s ? 5KE! , t'S. i1 " 1 r ,i K ' .M vt "j . "ir -..- tv -. L .'-' -SS'TKR'irc '-W Vfr J 'ffJi'' SW1(T rWi'W rf ",-TVft ." - - , . iS ICT0H1DLEWEPT LAn Affecting Scene in the Li brary Reading Room. miLTHE HALL BE SOLD? 7A Committee Appointed to Kaise 550,000 to Pay the -Debt. DOKATIOKS AKD LOAKS -WANTED. If the moneyed men of this city axe pos sessed with half of the literary enthusiasm that was manifested at the meeting of those interested in the mercantile library jester day there is not the slightest probability that the property will be sold on December 2 for the judgment of 566,000. A meeting was held yesterday afternoon in the reading room of the association for the purpose of taking steps toward standing off the sale of the property, which is billed for December 2. There was a large crowd of men and women present The former represented all branches of business and the profess ions, with a sprinkling of clergymen, who lent a ministerial air to the gathering. The meeting was called to order at 320 o'clock by W. E. Schmertz,President of the Chamber of Commerce. Captain 'William McClelland, the well-known attorney, acted as Secretary. The call tor the meeting was read by President Schmertz, who stated the object of the gathering. James If. Hudson, a member of the Board of Directors of the Library Association, made a detailed state ment of the difficulties which the company was trying to overcome. He gave in a plain, practical way the history of the organiza tion from the date of its charter. THE TIKAKCIAI. STANDING. He read a statement of the financial con dition of the company, which had been carefully itemized. The statement showed the liabilities of the company to be 5303, 643 60. This was divided as follows: Capital stock (S10 per share. S10i,142 00: mort gage to Shields' estate. 530,000 00; mortcace to West Penn Hospital. $100,000 00: mortgage to P. E. Brunot,S3U,000 00; interest doe on Brunot mortgage, $32,650 00; profit and loss, $6,661 GO. The following are the assets: Peal estate, 32,000: construction, 255,221 21; cash on hand, S1G.422 39. Total, 5303,613 60. Mr. Hndson also read a statement of the -work of the library, which showed that the institution compared favorably with any thing of its kind in the country. The circu lation of the books in 1888 was 15,000. The number of persons using the library and reading rooms on ordinary days was 125 to 150, and on Saturdays 200 to 250. The total number oijvolumes now in the library is 20, 000. The attendance in the rooms is in creasing monthly. Last week the average was considerably above that of last year. Mr. Hudson offered two plans to raise the money. He said they only wanted $50,000, as the other 516,000 can be paid from funds in the hands of the hall com pany. One plan was to solicit from the wealthy men of the city donations to the amount of 550,000. The other was to borrow the money by subscriptions provided the requisite amount is not donated. CALLING ON THE BICH. The wealthy people of the city are to be asked to purchase the building and hold it for the library, as it is doubtful whether the 530.000 can be raised. Some real estate agents say the building is worth 5325,000, and a standing bid of 5300,000 has been offered for it in case a sale is to be made. President Schmertz said he saw no reason why the property should be told. This was an extraordinary transaction in an associa tion where the income was 58,000 over and above the expenses. He suggested that the matter be placed in the hands of a number of business men to straighten the difficulty. Mr. Schmertz had to leave the meeting, and James B. Scott took the chair. Bev. M. B. Piddle, D. D., of the Western Theological Seminary, who has been a member of the association since 1849, delivered a speech, iu which he was moved to tears at the prospect of the library being left without a home. THE OLD DOCTOE CRIED. He caid he began to go to the old Pitts burg library when a young lad, and had been kept poor by trying to get and give others a book education. He spoke of the famous Watkinson library in Hartford, Conn., to which people travel from New York to secure works of reference. He said, "It the Pittsburg library dies, the Lord have mercy on Pittsburg." He worked him self up to such a pitch at the idea of Pitts burg allowing the library to go to the wall that his voice faltered and he shook his fist in James B. Scott's face. Mr. Scott laugh ingly drew back his chair out of arms reach, when the old professor jocularly remarked, "Oh, don't want to hit you, but I do want to hit those whom you represent." The doctor said there was too much aiten v tion paid in this city to natnral gas, coal ' and manufactories. He said when the Pan Americans came here, the Pittsburg com mittee took them around and showed them what the muscle could do, but they paid no attention to the brain. He said that when he goes East and talks to college professors and presidents he does not want to talk natural gas. He would like to tell them something about the literary advantages, but if the Library Hall property was sold it would be a death blow to the mental de velopment of the common people. A MOVE BACETWABD. He said the sale of the property would be a movementbackward in civilization. He concluded his address by hoping that the owners of the "unconsecrated wealth" would come forward and save the library from the fate which now hangs over it Bev. J. G. Goettman, of Allegheny, said ue ueueveu m au jusiiLuiiun iiKe me mer cantile library, as it helps to save young men from running into saloons and other places, where a great many would other wise spend their time. He said it was a disgrace that the wealthy people of the city did not take hold of the institution and save it. He told a story that while travel ing about 15 years ago. he registered his name at a hotel as being from Allegheny City. The clerk asked him where Alle gheny was? Since then he has always given Eis place of residence as Pittsburg. He said if the Library Hall propeity was sold he would feel so ashamed of the rich people that he would never again claim Pittsburg as bis home. NO GREAT DIFFICULTY. James W. McFarland said if the same trouble menaced any business man or firm he would never go into bankruptcy. He said there should be no difficulty raising the 550,000. Major T. Brent Swearingen said the tax last year on the property was 51,700. They would have been assessed twice this amount if part of the building had not been occu pied by the library, andunder a special act was not liable to taxation. Attorneys had given opinions on the matter that all of the building would be exempt only for State purposes. Bey. Darid Jones, pastor of the First M. P. Church, said it would be a terrible calamity if the property was sold. Hun dreds ot people have not the means to pur chase books and papers which they now get at the library. The intelligence of the forking classes, he said, was what made Sj&s city what it was. If the source of this Intelligence was killed it would, in many ways, kill the prosperity of the city. In telligence among the poor, he said, must Keep pace with wealth. If this is not done wealth will be a curse. He concluded by saying that if the people of Pittsburg al lowed the property to be sold it would be a personal loss and a public shame. MR. EOSEBTJEG FULL OF HOPE. William Bosebure. Cashier of the Bank of Pittsburg.said there would be no difficulty carrying the mortgages on the property. The parties who held them, he thought, would rather keep their money there than invest it in other ways. He said if the members of the board worsred together they would be out of the woods in a month. A committee was then appointed to act in conjunction with the directors to devise ways and means to raise the money to pay off the indebtedness. The committee will meet to-day and is composed of the follow ing named well-known citizens: , W. E. Schmertz, James B. Scott, Bey. M. B. Bid die, 'William Boseburg, Paul Hacke and Benjamin Thaw. Among the prominent citizens who are taking an interest in the matter and were at the meeting yesterday are the following: James B. Scott. James O'Hara, C. B. Shea, Key. Dr. M. B. Riddle. J. B. Morgan. Jr., G. P. McBnde, "William Roseburg. J. a Marshall, W. S.Jarboe, Captain William McClelland, B. B. Patterson, S. H. Oliphant, W. McClarren, J. D. Bernd, Major T. B. Swearingen, C. C. Mel lor, G. G. Milnor. S. L. Fleishman, W. E. Sch mertz, J. W. McFarland, William McConway, Frederick Pinchart, Rev. J. B. Kolhne. Rev.J. G. Goettman, W. L. Scalfe, Major I. B. Wray, Professor R. F. Patterson. W. T. Lindsay. Charles Davis, B. G.Bakewell, Benjamin Thaw, M. Rosenbaum, J. T. McCance. E. E. Phelps, E. A. Woods. F. C. Osbom, J. H. McCntcheon, J. L. McCntcheon, J. W. Collins, Rev. D.Jones, G. R. Lincoln, J. G. McFarland, J. R. McKee, W. L. Chalfant and James Collard. A NOBLE MISSION'S W0E. What tfae Society for the Improvement of the Poor Has Accomplished. The Society for the Improvement of the Poor, has distributed the following goods and provisions in the past two weeks: 600 loaves of bread, 193 pounds of rice, 178 pounds oatmeal, 48 pounds of tea, 164 of sugar, 260 ban of soap, 66 pints of beef tea, 17 of mutton broth, 6 of oyster broth and 320 of milk, 242 grocery orders, 625 bushels of coal and 284 garments. There were 12 sew applicants for charity, 457 families were visited and 207 aided, including 803 persons. Seven hundred and fourteen visits were made to the poor and 77 in their behalf. Situations were obtained for eight persons and day's work for 41. There were six children placed in Sunday-schools and four 'an public schools. The Society for the Improvement of the Poor held a meeting at the x. M. C. A. build ing yesterday, and made arrangements for holding their annual meeting-. It will take place in the parlors of the Y. M. C. A on Monday, November 25, when the election of managers and officers, will be held. The pnblic meeting will be held in St. Peter's P. E. Church on Grant street on Snnday, December 1. and Miss J. W. Magee, Mrs. L. M. Harding and Mrs. "W. H. House were appointed to secure speaker. MUD ONLY. WILL STOP IT. Fctrolenm Smollcrs Between the Panhandle and the P. &L.E. It looks now as though oil operations in Stowe and Bobinson townships will only be limited this winter by the condition of the roads. The latter are now almost impassable, not even jackassible, and if the rain con tinue two days more teams will disappear. There is a rush to renew old leases on some farms and some who held off are get ting terms they could not have reached with a 10 foot pole two months ago. Micheel Beck has 10 acres below the Arbuokle farm, between it and Cbartiers creek. He has leased it for 5100 bonns and one-fourth of the oil. A man named Caughey retuses to lease 30 acres for a share of the oil, and holds out for a cash bonus of 5200 an acre and all down, 56,000. He doesn't want to be bothered with oil. Mr. Tate, a Liberty street merchant, has organized a little company of his own, and among the shareholders are Boehmer Bros. They will probe Tate's land on their own hook. ONCE MORE P0STP0MD. The Cases Against the Mnscnm Proprietor Held Over Till To.Dny. The hearings in the cases before Alder man McKenna against the several museum proprietors for operating immoral shows were postponed yesterday, and will be held at 4 o'clock to-day. At the hour set for the hearing "Walthaner C.McNeal.of Smithfield street, and Carlisle, of Sixth avenue, asked for a continuance, which was granted, and their bail in $1,000 was renewed. Lavitsky, who is" alleged to have kept the worst show in town, did not appear, and Inspector Mc Aleese suggested that a process be issued for him, but Inspector O'Mara said his bail was good and that he might be given an other chance, and his case also was therefore fixed for 4 o'clock to-day. foMMtKlND'TONGg: A Woman Snys She Was Polled Alone the Street by the Hnlr. Michael Schmunski and Joseph Krull, who are employed at the Bepublic Iron "Works, have entered cross suits against each other before Alderman Schafer. Krull charges Schmunski with striking him over the head with a pair of tongs, and Schmunski Sue's Krull for striking him in the face and calling him vile names. Elizabeth Eodgers alleges that William Carson assaulted her by grasping her by the hair and pulling her along the street Mrs. Bodgers says that this occurred" when she was trying to get her husband, who was in toxicated, home. HITHER AND THITHER. Movements of Plttsburcers and Others of Wide Acquaintance. Mr. 'WiHiam Sbortlidge, of Bellefonte, stopped over last night on his way to Bntler. Mr. Shortlidge is the largest producer of lime stone and lime in the State, and goes to Bntler to contract for the delivery of a quantity of stone for use in a large chemical plant about to bo established there under the auspices of Joseph Button, Jr. Mr. Shortlidge said that Governor Beaver and Adjutant General Hast ings were both largely Interested in the produc tion of fnel gas, and were about to erect an ex tensive plant for its manufacture, in connec tion with the Bellefonte Iron and Nail Works, which were established by the Governor. The nail works are now doing better than at any time in their liistory. Mr. Bhortlidge said that the defeat of the Republican candidate for the Judgeship in Center county, was owingto some 1.200 holding aloof and about 500 who voted against the party on the temperance question. "I will live to see the day," said Mr. Short lidge, "When the Prohibition party will be a power in tho country, and though 1 am a Re publican who say it, the Republican party will go to the wall if they don't put a temperance clank in their platform." Chairman Calvin S. Brice of the Dem ocratic National Committee, passed through en route from New York to Lima yesterday morning, to attend a meeting of tho Democracy, which was held last' night. Mr. Brice attributed the Democratic gains in Ohio and Governor Foraker's defeat for a third term In office to dissatisfaction with the Governor's policv. an tipathy of the people to any one man continu ing long in power, a spread of opinion among the people favorable to a material change in the tanfl policy. He attributed the victory in Iowa andhis party's gains in Massachusetts to the latter cause. Mr. Brice said he was not a candidate tor a Senatorshlp in the sense of seeking the place. The Bevs. James Hartley, of Steuben ville; Campbell, of Dennison, and Hannon, of Shawnee, were passengers through to Balti more last night, to attend the Catholic Con gress. The Rev. Mr. Hartley said that the deliberations of so many prominent Catholics, coming as they did from all sections of the country, would be producive of a stronger cohesion between the clergy and laity. The reverend gentlemen were pleased to meet the representative of The Dispatch, and they agreed that as long as The Dispatch made its daily appearance among them, they need not to look beyond it for news. Mr. Thomas Curran, of 81 Arch street, Allegheny, one of the lay delegates appointed to the Catholic Convention at Baltimore, left Pittsburg for that city last Sunday evening. H. C. Prick embarked on board the Eastern express for a trip Eastward last night The Bey. Mr. Flood, of Somerset, passed through to New York last night A SPANISH OPINION. What May Result From Closer Com mercial Relations , WITH THE SOUTHERN REPUBLICS. Uncle Bam Not Credited With Desiring Both Americas. MEXICO WILLEXCELTHE UNITED ST1TES In view of the approaching deliberations of the Pan-American Congress, the follow ing excerpt from an editorial which ap peared in the Avisador JR$pano Americano of the 31st, a Spanish journal published in New Tork, will prove of unusual interest A Mexican gentleman expresses the opinion that a commercial treaty with this country is practicable, would not interfere with the dependency of the nations entering into it, and that Mexico some day will become a commercial rival of the States. Much is said and written pro and con upon the intentions of Secretary of State James G. Blaine as to his foreign policy. All along the line from the Bio Grande to Patagonia there is nothing to fear. Mexico, whose limits lie along the line of the United States, will have the border question settled very shortly and satisfac torily. A Havana, Cuba, periodical oi recent date gives an account of this very earnest desire upon the part of Mexico to be on friendly footing with the United States. WILL BENEFIT MEXICO AND VS. To illustrate we give the dialogue between a prominent Mexican gentleman and a Cuban gentleman. The latter asks: "But will you not lose the European trade if you form this American alliance ?" "Bah I To-day our principal buyer is the United States of America. Of the 50 mill ions we export she takes more than 27; En gland takes 13; France, 5; Germany, 2." "And Spain?" "Less than one million. These figures will explain to you why we laugh at the protestation of the Spanish press against the United States, and these plans for a Latin federation. "Suppose that we formed a commercial union with Spain and France, who together buy of us less than six millions?" "The United States would then close its ports to us and we would loose 27 millions in order to ;assure us scarcely six. Good business sense, eh?" "But 1 This sovereignty of the United States?" "First of all we don't believe in it. The thing is to work, to gain money; to extend civilization. We Mexicans are convinced that eventually Mexico will excel the United States. They are rich, and ad vanced; we are not But, as we in crease in riches and culture, we will create industries. God alone knows where we will stop, with our magnificient soil and our three climates. Yon will understand that when any of these American nations wish to, they can withdraw from the Union, Beside, the people of the United States are permanent, and we must take into account that not all the countries of Spanish-America produce the same, and that trade in all of them will increase." "And do vou not fear that after the indus trial dependency will come political depend ency?" "In the first place there is no dependency. Call it league if you please. Well, good. Commerce i: one thing and politics another. For example: After England and Belgium, the country with which France has most trade is Germany. The French buy of the Germans to the value of 560,000,000 per annum and sell to them the same amount approximately, and yet as nations they de test each other cordially." "The United States does not wish to in corporate territories with a relatively dense Latin or Indian population?" "Don't you see they would find the best lands taken up and a fusion of ours with the races of the North is very difficult." SO TEBEITOBIAL ACQUISITION- IN IT. Thus, in the judgment of this Mexican gentleman, notwithstanding what may be written by others to the contrary.the United States does not, from the respect she enter tains for the Spanish-American countries, either for commercial or political reasons, desire the acquisition of foreign territory. After reviewing the conditions of Hayti, San Domingo, and, at great length, that of Cuba, the editorial winds up as follows: From the Bio Grande to Patagonia the Yrnkees do not aspire to fresh territories and that which they desire is to expand commercial relations with brothers and neighbors, who among each other, have grand advantage!. The Spanish part of the Island of San Domingo could not he taken by the colossus of the North, because although the neces sity ii inconceivable she is capable of de fending herself. The Bepublic of Hayti, steeped in anarch ism and blood, would welcome with joy a protectorate of the United States, and thus would disappear the blot with which this semi-savage people stains the civilization of the great three Americas. The propounders of the annexation of Cuba cannot hope for its realization if they do not gather their fruit when ripe. The article was very kindly translated for The Dispatch by Mr. Philip G. Boeder, of Cleveland, who" represents a New York firm of coffee importers, and who rendered such excellent volunteer service in explain ing to and assisting the Pan-American, visi tors when in this city. BIG RUMORS, ANIH0W. Fctrolenm Operations Ilercaboats A Big; Refinery. The past week or so has been very fruit ful of rumors as to what certain heavy weights in the petroleum business are or maybe doing. The last story' told is a scheme to put 512,000,000 into a pipe line and refinery scheme, the refineries to be located on the seaboard and the western end of the line be in Butler county. It is said to be a move of the P. P. A., who are sup posed to be dissatisfied with the deal the Standard has given them, though some people think 51 a good price for oil, and that the only people who have right to complain are brokers and people who want to speculate. Some oil producers' say they do not be lieve the association has anything to do with the pipe line project, though they think Thomas Phillips, Emory, Taylor and others might be in it It is "also suggested that Joe Craig might be in it There are people who persist in believing that D. P. Beighard and Joe Craig have sold the Globe Befinery and the A. & W. Pipe line respectively, notwithstanding their denials. CHARGED WITH CONSPIRACY. An Alleehcnlan Arrested nt Yonneitown, O., and Broosht to This City. William Golden, the well-known attor ney, is charged with conspiracy in an Alle gheny case, the following synopsis of which is given iu a telegram from Youngstown, O.: Constable William Billings, of Alle gheny, with a warrant issued by Alderman Tatem, came here this evening and arrested D. W. Syphax on a farm near the city where he was painting a house. Syphax. resided on Taggart street, Allegheny, and Bold all of his furniture to Henry Parge, a furniture dealer. Mrs. Syphax then de manded the goods and Parge also paid her. Later her father sued Parge for the value of the goods before 'Squire Hathaway, of Tarentum, and obtained judgment for 5295 and had execution issued. Parge charges Syphax and the other parties named, with William Golden, attorney for both, with conspiracy to defraud him. and all have been placed under arrest Billings left for Allegheny to-night with his prisoner. THE PITTSBUKG DISPATCH, THE ARMSTRONG MONUMENT. Final Arrangements for the Parade Ap pointmentof Officers The Official Rome of Procesilon. The Executive Committee of the Arm strong Monumental Association met last night in the office of the Amalgamated As sociation to complete arrangements for the celebration at the unveiling of the monu ment on Thanksgiving Day. Chief Marshal William Weihe announced his arrangements, which were approved by the committee. His Adjutant is William H. Barnes, and Chief of Staff James Penny. The aids will be announced later. Captain William P. Herbert is appointed Marshal of the First division, composed of printers, letter carriers, Post 162 G. A. B. and the Veteran Legion. Second division. Marshal John P. Eber hart Window glass workers, flint glass workers, chimney and bottle blowers, cut ters, packers and moldmakers. Third division, Edward A. Keil Mar shal All the lodges of the Amalgamated Association. Fourth division, John E. O'Shea, Mar shal All local assemblies under D. A. 3 K. of L. and visiting Knights. Fifth division, A M. Swartz, Marshal Slaters and roofers, stonemasons, bricklay ers, plumbers and steam fitters, electricians, tile layers, painters and decorators, hod carriers, stone cutters, tinners and sheet iron cornice workers and plasterers. Sixth division, Thomas Wisdom, Marshal Iron Molders' Union No. 7, pattern makers, brass workers, machinists and all foundry employes. Seventh division, J. T. McCormick, Mar shal Horseshoers, coal miners and coke workers and other miscellaneous organiza tions, committees and carriages. The line will form at 11 o'clock, the First, Second and Third divisions on Water street, right resting on Smithfield street; Fourth and Fifth divisions on First avenue, right resting on Smithfield street and Sixth and Seventh divisions on Second avenue, right resting on Smithfield street The route of procession is from Water to Smithfield street to Second avenue to Grant street.to Third avenue to Boss street to Fifth avenue to Washington street to Wylie avenue to Fifth avenue to Market street to Sixth avenue to Bridge to Federal street, Allegheny, to North avenue to Irwin avenue to Western avenue to Ohio street to Monument and disband. The Chief Marshal and Executive Committee will review the procession at Ohio and Marion streets. Dr. D. B. Surgeon will be chairman of the exercises. Two hundred musicians of the Musical Union will furnish a number of selections. The Bey. David Jones will lead in prayer. An historical address cov ering the work of the committee will be given by the Chairman, after which Miles S. Humphries will deliver the oration of the occasion. At the opportune moment of the oration the monument will be unveiled by Thomas A Highberger, a 5-year-old nephew of Mr. Armstrong's from Pueblo. Col. waiting for orders. District Attorney Lyon lias no Orders In the Jeannette Matter The sun set without anything further from Washington regarding the imported glass workers at Jeannette, than that Solici tor Hepburn and Attorney General Milelr had advised Secretary Windom that the men should be sent back, and that proceed ings should be instituted against the im porters. Hon. Walter Lyon thought that if the men were sent back, that would likely be theend.of the matter, and that the 51,000 fine in snch cases would not likely be levied. He says the act is somewhat foggy. That though the vessel owners might be made bear the expense of transportation back, yet the men must be apprehended and the vessel discovered, and this would be the work of the Treasury Department Mr. Lyon did not talk much, but he opinea mat tne men would not raise any serious objection to being returned. The impression appears to prevail that the men will pretty generally go back before long. A LARGE LEASE. Mr. Hnklll's Essay in the Forks of the Klskimlnltas. E. M. Hukill, ot this city, who is well known as au enterprising and successful oil operator, has leased 6,000 acres of land in the forks of the Allegheny and Kiskiminitas rivers, and means to drill thereon for both oil and natural gas. Operations are to be gin soon. The news of this large lease has created quite a stir among oil men, who are inclined to believe that Mr. Hukill has substantial reasons for thinking that he has covered a yielding field. Just east of his lease the railroad bridge across the Kiskiminitas is in course of com pletion. The high water of the past few days has caused a delay in the itork. The drift is preventing (he setting of the tempor ary work. T10LATIKG MINING LAWS. The Mine Boss of Laurel Hill Mines Pros ecuted by the Mine Inspector. The mine inspector of the Seventh Bitu minous district has entered suit against the fire boss of the Laurel Hill mine for viola tion of the fourth section of the mining law. The charge is that the fire boss, on Septem ber 30, neglected and failed to examine the working place of William Spotide, and as a result when Spande entered his working place on that date he was severely burned by an explosion of fire damp. The suit was bronght before Squire Love, of McDonald, who held the defendant He gave bail for his appearance at the quarter sessions court of Washington county. INCREASING THEIR CAPACITY. The Clinton Mills Branching Ont In Step With Pittsbnrc's Progress. Friend & Hoffstott are putting in a new battery of boilers and two double furnaces in their Clinton mills. Work en a new blast furnace will soon be commenced. The pipe department closed down for lack of orders last week, and the men employed therein have been suspended indefinitely. Simply Perfect. The Union Pacific Bailway, "The Over land Boute," has equipped its trains with dining cars of the latest pattern, and on and after August 18 the patrons of its fast trains between Council Bluffs and Denver, and be tween Council Blnffs and Portland, Ore., will be provided with delicious meals, the best the market affords, perfectly served, at 75 cents each. Pullman's Palace Car Com pany will have charge of the service on these cars. Sacrifice Snlo of PInnos and Organs at 137 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. We must have room for the 100 Everett pianos now coming in, and will close out this week our entire stock of other makes of pianos, consisting of Weber, Chickering, Decker, Kranach & Bach, Shoemaker, Hallet & Davis, Knabe, Pease and others. They must get out of the way, and you can have them at first cost if you take them away this week. We also offer a large line of organs at prices from $15 to 100. The fact is that the wonderful success of our Everett piano has killed the sale of these goods, and we have no room for them. Come early and get your choice. Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Alex Boss' Music House, 137 Federal st, Allegheny. The People's Store, Fifth Avenne. Another lot of half or short lace curtains will be given away next Friday morning. 350 at 25 cents each. 200, at 50 cents each. You can see these in one of our show windows on Thursday, but the goods will not be sold until Friday. We insert this notice for the benefit of our out of town cus tomers that they may have an opportunity to participate in this rare bargain. Camfbemi Ss dick. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER A LIVELY RECEPTION. The Kan of Kemnare Lectures Under. Disadvantages. HEEAUDIT0ES WAXED TURBULENT A Spanish Count Comes to Miss Cosack's Bescne. THE SINOPSIS OP THE LECTTJBB The Nun of Kenmare received a tumul tuous greeting last night at Lafayette Hall, and the audience was composed of such par tisan portions that trouble of more than a lingual nature was several times imminent, but was averted by threats that the police would be called upon. The Iecturess was not deficient in nerve, however, and stuck to her subject despite various noisy demon strations evoked by her language. The historic hall was packed to over flowing to hear Miss Cusack deliver her famous lecture, "Why I Left the Catholic Church." Bev. J. T. McCrory, of the Third U. P. Church, Pittsburg, and Bey. David McAllister, of the Eighth Street Be formed 'Presbyterian Church, escorted the former nun on the platform, and the .latter introduced her to the audience. Quiet reigned for a moment, bnt finally some faint applause struggled into being and in creased in volume until the hall fairly shook. In a pleasant voice the Nun commenced her lecture, but beforer going far some re mark regarding the Catholic Church she made was objected to by a strong voice from the gallery. Laughter followed, in which the lady joined.but when she attempted to continue speaking a number of persons in the hall claimed the same privilege. With the utmost good nature the Nun said: "Boys, be easy now; if you can't be easy, be as easy as you can." The good natured sally failed to re store order even when she told them that turn about was fair play, and after she had finished her talk an opportunity would be given the audience to asfc her any questions they might wish. The tumult still con tinued. Finally she asked as a favor that if any one wanted to shoot her they would wait until after she conclnded her lecture. Again quiet reigned until a second remark disagreeable to some and present brought out a response. Then cries of "Put him out!" "Put him out!" were heard on all sides. Calls of "Police" were numerous. The Nun began to look pale, but when Bey. McAllister stepped forward and seemed about to take a decisive step, she pleaded for the offender, and said she knew they would not disturb her any more. MORPHINE AS A SOOTHING AGENT. For another short period she was left free to address her hearers, but a third time was very seriously interrnpted. With the most wonderful good humor she remarked that the gentleman in the gallery needed some morphine to keep him quiet At this junc ture Bev. McAllister, in a very decided manner, informed the audience that those who did not come there to hear the Nun of Kenmare speak must with draw from the hall, for if further interrup tion was attempted, the police would certainly be called in and the disturber put out Great applause followed the remarks, and in silence the lady was permitted to continue her lecture until permission was given the audience to question her. Then question after question came from all por tions of the hall and gallery, and of snch a nature that she, in desperation, called upon the gentlemen to show their chivalry to a lady, and asked if America was not a free country where a person could have the liberty of speech. Immense excitement prevailed, and the au dience was divided between hisses on one side and cries of "Shame I" "Shame !" on the other.' Indignation that a lady should receive such insults, with cries of "Police !" added to the excitement A voice from the gallery was heard to utter snch an insulting remark that Miss Cusack rebuked the possessor by loosing squarely at him and saying "Shame on you, "shame on you." At this crisis a man by the name of Bobert George, of No. 911 Penn avenue, said he would give $50 if the offender could be ejected from the hall. One party iu particular, after listening to the lecture, was not satisfied as to why Miss Cusack left the church, and persisted in questioning her on that point HAD AIiBEADT ANSWEBED. The lady said she had spent an hour in answering that question, and she was not going to repeat her lecture, that either the gentleman did not wish to understand or was not capable of understanding. In either case she was not responsible, but the gentleman became so violent that an un expected ally developed in the person of Count de Ovies, who is at present stopping at 956 Penn avenue. This young man, small of stature, but exquisitely dressed, with a fierce mustache and gold-rimmed eye- f lasses, made an impromptu speech in which e said that he came from Spain, the seat of Romanism, and as a gentleman he would say Miss Cusack could not before a mixed audience give the fnll reasons for her leav ing the Catholic Church, but if any gentle man was interested enough in learning more, and would call upon him, he would be glad to enlighten them. At the conclu sion of her lectnre some left the hall sing ing out "goodby" in the height of mockery. On the other hand the lady was fairly besieged with people who wanted to shake hands with her and purchase her books. Purses were opened on all sides, and the Nun had three assistants in distributing books and collecting the money. The Dispatch leportermade an exit by climb ing upon the platform and leaving the hall by the side entrance after waiting vainly in hopes of getting out the regular way, so great was the crowd around the motherly old lady who had so nobly maintained her composure, temper and dignity under the most trying'circumstances. what miss cusack said. Her lecture, in substance, was more bitter against tbe Catholic Church and all its dig nitaries than had been expected from any standpoint Her reasons for leaving the church were, in the first place, that it had changed its doctrine since she entered it, and she resorted to various Catholic books to prove her ground well taken. In the second place, it was not, she averred, all that it professed to be. She informed the Catholics present that it was not against them that she was addressing her remarks, but against the system of Catholicism. In speaking about convent life many familiar statements were made. She com pared her own enttance into the convent with that of Miss Kate Drexel, and said everything would be lovely with her until the irrevocable black veil was taken. Then her money would all belong to the church, and if she did not obey the rnles she would suffer the same penalties an ordinary sister would; She said she was glad Miss Drexel had wealthy relatives, because she could re turn to them if she wanted to. Th Boom is On And this local is to make you notice it. Prices have been placed away out of sight since we started our great sale oi men's win ter overcoats and suits. Nothing like this ever seen before. Imagine heavy-weight melton overcoats to fit men 31 to 42 breast measure, price $5, usually sold at $12. Men's elegant kersey overcoats at $10, in three shades, bUick, blue and brown; also 2,000 handsome Schnabel's chinchilla overcoats, worth $24; our price, and make a note of it, $12 to-day. P. C. O. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Z. "Wainwbight & Co.'s standard brew of lager beer is highly recommended for purity. Sold by all dealers. xusa The most effective "night cap" is a glass of F. & V.'s Iron City beer. Blaib'S PtLLS-Great English gout and rheumatic remedy. lreT At druggists'. Sure, prompt and effect- -llOU 12, 1889. TWO BOYS DROWNED. The Sad Bndlns of an Afternoon's FroHc One of the Saved Floats Half a Mile The Bodies Not Tet Recovered. About 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon an accident oi an extremely sad nature oc curred at the foot of South Tenth street' Two boys, named Willie Williams, aged 15 years, and Eddie BoberU, aged 15, were killed. The boys, with two others, named Tommy Murray and Mike Gallagher, all of them being employed as "'pull-up" boys in Oli ver's Fifteenth street mill, went down to the river to have some fun in a boat The mill being idle yesterday afternoon, the boys had plenty of time to enjoy themselves. They found a skiff into which the quartet embarked. They had moved out from the shore but a little distance when the boat capsized, spilling the occupants into the water. Williams and Boberta sank from sight and were not seen again. Young Boberta grasped hold of a rope attached to some barges and was rescued by a man named Cloud. Gallagher went under the barges, and floated down the river as far as the Panhandle Bailroad bridge. He managed in some unaccountable way to keep his head above water, and was finally rescued by a man named James, who went out after him in a skin. Williams Uvea with his parents at the corner of South Sixteenth and Car son streets, and Roberts' parents lived in Bbey's row on South Seventeenth street. The accident occurred at 1:45 in the after noon, and 'work was immediately begun to try and find the bodies. The efforts of the searchers were unsuccessful. At 10 o'clock last night neither of the bodies had been found. WILL PROBABLY BE HIGHER. Shippers Have Their Eyes on Chicago Like tho Best of the World. The Freight Committee of the Central Traffic Association meets in Chicago to-day. It will be important both to railways and shippers. The matter of special interest to this city is the proposition to take pig iron out of its special classification and make it sixth class; the proposition to rates in lum ber, and determine the weight of oil trans ported in tank cars and rate to be fixed on it It is said there is no doubt the rate on oil will be advanced, and it is supposed an advance on pig iron rates will also be made. SIX MONTHS TO THE WORKS. Patrick Dnskln Attempted to Burglarize a Mouse In the East End. Patrick Duskin, a crook, was caught in the back yard of H. P. Young, Forty-ninth street and railroad, early yesterday morn ing. He was arrested, and a charge was preferred against him with an attempt to burglarize the house. Magistrate Brush heard the case and in flicted a sentence of six months to the works on the prisoner. The man has a bad repu tation, and has frequently committed breaches of the law that put him behind the bars. L0TE AFf AIR QUARREL. Two Men Fight for a Girl and One of Them Sues the Other. Aswell Missbaug was given a hearing be fore Alderman Burns yesterday afternoon on charges of felonious shooting and assault and battery, which had been preferred by Hermann Micbalk. Both men are farmers, and live at Belle vue. They had a quarrel about a love affair. It was alleged that the defendant struck and shot at the prose cutor. Quite a number of witnesses were sworn, but their evidence was not sufficient to hold Missbaug, and he was discharged. Thompson' Gnlde to Mnslc Baying. Every musician in Pittsburg should have thfs publication. It is a large 60-paged catalogue, full sheet music Bize, containing illustrations and prices of nearly every musical instrument, from a double-tongued jewsharp to a fine piano. Also, a complete list of over 6,000 pieces of popular sheet music. Also, a special list of popular music books by well-known publishers. The special net prices printed in this cata logue will open your eyes. We send this complete, including Will L. Thompson's latest song and chorus, on receipt of 10 cts. in postage stamps. W. L. Thompson & Co., TTS East Liverpool, O. The Boom Is On And this local is to make you notice it Prices have been placed away out of sight since we started our great sale of men's winter overcoats and suits. Nothing like this ever seen before. Imagine heavy weight melton overcoats, to fit men 34 to 42 breast measure, price $5, usually sold at $12. Men's elegant Kersey overcoats at $10, in three shades, black, blue and brown; also 2,000 handsome Schnabel's chinchilla' overcoats, worth $24; onr price, and make a note of it, $12 to-day. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Can it Be Possible Bradford Piano, 7K octaves, square.... $100 Von Minden Piano, 7 octaves, square 125 Grovestine & Fuller Piano, 74 octaves, square 150 New Upright Piano, 6J octaves 175 New Organ, 5 octaves 44 New Organ, 6 Octaves 55 Mellor & Hoene Organ, 5 octaves 20 Pittsburg dealers' expenses are so high that it is impossible for them to sell within 25 per cent of our prices. Echols, McMtjbbat & Co., 123 Sandusky st, (Telephone Building), Allegheny, Pa. TUSSU The Boom Is On And this local is to make you notice it Prices have been placed away out of sight since we started our great sale of men's winter overcoats and suits. Nothing like this ever seen before. Imagine heavy weight melton overcoats to fit men 34 to 42 breast measure, price $5, usually sold at $12. Men's elegant kersey overcoats at $10, in three shades, black, blue and brown; also 2,000 handsome Schnabel's chinchilla over coats; worth $24; our price, and make a note of it $12 to-day. P. C. O. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Those Prices Bulgarian were 15 to 57. Table Scarfs Are now For the aesthetic. , 1 25, $1 50. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue stores. B.&B. Take the elevator and ask in upholstery department to see the $5 velour table covers at f3 75 to-day. Bogos & Btjhi 81 for 25c. $1 French flannels at 75c extra heavy and wide. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s .j Penn Avenue Stores. Obdeb your photos and crayons for the holidays now at Lies' Popular'Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. Cabinets $1 per doz. and extra panel picture. xtsu Quench your thirst with F. & V.'s Pittsburg beer. There's not a headache in a barrel of it Telephone 1186. Angostuba Bitters is known all over the world as the great regulator of the di gestive organs. Z. Watkwbiohx & Co.'s standard brew of lager beer is highly recommended for purity. Sold by alldealers. tuSu "The cup that cheers" is tbe one filled with TS. & V.'s Pilsner beer. -' JOBS' I. SI0ENBEEGEE ILL. It If Said That Ha Is on Bis Death-Bed la New York City. Mr. John H. Shoenberger ia reported dying at hia residence in New York City. Mr. Shoenberger is in his 80th year, and nearly 50 years of his long and useful life were spent in this city. His father was Dr. Peter Shoenberger. The family began business in this city about 1832. In those days the name was more widely known through Pennsylvania than that of any other in the iron business. Dr. Peter Shoenberger was a wealthy man for that time, and whenever he found a bed of iron ore and other things located to suit him, he built a furnace and they were strung be tween this city and Philadelphia, and all along the line yon might have heard the Pennsylvania Dutch talk of the doings of the "Shinneburgers." At his death, 40 years ago, Dr. Peter Shoenberger left ten children and gave each a furnace. After his death the firm in this city was G. Si J. H. Shoenberger. John ff. went to New York City to live some eight or nine years ago. He was twice married. He was Senior Warden of Trinity Church ior about 50 years, and at the last annual vestry meeting was elected Senior Warden for life. He was a very charitable man, gave liberally to many charitable objects during his entire life. Though per sonally unknown to many of the present generation, Air. Bhoenberger s name will last as long as the city. PR0H THE OLD TO THE NEW. The Birmingham Traction Company Com-pterins- Their Organization. A meeting of the owners and officers of the Birmingham Traction Company was held yesterday in the office of the Solicitor, J. M. Kennedy, Esq. The object of the meeting was to make the change from the old passenger railway company to the traction. After doing this, the latter company was organized, and the legal details attended to. It was expected that the contracts tor tbe work on the road would be let, but this was not done. Another1 meeting will be held in about two weeks to award the contract. Alter tbe meeting James A. Chambers, ode of the directors of the new company, said: "We did nothing to-day but affect an organization of the company, and have not yet completed it Nothing was done about the contracts for the work of building the line. We nave all the bids, but they have not been opened yet We will meet again about the latter part of the month and we'll let the contracts then for the ironwork. We want to do this as early as possible in order to have it all delivered in the spring, when we will begin the work of tearing up the streets." CIYIL SERTICE CHANGES. Promotions and Rearrangements la the Prothonoiary's Office. Andrew J. McQuitty, Clerk of Common Pleas Court No. 2, was yesterday promoted to the Chief Clerkship of the Prothonotary's office, vice George O. Corken resigned. Mr. McQuitty has been in the Prothonotary's office for 15 years and is an efficient clerk. ills late position will be niled by Harry Armstrong, Docket Clerk of the same court, who has been in the Prothonotary's office for ten years. John Taylor will fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Armstrong's ad vancement Mr. Bradley was seen at the Lotus Club rooms last night, and he said there was no politics in the matter, as it was merely a matter of expediency. SORELY AFFLICTED YOUNGSTERS. Chicken Pox Has Broken Ont In LawreBce- vllle and Is Spreading Rapidly. Chicken pox among children has become wide-spread in tbe Lawrenceville district Dr. M. O. Cameron, speaking to a Dis patch reporter, said: "Within the last few days chicken pox has shown itself in our neighborhood. Since the first appearance of the disease it has spread with great rapidity. The disease is not fatal, yot it is very contagious. If it once breaks out among any of the children the whole house will be attacked." The doctor stated that all other diseases were fastly abating. BIBER I EABTON, Special Values THIS WEEK! Pure Natural Wool Undyed FINE UNDERWEAR For Men, Women and Children, FULL FASHIONED' In all Weights and Grades. FBESH ATTRACTIONS -ETOUB- cloakand 8uit rooms, ladies' mantles, jackets and Sewmarkets. pltjbef jackets akd bacques. PLUSH COAT8 from OS to ISO. We pay special attention to large sizes and extra lengths. PLUSH JACKETS from $10 to $35; all styles, plain, vest fronts, dlrectotlre, and all the newest shapes. BIBER cTeASTON. 505 and 507 MARKET STREET. no9.rrssn. . - -FURrttTlHE B. J. HORNER k CO, 6L 63 AND 63 WEP.T TWENTT-TH1RD ST., NEW YORK, LARGEST EXHIBIT OF ARTISTIC FURNITURE IN AMERICA Ten Show Rooms filled with the latest pro ductions of the Furniture and Upholstery Art from the recognized manufacturing cen ters of the world. Novelties of London production. Novelties of Paris prodnctlon. Novelties of Vienna production. Our own importation. Novelties of American production. Including those ot our own manufacture. Visitors to Now Tork are cordially Invited to call and examine our stock and prices. The central location of our establishment (adjoin ing; Eden Musee) makes It easy of access from all parts of tbe city. te22-106-TTSn mHE CHINA STORE-FRENCH. KEND T RICK t CO. INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WED. DING GIFTS, DINNER SETS AND CHAM BER SKT8. A SPECIAL LINE OF INEXPENSIVE-ORNAMENTAL GOODS, SUIT ABLE FOR EUCHRE PRIZES OR CHRIST MAS GIFTS. 516 SMITHFIELD STKEET, OPPOSITE CITY HALL. TELXPS&X& 1738. WJCVAIOJt TO ART DSTT. rtff aest-s-ws WARDEN BEETIN'S SUCCESSLi Flvn Candidates Stlll-Hanllng After s'Bfc Jorlty of 13 Votes. How the 13 votes, a majority of which? ii necessary to elect the next 'Warden of the county jail, will be divided among the,, five, candidates is the 13 puzzle which isnovr agitating the brains bt a very Iarga nnaber of people more keenly than the 15 pnadii ever did in its palmy days before the efee tion of the pen for the errant and rotund: pigs. Controller Speer said he thought the lis of candidates was confined to two, the ,prej, ., ent lneumbent, John Berlin, and the former wanJen, who held the position for 12 years, .A w. omito j TheiriendsofW.H. Gang, the present deputy warden of the jail, hare placed his, name in the field and urge that fr eatperi-' ence and continuous service coMt3as, recommendation, his 17 years' workMa dep uty warden should betaken into considera tion. Mr. Gang is, therefore, also a candi date. ' r.i'Jh5 act thatJ" J. Long, clerk In t. Clerk of Courts office, was outTor the posi tion, the public has been made awareM well as of the desire of James Williams tor it5eJ?rt.h- H?the Toteswlll be di vided It is impossible at present to predict as the friends of each candidate are -working; like beavers to advance the interests of their own man. The election takes place in the first week in January, between the present' and which time it is expected that some tall, Tiustling will be done. A H0JK8TEAD HAN IN TE0TJBLB.' ," ', B. E. West Released on Heavy Ball for sut J Assanlt. 'filF Edward E. West was arrested yestercyll by Officer McLaughlin, on information"" "" made by William J. Strop, alleging that he assaulted his wife at Homestead. West was bronght before Judge Magee, who released him on $2,000 bail. Mrs. Strap is now lying at tbe West Penn Hospital in a dan gerous condition. About Evening Lactt, JDS. -HDRNE 1 PENN AVENUE STORES, PrrrsnTjso, Tuesday, November 13,"; We only pretended to be giving a hint" of the "Evening" goods and yet LaceSj were crowded out entirely. And suca an Important feature of evening dress Lacesaretobe. - We said Ribbons would be largely worn. This is proven. Some ot the most popular and effective of tbe Even ing Laces are the Ribbon Stripe Mous. sellnes des Soles.TuIles,andNets. Three and more stripes at the bottom and slap-' gla stripe at the top. Elegant Mousselines des Soles, 45 inches wide, plains, stripes and figures, for draping evening silks. ?st 45-inch Monssaline Aah.Bat Flounces, In Cream White. Baa? Pink and la rich eoh)rls0i wffifcr ''ft Evening Tulles and NovelUesl in almost endless vanetiss. Novelttm, exclusive with us, and cannot be duplicated, in 48 and 60-lnch Black Lace Flounces, embroidered in wood colors, lilacs and pinks. Handsome Black Laces, amhroidered in enld rhn .,.- '.:" .. ' luc, represent ui A-iMw.vne. -. 'r rWa Columns conld be filled . witn descriptions. v - Just one of the sesnV bargains like every da- partmenthas. Among; aO the fine goods there ap pear bright'bargata spot to liven things up This time it's a lot of 54 inch Tulles, refular Gee goods, new, too. but tha'Jw joiGiugajuo, aowsiu j. , , ,. , n. . i r tv Pink, Orange. Bed, Bias, Nile, . Brown, Eera. I Everybody clamoring; for Shoulder Cspes. It is nofan easy task to keep so many different J lines full so many sues, and ideas among Ue people. Everybody knows where to come. Four lots, among the maoy, selected for jow . special attention to-day: 60 Persians. 35 Astrachazis, 20 Seals, 2) Minks. Fine Cloakings for ladles, Hisses and CkiJ aren's garments, good, warm winter stusayMj inches wide. y c Beavers, Camel's Hair Stripes, ', Chevrons, . Kersey Mixtures, - London Qoths, in Checks aad Stripes, Cheviots, Astrachaaa, la colors and blacks and tares. .' Aadprlees H 26, , 60 and By, wardtethetnesfc. -"' " "?- . 4'4 JDS. HDRNE I EE'S PENN AVENUE STORES, i fer the i Mhm BJTifta, Scarfs. "Priest N, K 36 ae S IainHiaWsellatHfl GofE v .JssB VfXSjDJWjSBK f-urr r . .' H . str - ... ..m .TJbL J . SkrK ,