Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 09, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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visitors that the works at Creighton com
pose only one of the three great plants of the
Pittsburg Plate Glass Company, the other
two being at Tarentum and Ford Citv. The
Creighton mills are the oldest and the Ford
City works the newest and largest. The
capacity of all the mills is 500,000 square
feet of polished plate glass per month.
Sir. Edward Ford took immediate charge
of Senor Bomero and M r. Blaine, while
Mr. E. L. Ford took Judge Estee and ex
Senator Henderson under his immediate
care. The other visitors followed close and
listened intently to the explanations made.
The party was led to the furnace department,
where the glass materials are melted in the
crucible pots. The process of carrying the
huge crucibles to the rolling tables and roll
ing the dump into plates nine-sixteenths of
an inch thick, was observed with much in
terest The visitors saw three pots emptied,
rolled and shoved into the ovens.
On one occasion, while the yellow white
glass, looking like sweet taffy, was
being jKrured upon the rolling table,
ex-Senator Henderson said: "That stuff
looks cood enough to eat." The Spanish-
American gentlemen took a keener interest
in the operations of the plate glass works,
and asked more questions than at any other
mill during their local trips. The visitors
took each department in its proper turn,
and observed with care the work in the
smoothing and polishing mills. In the
latter department Mr. Edward Ford ex
plained to many who asked that the red
material used in polishing was the finest
oxide of iron. The ordinary oxide of iron
of commerce would scratch the glass. The
delegates then inspected the storage rooms,
where huge plates of finished glass, 12 by
14 feet, are kept in stock. In the office a
pretty souvenir was presented to each of the
visitors. It was a box containing four
pieces of glass, one a finely beveled paper
weight, another a piece of rough glass as it
comes from the rolls, the third a parallelo
gram of smoothed glass, and the fourth a
piece finally polished.
. The train felt Creiffhton at 12:40 o'clock.
ran up the "West Penn to Freeport, and at
the "West Penn Junction was transferred to
the Allegheny Valley Railway, returning
bv that line to the citv at 2.30 P. M. Lunch
was served to all during this journey. The
rain cansed a change in the programme. It
was decided not to stop at the mills in Law
rence ville.
inspecting ikon works.
Arriving at Eifty-first street, however,
eignt or ten of the party left the train and
inspected the Pittsburg Locomotive "Works
and the Crescent Steel "Works. Senor Ko
mero was one of the foreign ministers who
stopped off The A, French Spring Com
pany's two mills were decorated vith flags,
the workmen were crowded to the windows,
and all revealed a shadow of disappointment
as the train went slowly past.
On the return to Pittsburg Captain James
H. Ford, of the Pittsburg Plate Glass Com
pany, the veteran glass manufacturer in this
country, was on the train. In a short talk
he said to the reporter for The Dispatch:
"Our company has now practically driven
foreign plate glass out of this country. Of
conrse, we could not do that without the
tariff. "We pay three and four times as
much wages as they pay in Belgium and
France, but our improved macbinery ena
bles us to make 2 times as much glass with
the same number of men in the same time.
"We have cnt out Europe in our market by
onr low figures, and are selling plate glass
from Maine to California. I made the first
plate glass in this country at; New Albany,
Lid. I lost considerable money at first, but
I've got it all back. "We are making no ef
fort to get trade abroad. All we can ask is
our home market. That is great enough to
satisfy anybody. We are now 100,000 feet
behind our orders. One-half of our work
men are foreigners, but we are teaching
American boys the trade as rapidly as we
can. It pays us to do so, for the young men
of this country learn rapidly and in a short
time make much better workmen than the
foreigners. They are quicker and more
Custom House Freedom In the Spanish
American Republic The Temper of the
For the benefit of Pittsburg manufac
turers and shippers, an effort was made yes
terday to obtain from the Spanish-American
delegates some information in regard to the
customs duties levied by their several Gov
ernments on machinery, glassware, agri
cultural implements and coal. It was dis
covered that few of the delegates were pre
pared to give positive details on these points.
They have stacks of statistics and tariff
tables at their offices in "Washington, but
they do not carry the detailed figures in
their minds. A general disposition is mani
fested by the Spanish-American commis
sioners to the Congress to secure as great a
degree of reciprocity between the nations of
the three Americas, in the way of lowering
or abolishing enstoms taxes, as can be at
tained without impairing Government reve
nues. Delegate F. C. C. Zegarra, of Pern, said:
''Manufactured machinery, agricultural im
plements and apparatus used in the arts and
sciences are all admitted free of duty. To
bring them in free is conducive to the de
velopment of our country. Mining ma
chinery is free. As to locomotives and other
appliances for railroad equipment, such
things are admitted through our custom
houses according to the terms of special con
tracts between the Government and the con
tractors who build and equip the various
railroads. As a rule in such matters the
Government admits them free, for the pur
pose of contributing to the fullest develop
ment of our country. I cannot say whether
or not there is a tax on coal. I think there
is a small one. At present we get our coal
from England. "We have coal and petro
leum in Peru, but tbev have not been de
veloped. These matters of the tariff are the
things which we will discuss at "Washing
ton. I will ther6, for my country, present
full statistics relating to our tariff and the
products which we have to sell, against
which the tariffs of our other nations
operate. "We are ready to cut down tariffs
radically. Of course these things cannot
be done all at once."
Judge Jose Alfonso, the veteran delegate
from Chili, said: "The tariff on industrial
machinery is very smalL The rates have re
cently been very much reduced on all ma
chinery, including mining machinery and
agricultural implements. ' We have scarcely
any mill machinery In our country. We
have much raw material in Chili, but we
have not yet done much in the wayof manu
facturing. There was formerly a small duty
on coal, but I think it has recently been
taken off. Our Coal comes'from Newcastle-on-the-Tyne."
Judge Alionso was asked: "Have your
people a disposition to reduce or remove
your custom duties on our products if our
Government does likewise for your prod
ucts?" To that the Judge replied: "We
hare a friendly feeling for the United States,
with a disposition to let down the tariff bar
riers as much as wejean."
Delegate Horatio Guzman, of Nicaragua.
said: "All machinery, agricultural imple
ments, mining apparatus, printing presses,
sewing machines, etc, are admitted free into
our country. I think there is a slight duty
on glassware, but do not recollect what it is.
Coal we scarcely use at all. Wood is the
Secretary Ernesto Bosch Attwell, of the
ArgentincRepublic, said that tbe Custom
Houses of his country levy no tax whatever
on machinery.
The Colombian delegate, Senor Calderon,
departed yesterday afternoon for Washing
ton. Samuel Boyd, of the Panama Star
and Herald, said for that country: "At
Panama there sre no Custom Houses and
all imports are free. In tbe rest of tbe re
public there is a small tariff on machinery.
None of tbe South American countries are
affected by tariff duties except Argentine.
Its great product is wool, and you have a
tariff on that."
Delegate Jacinto Castellanos, of Salva
dor, said: "Yes. we have a tariff duty.
We admit all kinds of machinery free of
duty, out everything else that we import we
charge a duty on, averaging about 60 per
cent ad valorem. Oar imports consist
mainly of agricultural machinery, coffee
making machinery, printing presses,
petroleum which we get in boxes.of2-5
gallon cans and flour. The latter we get
from California, and is our largest import.
The machinery we obtain from New York,
and which reaches us from that port by way
of Colon, thence by railroad to Panama and
the Pacific Mail Steamship Line. The
annual value of imports is between $7,000,
000 and $8,000,000. This is about the extent
ofour import trade with the United States,
and we pay you cash for everything we buy
from you. From England, France and
Germany we import cloth, silt, cotton goods
and woolens, onsix months' creditor longer.
In exchange for these we export fruit,
sugar, coffee, indigo, cocoa and other pro
duce, taking payment in imports or in six
month bills. The annual value ofour ex
ports is about $8,000,000.
"We experience a difficulty at present in
our foreign trade respecting the difference
in the rate of exchange. I can assure you
that we are very anxious and desirous ofso
accommodating tbe tana as to leau to an in
creased trade with your country, in the ex
pectation of course that you will so arrange
your import duties where we are concerned
as to accommodate our trade. Tours is a
wonderful city. The most business-like and
full of large enterprises that that we have
had the pleasure of seeing."
Philip G. Boeder related some experiences
of the commercial standing of the people of
Colombia. He said:
"Mr. E. N. P. Smith, the Consul at
Carthagena, told me on one occasion that
during a 16 years' residence in the country,
there had been to his knowledge but one
business failure. The traders get a very
long credit from the foreign houses,
which place the greatest reliance
on the integrity and business-like
qualities of the merchants. Of all the
places your visitors have seen they are the
most taken with Pittsburg. They greatly
appreciated the magnitude of Chicago, but
were altogether unprepared for the huge
enterprises, extensive mills, and the general
capacity of this city and its facilities for
"They don't seem to know quite what to
make of the natural gas, but fully under
stand what an important factor it is in the
industrial world. They seem to be better
pleased with their reception here and what
they have seen than anywhere else along
their route."
Arrangements for the Departure From This
City and the Jennette Tislt.
The train with the tourists is to leave
Pittsburg at 7:30 o'clock this morning. The
party will be accompanied as far as Jean
nette by James B. Scott, Captain C. W.
Tiatchellor, H. Sellers McKee, James A.
Chambers, and perhaps a few other Pitts
burg people.
The newspaper members of the party have
arranged a pretty testimonial for Engineer
Hart, who has drawn the party safely over
its journey or o.ouu miles, xney nave
bought a wealth of bunting, with which en
gine 1053 will be decorated this morning.
It will be fairly covered with red, white
and blue, and in that gay attire will make
the rush over the mountain grades to Al
toon a. That is Mr. Hart's home, and the
boys want him to roll into Altoona depot
the envied of every onlooker.
Mr. Walker Blaine said yesterday that
it was probable that the wives and sisters of
the members and attaches of the Congress
would join the party at Philadelphia, go
ing with them from that city to Washing
ington next Wednesday.
How the Visitor Passed the Evening After
the Brents of the Dot.
After supper at the Monongabela House,
last evening, the tourists were conveyed in
carriages, furnished by the local committee,
to various points. Many of them went
again to the exhibit in Mechanical Hall.
Nearly half of tbe party went to the special
train, where they took their ease inthe smoking
car and spent the night in their berths. One
of them said, "I have really grown to feel
more at home there than in a hotel." A
few went to the theaters, while others did
not leave the Monongahela at all.
-Grace Lutheran Church to Listen To-Mor-roir
to Their New Shepherd.
Bev. Dr. Holloway,. the newly elected
minister of Grace Lutheran Church, Sonth
Seventh street, will preach his first sermon
to-morrow morning. Dr. Holloway with
his family arrived yesterday and found his
parsonage in complete and comfortable
order. The ladies made a special effort to
make his home pleasant and the whole con
gregation is anxious to tender their new
pastor a hearty welcome.
Dr. Holloway succeeds Bev. J. K. Mel
horn, who was asked to resign tbe pastorate
some months ago by a certain faction in the
church, who were charged with claiming as
a cause for their action that Mr. Melhorn
took too active a part in the prohibition
campaign in June.
A M cDonnld Lady Says They Make Excel
lent American Citizens.
A large number of the French residents
of Allegheny county are following the ex
ample of other foreigners and getting in
line for naturalization, many taking out
their first papers from the United, States
Court yesterday, several residing inthe city,
and three or four from McDonald station
obtained their first papers. Those from Mc
Donald were accompanied by a pretty little
lady, a French teacher, who acted as inter
preter. She was enthusiastic in behalf of
the French, and stated that there are a great
many French people residing in the county,
who are industrious and economical and are
becoming interested In local and national
The Philadelphia Company After Its South-
side Patrons' Meters.
The Southside people are howling again
at the Philadelphia Company. The com
pany has sent out a new lot of the printed
circulars notifying the consumers that un
less contracts for meters are signed by De
cember 1 the gas will be turned off. ,
The people say that the meters will in
crease the cost of tbe gas or tbe company
would not be so anxious to have them in
troduced. The puddlingdepartmentofShoenberger's
Fifteenth street mill closed down yesterday
on account of a shortage of the fuel. The
same trouble was experienced at Zug & Co.'s
Thirteenth street mill.
The Carved Lnmber-DIsplitr.
Visitors, both foreign and native, were
greatly interested in the Dr. Goehring's
fine display of the products of his geomet
rical wood carving 'machine. Everyone
seemed to be highly- pleased with it, and a
freat many wanted to know where the turn
er can be procured. The foreign visitors
asked for the price of machines and the
terms on which they would be allowed to
use them in their own countries. Everyone
agrees that there Fs nothing finer for wood
finish than this same lumber.
scriptive article by Brenan on tbe
manner of administering the oath
in Courts of Justice.will appear in
to-morrow's DISPATCH.
Lawrenceville Capitalists to Erect a
$100,000 Structure.
Interesting: Details Given of the Present
Scope of the Scheme.
A number of prominent residents of Law
renceville are pushing a scheme that will be
a boon to that part of the city. For some
years the necessity of a market house situ
ated in some part of the East End has long
been felt. Three years ago the citizens
held meetings and petitioned Councils to
build a market in the neighborhood.
Nothing, however, came of their past en
deavors to secure the city's backing, so they
have initiated a market project themselves,
backed by some of the wealthy residents of
the district, and present indications for a
market for Lawrenceville look very roseate.
Superintendent Patterson, of Station
B, Pittsburg Postoffice, speaking about the
matter to a Dispatch reporter, said:
"Within the last few weeks there has been
a scheme brought out by . number of influ
ential citizlns in this part of the city, who
are interested in the welfare of the East
End, to devise plans for the purchase of a
lot and the erection of a substantial market
house, to cost $100,000.
"It is intended that the residents of Law
renceville and contiguous districts may
nave all the Denents 01 a local market with
out the present disadvantage of long trips to
the city market. There have been two sites
before the gentlemen interested in tbe pro
ject. The old car stables situated on the
corner of Forty-first, and Butler streets has
been favorably thought about as a place
which offers yarious advantages for a mar
ket house. The othersite which meets with
approbation abuts on Thirty-third street.
"The most convenient site, however, is the
one near Thirty-third street If this could
be obtained at least 70,000 people could be
accommodated. Not only wonld it be a
boon to the East End population, but also
to the Allegheny people who live in the
vicinity of the Thirtieth street bridge. This
position I believe will be the one chosen.
The company will apply for a charter as
soon as the site is settled upon. They mean
to erect a very fine and substantial structure,
which will cost, together with the ground,
not less than $100,000.
The building will be arranged in com
partments. There will be a large space re
served for the butchers, another for the mar
ket gardener, and one for the sale of pro
visions; such as cheese, butter and general
The men interested in the scheme are all
moneyed citizens. They not only see in the
idea that which will be a great service to
the community, but they expect that it will
be a good investment.
The population in this part of the city has
made prodigious strides within the last year.
So rapidly is it increasing that houses
cannot be found for the number of appli
cants. I suppose in Lawrenceville proper
there are not 50 house to be let "With these
facts presenting themselves to the people, it
is not surprising that the people should de
mand that their wants be acceded to. It is
well we have a few public minded people
who are able to discern a public necessity,
and come to the front willing to risk tbeir
capital in a project that is essentially one
for the city to take up."
The Legislature Allows bnt One Building:
for Hlsh School Purposes.
The regular meeting of the High School
Committee was held last night. A sub
committee consisting of Messrs. Hartzell,
Buckley and Phelps was appointed to as
certain if one of the ward school buildings
could not be found available and secured
for the commercial department. A resolu
tion from the Central Board, that the High
School Committee would take inta consid
eration the establishment of a branch high
school on the Southside or in the East End,
was sent back with an indorsement to the
effect that by act of Legislature the city is
allowed but one building for high school
Miss Jennie Gos'er was nominated for
additional preceptress, or teacher, at the
high school, on account of increased at
tendance. A petition of the alumni of the
Normal Department for permission to hold
their annual reunion in the building on the
everting of December 13 was granted.
The High School Committee on Teachers
and Salaries met last night. The only
thing before them for consideration was the
requests of Prof. Biddle, of the Miners
ville district, and Prof. Cameron, of the
East Liberty district, for the increase in
salary allowed by law on account of in
crease iu attendance, and consequent in
crease in corps of teachers under them. In
view of the fart that the salaries of both had
been stipulated at the beginning of the
year before the increase took place, it was
ruled that the salary could not be changed.
One Colored Barber Cuts Another on
Arm and Then Escapes.
Frank Lewis and "William Jones, colored
barbers employed in a shop on Smithfield
street, became engaged in a quarrel last
night at the corner of Smithfield street and
Virgin alley. Jones drew a razor and made
several slashes at Lewis. He inflicted but
one wound on Lewis, however, cutting a
gash on his right arm, though he cut his
clothes in several places.
The police appeared and Jones ran, mak
ing his escape. Lewis had his wound,
which was but slight, dressed, and pro
ceeded to his home.
Her Sharpsburs: Friends Have Searched
UnaTalllngly, but Hare No Clue.
The friends of Mrs. Michael Past, of
Sharpsbnrg, who left her home some ten
days ago, are becoming alarmed over her
protracted absence and the non-existence
of any reason therefor.
The two cities havo been searched by
those interested, but no traces have been
found of Mrs. Past's whereabouts. It is
rumored that Mrs. Past has gone to Cali
fornia, she having been heard frequently
to express an intention of going to the
The Sonthslde Library Young; Men Indulge
In EnioymenU
The Young Men's Library Association,
of the Southside, held their ninth annual
ball at Turner Hall on Jane street, last
The Mozart Band was present, the atten
dance was large and everything went off
The committee having the affair in charge
were: Jas. McGintv, John Hawkins, E.
A. McSwiggen, John Knolbaugh, John
McFarland, Frank Niggel and W. S.
' A (Sealskin Sacque Stolen.
Night before last thieves stole from the
residence of Mr. King, Washington street,
Allegheny, a sealskin sacque and two over
coats. The sacque and one of the coats be
longed to Mrs. Conley. a niece of Mr. King,
and one of the coats belonged to Mr. Conley,
the pair being on their wedding trip and
visiting at Mr. King's. A lot of silverware
in the room was not disturbed.
McMaster's Case Settled for a Considers
tlon-S10,e08 Said to be the Amount
Pending Payment!.
"McMaater's case is settled," said ex
President Sorg of the defunct Farmers and
Mechanics' Bank of the Southside, last
night, when asked about the truth of the
rumor to that eC"ect,
Some time ago a report gained circulation
that the assignees had effected a settlement
with Assistant Cashier McMasters, who was
under $20,000 bail for complicity in the
bank's defalcation, for a consideration of
10,000. The bank officials denied that there
was any truth in the statement. The ma
jority of them said they did not know that
a settlement was contemplated.
Tbe charges made against Mr. McMasters
before Alderman Schaefer, have been with
drawn, howeverfand according to Mr. Sorg,
the depositors will be better off. He said:
"The case is settled iu a manner that I am
sure will give entire satisfaction to the de
positors. We came to the conclusion that
the more money we could produce for the
I" depositors the better they would be satis-
nea, aim was wuu tnis lues in view mat
we made tbe settlement."
Mr. Sorg would not state how much Mr.
McMasters had paid to have the charges
withdrawn, but it is understood that the
amount is $10,000, about 9,500 of which
will go to the depositors.
Auditor McClung has given notice that
his report on the examination of the bank's
accounts has been completed and will be
presented to the court on next Tuesday. It
is expected that ten days will then be given
to the persons interested to file objections,
and if none are filed the report will then be
approved. Auditor McClnng has figured
that 26 2-5 per cent of the entire deposit will
be distributed on the first distribution,
which will take place November 23. Then
tbe assignees have on band about 20,000 or
25,000 to pay to the auditor, from which to
make the second distribution. Whether
this includes the money derived from the
settlement of Mr. McMasters' case, Mr.
Sorg refused to state.
Find Refuge In n. station House and Are
"Cared for br the Matron.
The Fourteenth ward police station, since
last Monday, has been the home of three lit
tle children aged 8, 5 and 3 years. They
are the children of Harry and Mary Kerri
gan, residents of Four-Mile Bun, Twenty
second ward. The parents got into a
drunken fight last Sunday, and were ar
rested and sent to the workhouse for 30
A neighbor took care of the little ones.
who were left alone, uutil Monday, when
they were taken to the station where they
have been since. They have been looked
after by the sergeants, Mrs. Early, the ma
tron being ill.
Inspector Whitehouse has reported the
matter, and the children will be taken in
charge by a charitable society.
A Unrated Mnln Bothers the Occupant .f
the Lewis Block Very 3Iucb.
-A waterpipe connected with the large
main in Smithfield street burst under the
main entrance of the Lewis block yesterday
morning, and damaged George W. Biggs,
jeweler, to the extent of 1,500; Hogan's
restaurant, Brown's gun store and Stinson's
barber shop were also damaged to the extent
of several hundred dollars, Hogan being
supposed to be the largest loser next to
As there was no power to run the ele
vators, people who were forced to climb to
the ninth floor of the building made more
noise than the losers on the first floor.
A 12-Year-Old Lad' Misting; From the
Thirty-Sfttb Ward.
Mrs. M. Walther, a widow who lives on
Elliott street. Thirty-sixth ward, appeared
at Inspector McAleese's office yesterday in
great distress about her only son, Ernest,
aged 12, who has not been heard of since
Monday morning.
Mrs. Walther told the Inspector she had
lost two sons by drowning, and she is greatly
troubled lest her only remaining child may
meet a sudden end in the same way. The
missing boy is quite small, dark complexion
and has long scar extending from ear to ear
on his neck.
Gamblers In Trouble.
William Coppus and Andrew Hall,
keepers of the gambling den on Obio street,
near Madison avenue, Allegheny, which
was raided some flays ago; had a hearing
before Mayor Pearson last night Both men
were held iu 1,000 bail for trial at court.
Thompson's Guide to Music Buying.
Every musician ill Pittsburg should have
this publication. It is a large 60-paged
catalogue, full sheet music size, containing
illustrations and prices of nearly every
musical instrument, lrom a double-tongued
jewsharp to a fine piano. Also, a complete
list of over 6,000 pieces of popular sheet
music. Also, a special list of popular
music books by well-known publishers.
The special net prices printed in this cata
logue will open your eyes. We send this
complete, including Will L. Thompson's
latest song and chorus, on receipt of 10 cts.
in postage stamps. '
w. L. Thompson & Co.,
S ' East Liverpool. O.
88 to Washington, D. C, Via Pennsylvania
For all persons desiring to attend the
Catholic Congress iu Baltimore or visiting
Washington, Pennsylvania Bailroad will
sell excursion tickets every day until No
vember 12 to Washington, D. C, at rate of
8 00 for the round trip, tickets good until
November 16 inclusive, allowing stop over
at Baltimore in either direction within the
limit. Through sleeping cars and coaches
on night trains, without change.
Via Washington.
The B. & O. E. B. will sell excursion
tickets to Baltimore, good to stop at Wash
ington, D. C, at rate of 8 for the round
trip, from Nov. 7 to 12 inclusive, good to
return until the -16th, on account of the
Catholic Congress. Trains leave Pittsburg
at 8 A. li. and 920 p. m.
Fob bargains in fine drygoods go to the
mammoth auction sale now going on at 723
and 725 Liberty, cor. Eighth. Goods almost
given away. Don't miss such a chance, for
it does not occur every day. Sales morn
ing, afternoon and evening.
New Plnitf Sacqnes,
Plush jackets, cloth jackets, jerseys, new
markets, short wraps and children's sacqnes
in great variety and low'prfces, at H. J.
Lynch's, 438 and 440 Market street, "wssu
Three Fashionable New Shapes In
Rich coloring,
Choice new patterns.
Tecks, 4-in-hands and puffs at 50c
Jos. Hobne & Co.
Penn Avenue Stores.
Men's pure silk underwear at James H.
Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave.
What drink is the most healthful and re
freshing? F. &V.'a Pittsburg beer. All
Ladies are greatly benefited by tbe use
of Angostura Bitters, the South American
row's DISPATCH describes the
wonderful wealth buried in the
tomoa of the Sultans, r -
On Present Bate3 is What Eiver
Miners Are Agitating About
Courts Asked to Intervene In the
O'flara Glass Strike.
Indications at the present writing seem to
point to trouble ahead between miners and
operators in the river regions. The follow
ing circular was placed in the hands of local
river operators yesterday morning:
Deab Sib At a delegate meeting of Monon
gahela and Yocghlogheny Valley miners, held
at Monongabela City, Wednesday, November
6, 1889, tbe following action was taken:
First That the active condition of the down
river markets can and does admit of an advance
In mining rates.
Second That a committee of representative
miners be appointed to confer with tbe opera
tors, looking to a mutual adjustment of tbe
price question.
Third That pending such conference a sus
pension of mining be in force. Said committee
to bave discretionary power in dealing with a
like committee of onr employers.
In pursuance of tbe foregoing, tbe following
were appointed as a MIners'Committee: Hugb
McLaughlin. L E. Graham, John H. Fretwell,
John Rush, Joseph Maize.
Gentlemen, in pursuance of our instructions
asset forth in the foregoing: We would on
behalf of tbe miners of tbe Monongahela and
Yongblogbeny valleys, respectfully request
mat yon use your innuence witn tne menioers
of the Coal Exchange to seenre us a bearing,
and, if possible, an amicable adjustment of the
We shall confidently expect from vou a
favorable answer to our request not later than
Tuesday, November 12, 1SS9. Respectfully,
Hugh McLaughlin, Chairman.
Joseph Maize, Secretary.
The claim of the miners is, in short, that
in December of last year coal sold in the
Cincinnati market at 6 cents per bushel, and
miners were receiving 3 cents per bushel;
that on the 1st of this month the selling
price in the same market was 8J cents per
bushel, and on Thursday that the price was
14 cents, the rate paid to the operatives
being 2i cents. Taking a line through
these prices, the men claim that they can
equitably demand a return to' the last win
ter's rate of 3 cents.
They infer, too, that the increase will be
granted them, from the fact that at this time
last year there was a six months' visible
supply ahead, and that now stocks are con
spicuously bare, and implying that oper
ators cannot afford to hold out for any
lengthened time, should they refuse to pay
the desired -cent increase.
From what was learned among operators
yesterday, however, it seems that the miners
are not posted as to the prices that at present
rule in the Cincinnati markets. The writer
was shown in one office an invoice dated in
Cincinnati on Thursday setting forth a
sale of 66,000 odd bushels of coal at S
cents per bushel, being a portion of the last
run, and it was stated that previous to this
the current rate for coal was 7 cents for
Fourth pool coal, and 8 cents for the
product of the upper pools. One
prominent operator stated as his opin
ion that the rate of tyi cents would
probably rule for some time to come,
and that at such a rate it was impossible to
make any increase on the mining prices.
Another point taken into consideration by
the operators, is the increased difficulty and
cost of transportation. Owing to the ob
structions along the river, in the last run,
it took five boats to carry, what, it the chan
nel were not impeded, would freight but
two, involving additional outlay iu haul
age power, as well as expense in breaking
up tows, and remaking them further down
the river.
Another factor kept well in view by
operators when figuring on rates, is the ac
tive competition of the Kanawha River
region, whose operators have the advantage
of free transportation, produce a quality of
coal which bears as good a name iu the mar
kets as does the local product, and pay but
2 cents a bushel for mining.
It is probable that the operators will ap
point a committee to talk over the present
condition of the trade with the miners' com
mittee, and arrange for a readjustment of
a dfficulty which threatens to become seri
ous. The prevalent feeling among operators
is that the present and prospective condi
tions of the business are against the possi
bility of a retnrn to last winter's rates..
About 65 mines are affected in the matter
and about 5,000 miners. The present prices
are in the first three pools, 2i cents; in the
fourth, 2 cents.
fllr. Groetzlncer Says the English Syndicate
Kever Blade Him an Offer.
Having heard that the English syndicate
now busily engaged in buying up the vari
ous industries of this country had made an
attempt to secure control of A. & J. Oroetz
inger & Co.'s tanneries, a Dispatch re
porter called on Mr. Adolph Oroetzinger,
President of the German National Bank
and senior member of the firm. In re
sponse to the newspaper man's inquiries,
Mr. Oroetzinger said:
"We have no intention of selling out to a
syndicate. How the story originated I do
not know, but there is no truth in it. The
syndicate might as well try to secure control
of all the iron mills in this country as to
make such an attempt on the tanneries.
There is more money invested in the tan
ning of leather than there is in the making
of iron, and I do not think that any syndi
cate can command enough money to control
tbe latter business. They might do some
thing with somebranches, however, such as
the harness or shoe-leatner branches, but
the business as a whole is out of their reach.
We have not been approached."
A New Bessemer Plant and an 18-Inch Mill
In Course of Erection.
The Crescent Steel Company, Limited, has
just erected a magnificent Bessemer plant at
their works on Forty-ninth street. Since
the furnace has been in operation, a fair out
put has been obtained.
The steel made at this plant is not used for
tbe same purposes that Bessemer is gener
ally manufacturedfor. A finer grade is made,
such as spring, and rounds. The company
assert that they have had great success in
getting an excellent quality of steel, andjf
they can keep up the grade all along it will
cut out the open hearth steel in this special
branch. The furnace gives extra employ
ment to about 75 men.
The same company, in the near future, is
going to erect an 18-inch mill on the plot of
ground near the railroad. The mill will be
used for rolling cross-cut saws and reaper
Only 25 Molders Now Awaiting Their Em
plovers' Decision.
The Oliver Steel and Iron Works did not
sien the molders' scale as expected. As J
aheady reported in The Dispatch the
firm had intimated its willingness to
grant the increase, but in default of the
card or. any similar document being signed,
the men concluded tbey could not return to
work. The only question now between the
firm and its molders is that of a formal
signature It was said that the Scaife
Foundry Company would sign to-day.
About 25 men are still ont.
a Spanish-American story, writ
ten by Phillip Bragg an. will aj
in w-aorrowa DiafATUn. .
Au Old Game' Tried la the West Zed
Cashier Wllsoe Knew HI Bwrfeew
Superintendent 'O'fllara Sara He Knows
What was apparently an attempt to rob
the West End Savings Bank was made yes
terday about noon. Thursday afternoon a
man entered the bank, No. 748 West Carson
street, and glanced around in a rather sus
picious manner. A number of people were
in the bank si the time, and after taking a
good look' about, the man approached
Cashier W. H. Wilson. He asked to have
a $20 bill changed. His request was granted
and he left the place.
Yesterday at noon the same man entered
the bank. Cashier Wilson was alone. The
stranger said that there was a man in a
buggy outside who had asked him to tell
tbe cashier that he wanted to see him. Mr.
Wilson replied that be was alone in the
bank and did not wish to go ont The man
answered that the- person outside seemed
anxious to see him, and it would not take a
minute. Mr. Wilson came from behind the
desk and the stranger tendered tbe use of
his umbrella, -saying that it was raining,
and be would wait for him. Mr. Wilson
suspected a game and declined to go out,
stating that he could not leave the bank.
The man then went out and entered the
buggy, which was standing in front of the
bank, and drove off with its other occupant.
As soon as they had gone Mr. Wilson
notified the police authorities, giving a de
scription of the men. Assistant Superin
tendent O'Mara said tbat from the descrip
tion of the men he thought be knew tbem.
They are old crooks and theirgame is an old
one. As soon as the cashier started out the
man inside would sneak all the 'available
cash, and the two would drive off before an
alarm could be given. As tbe men are in
town Mr. O'Mara considered it would be a
good thing for business men and bankers to
be on the lookout for them.
They Will Leave This Moraine for Balti
more for the Centennial.
The Pittsburg delegates to the Catholic
Centennial and Congress will leave this
morning for Baltimore. Among those who
will go are: Eight Bev. Bishop Phelan,
Bev. M. M. Sheedy, Very Bev. S. Wall, V.
Q., Bev. Jas. A. Cosgrave. West End; Bev.
O. P. Gallagher. Southside; Bev. P, Xauff
man and Rev. M. Carroll, Allegheny City;
Bev. Jerome Kearney, Bev. James Nolan,
McKeesport: Bev, J. Boyle, Gallitzin;
Bev. E. A. Busb, Loretto.
The laymen who will go are: A. F. Keat
ing, John B- Larkin, William LosfHer, J.
D. Callery, Junius A. McCormick, James
Phelan, C. Or. Dixon, James A. McNally.
W. A. Golden and Jeremiah Dunleyy, of
Dr. B. M. -Hahha. Eye, ear, nose and
throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn
street, Pittsburg, Pa. s&su
by sailors at their work, are de
scribed in to-morrow's DISPATCH
by F. S. Bassett
An Important Increase has taken place
in tbe price at diamonds. It U extend
ing to the markets of all countries, and
those contemplating purchases must
look to higher prices to tbe future.
South Africa supplies the world, and
the product la controlled by large com
panies, viz tbe De'Beers. the Consoli
dated Bnltf ontalne, the Klmberly Cen
tral, the Pullfnger and several others.
The mining of diamonds has not been
profitable to these companies by reason
of the great competition and the ex
pense of working the mines at their
present depth.
Tbe De Beers Company has lately se
cured a large interest in almost all these
mines, which has resulted In the forma
tion of a syndicate controlling the sup
ply. The output of diamonds is now
limited; the shares of the companies
have greatly increased In value, and tbe
rough diamonds have advanced SO per
cent in price. The quantity of cnt dia
monds in dealers' bands is very limited
less than for years and it is highly
probable that prices will steadily ad
vance. We obtain our diamonds direct
from tbe 'diamond cutters, and by onr
connection with a member of the syndi
cate we gained an advance knowledge
of what the state of the diamond mar
ket would be; hence, early placing of
orders to an important amount enables
us to furnish from now till January 1 all
diamonds at the same prices as last year.
Intending purchasers should avail
themselves of an opportunity' which
cannot occur again.
Goods sent by express on approval,
satisfactory reference being given.
Never fail to cure.
tbe grealEuropean remedy against all
BeM,byaU 0rsxitt.
ftMllbexe,ac-; laf keses, see.
fclg'iJlTJMAAA-. - -! k
kxw ABTUtTiBgaogtra. , JP
About Hats, Umbrellas, Gent' Furaiaiisgt,
Bubber Goods. - W,-
? -
PmSBrao. Saturday, November 9.
Not ideal weather for
winter MtHlaery Opening.
But you'd never snspeef A
many ladies who attend -
have had to come throng.
You would imagine frosa '
the crowds that the sua
were shining and that all j.
things outside were aula- '
vitation to the ladles at ' '
these cities to leave their
homes to attend this open. ':
lug. Well, the weather
hasn't been anything of the kind. But
what kind of weather wiUkeepladief i3i
from attending such a grand millinery;
fM ( lu( X . M
j . ....g, 3m-
but there'll be bo "closing" the season "
through. , . r z
Our stock of Millinery was never m
complete, andr that ts saying a good".
It's better-umbrella weather, ta't is?
.,.. - :"r
i ou wotua nave xnougns so to see lawn
sell yesterday.,
Our Umbrellas are the beet We bars)
selected them for the best; and why
Should they not bet
28 and 30-Inch Glorias,
Plain Natural Sticks,
W2, 13 25, S3 60 and up to Si.
Silver and 'Gold Han
dles, J2 25 up.
Windsor Umbrella,
Natural Wood,' Gold and
Silver Handle. H CO to
HO. Flaeet Sterling Sil
ver Caps, warranted, as
ournaseSrarrants every.
Gingham and Alpaca,
Umbrellas at all prices.
'- H
Umbrella re-covered withHgti4. '
of silk. " '
These are men's good. Ladle' Uavv
brella in as complete assortment.
The best genuine
"i '
I at J6 Gentiemesjes'.HaetSadsVl
saatch for it these, towns oyer.
Full lines of the very"beet rubber rata
garments made, and at the lowest prices .
garments for men, women and chil
dren. 'For your Sunday Neckwear, gentle). 4
men, come to us to-day. New lines an.
extraordinary values in the 50c goods. ;
fashionable new shapes of Tecks, PnSs
and 4-ia-hands, in rich colorings aad.
cuwiia (Wkwiji oun. .
, Largest atsortments 0 Ou latgett
jiuiMer or artictet for men' wear ini
any house in these ciiiex.
- a- 4.... w ... ni..wmy-j
- Tf Trnn wnt ft. nm tfew.a.M -
Wing, out costs yoa notalag; Jsmj your i "
furnishings of us. , Tou payooly for
real value, nothing forour'naaafao'd -
... . i
tne guarantee 01 .
getting the b whet i
our name la on It (
Special Values
Pure Natural-Wool Undyedf
For Men, Women and Cnlldre;
la all Weights and Grades.
FLUSH COATS from 5 to 166. "1 j
pay special attention to large slees asatj-
A-rtrs. lenfftM. - " I
all styles, plain, vest fronts, c
and all the newest shapes.
-N '
505 aad 507- MARKET STXE1TJ
j Ts6arfQrMperhB4f.
a ran ime Jtey wess mno cier n.nmm
Lfcerty aad Nistssts. oee-Ti-wa
' fsr mbMs aad aftefaee tm
'. " m - . .. - - -A 1
HfSMim m
J? yr rsoeeWsa and awetaee ttm-tmmm.
fillip mt states aad aaMeias, s 3?j
'-saa.-JiJjii.j--14- . jiamAsi
- 1