i 37 L. & THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, MOimT'FOYBMBEE.r 11$ -108ft; ,? KllGE IS IN EOME. it iBrootlj n's Divine, Like Paul, Sees 'and Talks of the Eternal City. fHOW MUCH A VISIT TO IT MEANS. fXntiquities That Were Old Before the Birth TP or tne azirene. IfAS AID IN APPRECIATING THE APOSTLE. rEFECIAI. TO THE DISPATCH.! ItosiE, November 10. The Kev. T.JJe p""Witt Talmage, D. T., Mrs. Talmage and Miss Talmage, with Mr. and Mrs. .Louis Klopsch, arrived in this city last evening. "To-day the great Brooklyn divine preached to a large congregation from the text, Acts " six, 21: "I must also see Konie." A full report of the sermon follows: Here is Paul's itinerary. He was a trav eling or circuit preacher. He had been mobbed and insulted, and the more good he did the worse the world treated him. But he went right on. 2Tow he proposes,to go to Jerusalem, and says: "After that I must also see Borne." "Why did he want to "visit this wonderful city in which I am to-day permitted to stand? "To preach the gospel," you answer. No doubt of it, but there were other reasons why be wanted to see Borne. A man of Paul's intelligence and classic taste had 50 other reasons for wanting to see it. Your Colosseum was at that time in process of erection, and he wanted to see it The Forum was even then an old structure, and the eloquent apostle wanted to see that building in which eloquence had so often thundered and wept. Over the Appian way the triumphal processions had already marched for hundreds of years, and he wanted to see that. The Temple of Saturn was already an antiquity, and he wanted to see that. The architecture of the world re nowned city, he wanted to see that The places associated with the triumphs, the cruelties, the disasters, the wars, the mili tary genius, the poetic and the rhetorical fame of this great city, he wanted to see them. A man like Paul, so many sided, so sympathetic, so emotional, so full oi analogy, could not h?ve been indifferent to the antiquities and the splendors which move every rightly organized human being. And with what thrill of interest he walked these streets, those only who for the hrst time like oursel res enter Rome can imagine. THE TWO FAVOBITE CITIES. If the inhabitants of all Christendom were gathered into one plain, and it were put to them which two cities they would above all others wish to see, the vast major ity of them would vote Jerusalem and Rome. So we can understand something of the record of my text and its surroundings when it says, Paul purposed in the spirit when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia to go to Jerusalem, saying: '"After that I must also see Home." As some of you are aware, with my family and only for the purpose of what we can learn and the good we can get, I am on the way to Palestine. Since leaving Brooklyn, if. 5T., this is the first place we have stopped. In termediate cities are attractive, but we have visited them in other years, and we has tened on. for I said before starting that while I was going to see Jerusalem I must also see Rome. "Why do I want to see it? Because I want, by visiting re gions associated with the great apostle to the Gentiles, to have my faith in Christianity confirmed. There are th-.se who will go through large expen diture to have their faith weakened. In my native land I have known persons of very limited means to pay 0 cents or a dollar to hear a lecturer prove that our Christian re ligion is a myth, a dream, a cheat, a lie. On the contrary, I will give all the thous ands of dollars that this journey of my family will cost to have additional 'evidence that our Christian religion is an authenti cated grandeur, a solemn, a joyous, a rap turous, a stupendous, a magnificent fact So I want to see Rome I want you to show me the places conn-cted with apostolic ministry. I have heard that, in your city and amid its surroundings, apostles suffered and died for Chnst'- sake. My common sense tells me that people do not die for the cake of a falsehood. things men don 't die fob. They may practice a deception for pur poses of gain; but put the sword to their heart, or arrange the halter around their neck, or kindle the fire around their feet, and they would say my life is worth more than anvthing I can gain by losing it I hear you have in this city Paul's dungeon. Show it to me. I must see Rothh nlsn. "While I am interested in this city because of her rulers or her citizens who are mighty in "history for virtue or vice or talents, Ro mulus, aud Caliguli, and Cincinnatus, and Vespasian, and Coriolanus, and Brutus, and a. hundred others whose names are bright with an exceeding brightness, or black with the deepest dye, most of all am I interested in this city because the preacher of Mars Hill, and the defier of Agrippa, and the hero of the shipwrecked vessel in the breakers of Melita, and the man who held higher than anyone that the world ever saw the torch of Resurrection, lived, and preached, and was massacred here. Show me every place connected with his memory. I must also see Rome But my text suggests that in Paul there was the inquisitive and curious spirit Had my text only meant that he wanted to preach here he would have said so. Indeed, in an other place, he declared: "I am ready to preach the Gospel to you who are at Rome also." But my text suggests a sight seeing. This man who had been under Dr. Gamaliel had no lack of phraseology, and was used to saying exactly what he meant, and he said: 'I must also see Rome." There is such a thing as Christian curiosity. Paul had it and some of us have it About other people's business I have no curiosity. A GEEAT CURIOSITY. About all that can confirm my faith in fee Christian religion and the world's salva tion and the soul's future happiness, I am ifull of an all absorbing, all compelling tcuriosity. Paul had a great curiosit v about te the next world, and so have we. I hope some day, by the grace of God, to go over and see for myself: but not now. 2Jo well p, man, do prospered man, J. think, wants to go Piuow. jjm lne ume wlu come, l tninc, ? when I shall go over. 1 want to see what they do there, and 1 want to see how they do it I do not want to be looking through the gates ajar forever. I want them to swing wide open. Tnere are 10,000 things I want expiamec anouc you and about my self, about the government of this world, about God, about everything. "We start in a plain path of what we know, and in a minute come up against a high wall of what we do not know. I wonder how it looks over there. Somebody tells me it is like a paved city paved with gold; and another man tells me it is like a fountain, and it is likea tree, and it is like a triumphal procession; and the next man I meet tells me it is all figurative. I really want to know, after the body is resurrected, what they wear and what they cat; and I have an immeasurable curiosity to know what it is, and how it is, and where it is. Columbus 'risked his life to find the American conti nent, and shall we shudder to go out on a voyage of discovery which shall reveal a vaster and more brilliant country? John Pranklin risked his life to find a passage between icebergs, and shall we dread to find a passage to eternal summer? Men in Switzerland travel V4 the heighU of the Matterhorn with alpenstock, and guides, and rockets, and ropes, and getting half way up, stumble and fall down in a hor rible massacre. They just wanted to say f'they had been ton the tops of those high ;peaw. FBUTTION 'WITHOUT PEBIL. And shall we fear to go out for the ascent i of the eternal hills which start a thousand Jmiles beyond where stop the highest peaks. of the Alps, when in that ascent there is no peril? A man doomed to die stepped on the scaffold, and said in joy: "MSTotr, in ten minutes I will know the great secret" One minute after the vital functions ceased, the little child that died last night knew more than Paul himself before he died. Friends, the exit from this world, or death, if you please to call it to the Christian is glorious explanation. It is demonstration. It is illumination. It is sunburst It is the opening of all the windows. It is shutting up the catechism of doubt and the unrolling of all the scrolls of positive and accurate information. Instead of standing at the foot of the ladder and looking up, it is standing at the top of the ladder and looking down. It is the last mystery taken out of botany and geology and astron omy and theology. Oh, will it not be grand to have all questions answered? The per petually recurring interrogation point changed for the mark oi exclamation. All riddles solved. Who will iear to go out on that discovers, when all the questions are to be decided which we have been discuss ing all our lives? "Who shall not clap his hands in the anticipation of that blessed country, if it be no better than through holy curiosity? As this Paul of my text did not suppress his curiosity, we need not suppress ours. Tee, I have an unlimited curiosity about all religious things, and as this city of Rome was so intimately connected with apostolic times, the incidents of which em phasize and explain and augment the Chris tian religion, you will not take it as an evi dence of a prying spirit, but as the outburst lng of a Christian curiosity when I say I must also see Rome. MONUMENTS of the centueies. Our desire to visit this city is also intensi fied by the fact that we want to be confirmed in the feeling that human life is brief, but its work lasts for centuries, indeed forever. Therefore, snow us the antiquities of old Rome, about which we have been reading for a lifetime, but never seen. In our be loved America, we have no antiquities. A church 80 years old overawes us with its age. We nave in America some cathedrals hundreds and thousands of years old, but they are in Yellowstone Park, or California canon, and their architecture and masonry were by the omnipotent God. We want to see the buildings, or ruins of old buildings, that were erected hundreds and thousands of years ago bv human hands. They lived 40 or 70 years, but the arches they lilted, the paintings they penciled, the sculpture they chueled,the roads they laid out, I understand, are yet to be seen, and we want you to show them to us. I can hardly wait until Mon day morning. I must also see Rome. We want to be impressed with the fact that what men do on a small scale or large scale lasts a thousand years, lasts forever, that we build for eternity and that we do so in a very short space of time. God is the only old living presence. But it is an old age with out any of the infirmities or limitations of old age. There is a passage of Scripture which speaks of the birth of the mountains, tor there was a time when the Andes were born, and the Pyrenees were born, and the Sierra Kevadas were born, but before the birth of those mountains the Bible tells us, God was born, aye was never born at all, because he always existed. Psalm xc, 2: "Beiore the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God." GBAND BY COMPARISON. How short is human life, what antiqnity attaches to its worth! How everlasting is God! Show us the antiquities, the things that were old when America was discovered, old when Paul went up and down these streets sight-seeing, old when Christ was born. I must, I must also see Romel Another reason for our visit to this city is that we want to see the places where the mightiest intellects and the greatest natures wrought for our Christian religion. We have been told in America by some people of swollen heads that the Christian religion is a pusillanimous thing, good for children under 7 years of age and small brained peo ple, but not for the intelligent and swarthy minded. We have heard of your Constan tine the mighty, who pointed his army to the cross, saying: "By this conquer.' If there be anything here connected with his reign or his military history, show it to us. The mightiest intellect oi the ages was the author of my text, and, if for the Christian religion he was willing to labor and suffer and die, there must be something exalted and sublime and tremendous in it; and show me every place he visited, and show me if you can where he was tried, and which of your roads leads out to Ostia, that I may see where he wentout to die. We ex pect before we finish this journevtosee Lake Galilee and the places where Simon Peter and Andrew fished, and perhaps we may drop a net or a hook and line into those waters ourselves, but when following the track of those lesser apostles I will learn quite another lesson. I want while in this city of Rome to study the religion of the brainest of the apostles. I want to follow, as far as we can trace it, the track of this great intellect of my text who wanted to see Rome also. WHY HE "WOULD IMITATE PAUL. He was a logician, he was a metaphysi cian, he was an all-conquering orator he was a poet of the highest type. He had a nature that could swamp the leading men of his own day, and. hurled against the Sanhedrim, he made it tremble. He learned all he could get in the school of his native village, then he had gone to a higher school and there had mastered the Greek and the Hebrew and perfected himself in belles lettres, until, in after years, he astounded the Cretans and the Corinthians, and the Athenians, by quotations from their own authors. I h'ave never fonnd anything in Carlyle, or Goethe, or Herbert Spencer that could compare in strength or beauty with Paul's epistles. I do not think there is anvthing in the writings of Sir William Hamilton that shows such mental discipline as you find in Paul's argument about justi fication and resurrection. I have not found anything in Milton finer in the way of imagination thau I can find in Paul's illustrations drawn from the amphi theater. There was nothing in Robert Emmet pleading for his life, or in Edmund BurKe arraigning Warren Hastings in Westminster Hall, that compared with the scene in the courtroom when, before robed officials, Paul bowed and began his speech, saying: "I think myself happy, King Agrippa, because I shall answer for myself this day." I repeat, that a religion that can capture a man like that must have some power in it It is time our wiseacres stopped talking as though all the brain of the world were opposed to Christianity. Where Paul leads, we can afford to follow. I am glad to know that Christ has, iu the different ages of the world, had in his disciplesbip a Mozart and a Handel in music; a Raphael and a Reynolds in painting; an Angelo and a Canova'in sculpture; a Rush and a Harvey in medicine; a Grotius and a Washington in statesmanship; a Blackstone, a Marshall and a Kent in the law; and THE TIME WILL COME when the religion of Christ will conquer all the observatories and universities, and phil osophy will, through her telescope, behold the morning star of Jesus, and in her labor atory see that "all things work together for good," and with her geological hammer dis cern the "Rock of Ages." Oh, instead of cowering and shivering when the skeptic Btands before us, and talks of religion as though it were a pusillanimous thing in stead of that, let us take out our New Testa- s BAcqpsoi Pit TRADE I CURES PERMANENTLY FROST-BITES. Atkya Itching, Strffduse Swellings, Soothes and Oures Tenderness. M Pavootsn a hun THC CHMtlfS A. VMELCR Ct.,p!6mn, W. ment and read the story of Paul at Rome, or come and see this city for ourselves, and learn that it could have been no weak Gospel that actuated such a man, but that it is an all-conquering Gospel. Aye! for all ages the power of God and the wisdom of God unto salvation. Men, brethren and fathers! I thank .you for this opportunity of preaching the gospel to you that are at Rome also. The churches of America salute you. Upon youAwho are, like us, strangers in Rome, I pray the pro tecting and journeying care of God. Upon you who are resident here, I pray grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. After tarrying here a few days we resume our journey for Pales tine, and. we shall never meetagain, either in Italv, or America, or what is called the Holy Land, but there is a holier land, and there we may meet, saved by the grace that in the same way saves Italian and Ameri can, and there, in that supernal clime, after embracing Him who, by His sufferings on the hill back of Jerusalem, made our heaven possible, and given salutation to our own kindred whose departure broke our hearts on earth, we shall, I think, seek out the traveling preacher and mighty hero of the text who marked out his journey through Macedonia and Achaia to Jerusalem, say ing: "After I have been there, I must also see Rome." Not tbo Men. In the poker raid on the Southside Satur day night two of the men gave the names Thomas Springer and Joseph Fortune. It was a put up job as the latter gentlemen, who are well known on that side of the river, were not arrested and do not play poker. Hereford's Acid Phosphate Relieves mental and physical exhaustion. Beware of Allegheny Apes. One single photograph made by Au frecht the people's photographer, is worth more than a cartload of the trash turned out by some who simply advertise themselves photographers, and who don't even know a good photo when they see it People should beware of these sharks and aping Pittsburg artists, and call at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, B16 Market street Cabinets 51 per dozen, and no stairs to climb. Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed from the dangers of suffocation. while lying down; to breathe freely. Sleep soundly and nndtstnrbed; to rise refreshed, head clear, brain active and free from pain or ache; to'know that no poisonous, putrid matter denies the breath and rots "away the delicate machinery of smell, taste and hearing; to feel that the system does not through its veins and arteries, suck up the poison that is sure to undermine and destroy, is indeed a blessing be yond all other human enjoyments. To purchase immunity from such a fate should be the ob ject of all afflicted. Hut those who have tried many remedies and physicians despair of relief or cure. Saktokd's Radical Curb meets every phase of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to the most loathsome and destructive stages. It is local and constitutional. Instant in reliev ing, permanent in curing, safe, economical and never-failing. Sanford's Radical Cubs consists of one bottle of the Radical Cube, one box of Catarrhal Solvent, and one Improved Inhaler, all wrapped in one package, with treatise and directions, and sold by all drug gists for $1 00. Potter Drug & Chemical Corporation, Boston. tm PAINS AND WEAKNESS. jHHaOf females instantly relieved by that Fnew, elegant and infallible Antidote Jr to Pain, Inflammation and Weakness, the Cnticnrn Ami-Pain Plaster. The first and only pain-subduing Plaster especially adapted to Cute Female Pains and Weak nesses. Vastly superior to all other plasters yet prepared. At all druggists. 25 cents: Ave for SI 00; or, postage free, of Potter Drtjo and Chemical Corporation. Boston, Mass. MF MISS LYDIA MORGAN. Whom 20 doctors said mnst die of consumption. Her disease was caused by catarrh. She says: "I had a short hacking cough, tightness in the chest, short breath, and I felt tired all the time. As I grew weaker I suffered with those terrible night sweats. My father took me to 20 phys icians, who said I could not be cured. I doc tored with many physicians, hut got no better. After 14 years of suffering X bezan treatment with the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspep sia Institute, 323 Penn avenue, to whom I owe my recovery. My cough is gone; I have no dizziness, ringing in the ears, headache or night sweats any more. The pain and soreness in my stomach have left me; my food digests well, so that now no gas forms in my stomach. My throat used to be so sore I could hardly swal low; that is cured. I feel well and strong, and why should I not praise these doctors for thus saving me from such an untimely death?" Miss Ltdia Morgan, Kearsarce st-,near Virginla,on ML Washington. Treatment by Correspondence. A system by which patients are successfully treated at their homes by correspondence. Mr. David "West, of Prospect, Butler county, an extensive farmer and a well-known dealer in horses, suffered from catarrh and asthma for 15 years. His head, nose and throat was con tinually stuffed up and had a burning sensa tion. He was so suffocated at nights that he could not sleep, and there were wheezing sounds from his lungs when he breathed. He began treatment, and on November 5 he wrote: "I have no stuffed-up feeling, or burning in my nose and throat, no suffocation nights or wheezing." The Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute is per manently located at 323 Penn ave. Theycnre Catarrh, Dyspepsia and Diseases of "Women. Consultation free to all. Office hours, 10 A. M. to 4 p. it., and 6 to 8 p. x. Sundays, 12 to 4 p. ar. nolO-JTWTSu One of the Greatest Bargains T One of the Greatest Bargains ( OUR $4 BOYS' SUITS, One of the Greatest Bargains j ALL-WOOL. One of the Greatest Bargains j SJ I OUR $5 BOYS' CAPE COAT, N AIiL-WOOL. ' A beautiful outfit for a Boy, $9. Men's all-wool Suits, $10 to $30. By far the finest assortment in the city of elegant Black Dress Suits. WANAMAKER SIXTH STREET FOOLISH JREJUDICE. How Soma People Allow a Word, Agtlnst Which They Hive a Prejudice, to Stand in the Way of Their Own Well-Being. The old lady who would not allow her son to have a fiddle, but was willing he should have a violin. Is a fair example of the foolish prejudice which very many people have against certain words. Many persons might refuse to take Chlo ride of Sodium, but would use salt, which Is the same thing. Now it is this class of people who usually have a deep prejudice against" the words alcohol or whiskey. They know that somebody has abused the use of these articles, and hence they denounce them altogether, in spite of the fact lhat the best scientists and the leading phy lciansofthe present day advocate and use them constantly. Prof. Austin Flint, or Bellevue(New York) Col lege, says: "The Judicious use of alcoholic stimu lants is one of the striking characteristics of progress in the practice or medicina during the last half century." Prof. Joseph FarrJsh, the distinguished author, says: "We know that alcohol will steady the heart, slow the pulse, warm the skin, calm ex citement, and we ought to use it." Prof. M. G. Greenleaf, the well-knownjluthor, sayBi "An intelligent comprehension of the action of alcohol and whiskey will have a greater influence in promoting temperance than adhesion to a dogma." Such high scientific authorities show that pure whiskey should be used as a household remedy. No father or mother need hesitate for a moment to administer Dofly's Pure Malt Whiskey to the children, and it H simply bigotry to allow the word whiskey, which is the name of this medicine, to stand in the way of the wonderful benefits to be derived from its use. It should be remembered, however, that these effects are only to be secured by the use of a pure medicinal whiskey like Duffy's, and care should be taken to use soother. Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit any nose with ease and comfort The largest and best stock of Optical Instruments and Artificial Eyes. KORNBIiTJM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. 60 Fifth avenoe, near Wood street Telephone No. 1688. 9 sel9-Dsu Reduce Your Shoe Bills. vs-ifll abva Am a I r;rara4 P.&2,Ti5o0 'ST'"'. 22H Schurr's Patent Shoe Sole Protectors are an absolute protection for the soles of shoes for men working in mines, mills, foun dries, steel works, blast furnaces, etc ASK YOUR SHOE DEALER FOR THEM. Dealers supplied by Pittsburg Shoe Finding Houses. oc7-29-MTh Established 1832. BROOM CORN. Broom Manufacturers Supplies PEANUTS. ROBERT DICKEY & CO., 77 "WATEK Sr. AND 96 FIRST AVE. Telephone 163. u2S-31-MWF D ATBNTS. J- O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents, Sll Fifth avenue, above Smithfield. next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se250 RAILROADS. PITTSBURG AND LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY Schedule in effect June 2, 1889, Central time. DEPAKTKor Cleveland, 5:00, 8:00 a. m., '1:35, 4llCL 9:3o p. m. For Cincinnati. Chi cago and St. Louis, S:00a. m., '1:35, .9:30p. m. for Buffalo, 8:00 a. m., 4:10, 9.30p. m. For bala manca, s:00a. m.. 4:10 p. m. For oungstown and Mew Castle, 6:00, "800, 10:15 a. m., '1:35. 4:10, 9:30 p. m. Vot Beaver Falls, 8:00. 8:00, 8:30, 10:15 a. m., !:. 3.30, 4:10, 6:15, 9:30 p.m. For Chartiers. 5:00, J5:30 a. m., 5:35, 8.20. S.SS, 7;15, 8.05, 8:30, 9:25. 10:15 a. m., 12:05, 12i45, 1:40. 3:30, 4:30. 4:50 '5:05, 5:15, "8105, 10:38 J), m. ABBtra From Cleveland. "8:30 a. m., 12:30, 5:35, 7:55, 9:40 p. m. From Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis, 12:30, 7:53 p. m. From Buffalo, 6:30 a. m., 12:1,0, 9:40 p. m. From Salaman ca, 12:30. 7:55 p. m. From Youngstown and New Castle. ":S0, 9:20 a, m., '12:30, 5:35. 7:5S 9:40p. m. From Beaver Falls, 5:25. 6:30, 7:20, 9:20 a. m., 'U: 1:10, 5:35, 7:55. 9:40 p. m. P., C. St Y. trains from Mansfield, 8:39 a. m 3:30, 4:50 p. m. For Essen and Beechmont, 8:30 a. m., 13:30 p. m. P.. C&Y. trains from Mans field, Essen and Beechmont, 7:08 a. m., 11:59 a. m. P McK. & Y. M. K. -DIFAKT For New Haven, '5:30a. m., '3:3)p. m. For West Iiewton, ISO, 10:05a. m 3:30,5:15p.m. Abbive From Now Haven, $7:50 a. m., '5:00 p. m. From West New ton, 6:15, t7:50 a. m., 1:25, "5:00 p. m For Mo Keesport, Elizabeth and Monongahela City, '5130, 10:03 a. m., "3:30, 5:15 p.m. From Monongahela City, Elizabeth and MeKeesport, "7:50 a. m., 1:23, 5:00 p. m. Daily. Sundays only, twill runonehour late on Sunday. will run two hours late on Sunday. City ticket office. 639 Smithfield street. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. Schedule in effect November 10, 1889: For WasBlogton, D. C, Baltimore. Philadel phia and .New York. '8:00 a. m. and "3:20 p. m. For Cumberland, '8:00 a.m., tl:00, 9:20p. m. For ConnellsvUlP, 6:40and '8:00 a. m., J1:00, $4:00 and "9:20 p. in. For Dnlontown. 46:40. '8:00 a. m., tl:00 and 14:00 p. m. For Mt. Pleasant, t3:40, "8:00 a. m. and 1 10:00 and $4:00 p. m. For "Wash ington, Pa., 7:C5 and $9:40 a. m., "3:35, 55:30 and 7:T0p. m. For Wheeling, "7:05, $9:40 a m.. "3:35, "7:30 n m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis, "7:05a. m., "7:30 p. m. For Columbus, 7:05 a. m "7:30 p.m. Foewark. '7:05, "9:40 a. m '3:35, '7:30 n. in. For Chicago. '7:05 and "7:30 n. m. Trains arrive from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and "Washington. fl:20 a. m S:55 p. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago, 8:25 a.m.. IOO p.m. From Wheeling, '8:25, 10:50 a. m,, 5:00, 9:00p. m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, "Washing ton, Cincinnati and Chicago. Conuellsville accommodation at $8:35 a. m. Sunday only. The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and check b-rggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. & O. ticket office, corner Fifth ave. and Wood st. CHAS. O. SCULL, lien. Pass. Agent. J. T. O'DELL, General Manager. PITTSBURG AND CASTLE 8HANNON R. R. Snmmer Time Table. On and after May 1, 1889, until further notice, trains will run as follows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving Pittsburg 8:20 a. m., 7:10 a. m.. 8:00 a.m.. 9:30 a. m., 11:30 a. m.. 1:40 p. m., 3:40 p. m., 5:10 p. m.. 8:50 p. m., 6:30 p. m., 9:30 p.m., 11:30 p. in. Arllngtou-6:40 a. m., 6:20 a. m 7:10 a. m.. o:uu a. m. ivioj a. m., iiwy. iu., 4iiu p. m.. 4:20 p. m 6:10 p. m., 5:50 p. m., 7:10 p. m 10:39 p. m. Sunday trains, leaving Pittsburg 10 a.m 12:50 p. m.. 2:30 p. in., 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p, m., 9:30 p. m Arlington 0:10 a. m., 12 m 1:50 p. m :20 p.m. BMup. m., c;uwp. iu. JOHN JAHN, Supt ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD '1 rains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard time): Kittannlng Ac. 6:55 a. m.: Niagara Ex., daily. 6:45 a. m.. Hulton Ac. 10:10 a, m. ; Valley Camp Ac, 32:05 p. m.; Oil City and Duliols Ex press, 2:00 p.m.; Hulten Ac, 3:00 p.m.: Kittannlng Ac, 4:00 p.m.; Braeburn Ex., 5:00 p.m. ; Kittann lng Ac. ,5.30 p. m.; Braeburn Ac, 6:20p.m.: Hul ton Ac, 7& p. m.: Buffalo Ex., dally, i-M p. m.s Hultun Ac. 9:45 p.m.: braeburn Ac, 11:30 p. m. Church trains Braeburn, 12:40 p. m. and 9.35 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Pittsburg and Buffalo. JAM. P. ANDERSON, U.T. Agt.; UAVUI MCOARGO. Gen. Sup. iriTSBUHG AND WESTERN RAILWAY Trains (Ct'i Stan utimen Leave. Arrive. DayEx.,Akron,'roledo,Kane 6:40 a m 7:37 p m Butler Accommodation 9:00 a m 5:00 pm Chicago Express (daily) 12:40 p m 11:30 a m New Castle Accommodation. 4:30 p m 7:00 p m ButlerandFoxburgAo .". 5:30 p m 5:30 a m First class fare to cnicago, iu so. second class, S9 50. Pullman Buffet sleeping car to Chicago & BROWN, and PENN AVE. fi gnoll-v' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ml As a special Inducement, on acconnt of the lateness of the season, we offer a line of rough black and blue Cheviots, made to your order in the popular D. B. Sack style, from $20. Al'rous ers from S3. In Overcoatings we have tha best sel :tcd stock in the country: all the staples, such as Meltons, Kerseys, Chinchillas, etc, made to measure from 18. Our efforts to turn out well made and stylish clothing at a moder ate price, has justly secured us the largest trade in the city. rm.ot&K- 313 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBUKQ, PA. noll-MTh vuccfM SEASONABLE UNDERWEAR BARGAINS AT DOUGLAS & MACKIE'S. Special mention of Ladies', Gents, Misses' and Boys' Underwear is almost unnecessary, but would merely stir up your minds by way of remembrance, and introduce a few startlers, mainly for the benent of those who have not hitherto patronized these departments. 117 doien Ladies 37fc Bibbed "Vests for 25c each. 98 dozen Ladies' Gray Ribbed Vests for 37Jc each, would be cheap at 50c. 100 dozen Ladies' Fine Natural Wool Vests that are worth 81 25 for $1 00 each. 80 dozen Gents' All Wool Scarlet Shirts and Drawers only 60c each, they're worth 75c. 120 dozen Gents, Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, regular price 81 00. now for 75c eaeh. SO dozen Gents' Fine Camel's Hair Shirts and Drawers only tl 00 each, real value SI 0. oiFiEiisriiN-G- id-A-iitst, Hundreds of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Cloaks, Wraps, eta 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. no-U-arwT By request of thousands of our citizens, who desire to witness the QrandSpecia n m MADE PAN-AMERICAN CONGRESS The wonderful process of Welding Iron, Steel, Brass and other metals by Electricity by the THOMSON WELDING COMPANY. The. celebrated WESTINGHQUSE ROTARY ENGINE, never before operated in public. The whole being the most complete Electrical and Scientific display ever attempted in this country, will be open to the public at MECHANICAL HALL, EXPOSITION BUILDING -ON- ' November 9, II, 12, 13, 14, J5 and 16, Prom 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. .ajd:m:issio:n FURNITURE AND CARPETS GRANDEST VARIETY! BEST QUALITIES! NEWEST STYLES! Casii. am-cL Credit So-CLse., 923 and 925 Penn avenue, near Ninth street. SB23-MWT THE LARGEST STOCK. LATEST STYLESf W. M. LxATRD, XiE-AJDIlSra- SHOE DKAI.ER Wholesale House, ;i5 and 517 Wood street. I FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER, AND ALL TIMES. Menier Chocolate THE HEALTHIEST AND THE BEST. Paris Exposition, 1889 g ggSl: ONCE USED, NEVER "WITHOUT IT. ASK FOR YELLOW WRAPPER. 40 CEXTS-A POUIVD-40 CENTS. I BRANCH HOUSE, UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. 4 the U ADEMLYBy-A INTHE Yf UffLLf GeoAMacbeth&Co. Pittsburgh,Pa NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COME and SEE At $-1 25 - You can buy a pair of Gents' Heavy Sole Tip Bals. or Con gress. At $1 50 . A pair of fine sewed Gents' Dress Shoes, plain and tip toes, Bals., Button and Congress Gaiters. ; ' At $2 Gents' Waterproof Grain, High Lace Shoes, with heavy soles. Also genuine Calf Boots -AT- G. D.SIM EN'S, 78 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Corner of Sandusky street. no4-irw ectricaland ScientificDispIav FOB THE 25o. no9-71 LOWEST PRICES! EASIEST TERMS! BEST TREATMENT! BEST ASSORTMENT LOWEST PRICES. Retail Stores, 406 and 408 Market street. LAMP flfST IHIMNEYS xxranrn NEW ABTEKTISEXENTS. KAUFMANNS' DAILY CARD is now one of fhe most interesting points of our Cloalc 'Ear- '"' - " o - wcic, mc sands 01 signtseers who daily II31I1UCUU Although we haven't had nra ntm'sri-tr nmrtx c?rIH tnnniT .. a"v.au; '"- owiu. many Fur Goods. The same liberal way of Kautmanns a household word in every economical family, the striking characteristic of 'our Fur department -I But here are a few practical illustrations of what we are aDie to ao ior you: 1,000 first-class black H,are Muffs at 33c 350 silk-lined French Seal Muffs at $i 75. 200 elegant imitation Monkey Muffs at 98c. 375 gorgeous silver Lynx Muffs at $2 50. In Muffs with Capes or Boas to Match we have a most varied and elegant assortment in Sable, Mon key, Beaver, Astrachan, Persienne, Marten, Bear, Angora, Seal, Raccoon, Red and White Fox, Coney, etc, etc., while our prices are positively guaranteed to be from ohe quarter to one-third lower than PTTTT TVS SffTS vj-t-Lo-ijLy kj ujjiuj 1-ynx, rox and uoney, irom $1 25 per set up. SgpLadies' Fur Capes in sizes from 32 to 44. Are you interested in Seal Garments? A word in your ear: We dyed Alaska Seal garments the Unglish Metropolis. I his accounts for our superior qualities and low prices. Seal Jackets, cut in new shapes; from $98 to $150. Seal Sacques, cut in new shapes, from $125 to $250. But a. few feet distant'from our Fur department is, our W"A 1 the largest in First of market (see style now prices: N Child's Villers' Cloth, new patterns, from $5 up. Same garments for Misses, Child's Directoire style Cloaks, in plaids and stripes, very fine materials, made with puffed Same garments for. Misses, A large line of Child's Cloaks, in heavy-Scotch Cheviots, all wool, in blue, brown, navy and girtle, at $3. Another line, in ''beautiful Cloths and Cheviots, with raised and puffed sleeves, passementerie double silk girtle and balls at ends, at only $3. TTTTQ "DT? A TC A T T 1 we have Jus placed on lJllO JjJLliAlO ALL I sale about 800 -Misses' and Children's Cloaks, Sizes 4 to 14, in, new and' desirable styles, regular prices $2, $2 50 and $3, at the uniformly and excessively low price 01 90c Child's Walking Coats from $1 50 to $10. Beautiful Plush Walking sizes 2 to 6, at only $4 50. A Sweet and lovely Eiderdown Walking Coats, with collar and trimmings, at only $4. ' jCWe have Plush Caps to match Coats. Ext Plush Caps, with long silk bow, for only 89c. Oon't you think we deserve your trade? KAUFMANNQ I v Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street noll-D From PITttburg Union station. ennsiilvania Lines. Trains Run by Conlnl Time. nimaum m isss. SOUTHWEST SYSTEM-PANHANDLE BO DTK. Leave for Cincinnati and St. Irfrals, d 1:15 a. m., d 7:30 a. m.,d 9:00 and d U:lSp.m. Bennlxm. 2:45 p. m. Chicago, d 1:15 a. m. and 12:05 p. m. Wheeling. 7!30 a. m.. 12:05. 8:10 p. m Stenben vllle, 5:5Sa. m. Washington, 5:55. 8.35 a. m.. 1:55, 3:S0, tits, 4:55 p. m. Bnlr. 10:10 a. m. Bnrgettai town, S 11:33 a. m., 555 p. m. Mansfleld, Jlli, 0:30. 11.00 a.m.. 1:05, 6:J0, d 8 JO, 9:50 p. m. ilc Donalda, d 4 15, d 10:45 p. m. Xbains AHBirxfrom the West, d 2:10, d 8:00 a. m., 3:05, d 5:55 p. m. Dennlson, 9.30 a.m. Sten benvllle, 5:06 p. ra. Wbeellnjr, 2:10, 8:43 a. m.. 3:05, 5:55 p. m. Bnrgettstown. 7:15 a. m., S 9:05 a. m. Washington. 8:65, 7:50. 8:40, 10:25 a. m 3:35. 8:25 p. m. Mansfield, 5:35, 8:30, 11:40 a. m., 12:45, 3.55. 9:40 and S 6:20 p. m. Bulger, 1:40 p. m. McDonalds, d 8:35 a. m., a 9:09 p. m. NOBTHWIST eTSTZM IT. -WATS! BOOT!. teave for Chlcapo. d 7:25 a. m., d .12:2?. d 1:00. d 8:45. except Saturday 11:20 p.m.: Toledo. 7:25 a. m., d 123ft; d 1:00, and except Saturday 11:20 D.m.s Crestline, 6: a. m., Cleveland, 6:10. 12:45 d 11:05 p. m., and 7:25 a. m.. Tlar., Ft.W.AC'.KT.rNew Castle and 'loangstown, 7:03 a.m.. 12 :2a, 3:45 p. m.:Yoantown and NUes, d 12:20 p. m.:Mea vllle, Erie and Ashtabula. 7:05 a. m.. 12:31 p. m.; Miles and Jamestown, 3:45 p. m.: MasslUon. 4:10 p.m.; Wheeling and BeUalre, 6:10 a.m.. 12:45, 3:30 p.m.: Beaver Falls. 4:00, 5:05 p. m.; Beaver Falls S 8.-20 a. m.;Xeetsdale, 5:30 a. m. Depart from ALLioiimT-Bochester, 8:30 a. m. ; Beaver Falls, 8:15. U:0O a-m.; Enon, 3.-00 p. m : Leetsdale, 5:00, 9:03. 10:00,11:45a. m.:l:15, 2:30. 4:30, 4:45. 5:30, 6:15. 7:30, 90 p. m. : Conway, 10:30 J.m.; FalrOaksS 11:40a.m.: Beaver Falls, S :30 p. m. ;Xeetsdale. 8 8:30 p. m. TKAIN8 akbite Union station Irom Chicago, ex cept Monday.-1:50, d 6:00, d 6:35 a.m., d 5:55 and d 6:50 p.m.: Toledo, except Monday, 1:50, (16:35 a. m., 5:55 and 6:50 p. m.: Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Yonngstown and New Caslle, 9:10 a. m. l:iv 8:50, 10:15 p.m.; Mies and youngstown, a 6:50 p.m.: Cleveland, d5:50 a. in., 3:25, 7t p. m.; Wheellng and Bellalre, 9:00 a. m.. 2.25, 7.-00 p. m.i Erie and Ashtabula, 1:25, 10:15p.m.: Masslllon, 10.00a.m.: Nlles and Jamestown, 9:10 a. m.; Beaver Falls, 7:50a. m l:10pm.; Beaver Falls, B SOS p.m.; Leetsdale, 10:40 p. m. Asbivx allxgubnt, from Enon, 8.00 a. m.: Conway 8.40, Rochester, 9.40 a.m.; Beaver Falls, 7.10a.m.. 6.30 p. m.: Leetsdale, 4.30, 3.30, 6. IS, 8.50, 7.4E a. m.. 12.00, 12.46. 1.46, ijB, 4.30, C30, 9.09 p.m.; Fair Oaks. H 8. 55 a. m.s Beaver Falls. 3 11 sop. m. j Leetsdale, S 8.0 b. a. : Beaver Falls, B 8.16 p. ra. a, aatw i JMHHsayewy; wwewsum ,95 .J3P& OF REASON, NOV. 11,1889. "See winter comes, to rule, the a,' Varied Tear "VSa-.fc , Sullen and sad, with an hlarU-p. - Ing train: ..- JmSsi Vapours, and clouds andj storms." - 'ism aThMnBAkfK dnja.naW UVUUUU 9 OSMVU OUR FURI DEPARTMENT . stuppmg - uu suiliuii 01 tne'tnourjpp throng and patronize our estab ,t a genuine taste of winter 'yef M uiuumiiub ui uuuaii WOIU1 ,. fhnni.n4n .-. .-l-klln.. .!'. dealing that has made the namei IS any other furrier in the cityr ?onsistins of Muff and stoiei in nincniiia, weaver, angora; keep none but genuine London and import them directly frorhj GIRU'5 .', CU0AK DEPARTMENT,, both cities. But it's our stock t more than the size oi our salesroom that interests you. all comes the Peasant New- illustration), the' most popul before the public . Keai , H Peasant Coats, sizes 6, to: Scotch Cheviots, all kindsYd from 7 up. sleeves, from $7 50 up. from $g up. and maroon, with bell sleeve Coats, with silver trim'min: PENNSYLVANIA KAILUOAD ON AND after September A 1889. trains leave Union Station, ritttburg. aa follows, Eastern Standard Time: MAIN LINE EA3TWAR1X. New York and Chicago Limited of Fullmas Ves tibule dally at 7:15 a. m. Atlantic Express dally for the Cast, sua a-m. Mali train, dally.except Sunday, 5:3aa. m. sua , dav. mall. 8:40 a. m. DavexnressdallYal!t!fln&- m. Mall express dally at 1 rtO p. m. yniladeiphla express daUyat4:30p. ra. Eastern express dally at 7:15 p. a. r ast une aauy at 8:10 p. m. Greensnurar exnreaaatio n. m. wir dmvt. Derrr exnresa 11:00 a. m. wm.1? riava. AU through trains connect at Jersey atrwlthVi boats of "Brooklyn, Annex' for Brooklyn. N..Yi5 avoiaingaouoieiernaga ana journey wrougn .a. j Trains arrive at Union Station, aannows: Mall Train, dallv fettn. m. - WesternExprejs, daUy....... . 7:45am.?l IJclflo Express, daUy, 12:45 p. nW 1 Chicago Limited Express, dally. 8:30 p. rn.fi jMbiau uAiir. ................. ..u:aa p. ui SOUTHWEST rXNXt BAUVWAJU For Unlontown, 5:30 ana 8:35 a. m. and 4:23 p. m., without change of ears: 12.50. p. m. connect' , ug utccuuuii:, Axaina axriro irooi wiuwwrtf town at v:a. m., 1231. 5S5 and 8:10 p. m. FromFEDEBAL trr. STAflON. Allegheny Clty.' Matt train, connecting for BlalnTllle... S:4J a. sa,ti- Express, for BlalrsvUle, connecting for Z Butler ., , :P-.y-j Sprlngdale Accom90,llOa.m.3:30and e:3)p.m.J, j Freeport Accom .4:15. 8:30 and 11:40 p. m."L,sJ 1 Id.. .4.w ..u,..4 Q4ftn. "tNV NoruApouo Acconj.....U:00a. nx. ana saw p. "-. Allefirhanv JnntfAn a .nmmnfitlOS VI MUUUAJ. ........,..,.... .UMWAU. ?"":- -"t i connecting ror KntjT 8:20 a. l BlalrsvUle Accommodation i?-JS-42,?;JS Trains arrlTs mt wnv.w i r. sTKEET STATION.? Express, connecting from Butler. l?: TSu auui Aram...... .,., , i'l!; "' ' Butler Aeeom. 9:10avJn 4:40 and 7:20 pia. Blalravllli AiAnitnAi,tlm. . .9:52D.&W1 Freenort Accom,7:40a.m.. las, i20n,i,J!SI'S'l ua ounaay..,............iu:jua. . jw ; f.- Sprlngdale Accom ....7,lt!43a.m 825. 6t30 p. m.1 North Anollo Aecom......8:40a-m. and 5-40 p. nwj Tr&!n iwa trnA..in, tnttsnnrsr. aarollowatl For Monongahela City. West Brownsvllla snjD Unlontowo. 10:40 a.m. For Monongahela City aaiS West Brownsville, 7:03 and 10:40 a.m. and tut KIV On Sunday, liotp; m. For Monongahela CUy.kJ p. m.r week days. .J Uravosbarg At., week days, 330 p. a. Wes Eluaoeth Accommodation, iJO v. MrSbATtrf It .IBm m XnndlT. 9:48 B. m. Ticket oJfcew-Oorner Foarth avanae iMM wgaat aaa uwoa stauon. Aygsj miMS ;i.?iiVl -t-Aii annsVti.. s- m bf. - tfP-! :&'; Mil IS "gBjT j.t, rmm mi A RAiiV 'jkj..