?." 8v -3j! Pfittftttt MgpMty. y " TRIPLE BOMBER. $ iJk yfc . i ill II I mi 1 1 I gTC PAGES. ' W i k t V It 2 t rORTT-POITRTH YEAH. THE WAR 0 MORTO Almost Causes a Miniature Riot in the W. C. T. U. Na tional Convention. CHARGES OF FALSIFICATION Hurled at Each Other by the Sisters in the Heated Debate. THE TDTH ABOUT TflAT HOTEL BAR. Two TelccruBia That Seem to be Explicit Contradiction Mrs. J. Ellen Foiter I bo Disturbing; Element she Is Suppressed by an Overcrbclmlnc Tote Governor St. John Asserts of His Own Kaowledao That tbe Shorcbatn Una a. Bar The Only Legally Licensed Saloon at the Cap ital Now Miss tTlllard'a Position Mrs. Jones, of Philadelphia, Denounces tbe Ladr From Iowa. That alleged bar of Vice President Mor ton's was discussed in a very emphatic manner at the National Convention of the "Woman's Christian Temperance Union yesterday. Very contradictory statements were made, and charges of falsification were heard. St John made a speech in which he declared positively that a liquor license had been issued for the building in question. The friends of Mr. Morton, led br Mrs. J, Ellen Poster, were in a small minority. Chicago, November 9. The National Convention of the "Woman's Christian Tem perance "Union resumed its sessions in Bat tery D Armory this morning. An audience of about 3,000 persons filled the great hall. After devotional exercises, the following telegram was read by Mrs. Mary A. "Wood bridge, the Recording Secretary: Washington, Novembero. .Miss Frances WlUard, President W. C. T. U.: Tbe barroom license issned to Vice President Morton's hotel, the Hhoreham, in tbe name of James K. Kernan, manager, is tbe only one yet issned here. All other saloons since November 1 are without license. H. B. Mocltox. "I rejoice," said Mrs. Woodbridge,"I re joice in the fact that our Tice President is a law-abiding citizen, and I am glad to hear that he does not run a saloon without a li cense." THE TBOUBLE BEGISS. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, of Iowa, the woman who represents the non-partisan element in the "W. C. T. TJ. , rose at this and demanded the recognition o the chair. She got the floor. "I wish to say there is such a thing as necessity," said Mrs. Poster. "A man or a woman must conform to custom and usage. The National W. C. T. TJ. now in session in annual convention has its headquarters at the Palmer House. The Palmer House has a bar. It probably has the bar within its walls because it is a necessity. The "W. C. T. TJ. probably has its headquarters at a hotel where there is a bar because it is a necessity. We must also recognize that Vice President Morton has a bar in his grand new hotel because it was a necassity." At this point Mrs. Foster was interrupted by a perfect storm of "Nos." Miss "Wil lard, in the chair, said there was no motion before the house and Mrs. Poster was out of order. UPON HEE DIGNITY. "Do I understand that I cannot have tbe floor to make my suggestion?" asked Mrs, Foster. "Certainly, you can have the floor, Mrs. Foster, but I did not understand that you had a motion to make." "Then I will go on. I would suggest that it does not compact with the objects of the W. C. 'X. TJ. to make any suggestions to Vice President Morton." "I think that I will ask the Committee on Besolutions to prepare a resolution to express the sentiment of tbe convention re garding the saloon license taken out by our Vice President," said Miss Willard. "We have the information from Washington from the best of sources that he has taken out a license, and now we can express our i opinion." A motion was made to refer tbe matter to the Committee on Kesolntions. It was car ried unanimously. A TEMPORARY LULL. ' Beporis were read bynational ' organ izers who have been working during the last year in all the parts of the country, and for a time the convention again assumed the even tenor of its way. But the peace was not of long duration. Late in the day Mrs. J. Ellen Foster arose to a question of privi lege. "I ask permission," said she, "to read this telegram which I have received from General Nettleton. It directly and posi tivelv contradicts another telegram that has been read here tojday. It is a very brief telegram, and I will ask to have it placed v on record-" Consent was granted by the convention, and Mrs. Foster read: Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, W C. T. 0. Convention: MissWillard's accusation against the Vice President's without shadow of foundation, ilr. Morton personally denounced the canard through tbe newspapers last week. A. R. Nettleton. IT KAISED A BOW. Mrs. Foster asked to place the telegram on record as contradicting that from Judge Moulton. Miss Willard was disposed to permit the communication to go on record, and said that it was a just course to pursue, since' both the gentlemen Irom whom tele grams had come were very honorable and truth-telling men. Bat before the neces sary" consent of the convention had been asked for Mrs. Jones, a Philadelphia dele gate, rose and objected. "Whoever wrote that telegram refers to Miss1 Willard's accusation," she commenced. ''What had our President to do with that telegram from Judge Moulton? Is it not time that my heart should fill with indignation to hcart)ur honored officer charged with fal siiving? I. for one, will not vote to permit such a telegram to go on record. AGAINST THE IOWA IDEA. jMrs. Jones" Toice bristled with indigna- tiva MlUhvipskt. 'Ifflffledlatelj after ibe . . r ' T finished there was uproarious applause which boded no encouragement for Mrs. Poster, "Miss President, Miss President," said Mrs. Poster, 'X have not yielded the floor, and I wish to know whether this telegram is to go on record with the others?" "I would like to know," spoke Mrs. Jones, in a very ironclad voice, "whether this telegram was prompted by somebody in this hall, or was merely the happy thought of that Mr. Nettleton?" "I will say," said Mrs. Poster, "that I was completely surprised and delighted to receive the telegram. In all likelihood it was written by General Nettleton upon read ing the newspaper reports of Miss Willard's address. And now that the question is asked I would like to know who prompted that telegram from that Mr. Moulton." MES. FOSTER CBOWDED OUT. Before this thrust could be returned, a woman in the back part of the big hall moved to lay the whole matter on the table. The motion was pnt and carried by a tre mendous shout. A sea of white handker chiefs waved. ''I wonld like to know what is placed on the table," said Mrs. Poster. "Am I to un derstand that this telegram is placed on the table?" "Yes." answered Miss "Willard. Mrs. Foster gave the piece of yellowpaper an angry toss to the reporters' table, and went to her seat. A few minutes later ex Governor St. John, of Kansas, was ushered on the same platform. "I am told there has been some contro versy as to whether Miss "Willard has been making misstatements about the Vice Presi dent," said he, after the noisy applause had subsided, "and it seems that one man has said that a license was taken out for the Vice President's hotel, and another has said that the Vice President is not in the liquor business. Both men are right. Miss Wil lard NEEDS NO DEFENSE before a temperance audience. It has been charged that Vice President Morton is a saloon keeper. That is not true. It has been charged that he has taken a retail liquor license. That is not true. It bas been stated that a saloon license has been issued lor a hotel owned by tbe Vice Presi dent. That is true. I come from the seat of war, and I know the iacts. Morton fin ished a fashionable hotel, and rented it to a Mr. Kernan. Kernan applied for a license. He had to get the consent of the owners of the property on each side, and they were Vice President Morton and John B. McLean. Vice Presi dent Morton was the first one to consent that liquors should be sold in the new hotel. Those are tbe facts, and if he had loved the country's good and humanity as the man occupying such an exalted position shonld, he would have never signed that applica tion; he would nave forbidden the sale of liquors in his hotel." The remainder of the session was given up to the rearling of the various interesting reports concerning work done in the various departments of the "W. C T. TJ. tfOX-PARTISAN PLANS. I The Iowa Delegates Will Frobablr Secede From tbe Organization Tbe Appli cation of tbe Goz Bale Strongly Dcsoimeed. Chicago, November 9. Mrs. K "B. Walker, President of the Minneapolis non partisan W. C. T. TJ., and a worker of na ti onal prominence in -philanthropic lines, who is a visitor at the National Convention of the W. C. T. TJ., says she is in hearty sympathy with the Iowa lines of work. She is herself president of a union which was compelled to withdraw from the organization on account of the partisan ac tion of that society. She says the evils which have grown out of the alliance of the W. C. T. TJ. with the third party, are illus trated by the action of the majority at this convention. Having allied themselves with the so-called Prohibition party they are not willing to concede to the minority either liberty of opinion or honesty of pur pose in their position, and openly charge that they arein the pay of the Republican party and guilty of treacherous and hypo critical work. She continued: In harmony with this intolerant spirit is their treatment of the minority on the floor of the convention. In this, as in previous conventions, by every device known to an uns:rnpnIons majority, they have insulted tbe convic tions and outraged the sentiments of tbe minority. In spite of their small number the Iowa delegation and their sympathizers in convention, while not lacking in kindliness of spirit or courtesy, yet show no spirit of de parture from their convictions of principle, and tbe withdrawal of the delegation is the probable result of their-locg course of wrong. Probably the most flagrant example of thl s abuse of the rlgbts of minorities was shown in tbe gag rule applind in to-day's session of the convention. A telegram bad been received from one Mr. Moulton, of Washington, purporting to sub stantiate Miss Willard's charge that Vice President Morton kept a saloon in his new hotel in Washington. This was received with tumultuous applause, and made a part of the proceedings of the con vention. But when a telegram was received from General A. B. Nettleton denying the re port the convention refused to receive it, and could not conceal their delieht at their chance to so un fairly suppress one part of the case while giving creuen ce to the other. AKOTHER BRANCH RAILROAD. Tho Pennsylvania Company to Push One to Completion at Once. rSPICIAL TELZGKAM TO THE DISPATCH. Geeensbueo, November 9. The Penn sylvania Bailroad Company will at once begin the construction of a branch road, be ginning at a point 2 miles south of Bade baugh station and going north cross the main road two miles west of here, thence along the old Hempfield roadbed to a point three miles above Arona, a distance of nine miles. Ex-Senator Charles P. Kin?, of .Pottstown, who has received the contract for the building of the road, is here makin? arrangements for the beginning of the work, and if a sufficient number of men can be ob tained it will be commenced on Wednesday and pushed to completion. The surveys were completed two weeks ago. The road will open up one of the richest coal fields in this section. James P. Brown has the contract for the masonry. It is thought that it is the intention of the Pennsylvania Bailroad to head off the Bal timore and Ohio in that locality. COXIACKERS CAPTURED IN CHICAGO. A Bleb Haul of Spurious Cola and Stolen Property Made by the Police. rsrSCIAI. TXLXBBAX TO TBI DISPATCH. 1 OHiCAGO.November 9. Officers marched into Milkman Peck's house at 238 Huron street this evening and surprised a gang of counterfeiters and thieves who were led by a man named Prescott The men had leased the upper flat Of the milk man. Dies, stamps and milling machines, 900 pounds of metal and hundreds of dollars of counterfeit nickles, dimes, 25 cent and half dollar coins were confiscated. Prescott and two men and a woman were arrested. Six others of the gang have not yet been captured. Beside the spurious, coins the officers found thousands of dollars worth of jew elry, silks and plushes which had been stolen. The gang have flooded the city with their money through the agency of Italian fruit dealers. HE WILL BE HAPPY. A Tounc Anitrlan'a Beg-glns; Letters to Cornelius Vnnderbitt Feand and He turned to Him Documents of Value to Illm on Their Way Back to Germany. rSFECtAI. IILIOEiK TO TBI EISFATCIt.l New York, November 9. Cornelius Vanderbilt has probably been the recipient of more begrging letters than any other man in this country. One of the most curious instances of these begging letters came to the notice of a Dispatch correspond ent this week. A local paper was asked to obtain the return, for a young Austrian, of letters and documents which he had sent on to Mr. Mr. Vanderbilt from Vienna, months before. The story of the young man, as told in his own letter, is an interesting one. He says he resigned from the service of the Austro-Hungarian army with the rank of commissioned officer, and now occupies a place in the1 im perial railroad system. Financial troubles which followed him from tbe mili tary service had weighed him down with debts and prevented him marrying the girl of his choice. She was an orphan, and he was anxious, as soon as his means per mitted, to make her his wife. "Now it happened," he continues, in his quaint way, "that I read in one of the Vienna papers of the great wealth of Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, of New York, and. it occurred to me to apply to him for assistance, stating in my letter our harassing circumstances, and en closing original documents of the greatest importance to me: my certificate of com missioned officer, decree of appointment to the railroad service, free pass, with photo, entitling me to ride free on all the roads of our system; also several receipts showing that I strive earnestly to pay off every month such carts of mv indebtedness as I could af ford." He bnndled up these documents and en closed them to Mr. Vanderbilt in a letter, asking for a loan in the early part of last May. When his letter came, telling this story, a Dispatch reporter was sent up to see Dr. Depew, whose heart softened when he heard the piti ful story of the Austrian. He turned The Dispatch's man over to Mr. Vanderbilt's private secretary, and the miss ing documents were found, just as as they had been received. On the back of the free pass spoken of was the photo of a handsome, soldierly-appearing young man, who was the Austrian himself. His letter was written in an exquisite hand, and his iace showed him to be evidently a man of refinement. His documents were weighty wjth the seals and stamps of the Austrian Government. His address was taken down, and Mr. Depew ordered that the papers be promptly sent back to him by registered letter to Vienna. IOWA'S LANDSLIDE. Hon. John A. Knason Explains Hutchin son's Defeat He Sam the State Is Reliably Republican Why it Went Wrong:. rSFZCIAI. TXLXGBAll TO TUX D18FATCH. New York, November 9. The Hon. John A. Kasson. of Iowa, ex-member of the Samoan Commission to Berlin, conversed with a Dispatch reporter to-day, at the Brevoort House, about the election in his State and Senator Allison's successor. Of the latter he said: "All the. talk about a combination being made to defeat Senator Allison is absurd. If the Iowa Legislature had, only oneEo- puDiican majority on joint oaiiot, oenaior Allison would-succeed biniself. As to the election of a Democratic Governor, that can -be easily explained. Two causes assisted to defeat the Republican candidate: Prohibi tion and the railroad question. "Mr. Hutchison, the Republican candi date, was in the State Senate several terms, and naturally made a, record for or against measures. His antagonist, Boies, was never in public life, and had no record. He was once a Bepublican. Mr. Hutchison be lieved that tbe State should have control of the railroads,and that antagonized the roads and their thousands of employes. The rail roadmen sent out to the larmers a speech of JMr. Hutchinson, made several years ago, in which he took quite a different stand in re gard to railroads. Strange to say, the gran gers voted with the railroad men, against Hutchison. Ex-Governor Larrabee would have been elected. "The Democrats made an effort to capture the Legislature, although they disclaim it. In Polk county they ran an Independent, and a similar effort was made in other counties. The Bepubl'cans had meetings, and seemed to be the only partly awake, but the Democrats' were organized and doing some powerful still hunting. Iowa is Be publican, and will so vote at the next elec tion. The National administration had noth ing do to with Bepublican defeat." Mr. Kasson thought Congress would pass laws regulating national elections, because frauds against the ballot box were so open and defiant in some States and large cities. SUICIDED IN HIS CELL. A Crazed Man Hangs Himself After His Arrest nnd Incarceration. tSFZCIAL TXLEGBAU TO THE DISPATCH. Keypokt, N. J., November 9. An un known man hanged himself on the iron bars in his cell at about 2 o'clock this morning. Late last night he was arrested by Constable Benjamin Smith, and lodged in the town jail. Previous to this he had en gaged a room at Martin's Hotel, and went to bed. At about 11 o'clock he awoke, carried his lamp downstairs, and said there were several officers after him, and that they had been shooting him. He left the hotel, and went through the streets shouting: "Oh, don't shoot me." He was subse quently arrested. His cell, which is about six feet square, was completely covered with blood, and his body was all bruised and his head and face were badly gashed. Who wad in his cell is a mystery. Doctors say that it is impossible for a man, after losing most all his blood and with the gashes and a fractured skull, that he should take his pocket handkerchief and tie it around the bars and around his neck. The inquest was postponed till to-morrow. HADE HER HUSBAXD MAD. A Chicago Doctor Gets So Angry That He Tears Dp His Bible. rSFZCIAI. TSirrBAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Chicago, November 9. One day this summer Dr. Franklin Brooks, a promi. nent physician of the West division, was reading to his wife from the Bible how wives snould obey their hus bands. Mrs. Brooks laughed good natu redly. This enraged her husband, who quickly inaugurated a reign of terror in the household. He tore the Bible into pieces, demolished a toilet set and lamp, and then marched boldly upon the pet canary and choked the bird to death. It is for this and other acts of cruelty that Mrs. Brooks seeks a decree. The Doctor is worth $10,000, and is the father of a boy whom, Mrs. Brooks declares, is playing cards under the tuition of her husband. Republicans Few and Far Between. Bichmond, Va., November 9. The latest estimate of the complexion of the next Legislature is: Senate, 29 Democrats, 9 Re publicans, and two districts in doubt; House' of Delegates, 84 Democrats, 13 Ee- publicanand five counties in doubt Scott county elected, a Bepublican to the cease, ov one majority. Jvaria I .JVC "." ; . J lfci- PITTSBURG, SUNDAY, ONE MILLION PEOPLE Line Ten Miles of London's Thorough fares for Seyeral Hours TO SEE THE LORD MAYOR'S SHOW. Poor Outlook for the takers' Proposed Strike for Shorter Hours. PINAFORE GILBERT IS A GREAT RAGE. The Eiffel lower FleTitor Proies to be aSIarannUi Death trap. Yesterday was Lord Mayor's day in Lon don. The usual million people witnessed the great procession. Parisians are count ing up the profits to their city accruing from their Exposition. The outlook for the striking London bakers is not an auspicious one. fBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! London, November 9. Copyright J London has been having a large time to day. One-fifth of the population came out early in the morning and lined ten miles Of thoroughfare, a dozen deep, to witness the triumphal progress among them.of the Most Worshipful, theJLord Mayor, Sir Henry Aaron Isaacs, attended by a galaxy of satel lites, including the sheriff, aldermen, lords, commons, soldiers, brazen bands, lords of misrule, kings of wisdom, kings of folly, and anything and everything else iu the spectacular line that tended to his exalted station. The million stood in the streets for three or four hours, treading on its collect! ve toes, subject to vigorous police discipline, hungry, perspiring, muddy and happy, nnd had the ielicity at last of witnessing the passage of his lordship IN A MOST GORGEOUS COACH, drawn by six horses in gilded trappings, and attended by four footmen, divinely en dowed as to calves, in pink stockings and raiment that would have induced Solomon in all his glory to pass the palm to Isaacs in all his glory. The bands, as thev passed The Dispatch office and Brentano's. where the American flag was displayed, in the Strand, played "Yankee Doodle" and the "Star Spangled Banner" in token of international amity. Isaacs was not popular with the multi tude, doubtless because of his physi ognomy. He is a man of 50 or 60 years of age, afflicted with baldness. He was hissed all along the line, and par ticularly in Honndsditch, among the members of his own belief, probably because he thought better of his promise to walk through that district, in deference to the religious scruple of its inhabitants. To-night the great inaugural banquet was held at the Guildhall, and was attended by 2,000 of the most important personages in the United Kingdom, from Lord Salisbury to Colonel North. It may interest persons who have never attended A LORD MAYOR'S BANQUET to know that all the viands were served cold, with the exception of the soup, the reason being that ihe.kitchen of tbe Guild hall is not capable of iurnishing warm looa for so great a number of guests. The ban quet was much like any big dinner in other respects, and after the toastmaster's introduction to "my masters, ihe aldermen, knights, esquires and gentlemen all, the righ vhonorahlev the Lord Mayor-and-thV lady mayoress, Mr. Aldermann and Sheriff Kmll and his lady, Mr. Sheriff Harris and his lady drink. to you in a loving cup, and wish you all a' hearty welcome," everything was merry. Mr. Belfour got a big reception, and Lord Salisbury drew a beautiful picture of the satisfactory and delightful condition of af fairs in England and on the Continent Barnum was FORBIDDEN TO PARADE alter an, proDamy oecause his procession would have taken the glitter out of the Lord Mayor's show. Nevertheless Barnum is happy. Every seat is sold for the open ing ot the Olympia Monday night, and the great moral show is the talk of London. Great people are seeking for tickets, and will not be comforted because they are not, and if Barnum accepted all his invitations he would not need to pay for a dinner Jor a month. As an illustra tion of the drawing power of "the greatest show on ' earth," he points with pride to George r Bleistein, President of the Courier Company, of Buf falo, who has come all the way Irom that city to be present on the opening night. Barnum, by the way, was at the Guildhall banquet to-night, and there was uproarious cheering when he was introduced to the Most Worshipful the Lord Mayor. DAKGER IK THE SHAFT. The Eiffel Tower Elevator Unsafe Benefits of a World's Fair. tBT CABLE TO TDK DISPATCH. London, November 9. The thousands of Americans who have been up in the Eiffel tower will be interested to know that they have run an alarming risk. Last Sunday the elevator in which visitors to the tower are carried from the second stop to the summit, fell almost 100 feet, and 30 occupants were more or less injured. The authorities of the Exposition took every pre caution to conceal the accident, as was done in instances of loss of life during the build iug of the tower. It is said that since the opening of the Exposition fully a dozen men have lost their lives in tbe Eiffel Tower elevators, but in no instance have such accidents been made public. A great many workmen were killed during the construction of the tower, and these tragedies were also kept from the public. The Pans exhibition having closed, the Parisians are now engaged in contemplat ing tbe statistics and counting the gains. It is estimated that 5,000,000 French people came from the provinces, and tnat their ag gregate expenditure in the capital was 500,000,000 francs. At least 1,500,000 foreigners visited Paris and the exhibition, and spent 750,000,000 francs. Englishmen head the foreigners' list, with 380,000, the Belgians coming next, with 226,000. the Germans third, with 160,000, and America a good fourth, with nearly 120,000. HER HUSBAND A WOMAN. The Peculiar Manner In Which a Dashing Viennese Raised Money. :bt cable to the dispatch. London, November 9. An interesting romance comes from Vienna, tbis week. Last August a young man calling himself Count Sxndor Vay, who said that he had had a falling out with his noble family in Hungary, married a school, teacher of Kfogenfurt, who was the daughter of a civil officer. The ceremony was performed in a lonely farm house, by Esther Imre, and soon alter the young couple visited the wife's parents, where the hus band developed an unpleasant tendency to borrow money of his father-in-law. This led to domestic ruptures, and soon tbe bride informed her father that ber husband was a woman. Tbis nroved to be tbe case. She is the Countess Sarolta Yay, daughter of a Colonel in the army, who, having a large family of daugh ters, brought up Sarolta as a boy. When, however, a' real heir was bora, she W8S accustomed to her boy's role, and refnsed to be treated , as ' a gl. She is well known in Pesth, where she visited tbe cafes in men's clothing and' N"0"733MBER 10, 1889. drank and smoked with journalists and officers. All her life she had worn male attire, and recently had appeared in uni form. She published a collection of poems under the name of Sandor, and associated with young men who were not in the secret, in madly amusements. It Improbable that Father Imre was not a priest, and that the girl, in going through the form of marriage, only executed an other eccentricity in order to procure money, of which she was in great need. GILBERT IN A EAGE. . Hla Temper Raffled by tbe Decision of Two Justices Ha Writes a Savage Let ter to Ihe Newspapers PInero Also Disgusted. tT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. 1 London, November 9. W. S. Gilbert, who, as the American public have reason to know, does not possess the best of tempers, is in a great rage over the decision of Lords Justice? Cotton and Fry, in a suit brought before iiiem, by him, whereby he attempted to prevent the manager of a music hall from introducing verses of his own in Gil bert's version of "Les Brigands." The song that Gilbert particularly objects to runs as follows: But such are tbe workings of fame That some amorous swells come and collar our girls; We have always been a minute too late. So we tut and ran, and run. Finding the carbiniers is anything but fnn; But always at borne in safety we mash the lit- tlA rip.ire ?he little dears, the slashing carbiniers. Imagine tbe Gilbert in raze upon being assured by the decision of the court that Lord Justice Cotton is not satisfied that there is anything in the substitution of this song which can in anyway cast discredit on Mr. Gilbert or his reputation, both dra matic and otherwise. Gilbert has written a savage letter to the piper?, which states his grievance and concludes: 1 have endeavored, throughout a career ex tending over a quarter of a century, to keep my pieces free from the abominations that dts fignre so many stage plays of tbe lighter class, and It 15 surely nnjust that such a reputation as I may have acquired for good taste and dis cretion should, br a decision of Lords Justices Cotton and Fry, be placed absolutely at the mercy of an ex-music hall singer. Pinero, the dramatic author, also ran foul of the music halls this week, in his speech at the annual dinner of tbe royal theatrical fund. He objected to a diluted and summarized drama being utilized for the purpose of raising the status of these places of amusement Dramatic authors are justified in raibing these objections from a practical, as well as an esthetic point of view, for the adaptation of popular plays to the music hall stage not only injures the drama, but has its effect upon the box office. LOST MUCH THAT WAS GAINED. England Irretrievably Beaten In Her Ex plorations la Africa. IBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! London, November 9. According to dis patches from Zanzibar, this evening, it is believed there that Dr. Peters and his party may be still alive, but the gtounds for hope seem to be very small. Sir Samuel Baker, the greatest living authority upon African exploration, who conquered the equatorial provinces for the Khedive, and governed them for years, has no doubt of the gallant German's fate, and to-day indulges in grievous lamentations over the fact that darkness is once more settling down upon Central Africa. He asks: Has it occurred to tbe British -public that we are hrnelessiy and irretrievably beaten T-'tbat alllluif basaMenjehlercd by Englishmen trace 1S61 in Nile discovery is simply tbe gain of geo- fraphical Knowledge ? We are beaten y those who represent tbe slave trade, and we are turned out ignomin iously from territories which English men had gained for Egypt The steamers launched after such labor on Albert Lake, after being transported fiom the building yard, are left in tbe possession of the barbarians, and all that Englishmen have achieved is lost and gone forever. We are turned out and the Arab (lave hunters will wave their bloodstained flags over our abandoned station, shouting 'victorvf Tbe slave trade will be rampant from the equator tq Khar toum. England may hide her face In sorrow ful dismay, the result of ber disastrous policy in ine aoanoonmeoi oi tne souaan." Sir Samuel bints that the best way to re claim Africa from the man hunters would be to send Stanley to the Soudan, with ab solute powers. But as such a heroic policy is out of tbe question now, the work is like ly to be done by ths great English and Ger man trading corporations, who are gradu ally acquiring virtually sovereign rights over vast tracts of the Dark Continent POOR 0DTLQ0K FOR THE BAKERS. Bensons Why Their London Strike Conld Scarcely be a Success. tBT CABLX TO TITS OISFATCH.1 London, November 9. The operative bakers of London to-day handed in Notices to leave work a week from to-day,funless their demands for a ten-hour working day and increased wages be conceded. The employers say the exigencies ot trade re quire at least 12 hours' daily labor, but they are willing to grant all tbe other demands. The editor of the British and Foreign Confectioner and Bakers' Journal. the chief organ of baking and its allied trades, informs me that there are about 13,500 working bakers in London, of whom not more than 5,000 are in the men's, trades union Of these 3,000 have joined the union only within the last few weeks, so that the union has little money with which to carry on a struggle. There are 4,500 master bakers, of whom not more than 500 employ more than four men each. Four thousand employ only one or two. As a rule, too, 10 per cent of the operative bakers are unemployed. Of the 4,500 master bakers there are quite 1,000 who do no actual work, but who, on an emer gency, would act as journeymen. Thou sands of provincial bakers would flock to London in the event of a strike, and it would, in Editor Low's opinion, be impossible to picket or boycott 4,000 bake houses. When the last bakers' strike occurred, years ago, large numbers of Germans came over, of' whom fully 1,500 are now master bakers. On the whole, there seems small reason to doubt that this" strike, if persisted in, will end disastrously for the men. NOT TALKING TOO MUCH. Diamond Broker Lewis Won't Tell Where Pretty Mnrle HIpton Is. tBT CABLE TO TUX DISPATCH.! London, November 9. Joseph Lewis, who was accompanied to Europe bv Marie Hinton, who ran away from the Casino, ar rived on the City of Paris Thursday. He refuses to say unything about the where abouts oi Marie, however. Lewis is a rich man. He is a member of a firm of heavy diamond dealers in Throg morton avenue, .and has. a luxurious resi dence at the Emperor's gate. CAPTURED IN KENTUCKY. . A Bending Detective Overtakes Hit Mnn Mnny Miles From Home. tSrXCTAL TBLXOB AM TO THC DISF ATCIt. 1 Cincinnati, November 9. Detective Harry Parsons, of Beading, Fa., to-day effected a clever capture of an embezzler and fugitive from justice in Lebanon, Ky. The embezzler was E. B. Zelmer, a clerk in the employof the Beading Fire Insurance Company) He fled from home some few weeks ago, taking 5600 from the company's safe. Zelmerlefta note to his wife, telling her he had drowned himself. Parsons traced the fugitive to this city and thence to Lebanon, Ky., whererhe was arrested to-da v.. He will return with his prisoner via Pittsburg to-morrow. HANGING BY A HAIR; Experts Draw the Noose- Tighter Around the Cronin Suspects. SCIENCE FINDS FRESH CLEWS To the Doctor's Murderers in a Single Strand of Hair and in THE BLOOD STAINS 0K THE TRUNK. The Counsel for the Defense Samfoanded by the Bridesc. A single strand of hair and a few stains of blood is likely to convict the Cronin sus pects of the doctor's murder. The evidence of expert microscopists and chemists filled the prisoners' counsel with dismay. ISraCIAL TXLZCBAU TO TUX DMPATCH.1 Chicago, November 9. Microscopists Tolnian and Belfield and Chemist Haines, of Bush Medical College, were the three prominent witnesses in the Cronin trial to day. Stains irom the floor of the Carlson cottage, the hair found clinging to the trunk J. B. Simonds bought, the hair cnt from the head of the dead doctor, the single strand of hair discovered on a cake of soap in the kitchen of the cottage and fresh and dried blood from the trunk itself were the articles on which the experts made their experi ments. Chemist Haines' assignment was to determine whether the reddish stains were of blood, and if so to express a scientific opinion as to the character or nature of the corpuscles. The work of determining the probable origin of the blood and the re lation or one hair to another was lelt to tbe microscopists. The lawyers of Coughlin, Q'Sullivan, Eunze and Burke, finding themselves in the last ditch, will make a desperate effort to prove that the blood found in the cottage, if not in the trunk, came from a lower ani mal whose blood corpuscles closely resem bled those of an adnlt man or woman. The four prisoners having been clearly associ ated with the blood-stained cottage, the old white horse with its rocking movement, the mysterious contract and the stool pigeon furniture, the seemingly ' only loophole fob escape is in proving that the stains in the cottage were not made by tbe blood of a human, or that if they were so made, it is impossible to prove their corpuscles analogous to these fcund in the blood in the trunk, or that the strands of hair are dissimilar. It thev could prove any of these points there might be a chance to cause a doubt in the minds of the jurors as to whether the Carbon cottage was really the scene of the murder. The fact that the doctor was not seen to enter the cottage is of course, the foundation of this line of defense. But the State htm already traced the trunk, the satchel found ia the man. hole on Friday and the furnifcarer from 117 Clark street to the cottage, and identified Burke as the lessee of the buildin?. Then. too, the Public Prosecutor has showed that the blood stains on the front steps and on the sidewalk" were not there the day before the'murder. It now remains for the defense to attack the last charge of the prosecutioq that the blood and hair came from the body of Dr. CroninV ' A CHfcMlCAL ANALYSIS. " Chemist Haines subjected the stained chips from the floor of tne cottage, to four experiments; three of them were ot a chem ical nature. The microscope was used in the fourth test The first experiment was to make a solution in water of apoition of the stains. With this was combined a quantity of a solution of gum guiacum and peroxide of hydrogen. A beautifnl blue color positively proved the existence ol blood almost instantly. Continuing his examination Chemist Haines mixed a solution of the stains with some very strong acetic acid and allowed the mixture to evaporate slowly. The residinm showed the crystals characteristic of blood. Blood corpuscles were found in the third test, when the crystals were mascerated in glycerine. These tests, to the chemist's mind, were indubitable proof that the stains were made of blood, but chemical science could not distinguish between the different kinds ot blood. - The fourth test was relative to the single strand of hair found on the cake ot soap. This strand was lighter in color in some por tions than in others. Dr. Cronin's hair was brown. The fact that tbe single strand ap peared light in color to the naked eve seemed to satisfy the defense that it could not have come from Dr. Cronin's body. THE DEFENSE KNOCKED OUT. But Chemist Haines' fourth test showed that hairs placed on soap Or other alkaline substances bleached them in a manner simi lar to the coloring of the strand lound on the soap. Microscopist Tolman was .satisfied in his own mind that the blood he examined on the chips of wood came from a human body. The manner in which the expert went about his tests was interesting to the spectators. The first thing he did after the articles were given to him for examination was to scrape the stains off the wood and place them in a solution of common salt in water of the spe cific gravity or density of 1.055 the specific Gravity of human blood when in the odv. This was done to restore as nearly as possible the corpuscles to their normal size. The specimens remained irf the solution 36 hours. At the end of tbis time the fibrin had dissolved and the cor? puscles floated away from the rest of the water. A powerful microscope was then used for the measurement of the corpuscles. The average sizeoftbe discs correspond with the average size of all the human corpuscles the expert had ever measured. Mingled with the stains the keen eye of the micro scopist discovered minute particles of wood and numerous small hairs or fuzz, such as grow on the face or hands. There were also bits of the epithelinm or skin and a number of mascerated corpuscles. THEEB TVAS NO MISTAKE. The small hairs could not be seen with the naked eye. Under the powerful lens oi the microscope their roots could be dis cerned. Microscopist Tolman had examined the hair of nearly every known animal in the world, and he was prepared to swear that the strands of hair found among the corpuscles and taken from the trunk grew upon a human body. The testimony of the witness as to-the minute hairs and bits of skin in the blood was clearly a surprise to ,tbe defense. Lawyer Forrest, who conducted the cross examination, tried to draw from the witness the admission that it was impossible to de termine human blood by the size of tbe corpuscles, as the corpuscles of the kan garoo, the opossum, the seal, tbe monkey, the guinea pig and tbe puppv were so nearly the size of those in man and woman that differentiation was often' impossible. The witness admitted that the corpuscles of these lower animals approached more closely in size to the corpuscles of human blood than did those of other mamals, but his predication in this case was based on the average size ot the corpuscles he examined and the experiments he had made in the past. Mr. For rest then attacked the accuracy of the microscope Prof. Tolman had used, and the witness in his explanation of aberrations of light and movement of the cobweb plunged so deeplv into tbe technieal vernacular of his profession that the croscexaasister' st down a? bast and the stealer hrs etiwed owk.xtker-in tefak, w Mw witiiii paused for a .moment is his appalling ex planation of possible error ia measurement. THE DEFENSE DUMFOTTNDED. Lawyer Foster gasped and exclaimed sotto voce to the Court: "I move that tbis evidence be excluded. I don't understand it, and I am afraid ft will hang my client," Microscopist Belfield was the last wit ness. His main test was with liquid blood taken from the center of a mass of cotton found in the trunk 36 hours before; there was about a quarter of a teaspoonful of tbe fluid. Through the lens of tbe micro scope particles of tbe blood showed the presence of corpuscles of the size and shape found in human blood. In his opin ion the blood he examined came from a hu man body, but he did not deny tbe possi bility of its having been drawn from one of the lower animals already mentioned. He was more positive about the hair he ex amined. One bunch of bair was found in the trunk, another bunch had been cut from the Doctor's head at the autopsy, and the third exhibit was the-siagle strand from the soap. All this hair was "FItOM A HUMAN BODY. This could be told bv its structure, tex ture, length, diameter, distribution of the fish like scales and the relation of the cen tral canal. Human hair was unlike any other hair. It could instantly be detected through a microscope. Six hairs from the trunk ranged from 2 to 3 inches in length and would run from 240 to 300 to the Inch in diameter. They were of dark brown color by reflected light Six hairs from Dr. Cronin's head cnt at the autopsy were of the same color and of the same diameter. Ihe single strand taken from the soap was 3 inches long and 1.276 of an inch in diameter. The microscope showed if to possess two colors at irregular intervals from top to tip. The finding of this single strand is of vital importance, as it links it with the hair in the trunk and the lock cut from Dr. Cronin's head, and goes far to prove that one of the murderers washed bis hands with the soap after he had finished his diabolical work iu the parlor. AMID A POURING BAIN Tbe Pan-American Delegates Arrive at the Quaker City A Welcome bv Mayor Filler Tbe Trip Through the Coneraausb Valley. Philadelphia, November 9. Tbe Pan American excursionists reached this city at 10 o'clock to-night. Notwithstanding the fact that a heavy rain storm prevailed, a large crowd had gathered in the Pennsyl vania Bailroad station, and as the gaily decorated train came to a stop the delegates were greeted with hearty cheers. The Citi zens' Committee took charge of the excur sionists and they were taken to the Conti nental Hotel, where a number of leading citizens had assembled. Mayor Fitter, in a short speech, welcomed the distinguished guests to the ciyr. Senor Guzman, the Nicaragnan delegate, respond ed on behalf of the visitors. A pleasant feature of the arrival of the delegates here was the presence of the wives of a number of the paffy, who had come on from Wash ington this afternoon, v After leaving Jeauaette this morning the route, was along' the Conemaugh's fatal banks and through Johnstown. There was rain in the sky, and the heavy mists, hang ing low in the mountain sides gave a melan choly tinge to the scene, which, fitted wels- the feelings of tbe party- as they gazed apon the ruined homes, the uprooted trees and the still-apparent evi dences of the awful devastation pf the flood. Aresad the great Horseshoe Bend and tBTMgh.tlw Bteaataia peSM tbe-srH.yeT until AHeewr nm naekedr-rterij aVinaer was'. served at tbe hotel, after which the par Jy was sfeewa through tbe eagiBeaael car shops of the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company. The delegates left Alteona in a driving rain- CRITICISED BY A CONNOISSEUR. Mrs. Harrison VUlis the Philadelphia Pot tery Exhibition. tSTICIAI. TXLSOBAX TO THX DISrATCH.l Philadelphia, November 9. Mrs. President Harrison, through Mrs. John Wanamaker, accepted an invitation to visit the pottery exhibition in Memorial Hall, and to-day was the day named for the visit The visiting party was-made up of Xn. Harrison, Mrs. Wanamaker, Mrs. J- B. Clarkson, wife of tbe First Assistant Post master General; Misses Minnie and Lillie Wanamaker, Mrs. Bodman Wanamaker, Misses Perney and Bobiaebn, of New York City, and Messrs. Brown and Wilson, of Princeton College. Tbe party was received at the southern entrance, and was con ducted through the entire exhibit, tbe al most endless variety of beaatifal pottery calling out many expressions of delight Mrs. Harrison was particularly interested in the department allotted to decorated china. She is herself an artiste of no aseaa ability, and she closely examined ihe beau tiful, designs exhibited. She prom ised to send some ot her own collection .of paintings on china to tne loan exhibition, which jrill continue for a time after the dealers and manufacturers have removed their exhibits. She agreed to send some of her owa work, as well as some specimens by her instructor. After the tour of inspection a light lunch was served in one of the re ception rooms, and the party thea returned to the house of John Wanamaker. THE DISPATCH DIREClOKI. Twenty Pases Filled With Bright aaa Breezy Reading. The news this morning Is more than usually interesting. Trouble In the W. C. T. 17., de velopments in the Cronin case, Euro pean gossip, a rabid Anarchist meeting, and a thousand and one items of the latest events at home and abroad are recorded in tbe first part of this, morning's mammoth issue. Tbe second and third parts contain Interesting articles of a special char acter, the more important being as follows; Part II. Pagt 9. How Do Yon Swear? BRZXAX Deantlfol In Heath QbACEGbjecvwood Saved by saltans UiaBlesFaTkb The Rich Man's Mill SwextbUiAu, Fag la. 1 Fsmons Psendonyms ,j.....v. Edwaed W.Bob- amd othsbs flirting-a flue Art , ..Claiu. Belle Songs of the Sea .....F. S. Basskit Basinets Cards,, . Page 11. AFarisliag-nlcker. FbaxkLxsiix Wants, To Lets, For Sales, Etc. Pagt 11. Society. Dramatic Mule. .Badness Cards. Page U. Q, A. B. News. Educational Notes. Financial. Business Cuds. Pagtli. Breaking Bronchos .WILL C. FIBBIL Every-Day Science STAxr WarrxB Secret Society. Business Cards. Pagtli, Where Art is Born Gesals E. Flanagan Society in the East Bumbalo A Law for Miracles.... ....GKonoxHODOIS At t Notes. National Guard Notes. Easiness Cards. Page IS. Amusement Announcements, liatlness Card. Part III. Page 17. Take a Veg With Me Foank O. Caetesteb Ye Fanele Pavres EtHXLX. Mackenzie J oshaa.. -. F&or. Gioho EBEaa Page 13. A Itardworked Man.... ....Willis Kextos- Love la a Cottage .Jt W.-BHOPrEU. pandsyThoUg-flU ACLMGTXAjf' Pai 33. The King'sBarber....... ..Earner H. HxcnacKS The World Moves Jtesetx BKAXps Vaxr Typewriters .................... ...J. L.roD TbeJlsesMeayWax ..E. Js. CaUDM-nont -- HM JIM StM.,..vfMUr HsiaWAl A1 ' 'W - . i .. .u.atfi. . . rt FIVE CENTS".! THEFEATM -.- THat CSRStf the Democratic Yictoryd in the Buckeye State, - ACC0BD1HG TO JUDGE THURM The Old Roman Is Much Interested ilSieS oeuaionai nguu ', &: CLOSE 70TB OK PART OP THE TIC! Wilt Bcqnlre the Official Tote far DeddeTUki SespectiTe Claims. Allen G. Thurman states that the credit for Democratic success in Ohio is largely due to the tariff reform agitation- Botk committees are claiming the election of ta"e Lieutenant Governor and the micor.State officers, but the Democrats seem the jsore connaent it will require the Official re- tnrns to decide. -M ... rSFXCIAI. TXXXOBAX TO TBI DISPATCH, t Columbus, November 9. AUea&I Thurman, late Democratic candidatejfferj Vice President, was called on M-nTghufcyf The Dispatch correspondent, whoratJi tempted to interview the "Old Boniaa'; the Ohio Senatorsbip, and who- thought would be nominated, but the i Democratic statesman fought rather shyTofjS aim. lonrnaii, However, aunnutea uim suit of the election, and the fact taatjtjl Democrats carried seven of the ten States iaf which elections were held on Tnesdav.lastS to the great and ever-living principleTofJ una reiorm. i ixesaia mat ine people really wanteaaj revision of the tariff, and that the electie returns did not look: as if PresidentHarTi Son and his administration were indorsed'tal any great extent On the Ohio Senatorshis Judge Thurman said: - pi "When I said the other day that we would now see A BEAUTIFUL SCBUB RACE for the Senatorship. I meant no disreneet ta any of the gentlemen who will contestffor ius uuour. xiveryoouy knows wnai a Saras race its. As many horses are- entered as the owners please. I hare heard of a dozen candidates, and all of theST are good men, and any one of them would fill tbe position of United States Senator! with credit to themselves and Aonor tejfcjwi Democratic party. I have no choieeaadj shall be pleased with any man, le'&ejiTJsj gooa, nonesr, aoie uemocrat." -3SM The Old Boman. then asked about HmS John H. Thonrvr, of Springfield, whosaHSal papers announce as a candidate, and wfce i at present in the city. Judge Tharssaai wanted- to know what his prosyeetsweti WU- KUIHIH4 44V VUWIVa .V UI MfiaSn xnomas, wno- announced mrasell a candi date about two months ago. The Democrats are mow dilmiatr'As election of Marquis for .Lieutenant Off! ernor and Pollett for Supreme JudgefM w ine laner no ngnres were given, tarn KM evident there is but little fosdtiefesi which to base tbe claim. Mr. Seeves.'wii is in charge of the committee rosBSJd not himself express ranch hope fiarlh election or Judge Irollett, bat wm pretty confident that Mr. Marquis willTpajH isruBgu. . SHE FISUKK-f VOs? Htf TfreTsoBMsittee hsoclal figsreafraaJ COH.BUCS, SUIt IB lUeSe AT, MfflSJU ' rMt' only-915 behind Mr. CamBbelL whIJiJhKl Lampsoa leads the head of rPtuhHisiti ticket by 185 votes. From these bsmmI Mr. Beeves estimates that the caadfdatrlKr Lieutenant uovernor will run oa ,a?a age of not more than 3 votes to the i inz counties behind. the head of the craticticket. Estimating oa this nasiirftKn full vote would leave Marquis oalySyiM behind Campbell, whose plurality- -wHSfiiJ is believed, go over 10.000. thus li iris frail democratic oanaiaate or iiirmm tjl ernor. , i In these estimates Mr. Beares ismsT take into account the number of . answho scratched Governor FoMfcerTaMi voted the remainder of tHetSeks,"asdli1 will Ka m.Ji1-.i. S.-4 ?.f. 1- r-7CjS factor and may change the reesdf, i coruuig w me ugurea oi tste J ths oxhxs wcom. At the Bepublican beskaamlkl stated that the official returaa to noon were still favorable te tieve of Mr. Lampses. Their estimate M sf at la a diflereat way from the They have returns from 60 eew give Mr- Laaapson 10,815 mm Tstosfi Governor Foraker, and we are that the counties yet Wv from; will place his set , than 12.000 in the lead. I this i he would be elected by apkwality ofa'fcerl Both parties' admitted ths the MtMi yery close, and the official figures wiMllil required to settle tne questioa. Late this aftereoou the Deoerk,l mittee claimed to have received oAeid unofficial returns from nearly- aliefjlti1 counties in the State, and assert bisotssti'safj tnetictetls elected except Skwmtmttjmtl uierE of the Supreme Court A DEMOCRATIC JOLIIPICATJWrl xae niiHH at macinaeHi ureec ' Xlect CaambeH. CixcrffXAxr, November 9. Msfe SiJI was again the scene of a great Dessiiwitiil meeting to-night The spacious mI1 packed to the doors with aa esthasis multitude, while the square was TeTjisjidl witn people. Ateiare tne meeting tMMtl woe ptace. Every street along the Hue of crowded, and colored fires ecllliatlyj lighted up the scene. At Music Hilijthel Hon. Isaac Jordan spoke, followed by'tteM eruor-eiect uampoeit TWICE CE1ZEB SI GMT. A Bastes raster Wsaaaeara Fr Charge for tie Secsad Ttae. rtriClAL TLK3aA TO THE SWATCH U ,Bostow, November 9. Bev. C. Haskell Smith, the pastor of the Pilgrim ChSreSJI whose mysterious disappearance last MaseH led to all tmi of conjectures until Mpr louna ia uaiitornia, cas agaia the cessmUEity by another of the same sort After his from the West, he passed several : most: the White Mountains, and sees restored to health. In September lastlHl resumed his functions as pastor, sssdJKH since been Terr active in the disssasi; of his ministerial duties. two new sermons every SatfafMM maklne a mat raanv callson his pajiifclisT ers. He has been working incessaaHyAj and night There was nothiar wresaiTfjaij tar aa tne officers ot tne caurca ew,ij night he was expected tej preseat at the church meetis he did not attend. Inquiry that he had not been seen by aay of Ms M qualBtaeces since about 2 o cleesl e . afteraoos. nor has anytaiur s seetior beard of him by My quaiatasces. t Nothfar i known which will - return of this mental aberratie. aalisFfcl my m .& uaun ra. wwaw jaB ftaraterr to k is thought ay- ai of reseatiag MMHpMHf sMiea w aw auaui y'J Ml - && ' ' JT-' ,