' 'AH EX-WIFE'S WOES. Her Former Husband Accuses Her of Bothering His New Better Half, HAVING HER OFTEN ARRESTED. A Wealthy Philadelphia Physician's Marital Troubles Aired. HIS DIYOECED WIFE TELLS HER STOET. Ete Bajs Ebe is Ttrtec&ti In Order to Make Eer Leare ttoCitj. Dr. Erwin Agnew, a wealthy Phila delphia physician, has had his divorced wife arrested for assault and battery on the present 3Irs. Agnew. Mrs. Agnew No. 1 insists that she is persecuted, that she has no friends to take her part, and that her former husband wishes to set her out of the city. rSFECIAI. TEtXGKAK TO TD DISFATCK.1 Philadelphia, NoTcmber 7. The matrimonial woes of Dr. Erwin Agnew, a very wealthy and fashionable physician liv ing on Arch street, above Nineteenth, one of the most aristocratic neighborhoods in the city, and his divorced wife, were made public to-day. Dr. Erwin Agnew, who is a cousin of the celebrated surgeon, D. Hayes Agnew, had his former wife arrested on the charge of assault and battery on the present Mrs. Agnew. A hearing was set down for to-day, before Magistrate Pole, but it did not take place, and it is probable that Dr. Agnew has thought better of it and will not press tbe charges. The divorced wife, who was married to Dr. Agnew 21 years ago, and whose maiden name was Mary Kelleher, is an attractive, well-preserved woman, who lives at present at 229 North Twelfth street She said to day: "I was married to Dr. Agnew on August 27, 1868, by Kev. Father Strubbel, of St Mary's Church. The marriage cere mony was private, only the clergyman and his "servant being in attendance. Dr. Agnew not being a Catholic, we were sub sequently married by a Presbyterian minis ter in Boston. "We lived together for some time in Philadelphia and in Wynnewood, on tbe Pennsylvania Railroad. THE SEEPEKT Kf EDEN. "During our residence at Wynnewootl I discovered that my husband was keeping company with Mrs. Stewart, nee Mary Hudson, whose former husband now keeps a butcher shop on North Thirteenth street This led to quarrels between my husband and me, and resulted in the commencement of divorce proceedings against me. As he could bring nothing against my moral character, he alleged violence and incom patibility of temper. The proceedings of the divorce suit were carried on privately, in Lawyer Hurst's office, May 6, 1882. "I was induced to sign papers which I supposed provided for separation and sup port, bnt I was afterward informed that he bad obtained a legal divorce. He trans ferred a big amount of property to me, ns he was very rich, but when I found that a divorce had been obtained it made me nearly frantic, as I believed my husband's oaject was to marry the Mrs. Stewart whom I Jiave referred to. The supposition turned out to be true, as my husband. Dr. Agnew, after-w-rd married her, and is now living with her. One of his children died, and one, "Willie, 11 years old, you see, is now living with me. "Since his marriage to Mrs. Stewart the doctor has had me arrested several times lor slander, but I was discharged. Last De cember he had me AEBESTEi) AND BOUND OVEE to keep the peace. This time he had me ar rested lor assault and battery, of which I am innocent Last Sunday I visited the church which he attends, ana was placed in the uae pew with him and his wife. He ielt annoyed at my presence, especially as I could not help turning around when the minister referred to the violation of the ten commandments. "He has set detectives after me, who are continually dogging my footsteps. I have no friends or relatives in this country to take my part I feel much worried, and wish I were dead. This arrest is nothing more than a persecution, as he wishes to get me out of the city." "Whenever Dr. Agnew had his wife ar rested beiore, he had influence enough with the police and the magistrate to have a pri vate hearing to keep the matter secret He expressed a good deal of chagrin to-day when be found the matter had got out, but he declined to make any statement except to say that he did not propose to allow his former wile to annoy his present one. THE EEIE CANAL COMMISSION. A Preliminary Blectinc Held at Which Routes Were Diicuiied. The first regular meeting oi the Erie Ship Canal Commission was held in the office of Captain John A. Wood yesterday afternoon. The members of the commission present were Chairman John A. "Wood, J. M. Good win, of Mercer county; Hon. "W. S. Shallen berger, of Beaver, and Colonel Thomas P. Roberts, of this city Mr. Eben Brewer, editor of the Erie Dispatch, was absent on account of sickness in his family. The meeting was rather of an informal character, the only business transacted be ing the discussion of preliminary matters looking toward the appointment of sub committees to attend to specific duties. The idea is to have a committee of one appointed to inquire into the several interests of the lake and river commerce, and to investigate the two routes proposed with a view to recommending one of them. ine enterprise is Deginning to assume very large proportions. It is now regarded as not only a benefit to Western Pennsyl vania, but also to many States in the North west Colonel Roberts said yesterday: "The benefit a canal from Pittsburg to Lake Erie will be to the States in the North west is incalculable." The route proposed for the canal will re ceive the first attention of the commission. One of these routes is by way of Rochester, Beaver, New Castle, up the Beaver and Shenango valleys to Erie. The other is up the Allegheny river to Franklin river and French creek. The commission will go over the two proposed routes at an earlv date for the purpose of making an examination of them. The meeting yesterday was interrupted by a telegram notifying Chairman "Wood that one of his boats had stranded at Marietta, which called him away. Tbe meeting then adjourned to meet at the call of the Chair man. WANT A SEW CHAETEE. The Humane Society Will Ask Jgsl Per mission to Branch Out. An application will be made to the local courts next week by the Humane Society for a charter under the corporation act of 1874. Heretofore the society has been car rying on its business as an auxiliary of the Philadelphia society, but the desire is now to have an individual charter, and the pur pose is to extend tbe attention of tbe society to the prevention of cruelty to aged people, as well as to children and animals. The new society will be known as the "Western Pennsylvania Humane Society. It will have the right to establish branch agencies thoughout thewestem counties, and to carry on its business the same as heretofore. Hapld Dentins ol the Ilfart. Whenever you leel an uneasiness in tbe region or the heart a slight pain in the sumildcr, arm, or under the shoulder-blade, or when you find yourself short of breath when exercising or your heart has periods ot beating last, you have heart disease, and should take Dr. Flint's Remedy. Descriptive treatise with each bottle; or address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. xwr INDUSTEY'S WONDERS. Continued from 7hlrd Page. sounding of a whistle blown by compressed air. A signal valve is placed on each ear, and almost instantaneous signals are given on the locomotive by the operation of this valve. The signal is in use on many of the lead ing roads in this country. The Novelty Steel Wheel Co. This practically indestructible wheel is specially adapted to dry climates, and should wear at least five times as long as a wheel of wood. All its parts are tubular, can be easily repaired, and its peculiar con struction renders it fully as elastic as a wooden wheel. It is finished in enamel, furnace baked, much more durable than painting. The specimen on view is indeed a novelty, and the circular issued furnishes full explanations. Office, room 204 Bissell Block. Telephone 517. The factory is located at Bissell station, B. & O. B. B. The Johnston Harvester Is the only specimen of agricultural ma chinery on view in Mechanical Hall. But it is a host in itself, and has taken first prize at the Paris Exposition. The binder is in full active operation, throwing out bundles of straw securely tied, ready for shipment The Pan-Americans found much of interest in watching its movements and studying its scientific construction. Pan-American Carrlnse Exhibit. Among the thousand and one beautiful and entertaining sights in the exhibition, none are more admired than the lovely Dex ter exhibits of phaeton and light buggy, mounted on the celebrated Dexter Fairy Queen rear. In fact, these two vehicles seem to include the whole carriage exhibit, and they have been well chosen to represent the useful as well as ornamental, and are just such vehicles as would be most useful to our neighbors of the other American States, and we bespeak for them a most carefnl ex amination by our honored guests. The Dexter buggy is noted for its dura bility and easy motion, as shown by the large sale of Broadway Queens in nse in Pittsburg and the United States generally.as well as in Australia and other foreign countries. Mr. Grier, the proprietor, extends a cordial invitation to the members of the Pan-American Congress, as well as others, to visit the Dexter factory at Hulton, Pa., where every facility will be given to ex amine the fine quality and workmanship of the Dexter gear. DIAMOND WIDENING CLAIM8. J. K. Weldln 6c Co. Want 27,750 for Their Leasehold Bllnor Damages. The hearing of claims for damages through the widening of Diamond alley was taken up by the Board of Viewers, yesterday fore noon. The claimants who appeared were mostly butchers, who have stalls in the market on the line to be occupied by the street Their claims were made conditioned that they were not supplied with other stands, equally as good as those they occupy at present; if they get such stands they will claim nothing. The claims they made were as fol lows: Joseph Harrison, $10,000; "William Mclntyre, 510,000; George Pabst, $5,000; Charles Lampes, ?5,000; William Ev ersman, ?2,500; Emmert P. Hof field, $10,000; E. Ji Eckstein, $10,000; John Kitte'rlv, $10,000; J. A. Roberts, $2,500; John Hoffman,$10.000; John Carver, $5,000; George Etzel, $5,000; "William Rotte and "William Peters demanded new stands, but claimed no fixed amount; Albert Kemich, $5,000; M. M. Fried & Co., $2,800 they claimed to do a business of $115,000 per year; E. A. Reineman, $16,000; Jacob Craig, $8,000; Jacob Kaut, $3,500 he claims he paid that amount recently lor tbe good-will of the stand he occupies; E. J. Heinrich, $2,000; L. H. Schlelemger, $10, 000; James Cnsswell, $2,000, George Beil, $10,000; Fred Hoimeyer, $5,000; Andrew Grulich, $1,500; G. C. Dellenbaugh, $5,000; "W. H. Gledhill, fish and oysters, $6,000. H. Lee Mason, representing Jas. R. "Weldin & Co., put in a claim of $27,750, of which a leasehold on the buildings they occupy, at the corner of "Wood and Dia mond streets, tor five years and nine months at $7,400 per year, is one of the principal factors. They claim damages because they will have to move to a smaller building which will compel them to give up one class of their trade, because they will lose trade by moving into a small building, be cause they lose a great advantage by mov ing from a building in which their business has been established 27 years, and because they will have to purchase a complete new set of store furniture and shelving. Thomas H. Rose & Bro. put in a claim of $22,985 on their shoe stores, 19 and 21 Dia mond street They say they will lose on their leases, on the damage to their stock by removal, and on the loss of trade by moving from a stand they have occupied 22 years. C. C. Fawcett representing Fawcett & Milligan, 31 Diamond street, queensware, put in a claim for $10,000 and William France & Son, groceries, corner Diamond street and Market Square, claimed $10,800. The meeting adjourned until next Thurs day morning. Now is tbe Time You can own a handsome overcoat, manu factured from imported chinchilla, English kersey or stylish cheviot, cut also in ulsters and box coats, well made and trimmed, with express regard for wear, such as are usuallv sold for $23, at the bargain price of $11, eleven dollars, to-day. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. , C. Baeuerlein Brewing Co., Ben netts, Pa., brewers of "Wiener, standard and Kulmbacher lager beer. mwp Cash paid for old gold Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. and silverat "WTSU A glass of F. &V.'s Iron City beer at night insures quiet sleep. FINE watches a specialty, low prices a certainty, at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. tVTSU CATARRH Is a complaint which affects nearly everybody, more or less. It originates in a cold, or succes sion of colds, combined with Impure blood. Disagreeable flow from the nose, tickling In the throat, offensivo breath, pain over and between the eyes, ringing and bursting noises in the cars, are the more common symptoms. Catarrh is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which strikes directly at Its cause by removing all impurities from the blood, building up the diseased tissues and giving healthy tone to the whole system. "For several years I have been troubled with that terribly disagreeable disease, catarrh. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla with the very best re sults. It cured roe of that continual dropping in ray throat, and stuffed-up feeling. It has also helped my mother, who has tasen it for rnn down state of health and kidney trouble. I recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all as a good medicine." MBS. a D. Heath, Putnam, Conn. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. Jl; six for $5, Prepared only by C. L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar ' BLOOKER'S DUJCH COCOA. 150 CUPS FOB St CHOICEST, PUREST. BEST. TRY IX JeSt-KTTT I BEEGHAM'S PILLS I I m k WEAK STOMAOH. aaMaMiaaSaliaJrU0CIST8' I FOR NERVOUSNESS Use Horalord'a Acid Phosphate. Dr. W.C.Hanscome.Minneapolis,Minn., Ts: I used it in a case of acnte rheumatism, dur ing convalescence; the particular symptoms I wished to relieve were sleeplessness and ner vousness, and the results were all 1 desired." Notrli the Time You can own a handsome overcoat, manu factured from imported chinchilla, English kersey or stylish cheviot, cut also in ulsters and box coats, well made and trimmed, with express regard for wear, such as are usually sold for $23, at the bargain price of $11, eleven dollars, to-day. i". J. ti. o., Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp, Court House. , the new WALL PAPERS. Wholesale and Retail. The largest and most carefully selected- line of goods in the city. Ceumeine, Bane & Bassett. B.&B. Not our loss we bought them at a great bargain 50-mch broadcloths at 75 cts., in bronzes, navy blues elegant quality. Bog os & Buhl. Don't let whiskv get the best of you, but get the best of whis'ky. Klein's Silver Age rye onlv $1 50 per full quart For sale everywhere. Ask for it mot Dolls given away Worth from 25c to $2, with purchases in all departments this week. Busy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty. "What drink is the most healthful and re freshing? F. &V.'s Pittsburg beer. All dealers. Orerconts. Montenac, chinchilla and kersey overcoats ready made and to order, at Pitcaim's, 434 "Wood street. "WT Sfnrrinffo Licensee Granted Yesterday. Karat. Beildraee. 5 John Mam Plttsbnr I Mary Fremier mttibura- JWaltonJUBh&wkey Ford City Annie frhlte McKeesport J Nicholas Bestic Mlllvale ( Catherine Orllc Mlllvale t John W. Hamson Penn township I illntie Lonjr Penn township 5 Georue B. DoddJ Allegheny i Lizzie Merrer Pittsburg J John Knobloch Allegheny (Lizzie Hoffman Allegheny ( Albert Frayer Plttsbmn; l Caroline Schaefer Pittsburg i Thomas Mangan New York, N. Y. J Ernestlna (Jueckberner New York, N. Y. 5 Johns. Collins Allegheny (Ida M. Creighton Auegneny (John Donahue Pittsburg MaryHanley PltUburg- J William Davison Sewickley Jane Knox Allegheny ( Leonard E. Hlllman Marshal township ( Margaret Sarver McCandless township (James O'Brien Pittsburg I Maggie O'Brien - Allegheny ( William P. Fltzslmmons PIttibnrg I Lizzie M. Henry Pittsburg ( Milton D. Lemmon Westmoreland county J Nettle O. Wright Westmoreland county (James Walter. Pittsburg I Clara Smith Pittsburg ( Bernard McQroden Allegheny (MaryLappan Pittsburg ( William Calvery Sterrltt township Ida Waechter Allegheny ( Alfons Gfroever Oakdale I Catherine Baehrlnger Oakdale ( John H. Selferth Pittsburg ( Barbara M. Elchmlller Pittsburg I John H. Kline Allegheny Lizzie A. Geltz Mlllvale (JohnGcrgely PltUbsrg Mary Harcavlck Pittsburg J Frederick lllig Allegheny Aunle Kern Allegheny ( William Gllmore .Bradaock Mary A. Wymard Itraddock ( Samuel Flemmlng McKetSport Lena Ullg McKcesport ( Adolf Klrchner Allegheny Mary Pell Allegheny HARRIED. WILLETTS K1LPATRICK On Thursday evening, November 7, 18S9, bv the Rev. Howard Grose, Mr. Edward Willbtts and Miss Ida Kilfatbick. PHILLIPS LYTIiE On Thursday evening, October 7. 1SS9, at the residence of the bride's parents, Hawkins station, P. R. R., by Rev. 8. J. Fisher, Dr. Charles J. Phillips, of this city, andMARQARET, daughter of H.M. Lytic, Esq. DIED. COOK On Thursday, November 7, 18S9, at 5 f. si., John B. CooK,former residence, Sharps burg, in his 80th year. Funeral from the residence ot his son-in-law, PeterStroub.Dresden alley, between Fifty-first and Fifty-second streets, on Sunday at 2 p, ir. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 3 HENDERSON At Sheridan, P., C. t St. L. R. R., on Thursday. November 7, 1889. at 4 a. m., Elizabeth Pabkhtll, wife of David Henderson. Services at tbe family residence on Friday, November 8, at 1 o'clock p. M. Interment private. MUHL On Thursday, November 7, 1889. at 6.50 p. jl, Henry Mubl, aged 60 years, at his residence, 203 Juniata street, Allegheny. Notice of funeral hereafter. MAOSARLANE On Thursday. November 7, J8S9. at 9 P.M., attheresidence of the parents, S617 Butler street, HARRIS EWALT, oldest child of Dr. J. W. and Ida J. Macsarlane, nee Wain right, aged 6 years 3 months 19 days. Notice of funeral hereafter. McKENRY On Wednesday, November 6, 18S9, at 10 o'clock P. M., GAYLORD MCKknry, in bis list year. Funeral from his late residence, 2007 Penn avenue., on Friday, November 8, at 2 o'clock p. m. Interment private. McCREA At her home, in Ohio township, Wednesday morning, November 6, Mrs. Elea nor McCrea, In the 81st vear of her age. Funeral on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Carriages will be in waiting at Emsworth sta tion on arrival of Bearer Falls accommodation, leaving Allegheny at 9:15 city time. 2 NESTLER On Thursday. November 7. 1889. at 3 a. si., Mrs. Mary Ann Nestlrr, in her 70th year. Funeral fromherlate residence, 1910 Wharton street, Southslde, Twenty-sixth ward, on Sat urday morning. Services at St Michael Church, Pius street Friends o'f the family are respectfully invited to attend. O'HERRON On Wednesday. November 6, 1889, at 7 a.il, John O'Herbon, aged 37 years. Funeral from his late residence, Penn ave nue, between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth streets, on Friday, 8th Inst, at 2 P. H. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to at tend. 2 STEWART On Wednesday morning, No vember 6, 18S9, at 4 o'clock. Henry Stewart, in his 45th year. Funeral services at his late residence. 23 Fifth street, on FRIDAY AFTERNOON at 2 o'clock. Interment private later. WOODS On Wednesday morning. Novem ber 6, 1689, at 11 o'clock. William h. Woods, son of the late Dr. William & Woods. Funeral services at 10.30 o'clock Friday MORNING at the residence of his grandmother, Mrs. Margaret H. Black, No. 218 Col tart square, Pittsburg. Interment at Sewickley on arrival of train leaving Union station at 1:30 P. M. ANTHONY MEYEB, (Successor to Meyer, Arnold & Co., Lira..) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Offloe and residence, 1134 Penn arcane. Tele phone connection. mylO-tJO-MWFSu JAMES M. FULLERTOJi, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Street. Telephone 1153. ap27-82-WFSu For Most Exauisite Flowers, GRAND DECORATfVE PLANTS, TREES BULBS. ETC GO TO JOHN R. &A. MURDOCH, 508 Smithfield Street. Telephone 239. seM-irwr FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND SMDLAX A.. M. J". B. MXTBDOCH, r n BMITHF1ELD ST. OX Telephone 429. deB-H-Mwr B EPRESENTEU EN" PITTSBURG IN 1SCI ASSETS - . 19J07L896S5. Insurance Co, ef North America, Losses adjusted sad paid DJ WILLIAM L. JONES. 84 Fourth areaue. VXH&o WEDDING - PRESENTS, "We have now In stock the largest assort ment of SOLID SILVER ARTICLES and fine MANTEL and CABINET ORNA MENTS that we have ever had. If you are looking for a "WEDDING PRESENT we know we will have something to suit yon at our NEW STORE, 37 FIFTH AVENUE. WATTLES & SHEAFER. JBWBLERa 0C25-MWF T.M.LATIMER'S Brussels and Ingrain Carpetings are of endless variety and choicest designs. Lowell's. Bielow's, Hartford's and any other good makes you can name. Art Squares, English styles, the latest ideas, In any size here, also Fur Rugs. Lace Curtains, Portieres and Poles are In endless variety and challenge your admiration. -- T, U, LATIMER, ' 138 Federal and 46 South Diamond Streets, Allegheny, Pa, noS-HWTBu LOWPRICETHIS -FOR- LADIES' . BEST GRADES Winter Boots in Pebbles, either bright or somber finish in uppers soles flexible double or tap fitting precise Every width from AAA to E Every shape. Regular value, $i oo above our price. t HIMMELRICH'S, Market St, Entrance 430-436. Braddock House, 916 Braddock Ave, no3-,wrsu PATTERN 0PE2OTG OF WINTER MILLINER! Latest Paris, London and New York styles Trimrred Pattern Bonnets and Hats, Untrimmed Hats,Fancy Feathers, Velvets, Ribbons, Etc., Etc. Thursday : and : Friday, NOV. 7 AND 8. HOME & WARD, 41 FIFTH AVE. MOURNING MILLINERY. Crape and Nuns Veiling. Bon nets and Veils furnished on short notice. noS-s ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY, 829 LD3EETY STREET, Anchor specialties, Rheumatic Catarrh Remedy, Remedy, KIDNEY REMEDY, isia Remedr. Beef. Wine and Iron, Beef, Wine Iron and Cocoa. Cod Liver OIL Sarsanarilla, ver Pills. Liniment, and extra lartre strength ening plasters. We have thousands of testi monials from people who hare used the ANCHOR REMEDIES and all commend tbem as being the best prep arations in the market. We guarantee satis faction in all cases where the directions are carefully followed, bc18-mwf THE MERCANTILE AGENCY R. G. Dun & Co., Qennanla Bank Ball dine, 423 Wood street, cor ner of Diamond, Pittsburg. Pa. This establishment supplies all necessary information as to the standing, responsibility, etc., of business men throughout North Amer ica. It is the oldest and by far the most com plete and extensive system ever organized for the accommodation of Banking and Mercantile Interests and the General Promotion and Pro tection of Trade. Debts Collected and Legal Business Attended to throughout the North American Couttneat, m WINTER MILLINERY Soils 1 Ms EXTRAOR DINARY PRICES FOR CARPETS, -- To reduce stock we offer a large number of patterns of MOQUETTES, w"lh $1.50, At $1-00 . $1,25, And This offering consists of ex cellent patterns in the best quality of Moqtiettes, and can not last long, as soon as this umisual opportunity for house keepers becomes generally known. Come early for a good choice. - Besides our regular line of Body Brussels at 85c, we now offer a large variety of handsome patterns and colorings and best quality of Brom ley, Lowell, Hartford and Bigelow BODY BRUSSELS Reduced FROM $i&f$L40 TO 11.00 Also a good assortment of best All-Wool EXTRA SUPERS Reduced From HZ CTS. to VXCTS. f A TM sti &&m mm RFnniwft 33 FIFTH AVENUE. oc30-jtwr Established Fifty-three Years. PAULSON BROTHERS. SHOULDER CAPES In Seal, Astrakhan, Persian Lamb, Black, Lynx, Alaska Sable, Monkey, 4n the latest French patterns, puff shoulders, roll collars, at the lowest prices. See our Genuine Monkey Capes, 15-in. long, at 122. Genuine Monkey Muffs at $3 SO. Genuine Monkey Collars at II SO. SEAL SACQUES, WRAPS AND JACKETS, all styles. Genuine Seal London Dyed, close-fitting Jacket at 97 for a short time only. Also Seal Wraps at S100. The finest grade of Alaska Seal Sacqne, regular length, 200. Sole Agents for the celebrated Treadwell Sacques, mahogany dye, warranted 12 years. Genuine Seal Capes, 15-in. long, puff Shoulders, rolling collars, J45. PAULSON BROS., 441 WOOD STREET, Fur Manufacturers. &08 Established 1832. BROOM CORN. Broom Manufacturers Supplies PEANUTS. ROBERT DICKEY & CO, 77 WATER ST. AND 80 PEtST AVE. Telephone 198. s284Mnrr QPg 1 I Ladies' Cloth NEWMARKETS! No such values have ever been presented in Pittsburg as we show this season. Every garment is tailor-made and perfect fitting. We mention only a few of the many styles comprised in our endless va riety. Fine all-wool Newmarkets, tailor-made, satin facing, open seams, sewed with silk, bell sleeves, worth (12, our price $5 87. Fine Jacquard Cloth Newmarket, direc toire style, very handsomely finished, tailor made, fan plaited back, a stylish and de sirable garment worth SIS, our price $7 98. One hundred very fine Beaver Cloth New markets, in all styles, trimmings exquisite and tbe general look of tbe garments grand, in all colors and shades, others ask $18, our price $12. About 60 Imported Long Garments in different cloths, elegant materials and finish, simply beautiful, all styles, worth $25, our price $15. PLUSH GARMENTS. As we handle only first qualities of Lon don Dyed Seal Plushea we guarantee every garment we sell to be perfect in material, fit, finish and style. London Dyed Seal Flush Jackets, $8 67, $11 49, $15. London Dyed Seal Plush "Wraps, $9, $11 B0, $18. London Dyed Seal Flush Sacques, $15 98, $18, $20. All made with the best quilted satin lin ings, chamois skin pockets, and real seal ornaments. Call and see them, whether you wish to purchase or not. We are will ing and anxious that you compare our goods and prices with other houses for we feel confident of the result. iivciLXiiisrE :er3r (Millinery Parlors second floor.) Our Untrimmed Millinery Stock Is celebrated for the newest of shapes, tbe richest of colors, the best of qualities and the most moderate of prices. In feathers we show Black Ostrich Tips. Black Ostrich Plumes. Colored Ostrich Tips. Colored Ostrich Plumes. Birds of. Paradise. Aigrettes of every Color. Pompons, all Shades. Black Birds and Humming Birds. Parrots and Wings. In Trimmed Millinery we show the latest ana most novel ideas in Hats, Bonnets and Turbans an innumerable variety of Btyles, and all at our famous low prices. Ill k SHOE Sixth St. and Penn Ave, r.o7 Grand Double Opening. MILLINERY AND CLOAKS. Finest Display of the Season. Don't miss seeing our Fur-:- Department. Beplete with all that Is seasonable and stylish in Muffs, Stoles, Boas and Capes. OCR NEW COOK BOOK, 25c. Fleishman & Co., PITTSBURG, PA. N. B. Dolls given away to all purchasers In onr Infant Department for TWO DAYS LONGER. noS-D SWISS RIBBED UNDERWEAR -JOB- CHILDREN, LADIES AND MEN The most complete line ever shown, and at WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES. Come and see them. CHILDREN'S VESTS, high neck, long sleeves, White and Natural, 23c, 60c. 75c, 1 2a; pantalettes to match. These are In Balbriggan, Merino, All-wool and Bilk. LADIES' VESTS, L. N. N. S.. H.N.N. 8., H. N. L. 9., white, scarlet and natural, Sic 4So, 75c. fl, Jl 25.11 60k H 85, J2, J3 25. SO, S3 25 and up; drawers to match, in Balbriggan, Merino and All-wool. MEN'S SHIRTS, lone and short sleeves, White, Ecru and Natural. 2 and $3 60, drawers to match. These are All-wool. CHILDREN'S COMBINATION SUITS, White and Natural, at SI, 11 60, W 75, 12 85, S3 30, in Merino and All-wool, plain and ribbed. LADIES' COMBINATION SUITS. White and Natural, at $2 10, J3 75, 25, JS, $7 25, In Merino, All-wool and Silk, plain and ribbed. Also full lines of plain underwear from 60c up. SEVERAL HOSIERY BARGAINS for Children, Ladies and Men is Cashmere that will pay you to see at once. Open till 9 P. M. Saturdays. A. 0. U 710 Penn avenue, 710. PENN BUILDING. Between Seventh and Eighth sts. no8-rursa PHOTOOBAPHEH, 18 SIXTH STBEEt A fine, largo Cray on portrait I8 60; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets. U and I8 60 per down. PRO JiPI JDEUVEBX HU IffiG jfiprriL JffiTSa Extra Bargains in Suits for Children, Suits for Boys, Suits for Men. Recent large purchases at very favorable prices enable us to offer extraordinary inducements In Suits of all styles and sizes. One and two-piece Silt Suits, sizes from 2 to 6 years, prices now 82 60, 82 75, 83, 83 50, 83 75 and 84. This is the largest and nobbiest line of Kilt Suits in the two cities, and tasteful and economical mothers will find no difficulty In selecting therefrom. Boys' Short -Pant Suits, sizes from 4 to 15 years, prices from 82 up. Special Sale of a lot of Brown Plaid Suits, good for school wear, ana sold earlier at 83 25 NOW ONLY 82 75. Also an all-wool double breasted Suit at 84 50; un excelled for quality or wear. In Men's.Suits in plain any fancy Cheviots, Oassimeres and "Wors teds, in Sacks and Cutaways, we are offering unapproachable values at 88, 89, 810, 811 and 812. You will readily note the superiority of all our garments in fit and style of making. & Mm, Clothiers and Hatters, 161, 163 Federal St, Allegheny. no3-WTSa JLj I. I l-VT A INSURANCE CO, XEj L JjM i Hartford. Conn. Assets, January L 1887. ttf.56S.839 6C EDWARDS & KENNEY, Agents. on Fourth aTenne Pittsburg, 1al5-59-xr FURNITURE AND CARPETS GRANDEST VARIETY! BEST QUALITIES! NEWEST STYLES! KEECH'8 Oaslb- axLcL Oz?edJi3 House, 923 and 925 Penn avenue, near Ninth street. THE LARGEST STOCK. LATEST STYLES. TV. M. JLiAJBiO, TSEAJDUXOr SHOE tvfi at.-ftr, Wholesale House, 515 and 517 Wood street. 1XJZF7T We have just received and have now ready for lnspeotloiv beautiful China Dinner Sets, Fish Sets and a full line of nice China, odd pieces, to which we invite the attention of the ladies. R. P. WALLACE & CO., 2X1 Wood s-fc. OPPOSITE ST. CHARLES. HERE WE COME to the FRONT Announcing a grand Clearance Sale of everything in the ' House Furnishing line. There are a great many things on, " our floors that must be gotten rid of before the holidays, and, for the. next 60 davs we are o-nino- to make the fur flv on all " sides, and not only the fur, but the WOOL as well, for the bargains now to be found on our CARPET cannot be produced by any house in the city. Genuine all-i wool Ingrains at 50c per yard, ever heard of the like before? also at 55c and 60c, and in Tapestry Brussels at proportionately low figures. 1,000 Pairs of Lace Curtains at about half price. You will time if you miss this sale. $18 Antique Chamber Suits fast and if you want one of them come early. We are shows ing OVER 2QO STYLES OF able for Holiday Presents. You can save about 25 per cent by purchasing now, andiw will deliver them at any time goods cannot be equaled for design and cheapness. HOPPER BROS. & CO., THE ONLY COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS;' GREAT CLEARANCE SALE -TOE- CASH OR CREDIT, 3A7 WfOOI3 STBBET 0(17 0J BETWEEN- THffiTJ AND WOTIRTH AVES. WW I BBTWEEK THIBD Be Sure You Get In Our Store B. & IB Feid at. November & EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS -nt- CL0AKINGS! 58-inch Diagonals for Jackets at $2, real value $3 5a 54-inch SCOTCH CLOAKINGS at $ 1 75, Yalue $2 50. 54-inch Stripes, in choice styles, for Children's Garments at $1 50. 54-inch Cloakings, mixtures and stripes, $1 a yard. 54-inch Beavers, in medium and heavy weights, black and colors, JS2 50 up to nnest. Some very choice 54-inch Dam massee Cloakings, in blacks and colors. Large lines of 50 and 54-inch medium weight STRIPED CLOTH SUITINGS, 65c, ISc, 90c, $1, $1 25 and $1 5a for the new Long Garments. -$$- BOGGS & BUHL, 115,117,119.121 Federal st.Allegheny no8-D Raisins, Prunes, Nuts, Erapoti ated Peaches, Apricots, New Orleans Mo lasses. GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO., Sixth Arenas. NEW CROP noS-uwT LOWEST PRICES! EASIEST TERMS! BEST TREATMENT! Se23-XWT BEST ASSORTMENT LOWEST PRICES. Retail Stores, 406 and 408 Market street, OC1S-4S-KWT GrOOIDS. au4-tmu ITLOOR ;4 and we guarantee them. Whov miss the chance of your life Another carload of our famous!! just arrived. These go very FANCY ROCKERS suita and place you desire. Theselr AND FOXJETH AVES. 1 "W 4 V 4 V