Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 10, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Shipped bt girls.
inree ricnv oiaieia .auuiiiiisier uii
Emphatic Rebuke to a Man Who
They Warn Him in a Eegnlar Jack
Eipper Letter, and Then
Tney Bay Their Yictita Goes Cmy EreryTime the
Boon U FnlL
Three pretty sitters administered a cor
poral castigation to a well-to-do stairbnilder
In Newark, N. J. They first prepared him
for their call by sending him a "Jack-tke-Bipper"
Kew Yohk, November 9. The crowning
sensation of the week in Newark was the
mysterious horsewhipping affair which took
place on Beach street "Wednesday night.
The police were unable to locate the principals
in the affair positively, until this morning,
when a reporter of The Dispatch suc
ceeded fa ascertaining full particulars.
The victim of the cowhiding was James
P. Morehouse, a well-to-do stair builder
of No. 17 Beach street, one of the most fash
ionable quarters of the city. The whippers
were the X)e Aublene sisters, Nettie, Minnie
and Edna. They assumed theroleof White
Caps, and invaded Morehouse's parlor,
where they thrashed hira mercilessly.
Morehouse received an intimation of the
Coming of the dashing sisters by the follow
ing notice:
Your neighbors will be away this week, and
you will be alone in the hou'C. so I will make
you a call toward the last of the week and pre
you a first-rate thrashing, you dirty
loafer. I will put your nose on a
level with your face, knock your two eyes
Into one, and j our teetu will go sailing down
j our tbroat one by one. You had better buy a
lew yards of linen to tie yourself up with when
I get through with you. I will not come alone,
but will bring a friend who owes you a whip
ping. Expect us between ID and 1 o'clock.
Jack the Rippzr.
three kippees appear.
Morehouse, who lives alone, was reading
in his parlor about two hours after re
ceiving the threatening notice, when
the door opened softly and three figures
glided in. Tbc head and f.ice of each
was covered with a hoodlike arrangement of
white material. The door was quickly
closed and locked, and the figures simul
taneously cast their head coverings aside.
The three sisters, who are remark
ably pretty girls, stood before
the frightened Morehouse. One pointed
a pistol at his head and exclaimed: "Now,
Jim Morehouse, for a final settlement."
Nettie De Aublene hissed: "Hand over
mr letters, Jim, or take the consequence."
''They pounced on me like wild beasts,"
said Morehouse to-day. "Minnie clubbed
me over the head with her revolver, and I
was afraid that she would shoot me. The
two had whips, and never let upon me until
- tbe commotion aroused the neighbors, who
came to my rescue."
Morehouse claims that his mother and
the De Aublene girls mother were half
sisters. Mrs. De Aublene kept a fashion
able boarding house in New Haven, which
was patronized by Yale College students.
Mrs. De Aublene had five daughters, aud it
is said the members of a local Woman's
Christian Temperance Union were prepar
ing to take the younger children from the
mother, but were frustrated hy one of the
older girls, who ran away to Hartford with
the little ores.
About three years ago Mrs. De Anblene
died. Two or the girls, -Edna, aged IS, and
Annie, aged 13, went to Newark, and were
installed in Morehouse's family. The
. . Jailer procured employment for them in the,
Continental Corset Company factory on Me
chanic street.
"I allowed them to keep their earnings
so that they might clothe themselves," said
Morehouse. "They were fond or dime novel
literature. They wrote to a man named
Byan, in Hartford, saying they were con
behind iron bars, and kept from communi
cation with other girl prisoners by their
fierce-looking jailer, who claimed to be
their uncle, and said that all attempts
to escape proved futile. They declared
that they were being held for" a horrible
fate. The Chier of Police of Hartford com
municated with the police of Newark, and
he investigated the stories and found
the girls living comfortably with me.
The other sisters, Nettie 'and Min
nie, came on a year ago. They
are beautiful girls, and were fond of com
pany. I intercepted letters, one from a
Harry Wood, of Hartford, inviting Nettie
to meet him in New York. This is the let
ter she demanded from me."
"Yes, we thrashed hiui, and we will do it
again," said prettv Nettie. "We paid 25
cents each lor the whips, and they were
beauties. Morehouse is rich. He it. no re
lation of ours His mother and our
mother boarded together 20 years
ago. He kept Edna and Anna locked up
and confiscated their earrings. He fre
quently attempted to take advantage of
them. He goes crazy every lull moon. He
was jealous of us aud oiten took liberties
with us. I am going to have mv letter and
satisfaction beside. We left iis house to
save ourselves."
The Patent Office Decides That tbe A. B. M.
A. Can Use n Trndc Mark.
The Patent Department at Washington
has decided that letters patent can be
granted, indirectly, to the American Boiler
Makers' Association, that is, that letters
patent on the trade mark may be granted to
sin individual who may, in turn, transfer
his right to tbe association.
This is a matter of great pnblic impor
tance and will materially reduce the num
ber of boiler explosions resulting from im
perfect plates, because any firm accepting
the trade mark "A B. M. A.," of the asso
ciation, must conform to its regulations with
regard to the character the plates. The
members of the association have agreed to
use plates only from firms carrying the
trade mark, heuceno firm will in future
make plates for boilers wbich are not up to
the standard. All the local manufacturers
of boiler plates have agreed to the standard
and ouly such firms as agree to the standard
can obtain the trade mark.
The Men Can Become Partners in the
Waverlcy Company if Tuey Desire.
I. B. Conry, of the Waverley Coal Com
pany, says that his company is willing to
lease its mines to the operatives at a fixed
royalty per ton, and will fix the rate of
war;cs for managing the works on the same
basis as that on which the miners are paid.
Tbe miners would be allowed access to the
boeks and have all the privileges of co
partners, bearing their share of all losses,
and receiving their share of the profits in
proportion to the individual earnings.
'The American Belief Aoclaiion Meets Bt
lie 3Ionnnsahela.
The American Belief Association which
was a-rganized in this city after the Johns
iowo flood met last night at the Mononga
Iwi. The only business done was the elec
tios i.r J. B. Poraker. of Ohio, and Thomas
Mciulty of this city as members of.the Exe
cutive Committee. There were present
General Axline, of Ohio, the Superinten
dent of the West Penn Hospital, Dr. Christ
J. Xange, Dr. Jones, of the West" Penn;
Dr.,"?? arwick, of .Manor; and W. Thomas
BojrdT .
Mrs. J. Ellen Fatter eUrr That Prohibition
Is bared and the Srolo Will be Re
publican In ISiM Features
. of tbo Campaign.
CHICAGO, November 9. Mrs. J. Ellen
Foster, of Iowa, says the Republican defeat
in that State is"a pitiful illustration of pos
sible fluctuation of popular majorities and
the lapse of legislative control when freemen
forget that eternal vigilance is the price
of liberty. "To the shame of Iowa, men,"
she says, "be it recorded that 60,000 votes
stayed" away from the polls. They had no
realizations of tbe dangers. Farmers stood
in the fields and picked their corn; mer
chants attended to their sales while the
cohorts of the saloon made their brutal
assault upon Iowa homes. We also lost
hundreds of votes of Methodist preachers
by change of residence. Bepuhlican ma
jorities have been steadily depleted since
the party accepted the verdict of the people
for Constitutional prohibition. The liquor
sympathizers, who followed the Republican
parlv before this issue was joined, have
sloughed off and found their level in the
swamps Of Democracy, Also, Iowa has
given mnch of its best blood to the grand,
new Dakotas, who have just made splendid
records lor Bcpublicanism and progress.
".Let no one say, however.thal the Bepnb
lican party lacked wisdom in espousing the
prohibition issues. The party would have
gone down long ago if it had relused to
follow the people's clearly expressed wilL
Growth is expensive. Reforms in society
always imperil the existing order ot things.
Prohibition was not, however, the only
ca,use of the late political cyclone. The
transportation question was an active feat
ure, lor the railroad legislation of the State
has created extended dissatisfaction, and
large nnmDers of Republican voters
stayed away from the polls or voted
for the Democratic nominee for
Governor. Do you ask what the result
will be. We shall save the prohibitory
law, and Senator Allison will be returned
to the United States Senate. The old lines
will be reformed, and Iowa will give an old
time Republican majority in 189-'."
Several Prominent Families Implicated In
a Lnte English Scandal.
IiOSDOS, November 9 Several of the
most distinguished families of England are
under the clond of a scandal already re
ferred to in these columns, so hideous as to
preclude the publication of the circum
stances. So far as they may be touched
upon, these are that the police raided
a house in Pitzroy square, that has been
frequented by high officials in the army,
noblemen and others of elevated social
standing Their discoveries were such
that the active criminal prosecu
tion of the offenders was begun,
bnt suddenly stopped. The reason was
that the names involved were of the most
influential men in tbe kingdom, and it is
even hinted a prince of the blood royal is
implicated. The result is that there has
been an exodus from England of several
noblemen and gentlemen who have pre
viously stood highest in English society.
Lord Arthur Somerset, who resigned his
commission in the Guards this week in con
sequence of this scandal, this afternoon re
signed his position as equerry in the Prince
of Wales' household. Albert Victor's sud
den trip to India is said to be not uncon
nected with the discoveries, made by
the police in Fitzroy square. The Earl of
Euston and Lord Beaumont have also gone
abroad, probably for their country's good.
It is rumored that Chief Commissioner of
Police Muuroe has threatened to resign in
consequence of interference by higher
powers in his prosecution of the men im
plicated in this scandal.
Builder LcnrT Kxpecis to Outdo Hi Former
Blcmmotb Work.
St. Johs, N. B., November 9. James
D. Leary. of New York, builder ot the
famous Joggins raft, was in this city to-day,
and went through to the scene of his former
operations, where he intends to construct
another raft as soon as the snow will permit.
He will send 75 men aud some SO teams
into the woods, and get out 60,000 sticks.
One half of these will go into the proposed
raft. It will be built ta the same plan as
the others, bnt will be bigger in every way.
The raft will be 100 feet longer than the
last one, having a total length of 750
feet and a width of 65 feet, 10 feet greater
than the other one. It will be 45 feet deep,
and will draw about 25 or 26 feet of water.
It will consist of from 27,000 to 28,000 sticks,
and will weigh 11,000 tons. It is intended
to have six masts rigged, with fore and aft
The greatest improvements over the former
rait will be in the steam steering gear and
steam capstan lor the handling of anchors
and chains, with which it is intended to
equip this leviathan. Mr. Leary says it
wiil be built entirely of piling and spars,
and will have about 1,000,000 feet of hard
wood for a core. The intention is to have
the raft ready for launching in May.
Bnt Utile Dnmaeo Caused by the Present
Flood ofthe Conemanjtli.
Johkstown, November 9. The excite
ment caused by the rapid and threatening
rise of the rivers is slowly subsiding with
the water. Beyond the wrecking of the
Cambria City and an iron bridge being"
erected by the Pittsburg Bridge Company
at Nineveh, the flooding out of several
families in Woodvale and the compelling
of the workmen in the Cambria
Iron Company's Gautier steel department,
at Woodvale, to quit work, but little dam
age of consequence was done in this neigh
borhood. The river has fallen several inches
in the past honr and all danger for the time
is past
Three bodies were taken out of the drift
wood at Nineveh yesterday and many more
will probably be recovered there in tb"e next
Four Prisoners Become Wcnrr of Their
Somewhat Confined Quartern.
Lima, O., November 9. Four prisoners
escaped from the Allen Connty Jail at 4
o'clock this morning apd are yet at large.
They sawed off the iron bars covering the
window in the northwest corner of the jail,
and made a hole sufficiently large
to crawl through. Once on the ground
they used a blanket to scale the fence. The
prisoners are Morrit Knhn, the safe blower;
Stmon Detrick and Philip Pfeiffer, charged
with breaking a lock and stealing meat, and
Frank Simmons, petty larceny.
Other prisoners were in the jail, but they
say they knewnothingof the preparations for
escape.'and made no attempt to go with the
others. Officers are in pursuit
f x
Charged With Unrclary.
Samuel Frisbee was lodged in the Central
station last night on a charge ot burglary.
He was arrested in Braddock yesterday by
Officer Hammond, of Washington,- Pa., and
brought to Pittsburg. He is charged before
Squire Donehoo, of Washington, with hav
ing broken into the house of John afcClov,
in Canton township, Washington county,
and stealing 500.
From the Tlilid Htorr.
Carroll Scheuwe, a boy 8 years of age,
fell yesterday through the joists ofthe third
floor lot a building on Wylle avenue down
upon the first floor, breaking his right legat
me miu auu rcceiviu juieruai injuries.
He was taken to his home, No. 106 Erin
street. " .
Pi.' i. ,.,-.:
Held br .finceesslnl Candidate on tbe
Massachusetts Stale Ticket Some
Legal Complications That
May Arise.
Bostoit, November 9. The Republicans
have in a measure recovered .from the fright
caused by the close election and to-day the
successful candidates on the State ticket
were entertained at Young's by the
Massachusetts and Middlesex clubs. The
enthusiasm was somewhat forced, and
the congratulatory addresses were based
more upon the fact that they had pulled
through rather than upon the size of their
Recounts seem to give the Republicans
another Senator by one vote. The first re
turns from the Fiitfi Essex Senatorial dis
trict gave the election to George D. Hart,
Democrat, bnt a recount wipes out his lead
of 10 and gives B. F. SoUthwick, Repub
lican, a lead of one. An official recount
of the entire district has been demanded by
Mr. Hart. In the Third Worcester Sena
torial district Hon. Levi L. Whitney, Re
publican, is beaten by Charles Haggerty,
Democrat, by 18 votes. In this and other
close districts ballots were thrown ont
that had the voter's cross after the name
instead of after the political party to which
the candidate belonged. In the official bal
lot squares were prepared for the
cross after the political complex
ion of each candidate, and the voters
were instructed to mark only in those
squares. But many of them didn't follow
instructions, and as a result the Supreme
Court will have to decide as to the inten
tions of the voters.
Already notices have 'been served by sev
eral defeated candidates that they will con
test the seats of the lucky men. Both
branches of the Legislature will have their
hands full in deciding upon the merits
of the various cases. The Supreme Court
will have nothing to do with the
legislative squabble, bnt several county
officers have no other tribunal after they
take the matter out of the hands of the
selectmen of the various towns. The law
yers are all at sea over the possible legal
complications that may arise pending a
decision by the Supreme Court upon the
legal points involved.
The Big Washington Birthday Event A
Sleeting ofthe Committee Discussion of
The American Mechanics' committee ap
pointed to make arrangements for the Wash
ington Birthday parade met last night in
the hall at the corner of Second avenue and
Grant street, and organized by electing
George B. Nesbit, of the West End, as
Chaiiman, and Harry R. Peck, of the old
city, as Secretary. It was decided to have
three divisions, as heretofore the Alle
gheny, Pittsburg and Southside.
A motion was made that the parade be on
the Southside this year, as Allegheny has
had it for the last two years and the Old
Citv hag alwavs bad a portion of the route.
The motion was the subject of considerable
discussion, and it was finally laid over until
the next meeting.
It was decided to appoint three division
committees to make arrangements for the dif
ferent divisions. A.L. Solomon was designat
ed as Chairman of the Allegheny committee;
Daniel G. Evans, Pittsburg, and A. W.
Rossiter, Southside. The representatives to
the General Committee from the various
sections will form the committees for the
respective districts and their number will
be increased by two additional delegates
from each council.
The indications are that the parade will
be the largest ever held by the Mechanics.
Invitations will be sent to every council In
the western part of this State, Eastern Ohio
and West Virginia to participate, and 15,000
members are expected in line. This will be
the fifth parade of the order.
The Body of Mrs. James Phillips Foand In a
Johnstown Cemetery.
Mrs. G. A. Me Williams, ofthe East End,
to-day found the bony of her mother, Mrs.
James Phillips, in Grandview, where it had
been transferred from Prospect cemetery. It
was finally interred in the family lot. Mrs.
Phillips was lost from the residence of Dr.L.
P. Dean No. 112 Market street. The bodies
of all who were drowned from the doc
tor's home have been recovered except that
of Mrs. Mc Williams' daughter, ' Susie
W., who was there when -e flood descended
on the Conemaugh Valley.
LavrrenceTlIlo Citizen Complaining About
Their Streets.
The Lawrenceville citizens are highly in
dignant over the utter disregard of any at
tention bestowed by the Street Commissioners
to the condition ofthe thoroughfares in (hat
part of the city.
Dr. Sands, as a health officer, hits appealed
thus far in vain, and Mr. Williams, Cashier
of the Arsenal Bank, did likewise, but
without any result. Mr. Williams made a
thorough investigation himself and stated
that Forty-second street was in the poorest
state of any street in Lawrenceville.
The St. Clair Electric Road Will Resume
Operations Next Tnesdny.
The St. Clair Electric Railway, which has
been idle for several months, will resume
operations on Tuesday next. The road has
recently undergone extensive improvements,
about 560,000 having already been spent,
and 15,000 more will be put in.
Tbe road is now furnished with Daft's im
proved system of overhead electricity.
Dr. Scott, of Fifth Avenue, Falls and Frae
tnres IJU Anhle.
Dr. Scott, of Fifth avenue, met with an
accident at Ingram station yesterday.
While hurrying for the train the doctor
slipped on the boardwalk and broke his
He was brought to the city, and it is ex
pected that he will be confined to the house
for several weeks.
Georce Francis Trnin Ont of Jail.
Bosiox, November 9. By order of J ndge
McKim, George Francis Train was released
from jail to-day. Jndge McKim said he did
not believe the man dangerous to himself or
to others, and did not deem him sufficiently
insane to be ordered to an asylum. He did
not believe him sufficiently sane, however,
to be held for debt, and should, therefore,
order his discharge.
A Sontbsldo Gnsky's.
Mrs. J. M. Gusky's agent has been after
a lot on Twelfth and Carson streets, South
side. A rumor is afloat that the great
clothing house means to open a branch
store there. Mrs. Clemens, who owns the
lot, relnsed $45,000 for it. An attempt was
then made 4o buy the property opposite,
which belongs to Mr. Anson, who declined
an offer ot 8,500.
Anjtber Ilnmane Agent.
The Humane Society directors will elect
another assistant agent to Mr. O'Brien. The
work of the society has grown to such an
extend that it has been fouqd necessary to
have an assistant. Mr. O'Brien will pay at
tention to complaints aflecting children and
aged persons, and his assistant will devote
his time to cruelty oi animals.
It Slakes a Difference.
Boston Buaget.i
Brown How time flies. Jenkins I. am
not aware of its speedy passage. B Then
' t . .- ..- -r VT-. Ti..ij
you iiuye noi a uuic 10 pay. w, a uuiu
rSC2ia& it-. . .-rJiiftaT - .J,i
, , -
For the Seal In the Unitea States Sen
ate Now Held by H. B. Payne.
Washington Society Would Kot Object to
McLean or Wilklns.
Bill Bill, Ei-Cassressman IIcHahon and
Others in tbe Swim.
a Lot of
Politicians in Washington are canvassing
the Senatorial probabilities in Ohio. Several
new candidates for the place now occupied
by Senator Payne have appeared, chief
among whom is Hon. Beriah Wilkins, of
the Washington Post. Hon. Calvin S.
Brice is yet believed to have the inside
Washington, November 9. Kow that
there seems to be no doubt that the majority
ofthe next Legislature of Ohio will be
Democratic, there's a great deal of
curiosity manifested here in regard to the
successor of Hon. Henry B. Payne in the
Senate. Mr. Payne's career has not been a
brilliant one; and his age puts his re
election out of the question, as he is 79 years
old in three months, and is no more equal
to hard work. He will retire from- public
Hie, and from the practice of the law as
well, and spend the remainder of his days
in his fine antique mansion on Euclid ave
nue, Cleveland.
By far the most prominent person men
tioned for the snecessor is Mr. Calvin S.
Brice, who managed the last Cleveland
campaign, poured out money like water,
personally, inspected the situation and tele
graphed his committee from the Northwest
that Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin and Illi
nois would all go Democratic; who tele
graphed President Cleveland, late the night
ofthe election, that he was certain to carry
.New York and the country, and whose
telegrams to friends in Ohio that
night and the following day, were so san
guine of Cleveland's election that these
same lriends and their friends lost thou
sands of dollars. Neither these lapses of
judgment nor the fact that the little cor
poral of Democratic national politics made
his millions in Wall street seem to deter
his many friends from putting him forward
with a great vim as the coming Senator,
and one of tbe reasons given why he must
perforce succeed is that he can buy and sell
anv and all of the other candidates.
Ex-Congressman McMahon, of Dayton,
is another candidate mentioned, who did
not cut much of a figure in his three terms
in Can tress, but who rests his reputation
made on one of the speeches before the
Electoral Commission, and his efforts as
counsel in the prosecution of the Belknap
Congressman "Bill" Hill, of Defiance, is
another lawyer trotted out who has had ex
perience in several Congresses, and still
more prominent as a Congressional figure is
that of Frank Hurd, one of the most elo
quent of Ohio's Democrats, and a pioneer in
tariff reform in bis State. As the Demo
crats claim that tariff reform ideas played a
prominent part in bringing about the vic
tory, Hnrd's friends urge that he is a long
way the most prominent and able of the
disciples of that idea, and should therefore
have the call.
Among wealthy business men, Mr. John
H. Thomas, one of the prominent manufac
turers Of Springfield, is most conspicionsly
mentioned, and he and Mr. Brice are sup
posed to best represent the solid business
element. Among newspaper men Mr. John
R. McLean, proprietorol the Cincinnati n
jutrer, and Hon. Beriah Wilkins, late chair
man of the Committee on Banking and Cur
rency of the House, are brought to the front.
Mr. Wilkins, beside being an Ohioan of
commanding ability and influence, has
recently become a resident of the District, he,
as well as Mr. McLean, enjoying that dual
citizenship, which is coming to be the desira
of so many wealthy gentlem en, who love to
mingle the business of life in the States
with the political and social life to be found
only in the District.
Mr. McLean and his charming wife, n
daughter of General Beale, the intimate
friend of General Grant, have a charming
residence in McPherson Place. He is a
popular and fashionable entertainer, and
wonld be hailed with manifold delight as a
United States Senator.
Mr. Wilkins ls-the leading proprietor and
business manager of the Post, of this city,
and, with ex-Postmaster General Hatton, he
has made that jonrnal one of tbe most enter
taining of American newspapers, a perfect
marvel in the delicate agility with which it
presents news and shrewd opinions on both
sittes of all questions, touching Keenly
everybody's sensibilities, without irritating
anybody seriously. Mr. Wilkins is one of
the most genial and popular residents ofthe
capital. He has recently erected and occu
pied a magnificent dwelling in the most
lashionable quarter of Massachusetts ave
nue, and his promotion to the Senatorship
would be applauded to the echo by all
classes of Washington society, as well as in
his State.
It is evident, therefore, that there will be
no lack of candidates. Just now, however,
it seems to be the opinion that Brice will
win if he wants to. He is in tbe best posi
tion to make a "hurrah boys" campaign
with his plethoric barrel. No one appears
to think that his intimate association1
with , the bulls and bears would be
any drawback, or that if he were
elected his fellow-Senators would ostra
cize him on account of tbe fact that his vo
cabulary is largely composed of the language
of puts and calls. The impression i3, rather,
that they would welcome him as a valuable
retailer of gratuitous tips in regard to Wall
street weather probabilities. LlOHTNEE.
Flans far a Poslodlce.
The plans for the alteration of the Semple
building, making it suitable for postoffice
purposes, have been completed, and will be
sent to Washington early in the week. The
inspectors, when here, pronounced the
present quarters of the Allegheny postoffice
the worst in the country for a city the size
of our sister town, and as they will report
favorably on the Semple building, accord
ing to Postmaster Swan, it is expected that
the work of remodeling will be commenced
very soon.
Messrs. O'Kcardon and Gavtttat War,
Dan O'Reardon, who lives on Thirtieth
street, bronght ft charge yesterday against
John Gavitt who boarded in his house, for
disorderly condnct last Sunday.
Alderman Doughty heard the case, and
he inflicted a fine of 510 and costs or 30 days
to the workhouse.
It fllaj bo Serlons. -Alexander
Syms was tak;n to the Alle
gheny General Hospital yesterday afternoon
suffering from a kick in the abdomen, re
ceived from a fractious horse in tbe stable
of John Davidson, on Arch street. His in
jury is a severe one, the extent of which
cannot be determined for a day or two.
Objected to Bis Pay.
A man named August Colehoute, who is
slightly demented, was placed in the Alle
gheny lockup yesterday, by order of Chief
of Police Kirschler, and will be sent to the
City Home to-morrow. Yesterday he ob
jected to the small sum tendered, by a lady
for his labor in putting in a load ot coal.
He went to the Mayor' office to make a
j complaint and was loosed up oa a charge of.
i DeingaYagrant.' . i ., 7-
Bloodshed Feared as tbe Besnlt of tbo
Election In Virginia A Kesro Lynched
and His Friends Demand Tense
nnce More Trouble Ahead.
rarxcuu. tjxioejlu to ths dispatch. J
Baltimobe, 'November 9. Louden
connty, Virginia, is threatened with a race
war which, from present indications, will
result in bloodshed. The negroes are wild
over the lyncnmg of Owen Anderson, a
young negro, who had assaulted Miss Annie
Toiliver, the young daughter of a' leading
Democrat at Leesburg, and they vow ven
geance. Searching parties soon found An
derson, and he was taken to jail in Lees
burg and charged with an assault, for which
the penalty is the same as that for murder
in this State.
When it became known that Miss Tolli
ver's life was despaired ol, the citizens of
Round Hill then determined to lynch An
derson, and about 30 of them went to Lees
burg at midnight, overpowered the Jailer,
and after taking Anderson from his cell
and hearing his confession, hanged ' him to
a derrick which stood in front of a hnildidg
being erected in the center ofthe town. His
body was then riddled with bullets, and a
placard was pinned to his shirt, which bore
the words:
The safety of our wives and daughters must
be secure, and all such netroes exterminated.
White cmzEss or viboinia.
In Halifax Tcountv the negroes are also
raising Cain. During the campaign the
ignorant blacks of the country districts
were told by their leaders that they would
be plunged into slavery again if Mahone
was defeated. They implicitly believed
this, and are organizing to intimidate the
whites. The outrages and attempts at as
sassination which have occurred since the
election are the undoubted outcome of this
feeling, and if a race war does arise here the
bloodshed will lie at the doors of dema
gogues who have stirred up the race hatred
of the blacks.
A Sontbside Foker Room Tistled by FoIIco
' on Its First Night.
Inspector McKelvy, with the assistance
of a number of police , on the South
side, raided two poker rooms last
night. About 10 o'clock they surround
ed the place of William O'Neill on
Sidney, near South Twenty-seventh street
No onerin the house was aware of the close
proximity of the police until the Twenty
eighth ward patrol wagon rattled np at a
full gallop, and they were seized bythe
officers and hustled into the wagon. Eight
men beside the proprietorwere captured. At
the station they registered as John Hender
son, Joseph Fortune, Thomas Springer,
John Wilbur, Harry Gilmore, John Scully,
William Mood and Louis Bobbinger. Near
ly all of them were released on forfeits paid
by friends shortly after.
John Amon's place on Harcum's alley
was the next place visited. This is a new
establishment, last night being the first
night it was open for business. Five men
were captured here who gave the names ot
Johu Amon, the proprietor, John Amon, a
cousin, Thomas Murray, John Murphy,
and George Myers. Some of the men paid
forfeits immediately and were released.
Informations will be lodged against
O'Neill and Amon this morning before
Magistrate Brokaw by Inspector McKeloy.
A Finelyilllastrated Compendium of Pitts
burg's Industrial Enterprises.
A magnificently illustrated souvenir in
the shape of a quarto volume crowded full
ot vivid representations of Pittsburg's indus
tries was presented to each member of the
Pan-American Congress during their' stay
in this city. The volume was edited by
Morton G. Chandler, whose address is P. O.
box 37, and is a marvel of typographical
beauty. The illustrations aro photo-lithographic,
and appended to each is a neatly
written text in the best of Spanish. The
intention is to reproduce the volnme with
English text. It is a creditable piece of en
terprise and much impressed those who were
favored with a presentation copy. The price
of the English text copy has been
placed at S1& Orders "sent to Mr,
Chandler will receive prompt attention.
The embossed velvet mounting ofthe book
is of rich purple and in itself a work of art.
River Coat to bo Sent by Hail New Pomps
Gains Down.
A steam elevator is being built at Bunala,
on the McKeesport and Bellevernoh road,
for the purpose of raising slack from the
river barge to the cars for transportation to
the lakes. Its capacity will be SO cars per
The- National Tube Works of McKees
port are bnilding a pnmphonse in the river
at a point below Locust street, to honse ex
tensive pumping apparatus with which to
supply their plant.
President Newell and the officials of the
Pittsburg, McKeesport and Yonghiogheny
Railroad inspected the road from Pittsburg
to New Haven yesterday.
Josbna Rhodes Refuses to OInke Any State
ment Upon Treasury Blatters
Joshua Rhodes and Senator Don Cameron
were the bondsmen ofthe late State Treas
urer Hart. It was Mr. Rhodes' emphatical
refusal to allow Mr. Hart to load funds from
the State Treasury upon Governor Beaver's
personal security in the Johnstwon flood re
lief work plan, which compelledJGovernor
Beaver to abandon the plan, and raise the
money for the prosecution of the relief work
among Philadelphia capitalists.
Mr. Rhodes was requested yesterday by a
Dispatch reporter to make some statement
as to the lisping ofthe bond and the succes
orshipof Mr. Hart. He refused, however,
to be quoted for publication.
The -Freight Deadlock Continues Without
Prospect of Relief.
The deadlock in tbe railroad freight trans
portation system is without any change.
Furnace owners are still nnable to get
adequate supplies of coke, and in the Con
nelisville region the loss to operators from
inability to ship their product is serious.
During the last week there was & defi
ciency in cars of between 700 and 1,000 of
what were needed to fill pressing orders.
There does not seem to be any relief either
for this anomalous condition of affairs,
unless some means of transportation by
balloon of parachute is devised
AIcKeeiporters Owned the Vessel and Will
Raise Her Forthwith.
The steamer Sam Miller, which was sunk
35 miles below Parkersburg yesterday, was
valued at $12,000. One half of the boat was
owned by A. Tuskeep and W. N. Bahlins,
of McKeesport, and the other half by Cap
tain W. Lucas. The boat will be raised.
To Form One Organization.
L. A. 1030, K. of L., machinery molders,
will hold a meeting on Tuesday to appoint
a committee to confer with other unions
with a view to amalgamating all three or
ganizations for the purpose of controlling
the trade. ,
For Illegal Liquor Selling-.
Rachel Lies was arrested yesterday on a
charge of selling iiqnor without a license
and keeping a disorderly house at the corner
of James street and Third alley, Allegheny
Blie gave bailin $2,000 for a hearing before
mayor x-earson on.xuesaay. -, .
...tf-JMttfirSi E&iAVVi-ii!. .";- C .
Chancellor Bismarck iff Practically
Master of all Enrope.
Obey the Commands Issued by tho Great
German Diplomat.
A Measure to Eeprcss Xnelr Acltatjoa t be Fassea
by the EelcasUg.
At Bismarck's instance it has been de
cided not to formally recognize the present
Bulgarian Government. The Chancellor is
busy making alliances that will strengthen
the position of Germany, Steps are to be
taken to curb tne activity of the Socialists.
" Berlin-, November 9. Pirst among the
present resnlts of the Bismarck-Kalnoky
conference and the Kaiser-Sultan inter
views is the suspension of the Austrian
project fdr an official recognition of the Bul
garian Government. Semi-official reports
ofthe meeting of Count Herbert Bismarck
and the Grand Vizier state that the latter
declined to advise the Snltan to recognize
Prince Ferdinand without material guaran
tees of the support of the Dreibund if Russia
attacked Turkey on the Armenian frontier
or at any other point.
The Grand Vizier declared that Turkey
bad as much to fear from Austria as from
Russia, and she could not forward the Kal
noky policy unless she obtained an equiva
lent. The attitude of the Porte appears to
have confirmed Bismarck's opposition to
intervention in favor ot Prince Ferdinand.
' Signor Crispi, the Italian Prime Minister,
approved the Kalnoky project, bnt the in
sistance of the Chancellor has overborne
both. Official circles in Vienna are. sore
over this check to Austrian diplomacy, and
attribute Bismarck's action to promises
which he gave the Czar while the latter was
in Berlin.
The official belief here is that the Chan
cellor resisted Kalnoky because he was
averse to a measure which was likely to pro
duct acute agitation in the Balkans. The
recognition of Prince Ferdinand is there
fore indefinitely postponed. Jnst before
leaving Constantinople Emperor William
had bis longest conference with the Sultan.
Said Pasha and Count Herbert Bismarck
were present.
Alter the conference Count Herbert visit
ed the English embassy, meeting Sir W. A.
White, the British Minister, and Sir Ed
ward Vincent, with reference to the Anglo
Turkish negotiations over the conversion of
the Egyptian debt and the continued occu
pation of Ejrypt.
The Emperor anpeara t have urged the
Sultan to cultivate an alliance with En
gland, as linking Turkev to the Dreibund.
The exchange ol views by the Monarchs Is
certain to strongly influence the policy of
the Porte. The Imperial itinerary home
wards includes a stoppage at Corfu, and a
visit to the Empress" of Austria, who is so
journing there and thence to Venice, where1
the municipal authorities are preparing a
gorgeous sea fete, comprising a fleet of
steamers, richly adorned gondolas, and an
illumination of St Mark's and the Grand
Canal. It will be a thorough old Doge
time celebration.
King Humbert is expected at Venice and
both monarchs will go to Monra after meet
ing tho Emperor of Austria at Innsbruck.
The Imperial party is timed to-reach here
Saturday. Emperor William will thus
conclude his notable series of visits to the
sovereigns of Enrope, with two additional
visits to the allied monarchs as a demon
stration. Hid interviews with the other
monarchs had for their sole object a solidi
fication of the Dreibund. Count Herbert
Bismarck, dnring his visit to Pesth, had a
conference with several of the Hungarian
Ministers regarding the projected Zollver
The- Chancellor softened Kalnoky'sre
pulce on the Bulgarian settlement by hold
ing out hopes of a renewal of the commer
cial treaties in 1893 on terms favorable to
Austria and Hungary. Meanwhile a Zoll
verein ot the three Powers is considered
here as chimerical. The subject was not
seriously discussed at Priedrichsruhe.
The commission on the Socialist bill is ex
pected to report against permanency for the
measure and in favor ot prolonging its
operations a period of three years. Among
the 28 members of the commission there is
no Socialist representative. According to
precedent no group having less than 15
members ought to be represented on a com
mission. The Socialist group has only 11
members. The Progressists offered the So
cialists two seats, but Herren Bebel and
Liebknect declined tbe offer on the grounds
that the whole bill was unacceptable and
that they would not assent to the commis
Prince Bismarck will reappear in the
Retchstag on the second reading of the
budget, if there is danger of its failure. The
Socialist bill is certain to canse him to in
tervene in the debates. It is probable'tbat
thePresidentof the Commission, Herr Hell
dorf, who is a Conservative, will support
tbe bill withont amendments, and that a
coalition of National, Centerist and Pro
gressist members will carry a report in favor
ofthe amendments.
The session closes the middle of December.
A decree for the new elections is expected
early in January. The new House will
meet the first week in February.
A section of the Socialists resent the in
terference of the refugee committees of Lon
don and Paris. Influence from .London
caused the retirement of Herr Tntzaner, the
accepted candidate in the Berlin Second
district, in favor of Herr Janisczewaki, the
nominee of the Social Democrat, now pub
lished in England. The home committees
advised the foreign committees to refrain
from interlerence.
The Socialists have aeeineo upon a gen
eral cessation of work on May 1, to make a
demonstration in favor of eight hours work
Tipr dav.
A dispatch to the Semin Pasha Commit'
tee from Zanzibar throws doubt on the re
nort of the murder of Dr. Peter. An un
rrusty Arab brought the newsof his death.
Captain Wissmann attacked Saandi and
captured the place alter a slight resistance
from the Arab slave dealers. This is the
fourth time Captain Wissmann has taken
Saandi. There is an uneasy suspicion that
the strength of the enemy fs unbroken.
The foreign office has protested to Lord
Salisbury asainst the Niger Company levy
ing customs. After a fierce debate which
lasted tnree days in tbe Bohemian Diet
over the crowning of Emperor Prancis
Joseph as King of Bohemia, a motion of tbe
young Zechs in favor of an address to tbe
Crown praying for his coronation and the
re-establishment of autonomy, was rejected
by a vote of 113 to 37. Throughout the de
bate Prince Windischgraetz was the only
member that spoke in German. Repeated
outbursts by the excited spectators caused
the President to clear the galleries.
One of Ike Price or the Alliance of Twa ex
posing Factions.
London, November 0. The ministers
met to-day in the First Cabinet Council
held since the prorogation of Parliament.
The meeting was coareMd priBeirily
consider the work of tbe next session. 1
but, nothing was done'1 beyond dtv
'- -2.
.cidiag v -upon: the chief billr to be
introduced. Thereii.no doubt that these
will include an Irish land bill and a bill
dealing with the1 title question in England.
The former lias been reluctantly accepted
by-the Tories as one of the prices
or alliance with "the Chamberlain
faction, and the latter is extended to mollify
tbe Tory churchmen. There is reason to
believe that the Government will indefinitely-
postpone taking action upon the
Irish Catholic University question, in
consequence of discontent in their own
ranks, and doubts as to the support they
could command from the Radical Unionists.
The attitude ofthe latter is just now caus
ing serious anxiety to the ministers.
Chamberlain is infuriated at his son's de
feat in the municipal election at Birming
ham, which he justly attributes to Tory
hatred of himself. Attempts have been
made this week to arrive at an understand
ing as to the seats which shall
be held by Tories and Unionists
respectively, but as Chamberlain, while
demanding concessions, will not budge an
inch from his own position, no agreement
has been arrived at for the moment. The
dispute effects Birmingham only, but un
less speedily settled it will spread to all the
constituencies, and may have most impor
tant influence upon the political situation.
Carious Ancient Belle! and Superstitions
Resardlag- the Cat.
.London Standard.
Witches in all ages have been reported to
assume the guise of black cats, and the evil
one appears also to have been partial to this
materialized semblance. Did not "Agnis
Thompson," confess (on the rack) that a
'christened catte" was the cause of the
storm which overtook the ship bearing King
James L and his bride from Denmark? And
long before that date the cat was popularly
associated with the black art Indeed.it may
be inferred, from the very antiquity of the
beliefs regarding it, that the animal is of
very ancient date as a domestic pet When
Shakespeare made it the familiar ofthe
weird women, and its mewing one of their
omens, he simply gave utterance to a
superstition universalicreditcd in this day.
Some of these old wives' stories about the
animal still linger in Enrope, though others
appear to have happily died ont Thus, the
notion of angry cats eating coal, which is
mentioned in Fletcher's "Bondnca" and
other cotemporary plays, can be no longer
traced in current folklore.
In the most benighted of rural parts the
rustics no longer, as they did in Shakes
peare's time, shoot at cats in wooden bottles
or in baskets, and feelinzs of humanity
have long since exterminated every trace of
the cruel sport, the nature of which is re
membered by the phrase of "Whipping the
cat at Abington." It is unfortunate that
the belief which has encouraged more cruel
ty toward cats than any other except, in
deed, the notion that witches possess them
is still persistent This is what old Trustier
calls the "conceit of a cat having sine
lives." For this "hath cost at least nine
lives in ten of the whole race of them."
AmaslBg bat Vndoabtedlr Hoaert CritlcIsaM
of Shakespeare's Flays.
Washington roiU
Frederick Warde was to play Richard UP
in Nashville, Tenn., that night Mr.
Charles XL Keeshin, his advance manager,
and Mr. Mibom, the manager of the thea
ter, sat in the box-office chatting.
"Mr. Warde never plays Bichard," said
Keeshin, "that I do not think of a criti
cism ot the play which I once overheard in
a Baltimore cafe after the performance. Two
young fellows sat at the next table. Said
one of them:
" That play Is rot. It la perfectly absurd
to make a man spend so mnch tune and
murder so many people for the purpose of
getting a kingdom and then have him offer
to trade it off fors horse.' '"
Jnst then a party of loggers whohadcome i
nown me river irom vue xennessee umoer
country bought tickets and went in. The
curtain went np and in a few minutes the
loggers came back and demanded the return
of their money.
"What is the matter?" asked Mr.Milsozn.
"Well," said one ofthe party, "we didn't
know that man Warde was a cripple or we
wouldn't have gone in at alL We don't
want to see no durned cripple play King."
"Yes," said another, "an the. infernal
fool begun by talking about being discon
tented with this winter when it's the besi
winter we've had since the war."
He Keeps His Feet Clean by Always Walk
ing on His Heels.
Fang Load, in Globe-Democnt.1
Nobody ever saw a Chinaman with muddy
shoes, no matter what the weather, unless
somenoodlumshad push ed him intoapnddle.
We take care of our feet instinctively, and
get into a habit of walking carefully. If
yon watch on a mnddy crossing yon will see
one American after another pick his-way
over cautiously, and yet land on the other,
side with mud on his toes, while a China
man will walk along after them at his usual
gait, and, seemingly not noticing his feet,
stepping on tne otner euro witn not a parti
cle of mud on the tops of his shoes. Bat
when he crossed the street he did not walk
as the Americans did. Had he done so, he
wonld have beenas mnddy as they. They
stepped along gingeriy on their toes, or at
least, the front of the 'foot
In this way they put all their weight of
their body on the thinnest part of the shoe,
from top to bottom, and when it flattened
ont with each step the mud touched the
leather. The Chinaman walked over with
the weight of his body on the heel and in
step of the shoe and the toe barely grazing
the ground. The foot of the shoe that felt his
weight was firm and unyielding, and did
not spread into the mud.
A Farmer Walks to Town Foramina; to
" Take' a Load of Hay Along;.
Boston Globe.1
There is a man in Weymouth, Mass., who -I
is a little absent-minded. One day he was
going to Hingham for a load of hay, and
intended to get a wagon on Pleasant street
He carried his fork in one hand and led the
horse with the other, passed by the wagon,
and walked to that town. He hitched his
Horse and spoke to a man about stowing the
hay. The assistant asked Where the wagon
was. The words he uttered were:
'"For heaven's sake, have I left that
wagon at home?"
He started back after it, add when he
was the top of Fort Hill he discovered that
he had left the horse hitched in Hingham.
A Scotch Preacher Tells Haw RaHclaaa Les
sons Aro Thrown Ax 17,
Scottish American.1
Beligion slips through some people's
fingers as rapidly as ill-gotten money. An
old Scotch minister told his congregation
the truth when he said:
"Brethren, you are just like the duke's
swans in the lake yonder. Yon come to church
every Sabbatb, and I lave yon. all over
with the gospel water, and I ponr it upon
you until yon are almost drowned with it;
but yon just gang away hame, and sit down
by your fireside, give your, wings a bit o'
nap, and yon are just as dry as ever again."
Fhtiharc Parties la a Sjsdteatr.
bTochestee, N. Y., November 9. The
Bochester City and Brighton Street Railway
has beesf aold to a syndicate of Pittsburg,
New- York, Philadelphia and Rochester
capitalists for 98,175,099. Tha jrtrchaews
lave ate boght tbe fraaehlsgs of tbe new
CroMtewa XaUway Cswasay for 975,099,'
aad will have a seoofely f Um steeet rsil?-
MM lajweaiMir. ' -, 1
iSE-E . ...-.. .',', .-.?
An (Deration Fonnd Hecessarv'-tan
ttin Dncinra Attendim? Him. $
The Coroner Begins His Inquest oa th'
Body of Colonel Swope.
First Shot and Kit the Second it WssiWhiok.
Wounded Goodloe. , "
Colonel Goodloe's physician s fear bewill?
die, though they hope be has a cnaneesieri
recovery. An operation was found necea
sary yesterday to ascertain the course of th Mi
ball from Colonel Swope's putoL The-ia-f i
quest on tne Doay 01 ooionet owope as-,
veloped nothing new. '
isrxcuii teKcbjlx to thx stsrArcs.1 -
-LEnxGTos-, St., November 9. IhSf
has been a notable day for Lexington. 'OalrH
one question has been asked, and thatllvS
"How is Colonel Goodloe?" The eieitelS
ment has been subdued bnt of the mosfiS-'iM
tense character- At 10 o'clock this meravj
ing the body of Colonel Swope, followed 1
a large concourse of friends, was takes sl
the Cincinnati Southern denot and shiDbed
to Stanford, Ky., where it will be bmried ;
to-morrow beside that of his mother:
Colonel Swone said a few davs azo ikJUi
some day he and Goodloe wonld fight it oatf)
to the death, "and," he added. "I hope''B
may &111 me, as .wooia rawer cue inm'
make orphans of his children-." ButH"
seems that the dead Colonel's wish, will not
be fully realized. At noon to-dav Colonel
Goodloe'a condition grew rapidly worse, ai
two hours afterward his physicians foaad,2
nis temperature to no ii and nu pulse J-W.;l
vomiting aiso occurred.
Then it was decided to perform an opera! ;
tion, and Dr. Connor, of Cincinnati, a?,
sisted by Dri Skillman, Scoll, Barrowjj
it nxtacj anu xrjuni, 01 uus city, maas aaL
incision in the patient's abdomen, to see j
what damage the bullet had done. Ha waal
nut tinder the influence of anesthetics. iii
I the operation, which lasted two hours, wsil
h e j t -1 j 1 .s m .t.-r'l
1 . -J 4t. t. T rr. -f jM
hesions had already formed, and the boweO
wounas were ciosea. xnu snowea nu,cea
gives it as his opinion that the patient Jfflva
die. a iE j
At 10 o'clock this morning theCoreera
began his inquest on the body of Bwojw.jitg
having been viewed by the jnrybelorejtla
was sent 10 Btamora. xne testimony wm 4
substantially the same as the story oftiajj
save that it was clearly proved that bo oast
heard the exact lanznasre used bvfther
two men Immediately Defore the diMeaUtl
Three witnesses were fonnd who saw th
fight One of them saw it all; the other twoW
only part It was strongly oroogmoj;
that Swone lost his pistol in the early part
of the affray: that his first shot and not tbel
second struck Goodloe; that the- latter?
battle was the most desperate, as well as tMI
most bloody, ever known Ja Jientucirr. ,2.
After his antagonist had fallen 'oakiil
face, in the embrace of death, GoodleeM?
marked, as he walked out of the pastesWf
lobby: "He bellowed like a cal" jrjl
nesses corroborated this, for it was preyed!
that every time Goodloe'a knife a(rietT
Swone the latter cried. "Ohl Oh!" ad
witness said he heard him say, "HsJaiJ
TT.1t,!" "JHLJ
Had it not been that these tojflMkJgy
enemies had postoffice boxes one right ikeve
the other, the tragedy wonld not hare qe;
curVed, as they had often passed each or
on the street witnont any tronoie e
In conversation to-night with UnfGmffk
chances. Dr. Connor said: 'laeWIkfal
chance for him. If I had 100 patiealafii
his condition, and 25 cot well. X shooM
aider myself very fortunate." Dr. WhitSjl
said at 10 o'clock to-night: "CoIosreI.Qe44
1o U in a critical condition. If Umm iil
any change he ha rallied lilgktij.iMjJSl
last two nours. fVaa
The hotel lobby has been crowded all smm
with persons anxious to hear the latest' Ml
letins from the wounded man UBtobni
even at this hear there is no ahaieaiiatlt
interest ana excitement in tne ca-.-j.vssj
onel Goodloe'a family are conatotiyTeai
his side, administering in everyjwf
possible to ixs wants. Alter tne
thenatient came oat from the
feeling weak, bnt perfectly conseJoHS
temwratnre and pulse haven't beealH
onnncrh to pnnse asv nneasiness. fcntUsi
grave faces ot those about the siefc newisiO
uicatc IUO UUIUU "' j n
life of the great uepuDiican hang.
The Kentucky Leader will print tiTfcIJ
lowing editorial to-morrow, it smwsbimi
pnblic-feeling as well as s wbek tWwm
-Tho lad affair which threw the
Into a state ot excitement Friday Isles
plorea more man pencil cancarcaes.-iixa
excitement lasted only tor Brief pssissVasat
was succeeded by a feeling of sorrow tmli
that it bordered on gloom. There ssssaalsa,
he no feeling ol resestmset ,f$MM
matter toward either Colonel SwosSti
Colonel uooaioe. xne genera es
isonaof sorrow onlr. No one naefeeosi
to utter bitter words against eltker 0 Mm
haunts. Anger nas oeen own
the blacker clouds of griefVaM,
has been disposed to taxesMMi:
the v hare been restrained. by ta-
tbe situation. The citizens of LsiKsttssn
ni-Mi&ta t nil well tbB leseta and fruaaaa, 1
denth of the calamity that na JaOea
them by their home having been sslistsd aa
scene for such a terrible encounter. The ft
llies 01 both ot tha principals la sua OM
liestdnel ever xougnt witmn taa
onr fair cltv. nave tne unbounded sjssaatar.aCl
awBole commnnltv. Colonel Hweste bm;m
wife or children; Colonel Goodloa had. K'if
on them that the main burdea of a wslfat ail
woe rests, xney aeserre tne greatest.
nathv. and it may be a consolation ta ttsssltel
know that a city and a, nation stars tfcrsM
Way Oat ofStfk.
That's the war prices nave bew kiiehwll
about since we started onr sale aflMa'al
winter overcoats and suits. Notaiif lflsajtj
ever seen before. .Men's nanasease sm
overcoats, single or double breaesLy
812: onr mice 15 dnrinsthis salev'JkfM'i
English kersey overcoats, nsnallys'seMgy
$18; our price $10. Men's imported HiaaaJ
bel chinchilla overcoats, onr prioe a3;Twl
dnce them if von can at less uaa 9. T1
sale proves without question that we aMJK
loweit-criced clothiers in Pittabare. JHssal
P. a a a, cor. Grant aad PlssasadJjKVl
opp. tne new vourt nouse.
Ko Electisa Ketaras,
But the genuine Deep Bock OytttM at 1
85 and 90c per gallon. ai
No. 47 Diamond Market and No.sWjM
ave. Telephone 101.
Hehdeicks & Co., eePeri3
gheny, show tha finest hiZikmfma
displayed in this city. Prieis Use efcai
1 ii ,
FrxB cashmere hose, regalar
reduced to 20c.
Z. WAnnywGHT & Co.'s
of lazer beer is highly
purity Sold by all dealer.
The most effeetive,"afatas)"
01 j;'. ec v . s m uiy Mar.
CutPkice3.-CMM,s k-a
, atjtsssai
svgsjsBajsssjssBfeLaaSj V ftsjfk
OvVVHssPPsarnssfl alsrWJ