Vf I frj a s- If yon rnnt Beard, Boom, Homes or Help, advertise in THE DIsl'ATCU. Pnrcbaers can be found for cTerrthlnc offered For Sale In THE DISPATCH. THE DISPATCH U the best advertising medina In Western Pennsylvania. Try it. F0RTY-J70TJRTH TEAE. INTENSE EXCITEMENT In Montreal, Caused by the Sen timents Expressed by the Prime Minister. THE ANNEXATION SCHEME Beceives a Gigantic Impetus by Pre mier Herder's Bemarks. French Canadians will follow him. Feeling Iiouk Smothered Threaten! to Bunt Into Flame The Cheek of the Chnrch Semored at Last Herder's As sresslTe Attltndo Anares the Protestant Majority Moxes Hade Acainst Him and His Followers The Anxiety of the Catholics to be Sheltered by the Stars and Stripes A Plank for the Premier's Platform That Jinny Woald be Able to Stand On Bntterworth's Scheme Be ceWcs a. Bis Boost. The interview with Premier Mercier, of Quebec, published in yesterday's Dis patch, in which that gentleman was ont Epoken in faTorof the annexation of Canada with the United States, has caused a sensa tion in Montreal. His friends there say that if he is correctly quoted his remarks will lead many of his party to follow in the agitation for annexation. rsrrcxAL telegram to the bisfatcb.1 Monteeal, November 11. A sensation was caused in political circles to-day by the dispatch from Baltimore stating that Premier Mercier, the head of the Quebec Government, had declared that the French Canadians were in favor of annexation to the United States. Some express disbelief in the report, as it was not believed that Mei cier would come out so boldly, at the present juncture, in favor of annexation. The news is creatine; a great deal of talk among the Canadian Catholics to-night. Opinion is varied, but the general feeling is that if Mercier has declared in favor of an nexation it will give A GIGANTIC IMPETUS to the movement. Mercier is the controlling spirit of the Nationalist Government in Quebec, and by his action in restoring a large sum to the religious authorities, has become the virtual leader of the Canadian Catholics. There has for some years been a latent feel ing among the French-Canadians in favor of a union with the United States, but this feel ing has been rather checked by the Church, which has inspired the people with the hope cf extending the French-Canadian race, and building up a distinct nationality on jb.e continent. Mercier's Government was elect ed on this platform, and in his native prov ince he has more than once expressed him self in favor of such a policy. A COMBATIVE POLICY. But Mercier's aggressive attitude has had the effect of assuring the English and Protestant majority, which is now arrayed against him, and a movement is under way to deprive he Province of Quebec of many of its ancient privileges. In fact, one of the leading English statesmen of the country has publicly expressed his intention of mov ing before the Dominion Parliament, which meets in January, the abolition ot the dual language system, which allows both the French and English to be recognized as official languages. "What is causing most alarm among Can adian Catholics is the determination of the majority to abolish the Roman Catholic separate school system, the tithe system, by which the Church in Canada is supported, and other institutions naturally dear to the Catholics. THE WIDESPREAD HOSTILITY against the Catholics in these respects has had the effect of arousing their attention to annexation as a not very remote possibility. The feeling among Catholics is that if they are to be restricted in any way in their liberty, it will be preferable to transfer their allegiance from the British flag to the Stars and Stripes, under whose ample folds they will have the same unlimited oppor tunities of expansion as their co-religionists in the States. Only a few days agc-a lead ing French Canadian member of Parliament said that if the present anti-Catholic agita tion continued the Catholics would range themselves under the Stars and Stripes. Coming at this time, therefore, the Que bec Premier's declaration at Baltimore in favor of annexation is regarded as most -important, as if he makes that a plank in his platform, a vast number of his countrymen are likely to follow his lead. TOUGH ON THE TEA TRADE. Widespread Failures of Chinese Merchants Causing; a Panic. rSPECIAL TTLZGHAM TO THE PISr-ATCILl San Fbancisco, November 1L Eecent widespread failures in the tea trade in China have had a curious effect on the ruined mer chants, and their troubles increase as the season draws to a close. Papers which ar rived by the steamer Oceanic to-day state that during the first week in October five of these bankrupt men have taken relnge in theKuchau Monastery, with the intention of remaining there, in preference to return ing to the country to meet their creditors. These men are reported to have possessed considerable property in houses and paddy fields at the commencement or the season, as well as many thousand dollars in coin, bat all, and more than all, has been lost in the disastrous times that they have lately passed throueh. Another case is reported of Ying Pin, a man parting with the last package of tea -which cost him $52 for 522 50, and then com mitted suicide the same night by swallow ing opium. Many tea men have disap peared altogether, leaving their last crop of teas unrealized on in the hands of Hong Kong men, fearing to face the end. Such a disastrous end to the tea season has never been known before since the trade was estab lished. HI Antbority St Cascaded. Vienna, November 11. It is stated that as a result ot the recent conferences Austria and the Porte will not regard Prince Pcrdinand as ruler of Bulgaria. THE SILVER PHAKT03I. John Sherman Says It Will llnnnt Congress This Winter Harrison Tells Him So The Great Flnanclor Quito Non-Commltlnl. rsrxcTAz, txx.xqbax to tux dispatch.! Washington, November 11. "I have just returned from an interview with the President, in which the silver question was discussed at considerable length," said Senator Sherman this afternoon. "I am not at liberty, of course, to report the details of the discussion; but I think it is pretty well settled that the next Congress will be compelled to legislate further in the interest of silver. I am not now prepared to state what will be the full nature of the legisla tion. "It is a very important matter, one in which politics Idoes not enter, or at least should not enter, as it is a -matter of finance in the interest of all classes of people, rich and poor. My opinion is that, whatever is done, nothing can be accomplished under two years at least, because hasty legislation in such an important matter might prove ruinous to the country. "While I have decided views as to what should be done, I do not at this time care to elaborate them, as the matter is sure to come up in Congress, and I may desire to change my mind after a full discussion of the ques tion." Senator Sherman was asked to give his opinion of the recent election in the Buck eye State. He said: "I do not want to be interviewed on that subject at all. "We were defeated, as everybody knows, but the Bepublican party has been defeated in Ohio before, with the result of doing it good." "Who do you expect will be your col league in the next Congress?" "My next colleague will be the Democrat who will put up the most money to be United States Senator. I don't think there will be any open bribery, however, because public sentiment is against it." Further than this Senator Sherman would not ex press himself on the subject of Ohio pol itics. A PECULIAR AFFAIR. Mrs. Cope's Relations Ask Thnt She be De clared of Unsound Wind Their Peti tion as Yet Unacted Upon Called a Bather Extra ordinary Affair. rerrciAL txlxqbah to tub dispatch.1 Philadelphia, November 11. A peti tion signed by Emma D. Coolidge and Porter F. Cope was presented to Judge Hare in the Court of Quarter Sessions this morning, setting out that Josephine P. Cope is a resident of the city of Philadelphia, and is the widow of Caleb Cope and the mother of Porter F. Cope and sister of Emma P. Coolidge; that the said Josephine P. Cope is possessed of a large estate which she is squandering and giving away to strangers in a reckless and wasteful manner; that within the past two years she has indulged in such imprudent excesses of conduct with regard to her person and health that she has become greatly enfeebled and prostrated in body, and is in urgent need ot proper nursing and medical care, and has become, and is now, of unsound mind and incapable of taking care of her self, and is in immediate danger of doing her- seirgreat bodily barm and aggravating her already impaired mental condition. The petitioners, therefore, -cray tfjat she be placed under such restraint and committed to the custody of such person or persons as to the court shall seem meet and proper, and that such further order shall be made in the premises as may be necessary. This petition still remains in the hands of the court, and the judge has not yet per mitted it to be filed. He will probably de cide to-morrow what action he will take in the matter. The presentation of the peti tion to the court was done withont notice to counsel for Mrs. Cope, and when it was shown to him, Mr. White pronounced it the most extraordinary application he had ever seen. Counsel for Mrs. Coolidge ana Por ter Cppe stated that the application was for the appointment of a commission in lunacy. The counsel said his sole object was to the end that Mrs. Cope should have proper medical attention, and that the propertv of his client. Porter Cope, should be protected from her wastefulness. A DESPERADO JAILED. The Escaped Convict Mansfield Captnred and Carried to BnOalo. Buffalo, November 11. Kichard M. Mansfield alias Robert Hamilton was ar rested near Bradford, Pa., on Saturdav evening, lor stealing a horse and buggv, from this'city, and was brought back here yesterday. By his , arrest an interesting story is brought to light For some time Mansfield has been employed in the New York Central railroad office here nnder the name of Hamilton. "When the horse and rig were stolen, suspicion fell upon him and detectives were engaged on the case. In quiry into the man's antecedents reveals the fact that he is the convict Mansfield, who, with a man named H. A. Smith, es caped from jail at Cleveland, Ohio, on July 20. Mansfield was confined there for horse stealing.JOn that occasion the Sheriffand his deputies started in pursuit and. before dsr. light, overtook the tugitives in a carriage, and attempted to arrest them. A terrific fight took place in which several volleys were fired, and one of the deputy sheriffs was fatally wounded. The Sheriffs posse retired with their wounded man, but soon after set out again in pursuit of the fugi tives. Smith was caught a few weeks later in Michigan but Mansfield was not heard of until Saturday. He is locked up at poliee headquarters awaiting examination. AT THE STANDARD'S 2IEECL Sltnntion of the Southwestern Pennsylranla Producers Tiovr. New Yobk, November 11. Members of the Oil Producers' Association say that if the Elkins syndicate has turned over all its properties to the Standard Oil Company, the construction of the proposed new pipe line is necessary to the association's existence, as otherwise the owners of the wells in the Southwestern Pennsylvania oil fields would De at me mercy oi me otanaara uu Com pany, which could make the rate for trans portation so high as to compel the indi vidual owners of the wells to sell out. Even if local pipe lines were made from the wells to Pittsbure, it is believed that favorable terms could not be secured Irom the Pennsylvania Bailroad which would enable the producers to compete with the monopoly. SLAIN BY A MAXIAC. The Governor of a Mexican State Fatally Stabbed by a Lunatic. Cirr op Mexico, November U. Gen eral Corona, ex-Minister to Spain and Gov ernor of the State of Jalisco, while on his way to the theater in Gaudalajara yesterday afternoon, was stabbed four times by a mad man, and died at 3 o'clock this morning. The wife of the General, who was with him at the time, also received a stab wound which is, however, not dangerous. Mrs! Corona is an American. The assassin immediately killed himself. He was a lunatic who had just been dis charged from the police force. f FORAKER A MARTYR. General Boynton Says He Was Slanshtercd by Saloon Keepers and Prohibitionists The Tanner Episode Not In It nt All Harrison Not to Blame. irEOM A STACT COBEBSrOSDIST.3 "Washington, November 11. General H. V. Boynton, the well-known "Washing ton correspondent of the Cincinnati Com mcrciaUGazette, returned from Ohio to-day, and was, of course, besieged with inquiries as to what, in the opinion of so shrewd and impartial an observer as himself, was the cause of the Foraker slump. To the many qncstions the General replied in effect as follows: Opposition to the administration, antipathy to the President, did not enter, to any appreci able decree, Into the campaign in Ohio. Dur ing my absence from this city I did not hear anyone even intimate that discontent with the powers that govern the land had anything to do with the fight I conversed with a large number of gentlemen who had been busily en gaged in canvassing the State. They explained the situation thoroughly, and, I have no doubt, truthfully to me, and they were all most em phatic in stating that opposition to President Harrison cut no figuro in the struggle. "Did the soldiers upset Foraker?" was asked. "No," replied the General, with empha sis. "The Tanner business was of little or no consequence. I met a great many sol diers in Ohio, and was with a party of them all the time I was away, but Tanner's name was only mentioned once in my hearing, and then by a mutual friend who wanted to know how the ex-Commissioner was. Every body seemed to have a good word for Com missioner Baum; those who spoke of his ap pointment said it was the best that could possibly have been made." "Who were the wreckers?" "The saloon element did the work. The saloon crowd and their partners th'e Pro hibitionists. I class both of them together, because they work as one; everything the Prohibitionists do is of material advantage to the liquor men, and to them only. Some of the labor was by Bepublicans who dis liked Foraker, and they were numerous. They have hated him ever since the Chicago Convention; they were displeased at some of his appointments and hurt by some of his removals. A great many were opposed to Foraker's candidacy for a'third term. "The situation in Ohio is rather peculiar now," concluded the General. "When I left the State it was understood that we had elected all of the State ticket with the ex ception of the Governor. This, if true, will give the Senate a Bepublican presiding officer in the person of the Lieutenant Gov ernor. The Democratic majority in that body will be only one, so you can readily see the repressive influence which a Bepub lican presiding officer can exercise over pro posed Democratic legislation." LlGHTNEB. RAISING A RUMPUS. New York Workingmen Opposed to the Abolition of Street Mnsle A Moro on Foot to Hnvo Musicians Unite In a Protest Asninst Persecution. IEPECIAI. TELEOUAM TO THE DISPATCH. New York, November 11. It has been said that the passage of the ordinance pro hibiting street music was due to the efforts of the trades unions of the city. That per sons representing, or professing to represent the musical unions of the city, did urge the passage of the ordinance is true, doubtless, but that they were representatives of trades unions generally, or that trades unionists of the city as a body approve-of-the ordinance, is untrue. The prohibition of the hand organs and street bands simply adds so many more to the unemployed mass, from which comes the constant pressure toward lowering the wages for workingmen in or ganized industries. "It is all bosh," said a leading trades unionist to a DlSPATCn reporter, to-day, "this talk of street music having been abolished because the unions were opposed to it Why in creation should trades union men or workingmen, generally, be opposed to the music? If any one class got more benefit than another from the street bands, it was the workingmen and their families. The bands played mostly in the districts where workingmen live, which is proof enough, by the way, that the workingmen were not opposed to them, and it was work ingmen's wives that came to the windows to listen to them, and workingmen's children that used to dsccc to their music." It is said that there is a movement on foot for some organized expression by the pro fessional musicians of the city of their feel ing against the action of the "aldermen and the Mayor in suppressing the nearest ap proach to "music for the masses" that there is in New YorE, barring a little in the parks in the summer. The persecution set on foot by the aldermen bears even harder upon the poor street players than was at first expect ed. It was supposed that a large proportion of them would manage to get along some how by going to Brooklyn. Jersey City and other nearby towns to play. Many tried it for the first few days after the ordinance went into effect, but almost without excep tion they came back disheartened and with only a lew cents in their pockets. The members of these bands rarely made much over SI a day? even in the best of times, and with families on their hands little or nothing could be laid by. HISTERY OP A MINISTER. A Missing Preacher Whose Friends Think They Will Find Him. .SFECIAl. TELEGKA1I TO TUX DIBFATCD.1 New Yoke, November 11. The Bev. Charles Hudson Smith, the missing pastor of the Pilgrim Congregational Church, of Dorchester, Mass., is believed to be in this city. He sent a dispatch to his brother-in-law, the Bev. F. Campbell, of Boxbury, Saturday, saying: "I am here. Wait let ter." Mr. Campbell hurried to New York at once, and hunted for the missing man. He returned to Boston, but found no letter from Mr. Smith. This morning the refer ence to a letter was explained by the arrival in Boston of Mr. Smith's derby hat, over coat, suit of clothes complete, gold watch, and 80 cents in money. These had been found in the stateroom of the steamboat Puritan, of the Fall Kiver Line, for Bos ton, on her arrival at Fall River, Sunday morning. They lay neatly folded on the lower berth, and on them was his ticket and a letter addressed to Mr. Campbell. The first impression was that Mr. Smith had jumped overboard on Saturday night His relatives, however, are loth to give up hope. UNCLE BAM'S I0UNGEST. President Harrison Signs the Proclamation Making; Washington a State. Washington, November 11. Secretary Blaine to-day telegraphed the Territorial and State Governor or Washington that the President signed the proclamation declar ing the Territory to be a State in the Union at 6 o'clock and 27 minutes this afternoon. The proclamation, alter reoiting the pro visions of the act creating the new State, and the result of the election to ratify the Constitution, goes on to state: L Benjamin Harrison. President of the United States of America, do, in accordance with the provisions of the act of Coneress aforesaid, de clare and proclaim tho fact that the conditions imposed by Congress on the Statcof Washing ton to entitle that State to admission to tbe Union, have been ratified and accepted, and that the admission of the said State Into the Union is now complete. In testimony thereof, I bare hereunto set my band and' caused the seal of tbe United States to be affixed. PITTSBUBG, TUESDAY, HINTS OF.DAM PLOTS' I"" -" ' Plentiful Enough in Testimony Brought Oat in the Gronin Case. MYSTERIES OF THE IOER CIRCLE Knowingly Alluded to by Beggs Speaking of the Murder. While THE DOCTOR'S CLOTHES IDENTIFIED And "a Strugs Message Eecelrea Telling Where His Watch May be Found. Testimony damaging to Beggs, Kunze and Burke was brought out in the Cronin trial yesterday Kunze is proven .to have sailed under a false name. A tinsmith identified a mysterious tin box which Burke brought to him to solder. A strange message that may have an important bearing on the case was found at a Wisconsin hotel Chicago, November 11. Miss Alice .Johnson, an attendant in Belfield's office, was the first witness called in the Cronin case this morning. She testified to having seen Captain Schaak come into the doctor s office some time in May last and lay a pack age on Dr. Belfield's desk. No one touched the package until Dr: Belfield came in and took possession of it The contents of the package were, though not brought out by Miss Johnson's testimony, the samples of cotton, blood-stained chips and hair. The 'witness was not impeached' on the cross-examination. Henry Buchbolz, a saloon keeper at 2806 'Cottage Grove avenue, was the next wit ness. He knew John Kunxe. Kunze boarded at his place from April 14 up to the time of his arrest While at his place Kunze was known as John Kaiser. The de fense objected to Buchholz'a evidence be cause his name was not given them until, this morning. The court overruled the ob jection, but permitted the defense to post pone their cross-examination. KUNZE UNDEB AIT ALIAS. Charles Herkimer, a tailor, also testified that be knew Kunze under the name of Kaiser. Joseph Peotowski, a brewer, was another witness. He knew Kunze last April as Kaiser. John P. Dunn, a plumber, testified that in the early part ot April he saw Kunze and Coughlin in Cameron's saloon, on Lincoln avenue. Kunze called the witness up and introduced Coughlin as a good friend of his, adding that Coughlin would do anything lor mm (iumzej that ne conld. Saloonkeeper Frank S. Washburn testi fied that Kunze and O'Snllivan were in his saloou between the 12th and 20th of April, and Kunze said he was going to bny a horse from O'Sullivan and pretend to pay a big price for it so as to get some spending money from his guardian. Gus Klahre, the tiuner, testified that on the Monday morning after tbe murder Burke came to the shop where he worked and had a galvanized iron box soldered; it was about 14 by 26 inches. BTJBKE CALLED CBONIN A SPZ. The witness continued: "We got to talk ing about this case here, as I read it in the paper Sunday morning, and he said that Dr. Cronin was a British spy. and ought to be killed." v Before soldering the box he had to scrape the lid to remove sand from it He tried .to cut threbrd; but SBurketooif Bid of rETT' arm and said: "For God's sake, 'don t cut it" Witness states that when Burke was bronght back from Winnipeg he visited the jail for the purpose of identilying him, and that the prisoner muttered something offen sive, as if he meant him. Klahre's story was not shaken on cross-examination. He was certain of the identity of the box. While he was testifying Burke laughed de risively at him. Michael Walsh, a gasfitter, testified that he was nt one time a member of Camp 20, of the Clan-na-Gael. In the latter part of April the. witness was at work in Joliet While there, about May 9, he saw Martin Burke; THEZ BOOMED TOGETHER until both returned to Chicago, May 18. Burke worked one day while there, for which he was paid $1 60. The witness saw BurKe receive a letter. The State's Attor ney endeavored, but without success, to elicit the statement from Walsh that this letter contained a money order. The wish of the State's Attorney, he explained, was to show that Bnrke was without money of his own, but that shortly afterward he was in "Winnipeg with plenty of money, with a ticket for Europe, and with able counsel to fight his extradition. Joseph O'Byrne, Senior Guardian of a Cronin Camp ot the Clan-na-Gael, was then recalled. He said that on the Tuesday fol lowing Dr. Cronin's disappearance he and Maurice Morris met John F. Beggs, one of the prisoners at the bar, and had a talk with him. The examination proceeded as fol lows: ABOUT THE INNEB CIBCLE. Will you state to tho jury what that conversa tion was, how it began, and all about it 7 Well, I asked John F. Beggs what wo wore going to do with reference to the disappear ance of Br. Cronin. I told him I thought it was time that be shonld call a council together to see if we could not do something. These were the exact words. Well, he said he thought that the doctor would turn up all right; that there was plenty of time to do the work. That was about tho conversation. Then what was said bv you t Morris made some reply that he thought Dr. Cronin was dead, and John F. Bezcs turned around and said to him that be didn't know what he wa3 talking about; that he didn't be long to the inner circle, and that we knew what we were talking about Who did he refer to as "we T" Well, that is a matter that I cannot under stand. Dennis ward came np at that time, and he stated that he thought the fellow would come out ail right; that he had run away with some woman. Dr. John F. Williams was tbe next witness. Hetestihed that he had been called to attend Patrick O'Sullivan at various times during two or three years until a jear ago. Maurice Morris. A EBIEND OP DB. CBONIN, was called and testified that shortly after the disappearanoe of Dr. Cronin he was talking with Dennis Ward in the presence of defend ant Beggs about tbe case. Bald be: "Mr. Ward and I were talking about the disappear ance of Dr. Cronin, and Ward made use ot tbe remark, that the fellow had cone oil on a spree with a woman, and will turn up all right' I pot mad at bis speaking so disrespectfully of tbe doctor, and said somewhat emphatically: "ne was murucrcu, am vj peopiein mis city. Beggs said: "You are not posted. We aro In tbe inner circle and know what we are talk ing about" Did you know anything about an inner clrclfi 1" 1 have beard a good deal of it I have heard John Devoy speak ot lr. What havo you heard referred to as tbe Inner Circle? I mean that the L M. B., before they nnited with tbe O. B., belonged to the Inner Circle. At this point a long wrangle ensned over the admissibility of tbe evidence. It had been drawn out lareeiy on cross-examination by Mr. Foster, counsel for Beggs,-who was willing that it shonld remain in the record; bat Mr. For rest, representing the other defendants, ob jected to it as hearsay and inadmissible. The Court finally decided to hold the matter under advisement Michael Gilbert, sewer cleaner, was tbe next witness. He described in detail the finding of Dr. Cronin's clothes, his hoi of splints and his medical case, while cleaning a sewer in Lake Mew on Fiidaylast, The articles mentioned were then bronght into court and the witness identified them as tbe ones found by him and his assistants. aioKRis' TESimomr stbickbh out. At this point Judge .McConnell decided that the testimony of Maurice Morris, about the NOVEMBER i2, 1889. Inner Circle, be stricken outso far as it applies to any of the defendants, except Begzs. Mr. Foster, counsel for Beggs, wanted It under stood that if this evidence were allowedto stand as to bis client he would ask the privil ege of Introducing evidence to show that there is no such thing as an 'Inner circle." Police Captain Schuettler testified that he took possession of the clothes after the Chief of Police had examined them, and had re tained possession of them since that time, and until they were brought to the State's At torney's office for production in court Mrs. Conkllng, at whose house Br. Cronin lived, was called, and identified the clothes as those worn by Dr. Cronin on the night when he left her house for the last time. She also identified the other articles, including the box of splints and the case of surgical instruments, as having been taken by Dr. Cronin on that oc casion. The articles were then put In evidence. The court then adjourned till to-morrow. HAKDWBITIKG OH THE WALL. A telegram from Milwaukee states that the following was found written on the wall at the Central Hotel in Bipon, Wis., on Sunday morning: P. H. Cronin, M.D.: His watch will be found at 371 Bouth Clark street, third floor, room No. 11. 113x810x40. A stranger who did not register was at the hotel Saturday, leaving on the evening train, and the landlord thinks the writing was done by this man. Inquiry elicited the fact the Chicago address given is that of a Hebrew pawnshop in a squalid quarter. The rooms of the building are furnished and rented to tenants. The other occupants of the building Bay Boom 11 has been occu pied by two rajterious men, of whom they know nothing. The information was com municated to State's Attorney Longenecker in the courtroom, and detectives were dis patched to mako a thorough investigation of the tenants of the building. ' LAWIEE8 FIGHTING MAD. Counsel In tbe Cronin Case Call Each Other Liars. Chicago, November lL Along wrangle took place between counsel after the Cronin trial adjourned, as to the disposition of the articles submitted in evidence. Mr. Forrest insisted strongly that they should be'loft in the hands of some officer whose interests and inclinations were not inimical to the interests of the defense. In short, as he frankly stated, some officer or person other than Police Captain Schuettler. The dis cussion was confined virtually to Mr. For rest and Mr. Hynes. During the progress of the wordy war Hynes called Forrest a liar and a jury briber. The situation was becoming de cidedly interesting and the lawyers very much infuriated when Judge McConnell interfered and stopped the quarrel. WINNIPEG WITNESSES COMING. Prisoners Who Will Swear Bartto Made Sensational Statements to Them. ISrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE D IS PATCH. 1 Chicago, November 11. The Winnipeg contingent of officers and prisoners, who are to turn a broadside upon Burke, will arrive here to-night It is said Chief McEae is not in the party. The principal witnesses are two prisoners who will swear that Burke made sensational statements to them while he was in jail at Winnipeg, TEUSTS NOT TO BE TOLERATED. The Ami-Combination Law of Missouri Will be Strictly Enforced. I6FECIAL TELEQEAM TO THE DISrATCH.1 St. Louis, November 11. There is just now a great deal of uneasiness among the officials of corporations, the stock of which has been merged into trust organizations, or which have become bound by pool or other combination agreements, in reference to the enforcement of the anti-trust law passed at the recent session of the State Legislature. The enforcement of the law is -placed in the bands of the prosecuting attorneys and the Attorney General. The Secretary of State is required to address all corporations incor porated under the laws of Missouri, and is directed to revoke the charters of those fail ing to make reply under oath, after a given time, to his inquiries. To-day tbe Secretary of State issued an ultimatum to all corporations, requesting them to comply with the law on or before November 14, or their charters, would be revoked. CAUGHT BY A CHINAMAN. A Connecticut Girl Becomes the Bride of an Edacated Colestlal, J SPECIAL TSXXOBASl 70 THE DISPATCH.1 Habtford, Cokn., November lL Jang Landsing, a native of China residing in Cleveland, was married this afternoon to Miss Nellie H. Sparks, daughterjof Mr. G. W. Sparks, of Vernon, Conn. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride by the Bev. Joseph H. Twitchell, of Hart lord. The Hon.Yung Wing was among the guests. The groom came to this country in 1876 to the Chinese Government School in this city. After the recall of the mission he remained in the service of the Chinese Gov ernment as lieutenant in the navy. He returned to this country, and was graduated from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1887. Since then he has been employed bv the Pratt & Whitney Com pany, of Hartford. He has recently ac cepted a place with the Brush Electric Light Company, of Cleveland. THE! JOUGHT WITH POCKET KNIYES. Brothcrs-In-Lnw Ensjaco In a Bloody Duel and One is Fatally Stabbed. BlooSiington, III., November 11. Last evening at 6:30 o'clock there was fought a fearful duel with pocket knives between Charles Bolton and Alexander Kerr, two farmers of South Downs, this connty. The men are brothers-in-law and have been at enmity for some time because of a finanoial dispute. The quarrel was renewed last night and both men drew knives and began to slash each other. Kerr was badly cnt about the abdomen. Bolton walked away leaving Kerr in the road, where he was found and taken to a farmhouse. His injuries are undonbtedly fatal. 0NLI FORAKER LEFT 0DT. All tbe Best of the Ohio Eepubllcan Ticket Elected. Columbus, November 11. The official returns irom 60 counties, received at the Secretary of State's office, and the other 28 on telegrams from the officials of the counties, indicate that that the' plurality of Lampson, Bepublican for Lientenant Governor, will be 131. These figures will not vary much from the final result The Bepublicans elect all the State ticket, except Governor. B0ULAXGEK AGAIN HEARD FROM. Ho Issues Another Manifesto Addressed to tbe People of France. LoNDON.Novemberll. General Boulan ger has issued from the Isle of Jersey a fresh manifesto to the people of France. In it he declares that revision has only been post poned, and that the revision was never more certain of ultimate accomplishment. An Upholstery Firm Asslsas. Philadelphia, November 11. The upholstery firm of Dell and Joseph O. Noblit has assigned. The liabilities are thought to be between $100,000 and $200, 000. .The stock on hand is valued at more than the amount of liabilities. CLERGY MP LAITY. Cardinal Gibbons, in a Powerful Speech, Urges Ihe Necessity for A CLOSER UHION OP THE TWO. Delegates Warmly Welcomed to Baltimore and the Congress Organized. DANIEL DOUGHERTY TALKS POLITICS, And Sajj Catholics Art Proscribed Became of Their Boligious Views, Eloquent addresses were delivered to the delegates to the Catholic Congress at Balti more yesterday by Cardinal Gibbons, Dan iel Dougherty and others. Ex-Governor Carroll, of Maryland, was chosen Chairman of the organization. Baltimobe, November 11. Two re markable utterances, each by a remarkable man, thrilled above all other words the magnificent concourse of the Catholic lay men of America assembled here to-day. It was the first session of the first Catholic lay congress on the soil of the United States; and more unlike appearing men than the two leading speakers conld probably no where be found. The pair were Daniel Dougherty, of New York, ahd the Cardinal Archbishop of Bal timore. Cardinal Gibbons' address was in the nature of an informal incident of the proceedings, yet its importance and signifi cance was manifest to every listener. Stand ing in his shining robes of offices before the congress, his frail figure was lost sight of in gazipg at his almost inspired-looking face. Beginning in a manner thoroughly offhand, he proceeded to speak as follows: ' the lesson op toe congress. Gentlemen In the midst of such an array of eloquence I am sorry to interrupt tbe pro. ceedlngs even for a single moment but in my own name and in the name of the Catholic clergy and laity of the archdiocese of Balti moreand I may venture to add also in the name of tbe entire community, without regard to faith or creed I tender to you all a most cordial welcome to the city of Baltimore. Although the time Is short I hone that this congress win not be held in vain. It will teach us many lessons. It will be ot service to all ot us as a school of Information, and prepare us for holding a. more elaborate convention at some future day. Applause. And, gentle men, it serves another good purpose. It em phasizes and vindicates tbe important fact that the laity have the right and have also the duty, of co-operatine with the clergy In every measure, affectinjr the interests of society, of the country, and the cburcb at large. And for my part I must say that I have bad for a long time at heart a desire to see the laity and the clergy come more closely together. Ap plause. THE BLESSINGS OP TTNIOIT. I think that in some respects they havo been too far and too wide apart, and if the clergy are, as they always will be, the divinely con stituted organization for preaching the word of God to the faithful the organs of faith and morals then on their part the clergy have very much to learn from tbe laity, from the wisdom and discussion, from the experience and above all, from the worldly knowledge of the Catholic laity of this country. Applause. And it seems to me that there Is no country on the face of the earth where tbe clergy and laity should be more united and should more correspond and. cooperate with one another than In tbese United States. In union their Is strength in physical order and in the social and in,tbe moral. Y A drop qf water is powerless by itself, but let those drops of water be multiplied a million fold and they became the vast and mighty Mis sissippi, bearing upon its bosom tbe treasures of the prairies of the West. A single thread is very weak indeed in Itself, but let many threads be joined together and they become a power ful cable, capable of sustaining tho strongest vessels. In like manner; gentlemen, by your co-oneratinsr union, bv tout organization, toii will become A TOWER OP STRENGTH in this country, you will.tecomefa great power.a great vital force ana, thanks be to God, you will become a power, not unto destruction but unto edification. Applause. You will become a strong power; not like Samson, to pull down the walls of ourpolitical ConstitutIon,buttosus tain and to uphold and to build them up. Gentlemen, once more I bid you a hearty welcome, and I pray to Almighty God. the source of all light that your deliberations may be marked by that liberty and Independence which characterizes freemen; that your delib erations may be all marked by tbe wisdom and discretion and political Knoweledge so charac teristic of the Catholic community In these United States. In almost startling contrast with the deli cate physical appearance of the Cardinal was the athletic, plainly attired but no less polished Dougherty. He preceded his speech with interesting details of the work of organizing the congress. His speech was an able one, dwelling on the growth and influence of the Church, reciting the DEEDS OP PEESEOUTION practiced against Catholics at various times iu the world's history, and the noble work of the early priests in America. Tonching on political subjects, he asserted that Cath olics had been proscribed at the ballot box in the-United States and that the highest honors were denied to those of this creed be cause of a prejudice that has all the force ot a constitutional enactment Preceding these addresses the 1,200 dele gates had been called to order and formally organized. Ex-Governor John Lee CarroU, was chosen Chairman. Committees were ap pointed and Mr. Carroll welcomed the dele gates to Maryland. The regular work of the congress began bv the reading of the first paper, "Catholic Congresses," by the historian, John Gil mary Shea, of New YorK. Mr. Shea's in firmities prevented his reading being heard by the delegates, and no discussion of the paper was possible. THE HOLT SEE TVBONGED. The neit paper was one by Major Henry I". Brownson, of Detroit, "Lay Action in the Chnrch." Next Charles J, Bonaparte eloquently discussed "The Independence of the Holy See." In the course of his re marks he said: Catholics do less than their duty if they fall to say, and to say so loudly and plainly, that no one can even pretend to mistake their meaning that the Holy See has been and is gravely wronged; that against this wrong they temper ately and firmly protest and will protest as long as it remains' nnricbted: that while the freedom of the Holy See Is in jeopardy the Church is not at peace; and that the Sovereign Pontiff, in vindicating this freedom, not as a privilege to be given or withheld by any earthly power, Tut as an inalienable richt embraced in his dinne commission, has, and ever will have, tbo unwavering support of all his spiritual children. And for the Catholics of America I say this now and here. In the course of Mr. Bonaparte's address great cheering was elicited by the declara tion: "Whether the Pope be an exile or a captive, a subject he cannot be." The congress then adjonrned until to morrow. A GEAND BECEPTION. Crowds of Visitors Throng the Convention Hall Brilliant Illuminations and BeantUnl Decorations Objects of tbe Congress. Baltimobe, November H. To-night a great reception, tendered to the visiting prelates and other distinguished persons, was in progress in the hall occupied by the congress to-day. The city was beautifully illuminated during the reception, particu larly Cardinal Gibbons' residence and the homes of Catholic laity on every quarter. The cathedral seemed outside a blase of eleekie lights, while the interior was di- ti . r In Ti ant with Ml Jintrn nm Tfimr Tn rrownvfjo -jr 7 n jffi5fWV '"fm mij'i beacon fires were lighted on the eminenc: in me ouuytng districts so that it migns oc almost fancied that the glare met in the heavens over the citw An immense crowd thronged the reception hall. A speech was being delivered by Congressman Boberts when two Indians stepped forward and silently kissed the Archepiscopal ring on the hand of Cardinal Gibbons. The Inditns were both Catholics Chief Joseph, of the Plat Heads, of Mon tana, and Chief White Bird, of the Sioux, of Dakota. They were given seats of honor, close beside the Cardinal. Archbishop Elder replied to the address of welcome. The most extraordinary scene of the even ing came at the conclusion ot the reception when the prelates headed by the Cardinal made the circuit of tbe hall shaking hands with the people right and left in the narrow passage cleared for them by stalwart arms. The display of enthusiastic devotion by the crowds was probably never equaled in this country. While all this was going on, the incoming trains were bringing hundreds of additional visitors to the city for the torchlight parade of to-morrow nieht At the hotels rooms were not to be had for love or money. A notable event was also in progress at Loyola College. It was the formation of a National Alumni Association from all the Jesuit Colleges in the United States. The resolutions which the committee of the Congress of Laymen approved late to night, to be submitted to the convention to morrow, are understood to be strictly "con fined to topics pertinent to the announced objects of the congress, as follows: Devotion of Catholics to the Constitution and laws of the land; necessity of the lnde penaence oi toe juoiy see: uamoiic education for Catholics Christian schools for a Christian people; duty of supporting Catholic journals and encouraging in every way the wider diffu sion of Catholic literature: rights of Catholics to liberty of conscience and freedom of relig ious worship in the army and navy and In all public ana quasi-public institutions; the wisdom of encouraging emigration to tbe land and the settlement by Catholics in proximity to churches and school or to settle in sufficient numbers together so as to provide tbe one and the other: importance of Catholic societies beinz organized on a religious and not on a race or national basis; sympathy with the cause of temperance and decent observ ance of Sunday; and finally the rights of labor and duties of capital. The committee appointed to call on Fres dent Harrison received a reply to night that he would receive them to-morrow-morning at 10:45, A .CATHOLIC COKTINEKT, Tbe Proposition of Bishop Ireland for Amer ica Arouses Considerable Interest Why the Repablle la Liked by the Great Chores. rSPICIAI. 1XLIGBAM TO TUX DISrATCltl Baltimobe, November 11. Bishop Ire land's pronounced views, as enunciated in nis sermon, to the Catholic congress, have aroused a de cided interest among non-Catholics. Once before, during the ses sion of the Plenary Council, while ad dressing a Catholio meeting here, he inti mated that it was the duty of the church to soatter,its seeds throughout the land, with, the ultimate Bishop frelani. view of bringing Catholicism into every household; but last nigfit he said, without reserve or equivocation, that it was the in tention or the Church to make America Catholic. To use hfrfown words-j ' Let re state, as I conceive it, the great work which in God's providence the Catholics of tbe United States are called to do within tbe coming century. It Is twofold: To make America, Catholic, and to solve- for the Church universal tbe all-absorbing problem with which the age confronts her. I doubt If ever, before that century, the dawn of which was the glim mer from Eastern star, there was prepared for Catholics of any nation of tbe earth, a work so grandly noble in its nature, and pregnant with such mighty consequences. The work fives tbe measure of our responsi bility; and again, the importance of the posses sion of America to the cause of religion can not weU be overestimated. It Is a Providential nation. How youthful, and yet ho w great; bow rich in glorious promise. A hundred years eo the States exceeded but little the third million in population. To-day they approacn ue sixty fifth million, and streams of Immigration from the lands ot the earth are turned toward us. There is manifestly much of value in our soU and air, in onr social and political tnsUtxU Mods, that the world's throngs are drawn to us. Tha conntrv is one that must crowand prosper. The influence of America is widespread amonernations.no less in the solution of social and political problems than tn the development of Industry and commerce. The Church tri umphant in America, Catholic truth will travel on tbe wings of American influence, and with, it encircle the universe. There was nothing in the address that re flected in the slightest upon any other de nomination, and the tone throughout was more conciliatory than otherwise; neverthe less, coming from 'leading churchman, and in the presence of all the dignitaries of the Church in this country, and representa-tives-from abroad. Bishop Ireland's utter ances are regarded as significant, and have caused no little comment It is very pro bable that representatives of the Protestant clergy will make reply. HARRIED A SIG FREAK. Barnum's Former Giant Weds a Rather 6mnll Ohio Woman. rSFXCXAL TXUCOBAX TO TUB SISPATCS.1 Spbinopield, O., November 11. Cap tain M. Y. Bates, well known all over the country as the "Kentucky Giant," and one of the attractions once exhibited by P. T. Barnum, was married yesterday at Troy, near here, by Bev. John Weinhein to Hiss A. Lavenne Weatherby, daughter of Ber. John Weatherby. The bride is noted for her charms of person and or manner, and is a Christian worker and accomplished lady. She is an excellent musician, a soprano singer of more than local fame, and at the time of her marriage was leader of the choir of the First Baptist Church of Troy. She is 30 years of age, about 5 feet 7 inches in height and weighs'about 120 pounds. Captain Bates, the groom, is about 44, years of age, 7 feet 8 inches in height and weighs about 400 pounds. For a man of his proportions he is not uncomely and is a Christian gentleman and a fine scholar. He is the owner of several fine farms in Medina county, and is principally engaged in rais ing fine stock. He .was a widower. His former wife, a giantess, died a few years ago. Tbe marriage has caused quite a sen- 'sation here. WASAMAEEP. NO MUGWUMP. He Is Opposed to Civil Service Refers, asd Openly Says So. HTXCTAX, TXXXOBAX TO TIES EISTATCH.J Washington, November 11. Postmas ter General Wanamaker is the latest ad ministration official to announce himself as opposed to civil service reform. During the recent conference of postmasters of leading cities. Mr. Wanamaker declared: I am not a Mugwump, In any sense of the word, gentlemen, out a dy ed-ln-the-wool Repub lican, and I propose to benefit the postal service by every means that lies In ray power. Still, politics win have no effect in determining my course, but I want to say to you. Democrats and 10. Republicans alike, that there la necessity for a radical reform in the railway mall services. It matters not to mo If a man can talk all day about cube and square foot, theorems, and geometry, ana ciimatie enects in Ainca or Asia, solons as be does not thoroughly know tbe section of country through which bis postal car may be running. I would soonor bave a postal clerk who knows every nook and corner la bis district, than seae theorist who could tell ail about sones and geographical centers re sets frees fete own. coatrr. aa4 I shall reeess- nsaaioueasresssaacsswsvH sstusa Jbsstv!9s9bs JPQ jBV"BBSKBsn0st IrV IIbSSSBBF VBSBSfSjlsSVwi t "i' j3s9 tdPM&tkmZt- Jr ' ABTKKTISS rear baslaessls THE SIS ' PATCH. Prosspt rotarM BsaaroaV WANTS are always promptly mmiikil ( when advertised la THE DISPATCH. Estate can be told .threagB adrer- THE DISPATCH. THREE CENTS TH IN A MOMENT ithont Warning fo Three a Philadelphia Factory; FOUETfl LIS6EES H AG05Y IKBA A !?? I SiM-JHtra , aaist Taffiff A And BUil Two Others AreSeTexrij.ifffbW.I! Dangerously, Injured. r 71' YICT1HS OF A MYSTERIOUS BXPLOBIOI&I it Flua Imiu Ma Cause of a Sionlar AeddtA'ix'il'l tie QnaierQty. '' Three men were instantly killed, a fourthf j fatally injured, and two others badly ho by an explosion in & chemical faetoryMa'fij Philadelphia yesterday afternoon. Thoe cause of the explosion is not understood. rSPXCIAX TXLXOBAX TO THB DISTATCS.t Philadelphia, November 11. An ex-it plosion of flash powder occurred this after-?'-;? noon in the basement of the chemical manu-S facturing establishment of Wiley &WalX ..m, . -.,w,u. MCVUlUt BUCCt, fcllllH U1X6BM men ana latauy injuring a fourth. Thas killed arer r-V JOSEPH WILEY. S3 years ld, 723 North! Twenty-sixth street, senior member otjfthof nrm. BUDOLPH LIPPMAIi, 19 years oldLFlH teenth and Taster streets, assistant intc"31 store. B CHARLES RE1NDOLER, 29 years old,aj Aieoanon street, foreman of the manufacture In? denartmone. J The injured are: v WILLIAM KIDD, 21 years old, 621 FllbSI? street, assistant in tbe chemical department;? fatally cut abont the face and body. !3Er ALVRED MOPFITT. 769 Bonth NintMrtrStS engineer in the manufactory: badly cut abousf the face. miM THOMAS HASLAM, bookkeeper; cut abonttj uio umu uj ujmg glass. A MYSTEBI0U3 EXPLOSION How the explosion occurred no one canjj tell. It was a lew minutes before 4 o'clock! when the neighborhood of Fourth, and, Arch streets was startled bv a terrific emlo'sioSf followed by the sound of falling glassandl ub liuicu anu cries oi ingnieneu WomeBJl Pedestrians stopped and wondered whersl the noise came from, while the occapantsTofj the buildings surrounding that of WHeyt&J Wallace rushed pell-mell into the streets The front windows of the chemical manual factory crashed, and a huge voloraa.df smoke came pouring up from the entrance! to tbe cellar. "tSlF As the noise of the explosion died 'awayi uvwjwecycrui me rnemicn i maaniactorygi jLuuuiaa xuuiiUH, rusuea out oi me aoorway uiceuiug irom. severe cuts maue Dynyloa glass, and ran into the drugstore at Seventh and Arch streets. The other emnlovesba the first floor quickly followed, and ran into! tne street, jls soon as they recovered froaal tneir irignt, accompanied by the poiicesaa;! me riuneu into tne ceuar. FINDING THE VICTIMS. Moffitt, who was in the front part oritsW cellar at the time ot the explosJod.waa jured. Officer Murray rang for the ptret wagon, and while awaiting iia arrival Kidd informed the police of the three uniorHP nate men in the rear portion of the cells? The body of Lippman was found eruasnst against the wall, horribly mutilMedlSi cut A few feet away was the dead bedyoC Beindoler, also mutilated, the skfa,brB4 oiacK ana tne canning torn jn-ahre!., 3 UUO U: O05CTKJ. MUCy W3I SOI Wt other-two sniortnnate menand ferjj time it could not be found. A setvreb: 1 ever, revealed the horribly mntilated'ootysj ui uiv juaaiuacfcorcr, tignuy weugeeir'lBrla, barrel. The body was entirely nudeJt&a clothing of the dead man having bee mown completely irom his body. Juw was found, near the center ot the cellaFalsl was sent to the Pennsylvania Hospital SOMETHING 07 THE EXPLOSIONS How the explosion occurred Is not faUyj unuenwou. jut. r uey ana tne otner mwj unfortunate men went down early iajke aiternoon into tne enemicai department; where the flash powder is mannfaetnrwi.' The powder is used for taking instantaneoM photographs, and is very explosive. An near as can bo learned, Mr. Wiley, abeat 3:50 o'clock, approached the sink", cirryiae; in nis nana a can oi tnepowaer. .tie De- rn txrarin? the explosive into the sink! which contained some water, when suddenly a loud report rung out, which shook thqeV uib uuuuiag sua oran au oi me gun in uio aujoiuiag uuuuiogs. Afc is sapposeci tnat wnen tne powaer reacnea tne water tM friction caused the explosion. BESATOR PAINE DEFE3DE0 Hon. George L. Converse Chaasplsss ' ssiltj Caase of Sbertaan's Cslleas, lirXCUX, TXUM&Uf TO TUX DtaTATCH.in Columbus, O., November 11. Tsa Dispatch correspondent called this eve ing at the residence of Hon. George L. Coa verse, to interview him on the questions me umo ocniiwrsiup. jae sueu uanjuy that he is not a candidate, and that his'pw fession demanded all of his time and attss- tion. "Whom do you favor for the .peat tion?" asked the correspondent Mr.iCiH verse replied that "he should not taka'asrr part between tne gentlemen wno nave.beast mentioned, but he could see many reasons? for the re-election ot Senator Payne. .Thai gentleman and his mends have bee greatly scandalized by charges that his teat in the United States Senate was purchased with money. A re-election by another Legislature would refute the charges and leave his nme to history unstainedrby slander, une uemocratio party or uni has an interest in the character andgooi name of its leading men. and Henry B.' Payne for more than half a century has- been recognized as one or tne Kronen leaders of our party in this State. Th character of the party itself is made up of the character or its puouo men. 'j "Besides, the Democratic partv itself t slandered by the charge. Are-electldajtai the Senate would be a vindication, of belH Senator Pavne and his friends andJtM Democratic party in that respect. I do not forget that Senator Payne has expressed.'' inclination not to serve another termIi he should be of that opinion one year frem the coming winter, he conld, if he so'oV sired, decline the office, and, the same Lefrtsv lature wouia tnen elect nis successor. At)tj highly probable that new and imports publio questions will arise tor tbe conaidjes ation ana action ot tne uemocrauo psvqr dnring We year, wnicn mignt very proeT, sUieCsJ UiO BC1CWMUU W AaA aju m I -UP a, !.-. ..Uil. a V. TJawfla'a --- or." BOI 1IKELT TO BE A CHAHGIj la the Present Intention la the Je Glass Workers'Castr rsriciAL. TXLXOBAX TO TUX histatcslvj Washinoton, November 1L AMen5f General Miller said to the eorrespoadeatVtl Tss Dispatch to-day that he hMf quite concluded his examination of tfci essa of the Jeannette glass blowers, who atVii leeed to have been imported under ooafiiStl but would probably give Ills opinio wfrsi two or three aayi. - Though the Attorney General woU Indicate the nature of his lmnress5ons:'ft what has been learned elsewhere it I7m likely that he will have any opinkn visiHyi Ginerent irom tnat oi we oeiMiter M&Ibmi Treasury, wit whieh k ke liiiUssssiJ agreed so far, awt !, basis , stu ist wre iiima v i- 'm - n '4 , 1 TV, , - , i? 4 PHHMHsK