Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 09, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    1 Remarkable Newspaper.
To-Morros Mammoth Issue
In addition to
Will contain articles from the pens of the
Writers of World-Wile Reputation:
Marion Harland,
Shirley Dare,
Ik Marvel,
Mrs. Alexander,
Octave Thanet,
Susan Coolidge,
Nym Crinkle,
Timothy Tltcomb,
Oliver Optic,
Mrs. Frank Leslie,
Charles Fayer,
Clara Belle,
Gerald E. Flanacan,
Frank G. Carpenter,
R. W. SboppeU,
Hepburn Johns,
Bill Nye,
Grace Greenwood,
The Duchess,
Josiab Allen's Wife,
Jennie June,
Mrs. Partington,
Sidney Luska,
Jaoqcun Miller,
Petroleum V. N ashy,
Eli Perkins,
Fanny Fern,
F. S. Bassett,
George Hodges,
Will C. FernL
Ethel M. McKenzIe,
Ernest H. Heinrichs,
Bessie Bramble.
Bead the Spanish-American romance by Phil
lip Braggalan, entitled
hb r -(T -f.
p Mfflpm.
Vol.41. A" O.S75. Entered at Pltuhnrc PostoDce,
Xovember 14, 1SS7, u second-class matter.
Business Offlce97and99FlfthAvenue.
News Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street
Eastern Advertising Office, Eoom 48, Tribune
Building, Hew York.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
THE Wsr-ATCH tor six months ending October
SI, 1SS9, as sworn to before City Controller,
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation or the Bunoay edition of
The DISPATCH for five months ending October
2, 1SS3,
Copies per Issue. 1
DAILT DISPATCH, Per Quarter 2 00
Dailt Dispatch. One Month - 70
DAILY Dispatch, including Sunday, lyeix. 10 00
DAILT DisPATCH.includlnc Bunday.Sm'ths. SO
Dailt DiSPATcn,lncludlngSunday,lmonU SO
busoAT Dispatch, One Year 150
Weekly Dispatch, One Year 125
The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriersat
jScentsperweek, or Including bunoay edition, at
SOcents per week.
Before the South American delegates turn
their faces homeward they will haTe seen
more than enough to be fully convinced of
the community of interests between their
countries andour own. They musthavebeen
struck with the magnitude of the facilities
for manufacturing in the United States;
they must be impressed by the intelligence,'
spirit and success of our people in getting to
the fore-front of invention; they cannot fail
to be aware of the industrial and commercial
advantages to accrue to South and Central
America from close business relations with
th United States. They have also seen
enough of the political and social conditions
of the United States to realize that there is
much more in common between this repub
lic and their own Governments and people
than between them and Europe, Such a
tour and reception as the delegates have had
in the past five weeks would not be possible
in Europe. There the business houses with
which their people have dealings might be
equally hospitable and attentive; here, how
ever, they find the whole population sin
cerely and deeply interested in their visit.
But the means must be had to produce re
sults; otherwise mere opportunities go for
nothing. Direct and ample steamship com
munication with South America is of the
first importance. It is simply absurd that
trade and passenger traffic between Buenos
Ayres for instance, and New York, should
be via Liverpool or London. "We trust all
parts of the country, without regard to par
tisanship in our home politics, will be so
awakened by the visit of these delegates as
to urge imperatively upon Congress at its
next session to provide a thorough and ef
fective steamship service with our Southern
This once secured there will be the
further need of adapting our productive in
dustries and mercantile methods in dealings
with South and Central America to their
usages and needs. But this is a mere mat
ter of detail, in which time and brief ex
perience should be the successful teachers.
"What is wanted first of all, is adequate di
rect steamship communication.
The United States surely will reach out
for a trade whose vast dimensions our peo
ple are but just beginning to understand.
The testimony as to the working of the
Australian ballot system which has already
been offered by the experiment in other
States is corroborated by the statements
coming from Massachusetts as to its success
ful use there at last Tuesday's election. It
is asserted that even the class of voters who
might have been expected to find some diffi
culty in comprehending the manner of con
ducting the election mastered it promptly
and voted without difficulty or confusion.
The experience so far as it has gone seems
to show that the new method is practicable,
and while, of course, it cannot change the
hearts of either politicians or voters, it bids
fair to render more difficult abuses that were
easy under the old system. The outcome of
the matter so far is a feather in the cap of
Sir. Henry George, who was the earliest
prominent advocate of its adoption in this
Some very proper people are agita ted be
cans a novel by the celebrated Alphonse
Daudet is shortly to appear in Harper's
Magazine. They regard it as another mani
festation of the tendency of American liter
ature toward a lower moral plane. It may
be admitted that a certain small flock of
American writers have taught us to expect
unutterable vileness in all their productions.
In contemplating the literary degradation
of a few, some critics have come to suppose
that the great publishers are ready to graft
slips or French nastiness upon good Ameri
can stocks. The fear is unfounded, and in
particular we may be sure that the Harper
will never lead the war is such a ditrepuU-
ble movement In the case of Alphonse
Daudet, who is one or the few masters of
fiction in this age, the editors of Harper's
iao-aztne'take the pains to explain that
-the .French author's new story is to be a
continuation of those delightful sketches
of his regarding the travels of H. Tartarin,
In these sketches M. Daudet has shown
only his marvelous power as a realist; their
humor is light and graceful, their tone pure
and wholesome. The racy characteristics of
the wicked side of Parisian life which
abound in M. Daudet's "Sappho" we may
be certain will be conspicuously absent from
the story which is to adorn .Harper's pages.
Another surety of propriety is given in the
fact that 21. Daudet's work will be done
into English by Henry James.
But these apprehensive souls who affect
such a fright at the mention of M. Daudet
have ample reason to reserve their denun
ciation for the band of native scavengers
whose works surpass in downright filthiness
and suggestiveness anything that the
French gutter school has produced. The
French themselves would be justified in
asking to be saved from the contaminating
influence of these American authors.
This is an unfavorable season for the
trusts, in New York. The decision of the
General Term of the New York Supreme.
Court is as' strong a declaration of their
illegality as has yet been given by the
courts. "The governing object," says the
court, is such as to make it "subject to the
condemnation of the law by which it is de
nounced as a criminal enterprise." The
company, whose case was under considera
tion, by entering the trust, "placed its
interest and affairs nnder the direction and
control of a board which legally should
have no power over it"
This is another addition to the long list
of the declarations showing such combina
tions in restraint of competition to be ille
gal. But it is hardly likely to be such a
death blow to the trusts as the recent dis
closures in Cottonseed Oil Trust affairs. It
turns out that a shortage of $500,000 in cash
was caused by the speculation of its man
agers in the certificates of the trust This
speculation was carried on for the avowed
purpose of bulling the price of the certificates,
and after the managers have lost this 5500,
000, they ofTer back $250,000, and the law
yers tell the stockholders that they had
better take it as under the peculiar consti
tution of the trust, the officers have no civil
or criminal liability.
This ought to settle the trust business.
If investors wish to put their money into
illegal combinations, where they have no
way of holding their officers accountable for
money lost in speculation, they have more
anxiety to get rid of their money than they
are generally credited with.
"While the bearing of the recent elections
on national politics is subject to all sorts of
disputes, the local causes which 'produced
the result in two States have a moral which
is full of significance.
The two States are Iowa and New Jersey.
In Iowa, where the corporation issue has
been a leading one for some time, the Re
publican candidate for Governor was
charged with having voted on the corpora
tion side in the Legislature. The conse
quence was that the strong Republican
State of Iowa elected a Democratic Gover
nor by 5,500 majority, and made the mean
ing of the vote the plainer by electing the
rest of the Republican ticket by a small ma
jority. In New Jersey the corporation
fight against Abbett has been notorious for
years; and Abbett carried the State by one
of the largest majorities that State has given
for a long time.
The inference is rather plain that, if
parties and politicians lend themselves to
do the work of the corporations in public
office, they are likely to find the penalty of
public disfavor overtaking them, sooner or
There was a deal of jinhappiness among a
certain class of voters in Canandaigua, New
York, on election day. The citizens who
came to the polls hoping to get a five dollar
bill or two, not for their vote of course, but
for their "influence," "their day's work,"
or "helping the party," found that ihe
golden lountains were dry. There was not
a cent to be had from cither party. All the
candidates were obdurate, though the strik
ers besieged them all day. Republicans and
Democrats had agreed to spend no money on
election day, and they stuck to their agree
ment It is very strange that this experiment
should have been made in New York State,
and stranger still that success attended it.
The purchasable voters when they found
there were no vote-buyers in the market
either sulked and did not vote at all, or
voted the prohibition ticket Happy
Canandaigua! they say this purity by
force shall be a precedent and bar the way
to black corruption. Heaven grant it may!
and that Canandaigua's course may prove
contagious far and wide. And yet, ala s
there is reason to fear that .even in
the tested town of Canandaigua
there will be backsliding should
there come a day when a wealthy
man, or some corporation's tool, is a can
didate. The party which is encumbered
with such a candidate will find it hard to
build a wall between the greenbacks and
the "floating" vote. Hard in the first place
to convince themselves that victory is not of
the first importance, surpassing the means,
and secondly, hard to prevent a candidate
who runs upon golden wheels from paving
his way to office after his own fashion. Still,
it is gratifying to see anywhere a popular
awakening on this sdbject of vote-buying
under its many thin disguises, and we con
gratulate Canandaigua on setting us all
such an excellent example.
The call for a meeting of the members of
the Library Association, which is to take
place on'Monday, should attract public at
tention. The effort of the Library is to
preserve the pioperty to the public and
philanthropic purposes for which it is in
tended. If the effort to satisfy the pending
judgment is successful and the revenues of
the property are secured to educational and
beneficial works, the labors of those who
originated the project and raised the money
to build Library Hall will be vindicated.
If it is permitted to be sold and the prop
erty converted to whatever the purchaser
may use it for, from a theater to a dry
goods store, all the work that has been done
in that line will be thrown away. It would
not be creditable to Pittsburg's public
spirit to let a property like that be diverted
to private uses.
The Pan-Americans had a chance to see
Pittsburg in its most sombre as well as its
most attractive mood. If they remember
our city with pleasure after yesterday's
weather, we can flatter ourselves that we
have made a conquest. ,
The Ohio Republicans -were betrayed in
to getting .out a casapsiga forgery and when
they discovered it, confessed it Nina years
ago the Democrats in the national campaign
were misled into circulating a forgery
and determined to stick to the lie. In both
cases the party that circulated the forgery
was beaten. Is not the moral plain enough
to our friends on both sides of the political
house, that it does not make any difference
whether you try to lie out of it or not tne
fatal thing is when you soil your fingers
with campaign forgeries?
A cowboys' union is being organized out
"West It is supposed that it 'will move
simultaneously on the managers of the cat
tle corporation and the cities of the Old
"World where cowboy shows are so liberally
It is noticeable that the election of our
esteemed cotemporary the Hon. Amos Cum
mings, to succeed Hon. 6, S. Cox in Con
gress, came about as near being unanimous
as is often realized in this weary world,
only 24 votes being cast against him. The
inference is plain that the voters of that dis
trict at least when they get a chance to vote
for a good live, newspaper man, are only
hampered by the difficulty of getting their
votes into the box fast enough.
The two next events of public importance
are Thanksgiving and the meeting of Con
gress. The Democrats will enjoy Thanks
giving and the Republicans will possess
their souls in patience until Congress gets
It is rumored that the Hon. James S.
Clarkson, Assistant Postmaster General and
chief headsman of this administration, is
rummaging around the lists of Iowa post
offices to see what ones he missed in the gen
eral distribution. He was under the im
pression that he had made a clean sweep,
and yet Iowa went Democratic. Mr. Clarkson
does not understand how such things can
be, unless by some unhappy fatality he
missed a postoffice.
A oats' of some sixteen Republican
members in the Maryland Legislature is a
warning to the Democrats that corrupt
machine management can weaken their
party as well as the other one.
It is one of the streaks of light in the
New York political situation that "Silver
Dollar Smith," who escaped conviction for
bribery by the disagreement of a jury, was
buried by the landslide on election day. A
few more streaks of decency like this may
convince the nation that there is a percent
age of honesty in Gotham politics.
Talk is very cheap; but New York and
Chicago should remember that it is not
likely to make good building material for a
"World's Fair.
The Louisville Democrats improve upon
thejubilators of Petersburg, by attacking the
Postoffice building with an explosion of
political fervor, bad whisky and high ex
plosives. Partisanship which attacks pri
vate dwellings and Government buildings,
is in need of a dose of the criminal law.
Between fog and the railroad bridges
the path of the coal fleet to the down river
ports, is more dangerous than ever.
The decision of the New York courts
against trusts is answered by the Standard
Oil Combination with another gobble of the
largest independent concern in this section.
As between the law and the Standard's bank
account the latter is decidedly of the opinion
that the former must go the wall.
Some sarcastic person has sent to J. B. For
aker, of Ohio, a copy of "Campbell's Pleasures
of Hope."
The Rev. Dr. Phillips Brooks has Just com
pleted his twentieth year as pastor of Trinity
Protestant Episcopal Church, Boston,
Mrs. Noble will doubtless bo a leading
figure in Washington society this winter. "I
love a crowd," she says, "and tho more people
I have about me the better pleased I am."
Bev. W. A. PassAVANT, Jk., superintend
ent of home missions for the general council of
the Lutheran Church, is in Detroit considering
tho propriety of establishing a church in the
central part of the city.
Kino Luis of Portugal did not in all his
reign sign a single order for capital punish
ment. He had conscientious scruples against
inflicting the death penalty, and so succeeded
in making it practically obsolete in his domin
ions. Kossuth for a number of years gave lessons
in the English language to the young men of
Turin, where ho has resided for SO years. Old
as he is, these pupils are now clamorous for
him to become a naturalized subject in order to
be elected a Senator of the kingdom, but be
prefers to remain a Hun.
General Boulangek lives a curious life
on the Island of Jersey. He spends his time m
reading history and talking politics to his fol
lowers. He smokes a vast number of cigarettes
and seems inclined to disobey the commands of
his physicians regarding wine. He is very
punctilious as regards his dress and always
dons an evening snit for dinner.
A splendid monument to Victor Emanuel
is In course of erection at the foot of the old
Capitol at Rome. The portico of the monu
ment is completed, its columns being in the
ancient Greek style, and the stairway and
pedestal are now nearly ready to receive the
equestrian statue of the monarch, which is
shortly to be cast from the model of the Italian
Is an address to a workingmen's organi
zation, Mr. Gladstone said recently: "It was
not extravagant to say that, although there
were but 2,000,000 people in the 13 American
colonies at the time of the American revolt, yet
from among those 2,000.000 of people there pro
ceeded at that epoch a" group of statesmen that
might defy the whole history of the world to
beat them in any ono State and at any period
of time. Such were the consequences of a
well-regulated and a masculine freedom."
The Credit Moblllerof America Settles Its
Debt to the State.
Habrisbubg, November 8. The long-pend-ing
litigation against the Credit Moblllerof
Am erica was practically brought ato conclusion
to-day by tho payment into the State Treasury
of 540,000 In settlement of the State's claim for
taxes due for the past 18 years. The Credit Mo
bilier corporation lias heretofore returned its
capital stock valuation for taxation purposes
at the nominal sum of SO cents a share, claim
ing it had gone out of business many
years ago, had no tangible assets, and
was in fact a moribund corporation, prepar
ing for an early dissolution. It admitted a
liability of about 1,000 as the total amount due
the State. The State officials did not accept
this view, and after a thorough Investigation
by Auditor General McCamant, assisted by W.
W. Welgley, Esq., of Philadelphia, well known
as a corporation lawyer, who was appointed
special counsel to represent the Stat: in No
vember, 1888, suits were instituted in the
United States Circuit Court in Philadelphia,
and subsequently onder the direction of At
torney General KIrkpatrick, in the Superior
Court of Massachusetts, at Boston, where the
Union Pacific Railway Company was made de
fendant, the State claiming that the railway
company, as owner of all the shares of the
Credit Mobiller Company, had in its possession
valuable property subject to taxation.
An adjustment was finally reached upon a
basis of 120 per share, being the cash market
price of the stock, and resulting In a settlement
as above stated.
Jin Album of Pittsburg YIews.
Adolph Wittemann, of New York, has re
cently published a souvenir album of Pitts
burg and Allegheny views. The pictures,
which represent some of the principal buildings
and thoroughfares, are. made by. Albertjpe
process ana are very nanasome.
A Most Successful Bazaar Held by the So
ciety of Merc j The Cyolorama Hall a
Bower of Beauty.
A bright, attractive and animated scene was
presented in Cyclorama Hall yesterday after
noon, although the unpleasant atmosphere of
the day was calculated to put a damper on
almost any enterprise.
The ladies of the Society of Mercy of Trinity
Church had spent the morning in arranging
the various booths and tables, and the result
was one most satisfactory to the various senses.
At the fancy-work table Mrs. Harry Darling
ton, Mrs. C. L Johnson, Mrs. Jas. B. McFadden,
Mrs. Park Painter and Mrs. Hoag presided.
The dainty creations there to be found ap
pealed to the visitors' sense of the beautiful,
and also their purses, quite frequently.
At the children's tablS Mrs. William H.
Singer was chairman, and was assisted by a
most able corps of assistants in little Misses
Marguerite Singer. Anna Scaife, Mary Laugh
lin. Rosalind 8mith, Louise Wood, Anna Scott,
Acnes Dickson, Amy Watson.
The "guess" doll was very beautiful, and was
dressedTiy Mrs. A. E. W. Painter, and named
by her little niece Mary Painter, of Ridge ave
nue, who is attending the select "school of Miss
Hazen in New York.
The name was sealed In anjenvelope and the
successful guesser received the dolL Miss
Cathcrwood took charge of this valuable young
lady, and her aids were Misses Rebecca Dar
lington, Lizzie Chambers and Madeline Langh
lin. She also had under her charge tha trues
boat, and Matters Kenneth Painter, Mar
shall Bell and Benny McCord asssisted her.
The grabbag afforded a great deal of amuse
ment, and was taken charge of by Mrs. Joseph
Brown and Mrs. George McBride.-with little
Bessie McBride and Mary Brown as aids. Mrs.
A. E. W. Painter, Mrs. Charles Lane Fitzhugh,
Mrs. Ross w. Proctor and Mrs. Israel were in
attendance at the Ice cream and cake tables.
The Punch and Judy was In charge of Miss
Bessie Howe and Mr. John Pickelson. Mas
ters Douglas Stewart and Carroll Fritzhugh
officiated as doorkeepers.
Supper was served by the ladies at 6 o'clock,
and altogether the event was what is always
expected from the ladies of Trinity Church.
What the Religions Folk Contributed to the
Two Cities' Enjoyments Yosterday.
The lecture room of the Sandusky Street
Baptist Church was transformed into a ban.
nueting room last evening. The long table
handsomely decorated with cut flowers was
loaded with all the good things of the season.
The ladles in charge were Mrs. Woodburn,'
Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Rudolph, Mrs. Thomp
son, Mrs. Bettenger, Mrs. Irwin. Mrs. Dodda,
Mrs. Siebert, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. McCullum, Mrs.
Prescott. Mrs. Allen Rudolph, Misses Wood
burn and Misses Cook.
A unlqne entertainment was given last even
ing in the Second Congregational Church, Al
legheny. Hindoo and Japanese tableaux vi
vants, followed by some Interesting selections
by Miss Sadie L. Stevenson composed the pro
gramme. The sunflower concert at the Arch Street M.
E. Chnrcb last evening was largely attended,
and afforded considerable pleasure to those
The musical and literary entertainment at
the Fifth U. P. Church last evening was a very
enjoyable affair.
There will bo a supper and social held at the
Third V. P. Church on next Thursday evwung.
Supper will be served at 6 p. if.
The Nnn of Kenmnre May Locate Her Edu
cntionnl Scheme Here.
The Pittsburg philanthropic people are dis
cussing the feasibility of opening a school for
girls here in the city and placing Miss Cusack,
or the Nun of Eenmarc, in charge of it. The
lady herself is very much in favor of the Idea
as it will enable her to carry into effect her
long cherished scheme regarding the education
of girls for domestic service and "domestic life.
when asked if ahy definite action had been
taken in the matter, she replied: "No, not as
yet, but I am besieged with callers every day
to talk the matter over, and they are
all so earnest and enthusiastic about
it, that I think after my lecture
m Lafayette Hall on Monday evening some
decided action will be taken in regard to the
step. I not only receive visits from Protest
ants, but am interviewed by priests and
Catholics, Of course they want to dissuade
me from my lecture, but that is nonsense.
Then, again, two wealthy Catholic ladies the
other day offered ma any amount of money I
might mention if I would open a school here
for the Catholics and return to the church, but
that would be impossible."
The Swlssvale Presbyterian Church tho
Scene of "1 Enjoyable Event.
Swissvale ladies make a success of anything
they undertake, and their bazaar last evening
was no exception to the rule. The Iecturo
room of the Presbyterian Church was very
prettily decorated, and the various booths, ar
ranged artistically and presided over by charm
ing ladies, made it a very cozy place to stray
The salo of the pretty wares displayed com
menced at 3 o'clock, and at 7.30 dinner was
served in the adjoining room.
Mrs. John Dalzell and Mrs. H. H. Westing
house were assisted in their efforts to make
the fair what it was a social and
financial success by Mrs, Will Watson and
Mrs. Hawkins at the fancy table; Mrs.
Brown and 'Mrs. Fisher, at tho toy
booth; Mrs. Tajlor, Mrs. Craighead and Mrs.
Torrens at the ice cream table; Mrs. Heazleton
and a bevy of lair young ladies at the doll
counter; Mrs. Scboyer, Miss Balkam, Mrs.
Duff, Mrs. Newmrer. Jr., Mrs. Hazeltine, Mrs.
Hazlett in the dining room, and Mrs. New
myer, Br., Mrs. Dickson and Miss Gordon, on
Cnrpet Knights nnd Boudoir Beauties.
Mr. Frank G. Bailey, of Homestead, will
have reached the age of 21 November 15, and
his parents. Mr. aud Mrs. W. F. Bailey, have
issued invitations for a dancing party in honor
of the event. Special train will be chartered
for the benefit of Pittsburg guests.
Nklla F. Brown, the famous elocutionist,
will give an entertainment at the Arch Street
Methodist Episcopal Church Monday evening,
November U. Dr. Talmage, of Brooklyn,
speaft very highly of the lady's powers in her
own peculiar line..
Miss Cabbie Eohmertz will entertain a
number of her friends this evening at her home,
corner of Fifth avenue ana Craig street. Pro
gressive euchre will engross the young people's
Miss Ida daughter of the late William S.
Creighton, was privately married Thursday
evening by Rev. Dr. Witherspoon to JohnL.
Collins. The ceremony took place in Alle
gheny. A delightful 1 o'clock dinner was given
by Mrs. B. P. Raflcrty. Fifth avenue, to a
number of her lady friends yesterday.
Mrs. J. W. Fbiend, of Third street, eave a
very pleasant little euchre party last evening.
Kennedy served an excellent repast.
The euchre party given by Mr. and Mrs.
Mansfield Cochran, at Sowickley, last evening,
was an unusually pleasant one.
Mrs. Anderson's school, on Union avenue,
gave a very delightful reading and musicaie
last evening.
The Allegheny Park conservatory is ono
magnificent blaze of chrysanthemums in all
A Lively Race Which Was Easily Won by a
Dakota Statesman. (
From the Fhllaaelohla Telegraph. J
There was a strip of land'ln Dakota which he
(Mr.Pettigrewhow United States Senator-elect)
wanted. The ownership of it was in som e way
involved, so that the possession of it depended
upon getting a deed from a certain old Indian
on file in the court before some one else got a
similar deed on file. He made his negotiations
very secretly with the old Indian, and took the
first train to get bis deed filed. On the same
train was a shrewd-looking Hebrew, who
watched Pettigrew so intently all the while, and
seemed so nervous, that the Westerner Detran
to suspect that this man's mission was similar 1
to his, and that it related to tne same property.
At one of the stations the Hebrew got off the
train and sent a dispatch ahead. This con
firmed Pcttigrew's suspicions. The man was
telegraphing for a wagon to meet him at the
depot and it would be a race to see who would
get to the Court House first. There they were,
both on the same train, with an even chance of
both landing at the same moment and the He
Drew having the advantage of a wagon at the
depot. Pettigrew figured this all out as the
train rushed on. He thought much about it
and was greatly perplexed.
Presently be walked through the train to the
engine, and got in the cab with the engineer.
He had not been there lone when the train
stopped, and the conductor announced that
something had broken down, and that they
would have to wait. there while the engine went
ahead for assistance. As the Hebrew stepped
on the platform to Bee what was the matter, be
saw the engine, detached from the train, speed
ing down the track with Pettigrew in the- cab.
Some hours after Pettigrew had filed his deed
the other man appeared at the Court Home
vita another wmen ne ium ra sue,
The Ft. Way no Railroad Severely Crltl-
clsed by One of Its Employes.
To the Kdltor of The Dispatch:
While I was In the general office building of
the Pennsylvania Company on Penn avenue
yesterday seeking information in regard to the
new schedule which is placed in effect to-day,
one of the employes freely admitted to me that
the officers of the road retained many old
fogy notions in regard' to the conduct of the
suburban train service of the Ft Wayne Rail
road between Pittsburg and Allegheny and
tne region mat exienus along the unio river.
What he said of the suburban service, in sub
stance, is this:
"Our managing officers are level-beaded men
in many respects, but they are too much imbued
with the idea that everything they do has to be
made to pav. You naturally do not expect
merchants to sell roods at a loss, but it is differ
ent with railroads. Tho aim should be to pro
duce a feeling of satisfaction in the minds of
its patrons; even though the results do not
always show to the favor of the company In
the balance sheet. Railroads that are built
through a new country often are run at a loss
until the territory is developed and the sub
urban patronage of the Fort Wayne Railroad
could be largely increased if these gentlemen
would only look more to their patrons' comfort
and pnt the almignty dollar farther from
their sight. One thing that ought to be done
is to place a cafe car on every morning train
that comes into the city: wherein rjasseneers
could procure breakfast. A man living at Be
wioklcy, for Instance, would thcreloro be en
abled to sleep at least 20 minutes longer, and
would not be obliged to miss bis breakfast,
even if he had to run from his house to the
train: or if the cafe car would be too expensive,
half of the bageage car could be fitted up as a
kitchen and coffee and rolls served to each pas
senger. "A market train should start from Allegheny
about 11 o'clock every morning and run to
Leetsdale, carrying free all baskets belonging
to regular commuters, and the company should
have a porter at each station to deliver the
baskets at the houses of their owners in order
that the contents might be properly placed on
ice; for this service there should be no charge,
as the facilities for procuring market supplies
would lead a great many families to reside at
these suburban stations and greatly increase
the travel of the road: '
"The eentlemen who come ud in the moraine
could read their newspapers while enjoying
coffee and rolls, but for the ladies who come
up in the forenoon after breakfast for shop
ping other provision for entertainment should
be made in order that the ride would seem
short and pleasing. This could be arranged by
placing a grapbophone, with an ample stock of
cylinders, in each car and with a tube extend
ing to each seat so that the occupant might
enjoy selections from operas, music of the
violin with piano accompaniment, cornet and
piccolo solos and choice recitations. Tho
brakesmen could easily change the cylinders
without their other duties being Interfered
"The graphophones would be greatly appre
ciated by those who go to their homes on night
trains, and for the benefit of gentlemen who
have been detained late at their offices or for
other reasons, hammocks should be swung In
at least two cars of the last train in order that
they might at their ease enjoy a cigar or a nap;
this could be easily effected, and with a slight
change in the system of ventilation, would in
ure greatly to the popularity of tho road. For
the benefit of ladies on lato trains there should
he cars for their exclusive accommodation
equipped with sofas and easy chairs.
"These are but a few suggestions, the adop
tion of which would cause a wonderful Increase
in the population of Bellevue, Emswortb, Se
wickley and the intervening suburbs, and tend
toawonderfnl development of the Pennsyl
vania Company's suburban traffic Newspaper
agitation will doubtless do much toward ac
complishing the results, but the hoped for
Changes will possibly never be fully realized
until younger andmore progressive blood Is in
fused into the management.
"Yours, most satirically, AN OBSERVER."
Pittsburg, November 8,ilBS9.
Mr. Wilbelm Is Morb Explicit.
To the Editor of The Blspstcn:
Noticing in your issue of tq-day a communi
cation signed by a Mr. Amlet, in which my
statements to one of your reporters regarding
the origin of the incendiary anarchistic
pamphlet which Is now being circulated
throughout the city, is made out to be a false
hood, I beg leave to say: That i blood-curdling
circular may or may not have been written,
set up and printed in the Arbeittr Zeitung't
office; but that paper has been an exponent
not only of radical socialism, but cgmmunlsm
and anarchism, attacking in mosr raoid
manner the social institutIons-eS te-di.,
and advocating their overthrow by -force. Of
that there cannot be any duubt in tha minds of
those who have read the paper. I only wonder
at the audacity of any of the .4 roetta- Zeitung't
attachees to publicly make a statement to the
To make the attitude of the Arbciter Zetlung
on matters anarchistic quite plain, it is only
necessary to state that it has called npon the
tanners and bakers of this city and Allegheny
to secede from the Knights of Labor organiza
tion, and join the ranks of the Interna
tional Workingmen's Association, which
is entirely composed of Anarchists, and
the Agitation Corkmittee, which signed
the circular mentioned above. To prove
positively and conclusively how very much Mr.
Amlet is mistaken when he says that "tho
Arbiter Zeilung is neither an anarchistic nor a
socialistic paper, I need only refer to a poem,
printed in that journal on October SO, in which
Anarchist Fricke (the occasion being his 71st
birthday) is called "friend," brother," "papa,"
"redeemer of mankind," and by other endear
ing and heroic terms of admiration and the
fact that the same paper quotes extensively
from the New York Volks Zeilung, the official
organ of the International Workingmen's As
sociation. Regarding the accusation contained in the
letter of Amlet, that f was actuated by personal
or mercenary motives in exposing his paper,
I can only say that It is absurd. The Arbeiter
Zeilung does not and cannot enter Into com
petition with any other paper here, for very
obvious reasons, and my only object in holding
that sheet up to tho public gaze was to crush
its anarchistic tendencies, knowing that they
cannot bear the light of day, and that
the great majority of the disciples
of Herr Most have not the courage
of their conviction, when brought face to face
with an emergency. As an organ pnblihedln
the true interest of labor the Arbeiter Zeilung
would be a most welcome addition to the Ger
man press of Pittsburg: but as a snarling, howl
ing, bloodhound of anarchism, tho German
citizens of this town will "smite such incen
diarism with a swift and heavy hand."
Respectfully yours,
Carl Wilhelm.
Editor Bonntagsblalt und Reform.
Prrrsuuno, Novembers. 1889.
Plttsbnrs'a Slcbts, as Viewed br a Metro
politan Newspaper Man.
Pittsburg SDeclal to .New York Herald.
The Pan-American delegates have done some
hard work and have seen Borne very interesting
sights, but I don't think that anywhere have
they done harder work, not even in the Mam-,
moth Cave of Kentucky, or seen more wonder
ful sights than here to-day. No wonder the
Plttsburgers can spend 110,000 or 512,000 on their
guests when they have such gigantic works for
profit and expedition. We have just got back
from a long journey and sightseeing, and the
deafening noise of clanging sledgehammers
and whirling machinery are still In our ears,
and the glow of red-hot metal and the pyro
technics of a modern forge and foundry still
seem to try the eyes.
Few cities, if any, in the world, can boast of
such gigantic works as we have been through
to-day. Of course, tho strangers have- seen
iron and steel works before in some of their
own big cities, but it is the enormous capital,
the bringing together of ponderous machinery,
the production- of enormous masses of metal
for every conceivable purpose, the direction of
thousands of workmen practically by one man
that has made this day one long to be remem
bered by all in the party.
It was a bright, warm day and many thought
how strange it was that so beautiful a region
should be given up to foundries and factories.
A few years ago we would not have seen so
much of Pittsburg's beauties, because tljen the
furnaces were run with coal and the smoke
from innumerable chimneys obscured the view.
The discovery of natural gas has changed a
great deal of that, and the gentleman who
roueht It about is chairman of the Committee
of Entertainment, CapUln C. W. Batchellor.
In 18T5 bo ran a six-Inch pipe from a well 17
miles d-stant into the city. It took Just nine
lnlnutei for the gas to travel so far. low
there are big mains laid, and natural gas is in
troduced into private houses for heating pur
poses and the old grates are done away with.
The visitors were desirous of seeing the latter
curiosity. They were shown how it worked in
one of the rooms of the magnificent new Court
House. By the way, this is a massive stone
structure of unique architectural design, built
to last for centuries, and It cost only 12,600.000.
The logs in the grate looked like burning oak,
but they were only clay. The heat was greater
than that from coal.
Looks Well la lis New Dress.
The SodthsMo Itcvine, a new nowspapcr
venture on tpo other side of the Monongabela.,,
comes out this week with a handsome new
beading and in an entirely new .dress. fr.
George O. Jenks has lately taken editorial
cnarge, uu i bmhubis fT m ivvu""ihi
ought to bo PJua ox.
staves ofa Wronged Haibaiid.
Nbtw York, November 8, Two years ago
John Bergan. a carpenter 62 years old, mar
ried a pretty brunette in her twenties. He
lived happily with her till 8 o'clock last even
ing, when he came home from work to find her
drunk; in the lap of Thomas 7. UcEflly, a
friend .and neighbor. Bergan dropped his
tools and whipped out a knife. He seized Mc
Evtly by the hair, stretched back bis neck over
the back of the chair, and drew tho sharp
blade across his face a dozen times. With a
tremendous effort McEvlly broke away and
ran to a neighboring drugstore. He was
choked and blinded by clots of blood, and his
clothe were red and wet He was sent to a
hospital and Bergan was arrested. Bergan
was arraigned to-day before Justice White, at
the Harlem Police Court, and told his story,
trembling In every nerve, and with the tears
streaming- down his face. The Judge beard
the pitiful tale, and then after ascertaining
that McEvfly's injuries were not dangerous,
paroled the prisoner, to 'appear when wanted.
Clearing; Up the Navy Yard'.
The 'Brooklyn Navy Yard Is being rapidly
cleared of the men-of-war which have been
anchored and docked there within the last 10
weeks. The Boston is gons; the Atlanta left
to-day; this morning the Yorktown went around
to anchor in the North river, ana to-morrow
morning the Chicago will join the other new
cruisers there, preparatory to leaving for Bos
ton on the 12th. The Lancaster left this morn
ing, in tow of the Kearsarge, for Portsmouth.
N. H.. where she is to be repaired, to become a
gunnery training ship. The Dolphin is coaling,
and it is reported that she will take Secretary
Tracy to Boston, to reviow the new cruisers be
fore their departure for Eurdpe. The tug
Mina has gone to Newport to tow the Ports
mouth here for repairs. The Kearsarge, upon
her return from Portsmouth, will be docked
and repaired.
Honeymoon of iba Bayard.
Ex-Secretary Thomas P. Bayard and his
bride were at the New York Hotel to-day.
They received no callers, and even instructed
the hotel clerk not to send np cards. They
will remain here a couple of days, and upon
their return to Wilmington. Del., will take up
their residence at Delamere Place, the old
uayara nomestead.
Getting; Even for His MiUes.
Miss Kittle Lamont, a tall, shapely, artificial
blonde, was engaged to be married to Harry M.
Pike, a variety actor who formerly traveled
with the "American Four." About three
weeks ago Pike severed his connection with
the American Four, and Miss Lamont severed
her longstanding relations with Pike. Pike
told Miss Lamont he would make her repent of
giving him the mitten. During the night after
the day Pike made this threat, Miss Lamont'a
sealskin sacque and jewelry, valued altogether
at (1,600, were stolen from her flat. Miss
Lamont'a story, which Pike dramatically pro
claimed in court to be a tissue of lies, was told
to-day. She said that during her absence
from home Pike and another man entered
her flat, disguised as butchers. Pike put his
friend on the dumb waiter and hoisted him up
to her apartments on the fourth floor. Pike's
friend then opened the door of Miss Lamont'a
room and admitted Pike, who went to her
dressing case, took out the key to her jewelry
box, and stole her diamond jewelry. He then
locked the box, returned the key to the dresser,
and threw the jewelry box in the hall. Hiss
Lamont told the police, and Pike was caught
early this morning. Miss Lamont'a landlady,
who saw Pike and his pal make off with their
plunder after the burglary, corroborated her
story. Pike was remanded.
The Famous Natural Brides and Its Cher9
Isfaed Traditions.
Natural Bridge Cor. Baltimore American.
It is claimed that the name cut in the rocky
abutment of tha bridge by tho yontbf ul George
Washington may be still traced, though no one
has ventured to assert that the carving was done
by the juvenile hatchet of blessed memory.
There are guides who will throw a stone up to
the spot where George Washington immortal-
lzea nimseir. ana innocently inquire n you ao
-sot see tne tetters. MajiyTOSie-HfUiep. wi
keen evesieht and endowed with & lively imar-
mauon nave seen tne inscription, ana oesiaes,
it is a matter of recorded history, and the guide
books swear to it. Some daring spirits fired by
the ardor of emulation, have climbed,
above the bigh mark made by Wash
ington, and their exploits live in his
tory. They have been mostly young fel
lows from college like the daring youth whose
adventure at the bridge is told by Elihu Bur.
ritt. This story graphically pictures the dizzy
experience of the young man carving his way
np the precipitous wall until his knife-blade is
worn away and his strength Is exhausted, and
the awful fate of being dashed to pieces on tho
rocky bed of Cedar creek below is Imminent,
until a friendly rope from above saves him for
future usefulness.
We may experience some disappointment in
not being able to recognize on the wall the
handwriting of tha "Father of His Country,"
and wa may question the tale forged by tha
"Learned Blacksmith," ,but there will be no
disappointment with the bridge. The majestic
work of nature stands there rugged and
bold still the greatest bridge In the world, a
monolith more impressive than a pyramid.
There it stands, spanning tha nighest part of a
rocky canyon, a beautiful arch, connecting
two mountains like srt3iamee ligament. Cedar
creek flows on through tha lofty eate. murmur
ing over pebbles or rushing as a torrent over
boulders. Strong-winged birds soar in the blue
sky. which is seen through the arch so far
away, or poise on wing in tb streak of light
above the somber defile. The belsbt of the
bridge Is 'US feet, the width 100 feet and the
span 80 feet 8o great a monument as tho im
posing Dorio column erected by Maryland to
Washington in the city of Baltimore could be
placed, with pedestal and statue, under the
arch of the Natural Bridgo of Virginia and not
nil the deft.
...-. " -t-. .. . i ..
A Number of Legislators Attend the Obse
quies at Harrlsbarsr.
HarRISBTJRQ, November 8. The funeral to
day of Andy Pyne, chief of tha House pages
for many years, was largely attended. Elabor
ate and appropriate floral testimonials were
contributed by his friend. Among those pres
ent at the funeral were several'members of the
Legislature from Philadelphia1! and other por
tions of tho State, who adopted resolutions or
condolence after the funeraL
Nearly all the Legislators whoipartlclpatea
in the obsequies came here in a private car
from Philadelphia. t
Two maudlin miners lying on the roadside at
Easton were mistaken for a bear bva passer-by,
and the alarm was spread through the country.
The dogs of a hunting party got on tha scent
of a skunk and run it out, and the hunters
were very mad when they found there was no
bear, ft
BEVERAii Carbondale funny fellows started
out a few nights ago and called in a party on
half a dozen girls, one after the other.' At each
house they stayed IS minutes, .and by a prear
ranged plan it was agreed that not a word should
bespoken. The effect was startling.
ANAllentown tailor has invented a "shoul
der protector," to prevent the powder on the
girl's faces from soiling the young men's coats.
PRor. Fbauk Stouch has taught 23,683 per
sons at Reading how to dance. It took him S3
years to doit,
Test gunners at Millersvllle, Lancaster
county, bagged 95 rabbits oa Monday after
noon. Therk is a man InZanesville who announced
on Tuesday that he knew Governor Foraker,
could not be elected because New York and
Indiana would go against him. So he voted
with Campbell to be on the winning tide.
The enomies of a West Virginia Justice of
the Peace, recently appointed, are circulating
the story that the magistrate signs his name
without using a single capital letter.
Jacob. Moser. an undertaker of Lima, asd
Fletcher Cahlll, a well-known business man of J
Blunton, mada a peculiar election oet. it was
asrecd tbafln case- Campbell carried Hamilton
codnty.MoserwouId furnish a coffin, robe and,
all the necessary outfit for a nm-oUMlBBral.
lor Cahili,1ffeaofchag,anln cae Ponrtw
carriad it CabiU wool y e5oM-'riee fat it
MoaerMMMet, 1m fm oatry at ts.
AfrQvSWwf i sMW B talMrlwfc J
.-TV" tin I I IIHSiiIii i unit II Will TT -hwtssssi ' ' -- J
1 t7
The drcus elephant Empress, was sold"
at auction in Philadelphia, Thursday. Sha
broutht H,700.
-he French .army officers are now all
armed with revolvers. During the war' of 1870
they had none. ';
The most Interesting exhibition's, la
Europe next year will he the Loan Exhibition
of Tapestry at the Austrian Museum. ,
A3 I know more of mankind I expect less of
them, ana am readier, to call a man' good on
easier terms than I was formerly. Dr. John
ton. ' - -
The choice of Pierre as the capital'ofl
South Dakota has given the town a wonderf u6
sold them tor 51,000. fflS
A grocer in Jersey City has been corals
plained of to the County Board of Health f or '
selling sunburned potatoes. The complainant
alleged that such potatoes are poisonous. '
The choir of a church on Long Island -
bad to get along Sunday without the accom- -panlment
of the organ, thieves having cari
ried off the instrument durin" the previous s
night. rj
Tdebe is blessed peace in looking' fores
nothing bnt our daily task and our portion of -Christ's
cross between this day and tha ap
pointed tlma when we shall fall asleep in Him.
BUtiop WUberoree.
The latest British annexation consists
of Humphrey and RIeson Islands, in the South
Pacific. They form part of the Manihikl group
and He north of Cook's and the Society Tvnd-
and to the northeast of Samoa.
A DISTINGUISHED divine onea said; "I wiinl
that ministers and lecturers would be a little J
mora generous of thought and more stingy of
woros. i on aon'i want a yoke of oxen to drag1?
w tiiwu wa jnjMhwca un th smoo.Il Zvau.
Monaco, to which only Consuls are acl
credited, has a bigger diplomatic corps than
tha rest of Europe, and its diplomats display a
profusion of gold lace and titles purely for the
honor of serving the principality gratis.
Chinese railway building has come to
an end, because the French Government in
sists up
by wbli
the pen
The skeletons of CharlesBnraes, Nathan
Fubbran and George Cantlice have been found
in a camp in Wolf .mountains. A diary which
had been- kept up to August 18. 1888, shows'
them to be a party of prospectors, searching
for the famous Lost Cabin gold mines.
The "champion voter" of New York
City is Abraham Tappan, father of Frederick
D. Tappan, the president of the Gallatin Bankj ,
He is 94 years old, and be cast his seventy-"
second vote on Tuesday, and thereby added to .""
the Democratic malonty. Mr. Tappan bears Ta
his years welL He does not look over 60, and 5
is as firm and erect as a young man.
Geronimo and his renegade Apaches
will remain at Mount Vernon Barrack, Ala
bama, during the winter. Geronimo has be
come quite civilized. He has learned to twang
tha banjo and his old surly manner has left
him. It Is not probable, however, that his edu
cation will go far. Ha would rather play cards '.
than learn to read, ana his former fondness for '
firewater remains. He has to be closely watched ,1
or he will get drunk at tha first opportunity.
He has, however, made abetter prisoner than
was expeciea.
A old farmer couple brought two $1,000
united States bonds to an Adrian, Mich.,
Danker last week which they bad been Ignor-
antly boarding sines the second year after the
war, and until the cashier told them they had
been called in in 1874. they supposed tha bonds
had been bearing Interest all the while. Thenw,
the bank man consoled them with the state-K
ment that the Interest on 12.000 for 15 years at 3
per cent would have amounted to $900 if tha
oonas naa been casnea ana the money put into
uio uanit.
An impressive lesson for the "United
States comes from South Africa, where no rain
has fallen for a year, and there Is much suffer- -7
ing from want of water. Prof. Sceley, thai ''
American geologist, who has justmadeatonxv
of the country, says the same cause that ruined ,i
X. iru.m.Mi.1. .,! T..J.I. .H...A aw.4a '
fertile countries in the world. Is at work in,
South Africa. It is tha destruction of the tim-i
ber, and tha same causa that turned those
countries into deserts is prcancing the same)
enect in Boutn Ainca. it u at worklntba
united states, and we shall sea destructive
effects from It before manyyears.
.An Infprpivtfnfr i?mr B&trvwu TaMt rrv1
CtaierJcQ94traoi55Trlerii in! WaWUsM
nrton. not many days' aeo. The canine was
named "Budge," and he followed the Army oft
the Potomao during the early years of the war.
Sndge had a habit of chasing cannon bans, and
while thus engaged during a battle he lost ono
of his legs: He was left on tha field, tha men
being too nusy to care tor mm. due some aays,
afterward he limped into camp. "A surgeon
of the Twentv-saventh New York fixed ud tha
stump, and In the course of time IthealedJ
uuage was au wrougn tuex'eniasuiacampaipv
and during the advance and retreat ha hobbled
along, and during engagements followedihls
favorite nastlme. chaxine: cannon balls and
shells. Nothing could abate bis zeal in that
direction. Budge followed the troops Dackfto
"Wasnineton. took part in the second battle. of
Bull Rrm,.the battle of South Mountain, and
then hobblea along until be reacnea Anneram.'
In the battle of the second day Budso chose to
take part in tho conflict, and the next day.hs
was louna among tne aeaa."
Yale students are to present a "frofi
.opera." The cast win require 75 people. Thej
mnsic was written by Burton E. LeavitVal
Yale freshman. Tha incident to be comaeM
orated Is historic. Windham county historians?
airrea that the 1 roe scare took slaea ona sultry)
night in June, 1761. The Windhamltes werai
awakened by the most unearthly noises, and 1
some of them leaped to tha conclusion that tha
cracs ox aoora au Deen sounaea, utaers
came to-the natural, but almost equally dread
f ul, conclusion that an army of French and
Indians was marching upon tha village. AU
night long the people trembled In terror. Tha
booming tumult seemed to come frosa the pond
on the Scotland road, which has ever ainca
borne the name of Frog Pond. Among the
noises tha people distinctly heard nttereathe
name of tha well-known Tory lawyer who was
prominently connected with tha Susquehanna
purchase. In this fashion: "We'U have Colonel
Dyer! We'll have Colonel Dyerr' "Elderkln
too! Elderkln too!" rang out steadUy in a
sharp tenor response. Colonel Elderkln was
another lawyer. The people were terrified.
Families living near said that tha distress of
the frogs during the night was given vent to
with such force that they felt, their beds quake
beneath them. -The frogs were seen by lantern
light to be in great trouble. In the moraine
many dead frogs were found about the pond.
There were no marks of violence upon them
ana nomine to tnaicats tnat tneynaaoeea
fighting. It is supposed that tha frogs were '
attacked by some deadly malady.
i t
The 'World's Fair The women. PUei.
As It "Was "Written Can you lend i
ten! Puck.
A KVnlneW "Mlnnrilv Those who araJ
not Majors. Puet. Si
Marriage, is a partnership for life. "Weall
know who isn't a silent partner, now, don't wef1
First Bov I hear yon ran off to the
vMitardlr- Tlldvon Anforvonrself?
8eeondBoT-Oh, I had a spanking time. Ifoja!
pa there. Jimt.
Professional Beat (to hotel proprietory
Is lhers auv d&nrer of s firs here? . .'.
Proprietor Not If yon settle for your board In?
Made a Deep Impression. BsiDer-Ii
think this Is the first time I ever shavea yon, sir.
Victim You're mistaken there.
Barber Strange I fallto remember It, sir.
Victim i"ou wouldn't be so likely to remei:
it as t.Botton titrate.
Clothing Salesman 'Wei, how do
like this pattern! '
Customer Can't you give meimethlngal
anleter? Yon see. I freauently come home i
midnight, and It Is a matter of some importances
to me not to wake up my wia-nn""" ,f '
v.. .
O wealthv Yankee maidens, who for i
"- husbands yearn,
Wetp, weep, and tear your hair fo
little figures iparat
You may buy a Count, or Marquis, .
cheap, but zounds!
Vn 1A-aTl..,. fa il n it Z.00O
, -CUcago TrttuniA
.. - i..
Young Johnny-What team navo
Mr. Btayer-What team, Johnny! Why, ?j5i
mean a ball team! imnotosup.j. -ia
vim.. Ti,-whT. I theufht yon wer
Sister was telling mother Ust nlshtshs thought
Bigbee "Why Small, you are just thej
I want to see. You nsve uo w v,uj
now, haven't you!
"Well, 1 wosld llkeyoBtosccoBuaogsteiaewiaiy
alsaef SK" -v
I -.l .. a.
sr !' V'hM
fi. &Jiec'i: