r ?if ?, -.; vs!;? " ,v -' ," '"' F&J ,u ' - " . ij l' . fer' v. ' r-? ' : -"-if fT A - V j r-V! TilT " 'rAfl ' '" f "& THE 'PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY, , 1T0-YEMBEB 10, 1889. it i' t t A PARIS KAGPICKEB. Prank Leslie Gives the History of Two Remarkable Chiffonniers. KAEE HONESTY OP AN OLD WOMAN Orsanizilion, Difficulties and Earnings of Eajjpicfcers. A LAEGE FORTUNE IN OEAKGE PEEL tSrXCLU. COKEESPOXDEXCT OF THE OISrATCH.1 Paeis, November 2. Last year M. Rouff, a dealer in diamonds, lost a fine large pearl, weiching 125 grains and valued at 8.000. He immediately put posters up on all the walls of Paris, offering a handsome reward clever person in the orange and.lemon.peel which was daily thrown away by the garcons of the cafes. She took the hint and pondered over it. The. next thing she did was to sell her stock in trade and become a sort of amateur chif fonniere, with this difference, that the object of her quest was orange and lemon peel only. "She struck up business relations with the limonadiers and the various waiters who well, you know how men are were glad to help a young and, as she was then, good-looking woman. They all, in fact, watched her venture in this" new line with considerable interest. She had a tiresome task at first, but soon as she got to be known, matters went on more smoothly. The peel idea proved a success. In fact, she prospered so rapidly that she was ere long able to employ other hands to do the dirty woik of collecting the material from the streets, as also from the theaters, for the sweeping of which she contracted. She presided herself over some 30 young women in her orange and lemon peel ware house, all of whom were busily occupied in cleaning, pressing and packing the peel as lor its recovery. Several weeks elapsed, when a poor woman called on the Commis- it arrived, an operation which she christened Earr of Police in the Hue Montmartre. and bv the word "zester." Vast Quantities of handed the lost pearl to that official. Her ieste were daily sent away to all parts of -W-Wiplay aOvtrtticmtnU one dollar per tguare for on insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, elc ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for Us than fifty tents. name was Gautier. She was a chifibnnicre, or female ragpicker, by trade and had found the pearl in a heap ot rubbish in the Eue LslHtte. She lived in a small wooden shanty in the Eue du Buisseau, a poorly ten anted street belonging to a quarter known as Les Grandes Carrieres, so named from the "large quarries" on the northern slopes of Montmartre, where the city formerly got much of its fine limestone for building. The new law that forbids housekeepers from placing their rubbish in the streets over night has been a sad blow to the corpo ration to which this poor honest woman be longs. Some compensation has, it is trne, been offered them by the tolerance of the police, who close their eyes to the infringe ment of the regulations in the narrow streets which are lined with shops and warehouses. They have each their own con cierge, who permits them to forage at day break among the rubbish brought down by tlie servants from upstairs. They have a longer day's wort now. Formerly they started out at 10 at night, and at 4 or 3 in the morning, when the carts made their rounds, they had disappeared Jrom the streets. .Now they must remain until the scavengers appear on the scene, or at least until the last boxes of rubbish have been emptied into the common bin placed on the edge of the kerb by each concierge. a kagpickeb's eabnings. Thcv have the work of sorting to do when they get back from their early morning task of collecting the refute. Some sell it to a boss, or trieur (sorter), as he is called, who stays at home and does nothing else. He Bits in his room like a gentleman, and there qnietlv assembles, examines and separates toe amerent articles picked up uy nts work people. He then sells the material to buy ers ot various sorts. The business is anything but a lucrative one. Parisians, however, throw away every year more than 300,000 tons of stuff, which the ragpickers collect and sell for upward of 25.000,000 francs, or nearly $5,000,000 The daily returns amount in all to more than 70,000 francs ($14,000), but there are 40,000 men and women to snare the sum between them, so that each gets an average of 1 franc and 75 centimes, or less than 35 cents. Two hundred pounds of waste paper cannot be sold for more than a couple of francs, woolen rags are only worth 5 cents a pound, cotton 3 cents, and bones at best fetch If. 85c, or 37 cents per hundred weight. A man working steadily all night, for they still ply their trade on a small Ecale, despite the edicts of the Prefect may earn, if be has a tairamountof good fortune, from 40 to 60 cents, but not more. A silver spoon does occasionally turn up in the rub bish; but the pearl oi purest orient hue well, so to speak, never. Besides, every member of the corporation of ragpickers is bound under severe penalties to deposit any valuables he may find at the nearest police office. Each has a card or ticket, with a number inscribed, and a number correspond ing with that on the card is fastened to the hotte or basket. Eagpickers, moreover, have always been noted for their industry and honesty.. JUST GOOD AST) BAD. There are no classes or categories among the rag pickers, as some pretend. The are only the good and the bad. The real chif fonier is readily recognized by the adroit ness with which, while only slightly stoop ing, he transfixes a cork, or any bit of rag or paper, and drops it into the basket at his shoulders. It requires years of patient prac tice to ao me leai neatly ie contemns imi tators, people who would fain pass them selves off for the genuine article. There are plenty of such shams who wear the blue blouse and go about with the basket, but they are no members of the corporation. They are mere hide venders. Catskins still find purchasers, and the number of rabbits eaten at cheap restaurants and water-side resorts enables these prowl ing frauds to dispose of the bodies of their victims. Their calling, however, is a mean one, for cats don't like being shut out o' nights, and those who haunt the Central markets are protected by the police and the watchman. Caterwaulers alone succumb to their wiles. The real chiffonnier, or rag picker, is proud of his calling. He re mains true to his hook. In his family all the men have either carried the basket or the soldier's knapsack. None have dis graced themselves so far as to become a mere day laborer. The "new law" I have alluded to was a decree enacted by M. Poubelle. Prefect of the Seine, requiring every concierge to pro vide a box for the rubbish of the tenants, and to have it ready for the dust carts on their morning rounds. It came into force January 15, 1884. The evident effect, if not the object of this regulation, was to sup press the chiffonnier's occupation, and to give the dust contractor a monopoly of the refuse. On sanitary grounds the Prefect may have been right, but policy required moderation even in a question where the health of so large a city as Paris is con cerned. The fact of suddenly reducing so large a crowd of honest and useful servants to downright beggary was a mistake. APPEALED TO PUBLIC OPINION. Public opinion, which, in Trance, as in other countries ot a similar high degree of civilization, is the supreme ruler, spoke np In favor of the rag-pickers, and againstthat minor sovereign known as the Prefect of the Seine. Many deputies also humanely joined in the protest, so that the now immortal M. Poubelle was constrained to offer partial ex cuses for his action in the matter, and promised that the utmost tolerance should be exercised by the authorities in behalf of this particular and as he admitted "most honorable" industry. The ragpickers were in future to be allowed to turn out the new dust-boxes, so as to be able to rake over the contents. But for the dignity of the thing, the Prefect might as wellhave revoked his decree altogether; but like other rulers who have granted constitu tions or dismissed obnoxious ministers, he doubtless found it necessary to save appear ances. The chiffonniers conducted theirniritn. tionand,inameasure,gained their point, with an orderliness and sood temper th it shows low utterly unfit they are to replace the Chamber of Deputies. It would be a dull world indeed if a select assortment of them were to be transferred to the Palais Bour bon, though possibly more business would be done. I will conclude this article about raf- pickers by relating the story of a poor woman, Mme. Vanard, who arrived at competency by collecting orange-peel, and thereby not only helped herself, but gave occupation to others. She became a rich person, a great patroness of art, and a regu lar habitue of the Opera. Her husband was in business as a distiller of spirits and essences, uch as are used by perfumers and dealers in liqueurs. She gave him as much assistance as she could. He, however, died, whereupon she tried for some time to carry on the distillery alone, but without sne ces. Talking over matters one day with the keeper of a restaurant where she (used to take her dinner, she was much struck' with. 'a remark that he made, to tne effect that mere was a lortune to De realized by some I Prance and abroad to form the basis of Dutch Curacoa, orangeade, citronade and tbe many kinds ot light drinks and aperients which are met with over the continent. She has now retired from business, and enjoys the fruits of her former hard-earned labor. Frank Leslie. M. G. Cohen, diamond expert and jew eler, formerly cor. Fifth ave. and Market st, now at 533 Smithfield st. The large clock in front or the door saves time to those looking for the jewelry estab lishment of M. G. Cohen, 533 Smith'field st. We have the only street clock on Smithfield st No Election Returns, But the genuine Deep Eock Oysters at only 85 and 90c per gallon. Kuapp Bkos., No. 47 Diamond Market and No. 463 Fifth ave. Telephone 101. Tbe Old Reliable THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion nest morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where "advertisers already have accounts with Thx Dis patch. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, S5o9 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, ath street and Penn ave. . G. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave, add Fultonst. N. STOKELY, ruth Avenue Market House. EAST END. 3. W. WALLACE. 6121 Pcnn avenue. OABXAND. J MCALLISTER & SHEIBLER,Stbav. A Alwoodlt. SOUTDSIDX. JACOB SPOHN. No. ICarson street. B. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. ,T. KAF.KCHER, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE. Market House, Allegheny. FEED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS A SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin ayes. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver ares. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ayes. M1LLYALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCKER, Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. WANTED. Dlale Help. ANTED A GOOD BUTCHER-APPLY AT MEAT MARIiET. No. 4811 Butler street. nolD-12 W T7-ANTED-AOASFlTTERATC. H. JENKS', V T avwoou ana ioaisa sts.,.vaaxauu. nolO-113 TTT-AMTE1)-FIRST-CLASS GAS FITTER. O. VV H. JENKS, Atwood and Louisa sts.. Oak laud, city. uolo-13 THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHSIDE AT HO. 1220 CARSON STREET, WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS. AND FOR THE SPECIAL SOUTHSIDE ISSUES PUB LISHED EACH SATURDAY. "TTT ANTED TWO GOOD BOYS AT FITTS VV BUUU SHOW CASE CO., Vickroy st., Boyd's Hill. noiu-107 TJT ANTED A GOOD SECOND AND THIRD VV hand baker. Inquire at 2824 PENN AVE.. Pittsburg, Pa. nolo-128 "Female Help. -rrrANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOB DOWN VV STAIRS work: reference required. Apply at 35 CENTER AVE., city. noio-3 -T7-A.NTED-LADY As HOUSEKEEPER FOB hotel: must be a thorough cook and cx- Jiencnced In the business. Address J. A. S.. Al egheny, Pa. nolo-75 -TTTANTED-K GIRLS TO LEAKtf DRES3 W MAKING at GARMEU'S SCHOOL. 34 Church ave., Allegheny; special terms to those entering next week; cali-at once. nolO-134 -TTTANTED-LADY AGENT3-ALSO T 1 men- Two Immense new specialties: one ladymade 127 before dinner, another !6 first hour. Address LITTLE & VO., Box 443, Chicago, III. OC30-29-WSSU FOR HALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East End Residence. FOR SALK ROBINSON" AVENUE, EAST End, residence, 2-story frame, 4 rooms, good cellar, lot 25x117; L200. CHARLES SOMER3 & CO., 313 Wood St. nolO-124 FOR BALB-p.700 FOR A NEW 6-ROOMED frame house on Hastings St., handy to cable lltlA nn ..ll.nkrl BROTHERS. 6349 (Station si easy payments. it.. MELLON no7-7-Thrsa EOK SALE-ta.000 NEW yUEEN ANNE brick dwelling, containing JOrooras and all coveulences: lot 47x148; the best property for the money In Shadyslde. V. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth are. anZ5-ll-Sa FOR SALE-ON LEXINGTON AVE.. NEAR Lincoln ave., 2 acres:;good frame house of Brooms: elegant water: nnest of fruit In abund ance: only S6,K0. THOS. LIGGETT. No. 114 Fourth ave. . no9-57-MWFSsn "CHR SALE SYLVAN AVENUE. NEAR BO. JC QUET street, substantially built and cozy wwusu uj o rooms, large hqq coia water: Dantrr. bath, ranee: hot cnoice lot auxizo: 14,7110. CHARLES BOMEKS & CO., 313 Wood st. nolO-124 FOR SALE-A PROPERTY ON PENN AVE NUE, near Lang avenue, East End; there Is a good eight-room dwelling on It: tbe lot has a iront of6 leet on penn avenue: will sell on terms to suit purchaser. aveuue. C. H. LOVE, No. 83 Fourth n 09-51 WANTED-LADY AGENTS FOR OUR NlW Mcintosh Raglln; superior cloth. In wide stripes on outside: vulcanized rubber on Inside; close flttlng; very stylish; never spots: beautirul as the nnest cloth garment ever made an d Is abso lutely waterproof; Agents sell six a day and make ts 00: great opportunity; also line line otner goods. Address E. H. UAMPBELI., 4S4 Randolph St., Chicago. noii-CT-TTSn -TTTANTKD TO EMPLOY A FEW LADIES, VV on salary, to take charge of my business at their homes: entirely unobjectionable; light; vefy lascinatlng and healthful: no talking required; permanent position: wages fio per week in ad vance; good pay rot part time: my references In clude some oi tne best well-known people orLou Isiillc. Cincinnati, Pittsburg and elsewhere. Ad dress with si&inp, MRS. MARION WALKER, Fourth and Chestnut sts.f Louisville, Ky. sel2-13-Thsu WANTED. pyWEK 8flKlHWD fliyWYJ TflE BEpr HICKOET NUT CAKE. One cup of butter, 2 cups or sugar, 1 cup of sweet milk, 3 eggs (whites and yelks beat en separately), one-half nutmeg, grated; 1 teaspoonful extract of lemon, 1 pint hickory nut kernels cbotiped, 1 pint currants washed and dried, 1 pint of seedless raisins, mix to gether; add 5 cups offlour having in it li measures "Banner Baking Powder; bake one and a quarter hours in it tolerably slow oven. This cake will keep for months. GRAHAM GEMS. take 1 quart Graham flour, 2 teaspoonfuls of salt, 2 tablespoonf uls melted butter and 1 quart street mile. Mix thoroughly, add one efia'. well beaten, and one measure "Ban ner" Baking Powder. Stir well together and bake at once in gem pans. The "Banner Kecipe Book" is replete with valuable household information for baking tea' biscuit, rolls, muffins and all kinds of fancy cakes; instructions for roast ing meats, fish and fowl: for nreDarin? French and mayonnaise dressing and mak ing all kinds of desserts. Every lady should have one of these books. Order a pound can with the Banner Kecipe Bonk from your grocer. If he cannot supply the book, send your address to Banner Baking Powder Company, P. O. Box 245, Pittsburg, Pa., and we will mail it free. aiule Help. WANTED-A MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS pickling sheet steel. Address, with refer ences, P. O. BOX 3. nolO-41 TjTANTED MEN WHO UNDERSTAND W iron work riveting, etc. TAYLOR & DEAN, Market St. nollMlO WANTED-80 LABORERS AT CARSTABLES, cor. Herron ave. and Thirty-third st. Ap ply on work. BOOTH &FLINN. nolO-126 WANTED FOUR FIRST-CLASS STEEL molders; steady work; no strike. SHARON STEEL CASTING CO., bharon. Pa. nolO-IS -VTJANTED - NON-UNION MOLDKRS BY V UNirED STATES ROLLING STOCK CO.. Anclston, Ala. noio-i4 Steady work and good wages. WANTED-TYPEWRITEII-I WANT TO BUY a Remington No. 2 typewriting machine, new or second-hand. Address K. J. M., Dispatch office. nol0-ll WANTED-ATONCE-COACHBODY BUILD ERS: only first class men need apply. The SPROUL VEHICLE MFG. CO., LIM., Twenty first street. nolO-M WANTED-CUSTOM COAT MAKER-GOOD and skillful workman with steady habits. Apply at W. A. M03ES 4 CO.'S, No. 91 Franklin street, Johnstown, Pa. no9-fl WANTED A MAN WHO CAN LEAVE city, and get out and hustle; roust deposit 10 for samples and seenre collections; salary S3 a day. Call oraddress 5 SIXTH AVE. nol0-139 WANTED-GENTLEMEN WHO DESIRE A wife or a llvelv correspondent to send their address and stamp to THE AMERICAN CORRE SPONDING CLUB, Box 643, Clarksburg, W, Va. OC23-10 Male and Female ITpId. -VTTANTED-LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IN VV city or country wishing to earn $3 to $3 a day at their own homes; no canvassing; work lurnlsbedand sent bv mail any distance. Ad dress, with stamp. CRYSTALIZED PHOTO CO., 112 W. Sixth St., Cincinnati, O. oc27-97su Situations. "TTTANTED DRUG CLERK OPEN FOR V encasement: experienced: registered as manager: best reference. Address PRESCKIP- TION1ST, Dispatch office nol0-127 . WANTED-POSITION-BY YOUSG MAN AS assistant bookkeeper, bill clerk or any kind of office worK; good reference. Address RE LIABLE, Dispatch office. nolO-ffl TTTANTED-A SITUATION - BY YOUNG TV man in hardware business, having ex perlence: will furnish good reference. uAuuwAit uispatcD omce. Address nolo-39 FOR SALES30.OC0 NEW AND SUBSTAN TIAL brick residence, containing 12 large rooms and all conveniences; lot 114x410 ft: tills Is one of the finest located and cheapest pieces of property In Shadyslde. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fonrth ave. au25-ll-su OR SALE-fll,000, ON EASY PAYMENTS: A sew Queen Anne brick dwelling, containing 1Z rooms, all conveniences, fine gas fixtures, and is elegantly papered ; lot 55x175 feet: located In the Henri oi tne ast jsna, on one oi ine main avennes, W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. aulI-66-su FOB SALE-LOTS. East End liars. FOR BALE-S3, 000-80X125 FEET OS NEKLEY" avenne, near Center. W. C STEWART, 114 Fonrth ave. sel-13-sa FOE SALE-ONLY H.C00-WARD STREET, Oakland, on line of the electric road, lots &&X100. J. E. GLASd, 138 Fifth ave. nolO-71 FOR SALE 20 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS, Herron Hill Park, grand view or East Lib erty Valley. CHARLES HOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. solO-124 TTIOB BALE-i8,000-EASY TERMS: U ACRES JL' of level land desirably located on Squirrel Hill: will sell portion. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ael5-c3-sa FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery ana Metal. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repalrlngpromptly attended to. PORTBFOUNDRYANDHACHlNECO.,LliL, below Suspension, bridge, AUegheny. Pa. anlO-29 TTIOK SALE A 1 t SECOND-HAND PORTABLE hniior in Sn i condition, with all attach ments; certificate for 13; for sals at sacrifice for wantot nse. Inquire KEYSTONB LAUNDB1, cor. Chartlers ana Fayette sts., AUegheny. nolo-5 PEttSCITAL. -"- - - i "nM)R SALE OAKLAND LOTS ON R'JMEO ST., J Boundry St., Joncalre st. and Sylvan ave.: t250 and SXO each. BLACK & BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. 2D-217. nolO-64 TjWR SALE$250 FOR A NICE LEVEL LOT ON jl: .mver ave., ai loot oi 1.0111ns ave. : wiu sen on easy payments. Duuon St.. iU Hi. MELLON BROTHERS, 6343 no--TnFBU FOR SALE-CHOICE LARGE LOTS FRONT ING good streets In midst of handsome new bnlldlngs; Brushton station. CHARLES SOM ERS & CO., 313 Wood st. nolO-124 FOR SALE-BAUM UROYE A NUMBER OF the finest lots In this choice property at prices awav below -present valuation. CHA1U,KS SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st. nolO-124 IJIOR BALE-t70 PER FRONT FOOT FOB J large corner lot on Rlppey st. (paved); this price Includes all street improvements. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. . no7-7-ThrSu TTlOR SALE-ON ELLSWORTH AVE.. l: jtoupst.. NEAR corner lot 55 bv abTt 135: frame house. rooms, bathroom? n&tnral iras. pleirant front porch, hall in center of house; good elevation; very desirable In every respect; only 88,000. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. no9-58-Tissn FOR SALE-I2.800-LIBEETY AYENUE AND Thirty-ninth St., new modern frame dwell ing 5 rooms, finished attic, ball, vestibule, inside shutters, side entrance, etc.; lot 2OX10O feet; fralned and well finished: convenient to cable Ine: easy terms. L. O. FRAZIER. Forty-fifth and Butler sts. nos-88-ThF8u FOR SALE-ON COR. EL WOOD AND EDWIN sts., lot 50x120 to 20-ft. alley: new frame house of 8 rooms, reception hall, bathroom, basement laundry and all modern Improvements; elegant front and side porch: good neighborhood: only 1 minutes' walk from Fifth ave. cable cars:M,750; easy terms. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth avenne. no9-58-TT8su FORSALE-5.'800 EACH -2 ELEGANT BRICK houses on Niagara street, near Craft ave., Oakland; 8 rooms, all the latest improved con veniences: no expense has been spared to make them complete; close Inspection Is Invited: large lots; you should see them. .BLACK & BA1KD. 93 Fourth ave. ZD-81. nolO-65 TTT-ANTED-POSITION BY A JI1DDLE-AOED VV lady as housekeeper either in hotel or pri vate family; long experience and good reference. Address J. P. J., Dispatch office. noS-W-Thsu -TTJANTED-BT A YOUNG MAN WHO IS AT VV present engaged In the music business as cltv salesman, n position as traveling salesman. Address SALESMAN, Dispatch office. nolM02 -TTTANTED EMPLOYMENT BY A YOUNG VV inin of 22 In a drugstore, city or vicinity, so that be could attend the College of Pharmacy 3 times (evenings) a week: speaks several foreign languages. Address communications to'A. S. A., 47 Diamond St., city. nolo-ll Partners. WANTED-AGEXTS-A PARTNER TO CAN VASS with me on finest holiday presents ever offered; sold on payments. J. K SERENA, 103 Fourth ave., Room 3. nolO-103 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN for a large wholesale liquor house; one who can command trade: liberal salary paid to right party. Write to B. N. X, Dispatch Office. nolO-18 WANTED-MOLDERS TEN GOOD. NON UNION molders wanted at the foundry of the Ensign Manufacturing Co. 's car works. Ad dress I. K. T1TCS, Foreman, Huntington. W. Va. no7-52 TITANTED-A CATHOLIC MAN OF NEAT VV appearance and fairly educated, not under 25. for position of trust; salary paid weekly. FANNING 4 GUBKEN, Room J, McCance Block. nolO-111 WANTED-WHITE BOY 14 TO 18 YRS. OLD to make himself useful about bouse; must be polite and bright and must furnish references. Call at ROOM 308, Hamilton b'ld'g, from G to 6 p. H., Monday. nolO-74 HOUSE CLEANING "WITH SCOUEENE Now is the season to keep on hand a snpply ot "SCOTJKENE" to do all your house cleaning. There is no known article for 5 cents that will so help through house cleaning and do it as well. AIEETlNGs. ATTENTION, SELECT KNIGHTS-ALL comrades of first regiment are requested to meet at the hall of Hnmboldt Legion No. 17,206 Ohio street, AUegheny, TO-DAY at 1 P. M. sharp, in full uniform to attend the funeral of onr late comrade, Conrad Henry Muhl, by order CHARLES V. LEWI8, Colonel commanding. Attest: JOSEPH B. EATON", Adjutant. nollMS TTTANTED-BRIGHT, NEAT AND AMBI ;V TlOUSboyforofflcc: one who lives with parents or relatives; must be over 16; ?4 per week, with semi-annual increase. Address OFFICIO BOY, Dispatch ofilce. nolO-130 -TTT-ANTED-AGENTS SHOULD WRITE FOR VV Illustrated circular, terms and two weeks' trial of Missouri washer: washes dirtiest clothes by hot steam without rubbing; easily sold; profit able. J. WORTH, 54 Beekmanrt., N. Y. noW-94-wssa WANTED-CORRESPONDENCE OR INTER VIEW with reliable parties in reference to active partnershiparrangement in some good pay ing manutacturing business, located in or near Pittsburg. Address Z. Z., Dispatch office. no8-75-FSU Financial. WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT 4, SAND 6 per cent free ot tax. w. C. STEW A)!" 114 Fourth ave. Jam-2-su FOR SALE-ON O'HARA ST., BETWEEN Fifth ave. and Walnnt St., lot 42x130: frame honseofs rooms and bathroom; lavatory on first floor; slate mantels, natural gas. elegant front and side porch: ab't 3 minutes from Fifth ave. cable cars; desirable in every respect: only SS, 750: a bargain. THOS. LIGGETT, U4 Fourth ave. noS)-58-TTSBn ORSALE FOR 810,000-THE BEST BARGAIN on Hlland avenue. East End; the bouse is a good house, lu rooms and finished attic, front and rear porches, carriage house and stable In the rear on alley; the lot Is large; tine shade trees; good location on the avenue, and 1 n the west side of tbe avenue;, this Is the best bargain now for sale of Its class in the East End. C. II. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenne. no9-5l FOR BALE-S2, SOO-LOT 47x120 FEET, LOCATED In shadyslde, near Fifth ave.. In a choice neighborhood: tbe best lot for the money In the East End. W. O. STEWART, U4 Fourth ave. sel5-67-sn FOR SALE-THE CHOICEST BUILDING LOTS In Oakland, on line of the electric road and commanding a magnificent view of the Scbenley Park. For particulars see J. E. GLASS, 138 Fifth ave. nolO-71 FOR SALE-?7,500-6 ACRES OF CHOICE land, desirably located on Squirrel Hill, within two minutes' walk of new electric road; terms to suit purchaser. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. se29-45-su FOB SALE HEBRON HILL;LOTS SSOO EACH. Madison ave.. Just at the terminus of the Wylie ave. cable line: :hlslsa good place to buy for a home or investment. BLACK & BAIBD. 95 Fourth ave. nol63 Glenwood Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS AT GLENWOOD: CON VENIENT to the station and Second Ave. Electric Railway; graded streets, sidewalks, city water: houses and lots for sale on monthly pay ments. GEOROEC. BURG WIN, 150 Fourth ave. OC29-29-MWSU Allegheny Lou. FOE SALE-CHEAPBAKGA1N-1RWTN AVE. near North ave.. 2 lots 2uxl0B ft. each for IVJOO each: terms easy. ALLE3 & BAJLEY, 184 Fourth ave. TeL 167. R 06-59 FOR SALE-OHIO ST. EXTENSION, NEAR Bridge it.; 160 ft. frontage by 32 ft. to West Pcnn i:. K.; six frame dwellings and stable. ALLE3 & BAILEY, 164 Fonrth ave. Tel. 1S7. no7-i5-Thssa TTIOB SALE-MACHINERY, TOOLS AND E atock On the premises, Jio. 48 Water street, will be sold at auction. November 12. 1889. at 10 a. m.. an exceUent lot of lathes from 18 to 8 Inches, swing from 8 to 13-foot bed: brass latnes, drill presses, planer, wood-working ma chinery. 8-lnch Saunders tapping machine, pipe machine; lot machine and gas-fitting tools, ream ers, taps, etc.: malleable and east iron fittings; gate and globe valves suitable for steam and natural gas: bending table and rurnace: flasks and patterns of valves, flanges and fittings: also large gray mare, harness and wagon. RES, SHOOK & CO.. 46 Water street, Pittsburg. Pa. ocS-62 MIsccllnneoDK. FOB SALE-ONE POOL AND THREE BIL LIARD tables in first-class condition: pool and billiard supplies: tables cut down and re paired. C. L. IKACY, 1313 Tenth ave.. Altoona, Pa. noV-7S-TTSU FOE SALE-LOOK AT PHOTOGRAPHIC views In onr office of choice residence prop erties located In various sections of tbe two cities and suburbs. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st. nolO-124 FOR SALE FURNITURE AT AUCTION. 392 Beaver ave., Allegheny, Wednesday. No vember 13. at 2 o'clock: there are bedsteads, bu reau, sideboard, clocks, stoves, showcase, stands, chairs, hat rack, lounge, sofa. Singer sewlnjrma chlne, mirror, carpets, etc. A. LEOGATE SON, Auctioneers. solO-140 TTIOK SALE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. A? 1168 dollars, and freight nald: annulled with onr quick cushions, best clotb, balls, cloth and v . ifHAk (.UMUUIU. UCBi ClUhU, UJllia, UUUI M1U outfit: the woodwork i richly tn!M xrttn finfitfc Imported woods; tbe regular price of this table Is (275; 100 tables will be sold at these prices only, are sold at maker's cost: we defy competition on billiard supplies; write for catalogue. THE BLOCH BILLIARD TABLE CO., Cleveland. O. no9-I0 T3EBSONAL THOSE WATCHES THAT.IfADJ JLf V EKTISK for 515, tI5 and J17 are solid 14 karaf gold filled case? with any first-class movement same as sold by watch clubs at JJ3. B. E. ARoNsJ gyifthave. nol-Htrt EBSONAL-HAVE YOU SEEN LlVrS bookstore? Do you know we have new books as well a old? Do you know we have the largest stock of old dooks west ot tne AUegneny Mono UDertysi. , ,m no3-33 tains? LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, 800 1 DID NOT THINK THX g. but thev are-no more brilliant than ever, " said a lady last iweeki , T-ER5JNAL "I X wnnld stand washing. rcfeTrtfir to her Voltaic diamond eardrops- h only paaa h so ror wem; taev are souu goiu. E. AHUNS. Sole Agent. 6S Klltb. ave. are solid aolu: B. nom-mi? FCUNE. T7tOUND-"l HAVE FOUND THAT YOU.SET A? Voltaic diamonds in rings, eardrops, etcS that have been worn, "said lady the other day? "and yon can lust set some In mine; tliey are Jue beautfrnL" B. E. AEONS, sole Agent, ttdFirtlx ave. 'jaoK-uitt AUCTION SALES. JM 1SSKFEES' mm . m AT AUCTION, 0:1 TO LET. City Residences. rpO LET-ON FEDERAL 6T., NEAR "WYLIE -- ave.. brick house of 7 rooms and bithroom. THOS. LIGGETT, U4 Fourth ave. B09-58-TTSSU TO LET-i-ROOMED APARTMENT HOUSES on Colwell St.. near Vine: all modern Im provements: also. 3-roomed houses In. rear of game, inquire 01 v.LANU, 393 jruw ave. noW-4 fTIO LET-A NEW FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE. X beautifully situated on Grandvlew avenne: one minutes' walk from Dnqnesne Incline. Apply or address to ALFRED MABLAND, Sonthern avenne. Ml. Washington. nolO-15 FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY BUILDING LOTS 25x115 feet: actively growing locality: new bnlldlngs on every hand: valnes advancing: 1500 each. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 TWood street. nolO-124 Allegheny Residence!. FOR SALE-J1S.0OO.-FINE RESIDENCE ON Washington street. Allegheny, near Parks; all conveniences. W. W. MCNEILL &BRO., 105 Fourth ave. nolO-53 TTlOR SALE-20 PER CENT INVESTMENT a.' 1 ine orick residence in AUegneny, s.500; on Fourth are. :trhenv. S-i W. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 105 noio-51 FOR SALE-ELEGANT MANSION. II ROOMS, large lot, shade trees and shrubbery: Wash ington street, Allegheny: will be sold at a bar gain. W. W. MCNEILL St BRO., 105 Fourth ave. nolO-54 CrTANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN VV lnsumsto suit at iii. 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14-TTS6u TTTANTED -TO BORROW $3,000 ON CITY V property valued at 13.500 and Southern property valued at 52,500. Address Z., Dispatch office. nolu-SO WANTED PHOTOGRAPHERS AND agents to buy their pictures wnlch we sell at the lowest rates. PITTS CRAYON CO.. 53 Smithfield, nolO-105 WANTED-MORTGAaLS-a.000,000TOLOAN In large and small amounts at 4H. 5 and 6 per cent, free of State tax: no delay. luiijilku., ui jourtnave, REED B. my21.60 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON MORT GAGES on improved real estate in sums of $500 and upward, lor 3 or 5 years. at4,'i, 5 and 8 per cent. L. O. FKAZ1ER, Forty-fifth and But ler sts. no8-83-Th7Sn WANTED-ACTIVE MEN TO SELL HOUSE HOLD goods In Pittsburg and Allegheny: we have all kinds or goods that people buy fast because they need them. Call and get terms. E. GATELY & CO., 25 Federal street, Allegheny. nolti-78 WANTED AGENTS "DODGE'S HORSE blanket holder:" keeps the blanket from blowing or sliding off the horse; nothing like It in tile market: every horse owner buys: sample bv mail 25c. STAYNEK & CO., Providence, K. I. nol0-95 VTOT1CE TO STOCKHOLDERS THE JLl annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pittsburg Traction Company will be held at the office of the company. No. 310 Fifth avenue, on MONDAY, November IS, 18S9, at 11 o'clock A. 2L, lor the purpose of electing seven directors, toserve for the ensniDg year, and fnrsnch other business as may come before the meetinc. GEO. L. McFAttLANE Secretary. noS63 BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION NOTICETHE UDfilP SIGNED firm or Lindsay, Sterrit 4 Co., composed of James C. Lindsay and George B. Sterrit, has been dissolved. LINDSAY, STERRIT & CO. Oo-partnershin The nnrlirKtA4 li.e .rlmtt. ted Johns. Lindsay and Thomas McMurray for many years employed by the late firm, to an interest in the business. The business will be continued under the firm name ot JAS. C. LINDSAY & CO. uoHUSO JAS. C. LINDSAY. WANTED-WE HAVE KOUM FOR 3 OR 4 gentlemen to solicit orders for our special holiday goods; best sellers ever put on the Install ment trade; good references essential: salarr (10 a week and I2$ per cent, paid weekly. UNION CREDIT CO.. 103 Fourth ave. nol0-104.WFSn ANTED LABORERS WANTED IN NEW Orleans 200 able-bodied men to ship as crew: wages G0 per month and board; to reliable men steady employment wUl be given. Apply to M.N.WOOD, Coast and Lalauscbe Line, No. 2 ianai st., jewuneans. La. 0C16-42 TTTANTED-MOKTGAGES-J1, 000, OOOTO LOAN V V on city and suburban properties at 4& Sand 6 per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Ion r til avenue. ap7-f41 FOR SALE-WEST END AVE., ALLEGHENY, line of Pleasant Valley Electric road, 2 good houses, 4 rooms each, dry cellars, water, gas: lot 40x163; price for all 83,800. CHAKLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st. nolO-124 FOR SALE-A CHOICE RESIDENCE NEAR parks, above North ave., Allegheny; lot fronting two streets; press brick, 9 rooms, mod ern construction and finish; convenient and at tractive location: cheap at 17,000. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood street. nolO-124 FOR SALE -S9.250-THAT ELEGANT NEW and substantial press brick dwelling (never occupied), containing 9 rooms, bath, stationary washstands, laundry, cement cellar and all im provements, located on Ackley St., head ot Monterey St., Allegheny. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth are. ap21-19-su FOR SALE-CHEAP LOTS -EASY TERMS; Forty-fifth st., city, Avery at., Allegheny, .n.iLApat,iicji. arc. jiiiegncny, unaruers ooro; buy now; you will pay more lnr the spring. W. W. MCNEILL & BED., 105 Fourth ave. nolO-52-MWSa Suburban Lot. FOB SALE-CHOICE BUILDING LOT8 AND handsome large residence sites surrounded by flrst-class improved properties; Wllkinsburg station. CHARLES SOMERS CO., 313 Wood st. nolO-124 TTlOR SALE-0H01CE LOTS; 50x194, $400TOf600, X' Belmont Place, Ingram. P., C. & St. L. K. K. : streets 50 ft. wide; sewered: houses to set back 40 ft., cost at least J2. 000: terms KSdown, balance 10 per month. INGRAM LAND AND IMPBOVE MENT CO., 60 Fourth ave. (second floor). OC13-102-TT8U Fnrraa. FOR SALE-VALUABLE OIL FABM-STOWE township, near Arbuckie well of 87 acres; will not lease: will be sold reasonable. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. TeL 167. no9-66 TTIOK SALE-44 ACRES OF ju house, barn, well of water. FINE LAND, all In cult, and fenced, near city and K, R. In the Oil Belt: COO per acre: good terms; also several other small farms for sale. GEU. S. MARTIN & CO., 105 Fourth ave. no5-41-Trssu East End Residence. LET HOJSE OF 14 ROOMS. STATir.Tl! and outbulldlnes: large grounds: on Nerlev avenue, near Penn avenue cable cars. Inquire of xixni.x ftuor.2H3,atuiiver.ZK0Deru wireuo., Bouthslde. sel9-10 Ta Allegheny Ttealdences. TO LET-NICE 5-ROOM BRICK DWELLING. Sandusky St., Allegheny: both gases, w. c. etc.: low rent. Fourth ave. VV. W. MCNEI! L & BRO., 105 nol0-5l TO LET-BRICK HOUSE- OF BIX BOOMS, finished attic, bath, hot and cold water, both kinds of gas, front and rear porches, at 31 Fre-SPIt''-' immediate possession. Inquire orw. w. Eevan, 12 sixth st. noio-za Sabnrbna Residences. TO LET-EDGEWOETH STATION, P., FT. W. C. B. K., a fine two-story and finished attic frame dwelling or 13 rooms, newly painted and papered, natural and artificial gas, water; good fruit and shade trees, good barn; abont I acres of ground; within two minutes' walk of Edge-worth or Quaker Valley stations: 150. BLACK A BAIBD. 95 Fonrth avi. nolO-fe Apartments. 10 LET-FLNK ROOMS IN ALLEGHENY. facing Park: both rases. Adrin9 W ni- patch office. nolO-0 mc Important to tbe public. The si a large drysoods importing house,1 over $150,000 worth of f orelcmf and domestic BUGS, DHPGGBT3.yBdjaaail BY AUCTION AS J. H. BORLANIMSl LARGE AND SPACIOUS- COMSUSSIOJ . tS2 TTIOK SALE-EXCELLENT WASHINGTON AKave., Allegheny, house, press hrlek, stone trimmings, 'finely finished throughout, range, hot and cold water, both gases, good lot, extending to paved alley; new electric road now completed on this street; 6,000. CHARLES SOMERS CO., 313 Wood st. nolO-124 TTIOK SALE-A PROPERTY THAT WE EX X! PECT to sell to the first shrewd bnyer who examines it: 4 good substantial brick dwellings complete and convenient: Just the homes to at tract and retain desirable tenants, on a clean nice street in AUegheny; price $8,000; rental about tOOO. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. nolO-124 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY WE HAVE over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at 4! per cent: no tax: we will also loan money on Improved farms In Alle gheny. Beaver. Favette. Washington and West moreland countles;any marketable security taken. ior loans ox any amount. J1LAC.&. A BAlitu, 95 Fourth ave. Je3-a9-su Boarders and Lodgers. TTTANTED-TWO GENTS FOR FURNISHED VV frontroom. Inquire at 290 LACOCK ST.. Allegheny. nolO-106 WANTED-GENTLE5IAN TO JOIN AN OTHER In a second-story front double bedded room, on bherraan avenue, Allegheny. For particulars address C. R. A., Dispatch office. ' nolO-72 WANT ED-OCCUPANTS FOR LARGE, handsomely furnished room, with board, both gases, batb, etc.: everything first-class: best ot references: also one single room. 6025 STATION ST., East End. no7-50-su WANTED GENTLEMEN AT SMART'S Practical Business and Shorthand College 4 Sixth St.; greater inducements at lower terms than any other college: private lessons for both sexes day and evening: the best Instruction guar anteed without text books. ocSI-ttesu TTTANTED-A STIRRING. INTELLIGENT VV man of good address to take charge ot a force of men In Western New York; best or refer ence and a small cash deposit required; do not ap ply unless you mean business. Call or address A S. GRAY & CO., Eisner building. nolo-69 EDUCATIONAL. MT. ST. ALOYSIUS, LORETTO. PA The scholastic year of the Mountain Acad etny, under the direction of the Sisters of Mercy will commence its fall term September 2. Tuition for five months, including ; French and music, flOO. Loretto is famed as a health resort, and like Cresson, is a sanitarium of unquestionable excellence. The reputation of the Sisters of Mercy as Instructors is world wide. For particulars address the Directress of the Academy. au22-95-sn NEW PUBLICATIONS. -TTJANTED-PLUMBEKS-THERE :W1LL BE VV a special meeting of Local No. 4, 1. A Journeymen Plumbers and Gas Fitters oa Thurs day evening, November 14; Members are re quested to attend as business of Importance will be transacted. JAS. BRADLEY, R. 8. nolO-47 -TTTANTED-BR1CKLAYERS-THOSE WANT VV ING work and employers and all others who may wish to employ bricklayers sbonld regis ter snch wants, free of charge, at the headquarters of the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL BENEFIT AS SOCIATION, 93 Fourth ave.. first floor rront Open until 9 P. u. Saturdays. ocii-80-hwtsu TTTANTED-WE WANT TO HIREANENER V V GETIO person in every 1 caUty to distribute advertising matter and attend to onr local Inter ests, a straight salary of 82 50 per day and ex penses will be paid. Address, Inclosing 2c stamn for particulars, UNIVER3AI.SUPPLYCO., Chi cago, III. No postals answered. no9-76-ssn Rooms. Bootes. Etc WANTED-ROOM BY TWO GENTLEMEN: a nicely furnished second story front room; centrally located In Allegheny. Address G. A. W., Dispatch offlce. nolO-19 lUIscellaneons. WANTED-TO BUY A PONY. WELL BRO KEN for children's use: Shetland preferred, WM. A. SIPE, S3 Diamond st. nolO-17 WANTEO-TO LOAN $43,000 IN SUMS TO suit on first mortgage. Save expense by addressing PRIVATE, Dispatch offlce. nolO-42 WANTED-DRUG8TORE IN P1TTSBUBG OR Allegheny, for about S3, 000 cash. Address, with particulars, R. H. S., Dispatch office. no9-62 FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY-SUBSTANTIAL and attractive brick residence, 8 rooms. attic, vestibule, bay windows, folding doors, water, gas, etc.; large lot on clean, wide, paved street: a beautiful situation: eastern exposure, afford In 1 .... .1.... t . ... -u Suburban Residences. TTlOR SALE-SUBURBAN HOME AND GAB- jl. jLrjun iractamuesiromcenterorcity. 4acres. comfortable 6-roomed honse SOMERS & CO.. 313 Wood st, 11,700. CHARLES nolO-124 F ;OK SALE - ATTRACTIVE KNOXVILLK home: excellent modern hrtefr riTvoiiin.. t rooms, hall, vestibule, range, hot and cold water: lot 50x100: grape arbor, fruit and shade: 13.800. i-nAKnai sualers ft CO., 813 Wood st. nolO-124 FOR SALE-FLORIDA ORANGE GROVES pine apple, cocoanut, banana and orange and lemon grove lands; cottages to let: we sell oar own lands and can make terms to suit purchasers. Send for circular to B.D. COULTER, Attorney-at-Law, Orange City, Fla. nolO-37 Bilseenaneoas. TTIOB SALE-A VALUABLE M0N0N6AHELA X' river coal property. CO., 313 Wood st. CHAKLES SOMERS & nolO-124 FOB SALE A LIBERTY STREET PROPERTY Large lot, with alley In the rear; a very de sirable location for produce commission bouse; will sell atless than market value and on easy payments and low rate of Interest. C.H.LOVE. No. 93 Fourth avenne. no9-5I FOB. SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. TTIOB SALE-CHEAP-AN INTEREST TW AW X1 oil welL nearly finished, with 500 acres, near producing wells, omce. Address FORTUNE, Dispatch O1U-0I FOE SALE-RESTAURANT AND DINING room In the thriving city or Canton, O.; only one there; doing a splendid business. Ad dress M,, 18 Opera Block, Canton, O. no9-8 TTOK BALE-LEASEHOLD, LICENSE AND X furniture (20 rooms) of a good hotel In Yonngstown. O.: price reasonable: possession at once. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. no9-5S FOR SALE-LAUBEL STATION, P., F. W. C.By.,11 acres of ground, 2 dwellings-! of 12 rooms, all conveniences; the other Is a new hone containing 8 rooms with modern conveniences, handy to station; this very desirable place will be sold very cheap and on easy terms. BLACK & BAIHD, 95 Fourth ave. 211-69 nolO-65 FOR SALE-1N SEWICKLEY, GOOD RENT ING or residence propertyoflOroomsibath, hot and cold water; both gases; front and rear porches, inside and ontslde shutters, etc. J lot 47x2C3 feet: flagstone walks, lawn and fruit trees: central ly located: price reduced and easy terms. A. W. ADAIR, Room 708 Penn building, Penn ave. no8-65-rsu -TTTANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S VV dosen (13) of Stewart & Co. 's fine cabinet pnotos lor si, at vu ana 1 gheny. FEDERAL ST.. Allc- mv28-49-TTSU WANTED-A REFINED PERSON TO TAKE full charge of a baby: references re quired. CallatRoomSl, new DISPATCH BUILD ING, Diamond st. nolO-16 NOW READ Y-The December Part of THE SEASON, Ladles' Illustrated Magazine: Containing the newest Paris fashions and the most elegant designs in fancy v,ork, needle work, crochet embroidery, etc The only Magazine publishing about 200 original deslcns and 3 elegant colored plates monthly. Price 80 cts per part. Of all newsdealers. ' THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS CO "ol0-7 New York. AMUSE31ENTS. LECTURE-THE WORLD FAMOUS NUN OF KEnMARE will lecture on her Ml ears' experience of convent life, and on Miss Drexel's reception into a convent, at Lafayette Hall. MONDAY EVENING No vember 1L Admission 25 cents. nol0-123-su WANTED - DISTRICT MANAGER TO locate at Mead vllle or Wllllamsport to em ploy and manage agents: salary ji, 000 a vear; must Invest flOO fo. stock furnished, and give security for money handled. Call or address GEO. s CLINE PUBLISHING HOUSE, 5 Sixth ave.: only flrst-class men lull of energy need apply ' no6-37-wsu WANTED -AT ONCE-ONE ENERGETIC salesman to handle onr line of GO samples In women, misses and cniidren's hand-sewed turns, hand welts and McKay sewed shoes on a commis sion of 5 per cent, In Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio: goods well known: samples ready MCCLUBE, BLOESEB & EGGERT, Buffalo, Si Y. no8-l(K WANTED-SALESMEN AT ONCE-A FEW good men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest manufacturers In our line In the world; liberal salary paid; permanent position; money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. For full terms ad dress CENTENNIAL MFG. CO., Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati, O. no9-77-WTSu WANTED-TO BUY OR LEA8E A LARGE business property (or ground on which to build); state particulars, location and price In Btrlct confidence. BOX 476, city. no-9l WANTED -NOVEMBER IS THE LAST month for fine cabinets at II per dozen, at AUFRECUT'S ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market St., Pittsburg. Bring the children on elevator. no3-00-TWTSSU TTTANTED-PERSONS TO KNOW THAT BY VV agreeing to pay Jt tier week von can get possession of fine gold or silver watches, clocks, FOR SALE-AT CRAFTON, P., C. AST. L. B.. . B-. house of 8 rooms, beside large reception hall, bathroom, pantry, attic laundry wltlf sta tionary tubs, hot and cold water, heater, natural gas, cistern, well, tank in attic, large porches trout and rear; about one acre of ground, with spacious lawn, fruit and shade trees, grapes, shrubbery, etc.: delightful location: price low. terms reasonable. GEO, GLASS. 83 Water st. no8-84-Tnran FOR SALE LOTS, FOB SALE-GROCEBYSTOCK AND FIX TURES of a flrst-class grocery In lower part ot Allegheny: will sell at Invoice or by tbe lump. Inquire at 185 PENNBYLVAHIA AVE., Alle ghenyClty. no6-86-wgn FOBSALE-THE ENTIBE OUTFIT OFLIV EBY and boarding stable now dolnga large and profitable business; the only reasonfor selling Is the owner has two places or business and can not give the attention necessary to them both. C H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. nol0-23 DUseenaneoa. TOLET-BT EWING & BYERS, NO. 98 FED ERAL at. (first floor). No. 24 Sampson St.. 1 rooms. No. 281 Sandusky st.. 5 rooms. No. 20 Taggart St., 8 rooms. No. 241 Irwlu.ave., 4 rooms. No. 291 Manhattan St., 5 rooms. No. 20 Irwin ave.. 6 rooms. N 0.77 Logan st, 5 rooms. Bear 36 Nixon St., 5 rooms. No, 240 Sandusky St., Grooms. .no. m oames st., 9 rooms. Also others; call for list. uoli-22 Business Stanrt. TO LEI-BABE OIANCEL-SJOKEBOOM AND ,. . 3 dwelling rooms formerly occupied- as 5&c&&opVocate1 at m util Te Nra PHlJimisa ftf. nolD-46 LOST. L2T,1APB0BE' X ALLEGHENY CEME TERY. Nov. I. brown clotlr, with fnltialTA .cnaiu gifcuiurieiunuug UI062U UOWE8T., nolO-57 LOST-THAT THIEF THAT STOLE MY STUD . vJi'Ee&itw'iFi?ulne diamond. Itwaaa .Voltaic Diamond." 1 paid B. E. ARONS, the sole agent, only JE.75 for it: solid gold, esihrth "e. noio-iil ROOMS, N03. 723 and 725 Libertjstreetfl at the bead of 'Wood street,- opposite! the Arbucile block, commencing MONDAY, NOV. ii.gggS Sales will commence daily at Id XjtCjj 2 p. jl and 750 P. scr andiconUsSS from day to day until tbe entirefstocgj la disposed of, and in qoantltlealto solt the purchaser. , ,'ij This Is without exception tbe largest atfe.c Fine Drysoods, Carpets and Rng3 rrerpfferej In .Pittsburg; and is well worthythetteatio of the public generally. Tne" entirrtSocS & must be sold regardless of cost? order to make a prompt settlementlwIthT creditors. All goods sold at this sale positively anteed and warranted as represented? Special accommodations proTided'ferJ no-8ITSa5 A T ATJCTION TDEaDAY MORNfHUi J, November 12, at 10 o'clock, at the eafaU no. six jtiaiKct street, a urge conniflawin which mnst positively be closed out amMtu settle with owners. Fine rarlorsuitsJaMoaf new; gentlemen's easy chairs, Tartlefcje9efca piK tuning rnum suit, emoracTuKieasBev etHU iu leet extension table ana handsome stele and boSet; decorated dinner serrtce.lbra and ingrain carpets, rugs, .fine watecraftd cnamuer soiis,.pea spnnztv nsir aa m tresses, pictures', clocks, bookcase feric jiorary tame, caoinet aess, laanary 341 1 goous, eic, etc No postponement of sale. nold-78 HENKT ATJCTJOK CO.i'2S3!l AKG Tl. rUEHLBRONNfiR'b 111 VEGETABLE AND POULTRY WJI supplies all the city hotels; honjuwtmeer una it to tneir aa vantage to aeai wi 1 Telephone 54, 123 DIAMOND JA nnsourg: OAKLAND SQUARE HOUSES. Mi FOR SALE-ONE OF THE FINEST AND OLD EST established retail businesses In Flttsborg, la located In the heart of tbe city: stock; la new and not controlled by style: will Inventory about tm (100. This Is an elegant opportunity for a wide awake man to get into a clean, profitable and legitimate business. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth avenne. Jyl4-14-Bu FOR SALE-BEST PAYING FISH AND oyster depot in Allegheny City, with flrst class route: sale or Ice at store during summer months an average of two tons a day; also 25 gallons of milk retail; for a bnstler there I poo a mouiu prum; ue. vi rcsvunv lor selling; only uiose wno mean ouswesg neea apply. ERAL ST. 225 FED- nolO-SS City Lot. SALE-CHOICE BUILDING LOT ON 23x100; SLOOO. CHARLES noiu-124 17I0R J? Colwell street SOMERS It CO., 313 Wood st, East End Lots. FOR SALE-COR. WALNUT ST. AND COL LEGE ave.. lot 100x147; sets well above grade about 3 minutes' walk from Fifth ave. cable cars: small cash payment, baL on time. THOS. LIG GETT. No. 114 Fourth ave. no9-58-TTssu ewelry, diamonds, silverware, etc. J.MITSCH, 3rt Vorljsral t.. Allpphonv 1)4 ,aln.iivTfln .......... -, P-.....J, j.M. ab.M-.,..VH TJANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING FHO VV TOGRAFHER, 90 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making line cabinets at II 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mtil3-C3 FOR. SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. pUENTHEB'S ORCHESTRA Furnishes Music for Concerts, "VVeddincs. Receptions, etc, etc. Also Lessons on Flute and Piano. sel5-144n 440 WOOD ST THE GREAT LEVY, WITH v ROSA LINDE (Mrs. Sckarschmidt) And a strong; company at OLD CITY HALL. i ovember 30. Matinee and night, no!0-l2 -TT-ANTED-AGENTS-rN EVERY TOWN IN W Western Penna., N ortbern W. Va., and Eastern Ohio to sell tbe Merrltt typewriter, the best machine in America, for f 15; we also have the simplex duplicator. Shannon letter and bill files, filing cabinets, ofilce desks, letterpresses, copying books, etc. Write for clrcularsandterms. OFFICE SPECIALTY M'F'G. CO., McCance Block, Pittsburg. nolO-28 IMPERIAL HALL Cor. Seventh ave. and New Grant st. KECEPTION EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT. Dancing from 8 to L Admission, 60c: hat box, 10c and 15c 'MOZART AND KOYAL ITALIAN ORCHESTRAS. YOU ARE WELCOME, o!0-8 -TTT-A N T E D - GENERAL AND LOCAL V agents to handle the new patent chemical ink erasing pencil; greatest novelty ever pro duced; erases ink in two seconds, no abrasion of naner; 200 to 500 ner cent nrnflt nnn nirin'a ..!.. amounted to 820 in six days another S32 In two hours: territory absolutely free; salary to good men; noladles need answer: sample 35 cents. For terms and full particulars address THE MONROE ERASER CO., Manufacturers, La Crosse, Wis. nos-70 Cltv Residences. TTIOB SALE-fASOC-SUBSTANTIAt BRICK jl: aweuing cuuiaining s rooms ana an conven iences, well located in Shadyslde. W. C. STEW ART, 114 Fonrth ave. sel-13-ss FOR SALE-A GOOD 4-ROOM HOUSE WITH finished attic, on Fifth avenue, near Soho, on line ofcable cars: price, (2,500; lot runs through to another St., which can be built on. C H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. no9-51 FOR SALE-ONLY $5,500, TERMS EASY-IOO x440feet, desirably located on Shady lane, extending to Dennlston are.: think of ltl only 27 50 a lront foot ror the finest piece of nronertv on Squirrel Hill. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. OC20-3S-SU FOR SALE VU.LA PARK PLAN OF LOTS are the most desirable In the market; no lot less than 40x140 feet: rood walks, eloiatn .f.iini,. prices low and best or terms: Investigate this plan before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN F. BAX TER, Agt., 5i2jSmltbfleId st. nolo-44-rrssu TTIOB, SALE SEVEBAL FINE GROCERY JO stores, large and small, at low prices: cigar stores, small drygoods stores, confectioneries, bak eries, laundry, feed store, milk depots, boarding houses, printing ofilce. etc, N. jB. We have customer with JS. 000 or more capital who Will take Interest In good paying ally drygoods business. SHEPABD CO., 54 Fifth ave. nos nnw lulu LllH.iiniiin rr 'I; iissKJ ti iifHisiH' rlJllTTniiBli JlTinMnfllil flBHjjBjtiWHBjM ? jHH FOB SALE WE WANT TO COMMUNICATE with an active man in command of a moderate capital, who has a taste for Journalism; we are patrons of and have on file a lire four-page paper that should be enlarged to eight pages to accom modate a city advertising patronage of the choicest and most profitable character; a low valuation Is placed on an Interest in this publica tion to secure an active and competent partner: look at the paper on our files. CHARLES SOMERS & CO.; 313 Wood St. nolO-124 nnfw3ppjipjpjHB.BjsjsjsjsjsjsjljSjsJ TJnslneas Stands. FOB SALE-AT A BABGAIN-A PIECE OF nrnnertv desirably located on Wood st. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. OC20-3S-SH FOR SALE-I2,500-TERMS EASY; LOTS 50x200 feet; located on paved part of Forbes ave nue right at main entrance to Schenley Park, and on line of new electric road, which will be In one ration January 1: nothing in the East End to ex cel them. w. O. STEWART, H4 Fonrth avenue. no3-I5-su ' FOR8ALE-10 ACRES OF THE MOST BEAU r TIFUL land in theSquirelHIlldlitrlct, within 600 feet of tbe Schenley Park, and havingafront age on three streets; this is without doubt the best property offered In the market for a nlan of lots. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. no9-57-MwPSSU FOR SALE-A GOOD FOUR-ROOM HOUSE with finished attic, on Fifth avenue, near Soho, on line ofcable cars; price 12,500; lot runs through to another street which can be built on. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. noS-SO-rsu -TTT"ANTED-"51ARY, V v House D-"MARY. THE QUEEN OF THE e of David.9 to be read bv every man and woman In the country. Hon. E. E. Higbee. state auperimenaent or Schools, says: '! have read with great Interest and profit your beautiful book. Ihe author has a keen historical sense, and handles his material of facts and fiction with skill." Mrs, Governor Fltzbugh Lee writes: '-I have read your delightful and beautiful book with greatest pleasure and profit, and will doubtless read it again with Increasing pleasure: one cannot tire of It." The great historian, Benson Losslng, ays: "It has a fascination on everypage." it la as Intensely interesting as "Uen-Hur." Sold by subscription only. We pay a good salary or com mission. Published exrlnlvlv by A. K. liltnv ACO., Eisner Building. , nolO-70 East End RcMaencea. FOB SALE A 2-STOBY AND MANSARD pressed bricfc residence, within 2 minutes' walk of Fifth ave. cable cars or East Liberty sta tion, on a good street: has 10 rooms, reception hall, bath, marble washstands, hot and cold water and all the latest improvements, except electric light, and Is finished In flrst-class style: only (6,500. For particulars see J. E, ULASS, 133 Fifth ave. nolo-7l FOB SALE-EAST END-A FINE NORTH HI LAND ave. dwelling containing 10 elegant rooms; all conveniences; this Is a very desirable home, complete In all respects; only a few min utes' walk from both cable lines, and a short dis tance from East Liberty station; lot 55x113; ele vated amive tbe street; the price has been re duced to a very reasonable figure. BLACK. & BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. Sa-143. nolO-63 FOB SALE-HERRON HILL LOTS ON HEB RON ave., Clarissa and Adelaide sts., 2DH0O feet to alley; Just at terminus of new cable line; prices (500 and ttOO each: terms on lots sold for Im mediate improvement (100 cash, balance to suit uuiuut!r; enu lor pjau. jj. v. JTXtAZJir.lt, JT0r iy-flfth and Butler sts.. nos-SS-ThFsu TPOR SALE-WOOD STREET PROPERTY LOT JJ 20x90, with warenouse on it at less man value. to settle up an estate. jrourtn avenne, C. H. LOVE, No. S3 n 03-51 FOB BALE-POSITIVELY A BARGAIN IN this choice business property; Diamond, near Federal street, Allegheny; building and lot 20x90 feet to alley: we want to quote pneetto an actual buyer familiar with valnes In this vicinity. CHARLES SOMERS & CO.,' 313 Wood street. nolO-124 TTIOK SALE-SEVERAL PIECES OF PEOP- J ERT Y on Fourth ave. : also a number or pieces on Penn ave., Smithfield st. and other good streets: will take pleasure In giving full par ticulars and showing surveys to parties desiring to purchase. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ap2l-19-sn niiK J CAbTLK Pa.: TTIOB SALE- HAIIM GROVE LOTS FIlKHAr.B' ITa.f VnA Ano.tln. In 4h.t -l.n -.... .7 j - --., uu0.,w.,u mi.. vi.Ji, blluu AW- uer ana ji nenasoip. auxuv: also lots N0.39 and 31, adjoining each other, on Amber st.; come quick; also stock drygoods to exchange for real estate. N. F. HURST, Beal Estate Agt, Bochester, Pa. Send for farm and ex. lists. oc31-14-xod FOB SALE-BAUM GEOVE LOTS, THE choicest restricted property forprtvate dwell ings In the East End; for convenience oCaccesa and prospective advancement in value nothing' else on the market approaches It. Full informa tion from MELLON BROS.. East End, or JNO. F BAXTER, Agt.. 612 Smithfield St. nolO-45-wssn FOB SALE-NEAK FIFTH AVE. CABLE cars and East Liberty station, a new Queen Anne frame residence of 7 rooms, reception hall, vestibule, attic rooms, bath, cemented cellar; has natural gas, electric light, eiectnc bells, hardwood staircase. Inside w. c, slate mantels, tile hearths, sliding doors, art windows, large porches, bay windows and Is' very cosy and Just new; large beautiful lot with shade trees and walks; only 17,680. J, E. GLASS, 138 Fifth ave. 9, . -....'. BOM-H FOB SALE-1.60e-TEBM3 TO SUIT PUH ,, CHASER, lots 60x150 feet to an alley desira bly located In KliAdVHlrl frinnlrml Ttlll j4l.t.1n.t right on line of new electric road, which will be In operation December 1. and only 10 minutes walk from Fifth avenue cable cars, are the choicest lots In the East End. W. a STEWART, 114 Fourth avenne. sel5-c7-su SALE HOTEL PROPERTY NEW KTI.E: Pa.: the undersigned will sell at public sale tbe Crawford House, New Castle, Pa., Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1689, at 2 o'clock p. M.r house has always been a licensed hotel, and is In good repair. For particulars inquire of C M. CHAWFOltu. .new issue, ra. oczi-kj-tdsu OR SALE-BOABD1NG AND LODGING hnnne: tne entire furnishment (which is rood and almost new) of a 3-story brick house on Third ave.. near Smithfield street; every room occupied; a number of table boarders; business paying well: decllnlng.hea!threa8onfor selling. Apply to I. M. PENNOCK t SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. noS-74 iSSa tWsslB gs ITIOB SALE-A GOOD BUSINESS PEOPEHTY: JD brick house ot 8 rooms and storeroom; It situ ated on tbe corner of two good streets in the Bast End and Is occupied at present by a grocer who does a business or from 0.000 to KS.0O0pcr year: will be sold cheap If sold soon. For terms, etc., call on KELLY & ROGERS. Real Estate Agents, No. 6315 Station St.. East End. nolO-40-MWBa FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOB 8ALE-ATEW CHOICE LEVEL LOTS. 25 ... xlS5 feet each, fronting on a 60-foot street In the East End, and only 3" to t minutes walk from theP.K.R. station: will do sold in blocks of 5 to JO lots, on Sood terms and low prices: theselots are selling rapidly and will enhance in value verv soon. For particulars call on or address KELLY . .wuiijio, aa. W1DBWHOB St., JGMI 80. Hones. Vehicles. Live Stock, etc. TTOB SALE A NICE WELL-BBOKEN JD pointer bitch: liver color; Tias a good nose: range well and is very stanch; It 2 years old. H. 0. WHISLEB, New Brighton, Pa. nolfl-tss TJlORSALE-CHEAP-A BIG YOUNG DKAFT; Jl horse, heavy Ironed platform spring waaea and harness; owner has no ae for mt and w sell rhean to cash tmver. Call .and ma teaa'Mfv. LEAN -S SOAP WOKKa, Jyrt-OHeiiakirwji, The above-printed cut represents one of the houses at-f0 - - t - i Square, which have met with such a favorable market. NSixteeavi houses were finished last spring. Since then fourteen have $eew There are now ten new houses building in Oakland Squari same general' design as above, but differing as to the number of. roagt! in various details of finish, etc. Of these newer houses two -hSyTl purchased already before completion. There is the advantage!? ingnow, that while the-general plan and the details are therentf vvtv. nii.innean' hi.rA ft.A.ninn.1 t.... tl .U..J A& ..i &t. fr Aiuiu, uivuiuui wau ulb uuwaaiuutu UCICIM3 cUtCCU IU 5Ult UK. at the mere cost of the same. The advantages of this part of the Oakland district exhibi selves fully to the observant, and require no description. It i5ssa the most central and convenient part of the city, being the' fits reached after leaving the business section: and it still has attractions of the country. Oakland Sauare i3 but 17 minuteslfri Postoffice by the PittsWg Traction Road, it is accessible, in abojB time by the B. & O. R. R. It overlooks the Schenley Park, whicS over 300 feet distant. f, The streets are paved with asphalt, sewered and lighted: tli I borhood uniformly well improved, and the Oakland loop of thetFit Traction, will, within a few weeks, pass, by the Square. A haadrcSS carefully kept park, planted with trees, occupies the ralddl Square; and old forest trees fill lathe background. Houses coal spectively 8,' 9 and 10 rooms, with all modern improvements, subYtSfciif built and of. durable and neat workmanship throughout. Price ?6,7S 75 aad 8,ooo according to size and situation Ter: requiring but moderate cash payment and balance 150a Lots 30x100 fet to ak alley. Apply to n ' irkjsj-i, foittii kvmiis'AiSms ma fTsa l.. . - Jl '.V - J . . 3 "wnM t, v ;-.& fj