,
killing her instantly. The report awakened
the little boy, who slept in an adjoining
room. He rushed into his parents' room,
and the father shot him twice in the cheek
and temple, causing instant death. Before
Poster's family could reach the room Ross
shot himself in the head and soon died.
The real cause of the tragedy is not known.
A Jury at Last Sheared to Convict tho
Iione Highwayman.
rerrciAL teleqbav to the dispatch.!
Bessemeb, Mich., November 12. After
a legal fight of two weeks over the trial of
Reimund Holzhay, the lone highwayman, a
jury was secured this afternoon to try the
redoubtable -ex-terror of the Northwest
The counsel for the defense moved this
afternoon for the third time for a change of
venue, but the motion was denied.
The trial will begin in earnest to-morrow,
and should be completed by the end of the
week, unless the defense resorts to ob
structive tactics.
A New Rnto Upon Iron,
Chicago, November 12. At a meeting
of the Western Freight Association to-day
it was agreed to make a rate of $2 per ton on
iron from the Mississippi river points. The
question of rates on pig iron from Wiscon
sin points to the Mississippi river was re
ferred to the committee.
President Harrisonand the Treasurer
of the United States
Mr. Huston's Nose Out of Joint In Federal
Appointment Hatters.
Postmaster General Wtnamaker Called Downey Mr.
United States Treasurer Huston, who,
upon accepting his office, was given foil
swing as to the appointments in Indiana as
a reward for his services as Chairman of tho
Republican State Committee ot that State
during the last campaign, has fallen out
with the President. He now indorses no
one's application for office and holds no
communication with the White House.
Civil Service Commissioner Roosevelt at
tacks Postmaster General Wanamaker on
the latter's disrespect for civil service rules.
Washington, November 12. The
rupture between President Harrison and
United States Treasurer Huston, ex-Chairman
of the Republican State Central Com
mittee of Indiana, is taking definite form.
There is no longer any doubt that the in
fluence which for a time belonged to
Huston, has been transferred to his rival in
the race for Dan Voorhees' Senatorial shoes,
Attorney General Michener. The first
direct misunderstanding occurred a few
weeks ago, when Mr. Huston failed to se
cure the appointment of his right-hand
man, George W. Robertson, to be Bank
Examiner for Indiana. Now it is learned
that Mr. Huston has met with another re
buff. Soon after the inauguration of President
Harrison and the subsequent appointment
of Mr. Huston to be United States Treas
urer, the announcement was made, and gen
erally regarded as authorized by the Presi
dent, that all applications for local positions
in the Hoosior State were to be referred to
Mr. Huston, and that his indorsement on
any application would be
Especially was this the understanding as
regards to changes of fourth-class post
masters. Until recently Mr. Huston's rec
ommendations for these appointments has
been regarded as final, and when
ever he indorsed a man the
applicant so indorsed has invaria
bly been given the office. Recent
ly, however, Chairman Michener, who suc
ceeded Mr. Huston as the head of the
Indiana State Campaign Committee, WTOte
a letter to First Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral Clarkson, informing him that he had
had an understanding with President Har
rison whereby, thereafter, no indorsement
for the appointment of any aspirant to a
fourth-class postoffice was to be honored ex
cept when given by himself, Michener.
Notwithstanding this notice from Mr.
Michener, the Postoffice Department con
tinued, as had been the practice, to recog
nize Mr. Huston's indorsements. Seeing
this, Chairman Michener is said to have ad
dressed another letter to the Postoffice De
partment officials, couched in ,,
callscg attention to his former letter, and
expressing his surprise that its contents had
been ignored and the indorsements made by
him left unacted upon, while those of Mr.
Huston were invariably respected, and those
whom he designated for appointment were
given the offices.
Mr. Huston, it is said, knew nothing of
the cnangea arrangement, and continued
sending down his recommendations to the
Postoffice Department Noticing, however,
that there seemed to be some hitch in getting
Indiana cases acted upon, Mr. Huston sent
his private secretary to the office of the ap
pointment clerk of the First Assistant Post
master General, to ascertain the difficulty.
There were some ten or a dozen cases that
seemed to have been pigeonholed, which
Huston had sent down.
The representative of the United States
Treasurer was informed that his recommen
dations could not be acted upon, nor the
applicants whom he had indorsed ap
pointed. He was informed, further, that
the Department had been
only the recommendations of Mr. Michener,
and as his recommendations in nearly all
the pending cases were in conflict with
those made by Mr. Hasten, the applicants
indorsed by the latter wonld not be ap
pointed. This, it is said, was the first inti
mation that the ex-Chairman had received
that the censorship had been taken away
from him and accorded to the new Chair
man. The complication has created a feeling
among the Hoosier leaders. It is said that
Mr. Michener will soon arrive in Washing
ton to try and straighten out matters so that
there will be a more amicable state of affairs
in the President's "kitchen Cabinet" It is
said at present that Mr. Huston refuses to
make any more recommendations, and that
he has discontinued all intercourse with the
President In short, Huston has discontin
ued his calls at the White House, and de
clines all overtures from that quarter.
He Calls Down tho Postmnster General In
Civil Service Blatters.
Washington, November 12l Civil
Service Commissioner Roosevelt takes issue
with Postmaster General Wanamaker on
the question of whether good railway postal
clerks are obtained through the Civil Serv
ice Commission. Speaking of the matter
to-day Mr. Roosevelt said: "Less than two
weeks ago the President modified the rules
so that this class of Government employes
could be chosen from the vicinity in which
they would be likely to run, provided they
passed the usual civil service examin
ation. I cannot see what the Postmaster
General wants better than that and his
talk about 'climatic influences of Africa'
and other foreign countries has no bearing
whatever upon this subject He cannot
scare the Civil Service Commission with his
talk about going to Congress, for we pro
pose to go before that body, too, and show
how safely intrenched we are against any
maladministration of public affairs.
"All who protest and talk about us, will
find that our position is well nigh impreg
nable, no matter whether it is a Cabinet offi
cer or a bureau chief."
Bonlangor Hns Left the Isle of Jersey and
Hlf Location is Unknown.
Pabis, November 12. It is reported that
General Boulanger has left the Isle of
Jersey. The Bonlangist Committee has
issued a note advising abstention from
demonstrations which the Government
might desire should occur.
The committee also advises Boulangiits
to reserve action until the election of M.
Jefirin is pronounced valid. A large sec
tion of the partv is opposed to the proposed
demonstration to-day, which will probably
Talmage't Neu Brooklyn Tabernacle, From
Plant Jtut Decided Upon.
The W. C T. V. Convention Has no Sympa
thy for Her or the Non-Partisan Amend
men t The Latter Defeated by
an Overwhelming Vote.
Chicago, November 12. When the
session of the Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union Convention was opened to-day
it was known that a storm was coming on,
for during the session of yesterday, at the
motion of Mrs. Aldrich and Mrs. J. Ellen
Foster, of Iowa, the consideration of
the proposed non-partisan amendment
to the constitution of the or
ganization was set down for to-day. The
amendment provides that the objects of the
V. 0. T. TJ., shall be, "to interest and
unite the Christian women of this nation in
non-sectarian and non-partisan temperance
work for the reformation of the intemperate
and the education of publio sentiment in
behalf of total abstinence and the prohibi
tion of traffic in alcoholic liquors, the develop
ment of social purity, the suppression of
vice and crime and the ed ucation of the
masses in the duties and responsibilities of
the citizen."
It was evident from the commencement of
the debate that the feeling of the convention
was overwhelmingly against the proposed
amendment The delegates were not dis
posed to listen to the speeches of the women
who favored its adoption and several times
there was hissing and cries of "sit down."
In moving the amendment Mrs. Aldrich, of
Iowa, said she wished the convention to ac
cept it, becadse it was simply right and just
and honest. She said there was no definite
statement of the objects of the organization
in the constitution. The W. C. T. U. women
occupied an anomalous position because
tbey declared themselves non-partisan and
yet adopted the most bitter partisan resolu
tions. The women associated in the organi- J
zation naa political rignts, aitnougn not
suffrage, and it was wrong for the majority
to adopt resolutions binding all the women
to support a certain political party. It was
just as wrong for a woman to give away her
political influenee as for a man to sell his
vote. Mrs. Henry, of "Evanston, 111: Mrs.
Wells, of Tenness'ee; Mrs. H. M. Barker, of
South Dakota; Mrs. Perkins, of Ohio; Mrs.
Buell, National Secretary, and others,spoke
in opposition to the adoption of the amend
ment as a reflection on the previous action
of the union, and declaring that the union
was non-partisan, being ready to support
any partv which had put a prohibition
plank in its platform.
Mrs. J. Ellen Foster then spoke. She
said the convention was partisan despite its
declaration to the contrary. The names of
honorable men in the Republican party had
been dragged in the convention platform.
"I repeat," she said; "that the convention is
partisan partisan in feeling, partisan in
its assaults on Republican statesmen."
Hisses interrupted her. "Yes, and those
hisses are partisan. They come from the
delegates themselves and not from the spec
tators." A motion was made to indefinitely post
pone the discussion. It was voted down.
The question was then called on the amend
ment. About 50 voices cried for its adop
tion, but the great bulk of delegates
shouted against it. Miss Willard, as chair
man, declared the amendment lost
Vice President Morton Strongly Denounced
by the W. C. T. U. Convention.
Chicago, November 12. The Iowa dele
gation withdrew from the convention
of the Women's Christian Temperance
Union to-night Mrs. J. Ellen Foster,
the Chairman of the delegation,
arose and read a very long protest, after
which the solid Iowa delegation rose and
went out of the hall with Mrs. Foster.
Miss Willard announced that the
outcome had been long expected, and
that the patience and forbear
ance of the W. C. T. U. In the matter had
no equal in history. On motion of Mrs.
Lathrop, of Michigan, the convention
authorized the Executive Committee to im
mediately take steps to reorganize the union
in Iowa. The convention adopted the fol
lowing resolntion:
Resolved, That we have what seems to ns
to be amply sufficient proof that the Vice
President of the United States has per
mitted a bar in his new apartment
honse, the Bhoreham House, at Washington,
and we hereby express our amazement grief
and condemnation that at this advanced stage
of the temperance reform the second official of
the Government should thus openly ally him
self with the liquor dealers of the nation.
Preparing to Establish a Chair of Mnslc for
Tale University.
New Haven, Conn., November 12.
At a special meeting of the corporation of
Tale University, held to-day, a committee
of the corporation, consisting of Rev. C. L.
Walker, of Hartford; Thomas Sloane, of
New York; and Rev. T. T. Munger, was
appointed to consider the advisability ot es
tablishing a chair of music in the Univer
sitv. The question was first considered at a
mcetlue of the Fairfield Alumni Associa
tion, held three weeks ago, and it is said
that several wealthy members of that asso
ciation will endow the chair.
A Federal Offlcer Elected 10 the Mew York
ltPglDlainro rpeedlly Removed.
Washington, November 12. John W.
McKnight, chief clerk of the postal card
agency at Castleton, N. Y., has been re
moved. Mr. McKnight was recently eleeted
a member of the New York State Legis
lature. This is a violation of executive orders
issued by President Grant, and later by
President Cleveland, which prohibited an
officer of the Government from holding any
other Federal or State office. Hence the re
Feoplo Attend tbe Obieqnles From AH Parts
of the United States.
Lexingion.Kt., November 12. Colonel
William Cassius Goodloe, who was fatally
wounded in a quarrel with Colonel A. 31.
Swope. in which he stabbed Colonel Swope
to death, was bnried to-day at Lexington
People came from every part of the United
States to attend the funeral. Ono of these
J-wasR, B. Hayes, of OM.
Caused by tho Announcement of a
Congressman's Determination
A Lancaster Editor's Hough Eoad Toward
Federal Fatronage.
The Eesnlt to Hare an Inptrtaat Effect on Hext
Tear' i Primaries,
Editor Griest, of the Lancaster Inquirer,
who expects to be appointed postmaster of
that city, is opposed by two rival editors.
The result of the fight will have great influ
ence on the primaries of next year. Griest's
record is being raked over as with a fine
tooth comb, and his enemies threaten a fight
all along the line.
Lancasteb, November 12. There is no
end to the political ferment occasioned by
the semi-official announcement of Congress
man Brosius that he has determined to rec
ommend the appointment of Major Elwood
Griest, editor of the Weekly Inquirer, as
postmaster of Lancaster. When it was
understood that Senators Quay and Cam
eron had agreed upon Fridy for Collector of
Internal Revenue, that was acknowledged
to "settle it," and the appointment soon fol
lowed. Bnt those who looked for Griest's
commission to quickly follow Brosius an
nounced determination have been disap
pointed, and it is now recognized that if
Wanamaker and Harrison finally accede to
the wishes of the Republican Representative,
it will only be after a most bitter and per
sistent effort here to frustrate them.
the peincipai, opposition.
The backbone of the opposition to Griest
is the hostility to him of Editors Geist, of
the New 2a,"and Cochran, of the Examiner,
and it is widely believed that the adminis
tration does not care to encounter the an
tagonism of the two daily party organs,
even if Brosius is wiUing to be thus handi
capped in his contest for renomination.
Beside Griest, who is now known to have
been picked ont for this place by Brosius,
ever since the election, the leading candi
dates for postmaster were John B. Rehm,
Presiduit of the Young Men's Republican
Club, the strongest political clnb in town;
he Was also backed by Francis Shroder, one
of the Lancaster county delegates to the
lost Republican National Convention, and
the most liberal local contributor to Repub
lican campaigns; Charles E. Long, who had
a wonderful array of indorsements from the
business men of the city, and Alderman G.
W. Pinkerton, who had furlongs ol refer
ences to his petition.
Griest has been steadily backed by the
Martin-Mentzer-Kennedy faction, which
claims to have Quay's ear, and which is
planning to run Martin for Lieutenant Gov
ernor and C. C. Eauffman for Senator in
the Fourteenth district next year. This in
itself would be enough to excite the ire of
the Sensenig-Hartmon-Brown-zamtner
faction; but, beside them, Griest has made
many enemies and much antagonism in his
party, which now unite to oppose him.
Most formidable of these is the intense feel
ing of both Warfel and Geist, of the JV eta
Erax , , ,
Jnstwbatlineof action tbeSe influences will
take to defeat the. appointment is not known,
but that they are feared may be inferred
from the fact that Brosius himself has re
cently said that applications to Griest for
places in the postoffice are "premature," as
it is yet to be ascertained whether the Con
gressman "can have his own way in his own
geiest'3 failings.
To some of the leaders Griest has given
offense by his zealous support of the prohi
bition amendment and policy, which is not
regarded here as wise party politics. In
others he has evoked opposition by his in
terference in past, quarrels at the prima
ries. Most conspicuous among the in
stances of this was his rabid denun
ciation of the late Senator Stehman, and
his support of Summy, in the last effort to
defeat Stehman. In that campaign, it will
be remembered, Griest held the (2,600 sent
him here to carry Columbia for Summy.
Griest sent for ex-Senator Roebuck, and
made him the emmlssary to secure ex-Sheriff
Stein. Five hundred dollars of the money
went to Columbia, but the deal fell through
and the money was wasted. What became
of the other 2,000 has never been disclosed,
but it is notable that Roebuck is in the
forefront of the opposition to Griest, and in
the battle over his appointnffcnt this scandal
of the primary of 1890 is to be thoroughly
his becobd baked UN.
Griest's record as County Treasurer, when
the county auditors west for him, has also
been raked up, and some other incidents of
nis political career, against wnicn it was
supposed the statute ot limitations had long
ago begun to run. His friends, however,
are no less active and aggressive, and are
busy with counter-attack, and in securing
editorial indorsement for their candidates,
especially from the newspapers recognized
as Quay organs.
Most far-reaching in its influence is the
effect of this quarrel upon the primaries of
next year, when a full ticket is to be nomi
nated. It Griest's appointment is secured
by Brosius,- the latter will undoubtedly
have a candidate against him and, the Nexo
Era, his chief backer, will oppose him, on
the ground that in dispensing patronage he
has ignored publio considerations, scorned
the demands ot business interests, and
to bis own political advantage. This is the
attitude of Editor Geist, and it is predicted
he will make the fur fly.
The Martin delegates to tbe State Conven-
'tiOn will also be antagonized, and there will
be a fight all along the line. If Brosius
should weaken, his present adherents will
fall upon and rend him, and altogether his
position is not a bed of roses. The names of
Sheriff Burkholder, ex-Congressman A. Herr
Smith, J. Hay Brown, J. W. B. Bausman
and S. M. Seldonridge are canvassed among
these who talk of opposition to him.
Only a Little Glass Broken by the Jubilant
Kentucky Democrats.
Louisville, November 12. The citizens
of Louisa, Ky., yesterday held an indigna
tion meeting over the report sent from there
that the DemociAts in celebrating the victo
ries of November 5 had demolished tbe
postoffice purposely and exposed the United
States mails to robbery in their exultation
over the postmaster, R. O. McClure.
McClnre sent the statement to the Postmas
ter General and asked for help. In a series
of resolutions tbe meeting set forth that the
damage was done by a mistake, as to the
amount of dynamite that ould he safely
used; that only three panes of glass, a tran
som and a glass panel in a door were broken,
and that the crowd at once made up" an
amount double the damage done to pay for
having it repaired.
Tbe meeting therefore held that the reten
tion of a postmaster who would send out so
slanderous report about his community,
bringing it into disrepute, would be a dis
grace to the administration. A cepy of the
protest was forwarded to the Poitmaotar
ghts in sessj.
Interesting First Day's Pro
MitHrbiag: Elements to be
in the Meeting The W.
T. U. Cordially Greeted
by tbe K. ofX.
. , .- - !
n mr m itsi a kj hhsh a - j ''ha uaTr
JJ.L, A,U,CUiU . U "V"ttV
Assembly of the Unlghts of Labor meeti
in this city has created considerable of
stir and renewed interest in this great orderJe
The delegates in attendance are a body of
thoughtful, earnest men, very conservative
in their utterances. Ir conversation with
them It is ascertained that the order is more
powerful than ever before, though not so
demonstrative in work, they are having a
greater influence.
Tbe first business meeting began promptly
at 10 o'clock, with Mr. Powderly in the
chair. The most important feature of the
morning session was a telegram sent to Miss
Frances E. Wi)lard, President of the Na
tional "Women's Christian Temperance
Union. The vote on the tetegrara was unani
mous, and fraternal greetings were accord
ingly wired Miss Willard at Chicago.
The Credential Committee reported on
credentials. No contesting delegates had
been found, and exceptions which had been
adjusted were taken in only two cases. The
Committee on Laws made its report, which
will be acted upon by the General Assembly.
Mr. Powderly appointed the following com
mittees: On Giving Information to the Press
A. W. Wright,of Canada, and O. R. Lake,
of Missouri. Finance Jordan, of Wash
ington, D. C; J. R. Mansion, of
New York; Neashan, of Color
ado, Stnll, of N. T. A. 216. On the State
of the Order Beaumont, of New Tork;
Archibald, of N. T. A. 210; Hendricks of
Oregon; Manning, of Colorado, and O'Keefe,
of Rhode Island. Committee on Distribu
tionMorgan, of New Jersey; Rankin, of
Ohio; Galvani, of Washington Territory;
Baird, of Hlinois, and Hughes, of Louisi
ana. Committee on Appeals and Grivancu
J. J. Holland, of Florida; Kehoej of Con
necticut; Mahoney, of IllinoisSimmons,
of Maine, and Ryan, of New xork. The
sessions of the General Assembly were fixed
from 9 to 12:30 in the forenoon and from 2 to
6 in the afternoon.
The assembly reconvened at 2:30. -The
first business was an action in the case of
T. T. O'Malley, of D. A. 38. He had been
admitted" n his credentials when a protest
from -a local" connected with D. A. 38 was
received, charging that O'Malley was not a
proper prson to sit in the assembly because
of his treachery, unfaithfulness, and avowed
hostility to the order. After a patient
hearing of the charges and defense, resolu
tions not to permithim as & delegate to re
main were adopted, and Mr. O'Malley was
escorted from the halL This action is very
significant of a determination to evict all
discordant elements.
Hon. L. F. Livingston, President of the
State Farmers' Alliance, by resolution, was
invited to address the Knights in mass
meeting in this city. This action is taken
to strengthen the fraternal bonds between
these two powerful bodies. Congratula
tions were telegraphed to the National
Patrons of Husbandry, sow in session in
Sacramento, Cal.
Chairman Conger Telia Why Feraker Was
Defeated Ha Directly Contradict
Congressman BBtterwor-9f c-
KInley for Speaker.
Chicago, November 12. Chairman Con
ger, of the Ohio Republican Executive Com
mittee, when asked about the effect of the
Ohio election to-day said: ,. --,
"Of course, we can all make guesses now
as to what defeated the Republicans.?' Ha
said it was a combine of several things.
Foraker's stand on the liquor and Sunday
closing --question lost him a large German
vote. This same cause united the-liquor in
terest to secure his defeat, and money was
poured into the campaign fund by brewers
and liquor dealers from all over the State.
"What about the 'stranglers' to which
Congressman Bntterworth ascribes a large
portion of Foraker's defeat?"
"Never heard of such an organization,"
said Colonel Conger, "and as Chairman of
the Republican Committee I think I would
have if there bad been any such factor at
work in the campaign. At is nard to say
who will be Senator. John E. McLean can
have the place if he wants it If he does not
take it, Brice can have it Chairman Neal
and John Thomas are other probabilities.
We think in Ohio that McKlnley will be
the Speaker. I believe he lithe best qualified
man in the Home. He is a splendid fighter.
The contest will be a hard one. When they
once get down to the fight I think the West
will take the stand that it will go no further
East than Ohio, the East will say that a
Speaker shall notVome from a point further
West than Ohio, and Mr. McKlnley will be
Chlcoeo la Kow Giving- Taffy ts the Ex
Confederate' Soldiers
Chicago, November 12. Mayor Cregier
to-day appointed a committee of leading
citizens to confer with the Ex-Confederate
Soldiers' Association relative to the recep
tion to be tendered Governor Gordon, of
Georgia, during his visit November 30. All
these gentlemen will meet Thursday even
ing, when the arrangements will be per
fected. The occasion promises to be a notable one
and there will be a publio meeting in' the
interest of the Confederate soldiers' monu
ment to be erected in Oakwood Cemeterv,
where several thousand Confederate Head
axe buried.
An Old Slave Able to Find bat Oho Child of
His Twelve.
Louisville, Et,, November 12. John
Harding, a slave of half a century ago, re
turned to Flemingshurg, to-day, to gather
up his family. He fled from Kentucky iu
1810, going to Canada, where he has pros
pered. He finds only one child remaining of his
family of 12. This one, whom he left a
prattling boy, is now a grandfather. . The
rest of tbe family were sold at some slave
sale; and all trace of them is lost
The Grecian Army Ready at Ose Tisse to
March Upon Crete.
London, November 2. A blue book on
tbe Cretan troubles, just published, shows
that Greece early in August was preparing
to send an expedition to Crete, and that the
powers restrained her. Lord ScWsbnry, la
one dispatch said that England wtald con
sult with her allies. I
As the Prime Minister has heretofore
averred that England had no alllt the
praise is likely to cause a sensation.
Report of a BoWe AasasslnaHaa la wets
Tlratola. $
icrxcuz.TX&issAX TOTHanrwATCH.
Chabeestown.'W. Va., NoyemberW.
A report is in circulation here to-niAt
that Harrison Brumfield and his wife wfre
fired on and killed by a mob oa'Hart creel,
Sunday night
The story is that tieV wen wiled to tiu
doeroft&eireaUa ad tfet. ThetrsAei
tslKyBSKtHWsMJIMy9t -
lltn n l. tjs .. jT?
mwiucj vuijjuuuu neceives auet"
ter With the Park Deeds, f '
t i
ii&catea" Sought to Gel Aaead ofthO
Citv for Snecnlation.
City for Speculation,
(VPPERTNTi si nnn w inpi nsn i tzivi&i
-.-.v. y,, .-.. auu-j "iii a "":
Ten Acres Abo to is Donated by the Lady'fer &
Blind Imtiute, , -;
Mrs. Schenley writes her Pittshurg'aUj
torney telling him how startlingly wide
awake some Pittsburg real estate dealersj
and wonld-be gobblers have been. Failin-jS
to prevent her great park, gift to the cityS
they sought to buy the whole S00acres1a
$1,000 an acre, with the promise to give theft
less salable half thereof to the municipal??
ity in that event. Their great Kensingtoaf
scheme fell through, and she malls 'thert
deeds of the gift to the city. She will abo,.
pruuamy, uonaie ten acres ior a sitejl
Pittsburg's Institute for the Blind.
The city woke up yesterday morningtaj
good many thousand dollars richer than si
was the night before. The morning zoaill
was, as usual, lying on Councilman I
han's desk, and one envelope, with a fbragaf
stamp and postmark, which, put on no mora
airs than would a postal card from the DelirSfl
quent Tax Collector, contained the" deedsiofl
the Schenley Park property to the cltyiTHfS
generosity of the donor will be better apprt
elated when the publio learns the factsj
which are set forth in the letter accompany'
ing the documents. Mrs. Schenley states!
that the city can have the option of the'r10l
acres residue of the property at fl,20Qjjx
acre, as already announced in The Di
AA-fcV4. . SiH
That the opposition to the gift waa'stroBW
on the part of interested parties his-
already stated, but to what extent that one
sition goes, and what appeals, toMrs
scneniey's self interest were made, noioaej
even dreamed. Syndicates were organised;!
comprising some of tbe best known capital
ists of Pittsburtr. and announced their-wisS
to .purchase the ground for the erecUoaC
handsome squares of
inclosing iron-fenced lawns, to- which 'nonal
could gain admission except the residents ofj
the surrounding bouses, each of whom would
be supplied with keys, and all jointly woulaj
have to defray the expenses of eardenertll
watchmen, etc.. en the plan of the marmisWi
cent resident squares of Kensington, Loa
don. ' f$B
To show the extent of temptation offered
it can now be stated that through; Black"!!
Baird's real estate azefter. Mrs. SchenlevJ
was notified that She could have J1J590 pr
acre for the property throughout To thto
she replied, the necessity of a pubuo'para
had. been so nrirentlT impressed unoahr.l
that she would certainly reserve soraa'of tMj
The next offer -was a very palpable coss--J
pound, or generosity and selnabnessvSgi
stK..!rlfi'e.iTi0 Investors imnLl warrfisse i
whole property in a lump at JLOOOfoe
acre and present half of it to iho city.- Thus
cnance u ercci a magniuceiu area oi para,
residences was also spoiled, Mn. Schekley;
felt somewhat like the shrewd Trojan fwho
feared tbe Greeks when they made hiaTS
Christmas present, and declined wik-
thanks, even resisting the evidence ofl
number of affidavits setting forth the vsJi
of the property, which, she was assarei.1
would be throws away by giving it to tMJ
" I'ri
She was told it would create nothlnglbt
dissensions, and it would not' be propezlrj
cared for, etc. But yesterday the deeds arg
rived and a call was issued for the CobsjH
tea on Parks, composed of CounciMesI
Keating, Carnahan, Magee, HacGonniglaH
and .Lam Die, to meet in select uounciii
chamber at 3:30 this afternoon to consider!
the proper steps to be taken in receiving" oil
behalf of the city. Mrs. Schenley's gifWofi
the Mt Airy tract, and several other mat
ters In connection witn the park quesuon.M
The munificence of Mrs. Schenley doecl
not stop at her donations to the ctty.Xa
her letter she states that she has sees andl
conversed with Dr. Campbell relative to thai
site for the Pittsburg Institute for theBlind.l
She regrets to say that she cannot giveth-ej
site asked lor. but announces her tl
for this charitable purpose. The astterl
will be taken under advisement by'Mtil
Carnahan, attorney for the estate, and with
in a short time the location of this valuable)
addition to Pittsburg's noble charities vwil
be definitely known. It is more .tfiaa
probable that the ground to be given isal
ready set apart, but for obvious reasons.jit
will De .Kept Dace ior some time, at jeaec
until the necessary arrangements forltM
maintenance of the institution we finally
completed- Sjgj
The hard work performed by Chief BJgs-
low.of th6 Department of Public Works;
and Councilman Carnahan, as recited 'here
tofore. against such, heavy opposition1 to se
cure so valuable a gift for the city willb
better appreciated when the above fiesj art
announced in detail at the meeting taiI
afternoon. - wj
mnn .U n, Pn.nP m
nuaiuiu iva xii xi. uvuaa,'
Still Another Fatal Battle Upsa tke
aad Bloody Greend.
London, Ky., November 12. Report
from the fight of the French-Eversole Mo
tions in Perry County continue to-be meagre)
and conflicting, bnt there is no doubt that
a desperate encounter commenced at Hasswsl
Thursday, and it perhaps yet in progress!!
letter received here this aiternoon in
Hyd A, Leslie County says:
Aught occurred la Hazard, Thursday, befSH
nlnef At 4 P. M. and continuing 52 hours. reall
login tbe death of three or four and woundhurl
of several others. About 50 on one side aad al
on tbe other were encaged. It would nvr
continued longer, but the ammunition ga
mt on tha Evennle side, and thev left the tan
in the hands ol the French party. Penes I
from that section reaching here to-day say that
Ed Campbell and John McKnight of the XT
solecartr. were Instantly killed Thursday's
Jesse Fields, Jailer ot Perry county,, ana fear
otners on me rencn fiae, are oauiy wosawea.
Fields Trill eartainlv die. Bines the soldi sea
were in Perry county a year ago things &
oeen comparatively qtuet, wobku xrrerm
Hlllnira have occurred at Intervals. B.'Sl.'
French, the leader of one of the factions.' ew
gaged in merchandising in ureatmn coast?;
near the Perry line, and very seldom geesUto
Hazard, but when he does is ACCompinledlby;
strongly armea crowa.
The Wilts of Xssploye la Mas
Are Substantially Iseremse,,
Rkadino, Pa., November 12. la Iwm
ing with the rise in the iron marketliil
wages of the employes of the blast fa
of the Brooke Iron Company 4 Biidsliiigl
urn county, oa occb asraaeaa jssj
seat commencing to-swjrre1 arai.'4JS
The Warwick Ire CeaMMy, of ite
I . m 2-.... 1A- .z - ,nr-,l
IHWB, win laciuiu -n
wagw au get atjw jstenssiy.
, JAl
.... ., .i.A U .