Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 08, 1889, Image 1

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A Spanish American Romance, by Phillip
Braggalan, a story of intense interest, irill
be published in Sunday's Dispatch.
A Wealthy Widow Forced to
Take Refuge With the Fam
ily of a Friend
Her Own Son and Half-Sister Trying
Their Sest
They Claim That She Shows E.ldcnee of
Being Weak-minded Squanders Her
Money Right and Left on Strangers nnd
Won't Giro Any to Her Relations She
Bans Away From a Lnxnrlomly Ap
pointed Home, Leaving It to the Serv
ants Her Story a Romantic One Fear
ful of Brine Incarcerated in u Asylum
at the Instance of a Woman Who Was
Herself at One Time a Lnnatlc Money
at the Bottom of All the Trouble.
An interesting and complicated case is to
come up in a Philadelphia court to-day.
The widow of a late eminent resident of that
city is the subject of a romance as well as
the victim of considerable trouble. She is
at present stopping with a friend, and her
half-sister and son ask for a writ of habeas
corpus tor her surrender, claiming that she
is being detained against her will. The de
fense is that Bhe went to her friends to avoid
being placed in an insane asylum by these
same relatives.
Philadelphia. November 7. To-morrow
morning, in the Court of Quarter Ses
sions, a case will come up of remarkable
and intense interest, in which the name and
heirs of the late Caleb Cope, one of Phila
delphia's most eminent citizens, will figure.
It will be in the shape of a hearing on a
writ of habeas corpus, issued to-day upon
Henry Deringer, for the surrender and ap
pearance in court of Mrs. Josephine Porter
.Cope, the late president of the Philadelphia
Savings fund.
The writ was granted upon the allegation
of Mrs. George E. Coolidge, Mrs. Cope's
sister, and of Porter F. Cope, her younger
son, setting forth that she had been decoyed
from her home by Mr. Deringer, and was
detained by him at his house, against her
Although the hearing to-morrow will be
only to determine whether Mrs. Cope left
her home against her will and is under de
tention, it is possible other matters will
grow out of it, and some of Mrs. Cope's rela
tive l not dony that it is their intention to
have her placed under restraint as a person
or unsound mind.
The whole proceeding, and the sudden
departure of Mrs. Cope from her elegant
home, one of the finest in the city, late on
Monday night last, grew out ot Mrs. Cope's
belief in the existence of a conspiracy be
tween her younger son and her sister, and
possibly others, to get possession of her
property. She so alleges, and so does her
eldest son, Caleb P. Cope, who stands by
his mother and is with her at the house of
the Deringer family, where she claims she
fled for protection.
There are questions pending concerning
financial matters between Mrs. Cope and her
sister, or rather her half-sister, Mrs. Coolidge
for they had different fathers but not in
relation to the Cope estate. "When Mrs.
Cope's mother, a high-born Southern lady
of Tennessee, died and left her the estate,
acquired from Mrs. Cope's own father, she
requested that Mrs. Coolidge be given a
home, if it could possibly be arranged.
It was expected that the estate of Mrs.
Cope's father would be settled in a month,
and the misunderstandings between the
sisters came from questions involved, Mrs.
Coolidge alleging particularly that Mrs.
Cope was squandering her money by giving
it in a weak-minded way to anyone who ex
cited her sympathies. The trouble between
mother and son was of a similar charac
ter. He claimed that he did not receive as
much money as he should, and that it was
being frittered away.
On Monday night several of the many
friends who were in the habit of coming to
Mrs. Cope's house were assembled there,
among them Captain Dewey, an old Quaker
sea captain and lifelong friend of Caleb
Cope; Bev. Mr. McNamara, and Mrs. Mc
Namara, of Millvale, Pa., Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Deringer. Mrs. Coolidge was
also there, as was Mrs. Coolidge's
son by a former husband, Henry Cochrane,
who has been living in the house for some
time past, though Mrs. Coolidge lives with
her present husband at 2208 North Broad
street. There is no doubt at all that most
of them were there by design, there being
two forces at work, those favorable to
Mrs. Cope and anxious to protect her,
and those opposed to her. Dr. Frederick P.
Henry, who has known Mrs. Cope for many
years, though he has never attended her,
came in, and in the course of conversation
asked Mrs. Cope a number of questions,
among them, "Do you remember when Mr.
Cope died?" and Mrs. Cope's reply was
"That is
for anyone to ask about a man so well
known as Mr. tope. bhe also remarked
that Dr. Henry was looking at her in a
puzzling manner. Mr. Deringer remarked:
"Surely, doctor, you don't think Mrs. Cope
is insane?"
This appears to h3ve broken up the con
versation. A short time afterward Mrs.
Cope went out of the room with Mrs.
Deringer, Dr. Henry having meantime
taken his departure. No one paid much at
tention to the incident, and Mr. Deringer
remained with the others for nearly an hour
It was about 11 o'clock when Mrs. Cope,
wearing a dark gown and headdress which,
with her classical and pale face, partly gray
hair, combed straight, gave her a Marie
Antoinette-like appearance, left the room.
"When search came to be made for her it was
discovered that she was not in the house.
. r-i-
? .
and soon the many servants and others were
in a state of excitement. It took but a little
while to discover that she had
leaving it with all its magnificence and
splendor, practically to strangers. It seems
that she was no sooner out of the room than
she appealed to Mrs. Deringer to protect
her and take her away with her, and this
Mrs. Deringer did, the two ladies walking
the ten squares to Mrs. Deringer's house,
protected, however, by a faithful coachman
who is ready to fight for his mistress' in
terest "When all this occurred, Porter F. Cope,
the younger son, was at home. It was the
first time he had seen his mother since they
had quarreled about money matters and he
had left the house ana taken a room at
Green's Hotel.
Mrs. Cope received a Dispatch reporter
this evening, at the Deringer residence on
Spruce street, and said: "I am a little
nervous and shocked by what has taken
place, and it is not a pleasant position when
a womaa has to flee from her son, and one
who, in reality as in name, should be her
sister. My son Porter is really the
"He has been extravagant and has no
idea of the value of money. He started a
weekly paper or book called Society, and I
gave him $300 outside of allowances, and
soon he said it would have to be $100, and
he kept wanting more until I finally had to
stop it, and then he quarreled. This hobby
of his has turned his head, and his desire
for money has set him against his mother.
I am not detained here. It was my wish to
come. I asked Mrs. Deringer to take me
with her and protect me from insult, and
she did so. They have been arranging for
some time to get me into an insane asylum,
asserting that I am crazy, but of the justice
or that I leave you or anyone else to judge.
Fortunately, my son Caleb and many of my
old friendB stand by me, and I feel safe now,
though the ordeal is a hard one."
The appearance and manner of Mrs. Cope
was most pathetic. Her face is a singularly
interesting one, and she still retains much
of the beauty of her youthful days. Of the
question of Mrs. Cope's sanity there may be
different opinions, but she certainly showed
to-night. She has long been in poor health,
and excitement and emotion have more
effect upon her than on a stronger person,
but the only impression made by her upon
a stranger is that of a refined and highly
strung nervous woman, with a very delicate
Dr. Henry, in the course of conversation
to-night, declared that he conld not call
Mrs. Cope insane. Neither could he say
she was not insane. Her sanity has been
impugned, and it was a question to he
determined. Caleb F. Cope, her eldest
son, said: "My mother is the same
as I have always known her, though
she has suffered grief enough to set
any woman mad. Her mother died not
long ago, and now my brother has turned
against her, ont of the most sordid and sel
fish motives. I wish it to be distinctly un
derstood as coming from me, that my
mother is as sound in mind as you or I, and
did perfectly right in coming here to the
Erotection of Mr. and Mrs. Deringer, her
Colonel Calhoun Deringer, the father of
Henry Deringer and the head of the family
to whose shelter Mrs. Cope has fled, is a de
scendant of the Deringer of pistol fame.
He said: "There was a deep-laid con
spiracy in this. Edward Fink, a son of
Dr. Fink, of tho well-known Quaker
family, lived in the house, which
is 'a very large one, and
did for many years before "TSjT
Cope's death. He acted as a sort of pro
tector of Mrs. Cope, and peacemaker in the
many quarrels gotten up by her son Porter
since his father's death. Fink, over a week
ago received an anonymous letter saying
that preparations were being made by Por
ter Cope and Mrs. Coolidge to have a certi
ficate of Mrs. Cope's insanity signed,
and to hurry her off to an asylum. He told
us, and as we understand it, she was to have
been taken in a closed carriage on Monday
night, when she fled the house, and her son
and Dr. Henry were there for the purpose.
The acquaintance of my son and bis wife
with Mrs. Cope was entirely accidental.
My son's wife and Mrs. Coolidge were both
at Atlantic City
and my son, hearing that Mrs. Cope had
received some message from her half-sister,
went down there U inquire, and at her re
quest he took Mrs. Deringer to call on Mrs.
Cope when she returned."
Henry Deringer, upon whom the writ
was served, said as he held it in his hand,
seated with Mrs. Cope and all the party in
his honse to-night: "This is a blunder.
Mrs. Cope is under no restraint. She comes
here of her own free will, and not with me,
but as the guest of my wife. I of course as
sured her she would be safe under this roof.
Aristides "Welsh and other men of that
character old friends of Mr. Cope will
stand by her in this matter. So will Mr.
Outerbridge, of the trust company that has
charge of her own estate. The Cope prop
erty is, I believe, in the hands of Mr.
Sbiply, of the Provident Trust."
Mrs. Coolidge, who is also a very strik
ing looking woman, wa seen at the Cope
mansion, of which she is in charge. "My
sister has long been crazy," she said. "She
takes up with all sorts of people, brines
queer people into her house, and lets them
stay there, and has been
right and left, so that if she keeps on she
will soon have none left. Mr. Cope left her
about 8300,000, 1 believe, and she had about
550,000 from my mother. She has refused to
give her son money, but any stranger who
could work on her sympathies could get al
most whatever they asked for. 'These peo
ple, the Deringers and others, have simply
gained an influence over her, and spirited
The life of Mrs. Cope has been full of
romance, as well as severe trials and griefs.
Her father was killed in the Confederate
cause, while Colonel of his regiment. She
was a beautiful girl, and one of the great
belles of Nashville, when she became en
gaged to be married to General Zollickoffer,
woo, in me came oi alius springs, was
killed by General Fry. of General Thomas'
staff, who met him in the midst of the fray
and called on him to surrender. As in the
case of Millet, Sir Edward Arnold and
others, Caleb Cope
in an art gallery. It was while watching
her sitting over her easel at the Academy of
Fine Arts, of which he was a director, that
he formed the desire of marrving Miss Por
ter and proposed to her. He was then 70
years of age and she 22. They had met be
fore this, however, but only casually.
It is a singularly dramatic coincidence in
this strange story that Mr. Cope first saw
and met Miss Porter in an insane asylum,
of which he was a manager, and the purpose
of her visit there was to see Mrs. Coolidge,
her half-sister, who was then temporarily an
inmate of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the
Insane. Now Mrs. Coolidge claims that it
is Mrs. Cope who is insane, and desires to
pnt her where she was herself. Mrs. Coolidge
has been three times married.
IiOTe Ijanghs at Parents' Wishes.
Brownsville, November 7. Harry
Cox, of McKeesport, formerly of Browns
ville, and Miss Gertie Baird, danghter of
E. H. Baird, a prominent G. A. B. man of
this place, eloped to-day and it is supposed
they went to Ohio. The wedding had been
opposed by the parents of the bride, hence
the cause of the elopement- ,
SeQnel to on Incident of the Cleveland Har
rison Campaign One of Quay's 92,000
Rewards for the Detection of
False Registration Gets
People In Trouble.
New Yobk, November 7. Detective
Cornelius Leary, of the Madison street sta
tion, was on trial before the police commis
sioners to-day on a charge of accepting 5400
from John Broderick, an undertaker.
Broderick is the election inspector who got
Matt Quay's $2,000 reward for detecting a
case of illegal registration in October, 1888.
Leary made the arrest. Broderick testified
that after he got the $2,000 Leary said it
ought to have been paid to him. He agreed
to give Leary $400. Soon afterward Leary
called on him again and said to him:
"What good is $400? I've got to divy with
my Captain (Captain Garland), and make
good at headquarters."
"He shook his umbrella at me," said
Broderick, "and said: 'I'm going to get the
full amount, and don't you forget it' "
Broderick's lawyer, John J. Collins, said
that he offered Leary a check for $400, but
Leary answered: "Johnny, you can't put
me in a false position." Collins therefore
paid in cash. Then Leary said that he
must have $200 more for the Captain, and
that subsequently Leary demanded the full
amount, remarking that there would be
little left for him "after it went through
Leary said in his defense that he never re
ceived anything from Broderick or Collins.
He made the arrest and secured the convic
tion of the person who illegally registered,
and he considered that he was entitled to
the reward. He went to President French,
of the police board, and received a note of
introduction to the Republican committee
having charge of the reward. Mr. French
told him if he got the reward to bring it to
headquarters, to be submitted to the board,
to decide whether or not he would be al
lowed to accept it
Leary said that when he found that Brod
erick bad beaten him out of the reward he
asked Broderick how he got the money.
Broderick said "Well, I got it." He went
to Collins, who told him that he had got his
percentage out of it and that was all he
had to say. The full board will decide the
Montana Conrts Decide In Favor of the
Democratic Legislators Two Sets
of Certificates Issued Tho
Senators Are at Stake.
Helena, Mont., November 7. The
Silver Bow mandamus case was finished to
day, Judge DeWolfe denying the right of
the minority of the Board of Canvassers to
appeal from the order of the court directing
the canvassers to count the vote of the Tun
nel precinct. The Court issued a manda
tory order, and Hall and Irvin counted the
vote of the disputed precinct for McHatton,
This decision also'covers the Legislativecon
test, for by it the Democrats secure 10 of the
11 members of the Silver Bow delegation.
The contest is now as to the certificates of
members of the Legislature. After the
State Canvassing Board adjourned the Sec
retary of State iss'ued certificates of election
to the members of the Legislature, includ
ing the six Eepublicans of the Silver Bow
The clerks of the different counties had
already issued certificates, and the Democrats-elect
refused the Secretary's certifi
cates. '
- ., : """ 1
A Foe at marietta the Canse of
a Very
Heavy Loss.
Marietta, November 7. There was
great loss and confusion at this place early
this morning among the coal fleets passing
down. As the first boat, the Harry Brown,
came in, a fog settled down and
she was thrown over by the
new current and lost four barges,
disabling others. The mate, William Fitz
simmons, of Louisville, was seriously in
jured by a parting cable, one arm broken, a
leg broken and other injuries. The
George Woods followed, losing three
barges. Tne Joseph Nixon got
thro u eh and released two boats
that got foul on wing dam. The Jim Brown
lost 3 out of 12. The Voyager had 10 barges
and a fuel fiat losing only the latter. The
Joseph W. Gould got through with 12
In all these boats lost 12 barges, worth
about $15,000, and coal worth $40,000 more.
Word was sent to other boats above, and
eight or ten are unwilling to take the
chances, though the weather is clear. Of
those in the wrecks only the Gould has been
able to pursue her journey. At one time
the wildest excitement prevailed, as it
seemed likely that five or six boats and
their tows would be piled in together.
Nearly Saecessfnl Attempt to Kill a Minister
With a Comb.
San Feancisco, November 7. The
steamer City of Sydney, from Japan, to-day
brings the news of an attempted assassina
tion on October 18, of Count Okuma, the
Minister of Foreign Affairs for Japan. The
Count was returning from a Cabinet meet
ing and just entering the gate of his official
residence, when a man named Kurushima
Tsuneki, 30 years of age, and who was po
litically envious, of the Count, stepped in
front of the carriage and threw a bomb at
the Count
The bomb struck the top of the carriage,
and exploded at the Count's feet, inflicting
deep wounds on the right leg and slight
wounds on the right hand and face. The
would-be assassin then drew a short sword
and killed himself on the spot by cutting
his throat. The Connt's leg was amputated
above the knee, but the surgeons state that
no fear need be entertained for his life.
Reports of a Blizzard Disastrous to Man
and Boast.
New Mexico, November 7. Unless the
snow storm, which has been raging for
eight days, comes to an end soon,
next summer will show a country
covered with the dead bodies of
animals as thickly as was the old Santa Fe
trail in the sixties. The depth of snow is
now not less than 20 inches on a level, and
in many places it has drifted seven feet
Five cowmen are known to be frozen to
death Henry Miller, John Martin, Chas.
Jolly and two unknown. Two Mexican sheep
herders have been found frozen to
death. Two men coming in this morning re
port the drifts in some places 7 and 8 feet
high, in which there are hundreds of dead
stock, many with only the head and horns
above the snow.
Jealousy Was the Canse of Another Horrid
Dlarder In Georgia.
Savannah, Ga., November 7. Albert
Marea cut his wife's throat from ear to ear,
in the outskirts of Savannah, early this
morning. The woman instantly expired.
The deed was caused by jealousy, Mrs.
Marea having been escorted home from a
festival by a young man. The Borderer has
not yet been captured.
By Many of Foraker's Friends in Ohio
for the Governor's Defeat
For Their Lukewarmnesa or Open or Secret
Knifing of the Leader.
Senator Sherman tbs Only One Who Is Not Placed
Under tho Ban.
While Governor Foraker is rather reticent
as to the causes of his defeat, his friends
don't hesitate to blame the administration
and several prominent Ohio Bepublicans for
the disaster. The Governor, however, is
also reported as quietly getting ready to re-1
pay the obligations under which some of his
jealous party rivals have placed him.
Columbus, November 7. Governor For
aker calmly, politely and firmly refuses to
indulge in personalities or to blame anyone
for his defeat. "It would hardly be becom
ing in me," he said, "to blame any persons
for the result. I am defeated, and have
congratulated Mr. Campbell I am disap
pointed, because I had hoped for and ex
pected a different outcome; and now I am
going to Cincinnati to practice law. I will
not complain of anyone's conduct, and beg
to be excused from saying anything more
about it"
Although Governor Foraker refused to go
into personalities, he was willing to assign
general and local causes for his defeat, and
of them said the following to-day : "It ap
pears from the returns that I am defeated,
and that the balance of the State ticket is
undoubtedly elected. Ot course, under the
circumstances, with the combination against
me of the liquor dealers, saloon keeepers
and other violators of the law, added to the
opposition of the Bepublicans who took
sides against me on personal grounds and on
account of the third-termism,
could not have been expected. In addition
to what I have mentioned, we had a right to
expect Bepublican gains and support in
districts where there heavy Bepublican
losses. While I feel my defeat, I assure
you that I am not cast down, but of course
I regret the defeat of my party. I feel con
fident that the Bepublicans who have seen
fit to place the Democratic party in power
and vindioate the election of Henry B.
Payne to the United States Senate will, be
fore the expiration of the Democratic ad
ministration, have ample time and occa
sion to appreciate their mistake."
But if Governor Foraker will not enter
into the accusations and recriminations
common to Ohio Bepublicans at this' time,
there are many of his friends who are less
judicious and more vicious. They openly
declare that no man in Ohio politics has
ever suffered as much from treachery as
Foraker. They roundly eurse General
Grosvenor, General Kennedy, Major But
terwortb, and some extend the condemna
tion to Major McKinley. Upon the first
two named the burden of their criticism has
fallen because both are
off the stump and upon every occasion
where their words would not reach trja.
nubile. 1
Foraker's friendi are more kindly disposed
to Senator Sherman, at this time, than to
any other prominent Bepublican in Ohio.
They report that he was the only one who
redeemed his pledge of support Batter
worth and McKinley are blamed on general
.principles, not for any specific words or
There is no question about the attitude of
Foraker Bepublicans toward the admin
istration at Washington. No pretense of
concealment is maue in regard to the dis
gust they entertain for the policy of the
President. One of Governor Foraker's
friends said to-day: "It is a notorious fact
that Foraker could not even secure the ap
pointment of a fourth-class postmaster.
They wouldn't give him any support what
ever, and as a consequence Harrison can be
blamed for some of this. Of coure, Sherman
should have aided us in securing patronage,
bnt that does not relieve the administration.
If they had given Foraker half a chance,
the anti-third term Bepublicans would not
have bee so rabid."
This gentleman seems to express the feel
ings of nearly all the others, becanse all
talk alike, and unite in criticising the ad
ministration and Bepublican leaders. No
one hesitates to say just what he pleases
concerning the man who contributed to the
Bepublican disaster. Foraker's triends de
clare in public that they will "get even"
with the bolters and their leaders, and all
predict complete demoralization of the party
until the feud is ended. To illustrate this
feeling, there can be quoted an expression
attributed to Governor Foraker by an Ohio
Democratic paper. The remark is said to
have been made to Stephen A. Douglas,
Jr. He is reported to have said: "It is a
dangerous thing for party men to knife the
ticket of their own party, but since some
eminent Bepublicans have seen fit to in
augurate ij
perhaps I, too, may be able to follow in their
footsteps in the luture, without being consid
ered a traitor to my party."
On tbo other hand, Foraker's enemies
accuse him of dragging down the whole
ticket, and they are equally nnsparing in
their criticisms. The latest returns avail
able show that the Bepublican State ticket,
with the exception of Lieutenant Governor,
is probably elected by small pluralities
Foraker's running mate, Lampson, will
possibly crawl in by a few votes. The Gen
eral Assembly is undoubtedly Democratic
by a majority oi ten on joint ballot
Governor Foraker looked thin and pale,
as a result of his recent illness and the
strain of the election.
The following was given out from Bepub
lican headquarters at 10 o'clock to-night:
We now bare returns from the entire State,
showing the election of Judge Dickman, At
torney General Watson, state Commis
sioner Brown, member of the Board
of Public Works Hahn, School
Commissioner Jobn Hancoctt, and Clerk
of the Supreme Court Hester, bv pluralities
ranging from 2,600 to 6,000. We believe Lamp
sou is elected Lieutenant Governor, but the
race between him and Mr. Marquis was close,
and Mr. Lampson's plurality will be small. It
will require the official vote to obtain the exact
plurality of the Bepublican candidates.
John H. Thomas, of Springfield, who
made a canvass for Senator to succeed Payne,
has been in the city for two days, to watch
the movements. He is looked upon
as a novice in politics. He is
being gujed quietly by those who
are in the management, and it is believed
he will stand no show when the proper time
comes to fill the position by the new Demo
cratic Legislature. Thomas' presence in
the city, however, has stimulated gossip,
and the names and claims of other candi
dates are being canvassed.
A prominent Democrat who is connected
with the workings oi the party in Ohio
stated to-day that Colonel- Calvin S. Brlce
would be given the Senatorship if be uould
consent to accept it, and if he declines, it
will go to John B. McLean. He said this
was the understanding before the campaign
J stood that neither should; make any showing!
opened, inougn is was equally well under
NOVEMBER 8, 1889.
in the campaign, so that there would not be
any factions in the party. Now that there
has been a Democratic Legislature elected,
the Democrat said this programme would be
carried out, unless both of the men de
There has been quite a boom started for
James X Neal, Chairman of the Demo
cratic Committee, and he is receiving many
compliments, but he is young in the party
Work, and it is insisted he can afford to
wait M. D. Harter has written a long
letter in which he sets forth the reasons
why his friend Mr. Thomas should be
given the place. The letter will be pub
lished to-morrow. In fact, the work has
The news comes from Washington to
night that John B. McLean would not ac
cept the Senatorship if it were tendered him,
bnt the source of information is not reliable.
Lawrence T. Neal, of Chillicothe, who
came witiin a vote and a fraction of being
nominated over Campbell, has been doing
good work in the campaign, and is in the
line of promotion, but be is quoted as hav
ing stated to-day that he would not be a
candidate, as he is not worth enough money
to enter the contest and then live as he
would like to do in Washington in case he
should be selected.
Among the other candidates whose names
are being canvassed in connection with the
place are Virgil Q. Kline, ot Cleveland;
Hon. Warren P. Noble, Congressman Outh
waite, Thomas E. Powell, who was defeated
for Governor in 1887; Hon. H. J. Booth, of
Columbus; John W. Bookwalter, of Spring
field, who was one time defeated for Gov
ernor, and ex-Congressman Converse, of this
Ex-President Clevolond Calls on President
Harrison at the White House A Pleas
ant Visit The Recent Elections Re
ferred to, and Grover Smiles.
Washington, November 7. Past and
presentmet atthe White House,to-day,shook
hands and enjoyed a social three-quarters of
an hour with each other in the Green parlor.
tbe past, while President Harrison repre
sented the present, just as smilingly as
though he and the rest of the Bepublican
party had not been more or less upset by
the results of Tuesday's political strife.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland drove to the Ex
ecutive Mansion together, bnt only the ex
President alighted, his wife satisfying her
self by sending a card in for her successor as
mistress of the two-story-and-basement na
tional palace, and who is now in New York.
Then they drove away, and at about 2:15
o'clock, the empty carriage returned to take
away the ex-President He must have had
a very pleasant time with his successor, for
when he came out his face was wreathed
with smiles, and he chuckled merrily when
he said "Good-by." It is understood that
the President made a good-natured refer
ence to the recent elections, which Mr.
Cleveland answered in the same spirit
President Harrison- accompanied Mr.
Cleveland only to the jeweled glass screen
which shuts the public out of the main cor
ridor, and then left hint standing in the
vestibule, ohatting for a couple of minutes
with Doorkeeper Loeffler. Others of the
old employes were cordially greeted, and
with the remark, "It's a fine day," to
Captain Dinsmore, the ex-President walked
briskly out to the waiting vehicle.
Only a few of the mourners were at the
White House to-day. Secretary Proctor
and Attorney General Miller, as represent
atives of States that had not gone wrong,
came around cheerfully. Senators Morrill,
Cullom and Hawley were also present.
Representative Hitt, ex-Senator Bruce,
Postmaster James M. Warner, of Albany,
ij?d Major T. J. Noble, of Bichmond Va,,
were also among the callers.
The Boston Heating Company Tires of
Throwing Good Money After Bad
Dear Experlnce Bought and
Paid for by the
Boston, November 7. After laying three
miles of pipe at an expense of more than
$2,000,000, the Boston Heating Company
finds that the whole work will have to be
done over again, and has shut down for tbe
present, much to the disgust of the patrons
who depend upon the concern for heat. The
return pipe through which the water is con
ducted back to the station has rusted away,
although it has been in the ground less than
two years. Engineers are unable to account
for the rapid decay.
The stockholders will suffer a heavy loss.
The principal stockholder is its President
Mr Theodore N. 'Vail, who holds no less
than 2,880 shares, and is reported on the
street to have advanced npward of $1,000,
000. Mr. Vail made a vast fortune in the
Bell telephone, and is now President of the
Metropolitan Telephone Company. His
friends in telephone interests are said to
have made some financial advances, and
Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co. are said to
have aided the heating company to the
amount of $300,000 or $350,000, and this firm
has the first claim upon the plant shoald the
company decide not to continue operations.
The liabilities are said to he $1,404,538.
The assets are estimated at $1,358,273. Sev
eral of the gentlemen interested state that
they have the fullest confidence in tbe future
of the company. They believe that when
the imperiections in the plant are under
stood, and the work of construction com
pleted, the stock will pay handsome divi
By a Close Vote the Indiana Supreme Court
Sustains Hovey.
Indianapolis, November 7. The
Supreme Court to-day made a decision that
will create a sensation all over Indiana.
The cases decided are those brought on the
relation of the State for the purpose of hav
ing the provisions of the Constitution re
lating to the filling of minor State offices
interpreted. Two coses are decided the
one in which John Worrell (Bepublican)
as Governor Hovey's appointee, sought
possession of the office of Chief of tbe
Bureau of Statistics, now held by William
A. Peelle (Democrat), who was appointed
by the Legislature; and the one in which
S. T. Yancey fBepublican) sought posses
sion of the office of State Oil Inspector, now
held by Nelson A. Hyde (Democrat). The
decision also determined the buiU of Prof.
John Collett (Bepublican), Governor
Hovey's appointee, as Chief of the Bureau
of Geology and Natural Science, against S.
S. Gorby (Democrat), who now holds the
office by virtue of appointment by the Leg
islature. The effect of the decision will be to prac
tically revolutionize the present method of
filling the minor State offices. Chief Justice
Elliott (Bepublicans) and Judge Mitchell
(Democrat) dissent from the. 'decision
of Justices Olds, Berkshire and Cof
fey (Bepublicans). Tbe maiority of
the Court holds that the election by
the Legislature was illegal; also that- tbe
Governor has no inherent right to appoint,
because the offices should be filled by an
election by the people. But as the offices
exist legally they are now vacant and must
be filled by the Governor's appointment
A New Prohibition Idea.
Topeka, Kan., November 7. A call
signed by the different temperance societies
of Nebraska, Kausas, Iowa, South Dakota
and North Dakota for a convention to be
held in Omaha December 18, for the pur
pose of uniting the States named into a
central prohibition organisation has been
For Senator Allison, Even if He
Should Lose His Fresent Seat.
Looms Up Before Him, as the Result of
Tuesday's Election in Iowa.
And All of Ohio's Candidates Too Jealous of Eien
Other for in j Use.
Senator Allison is regarded by his friends
as a strong Presidents! possibility in 1892.
His chances for the Bepublican nomination
are regarded as greatly improved by the re
sult of the election in Iowa. With Iowa a
doubtful State, Harrison out of tbe race,
and all the Ohio candidates out of the way,
Allison is considered very well at the front
Washington, November 7. Less re
gret is expressed here on acconnt of the loss
of the Ohio Governorship and of the possi
bility of the transfer of Iowa to the Demo
cratic colnmn than on account of the prospect
of the loss of Senator Allison to the Senate,
as, if the Legislature elected Tuesday prove
to be Democratic on joint ballot, it will
elect a Democratic successor to Allison.
Beside being one of the ablest and most in
dustrious members of the Senate, Allison is
so genial in a social way, pleasing to look
upon, and surrounds himself with so fine an
atmosphere of good fellowship that his ab
sence would he more noticed by his fellow
Senators than that of almost any other mem
ber of the body.
As the Chairman of the sub-Committee
of the last Committee on Finance, which
had charge of the construction of what is
known as the Senate tariff bill, Mr. Alli
son performed an immense amount of labor,
and to him and Senator Aldrich, of Bhode
Island, is due the credit of nearly the entire
work of drafting what is said by protection
ists to be the most perfect revenue bill ever
formed, In the discussion that followed
the introduction of the bill, Senator Alli
son was the one Bepublican member who
never stumbled in his analysis of it He
had a good argument for every section,
paragraph and item, and in his always
pleasant and temperate way met success
fully every criticism.
Begret for the Senator's possible retire
ment is somewhat modified, however, by
the argument that Democratic snecess in
Iowa and the election of a Democratic suc
cessor to Allison will make the Senator one
of the most formidable candidates of the
Bepublican nomination for the Presidency
in 1892. Tbe strong and fatal argnment
against his nomination last year at Chicago
was the fact that he was a citizen of a State
that was invincibly Bepublican, and there
fore that his nomination would be of
in point of locality to excite local or State
pride and enthusiasm. It is the opinion of
many here who remember the great popu
larity of Allison among the delegates to the
Chicago Convention, and the Intense en
thusiasm exhibited for him by the delega
tion from his own State, that the reverse of
Tuesday, in the event of its resulting in the
choice of a Democratic Senator ot the
United States, will put the-Senator in the
fore front of Presidental candidates, with
conditions In his favor which will not attach
to any other. Foraker is considered out of
the question now he is defeated, and the
bitterness felt by his faction toward both
Sherman and McKinley, it is thought will
render it emphatically bad politics to nomi
nate either of those gentlemen. Blaine is
looked upon by all as finally retired as a
Presidental candidate. President Harrison
isn't viewed as a possibility for a second
term. All these out of the way, shrewd
politicians say Allison will have no oppo
nent who could be called formidable, either
in point of ability, experience, locality or
popularity. Lightnee.
End of a Short Strike of Freight Trainmen
nt EvansTille, Ind.
Evansville, Ind., November 7. The
strike of the freight conductors and brake
men, which was initiated yesterday, and
which bade fair to assume immense propor
tions, was settled to-day, both sides making
concessions. Mr. William Cavitt acted as J
mediator and adjusted matters with entire
satisfaction to all parties concerned. The
firemen had taken sides with the strikers,
and the fear that the strike would become
general all over the system possibly hastened
the settlement.
It is said that the strikers got by far the
best of the matter, the salaries being raised
from 18 to 25 per cent. The men resumed
work, immediately, and several large trains
of freight have been sent out.
A Buffalo Baker Firm Decides to Ron tho
Bisk of a Boycott.
Buffalo, N. Y., November 7. The
bread combine here was broken to-night by
Smith, Falke & Co., the largest baker firm
in town. When "Old Hutch" made his
corner on wheat, the Buffalo Bakers' Asso
ciation raised the price of bread, and has
since refused to lower it Some small bakers
who cut the rates were driven out of busi
ness, and the bosses threatened to boycott
anybody patronizing any baker who cut the
high prices.
To-morrow domestic bread will be sold by
the Vienna people for 6 cents a loaf, and
Vienna for 8 cents. The other bakers are
very mad because they cannot fight this firm.
The Territory ot Washington Very Anxious
to Become a State.
Oltmpia, W. T., November 7. The Sen
ate met to-day and swore in Senators and
Lieutenant Governor and adjourned until
Monday. The House made its temporary
organization permanent, swore in its officers
and adjourned until Monday next. No one
hopes for a proclamation of admission now
until next Monday or Tnesday.
Friends of the Senatorial candidates,
Messrs. Squire and Allen, are trying to rush
the caucus of Bepublipaus so as to decide
npon who the party will support
With Other Ladles, Slio Takes Office In a
Woman's Society.
Indianapolis, November 7. The con
vention of the Woman's Home Missionary
Society finally adjourned at noon to-day.
Mrs. John Davis, of Cincinnati, was elected
President to succeed the late Lucy Webb
Hayes. The other general officers were re
elected. Two new members of the Board of
Managers elected Mrs. Governor Foraker
and Mrs. L. D. Jones, of Ohio. The list of
honorary vice presidents is increased by the
names oi Airs, uenerai -e isk, miss Fannie
U.V.. .tanr-llfAI. lf A-T)Aal9. ITa a. I
Jjud Mrs, Edward SmiU, of Detroit,
'& .
A Madman Murders Two
Fatally Stabs Two Others, stt,v
verely Cats Two More He h. C
Finally Overtaken and
Shot While How
log for Liberty.
New Oeleans, November 7. Bayon
Bcenf, a small station on the Southern
Pacific road, 90 miles from New Orleans,
was the scene to-day of a terrible tragedy,
in which two men lost their lives and
four others were dangerously and two
fatally injnred. A wake had been in
progress at the Bayou Bcenf section house,
in which a number of people from tbe
neighborhood had taken part. From the
section house several of them went
to the station, and were stand
ing on the platform, when one of
them, Leon Thebodaux, was accosted by
a stranger, who slapped him roughly on the
shoulder. He objected to this, and the next
moment, without a word, the stranger drew
a long, large knife, and stabbed him
in the neck and side, wounding
him so he could not rise from
where he fell. His brother Neil
sprang to his rescue, but the stranger
stabbed him also, cutting one of the large
arteries, and felling him to the ground.
Leon drew his revolver and fired once at the
desperado, but without effect.
Melas Thebodaux, cousin of the two
wouDded men, came to their rescue to meet
with tbe same fate, the blood spurting from
twd ugly gashes in his Tight side and back,
inflicted by the mysterious stranger. Two
other men, Frank Penniston and Joseph
Morrison, were the next victims, the latter
being literally chopped to pieces by the in
furiated madman, who was pursued, as he
attempted to escape by means of a boat, and
shot by a man named Ancoin, his body fall
ing into the bayou.
The murderer was a stranger, and no one1
who saw him had any idea who he was or
whence he came. The only explanation
possible is that he was a mad man. Pen
niston was killed instantly, and so was the
mysterious stranger. Neil Thebodaux and
Morrison were sent to the Charity Hospital
at New Orleans, and will probably die.
The two other Thebodauxs are severely cut,
but it is not believed fatally.
The Prospect for Trouble at tho National
Convention of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union Mrs. J. Ellen
Foster the Disturbing;
Chicago, November 7. Tho national
convention of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union opens in this city to-morrow
morning. Great interest is already being
manifested in the session, and be
sides the regular delegates, about
400 in number, visitors from all
parts of the United States are in
attendance. The principal question which
will come before the convention will be the
attitude of the organization with regard to
the vexed question of party politics. A
minority of the convention, headed by the
solid Iowa delegation, have for years pro
tested against the policy of the majority of
the convention in pledging the influence of
the Woman's Christian Temperance Union
to the third party.
This minority, headed by Mrs. J. Ellen
Foster, believe that no majority, however
overwhelming, have any right to pledge the
moral influence of any protesting members
to any political party whatever. In past
years tbe National Woman's Christian
Temperance Union have repressed the
minority, this action culminating in action
looking toward making adherence to
the third party an absolute test of
membership in the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union. At the last convention
of the national organization, held in New
York City, formal notice was given that
this year the constitution of the society
would be amended so that such a test of
membership would be incorporated therein.
This wonld legislate out of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union large numbers
of the best women in that society.
Some of the members from both factions
olaim to-night that if this policy is pursued,
no honorable course will be left to the mi
nority but to withdraw from the Women's
Christian Temperance Union, and that those
who have been connected with the society
from its birth will be loth to leave the so
ciety, but no alternative will be left them.
They also say that a large number of local
unions have withdrawn from the national
organization, and the unity of the society de
pends upon the action taken by this con
Charged Against William Morrlsey and an
Alleghenlan'a Wife.
Cincinnati, November 7. A few days
ago a letter was received by Chief of Police
Deitsch from Mr. T. S, Frisbee, of Frisbee
& Piper, of tbe Superior Mills, Allegheny,
Pa., astcing the police here to look out for
Mrs. Frisbee and their 14-year-old son,
Eddie. In the letter Mr. Frisbee stated
that his wife had run away October 30 with
William Morrisey, a well-known character
about town here, biking with her their son.
Detectives Jackson and Callahan were
detailed on the case, and to-night located
the runaway at Fifteenth and Bace streets.
at tbe home of Morrisey's parents, where
she was living with Morrisey. The boy, a
bright-fared lad, was with his mother. He
was employed as cash boy in a store here,
and his earnings contributed a support to
his mother's lover.
Both mother and son were arrested and
locked up on a general charge of suspicion,
while a telegram was sent to Mr. Frisbee
notifying him of his faithless wife's arrest
The boy will be returned home to-morrow,
while legal steps will be taken against Mrs.
Frisbee. Morrisey is wanted in Pittsburg
and Allegheny for the abduction of the
boy. His case on the charge of grand lar
ceny is already before the Allegheny county
grand jury.
Sam Jones' Western bide Partner In Jail
for Bobbing; a Railroad Company.
Sacbamento, Cal., November 7.
Frank J. Lee, who accompanied Sam Jones,
the revivalist, to this city last winter as his
private secretary, is now locked up in the
city prison on a charge of burglary. On
Tuesday he introduced himself to Ticket
Agent Thompson, at the Southern Pacific
Company's office, as the nephew of a promi
nent railroad official and was invited into
the office. While the agent was not look
ing, Lee stole a quantity of railroad tickets
and left on the east-bound .trrin. He was
captured at Colfax and brought back from
that place this morning.
The tickets were found in Lee's posses
sion, and also a letter of introdnction, to
which he had forged the name of E. B.
Willis, managing editor ol the Record
Union. The letter was written on Willis'
typewriting machine, which he had per
mitted Lee to use.
Captain Sehooamaker Finds His Grave
Wlltwjck Cemetery.
Kingston, N. T., November 7. The
body of Captain C. Marcus Schoonmaker,
who lost his life in the hurricane at Samoa,
was interred to-day in the family plot at
Wiltwyck Cemetery. Brief, services, at
tended only by immediate relatives, were
k 11 T.I.m.m.mI ftytAQ.. wli- a a VAn
tire officer of the YandaUs, ra present.
A "Number of Hew Features
Will appear in Sunday's Dispatch. The
person who does not read it misses a
W4Tfie Southron Delegates Make
, tUn flrrtnA Rnimrfc Qn(
View Our Wonders.
Evoke the Heartiest Admiration of
tne Sight-Satiated Senors.
A Tonr In Carriages to the Soathslde M1I1
Began the Day Andrew Carnegie Galded
tbe Visitors Through Bteeldom B. F.
Jones Showed Off the Great Americas
Iron Works Steel Processes Examined
In Detail Toothsome Viands Appealed to
Gastronomleal lmpulc- Perfect Ar
rangement In Every Essential Detail
The Big Borough Visited Noise and
The Pan-American delegates got down to
bedrock and saw what they came to the
greatest industrial city for. The mammoth,
industries of the Monongahela Valley sur
prised and astonished them. Andrew Car
negie and B. F. Jones acted as guides in
their respective mills. The natural gas dis
play of last night not only astonished the
visitors but the natives. There was also a
great mechanical display, condensed, at Ex
position power hall.JiThe Allegheny Valley
is to be gone over to-day.
The first day's tour of the Pan-American
visitors took place yesterday. The weather
was beautiful, clear and warm, and every-
beautiful by Sight Top of the Court Houxs
Tower, Sketched From the Exposition.
body enjoyed the trip to the mills of the)
Monongahela Valley.
It was fully 9.45 a. M. before a start was
made from the Monongahela Honse. The
iWEliJ, J-'-l"'J ' 1L,' JZruVuam
SlM ill
l-ff itJBr7EKMy 5' ifiS-I
sbf? Ayjy fell'ratp 7. jL K s1fM
Spanish Americans are not early risers and $
love to take their siesta in tbe morning. I
Besides that, many of them complained of
tardy service at the breakfast table. Oneby
one they dropped downstairs, each with his '
morning cigarette, and ambled about tha- J&L
1UUUJ .-A..U lUC. UW.VB M.BW 1-.
Colonel C. W. Batchellor gave the signal to
take carriages. A long line of vehicles waa
drawn up on Smithfield street near the main
entrance. The tourists and the Pittsburg
business men were embarked and the roato
was taken toward the Southside.
The following Spanish-Americans mada
the rounds yesterday:
Secretary E. B. Attwell, of Argentine; Dele
gate Juan F. Velarde. Secretary Melchor Obar
rio. Attaches Alcibiades Velarde and Mariana
Velarde, of Bolivia: Attache C. S. Martins, of
Brazil; Delegate Judge Jose Alfonso and Sec
retary Paulino Alfonso, of Chili; Delegate
Climaco Galdcrson, of the United States of
Columbia; Delegate Jose Maria Flacldo Casv-
mono, of Ecuador; Secretary E. C. Fiallor and
Attache B. Vlllafranca, of Honduras; Delegate
Matias Romero, of Mexico; Delegate Horatio
Guzman, of .Nicaragua; Delegate F. C. C. Za
garra, ot Peru; Delegate Jacinto Castellanos.
of Uan Salvador; Delegate N. B. Peraza, of
Venezuela; F. G. Plerra and bis secretary,
Nelson Polhamus, of the Spanish-American
Commercial Union.
The delegates for the United States were:
Andrew Carnegie, Jobn B. Henderson, Henry
G. Davis and Morns M. Estee.
The attaches of the United States delega
tion were :
Captain John G. Burke, Lieutenant H. R.
Lemly and Dr. H. C. Yarrow, of tbe United
States army; Lieutenant Henry McCrea, of tha
navy; Attaches E. W. P. Smith, E. A. Trescott
and T. J. Coolidge. Jr.
The Pittsburg and other gentlemen who
made the trip yesterday were :
Robert Pitcairn, Superintendent of tha
Pittsburg division of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company, who was in general charge of
the railroad transportation during tbe day;
Thomas E. Watt, Western Passenger Agent o
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, who ably
assisted Mr. Pitcairn in matting the trip a,
pleasant one: S. W. F. Draper, tbe general rep
resentative of the Pennsylvania Rall-oad Com
pany throughout the tonr; J. V. Patton, Super
intendent of the Pittsburg division of the Bal
timore and Ohio Railroad Company; James B.
Scott, Captain C. W. Batchellor, D. C.
Ripley, tbe glass manufacturer; Colonel
R. Monroe, of R. Monroe & Son;
Captain A. J. Logan, of A J.
Logan iSc Co.; Charles Abel, James A.
Chambers, ot the Chambers & McKee Glass
Company: 8. P. Harbison, of Harbison &
Walker; Oliver McClintock, of O.McClintoct
& Co.; W. a Scaife. of W.B. Scaife & Sons;
Osborne McCabe, James Browne, of tbe
County Tyrone, Ireland, who happens to be
visiting friends in this city; James Hemphill,
of Mackintosh, Hemphill & Co.; Dr. C. Evans,
of the Oliver & Roberts Wire Company; Cap
tain J. J. Vandergrif t, President of the United
Pipe Lines; David McCargo, Superintendent
of the Allegheny Valley Railroad: Hon. John
S. Dravo, Controller E. E. Morrow, Chief a
M. Bigelow, Judge J. V. Over, J. B- Jackson,
of the Fidelity Title and' Trust Company; H.
K. Porter, of tbe Pittsburg Locomotive Works;
Samuel Myers, Peter Dick, of Campbell fc
Diet; George H. AndersonTPresident of the
Bohvar Fire Brick Company; William McCon-
way. Vol the McConway. Torler Company:
Wullua F, Herbert, at the Western Insurance