?5 r Slippery Bails Cause a Fatal Acci dent in the Mountains. BOSHING AT A MILE A MINUTE. Inother Train Bared by a Timely Warning From a "Woodsman, ALL THE KEWS FEOM KEAEBI TOWKB ISrZCIAI. TELXCIUJl TO THE DISPATCH. Altoona, Pa., NoTember 8. The run away freight train on the mountain division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, -which col lided with the Galhtzm work train, and re sulted in the death or one man and injury to several others, caused considerable ex citement here this morning for a time. "With the first news of the accident came the report that 8 to IS men had been killed, and an equal number seriously wounded. Fortunately such was not the case. The ac cident was a peculiar one, and happened as follows: Extra engine, No. 1140, with 33 cars, left Gallitiin shortly after 10 o'clock lor the East. Scarcely bad they started, when eight cars in the rear, upon which were two braked en and a flagman, oroke loose from tne train. These were stopped, but tbe front part continued down tbe mountain in charge of conductor and a braVeman. The train had gained a high speed on account of slippery rails caused by the continuous raio this morn inc. The brakes were applied and the engine reversed, bnt to no purpose. The train thun dered down the mountain at the rate of a mile a minute. AworktralnatKittanning Point, ahead of the runaway, was caught at Scotch Knob and two of its cars were thrown from the tracks. At McGarvey's another car of the work train was knocked off. Both trains continued on east about one mile, when two more cars of the Work train wero wrecked and at tbe same time one car of tbe runaway train was wrecked. The third collision put a stop to its mad flight. William Stephens, of Qallluin, was Instantly killed, and Engineer W. H. Ashcrof t. Fireman J. A. McKelT and Conductor It Boss were slightly hurt. Three of the men on the work train sustained slight injuries also. The acci dent delayed all east and west-bound trains. A LUNATIC'S ESCAPE. She Has Hod n Strango Career, and May Hare Suicided. KFZCUX, TELECUAM TO THE DISrATCH.1 TVestox, W.Va.. November 8. About three weeks ago Hiss E. C. Lope was sent here from Wheeling and confined in the asylum as a lunatic She was at one time a teacher in one of the Wheeling schools, and later taught private schools in Wheeling, Bridgeport, Bel laire and other daces. She began to show signs of mental aberration and was arrested in 18S6, but was taken away by relatives. She returned to Wheeling last summer and had printed and circulated a book teeming with scandalous statements about prominent citizens and narrating some remarkable ad ventures. She was arrested again and placed in the asylum last Friday, but escaped and has not since been seen. It is feared she has com mitted suicide. HE SAVED THE TRAIX. The Third Attempt nt Wrecking Frustrated by a Woodcbopper. ISFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. . Wheeling, W.Va-, November St When No. 1 passenger train on tbe Cleveland, Loraine & Wheeling road swung around the curve at tbe Frecport bridge this afternoon, the cineer saw a man standing in the middle of "the track swinging bis hat. Tbe train was brought to a standstill, and the crew and passengers swarmed out at the end of the bridge, where they found a tie fastened to the rails. G. A Scndder, a woodcbopper, discovered ine ODStrucuon, ana Knowing tne train was due, ran ahead and stopped it This is the third attempt to wreck a train at this point. A Verdict That Camed Surprise. If FECIAL TELEGEJJI TO TDK DISPATCH. . - FutDtAT. November 8, The jury in the case of the State against William Trankner, who was Indicted tor killing Frank Bickicker last September, brought in a verdict this evening of manslaughter. A motion was made for a new trial, which will be beard to-morrow. The verdict caused a greal deal of surprise, as it was thought no other verdict could be reached but murder in the first degree. Johnstown's Street Railroad Sold. tSFKCIAt. TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! JomsSTOWX, Nouember 8. A. L. Johnson, Of Cleveland, tbe head of the baseball broth erhood, and his brother, Tom L. Johnson, to day purchased the Johnstown Street Railroad and franchise for a consideration not known. The road, which was entirely washed away by the flood, will be rebuilt immediately and run by electricity. THE AESISTEONG PARADE.' Indications Point to a Mammoth Labor Demonstration. A meeting was held at the office of the A. A. of I. and S. "W., on Smithfield street, last night by representatives of the various organizations that will take part in the Thomas A. Armstrong parade on Thanks giving Day. Commander-in-Chief "William A. "Weibe presided. Sixty-seven lodges of the Amal gamated Association have reported their intention to take part in the parade. It is expected that 7,000 men of that organization will be in line. The Brotherhood of Car penters and Joiners report that they will turn out at least 5,000 men. D. A. No. 3 of the K. of L. will contribute not less than 6,000 men, and as many more are expected from various other organizations. If the expectations founded on figures reported to the Chief Marshal are realized the demon stration Will be the frrPOif nvn m.ila v.. labor organizations in this city. At the meeting last night the positions of the various organizations in the line were decided by the drawing of lots. The Commander-in-Chief has appointed "W H. Barnes as Adjutant and James Penney as Chief of Staff. The arrangements for the parade will be completed nt the meeting of the Executive Committee on Monday evening. KATDEE'S AWFUL HANDIWORK. The Ossified Man Visited by Many Cnrloslty Seekers Yesterday. Over 100 prominent physicians of Pitts burg and Allegheny visited "Bass," the ossified man, at the "World's Museum yes terday, and one and all united indeclaring him one of the greatest physical wonders in the world. A Dispatch reporter also dropped in to assure himself that everything was as repre sented, and found himself standing before a living tomb. "Bass" is undoubtedly all that is claimed for him. Solid bone from feet to head, he exists from day to day without moving; yet his mental faculties are as clear and strong as those of any man that moves about our streets. "Bass" is an example of the awful workings of nature, and as such is worthy of a visit from all. Look Here, Friend, Are You Sick? Do you Bufier from dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach, liver complaint, nervousness, lost appetite, biliousness, exhaustion or " tired feeling, pains in chest or lungs, dry coughs, nightsweats, or any forru of con sumption? If to, send to Prof. Hart, 88 "Warren street, New York, who will send you free, by mail, a bottle of Ploraplexion, which u a sure cure. Send to-day. E03 A Church Convention. A convention of the Young People's Societies of the "Westmoreland Presbytery, assembled in the U. P. Church at Braddock, yesterday. Two sessions were held and brief addresses on practical subjects de livered. J. L. FORD gives some good ad vice in tomorrow's DISPATCH jtpjglrls who . wish, to be type- F.-wnterai Hon. Walter Lyon Succeeds In Impressing the Allegheny Committee' In Kegnrd to the Herra Island Dam. The Committee on"Wharves and Landings, of Allegheny, met last night for the purpose of considering the ordinance granting the United States a certain piece of land at Herr's Island for dam purposes. United States District Attorney Lyon and Mr. Araas, of the United States Biver Improve ment Commission, were present District' Attorney Lyon said that if Councils did not grant the land the United States could secure it by having it condemned; besides, it was an open ques tion If tbe land did not properly belong to the United States, and both the city of Al legheny and the Pittsburg and "Western Bailroad were not trespassers. He also stated, by way of argument, that the city of Allegheny had for some years been seeking a new Government building, and it would not argue well in its favor if it refused to grant the Government a strip of land that was of no practical use to anyone, and which was to be used as an improvement beneficial to both cities. This argument seemed to have the de sired effect, as Mr. Einstein moved that the ordinance granting the land be favorably reported and returned to Councils, naming the price as 51. A clause was also inserted giving the city the right to grant to any railroad the right to lay tracks on the land. Attorney Lyon agreed to this, as he thought there would be plenty of room, and the tracks would in no way interfere with the dam. TO TAKE EFFECT TO-MORROW. The Winter Schedule on the Pennsylvania Lines Ner Trains. The winter schedule on the Pennsylvania lines east and westrof this city will go into effect to-morrow. The changes have already been noted in The Dispatch. The most important is on No. S, or the limited ex press. The train will arrive in Pittsburg at 9:30 P. M., or one hour later than at present. A new train has been put on. It will be No. 21, and will leave Altoona at 10:45 p. M., and arrive in Pittsburg at 2 A. M. Several ad ditional Sunday trains have been put on. The Sanltnrium, Green Pprlns, O., The leading health resort; the richest min eral springin America. Steam heat, elec tric lights, all kinds of baths, experienced physician and nurses. A desirable place for invalids, and a .pleasant home for the winter. "Write for pamphlet and winter rates. "W. C. "Westos, Lessee. SA CLARA BELLE describes the proper manner of conducting a flirtation. See to-morrow's DIS PATCH. Marriage licenses Granted Yesterday. Ktxne. Buldenes. ( otto Preiler Pittsbunc Hedwhr Bsdelt. Pittsburg J Thomas Hatter Braddock .Martha Bennett Braddock J A. Woir. Pittsburg ) Clara Nudal Pittsburg ( Adam Bachman Pittsburg ( Augusta Ufrocrer Pittsburg ( Alma W. Beckerton West Elizabeth lilaryBrown West Elizabeth t Robert Mackowlak .Pittsburg I Mary A. Koczorswsta .Pittsburg J MorrU G. Dodds Jforth Versailles township ( Martha M. SUade Korth VersaUles township (JohnC. frank Pittsburg Ettle Faulkner Pittsburg J George Huebel i!!!Tll'e I Caroline Schwendennann Ulllvale DIED. COOK On Thursday, November 7, 18S9, at 5 p. 1L, JOHN a. uooK,iormer resilience, anaxps burg, in his SOth year. Funeral from tbe residence of his son-in-law, Peter Stroub,Dresden alleybetween Fifty-first and Fifty-second streets, on Sunday at 2 p. m. Friends of the family aro respectfully invited to attend. 3 DENMARSH-On Friday, November 8, 1889, at 9:30 A. M., JOHN Denjiabsh, aged 41 years. Funeral from his brother's residence. No. C6 Fifteenth street, Bouthside, on Sunday at 2 p. H. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. MUHL On Thursday evening, November 7, 1SS9, at 6:50 p. M., Henry Muhl, aged 60 years. Funeral from bis late residence, 202 Juniata street, Allegheny, on Sunday afternoon, 10th instant, at 120 o'clock. Services atVoeght ly"s church, Bev. 15. Pick, at 220 o'clock. Friends of the family aro respectfully invited to attend. Deceased was a member of Hum boldt Lodge No. 39, A O. U. W., Humboldt Legion No. 17, Select Knights, A. O. U. V., and John Hnss Lodge No. 24, A. P. A. MACFARLANE On Thursday, November 7. 1SS9, at9 r. jl. at the residence of the parents, 3617 Butler street, Haebis Ewait, oldest child of Dr. J. W. and Ida J. Macfarlane, nee Wainright, aged 6 years 3 months 19 days. Funeral services on Sunday at 2 p.m. In terment private at a later honr. 2. McCUNE At the residence of her parents, in North Braddock, Friday morning at 9 o'clock, of typhoid fover, Ella 8. McCuhe, in her 18th year. Services this (Saturday) evening at 730 o'clock. Funeral private on Bunday. McKEE On Thursday evening, November 7, at 10 o'clock P. H.. Ann Mckee, wife of Stewart McKee,aged 73 years, at her residence, Farraeut avenue, near Stanton avenue, East End. Pittsburg, Pa. Funeral Satubday, November 9, 1SS9, at 2 o'clock p. st, to proceed to Allegheny Cem etery. NESTLERr-On Thursday, November 7, 1889. at 3 a. m., Mrs. Uaey Ann Nestleb, in her 70th year. Funeral from her late residence, 1910 Wharton street, Southside, Twenty-sixth ward, on Sat urday morning. Services at St. Michael Church, Pius street. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. SWINDELL On Friday. November 8. 1SS9, at 12:15 a. St., Maey Swindell, wite of Henry Swindell. Funeral from her late residence, No. 15 Esplanade street, Allegheny, on Sabbath afternoon at 2 o'clock. ' Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend, ZIMMEKMAN-Of diphtheria, Florence Emma, second daughter of Frederick and Catherine Zimmerman, in the -12th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents, 23 IJthgow avenue, at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend. JA3IES ARCHIBALD BRO., .LIVERY AND SALE STAB1E3, 117, 119 and 130 Third avenue, two doors below Smithfield sL, next door to Central Hotel. Carriages for funerals,?! Carriages for operas, parties, 4c., at the lowest rates. All new car riages. Telephone communication. myl-11-Tra WESTERN INSTJBANCE CO. OF PITTSBURG. Assets $118,501 &7 NO. 411 WOOD STKEET. ALEXANDER Nf MICK. President JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President. fe22-26-TT3 Wil. P. HERBERT, Secretary pEPJiESENTED IN PITTSBURG IN ISO. ASSETS - . $9071,69883. Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid iy "WILLIAM L JONES. 64 Fouith avenue. ia202-D BLOOKER'S i.n.oa instantaneous, n.lrh KttJ-5Sx 150 Cups uuxcn forSI.00. COCOA. V. S. DETOT.SI Mercer St, N. Y. OC23-50-WS "DLOOKER'S COCOA- For sale wholesale and retail by JAMES LOCKHART, 103 Federal Street. nofrS-w3 Allegheny, Pa, J ACT Tit H. hi aSLfiLG-TO ON A WEAK STOMACH. flScts. SL Box OF ALL PRUCCKTt; .- LACE AND HEAVY CURTAINS AT FORCED SALE. The re ceipts of new Cur tains are too large for our available s pace. We have t i cketed a large number of last season ' s C urtains for pass age on the toboggan slide of prices. LOOK IN OUR WINDOW FOR CURTAINS MARKED DOWN. From i 25 to . . . 50c From $ 1 75 to . . . . $ 1 00 From $ 4 50 to ... 3 00 From $ 8,00 to ... . 5,00 From $10 00 to ... 6 00 From 18 00 to "... . 12 50 From 20 00 to . . ( . 13 00 From 22 00 to ... 14 00 From 25 00 to ... . 15 00 THEN VISIT OUR DRAPERY DEPARTMENT And see eighty other patterns of Lace Curtains in all grades; also Heavy Curtains for Por tieres and Heavy Hangings at similar reductions. 0. McCLINTOCK & CO., 33 FIFTH AVENUE 33 no5-TTS KEEP WARM. THEBE 13 LIFE IN HEAT. We wish to call your attention to our stock of Night Bhirts in Muslin, Twilled .Muslin,' Cambric, French Balbriggan, Can ton Flannel and "Wool. Plain Muslin Night Shirts at 50c, 75c, f 1 and $1 50 each. Fancy Trimmed Muslin and Cambric Night Shirts at 75c, $1, 51 25 and $1 50 each. Also fine Embroidered and Trimmed Night Shirts, from $2 to U 50 each. Fine Cambric Night Shirts, U 25. Fine Barred Jaconet Night Shirts, $1 50. Canton Flannel Night Shirts, all sizes, $1 25 each. We also call special attention to our Wool Night Shirts, which are growing in favor very rapidly. "We have them in White Ancora Flannel, Fancy Striped'and Plaid Flannels; also the celebrated DK. JAGER'S Flannel Night Shirts and Underwear for Men, Women and Children, for which we ore the SOLE AGENTS in this city. Men's Pajamas, in Cheviot and Fancy Flannels very soft and comfortable. We are prepared to furnish anything wanted in Night Clothing for Men, Women and Children. We also call attention to a few of our lines of Men's Underwear. Scarlet Wool Shirts and Drawers at $1, $1 60, $2 and $3 each. Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers at 51 25, $1 50 and $2 each. Men's Jersey Bibbed Shirts and Drawers in Tan and Natural Wool, at $2 each. Also onr very fall line of English-made, Natural Wool, Silk and Wool, Cashmere and Merino Shirts and Drawers, in Light, Medium and Heavy Weights. White Merino and All-wool Shirts and Drawers at 51, $1,50, 12 25 and 53 each. Also our 4 lines ot Scotch Lamb's Wool Shirts and Drawers, of our own importation, at from 52 to 53 50 each. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH A VENUE. no5-n iiRATEtDIr-COMl ORTIrfU. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledge ot the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition,and and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro rlded onr breakfast tables with a dell lately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. Itls by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready 10 aitacit wueicvcr mere is a weait point, wo mayei selves erlr m Made simply with boUlmjwaterormilk. Hold only In half pound tins by Grocers, labeled thus: Jas.Epps&Co. ZffiSS no3-h-S0Tus JAS. Mm & BRO., BOILERS, PLATK AND SHEET-IRON WORK. PATENT BHEET IKON ANNKALINQ BOXES. With an Increased capacity and hydraulic machinery ws are prepared to furnish all work In our line cheaper and better .than by .the old' methods. .Repairing and general,-machine' work," Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny VtlA ilavKallroaA'Ml;atfr-llT--figagM'-c " - J B. & IB. Batusdat. November 8. To-day we offer large and choice Assortments LADIES NECK RUCHINGS AT POPULAR PRICES, Medium and finest goods, and many styles of Ruchings that are exclu sive with this department, which adjoins our large Ribbon Depart ment LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS, in most desirable styles and best qualities. HUNDREDS OF DOZENS HANDKERCHIEFS for selection from 5c to 15 each and our small profit, popular prices prevail on these in a marked degrees the choice character of the goods at i2jc, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 makes this department very interesting. BOGGS & BUHL, 11517,119.121 Federal st.Allegheny. no9-D Always Full Value. Our prices are low because our goods are valuable. They're worth your money. The nobbiest Oversack a young man can get lies to day on our counters. You needn't buy a silk-lined one to make sure of the style. Buy a silk-lined one if you. want luxury and daintiness. Men's and Young Men's Fall Suits. They belong at the top for variety in the goods and the way they are made. You'll closet yourself with a tailor and run a risk of doing any better in style or fit. There's one way you'll not do nearly as Well. You'll not, touch our prices for a generous money's-worth. -- Wanamaker & Brown, SIxlIi street and Fenn avenue, Don't accept scanty choice for your clothing-to-order. Nearly 1,000 styles of goods. COS-TJ Type "W"3?tri n g Taught Day and Evening at D uff's College. For Terms call at the College Office, 49 Fifth Avenue. auH-26-S JONES MAGIC ROACH POW DER. Roaches banished by con trace Satisfaction guaranteed or itio pay. 35 SEVENTH AVE., 'Pittsburg. Pa Price JIM per puuuu. jiLA-o SNAPNO. 6. ' We announce the arrival of an entire new line of English Double-Barrel Breech Loaders .they are the best lot of the season consisting of Guns made by C. G. Bonehill, W. & C. Scott, Greener, Bichards, Loom's and other manufacturers of equal note, which we are able to sell at lower prices lhan ever before offered. Also on hand L, C. Smith, Parker Bros., Baker & Colt Guns, at lowest prices. Give ns a call'and satisfy yourself. IEC. SMTT, 934 no3-Trssu P AUTISM W. t. Douglas' name and tbe price are stamped on the bottom of a VsnU I I wPl Shoes advertised by him before leaving his factory; this protects the wearers against high prices and inferior goods. Take none unless so stamped, nor be deceived by others claimed to be as Rood,,on which dealers make more proflt, but send direct to factory, and receive by return mail what you want. State kind, button, congress or lace, wide or narrow toe, size and width usually worn, and inclose price with order. Prompt dellrery and satisfac tion guaranteed. Address, W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. W. $3 mino $5 Tbe Hllfc? 3-' Affl' All made in Congress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 AND S2 SHOES , Both Ladles' Shoes are made in sizes from 1 to 7, Including halt sizes, and B, C, D, E and EE widths. STYLES OF LADIES' SHOES. . "The French Opera," "The Spanish Arch Opera," "The American Common-Sense," "The Medium Cimmon.Senso." Alt made in Button in the Litest Styles. Also, French Opera in rronx Lace, on jm oniy. Carter; 73 Fifth avenncKE; C7 Spexber. 1396 Carson cpcnill W. L.D0UULAS S3 GRAIN SHOE (laeed) for Gentlemen, with heavy tap sole LW W OrCOIrtL and strictly witnrproor.il Just out W. L DOUQLAS. Brooltioa, MiM. l.l.-V ' -" -rr Tun Ijr Tju.'VUt.Jllh?ll1lHtWBh..tak T.-Vfvua oawiM. .wu.j.lwt . !( BB.VBB H.wl slaBv Grand Double Opening. MILLINERY AND CLOAKS. Finest Display of the Season. Don't miss seeing our Fur-:- Department. Replete with all that is seasonable and stylish in Muffs, stoles, Boas and capes. OCR NEW COOK BOOK, 25c. Fleishman k Co., PITTSBURG, PA. N. B. Dolls given away to all purchasers In onr ' Infant Department for TO-DAY ONLY., 'no9-p Ladies' Cloth NEWMABKETS! No such values have ever been presented in Pittsburg as we show this season. Every garment is tailor-made and perfect "fitting. , We mention only a few of the many styles comprised in our endless va riety. Fine all-wool Newmarkets, tailor-made, satin facing, open seams, sewed with silk, hell sleeves, worth 512, our price 15 87. Fine Jacquard Cloth Newmarket, direc toire style, very handsomely finished, tailor made, fan plaited back, a stylish and de sirable garment worth 515, our price 7 98. One hundred very fine Beaver Cloth New markets, in all -styles, trimmings exquisite and the general look of the garments grand, in all colors and shade3, others ask $18, our price $12. Aboqt60 Imported Long Garments in different cloths, elegant materials and finish, simply beautiful, all styles, worth $25, our price $15. PLUSH GARMENTS. As we handle only first qualities, of "Con don Dyed Seal Plushes we guarantee every garment we sell to be perfect in material, fit, finish and style. London Dyed Seal Plush Jackets, $8 57, $11 49, 515. London Dyed Seal Plush Wraps, $!, $11 50, $18. London Dyed Seal Plush Sacqnes. $15 98, $18, $20. All made with the best quilted satin lin ings, chamois skin pockets, and real seal ornaments. Call and see them, whether you wish to purchase or not We are will ing and anxious that yon compare our goods and prices with other houses for we feel confident of the result. (Millinery Farlors second floor.) Our Untrlmmed MilltneryStock is celebrated for the newest of shapes, the richest of colors, the best of qualities and tbe most moderate of prices. In feathers we show' Black Ostrich Tips. Black Ostrich Plumes. Colored Ostrich Tips. Colored Ostrich Plumes. Birds of Paradise. Aigrettes of every Color. Pompons, all Shades. Black Birds and Humming Birds. Parrots and Wings. In Trimmed Millinery we show the latest ana most novel ideas in Eats, Bonnets and Turbans an innumerable variety of styles, and all at our famous low prices. 1 Sixth St and Penn Ave, no7 Liberty St, Cor. Smithfield. L DOUGLAS SHOE FOB GENTLEMEN. Dim warn Our claims for (his shoe aver all other 2 shots advertised are: It contains belfer malarial. It is more stylish, batter fitting and durable. It givea better general satisfaction. It saves more money for the consumer. Its great sueeess is due to merit. It cannot be duplicated by any other minufie. furar. It It the best in the world, tnd his larger de- man any oiner J snoe aaveriitea. (innwlU be paid to any person who will , WW Tirova the abare statements to be nntrue. followW lino of shoes will bo found to be of 1 lie same hleli utandard of excellence. $5 00 GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHOE. $4 00 HAND.SEWED WELT SHOE. S3 50 POLICE AND FARMERS' SHOE. $2 SO EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. 2 25 WORKINGMAN'S 8H0E. $2 00 QOOD.WEAR SHOE. $2 00 tnd SI 75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. etreet'ila'AllflelieBT Cftr. by Hesfy ALL AMERICAS' EXCURSIONISTS W-E-L-C-O-M-E TO THE CITY OF NATURAL GAS. wWSm bLWJ w It matters not whether you're from far-away Swth or Cen tral America, from the lafiy table lands of old Mexico or from the remotest sections of our own America, IO) GUSKY'S BID YOU, WELCOME TO THIS HIGHLY FAVORED CITY OF OURS. Should you gentlemen have time to visit our beautiful store we'd-not only be pleased to have you call, but we'd feel highly honored. Ours is the representative business house of this city, THE IDEAL AND HOME STORE OF PITTSBURG, where strangers and visitors are always welcome. Come in and see the grandest-stocfc of CLOTHING, HATS, FURNISHING GOODS and SHOES in the United States. V ... . kUur liberal methods, reliable jnoth store with bargain hunters and fashion seekers, and drive all competitors to the wall. .Clothing m Pittsburg, and usually have their clothes made to order to come in and see the remarkably elegant goods we xe displaying see for themselves the rich materials, tJhe faultless 'shapes and bill bill of fare early visit i5, and ?io. We have 50 styles of Overcoats and IIC If ff & Sults at $20 very lttle more than half a 1 f 1 Ob merchant tailor's -charge. . Be sure yon visit ds for eiftber Suit or Overcoat 300 TO 400 MARKET STREET. Vnd we'll save jou money. OUR PRICES TOUCH TENDER SPOTS V In economical mothers' purses. (jhuaren s uiotning sucn as tifu tirul feature regarding it suit everybody's pocket S. every boy in town, and lowest in the city. How do we know this? We do know it There's very little about the clothing trade of this city that we don't know. Our present display of Clothing for boys, big and little, is the finest, largest, choicest and most perfect that can be made. Prices: Small Boys jOvercoats, $1 50, $2, $2 50, $2, $4 and i$. hig Boys' Over- f9 I Q f f ?Q coats, S3 50, $4, $$ fa $-8 and $10. Suits jl y Q 1 f 9, same prices. Mothers you should visit this popular department of ours, for 300 TO 400 MARKET STREET. if a safe place to'.buy your Boys Clothing. , " ; ' No Department of Our Business Has given greater evidence of the approval of the people than our Hat Store. We have revolutionized the hat liade-of the city. Never retailing a hat for more than the wholesale price, and sometimes selling hats for less than any hatter in town can buy same quality,for we are constantly on the alert to close out big lots at closer prices, and as the opportunity comes we Duy tnem tom is not conhned ton VYe nave as nne show. but we or so for the privilege (?) of having a fashionable maker's name x therein. jI IAIIJA Come in and we trill show you uUwIV I Vi that we can save you money and " " give yen as good quality ' goods 300 TO 400 MARKET STREET. EVERY READER should know that, owing to our already-immense and still rapidly increasing trade, we can, and positively do, name prices way below the ordinary dealers who buy and sell in the ordinary way. Our vast business is a wonder to thousands! And ojur always lowesf prices and honest goods built it up. LET YOUR' CHILDREN call at Drawing Books which we are givipg away. It's, not ojnly an elegant present, but a mighty useful and entertaining one. ' Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. )- aiYAkllilWiJ ))))) ... . ' goods, raixest prices, nil our mam- We show tne grandest stock of Fine we urgently invite gentlemen who tne skillea workmanship. We oarer a particularly good this week, acltl we would suggest an Elegant Overrcoats at $10, $12 and most beautiful Suits at 12, 15 and t We've got a sbpek of Boys' and you never saw Deitore, ana me Deau- is tnat tnere's ciptnrng at prices to We've got enougJi to clothe almost as for prices, they're certainly the low ana sen inera iow. uur cus to tne cneap ana meaium graaes. nats as any iasni,onaoie nauer can don't charge an extra dollar f anybody can. . our Store for one (of the beautiful ?0 GRAND BARCfflf ST01I N i ' .- ' i i 1 ' M 0 &n L3fc! : v-