CHE HTTSBTJBG- -DISPATCH, MONDAY' ttOVEMBElT" JV .J889.' -u r"-(? w - VV . s ' . .' 'j- ? ir ,-- i -,... . - UN1DN0FB0RQUGHS ';,Planto Consolidate Chartiers and Mansfield. FA $300,000 IKON PLANT. J. W. Hammond & Son Induced to . Build a Mill in the Yalley. 1PMHAKDLE COMPANY SCHEME. ' Thirty Acres of Land for Freight Tarda and Repair Shops. IETTEES G0IKG TO THE WBOXG PLACES A regular boom has struck the boroughs of Mansfield and Chartiers. There is con siderable excitement just now over the ques tion of consolidation, the matter of estab lishing a -water works, a new iron and steel plant and a large repair shop for the Pan handle Kailroad. The movement to con solidate the borougha is favored by one fac tion and opposed by another. The friends of the scheme contend that it would mate rially increase the importance of the place in every way to combine them under one government, and claim that it is only a mat ter of time until the project will go through. Birth was given to the consolidation scheme at a meeting held some time aj-o to consider a plan for the erection of a water works. Two rival companies had applied for the right to lay water mains through the boroughs, but as a prerequisite asked the boroughs to pay $1,000 each for the use of water for town purposes. This demand was considered unreasonable, and the boroughs set about to make arrangements for a water works of their own. At a joint meeting of the Borough Councils the borough solicitors advised them that, being two distinct cor porations, it would not be legal for them to enter upon the plan jointly. The question was then raised: "Why are we two bor oughs?" And from that has grown a senti ment in favor of consolidation that is assum ing very large proportions. A PUBLIC MEETING CALLED. Two meetings of the Borough Councils lave been held to consider the matter, and it has been referred to the councils of each borough to call public meetings in their respective places to get an expression of the people on the subject. On that point the matter rests. The people who favored the combination idea were not satisfied with the result of the joint meeting of councils, as it was known that the majority of mem bers of the two councils were opposed to the scheme, and it was feared some trick might be worked. Everything possible is being done to get the meeting of citizens called, and to find out what are the next best steps to take. Burgess C. A. "Willis, of Chartiers borough, was seen at his home yesterday by a Dispatch representative, and to the latter he gave a very complete explanation of the consolidation scheme, together with the benefits that are expected to result from its consummation, and the general object ions advanced by those opposed to it. In th first place, there is a diversitv of names that causes no little inconvenience of a serious character. On all the United States maps Vansfield borough is marked "Mans field." The postcfEce is styled "Mansfield "Valley." Hundreds of letters and other -articles of mail matter, addressed "Mans field, Pa.," go to Tioga county where there is another Mansfield. One day last week more than 100 letters were received from Mansfield, Tioga county, that belonged to Mansfield "Valley. This arrangement of things interferes considerably with the banking and commercial interests. If the boroughs were consolidated, both old names dropped, and a new one selected, a central postoffice could be established with the ad vantages of a free delivery. Another advantage would be, that all the business of the two boroughs would be under one government. The streets could be attended to better, the educational and all other interests could be given better attention. Fire and police protection could be secured, something that one of the boroughs is now entirely without and the other is not well provided with. The water works would be assured. It is claimed taxes would be lower because the one gov ernment could be operated at a less expense than the two now are. BRIDGE OBJECTIONS. The general objections to the plan include the argument that the three bridges that would then be within the borough limits, and which now belong to and are maintained by the county, would have to be kept up by the borough. These are good structures, probably worth 530.000 and if one should burn down or be swept away it would rest with the new corporation to replace it Some of the Mansfield residents object be cause of their more extensive improvements over Chartiers. They have a good system of sewerage, macadamized etreets, a volun teer fire department, a borough hall to offset an indebtedness of $1,500. Chartiers borough has no borough property; not such well improved streets, but is free from debt Taking everything into consideration, the condition of affairs in each borough is about equal. The assessed valuation of Chartiers is 5905,000 and that of Mansfield is about 5300.000. Combined they would have a population of about 9,000" or 10,000. The boroughs have railroad connection with the Lake Erie road through the Pittsburg, Chartiers and Toughiogheny, and with the Pennsylvania system through the Panhan dle road. Twenty-one trains are run daily eaeh way over the two roads. There" are seven churches, three hotels, one rolling mill, two planing mills, one flouring mill, two good Echool buildings worth $50,000. The boroughs are located in the heart of a coal bed extending many miles south and west, and it is only ten milec from good gas territory. O. B. Cook, Esq., Solicitor for Mansfield, was also seen. He said the people of the two boroughs were beginning to realize that tbey are falling behind other suburban com munities and are commencing to take an interest in town affairs. He thought it only a matter of time until the two boroughs are one. Arrangements will be completed to-dav for the erection of a $300,000 iron and steel plant in Chartiers borough. "W. J. Ham mond & Son, known as the Pittsbnrg Iron and Steel Company, have quietly negoti ated for land on which to locate a large mill. Pifteen acres of ground in the extreme west end of the borough have been purchased from David S. Carothers for $10,000. "W. J. Hammond & Son pay $8,000 of this amount and the balance has been raised among the citizens of Chartiers, and was of fered as an inducement to the company to locate there. Colonel James Glenn, owning property adjoining, donated five acres out right A $300,000 lEOir MILL. This makes 20 acre to be covered by the new plant which will cost $300,000. The entire plant is to be completed and in operation within three years. Hammond & Sou manufacture sheet iron, merchant and muck bar iron. It is understood that the puddling department will be erected first and will be in operation by April 1, 1890. Several hundred men will be employed when the entire mill is completed. The Panhandle Kailroad Company has agreed to build a bridge across the creek, and to put up all the necessary side tracks for the mill and do all they possibly can to encour age the enterprise. By theestablishmant of the plant in that locality a tract of about 80 acres, excellently adapted for manufacturing purposes, is opened up, and Mr. Hammond, being Presi dent of the Pennsylvania Electric Company, is reported as saying that this plant would probably soon follow his mill. A meeting of citizens of thejtwo boroughs was held last Thursday evening, and the $2,000, their share of the purchase money for the site, was raised with little difficulty. K. P. Burgon, William "Wilcox and Bur gess C. A Willis were appointed a com mittee totake charge of the funds, and they will visit the city to-day to have the con tracts ratified by all parties concerned, and then work on the new plant will begin at once. There is still another project on the way for the Taller. The Panhandle Company has rjurchased about 30. acres of ground within the borough limits. It is said their intention is to make Mansfield the terminus of their freight division, and that a large re pair shop will be erected. This will give emDloyment to several hundred more men. Altogether, with coal at their door, the Chartiers gas line on one side of them and the Philadelphia on the other, the citizens of the two boroughs seem to have a bright future ahead of them, and the most jubilant feeling is prevailing along the valley. WILL MAKE A FREIGHT YARD. The ground purchased by the railroad company lies on the north" side of their present tracks and extends from the depot almost to the western extremity of the bor ough. There are a few lots near the station that are desired by the company to make the tract complete, but the owners have asked such prices for them that the railroad peo ple refused to purchase them. As soon as these lots can be bought for a reasonable fig ure the company will begin to lay side tracks. A large freight depot will be erected and much ot the freight now handled in the city will be handled there. No through freight from the Sonth and "West intended for the East will be shipped through Pitts burg as it can be sent by way of the Ohio connecting and West Penn roads, with less shifting. This plan will increase their facilities for handling Pittsburg freight, as it will relieve them of much of the city work. When the repair shop is built it will add another boom to the place. More workmen will be needed and more houses will be demanded. Real estate is on the advance at present in both boroughs, and the indications are that an appreciation of its value will continue in the vallev for some time. THEIR SIDE OP THE CASE. Discharged Allegheny Firemen Say Tbey Were Not Running n Speak-Easy Per sonal Jenlousy Charged. The dismissal of the whole company of No. 10 Engine Company, Allegheny, by Chief Jones, has started considerable talk among the people living on the hill where the engine house is situated. It will be re membered that the men were charged with running a speak-easy in the engine house and with being disorderly. Alex. McMil lan, one of the discharged men, was seen by a Dispatch reporter yesterday. In re sponse to inquiries McMillan said: "The charge that we were running a speak-easy is totally false. I live next door to the engine house, and it is not likely that I would have liquor in there when I could have it so handy at my own home.if I wanted it We were not discharged for running a speak-easy, however, but to satisfy a per sonal spite that one of our neighbors had against us. This person went to Chief Jones with a story which he believed and we were discharged. The only thing that both ers me, is that we were not given a hearing, and had no chance to tell our side of the story. However, I have made application for a reinstatement, and I hear that a peti tion to that effect is circulating abont the neighborhood, though I have had nothing to do with sending it out One of the firemen who is now at the engine house, when asked if he would recog nize Chief Jones' right to discharge him, in case the Chief should do so, said: "Why, certainly. The late Chief Crow had that power, and when Jones was elected his successor the power was transferred to Jones, and I know he has not been deprived of it If the Chief could not discharge whom he wished, things would come to a pretty pass. The Councilmen and their lavorites would own. the department" DOOR HAT THIETES. Tiro Blen Sent to the Wofkhons for Ben Venae Thefts. For some time the residents of Ben Venue, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, hare been greatly annoyed by the theft of rugs from their porches. Among the losers are Dr. Aul, Mrs. Speer and William Knable. Complaint was made to the police, and re sulted in the arrest of John Bobinson and Matthew Carpenter, both colored, by Officer Wachter, Saturday night Each man had a rug in his possession. They were sent 30 days to the workhouse yester day morning. M0EGAXZA EEFUGEES. They Organize a Tontbfnl Band of Robbers in "Erie. Pb. 3A few months ago seventeen boys' part of them from Erie, broke away from Morganza Reform School. They were led by Prank Smith, of Erie. Last night Smith was caught in the act of entering a merchant's residence in Erie. It is believed that he and his gang have been perpetrating a se ries of burglaries in that locality. HITHER AKD THITHER. SIoTements of PltubnrgeTa and Others of Wide Acquaintance. C. Klussmann, of Derby, England, is a gentleman extensively connected with the ex portation to this country of the higher grades of iron oxides. Despite an import duty of 23 per cent he has not made any change in the prices of his manufacture from what they were previous to the duty being imposed. He does not favor trusts and combinations, and says that the competition natural in a growing coun try will in time causa a disruption in trusts of all kinds Mr Klassmann admitted that a good deal of English capital has been invested in breweries here, and expressed the opinion that some of his countrymen who had invested in this country would not pome out very well in the end, owing, he said, to the yearly pro gressive tendency of the nation to temperance. He deplored his inability to obtain a glass of beer, or even a cigar on Sundays, and desired to know where was the vanntcd American lib erty. In England saloons onened on Sundays from 12.30 o'clock p. M. to 230" o'clock to enable the workingman to get his dinner beer fresh from the tap. and they were again opened in the evening from 6.30 P. M. to 11 o'clock. "Engiishmen," said Mr. Klussmann. "are chary of putting their money into enterprises which hare been dropped by Americans. Tbey nat urally conclude that if there was money in them for the Americans they would not ask the foreigners to come in. The Rev. Fathers Sheedy, of St Mary of Mercy Church; Tobin, of St Mary's, Law renceville; Cosgrave, of St James'; Cunning ham, of Turtle Creek, and Graham, of Irwin, left last night for Baltimore to attend the Catholic Congress. The Very Rev. Dean Hart ney, of stenbenville, passed through on the Eastern express similarly bound. Dow Adams, formerly of the auditor's office of the Allegheny Valley road, now as sistant auditor of the New York Central Rail road, is visiting nis menus in Pittsburg. Mrs. John Moorhead, of Oakland, mother-in-law of Dr. W. J. Holland, Is lying dangerously ill at her home, and there is little hope of her recovery. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day In Two CUIea Condensed for Ready Cradlnc. Fbakk Redmjw was held for court yester day by Alderman McKenna on a chares of as sault and battery preferred by Elizabeth John ston, who testified that the defendant came into her house and attacked and injured her. In default of bail Bedman was committed to Jan. Justice McCreedt. of Mansfield, yester day committed Fred Box to jail, in default of bail, for court on a charge of malicious mis chief. William George is the prosecutor. Magistrate Brush heard six cases In the Seventeenth ward station house yesterday. They were all drunks, and the prisoners were find from SI to 5 and costs. THE BAEOS'S FLIGHT. A Well-Known Local Celebrity De serts His Lately Wedded Wife. LIKDEHAUER'S SUDDEN FAREWELL The Wife Prostrated on Receiving Parting Message. Bis SHE ATTEMPTS TO COMMIT SUICIDE A large, heavy man, with a German face and luxuriant dark side whiskers, who has for about a year been a waiter in the Hotel Duquesne cafe, has been well known to all the patrons of the cafe as a man with a his tory. He has just added a chapter to that history. The distinguished looking waiter was known as the Baron von Lindenauer. To those with whom he became well .ac quainted he sometimes told his story. It was that he was a member of the German aristocracy; that, for political opinions, he had been compelled to leave Germany, aud his estates had been confiscated by the Gov ernment It was known to a few intimate friends that the Baron was a Socialist, and that was supposed to be the political reason for his leaving the Fatherland. The Baron never went much into details, and sur rounded himself with an air of mystery and long suffering. He was a wronged man, and borrowed money from his associate waiters and friends with the resigned forti tude of an Italian count He sometimes spoke, with a Boulanger air, of the day when he should return to Germany and claim his own. It may be that he has re turned. Last June the Baron took a wife. She was a Chicago widow, and came to this city to become the Baroness. She held a good place in Chicago, where she earned an ex cellent living, and her daughter, a young lady, was and still is engaged in that city as a clerk. The widow is 40 years old, and the Baron claims to be only 36. Neverthe less they were married, and settled down to housekeeping, apparently as happy as two pigeons in a hay loft THE BABOH A PBOUD HAH. They rented a flat on the third floor at No. 310 Grant street, which the Baron fur nished in good style. The Baroness did her own cooking, but the Baron was so proud that, the neighbors say, he never set his foot inside of the kitchen door. The wife was very attentive to her liege, and was greatly devoted to him. Those who know them say that she appeared never to be tired of waiting upon him and looking after his every desire. Some of the visitors at the cafe, when they learned that the Baron's wife was older than he was, twitted him about it and told him that he was a fool to marry a woman so old. He appeared to be pained by these re marks, and repeated them to his wife. Saturday afternoon the Baron went to the bookkeeper at the Hotel Duquesne and asked for his wages. The bookkeeper asked if he could not wait a while, a few hours, until all the accounts were made up. The Baron said that he had resigned his place, and intended to leave the city on an early train. As h had some bills to pay and other things to look after, he desired to draw his money a little early. His wages were given to him. The Baron owed money to some of the other waiters, and he paid them. He then bade them farewell. About 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon Mrs. Lindenauer was sitting in the rooms of a lady who lives on the first floor at No. 310 Grant street Two or three other ladies, who are neighbors, were present, and all were laughing and chatting in a happy mood. A messenger boy appeared, asked for Mrs. Lindenauer, and handed to her a note. She opened it, read it, screamed and fell upon the floor. She moaned and shrieked, TOBE HEB LONG HATS with her hands, and cried that her. hurband had deserted her. She handed the note to a friend. It was from the Baron, and in a few words informed his wife that he intended to leave her and that she would never see him again. The poor woman was almost frantic with grief and cried piteonsly. She begged one of her friends to go to the Hotel Du quesne and see her husband. The lady who lives on the first floor went to the hotel and was there told that Lindenauer had already left the house. They had no idea where he had gone. Mrs. Lindenaner became sufficiently quiet later in the day to call upon Mayor Me Callin and tell her story to him. He was unable to help her to find her husband, but endeavored to comfort her with kind words. The deserted woman would sot be consoled. She did not sleep Saturday night, and cried continually. Yesterday morning she was no calmer. During the forenoon she at tempted to open the third-story window and throw herself out upon the pavement The women who were with her had difficulty to restrain her. A number of the neighbor women called upon her yesterday and did all they could to console her. They joined in raising a purse of ?15, which they sent to Chicago to Mrs. Lindenauer's daughter to enable her to come to Pittsburg at once. The Baron left his wife without a dollar of money, but fortunately she has the new fur niture. Last evening Mrs. Lindenaner re tired early, and at 9 o'clock it was said that she was resting quietly. THE CITY'S WATER. Proposal to Draw the Supply From Deep v Wells In the Hirer. In Lawrenceville lately considerable talk has been current to the elfect that Council man Hugh Ferguson, of the Seventeenth ward, intended at the meeting of Councils to-day to introduce a measure to have the city secure the water supply from a source other than it now does. The scheme, which it was said Mr. Ferguson would introduce, was that the city could get a water supply in a manner similar to the method at the Lucy Furnace. There a very deep shaft had been sunk on the river bank at the furnace, and the inflow of water into the well is as clear as crystal. From 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 of gallons of water are pumped each day by one engine alone. Mr. Ferguson denied that he intended to take any snch action at present, though he considered the scheme feasible. Six or seven engines, he said, could furnish the city with water, and the total cost would not exceed $50,000. AFTER THE DEITERS. The Police Will Enforce the Fifteen Feet Space Ordinance. The Police Bureau is about to institute active measures against the persistent crowd ing of vehicles on the principal streets. The corner men will receive orders this morning to enforce the ordinance requiring a distance of 15 feet between vehicles to be kept by the drivers, and a number of arrests will be probably made before the loose habits of drivers at present prevalent are wholly remedied. One cause for this order is the constant menacelto life and limb of persons attempt ing to cross Smithfield street, between Sixth avenue and Fifth, during the business hours of the day, the drivers regarding the pedes trians as having no rights deserving of re spect His Life Crashed Onl. A 10-year-old son of James McCleane, of Banksville, suffered injuries Saturday even ing last which caused his death at an early hour yesterday morning. The boy, with some companions, was plaving on the track of the Little Sawmill Run road at Banksville, and, unaware of the near ap proach of a train, remained on until a coal car struck them. All were thrown off the track without injury, except young McCleane. He had his leg terribly crushed near the thigh. ANOTHER GDSHER STRUCK. A SOO-Borrel Spooler Brought la fat the Chartiers Olr- Field-It Started at 17 Bnrrels Per Hour. The Chartiers oil field is booming. An other big strike was made there on Satur day. A man named Aiken, who owns a farm about a mile sonth of the Arbuckle property, and has been drilling on his own land, struck it very rich. The well started with a flow of about 17 barrels per hour, and kept growing stronger. Yesterday a gen tleman who returned from a visit to the new well stated that it was flowing at the rate of 00 barrels per day. This is as good as the Arbuckle well, and shows that the field is a good one. The new well was visited yesterday by scores of people from the city and the sur rounding country. For the time being the Arbuckle well was neglected, aud very few persons went to see it during the day. The country is a rough one, and the roads are very bad. The neighborhood begins to pre sent a decidedly oily appearance. Looking from the hill just above the Arbuckle well, new derricks are visible in almost every direction. On the top of the hill the Ar buckles' have now in process of drilling a new well. About a furlong north of the flowing well timber is being collected for another derrick. It is in the orchard near the farmhouse on the Arbuckle or Jamison farm. The Guffeys' are drilling on property south of the Arbuckles, and in the valley half a mile toward Chartiers, Robinson Brothers are preparing to drill. Every bddy in that neighborhood thinks that the field is a wide and strong one. The Ar buckle well was drilled a little more on Saturday, and the oil flowed out with re newed strength. CAUGHT AT W0EK. More Victims to the Sunday War Upon the Spenfc-Easy Business. The speak-easy business was playing In hard luck yesterday in all directions, but those pounced upon by the strong arm of the law were small places as a rule, although in one case a very liberal deposit was asked and paid for the landlady's appearance. She may be regarded as receiving the flat tering distinction of being the only lady in Pittsburg whose personal appearance was valued at 5140. About 930 P. M. yesterday Captain Dan Sylvus and Detectives Robert Robinson and Nick Bendel made a topo graphical surrey and a job for a bootblack in an alley at No. 50 Fourth avenue, and finding a guide who knew the labyrinth were steered through a back window, up a flight of stairs into the speak-easy of Mrs. Shirley, who, with fonr customers, were arrested. The lady took the arrest as well as the beer philo sophically, saying that it served her right for wanting the earth, as she had closed up, once, but had reopened to get rid of some stock she had over. She deposited $140 for feit, and went out figuring on the entry to be made in the profit and loss account She formerly kept a saloon on the same prem ises with her husband, who deserted her when they were refused a license, about 20 months ago, and she eked out a subsistence for herself and child for some time by sell ing soft drinks and tobies, but lately en larged her sphere of business by adding beer and whisky to her bill of fare, doing a good trade. Mary Shields was interrupted in the mid dle of a moderate business last night at the speak-easy on Millwood avenue, near Thirty-third street and arrested with two cus tomers. An information will be made against Mrs. Shields to-day. A curious fact in connection with the speak-easy arrests, Captain Dan Sylvus says, is that for the last few Sundays many of the visitors were in the places for the first time, and proved such to be the case. The Captain thinks that the speak-easy proprietors are getting shy of their old customers or the latter are getting shy of the police. A BIG STREET CAR DEAL. Sellers Buy. 42 Miles of Hallway In Rochester. H. Sellers McKee, in addition to his al ready established reputation as a glass manufacturer, is beginning to acquire noto riety as a cable line operator. Murray Verner and he are concerned in a deal which includes the purchase of the entire street railway system of Rochester, N. Y. The lines comprised within the system are namely, the Rochester City and Brighton Street Railway and the new Crosstown Railway. The former road was bought outright by Mr. McKee for 12,175,000. Of this sum $500,000 has been paid down. The purchaser takes 4,700 of the 5,000 shares of capital stock at $260 per share and assumes a bonded in debtednessjof $875,000. "When the deal had been closed a syndi cate composed of Rochester. Philadelphia. New York and Pittsburg men was formed; the latter having the greatest interest in the venture. There are 42 miles of road, all of which will be cabled. PROTESTANTISM'S WORK. ttev. Mr. Pragh'a Ideas of What the Span ish-Americana Meed. Rev. John H. Prugh, pastor of Grace Reformed Church, preached yesterday morn ing on "Christianity and Our National Prosperity." He took for his text Deu teronomy xxviiid, in which God speaks of taking the children of Israel and raising them above all nations of the earth. Mr. Prugh began by comparing this nation to the Southern nations, which, he said, were under the influence of Roman Catholic Spain. He dwelt on Protestant Christianity being conducive to the intellectual proper ties, and spoke of the two great things of this nation the open Bible and the public schools. These he said led to national pros perity. Me thought that U the Pittsburg Entertainment Committee had bad time they would have pointed out these leading features to the Pan-American delegates to demonstrate that the United States was the greatest nation of them all. EXAMINING PEIESTS. The Annual Aleetine of the Clerical Belief Association Next Week. The annual metiuc of the Clerical Relief Association, an organization composed of Catholic clergymen only, will be held at the episcopal residence in this city next Wednesday a week. The object of the or ganization is to take care of the priests in time of sickness, and extend them assist ance. The yearly examination of the priests of the Pittsburg diocese will be held at the same place on November 19, 20 and 2L All priests for the first seven years after being ordained are required to pass an examina tion in the doctrine of the church. The ex amination will be conducted by three or four of the older priests of the diocese. ALCOHOL AND GAS. Tiro Bad Thins for Excessive Internal Ap plication to a Youth. About 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon a citizen of Soho found Michael "Kelly, aged 18, lying in an unconscious condition in the pit at the Soho blast furnace. He was taken to the Fourteenth ward station, and when searched a quart bottle of alcohol was found on bis person. Dr. Mover aud Inspector Whitehouse worked with Kelly for six hours before he was restored to consciousness. The alcohol and the gas in the pit were the causes of the stupor. Obstructed the Cable Can. Hugh Crawford and David Hastings were arrested yesterday for obstructing th'e cable cars on Butler street, while out driving in a buggy. Both were locked up in the Seven teenth ward station house to await a bear ing to-day. MISS DEEXEL'S GIFT. She Purchases Some Property Enlarge the Mercy Convent. to NINETEEN THOUSAND THE PRICE. The, Intention to Bay the Whole Square Being Carried (tat. A IARD IS WASTED FOE RECREATION t The Order of the Sisters of Mercy on "Webster avenue, this city, has acquired an other piece of property adjoining their con vent This is another wedge in the opening made some years ago to purchase the whole blocK bounded by Wylie and Webster ave nues and Chatham and Tunnel streets. The final negotiations were closed on Saturday for the transfer of the property Nos. 25, 27 and 29 Tunnel street from Mrs. David Reed to the Sisters. The price paid was $19,000. It was purchased in trust by Sister Kate (Miss Kate Drexel), and bv her turned over to the convent Two years ago when the Sisters purchased the property where the new chapel and home for working girls now stands, it was the intention to secure all the property on the square provided it could be purchased cheap enough. They particularly wanted the property owned by ex-Chief of Police Pender on Wylie avenue. He has two lots in the center of the square between Chatham and Tunnel streets fronting on Wylie avenue. MAT BOTtLD AN ADDITION. The price offered was too low and it was declined. The Sisters had intended to build an L to their building on the lots, and have the convent front on Wylie avenue. Some day they claim this will be done. The Sisters now-own half the block. Their two schools are on Chatham street and Webster avenue. The convent building and new chapel are on the latter street, and the new home for working eirls covers half the square on the Tunnel street side. With the property just purchased they will own the whole block on Tunnel street with the ex tion of the building at the corner of Wylie avenue, which is "tied up" in the Siebeneck estate. ' The latter had an -interest also in the lots just sold, but a dicker was made by which they were enabled to sell to Mrs. Reed. The latter then sold It to the convent MISS DHEXEL'S GIFT. The conditions upon which Miss Drexel turned the property over to the order are not J-et known. Mrs. -Reed is the widow of the ate David Reed, ex-District Attorney of the county. It is understood that the sale was made outright to Miss Drexel, bnt no defi nite information could he obtained abont it. However, it will be given to the order, and probably next spring it will be improved. The lots run back from Tunnel street half way to Chatham. This will give the order control of three-fourths of the block. The tenants now occupying the build ings upon the ground will probably have to vacate about April 1. The convent authorities want room enough to make a recreation yard for the inmates of the insti tution, but the piece just purchased is hardly large enough. It is possible that the working girls' home will be expended to cover part of this ground and thehome enlarged. The business of the laundry con nected with the institution has grown to such proportions that greater facilities are needed. BELLICOSE BEAN EATERS. Bather Than Pay lor the Boston Delicacy They Fight. Charles Gant, a colored gentleman, seated himself in a Fifth avenue restaurant lasf evening and, ordering a plate of baked beans, did justice to the subject with a, a grace and vigor worthy of a native Bos-, tonian. At the conclusion of the repast he took exception to the fact that the em broidered corners of the napkins were not of a sufficiently classical design, or found some other valid reason for relusing to pay the 15 cents demanded. The waiter, who was somewhat of a Bos tonian himself, of the Sullivan class, pro ceeded to take about' 15 cents' worth of ex ercise out of the colored customer, while another colored man named Charles Real objected to this style of delinquent bean tax collections and sailed into the waiter. Some ot the customers, probably with an eye to the spoons and a wish to create con fusion, shouted "Murder!" "Police!" and other vociferations calculated to add oil to the flames. Detectives Demmel and McTighe arrived on the scene about this time, and taking one each of the impecunious bean-eaters, placed them in Central station, where this morning they will be charged with disorderly con duct, as well as 15 cents for the beans. A TEMPERANCE GATHERING. Prominent Advocates ol the Canse to Address a Demonstration. In conjunction with the Catholic Congress at Baltimore, which opens this morning, a meeting of the Executive Board of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union will be held on Wednesday in the Ebbitt House, Washington. The officers of the board are specially invited to attend the opening of the Catholic University on Thursday. On Thursday evening there will be a monster temperance demonstration, presided over by one of the Commissioners for the District of Columbia. Among those who will address the meeting are.Archbishop Ireland; Father Nugent, of Liverpool, Eng., a well known temperance advocate; Father Cleary, of Kenosha, Wis.; "Vice President the Bev. Father She"edy; ex-President f the Rev. Father Conaty, of Worcester, Mass., and Father Elliott, of New York. The new CatholicUniversitywill be formally opened on Wednesdav at 4 o'clock. President Harrison and Cabinet wilfbe present TWO SUNDAY RAIDS. A Speak-Easy Cleared Out and a Gambling Onlfit Obnfiscated. A speak-easy was raided at 42 Tunnel street at 10:301a. m. yesterday, the bar tender, James Carr, and five visitors being arrested. An information will be made to day against Mrs. Weir, the proprietress. A poker room at 137 First avenue was raided at 2 a. m. yesterday, and John Alli son, the proprietor, with 11 others, were taken in. The layout was confiscated. Yesterday afternoon Captain Mercer, with Lieutenant Kramer and Officers Gumbert and McLaughlin, raided an alleged speak easy on Bates street. Eight men were captured and taken to the Fourteenth ward station house. It is not known who was the head of the house. At 1130 Inspector Whitehouse, Lieuten ant Metz and Officers Madigan and Duncan brought li more prisoners to the station. They were Mrs. Bridget Snllivan and ten men. The officers had raided Mrs. Snlli van's house, which they state is a speak easy. GA8 FOR CHARTIERS MILLS Will be Piped From a Dlatnnce of Only Fonr allies From the City. Anderson Dnpuy & Co., ill conjunction with Contractor P Foley, are expending $100,000 in a 16-inch cast-iron lead-joint pipe line from Horseshoe Bend, on the Perrysville road, to their mills at Chartiers. The line will cross the Ohio by means of two 10 inch screw lines. The prospects from the three wells are so good as to give indications of gas in such quantity as to suffice for all the factories in Chartiers, Work was commenced on the 1st of the month, and the line will be operating by the 1st of December. The distance is only four and a half miles the nearest point to the city at whrub gas has us jet been struck. MILL IMPROVEMENTS: A New Corrugated Balllar for the Carbon Iroa Company Tiro Opes Hearth Far Daces to be Ball r. The Carbon. Iron Company, on Thirty second street, which has been in existence for abont 18 months, has decided to make extensive improvements at its mills. When the present company bought the property from the defunct Graff, Bennett & Company they partially altered the works. The Carbon Company took the mill as a venture. The process by which they make steel, known .as "direct," was not demon strated, and it was a matter of conjecture whether it would prove successful. The west side of the works ism a dilap idated condition. No improvement has ever been made on the buildings since they were erected, 20 years ago. Tha plan of the Carbon Company is to tear the old build ings down and replace them with a corru gated iron 'structure. In the renovated part of the mill it is the Intention of the man agers to furnish it with two open hearth furnaces. These will have 60,000 pounds capacity, and constructed on the same plan as the other four that are in working order now. The rnnnlng of the "direct process" open hearth furnace is not like the ordinary furnace. They con vert steel from the ore, whereas the general practice is to make steel plates from mixtures of iron. The company pro poses to erect two large rolling mills for breaking down the ingots into steel plates. The rolls will be from 20 to 80 inches in di ameter. The mill is to have rolling tables. Another improvement settled upon is to move the pumps from their position down to the river. Mr. Samuel Harris, who is to make the alterations and do the excavating, said that a well would be sunk at the river's brink similar to the one at the Lncy fnrnace. This will be a great accommodation to the works; the pumps are now situated more than 100 yards from the river. They will sink the new water shaft about 35 feet, and it will be 15 feet wide. Three pumps will throw the water into a large receiver, and from this the mill will draw its water. The rebuilding of old works and fixing it up with improved machinery, together with sinking the new well, will approximate $100,000. . Clark Bros., of the Solar Iron' Works, have broken ground for the erection of two 0,000 pounds open hearth furnaces. This is an innovation at the Solar works, because in the past they have never made anything but iron hoops. The new furnaces Will be ready for work in the course of six weeks, and it will reqnire 0 extra men to run this department What the steel company pro poses to make is an extra fine boiler plate and tank sheets. MINERS ASD OWNERS TO CONFER As to Whether Easiness Win Warrant an Increase In Wanes. The committee representing the river coal operators appointed to meet the miners' committee for the purpose of discussing the condition of the trade with a view to a set' tlement of the existing wage difficulty, will consist of Captain I. N. Bunton, who will preside, Captain Henry Brown, Captain W. W. O'Neill, W. N. Lysle and S. L. Wood. The meeting will be held to-morrow at 1:30 o'clock in Messrs. John A. Wood & Sons' office. It may be said that the miners have vir tually already struck for the additional half cent increase, for work over the entire dis trict has been suspended since formal in timation of the demand has been made. The Sfeeling among the operators points to a de termination on tneir part not to grant tne increase, founded on the low price of the market, the unusual cost of transportation, and the unfavorable time of the year settled upon by the miners to jproffer their demand for higher wages. It was stated by one prominent mine owner that he would not object. to closing his mines for the next two months, and he intimated that he would find, Ifniore profitable to do so than to continue operations at existing prices, much less add another half cent to the cost of output. Whether the miners will decide that they have reason to demand higher wages, when the condition of the market is placed before them by the committee to-morrow, it is im possible to say, but it is thought by those cognizant of their affairs that they regard their esse as presenting strong grounds for their present action. ELECTRICAL UNION NO. 1 MEETS And Arranges to Take Part Is the Arm strong) Dedication. Electrical Union No. 1 held its usual bi monthly meeting yesterday. .Alter the transaction of routine business, arrange ments were perfected for as complete a turn ing out of the members to participate in the Armstrong monument dedication cere monials as the exigencies of the service would admit It is expected that some 200 members will be in line. Since its incep tion in last May the union, the only one of its kind in Allegheny county, has grown very rapidly, and its affairs are reported as flourishing. Twenty new members were initiated at yesterday's meeting, the total number being 2CO. W. H. Johnston is President J. J. Moore, Vice-President, and C. C. Thomas, Financial Secretary. Rehearsing; far Thanksgiving; Day. A meeting of the M. M. P. V. was held yesterday in Turner's Hall, Forbes street It was rumored that the Union proposed to take some action with regard to Manager Wilt's relations with it: but it it formu lated any plan for getting even with Mr. Wilt, it kept it religiously dark. A re hearsal of the combined bands to take part in the Amstrong monument dedicatory cere monials was held. THE STATEMENT BEAD. The Trnstees Show That Dr. I. N. Hays' Church Owes a Henry Debt. After services at the Central Presbyterian Church yesterday, a statement of the finan cial condition of the organization was read. The reading was brought about by the re cent resignation of the pastor, Bev. I. N. Hayes, and the charges made against the trnstees by some of the members of the con gregation. The statement, as read, was not at all favorable, and caused considerable 'comment among those present It showed that there was a mortgage of $2,200 airainst the church property and that, fur thermore, the church was in debt $374 74 November 1, after the pew rents due on that date are collected. This state of affairs is said not to be the fault of the trustees, and they have the support of a majority of the congregation in their position. One of the trustees said last night that the congregation had asked that a special meeting be called for next Wednesday night, and that such a meeting would be held. On that evening the trnstees will present a statement covering a period of several Years, and destined to show whether Bev. Hays was a success as a pastor or not The trouble in the church is caused by the strained relations between the pastor and the trustees, and the congregation occupies the position of an onlooker, watching that his interests may not be jeopardized by that which is passing before him. The most effective "night cap' is a glass of P. & V.'s Iron City beer. Never n Failure. Marriaees never turn out failures when Marvin's wedding frnit cake has & place J on the table at tbe wedding supper. It is the finest in the market mws DON'T let whisky get the best of you, but get the best of whisky. Klein's Silver Age rye only $1 SO per full quart For sale everywhere. Ask for it xwr , Tittc most effectiro "nfotifc ram" Ia a erlaaa I of I". & V.'s Iron City beer. LAKEBOAD PROPOSED Col. Andrews Thinks It Would be Better Than the Canal Scheme. HI EXPLAINS HIS FLAK IN DETAIL. Pittsburg Needs More Iron Ore aad Fever Furnaces at Present. FOUR TfiACIS AND BIG FBEI6ET OARS t Since the agitation of tha scheme to build a canal from Lake Erie to some point near Pittsburg, various objections have arisen, and several counter suggestions have been proposed. Among others who have from time to time spoken on the subject of better transportation to the lakes in its various phases, is Colonel Jas. B. Andrews, the well-known engineer. Short accounts have been published in The DISpatci! giving the pith of Colonel Andrews' opinions, but for the purpose of getting e more detailed statement, a reporter visited the gentleman at bis home yesterday. Colonel Andrews gave his views with great clearness, and while he does not antagonize the canal scheme, he evidently thinks that a railroad, such as be suggested through THE Dis patch some time ago. would be a better means of bringing ore from the lake ports than the proposed canal. Colonel Andrews said: "I have no wish to create Imaginary ob stacles, and put them in the way of the gen tlemen who propose constructing a ship canal between here and the lake, but it seems to me that there is a disposition to rush into the enterprise with a hurrah, and without a proper consideration of the diffi culties with which they are sure to meet. I am very doubtful, however, of their ability to provide sufficient water for such a large canal during the drv summer months. I myself have known farmers on that part of the Western Beserve through which it is proposed to run the canal to be short of water for their cattle during a dry summer. Of course, retaining basins could be built, but the question arises would it pay to build such basins? It would take an enormous sum of money to build them in such a man ner that they would be fed by the streams in their neighborhood, and to build them in any other way would be nonsensical. To rely upon a pumping system for their water is, in my opinion, folly. A CANAL TOO EXPENSIVE. Another thing which arises as an objec tion Is the item of expense. If the lake ves sels are to be brought to a point near this city, their crews will, of course, have to be brought along. The men composing these crews will have to be paid, both for the time occupied in the journey from the lake aad for the time spent in the harbor here. These majr seem puerile objections to advanca against a scheme of such magnitude as the canal, but it is the little things that count" "What would you propose in place of the canal?" asked the reporter. "Well, nothing, as far as making a defi nite proposal is concerned. But I do think that a railroad would be more feasible, and I am sure that it would cost less to con struct" "Would it be a ship railway?" "No; leave the ships In the lake. My plan, if it may be called such, has only to do with the cargoes. I think that a four-rail track from here to any of the lake porta could be laid much cheaper than a canal could be dug. In every road there are many miles that can be laid for little more than the cost of the rails and ties, but with a canal every inch of the way would have to be dug and blasted through the earth and rock. "On this roadl would plan cart with four trucks each, each track to hava (mm r to ia wheels. The cars would be drawn by irfean- tie locomotives, entirely different from any now in use. 'Xbese locomotives would have mree Boners, one over eaca space Between the rails. Under each boiler therm mM be from 8 to 12 small driving wheels, giving the maximum of power for a minimum of fuel. Power, and not speed, would be the chief object, to be attained with snch engines. The freight cars would be of the hopper variety so that they could discharge their load by dropping It into whatever was below them to receive it I wonld have this road run from the lake to a point near Pittsburg, where it would meet the various roads connecting with tha ore furnaces. By a system of trestle works, after the cars had discharged their loads of ore into the smaller cars below, they could be shipped to a lower level, aad could be loaded from above with coal or other coke to be taken back to the lake; This would give an even balance to the arrangement, and make the Mad doubly profitable." THE CABS TVOtfliD BE tAKOE. "What size would the cars be, and what speed could be attained?" asked the re porter. . "Well, the cars would hold from 300 to 00 tons each, and the speed would be about ten miles per hour. This rate of speed is over three times that which would be at tained by lake vessels coming through a canal. Of course, the idea I have given yon does not go into derails, but I think it more feasible than the canal scheme by a long way. I do not wish to be quoted as object ing to the proposed canal, but merely thins that a better means of bringing ore to' this neighborhood could be secured. "One thing is certain. You will see a de- -CA2INEB5,- "Weakness, Indisposition to Work, Headache, Dullness, Heaviness, tack of Appetite, Constipation, all indicate that you need a few doses of fhe genuine Dr. McLano's Celebrated LIYER PILLS. They strengthen the weak and purify the BLOOD.- They are prepared from the purest materials and put up with the great est care by FLEMING BROS., Pittsburg, Pa. Be sure you get the genuine Const erfelts are made in St Louis. jrS-snrp THE CHINA STOBE. French, Kendrick & En. INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF wedding" gifts, dinneFsets AND . CHAMBER SETS. A special line of inexpensive orna mental goods, suitable, for EUCHRE PRIZBS or CHRISTMAS GIFTS. 6M SMITHFIELD arTKEET, 4l ; Ohk1 the cttr Sag, a. swirf Art 1. ; cMod change ia regular railroadfireight trafic in a' few years. I believeitf tobe only a question of time until the freight and passenger business of all our roads will, ba carried on over different tracks, and thelin creasing tonnage of the freight car of to-day renders some suebr scheme ar I propose necessary even to the regular roads. The change may be a long time Mfniflf atxiflt,' but the general tendency ii ia that.dim tion." Colenel Andrews also said that if the Irt manufacturers of Pittsburg would put soma money into an ore transportation scheme i2 stead of building more Hast furnaces, it -S-VTv -H mi r Ior lne Ieal prosperity ox Pittsburg. The question Is not lack of fsr. aaces, but of ere. He said it was a afitstf to him how the railroads now in operation manage to supply the demand. GR0WMG IS HTJHBERS. Dr. KcClenahan Preached Yesterday to ths Sew U. P. Congregation. t .- ' Dr. McClafalun, of the WesiernXhefS . ' logical Seminary, Allegheny, preached "at the morning service in the Thirty-third -street school bouse. This congregation.-it. , will be remembered, was formed as an.60" growth of the recent trouble at the Miners '$ ville Presbyterian Church, and they joined l the United Presbyterian body. The attend- ance was considerably over the number present last Sunday, which was their first service. Yesterday at least 100 people pa ticipated in the exercises. A Sabbath school was Organized before the morning service; 67 persons ioined it. Thftnew conereestion H rr,in wita . church at once, on Thirty-thinf street. Tie building will be ready In January. , A Special Meeting-. A special meeting of the members of the Library Association will be held this after noon. The meeting will have todeddethe question whether the Library Hall property shall be preserved for the public use to which it was dedicated, or go without a home. About Evening Wodleris and SilH. JOB. HDRNE h CQKB PENN AVENUE STORES,"4 PlrrSBtraA. Monday, November 11,1388. The Season of gayety Is approacalng; If ttete Is a cessation In the flow of sodabflity which fa the leaven of life, it's between seasons we are on the shore of the new sea of social life. How dreary the thought to those who expect to see none of it Most everybody expects to make a voyage ot some distance at least Many will be sailine the whole season through. If to the fair voyagers we wish to speak. Your costumes for the voyage. Many have prepared, many .are preparing; and each day sees a greater number layingia the necessaries. Ovr evening wear department art brttktng up loUh a Uvelineu thai o. -rpcakt a teaton of extraordinary oriuianc. Never were beautiful goods" for house 'and I evening wear produced in such varieties or I richness. - - -.',t"T1 f 'rt&Jt&l f?4atim nfM..-. Txr-f mji af?d Nuns' Veilings, Albatross, CamePs' TalfflL. t m Foule, Crepeallne, Serges, Xansdowse, Broid-f-'i cloths, Beatrice, Armures, Jacquards, MoU'43 uuus, mamas, auis jsgpaoe, uanette, uob vent and Gypsy, in Sill: "Warps, Cashmeres, Albines, Striped Granite Cloths, Bordered Nuns' Veilings aud Tricots, in Cream WhUe, etc All these and many other Woolens in mose'-y popular weaves, cone la (Pinks, Blues, HelfgJ trope. Maize, Lemon. Uvera, Nile, FrencUl Greys, Eerua, etc, etc In printed goods Side Border Mouselines, Ail-Over Printed Cashmeres, Embroidered Casby meres, la Cream White Polka Dot; Paris pattern Suits, la Cream and White, rich aad handsome. - 9C Special 49-iach Paris ( CssbV meres in the oddeec shades, espedanr for tea1 gewBSir house dresses? An.WeelCieaV Housselinee la ricU" csBseretM Do you get an Idea of ths cbolee you have In selecting the TnTitnrlsai Tnfgftii.M.iAftt. .! ii And we haren't come nearer. Se- Bilks than to mention Bilk Warps. - The evening Silk Department is' a very gal lery of beautiful designs aud rfea colorings; Not a piece of goods yon ever set eyes on ce fore and the likes of which yon wfflseeraV' where else. As to names there are Crepe IyCbenes in all colors. Crepe D'Chenes in fancy stripes and cheeks Faille Francalsses, Fancy Armures, Striped Armures, Brocade Indias, GarJoches, Pinks, Blaes aad Whites,' Fancy Brocades, f " FeandeSole, '' "' Fteur de Sole, India Crepes, eta, eta. And as to prices bus we win not ask yWtil buy by newspaper. Somethings must be sold la that way. Ne lag here but is its own best adTrtiset we want Is for the people who aaeeVol goods to come and see thera here. '"& Ribbons and Flowers will play a prffTnlniitl part in fancy costuming this season. Note word, but the critic's. Put several olf largest ribbon stocks hereabouts sJossMeteCI ours. The whole of them together seesa a beside ours. We simply hare sverythlrqr, la aH Silk andta Fancy Velvet, Satin and JJeSj Ribbons. And Flowers that would sack ksol house posies envious. Evening Gloves for Ladies and Oesrtssassal In the latest shades and styles of best i JDS. HDRNE k W ' feWKM -A.VlNUr. "fit-'- 7,: am..:VijT3:i XjBK l? r nKgiijH ( J