aw r.l...'p P3P!f!P! v- -"L I 3 . x .-. ''?--. -V.?S ast;-rawssre,5as!i. . . . . -i . - i :' 2't -' -..- . i&a. -- '? , J-JSTW THE' . V. J ! --"-'-? JPITTSBBEQ- 'yiSPATGE'SBNDAY', NOVEMBER 10, 'l88'0.'" -: .sf-VW. &J-MZ.i '; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I "V THEATRE jjlfnder tb? -ir?etion of RBB.6DMCK&C0. ONE WEEK, BEGINNING MONDAY, NOV. II, Matineesi Wednesday and Saturday. . 'Grand Production of the Romantic Melo-Drama in Six Acts and Seven Tableaux, entitled .:. SIBERIA", BY BARTLEY CAMPBELL. Under the Management of HARRY KENNEDY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND o:f:ej:r,.a. ieecottsiel MR E. D. WILT, - Lessee and Manager. WEEK, COMMENCING MONDAY,, NOV. 11. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. HOYT'S LATEST AND GREATEST SUCCESS, A MIDNIGHT BELL Presented with the Original Oast and Grand Realistlo Soenery, which Characterized Its Run of Five Months in New York. Entirely New Scenery, Correct Costumes and A Powerful Company. BIJOU PRICES: 7"golSSa8cx Nov. 18-The McCaufl Opera Co. in "CLOVER." nolO-56 POSITIVELY AM) ABSOLUTELY Different Prom all Previous Productions. :- EVERY SCENE NE W ! THE EXAMINATION OF THE COUNTRY SCHOOL. THE COASTING SLIDE. ' TEE BELFBX TOWER. THE CHTJBCH CHOIR EEHEAESAL, Week Not. 18.-The Gprad Spectacular "KAJANKA." noS-63 BIJOU THEATERIcasino museum. RHiia M . MTSfc KSMSssSW 8 S .v$Ss M& !&&$$ 3 SWSHNSM j fKRv,-SMN YXSi' iVS RJS tfWNMXiW-. SXNNaSSMWiWN SNWi "Ni zm . "mmm? nmMmmrm& nws i&. 1 ,1 JSroff"). Jill JHMI JlsSig pggfpy "AuTh GUlNEAj" M wrm mm Wr3?ti& MEDICINE M for Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. repared onlvby THOS-BEECHIM. SLHeIens,Iancasliire,EngIana. B. F. ALLEN & CO., Sole Agents FOIt UNITED STATES, 365 & 367 CAIVAi ST., HfEW TOSS, Who (if your druggist does not keep them) will mail Beecham's Pills on receipt of price but inquire first. (Please mention this paper.) Under theDlrecUon of K. M. GULICK A. Co. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18. ENGAGEMENT OF THE MCCAULL OPERA COMPANY, And Original Production in this City -OF- Yon Suppe's Masterpiece, CLOVER. WITH THE ORIGESAL CAST: Mme. Cottrelly, Marion Manola, Annie Myers, Josephine Knapp, Carrie Barton, Louise Edgar, De Wolf Hopper, Eugene Ondin, Jefferson de Anzelis, Lindsay Morison, Herbert Cripps, Edmund Stanley. Augmented Orchestra of 25. ADOLPH NO WAK.... Musical Director. Sale of Seats begins Thursday, November 14, at 9 A. M. DOJ-1S J. W. O'BRIEN.....: Proprietor. E. W. CONNELLYS Manager. Week of November 11. CHAS. E."HELLABD, A Human Dislocator of Joints, an enigma to physicians, a mystery to scientists, a marvel to the public. Indorsed unani mously by the press, public and the most eminent medical men of the world. MADAM TAYLOB, The White Bearded Vocalist, with a Snow White Beard. Marie and daughter, Songs tress and Elocutionist JO AND TOM, South Sea Island Warriors. Also the return for one week only of the Casino Mascots, Gen. Andy Switzer and Col. Decker, And the Greatest Curiosity in the Known World, THE HEMRIOH MUMMIES. The Study for Physicians and Scientists. nolO-83 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OLD CITY HALL, TUESDAY EVENING. NOV. 19, 1888. GRAND CONCERT, IN AID 07 TBS Pittsburg Domestic Training School. The eminent American soprano, Miss EMMA JUCH, By courtesy of Mr. E. D. WUt, of the lira 3rand Opera House, where the Is to up- pear in graou opera m ueceniDer. ana by whos") kindness she appears at this charity concert Prima Donna of the Jach Grand English Opera Company. - v.. The Philharmonic Society, Thomas F. Kirk, Conductor. MISS AGNES VOGEL, Mezzo-Soprano. MB. H- B. BBOCKETT, Tenor. THE P0C0-A-P0C0 ORCHESTRA, MRS. DR. J. S. WALTERS, Conductor. Miss Mamie Keuck, Vloliniste. Mr. William Gnenther, Flute. The Beethoven Quartet, Carl Better, Piano; George Toerge, Viola; Fred Toeree, Violin: Charles Cooper, Cello; Mr. E. H. Dernutt, Baritone. THE HAYDNQUARTET, C.H. dledle. First Tenor: W. Cliff McCausland, Second Tenor; F. W. Bearl, First Basso; G. F. Wagner, Second Basso; R. Mayer, Pianist. MR. CARL RETTKR, Pianist. MR. G. H. GITTINGS, Pianist MR THOMAS F. KIRK, Director. Tickets, witn reserved seats, $1 SO and IL ADMISSION-ONE DOLLAR. The plan of reserved seats will be ready at music store of H. Klelier & Bro., 608 Wood st. On MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, at 9 A. M. The tickets purchased from the lady man agers must, in every case, be ezchaged for reserved seat coupons as above. nolO-92 Monday .Evening, Nov. 11. Matinees, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WORLD'S MUSEUM, ALLEGHENY CITY. THIS WEEK, NOVEMBER 11. People this Curiosity Demands Your At tention, and to Allow Everyone an Opportunity of Seeing Him He is Retained Another Week! "BASSP The World's Greatest Wonder, THE OSSIFIED MAN! Description cannot do him justice. Im agine a human being, alive and as rigid and jointless as a s'tpne statue. Onr eminent physicians admit he is the most perplexing problem known to the profession. The Great SEYMOUR, Mind Reader! And a hundred other interesting, amusing and instructive objects to be seen. MR. JOHNNY CONNORS, The funny Southside Play Actor, will act in this Allegheny town Museum Opera House. You all 'know Johnny Connors. He is ossified in one leg and lives on the Southside. He is not a freak, but a really funny plav actor, and anyone who ever saw him act and did not laugh, and laugh loud, never did laugh. Mr. Connors is not a freak, but a play actor, and a good one, too. He-will be helped by JAMES QTJIGLEY, TOM PEASLEY, BILLY WATSON and a lot of other actors in a Pan-American opera piece, which takes place after' the other actors have shown you what they can do. It will be fun from the start to the windup. ITS AT.IVE1 CON GO! World's Greatest Absurdity! COMING NOVEMBER 18. nolO-90 r,j"Jv"f ' XXW ABTjWnMtaiZXTS. Bellonini, 8 Bros. Byrne, Mons. Alfred And His Mysterious Globe, The Wood Family. Mr. Geo. Windham, Miss Florence Miller, Blondln, ) The Wonders Boalanger, of Empress, ) Paris. Mr. Dan Hart, Byrnes and Helene, Mr. Pat Rellly, REILLY AND WOOD'S NEW BIG SHOW. And the Laughable Comedy, THE UNDERTAKER'S SOCIAL. November 13 Lilly Clay's Colossal Gaiety Company. nolO-10 HARRIS' THEATER. WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, NOV. 11. EVSET ATTEBXOOH AHD ETBNIHO. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL OF ALL SPECTACLES, ZOZO! THE MA.GIC QXJEEPr: Car Loads of Entirely New Scenery! Tons of Gorgeons Paraphernalia! An Army of Men and Women! The Beantifnl and Talented American Actress and Prima Donna, ADAH EVELYNE! And a Company of Comedians, Dancers, Acrobats, Clowns. Actors, Actresses! Bones, Dances, Marches. Drills. REFINED SPECIALTIES! Week Nov. 17 "A LEGAL WRONG." nolO-M .! By .request of thousands of our citizeilsp', desire to witness the GRAND SPECIAL ELECTRlCAl -AKD- SCIENTIFIC DISPLAY 5'-1 '9! MADE FOE THE PAN-AMERICAN CONGRESS The wonderful process of Welding Iron, Steill Brass and other metals by Electricity by the THOMSON WELDING COMPANY. . The celebrated WESTINGHOTJSE ROT&Rg ENGINE, never b'eifore operated in public, whole being the most complete Electrical Scientific dist)lav ever attempted in this country .... . .: .,. , ri will De open to tne puonc at MECHANICAL HALL, EXPOSITION BUILDIMd -V.if - i-- -oit- November 9, II, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Prom 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. . DTvrxssioiLsr, - 250 HSTErW 0-003DS. QjnaBr AiS;issssssssssssssse' r--fjaissssssssssssssssiBII JSSSR no9-71MBi , I 4f . 't We have just received and have now ready for Inspection,, beautiful China Dinner Sets, Fish Seta and a full line of nice; China, odd pieces, to which we invite the attention of the ladlea- :i R. P. WALLACE & CO,, "Wood B"b- 211 OPPOSITE BT. CHARLES. tim" i : m IF THERE IS ONE THING MORE THAN ANOTHEil S3 FOR WHICH WE ARE CELEBRATED IT IS BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING IT IELA.S at.WAYR BEEIsT OTJE; SPECIAL HOBBT AOSTID JPEOBABTj"Sr jiVXj'WA.'SrS W I I iT. HS IRIQHT TO THE FRONT M rl ID MCDITC - 1 B wUl ITlUiixl I Sb A lAQY w cae yesterday to look at some Clothing for her boys and afterward returned with her husband said to us: "I like to come into your store; everybody is so pleasant, and if I want to look I receive the same polite and pleasant attention as though I purchased. I am not unpleas antly urged and importuned to buy, whether I am suited or not, and I am sending all my friends to you now." That's what we like to hear. That's what we have been working for "The pleasantest trading place in Pittsburg." Many persons dread the ordeal they have to pass through in some stores endeavoring to find something to suit their taste, judgment and purse. TYPE DOESN'T SHOW THE BEAUTY or outline the pretty charms of the beautiful Clothing we have in stock for the Boys and Children. In our immense and grand stock of Boys' and Children's Clothing you'll see not only piles of School Suits, School Overcoats and Sunday Clothing, but fine and exclusive styles and patterns that par ticular mothers will be greatly pleased with. Our standard of clothing for the Boys is high climbs higher every season; and supposing we hear of any novel style or bright idea in Boys' Clothing we're after it like a shot School Suits (Knee Pants), $2, $2 50, $3, $4 and $5. School Overcoats (4 to 14 years), $1 50, $2, $3, $4 and $5. School Suits -(Long Pants), $3 50, $4, $5, $6 and $8. Schoordvercoats (10 to 17 years), $2 50, $3, $4, $5, $6 and $7. Of course we know that Clothing (so-called) for Boys may be bought for less at bargain (?) houses, but knowing, as we do, that you expect nothing but reliable clothing for the boys, here we give you what you expect. gt -;; . y fc II PA I M AAV 5fcPT. Tf SCHOOL 'ihfetiRArtrtAR Dfc.FH'. if a -" . ; STTisrE.r ' f n jf i,. ! -v '" clothing ; r!p -Jj lTl -FOB- V -- J r - IM U BOYSandCHILDREN Mfp ! y fl III fSC r aA. ft 'I I I . i n? s I 7 111 r iMail purchasers are accorded the V 'l'- ? I . l vS7s V I IJAstVr same advantages as resident buyers. 'frsVi f i &CS&. ' L ' tsLIIIs VAn i l k. tim99B9r Mri fc W WWWWWW9W9599555W?-fiMiT 7717. z ?T i in vTr ' fi r r- v J H ' L c5rt LaHAcJM I I L HmrB i issVl wiafe, Wuw 3G 130 f ! V-l-l ' "P1 ,li .-SW7lllM I tI I I itV & I T V "1 JM ft KL -VVt I I TV r A If LI? r m" U Mi Bfl lx L VJ i- i JTtTiiI I ffff li I s I lll I II Jlv ie'w h flt::3w I UmW X$-J b E---pk Jr ! il III h i Hi 'lit --lyL-MJi j t JJJ II t;r2 I A ,1 Jv ' H H "fiiJiJ Vf f 1 A. 'I . 1 i -T -T '"p'WH - . 9 n I til rmni m -s -r Zr- :sX X J I r -. i - i I - -SOlJ M J3 h- -r--- ITS NO EXAGGERATION TO SAY il That we show a larger diversity of shrtpes and styles in Bby and Children's Overcoats and Suits than all the? other localj dealers combined. "Unique design and graceful outlined coupled with perfect fit, is a vital consideration; it is just nere'n that we claim superiority ana our prices are away dciow wnai vou'd necessarilv oar elsewhere. . ', --. Just you look, out what money you spend in Boysand J ft.:!).--'. rMNtJitn- -ntil -irnii'v- bppti the Pennine bartrainsrirei offer. There isn't another house in Pittsburg that devotesgas: mnch canital and enerev to Boys' and Children's Clothragias we do. That we sell a eoodlv Quantity of it is evideacel the fact that fifty four salesmen are employed in thisJiieB; ment alone. GU SKY'S Write and tell your friends of the extraordinary Ibargains we're offering in Boys' and Children's Clothiner. Or better still, send this naDer along to (Vthem. You can help them to save money. And ; ithen don't you forget to send us your name and ad- fi dress and we'll forward free the November number lout Fac S: There's nothing more eloquent than facts. They may be cold, rugged and stern, but they're also convincing. We want you to come and look at the beautiful goods we're offering for the Boys at prices below anything you ever before heard of. And be sure and let your children come in for one of our beautiful Drawing Books, which we're giving away free. Fulbparticulars therein of the Grand Prize Competition, which all children can enter. iflieit Fits GUSEY'S 300.TO -ioo i&JLttEZEn: STBEI-T, PITJ?I?SBTJK;i3-. GTTSKY'S EVERY MOTHER IS INTERESTED v" ; In our prices for Boys' and Children's Clothing. What is more,- 1 . ..--- L fc .! 1 wokl nrtla il x nun rr ff- T TJ rrrt t1 uicy auprcciBic mai wc scu iaw5 -'uiwut i,me juui -- , , Children cheaper than other houses. You can see ten styles here to one in any other clothing establishment " Thereis' "everything here to please both parent and "boy, and to those;V parents who look closely after the expenditure-of moneyiiSsi 1 is the store above all stores. Little Boys' Dress Suits, 51ft, $8 arid $10. . . ' ' v il Little Boys' Dress OvtarcoaitsjS, $6, $ $8 and $10. Big Boys' Drees Suits, ,$6t$8, $10 and tpl. - .j Big Boys' Dress OvrcctsV$6 50, $8 $10, $12 and $15. " '.'. If you want to get the greatest possible value for moneyl exDended vou'll visit us sure. Wchave 11 the kinds of BoysJ j : and Children's Clothing wanted.and tk prices are as r6was ! . - .' . - - Tri i it is possible to make them, coasisteat with good Dusmey policy. m GUSKY'Ss A sncial force of ernorienped clerks attendfto our Mail Order department. . Be sure you sendus your orders by mL You' can depend on receivjng goods to suit yon i trery particular, uooasjsw C O. D. to j. pt othe, United States. ot Caaoig Write for or mmied. Moatflm MWki ffc- ssV fl pbf. our Illustrated Monthly. fm Ji ' r v ' w i V ! (-li