asf- - a .rr - THE PITTSBUEG- DISPATCH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 188. BUT LITTLE CHANGE In the Condition of General Business During the Past Week. THE WEAKNESS IN TEDST STOCKS. Quotations on Iron, Steel and Oil Continue to Advance. IKCEEASE OP THE BAKE CLEABIHGB. Blight Decline is SoUeeaDle In Many cf the Affriealtnral Uses. Beports to Bradstreeti' and B. G. Don & Co. show no marked-change in the status of general trade. Several circumstances have combined to depress trust stocks, but legiti mate business is in good shape. tSFXCULX. TELEOKAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 New York, Norember 8. Special tele grams to Bradttreet's report a continuance of unfavorable weather in Central and Southwestern Mississippi Valley States, and a slightly decreased morement of gen eral trade in staples at most points, al thouphitis noted that the volume still ex ceeds that at a corresponding time in 1SS8. An exception is noted in Omaha, where colder weather has stimulated seasonable business. Cotton is moving freely in Texas and Louisiana. At Louisville fine Burley tobacco is advancing, and the highest prices cf the season are recorded. Less tendency to stringency is reported in leading financial centers, "West and South. There has been a moderate improvement 'in mercantile collections at several points. Stocks of available wheat in the United States east of the Eocky Mountains Novem ber 2, as reported to Bradttreet's, aggre gated 46,947,000 bushels, against 26,734,000 bushels September 28, 18S9, and as com pared with 44,518,000 bushels November 1, 1888. PLENTY OF 'WHEAT. The totals, including both coasts, are 56,317,000 bushels, against' 36,248,000 a month ago and 50,454,000 bushels a year ago. Wheat stocks thus exceed those of a like date last year for the first time in 1SS9. The bank clearings at 37 cities (where totals are obtainable for four years) aggre gate 5,490,008,612 for October, an increase of 10 per cent over October, 1888, of 22 per cent over 1887 and of 16 per cent over Oc tober, 1886. The total for the ten months of the current year is 545,647,875,660, or 13 per cent in excess of a like period in 1888, 1 per cent larger than in 1887, and 15 per cent larger than the total in 1886. The relatively greater increase at 36 cities (exclusive of New York) is shown hy the iact that while the latter's total increased about 4,000,000,000 in ten months of this year over last, the total for 36 cities, com prising but one-third of the grand total, in creased over 5,000,000,000 in the same period. Unfavorable developments in the trusts and bear attacks on the coal shares keep the general stock market in a disturbed condi tion, though the underlying tone is strong, and advances are made on every oppor tunity. Bonds are active, and speculative rises have been made in a number of active issues. Money on call at New York is easy at 56 per cent Foreign exchange is dull and wek. Demand sterling 4 84j$4 85. IKON AND STEEL. Iron and steel remain quite strong with an upward tendency as to prices. Makers refuse orders for forward delivery at current rates. Spiegeleisen, Ferro-Manganese, Bes semer pig and steel billets are all higher on the week. Pig iron has sold at 19 at Phila delphia, 50 cents higher, and bar iron is no-quoted at 2 cents per pound, with the outlook for another advance November 20. Nails are 2 40, and quotations for them, as well as for barbed wire, are higher. Steel rails are very strong, with orders for 60,000 tons in sight. Domestic sizes of anthracite are quiet, but furnace sizes are more active. "Wheat flour has been in steady movement at practically unchanged prices. "Wheat is off y to c on 'light demand and heavy receipts. Corn, on better hi me and foreign request, is up to n, and oats, on limited receipts and offer ings, are to c higher. Hog products de clined sharply on increased pressure at the "West. Pork'fell away 75c to 1 per barrel, and lard 40 points. Butter and eggs ad vanced lc each, cheese remaining practically steady. Hogs are lower at the "West Cattle are steady. Coffee has been in light de mand, and closes without special feature up up 20 to 30 points on the week. The demand tor tea is light, and prices are easier. THE SUGAE MAKKET. Baw sugar is more active, particularly at New York and Philadelphia, owing to the reductionof3-16 to Jcent and freer offer ines. More favorable European cable ad vices do not sustain prices so far. Befined is in better request, and shaded on some grades. Cotton goods are in liberal demand for spring delivery, with prices, notably print cloths, brown sheetings and drill ings, tending upward. New York and Bos ton jobbers are quiet or dull; at the former city holidav specialties are active, and cooler weather has slightly improved the demand from near by and city retailers. "Wool is in fair demand at unchanged prices at seaboard markets. Baw cotton is 1-16 to 3-16c higher, except at New York, on smaller crop estimates and good demand. Increasing stocks have depressed New York spot prices Jc Business failures reported to Bradstrcet's number 248 in the United States this week, against 251 last week and 177 this week last year. Canada had 45 this week, against 35 last week. The total of failures in the "United States January 1 to date is 9,631, against 8,471 in 1888. B, G. Duu & Co.'s weekly review of trade says: The business outlook continues to improve. All the news this week is favorable to the public. Even the de cision adverse to the Sugar Trust, and the exposure and proposed reorganization in Cotton Oil are hopetul signs. The monetary situation has decidedly improved, here and abroad, ana while the Bank of England rate is still held at 5 per cent, money is quoted in open market at 2 per cent. SICKS OF EXCOUBAGEMENT. Most of the increase in payments comes from legitimate business, for speculation is still restricted, except in trust stocks. These began to rally, but were met with the de cision adverse to the Sugar Trust, and the disclosure that over half a million had been lost for Cotton Oil stock holders in attempts to sustain the market. Other securities have been Btronger since the election, the reported agreement about "Western rates having a good effect, but the tone is not en thusiastic. Speculation in wheat was temporarily stimnlated by an unofficial publication by Mr. Dodge, the Government statistician, putting the probable yield at 485,000,000 bushels. "Whether the paper had left his hand before the official returns indicating a larger acreage and yield were made up, no one seems to have asked. But the lowest estimate would leave the supply for export much beyond the largest foreign demand in recent yearaj and the net result for the week, has been a decline of three-fourths of a cent, with sales of only 10,000,000 bushels. Corn is' an eighth stronger and oats three fourths, but pork is half a dollar and lard half a cent lower. THE ADVANCE IN OIL. Oil has advanoed 4 cents with moderate trading, and coffee is unchanged. The merely nominal price of raw sngar has been made actual, the trust having entered the market as a buyer, at Vi cents for Musco vado. 5 cents for 96 centrifugal, bnt re fined shows a decline of an eighth. It can only be reckoned a sign of improve ment that wool has yielded about 1 cent per pound since the concession has induced con siderable buying. Manufacturers hold that tao advance ijpoEsible in heavy woolens, and have bought little except at reduced prices. The iron and steel business is remarkably strong, and bar producers in convention have advanced the price to 1-9 cents, but there is much evidence of a desire to inflate quotations and create a boom. The returns from all interior points are decidedly en couraging, showing an excellent trade in progress, (air collections, and an ample sup ply of money. The business failures during (he last seven days number (or the United States 228, and for Canada 39. For the correspond ing week of last vear the figures were 194 and 32. IS IT A STANDAED GOBBLE? The Globe Refinery nnd llie Crnlg Ilpo Line Reported Sold. It was reported yesterday that Joe Craig, D. P. Eeighard and "Weidner & Elikms, the latter cable railway men, a quartet backed by 20,000,000, had sold the Globe Befinery, the Freedom Befinery and the Craig pipe line to the Standard. The Globe Befinery was in the Eighteenth ward, and was one of the largest in the country, and it is supposed to have been with the pipe line an object of considerable interest to the Standard. Some say the sale would knock the 25c premium off "Washington county oiL . An attempt was made to see the people in interest last night, but they were out of the city.. Mr. Houston, Chief Clerk of the Globe, said he didn't know anything about it. Beigard is supposed to have made con siderable money years ago by selling to the Standard. As soon as he got out of the Em pire he got into the Globe. Craig's history, both as an oil dealer and as a producer, has been meteoric, and he is supposed to have made a big pile of money. The surest remedy is cheapest, because it is sure in cases wherever any remedy can be helpful; hence, with puny feeble children where strength, appetite and spirits are wanting the tonic properties of Dr. D. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge given in tonic doses will be found invaluable. No rem edy of the kind has been so long in use, none been so thoroughly tested, and none is to day held in higher estimation by the thou sands of families in which it has been used. Sold by all druggists. SS To Washington, D. C, Via FeBoajrlvanla Railroad. For all persons desiring to attend the Catholic Congress in Baltimore or visiting "Washington, Pennsylvania Railroad will sell excursion tickets every day until No vember 12, to "Washington, D. C, at rate of 8 for the round trip, tickets good until November 16, inclusive, allowing stop over at Baltimore in either direction within the limit. Through sleeping cars and coaches on night trains, withont change. EXCURSION TO BALTIMORE Via Washington. The B. & O. B. B. will sell excursion tickets to Baltimore, good to stop at "Wash ington, D. C, at rate of 8 for the round trip, from Nov. 7 to 12 inclusive, good to return until the 20th, on account of the Catholic Congress. Trains leave Pittsburg at 8 A. M. and 920 P. M. Best Country Blankets In white, gray and scarlet, country and Ger man yarns; country flannels, scarlet and Shaker flannels, comforts, spreads, table damasks and sheetings, at extraordinarilv low prices, at H. J. Lynch's, 438 and 440 Market street. " wssu Men's Bath Kobes, Turkish robes. Fancy flannel robes. Men's nightgowns all natural cambric to flannel. Jos. House & Co. Grenteat Sacrifice Ever Known in Plttsbars", Drygoods, carpets and rugs almost given away at the immense bankrupt auction sale now going on at 723 and 725 Liberty st, cor. Eighth. The Terr Best Goods and For the prices of inferior goods in our Gent's Walking, Driving and Dress Kid Gloves. Get the best. Jos. Hoiihe & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Men's pure wool underwear at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. GRACE GREENWOOD, in to morrow's DISPATCH, describes an Italian method of preserving the dead. UUi-WEfGjr" Its superior excellence proven in millions ot homes for more than a quarter of a centnry. It is used by the United State Government. Indorsed by the beads of the Rreat universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Amtnonfa, Lime of Alum. Sold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. LOTUS. my5-S2-rrseosu MR. WALTER'S TROUBLE. His Version of -the Matter. ' 0 the hundreds of patients cured by the physicians of the Polypathic Medical Insti tute during the past six months, perhaps none have experienced more intense suffer ing than has Mr. Henry "Walter. The com plication of aches and pains resulting from rheumatism, associated with a severe chronic cough, caused him untold misery. Speak ing of his trouble one day, he said: "A catarrhal secretion of mucus often dropped down frord my head into my throat, A hard, dry cough so affected my lungs that my breath became very short, I had a tired feeling, and as I grew weaker my stomach became involved. My food would sour on my stomacb, and I had sour, bitter eructa tions of eas. I had pain over my eyes, and often felt dizzy. My hands and feet were continually cold, and I was also afflicted with rheumatism. I would have sharp pains in my side and back, and I would sometimes have such a numb, dead feeling., My disease gradually grew worse. One day I happened to read in the papers an account of a person who had been cured by the physicians of the Polypathia Insti tute of a disease similar to my own. I therefore placed myself under their care, and became entirely cured." Mr. "Walter is a well-known gentleman, and his address will be furnished anyone by calling at the Institute, 420 Penn avenue. The physicians in charge treat success fully all forms of kidney and urinary dis eases. Also chronio diseases, including those peculiar to women. Positively no operations are performed, as by their medicines and appliances, which are not known to the general practice, the ladies can themselves use the 'treatments. Office hours, 10 A. M. to 4 P. ii., and 6 to 8r.ji. Sundays, 1 to 4 p. M. Consulta tion iree, Treatment also-by. corraspon-, dence. , ' no9-xxBvt PURb -- PRICE'S CREAM Raking SgrjERFECIIjtfEyi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Baby one Solid Rash Ugly, painful, blotched, malicious. No rest by day, no pesca by night Doctors and all remedies failed. Tried Cutieura. Effect marvelous. Saved his life. Cured by Cutieura Our oldest child, now 6 years ot a.s?e, when an Intent 6 months old was attacked with a virulent, malignant skin disease. All ordinary remedies ratline, we called our family physician, who at tempted to euro It: but It spread with almost In credible rapidity, until the lower portion or the little fellow's person, from the middle of his hack down to his knees, was one solid rash, ugly, pain ful, blotched, and mallclons. We had no rest at nlgut, no peace by day. Finally, we were advised totxytheOTTicuBA Kxmediib. Tne effect was simply marvelous. In three or fonr weeks a com plete cure was wrought, leaving the little fellow's person as white and healthy as though he had never been attacked. In mr opinion, yohr val uable remedies saved his We. and to-day he Is a strong, healthy child, perfectly well, no repetition of the disease having ever occurred Att'y at Law and ex-Fros. Att'v, Ashland, O. Boy Covered with Scabs My boy, aged 9 years, has been troubled all his life with a very bad humor, which appeared all over bis body In small red blotches, with a dry white scab on them. Last year he was worse than ever, being covered with scabs from the top of his bead to his feet, and continually growing worse, although he had been treated bj two physicians. As a last resort, I determined to try the Coticcra Kemedies, and am happy to say they did all that I could wlsa. Using them according to directions, the humor rapidly disappeared, leaving the skin fair and smooth, and performing a thorough cure. The Cuncuiu. Beiledies are all yon claim for them. They are worth their weight In gold. GEOHUK F.'LEAVITT, Ho. Andover, Mass. Cutieura Resolvent. The new Blood Purifier and purest and best of Hnmor Remedies, Internally, and CUTICURA, the great akin Curcand exquisite Skin Beautlfler, externally, speedily, perma nently, and economically enre in early Ule Itch ing, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply, scrofulous, and hereditary humors with loss of hair, thus avoiding years of torture and dlsflgnra tlon. f arents, remember this: cures In childhood are permanent. Sold everywhere, rrice, CUTICURA, SOc: SOAP, 25c: Resolvent, fl. prepared by the Potter l)KUa AND CHEMICAL Coetoratio.n, Boston, 31ass. -OS-Send for "Howto Cure 8kta Diseases," 64 .pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. D A D V kin and;Scalp preserved and beau uAD l tilled by COTIO UBA Soap. Abso lutely pure HOW MY SIDE ACHES 1 Aching Sides and Back, Hip. Kidney, and Uterine Ealns, Kbeumatic, Bclatfc, Neuralgic, Sharp, and Shooting Pains, BELIEVED IX OUE MINUTE bv the CUTI- CORAANTI-PAnfPLASTEB, 25ctS. no4-WS Established Fifty-three Years. PAULSON BROTHEES. SHOULDER CAPES In Seal, Astrakhan, Persian Lamb, Black; Lynx, Alaska Sable, Monkey, in the latest French patterns, pun! shoulders, roll collars, at the lowest prices. See our Genuine Monkey Capes, 15-in. long, at 122. Genuine Monkey Mufis at J3 50. Genuine Monkey Collars at H 50. SEAL SACQUES, WRAPS AND JACKETS, all styles. Genuine Seal London Dyed, close-fitting Jacket at 97 lor a short time only. Also Seal Wraps atSlOO. The finest grade of Alaska Seal Sacque, regular length, 200. Sole Agents for the celebrated Treadwell Sacques, mahogany dye, warranted 12 years. Genuine Seal Capes, 15-in. long, pufl! shoulders, rolling collars, 15. PAULSON BROS., 441 WOOD STREET, Fur Manufacturers. noS p ATBITTS. J- "0. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents, 311 Fifth avenue, above .Smithfleld. next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.-se25-60 IF! you want to know wnat you onght to know, send for special circular relativn to WINCHESTER'S SPECIFIC PILLS. a prompt and permanent enre for Nervous Debility. Weakness etc. Price SI per box. WIN- & ta, unemists, ira wunam st., K. Y. my31-2I-TTSWh RAILROADS. PITTSBURG- AND LAKE ERIE BAILROAD COMPANY Schedule in effect June 2, 1889, Central time. Dipabt For Cleveland, 5:0a, 8:00 a. m., '1:35, AVk "9:30 p. m. For Cincinnati. Chi cago and fit. Lonls. 5:00 a. m., '1:35, .'8:30 p. m. For Buffalo, 8:00 a. m.. 4:10, 8.30 p. m. For Sala manca, "8:00a. m.. 4:10 p. m. For lountrstowa and .Newcastle, 5:00, 800, 10:15 a. m., '1:3 4:10, 9.30 p. m. For Beaver Fills, 5:00, "8:00, 8:30l 10:15 a? m.. 1:35, 3:30, 4:10, 8:15, "9:30 p. m. For Chartlers. 6:08, 15:30 a. m., 5:35, eiX. S.SS, 7;15, 8:05, 8:30, 9:25. 10:15 a. m 12:05, 1Z:5, 1:403:30, 4:30. 4:50 '5:05, 5:15, '8 105, '10:39 p. nt Aukivi From Cleveland. "6:30 a. m., '12:30, 5.5. 7:5. 9:40 p. in. From Cincinnati. Chicago and Bt. Louis, ll:30, 7:55 p. m. From Buffalo, CiSO a, m., '12:1,0, B:0 p. m. From Salaman ca. 12:30. 7:55 p. m. From Youngstown and Hew Cartle, fJO, 9:20 s. m., '15:30, 5:35, -7:5S 9:40p. m. From Beaver Falls. 5:25. 6:3Q, 7:20, 9:20 a. to., 12:30, 1:10, 6:31 "7:55, 9:40 p. m. P., C V. trains from Mansfield, 8.33 a. m., 3:30, 4:50 p. m. For Essen and Beechmont, 8:30 a. m., 3:30 p. m. P.. C Y. trains from Alans field, Essen and Beechmont, 7:08 a. in., 11:59 a. n. P. McK. & Y. K. B.-DEPABT-For flew Haven, '5:30a. m., 3.8Jp. m. For West Newton, S:S0. 10.05 a.m., 3:30, 5:15 p. m. AEBiyi From New Haven, f7:50 a. m., 5:00 p. m. From West New ton, 6:15, 17:50 a. m 1:25, '5:00 p. m. For Mc Keesport, Elisabeth and Monongahela City, 5i30, 10:0oa. m.t 330. 5:15 p.m. From Monongahela City, Elizabeth and AlcKeesport, 7:50 a.m., 125, 5:00 p. m. Dally. 5 Bandars 'only, twill mnonehonr late on Bnnday. I will ran two honrs late on Sunday, city ticket office. 639 Smithfield street. BALTIMUKE AND OHIO 1CAIL.ICOAD Schedule In effect May 12, 1&S9. For Washing, ton. I). C., Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, "8:00 a. m., and "9:20 p. m. For Cum berland. '8:00 a. m.. tl:00, "9:20 p. m. For Con, ncllsTllle, M:40 and "8:00 a. m 1:0C, 34:03 J buumUDi iu. fur umuuwffjj, te.ivfc ewh m., 4I:00andi(:00p. m. For Monnt Pleasant, 4:40 and $8:00 a. m., and SI. -00 and ?1:00 p. m. For Washington. Pa., S:45. $9:40 a. m., "Si, $5:30 and 355 p. m. For 'Wheeling, M, $9:40 a. m., 3:3S, "8.30p. m. For Cincinnati and St. Lonls. S:45a. m., "8:30p.m. ForColnmbns. 6:45 and 9:40 a. m.. t-Jo p. m. For Newark. "8:45, $9:40 a. m 3:35, '8:30 p.m. For Chicago, 8:45, $9:40 a. ml 3:35 and 8:30 p. ro. Trains arrive rrom New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, 6:2) n. m. and "8:50 p. m. From Colnmbns, Cin cinnati and Chicago, "7:45 a. m. and "9:00 p. ro. From Wheeling, 7:4S, '10:50 a, m.. $5:00, 9-00 p. m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington and Cincinnati. wheeling accommodation, 8:30 a. m., Snnday only. ConneiisvUle accommodation at SS:35 a. m. 'Dally. Dally except Snnday. SSnnday onlr. The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. A U. Ticket Office, corner Firth avenne and Woodstreet, CHAd. o. SCULL, Gen. Pass. Agt, J.T.ODELL. Oen.llgr. PITTSBURG AND CASTLE SHANNON B. R. Sinner Time Table. On and after Mar 1- 1889. until farther notice, trains will rnnasfoUows on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard uern sianaara m., 7:10 a.m., time: Leaving ritUDurg bxsj 8:00 a.m.. 9:30 a.'m.. 11:39 a. m.. 1:40 p. m., 3:40 p. m., 6:10 p. m.. 6:50 p. m., 6:30 p. m.. 9:30 p. m 11:33 p.m. Arllnjrton-S:40 a. m., 6:20 a. m., 7:10 a. m., 8:00a. m., 10:20a. m.. 1:00 p. m 2:40p.m., 4r20 p. su, 6:10 p. m., 5:Wp. m ., 7:10 p. m., 10:34 &: m. Untntiv aaH r UBUin uiTuis.s,tMtiita avsMUlu vmg JL UVBrfT &u K.m. LstUJU Da Ui. 4fcW i " mMHt U Ulf 4JV L) Ulf iH p. mc Arlington 9:10 a, m., 12 m,, l-JOp, m 00 p. m. 6:30 p. m., 8rtp. m. m -fl JOmfVAHJr, fiust. NEW ADYERTISEMEIfTH. REDFERN IK BOSTON. REDFERN LADIES' TAILOR. By special appointment to H. M. The Queen of England, H. R. H. The Princess of Wales, H. I.M. The Empress of Russia, etc. 1 JIB. BEDFERN, accompanied by an experi enced staff, will be at the HOTEJLAiTOERSON, Friday, November 15. Saturday, November 16. The Newest Models of Gowns, Coats, Wraps, etc., will be Exhibited. In consequence of the great pres sure of business, this will be the only visit to Pittsburg this falL Admittance to Show Rooms on presentation of Address Card only. Z10FifthAv.,NewYork 003-75-5T)VTllB3a The Finest Meat-flatomso Btoctk: LIEBIG COMPANY'S Extract of Meat. TJSE IT FOE SOUPS, Beef Tea, Sauces and Made Dishes. Genuine only with facsimile of Justus von Liebig's 6IGNATTJBE IN BLUE INK Across label. Sold by storekeepers, crocers and druggists. IJEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT CO.. IJim. ited, London. au21-9i-ws U. E. LIPPENCOTT, 639 Smithfield sUeet, Pittsburg. Distiller and wholesale liquor dealer. Our specialty is LippeDCott's Nectar, a nure old-fashioned rye whisky, S to IS years old, at SOc to SI 75 per quart. Fine wlnea and liquors at lowest prices. Orders hy mall attended to. Cincinnati and Milwaukee bottled beer con stantly on hand. seH-35-8 Latest improved Spectacles and Eye-Glasses; will fit any nose Mitfi ease and comfort The largest and best itock of Optical Instruments and Artificial EyeL KORNBLTJM, Theoretical and Practical Optician. No. 50 Fifth avenne. near Wood street. Telephone No. IStO. seI9-Dsa SIXTH ST. WINTER SEASON Sfilg flSaiesgSy offers advantages for securing a practical business education possessed by no other college in the State. itapm writing, rapid calculations and practical bookkeeping are special ties. Shorthand and Typewriting Departments branches. NIGHT SC HUOLi si-.t.uiAJ-ai.K.S: hand. Drawing, Algebra and Latin. Send for catalogues. ocas-ws ROSENBAUM&CO. CAN SUIT YOU BETTER THAN uLUTYONE ELSE. SPECIAL PRICES FOR COMPARISON PLUSH GARMENTS. 600 new fine Lister's English Seal Flush Sacques, finest Satin lining, at $15, $15 75, $16 50 and $10 75. Worth from $5 to $10 more. 480 fine Lister's Seal Flush Jackets, best Satin linings, $8 25, 88 05, $9 75, $10 75, $11 45. All worth from $6 to $8 more. These Are All Strictly Fresh Goods and Latest Styles. The newest shapes of stylish Long Garments, includ ing the Bishop sleeve, the new Connemara, the JDireo toire, the Pleated front, and every shape just out in New York and Berlin. Fine garments from $0 75 to $25. The plainer long garments at $5, $6, $7 60, $8 76. All tailor-made. IDTOIBIB-r JACKETS. Fine Stockinette, Beaver, Cloth and Cheviot Jackets for Ladies and Misses, ranging from $2 76 to $20. This includes very stylish garments of our own importation. slwf A J I V Ti MISSES' and CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, Over 300 styles are shown here. No such assort ment to be found anywhere else. All the latest novel lies; evry conceivable style, in largest variety, from $2 to 822 60. We can promise you a Baving in every gar ment During this "week we shall give away to every one purchasing 820 and upward in our Cloak Department an ENCYOLOP.BDIA of TJNIVEBSAL KNOWLEDGE, subscription price of which is 86. This is an opportunity to get a splendid, book for nothing. 11 Mil I IMPRY ROOM nniMTINUFS. Fresh novelties daily addled to our immense stock ot Millinery. Every shape, color, quality of Hat and Bonnet to be found here. No use going further. Hundreds of new Trimmed Hats and Bonnets for your selection. We can suit both rioh and poor. New Underwear, Woolen Goods, Furs, Dress Trim mings, Corsets, Jewelry, Gloves, Hosiery and Gents' Fur nishing Goods. Pbseiaii SE,MMEl,MP;27flHiHaifcs NEW ADVERTISEMENTS DO YOU Ckew? THEN GET The Best WHICH IS ITinzer's Old ' 'Honesty. Genuine has a red H tin tag-on every plug OLD HONESTY ia acknowledged to be the PTJBEST and MOST LASTING piece of STANDABD CHEWING TOBACCO on the market Trying it is a better test than any talk about it Give it a fair trial. YOUR DEALER HAS IT. mh2-3Sssu tLl. C V-iSk, . OPTICIAN Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka, nose blades fitted to other eye glasses. Oculist's prescriptions a specialty, AH ttad of lenses cround and spectacles made on the' premises. 908 PENN AVENUE, FITTa Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. my28-92-TTS EHTABLI3HED 1S7U. BLACK GIN TOR THE KTDNEYS Is a relief and sure curs for the Urinary Organs, Gravel and Chronic Catarrh or tfio Bladder. The Swiss Siomaeb Bitisra are a sure cure for Dyspepsia, Tjlver Comnlalnt and vflr Ibase Mass: species of Indigestion. 1V1M flhAprw Tnnie. thn most nnnnUr nwnftn. ation for cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis audi' Lun c Troubles. Either of the above, $1 per bottle,. orSS for $5.. If your drnglst does not handle these good&T ...0 M If Ml 4'IUWiJMUUM, MWO ULA. OC8-71-TTS Pittsburg. Pa. OPTICAL AND MATHEMATICAL GOODSt bpecialty Correct fitting of lenses andl Tramea. aii styles ox npeciacxes ana xje Glasses. Experienced Opticians and our own! factory and workmen are our inducement 1 WH. E STJEBM.Opticiai, 644 SMITHFIELD STPriTSBUBG, PA. zerZi-Tis McMUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM l i Is a preparation of the Drug bywhlchlt3 la' junons enects are removed, wnue tne vaioaois medicinal properties are retained. I possesses all the sedative, anodyne, and antispasmodic powers of Opium, but produces no sickness of vomiting, no costive nesa. no headache. In acute nervous disorder sit is an Invaluable remedy, and ia recommended by the best physicians. E, FERRETT, Agent, 372 Pearl St., New York. mUO-ZT-S provide the best training possible in these Arithmetic, Penmanship, Bookkeeping, Bnort- JAMES C. WDLUAMS. A. M Prea't. rKXHKK NEW ABVEXTISXMEXTR KAUFKANNS' DAILY CARD0F REASON, NOV. 9, ft& vg rrrTRARlj tfcwzr tVtn - And you, who are ever eager zpn SPti iJM' ,,OTMt.l" I , 1 Vk "I you afford to miss this wonderful opportunity to buy Clothingjr Cloaks, Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods? Consult your own interest It answers: No, thrice No! You cannot afford to miss money. And yon do; we know you do. Follow the crowd, then, and come to Kaufmanns to-day. . Don't think we're jesting.. We mean every word we say, and-af a proof of our sincerity we ask you to bring us the advertisement of any competing house and we will produce at from io to 2$ per cent less money any article or garment quoted therein. The following few bargains, picked at random, will give yen an idea of what you may expect to-day: Boys' Caps: Heavy Band quality Plush Turbans at $i 50. Men'g Caps: The popular aijriu, db qi, i ouu u bu pi. Men's Gloves: Extra fine quality lined Kid Gloves at 85 and good quality Scotch Wool Gloves 25c - f Men's Underwear: Very fine Camel's Hair Wool UnderweaV ; at 98c; fine Natural Wool Underwear at 75c; Men's Fine Silk Puff Scarfs: A grand variety at 23c 01 GMl GIFTS ! TO-DAY I WILL SUKIRISEAlTO DELIGHT EVERY JUVENILE HEART. A large tool standard tools, or Overcoat to-day, and a magnificent zinc-trimmed, CpPCfj 15-inch long Saratoga Trunk, with lock and key, in- ss E E ; side partitions 'and leather handles, TO-DAT. Either one of these presents would notion store. We give them absolutely gratis with'everyBoy?s Suit or Overcoat or Girl's Cloak bought to-day and save you money besides. KAUFMANNg? Fifth Avenue and KAILKOADS. . II'MWMTT.TIVTI KAILHOAD ON AND Jtr rter Sepumber a. was. trtn Ieara Union sutloo, r IttrtnrK M toUom. Eastern auadard MAIN LUTE KAarWABH. m. Atlsotle Express dsllr 0f rt?'Jf02:ni-. ilu train. 117, accept 8aa4sjr. SO) a. bw Baa. oit, mail, biw a. m. liar express dally at San a. m. AaucxprfaaaiiTaAiwr. .u. nuiaddphls, express dailr at 4: Eastern express datlr at 7:1 p. trastxoas oauy aisuop. bs. OreensDarjt express siifl p. m. w eex asjs. Jlerrr express 110 a. m. ireex axy- All itni ronch trains eonseet at Jerser atrwttsk beau of "Brooklrn Annex" rBroouynw'1 aToldlncdonblefenlaxaana :oarneTttiroaiX. TralnaarrtT at Vnlon Station as ftnows: Mali rraln. dsUr J:S ? 2 Western Express, daUy ,JJ JJ rssclfleExpreas. dally -fiSS-S ChleaFO Limited Express, dally ,f:2E2 j-astOie. daUr.. ivmrlr9' " Tor Unlonwim, 81S0 ana JJja. m. niP n., wltnont ebanir ofears: ri p. SsJSSZ ln at areensftnrr. Trains arrlre ftom Ualoa town at 9H5 a. nu. llSX.iO and tea p. m. west rEsaairiANjA uryiaioa. From KEUEKAi irr? STATION. AllcgaenrCl. Mall train, connecting for malrsTHle.- Si a. a. ExBressTwr JUalrsrlUe. eonnectlnefor BnUcr rj"Vi f!S52 BaOer Accsm JSOB. m, ni V?T 5 Bprlngasle Aceom9SAn a-nvland 29p.m. JTreeport Accom. 4:14. and H p. D. Unaandar UiSOand JOp. m. IJortnLlo and Mtp. ia. Allegnenr Janctlon Aecommodauon eonnectlnr for Bntier -.JSZ 2 BlatrsTtUeAecomBiodatton ..aKaWKfdSKSSn?!: Trains arrlTe at VZDEUAI. BTBEBX STATlOM Express, coanecUnr from BaUtr .10fl8s.n. Mali Train. ;-i"VvJ!S5'S! Batter Aecom... 1:10 a. m, !aandI08p.ia. BlalrsTllle AmniUtloa....:i!.....-tP. m. rreesort lfls,TaOandMflop. m. On Snnday ,...I0iWa. nuandTiOOp. m. BprlnlTicen....."'-:f'2P'S- Mortn Apollo Accom 1:40a. m. ancS:40p. m. MONOJIQAiEl.AltV13lOI1. XralsaleaTe Union station. nraomDc asftllorc Tor MonoBfaheU CWy.t West BroynsrUle and Union town. fl:40a.m. lrot WoBOBBaneia City and West BrownsTille, 7 and 10:40 ana. and 4:40p.m. On Banday, 1M. p. m. JTor Jtonongaaela CUT. : p. ra week dayi. IrTortHT;Ae..-reexdajri.jMOp.m. AVest ELuabeta Aceommodatias, 1 Jta. m m, eauandUiSBp. m. Sanday. i40 -gr. m. . Ticket oftees Corner sTosxth arenne andTxT street and Union station. General Manacer. Ben'l rass'r Arent. TnT811UK ANU WKSTEUN KAIL WAX X. J Trains ('l Bun dtlrne)! Leave. ArrlTe. Day Ex., Akcon.Toledo, Kanel 7:17 p a 40 as nuer Aeeommooanon... Chicago Expuss (OallT).. ilew OsMe Aeeegmoaatl- U4P sa 7-m saw sa. 4djl StitstS. .5? ff. Miss not the occasion; by tbs forelocttako; That subtle power, the nay er-haltlnji ttoaej. Leet x mere moment's patting off noo4 bssMT auauaaco aunost as heavy as a crane.? X Wordsworth THE BARGAIN BRIGADE .WILL STOEM KiUFWl TO-DAY. v ,. svya lAnrr - j. a1 M uui. o.uug mu waicn tnc'luH,( Note the crowded salesrooms 'janJ the smiling countenances of-Itac Ulli(US. ' V7- It will be a rousing, roaring, rattv ling bargain day. From 8 o'clock this morning till ii o'clock to-night bargains will fall as thick and heavy as hail. Every department in the great store will contribute its quota, and, taken in all, this will pass in history -as one of the most exciting bargain',, days with which Kaufmanns'h'avSs, regaled and surprised the publicV V 1). and anxious to save money, ycaa'"; Most emphatically No! K this chance not if you wanttofsa.Yi Turbans at zoc, and up to finest- Windsor, in College and Jockey .. t-.K I. -M. BJtt ' -mm TO-DAY I TO-DAYj chest, containing a complete set of ij goes gratis with every Boy's Saitl goes gratis with every Girl's Cloak$ cost' you $1, if boaght in a toy ::: Smithfield Street XAIXJMABS. -DENBStTAKU. COMPAJIT'S USS4 J. sept, a; ubsl cbbetu nn-nnartlTTsne. TKA1N8 VtPAJtr As fOHcnrs trom Ualoa SUtlomi Tot CUeasjSk a 7M a.m duaa, dl, d7i4S, except Satordar. Hal p. a.: Toledo. 736 a. a, duELd 10 aad except fearaT. liaap. m. Crtstllae, S: a. m.s Urra. laao, uu a.m jaw asa a ua p.m. ana izm . w T1S X- TV. C Kr.: Saw Castle Bfjsteira. 71W a. m mas, no p. m.j YoHnistoirnandWIlM. dUaOu. m.: JleadTtUew . Jtrleaad AthUbsla. 7aa, su, HdO p.B.: Ulles) Md Jaaseetora, ! JWueLUoa. :Mp.a.j f neeuHKHa BWmirVm auua.Bixiisv J"rl BeaTtr f alji. an f at . ss BeaTer rails, 8M a. u. 1 Leetadalc. ISla.B. ALLWBUI-goeawHg. SJ a. m-j Vtmrm Tails, SiM, llo an.; Enosu x0 p. m.t I sets dale, lflrflB, llia. in, SSB, 4 4:44. J JB, 7MB, sW9 p. m. j Conway, MJ9 p. m.t TaJr Oaks. 3 11:4 a. . a3.:i.eessoaie, onmim TBAlAKKIYX Union atatlsa front CMssj except Monday 19. dStoa. dei a-m, d 9-M Bu m. ; Toledo, exoept Monday lift, d idt a. el, B. is.. UnUlflb 4tlV J Newcastle. SilOa. m.,li and Tons ntown. di xc., XOt, 7:00 a. nut "VV M:1S-d. m.! MaatUloB, MM a. nut KBes ad.; Jamestown, t:lfl a. m. ; Bearer Tails, 74 a. bs 1 jop. nv. Bearer Tails, B M 9. m.; T utiasls,- SJ1WP.B. . AKKTVJE ALL.iMJLNI XTOB1 TH1SSI, -'' . ...a. - . - ..ja h . .- Talis, 7U0a. n, S:4t p. nut Leewdaie, M. tiM,9 7:i. m- 12:007 1:45. irfH, rje. e b. TZi tSe'4 oats. B.saa.Ei.iLeeMaaie, op. aa.t jaaret; If alls. 3 1 OS p. nu . . . . . 1 3. SBsday only; a, asuiyt tM tnmt, tm Bandar. M T-BANHATTDtX BOCTE-JULTt-Hat. aTSIOXR X suuos, Osatni Standard Tlz. tarairsr Cincinnati and St. Lonls, d 7:3 a.nt, M maS a ii:u p. sa. iieoaun, jam 9bu eeamBBft' (, dllll p. BtTTWDeaUns 7J a. lar K e:10p. m. SteaoenTWe, I a. m. niimttgtiZ' Ida, Ids, a. Bu,ia,iL4:i4;ap. m. a. m jinrxvra-town, ouwan ldis.B. . flelo, 7:15, 8:39, 11:08 a. tn 1KO. (dS, d M( 1 n.m. McDonaW. d 4il7d Si4S d. BU Trom tba West 4M0, dS.-flO a. s. Jt, fi sum. Ueanlsim. tda.Bu 8teubeBTUKi SMB. naecucjr. r-sa, e:a.m.. im tewa, 7:V6a.a.,8Sa.m. W t:48, IQjaa. m, fca, 4:44 p. SiX. line a. ax-7S94Sl J-ss. Tfl 0 and a 4:la.BV iiMaui, I'.ssp.m. jaeveuiasv attm a.xv.o su sa. . d dy: & BudAT only otktr tntu. A J;I.8HE-VAx,LET EATX.HOAB- VTraba leam Union Station Iflllm sassukual tsav)i Eltunalar Ae J6 a. as.: fjtsMiL daSy. S:4 a. mtT Hnlton Ac, Ujiat a.17ta4. Casap AC, XMV. MmlMI mvsa- Mn m.. uu citrus 1 3k"- nlunAe.,ssB.BviJ jscaeDurn 1,1 ??.' J BTmt)u . MSii l -MUfMi ZuU. u: i je, . .:CnTetsd, dlv ir and BellMje, 'tjK.. '&& hi IK ?Er "? Wdsssssssssssssi SBBBBsT JWSBBBBBR sc IT t 7 J ; fe .