Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 09, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    ' J-VsisS
The Largest Iron and Steel Industry
in the "Whole World.
Snperior to Anything That Has Been De
Tised in This Conntrj.
Oriecs for Canon for Prince and Unfriendly Got
ernmenls Eefnsed,
A report to the State Department shows
that Krnpp has a secret agent in every
country looking after the interests of the
immense establishment.' A number of im
provements have been made in the method
tf making big guns, as well as special
machinery for other purposes.
Boston, November 8. Apropos of the
report that the Krupps intended to establish
a branch of their extensive gun works at
tsome point on the line of the Monongahela
river, in Pennsylvania, comes a very
interesting report to the State Depart
ment by Consul Partello, of Dusselldorh.
in which he refers to the enormous opera
tions of this well-known establishment.
After describing the condition and kind
treatment of the employes, which has been
told in print more than once, the consul
gives a few facts which are not generally
known. He writes:
Protected by numerous patents and labor
saving machinery they are turning; ont every
character and class of steel and iron work
known. When applied to recently to purchase
for Germany tiie patent of the Pneu
matic Gun Carriage Company, of Washington,
they declined, on the ground that they had
better machinery of their own invention. In
reply to a recent proposition for a number of
first-class irons from a certain Dartv. they re
fused to do the work at a loss of large profit
-enter information secretly obtained that the
sos would ultimately labd in France.
That the Krnpp establishment has its secret
-agent in every important country there is
little donbt. This was demonstrated in
a measure during the recent visit to
their office of an ordnance officer of the
United States army. This gentleman came to
offer the works a contract for about J25,(XX
worth of cun material at their own
prices. The offer was declined with
the Information that the works only
contract for complete guns in large quantities.
They were fully advised of the officer's visit,
Inew the character of his orders, hit departure
for home, his arrival here, and all about his
business m general, and further refused him
the privilege of inspecting any part of the
Access to this establishment of late has not
been granted to every sightseer, and only those
se admitted having business, and then only
xder charge of an attendant. Long sections
of heavy T trail are made complete in 10
1n sections of 40 feet long. The new minutes,
pneumatic gun carriages are made and sold are
claimed to be tbe best in existence, and
3-ecently a new process has been introduced
S or the boring out of large guns. In one of the
large -gun shops have been erected two
traveling cranes said to be the largest in
the world, and in process of completion
are a number of guns contracted for by the
Italian Government for coast defense. These
gunf are about 40 fret lonjr, weigh 225,000
"on nds each and are supposed to cost delivered
tlr.er round.
They are breech loading, of 18-ineh bore,
with heavy rims or bands separately placed on
the breech and are said to be the largest guns
made. A light inserted at tbe muzzle
Tevealed the most perfect workmanship
on tbe inside in the rifling process.
Instead of tbe old method of cutting out tbe
core anew plan has been invented to take it
out in one section, with improved tools, thus
saving much labor and expense; This is
accomplished bv a cylinder-shaped tool
which is worked and added to in sections.
Tilth well tempered teeth, and slow, revolving
motion, which in the hands of experienced,
workmen is done with thoroughness and suc
cess. Mistakes seldom or never occur, and the
entire side section of the gun or core is taken
out in one perfect piece.
Coal and coke is consumed at an average of
-WOO tons per day, 2,000 of tCch are used in the
forge works and steamers; water
about 18,834 to 26 898 cubic meters per
iay: gas about 13,350 to 42,700 cubic
meters per day. In all forges are daily wrought
j,w mj a,aai wua ui iruu ore or tneir own
mines; about 3,000 tons of coal are forwarded
every day. In accordance with the last w-Tento-y
the total number of all persons
emnloyed at the works as 25,605, of which
11,211 are in the cast steel works.aud 8,394 in the
mines: including the families of the emnlovM
there are 65,381 people. In the buildings of the
Revival of a Scheme to Shorten the Oceaa
Passage A Brldce Slay be Built
Between Newfoundland and
the Stain Land.
Otta-wa, Ont., November 8. The an
nouncement that Mr. E. J. Bender has suc
ceeded in making arrangements in London
for the purchase of the Quebec and Mon
treal Railway and its extension to the
Straits of Belle Isle, revives the proposal
General Sir Selby-Smythe laid before the
Dominion Government in 1879 for diverting
the Arctic current from the Gulf of St
Lawrence by filling in the Straits of Belle
Isle, which would serve as a bridge con
necting Newfoundland with the main land
for railway purposes.
The idea of running a line of railway
along the north shore of the St. Lawrence to
Belle Isle, to connect there by a ferry with
a line of railway crossing Newfoundland, is
not a modern invention. As giving the
shortest possible sea voyage across the At
lantic, it has frequently been referred to in
the Dominion Parliament as one of those
projects which must follow in the line of
march of civilization. General Smythe's idea
of constructing a dam across the straits does
not appear to have been original with that
gentleman, as Lieutenant Maury, it is un
derstood, laid a similar nronosal "before the
British Government over 30 years ago.
In his report to the Dominion Govern
ment, General Smythe drew attention to the
fact that the -Staits of Belle Isle open to the
northeast, thus receiving the direct flows of
the polar current down Baffin's Bay.
This icy stream, at from two to four miles
an hour, pours its way into the Gulf of St.
Lawrence, overcoming by its greaterdensity
tie warm Gulf Stream from the Southern
latitudes. Tbe cold stream, he says,divides
into two branches near Cape 1' Amour, one
running westward up the gulf, arid the other
southeastward, discharging into the ocean
again between Newfoundland and Cape
The General explains that this branch
then sweeps along the eastern coast of Nova
Scotia, and shoulders off the warm water
further out to sea, which would otherwise
find its way along the shores of the conti
nent and into the gulf. If, therefore, the
poiar current could be excluded and de
flected eastward of Newfoundland into the
open ocean, the climatic effect, by the ex
change of cold for warm water, wonld be
very marked in the gulf and adjacent
Sergeant at Arms Leedom Declares
That Ohio Went Democratic
AntMTahone Republicans JTainly Snowed
the Little Loss Under,
What Has Lti Up to Iowa's Being Almost One of the
Doabtfal States.
Prominent politicians in Washington who
reside in the States which were struck with
the political cyclone of Tuesday, are yet
busily engaged in telling how it happened.
Sergeant at Arms Leedom, of the House,
says Ohio is Democratic to stay. Iowa is
called a doubtful State, and Virginia, it is
said, was carried against Mahone, not by
frauds, but by An ti-Mahone Republicans.
JSxapps are dwelling at present 18,698 persona.
Mln Dodce Thlnka Female Member of
Educational Boards Are a Needed
Acquisition The Good Work
of Thoao Who Tried.
New Yokk. November 8. Now that the
term of office of New York's women Com
missioners of Education is about to expire,
thongh it is impossible to determine fully
the result of their influence, it may be inter
esting to premise, from the guarded lan
guage of Miss Dodge, what theirattitude has
been in the much-needed measures of reform
instituted during their term of service. Miss
Dodge was asked to-day "whether she be
lieved in women being on the Board of Edu
cation?" and her reply was:
"During the past three years I have
studied tbe question most earnestly, not
onlv from my own experience, but also from
that of friends who are serving as members
of school boards in other cities, as Boston,
cpnngueiu, vimCaK0 8na .rniiaaeipnia. It
is the unanimous leeling and growing con
viction of all, that there is much that
-women alone can do, esDecially as the ma
jority of teachers are women and the pro
portion of female pupils is so great. In the
above cities women hold prominent places
as chairmen of important committees, and
judging from the increase in their number,
the public appreciates their work. I have
recently met a ladv who is a member of the
Xondon School Board, and find women
lave been doing good service there for
nnany years.
"In the West women take an active cart
in educational matters. In fact, many of
the finest principals and teachers through
out the country are women. In Philadel
phia they are elected to serve on local
'boards, and are thus brought into very
close relationship with principals and
teachers. Here in New York I think we
need more "women on our local boards of
trustees. At pre-ent there is only one."
"What have you personally done during
jour term?"
"It would hardly be in order for me to
answer, except in general terms, that I have
wied to faithfully attend the meetings of
the board, as well as those of the committee
to which X have been assigned; to uphold
in all respects its by-laws: to give attention
to all its business; to thoroughly visit all
school buildings and departments, and to
investigate thoroughly all matters that
have been brought to my attention."
Frantic Attempt of a Convicted Prisoner to
Commit Suicide Hit Fnther-lo-Law
Falls Uncouicloua and a Juror
Slay Dlo From nn Attack
of Heart Dlienae.
Lo'WXLii, Mass., November 8. Judge
Sherman's court and the spectators wit
nessed a terrible scene this forenoon. John
Booth, found guilty of criminal assault,
attempted to commit suicide in the court
room. He was prevented by officers, after a
desperate resistance, during which his wife
and father-in-law fainted away and tbe fore
man of a jury on another case succumbed to
an attack of heart disease, which may prove
Booth was cool until he heard his sen
tence of 15 years in the State prison pro
nounced. The court proceedings were go
ing on, when suddenly a woman screamed,
and Booth was seen dashing his head up
and down on the railing in front of him.
He then rose upon the chair upon which he
stood, and dashed himself headlong against
the rail.
There was a chorus of screams from the
women. The man in the dock was fairly
insane. His wife fell over senseless, and
was caught by a bystander. An officer on
each side leaped into the dock add tried to
hold the would-be suicide. He shook them
off as if they were infants. All the 'officers
in court rushed into the bar, and ten stal
wart men were in a mement engaged
in confining him with handcuffs. He was
at last ironed, but not until he had dropped
to the floor, limp as a rag, with his face
black from strangulation. He was carried
to an adjoining room.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Booth had been carried
from the room, and her father-in-law lay
upon the floor senseless. Foreman John C.
Sweeney, of the second iurv. fell nioririiii
an attack of heart disease in his chair. The
scene was a prolonged one of excitement,
but order was finally restored.
Washington, November 8. Mr. John
P. Leedom, the Democratic Sergeant .at
Arms of the House of Representatives, re
turned from Ohio, to-day in a very jubilant
mood. The only regret he has is that the
Bepublicans had a majority of some 18 or
20 in his county. He says that there is a
possibility just a possibility of the election
ofsomeoftheBepublican State ticket, but
that the Legislature, like the Governorship,
is Democratic. He attributes the victory
largely to the tariff, and says there is
practically a revolution in Ohio on that
subject. Some of the greatest gains were
made by tbe Democrats, he says, where
they talked hardly anything but tariff
reform to tbe people. In Cincinnati the
Democratic gains were among the solid
business men. In Akron a gain was made
of 1,100 votes on the tariff issue.
a. rune canvass.
"Campbell made the finest canvass ever
made in the State," said Mr. Leedom, "and
comes out bf the fight as fresh as he went in.
In one day I know he made five speeches, and
good speeches. He made no mistake. He
kept cool and acted for himself. He knew
of the ballot box boomerang Halstead was
going to throw at nim, three weeks before
the matter became known to the public, and
he did not tell even the members of his com
mittee. He simply waited until the proper
time came, and was ready."
"Do you think the victory will be perma
nent in its effects?" was asked.
"Yes, the fight is on in the Bepublican
party, and the Democrats will hold the
State for years to come. Foraker's friends
have their knives sharpened and are going
to stab every member of the Sherman fac
tion they can get a blow at. There is
or compromise. The Foraker men know that
their candidate was cut, and they are going
to have revenge. It will be war to the death
between the two factions. There is no doubt
that Grosvenor and others of Sherman's
friends cut under Foraker wherever they
they could, and Foraker knows it, A promi
nent friend of Foraker's said to me on the
cars as I came to Washington, that every
man of the Sherman clique who stuck his
head out would have a knife put in him.
They were politically dead in'Ohio, he de
clared. The resnlt of the victory will be
that we will gain at least six new members
at the next Congressionsl election, and if
Grosvenor or any of those men are nominated
they will be defeated. We are liable to
carry some of the strongest Bepublican dis
tricts. By the present vote we would have
elected Democrats in five Congressional dis
tricts. "Ohio," he added, "is sure to go
Democratic in 1892." Lighikeb.
An Italian Loses the Girl Who Came
America to Slurry Him.
Buffalo, November 8. Pasquale Boun
vito recently paid the ocean transportation
of pretty little Pappina Forentunto from
Italy to this country so that she might be
come his bride. The girl reached Buffalo
all right, but did not seem fascinated with
her lover, who is in prosperous circum
stances but not handsome. While domi
ciled with an old Italian woman, prepara
tory to the wedding, she met Giusepi Secter,
a good-looking Italian, who told her that
she could marry anybody she wanted to in
this iree country The wedding ceremony
was not entirely completed when the bride
eloped with her Buffalo lover and went to
Niagara Falls.
The bridegroom, who is a biir. roo.
Italian, traced them to the falls, and there
lost track of them. He was prepared to
stiletto both or the elopers, and people who
knew him say that if he has the chance he
will certainly commit murder. Voti;.,,.
find the runaways himself, he to-day noti
fied the police, and they have sent ont
descriptions of the elopers. They will fake
care that Pasqnaie will not get a chance to
till the guilty couple, in case they are
brought back here, though that is not likely
for Secter has plenty of monev, and Is said"
to be the scapegrace son of a prominent
Italian family. His father is a count.
Until tbe First of Next Month In Philadel-
t, phla's Postoffice.
Philadelphia, .November 8. John
Field will not be postmaster until Decem
ber L Postmaster Harrity will hold the
title until that date. Mr. Field,
ex-Senator Benjamin F. Hnghes, whom
he has named as assistant postmaster, and
Superintendent of Mails Alexander went to
Washington to see Postmaster General
Wanamaker regarding tbe transfer, the
filing of tbe official bond and other matters
connected with tbe postoffice.
Mr. Field and his party returned to
day, and the former announced that it was
the wish of Postmaster General Wana
maker that Mr. Harrity should be given all
the time he desired in preparing for the
Mrs. Cope, the Alleged Insane Wealthy
Widow, Testifies for Henell.
Philadelphia, November 8. The
hearing on a writ of habeas corpus
requiring the production by Henry
Deringer in court of Josephine C.
Cope, widow of Cabel Cope " and
issued upon the affidavit of Mrs. George E.
Coolidge, her half sister, and of Peter F.
Cope, her younger son, setting forth that
she had been decoyed from her home. Nn
718 Spruce street, by Mr. Deringer and re
strained of her liberty by him at his house,
began at 11 o'clock this morning berore
Judge. Hare.
Mrs. Cope was the chief witness in her
own behalf. She said: "I am staving
at No. 1530 Spruce street with Mrs.
Deringer. I have not been, nor am I re
strained of my.liberty or controlled by anv
one. I would not allow that. My stay
there is temporary. I have not decided
when I will return to my home. I
have two sons, Porter and Caleb. Porter
will be 21 next June. Caleb is four years
older. My visit to Henry Deriuger's house
was not procured by him. I left my home
voluntarily, for reasons which I thought
good and sufficient"
At the suggestion of the Court the. case
was held open for private settlement.
Virginia Republican Ably Helped the Dcm
oernttt to Kill Mahone.
Washington, November 8. Judge
Keith, one of the most prominent Democrats
in Fauquier county, "Virginia, is in the city,
and says of the Virginia election: "I have
seen some very bitter political fights in Vir
ginia, bnt I never saw such a display of
venom as that shown by the anti-Mahone
Bepublicans. Why, it was impossible for
him to win. The only Bepublican Governor
we have had since the war, the only Bepub
lican Senators in the same period, and the
only Bepublican Congressman-at-Large,
were all opposed to him. There was
not a single Bepublican newspaper of
any repute but was against him. I am
aware that Mahone believed he would get
the full negro vote, but he evidently did not
know the negro. When the leaders whom he
has followed since emancipation do not di
rect him, he is helpless, and I know that a
great many negroes did not vote at all this
year, because the men to whom they looked
for advice either wonld not give it or else
told him to go home and not bother them
selves about the election.
"I wonder how the President feels about
the matter? He was told by such Bepubli
cans as Cameron, John Wise, Senator
Lewis and Biddleberger how the election
was going to turn out, but he did not seem
to believe them, and they realized it. Then
they went home to make good their
prophecy.' Seems to me they did it. You
can say very positively," concluded the
Judge, "that there was not any Democratic
fraud, because we knew we could win any
Solicitor of the Treasury Hepbarn Says
Emigration Has Helped the Demo
crats An Antl-Froblbitlon
Sentiment Growth.
Washington, November 8. "The Leg
islature of Iowa is Bepublican, and Senator
Allison will be elected to succeed himself,"
said Jmlge Hepburn, Solicitor of the Treas
ury, to the correspondent of The Dispatch
to-day. "We have lost the Governorship,
however, and that is something of a surprise
to me, and it is possibly more of a surprise
to the rest of the country, which has been
accustomed to look on Iowa as
certain to be Bepublican till the blowing of
tbe last trumpet. The fact is, however,
that Iowa is a very close, if not a doubtful
State. We have, during the last five years,
lost Bepublican votes by the tens of
thousands. Twenty-five thousand Bepubli
cans have emigrated from the State during
the last five years, going farther West and
Northwest to settle up the still newer
countries. Probably we have lost 25,000
more Republican votes in that time by the
disaffection of Germans, Bohemians and
other foreigners, on account of the temper
ance and Snnday question.
"Why, you ask, did the Bepublican party
take such a position as to drive these people
out of the party? Well, the Bepublican
party in Iowa had a great majority in favor
of prohibition, and it was thought wise to
endeavor to hold 0,000 or 60,000 native
Americans who favored prohibition rather
than half that number of foreigners opposed
to it. The party was between two hot fires,
and was bonnd to suffer anyway, and it
chose the tactics" by which it suffered least.
"We could carry the Legislature, how
ever, even if the State were solidly Demo
cratic. The apportionment for Senators
and Representatives was made by a consti
tutional enactment, SO years ago, and pan
only be changed by changing the Constitu
tion. By that apportionment a county with
a small copulation has the same representa
tion as a connty with a much larger popu
lation, and you will recognize the advantage
this gives to the Bepublicans, wben I tell
you that the few populous counties furnish
a large portion of the Democratic vote,
those counties having cities with a large
ioreign population, while the lesser popula
tion in the rural counties are solidly Be
publican." MONTANA IS A STATE.
President Harriioa Issues a Proclamation
Formally Admitting; tbe New Com
monwealth All of the Condi
tion! Have Been AcccDted.
Washington, November 8. President
Harrison signed and Issued the following
proclamation at 10.40 o'clock this morning:
Whereas, The Congress of the United
States did by an act approved on the 22d day
ot February, 1889, provide that the inhabitants
of tbe Territory of Montana might on the con
ditions prescribed in said act, become the
the State of Montana;
And. whereas, it was provided by said act
that delegates elected at therein provided to a
constitutional convention in the Territory of
Montana should meet at tbe call of the Gover
nor of tbe Territory: and after they had met
and organized, they should declare on behalf
of tbe people of Montana that they adopt tbe
Constitution of the United States; whereupon
the said conventien should be authorized to
form a State government for the proposed
State of Montana;
And, whereas, it was provided by said act
that the constitution so adopted should be re
publican in form and make no distinction m
civil or political Tights on acconnt of race or
color, except as to Indians not taxed and not to
be repugnant to tbe Constitution of the United
States and tbe principles of the Declaration of
independence, ana mat ine convention snouid,
by an ordinance irrevocable without tbe con
sent of the United States and the people of
said State, make certain provisions prescribed
In said act; ,
And, whereas, it was provided by said act
that tbe Constitution thus formed for tbe peo
ple of Montana should, by an ordinance ol tbe
convention forming tie same, be submitted to
the people of Monuniat an election to be held
therein on tbe first Tuesday In October, 18S9,
for ratification or rejection by the qualified
voters of said proposed State, and that there
turns of said election should be made to tbe
Secretary of said Territory, who, with the Gov
ernor and Chief Justice thereof, or any two of
them, should canvass the same; and, if a ma
jority of the legal votes cast should be for the
Constitution, the Governor thould certify the
result to the President of the United States,
together with a statement of the votes cast
thereon, and upon separate articles or propo
sitions, and a copy of said Constitution, ar
ticles, propositions and ordinances;
And, whereas, it has been certified to me by
tbe Governor of said Territory that within the
time prescribed by said act'of Congress a Con
stitution for the proposed State of Montana
has been adopted, and that the same, together
with two ordinances connected therewith, has
been ratified by a majority of the qualified
voters of said proposed State, in accordance
with the conditions prescribed in said act;
And, whereas, a duly authenticated copy of
said Constitution and ordinances as required,!)?
said act, has been received by me:
Now, therefore. L, Benjamin Harrison, Presi
dent of tbe United States of America, do, in
accordance with tbe provisions of the act of
Congress aforesaid, declare and proclaim tbe
fact that the conditions imposed by Congress
on the State of Montana, to entitle that State
to admission to the Union, have been ratified
and accepted, and that tbe admission of the
said State into the Union is now complete.
The T. M. JT. L fc IT. I. Directors
Hare Called Another Meeting
To Keep the Wolf From the Door and Pre
Tent the Closing of the
Continued from First Page.
What the Library Has Accomplished in Local Edu
cational Hatters.
The Pittsburg Library Association is to
get together and devise ways and means to
prevent the sale of the building under the
present judgment. Good work has been ac
complished in tbe past and the Board is
loth to see it come to naught. Conditions
of the original grant are given.
As will be seen by reference to an adver
tisement the directors of the Young Men's
Mercantile Library Association have called
a meeting to be held at thai rooms of the
library Monday afternoon, 11th inst.. to
consider the crisis in the affairs of the asso
ciation, growing out of the pending fore
closure and sale of the hall.
Mr. J. F. Hudson, one of the board, states
that they had been working for the purpose
of securing the postponement of the sale in
order to get more time to see if the money
cannot be raised so as to obtain
control of the judgment in which the
property is to be sold. He also stated that
it was understood from Mr. Brunot in Sep
tember that he would have no objection if
the arrangement did not interfere with Mr.
C. J. Clarke's arrangements. Further, it is
stated that Mr. Clarke, in an interview, said
he did not wish to see the property sold, but
wished to see it preserved to the use of the
library, but that since then he has seen Mr.
Brunot, and he will no't consent to postpone
ment. If anything is to be done, therefore, to
prevent tbe sale, it must be done within
three weeks, and tbe call is issued to get
the members together and see whether, by
gift or loan, sale can be prevented. Some
gentlemen have already stated that they
would subscribe to a fund to purchase the
judgment for the benefit of the library. Now
the object is to get the members aroused.
The judgment is for $66,000, of which $16,
000 can be paid out of a fund the Library
Hall Company has already on hand, leaving
$50,000 unprovided for. If that amount can
be raised, a property, at present yielding a
large revenue, can be preserved for the pur
pose for which it was dedicated.
sistant Postmaster General Clarkson said
to-night: "In the Bepublican party
or the nation there are few
men better known or more widely
admired than Colonel Gopdloe. The an
nouncement of this afternoon's tragedy will
be like a personal grief to the thousands of
Bepublicans throughout tbe North.
'Colonel Goodloe could have had recog
nition under the present administration,
but he preferred to stay in Kentucky be
cause of his business interests. He was a
man of absolute fearlessness, manly and
Ont of Which to Secure a United'
States Senator in Ohio.
When Undertaker Martin, of Vin
cennes, Ind., went the other day to conduct tbe
funeral of Mrs. Sophronla Martinhe found un
mistakable signs of life in the corpse. Tbe
burial has been postponed until it can be
ascertained whether the woman is really dead
or only In a tr.rcc.
suggested them and why they
TrravA artrmtjxA tet 4f1t it- o cam p
nnfort nntrniiota i. , .. i merry when the contents of the box were re-
m 2rr? to-morrow's Vealed, but none laughed louder or longer
iiafAwa, - man uncie
A BInnder That Will Delay the Departure
of Two Senator From Home.
Washington, November 8. The Sena
tors from the State of Washington will have
to hurry in order to arrive here by the open
ing of Congress. On Saturday last the
State Department received the election re
turns from that far away geographical divis
ion, and discovered that they had not been
certified by the Governor. The Washing
ton authorities were at once notified of the
blunder they had made, and as soon as they
heard of it they sent a properly certified
batch of documents, which will arrive in a
day or two.
The proclamation, has to be made out and
signed after the proper retnrns are in, and
not until the President's ultimatum reaches
the Governor can he call the Legislature
together. The Senators then have to be
elected, and the indications seem to point
to a rather hurried departure for this city,
with a possibility of a couple of belated
He Receive a Box of Rare Indian Flants
Called a Dog; House.
Washington, November 8. "Mr. Sec
retary, your dog house has arrived," said a
messenger to-day to Secretary Busk, of the
Agricultural Department. "Dog house?
Dog house?" exclaimed Uncle Jerry,
"What do I want with a dog house? I
don't keep a dog." Nevertheless, the Sec
retary put on his hat and Vent out to in
vestigate for himself. On an express wagon
was a structure very closely resembling a
dog house, but on close inspection it proved
to be a box of rare plants from Bombay,
The crowd that had gathered became very
Land Records Found Tbat May Complicate
Matters Considerably.
Washington, November 8. Commis
sioner Groff is having the musty records of
the Land Office overhauled and put in
shape, so that the office force and the. public
may have easy access to them. To-day,
while clerks were engaged in cleaning out
what appeared to be rubbish in a neglected
corner of the Land Office, the clerks ran
across a bundle of dingy papers. On in
spection thev proved to be cash applications
to pnrchase lands in Winamac district, In
diana, and dated as far back as December,
1840. These papprs have been called for on
several occasions by Congressiodal commit
tees, and have been missing for several
years, and of late had been given up for
On investigation it has been discovered
that since the discontinuance of the per
manent record books, two years ago, in
which all communications and DaDers. etc..
of the Land Office were inscribed, and letter
press copies made of the matter mentioned,
the last named are rapidly becoming
illegible. As these letter press copies are
the only record at present, under the rules
established, there is grave fear that unless it
is rescinded there will be nothing legal to
show as records.
Kentucky Election Celebratora Charged
With Blowing Up a Postoffice.
Washington, November 8. Postmaster
General Wanamaker to-day received the
following telegram:
LotnsA. Kr., November 7, 1889.
Hon. John Wanamaker, Postmaster General,
Washington, P. C:
'l claim protection and redress at the hands
of tbe Government. I am postmaster at this
place, and had the handsomest fourth-class
office in Northwestern Kentucky, surpassing
man r Presidents! offiees. My office is this
morning completely demolished, being the
worl: of a few persons- wanting to let tbe post
master bcre know how Ohio bad gone politi
cally. They used high explosives, dynamite
and other combustibles, caved in the front
door, broke every window in the front of the
building, threw open the shutters, and this
moruing I find my office little protection to
United States mails, poncbes, or money order
deposits. This being a distributing office the
finding of the guilty parties will be an easy
task, for a detective force.
B, C. McClttrz, Postmaster.
Postmaster General Wanamaker will
have the alleged outrage investigated, with
a view to bringing the guilty parties before
th t courts.
morrow's DISPATCH, describes
me anrtKiTig ana gambling cus
toms of the Far East . ,. ,
The work of the Library Association has
been much restricted by lack of funds, but,
nevertheless, it has done much good. It
has kept the library open, and the accumu
lation of valuable publications is consider
able, books that cannot be had by the gen
erality of readers, and the directors express
astonishment at the result of a record kept,
showing that an unexpectedly large propor
tion of the reading done by patrons is of
solid matter. The fiction department has
run low, and it has been ascertained that
the cheapness of this kind of reading has de
creased the demand for it at the library.
The record shows an average of 138 visitors
daily and 257 on Saturday. Abont 50
books are taken ont daily, a good record for
a library that has practically supported
itself, its outside help not having exceeded
600 since its organization, all other ex
penses having been borne by the members
themselves. It is agreed that if they can
utilize the revenue that should come to
them the usefulness of the library can be. in
definitely extended.
The act to incorporate the Mercantile
Library Hall Company provides that it shall
be the duty of the corporation, as soon as a
sufficient amount of stock shall have been
subscribed, to purchase gronnd and erect
thereon a suitable and commodious library
building for the use of the Young Men's
Mercantile Library and Mechanics' Insti
tute, incorporated in 1849 to be
perpetually leased to the Yonng Men's
Library and Mechanics' Institute on, the
following terms:
The Tonng Men's Library and Mechanics'
Institute shall pay to the corporation here
by created, on or before the first day of
January in each year, all necessary repairs
and taxes to which said grourids and build
ings may be subjected, and in addition a
sum not over 6 percent per annum on the
whole cost of said ground and building, or
such part thereof as shall not have been re
paid by the said Mercantile Library to the
corporation; and in consideration of the pay
ment of taxes, repairs and interest, the
Yonng Men's Mercantile Library and
Mechanics' Institute shall forever hive
entire possession and control of said ground
and the buildings erected thereon, and shall
have power to sub-let the whole, or any por
tion thereof, and collect the rent and reve
nues, and make appropriation of the same.
Provided, nevertheless, that whatever rents
and revenues they may receive, over and
above the amount of taxes, interesPand re
pairs, shall be. paid .to the corporation, to
reimburse the same for the cost of the
ground and buildings; and provided, far
ther, that if the Young Men's Mercantile
Library and Mechanics' Institute shall, at
any time, be in arrears for two whole years'
taxes, repairs and interest, then thev shall
forfeit their lease, and the corporation may,
after six months' notice to the president and
managers of said Mercantile Library,
take possession; in that event, the
corporation hereby created shall an
nually pay to the Young Men's Mercantile
Library and Mechanics' Institute, such
proportion of the net revenue from ground
and buildings, as the amount paid by the
Young Men's Mercantile Library and Me
chanics' Institute toward the reimburse
ment of the cost of the ground and build
ings, shall be to the whole cost thereof, and
in case of sale of the whole or any part of
the Mercantile Library and Mechanics'
Institute shall be entitled to a liKe propor
tion of the proceeds of sale. The
corporation hereby created may bor
row money to an amount not exceeding the
sum actually paid in, and may issue its
bonds therefor; and its funds shall be ex
pended as provided in this act, in buying
suitable ground and erecting and furnish
ing proper and commodious buildings for
the use of the Young Men's Mercantile
Library and Mechanics' Institute.
On March 10, 1871, an agreement was
made between the Y. M. M. L. & M. I. and
the M. L. H. Co. in consequence of the net
revenue of the buildings being insufficient
to pay repairs, taxes and interest ou tbe
cost, that the Mercantile Library Hall
Company should retain possession for the
benefit of the Y- M. L. A. for 10 years or
until such further time as the floating
debt of the company should be paid
and annual rents, etc., should reach
6 per cent per annum on the
whole cost of grounds and buildings. No
charge or debit was to be made to the Y.
M. L. A. for any deficiency in the net
amount of revenues, and whenever these net
revenues should exceed 6 per cent on the
cost of ground and buildings the excess was
to be applied b7 the hall company to liqui
dation of indebtedness. The. net proceeds
were to be first devoted to payment of in
terest on indebtedness, and second to liqui
dation of floating debt and mortgage bonds
of the Library Hall Company.
It will be remembered by those interested
that on a review of the whole subject it has
been held by some people that the buyer of
the property will take it subject to an in
extinguishable claim of the Y. M. M. L. &
M. L, but nevertheless the,re is enough
legal fog about the matter to make some in
interest uncomfortable. There seems to be
a general impression among the Library
Company, however, that tha indebtedness
must be met, and they hope a way oat of tbe
Mrs. Caroline Donovaa Donates 8100.689
to the Johns Hopkins University A
Tlmefor aad Most Welcome Bene-
action Sodden Fame.
Baltimore, November 8. Mrs. Caro
line Donovan, an aged widow, formerly of
A ew York but now of this city, came to the
rescue of the Johns Hopkins University to
day with a gift of $100,000. Mrs. Donovan
resides near Catomville, in Baltimore
county, and was comparatively unknown
until to-day, when her munificence brought
her into prominence.
Several days ago Mrs. Donovan sent a
communication to Mayor Latrobe, request
ing him to come to her home, as she wished
to consult with him as her counsel. Mrs.
Donovan, upon meeting Mayor Latrobe,
told him.that she had $100,000 which she
desired his advice about, as she wished to
give it to some deserving institution.
Mayor Latrobe suggested the Johns Hop
kins University, and Airs. Donovan at once
' heartily approved of the suggestion. She
had, she said, long entertained a deep in
terest in the work of the institution, and no
other that could have been suggested would
have more thoroughly harmonized with her
Mrs. Donovan was at first greatly averse
to letting her name be known as the donor
or the money, but at last yielded this point,
on condition that the presentation should
take place as privately as possible, and with
the hope, suggested by Mayor Latrobe, that
her gift would lead others to emulate her
example. It was arranged that a
check for the amount should be
handed over to the trustees in
the Mayor's office, in the City Hall, at noon
to-day. All the trustees by invitation as
sembled, and in a neat speech the Mayor
presented the gift. He said tbe income
should be nsed in tbe endowment of a chair.
Mrs. Donovan's preference, said the Mayor,
is the study of English literature, but at the
same time she does not wish to encumber
the gift with this condition, and therefore
leaves it to be decided by tbe University.
Mrs. Donovan also stated, through the
Mayor, that the money had been earned by
herself, and that no relation had any claim
on even a portion of it. It is generally un
derstood that Mrs. Donovan, who had been
left a handsome fortune by her husband, in
vested a portion of the capital in stocks,
which yielded the amount she so generously
donated to-day.
Which Leaves the Field Open to a Lone I&t
of Ambitions Hen.
With No Less Than Three Other Candidates Wsriiif
for His Bnccess.
Original Claims Will Hereafter Seeetva tha
Most Prompt Attention.
WASHiNGTOur, November . General
Baum, the Commissioner of Pensions, pro
poses to facilitate by all proper means the
adjudication of original pension ap
plications. He finds that about
halt tbe claims coming before the
office are in the interest of persons who have
never received pensions, while the other half
are made up of applications for an increase
or rerating'oi pension. General Baum is of
the opinion that other things being equal, a
person who has never received a pension is
more entitled to prompt consideration than
one who is already on the pension rolls.
While it is not the Commissioner's inten
tion to neglect the applications of those al
ready pensioned,! rarger force will hereafter
be put at work on original cases, and they
will be acted upon with more promptness
than heretofore.
OIcKee'a Bulletin.
14 pounds granulated sugar $1 00
15 potlnds "A" white sugar. 1 00
14& pounds extra white sugar. 1 00
16 pounds Jight yellow sugar 1 00
Sugar-cnred hams 11
Thurber's best maple syrup, per quart. 20
Mustard sardines, 3 boxes for 25
Sardines in oil, 5 boxes for 25
New evaporated apricots, per ponnd. . . 15
New 3-pound can apricots. 16
New Turkey prunes, 6 pounds for.. ... 25
New salmon, per can 15
New farina, 6 pounds for 25
New canned pears, 3-pound can 15
New sifted French peas, per can 12
New 3-pound can pumpkin 25
New pitted cherries, a pounds tor 2o
New California prunes, 3 pounds for. . 25
New French prunes, 3 pounds lor 25
New Turkey prunes, 6 pounds' for 25
7 pounds Y. Hyson tea for........' 1 00
6 pounds good Japan tea for 1 00
7 pounds good English Breakfast for.. 1 00
7 pounds good mixed tea 1 00
If the above teas fail to give satisfaction
money refunded.
2 pounds best New York Goshen cheese 25
2 ponnds best Wisconsin Sweitzer 35
McKee's best Amber flour 120
Famous, best family.-. 1 22
Tancleef, finest patent 1 37
Schumacher's F. 8 1 58
7 pounds rolled Oats, 25
7K pounds Schumacher's oatmeal.... 25
4 pounds Kingsford's corn starcn 25
1 pound Silver Gloss starch 7
9 pounds large lump starch 25
9 pounds new hulled buckwheat 25
New York sifted Navy beans, per bush. 2 25
AH orders accompanied with cash or P.
O. money order will receive prompt atten
tion. Freight paid on $10 worth and up
ward, exclusive of sugar. Send for'circular.
Joseph McKee,
30 Ohio st, Allegheny,
The burning question in Ohio, now that
it is settled tbe Democracy has captured the
Legislature-, is who will succeed Senator
Payne? At present there are a number of
candidates. John H. Thomas,. a millionaire
manufacturer of Springfield, has always
been an avowed candidate: -dtfiers are
prominently mentioned, though, and the
race promises to be an exciting one.
CnrcnrKATi, November 8. "Who will
succeed Senator Payne?" is a most fre
quently asked question in Cincinnati now.
Bepublicans ask it as well as Democrats
and politicians as well as the plain voter.
So frequently were they interrogated, and so
great was the danger of making a blunder
that last night the legislative delegations
elect held a meeting, at which the situation,
but not the candidates, was discussed, and
it was unanimously resolved that under any
and all circumstances would they refuse to
belnterviewed for publication. But to-day
one of tbe gentlemen in a more congenial
mood said:
"I don't know who will be Senator. I do
know one who won't be James E. Neat
He has done magnificent work for the party
and deserves reward, bnt not tbe Senator
ship. The State Oil Inspectorship would
suit him better, though both Allen O.
My err and Campbell's law partner want it.
I don't think Payne will be a candidate.
There are some Democrats who wonld not,
under any circumstances vote for him.
Price deserves something, so does McLean.
Thomas is making a big fight, and may win,
though he has nothing to recommend himr
except his money. If I may for a moment
speak as a citizen, I may say that in my
opinion, McLean is the coming'man."
From another gentleman was obtained a
new name, that of Warren P, Noble, of
Tiffin. "You may be surprised at this
name," said the speaker, who is a Bepre-sentative-elect,
"but Noble's name has al
ready been mentioned to more than one
Legislator-elect. Noble is moderately
wealthy, has always been a Democrat
one of the old school has been in Congress,
has a commanding-figure, and is in appear
ance a model Senator. Senator-elect Perry
M. Adams is his law partner, Congress
man Senly is hii warm friend, and so far as
it would be valuable he would have the in
fluence of Charlie Foster and his following.
It might be well to keep an eye on Noble."
Three Rival Caadldatea Meet at Hli Ha
la Conference With Hiss.
. Speeigfield, O., November 8. Boa.
John H. Thomas, the millionaire manufact
urer of this city, is very ambitions to go to
the United States Senate from this State.
He contributed liberally to tha campaign
fund in fact, it is stated that his contribu
tion exceeded that of any other Democrat.
In case Calvin S. Brice don't hanker after
the Senatorship, Mr. Thomas, it is thought,
stands a good showof being struck by Sena- .
torial ligbtuing.
Mr. Thomas has the support of Lawrence
T. Neal, Virgie P. Kline and M. D. Har
ter, all mentioned as possible candidates
for the Senatorship. Governor-elect Camp
bell is also a warm friend of his, hut his
position is such that he doesn't dare com
mit himself. Clandestinelj the three gen
tlemen first named met here last night at
Mr. Thomas' residence, and- took
supper with the millionaire. A
conference lasting about four hours ensued,
and Neal. Barter and Kline each promised
Mr. Thomas his hearty supportraod plans
for getting Mr. Thomas chosen were, dis
cussed. Something was agreed upon. Just
what this is is not known, but it may bo
understood that Mr. Thomas will strain
every nerve to get the place.
The trinity of statesmen did not appear
around town, but staved at Mr. Thomas'
palatial residence until, the first trains car
ried them homeward.
401 Smltbdeld Street, cor. Foarth Avenae.
' Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000.
Deposits of $1 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. TT3
Why Is Dreydoppel Soap Like Mr. EHf
Because it gets there; washes clothes
clean, beautifully white, sweet and health
ful to wear; is tbe finest, best and most
economical for all purposes that soap can be
used for. Beduced to ec a iuu pouno. Dar,
at grocers everywhere.
Attention is called to the 'advertise
ment ofthe trade sale of Wilmerding, Mor
ris & Mitchell in our columns to-day.
lvJliim.lrimJ '
For Wetttrn Ann
tylvania and Witt Vir
ginia, ' rain, slightly
cooler. For Ohio, rain,
stationary temperature.
Fittsbtbo, November 8, ISBm,
The United States Signal Service o (Boar la
this city tarnishes the following:
I iMr,
sMximam teoB.u.
Minimum leap.,
Mean imn
Precipitation. .
Time. Tfter.
SrOOA. Y-..,......44
12:00 x
1:00 T. X......... ..-.
2-oor. x ........so
Sdor. x
i.-oor. x SZ
Klver at ao r. ic. ISfMt, aesanseoro.SlaM
River Telegrams,
rsrxcxu, tzxeosaxs to thjs oisrATcx.1
BBowMBVimc Blver 6 feet 3 inches and.
rising. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 53" at
7P.K. ',
Wareht River I 1-10 feet and falling;'
Weather cloudy and mild.
MoBQAXTOWTr River 6 feet and rising,
Weather rainy. Thermometer 61? at 4 T. X.
AOLASSofF.&Y.'s Iron City beer at
night insures quiet sleep.
A Poor Relation.
Through a misunderstanding the adver
tisement of the Grand Opera House yester
day made it appear that Sol Smith Bussell
wonld play "Bewitched" at the matinee to
day. It should have been "A Poor Eela
tioo," the part in which Mr. Bussell is
seen to greatest advantage.
Save Tour Honey aad Bay
Bradford & Co. piano, 1 octaves $100
Von Minden piano, 7 octaves 125
Kimball orean, 5 octaves 45
Mellor & Hoene organ, 5 octaves 20
New organs, 5 octaves 44
New organs, 6 octaves.. 65
New upright pianos. T octaves 175
Do not be deceived by unscrupulous
dealers, but buy of us and save 25 per cent.
Echols, McMueeay & Co.,
123 Sandusky st, Alleghany City, Pa.
What is ths best fcUnt qir?
Wholesale and Retail.
The largest and most carefully selected
line of eoods in the city.
Cbumbeje, Bake & Bassett.
. New Dress Novelties.
Large and carefully selected stock of com
bination suitings, embroidered robes, En
glish serges, Henriettas, cashmeres, plaids,
cloth suitings and tricots at unusually low
prices, at H. J. Lynch's, 438 and 440 Market
street. 'wssa
The new term of the Park Institute,
formerly the preparatory and commercial
departments of the Western University',
204 North ave., Allegheny, opens Novem
ber 11. TOTS
Satin Neckwear
In Tecks, 4-in-hands and Puns.
Gent's Furnishings Sales
To-day. Jos. Hobxe & Ca'S
Penn Avenue Stores.
FdE neckwear, new shapes aad patterns.
Jaues B Aiken &. Co., 100 Fifth are.
Fine hosiery for gentlemen at James H.
Aiken &Co.'s, 100 Filth ave.
BITINGr BRONOHOfl.-How tlwy'-
are captured aad broksm la told 1
Will O. FarrU la to-Korrow'i VUm
... - tj
mairer win ye ec mu
tT. v.'a jnimriHri?, Aim