Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 08, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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, (r
, "'A Big Advance in Wire and Sleel liails
. the Past Two Months.
And Manufacturers Are in Dread of a Boom
and Collapse.
Office of FrrrsBURQ Dispatch, 1
THnBSDAT. November 7. 1BS9. J
The situation and outlook of the hard
ware trade have not olten been as bright as
at present. In fact oar dealers in this line
are pushed to meet orders, manufacturers
being far behind in many lines of heavy
hardware. In the past 60 days wire nails
have advanced SO per cent and steel nails 60
per cent. Strap hinges in the same period
have advanced one-third.
Hannfacturers are covered with orders,
and in some lines of heavy hardware they
will not be able to catch up before spring.
Bald a representative of one of our leading
hardware firms to-day:
"It is next to impossible to secnre a I nil line
dt beavy hardware, unless orders were placed
with manufacturers a cood while ago. There
are some important lines which are sold to the
loll capacity of manufacturers up to ApiiL
Even Speculation Sustained.
"Many dealers have been buying specula
tively, confident of an advance, and results so
far have justified their faith. There is no likeli
hood of a decline, as all manufacturers of
beavy hardware have more trade than tbey are
able to attend to. The advance so far has been
confined to beavy hardware. Grates and fire
fronts and light hardware have not vet met
with a demand sufficient to justify an advance."
It has been a number of years since mann
factnrers of cut nails have been able to reap
anv profit. The 60per cent advance of the past
60 days has imparted new heart to the trade.
Bo far the increase of values U legitimate and
The Prinelpnl Dancer
ahead is a boom which will send prices too
high, to be followed by the inevitable collapse
and period of depression and loss. Speculation
is the great curse of legitimate trade. And
there are signs in the heavens, or rather the
deeps, that we are on the verge of one of those
unhealthy booms, which have yielded such dis
astrous fruits in the past. There may be a
Xmd of pleasure in the process of getting
drunk. But getting sober is by no means so
pleasant. Our business booms sober down
through painful periods of depression and
financial panics.
Liberty Live Slock.
It will be seen by the accompanying report of
the week's transactions at the East Liberty
yards that receipts of cattle for local trade
have varied scarcely any in the past three
weeks. The run tjf sheep and bogs were almost
identically the same this week as last. All
grades of cattle were lower this week than
last, but good grades suffered most in the de
cline. There were very few good beeves in this
eek's offerings, and most of these were sent
East, as there were no export buyers at Liberty
and home butchers' wants were not sufficient
to absorb the good stock. Of strictly prime
cattle there were noue on sale. The grade
averaged lower than at any time this season.
Sheep were very slow sale at a reduction ot
20c to 30c per cwt from last week's prices, and
shippers must have suffered heavy loss on this
week's transactions.
Hogs were slow at the beginning of the
week, but, on light receipts, recovered later on
and are fairly steady to-day.
The Week at the Yards.
Following is the week's report of transac
tions at the East Liberty yards:
Thro'. 1 Local,
V ednetday.
8,193 1
660 31,3951
Last week ,
-Previous week:..
4. sua
1, 570 1 31,405
!,6 , 47
Thursday 1,813 GOO
Friday 2 2,166 652
fraturdsy I.S42 3
Monday 1,113 7,300 1,631
Tuesday 343 62 1,387
Wednesday 70 1,272 461
Total 2.64S 15,815 5,734
Lastweek. 2,564 11,887 4.838
Previous week.. 2,659 14,199 7,630
By Teleerrnph.
Hew York Beeves Receipts, 33 head, all
for the market and 46 carloads of exports to ar
rive; no trading in beeves; market dull for
dressed beef at 4Vg5Jc per pound lor Texas
and Colorado, and at o7c for native do.
Exports, 636 beeves. 9S0 quarters of beef and 40
sheep. To-day's Liverpool cable quotes Amer
ican refrigerated beef steady at Sc per pound.
Calves Receipts, 120 bead: market slow but
firm at 5i5c per pound for veals and at ai
3c tor gra.sers and Western calves. Sheep
Beceipts, 4.200 head; both sheep and lambs
were wanted at a shade firmer prices, and a
good clearance was made; sheep sold at (3 75
6 37 per 100 pounds: lambs at $1 006 55
with a very few choice lambs at $8 75. Hogs
Receipts, 5,600 head: market nearly nominal
for live hogs at fi 254 65 per 100 pounds.
CHICAGO The -Droters' Journal reports
Cattle Receipts. 1LO0O head: shipments, 3,000
bead; market steady to strong: choice to extra
beeves, 54 605 15: steers, S2 754 50; stackers
and feeders, $2 003 00: cows, bulls and mixed,
Jl 002 75: Texas cattle. $1 50g2 85: Western
rangers. SI 803 50. Hogs Receipts, 23,000 head:
shipments. 7.000 head; market steady to strong;
mixed, $3 8C1 10: heavy, $3 754 05; light, $3 80
4 25; pigs, S3 004 00. Sheep-Receipts. 7.000
bead; shipments, 2,000 head; market steady; na
tives. S2 755 15; estern. S3 454 15; Texans.
$3 00 J 10; lambs, S4 S05 50.
KAS8A5 Cmr Cattle Receipts. 4,047 head;
shipments. 6 456 bead: market strong to 10c
higher for Texas; native beeves, S3 154 65;
cows. Si 502 45: stockers and feeders. S2 40
3 35: Texan, $1 503 00. Hogs Receipts. 6.445
bead; shipments. 8)7 bead; market 510c lower:
good to choice light. S3 87J4 00; heavv and
mixed. S3 753 85. Sheep Receipts. 426 bead;
shipments, 762 lii-ad: market strong; good to
choice mnttons, S3 C54 85; stockers and feed
ers. S2 503 50. t
St. Loots Cattle Receipts, 1.500head; ship
ments, 900 head: market active and strong;
choice heavy native steers, $4 704 SO; fair
to eood, S3 254 30: stockers and feeders.
S180S2 60; range steers, S2 003 00. Hogs
Receipts, 5,900 head; shipments, 200: market
weak: fair to choice heavy, S3 8063 85; pack
ing grades, S3 7o3 90; light, fair to best,
S3 804 00. Sheep Receipts, 1,700 head;
shipments. 200 head; market firm; fair to choice.
S3 2U&4 ou
Buffalo Cattle steady: receipts, 81 loads
through, 6 sale. Hogs slow; receipts, 18 loads
through. 44 sale; mediums and heavy S4 I5
4 20; heavy ends, U 004 10: Yorkers, S4 10
4 20; pigs. 84 00135 10.
Nirw York, November 7. There is an im
proved demand for fabrics adapted to the
wants of jobbers. The request for bleached
cottons was well sustained Prices of both
brown and bleached goods were firm as a rule,
with an upward tendency on coarse yarn and
Southern brown cottons. The print cloth mar
ket also tends upward, with spot goods ad
vanced 1-16. Spring fabrics continue in good
request and are well under the control of
orders. Stocks continue light. Any excep
tions are few and of a restricted character.
Tbe Loss Estimnted nt $750,000 ALieu
tenant of Police Bnrned to Death.
Eeteesbubg, "Va., November 7. The
most disastrous fire in the history ol this
city broke ont in the business portion about
3 o'clock this morning. Twelve stores with
their stocks were entirely consumed includ
ing the Odd Fellows' Hall, and a block of
iron front stores valued at $100,000. Eich
mond was. telegraphed for aid and promptly
responded, sending two companies. Lieut
enant Georce Crichton, of the police force,
in attempting to rescue a small boy from
one of the burning buildings, got caught
under a railing wall and was burned to
death. Hii body has not been recovered,only
the trunk of the remains being found.
The loss is at least 8760,000, with innur
ance of (400,000. All the buildings on the
west side of Sycamore street, from Tabb
street south to Taylor's crockery store, and
on the east side to Stewart's harness store,
are destroyed.
Little Interest Displayed In the Wbent Fit
and Price Shrink a trifle Novem
ber Fork Lower. Other Op
tions Unchanged.
Chicago Wheat Trading was only of
a moderate character, and there were no new
features presented. The influences were all of
about the same tenor with the exception that
the receipts in the Northwest did not show up
quite as large. At the opening the market
was a shade better, declined Jic and closed
Kc lower for December and 5Je lower for
Hay than closing figures yesterday.
The large floor traders were on both sides,
buying and selling, and New York and the
Northwest sent in some selling orders. The
offerings for May at times were quite heavy,
and the premium was further reduced ifi. The
premium for May, which was 44Kc over De
cember a few days ago, has been redncedto
3!a It Is possible that there may be a still
further shrinkage In the difference between
these two futures, though operators incline to
the belief that the premium will widen.
There was considerable covering by shorts.
Aronnd 84c for May some stop orders were
struck which helped to depress that future.
The late market indicated more disposition to
sell December. Exports on the number of
boatloads taken at New York for export
varied from 5c to 14c A rumor was circulated
at the close of 'Change that a round lot of
wheat had been bought at Minneapolis by Chi
cago parties which Is to come here.
Corn A fair trade was reported early, after
which the market became quite dulL The
feeling on the whole was firm, and trading
early was at higher prices, but the advance was
not sustained. The market opened at the
closing pricesof yesterday, was firm, offerings
of November being light and under a good de
mand from shippers' prices were bid up J6Kc
but later offerings were more liberal and a de
cline of )ic was recorded and final quota
tions were nearly the same as yesterday.
Oats were steadier with a moderate volume
of trading. The firmness was due to receipts
being less than expected. Prices ranged a
shade higher and the market closed steady.
Mess port A comparatively light trade was
reported. November was offered to some ex
tentcredited to the long interest with a fair
demand for January and May. Some changing
from the former to the latter two months at
the current differences. Also some bovine of
November on investment account. Prices
ruled 510c lower for November, while the
other deliveries sbowed very little chance.
Lard Very little business was transacted
and the feeling was steady. Prices exhibited
very little change.
Short rib sides Trading was very light.
Prices were withont material change.
Tbe leading futures rancea as follows:
Wheat No. 2. December. SlKSlGSOVfa
C; ear, 79c; Jannarr, 80S0J:6QH
c; May. 84684683X683!
OATS No. 2. December latraiBVc; January.
19J19Jc: May. 22J22K22ic
Mess Pork, per bbL Year. S3 858 S7K
8 858 85; January. S9 169 179 109 12$;
May. J9 5069 5069 47k9 50.
Lard, per 100 lbs. Year. So S05 80; Jannarr,
$5 82KS5 825 82K65 May. S3 02
6 02. H
Short Rms. per 100 lbs. January. S4 72K
4 72K4 701 70; May, S4 90S! 924 80
Cash quotations were as follows! Floursteadv
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 79
TBc: .No. 3 spring wheat. 6263c: No. 2 red.
TPQTWc: No. 2 corn. 33c JNo. 2 oats, 19c;
No. 2 rye. 42Kc No. 2 barley nominal. No.
1 flaxseed, SI 29JS. Prime timothy seed, SI 15.
Mess pork, per bbL $9 12 Lard, per 100
pounds, S5 9i6. Short ribs sides (loose). So 35
65 GO. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S4 37X
4 &U Short clear sides (boxed), S5 0
5 62 Sugars Cut loaf. SHc; granulated,
7c; Standard "A," TKc- Receipts Flour,
37.000 barrels; wheat, 120.000 bushels: corn,
148.000 bushels; oats, 163,000 bushels; rye, 7.000
bushels; barley, 94,000 bnshels. Shipments
Flour, 28.000 barrels; wheat, 33.000 bushels:
corn. 198,000 buhels; oats, 210,000 bushels;
rye, 7.000 bushels; barley, 2.000 bushels.
On the produce exenange to-day the butter
market was firm and unchanged. Eggs, 1SK
New York Flour active, chiefly trade and
steady. Cornmeal dull. Wheat Spot quiet
and irregular, closing easier; options quiet, un
settled anfl JXe lower, closing weak. Rye
quiet: Western, 49653c Barley irregular ana
unsettled: Canada, 5B70c; Western, 50665c
Barley malt dnll; Canada, 77c Corn Spot
moderately active and firmer; options dull and
steady. Oats Spot quiet and stronger; options
quiet, J!c np" and strong. Hay dnll and
weak. Hops steady and quiet. Coffee Options
opened steady and Spouts down to 5 points
up, closed dnll, 5 points down to 10 up; sales,
3&000 bags, including December, 14.45
14S5c; January. 14.45614.60c: March.
4.50014 60c; May, 1155614.65c: June.I4.50614.55c;
July. 14.35c: August. I4.30614.S5c: September.
14.20c; October. 14.00614.10c; spot Rio more
active; fair cargoes, 19c Sugar Raw. quiet
and steady; refined steady and in better de
mand. Molasses New Orleans quiet. Rice
quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil dull. Tallow
firm; ciy (S2 for packages), 4c Roin steady
and quiet. Turpentine easy at 47?i648c Ecgs
Fine fresh firm; western. 23624c; receipts,
9.2S4 packages. Pork more active and steady.
Cut meats steady; short clear, $5 65. Lard
steady and quiet; sales western steam.
S6 40s6 42 elosins at S6 40: November, S6 35
asked; December, S6 19 bid; January, $6 20 bid;
February, S6 24 bid: March. S6 80. Butter firm
for fine fresh; Elgin. 25)2(c; western dairy,
816c; do creimery. 13gic: do held, 12619c:
do factory, 7K612&C Cheese dull; western, 7K
Philadelphia Flour steady, with a mod
erate demand. Wheat Choice grades steadv,
under light offerings; options &c lower; re
jected. In grain depot, 84c; ungraded, on
track. 84686c: No 2 red. November, 80681c:
December, 815gS2ic; January, 823io3Kc;
February, 838Ic Corn firm and quiet
No. 3 yellow, in grain depot; 41Kc: No. 2 mixed,
in do, 41c: No. ss yellow, in Twentieth street
elevator, 42c; No. 2 mixed, November. 40K6
40c; December, 4040c; January. S9K6393ic;
February, 3940Kc Oats Car lots steady;
No. 3 white. 28c; No. 2 white, in Twentieth
street elevator, 29c: do, in grain depot, 29
29c: ao do choice, 30c; futures quiet but
steady; No. 2 white. November, 2M28Sc:
December. 28628c; January, 28628jc;
February, 29Jc Eggs Fresh stock scarce and
firm;;PennaylTania firsts. 2526c
St. Loots Flour quiet but steady and
unchanged. Wheat lower; the market was un
settled and quiet, early showing little change;
later declining outside markets with larger
offering" caused a weaker feelinc, and the close
was KJic below yes-erday; No. 2 red, cash
777ijc: December. 78X6790, closed at "S'ic:
May. 83Jg6K684c closed at 83e83c
Corn higuer; No. 2 mixed, cash, 30ic: Novem
ber, 30c closed at 29?c; December, 28K62SJ4C
closed at 2b)c bid; Jannary, 2Sjc closed at
2SJc nominal; May, 30c, closed at 30Kcasked.
Oajs better: No. 2 cash. JSc; May, 20621c
Redull but firm; No. 2, 38c bid. Barlej
Fair demand for choice; Minnesota. 62Kc:
....-.., tv. ...raui,ci,ullt jrrovuions
quiet and unchanged.
Milwaukee Flour dulL Wheat easy; cash
and December. 7TKc; No. 1 Northern, 81c Corn
firm: No. 3, 33Q34c Oats firm; No. 2 white
21622c Rye firmer: No. 1. 44c Barley
quiet: No. 2, 51Uc Provisions easy. Porfc
SS 9a Lard, 85 82. Cheese unchanged.
Toledo Cloverseed active and steady; cash
and November, S3 50; December, S3 52k: Janu
ary, S3 57
The First OrnItholoeic.il Specimen for
Highland Park.
The first start toward establishing a
zoological garden at Highland Park was
made yesterday by the voluntary surrender
of an ornithological specimen. A wild duck,
tempted by the rich pond-bearing appear
ance of the water in the Bedford reservoir
flew down upon its surface. Caught by the
current running to the effluent chamber the
bird was sucked under and rose within the
chamber, One of the waterworks employes
aw the bird drawn in, and procuring a fish
hook and line, succeeded in hooking the
duck by one of its feet
The bird was turned over to Lou Den
nison, Chief Clerk of the Water Bureau,
who has it caged, and says he will place it
on one of the artificial lakes of the park
next spring. He will try to tame the duck
in the meanwhile.
Moving to OInke It a Borough and Secnre
Greater Railroad Facilities.
On December 1 an application will be
made to the Court of Quarter Sessions for
tbe incorporation of the village of Wil
lnerding into a borough. This is the town
being built at the new works oi the West
inghouse Airbrake Company, on the Penn
sylvania Bailroad. George "Westinghouse,
Jr., John B. McGiuley and other officers of
tbe airbrake company have gone to Phila
delphia to see President Roberts, of the
Pennsylvania Bailroad Company, to ask for
better railroad facilities at "Wilmerdlng.
Mr. Westinghouse wants the freight vards
enlarged, a new depot built, and one or two
street bridges built over the railroad tracks.
WEAKstomacb,Beecham'sPills act like magic
Psabs' Soap secures a DeautU ul,complexion.
vyUBH do, z, December, 51HH31J3W?40
31?c: vear, 31J31J3u3t-; Januan,
3lk31J63l&31c; "gay, 3smziS3H
The Standard Oil Company Said to
Haye Its Eye on a Bival Line.
To be Bailt by tbe Pennsylvania Company.
Which Explains a Big Deal.
It seems impossible to appease the greed
of the Standard Oil Company, if all reports
be true. As probably the latest illustration,
it was stated yesterday bv a gentleman who
said he obtained the information from a
reliable source, although he would not
vouch for its accuracy, that the Atlantic
and 'Western Pipe Line will soon be ab
sorbed by the great monopoly.
He added: "While I believe there is
something of the kind on foot I have not
been able to verify the report I see no rea
son to doubt its correctness, however. If it
should be a go it will have the effect of not
only sustaining the present price of oil, but
of putting it still higher, and wiping out the
premium. This will put all oil on the same
This is important to the oil trade, and the
progress of the deal. If such there be, will bo
watched with lively interest.
Just why a few speculative gentlemen pur
chased a considerable body of land in the
Eleventh ward, Allegheny, was not known at
the time, bnt it Is clear enough now. It ap
pears that the Pennsylvania Company, In re
turn for certain privileges extended to them by
Allegheny City and certain property holders,
have agreed to erect a bridge and viaduct at
Woods' Run. at a cost of S100.000.
This wdl not only benefit the Pennsylvania
Company, but, by assuring the the opening of
California avenue, for which the bridge will be
utilized, it will boom adjoining property, of
which the track in question forms a part. Tbe
avenue will traverse a beautiful strip of coun
try, and will, no doubt, greatly enhance values
throughout the district. With the great help
of tbe Pennsylvania Company the success of
the thoroughfare seems to be reduced to a cer
tainty. w
While there have been no particular acces
sions of business the past week, the iron trade
has been active and pnees fully maintained.
It is thought they are about at the top. The
prospect contlnnes favorable lor a good busi
ness throughout the winter, unless the weather
should be so severe as to stop railroad and
bridge building. This opinion rests upon tbe
fact that stocks are light, with a large pros
pective demand for all kinds of railroad mate
rial. Pig iron is very firm and furnacemen are
closely sold up. Several heavy orders for rails
have been placed East within the past few
days at $32 to 33. Quotations here are S33 to
$34, and S35 at Chicago All the mills are bnsy
and are still considerably in arrears of orders.
Pipe manufacturers consider the decision of
the Indiana Supreme Court a good thing tor
Contrary to the general drift of opinion the
iron Age thinks there will be a lull in the
trade, and gives some good reasons for its
belief. It says: "We are now approaching a
time of the year when usually there is a lull m
the demand for iron and steel, and the signs
are not wanting that this year will not be an
exception. During the winter the consump
tion is always less than in the spring and
summer, and in November and December this
is generally felt most, because after the open
ing of tbe new year the purchases of raw ma
terial and finished goods for use during the
spring season begin. Some large consumers
generally take advantage of this state of
affairs. Thus the great railroad corporations
place their renewal orders. Bnt in snch lines
as cast-iron pipe, wrought-Iron pipe, in tbe cut
and wire nail trade, in barb-wire, in structural
materials, the demand slackens during the last
two months of the year and usually does not
maEe its appearance until February. These
are the factors which are at work to produce a
lull in the activity which has characterized the
last two months." V
The local lumber trade is quite active for tLo
season, and prices show a hardening tendency.
Stocks are still light, but as the car famine has
commenced to ease up they will soon be replen
ished. The cause of activity is due to the ex
tensive building operations which are being
carried on, and to tbe flourishing condition of
every industry depending upon iron and steel
for vitalizing force.
So long as these great interests thrive build
ing will go on and the demand for lumber in
crease So rapidly has the lumber business of
Pittsburg grown in the last year or two that
some of the dealers thine the time has come
to establish a Lumber Exchange.
New York is doing big things in the building
line, and if she continues for a few years at
the same high-pressure speed she will enjoy
the distinction of being the second largest city
in tbe world. She is already crowding Paris,
and Is nearly half 'as large as London.
in addition to the building boom she is having
a season of great activity in real estate It is
stated that no less than $225,000,000 of property
changed hands in New York from January 1 to
October 31 inclusive, against 181,000,000 during
the corresponding months of 1888. Pittsburg is
not solitary and alone, as Senator Benton was
won't to say, In her prosperity.
Local Stock, While Not Specially Active,
Command More Money.
Trading was light, but the feeling firm at
both of the stock calls yesterday. That there
were more buyers than sellers indicated a stif
fening up of pnees all round.
Tbe active shares were Philadelphia gas.
Electric and Central Traction, all of which
scored advances. There were no material de
clines. Sales were 180 shares. Bids, offers and
sales are appended:
Kid. Asked. ild. Anted.
Pitts. P. B 4M. Ex... 435
Lawrence Bank 60 .... 63(4
Masonic Bank 6054
City insurance .... a
Citizens' Insurance.... Som
AlleKhenyHeatlngCo. 1U0 104 100 110
Brldjrewater Gas SS
Chanters Val. basCo .... 48
l'eople'sN. U. & P.Co .... 1K ... 16
Fenna. Gas Co 14 UH 13 M4
Philadelphia Gas Co 3i 34J ....
l'ine Hun Gas &
Wheeling Uas Co 2s .... 28
Columbia Oil Co ZK 3
Bazclnood Oil Co SO1,
Central Traction SIM J1J4 3li 83
Citizens' Traction 69 .... 69 ....
Pitts. Traction M f!U (IX 47
Pleasant Valley 21J 21)
Pitts., A. & Man 22o 270
Chartiers Hallway 44 ....
r'g. Ifou'E't'n & Ash 30 ....
r.. Y. & ?-. pref. 82 ....
Flits. June, K. K.... 27J4 ....
P., McK.4Y.E- R.CO 60 ....
r. C. 4bt. L 1 ....
l'ltts. 4 Western U. H. 13)4 .... ,
P.U.K.K.Co. pref.. .... .... 20 21
Hidalgo MtnincCo ISf 24 .... 2J4
La Aorta Mining Co... .... ....
Luster Mlulnsr Co 10 ....
Yankee Girl Mining... 2 3X 2H M
AlleglienyCo. Electric .... 88 .... ti
Westinehouse Electric 49 49X 49), 49tf
Union Storage Co 75
U. 8. &Slg. Co. 19X
WestlnchooieA.lJ.Co. 113 IIS .... 113
Ex. Dlv.
At tbe morning tall 100 shares of Philadel
phia Gas brought S 10 Electric 4 and 60,
4854 At the last c&ii 10 shares of Central Trac
tion sold at 31.
Sproul & Lawrenie sold 100 shares Philadel
phia Gas at M.
Bankers Expect Much From the Visit of the
Local financiers reported a fair remand for
money yesterday, which was met at the cus
tomary rates. All the banks had funds to
spare. Even those reported closely loaned np
were looking for customers. Tbe exchanges
were $2,055,890 43, and tbe balances S32L310 12.
As a general thing Pittsburg bankers take a
favorable view of the visit of the Fan-Americans.
One of them said yesterday: "I think
the visit will result in great benefit to this city.
Why shouldn't ItT We have the things they
need most Iron and steel and all kinds of
machinery. With proper trade relations es
ubllihed with the countries these people rep
resent, Pittsburg will find a profitable market
for about every thing she can manufacture.
This means more mills, more skilled labor,
more building and a still more rapid increase
of population and wealtb. What a splendid
prospect, and entirely within the bounds of
reason and probability."
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy, ranging from 5 to 6 per cent: last loan 6,
closed offered at 4. Prime mercantile paper,
5K8. Sterling exchange quiet and weak at
4 ton for 60-day bills, and $4 84i for demand.
New York Clearings, 1158,470,439: balances,
Boston Clearings, $15,522,407; balances,
Slj5l7,185. Money 4 per cent,
Philadelphia Clearings, 511,171,202; bal
ances. $2,087,557.
Baltimore Clearings. S3.031.634: balances,
London The amount of bullion in the Bank
of England decreased 433.0U0 durinir tbe past
weeK. Tbe proportion of the Bank of En
gland's reserve to liability is now 39.77 percent.
Bar silver, 43a per ounce.
PARIS Three per cent rentes, 87f 15c for
the account. Tbe weekly statement of the
Bank of France shows an Increase of 275,000
francs gold and 750,000 francs silver.
St. Loots Bank clearings, 53,353,032; bal
ances, $319,072.
Chicago Bank clearings were again very
laree, the aggregate being S15.700.00a New
York exchange. 6060c discount. Banks con
tinue to ask 6 per rent for call money and 708
per cent for time loans, but plenty of outside
money is obtainable at 6 per cent, and even
lower on calk
OH Continue to Advnncr but Business Shows
a nnltlns Disposition.
There was a Arm oil market yesterday, with
considerable excitement at intervals, and par
ticularly just before the close, when the price
went un IK cents In five minutes. The opening
was I0SK; inchest, 110: lowest, 103: closing,
11 Under the circumstances, trading was
verj light, being largely sales and resales by
the same parties. There were a few sales of
cash oil at 109.
The strong features were an advance of 10
points in refined at New York, and a qmarter of
a franc at Antwerp, and anticipation that the
pine line report, due to-morrow, will be even
more bullish than usual. Tbe close was firm at
next to tbe highest point of the day. Wednes
day's clearances were 603,000 barrels.
Features of the Oil Market.
Corrected dally by John SI. Oaaiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened lOSMI Lowest IMH
Highest 110!iUoed 110M
Average runs 44,631
Average shipments 77, 6C3
Average charters 17,636
Kenned, Mew York. 7.43c
Keflne, London, in.
Refined, Antwerp, liftr.
Kenned, Liverpool, 6 l-16d.
A. R McGrew fc Co. quote: Puts, SI 08Ki
calls, SI 14.
Other OH markets.
On Crrr. November 7. Opened at SI 08;
highest, $1 10; lowest, $1 08; closed. Si 09.
Bradford. November 7. Opened at SI 0SH;
closed at $1 09; highest, SI 10: lowest, SI 08.
TrrusviLLE, November7. Opened at Si 08Ji;
highest, SI 10; lowest, $1 08; closed at
SI 09.
New York, November 7. Petroleum was
active to-day and made a marked advance on
buying by Standard Oil brokers, tho price
touching tbe highest point for the year. The
opening at SI 07 and the price moved up
shortly to SI 09. Then a reaction of lc occurred,
but the advance was resumed, and the market
closed strong at SI 09 Stock Exchange Opening-
SI 07: highest, SI 09: lowest. SI 07: clos
ing. SI 09. Consolidated Exchange Opening
SI 0SK; highest, SI 1(; lowest, SI 06V; closed,
SI 09. Sales, 1,880,000 barrels.
Another Oakland Square Residence Gobbled
Up Oiber Importnnt Transactions.
Samuel W. B'ack & Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold to X. H. Scott, the general agent of the
Fidelity and Casualty Company, one of those
fine two-story and mansard brick dwellings,
situate on Oakland Square, and overlooking
the Schenley Park, Fourteenth ward, for $8,000.
This dwelling is not yet completed, bnt wili be
dv January i. iney piacea a mortgage ior
$5,000, for three years, at 4 per cent, free of
State tax, on property on Fifth avenue, Four-
teenth ward.
L. O. Frazler. corner Forty-fifth and Butler
streets, sold for tbe Irwin estate lots Nos.90
and 91, in Anna B. Irwin plan of lots together
having a frontage of 40 feet on Home street.
Seventeenth ward, by 100 feet to an alley, to
George Jletcalfe for $1,500.
Black Baird. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to C. J.
Newcomb lot No. 34. corner of Wicklow and
JIargaretta streets, in J. Walter Hay's plan of
Valley View Place, for $500, pn the easy pay
ment nlan. They also placed a mortgage bf
$1,200 for three years, at 6 per cent, on a prop
erty in Temperanceville.
C. H. Love. 93 Fourth avenue, sold for Peter
Sch wan and Nicholas Hartman tbe property No.
6350 and 6352 Station street. East End. for
$11,500. The purchaser was C. U Reno, Esq.
W. A. Herron & Sons sold lot Sal in the
Aspinwall Land Company's plan, 25x100 feet
to an alley, for 300.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 342,560 shares, including: Atchison,
29.950; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
7,436; Denver, Texas and Fort Worth, 9.301;
Lake Shore, 4.457; Louisville and Nashville,
21.960: Missouri Pacific 20,825: Northwestern,
5,780; Northern Pacific preferred, 9,135; Oregon
Transcontinental. 3,900; Reading, 91,550; Rich
mond and West Point, 3,621; St. Paul, 9,900.
Tbey Constitute tbe Conspicuously Weak
Spot of tbe Share Market The
Trnsts Losing Their Influ
ence on Speculation
Sugar Declines.
New Yoek, November 7. The stock mar
ket again showed an active business in tbe
general list to-day, with the trusts compara
tively quiet, though the important movements
were in tbe latter. The news of the day was
not of special importance, except tbe an
nouncement of the decision in the case of the
North River Sugar Refinery, which was ad
verse to the trust, sustaining the previous de
cision of Judge Barrett. There was a moderate
amount of buying for outside centers, but the
majority of the purchases had tbeir origin
here, and reflected tbe improved feeling in the
street over the easing up of money rates and
the confidence in the continuance of a plenti
ful supply from this time out.
The whole list, with the exception of tbe
Coalers, showed a strong tone, andjt bough af
fected adversely by the weakness In the Coal
stocks at no time displayed weakness. Tbe
trusts to a large extent have ceased to have an
influence unon the shares In tbe regular list,
and tbe decline in sugar to-day met with little
or no response outside of tho other trust
shares. Tbe weakness in the Coalers, however,
did have an influence and served to check the
advance in the early portion of the day, ihouch
the reaction amounted to fractional amounts
only. Reading was again subjected to severe
pressure, especially in thi first hour, but in that
stock, as in most of the other leading shares
covering of shorts becamea factor toward the
close of business, and it actually shows a frac
tional eain for the day. Jersey Central, how
ever, dropped away sharply on a light business
uuu liiucu w icuuici ouyui toe less, while toe
uiuveuieuis m mo uuiers were msigniucanu
The support in Reading at the lowest prices
wag most pronounced and led to the free cover
ing of the afternoon. Among the active stocks
Louisville and Nashville and Missouri Pacific
were the most prominent for activity and
strength, though they both yielded readily at
times and failed to score marked advances for
that reason. Among the specialties Tennessee
Coal was tbe feature and it again touched 62 re
taining most of the improvement at the close.
Michigan Central was strong and active while
the other Vanderbllts were dull and stagnant.
Considerable animation was shown again in
Ontaria and We'ern but it failed to make any
movemeitof impo tmce.
The market ouene i with great activity, and
first prices w ere 3iii per cent higher than last
evening's figures, which was supplemented by
further lractional advances in the first hour,
Missouri Pacific, Louisville and Nashville and
Atchison leading tbo nnward movement. Cot
ton Oil was especially weak at this time, but
failed to have effect beyond checking tbe ad
vance toward nuon. Sugarand the Coal smcks
joined tbe decline, but tbe selling was seeming
ly over by noon, when the market became dull,
with a slow but steady advancing tendency,
which became most pronounced toward tbe
clo-e. Tbe market finally closed fairly active
and strong at close to the best prices. Sugar is
down 2 and Jersey Central 2 per cent, but the
are fur fracional amounts.
A moderate degree of activity again marked
the dealincs in railroad bonds to-day, and tbe
sales of all lssnes reached tbe sum of $2,120,000.
The features or tbe trading were Kansas and
Texas 7s, with $199,000: the Fort Worth and
Denver firsts, with $148,000; the Gulf, Colorado
and Santa Fe firsts, with $140,000. and the Den
ver and Rio Grande 4s, w)th S1H.00O. The en
tire market was strong also, and many material
advances were scored, though there was no
marked feature In this respect, as during the
past two days.
The roiiowinar table snows tne prices oractire
stocks on tbe Mew York Stock Excnanre yester
day. Corrected dally for Tm Dispatch by
WH1TKZT ft STEFHZNSOK. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of Hew Yorx BtocK Exchange, 67 irourth ave
nue: Clos-Open-
High- Low- lnt
lor. est. est. Bid.
Am, Cotton OU m XX tig Ktf j
Ateh., Top.&B.jr..... Sl 53V 32)4 CH
Canadian Paella 70M 70M 7UM 70
Canada Sontnern Six SS 55 63
Central of New Jersey.121 121 U8h 118M
Central raelfit J4
Cnesaneakeft Ohio.... MM X 2354 H
C. Bur. Outlier. ...,los 107 106U 106V
C MIL S. St. "aul.... 70 70 6-JM 70
C, Mil. 4 St. 1., PL... US 113 113 1I2S4
C'., KoclcL f 98V SSV SS S8!i
(i. St. P..M.AO 34), 34 UX 34
C. bt.P.,11.4 0., Pf. .. B7X
C. Northwestern 1H! MX 111X 1X
C.4 Northwestern, pr. 142
C., a. C. A f 75)4 7W, TiX 7U4
C C. O. 41., pr 99 99 99 88
Col. Coal 4 Iron 32 32 32 32
Col. ft HocKIng Val .. 17 17 17 1T4
Del.. L. 4 W UIX Hl 141 1H
Del. ft Hudson 143
DenverftKloO 16)4
Denver ft itioO., pt K3j
K.T.. Va,ftUa 10 10 10 ' 10
K.T..V. ftOa.lat pf. 70 70 70 9J$
K. T.. Va. ft Ga. Zd PL 22 22 22 22
Illinois CentraL USX
Lake Erie 4 Western.. 1SK 18 18!4 1814
Lake Krle ft West. pr.. 64 64 63K 6.1J
Late Shore ft ALB 107 107. 107 1U7H
LoulsvlUe ft Nashville. (3 85 Wi MH
Michigan central 96! 97X 96U 97
Missouri Faeiae esx 70), 69M 70)4
New xorx Central 106)4 1062 106)4 JOSi?
K. Y.. L. B. ft W 28 283- 28S 2S!
N. XftN. K 45 46 45) 45J
N. Y O. ft W ......... WH KH Wj 13
Norfolk: a Western.... IS 19 19 19
Norfolk Vv estern. pf.M 63 Kh (6)4
Northern Paeine 3254 32)5 MX I2M
Nortnern f acine ureli 73 7SX 734 7X
Ohio 4 Mississippi...- 22H SH 22K EH
llreson Transcon 84 UH 34 tH
FacineM&U 32)4 2 &H 33
Feo. Dec. 4 Evans Wi
Fhlladel. ft Beadlac. &K H M 40)2
Fullman Palace Car...l87!T J87W 187)4 187
Blchmona ft W. F. T.. 22)4 SH X 23)4
Klchmond ft W.F.T.pf 80 80 80 79H
St. P., Minn, ft Man. .117)4 117)4 11644 114
St. L. 4 San Fran 24
St. L. ft San JTran pf. .... S3
Texas Faolnc 20 20K 20 20X
UnlonFacinc (8)4" 68 S7J 68
Wabasn 16!
Wabash preferred 11)4 H H
Western Union. S44 84 S4H 84
Whlinir 4 L. E. 69 69 69U 68
Suirar Trust 74 74 1W 11X
National Lead Trust.. 21 21 50)4 20H
Chicago Uas frost.... MX X 65 6SK
Boston Stocks.
Atch.ftTon..lst7s. 117
A. AT. LandGr't7s.lll
Ateh. 4 Top. It. K... 33)4
Boston & Albany. ..216
Boston ft Maine... ..214
V..U. 40. lOSif
Linn. San. ft Cleve. 23
Eastern K. it 118
Eastern K. R. 6s ....125
Flint FereM 20
Mexican Oen. 00m.. 15
Mex.C.lstmtt;. bds. 65K
-V x. tuewmu,., 4544
Old colony. 177
Rutland, com 4
Wli.oentral.eom... 27)4
Wis. Central pf.... 67
MlonezMcCo 90
Calumet ft Beeu....232
rranciln. 15
Huron 24
Osceola, 14
Pewablc 4)
Qalney 60
Bell Telepnone 202
Boston Land S
Water Fower s
Tamarack 135
San Dieio 22"
Santa Fe copper..,. 67)4
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney &Stephenon, brokers. No. S7
Fourth avenue. Members New xorK Stock Ex
change. JJM. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad.' an
Keaoing 201-1$
BnSalo. Pittsbura: and Western
Lehigh Valley BH
Lehigh Navigation 13H
Nortnern Paclflo 32)
Northern Pacillo preferred 74M
Business Notes.
DieectoeS of the Lawrence Bank will be
elected next Monday.
Tirx annual meeting of the Western Insur
ance Company will be held on the 18th.
A movement is on f oot at Wheeling to form
a clearing house. A committee has been ap
pointed to select a plan.
The Snpreme Court having decided that
Edgewood is entitled to borough honors, an
election will be held there for officers in Feb
ruary. The Are loss of the United States and Can
ada, for tbe month of October. 18S9, as esti
mated by tbe New York Bulletin, amounts to
the total sum of 58,368,600.
A Central Traction official said yesterday
that the company would establish its offices in
the building being erected for the powerhouse,
and not on Fourth avenue.
The Manchester Homestead Loan and Trust
Company, of which Mr. E. D. Wingenrotb is
secretary.bas closed up its first series of 830,000,
and a second series of the same amount will soon
be issued, tbe former one having been an un
qualified success.
The Pittsburg Consolidated Window Glass
Company, capital 510,000, was chartered yester
day. The directors are C. O. Smith, Allegheny;
A. Clark Dravo, Dotninick C. Cunningham ana
Abner Howard, Pittsburg, and Robert Cun
ningham, Homestead.
FrrrsBCBa has 24 banks, against 13 in Cin
cinnati, 20 in Chicago, 5 in St. Louis, 9 in Louis
ville and 9 in N ew Orleans. It Is a curious fact
tbat Pittsburg has within one of as many banks
as Chicago and St. Louis pnt together. She
has more tbah Cincinnati and St. Louis together,
and more than St. Louis, Louisville and New
Orleans combined,
How Mr. Ford Stated Tbat Jndge Over Was
a Walking Delegate.
"W. E. Ford, the Delinquent Tax Collec
tor, said yesterday that he had one of those
peculiar cases occur a few days ago which
show that men are somewhat prone to view
matters from their own standpoint. A well
known labor rights advocate who had occa
sion to be present during the session of the
Orphans' Court complained that Judge Over
had thrown out a charge of $20 for drawing
up a will in the accounting for an estate.
The reason assigned, for the rejection of the
claim was the fact that a layman and not a
lawyer had drawn up tbe document. On
this feature the labor advocate expanded
most violently, wanting to know why any
American citizen who could write decent
English could.not draw up a will as well as
a lawyer.
Mr. Ford, who is possessed of considerable
dry humor, said to him: "My dear sir, this
is simply an evidence of tbe spread of labor
organization. You see, the Judge, in his
capacity of walking delegate for the bar
association, was perfectly right in sitting
down on scab labor in the shape of a will
made by a man not qualified at the bar."
The man who made the objections left
perfectly satisfied with the explanation, and
indorsing the action of the Judge in his
capacity of walking delegate.
Treasnrer William R. Thompson's Immense
Labor Undergoing Scrutiny.
' The committee appointed to audit the ac
counts or William E. Thompson as treas
urer of tbe Johnstown relief fund met yes
terday in Mr. Thompson's bank and com
menced their work.
The original committee was composed of
Gevernor J. B. Foraker, of Ohio; Mayor
William Cregier, of Chicago, and Governor
Luce, of Michigan. These gentlemen were
requested by Chairman MoCreery to audit
Mr. Thompson's accounts. Mayor Cregier
sent Colonel W. P. Bend as a substitute;
Governor Foraker sent General A. A. Ax
liae and Governor Luce sent Colonel J. K.
Boies. 1
The committee commenced at once to
make a very rigid examination of all ac
counts. Their task is no small one. Mr.
Thompson received about $817,000, all but
$40,000 of which was paid out It will be
necessary for him to keep part of that to
meet unpaid claims. The committee com
pleted most of theh work yesterday, and
will be able to make a statement tbis even
ing. They expressed themselves yesterday
as greatly surprised utthe enormous amount
of work done by the Pittsburg people.
A West Penn Hospital Attache Dies of
Typhoid Fever After a Long; Illness.
Superintendent Cowen, of West Penn
Hospital, remarked yesterday that the lail
roaders' ward is rapidly filling. The winter
season always brings a greater number of
surgical patients than any other time of
the year. For the last few days the ambu
lance has been going constantly, night and
day. In the railroad ward alone there are
26 patients. The other surgical wards are
also crowded. Altogether 219 patients are-
nousea in tne hospital under medical treat
ment. Typhoid fever steadily furnishes patients.
Yesterday 30 cases were being attended to,
but all are in a fair way to recover, most of
the patients being convalescent.
Mr. Cowen said that the first death among
the employes took place yesterday, since his
administration began four years ago. Miss
Pearl Glemer. of Brownsville, a unrse who
has been resident at the hospital for the last
three years, was stricken with typhoid fever
about three weeks ago'. She lingered until
yesterday, when she succumbed to the mal
ady. Her bodv was shinned home to Bruwns-
Tille, whtre the will be buried on Saturday. J
-s -v "" '
Fresh Eggs Very Scarce, Dairy Prod
ucts MoYing Slowly.
and Oats Weak llillfeed Steadj
Cont Active and Firm,
Office of Fttzbbvro Dispatch,
Thursday, November 7, 1S89. $
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
No new features have developed since our
last report. Commission men report a quiet
week. Fresh ecus are scarce and firm. Those
offered are cold storage. The few fresh egzs
that show up are quickly taken at Sc by deal
ers. Dairy products do not move ont very
freely this week, but markets are steady.
Grapes are close to their end. Tbe few on jtbe
market are qnlet at 40c a basket. Tomatoes
are also approaching their end for tbis season.
While prices are advancing, quality Is deterior
ating. There is a fair movement of choice po
tatoes and prices are steady. Poor stock is
bard to sell at any price.
Btjttee Creamery, Elgin, 2828Je; Ohio
do,2125c; fresh dairy packed, 2123c; country
rolls, 1920c.
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2 25B 40;
medium. 12 302 40.
Beeswax 2S42S0c1fl a for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, J6 o0 60; common.
S3 S04 00; crab cider. SS 00S 50 ft barrel;
cider vinejrar, 1012c l gallon.
Ghesthuts to 00o SO 13 bushel; walnuts,
6070c fl bushel.
Cheese Oliio. llUJc: New York. llKc;
Limbureer, 9llc; domestic Sweitzer, II
13Kc; imported Sweitzer. 23Kc
EGGS 2223c fl dozen for strictly fresh.
Kruits Auples, 00300 ft barrel; grapes.
Concords, 4043c a basket: Bartlett pears. So ft
barrel: quinces. H 005 00 ft barrel; cranber
ries, Jersers. 12 SO per busbei box; Cape Cods,
box, $27503 00; Malaga grapes, large barrel,
Feathers Extra live eeese, 5060c; No. 1,
do. 4045c; mixed lots, S035c V fi.
Poultry Live chickens, 5055c M pair;
ducks, 5565c w pair; geese, 50060c each; lire
turkeys, 9llc?) Si.
Hveds Clover, choice, 6216s to bushel. tS COS)
6 2 If) bushel; clover, large English, ffifts, (550:
clover, Alslke. S3 00; clover, wbite. 19 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 &s, tl 60; blue grass, extra
clean. 14 fits. 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 Bs, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 &s. SI 65; red top. 14 fts. SI 25;
millet, 50 fts. SI 00; German millet, 60 lbs, $1 50;
Hungarian grass, 60 Bs. SI 00; lawn grass,
mixture of tine grasses, $2 SO 1 bnsbel of 14
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, S3 50
4 00: fancy. M 005 00: oranges, S4 60o 00:
bananas, $2 00 firsts, SI 60 good seconds. f1
bunch; rocoanuts, S4 U04 50 V hundred: figs,
SV9c fl &; dates, 6K6Jc fl &; new layer figs,
14KQ16Kc; new dates. 7c $ fi.
Vegetables Potatoes, from store, 5055c:
on track, 4045c: tomatoes, Sll 25 $ bushel;
wax beans. 75c -R busbei; green beans, 4050c
V bushel; cabbages, S4 005 00 a hundred;
celerv, 40c V) dozen; Southern sweet potatoes.
12 002 25; Jerseys, S3 253 60; turnips, SI 75
2 00 a barrel; onions, $2 a barrel.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2223Kc;
choice Rio, 2021c; prime Bio, 20c; low grade
Rio, 1819Kc; old Government Java. 27c; Mar
acaibo, 2324c; Mocha, 2829c; Santos, 20
23c; Caracas, 2123c; peaberry, Rlo,2323Kc;
La Guayra, 2223c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 23c;
bigh grades, 2IK23Kc; old Government Java,
bulk, 31632c; Alaracalbo, 2827c; Santos, 22K
27c: peaberry, 28c; choice Rio. 24c; pilme
Rio, 22c; good Rio, 21; ordinarr, 20c.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 1920c; allspice, 10c;
cassia. 8c: Deoner. 17c: nutmec 70080c
.Petroleum (Jobbers prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8Jc: water
wbite, lOKc: globe. 1414c: elaine, 14c; car
nadine. like: rovaline. 14c; globe red oil. 110
Mixers' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 474348c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 70c.
STRUTS Corn syrup. 2SQ30c; choice sugar
syrup, 33g38c: prime sugar syrup, 30033c;
strictly prime, S335c: new manle syrup, 90c.
N. U. Molasses Fancy, 4Sc: choice, 46c:
medium. 43c: mixed. 40842c: choice new croD.
SODA Bi-carb in kegs, 34c; bi-carb In s,
C3X. M.nn.h nanv.A,4 n.nV.w.. R3y?Ay. !-
U74" WHU1 "KM Fi,Bfit., imuv, o-
soda in .kegs, l?c; 4a granulated, 2c
Candles Star, fnll weight, 9c; stearine, J)
set, 8c; parafflne, 11012c
mice ueaa, uarouna, ojjo'c; cnoice, 6iW
6c; prime, 56c: Louisiana, 56Vc
bTAROH Pearl. 2Kc: cornstarcb. 66c: eloss
starch. 4?-ffiJ7c,
Foreign Fruits Laver raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layer", S2 75; California London layers,
S2 75; Muscatels. S2 25; California Mnscatels,
SI 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, &8$c;
sultana, 9c; currants, 65fc; Turkey prunes.
45c; French prunes. 6t39c; Salonlca
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoannts, $1 100,
$6 00; almonds, Lan., ft, 20c; do. Ivica, 19c;
do, shelled. 40c; walnuts, nan- 1215c; Sicily
flloerts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 13Ql4c; new dates,
66Vc; Brizil nuts, 10c: pecan." ll15c; cit
ron. t ft, 1920c; lemon peel, $ ft, 15c; orange
peel. 4c V
Dried Frutts Apples, sliced, per ft 6c, ap
ples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, evap
orated. 14K16c; peaches, evaporated, pared,
2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, un
Dared. 19ft21c: cherries. nitted.l3K14Kc: cher
ries, unpitted, 56c;raspberrles, evaporated,
25X26c; blackberries, 78c; huckleberries
Sugars Cubes, 7Jc; powdered, 7Jc: granu
lated, 7c; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A,
7c; soft white, 6K63ic;yelIow,chotce.6ie6c;
yejlow. good, 6b)c: yellow, fair, c; yellow,
dark, 5c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $5 60; medi
um, half bbls (600). S3 25.
Salt N o L fl bbl. 95c: No, 1 ex, f bbl, SI 05;
dairy. bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal. W bbl, Jl 20:
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S2 80; Higgins'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, 82 25
2 60; 2ds, SI tS5l 80; extra peaches, $2 402 GO;
pie peaches, 95c finest corn. SI 001 50; Hid Co.
corn, 7090c; red cherries, 90cSl: Lima beans,
SI 9n snaked rln. Unci strinp do. ftM5)ffir; mar.
rowfat ptas. 81 101 15; soaked peas. 7075cn
pineapples. Si wqii ou; uanatna ao, ss V3; aam
son plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums, S2;
California pears, 52 50; do greengage, SI 85: do
egg Dlums, Jl 85; extra white cherries, S2 40: red
cherries, 2&s, 80c; raspberries, 95cSl 10;
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, SI 301 40:
tomatoes. 8590c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 651 90;
blackberries, b5c; succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked,
90c; do green. 2-ft, SI 251 60; corn beef, 2-ft
cans, $2 05; 14-ft cans, 814: baked beans, SI Ao
vti ou; lousier, iu), 9 uy& ou, uiav&crej, im
cans, broiled. SI 50: sardines, domestic, Vs.
Si 2504 60: sardines, domestic. Kb. S7
sardines, imnorted. . Sll 50012 50. sardines.
imported, S18; sardines, mustard, S3 30;
sardines, smced. S3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 fl
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, S40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, mess,
36: No. 2shore mackerel. S24. Codfish Wbole
gollock, 4c f) ft; do medium, George's cod,
:; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c: do
George's cod In blocks. 6K7Kc Herring
Round shore, S4 50 ft bbl: spilt, 16 60; lake,
S2 75 W 100-ft half bbl. Wfiite nsn, 58 00 f) 100
ft halt bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 V half bbl. Fin
nan haddock, 10c 1 ft. Iceland halibut, 13c fl
ft. Pickerel, H hbl. S2 00: Ji hbl. SI 10; Poto
mac herring, to 00 j bbl, S2 V X bbL
Oatmeal-M CXX86-25 fl bbL
Grain, Flonr and Feed.
Receipts are still too large for demands of
trade, and market rules dull. Hay and oats are
particularly weak. Millfeed is fairly steady.
Shell corn Is firm. Receipts as bulletined at the
Grain Exchange, 39 cars. By Pittsburg. Ft.
Wayne and Chicago, 2 cars of oats, 3 of barley,
lof feed. 2 of hay, lot middlings, 4 of flour.
By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 1 car
of bay and straw, 3 of hay, 10 of oats, 2 of corn,
1 of middlings, 1 of wheat, 1 of birley. By Bal
timore and Ohio, 1 car of bran, 3 of oats, 1 of
corn. Bv Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of oats.
By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of bay. Sales
on call, 1 car No. 2 timothy hay, $8, spot; 1 car
2 yellow shelled corn, 40c, 10 days, regular; 1
car high mixed ear corn, 40c, 10 dars, regular.
Freight rates on flour from Minneapolis to
Chicago are advanced 6c per barrel, tbe ad
vance to take effect November 20. Tbe ad
vance last season was 2c per barret The rail
roads east of Chicago are expected to make a
similar advance, so that a 10c increase In lay
down price of flour will be due in a couple of
Prices below are for carload lots on track.
WHEAT-NewNc2 red, 8384c; No. 3,79
Cohn No. 2 yellow, ear, 4243c; higb mixed,
ear. 40041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 39K40c: high
mixed, shelled, 39J9Kc; mixed, Shelled, SSKS
Oats-No. 2 wbite, 27g)274c; extra, No. 8,
25K26c: mixed. 2321c
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 60851c:
No. 1 Western, 4849c; new rye, No. 2 Ohio, 45
Floub Jobblue prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, So 005 50: winter straight,
$4 254 SO; clear winter. Si 004 2o; straight
XXXX bakers', S3 60g3 75. Bye flonr, 18 00
4 75.
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, H6 090
16 50 l ton; brown middling", 813 08013 50:
winter wheat bran, SU 50011 75; chop feed,
15 fifitfilR 00.
IUt-Ba11 tteetty, Re, J, til WU6iJ
No. 2 do. $8 0810 00: looee from wagon. SU 00
013 00. according to quality,: No-2 prairie bay,
S7 0088 00; packing do. S7 2jT 60-
8TKAW-0ats. S6 757 00: wheat and rye
straw, J6 00g6 25.
Sugar-cured hams, large, lOJc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, lOJic: sugar-cured bams, small,
lHic: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 9c; sngar
cured shoulders, 52c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 7 sogar-enred California hams, 7c:
sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9He: sugar-cured
dried beef sets, lOKc: sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, 12Kc: bacon shoulders. 5?c; bacon
clear-Mdes, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, 7Kc; dry
salt shoulders, 5c: dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mes pork, beavy. SU 50; mess pork, family.
812 00. Lard refined. In tierces, 6c: half
barrels. 6Jic; 60-ft tubs. 6c: 20-ft pal's, 6c; 60
ft tin cans, BJJc; 3-ft tin palls, 7c; 6-ft tin palls.
6c: 10ft tin palls. 65ic;5-ft tin pails. 6c:10-BUa
palls, 6c BmokecTsansage, long; 5c: large, 6c
Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams. Hc
Pigs feet, half barrel, S4 00; quarter barrel,
Dressed Meats.
Armour & Co. furnished tbe following prices
on dressed meat: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650fts
6c; 650 to 650 lis, 6c; 650 to 750 fts. 67d- Sheep,
7HcfIft. Lambs; 9afl'ft- Hogs, 6c Fresh
pork loins, 8c
Hetal Market.
New York Pig iron active and strong:
Amercan. S16 00018 5a Copper strong: lake,
November, S12 50. Lead quiet and firm; domes
tic, S2 92K. Tin more active and irregular;
straits, tat 15.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When shehadChildren,sbe gave them Castorla
Besiding at Apollo, and foreman of a sec
tion of the West Penn Bailroad, having a
large number of men in his charge, has for
many years been a great sufferer from
Catarrh of the Stomach and a diseased con
dition of the liver. His stomach gave him
much pain and it felt sore on pressure. His
bowels were constipated, and he had a very
dark, sallow complexion. He had no ap
petite, and what little food he did eat seemed
to do him no good, for he had a sick,
nauseons feeling after eating. In fact the
very sight or food would often make him
sick at the stomach. He had -a dnll pain
over his eyes. He could not sleep, and he
was always tired, and more so on getting up
in tbe morning than when he went to bed.
As the disease extended to his throat and
lungs he did much hawking andspittingand
he felt a weight and pressure in his lungs.
It was while in this condition that he con
sulted the Physicians of the Catarrh and
Dyspepsia Institute, at 323 Penn avenue,
who told him he could yet be enred.
Although he said he had already treated
with filteen doctors, receiving no permanent
benefit, and had but little laith, her began
treatment. Of the result he says;
"My disease was of 18 years standing. I
now feel like a new man. I have a good
appetite, sleep well, feel rested in the morn
ing and am glad to state tbat I have been cured
ot all the above conditions by the Physicians
of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute.
Mr. Kunkle is wen known among railroad
men In Allegheny and Armstrong counties.
The Catarrh and Dyspepsia institute Is tier
man en tly located at 323 Penn avc, for tbe cure
of Catarrh. Dyspepsia and Diseases of Women.
Consultation free Office hours, 10 A. M. to 4
p. iL, and 6 to 8P.X. Sundays, 12 to 4 p. x.
This Is now conceded to be the best in tbe
market, is witnessed by the fact that we have
just secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL
LENCE at tbe Pure Food Exposition, now be
ing held in Philadelphia.
And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh
ly roasted beef.
Transact a General BanMi Business.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available la all puts of tbe world. Also Issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America,
nteimkiis AMD EXCUKSIOXa.
TTJIJ-H1T.E HTAlt Utl lv-
Boval and United States Mall Steamers.
"Teutonic, Mov.13, 9amTeutonlc,Dec.ll,7aJam
Germanic Nov. 3X Dm Germanic Dec. 18,2 pur
BrlUnnicMov.27,8.3uam Britannic DecS5,7:30am
Adriatic Dec 4, S p ml'Adrlatlc Jan. J.
.From White Star dock, foot or West Teeth St.
Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates,
(50 and upward. Second cabin. f and nnward,
according to steamer and location of bertn. Ex.
curslon tickets on favorable terms. Steerage fS0.
Wbite Star drafts payable on demand la all the
principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap
ply to VCHN J. McCOllMICK, Si9and401 Smith,
field St.. rittoburg, or J. BKliCKiDUAX, Oen
era! Agent, 41 Broadway, Mew York. not-P
To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passace 3J to SOX according to loeatlam
oi stateroom. Excursion S5 to $90.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates.
AU311N BALDWIN ft CU.. General Agents,
S3 Broadway, MewYort,
j. j. Mccormick. Agtnt.
639 And 401 Smitafteld Si., Pittsbarg. Pa.
United Stales Mail Steamers.
Sail every SATURDAY from
Calling at MoVlLLE. (Londonderry.)
Cabin passage to Glasgow, Liverpool or London
derry, f4Sands.3o nd trio, 90 and HOD.
Second-claM. MO- Steerage. HO.
Beit ronte to Horrocco and Algiers.
NEW YORK to FLOHES and FAYAL (Azores),
Cabin passage to
Asem,JU to MO; Naples, u to MO: Venice. fl.
Drafts on Ureat Britain. Ireland or Italy,
and letters of credit at favorable rates.
Apply to HENDKH80N BBOTHEKH. S. Y.. or
J. J;iTcCOKMlCK.t and 401 StnMhSeld at. (A.D.
SCORER & SON, 414 SsslttiJeW at., ttttsburf; W,
- r. &A
jiux.&n;t.iu.:vm. ,
The Great Eacterxnliiatorjsjl
Blood Poison.
I AM of tbe opinion & 8. S. should stand at
the head of the list of blood remedies. I ar-J;
rived at this conclusion from the testimony Jd
scores of persons who have told me of tho 3f.jj
good results from its use. I have been selling 'i
8. 8. 8. for years, and It has won a larga salevl
C. A. Gwrrrril, Mayflower,, Ark.s
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mafleet.
free. " !j
The 8wtjt Specific Cc, TJrawer 3, Atlanta
Ga. anlfroSocwr?
j,nii & ,;
"ww v. ."" ww.;j
lor. Wood and Liberty Sti, ,fi
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this weekia
For largest assortment and lowest prices i eaftj
ana see ns.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DresslX
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.!
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and ChlcagoS
45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg.
As old residents know and back flies of Pit
burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established
and most prominent physician in the-crty. d-'
voting special attention to all chronic disease.'
MTDAni lc and mental diseases nbvsioaC
II L. fl V U U O decay, nervous debdlfyack oC
energy, amniiion ana nope, impaired memory;
disordered sight, self distrust, bashlnlee.
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimpiea,erupaoBSv: i
poverished blood, falling powsrs.organic wei
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, tori
fitting tbe person for buslness.sodety and inar-i
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured!
Diotcnes, railing- luir. oones, pains, gianau
swelllnes. ulcerations of tontrucmoutn. thro
nl.... .,1,1 an... m.a ,.a4 fn. iff. w,4 ViIaa
poisons thorongnlv eradicated from the STBtaa.fl
1 1 DIM ADV kidney and bladder deraaceti
UnllNAnYmenta,weak back, gravel," c-"j
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and otbeej
paint nl symptoms receive searching trearmwt,
prompt renei ana real cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-lone: extensive
ence. insures scientific and reliable treae
on common-sense principles. Consultation!
Patients at a distance as carefully treated M 1I
here. Office hours 9 a.m. to'Sp.x. Sundswa
10 A. St. to 1 p. jr. only. DR. WHlTTIEX,'!
-enn avenue, nttSDurg, ifx.
How Lost!
How Rega'Mtdy
ASdentlflcand StandardPonular I
the-Errorsof Youth, Premature DecIine.NervonS j
and Physical IfeDIllty, impurities ol the Blood,-,;
Resulting from Follv. Vice. Ignorance. ES-3
cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and uttSt-J
imgine victim ior worK, .Business, ice
rfsj-n nr Social Relatione
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Posses tJsi
great work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8K
eautifnl binding, embossed, full gilt. Tries;
only SI by mall, postpaid, concealed im ptafeB
wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, lryoct
apoiynow. ineuisiinruisneaaninor. wkiu
Parker. M. D., received the GOLD AND JEWi
ELED MEDAL from the National Med!ol A:
sociation, for this PRIZE ESSAY on NRVM
and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and
corns of Assistant Plivslcfans mar be ojsh
suited, confidentially, by mail or in nersoa.'a
the office of THE PEABODY ME&rCAi.HW
SriTUTE, No. 4 BulHnch SL, Boston, MH.7M
whom all orders for books or letters for acme
should be directed as above. aulS-CT-Tniwurtt
rail nartleula-s In cam
sent free. The genuine Grwr'sl
Speellla sold by tuuxrlst oslvtfl
jeuow wrspper. irnoe, fs.hp
pacsagc or six ror jo. or oyi
on reeelnt of nrlce. bv ad&r
..Tnvnuir ub-iiihiui, uw.h. wn
Sold in Pittsburg by 5. & HUiLAXU cotmc
onuiniioiu una iiioerxy gu. pis-cj
qulriDR sdentinc and cobUsm
tial treatment! Dr. &K. LaiuM
M.B.aF.a, Is the oIdett:atl
most experienced speciallMllKl
tnecitj. vnsuitauou uwi
strlctlv confldentlaL 04
homr9to4and7to 8p.jf.;Pundas. StoiP.l
k. Consult tb em personallv, or write. DOCTOMJ
LAKE, sa Penn avev, rinsonr ra. 3
ielS-lS-DWk M
'a OulLO-D.
Dceed of Cotton Boot, Tssmt a
Pennvrnval ft recent diseevetr r
nhvsician. it suoci
ncian. . raai,ftfi
fnoMMu-Safe. Effectual. .Prtee
U. sw'isr
sesJed. Ladles, ask your druegist. lor Cestm'
Cotton Boot Compound and take no suseSWi
or lnolose 3 stamps for sealed part!mls.' i
dress POND LILY fUMfAM, WO. 3
Bim 191 WnrvlmnTA &TIL. DesmML
JsT-aold In Pittsburg; Pav. by Joseph.
uig es oou, uumDiiu muu duasut ss.
seas of yoBjfcfol i
7?4 . 1 win MinTi, noyus li nll.a (m
contelnlas ran psiticuUu for Jsosm eon, !!
.'rtQwiia. i
I RV1I riwuvn ewf .
1.1 A Atf ma A7J