Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 11, 1889, Image 1

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5 ?If j-on want Board, Booms,
vHelp, advertise in THE DISPATCH.
Pnrchasers can be found for everytklac
( tercd For Sale In THE DISPATCH.
THE DISPATCH ii the best advertising
medium in Western Pennsylvania. Try It.
Secretary Windom is Informed
That the Jeannette Glass
The Administration's Highest Legal
Authority Says So.
Probable Speedy Decision in the Imported
Laborers' Cate Important Enough to
Hold a Ccblnet Consoltailoa Upon
Opinions of the Attorney General and
the Solicitor or the Treasnry The Men
Shonld be Sent Back and District At
torney Lyon Brine Salt Against the Of
fendersThe Vice President's Aristo
cratic Barroom the Talk of Washing
ton He Mav Have to Lease the Entire
Establishment to Stop the Gossips'
Secretary "Windom is advised by Solicitor
Hepburn and Attorney General Miller that
the Jeannette glassworkers must be sent
back and proceedicgs.be begun against the
firms and their agents who imported them.
A Cabinet consultation, however, will be
held on the important matter. Vice Presi
dent Morton's aristocratic bar is the topic of
excitement in the capital. Mr. Morton will
likely have to lease his entire hotel.
"Washington, November 10. It is
probable that within a Jew days the author
ities of the Treasury Department will reach
the end of the Jeannette glassworkers' case,
and the prospects are that it will result in
& decision to instruct District Attorney
Lyon to proceed against Chambers & Mc
Kee and Campbell and Slicker as princi
pals and agents in the making of the con
tract with the English workmen, and to
take steps to have the latter returned to
their own country.
The department has proceeded very
slowly and carefully in its examination
of this case. When Assistant Secretary
Batcheller received the papers on both
sides, with the information presented by
Distiict Attorney Lyon, he soon became
convinced that there was more in it than
had appeared on a hasty examination. He
referred the matter to Solicitor Hepburn,
who has spent much time in
' He found the case possessed some features
different from any other which has been pre
sented under the alien contract labor law,
in the manner in which the alleged con
tract was made, through the agency of labor
organizations, and a delicate question was
involved as to who was guilty, if there was
an infraction of the law at all.
So peculiar were some of the phases of
the case that, while the Solicitor was de
cided in his own mind that there were am
ple grounds for a prosecution under the
law, it was thought best to present the
whole matter to the Attorney General for
his opinion. The Solicitor read his opin
ion yesterday to the Secretary and
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and
later a brief of the evidence, with the
opinion, were gone over to the Attorney
General, and it is understood that supreme
legal adviser of the administration agrees
with the Solicitor of the Treasury that there
are good grounds for a suit
It is prsbable, however, that before the
final step is taken and the suit ordered the
matter'will be discussed at a Cabinet meet
ing, as the case involves a much more radi
cal application of the law than hrfs been
involved in any previous suit, and will
form an important precedent in future cases
in which it may appear that an attempt has
been made to evade the law.
In the analysis of the evidence the ques
tion arose whether, on account of the Jean
nette factory using the tank process, which
was not common in America, it might not
be claimed that the contracting parties
Vrere exempt under that section of
yihe law which provides that work
men may be imported to operate a new
industry, when experienced American work
men cannot be had; but an examination of
the work required for the tank process
convinced the Solicitor that the labor was
so nearly identical with that of the ordinary
process as to preclude any excuse upon the
grounds that this was a new industry.
If further consultation, therefore, does
not completely reverse all the present con
victions of the Treasury authorities and
their legal advisors, District Attorney Lyon
will shortly be instrucied to begin suit
against Chambers & McKee and their
agents, separately, in each one of the
25 cases, the extreme penalty being
$1,000 fine in each case and the
costs of prosecution. At the same time
the workmen themselves, in case the law
be found to have been violated, will be
taken in charge and returned to England,
. at the expense of the vessel which brought
them here.
It seems to be now the opinion of the au
thorities that the machinery of the present
law is sufficient to procure the apprehen
sion and return of workmen who have
passed the custom officials or the inspectors
of immigration, though some time ago an
opposite view was taken. The appropria
tion made at the last session of Congress
and it is not probable, in case it be decided
. there was a contract, that there will be any
difficulty in the way of returning the men
to their homes. Of course, in cate of con
viction an appeal can be taken, and more
over, a compromise may be made, the Gov
ernment remitting a portion or all of the
fine. In a case where a Texas contractor
was convicted in upward of CO cases a com
promise would probably have been made by
the late administration had not the proposi
tion come during the campaign of last year.
After Cleveland's defeat it was decided to
leave the matter as a legacy to the succeed
ing administration.
The object of this and the aim of the Gov- j
. ?
eminent is not so much to punish the guilty
as to prevent the importation of workmen
under contract, or to return them to their
own country where they are brought here
under contract. Lightneb.
The Vice President's Bar Getting- a Biff
Advertisement The DIost-Talked-of
Mnn and Saloon In tho Country An
Unlicensed Honse Tor Awhile.
"Washington, November 10. Vice
Present Morton is probably the most wor
ried member in this administration. The
discussion of his bar-room license by the
"W. C. T. U., at Chicago yesterday, has
loosed the tongues of people here who pre
viously had not dared'to open their months,
and the local press, which before had been
exceedingly quiet about the affair, are to
night preparing for a "spread" which will
give the Shoreham hotel a great advertise
ment. The District authorities were loyal to the
powers that be, and when they issued the
first license of the next license year, two or
three days ago, to James Keenan, no men
tion was made that the license was really for
the Vice President, and for the Shoreham,
and the name of Keenan was passed over
without attracting general notice. The re
sult of the widespread discussion will prob
ably be that the Vice President of the United
States will cease selling wines and liquors
and running a hotel on his own hook, and
lease the whole business to Keenan or some
one. At present Mr. Keenan is simply his
steward or manager.
Mr. Keenan said this evening that no bar
would be Opened, and that no drinks would
ever be sold except to guests of the honse.
Bnt drinks have been otherwise sold, and
that when the Shoreham had no license
at all.
Par from blowing over, gossip in regard
to the matter appears to be only beginning,
and Mr. Morton promises within the next
few days to be the most-discussed-man in
the country. Patriotic temperance people
say it is bad enongh for the Vice President
to be engaged in the liqnor business,
but it gives them a more uncomfort
able feeling to know that they
may wake up any morning and hear
of the sudden death of the President, and
they don't want to run the chance 01 the
chief executive being in the business of a
barkeeper. On the other hand, the liquor
men point to Trinity Church, in New York,
and other churcnes as making a profit out of
property leased to liauor sellers, and to good
deacons and elders the country over, simi
larly engaged, and to the direct representa
tives and lawmakers of tbe people in the
Senate and House of Representatives, who
each session provide for the sale of bever
ages of all kinds in magnificent bars at both
wings of the national capital.
Not Improved by the Surprises of the Recent
Election An Alleged Quarrel With
Senator Sawyer Tho Lat
ter' Partial Denial.
"Washington, November 10. President
Harrison has been made to realize in several
ways the fact that the administration was
somewhat involved in last Tuesday's elec
tion. It is very -openly stated that the Pres
ident has a Republican Senator on his
hands who is very mad at the way he was
treated because the President was in an ill
humor over the result of the elections. This
isjthe Hon. -Philetus Sawyer, of Wisconsin.
Unsuspecting the state of mind of tbe Presi
dent, the Senator, after the usual courtesies,
"Mr. President, I called upon you to-day
to see if you would not act favorably in
Guenther's case and make him Consul Gen
eral to Havana." The Guentber referred
to is the German-American ex-Congressman
from Wisconsin who was mentioned
last spring for Recorder of Deeds of the
District To this tbe President replied:
"It does not seem to me that this is a good
time to press Mr. Guenther's case after
what the Germans have done in Ohio and
Finally the President intimated that he
preferred to talk the matter over at another
time, and the manner in which he conveyed
the suggestion indicated that he would not
care if the Senate never called np Guen
ther's case again. Mr. Sawyer was asked
for his version of the matter, and said:
So far as the statement inmutes to me .inprr
or displeasure over any phase of tbe interview
wth tbe President the statement is absolutely
without the slightest degreeor shadow of foun
dation. I have known tbe President for many
years and never observed him to be wanting in
courtesy of manner or kindliness of heart. He
explained to me some of the difficulties per
taining to one of tbe subjects of our conversa
tion, and I recognized both their existence
and weight, and told him so. I have been
too many years in public life to expect a Presi
dent to be able to gratify all wishes of con
stituents, and his inability to do so certainly
caused in ine neitber aneer nor surprise. On
tbe occasion referred to I bad no conversation
with the President upon the subject of the re
cent elections. The statementthat he referred,
in conversation with me or in my presence, to
the course of the Germans or of any other na
tionality at tho late elections in Ohio or else
where is unqualifiedly untrue.
The Election In Ohio Believed to Have
Somcwhnt Weakened McKinley.
"Washington, November 10. Repre
sentatives. Cannon and Henderson are the
only two candidates for the Speakership of
tne House ot .Representatives now in the
city, but Reed, McKinley and Burrows are
all expected this week, and with their pres
ence, and that of probably one-half or two
thirds of tbe members of the House, the fight
for the powerful position of Speaker will be
on in earnest It appears to be the impres
sion that the elections have increased the
chances of Reed, if they have had any in
fluence at all in the contest The defeat
of Foraker in Ohio has at least
suggested a lack of influence on the
part of McKinley and other Congressmen
of tnat State, and the charge that McKinley
and his friends were of that political faction
which was lukewarm toward Poraker, and
which actually contributed moral influence,
if in no other way, to the loss of the Gover
norship, has, in the judgment of many,
given a death-blow to all prospects ot the
election of the ambitious statesman from
Canton. Whether the charge be true or not,
it has awakened a suspicion that there are
Grounds for it, and Congressmen who have
een friendly to McKinley. are known to
have declared that he must not now be
elected to tbe Speakership.
It is assumed that anything that weakens
McKinley will strengthen Reed more than
anyone else, though Reed's friends do not
for a moment admit that any other candi
date than their own ever had a shadow of a
chance for election.
A County Treasurer or Kansas In Canada
With All the Ponds.
Manhattan, Kan., November 10. A
letter was received here to-day from James
Fortner, County Treasurer of this, Ripley
county, stating that he was at Wind
sor, Ont, having gone there on
the 5th of November to escape arrest for
having embezzled the county funds. Fort
ner's attorney, G. S. Green, has the keys to
the safe, and he refuses to open the safe un
til he can be authoritatively ordered to do
so by the County Commissioners, who will
meet to-morrow for that purpose.
It is believed that Fprtner made way with
all the county funds.
The Bead of the Knights of Labor Saya
Red Flag; Followers Should be Sup
pressed Tho Law Ought to
Sit Down on Them.
Philadelphia, November 10. Unless
the police interfere the Anarchists have de
termined to hold their mass meeting at Odd
Fellows' Hall to-morrow night The
Anarchists are greatly excited over the
rumor that the police will be in attendance
at their meeting. They fear that the officers
will interfere with the proceedings. A
secret meeting of the Committee on Agita
tion was held this evening to determine
upon a plan of action.
General Master Workman Powderly, ot
the Knights of Labor, was at the Windsor
Hotel this afternoon, and, in answer to a
question concerning his position, said:
I have devoted considerable space to that
snbjectin my book, "Thirty Years of Labor."
I consider Anarchists are born devils, whose
only mission is to raise a disturbance, which I
think they would endeavor to do under any
consideration. I think that tho police shonld
suppress all meetings of this kind, if the pur
pose is to create a feeling of discontent as is
perfectly evident from the inflammatory circu
lar issued for this meeting.
No Anarch st has any right to speak for the
Knights ot Labor, and it is a great piece of
presumption to attempt to work upon tbe sym
pathy of the members by using our motto: "An
injury to one is the concern of aH." in connec
tion with the commemoration of tbe elocution
or certain enemies to the welfare of the
republic. There Is another thing in connec
tion with that circular that I wonld like
to speak about and that is the mentioning of
Albert;Parsons as a member of the Knights of
Labor. Well, what if he wasT That does not
signify anything more than the fact that he
was also a Mason. Why didn't they harangue
that organization to join them in their danger
ous undertaking? Parsons' enmo was not
committed under any law of tbe Knights of
Labor, or under any Masonic law, and it there
fore naturally follows that the fact that be
was a member of those bodies is entirely with
out any significance.
These Anarchists can claim what they please.
They can endeavor to convince people tint
they are peaceful in their ideas, bnt their past
actions prove that their claim is a fallacy, and
only makes it more evident that thev are em
phatically a crowd in favor of force. At Ml of
their meetings the violent haranguing and the
threatening remarks of their speakers will go
still further to prove this fact" There is only
one .legitimate way to correct existing social
wrongs, and that is by the ballot
The Architect Makes a Number of.Snggcs
tloni In That Line.
Washington, November 10. Edward
Clark, the Architect of the Capitol, in bis
annual report to the Secretary of the In
terior, recommends or suggests that
the central portion of the building
be enlarged and extended, to give
it a more imposing appearance, in
keeping with the improvements that hare"
been going on at the west front for several
years. The grand marble stairway and ter
races are approaching completion,
and the architect thinks that the
beautiful and imposing nature of
the work gives the main portion of
tne Capitol building a dingy and cheap ap
pearance. His idea now is to have this old
central building enlarged and the walls
constructed ot marble, as are the Senate
and House wings, and the new system of
terraces and stairways.
The building and surroundings at present
are of three colors. The central or old por
tion under the dome is of stone, painted a
dirty gray, the wings are of cream-colored
marble, and the new terraces and stairways
are of white marble, which, however,
may Decome yellow with sge and thns
49ffespbtf3 With the" wings. The dome is of
iron and painted about the same color-as the
old portion of the building. The new grand
stairway is a fine piece of work, and the
most creditable improvement that has been
made about the Capitol for man v yearn. The
construction of the terraces afford a large
number of additional rooms that have been
greatly needed, and which will be at once
utilized for committee and storage rooms.
Some ot the former will be used at the ap
proaching session of Congress.
Kuaze to Tarn Stnte's Evidence Against tbe
Cronln Conspirators.
Chicago, November 10. Sudden and
sensational developments have been charac
teristic features of the Cronin murder con
spiracy, and before this week closes the
most startling sensation ot all is
expected to be introduced by the State
at the trial. It was learned to-day,
from a semi-official source, thai the last wit
ness which the State's Attorney will
call before resting his case will be
John Kunze, defendant Owing to his
nationality and his intimate relations
with Dan Coughlin, the opinion generally
prevailed at the time of Kunze's arrest that
if he had anything to do with the conspira
cy it was only as an innocent tool
of the detective. When the trial
began it was not known outside of the offi
cials connected with tbe prosecution that
any more evidence existed against Kunze
than the fact that he drove Coughlin to the
Carlson cottage and left him there on the
night of May 4.
With that understanding, it was thought,
the State put Kunze on trial, so as to induce
him to tell all he knew about the
movements of Coughlin on May 4.
Now he knows the criminating char
acter of the evidence against him and
realizes the mistake he made in not becom
ing a witness for the State to save his
own neck. His story will strike
the last nail in the coffins of Burke,
Coughlin and O'SulIivan. Since Kunze
recovered from his illness he has been as
light-hearted as ever, always in good humor,
and joking or laughing at time.
Two Terrible Drugs With Which Laura
Bailey Was Taken to Jnll.
When Laura Bailey and May Donelson,
who are charged with enticing minor girls
to improper resorts, were taken to the jail on
Saturday morning a startling discovery was
made, and is disclosed at this late hour.
The matron, on searching the former wo
man, discovered a bottle of sulphuric acid
(vitriol) and about a teaspoonful of
morphine concealed about her person. It is
supposed that she expected, if the trial re
sulted badly for her, to disfigure or blind
some one with the vitriol and end her own
life with the morphine.
No clew can be obtained toher intentions,
as she resolutely refuses to speak upon the
subject She has but little mercy to look
for in the sentence or the Court, if found
guilty, as the statement of the judge on
Saturday (which caused the withdrawal of
the plea) proved.
The Work Upon tho Nicaragua Canal Has
Been Formally Commenced.
San Juan Del Noete, Nicabagua,
October 22.-The first sod of the Nicaragua
Canal was officially and formally turned at
9:30 A. M. to-day amid the booming of cannon
and the cheers of thousands of spectators,
and in the'presence of Governor Delgodillo
and staff, representing Nicaragua, the chief
engineer and staff of the Nicaragua Canal
Company, and all the foreign consuls in this
Work was really begun in June 30 last,
but owing to some slight misunderstand
ing between Nicaragua and Costa Rica,
which has since been amicably, arranged,
the formal opening was postponed until today.
- ' -
Colonel Goodloe, Who Slew Colonel
Swope and Was Shot by Him,
He Says His Antagonist Was the Aggressor
in Their Duel,
The Bwcpe Funeral and Oilier Outcomes of the
Terrible Drama. ,
The last act in Lexington's terrible
double tragedy was the death of Colonel
Goodloe yesterday. He died bravely, and,
before his decease, testified that the death
thrusts he made at his antagonist with a
knife were forced from him by his own
death wound. Lexington is under a pall.
Lexington, Ky., November 10, Tbe
curtain fell on the Goodloe-Swope tragedy
at 12:55 o'clock to-day, when the second vic
tim of the fearful and deadly struggle,
like his antagonist, quietly passed away.
After the operation reported in to
day's Dispatch had been performed,
Colonel Goodloe
rested until -o'cloek
this morn
ing, when he awoke
and took some
nourishment. At
this hour his con
dition was fairly
favorable, but three
hours later he be
gan to fail, and his
physicians, after aa
examination, at
once said that he
ennlil Tint nossiblv
Colonel A. it. Swope. the ,. ,., f. ...
Shooter,Who Wds First lve until the set
to Die. ting of another sun.
"When his condition was made known to
him, Colonel Goodloe at once announced
his desire to become a communicants the
Episcopal Church. The rector of that con
gregation here was summoned, and the
to the dying man. To his family, who had
gathered around him, he simply said: "Be
brave," and, answering "yes" to a question
asked as to his condition by one of his physi
cians, he sank back on his pillow, never to
raise his head again.
Two hours later, amid the groans and dis
tressed cries of his loved ones, the doctors
pronounced him dead. With the exception
of his brother, Major Green Clay Goodloe,
who failed to arrive from Washington City
until to-night, all his family were at
his bedside during his last hours,
and the griet they ex
pressed would surely
have brought tears
even to, the eyes of
those unused to weep
ing. Colonel Goodloe's
death, following so
soon after the decease
of his opponent, had
a Drojouod f3ect in
this city. The pall
which hangs like a
heavy cloud every
Colonel William Cos-
and the terrible trag- "" Goodloe, who
edy will be remem- ltabbed and wca shot
bered as one of the most unfortunate that
has ever occurred in this State, which has
been styled "the dark and bloody ground."
The funeral will take place in this city,
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Goodloe's statement of the difficulty, after
he was told that he could not live, makes
Swope tbe aggressor, as he drew and shot
Goodloe just as the latter got his knife open.
Goodloe said that, feeling he had received a
death wound, he cut him until he fell.
Hundreds of telegrams of sympathy have
been received by the family. The following
three are given:
Washington, November 8.
Mrs. William Cassius Goodloe.
My heart bleeds for you all May God spare
his lite and give you strength to bear this awful
calamity. Command my service, if I can be of
use to yon, W. w. Duplet.
Washington, November 8.
E. K. Blaine, Deputy Collector:
Please give to Colonel Goodloe, if he is able
to receive it an expression of my loving sym
pathy. Also convey to the family the tender
sympathy of Mrs. Clarkson and all my family.
Please keep me posted as to his condition.
John S. Clabkson.
Beavee, Pa., November 9.
William Cassins Goodloe:
I know you will be constant and patient, as
you are brave, and aid the physician's work.
The hearts and prayers of all our circle are
turned to Lexington to-day. 21. S. Quay.
The day of Colonel Swooe's luneral op
ened dismally. Great black clouds hovered
overhead, threatening every moment to dis
charge their misty contents. At 8:30
o'clock a winding train lett
Danville, with the dead duelist's
funeral cortege. For six miles it
made a black streak on the green landscape,
and then stopped at an odd-looking honse
whose black roof and red gables were
strangely suggestive of Hawthorne's "House
of Seven Gable." Hera it paused, and
those who were in the carriages alighted.
The house was the residence of Mr. James
Swope. It was in a little front room here,
about 18 feet square, in a coffin of matchless
black cloth, that the boSr of Colonel Swope
lay. As soon as the Danville mourners had
arrived the luneral servicesi were begun by
Eider J. S. Shouse.
This was at 1030 o'cloct. Scriptural
passages were read, alter which "Nearer My
God to Thee," "Rock of Ages" aud "Jesus,
Lover of My Soul," were rendered y a
choir whose voices from a distant room had
an intonation that was strangely sweet.
Elder Shouse then began an address which
was marvelously well timed. In it be
praised Colonel Swope for his poli
tical integrity; his honesty as a
man and brother: his record
as an office holder, and his many acts of
cnantv. jiaer onoase pointed a moral
from the awful affray. He said there was a
false notion of manhood in Kentucky.
Mr. Shouse had an interview with Colonel
Swone immediately aiter he insulted Good
loe publicly in the rotunda of the Phoenix
Hotel. In this talk Elder Shouse said
Colonel Swope told him that he went to the
Phoenix Hotel on that momentous day,
by Goodloe. He had, he said, previously
put away every weapon, even to a small
pocket knife which he carried. Elder
Shouse quotes him as having said:
"I could not bear to live, sir,
if I had made that wife a widow
and those children orphans." He fre
quently spoke of Mrs. Goodloe and her
children, continued the minister, and never
any way but kindly.
The speaker said that he had it from con
fidential friends of Swope that the latter
was not carrying the pistol with which
he shot Goodloe for him. but for
another man who he did not consider
as honorable man. (The man meant was
Preston J.-Kimbail, of this' city, between j
lip m cA
".' r
NOVEMBER 11, 1889.
whom and Swope bad blood had for some
time existed.)
All through his sermon Elder Shouse
punctuated the moral to his text, which was
taken from Proverbs, xvi:32, and was "He
that is slow to anger is better than the
mighty; and he that rnleth his own spirit
greater than he who taketh a city."
A Washington special adds: "I have
often seen the knile with which Colonel
Swope was killed by Colonel Goodloe," said
a iriend of the latter to-day. "It
is a clasp knife, with a
pointed blade, about four inches
long, and with a spring which holds -the
blade back when once opened. Colonel
Goodloe has always carried this knile, and
he carried it as a weapon. It was the only
weapon he did carry.
"I never knew a Clay who did not carry
a clasp knife. Henry Clay carried one, and
all the Clays who have come after him car
ried the same sort'of a knife. It is the tra
ditional weapon of the Clay family."
The Knights of Labor Headquarters Moved
South for the Convention Expected
Exposure of the Declino of
the Order During the
Past Year.
rsrxciAi, teleobam to tits dispatch.!
Philadelphia, November 10. Tho
Knights of Labor leaders at the headquart
ers in this city, have packed up their bag
gage and ejects and have left with all speed
lor Atlanta, where the General Assembly
will be convened on Tuesday afternoon.
General Master Workman Powderly left
Scranton this morning, for the scene of the
coming convention, and John W. Hayes,
General Secretary and General Treasurer
and general officer of .the General Execu
tive Board, leit this 'city Thursday, with
four big trunks filled with important docu
ments, papers, certificates, reports and char
ters. He went in advance, so that he might
prepare beforehand the preliminary business
of the convention, in order to avoid unne
cessary delay.
A. 'W. Wright, J. J. Holland, John
Devlin and John Costello, the other general
officers, have also started on their way to
Atlanta, and have leit the headquarters
here absolutely deserted, the four clerks
employed there having taken a vacation,
and even the janitor having knocked off
work until the managers of the North Broad
street establishment shall have returned.
.These officers and about 75 delegates will
constitute the General Assembly ot tbe
once great order that at Richmond, in 1886,
comprised 700 delegates from all over the
country. The present delegation will go
mainly from themteriorof New York State,
from Pennsylvania and the farming districts
of Western and Southern States. The
cities will be but scantily represented.
Philadelphia sends one representative,
Robert Glymer, employed at the headquar
ters; Pittsburg sends one, and New York,
City one or two.
The attendance of delegates and tbe geo
graphy of their representation will show,
more than anything else, the remarkable
decline of the Knights. Although it is re
ported that 180 new locals, with a member
ship of 8,340, have been formed within the
past two months, it is certain that the
shrinkage on the whole has been enormous
since the General Assembly met last No
vember in Indianapolis.
A Boiler Explosion nt a Colliery Near JHr.
naaaant-JIu KatalltT ThatFol-
flowed Frrink Blonk Fonr
Boilers Uojo Up.
rerrciAt. teleobam to niz dispatch.i
Hazelton, November 10. A terrible
boiler explosion occurred at No. 1 colliery,
ML Pleasant, four miles from here, this
morning, in which three men were scalded
to death. The colliery is owned and oper
ated by Calvin Pardee & Co., and is situ
ated about 300 yards from the village of Mt.
Pleasant. Early this morning John Bul
lock, the chief fireman, began to turn cold
water into the boilers, and one of the five
exploded instantly.
Frank Monk, an Italian ash-wheeler, was
instantly killed. He was standing in front
of the boilers, pouring water on the red hot
ashes, preparatory to wheeling them out.
The boiler was blown into two pieces. One
piece was thrown northward a distance of
about 100 feet, and theotheraboutlOO yards
into a reservoir.
Four boilers were moved by the explosion,
one being iilown up into the air a distance
of about 50 feet, and as it came down it
crashed,through theroof of the engine honse,
struck an upright iron rod, which pierced it,
and the escaping steam scalded John Bul
lock and Joseph Babbish, the assistant fire
man, so badly that they died at 11 o'clock.
Two Hungarians, John Mikelosh and Mike
TTnderco, escaped unhurt Bullock and
Babbish were Hungarians, who leave large
families. Monk, the Italian, had received a
letter from Italy the day before, stating that
his wife had died, and he had told tbe boss
that he would leave here this week for
Italy, to bring his children over.
The boiler house was blown to pieces.
The engine house is also a complete wreck.
Tbe loss to Pardee & Co., is abont $10,000.
The explosion, it is thonght, was caused by
the fireman allowing the water in the boiler
to run too low, and when the cold water
came into contact with the heated boiler
plates, an explosion followed. The shock
was plainly felt here. The coroner's inquest
will be held to-morrow.
The Career of One Who Fought for
Liberty of Ireland. '
New Yoek, November 10. General
Thomas Francis Bourke, the Irish patriot,
died this morning. He had -been confined
to his bed about a week and his death was
caused by a complication of kidney
troubles. There are few names better
known in the history ft" the Fenian
outbreak of 1867 in Ireland than
that of Thomas F. Bourke. He was born
in Fethard, county Tipperary, on Decern
ber.10, 1840. Twenty years later, with his
parents, he came to this country. In New
York young Bourke attended "the public
schools and later the seminary established
by Archbishop Hughes. At the outbreak
of the war Bourke went south and joined
the Confederate army, where he served
with distinction and earned the grade of
Brevet General. His health was impaired
and one limb shattered. He returned to
New York in 1865 and turned his whole at
tention to the Fenian movement. He left
for Ireland in 1866 to take an active part in
the Fenian insurrection, which the broth
erhood in America had been planning. He
was assigned to Tipperary in the insur
rection of March.
At Ballyhurst Fort, on the evening of
March 6, 1867, Bonrke was captured by a
detachment of soniiers as he was leading
the Tipperary Fenians. After a long trial,
he was convicted and sentenced to be
hanged. His speecho the Court after his
conviction was printed and excited
widespread sympathy for the con
demned man. On the morning ap
pointed for his execution his sentence
was commuted to imprisonment for lile.
Friends were actively working in his be
half, however, and in 1871 he was released
from prison on the understanding tbqt he
was not to return to Ireland for 20 years.
With Thomas Clarke Luby, Dr. Mulcabey,
Dr. Power. Captain Harry Mullada and a
.number of other Fenians, Bourke returned
to New York broken in health and fortune.
He at once became active in the nntinnnl
organization and delivered a number of
lectures in aid o the Irish cause.
, ,- .. f j
Minor Candidates on the Ohio Re
publican Ticket Won't Give Up.
All Interest 8nnk, Though, in the Defeat of
Governor Poraker.
He Was Snre His Wk and Money Wcnld 6eenreHIm
a Seaatorshin,
The minor candidates on the Ohio Re
publican State ticket are more anxious as to
their election than Governor Foraker or his
friends, who hope all are defeated, under the
circumstances. The incoming Legislature
has a great deal of worK before it, and an
awful responsibility.
Columbus, O., November 10. The high
pressure of anxiety in connection with the
uncertainty as to whether the entire Demo
cratic ticket is elected has in some measure
detracted from tbe interest in and discussion
of the causes which led to the overwhelming
defeat of Governor Foraker. There were
several candidates on the Republican ticket
who thought and assumed in the campaign
that they were more popular than the Gov
ernor before the people, and they will not
let go the hope that they are elected until
the official count demonstrates the fact
beyond all doubt.
Notwithstanding the fact that the Secre
tary of State made extra preparations for
getting in the official returns at the earliest
moment possible, the counties have been
slow in making their reports, and last even
ing, when the work of the week practically
concluded, there were not enough of the
official figures on hand to, make any more
accurate estimate as to the balance of the
ticket than had been made on the semi
official returns which had been received two
or three days previous.
The minor candidates on the Republican
ticket have done little else since the elec
tion, except to make inquiries aud do what
they could to get the returns. They are
somewhat surprised that there should be so
little interest in their behalf. In fact, there
are many Republicans who are anxious that
the whole Democratic ticket shonld be
elected, as long as the Republicans were not
able to carry the head, and be able to con
trol the patronage which it gives. The
friends of Governor Foraker are taking
little interest in the balance of the ticket,
and it is learned from good sources that
they would be pleased if there was not one
of the Republican candidates elected.
It is in the nature of a humiliation to the
Governor that he should not be able to run
somewhere near to tbe other candidates, and
especially so when it is known that the
effort of the campaign was concentrated in
his behalf, to the discouragement of some
of the others, though it was in great meas
ure offset by the direct fight which was
made by tbe Democracy against mm per
sonally, and
in office. In fact, the leading Republicans
would,. much prefer Ihatthe-wbole -Democratic
ticket should be elected,, so that tbe
administration wonld not be troubled with
any Republican trimmings, and be able to
defend themselves by the political partner
ship argumentin the next tSmpa'igif.
There is much expected of the Democracy
in the coming Legislatureand they are by
circumstances compelled to take action upon
a number of important subjects, because of
the reckless promises which have been made
during the campaign just closed. The
liquor men especially are at the front, de
manding that faith be kept with' them, and
that they he relieved from some of the
direct burdens which have been imposed by
Republican legislatures.
Ex-Governor Foster, who probably has
more friends in the State than any other one
Republican, is the most sorely disappointed
man who had anything to do' with the cam
paign. He felt'
and gave the figures some days before the
election upon which he thought the State
ticket would be elected and the Legislature
be Republican on joint ballot. In addition
to being a member of the State Committee,
lie personally entered the campaign in his
own behalf and in the interest of the State
ticket, bnt it is well known that he gave
special attention to the Senatorial question,
and it was agreed among the politicians
that he should be the beneficiary, in case of
success. No one has seen proper to deny
the report that he placed considerable
money on the result, as it was the one time
in the history of Ohio politics when he had
an opportunity to lift himself into the
United States Senate without so much as
anyone to contest with him.
It is now believed that because of the
well-defined understanding which existed
during the campaign in regard to Foster,
that he was placed somewhat in the same
position before the Republicans of tbe State
as was Governor Foraker in his candidacy
for a third term. He was
to the other prominent Republicans of the
State, and it is believed he suffered from
their peculiar opposition as badly as Fora
ker, though in a quite different manner. It
was much easier to accomplish the defeat 'of
a candidate for the Senate by going into the
close counties than it was to do effective
work against a candidate before the whole
people. When Foraker and Foster come to
compare notes they will find that they were
placed in somewhat the same position before
the leaders of their own party.
Grosvenor.Buttersrortb, Kennedy, Thomp
son, all of whom are members of Congress;
Lieutenant Governor Lyon and other dfrect
followers and admirers of Sherman in the
State are now engaged in the work of squar
ing themselves with the representatives of
the ticket; but there is strong intimation
that the trouble is not entirely over, and
that there will be many
in the future. The friends of Foraker
claim that Sherman was the only man who
gave the third-term candidate anything like
a hearty support on the stump, and he ,is
given lull credit lor tne worn wnicn ne oia.
Had there been any possibility of the elec
tion of Foraker, Sherman would have been
given full credit for his share in the work.
It was said after his speech in this city that
Sherman seldom made mistakes, and the
fact that he had entered heart and soul into
the campaign for the election of Foraker
was cited more than any other one circum
stance as the strongest indication that For
aker would be elected, as Sherman must
know what he was doing, and would not
talk at random. But he seems to have not
been on the inside, and was not acquainted
with the working forces as they were organ
ized. Through fear that something may happen
in the future, several of the Republicans
above named are already hedging as to their
conduct during the campaign. General
Grosvenor was quoted as having stated to
Candidate Campbell that he desired
and was doing all he could to accomplish
that result, but now be is busily engaged in
denying that any such thing occurred, and
it is' considered so important a matter, from
a party standpoint, that General Grosvenor
has secured the services of Mr. Campbell in
a statement that he never talked ia that
irm.mn sasss -
! wJS
manner tot Mm ft,, nnl
to show
that there are fears for thJVSiS
Those who flatter thpmiEn . t Foraker
is out of Ohio politics affi2s'ra? a great
mistake, as he will be atW&Zp ?' in the
future, and he will be theiSSf -, 8 special
benefit of his enemies and VX'
The Legislature will contij? ithe 6th
of January, and one week lJtp".oVork of
making a United States .",3 nil be
formally gone through with J "jftisiness
of deciding who the man shfcL-otw ill be
practically accomplished before that time,
and indeed, it is now claiming more atten
tion than any other one subject, for the
reason that it is a relief from election routine
and gives promise of news.
in the State under the new administration
will, in great measure, sink into insignifi
cance in the light of the Senatorial contest.
There wilL be several hundred positions to
dispose of by the incoming Legislature and
the new Governor, but this work will be
done Quietly.
The best positions under Mr. Campbell
have already been appropriated by the
workers and hangers-on who were about
Democratic headquarters during the cam
paign. They have literally picked out.all
that is worth going after, and have settled
back, waiting lor their commissions to be
handed to them. The Cincinnati Enquirer,
which takes to Itself the credit of having
accomplished the Democratic victory, has
candidates for many of the best positions.
Claude Meeker is making a canvass for
private secretary to Mr. Campbell, and the
contest has become so hot already that he is
on the gronnd securing every good word
which can be
Mr. Ed Hughes, of Hamilton, an old
friend of Campbell's, is mentioned for tbe
place, bnt it is thought the organ influence
will be brought to bear, and that Meeker
will have to be given the place. W. A.
Taylor, also of the Enquirer, has announced
himself for clerk of the Senate, while (he
lesser personages abont Democratic head-
Quarters are after the minor places in the
epartments. It is going to be
before the work is completed, especially so
as the colored Democrats who were so con
spicuous in the campaign, particularly in
Cincinnati, are clamorous for reward in the
spoils ot office, and each one has already
selected the berth now occupied by one of
his color, and which he would like to fill
Under the new administration.
While all this small work is going on the
Senatorial selection will be at its highest
pitch. Ihere are 20 or more candidates to
succeed Senator Payne, bnt of course some
ot them will cut sorry figures in the race.
Ohio Democrats Propose to Give Kepnbll-
eaos Some of Their Otto Medicine.
Columbus, O., November 10. One of
the first things the Ohio Democratic Legis
lature will do this winter will be to redis
trict the State for Congressional purposes.
The apportionment of counties into Con
gressional districts by the Republican
Legislature, a few years ago, waa always
called by the Democrats the most infamous
gerrymander ever perpetrated on the peo
ple of Ohio. At the last Presidental elec
tion in this State there were 810,000
votes cast; for Harrison 430,000, and
for Cleveland 410,000. Yet 430,000
"votes elected 15 Republican members of
Congress, and 410,000 votes 6 Democrat!.
members onlvt Thii tha" "Eennblicana
thought was Terr cute. In fact, it was in-
tended ie-aUew the iDeaocra fonrfflem-.
bers only.
Some of tbe districts ran almost from the
lake to the river, way across-the State, from
North to South, and the fact that
"the law said the districts must be
"continuous territory," stretched some of
them into ludicrous shapes'. Democratic
counties were thrown all together, and the
majorities, in some of the Democratic
districts were 10,000 and in others abont
8,000. If Ohio were redistricted to
divide the State into about 11 Republican
and 10 Democratic districts it would be fair.
The probability is, however, that under a
Democratic apportionment oi the districts'
the Democrats will soon have a majority in
the House of Representatives.
Coramimioner Of organ Asserts That Sacs a
Step Mast Soon be Taken Tribal
Relations Mast be Abolished
No More Idleness.
Washington, November 10. Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs Morgan, in his an
nual report, says he entered upon the dis
cbarge of the duties of his position with
some strongly cherished convictions, which
he epitomizes as follows:
The anamolons position heretofore occupied
by the Indians cannot mncb longer be main
tained. Tbe logic of events demands the ab
sorption of the Indian Into our national life,
not as anjlndian,but as an American citizen. As
soon as conservatism will warrant it tbe rela
tions of tho Indian to the Government must
rest solely upon the f nil recognition of his Individuality-
Each Indian is entitled to his
proper share of the inherited wealth of the
tribe, and to the protection of the courts in life,
liberty and pursuit of happiness. He isnot en
titled to be supported In idleness. Tbjs Indians
must conform to the white man's ways, peace
ably If tbey will, forcibly if they must. They
must adjust themselves to their environment
and conform their mode of living substantially
to our civilization. The paramount duty of the
hour is to prepare tbe rising generation of tbs
Indians for tbe new order of things thus forced
upon them.
The tribal relations snould be brolcen up,
socialism destroyed, and the family and auton
omy of the Individual substituted. Allotment
of lands in severalty, establishment of local
courts andf police, development of personal
sense of Independence, and universal adoption
of the English language are the means to this
administration ot the bureau in tbe character
of men and women employed to carry ont de
signs of government. The best system maybe
perverted to bad ends by incompetent
or dishonest persons employed to
carry it Into execution. while a
very bad system may yield cock' results if wisely
and honestly administered. The number of
pupils at 147 Indian schools is 6,900, and the cost
of maintaining these school tho past fiscal
year was S&G9.07S. The work of carrying ont
provisions of the eeneral allotment is progress
ing as satisfactorily and rapidly as a dne re
gard to the Indians will permit. Numerous
cues hare been reported where whites bare
taken possession of lands belonging to indi
vidual Indians, and measures are nrged for
their protection. The condition of the Indians
at the several agencies is described as generally
A Fond for Their Defense Raised at Meeting
of Their Friends.
Chicago, November 10. At a meeting
of Chicago Irishmen, held to-day, for the
purpose of seeing "That the defendants in
the Cronin case had a fair and Impartial
trial," J. V. Fitzpatrick presided, and sub
scription books were turned in showing a
total subscription of $905. This is to be ap
plied in payment of the attorneys of the men
on trial.
At the time of this meeting another meet
ing was being held at tbe Grand Pacific by
the'friends of Dr. Cronin to arrange for. the
Manchester martyrs celebration of November
23. This is to be held -as'a Cronin meeting,
and is to be made tbe occasion of particular
demonstration and expression, in regard to
the murder of Dr. Cronin.
A Defaulter Captared In Canada.
Kansas City, NovemberlO. Word has
been received here that Andrew Drum, con
fidential clerk of his uncle. Major Drum,
oae of the largest land owners in the West,
was arrested to-day at Toronto, Canada.
He-.absconded with 950,000 of his. ancle's
.ffio&ey about two months age. He will be
Bfoogirt sacs sera for trial. . . , j
r-tf-ri-' satui
,i,...Ma.M'.. S- fc s
ns: - x:ih. uiivi .
PrearacretaraaaAMnd.' - Is--
are always prossptlr respea! '
to when advertised In THE DISPATCH.
Rent Estate-eaa. bo sold tbroush adver
tisement la THE DISPATCH. '
French Canadians Anxions for life:
neiation to the United States. , '
i i
An Interesting- Interview With, the Pr
Minister of Quebec.
. V-J.
- V,
Few Fecple Who Understand
Aajfhia; IbooTllieS
Jesaltlitate Act.
Aalmportantan anthoritv as tn'Prfra!!
tn . , . . . .33
.minister oi yueoec says in as interview
with a Dispatch reporter at Baltimore?
that the French Canadians are anxions 'for
tbe annexation of Canada to the United
States. 'As for the other residents, 'many, off
theffl are anxious for a change for lndc3
pendence, no matter how it is brought about?
rsrxcuL tiliobak to tee oiapATCH.f
Baltimoee, November 10. Hosvi
Honore Mercier. Prime Minister of OnebecSS
is one of the delegates to the Catholic cca-l
tennial. He reached here this morningJS
and at once went to the house of the.Carjj
dinal. From there he went with, Fa'ther!
Smith to Loyola College, where he isinowl
Staying. Mr. Mercier is a tall, handsomevl
fine-looking man, and looks as if he was.
born to be a leader of men. His face Is of J
the French type, dark, with a heavy blacks
mustache, and dark eves. Hii head i mrvH
ered with an abundant growth of hair, ex-
cept about the forehead, where it has begnnjy
to recede. He speaks excellent Enelishx
though there is a little odd accent about' iljf
and once in a long while a pecnliar rronun-M
ciation of a word will be noticeable during!
a conversation. ( ijM
Mr. Mercier was asfeed if there was much!
or any feeling in Canada favorable toan-I
nexation, or whether what was seen inha!
states papers was manufactured sentiment
Afle Minister said slowly:
--Lining mere is a considerable-sent
ment toward annexation among the French
Canadians." ?Hli
"Is there any feeling on tbe subject ainongl
the British Canadians?" ffMS
"Yes, there isjbutnot to the extent thafip
exists among the French Canadians."
"Dp you think that .the leaven is spread
ing among the people? r J$jjJ
This qnestion the Prime Minister did not
answer as promptly as the others, but afferj
some imie hesitation he said be thought thai
sentiment was growing. It had been said'
Mr. Mercier a visit was to create sympathy
for the Catholics in Quebec, and to obtains
the moral support of his eo-reUgionisbfiaf
the United States, and thus rtrengthea'hiai
position in Canada. Mr. Mercierwas askejlj
if his visit had any.' significance other tha5
that he was merely a delegate to the eeatexM
niaL .jHK
"No, not at all," was Mr. Mewegil
answer, and he seemed rather Surprbtdfat
the-Question. Mr. Mercier waa asked iff ha
would tell something about the Jesuit estate
act, by which 100,000 was paid toTthe
Jesuits by. the -Government. The- Pruac
r Minister said he was willing to do sojbgt
rfw vase ioo long-, ana mere weniM
manypoiaU iuvolredon botttsides; Iwm
coma aot no tnat. --. j
'It is a great pity," said he, "thatjtHl
people in the United States do not nndergj
stand, the qnestion. Whv. when I eo there!
I found that even the Jesuits did,notTua3
demand it."
"Has this bitter feeling and agitation tffe
"Yes. I think so: it is becoming lessTwdl
less bitter. Of course there was littleTopo
position to it in Quebec All the oppo&itleal
and agitation came from Ontario. '.Thai
otner provinces did not have much toTdil
with it at first. The opposition to, it!
Queoec was not from a large body nuerl
ically. but those who opposed it were -influ
ential and a good class of people- Iatta
province of Ontario the opponents wsrejaaf
mericauy large, ana aisoinnuenuai pes
"If the people of Ontario could have i
ceeded in their agitation, what could tieyj
have done? The act had already, txeJl
passed." $M
Mr. Mercier smiled and said thattiiS
wnnln Tmi! hin inn ffli intn th nhif
''Is there any troth in the bilk that!
French Canadians desired orwisbed totsec
up an independent government of their owst
founded by themselves and governed! BrJ
"Vfrp ttrtriT tii v.v titavt
"No," said the Prime Minister; 'hSaJ
French Canadians have no such idea. TheyJ
do not want to set up any nation tor theao
selves. A large number of theawisaTtel
continue as they are now."
"Well, then, a number of your peopl-il
wish annexation to the United States, bran
favorable to it, and a large number wishltej
remain as thev art." i
Mr. Mercier hesitated, and said that I
too, was not exactly it, and addedrAI
large number of influential citizens s
loosing forward to and longing lorJa
When asked if this class had any deiamj
idea of what they wished to see scows"
pushed, or whether ther just looked for
to a change, hoping, that something better
would come out or it, .air. -Mercier answereajl
"They look forward to independence.! "SHel
said they wanted to be independent of Great
.Britain. -m
Mr. Mercier 'said thai the dispatch- seat
out from Canada that the French Canadian!
dream was to set up a nation on the
or toe be Lawrence, was i
or those who were enemies ot the National
party. In talking about the 4OO,OG0.The
said it was paid to the agents ot the Jeaait
only the other day. "And now the 960,08
una tne xroiestanis is tying ready to um
to them. They claim that, according to the
population, the Protestants of Quebec shomld
be allowed more than 60,000, and wheat
tney prove tnat to me a will see tneyaave
wnat is auevxnem.'
Mr. Mercier was in the House of Cea3
mons in Canada In 1873, and held aa
under tne joi uovernment in 1879.
Attempts to Prevent Railroad
From Crossing His Land.
St. Joseph, Mich., November 10.-
siderable excitement was created here ij
terday caused by a fight between the. traek
layers on the Vandalia extension and'Caf!
tain J. H. Langley. Langley objectitdjW
the track being laid across bis iand,,si
after exhausting other means the CaptaS
loaded a cannon of fair size with shot, naijsj
etc., and proceeded fo fire it at the traekljw
ers, sending tne contents among tfierai
After several discharges the cannon 1
and the track was laid. Fortunately b1
was injured.
No Regular Session of iheWa
tlaa Temperance Union Teser4ay
Chicago, November 10. No ngal?J3I
sioatof the W. C. T. IT. Conventioa was hM
to-day, but the day was devoted to the keldi
ing ot temperance services ia
churrhesdnd halls. A great man v of t
services were conducted by the regal, 4
Others or the delegates took part A
tKaal BBoraiag-serviees at da rharslwi
j i
h.r a ..-,&-;
iSlmj&l!3&&s- li aVf-i-Si
?m.' to '
1, - . . -