Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 12, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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A whole sermon on the value of political
pledges is to be found in the remarks of the
'Hon. George L. Converse, of Ohio, on the
propriety of giving Senator Payne a "vindi
cation" by re-electing him to the "United
States Senate.
D urine the Ohio campaign the declaration
was made, time and again, that Senator
Payne would not stand for re-election. To
have it understood otherwise would bring
the Standard Oil Company and the pro
ceedings which gave the Senator his seat too
prominently into the campaign. But not
withstanding all these denials, the Demo
crats have not been in possession of their
victory a week until Mr. Converse nerceives
the necessity of returning the amiable old
gentleman who has not for six years been able
to make the short speech required to ask for
an investigation of the charge that his seat
was a purchased one.
Kb one will be likely to dispute that
Senator Payne is in need of vindication.
How his re-election, either at the same
price as his first one, or free of expense, will
disprove the charges of the past use of
money, is something that the statesmanlike
Converse does not condeseend to explain.
But it is certain that such a candidacy
would make business active in the Demo
cratic caucus of this winter.
If the Standard was guilty of supporting
the Bepublicans this year, Mr. Converse is
evidently determined that it shall cot lose
its Senatorial representation, by the error.
The decision of the Supreme Court that a
man cannot be held responsible for sinking
a gas well on his own land close to a neigh
bor's well just over the line, and taking
away some of the gas, settles a novel and
important issue arising out of gas and oil
enterprises. In the light of the decision it
is rather hard to see how any other theory
could be held. It is impossible to tell from
Tinder whose land the gas is drawn, or
whether the first well is not really taking its
product from the subterranean reservoirs
under the land of the man who sinks the
second. Beside which, gas, oil and water
are products ot nature, which belong to the
people who are able to catch and use them.
It is very desirable to own gas and oil; but
.the man who wishes to make his title good
must tie them up with pipes and tanks.
It is one of the striking features of the
trust situation that it is already announced
on behalf of the Sugar Trust that it will
change its form of organization so as to avoid
the decision of the Sew York Supreme
Court declaring the trust to be illegal.
That decision was to the effect that the
trust was made illegal by its objects, which
were the criminal ones of engrossing the
market, limiting production and establish
ing a monopoly. The only way, in which
"that decision can be obeyed, therefore, is to
dissolve the trust and let each sugar refinery
conduct its business independently.
Yet the announcements made by the
managers of the trust show that they expect
to bring a plan of organization which shall
preserve the illegal purpose of shotting off
competition while evading the law as stated
by the court. In other words, it is the idea
that the phase of the trust which has already
been declared to fix its illegal character can
be continued and the criminal policy kept
up, if the form of incorporation is changed.
It is time that a lesson was given to the
r aggregations of wealth in this land that it is
their business to respect the spirit of the law
which protects them, instead of trying to
dodge its letter.
It is an interesting fact that the methods
by which the Bepublicans seem to have se
cured Montana afford a close parallel to
those by which the Democrats secured West
Virginia. In the former State a Democrat
was elected in the face of the returns; in
the latter a Bepublican. In both States an
honest and united effort to secure the fair
rectification of frauds, would have been
above criticism; but in each the desire to
obtain partisan advantage prompted the
grabbing by one party of whatever points it
could hold, and the subsequent cry of fraud
by the other. The foundation oi free
government should make all parties anxious
to insure that the count shall be above re
proach; but our politicians are unable to
rise to that ordinary height of citizenship.
Some day or other the people will see the
necessity of having election contests de
cided by a tribunal which shall be suffi
ciently impartial to place fairness above
party advantage.
P00B 10
There is nothing attractive to an Ameri
can in the study of the Indian question in
any of its phases. The noble red man has
never received honest treatment for any
length of time from the United States. He
has bad justice done him by fits and starts,
and in the intervals he has been abandoned
to the tender mercies of post traders and
border ruffians. Commissioner of Indian
Affairs Morgan, in bis annual report just
issued, declares himself to be the owner of
a patent scheme to wipe the Indian question
off the political slate forever. Every new
commissioner that comes along, it may be
noted, has his patent scheme.
Mr. Morgan says:
The logic of events demands the absorption
ofthe Indian into our national life, not as an
r Indian, but as an American citizen. As soon
as conservatism will warrant it the relations of
the Indian to the Government must rest solely
upon the full recognition of his individuality.
ach Indian is entitled to his proper share of
the inherited wealth of the tribe and to the
protection of the courts in life, liberty and pur
suit of happiness. He is not entitled to be
supported in idleness. The Indians must con
form to the white man's ways, peacefully if
they will, forcibly if they must. They mast
adjust themselves to their environment and
conform their mode of living substantially to
our civilization. The paramount duty of the
hour is to prepare the rising generation of the
Indians for the new order of things thus forced
upon them.
It is one thing to write in a department
report that the Indian must change his mode
of life, his devices, his instincts, and become
an American citizen in thorough sympathy
with nineteenth century civilization, and
altogether another to accomplish such a
stupendous revolution in fact. If Mr.
Morgan were to insist upon the Indian
changing the color of his skin it would not
be much more impracticable than some of
the mutations he says are demanded by the
logic of events. As usual with those who
want to improve the Indians by patent pro
cess, Mr. Morgan says that if they will not
conform peacably to the white man's ways,
they must be forced to do so. It is the sauie
old plan, Mr. Morgan. You are only another
of the big band who hare been so successful
in improving the Indian off the face of the
"While there is a persistent dispute as to
the reported sale of the Craig and Elkins
petroleum interests to the Standard, rumor
does not wait for that question to be settled
before bringing out a new one of no less
importance as to the springing up of new
competition with the ruling petroleum com
bination. This time it is an organization
of the producers with capitalists of the
East to put $6,000,000 into competing pipe
lines, and 6,000,000 into competing re
fineries. Such a purpose as this was outlined ior
the Producers' Association in its original
inception; and it was the desertion of that
clear and independent policy for the delu
sions of the shut-down movement that The
Dispatch regarded and still regards as the
mistake of the association for the past two
years. If the policy of establishing com
peting pipe-lines and encouraging inde
pendent refining is steadily adhered to, the
end of the Standard's supremacy in the
petroleum business is only a question of
It is not vital whether the reports of this
project are exactly correct or not. It is
possible that such a combination may lead
to further consolidations. But it is plain
that so long as the Standard is unable to
squeeze out competitors by freight discrim
inations, every purchase that it makes of
competing concerns is only a premium for
new ones. No Eooner is the report heard of
a purchase of the Craig-Elkins interests,
under circumstances which assure that, if
the sale is a reality, a fair price must have
been paid, then a $12,000,000 competitor
springs into sight. If that is bought up' an
other will take its place, and so on until the
Standard falls to pieces of its own weight.
Of course, if the Standard could choke off
these competitors by freight discriminations
it would do so. As it does not, the infer
ence is permitted that the inter-State com
merce act is making itself felt on the petro
leum monopoly as it has already done on
the Cotton Seed Oil Trust.
The appeals of Cardinal Lavigerie and
Sir Samuel Baker to the civilized world,
with reference to the redemption of Central
Africa, start from slightly different motives,
but have a similar object. The Cardinal's
crusade is simply against the slave trade,
and he calls upon Christendom to suppress
tbat great iniquity by armed force. Sir
Samuel Baker's article includes that point,
but takes in also the restoration and preser
vation of the work that has been done in
opening ud Central Africa.
It is a point of much gravity to civiliza
tion that the work which was commenced in
1861 by the explorations ofDnrton, Speke,
Grant and Baker, in exploring the upper
Nile and lake regions in Africa has been
nearly all lost The last station on the
upper Nile was lost with Emin Pasha. The
route to the Tanganyika has been closed by
the wars which have broken out on the
Zanzibar coast. What remains to civiliza
tion is its hold on the Congo, secured by
Stanley's later discovery; and it is more
than suspected that the control of the upper
part of that river by Tippoo Tib places it in
hands that cannot be relied upon.
It hardly seems possible that the civilized
world should abandon a region of such im
mense possibilities to the horrors of the
slave trade and the darkness of barbarism.
The work may be a hard one; but the
generation which opened and explored that
great continent when it was a vast mystery
ought to be succeeded by one which is able
to preserve the results of those discoveries
to civilization.
New York's World's Fair project has got
along to the point of promising that it will
not encroach upon the sacred precincts of
Central Park. The suggestion that a little
of the upper portion of Central Park might
be used for the World's Pair aroused the
passionate protests of a large element in New
York who wanted an excuse for refusing to
subscribe to the fund. Bather than let the
outside barbarians encroach on the grass of
Central Park, they would have no fair.
The New York spirit improved on Lord
John Manners' famous couplet, with a sen
timent to the following effect:
"Let Expositions, trade and commerce go.
But touch our Central Park! No! Moll"
Of course, with such a passionate adhesion
to the great principle, "Keep off the grass,"
the World's Fair Committee had to come
down and has promised to keep off the Cen
tral Park grass, in the hope that the pro
testing New Yorkers would come down with
the cash. But the promise was not half as
strong as they might have made it, After the
spirit that has been shown in New York the
committee might have safely pledged itself
that the site lor the World's Fair will not
be within 200 miles of .Central Park.
The reports of new wells from the Char
tiers, West Virginia and other petroleum fields
show that as the market coos above the dollar
line, production Is likely to boom as decidedly
as the price.
AS so much has been said about the giving
ont of the gas, it will be reassuring to know that
there is now more gas on the point of delivery
In Pittsburg than ever before. Besides the In
creased supply of the Philadelphia Company
through Its new main, the Monongahela Com
pany, in which the Messrs. Olivers' mills are in
terested, will not only have enough from its bic
wells to supply those mills, but a good deal also
to sell. Then the People's Company, we under
stand, has a new main from the field about
ready, while the Manufacturers' Company this
fall struck the largest wells yet known in Wash
ington county. We observe what looks like a
giadually increasing smoke-cloud over the city
thee late autumn days; but, in wbatover degree
that indicates the use of coal, it is beyond dis
pute that more establishments and houses are
using the natural gas than ever before. The fact
is.tbat the city's growth has had most to do with
the late temporary scarcity. What that growth
Is can be judged from the official returns of
bank clearances for last week, which showed 21
per cent Increase over the corresponding week
of issa
These seems to be good reason for the
belief that the trusts are coming to the recog
nition ot the fact tbat their purposes and ob
jects are wholly discordant with the constitu
tion and laws of the United States. They aro
consequently reorganizing under the "corpora
tion laws of New Jersey.
The meeting of members of the Library
Association, yesterday, showed the strong gen
eral feeling against permitting the property
intended for the public use and benefit to be
sold out and pass Into private ownership. As
the property is more than adequate for all its
liabilities it certainly seems as if the measures
to preserve it in Its public character ought to
be successful. It wonld not be a credit to
Pittsburg to let an institution of that sort,
created by publlo spirit, pass under the
Sheriffs hammer.
The Allegheny proposition to extend the
pipes of its water mains up the Allegheny river
to Six Mile Island, and to filter the matter as
it goes into the pipes, extends the hope to the
Northside people that in the fullness of time
they will enjoy the inestimable privilege of
pure water.
Talk about a cold wave coming from the
West! The Bepublican politicians, respectfully
point ont to the weather bureaus that the cold
wave struck Iowa, Ohio, New York and New
Jersey just a week ago.
It is interesting to be informed of the
progress in naval construction whl ch was shown
by the collision of the new war-ship Chicago
with a barge load of freight cars in New York
harbor the other day. Formerly when our navy
came into collision with the merchant marine
of coal schooners and frelcht barges it was de
moralizing to the navy. But the progress of
naval construction is shown by the fact that on
this occasion tho Chicago filled the freight
barge full of holes and went on her way
A HATJGHTT German noble, who is stated
to have been slinging plates and desserts at one
of the city hotels, is also reported to have dis
appeared, leaving the baroness unprovided for.
Another example of the unfortunate results ot
international alliances.
Converse wants Payne vindicated; and
will not object to seeing tho pockets of needy
Democrats replenished as an incident of the
It is true, as the New York Press says,
that it is nothing unusual for Ohio to elect
Democratio Senators and Governors in off
years. The election of Allen, Bishop and
Hoadleyas Governors, and of Thurman, Pen
dleton and Payne as Senators show this fact.
Nevertheless, it takes more of the sanguine
temperament than our Bepublican friends gen
erally possess, to view the election of a Demo
cratic Governor and Senator this year in the
glittering light of a brilliant success.
It may not yet be a fixed fashion; but
when the suicide epidemic breaks out once
more, it will be likely to impress itself on the
minds of those who are tired of life, that they
can go to Kentucky and actively engage in
public affairs.
PirxsBTJBO appears to be relapsing into
her old ways of smoke and fog. Is the art of
perfect combustion to become a lost onet
The fact that American exhibitors at
the Paris Exposition got over a thousandprizes
is advanced by the New York World as evi
dence that the American exhibit was not as
meager as was reported. The assurance is a
gratifying one; but there is also the suspicion
tbat this distribution of prizes was the modern
realization of the "caucus race" in "Alice in
Wonderland," where overybody got a prize.
Banquets to Barnum in London point
to the fact that the ar t of getting free adver
tising meets with more overwhelming success
in Merry England than even it does in this
great and happy country.
Me. Calvin S. Bbice respectfully in
forms the public that be is not chasing the
Senatorial rainbow in Ohio.
Mb. George Fbancis Teain has been
sat upon by a jury of experts who decide that
he is not all mad, but can know a hawk from a
handsaw under certain circumstances. Mr.
Train will therefore proceed to address public
meetings in Boston and prove that the doctors,
like everyone else, do not know Mr. Train.
New York is now engaged in two heroic
and commendable efforts, viz., to raise the
guarantee fund for the World's Fair and to let
the street bands and hand organs raise their
tuneful strains once more.
Washington is admitted to the sister
hood of States and forty-two stars shine forth
from the flag.
The demand for pig iron continues to
push pnees upward, as is natural. But it may
be well to remember that not a very great ad
vance In prices from the present level will be
required to put new furnaces into blast and In
crease the supply to a volume that may be
fully equal to the demand.
Dabtsiotjth College gets 40,000 under the
will of the late Cyrus W. Wallace, D. D., of
Manchester, N. H.
The retirement of tbe Rev. Dr. Bartol leaves
the Rev. Dr. A A. Miner the oldest pastor on
active duty in Boston.
Mr. Jakes D. Reid, whohas been appointed
United States Consullat Dunfermline, is com
monly called "the Father of the Telegraph."
He personally handled the first President's
message ever sent across the Alleghenies by
Lord Teynhah, who died the other day at
the age of 92 years, was once a soldier; then for
many years an eloquent and successful Bantlst
preacher. In charge of a Gloucestershire
church. . Later In life he became a conspicuous
leader of tbe Plymouth Brethren.
Peince George or Wales commanded a
torpedo boat during the recent British naval
maneuvers. When at last the pennant was
hauled down, be personally thanked and shook
hands with every member of the crew, and
gave to each his photograph and a sovereign.
The Portuguese give all their sovereigns
special titles, supposed to be indicative of their
dominant characteristics. Thus there have
been Dom John tbe Restorer (of the Braganza
line), Alfonso the Victorious, Pedro the He
former, Mary the Pious, John tbe Clement,
and Pedro the Unfortunate. The estimable
King who has just died will be known as Luis
the Good.
Miss Amelia B. Edwards comes of fine
old stock. Her father was a brilliant field
officer ot tbe Peninsular campaign; on the side
of her maternal grandmother she is from the
elder branch of the Fitzgerald family, whoso
head is the Earl of Leicester: and on the side of
her maternal grandfather she is from the Irish
bianch of tbe Walpole family, whose head is
the Earl of Oxford.
Tbrouch BInll Trains to Ran From Chlcaso
to Portland In 83 Hoars.
Chicago, November 1L Tho first official in
timation of tbe reported traffic arrangement
between the Northwestern and Union Pacific
railways came from the former to-day. The
companies have formed a combination for tbe
handling of freight and passengers and the
joint through service is to be known as tbe
Chicago, Onion Pacific and Northwestern line.
A fast limited mail train will be established
November 17, whereby passengers and mail
will be carried through from Chicago to Port
land and San Francico, making tbe time from
Chicago to Portland 83 hours, and Chicago to
San Francisco S3 hours.
This will reduce tbe time heretofore made on
the Chicago and Northwestern as well as on
New York and Eastern mall to Portland seven
hours, and to San Francisco 13 hours. A simi
lar reduction In time eastbound la made on
passengers and mail.
A Quaint Local Story Taken to Point a
Sunday School Moral A Wall From
Allegheny nnd an Answer to It.
Perhaps you have heard, and perhaps you
have not, the story that a Pittsburger tells of
the immense solace a halt dozen common pins
brought him while he was confined in the
Western Penitentiary. The man who tells the
story has won a vary creditable position for
himself In the business world. At the risk of
retailing a chestnut, I will tell the tale again.
The prisoner found after be had In prison
some time, that the lack of employment for
his sentence did not carry bard labor with it
was sapping the strength of his mind. He
looked about him for something to employ his
faculties and consume tho weary hours, and
his hand happened to light upon some pins in
tbelappe) of his coat Then the idea struck
him that if he were to throw the pins upon the
floor of his cell, he might achieve the object
he aimed at by searching for them.
From that day on he was forever throwing the
pins on the floor and looking for them again. It
answered his purpose completely, and the lat
ter part of his Imprisonment was less terrible
and flew infinitely faster than the time before
he invoked the aid of the pins. When be was re
leased he took the pins to a jeweler and had
them made into a scarf pin, and if I mistake
not his wife treasures the quaint littlo emblem
of her husband's unhappiest days to this very
What brought the story to my mind was a
little Sunday school leaflet which a little Alle
gheny girl showed me the other day. In it was
the true story, substantially as I have given it
above, of the prisoner's pins. The only change
of moment is that the Sunday school story
makes the prisoner the victim of a tyrannical
king. It points a moral nicely for a little
lecture on the pleasure of industry.
An Allegheny lady writes:
"What a vulear self-satisfied kind of people,
we North Americans aro after all! how litttle
we have improved in true politeness, or good
manners, since Dickens wrote bis American
notes or sligttly caricatured us in "Martin
Chuzzlewlt" witness what Benor Pulvano, of
the Ail-American delegation, said to the re
porter at the Exposition on Thursday evening:
'Now, please, don't ask me what I think of
the country or what I think of Pittsburg? I
have been asked my opinion of the country in
every city, town, borougb, village and hamlet
since we left Washington, etc'
"Now, what do people expect tbe answer to
be in all cases? Would they not be disap
pointed, offended, should the polite gentle
man dare to criticise or utter bis honest
tbought? and what exceedingly bad manners
to be always seering for expressions of praise,
admiration, wonder of our greatness with a
blgG. These gentlemen must laugh in their
sleeves at us, if they are not disgusted, at the
foolish vanity of the people in all the spread
eagle display all this 'only look at me;' bow
big, how smart, and, by comparison, how slow
tho rest of the world!
'OI wad some power the giftie gle' us,
To see onrsel's as ithers see us.'
"In spite of our great material progress we
are crude and uncultivated in many things. It
will require years of culture to give us the
self-respect not self-assertion and repose ot
the older nations and what we are apt to con
sider effete civilizations."
Plumply I may say that this gentle wail
from Allegheny seems to be pitched in too
piteous a key. Senor Pulvano's reply to the
reporter was natural enough, because he had
met so many reporters before tbat the sched
uled questions were becoming a trifle tiresome
to answer. I don't blame the noble Senor at
all. Had we been traveling in South America,
and the reporloreador of our esteemed cotem,
porary, .El Mladderioso Mexicano, had asked
us what we thought of Mexico, we should have
said about what Senor Pulvano said.
By the way, Americans are not tbe only peo
ple who are eager to get the views of visiting
strangers as to their land, its people, its
scenery, its resources and its institutions. Not
by a large majority. You will find Englishmen
eager, and more so English women, to extract
your impressions of the tight little Island. The
continental nations are curious to make com
parisons with you about your several countries
as soon as you are on familiar terms with them
and when you Snow their language.
That Americans are more eager than the
children of the Old World for criticism may be
true. It ought to be true, for a country which
is so new and original has a right, and does
well to seek criticism. The experiments of
government, of civilization, of scientific devel
opment are so vast in this land tbat we may be
pardoned if we exhibit an anxiety to know
what our neighbors tbink of them. There is
such a thing as not knowing when yon have a
good thing, and there Is another of not letting
tbe world know when you have it. These are
mistakes to be avoided.
He Carries It On Trains to Avoid Tronblo
In Dining Cars.
Washington Letter In Philadelphia News.
Years ago no one was surprised when race
prejudice deprived Fred Douglass of some of
the privileges fresly enjoyed by other citizens,
but it is odd tbat that prejudice should survive
a quarter of a century after tbe negro was
made a citizen and call forth an order from the
Government to protect one of its chosen ser
vants, and one of tbe famous men of the times
from petty insult Mr. Douglass told me one
day that he never started on a jonrney without
taking along a well-filled luncheon basket, to
be brought into service in case of trouble in
hotel or dining car. He says there is not much
difference between North and South in this
respect He has been occasionally, but not
often, badly treated in both sections. A hotel
proprietor in a Northern city had no vacant
rooms when he applied for lodgings, and at
some of the eating stations in the South they
are unwilling to admit him.
Washington society ostracizes colored men
and women as completely as New Orleans or
Mobile. In this there is no difference between
parties or administrations. Tho Douglasses
have a beautiful home across the Eastern
branch of tho Potomac whence may be had a
magnificent view of the capital. It is called
"The Cedars," and though an old house, is
handsomely furnished and decorated. Oddly
enough, it was owned by a Maryland man who
owned many slaves and who was ruined by the
war. Douglass bought It ac a low figure, and it
has helped to make nun rich. The Haytian
Minister is worth at least 4200,000. His home
is filled with books, pictures, bronzes and
marbles. Conspicuous over all others are busts
of Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln.
Sirs. Douglass is an accomplished white woman,
but Washington society has never forgiven her
for marrjing a black, and never forgiven her
husband for having a dark skin, and hence this
interesting and intellectual pair are socially
isolated. The .friends they have are of Mr.
Douglass race."
This is the experience all negroes meet with
in this capital.
Wllllnm Warren.
Chicago, November 11. William Warren, a
well-known business man, and head ol the
Liverpool. London and Globe Insurance Com
pany for the West, died at bis residence In Lake
forest. 111., at 8 o'clock last evening, aged 73
years. Mr. Warren was a native of England
and began hit business career in New York
about 50 Tears ago. At one time be resided at
Cincinnati, but for many years he has been a
prominent figure here. He has been In 111 health
for some time, but death at this time was hastened
hv the loss or a favorite daughter, Mrs. Kay, of
Pittsburg, a few days ago.
Captain Alexander Wnliacc.
Jacksonville, FLA., November 11. Captain
Alexander Wallace, a prominent and wealthy
citizen of Duval county, died last nlgbt. He
made a fortune In the lumber business. At the
time of his death he was the president and
principal stockholder In the Jacksonville, May
port and Pablo Eallroad Company. He was 37
years of age and was born In Scotland.
Mr. Louise Rector.
Chicago, November 1L Mrs. Lonise Rector,
wife of a local hotel man, died yesterday. She
was a native of Washington. TO Mrs. Hector's
life a valuable historical Incident Is attached. It
waslnlierroomandlnher own bed that Presi
dent Lincoln breat&ed his last. One of tbe
interesting relics owned by Mrs. Rector, was the
pillow upon which he died.
F. B. Perlett. '
Carlisle, November 11. F. B. Perlett a
prominent Democratic politician and business
manofShlppensburg, died suddenly yesterday,
at Charlotte Va from .paralysis. He was
County Auditor. Mayor, School Director and at
the time of his death, was president of Councils.
His age was 53 years.
George Gribblr.
George Grlbble, agent or the American Ex
press Company at the Plttjbirg and Lake Erie
TtnIIiriT denot for a number of Tears cast, died it
his home In New Philadelphia, O,, on Saturday
night, after a month's illness, , - x'
Hort's New Comedy Siberia and Other
Plays and Players.
Tbe performance ot "A Midnight Bell" at the
Grand Opera House last night does not prove
tbat Mr.Charles A Hoyt cannot write a comedy,
but simply that he has not written one yet "A
Midnight Bell" might be, with vigorous compari
son and cutting, converted into a capital iarce
Comedy of the kind Mr. Hoyt has made us
familiar with in "A Parlor Match," "A Rag
Baby," "A Tin Soldier" and "A Hole in
the Ground." Or it might with still smaller
difficulty bo elaborated into a melodrama of
the realistic order, with real snow, real sleds,
real New England hayseed, and a villain with
elegant clothes and a ravishing bang. We can
not see where a tank could be profitably in
stalled In such a melodrama but tanks are on
theane one burst the otter day through jeal
ousy of tbe calciums, it is said and Mr. Hoyt
should think seriously of making "A Midnight
Bell" a blood and thunder play.
And as we have already said though "A Mid
night Bell" is a sorry shift for a comedy, there
are bits of character sketching in it and
scraps of dialogue which, perhaps we are
cautious Show tbat Mr. Hoyt can write a
comedy, a legitimate comedy, yet. We hope
be will try, but it he cannot give us anything
better than "A Midnight Bell,"' he should fall
back upon his successful line of farce
Perhaps if "A Midnight Bell" were better
acted it would not be so disappointing. The
sketch of the old deacon very much like
Joshua Whitcombs clever, and Mr. George
Richards gives a very natural picture of a
Down-East deacon, when, he does not fall into
burlesque, which happens not seldom. The
school teacher is well drawn also, and seems
sweet and loveable enough in the personality of
Miss Fannie Mclntyre. Tbe quiet humor of
Mr. Frank Lane made the city lawyer Interest
ing, and Miss Mande Adams gave a good deal
of spnghtliness to the minister's sister.
Tbe proposal of the lawyer for this
girl's hand was by far the best piece al
most the only oneof pure comedy in the play.
It was very light and graceful. Eugene Can
field, indefatigable as ever, brought all his
powers of squinting and grimacing to bis de
lineation of a schoolboy, and be succeeded In
tickling tbe audience with rough foolingibut
be never came near nature in the part How
should he? Canfield is a born burlesquer. In
the cast are many others who need not be men
tioned, unless it be a tiny child, who showed
ber great schooling and natural cuteness In tbe
school scene.
If "A Midnight Bell" had been labeled a
farce we should have felt constrained to praise
the realistic coasting slide, the trick root and
tbe scenic effects of the Hoytian order, but
tuey are saoiy out oi piace in acomeay. me
scenery is not gorgeous, but it attempts to
represent unusual scenes, sucb as tbe organ
loft of a church, with only passable success.
Some people have taken the trouble to compare
"A Midnight Bell" with "The Old Homestead"
this is simply useless and unfair besides.
Tbe only point of similarity is tbe locality of
both plays, New England. By the way, we can
have too much of New England deacons and
their surroundings they are all right in small
lots, but there is local color in the United
States outside of Massachusetts, Vermont and
New Hampshire.
Bijou Theater.
The usual large Monday night audience
greeted the rendition of Bartley Campbell's
powerful and ever popular melodrama
"Siberia," last evening. A realistic picture is
presented of the woes of those of Russia's citi
zens who fall under the displeasure of the
powers that be.and are transported to the dreary
wastes of Asia. The special scenery carried by
the company is of a very elaborate character,
and some of the effects were so excellent as to
draw forth warm encomiums. In the first
aeta very animated representation of a Rus
sian market place is given, and the chilly
abode of tbe Russians later on was decidedly
realistic The unfortunate andi persecuted
sisters are well impersonated by Misses Eleanor
Morettland Miss Agnes Proctor, tho latter
showing great power in the mad scene. Mr.
Adolph Jackson, as Nieolai, the manly hero,
carried the sympathy of the andience with him
at all times. while the servant Trodsky, as inter
preted by Mr. W. M. Fairbanks, was a source
of continual amusement As villains, Messrs.
Howard and McDonald succeeded in exciting
the proper amount of hatred, and Miss Lizzie
May Ulmer, as Vera, the flower girl, was very
acceptable. The balance of the cast was
equally well filled, and the whole forms an at
traction which cannot fall to crowd the Bijou
the balance of the week.
Harris' Theater.
The first spectacular play of the season at
this house was given yesterday to two large
audiences that seemed well pleased. The com
pany presenting "Zo Zo" is not the strongest
tbat might have been selected, but tbe per
formance is a fairly good one and tbe scenery
good and plenty. The girls are not so young as
they once were, and very few of them appear
to have been selected for their good looks. Miss
Adah Evelyne, who enacts the title role. Is a
pleasing exception to this rule, however, being
both pretty and shapely, as well as having a
very sweet voice. Charles Claflin is a clever
spectacular villain, and Charles, Rothesay, as
Captain Herbert Randall, Is up to his part
singing very well indeed. Mr. Charles Edwards
keeps the comedy lovers in a rear of laughter
all the time he is on the stage. The other
speaking parts are fairly well sustained.
narry Williams' Academy.
A "new big show" that is not only a big show
in name, is tbat of Reilly & Wpods, which
began a week's engagement at this borne of
vaudeville last evening, tbe house being Oiled
to oveiflowing. The programme, which is a
long one, introduces a number of clever artists,
the first number being a neat act by J. Byrne
and Miss Helene, followed by Daniel J. Hart
In his specialty "Handsome Dan, the Jolly
Tramp." Then follow Belloni, the eccentric
inggler: Miss Florence Miller in new songs;
Monsieur Alfred in bewildering evolutions: the
Wood Family in a farcical operetta: Blondln,
Empress and Boulanger, wonderful trained
dogs; Miss Bessie Gilbert cornetist; the
Brothers Byrne, in a novel gymnastic act the
performance concluding with Pat Reilly's
amusing Irish comedy, "Senator McFhee," the
whole being a great bill.
An Extraordinary Sale of Seats.
The sale of seats for the great concert for the
benefit of tbe Pittsburg Domestic Training
School opened at Klebers' yesterday at S
o'clock. By 1 o'clock over 11,600 worth had
been sold, and the sale of the 1 GO tickets had
been stopped, all of those seats having been
disposed of. Of the SI seats only about 100 re
main. When the seat coupons have all been
sold, but 200 admission tickets for seats in tbe
callery and standing room will be sold. These
may be bad after Friday at Klebers'. The
concert, which will be the great society event
of the year, will probably net tbe school about
Tbe World's Blusenm.
Manage? Geary's place of amusement re
ceived tbe usual largo attendance yesterday,
and tbe attractions are above the average.
Bass, the ossified man, again excites the won
der of the visitors, and Seymour, the mind
reader, surpasses all previous performances In
this line. Tho variety performance Is a very
pleasing one.
Mr. nnd Sirs. Peter Amnion Have Been Mar
rled 20 Yenrn.
Mr. Peter Ammon, of the Slieo Mill and ex
Councilman of the Twenty-fourth ward, cele
brated his crystal wedding at his borne. No, 6
Sligo row, last evening. There were upward
of 50 guests present most of them lifelong
friends of the hale and hearty bride and groom
of 20 years standing. There was a substantial
repast and dancing to diversify the evening.
The honse was handsomely decorated with
roses and smiiax. and the entire occasion was
one of great pleasure.
Boudoir Beauties and Carpet Knights.
The money derived from the Brnnot Home
concert has been placed out at interest, as the
Home received a present of an organ from
Mrs. W. A Speer. Another concert will be
given sometime during the winter, and the pro
ceeds will be added to the "nestegg" already
on band. When enough is secured It will be
invested in tbe desired piano.
Me. W.P.DeArhit, the genial President
of the New York and Cleveland Gas and Coal
Company, and Mr. W. H. Berger, the Vice
President, are sojourning In Minneapolis.
They will return the last ot the month.
Good Linguists All.
From the St. Paul Pioneer Press.
Edison's 16-year-old daughter speaks four
languages already, and Is now studying
Italian. Her sex Is naturally handy with the
Try it on tbe Dudes.
From tbe Minneapolis Trlbnne.l
how would tbe paternal slipper do as an
antidote for tho cigarette habit? Solomon knew
what ho was talking about; try It
An Epidemic of Insomnia.
From tbe Ph Uadelphta Press.
Bismarck can't sleep. . That being the case
the smaller European statesmen are afraid to.
Of ore About the Prospective Loss of Pitts
burg's Library.
To the Editor of Tbe Dispatch:
In your issue of Saturday I read tbe excerpts
from the charter of Library Hall Company and
the Library Association in 1S7L The charter
sets forth, as it seems to me, in most plain and
unmistakable terms, thatthe sole and only pur
pose of calling the Hall Company into existence
was that it might build a balding for the
Library Association, and tbe agreement re
ferred to, jnst as clearly sets forth that the hall
acknowledged that as its sole purpose of ex
istence, and promised over the signature of its
President and tbe seal of the company, tbat it
will administer tbe property to tbe end that the
Library Association may, as soon as possible,
become the owner of the property.
H In view of these facts, it seems to me a most
extraordinary spectacle thatthe Library Asso
ciation must go to work and devise ways and
means to prevent the approaching Sheriff's
sale, when the whole use ot tbe Hall Company is
to look after the Interests of the Library Associ
ation. And the spectacle is still more astounding in
the fact that the mortgagee, on whose judg
ment the property is to be sold, is the Vice
President of the Hall Company, and who, as
'he former President, signed tho agreement re
ferred to above.
And the astonishment is still further in
creased by the fact brought out at tbe meeting
of subscribers to tbe library yesterday after
noon tbat the Hall Company is perfectly solv
ent there being 818,000 in the treasury of the
company and the property worth more than all
tbe debts.
Thatthe mortgagee should have his money
Is freely admitted tbat he happens to be tbe
Vice President makes no difference but who
should be getting it for him? Why. who but
the directors of the. Hall Company? who, by
the charter as well as the agreement, are bound
to use every effort to preserve the property for
its original use. viz,: for the Library Associa-
tbe directors Of thAHall rnmngmmnlri An it'
wwumj can uouDt ior one moment that
for they and the stockholders comprise a num
ber of our heaviest moneyed, and most influen
tial business men.
Both the charter and agreement clearly de
fine tbe Hall Company as tbe guardian of tbe
Library Association (so far as the building is
concerned), and yet here is the guardian evi
dently forsaking its ward, and looking on su
pinely and complacently, while it is being turned?
out of Its home bythe Sheriff, and that, too,
when there are assets more than sufficient to
meet the liabilities.
If this is not a sufficient cause for a strong
voiced protest not only for tbe members of
the Library Association, but the public at
large of this city, I should like to know what
jo. .every man. woman and child in the com
munity is interested in the perpetuity of this
library, for is It not a prime factor in the In
crease and diffusion of knowledge among our
people, and does it not do a good share in rais
ing the standard of intelligence and culture in
onr midst? A Membee tor 35 YEARSk
Pittsbtog, November H, 188.
Third and Fourth Class Matter May be
United Under One Head.
Washington Bureau Philadelphia Times.
Postmaster General Wanamaker will prob
ably recommend to Congress a change in postal
rates which will be of considerable benefit to
the shippers of small articles. The proposition
is not entirely new and consists simply in
aooiismng tne distinction between third and
fourth class mall matter and consolidating
them into one class at the third class rate.
The third class is for printed matter and the
rate is 1 cent for two ounces, while the fourth
class is for merchandise, at the rate ofl cent
for one ounce. The proposad change will
rednce by one-half the rate on merchandise.
A statement prepared for the Postmaster
General, as the result of a count at some of
the larger offices, indicates that more than 20
per cent of the merchandise packages intrusted
to the mails are for points more than CO
miles distant from the mailing office. In other
words, 0 miles away, is the point where mall
service begins to successfully compete with
the express service. Within 50 miles the
express companies can take large packages at
cheaper rates. The effect, therefore, of a re
duction of rate would apparently be not so
much to increase the balk of shipments to
distant points, as to bring within a narrower
circle tbe limits ot competition by the express
This competition applies only to packages not
exceeding four pounds in weight and which
can be safely intrusted to the mails. The ex
press companies bave always opposed any ex
tension of the postal service into theirfleid.and
they will undoubtedly oppose such a rednctlon
In rates as Mr. Wanamaker thinks of recom
mending. Their opposition may postpone, but
it can hardly defeat in the long run, so usefnl a
reform. It is not altogether the reduction of
rate which constitutes the benefit of the
change, but the simplicity which It will intro
duce into the classification. Tbe second-class of
mail matter is periodicals mailed by publishers
at pound rates, so that under tbe proposed re
form the public will have to do with only two
classes of matter letters at 2 cents per halt
ounce, and all other matter at 1 cent for two
A Steamer Destroyed bya Load of Saturated
FortLAItd, Ore., November 1L xesterday
the passenger steamer J. H. Libby, from What
com, Puget Sound, was totally destroyed by
fire in tbe straits between Dangeness and
Smith's Island. The Libby was laden with
00 barrels of lime, which got wet and ignited.
While crossing tbe straits a strong wind came
up and several heavy seas were
shipped, the rudder unshipped, and
the steamer became helpless. The lime
eot saturated and the flames were discovered.
Fifteen passengers weie on board at tbe
time The Are gained so fast that the pas
sengers could not get Into lifeboats and were
compelled to take to two rafts. The passengers
and crew were divided about equally.
Finally the steam schooner Jean came along
and took all from the raits. Tbe Libby be-
ment Treasury Agent Several bags of United
States mail were burned, including one pouch
and registered letters.
Cincinnati Snowmen Pay a Pennlty for GIv.
Ins; Sunday Performances.
Cincinnati, November 1L Three theater
managers, together with one opera company,
one gaiety and one dramatic company, were
before tbe Police Court to-day, charged with
violation of the law by giving a Sunday per
formance. Yesterday pleas of guilty were en
tered in all cases. The managers were ned
S15 each, and all the performers were sentenced
to pay tbe costs of tbe prosecution. In the
caso of one theater this was the second of
fense. Tbo Judge gave them notice that another
violation of law would subject all parties con
cerned to an arrest at any time during the per
formance, and to such additional tine, within
the law, as might seem best by the Court to put
an end to violation of the law."
Officer Elected by the Roynl Arch Chapter
of tho Mountain State.
Wheeling, November 1L The Royal Arch
Chapter of West Virginia to-day elected officers
as follows:
Urand High Priest George Davis, of Charles
ton; Grand King, A. Mason Evans, of Middle
burg, Jefferson county; Grand Scribe. E. P.
Kclfenlder. of Parkersburg; Urand Treasurer,
Hugh Sterling, or Wheeling; Grand secretary, J.
W. Morris, of Wheellngr Grand Lecturer, James
McCabon, of Wheeling: Deputy Grand Lecturer.
K. U. Walker, or Fairmont; Grand Marshal, 1).
Franklin, of Point Pleasant: Grand Chaplain or
the Host B. D. Gibson, of Charlestown: Grand
Master or the Third Veil, George W. Creel, of
Grafton: Grand Master of the Second Veil. S.
Uaterhoute, Jr., ol Wheeling: Grand Master of
the First Veil. A. F. Manpln. ofHintOn; Grand
Tyler, T. W. Bliss, of Wheeling.
There are eager faces near,
And a half-subdued cheer.
As around the curve the cars unsteady spin;
While Impatient feet await
For the opening of the gate.
At the station when the train comes in.
There Is handshaking and kissing,
And Inquiries for tbe missing.
And a searching here and there for friends or kin:
There are sad and .tearful sighs,
And a waving of good-byes.
At tbe station when the train comes In.
Then from ont the baggage car,
Oh, so careful, leittojsr,
Comes a long and narrow box amid the din,
As the mourners gather round.
There's a sobbing, wailing sound
At the station when the train comes la.
Tueu the ringing of the bell.
And tbo whistle, clearly tell,
They are ready a newjourney to begin.
For it brooks not to be late,
There are other hearts that watt-
At the station when the- train comes In.i jw
-r. -flrtw-iveywwtsj uvJHmiJ
Story of a Shipwrecked Steamer.
New York; November 1L The steamship
Arizona, of tbe Galon Line, brought into port
to-day more information concerning tbe loss of
the steamship Queerumore, announced by cable
last Saturday. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon of
November 5 Captain Brooks, of tbe Arizona,
sighted the Qucensmore, bound east, with the
signal. "I am on fire," flying from her mast,
head. The Arizona's engines were stopped and
tbe vessels came within hailing distance of each
other. Captain Brooks asked it be could be of
any assistance. The Queerumore commander
replied. "Only by turning about and towing the
burning steamer east" Captain Brooks de
clined to do this, but at tbe request of the
Queensmore's captain, stood by the burning
ship for one h6ur. Then the Queensmore's en
sign was dipped and the signal "Go on" dis
played. Tbe Arizona continued west The
Queensmore's cargo caught Are just one week
ago to-dav. Tbe crew of 75 men worked at the
pumps 48 hours, in their vain efforts to subdue
tbe flames. Two days after meeting the Ari
zona the Are bad made such headway that the
crew gave up the ship and took to the small
boats. The Queeusmore struck on the rocks
near Crook Haven and went down. Tbe lost
cargo was valued at $500,000. All the crew were
A Dandy Burglar on TrlaL
A well-built man, fashionably dressed in a
black cheviot suit cape overcoatpatent leather
shoes, bigh hat and with diamonds on his shirt
front and fingers, stood before tbe bar in the
Jefferson Market Police Court this morning.
He was Richard O. Davis, professional burglar.
He tried to burglarize Mrs. F. Horan's West
side boardmg house at 2 o'clock, this morning,
but was frightened awaybyMrs-Horan. who
met him half way up the front stairs. She de
scribed him to tbe police, and they caught him
in time for trial this morning. Davis Is the
"swell" blackleg of New York, and is known
among his kind as the "masher," "dude" and
"dandy." He was wanted for several other
Bonlnnger Mar Lecture In America.
Alexander Comstock, manager of tbe Acad
emy of Music, who will start for Europe next
Wednesday, to arrange for tbe production of
"The Old Homestead" in England, wiUtry,
while abroad, to engage General Boulanger to
lecture under his management throughout the
United States. Mr. Comstock said to-day: "I
think Boulanger would attract immense
audiences in this country." It Is understood
that the General is very poor, and Mr. Com
stock says that be will capture him by the offer
of a big salary. Mr. Comstock expects to carry
"Tho Old Homestead" to London in May. It
will have to be brought back here next Novem
ber, as Denman Thompson has signed for a
third season at the Academy.
Romance Behind a Harder.
William Blauvelt, a handsome young man.
with a well-kept full beard, was arraigned In tbe
Court of Oyer and Terminer to-day for fiavinz
shot John Dnggan dead on March IS. Blau
velt was a member of the great Eastern gang
engaged in robberies and burglaries In the New
England States, and with headquarters at the
house of a Mrs. Campbell In Oliver street
Mrs. Campbell bad a beautiful 16-year-old girl,
whom she called her daughter. Rose Camp
bell. Dnggan and Blauvelt were jealous of
each other's attentions to this girl, and a quar
rel about her led to the shooting, for which
Blauvelt is now on triaL Blauvelt never denied
thathekllled'Duggan, but claimed that be
shot in self-defense, just as Dnggan was ready
to brain him with a brick. In working up evi
dence in the case the detectives discovered that
pretty Rosie is probably not the child of Mrs.
Campbell, but Is tbe daughter of respectable
Boston people, stolen by tbe Campbells years
Stabbed While Visiting; Servants.
John Burke was up in the Court of General
Sessions to-day for having stabbed Michael
Moore to death last Christmas' eve at the house
of L. B. Buise. Moore and Burke were visiting
the servants in the house. They had an alter
cation before entering which was renewed in
the house. When both men were leaving Burke
picked up a table knife and stabbed Moore in
the abdomen. Moore walked out and dropped
bleeding to thesldewalk. He was taken to the
New York Hospital, where be died. The after
noon was passed in jury getting.
Hill and Cleveland WoaVMert,
Great preparations are being made by Brook
lyn Democrats to laythe cornerstone of Thomas
Jefferson Hall, their newpolltical headquarters
on Boerum Place, near the bridge. The cere
mony will take place next Wednesday after
noon. Grover Cleveland will lay tbe stone.
All thelocalDemocraticleaders will be present
Governor Hill has sent regrets.
Cable Cars Proposed far Broadway.
Ellbu Root made a long argument before the
Sinking Fund Commissioners, to-day, in favor
of allowing tbe Broadway Surface Railway
Company to introduce the cable system, la
the name of the company he guaranteed the
city wonld get $150,000 annual income from the
proposed cable road. The company would pave
between the tracks, he said, and two feet each
side of the tracks, would pay all the expenses
of changing tho position of water and gas
mains, would build new cars, with electric
lighting apparatus, and wonld run them at the
rate of nine miles an hour, if the city would
only grant the desired permission. The Sink
ing Fund Commissioners will think about it.
Don't Fropose to Let Hlza Go.
Lawyer Brooke moved before Judge Cowing
to-day to have James Hope, now in the Tombs
for participation in the Manhattan Bank bur
clary, released on the ground that having been
brought to the State on extradition proceed
ings to serve ont an unexpired term at Auburn,
ho could not be detained here for anything else.
Colonel Fellows, In opposing the plea, said that
Hope couldn't be tried for tbe Manhattan
Bank burglary with any hope ot success, as all
tbe witnesses were dead or missing, but that
be was "wanted" for crimes in other States,
and should not bo allowed to go at liberty. De
cision was reserved.
Capacity of Her Iron Furnaces Equal
tho Rest of the Country.
Statistic have just been collected by tbe
American Iron and Steel Association showing
thenumoerot blast furnaces built and now
building in the United States on November 1
last There were E75 furnaces already con
structed, exclusive of all abandoned plants,
and 29 furnaces In course of erection. The full
capacity of the entire 601 furnaces Is 13,168,233
tons. Of the fnmaces under construction 8 are
In Alabama, 6 in Pennsylvania, 4 in Virginia, 3
in Maryland, 2 In Ohio and Texas, andl each
in Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and
Pennsylvania, with 235 furnaces built and
building, has one-halt tbe producing capacity
of tha entire country.
Arrzs being released from a Mzhanoy hos
pital, where he had left his leg. loin Argusky
went borne to find that he bad also lost his
wife. She had eloped during his illness.
Colosel Tan Crete, of Fbcenixvflle, has re
ceived a letter from his brother in Pueblo,
who stys the "thermometer there is 4 below
zero, and the snow is twice tbat deep."
Btjbolaes have been very bold at Schuylkill
Haven, and the other night they ransacked a
honse where three men were sleeping with
guns at their bedside.
A West Vieoinia man has patented an in
vention tor making houses without the use ot
AYomraMoreland farmer has named his
cows after his various sweethearts. He has a
large herd, but found names enough to go
TtTK witrti Atvr In a Readinsf s&oa. manu
factory are-HSed tbe neighbors by its barking, f
ana it was loana tsarina zactcsy was in names.
"Lehou parties' are becoming yery popular
lnWUliamsport,'as-erery young man Is ex
pected to brisg a lesson, girl ud squeeser.
iTKNttHMWK iswsaemas wys m I
SehestefliCloeeBrM sSe fa-sfce
MIIMllltlMlllBa a aswagsa , 4r
It is estimated that 4,000,000,000 cigari
are consumed In this country annually.
San Francisco, with a population of
about 400,000. has only 120 churches, with
seating capacity of 40.000 and an average at
tendance of 25,1100. ,.
The year 1818 was very fruitful
Massachusetts Governors, six of the men who
have held that office within 40 years ha vine
been, born in that year.
John Hatborn Lott, who lives' near
Glenmoro Lake, In the Warwick Valley, N. Y.,
is 86 years of age and thlnksnothineof walking
10 to 15 miles la a day.
Mrs. Margaret Stuart, aged 103 year
of Plus; Carroll county, Ga wants a pension.
Mrs. Stuart is the widnvnf i.m umr km
fought in tbe Indian war of 1812 under Captain,
John Myrlck.
Several of the leading ho tela, an res
taurants of Boston are making arrangements
to provide music for their guests at dlnner;ahd
in one or two cases this innovation has already
been introduced. i&
In certain districts of Washington th
street numbers are badly mixed up. It is said
that when the colored people move, as they
fre gently do, they generally take the' door,
number -with them, and put It on their new
bouse. yt
Very little interest was taken In the
election in Germantown wards, Philadelphia.
In some of the divisions the bags eontairdns
tickets were simply hung up on trees and
fences, and the voter was left to make his own .
Occasionally, when the train arrives at
Bostwick, Fla, a nice looking youag man
jumps off and kisses the best looking girl at
the depot supposing ber to be his sister: Ha
apologizes so nicely that tbe girls are begin
rung to look lor him regularly.
Colonel B. O. Barkley, of Charleston,
S. (X, says that the curlews and sea gulls on
that coast eat more clams than the entire popu
lation of the city. They pick them up. carry
them into the air, drop them on the rocks and
break them open, then swoop down and feast
upon them.
A certain Augusta man has a very fins
banjo that he prizes highly, and is usually deaf
to all proposals to loan it One night not long
ago ha let a friend take it to play on at an en
tertainment Tbat night a fire destroyed the
place where the Instrument was usually kept
The owner had saved it by his kindly act.
At Wanregan, Conn., last week, a man
hunting squirrels treed and caught a monkey,
and a few days before another monkey was cap
tured in a similar way in a forest in the middle
of the State. No one can guess whence or
whither tbe monkeys were drifting. If anyone
has lost soma monkeys the hunters are pre
pared to treat with binC
E, Hart Fenn and C. T. Jackson, ht"
Hartford, went skunk hunting, and their dog;
drove the game into the back yard of the Hon
towese Hotel. Jackson espied the eyes of an
animal shlnlnsr in the darkness and blaxnd
away. Then a pig squealed. The bnnter ad
vanced and discovered that ha had killed the
.youngest and most promising pig in a litter ot
tour Belonging to we landlord ox tne notei.
There is an organization of amateur
sportsmen at Mohnsville, Pa in Cumrn town
ship, known as the Silver Leaf Hunting Club,
who make a specialty of capturing polecats
with hounds. So far this season they bave
canght 20 polecats, 13 raccoons and. 5 possums,
besides half a dozen ground hogs. The skins'
ot the polecats are very valuable, and the club
are making a good thing in the curing and sale
of them.
Tha beard of Henry B. Cook, a tailor,
of Norwich, Coniu, is as long as he .is. Mr.
Cook Is a small man, 60 years old. His beard
is jet black and fine and Silky, and so Is his
hair. When he is erect and bis beard un
furled, he can step on six inches ot it He
wears it ordinarily colled in a wad inside his
vest Barnum wanted Mr. Cook to travel with
his circus; but Cook is prosperous, and does
not care to be a freak.
A story of a strange combat comes from
FIshkiU, Dutchess county, N.Y. Agray eagle
which had its nest In the FishkiU Mountains,
has been seen to alight several times in the.
asylum grounds, presumably in search ot prey.
A great flock of crows had chosen that lo
cality as a feeding ground ana resting place,
and they evidently looked upon the advent-of
tbe eaffia aa an intrusion. ThA ernw inrar.
euu ucciuea logivo me majesne oiru to un
derstand that it was poaching. Assay rate it
.-F-1, j n "T . . t. . t v .-:''
is jacb ta6 a oozen or raoro or tne crow &f-j
tacicea. the eagle wnllo is was soaring- over.
lasted half an hour or more. The crowsTrtbch- afle
did sot participate kept circling around and pBP'
around tbe combatants and cawing incessantly. "'
j.no ugniwas witnessed tjy several persons
who picked ap many blood-stained feathers
from the ground.
Fanner Lutz, of MonteUo, Pa., raised
a young cow, and hunted all over the place for
her for two days, but in vain. On the evening
ot the second day his son Billy went to the old
smokehouse, and, polling np the latch, noticed
that the piece of old clothesline with which the
door was usually fastened to the zrw by
means of staples for. additional security had
been chewed in two. He thought this was
queer; bnt a moment afterward, when be
stepped -ovar the threshold, the case was made
clear to him. There on the floor of the smoke
house, mooing faintly in her compressed quar
ters, and weakened by a lack of food and water,
lay the young heifer, suffering the punishment
for her curiosity. Bbe bad got there twonlghu
before, having first jumped over the barnyard
fence, opened the farmyard gate with her
mouth and forelegs, and then chewed the rope
off that fastened the smokehouse door and lift
ed the latch.
The tenth annual report of Mr. Arthur
Oilman, Secretary of the Society for the Col
legiate Instruction of Women by the Pro
fessors and Instructors of Harvard College,
shows that since tha organization of tbe society
in 1879, in which year SS students entered, there
has been a continual growth, until at the be-
ginning of the tenth collegiate year there ares f
115 students, distributed into S3 classes, aads
directed by is proiessors, u. assistant pro- ,
f essors and 18 tutors 41 teachers in all. There
are three classes of students. la tbe first chwap
are those taking tbe course of four years
which in tbe college leads to tha degree of"
B.A. A second Is composed ot women, who
have been teachers or who Intend to teach,
who desire special instruction as supplemen
tary to experience or to work done elsewhere,
and a third comprises women who seek special
studies with no intention of becomingteachers,
but simply as helps to general cultivation.
cesne ctjllisgs.
"I hear thsi the doctor has given Griggs-
by up." "Xes,hewolllda,tnayhsbl.',-Jfl, '
sty's Weekly. s
Ton can no .more judge a man by, his
dally walk and "conversation than you can .an, .
election day saloon by Its front door.-Axcroii,
Rev. Mr. Highys I did not see yoa
amontr the eonirrezatlon yesterday, tin. An Fait""-
Mrs; Anlalt-So, I was nir but I-t seat my i
card by the coachman. Laiertnes American,
When s woman clinches her teetb. shuts:
up her fists, and remarks In a concentrated voice, - 2
"I wish I was tna man's wus ior sdoui btb una
ates, " it Is mighty lneky for "that roan" that she
isn't. aerrw naaw jvtw. 4 j
It is a fact worth pondering that thoagky
the nlsht falls around us It never oreazs, wnereasE
the day breas l Jut never, falls. We offer this deW
Icate fancy to some smnimg aspirant mrpoags
leal honors. Harper jsaiar.
Boggs That was a ringing ipch,ye
made last nllht.
Ororrs-How do yon know t You wasn't Utenui
Boigs-Tou can't make sny other klad. Yef
belona-totherlng.-Xtv XorK World.
Busts of the Vice Presidents of the
United States are belnr placed In the niches o
the Senate chamber in the national Capitol.
Busts oi tbe members of Congress are strewn -alcng
in the various ssloou. Chicago Thais. t
Artist I hare brought yon one of rsyi
nalnttnirs tbat Ithlnk the most of. Now, don't?
you thtakUoasht to be buns; in the coming exM-ju .viv
bltlouT irarauteeman no. I wouldn't nana U.V
I am opposed to capital punishment Sentesaa tt
to solitary consnement America.
riuaie A uuucrtuau yuu uwu u aersM.'
of ground in Blank Township. What do yoX
but If a railroad company were to appropriate SM
nauoi hi suppose a jury wouia w
worth about ss, C60. A'orrii urn Herald.
Quite Appropriate. "I noticed,'" said'
old Hlast a he walked out of church after
service, "that tho choir made an honest acxaowK
edgment la ose of the responses." -5
Indeed, "said Mr. Fswhoioerj "in wast pen
" that?"
be service was that!" '
Why. where they all said 'We are miserable
singers.' "Tonicr aasstte
Boston Girl (well np in music sld
drama)-MIss Marvin, has it ever been your lot t
listen to too Mascot? riowtoatlsenannlnsw l
Chleaco W-WtlU I should twister. Jtew.llst
tee let mm between the Chleaies a.(tfcja
..., tie ssaseotjnB shouted htsseeKiM
batX Wbob. Caetala Ansoa wWla
',X 1 eto eaMt 6r aHytUa 1st )
- - . . 1. &,.
3t' .. " i
.: -.iva -- -Ti':jr.a j i iiMnMKB